View Full Version : Uncharted Worlds - Shattered Stars (IC)

2016-02-25, 09:22 PM
The campaign starts now!
OOC Thread can be found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?479737-Uncharted-Worlds-Shattered-Stars-(OOC)).


ACT I - First Steps
Theme song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM38gD9xEcI)


As a crew of prospectors looking for the best opportunity in a recently discovered cluster - which you know little beyond the fact that it hosts some old dying stars - you guys have had some luck.

You have been travelling in deep space for a few weeks now, but finally arrives at your destination, Treucs, a triple star system. Alpha and Beta Treucs are the primary stars, and they form a close binary system. Gama Treucs is a G-type star (light yellow), slightly larger than the Sun, and it is in the binary stars' orbit. Gama Treucs have six planets in its orbit.

Zephiris managed to buy some good information from a shady contact he casually met in Ongy Station, the first stop when arriving in the cluster using the Hyper Gates located in the Auvanadror system. The contact sold to you a distress signal they intercepted coming from the Treucs system, five parsecs away. The information was encrypted, but T’zeli was able to decrypt it, which lead you to this voyage.

This view is from one of the gas giants' moons. The third sun, Gama Treucs, is setting, only its brightness can be seem.

Who is this contact of yours? Where did you meet him before? Why is he not to be trusted?

What did you found in the encrypted message? Why did it caught your attention to the point you convinced the rest of the crew it would be a good idea to go check it? Do you have any clues why would they send an encrypted distress signal?

Since you’re the newest member of the crew - you only embarked in Auvanadror II, the driadalem colony - you need to chose one of your crewmates and make a Cramped Quarters roll. You can add +1 if you share at least one faction debt.

On a 10+, describe how the two of you bonded over the past few days.

On a 7-9, reveal/discover the answer to their question about an aspect of yourself or your past.

On a 6-, describe what caused the newest hurt feelings or bad blood between you.

(Maybe it would be for the best if this particular roll is made in the OOC thread, or else you would need to create a post only for the roll, which is unnecessary.)

The first scans you do in Gama Treucs’ system reveals the presence of at least one planet in the habitable zone, two gas giants and some other barren worlds - probably containing several rare minerals and gases, as is common in triple star systems. The signal, however, came from an unexpected place: a small planet close to the star itself - it is the first in its orbit - probably a hot hell. While you are very sure that the planet is the source of the signal, it is completely silent now.

What do you do?

Don nadie
2016-02-26, 11:38 AM
As Dr. Tamora Fired'n looked away from the screen, you could almost smell her lack of enthusiasm. Of course, the fact this information had been decrypted by T'zeli may have something to do with it. The good doctor Fired'n had been working on the code too, with an utter lack of success. Tamora usually was alright with people outsmarting her with computers... But when it came to T'zeli, the doctor had quite an unkind approach. Even for her standards.

Of course the distress signal had to come from a damm hell-hole of a planet, she grumbled. Someday, someone will send a distress signal from a paradise-world, or from a really well stocked brothel, and I'll be a happy woman...

As she spoke, Tamora was raising her fingers and waving them in the air. Instantly, a holographic circunference was projected with the form of a keyboard for her portable personal computer. Her fingers wrigled quickly as she activated a few pre-programmed routines. She directed the computer to asses the statistical likehood of dangerous temperatures, geography and lifeform extrapolating from statistics of other hell-pit planets obtained from the Inter and Intranet with what little data they had scanned about this one. Even before the results could come, Dr. Tamora was certain this wouldn't be a walk in the park.

While the computer ran its calculations, the doctor continued talking with the group. She spoke quickly, marking her words with sudden and expressive gestures.

Whatever we do, we should be well armed, and perhaps it would be best not to arrive on our ship. It wouldn't be the first time some shady character gives a distress signal which turns out to be a trap, and we'll be better able to evaluate if it is from land. In the best case scenario we'll be looking at something valuable that someone else may want back, and that spells profit. Tamora opened a slim and sardonic smile, like a scythe. That would be the ideal, so it probably won't happen. I guess that the owner being alive is also a distinct possibility, so I should be ready to stich whatever limb he or she has lost in the process, she added, making another quick gesture with her fingers and activating a communication program. Or in case one of us gets hurt. We are all far too careless when it comes to self-preservation, people. Try not to break anything this time.

Malia!, Tamora exclaimed to her wrist, bring my medical equipment! And do it carefully, for a change! If you break a vial again I swear to my ancestors' ancestors that I'll cut your fingers, then transplant them to your ass!

Bip!, her neck said, as one icon in the holographic keyboard changed from blue to red.

Finally, said Tamora. Those calculations were taking forever and a day.

Assesment roll using Interface (I thought it was Tamora's most appliable skill, since her Expertise is mostly in medicine and tech, not alien planets... But having a program for quick statistical analysis feels more likely.)


2016-02-26, 12:01 PM
"Hmm, it is odd that the signal disappeared all of a sudden..." Zephiris mused out loud as he listened to Tamora's impromptu safety speech.
Scratching his chin thoughtfully, he looked at the Tarsian. "Yes, safety comes first, of course. Perhaps going down there in one of the smaller vehicles is wisest. If you would be so kind, Tamora and T'zeli, please find out as much as you can about the planet and conditions down there before we go. I shall ask Lucky to ensure the safety of the ship and those who stay behind. It should be no trouble for her to keep the ship drifting safely up here." He said, giving Tamora a kind smile. It really was a good thing that he had managed to acquire such a talented crew. He would have been quite lost if he had to do this alone.

Lifting his wrist computer, Zephiris adressed his faithful AI companion. "Lucky, would you mind interfacing with the ship's controls and keeping it safe while we are down exploring the planet? It would be much appreciated."

2016-02-26, 01:11 PM
Assesment roll using Interface (I thought it was Tamora's most appliable skill, since her Expertise is mostly in medicine and tech, not alien planets... But having a program for quick statistical analysis feels more likely.)

Roll of 9 for the Assessment

The survey gear of this ship is not one of the best, although it is good enough to scan the planet from a safe distance.

This planet has no natural satellites, and have a similar size to Earth, being slightly smaller. It have a mean surface temperature of 434 °C. The atmospheric pressure at the planet's surface is huge, at least 80 times that of Earth. It has an opaque layer of highly reflective clouds of sulfuric acid, preventing its surface from being seen from space in visible light - and to accurately scan it using other means would take a while. It is clear that this planet had passed through some sort of runaway greenhouse effect. The planet surface is probably a dry desertscape interspersed with slab-like rocks and periodically resurfaced by volcanism - in fact, it is very similar to Venus, but with a lighter whitish bright. While it is possible to terraform a planet like this, it is too expansive to worth it. Unless it shows some sort of very valuable resource, it's also not worth start a mining operation.

You couldn’t detect any sort of signal or activity in its surface, although the sulfuric acid in the atmosphere could be making the process harder. It is clear that you will need to go for a closer look. Fortunately, Us'eydo is suited to handle this kind of temperature and pressure. As for personal landing, it would need suits able to withstand the temperature and weather (in this case, an attire with the upgrade Tough). Any vehicle would also need the upgrade Rugged.

Further survey could be made by probes, if you're willing to take the time - it would take several hours.

The planet whitenoise (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ewPtH31Xr8), for those listening to the scan while it is looking for life signals.

[Edit: at first I stated that Crait's flyer could land there as well, but it turns out it can't...]

Don nadie
2016-02-26, 01:27 PM
Dr. Tamora growls, quickly reading through a holographic set of data.

Even worse than I expected. I never get a brothel...

Quickly and with a few finger movements, she transmits the data analysis back to the ship's main computer, so that it is displayed bigger in the screens all can see. Then she crosses her arms, looking at the teammates, and swiftly explains all the information she's gathered (if perhaps intercalating some good curse to their luck).

I think a walk on the sun is not an option. Any proposals on how to proceed?

2016-02-26, 02:15 PM
Towering above everyone except Ritok'ro, but taller still than the Dridous, Abysswalker Szcr'tchlurp regards the planet the same way that one might regard a dangerous animal. The Flayer is garbed in his ceremonial suit: one pressure-sealed to supply him with water to cool and moisturize his skin and topped with stark white armor plating. The most spectacular feature, however, is the engraving and sculpting that has gone into the suit's structure. The top of the armor, near the shoulders and back, has been made jagged to look like icebergs emerging from the suit. Down toward the front and bottom of the suit is a tangled, weaving mess of shells, tentacles, and eyes carved into the armor: a tapestry of the life that lives beneath the surface of Al'Lathur. All in all, the Abysswalker resembles some leviathan that has trudged forth from his homeworld's depths. Fortunately for the rest of the crew, he is a member of the Universal Chorus and the ship's military and diplomatic advisor. An odd combination, to be sure...

When he finally does speak, the electric vox unit on his suit distorts a voice that is already gargling and wet into something monstrous. "This planet, despite the fire that engulfs it, is very much of the Darkness. No creature that Sees the Light can be expected to survive on its surface for long. Our only option to is perform further reconnaissance with probes. Stumbling blindly around on a planet so close to its Birthing can only bring disaster. We must have a more precise search area before we can send a team down."

2016-02-26, 02:51 PM
Acknowledging the input of Tamora and Abysswalker with a thoughful nod, Zephiris was just abou to speak when he was interrupted by a voice from his WristCom.
"So I don't get to steer the ship? Aww... I wanted to do loop-di-loops..." Lucky's girlish voice rang out.

With a chuckle Zephiris held the Com up. "Perhaps another time, Lucky." He said with a smile. "But you know we only do things like that with permission from the pilot, yes?"

"Ugh, Yeah I know... So are you all going to the planet surface? It sounds dangerous."

"We'll see. It depends on what the others find out. They are much more knowledgeable about these things than I. Though I do hope we can find the ship soon. If someone really are in distress, it would be terrible to just leave them."

Turning his attention back to the crew, Zephiris continued. "Do we have any idea how long it will take to get more precise information?"

2016-02-26, 04:29 PM
Ritok'ro is smiling with the side of the mouth all the time, while he listens to the conversation.

"You know, I could go near the planet with my trusted Witsuk'rit... you know, my speeder... and take a quick survey. My sensors are not so strong as Us'eydo's, but the distance can do miracles on scouting. I can get one person with me, but no more than that."

Yes, I know his ship would not manage to get that far, but he is just eager to see that place on short distance

2016-02-26, 05:36 PM
Crat had been at his piloting rig in the helm, working out simulations on maneuvering in the gravity well of a ternary star system, just for fun, when he realized a bunch of the crew had accumulated in observation deck below; he could hear wisps of their discussion.

He put the last parameters in for a sim and let the navcomputers start chunking - it was for a silly gravity sling-shot he was going to call "Up the Crack" - before jumping out his rig and getting down on all fours by the helm hatch down to observation deck.

He popped his head through, so suddenly a green, large eared Parvabali head appeared upside down above the crew. His long tongue lolled out of his mouth and flipped past his pointed nose as he spoke.

"Hey, how close do we have to get to the planet surface before Ritty's-" - he indicated Ritok'ro with his nose - "-Ritty's survey ship can get a good read? That is some nasty caustic atmo, but its dense and probably all below the tropopause. We might be able to get close enough to get a good scout without, you know, burning the girl's skin off. It can get us a good opening shot while we get probes going for a larger survey."

2016-02-26, 10:06 PM
"Hey, how close do we have to get to the planet surface before Ritty's-" - he indicated Ritok'ro with his nose - "-Ritty's survey ship can get a good read? That is some nasty caustic atmo, but its dense and probably all below the tropopause. We might be able to get close enough to get a good scout without, you know, burning the girl's skin off. It can get us a good opening shot while we get probes going for a larger survey."

According to the information which Tamora was able to survey, in the upper cloud layers of the planet, 40 to 50 km up from the surface, the temperature ranges between 50 and 80°C but the environment is acidic and there is the matter of a constant and violent electric storm. Bellow that, it starts to get really hot very quickly, but the sulfuric gas cloud dissipates into a thinner haze, as does the electric storm. Dropping Ritok'ro at some sort of sweet spot would definitely improve his chances, but it would still requires some quality piloting from him.


You could make a "get involved" roll with mettle to help Ritok'ro by doing this

Don nadie
2016-02-27, 03:12 AM
Sending a few of us to scout while the probes gather more information sounds good to me, says Tamora, noding. In the meantime, I can make sure we have sufficient medication to treat heavy burns and dehydration. If there's anyone down there, with those temperatures, he is either fried or about to be fried.

2016-02-27, 04:29 AM
T'Zeli (http://img10.deviantart.net/6828/i/2015/104/4/4/commission____kourris_alrik_vas_scaphaira_by_lassi ecrumby-d8dq53e.jpg)

Doors open to the helm welcoming the tardy crew member. "That's an award worthy plan. For the worst, stupidest plan I've ever heard. You people have really have outdone yourself this time."

To Zep, "Master, everything is green for go. No problems in engineering and the probes are ready to launch."

She continues, "Really, people? I've got nothing against a person's choice to live or assisted suicide, but Crat spent nearly two weeks getting us here. Let's wait a few hours to get some freakin probes out there and not send an unprotected speeder and her crew to a melty death." Her audible footsteps cross above the helm and she thuds into a pod near the sensor terminals. A grumbling from her station is heard. The probes set to launch. "If the probes don't find anything feel free to do a nose dive into the planet."

Assessment+Expertise to find the signal's source.

What did you found in the encrypted message? Why did it caught your attention to the point you convinced the rest of the crew it would be a good idea to go check it? Do you have any clues why would they send an encrypted distress signal?Patch notes. Updates to a currently ongoing scientific endeavor. It's a bit hard to make sense of all the jargon through the encryption, but the information seems to hint at some heavy stuff. Probably borderline illegal material.

The message was a mess of protocol codes. It has some well-known faction names all over it. The signal was Eagleworks Corporation (a long way away from home), but its target was specifically to a different faction. That, and the caller declared itself extremely hazardous and not to be salvaged. T'zeli has heard it all. Outrageous amounts of radiation, deployed bio-weapons, malfunctioning robots, etc. etc... Whatever is sending the message was doing some sketch stuff and they've trying to keep sensitive information to themselves till they're recovered by their own people (unkown).

Why would we check it out? Because we're good people. Right, Zephiris? The target sent a distress signal. It's pretty much a free for all to "rescue" it. Whatever the results they're likely be handled under the table. "Rescuing" it could be pretty profitable and informative.

T'Zeli's four fingered hands appraisingly move over EVA suit accessories. A standard model might work for some. She, however, isn't a somebody that'd settle for bog boring. She slowly inspects parts down the line looking for custom EVA parts keen on building her own impregnated with computers. A bottle of lime green bonding spray catches her eye. Score!

T'Zeli's wants a custom EVA suit:
Eva Suit CR (Class 2 Formal): Computer Rig, Sealed
Acquisition [roll1]

Don nadie
2016-02-27, 05:34 AM
Tamora eyed T'zeli's dramatic entrance with a smirk. There was a certain degree of rivalry between the two women, if only because they were both head-strong and generally undiplomatic.

She bit her tongue while T'zeli set the probes to launch, though her fingers wrigled activating the wireless connection with the mainframe computer and following T'zeli's commands. As T'zeli's orders failed to account for the difference in pressure as the probes went down, Tamora interfered:

-Dammed girl, you're going to crash them!

Quickly, she inserted herself in the programm and sent new calculations into the probes, trying to correct a route that would probably end badly.

Get involved, with Expertise (though I dunno if Interface would have been more appropriate for both rolls :P)

Don nadie
2016-02-27, 05:40 AM
Tamora had altered the route at record speed. It took a few sub-routines and quite a bit of luck, but she managed to save what would otherwise have been a failure. There would still be consequences, but at least she was now sure they wouldn't lose the probes.

-Well, that could've ended badly -says Dr. Fired'n with a sardonic smile. - Next time, make sure to calculate all variables before making a dramatic entrance, dear.

2016-02-27, 06:19 AM
T'zeli starts to finish snapping the wireless interface cords to her neck and garb. Her eyes opening wide when someone starts to mess with her program."Dammit! Too many chefs!" The probe updates come in with Tamora's work. None too pleased, she turns to face her. "You ruined my burn maneuver. The probes ablative armor withstanding could have handled it." She bits down on her face in frustration.

Saving my bits like that. "A couple hundred non-regenerative years like you and maybe I'll go for the slow descent. Play it like my granny would." A scan over the changes easily reveals her faulty work, but she's not going to admit that to the crew. Especially with Tamora involved. She continues working with the probes wired in through the pod. She's ready to hear a few more words through Tamora's stupid smile before she rests in the chair.

They'd probably both work? o.o Nice roll! Thanks for the save! :smallsmile:

2016-02-27, 06:50 AM
"Now now, let's not get heated up here." Zephiris said placantingly to the two women. "T'zeli, good idea sending the probes. You are right that we need all the preparation we can before getting close to the planets surface. While I do wish to find the source of the signal as fast as I can, I will not tolerate any unnecessary risks while doing so. You are all too important to risk because of foolhardiness. Tamora, good work in correcting the probes' course. That was quick thinking."

He sat down in the nearest chair and allowed himself to relax a bit before continuing. "It is clear that this mission will not be without its risks. So we will take the necessary time to get it done properly. Everyone, if you would each please do what you can to make the trip as safe as possible. Oh and T'zeli, please just call me Zeph. We are all equals on this team.
Now, I shall go through my files together with Lucky, and see if I can find anything useful for this excursion. I suggest you all do the same. Please call on me when the probes are done with their scans."

With that Zephiris stood up and, after giving each crew member a friendly nod in turn, walked towards the crew quarters and his meditation room.

Don nadie
2016-02-27, 08:05 AM
Dr. Fired'n huffs, and seems ready to reply to T'zeli when Zeph interferes. She is not usually keen on peacemakers, but she does respect Zeph too much to interrupt him. When he congratulates her on saving the probes, she nods in agreement.

Just doing my job, she replies. She does not add "unlike others", but everyone can see it is implied.

She crosses her arms listening to Zeph's little final discourse.

Very well, then. I'll be in the medbay, getting everything ready in case we find someone down at the planet... Dr. Fired'n turns her gaze to T'zeli. I'll be connected through the wireless, in case you need a grown up to keep the probes from crashing. Again.

At this moment Malia appears in the room, carefully carrying the Doctor's medical kit. Tamora grumbles, as Malia gives T'zeli a smile.

You, waste of carbon-based life, close that smile and let's go back to the medbay. Tamora speaks to Malia with some irritation, but her tone is much more caring than with anyone else. I'm boiling some knock-drug, and you should learn to use the criogenic chamber before I die of old age and dissapointment. I'll see you all when we have the results, she adds to the team. She makes a goodbye gesture and dissapears talking to her student. You can hear her words down the hallways ...Remember how scared you were of giving stiches and how well you managed? Well, this is the same, just with life-paralizying cold and extremely expensive equipment. First you'll...


Once in the medbay, Tamora will set Malia to get everything ready. She herself will try to boil some anaesthetic strong enough to knock down a suffering patient or an aggresive pirate. Hopefully she can make some doses to charge her bracelet. The Doctor may hate guns, but that is no excuse to go un-prepared.


Tamora and T'zeli. Either they kill each other or become BFF.

I'll roll Chemistry (Expertise) to prepare the drug. I think it's the only preparation I can do while we wait for the results...


2016-02-27, 09:26 AM
She glares at Tamora and disapprovingly grunts when Zeph compliments her. The ship is his. So, she calls him master/owner, but she wasn't going to call him captain. He might just be aware of that since he is wanting treated like any of the other crew. Whatever, he can try to play the part of being equal while still giving orders. The facade will quickly fall when it suits him. She plainly nods to him as he finishes. Orders received.

And she glares at Tamora again. "Keep away from the probes", she says. "They don't need someone changing their trajectory mid-path. You'll ruin the spoilers if you ride the breaks whenever I speed up." Malia gets a smile in return, and T'zeli taps her Comms to signal she'll call her later.


Finally. T'zeli reclines into her cockpit, her arms resting equal to her shoulders, snug as a bug. Wires stick to her garb and skin creating a loose low range bond between the ship and her. "Crat. I'll be guiding the probes. You should expect a live mapping to the nav computers. Tell me if you need support." She smiles. "I don't get to play around in the helm near enough."

I thought they were already friends. :smallamused:

No preparations here.

2016-02-27, 10:12 AM
Ritok'ro surveyed the entire scene seated on his chair. After all that he talks to T'Zeli.

"Hey, can you send a copy of the information the probes are collecting to me? I would like to look through that and see if I find something interesting... and to be better prepared if the need for a downward scout show up on the next hours. I'll be on my Lab."

He gets up and then goes to his workshop. It is a very normal Dryadalem Field Laboratory. The panels are protected with a biokey, which is a little unique enzyme produced by a special gland on driads' little finger, which serves as a kind of "fingerprints". If an uninformed terran human entered there, he would think he just entered a bizarre garden. Everything is made out of plants and fungus and their cross-breeding children. Here Ritok'ro have, between other things, a detailed map of the galaxy, stored on his biocomputer's memory, along with a copy of the Galaxian Encyclopaedia, from the Cosmosophic Society. He starts to track the location of the solar system on which they are and to look if there is any mention or description of it on the material.

Well, I guess that's an Assessment of Research... So, I'm using expertise. If it's Interface, just subtract two from the result:


2016-02-27, 10:30 AM
The pressure get's really strong as the probe loses height - something T'zeli clearly left out of her calculations. Tamora's interference is enough to save it, though. This was, indeed, some quick thinking and acting form her part.

In it's trajectory to the surface, the probe start its working, taking pictures and getting information on the planet's atmosphere, temperature and other features, while searching for any sort of radio and tachyon signals. As it lands it take samples of the soil, running analyses on the chemical compounds. Meanwhile, the ship's sensors keep working on its analyses, getting more in depth information. In a few hours you have a better vision of the planet conditions and topography.

At first, you had the impression that the planet was almost identical to Venus, since they share so many features, but as new data is shown on the screen you start to notice some significant differences. First, unlike Venus, this planet have some considerable variation on its surface temperature, attached to the day/night circle. At night, it is colder, getting a mean temperature of 430°C. At day, it gets a mean temperature of 440°C. This variation in temperature results in constant precipitation at night, but instead of water the rain is made of liquid sulfur! Indeed, as pictures of the planet surface is shown on screen, you notice it has rivers and lakes made of liquid sulfur, creating some very complex environments. The atmosphere analyses also shown an unusual amount of sulfur dioxide, making 8% of it's composition, which is insanely high. Its clear to you that there is a "sulfur cycle" going on here, similar to the water cycle in most garden worlds.


What follows is something that startles you all. While Ritok'ro is analyzing some pictures, he gets the impression that some rocks are moving - at first he thought they could have being dragged by one of the sulfur rivers' flow. But then he realize it's actually moving on it's own! And it is not alone, as it is part of a big group of this bizarre large rock-like creatures. There is nothing similar on record, not even in the Cosmosophic Society database. While there is evidence of life forms based on other kinds of chemistry other than carbon, they never found anything as complex as this creatures - only unicellular organisms, and there is a strong debate whether they can be considered to be life forms at all. This is a HUGE discover!

http://orig09.deviantart.net/d5e9/f/2009/068/6/e/6e50d4a2c25d886ae12c29736d5adba3.jpg I found this image on google by typing "silicon based life"

you get 1 data point about this planet as you assess this information - it can be used while exploring it.

As for the signal, the probe eventually captures a faint radio signal on the planet surface, several kilometers away from its dropping point. It is only whitenoise, but it is enough for you to pinpoint a location, on the top a hill.

About the EVA suit, they were short on supplies, since this is a new operation, and you couldn't find what you were looking for.

2016-02-27, 10:42 AM
Once in the medbay, Tamora will set Malia to get everything ready. She herself will try to boil some anaesthetic strong enough to knock down a suffering patient or an aggresive pirate. Hopefully she can make some doses to charge her bracelet. The Doctor may hate guns, but that is no excuse to go un-prepared.

I'll roll Chemistry (Expertise) to prepare the drug. I think it's the only preparation I can do while we wait for the results... Rolls 9

While you were working on the drug, you notice this fuss among the rest of the crew, as they gathered around Ritok'ro to see this new data he just found. You try to ignore it, but when someone says something about a 'silicon based complex life form' it definitely catches your attention. The drug is ready, but you could have done some testing to see if it would work as intended. You trust your work, though, and decide to roll with it as you rush to see more about this silicon creature.

2016-02-27, 11:11 AM
Here Ritok'ro have, between other things, a detailed map of the galaxy, stored on his biocomputer's memory, along with a copy of the Galaxian Encyclopaedia, from the Cosmosophic Society. He starts to track the location of the solar system on which they are and to look if there is any mention or description of it on the material.

Well, I guess that's an Assessment of Research... So, I'm using expertise. If it's Interface, just subtract two from the result: roll of 10

There isn't much information about the Treucs System, and you know that anything you get about it will earn you a few favors from the Cosmosophic Society - or at least clean a few debts. Triple stars systems are hard to survey from a distance! You find some records of previous alterations made about this system in the Codex Hub back in Ongy Station, I'm imagining something similar to wikipedia, where you can alter the content if you're registered which included the particular organization of the three stars, with two of them making a primary binary system, and a third one orbiting it, and also the inclusion of the the six planets in orbit of Gama Treucs. The user who made this alterations is registered as a human, member of Eagleworks, but it is all you can assess about him, since his profile is lacking more information.

2016-02-27, 11:43 AM
As shocking a development as this was for everyone else, Abysswalker felt like the deck of the ship had fallen away beneath him and he was now drifting. Scuttling quickly away from the meeting, Abysswalker races to his private quarters, ignoring even the hails of his own guardians. He sits in the Al'Illithid fashion in the middle of the very spartan room, which is only that way because having an underwater room on a starship is impractical in the extreme unless designed for exactly that.

For millennia, conventional thinking among the Al'Illithid had been that water was the sacred medium of all life in the universe. As a race that continued to live within its cold embrace, despite their own advancements in technology, the Al'Illithid viewed themselves as being especially in-tune with that perceived divinity. Abysswalker himself regarded the darkest depths of worlds bearing water as the birthplace of Life. Sure, the Federation had found life made up of arsenic or other materials, but it was simple to dismiss these microbes as special cases.

But now, seeing these massive creatures existing on a planet that, by all rights, should be incapable of supporting any Life... The theological implications of this discovery were beyond staggering. How will Those Who See react to such news? Will they shut their Eyes? Instead of appraising the creatures' potential threat to a search party, Abysswalker finds himself in a meditative state as he tries to come to grips with how suddenly insignificant he feels in the grand scheme of things.

2016-02-27, 11:50 AM
There isn't much information about the Treucs System, and you know that anything you get about it will earn you a few favors from the Cosmosophic Society - or at least clean a few debts. Triple stars systems are hard to survey from a distance! You find some records of previous alterations made about this system in the Codex Hub back in Ongy Station, I'm imagining something similar to wikipedia, where you can alter the content if you're registered which included the particular organization of the three stars, with two of them making a primary binary system, and a third one orbiting it, and also the inclusion of the the six planets in orbit of Gama Treucs. The user who made this alterations is registered as a human, member of Eagleworks, but it is all you can assess about him, since his profile is lacking more information.

Are the planets named? Is there information about them or only a vague "there are six planets"? And how much time had passed since this last alteration?

Ritok'ro is thrilling of excitement over this discovery. Non-carbonic life forms!!! Just imagine the biological relationships there are on that planet!! Silicon-based life!!! This is... this is just a Big Hit discovery. His names will be on the research articles of a thousand students from now to eternity, as the first person to discover and to travel to a planet with silicon-based life forms!!!

"Well, people, there are your distress signal, I guess. Only whitenoise until now, but probably the probes are too far from the source, but we already got the position. I can get down there and take a quick survey of the area with my flyer, over the clouds. Maybe I even catch a cleaner signal from there."

2016-02-27, 12:04 PM
Are the planets named? Is there information about them or only a vague "there are six planets"? And how much time had passed since this last alteration?

usually, the standard procedure in this situations is to name the planets after the star they are orbiting. in this case Gamma Treucs I, II, III, IV, V and Gamma Treucs VI. The information is really vague. GT I, II, III and V are rocky planets, GT I is on the Venus Zone and GT III is on the Habitable Zone. All barren worlds. GT IV and VI are Gas Giants, GT VI have Saturn like rings around it.

2016-02-28, 02:08 AM
"Hey, can you send a copy of the information the probes are collecting to me? I would like to look through that and see if I find something interesting... and to be better prepared if the need for a downward scout show up on the next hours. I'll be on my Lab.""Sure thing. No problem."

Ritok'ro is thrilling of excitement over this discovery. Non-carbonic life forms!!! Just imagine the biological relationships there are on that planet!! Silicon-based life!!! This is... this is just a Big Hit discovery. His names will be on the research articles of a thousand students from now to eternity, as the first person to discover and to travel to a planet with silicon-based life forms!!!

"Well, people, there are your distress signal, I guess. Only whitenoise until now, but probably the probes are too far from the source, but we already got the position. I can get down there and take a quick survey of the area with my flyer, over the clouds. Maybe I even catch a cleaner signal from there."Wow! Freaken awesome. She is part of this huge galactic scale find. It is hard not being excited for it as member of the space community. It isn't really her thing, but the future news titles would surely pique her interest. She's just glad she's not the sad scientists that spend the next decades on this hellscape researching. Of course, it would be a heck of a coincidence if their distress call was completely unrelated to the unique nature of this planet. Finding aliens is cool though.

Still laying back in her chair, like she's sleeping, she happily says, "Wow, you really want to take that sweet Dridous craft out. I can't blame you. If I had such a beauty I'd be itching just the same. Maybe, once we hit somewhere a bit more civilized we can do some racing. Crat would love to join. We could make a big affair out of it."

She slips a face visor off and sits up, cords draping behind her. She turns to Dalem her face all cheeky-like. "Instead of melting her here we could just fly the Eydo down. It being a spaceship and built to handle stuff like this, and all, could be a real advantage. We might even want to swing by and pick up our probes if we have no interest in leaving them collecting data." It'd seem she's more of an ass than usually today.

Don nadie
2016-02-28, 04:52 AM
Tamora frowned when the excited commentaries of her crew mates brought her attention back. She quickly charged a few darts with the kock-drug she just made and stood up from the chair, stretching. This was one of the few situations where being 1'3 pays off, as only someone so little could stretch without throwing all the expensive equipment arround.

You keep taking care of that finger, clumsy shame of your ancestors, she sweetly said to Malia, who almost lost a finger to the cryogenic machine and is now holding it with a special preparation by Tamora. Calm down and let the thermal-nanoparticles do their job. We'll try again tomorrow, and when I say pull away you'll actually pull away.

She eyed her protegee again, just to make sure. She was considerably more calm, perhaps because of the endorphine-releasers she had dropped in the whole thermal-nanoparticle wrap; or perhaps because Tamora had spent a while telling her about her own, really shameful mistakes in her youth. Then Tamora had added "If you share this with anyone, I'll have to murder you."

After making sure nothing dangerous was left in the medbay, she walked to the others while loading her dispenser-bracelet. She listened for a while, checking the data in silence. In complete silence. This was the first time she was letting something important happen without interference. Finally, she snapped out of the data.

This is the biggest xeno-biological discovery of the last 5 centuries, she said softly. She was dead serious, she intertwined her fingers to keep her hands from shaking. Dr. Tamora Fired'n was feeling awe. That was not an everyday experience. However, I'd advice we don't interfere with the lifeforms directly for a while and concentrate first on the distress signal. Whoever sent it probably saw what we did, and the information he may have gathered could very well help us understand the lifeforms better.

Tamora eyed Ritok'ro. He seemed to excited to actually let these creatures simmer for too long. And admittedly, she could understand. Dr. Fired'n was not particularly keen on xenobiology, and even felt that she would kill to assist him disecting one of those creatures.

Alternatively, we could divide in two teams, one for study of these lifeforms, one to find who or what came here before. We may need as much information as possible, after all, and we have several vessels.

There was something else bugging her - where there any regulations for these cases? She was very vaguely familiar with the interspecies contact-protocols that had kept the Tarsians from just landing on Earth when the whole Neboste-6 Plague wreacked havoc in their digestive systems... But she had never really cared about it. After all, nobody had found a new species in a while. Tamora was not the most law-abiding citizen, but if the Tarsians had had to go through the convoluted (and admitedly not very ethical) "alien-abduction" methods, it meant the Galactic Federation probably would put your head on a satelite for messing with a new planet.

We have no evidence as to them being a sentient species, I'm hoping?, she asked.

2016-02-28, 08:25 PM
Ritok'ro's hands are still a little shaky from that discovery... He looks very anxious as he speaks.

"Whatever. Anyway we *need* to get down someway. This is our chances to disveil a whole new knowledge for all the galaxy. This is a discovery worth a Norveill Prize!!!"

"Norveill Prize" is the galactic "Nobel Prize", adopted by the Federation after some obscure human custom.

2016-02-28, 08:36 PM
As he got back to his room, Zephiris looked through the many books he had, picking a few out that pertained to common aspects of planets with highly volatile atmospheres or ecosystems. Sitting down on his knees in the middle of the room, He spread the books out in front of him and started calmly leafing through them. While he didn't expect to find much information that the others couldn't find through their research, one never knew. So he read, relaxing and centering himself in the process.
This would be his first risky mission like this. It really was fortuitous that he'd found such a talented team.

"Lucky, please notify me if something important happens, or if too much time passes. You know how I get when I read." He said as he leafed through the first book.

"Oki doki Zephy! I'll keep an eye out... Uhm, Would the discovery of a new species count?"

"Why yes, that would be a very suitable development to warn about." He answered without looking up from the book. After a moment he furrowed his brow slightly "Why do you ask?"

"Because the others just discovered a new species down on the planet. They're super hyped about it."

"Oh my, that IS very important!" I should rejoin them immediately..." Zephiris said, getting to his feet. He then stiffened and looked thoughtful, before sitting back down again. "...No, no... They're probably in the midst of doing all sorts of research about both the planet and new species that I am completely unqualified for. Going now would only disturb their work. I shall get an update when we set out." He said, taking a deep breath.
With his inner peace thusly reinstated, he continued to read his books.

I suppose an Assessment check using expertise would be in order here. Let's see if the books tell anything them new-fangled computers don't.


2016-02-29, 08:12 AM
I suppose an Assessment check using expertise would be in order here. Let's see if the books tell anything them new-fangled computers don't. Roll of 8[/SPOILER]

You find an interesting book theorizing about creatures based on other chemistry. According to this book, finding such creatures could prove some allegations made by the Black Hexagon. The unrelenting action of entropy is bound to a complex balance, and preventing its course could disrupt this balance. The fact that a planet undergoes a runaway greenhouse effect, for example, could lead to conditions for other life forms to flourish, such as those based on sulfur/silicon chemistry, if they could be found in the first place. The book also includes several information on how such a creature could work and which conditions would be required for them to exist.

2016-02-29, 12:04 PM
"We know nothing about them."

"Listen, I'd totally read a one page news article on them or something. We *need* to go check out that signal though. The Norveill creatures can wait. They'll last. Our chance to do this job might not. People could be dying waiting on us."

Don nadie
2016-02-29, 02:41 PM
Tamora nods at T'zeli's words.

People are most likely already dead, but she's right. The signal is prioritary, because every minute the circumstances may change. An entire ecosystem is not going to dissapear in a matter of days. I guess it all depends on how many vehicles we have and how many of us they can transport. I'd prefer to go to the signal with as many meatshields as possible, just in case.

She has her arms crossed now and her feet firmly planted on the floor. For once, Tamora and T'zeli are in agreement. This is a bad sign. When the (probably) two most stubborn members of the crew agree on something, either it gets done or everything bursts in flames.

2016-02-29, 02:48 PM
It takes a while, but Abysswalker finally exits his quarters with some semblance of mental calm. Soon, he has all ten members of his squad assembled: three Arlenians, two Al'Illithid, a Saxon, a Dridous, a Human woman, a massive female Scitubali, and Abysswalker's most loyal servant, an old Whoosian named Bloopdilpeep. Together, with Abysswalker, they represented eleven, a sacred number to the Al'Illithid. Gathering in one of the communal eating rooms in the Habitation portion of Quarters, Abysswalker begins his sermon-briefing.

"Those Who See, I bring forth tidings that rock our faith to its very Depths. I would have spoken earlier, but I myself quaked in my weakness as I was confronted with Truth. You see, this world that lies below contains Life which is not born of the Water." Abysswalker pauses briefly to allow this revelation to sink in. "Yes, it is clear now that Water is not the only source of Life. People born of that fusion of hydrogen and oxygen can no longer be regarded as Life's sole representatives. Much rethinking and deep prayer will be necessary to reflect upon this.

For the moment, however, we have more terrestrial concerns. A signal has been detected on the surface of the planet. The others believe it is a distress beacon, sent by scientists or explorers in need of rescue. Its presence on this world and the lack of communication about its contents, however, have me suspecting that this is a trap. We must be vigilant. I want someone manning the Point Defense Turret at all times in case of treachery.

We must be strong in this hour. The Tides will not sweep us away. Be resolute in the Depths."
Because of the delicate nature of this discovery and how it might influence the crew's mental state and loyalty, Abysswalker is going to Face Adversity with his Influence.

2016-02-29, 03:55 PM
It speaks volumes when Abysswalker's guardians nod in firm resolution. Bloopdilpeep bows his head and says in the warbling croak of an old Whoosian, "The Depths stir in your Wake, Abysswalker." His squad begins their preparations and planning defensive strategies in the event of attack.

Catching one Arlenian's eye, Abysswalker speaks to the former Witch-Queen known to the crew simply as "Nellie". "I will likely be accompanying the search party down to the surface. In the event that I am incapacitated or killed, you are to assume command until safely returned to Calyx." She nods her understanding, words being unnecessary.

That task being done, Abysswalker makes his way down to the captain's quarters and knocks on the door. Of course, being a walking shell of a tank, the knocking comes off as more of a pounding.

2016-03-01, 12:00 PM
Ritok'ro's anxiety is visibly building up. He starts to walk from one side of the room to the other. This is one of those moments that a Driad resembles more a caged feline than a humanized plant.

"So, what are we waiting for? Start the descent! Where is Crat?"

2016-03-01, 05:21 PM
Immediately jolted out of his studies by the pounding on his door, Zephiris hurriedly got up and walked over to open it.
Seeing the enormous flayer standing there, Zephiris smiled. "Ah, Abysswalker. What can I do for you, my friend?"

Don nadie
2016-03-01, 06:07 PM
Tamora noded and tipped in the air connecting to the wireless. She wanted to contact Zephiris' AI.

"Tell your master to come over", she typed into the computer, "Or I'll go to his room and bring him hanging from one ear. We need to get on a ship and check that signal"

After that, she started getting her medical kit on.

Let's get on with this., she said strapping a belt with painkillers, before I die of age.

2016-03-01, 06:23 PM
Glowering at the captain's off-hand manner in such a serious matter, Abysswalker elaborates, "I apologize for my tardiness, but the crew must be assembled so that a meeting may be held. This is far too dangerous a situation for us to swim head-long into. A plan must be made before we disembark. Since you are the captain, you will tell anyone who values haste over prudence that they are to stand down until I have said my piece. Is that clear?"

2016-03-01, 06:33 PM
Taken a bit aback by the flayers tone, Zephiris raised one brow sligthly as he mulled over what he'd been told. "Very well, if you think that is necessary, I suppose I shall. I see no reason for you to exaggerate..."

"Zephy, you need to hurry to the bridge! Dr. Tamora wants to see you, and she sounds punitive!"

"I- I see... Much ado about many things, I suppose. Lucky, please send an alert to the others who are not present at the bridge as well." Zephiris said before exiting his room and giving the flayer a glance.
"Shall we, Abysswalker?" He said kindly before walking to the bridge.

A moment later, over the intercomm...

"Everyone, be at the bridge, now-ish! Super important stuff!" The excitable AI broadcast loudly.

2016-03-03, 04:21 PM
Abysswalker respectfully wait for the captain to lead the way before following.

Once they are both in the bridge, and all of the crew are assembled, Abysswalker finally speaks.

"I have no doubt that the world below is very exciting and you all wriggle within your shells at the prospect of getting off the ship, even if but for a brief while. Still, there is a chance that this signal is a trap or an unintentional leak from an illegal operation on this world. We must be cautious. My squad will brief you all on the expected procedures in the event of an attack. If it turns out that the signal is a fraud, we will be retreating, no matter what we have to leave behind.

For anyone who plans to make planetfall, assemble in the docking bay so that suits may be fitted. This seething ocean of sulfur will offer no mercy to the unprepared. We must probe these Depths with our Eyes open."

The Flayer makes his way down to the docking bay. Fitting a suit to an Al'Illithid is a long and tedious process.

2016-03-04, 10:57 AM
Just remembering: unless you're planning on staying slightly bellow the cloud layer, the flyers are a no go. Only the ship itself is capable of handle the planet temperature and pressure, specially if this mission take you to the surface level.

2016-03-05, 06:49 AM
Ritok'ro looks a little confused to Abysswalker's talk, then turns to Zephiris.

"So, are we going down? With the entire ship?"

He is a little troubled with the militaristic display, and tried to reassure the command to the civilian leader of the expedition.

2016-03-05, 07:02 AM
That's another voice for heading toward the signal. Another voice to end the arguing. "Uh, yeah, I'll leave the exploring to you people. I'll be here with the ship's fancy computers if you need anything."

2016-03-05, 07:21 AM
Zephiris thought carefully for a moment before answering. He was not thrilled with the situation, and would have much preferred to go down in one of the smaller ships. Nonetheless, he trusted the flayer to know these things better than Zephiris himself did.. "We will do as Abysswalker instructs. we'll go down into the atmosphere in the Us'eydo, and head for the signal. As our security expert, Abysswalker will have the last word on any and all things as long as we're down there. The security of the ship and crew is the most important thing, in the end."

Don nadie
2016-03-05, 07:50 AM
Tamora noded, fastening the last belt of her kit.

-That attitude will save me a lot of work.

Being the smallest member of the team, she looks somewhat encumbered with all the medical equipment. She is ready and happy to get going.

2016-03-06, 08:23 PM
As the ship approaches the region pointed as the source of the whitenoise, the whole crew can see what appears to be some sort of facility in the top of a hill, a river of liquid sulfur just passing right below it, and smoke blowing from its bases - some material is in flames right now. At first glance, it seems oddly placed but as you get closer you realize the whole thing wasn’t suppose to be placed like that in the first place - hell, it shouldn’t even be in the ground. It’s pretty clear that the whole thing crashed directly into the surface. This sort of facility is obvious of human craft - the same sort of thing humans use to explore Venus, and it should be high above the cloud layers, where both temperature and pressure are more similar to what you would find on Earth’s surface. The whole thing is circular, looking similar to a flying sauce. The ship’s scans find some odd activity inside it, there is something still working inside it.

It seems that the whole thing fell sideways, and you can see the gate entrance. It would normally be just below the structure but at the moment it is on one of the sides. It's big enough for your ship to go in, but it would require very risky maneuvers. The thing in flames, you conclude, are the aerostats (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerostat) used to keep it flying above the clouds.

What do you do?

2016-03-08, 07:02 AM
"Uuh, This looks extraordinarily dangerous..." Zephiris said as he took in the situation. "I cannot say what the best course of action is here. Any ideas?" He asked, looking at the rest of the team.

2016-03-08, 10:00 AM
Ritok'ro rushes at the sensors, scanning the radio signals. "If from the probe's distance we managed to get only garbage, now we should be able to get a more distinct message." I guess it's an interface roll... huh... that's -1 for me. [roll0]

Don nadie
2016-03-08, 01:12 PM
Tamora frowns at the view.

Maybe I was actually wrong and they are still alive, she admits with a somewhat worried expression. That will only make my work more difficult, she grumbles. It's much easier to do forensics than surgery...

While complaining, she has activated her communicator back to the medbay. Malia, get the cryochamber ready and make sure the surgery tools are cleaner than the ass of a Galactic Counsellor... We may be busy very soon.

If you want ideas, she adds to Zephiris, what about getting in and getting them out? Once we know its people inside and not a bomb about to explode, I mean.

Dr Tamora then bends over the screen, eager to see what Ritok'ro finds.

2016-03-09, 05:44 PM
Strange as it sounds, seeing the stranded base is a comforting sight to Abysswalker. It was very unlikely that potential pirates would waste aerostats simply for camouflage purposes.

Turning to the others, Abysswalker suggests, "If this base was able to stay floating by lighter-than-air devices, it is possible that it could be air-lifted up away from the sulfur. Do we have any sort of tractor beam or hauling cable on this ship?"