View Full Version : Dusty Little Arena [RoS combat sim] IC

2016-02-27, 09:14 AM
Welcome to the Dusty Little Arena!

OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?479824-RoS-Soldiers-of-Fortune-OOC&p=20472403)

How to start: State your interest in fighting by writing a short intro (how you enter the arena). Select your opponent. You will be informed when your fight begins.

Combats will be done as first-come-first served. I will run 4 combats simultaneously (tops). When the combat ends, next of kin will be informed...sorry, no. Next players will be informed by PM that they can start. I will also write down the narration of the whole combat and put a link to it.

Here you can try out the combat without "endangering" your PCs in game. Nothing here transfers to the IC - nor wounds, neither gained equipment.

Feel free to try anything out (even different weapons, builds, etc.). Of course, start with the one you have to make yourself comfortable with your fighting style. Beginners - follow the steps below! It's important that you learn the combat procedure (initiative in the beginning of combat, aggressor states his intents, defender states his intents, dice are rolled, damage is determined, initiative is determined, aggressor states his intent and ad nausium or ad deathsium... :smallsmile:). Please, don't skip to the fancy manuevers before you learn to "walk"...

Rolling here will occur in plain view - no need to hide it in spoilers. Just separate the OOC part from IC part.

Each of you can try out several opponents. I will add more as you defeat the former. So feel free to select opponent (or two if you want to die quickly) - and we'll start.

The players that don't want to fight can bet on the outcome or cheer for the warriors :smallbiggrin:

bag of hay
the lost peasant with a sling and staff / the strong peasant with a sling and staff
farmboy with a stick/farmboy who holds the sword for the first time
spear-wielding hunter
drunk pirate with a cutlass / drunk pirate with a saber
a sword-and-board soldier
the above-average fencer

Current Matches (with links to narration):
Ruark (Mathis) vs. the Farmboy (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20481137&postcount=8)
Ruark (Mathis) vs. Dread Drunk Pirate (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20481316&postcount=16)
Kate vs. the Hunter
Urrukubarr vs. farmboy with a stick
Nazir vs. peasant
Kafar vs. the Dread Drunk Pirate with Saber
Ruark vs. the above-average fencer
Nazir vs. farmboy holding a sword for the first time

Combat lineup:
Ruark (Mathis; 3 matches, 2 victories without a scratch...)
Kate (Anyr; 1 match, 1 victory)
Urukubarr (XIII; 1 match, 1 victory)
Nazir (Cavir; 2 matches, 1 victory)
Kafar (Venom; 1 match)

Step 1: Combat Preparations
For beginners - we will start easy. Do step 1, wait for response, then step 2. Additional manuevers and other things will be explained on the way. Experienced players may jump right into the fight.

1. Check your CP. This is your combat pool - the number of d10 dice you have for both one round. It "refreshes" at the start of a round and you spend it for your actions. Dice can not be "spared" for next round.

2. Each melee round is divided into two exchanges. Think of the exchange as one action. Usually - you get one attack-your opponent defends, the opponent gets one attack-you defend. End of round. Refresh dice.

3. Initiative! It's a wonderful thing.
Take one white and one red dice. Imagine, that the red dice means attack, the white defence. Now hide them from everyone in your hand and select one - red if you want to attack, white if you want to defend yourself.
When I say "throw" we both throw the dice which we selected.
If we both throw white, we circle each other. We wait. No one attacks.
If one of us throws red and the other white - the red one has initiative and attacks. The white one defends.
Red-red means, we both attack. That can get messy, quick.

Since we are not at one table, you will "throw" your dice here. I promise not to cheat - what would the fun be there?

Initiative is resolved this way only if we begin the combat or if there was a pause in combat. During combat the initiative shifts based on the tactics and rolls. We'll get there.

And one info - you don't have to roll the dice. It's just statement (I attack/I defend) of your action, hidden from the opponent.

Step 1 is over. Now - select your opponent...enter the arena...and INITIATIVE!

Step 2: First attack, first defence

You have CP at ready, you know the initiative.

Now the aggressor (the one who threw RED) states his intention in the form of

used offensive manuever
attack zone (if applicable)
dice used for the manuever

The defender (the one who threw WHITE) then states his intention, usually in the form of defensive manuever and allocated dice.

Basic offensive manuevers are cut (uses cut ATN), thrust (uses thrust ATN) and for blunt/mass weapons also strike ATN.
For cuts and strikes, if you want, you can strengthen your attack by spending an additional 1 dice for +1 to damage.
Usually you should pick the lower TN and choose attack based on the weapon you use (usually it's of no use cutting opponent with a rapier - only if you want to humiliate him).

The attack zones - since both fighters move for the whole time, it's hard to pinpoint exact place you hit. So below are the zones (usually you don't need to state which one you attack directly - a "overhead slash"/"diagonal strike"/"lunge at his chest" is enough for me to understand; but for this simulator, state the exact zone to the OOC spoiler) and the places you can hit.

Strike/cut zones

overhead (vertical) - shoulders, chest, head
diagonal - upper body
horizontal - from torso to thighs
arms - arms. Really.
from below (vertical) - legs, squishy parts, underbelly, belly
upper legs - the area around thighs
low legs - from knee below,

Thrust zones
head - head and neck
arms - arms. Really.
chest - torso and abdomen
abdomen - exactly what it says on the tin and below (again the squishy parts)
upper legs - the area around thighs
low legs - from knee below,

Yes, this RPG lets you kick people in the balls - and it hurts.

State what amount of dice do you allocate from your CP to the attack and wait for the opponent to select his defence.
Remember, if you don't plan to kill him by the first blow, there will be a second exchange - if you are left without dice and he has some, you have given him free ticket to wound you - and in this system, often the first wound wins the match.

Per attack
Thrusts (and punches) to the head: -1 CP (= you have to pay additional die to do this attack)
Thrusts to lower legs: -2 CP
Thrusts to the arms/hands: -1 CP
Cuts (and swings) to the lower legs: +1 CP against shield defence (=you get additional die for this attack)
Cuts/swings to the arms/hands: +1 CP

Per round (modify pool at the beginning of round)
Higher footing: +2 CP
Visibility - Near-darkness (dusk): -1 CP
Visibility - Night (with moonlight): reduce CP by -1/4
Visibility - Pitch darkness: reduce CP by -1/2

Weapon length (per attack)
Length steps: Hand-Short-Medium-Long-Very long-Extremely long
Length disadvantage for attack - each step: -1 CP
When shorter weapon hits, the person moves to "ideal" length
If the short weapon has advantage, the opponent gets -1 CP per step for attack and defence!

Botches (fumbles)
If you roll two or more "1s" on dice and no successes, you fumble. Usually - your weapon gets stuck, breaks, gets dropped.
On next exchange, you reduce your combat pool by 1/2 of dice you invested on attack.
E.g. you roll 10 dice. No successes, two 1s. Next exchange you lose 5 dice.

You can fight for (ENx2 - CP penalty for armour) rounds without fatiguing yourself.
After that you lose 1 CP per this number of rounds.

E.g. Character's armour penalty is -2 and EN 4. He can fight for 6 rounds, then loses 1 CP at beginning of his 7th round, 13th round, 19th...

For the defender:
Basic defensive manuevers are:

full evasion - you try to run away, get out of harm's way. You roll against DTN of 4 (very good), but you can not use it in exchange after you attacked.
partial evasion - you try to dodge the opponent's attack and stay close enough. You roll against DTN of 7. If you win the exchange (he misses), you can pay 2 dice from CP to get initiative.
duck & weave - you try to find optimal attack position after you dodge. You roll against DTN of 9 (very dangerous), but if you win, you are at your ideal length and the opponent is considered to have botched the roll (he additionally loses 1/2 of his invested dice)
parry - you try to parry with your weapon. Assign CP dice to defence and roll against DTN of your weapon. If you win the exchange, you automatically have initiative.
block - the same as parry, however you block with you shield - and use the DTN of shield.

Consider the amount of dice your opponent invested when choosing yours - it's always safer to defend with more, attack with less - only if you are sure that he has unwieldy weapon or you think you can withstand the punishment.
You do not have to select a zone you cover, however:

you are able to parry only one attack per round with one weapon (you can still parry second one by the off-hand weapon or by your hand)
using evade/dodge/duck&weave you dodge all attacks that are directed at you at that round
you are not able to parry an arrow, however you can try blocking it with the shield (there is a slight increase in DTN for that)

As soon as the opponent allocates his dice to his attack, you can state your defensive manuever and amount of dice.

And then we roll.

Step 3: Add more options and killy stuff!

When you are already sure about the basic manuevers, test the manuevers below in the arena as your next step!

Additional manuevers:


Feint is an offensive manuever, which consists of changing of attack direction before the attack connects in effort to evade the defender's defence entirely.
It's one of the first "tricks" of fencers and swordsmen.

You state attack normally ("I swing downwards at his head for 4 dice).
You let defender to state his defence ("I parry with 4 dice")
You declare FEINT, change the direction of attack ("FEINT! I swing horizontally") pay the activation price (1 if the second hit zone is near, 2 if on opposite side of body) and you can add dice into your hand, at price of 1 die per 1 added (e.g. I want to add 3 dice to the attack and so I remove another 3 dice).

The result? You use 11 dice of your CP and roll 7 for attack against opponent's 4. The opponent can not change his defence at the moment.

There are two types:
Feint & cut - you swing and change into different swing.
Feint & thrust - you swing and change into a thrust; rapier proficiency is the only one that can use the "feint thrust, change to thrust" manuever. It still has to land on different zone.

Every time you repeat a feint - state the same original attack and changed attack - the activation cost rises by 1.

Beat is an offensive manuever, which consists of aggressive attack aimed on opponent's weapon or shield at the beginning of combat - it serves to remove the weapon/shield temporarily from combat.
Beat can be used only in first exchange of the first round (at the beginning of combat) or after a break in combat (still, only in first exchange).

You state that you use beat normally, paying the activation cost (usually 1 die) and allocating dice from CP.
You let defender to state his defence.

If you win, the weapon/shield is beaten aside and can not be used in defence on the following exchange. Additionally, every net success means a "shock" of 2 dice for opponent.

Another advantage: beat halves the range penalties coming from opponent's longer weapon.
The result? You use e.g. 6 dice of your CP + 1 die for activation cost to attack opponent's shield and roll e.g. 3 successes. Your opponent gets only 1 success. He loses 4 dice and can not use shield to defend, usually leading to higher DTN.

Bind and strike is an offensive manuever, which consists of pinning the weapon of the opponent with your off-hand weapon or shield, before launching your own attack.
It is very similar to the block open & strike manuever, however, it takes dice from the opponent.

You state attack with off-hand weapon ("I bind his weapon with my shield for 4 dice").
You let defender to state his defence ("I parry with 4 dice")
You roll against your DTN.

If you get net successes, you remove the same amount of CP from your opponent's dice pool for next exchange.

The result? You use 6 dice of your CP and roll 3 successes for against opponent's 1. The opponent loses 2 dice from his next exchange.

Simultaneous block & strike uses both hands - either two weapons or a weapon and shield. It is a maneuver that allows you to block opponent's attack and simultaneously launch an attack of your own - thus being ideal for Red/Red situations.

You state use of this maneuver.
Pay activation cost.
Divide CP between offense and defense - take into account that one must be half of the other (e.g. 6:3, 4:2, 2:1...)
You let defender to state his maneuver and roll.

The biggest advantage is that if your opponent attacks and has a two-handed weapon, he usually has no way to defend against your attack...


Counter is a defensive manuever, which uses the force of the attacker against him.
It has activation cost (usually 2 dice), which needs to be paid if you want to execute the manuever.
Dice are normally allocated to defence. However, if you succeed (=your successes > opponent's successes), you gain for the next attack bonus dice equal to opponent's successes on the attack (=you use the force of his attack against him).

However, since there are many types of counters, you need to roll for the exact result.

Roll (d10, normal)
Roll (d6, rapier & half-sword)

Swing at lower legs

Swing at upper legs

Horizontal swing

Diagonal swing

Vertical swing

Pommel to face

Thrust to face

Thrust to body



It's quite handy manuever, especially for attackers who spend many dice in first round ("overextend themselves").

This is a defensive manuever, which consists of pinning the weapon of the opponent with your off-hand weapon or shield, before launching your own attack.
It is very similar to the bind & strike manuever, however, it provides dice to you.

You state attack with off-hand weapon ("I block open his weapon with my shield for 4 dice").
You let defender to state his defence ("I parry with 4 dice")
You roll against the DTN of your shield.

If you get net successes, you receive the same amount of CP for next exchange.

The result? You use 6 dice of your CP and roll 3 successes for against opponent's 1. You get 2 dice from his next exchange.

Bodily harm

Of course, there is the possibility of immediate death, but if you survive the wound, here are the things you have to deal with.

Negative effects of wounds come in three "flavours".

This one is what kills you slowly - and it can kill you even if you survive the fight.

When you receive a wound, you can get a value of blood loss. These are cumulative. You have to check your bleeding every round in combat and every circa 60 seconds out of it (more often if you carry out tiring actions).

Each round you have to roll HT against the TN equal to your cumulative blood loss. If you manage to get at least one success, no harm occurs for the moment.
If you don't succeed, you temporarily lower your HT by 1.
If your HT is 1, your CP and all dice pools are halved.
If your HT is 0, you bled out and are dead.

Try to patch yourself up. One First aid skill check can lower your bleeding by (net successes x2) blood loss points.

This is the immediate shock after a wound.

When you get shock, you decrease your current CP by the value of the shock. If you simultaneously attack and get a wound, it at first lowers the invested CP, then the reserve.
If the shock is higher than amount of CP you currently have, it overflows to the next round.

After that, it's gone.

After shock is gone, pain enters the game. Pain is the long-term issue of wounds. Each point of pain removes equal number of CP dice each round and lowers also your other rolls (exceptions are e.g. blood loss rolls).

If you have more pain points than CP, you can only lie on the ground, bleed (if applicable) and whine/cry/grunt.

Pain heals after a time. Each week you get to roll your HT with positive modifiers for healthcare and negative for environment/activity. Each success removes one point of pain.

Yes, it takes loooong time to heal - and there are no "potions of healing".

Initiative issues

The initiative flows back and forth during the fight, and sometimes it's hard to decide who has it.

To make it easier, I have prepared what I think is easy way how to deduce it:

Are you starting a fight, both fighters aware of each other or was there a short break in the fight? Roll initiative.
Are you starting a fight and one of you is surprised? Initiative is with the "unsurprised" party.
Did you attack successfully in last exchange? You have the initiative.
Did you make a successful defensive manuever (other than evasion) in last exchange? You have the initiative.
Did you make a successful full evasion in last exchange? Roll initiative.
Did you make a successful partial evasion in last exchange and paid 2 dice to get initiative? You have the initiative.
Did you make a successful partial evasion in last exchange and did not pay additional 2 dice to get initiative? Your opponent keeps initiative.
Was the roll (both offensive/defensive) a tie? Initiative stays unchanged.

If you don't have the initiative and want to attack, your attack will land second (if you don't steal initiative).
If you have RED-RED situation, you both have initiative and which hit lands first is decided by a roll of REF at TN equal to ATN of your weapon. In case of ties, this is resolved by looking at REF (higher wins), WIT (higher wins). If these both are the same, both hit at the same time (usually resulting in doublekill).

I'll add procedure for buying/stealing initiative later.

Ranged Combat

Ranged combat runs on turns, as opposed to exchanges.
Yes, while you nock the arrow and shoot, several rounds may come to pass.

Let's start:
Each ranged weapon has a "prep time" attribute. This is how long it takes (in rounds) to prepare the weapon.
For bow this is usually 2-4 rounds:

2 rounds to pick an arrow from quiver (or 0 rounds if you have it in hand)
1 round to nock the arrow
1 round to draw and begin aiming

Until this point your MP (missile pool) was 0.
At the start of next round you gain into your MP an amount of dice equal to Proficiency. You now decide, whether you want to continue aiming or shoot.
If you aim, each round spent aiming will give you dice equal to your AIM attribute, up to your maximum MP.
If you shoot, you take all dice from your MP and roll them.

It is possible to reduce the preparation time - it usually costs an amount of MP dice and requires a REF roll, parameters of which are given by the weapon. It may be done only once and it reduces the prep time by 1.

Your dice pool may be modified by:

range (point-blank +1, short 0, medium -1, long -3, extreme -5; beyond extreme -10 or not possible)
target movement
your movement
lightning conditions
wind/poor weather

Hit location is determined randomly (by roll of 2d6). You can choose to concentrate and place your shot more precisely to the point where you want it - by setting dice aside (not using them for the shot). Each die provides a modifier of +1 or -1, depending on where you hit (i.e. GM will tell you where you can move it). Maximum amount of dice you can use for this depends on your AIM attribute.

2016-02-27, 09:15 AM
Further options to be explored in combat:

...crossed-out options were already written down...

Stances (neutral, defensive, offensive, charging, advanced)
Terrain rolls (evading multiple opponents, difficult fighting conditions, movement in combat including pushing & luring opponents)
Skills in combat (style analysis, acrobacy, body language)
Favouring (defensive) - preparing for enemy's attack
Advanced manuevers - single weapon (beat, disarm, hook, stop-short, toss, expulsion, evasive attack)
Advanced manuevers - double weapon/weapon & shield (bind & strike, simultaneous block&strike)

I will slowly post these here.

Let's start with...

Basic Stances
At the beginning of combat or after a break in combat you can compose yourself and select a stance.
Basic stance is neutral (something like the Plow) - it doesn't give you any specific advantages but it doesn't hinder your actions. If you don't state your stance, I will assume this one.
Aggressive stances - these provide +2 dice at beginning of round that can be spent on offensive maneuvers, however, increase activation cost of all defensive manuevers by 2.
Defensive stances - provide +2 dice at beginning of round that can be spent on defensive maneuvers, but increase activation cost of all offensive maneuvers by 2.
Charge is considered an offensive stance...

The benefits and drawbacks of stances are gone at the end of the first round. They last only for the first round of the combat - during combat, when the blades are flashing, there is no time to pick a stance.
However, if there is a pause in combat (after full evasion...), you can select a stance...

The character with lower REF selects the stance first (giving chance to the "quicker" one to adapt his stance and tactics).

Terrain rolls
If you are fighting in the arena, which is flat, without any hindrances or terrain unevenness, you usually can ignore the terrain.
However it is not always so. You can fight on ice-covered lakes, tight spaces, have to move among trees in forests, and even fight against several opponents.
For these, there are terrain rolls.

Terrain rolls is a catch-all title for all actions that happen within the combat not covered by maneuvers. Usually by terrain rolls you:

attempt to overcome difficult fighting conditions (e.g. footing, space)
attempt to select your opponent for a round from multiple opponents
force movement beyond the standard movement in combat
attempt to hold the line or do anything that is not covered by rules for manuevers (e.g. retrieve weapon, jump on the table, etc.)

Difficult fighting conditions
Your PCs will notice that they are fighting on ice, or slippery cathedral roof in rain, or in small, cramped space. Thus the GM will tell you what roll you need to pass each round.
The target number is set by GM (usually following guidelines on p. 53 of Flower of Battle) and your actions (attacker moves as hurried, defender as normal - and thus has lower TN).
You have to allocate dice from your CP to overcome these conditions. If you fail to do so, it is assumed that you allocated 0 = failed the roll, usually landing on ground/losing 1/2 of your CP for the duration of the round.
These rolls are usually done at the beginning of the round.

Multiple opponents
Fighting 2 or even 3 opponents is a risky matter even for experienced warriors due to the fact, that you need to split your dice pool to deal with the multiple opponents. If you however have some space for moving around, you can confuse them and make them get in each other's way so that you face only one or, in the worse case, two of them.
Against 2 opponents the TN is 6 (or 7 if you "sprint", giving you more fatigue)
Against 3 opponents and more TN is 8 (or 6 if you sprint).
Usually no more than 3 opponents can attack you at one round (only if long reach weapons are used...or ranged combat). Trained opponents may oppose the terrain rolls.

Pressing opponents
Usually you move back and forth during combat - the specific amount of movement can be checked by comparing the MO of both opponents. This is usually not necessary, but in case you want to get your opponent into disadvantageous terrain, there is an opportunity for pressing & luring.
To press opponent, make a terrain roll (usually opposed) with any amount of CP. The TN is 3 while attacking and 4 while defending. Net successes of combat roll determine how far in feet the combatants move during the exchange. Successes in pressing terrain roll then add to whichever side rolled them.
Example: A soldier swung his blade at Kate (6 dice), who attempted to block a soldier's strike with her shield (4 dice). Soldier got 2 successes, Kate got 3 successes. They moved 1 feet forward, as the initiative switched. If the soldier invested 3 dice to press her and got 2 successes, they would have moved 1 foot backwards (from Kate's point of view). Now if they fought on a battlement, and Kate was 3 feet from the end of battlement...

Other kinds of movement
The fencer lost his weapon due to wounded arm. How can he retrieve it? Terrain roll, TN 7.
A team-member is throwing you his sheated sword so you can fight back, while dodging the enemy? Terrain roll, TN 8, limited by your REF attribute.
You want to jump on the table so you gain a height advantage? Terrain roll, TN is equal to acrobacy skill.
You want to swing on the chandelier...? Ok, you got my drift.

2016-02-28, 03:57 PM
Ruark swaggers into the arena, confident in his own skills, wearing his tattered leather armor, carrying a shield and a sword. He eyes the bag of hay suspiciously before selecting a more dangerous opponent, the Farmboy! I will fight with my standard character, no adjustments. I want to see how it works. And it looks like the farmboy has nice shoes.

Step 1:
Combat Pool with sword and shield: 14.
I throw down a RED die and attack!

Step 2:
I cut downwards at his arms for 7+1 dice. (ATN 6, Damage 5)

2016-02-28, 04:03 PM
Ruark swaggers into the arena, confident in his own skills, wearing his tattered leather armor, carrying a shield and a sword. He eyes the bag of hay suspiciously before selecting a more dangerous opponent, the Farmboy! I will fight with my standard character, no adjustments. I want to see how it works. And it looks like the farmboy has nice shoes.

Step 1:
Combat Pool with sword and shield: 14.
I throw down a RED die and attack!

Step 2:
I cut downwards at his arms for 7+1 dice. (ATN 6, Damage 5)

First round, first exchange:

The farmboy tries to look inconspicuously next to the bag of hay, however, seeing Ruark's stance, weapon and fire in his eyes, throws down the sling and readies the stick...

Initiatie: White!
He tries to parry for 6 dice (ATN 7)

Your successes: 5
His successes: 2
Net successes: 3, it's a hit.

Full damage: 5 +3 = 8
Famboy's TO is 4, he's wearing no real armour.
Final damage level: 4
Hit zone: roll of 1 = hand

The boy screams in pain when the blade strikes his hand. The stick falls to the ground and he clasps one hand with the other. A quick glance allows Ruark to notice three bloody fingers laying on the sand, but only for a second...

For your information: BL 8, shock 8, pain 9-WP.

OOC: I prefer, after some experience, to roll for both - mostly because it makes comparing the rolls easier. I don't have any problem with players rolling, but also - you shouldn't roll before I state my defence...

First round, second exchange: Ruark has initiative. What does he do?

2016-02-28, 04:46 PM
Ruark throws down RED! (OOC: Can I attack in both exchanges? Since he is unarmed it seems silly to give him initiative and Defend so I'd rather press my advantage and attack)

Ruark seeing his advantage continues to attack. He brings his sword back up into a thrust towards the boy's face.
Step 1: Combat pool remaining in this exchange 7.
Step 2: Thrust, target Face for 7-1 dice. (ATN 7, Damage ST 5)

OOC: I'm perfectly fine with you rolling my dice, whatever makes it easier for you really and it makes waiting for your post extra tense.

2016-02-29, 01:29 AM
Ruark throws down RED! (OOC: Can I attack in both exchanges? Since he is unarmed it seems silly to give him initiative and Defend so I'd rather press my advantage and attack)

Ruark seeing his advantage continues to attack. He brings his sword back up into a thrust towards the boy's face.
Step 1: Combat pool remaining in this exchange 7.
Step 2: Thrust, target Face for 7-1 dice. (ATN 7, Damage ST 5)

OOC: I'm perfectly fine with you rolling my dice, whatever makes it easier for you really and it makes waiting for your post extra tense.

Farmboy's eyes widen with fear, when over the pain he notices Ruark's blade. But he noticed too late and he has no time to evade it.
Ruarks' sword hits boy's face, piercing his cheeks, right below the eye socket. He can feel the blade scraping along the bone. The boy screams with pain and falls down to his knees, bleeding all over the sand - goind almost immediately unconscious from the pain.

He lies motionless on the sand, just bleeding out...

Ruark's roll: [roll0]
Farmboy has no dice left due to shock, so he just takes the blow, no defence.

Ok, first combat's done. Do you finish him...?

Ruark has 2 net successes.

Damage: 5 from weapon, 2 from net successes
Damage level: 3 (7 - farmboy's TO of 4)

For info: BL 10; S 10, P (9-WP).

OOC: No need to do the initiative again. Initiative in RoS happens at the start of combat and after a pause in combat (e.g. both opponents are without dice for 2nd exchange, after successful full evasion, etc.). This is due to the fact, that you decide your initiative in the first round and then it flows naturally - and this time, you hit him, so it stays with you.
You can give him the initiative by not providing an attack, but yes, usually you want to press the advantage.

2016-02-29, 02:09 AM
OOC: I get the feeling that this game is going to make me feel bad about killing people. This all happened in one exchange, so a couple of seconds worth of combat, wow. I'm going to seize the moment and start another fight, I want to try out some more complicated maneuvers to see if I've understood those as well.

Ok, first combat's done. Do you finish him...?

Ruark swiftly ends the poor boy's life by cutting his throat. "Better to die bravely than live on as a cripple, and you were brave boy."
He then turns to rest of the onlookers and points at the Drunken Pirate with his still bloody sword, "You're up next. If you think you can stumble your way over here."

Step 1: Combat pool 14.
I throw down WHITE, defending.

Step 2: Do I now then choose what to invest or do I choose this after the other person has declared a red or a white die? If I choose it now I will choose a standard Block with 8 die invested (DTN 6).

2016-02-29, 02:48 AM
OOC: I get the feeling that this game is going to make me feel bad about killing people. This all happened in one exchange, so a couple of seconds worth of combat, wow. I'm going to seize the moment and start another fight, I want to try out some more complicated maneuvers to see if I've understood those as well.[/QUOTE]

Well, the combat can be swift and deadly. It took exactly around 2 seconds from the moment you attacked to the moment he fell down. However, not all the combats will go down so easy...

Ruark swiftly ends the poor boy's life by cutting his throat. "Better to die bravely than live on as a cripple, and you were brave boy."

Full narration from the viewpoint of onlookers: Ruark swaggers into the arena, confident in his own skills, wearing his tattered leather armor, carrying a shield and a sword. He eyes the bag of hay suspiciously, but then turns to the farmboy, tilts his head sideways to glance at his shoes... and then challenges him with a nod.
The farmboy to look inconspicuously next to the bag of hay, however, seeing Ruark's stance, weapon and fire in his eyes, throws down the sling he had in his hands and readies the stick. Slowly he moves forward.
Ruark's stance tightens for a split second and he launches to attack as soon as his enemy is close enough. His sword changes into a blur as he swings it downwards in a powerful cut, aiming for boy's arms. Farmboy notices the attack, but is too slow in his parry.
The blade hits the target, striking boy's hand. He screams in pain, clasps one hand with the other, blood already seeping between his fingers.
The stick falls to the ground together with three bloody fingers, blood spreading around them, mixing with the sand.
Ruark, seeing his advantage continues to attack, bringing his sword back up, this time throwing a thrust towards the boy's face. Farmboy's eyes widen with fear, when over the pain he notices Ruark's blade closing in. But he noticed too late and he has no time to evade it.
Ruarks' sword hits boy's face, piercing his cheeks, right below the eye socket. He can feel the blade scraping along the bone. The boy screams with pain and falls down to his knees, bleeding all over the sand - goind almost immediately unconscious from the pain.

He lies motionless on the sand, just bleeding out... Ruark breathes out, his body relaxes and his beating heart slows down. He kneels to the boy and swiftly ends the poor boy's life by cutting his throat. "Better to die bravely than live on as a cripple, and you were brave boy."
He then turns to rest of the onlookers and points at the Drunken Pirate with his still bloody sword, "You're up next. If you think you can stumble your way over here."

He then turns to rest of the onlookers and points at the Drunken Pirate with his still bloody sword, "You're up next. If you think you can stumble your way over here."

The pirate watches the match with amusement, even clapping a bit when Ruark finishes the boy. The pirate's smile widens, showing a set of golden teeth, when Ruark selects him. He finishes his cup, draws the short cutlass and steps up.

The pirate launches a weak and small cut, his legs a bit unsteady.
Attack: Diagonal cut for 4 dice (-1 for weapon length).

Step 1: Combat pool 14.
I throw down WHITE, defending.

Step 2: Do I now then choose what to invest or do I choose this after the other person has declared a red or a white die? If I choose it now I will choose a standard Block with 8 die invested (DTN 6).

We begin at your ideal length, so the pirate is in disadvantage.
As for step 2 - the attacker states intents first. If there are two attackers, the one with lower REF states first. This is so the defender can decide on the defence knowing how the attacker attacks.
...question: should I also throw any advanced manuevers at you? :smallsmile: The pirate already has some knowledge and knows some tricks...

And a fair warning: the more you fight, the more the opponents know about your skill and preferred fighting style. So the harder these combats will get.

So - what will be your defence, now that you know my attack?

2016-02-29, 03:02 AM
Ruark smiled confidently as the Pirate wobbled on his unsteady legs, he looked safe hiding behind his shield. His recent victory giving him extra spring in his step. "I hope you have more of that drink stashed away, because when I finish you like I did the farmboy I'm going to make it my prize."

OOC: Defend, Block Open and Strike maneuver (activate 2 cp). 9 Die (DTN 6). Follow up attack with a cut towards Arms, 1 die +1 for zone modifier (and potential bonus from maneuver).
I'd love to see some maneuvers used against me as well! Play the characters like they would be fighting if we were facing them in the story.

Edit: I totally forgot to take away the activation cost of 2 cp as well.

2016-02-29, 03:10 AM
Ruark smiled confidently as the Pirate wobbled on his unsteady legs, he looked safe hiding behind his shield. His recent victory giving him extra spring in his step. "I hope you have more of that drink stashed away, because when I finish you like I did the farmboy I'm going to make it my prize."

OOC: Defend, Block Open and Strike maneuver. 9 Die (DTN 6). Follow up attack with a cut towards Arms, 1 die +1 for zone modifier (and potential bonus from maneuver).
I'd love to see some maneuvers used against me as well! Play the characters like they would be fighting if we were facing them in the story.

...well, you asked for it :smallsmile:.


The pirate's slow cut changes direction, when he pulls the weapon back and lunges forward with a quick slash at Ruark's sword-arm. There are no signs of stumbling now, just a quick and precise cut...
...Ruark is not caught blindsided and his shield blocks the attack with just enough power to present an opening for his attack...

Feint activation cost: -1 die
Bonus from attack to arms: +1 die
Pirate adds 4 dice to his pool, discarding 4 dice. Total attack pool: 8 dice.

Pirate's feing attack: [roll0]

2 net successes for Ruark! You get initiative, and 2 dice for next attack.

2016-02-29, 03:22 AM
The pirate's trick wiped Ruark's smile away as quickly as his sword had cut. He appeared to have realized the danger he was in this time. In response he used the opening created by his block to cut towards the Pirate's hands, hoping to repeat his success against the Farmboy.

OOC: Attack, cut upwards at Arms. 3 die +3 from maneuver and zone bonus, 6 die total.

2016-02-29, 03:27 AM
The pirate's trick wiped Ruark's smile away as quickly as his sword had cut. He appeared to have realized the danger he was in this time. In response he used the opening created by his block to cut towards the Pirate's hands, hoping to repeat his success against the Farmboy.

OOC: Attack, cut upwards at Arms. 3 die +3 from maneuver and zone bonus, 6 die total.

Pirate's attempt to parry was a bit weaker due to his overextension from attack...

However, he was too slow. Ruark's attack caught his hand and he winced in pain as the blade struck his forearm, drawing some blood...

...but also revealing leather bracers hidden under his overcoat. Surprise, you worm! he grumbled through his teeth...

Parry for 2 dice.

Ruark's attack: [roll0]
Pirate's defence: [roll1]

Sorry, missed the first "9":

4 net successes for Ruark:
Damage: 5+4
Damage reduction: TO 5 + AV 2
Level 2 damage to forearm (BL 2, shock 3, pain 4-WP)

You hit him, so the initiative stays with you.

New round, new dice. First exchange - your action?

2016-02-29, 03:47 AM
Unless Ruark had been tricked by some sorcery, the Pirate should not be concealing armor worn on the head. With one bold strike he attempted to end the pirate.

Throws a RED die, Attack! Overhead strike aimed at Head. 10 dice, ATN 6.

2016-02-29, 03:52 AM
Unless Ruark had been tricked by some sorcery, the Pirate should not be concealing armor worn on the head. With one bold strike he attempted to end the pirate.

OOC: Attack, overhead strike aimed at Head. 10 dice, ATN 6.

Still a bit shaken from the wound, pirate attempted to counter the attack his foe launched - attempting to at first parry his attack...
...but his drinking finally cost him his life.
He swung too wide, his parry was too slow and too weak. Ruark's sword struck his head, fast as a lightning bolt, splitting his skull open, and in one huge splatter of blood-and-brain, ending him. He fell down to his knees, and then face-down, fell on the ground, still smirking.
The match was finished.

Counter for 8 dice (+2 activation), DTN 7.

Ruark's overhead attack: [roll0]
Pirate's counter: [roll1] (well, he should have stopped drinking...:smallsmile:)

5 net successes for Ruark:
No armour on pirate's head.
Damage: 10
Damage resistance: 5
Level 5 wound. Level 5's usually mean "instant death".

And again - while you have initiative, no need to state it. I will call for initiative if the situation calls for it.

2016-02-29, 04:05 AM
Ruark wrestled his sword free from the Pirate's skull with some effort before picking up his short cutlass and putting it in his belt. He then withdrew from the arena to catch his breath for a moment and watch the other fights.

OOC: I'll try to remember about the initiative. But I could potentially decide to defend instead? Coaxing the enemy into attacking?

2016-02-29, 04:31 AM
Ruark wrestled his sword free from the Pirate's skull with some effort before picking up his short cutlass and putting it in his belt. He then withdrew from the arena to catch his breath for a moment and watch the other fights.

OOC: I'll try to remember about the initiative. But I could potentially decide to defend instead? Coaxing the enemy into attacking?

Yes. You can state you are not attacking and switching to defence - the initiative goes to your foe. However, he can do the same, leading to - you guessed correctly - new round and rolling for initiative.

Full narration:
After quickly dispatching the farmboy, Ruark turned to rest of the onlookers and pointed at the Drunken Pirate with his still bloody sword, "You're up next. If you think you can stumble your way over here."

The pirate watched the match with amusement, even clapping a bit when Ruark finished the boy. After hearing the challenge, his smile widened a bit, showing a set of golden teeth. He finished his cup in just one downing and stepped up to meet his opponent, while drawing a short cutlass from his belt.

Ruark smiled confidently as the Pirate wobbled on his unsteady legs, while he looked safe hiding behind his shield. His recent victory gave him extra spring in his step. "I hope you have more of that drink stashed away, because when I finish you like I did the farmboy I'm going to make it my prize."

The pirate only grinned more. He closed in, watching his opponent, his movements still a bit unsteady. He brought his blade up and swung it in a wide circle, diagonally at his opponent. Ruark awaited it, with his shield ready to block his weapon and force an opening...

...but suddenly, the pirate's slow cut changed direction. He pulled the weapon back and lungeed forward with a quick slash at Ruark's sword-arm. There were suddenly no signs of stumbling, just a quick and precise cut.

The pirate's trick wiped Ruark's smile away as quickly as his sword had cut. He appeared to have realized the danger he was in this time - he blocked the attack with just enough power to present an opening for his attack, and he used the opening to cut towards the Pirate's hands, hoping to repeat his success against the Farmboy. The pirate started to move his cutlass to parry the attack, shifting his weight back a bit, but his attempt to parry was a weak due to his overextension from attack. And he was too slow. Ruark's attack caught his hand and the pirate winced in pain as the blade struck his forearm, drawing some blood...

...but also revealing leather bracers hidden under his overcoat.
Surprise, you worm! he grumbled through his teeth...

Ruark decided to end this match and to end the pirate with one bold strike. Before the pirate finished his sentence, he carried his sword over his head, and launched a powerful cut from over his head at the pirate. Still a bit shaken from the wound, pirate attempted to counter the attack his foe launched, bringing his blade up...

...but his drinking finally cost him his life.

He swung too wide, his parry was too slow and too weak. Ruark's sword struck his head, fast as a lightning bolt, splitting his skull open, and in one huge splatter of blood-and-brain, ending him. He fell down to his knees, and then face-down, fell on the ground, still smirking. Ruark wrestled his sword free from the Pirate's skull with some effort before picking up his short cutlass and putting it in his belt. The few onlookers clapped heartily, while he withdrew from the arena to catch his breath for a moment and watch the other fights.

The match was finished.

2016-02-29, 06:01 AM
Kate walked confidently into the arena, with the air of someone entering familiar ground. She'd been to such venues many times before: Though admittedly, only as part of the audience. She scanned the available opponents for a worthy adversary. The soldier who used the same style as her, perhaps? No, she didn't want to overreach on her first time here. Ah, that hunter looked promising...

Step 1: Combat pool for Sword & Shield is 11 {7 Proficiency + 6 Reflex - 2 Armour}

I'll wait for a first impression of my opponent before declaring an action.

2016-02-29, 08:07 AM
Kate walked confidently into the arena, with the air of someone entering familiar ground. She'd been to such venues many times before: Though admittedly, only as part of the audience. She scanned the available opponents for a worthy adversary. The soldier who used the same style as her, perhaps? No, she didn't want to overreach on her first time here. Ah, that hunter looked promising...

Step 1: Combat pool for Sword & Shield is 11 {7 Proficiency + 6 Reflex - 2 Armour}

I'll wait for a first impression of my opponent before declaring an action.

The hunter was a tall, average-built male. She could not really estimate whether he is muscular or not, since most of his body was clad in animal hides, roughly sewn together. However, his face and arms had the healthy tan of someone who is used to hard work and spending time in the nature, his eyes were confident and his movements fluid - when he noticed her looking at him, he stood up, longspear in hands.

He nodded, accepting her challenge, and stepped cautiously forward, with the spear held in both hands, pointed at her.

EDIT: I forgot to ask...:


2016-02-29, 08:28 AM
Kate throws WHITE

2016-02-29, 08:37 AM
Kate throws WHITE

Kate lowered her stance, bringing shield in front of her to cover her left right side while threatening the foe with her sword. She started slowly stepping around the hunter, in a wide circle, ready for his attack.

As she did the first step, he started - to the opposite side. They were circling each other for few seconds, closing in, step by step. Neither of them attacked...

OOC: (...I naturally assume everyone's right-handed - correct me if I'm wrong!)

Hunter threw white, so it's white-white, nobody attacks. New round, new dice - initiative?

BTW, no need for the spoilers here - we are learning also the mechanics here, so you can keep OOC in the open.

2016-02-29, 08:48 AM
Kate is indeed left-handed (like me).

She throws RED; And commits 5 dice to a horizontal cut at the hunter's arms.

2016-02-29, 08:53 AM
Kate is indeed left-handed (like me).

She throws RED; And commits 5 dice to a horizontal cut at the hunter's arms.

Kate swings her blade in the first attack, trying to hit hunter's arm. The hunter stepped to side, thrust forward the spear, threatening Kate forcing her to abandon the attack. The hunter moves in to attack...

Hunter throws white.

Due to the weapon length, you are at disadvantage (he has a Very Long reach, you have a Long; you need to pay 1 die as activation cost for attacks). This will be offset by attacking arms (+1 die).

Hunter parries by 7 dice.

Kate's attack: [roll0] TN 6 = 1 success
Hunter's parry: [roll1] TN 7 = 2 successes

Net success for hunter. He gains initiative.

Round 1, exchange 2:

The hunter steps forward, throwing a quick thrust against Kate's torso with his spear...

Hunter attacks, thrust against torso for 4 dice. Your action?

2016-02-29, 09:08 AM
Let's keep things basic for now. Kate uses her remaining 6 dice to block the attack. Since this is the second exchange, there's no point in holding any dice back, right?

2016-02-29, 09:14 AM
Let's keep things basic for now. Kate uses her remaining 6 dice to block the attack. Since this is the second exchange, there's no point in holding any dice back, right?

The hunter lunges forward, his spear an extension of his hand, and the hit connects. The spear scratches Kate's breastplate, producing a short, screeching sound and a visual memento of the attack, but fails to pierce the armour.

Hunter's attack: [roll0] TN 6 = 3 successes
Kate's defence: [roll1] TN 6 = 0 successes

3 net successes for hunter.
Hit zone: breastplate
Damage rating: 6 (weapon) + 3 (net successes) = 9
Damage resistance: TO 5 + AV 4 = 9
Damage level = 0 (9-9), a scratch.
I agree - it's good to practice the basics first.

As to your question - yes and no. The dice you hold back have no use for you - you don't use them, you lose them. However, keeping the amount of dice you have secret is good tactic sometimes (provided your GM does separate the NPC knowledge from his own... and yes, I do). If you want to know why, tell me how many dice does the hunter have... :smallsmile:

New round, new dice. The hunter keeps the initiative due to his success.

The hunter steps back, gathers momentum and lunges again, this time with more power...

Attack: spear to torso, 7 dice.
Kate's defence?

2016-02-29, 09:50 AM
Until this point your MP (missile pool) was 0.
At the start of next round you gain into your MP an amount of dice equal to Proficiency. You now decide, whether you want to continue aiming or shoot.
If you aim, each round spent aiming will give you dice equal to your AIM attribute, up to your maximum MP.
If you shoot, you take all dice from your MP and roll them.

Making sure I have this right. I have Proficiency 4 and AIM 7, giving a max MP of 11
- once I'm ready to fire my MP is set to my Proficiency (4)
- If I spend a round I can my Aim (7) more, now 11 (max)
- Spending any more time aiming is useless since I am already at max. Am I missing something or is that always the case?

For the practice fights I'm thinking max MP shot at bag of hay to challenge the peasant with sling next to it, then melee with the farmboy.

Have you thought about how Accuracy affects targeting for a tournament trying to hit a bullseye (or a bag of hay...)?

For ranged combat, is it possible to hold a couple of arrows in the same hand holding the bow (arrows in line with and against the bow)? One in the right hand plus 2 in the left, giving 3 shots before having to go to the quiver? Maybe that would be an MP penalty?

2016-02-29, 09:55 AM
Making sure I have this right. I have Proficiency 4 and AIM 7, giving a max MP of 11
- once I'm ready to fire my MP is set to my Proficiency (4) correct
- If I spend a round I can my Aim (7) more, now 11 (max) correct
- Spending any more time aiming is useless since I am already at max. Am I missing something or is that always the case? If you had no Quick Hands, you would have to spend 2 MP for quicker reloading. It can be also used to offset some of the penalties (at GM's discretion).

For the practice fights I'm thinking max MP shot at bag of hay to challenge the peasant with sling next to it, then melee with the farmboy.

Have you thought about how Accuracy affects targeting for a tournament trying to hit a bullseye (or a bag of hay...)?

For ranged combat, is it possible to hold a couple of arrows in the same hand holding the bow (arrows in line with and against the bow)? One in the right hand plus 2 in the left, giving 3 shots before having to go to the quiver? Maybe that would be an MP penalty?

As for the targeting of small areas, they are handled with penalty due to small area. As for the "tournament" shots, the more successes, the better the shot.

Based on input from my archer friends, 2 arrows are still fine, 3 would be with penalty. If you stick them to the ground, it's penalty-free.

2016-02-29, 10:23 AM
Time to try something risky and experimental.

Kate commits 9 dice to Block Open and Strike (2 of which get paid to activate the maneouvre).

2016-02-29, 11:04 AM
As for the targeting of small areas, they are handled with penalty due to small area. As for the "tournament" shots, the more successes, the better the shot.That's what I was wondering, if the tournament is just going for more successes, how does Accuracy play into that?

Nazir checks his gear then pulls 3 arrows out of his quiver. Two of them he holds in his left hand along with the bow and the third gets nocked. The halfling then steps into the arena. He sees a peasant with a sling and staff sitting on a bag of hay. He draws, aims, then fires at the hole of the "g" of the Zhengar label on the bag of hay the peasant is sitting on, all while meditating on the wisdom Aim Small Miss Small.

I'm curious how this is timed too. I enter with the arrow nocked, so I just need to draw/begin aim for 1 round. Quick Hands reduces time by 1 round so if I don't want to wait for max MP could I get the shot off right away? Kinda like readying an action. Either way, I'll spend the extra round to get my full 11 MP ATN 7 shot.

Also- while I am readying to fire is there a mechanic for me to evade an incoming attack (range or melee)?

2016-02-29, 02:01 PM
Time to try something risky and experimental.

Kate commits 9 dice to Block Open and Strike (2 of which get paid to activate the maneouvre).

...and Hunter's powerful lunge meets Kate's powerful block. Kate forces the spear sideways with her shield, gaining a small opening - and advantage that should be exploited fully...

Hunter's attack: [roll0] TN 6 = 4 successes
Kate's block open: [roll1] TN 6 = 5 successes (I noticed that you paid activation cost from the allocated dice too late, so I ignored last 2 dice - please, write the ACs separately next time)

1 net success for Kate!
Kate gains initiative and gets 1 bonus die for next exchange.

Second exchange, your action?

That's what I was wondering, if the tournament is just going for more successes, how does Accuracy play into that?

Nazir checks his gear then pulls 3 arrows out of his quiver. Two of them he holds in his left hand along with the bow and the third gets nocked. The halfling then steps into the arena. He sees a peasant with a sling and staff sitting on a bag of hay. He draws, aims, then fires at the hole of the "g" of the Zhengar label on the bag of hay the peasant is sitting on, all while meditating on the wisdom Aim Small Miss Small.

I'm curious how this is timed too. I enter with the arrow nocked, so I just need to draw/begin aim for 1 round. Quick Hands reduces time by 1 round so if I don't want to wait for max MP could I get the shot off right away? Kinda like readying an action. Either way, I'll spend the extra round to get my full 11 MP ATN 7 shot.

Also- while I am readying to fire is there a mechanic for me to evade an incoming attack (range or melee)?

Round 1 - you nock the arrow (outside the arena). At the end of the round, you have the arrow nocked.
Round 2 - you enter the arena, see the peasant and start to draw the arrow. The peasant notices you.
Round 3 - you have the bow drawn and are ready to let it loose, however, you still have not aimed very well (only proficiency dice). You aim. The peasant stands up, picks his sling and starts to look for a rock to sling at you.
Round 4 - you have the bow drawn, ready and you are already aiming. The peasant is still looking for a rock. You have full MP. You shoot.
So basically, you could shoot without aiming at beginning of round 3 (a round after you enter arena).

Nazir's shot: [roll2] TN7 - 2 successes

An arrow buzzes through the air, hitting the bag of hay, just next to the peasant's knee, two inches from the "g". The peasant jumps back, losing the pebble he grabbed from the ground. He immediately ducks to pick it up again...

You can evade while shooting - it just costs you dice from your MP as if it were a CP. The difference is how fast the MP refreshes. The thing is, if someone gets too close, you should swithch to a different fighting style.
However, you can't really aim while dodgning a sword, so I wouldn't do that. Either let loose before he gets too close or full evasion and switch to sword.

Good point. How about this: the tournament target will be divided into 3 parts - the outside (1 point), inside (3 points), center (5 points). The points are equal to the successes necessary to hit. Accuracy will allow you to shift the hit by 1 if minor, by 2 if major, basically adding successes.Your ideas?

The peasant is preparing his sling. Your action?

2016-02-29, 02:03 PM
Wait, Kate gets to roll all 9 dice? I was under the impression that 2 of them got removed by the activation cost.

2016-02-29, 02:09 PM
Wait, Kate gets to roll all 9 dice? I was under the impression that 2 of them got removed by the activation cost.

I edited the answer already into the post - she rolls 7, I disregarded last 2 dice. I am used to players stating the action without the activation cost (AC).

2016-02-29, 02:18 PM
I edited the answer already into the post - she rolls 7, I disregarded last 2 dice. I am used to players stating the action without the activation cost (AC).

Ah, okay. I'll be sure to write it that way in future.

Slicing the hunter's arms still seems like the best move to make here: So Kate will use her remaining three dice to do that.

2016-02-29, 02:31 PM
Ah, okay. I'll be sure to write it that way in future.

Slicing the hunter's arms still seems like the best move to make here: So Kate will use her remaining three dice to do that.

No problem, really. I'll just have to read more carefully :smallredface:.

Overextending himself again, the hunter's arms present an ideal target for young knight-errant. Kate sensed opportunity and attacked the outstretched arms as the hunter returned to his guard...
...and only lucky break and his reflexes save him, when he parries the blow with the spear!

The hunter will use his 4 dice to parry.

Kate's attack: [roll0] TN 6 - 2 successes
Hunter's parry: [roll1] TN 7 - 3 successes
1 net successes for Hunter! He parries and gets initiative.

New round - new dice.

The hunter has decided to go for the jugular - literally.
He thrusts, aiming at Kate's face!

Attack: 5 dice (+ pays 1 die activation cost for thrust to face)

Kate's defence?

2016-02-29, 02:46 PM
Kate commits a full 8 dice to block. She really doesn't want this attack to connect.

2016-02-29, 03:18 PM
Nazir is disappointed with himself, tagging the A instead of the G of Zhengar. He sees the peasant going for ammo. In one smooth motion he takes the next arrow, nocks it, draws, and aims at the peasant.

- pick arrow from hand: 0 rounds
- nock / draw / aim reduced from 2 to 1 round from Quick Hands. Can fire next round. (I think)

I was more thinking of keeping my wits about and being able to dodge an incoming ranged attack somewhat while preparing to fire. MP is zero until I'm ready to fire so would declaring an evasion as they fire just be a penalty to my MP when I do get to use it to fire (which maybe can be overcome by aiming longer?)?

Maybe you need x number of successes to hit different parts.
Outer: x=3 (1 point)
Inner: 5 (3 points)
Larger Bullseye: 7 (5 points)
Inner Bullseye: 9 (10 points)
Accuracy could then auto add 1-2 successes, or 1-2 dice.

2016-02-29, 04:15 PM
Kate commits a full 8 dice to block. She really doesn't want this attack to connect.

While hunter launches his attack, Kate swings the shield to block it - however, she misjudges the speed of the attack and only very narrowly blocks the attack - the spear misses her head only by inches. He obviously wants to see Kate death, because he continues his flurry of attacks...

Hunter's offence: [roll0] TN 6 = 3 successes
Kate's defence: [roll1] TN 6 = 3 successes

The hunter retains initiative due to a tie between successes. He launches another attack, this time going lower - a thrust to belly area for 5.

Your defence?

OOC: ...if you are in unfavorable spot, and you didn't attack last exchange, I would suggest to use full evasion to get a break.
But since he attacks the armored part...you can also attack. If he doesn't feint, he will hit the plate armor. You can switch from defence to attack, but your attack comes second...will you risk it?

Nazir is disappointed with himself, tagging the A instead of the G of Zhengar. He sees the peasant going for ammo. In one smooth motion he takes the next arrow, nocks it, draws, and aims at the peasant.

- pick arrow from hand: 0 rounds
- nock / draw / aim reduced from 2 to 1 round from Quick Hands. Can fire next round. (I think)

You think correctly.

The peasant struggles with placing the pebble into the sling, but he finally succeeds and looks up - their eyes lock - and he sees that Nazir is looking at him over an arrow shaft.

Round 2: Your MP refreshes (=proficiency). What do you do?

I was more thinking of keeping my wits about and being able to dodge an incoming ranged attack somewhat while preparing to fire. MP is zero until I'm ready to fire so would declaring an evasion as they fire just be a penalty to my MP when I do get to use it to fire (which maybe can be overcome by aiming longer?)?
How about this:
Declaring evasion while nocking would end the nocking action.
Declaring evasion while drawing will end drawing.
As soon as you draw and start aiming (=have dice), the evasion will lower your chances to succeed because you will use those dice instead (=you'll have to aim to regain dice lost from jumping around).

Maybe you need x number of successes to hit different parts.
Outer: x=3 (1 point)
Inner: 5 (3 points)
Larger Bullseye: 7 (5 points)
Inner Bullseye: 9 (10 points)
Accuracy could then auto add 1-2 successes, or 1-2 dice.
I agree about accuracy providing successes (if you hit the target = have at least one success). However, we could also go via the "penalty" system. You decide which part you want to hit and take a penalty (e.g. for inner bullseye -9 dice). If you succeed, you hit. Accuracy lowers the penalty.

2016-02-29, 04:43 PM
Sounds good! Could be used against me too.

Anyone skilled (darts, bow, guns, etc) would always try to hit the bullseye. How good they are determines how close (or more consistently close) they get to the bullseye. Using a penalty system has the contestant picking a lesser target which seems weird. Neither system covers a lucky shot (rolling a 10 gives an extra die to give everyone a slight chance for a bullseye?).

Nazir steadies his aim. He has the advantage, no need to rush the shot.

2016-02-29, 06:30 PM
Ok, I ready. I need someone to hold my hand though as I am pretty confused as to how this works still.

2016-03-01, 01:30 AM
Kate uses all her remaining dice for full evasion.

2016-03-01, 01:54 AM
Sounds good! Could be used against me too. As you wish! :smallbiggrin:

Anyone skilled (darts, bow, guns, etc) would always try to hit the bullseye. How good they are determines how close (or more consistently close) they get to the bullseye. Using a penalty system has the contestant picking a lesser target which seems weird. Neither system covers a lucky shot (rolling a 10 gives an extra die to give everyone a slight chance for a bullseye?) Then it's easy - more successes = closer to target. I would go for 5-7 successes for normal bullseye, 9-10 successes for bullseye of size of a coin. .

Nazir steadies his aim. He has the advantage, no need to rush the shot.

The peasant starts to whirl the sling... (and starts refreshing his MP)

Next round: you gain AIM dice. You are at short range (around 10 meters from him), so you get +1 die. He is at normal range, no bonuses.

What do you do?

Ok, I ready. I need someone to hold my hand though as I am pretty confused as to how this works still.

Do not fear, the GM is here! And don't worry, the system can be confusing at the start - it's quite different from the usually played systems :smallsmile:.

Task 1 - enter the arena (write a short intro).
Task 2 - pick an opponent from the list.
Task 3 - write down your CP (and if you want, also the characteristics of your weapons... btw, your fist is "hand" length - the shortest one - ATN 6, DTN 6, damage ST - 2 (blunt).
Task 4 - select initiative (basically - do you throw the red die = you attack, or do you throw the white die = you defend).

We'll continue after that.

Kate uses all her remaining dice for full evasion.

Kate attempted to evade the thrust, and put some distance between her and the hunter, to get some breathing space. However, the hunter was quick on his feet and didn't let her move away. Kate started sweating under the armour, her breathing faster. She felt a bead of sweat rolling down her back...

That's...3 dice if I'm correct.

Hunter's attack: [roll0] TN 6 = 2 successes
Kate's defence: [roll1] TN 4 = 2 successes

A tie! Initiative stays with the hunter, but Kate has not been hit.

New round, new dice! (one more round if I count correctly and you'll start being fatigued - that means you lose 1 CP)

The hunter makes a powerful lunge! 8 dice, at her torso. He is determined to take her down...

Want some combat advice?

2016-03-01, 02:13 AM
Urukubarr stands tall and proud, massive chest puffed out, as he walks into the arena with his greatsword hanging over his broad shoulder. His armor bear the marks of battle, stained blood, and offers only a fraction of it's original protection. He thrusts the greatsword into the ground in front of him, kneels to grab a fist full of sand, and offers a prayer to the earth as he rubs the sand in between his hands. His corded muscles rippling beneath his skin, he crosses his arms and stares down the poor farm boy.

CP - Greatsword - 10
Unarmed - 12

Greatsword - 2-handed, Long length; ATN cut 6, damage ST +2, ATN thrust 8, damage ST -1, DTN 7
Unarmed - ATN 6, DTN 6, damage ST - 2 (blunt)

WHITE DICE - Urukubarr stands silent, waiting.

2016-03-01, 02:30 AM
Want some combat advice?


2016-03-01, 02:47 AM
Urukubarr stands tall and proud, massive chest puffed out, as he walks into the arena with his greatsword hanging over his broad shoulder. His armor bear the marks of battle, stained blood, and offers only a fraction of it's original protection. He thrusts the greatsword into the ground in front of him, kneels to grab a fist full of sand, and offers a prayer to the earth as he rubs the sand in between his hands. His corded muscles rippling beneath his skin, he crosses his arms and stares down the poor farm boy.

CP - Greatsword - 10
Unarmed - 12

Greatsword - 2-handed, Long length; ATN cut 6, damage ST +2, ATN thrust 8, damage ST -1, DTN 7
Unarmed - ATN 6, DTN 6, damage ST - 2 (blunt)

WHITE DICE - Urukubarr stands silent, waiting.

The farmboy looks up at Urukubarr's face. He considers his chances... and then sighs, takes the stick and prepares for fight. He moves forward, circling around Urukubarr in a wide circle. Suddenly he jumps forward, swinging his stick overhead, bringing it in straight vertical line down at Urukubarr's head.

Red die!

Farmboy's attack is vertical swing for 4 dice.

Now, since you are in defensive, you have to decide what to do and how many dice of your CP you use. I will assume you pick the sword when the boy accepts the challenge (I'll later explain why).

Each combat round has 2 exchanges (usually: he attacks-you defend, you attack-he defends, but there may be other possibilities)

Your available manuevers for defense (basic ones) are:
Full evasion (you get the hell out of his reach, try to put some distance between you to break the flow of combat) - target number is 4, but the fight pauses.
Partial evasion (you evade the attack, if you succeed, you can "buy initiative" for next exchange for additional 2 dice) - target number is 7
Duck & weave (very dangerous - you evade to get the best possible position) - target number is 9
Parry (you use your weapon's DTN as target number, if you succeed you gain initiative).

So - which one manuever you pick? And how many dice you use?


First - when wearing heavy armour, you get tired pretty fast (fatigue sets in every ENDx2 rounds, but this is modified by your CP penalty from armour... that means, you lose 1 CP per 4 rounds). You need to finish your opponent or he will tire you down (I wasn't counting the first white-white round - because you are considered to be "fresh". In game, if you fought after some marching, each round would count).

Second - your armour protects you quite well. Later you will learn how to use also the shield for cover (it's called "favouring"), but let's not get ahead of ourselves. So - if he's not aiming for your head, and you are positive that he's not going to use feint to switch to another part of body, you can be lazier with defence.

How do you know he's not going to switch? A thrust to face (you have helmet, cuts won't do it) costs 1 CP as activation cost. And feint costs 1 CP. Do you know how many dice does he have? This information will help you estimate the chances you have (e.g. if it's second exchange, and you know he invested his last 4 dice into the thrust, there is no chance for him to go for feint).

Third - smart use of counter and block-open-and-strike. Counter & block open give you additional dice, but each is used differently. In counter you need at least one net success for it to work and you use his successes against him (at the cost of not being able to decide where you strike next - it's a reflexive action). Block open gives you additional dice, but only one per your net successes.
Use block open when he strikes with few dice, and counter when he strikes with a lot.

...so, currently he's using 8 dice for attack - that's a lot - and it could harm you quite well. What will be the best course of action? (btw, there are several good answers)

2016-03-01, 03:04 AM
Okay, let's try something new. Kate will counter by rolling 9 dice. Combined with the activation cost of 2, that'll use up all of her dice for this round. All or nothing...

2016-03-01, 03:05 AM
Leaving the sword in the sand, Urukubarr frowns at the young man and puts his hand up to catch the stick, intent on yanking the farm boy close to him, or simply disarming him if he lets go.

6 dice - Unarmed - Parry

2016-03-01, 03:24 AM
Okay, let's try something new. Kate will counter by rolling 9 dice. Combined with the activation cost of 2, that'll use up all of her dice for this round. All or nothing...

Hunter was able to overcome Kate's counter, but the spear just screeched over the breastplate again.

My usual advice is - leave at least 1 point for next attack. But yes, this is all or nothing - either you win and counter his attack, or you at least lower his net successes so it doesn't break through the armour. And luckily it didn't.

And now it's time for lesson about Luck SA. When you spend Luck point, you reroll all dice that didn't end as successes and also reroll all 10s you rolled. So, let's go for it - and this time you should roll - my rolls are terrible.

Hunter's attack: [roll0] TN6 = 5 successes
Kate's defence: [roll1] TN7 = 1 success
2 net successes for hunter
Damage: 5+4
Damage resistance: 5+4
Level 0 = Scratch.

One point: usually if you have opponent with the same CP as you in the game, you try to fight him on advantageous conditions or don't fight him at all. One thing that helps are SAs - if you have personal investment in the combat, you will fight better.

Leaving the sword in the sand, Urukubarr frowns at the young man and puts his hand up to catch the stick, intent on yanking the farm boy close to him, or simply disarming him if he lets go.

6 dice - Unarmed - Parry

I wanted to make the start as easy as possible, but ooookay, let's rrrrrrrrrrasssleeee! :smallbiggrin:

Point 1 - if you parry, you use your hands to deflect the incoming attack, not catch it - if you are intent on catching him, you use "grapple" manuever (activation cost 2). If you do this as defensive manuever, you use your DTN as target number - and if you succeed (=have more successes than your opponent), you got him into a clinch and he couldn't attack you. If he wins, he strikes you.

So, decide - do you want to go into a clinch or just beat his weapon away and punch him?

Point 2 - if you get into clinch, you can start "phase 2" - trapping, throwing, breaking and striking...

2016-03-01, 03:42 AM
Okay. Rerolling the 8 dice that didn't get a success: [roll0]

And now it's time for lesson about Luck SA. When you spend Luck point, you reroll all dice that didn't end as successes and also reroll all 10s you rolled. So, let's go for it - and this time you should roll - my rolls are terrible.

Does that permanently expend the luck point? I know that if you use them to gain extra dice on a 1 for 1 basis, they refresh at the next game session; And that using them for something more potent (like automatically succeeding on something which you couldn't normally control) will burn them up for good. Is this one of those times?

2016-03-01, 03:42 AM
I choose to beat away his weapon, and then I'm gonna strangle him.

2016-03-01, 04:02 AM
Okay. Rerolling the 8 dice that didn't get a success: [roll0]

Does that permanently expend the luck point? I know that if you use them to gain extra dice on a 1 for 1 basis, they refresh at the next game session; And that using them for something more potent (like automatically succeeding on something which you couldn't normally control) will burn them up for good. Is this one of those times?

Sorry, had to read up on Luck a bit (we are actually using the "drama" mechanic from Companion).

You are correct. You can add it to rolls 1-for-1, and it's gone until next game session. Or you can use it to succeed in one roll (e.g. this one), giving you one net success against the opponet. So no need to reroll - if you spend it, you succeeded. For game purposes, the point you spent goes to "insight" - if your character dies, you get a better character next time (based on insight). The best you can do is a "triple A" character (your priorities are AAABCD).

So: you spent luck. You gain initiative, and 5 additional dice (your opponent's successes) for your next attack: downwards slash (randomly selected based on your first die from the above roll - let's not waste it).

The hunter defends with the rest of his 3 dice.

Kate's counterattack: [roll0] - 2 successes
Hunter's defence: [roll1] - 1 success
1 net success for Kate!

The sword hits head!

Damage: 7 (ST+2 weapon) + 1 net success
Hunter's damage resist: TO 5
Level 3 damage: cracked skull BL 4 S10 P 12-WP (for info)

(This would also be a good spot to enhance the damage by adding e.g. one luck die. You'll refresh them for each combat in this arena, so you can go for it (use of luck will be rolled by you, not me))

Kate successfully caught hunter's spear with her blade, and raised her arm, sliding the spear across her blade - pushing it away from her, while gaining momentum, and she swung her sword in swift counterattack, in short circle over her head. Hunter attempted to raise his spear, but he couldn't beat Kate's speed and her blade struck his head.

There was a loud cracking sound and hunter's eyes slid out of focus. He slowly dropped the spear, and started falling forward to the ground, blood seeping from his skull over his face...

(he's not dead, just unconscious...).

New round, new dice (one less due to fatigue...) - your actions?

I choose to beat away his weapon, and then I'm gonna strangle him.

Aaaaand again: if you want to strangle him, you need to initiate grapple (basically, you need to get into clinch, trap his neck and push for few rounds).
That's why I suggested swords - they are simpler :smallsmile:.

So, if you want to beat away his weapon - I consider that a parry (there is also "beat" manuever available). It will not lead to clinch, and to strangling.

Let's do the strangle:

You will use the CP of pugilism/brawling.

You defensively grapple him (activation cost = 2 dice) for 6 dice (from what I saw below).

Farmboy's special attack (stick-to-the-head): [roll2] TN 6 - 3 successes
Urukubarr's grapple: [roll3] TN 6 - 2 successes
1 net success for farmboy, Urukubarr got hit over his head - and failed to initiate grapple.

Damage: 4 blunt from the weapon, 1 net success
Damage resistance: TO 6
Level 0 damage: scratch

The stick hit Urukubarr's head. He felt it, and the bruise will not be nice, but he had worse in last few months.

First round, second exchange, initiative is with farmboy:
Farmboy attacks again, the same way the same amount of dice (vertical strike for 4).
Urukubarr's response?
Or shall we use a point of Luck?

2016-03-01, 04:06 AM
That went well.

2016-03-01, 04:18 AM
That went well.

It went as expected - or even better than expected - Urukubarr is strong, tough, but wrestling a guy with a sword is dangerous stuff...

2016-03-01, 04:30 AM
Sorry, had to read up on Luck a bit (we are actually using the "drama" mechanic from Companion).

You are correct. You can add it to rolls 1-for-1, and it's gone until next game session. Or you can use it to succeed in one roll (e.g. this one), giving you one net success against the opponet. So no need to reroll - if you spend it, you succeeded. For game purposes, the point you spent goes to "insight" - if your character dies, you get a better character next time (based on insight). The best you can do is a "triple A" character (your priorities are AAABCD).

Let me just check to see if I'm on the same page: This game uses the optional Drama rules from Companion; But instead of Drama replacing the Luck SA, as it normally would, the two have been merged to form a hybrid stat. The rules for starting with, gaining and losing Luck work as they did in the corebook; While most of the ways to spend it work like Drama. If you don't mind me asking, what's the advantage of doing things this way? Wouldn't it be easier to remove Luck entirely, as the Companion suggests?

2016-03-01, 04:32 AM
Three 1 rolls is not as expected. Makes me a sad half-orc. Against a trained fighter, not so much. This is farm boy.

2016-03-01, 04:40 AM
Let me just check to see if I'm on the same page: This game uses the optional Drama rules from Companion; But instead of Drama replacing the Luck SA, as it normally would, the two have been merged to form a hybrid stat. The rules for starting with, gaining and losing Luck work as they did in the corebook; While most of the ways to spend it work like Drama. If you don't mind me asking, what's the advantage of doing things this way? Wouldn't it be easier to remove Luck entirely, as the Companion suggests?

Apologies for the confusion: we will use the Luck SA as per Core rules (add to rolls 1-die-for-1-point, refresh after session; spend for gaining 1 net success; spend for lucky break/reduction of wound you get to scratch).

What I meant is, that when I usually play, I use the drama mechanic and haven't used Luck for some time, so I had to read up on them.

Three 1 rolls is not as expected. Makes me a sad half-orc. Against a trained fighter, not so much. This is farm boy.

I agree. That's why I suggested to use Luck - bad rolls happen and this SA is there exactly for these cases. And BTW, if you rolled this bad in game, you would most probably get a point of Luck ("unluckiest roll").

So, does it make you a sad half-orc or angry half-orc? :smallsmile: Come on, he's trying to hit you with the same stick. Grab him and end him!

...but for that I need to know: will you use Luck to grab him, preventing him from hitting you, or are you going to attempt the grapple once again in second exchange?

2016-03-01, 04:42 AM
Since this is practice, and in theory I would gain a point of luck for a horrible roll, I will go ahead and take my re-roll.

2016-03-01, 04:58 AM
Since this is practice, and in theory I would gain a point of luck for a horrible roll, I will go ahead and take my re-roll.

Urukubarr lunges forward while the farmboy holds the stick high, giving him no chance to swing the piece of wood, and grabs the poor boy into his hands...and the boy drops the stick since it is of no use to him now...

Due to Luck spending, you successfully grappled the boy and gained initiative.
8 dice down from first exchange (2 for activation, 6 for manuever). Grapple gives you 1 additional die per net success - and since spending Luck gives you 1 net success, you have 5 dice to go. Spend them - there are 2 exchanges each round and each round gives you full CP of dice (no taking more dice to the next exchange with you!).

While in clinch, you have following options:
You throw him to the ground, giving him fall damage)
You prevent him for moving - select one target or more (sort them according to your priorities) from following:
one arm (no actions with the arm possible, CP reduced by half if one hand, by 3/4 if both are trapped)
torso/hips (no movement, -1/4 CP)
head (-1/2 CP, no movement possible)
one leg (-1/4 CP for one, -1/2 CP for both legs)
...each has a cost of successes (first - 1, second - 2...). Any successes over target are carried over to next exchange as bonus.
Once in a clinch or when you trap a body part, you can attempt to break it. TN is 6 for trapped parts, 8 for free parts.
Breaking neck has special AC of 3
You can still kick, punch or even use daggers and such. However, the effect of your ST will be smaller due to close-combat.

So..what will Urukubarr do? How will you spend the 5 dice?

2016-03-01, 05:00 AM
Apologies for the confusion: we will use the Luck SA as per Core rules (add to rolls 1-die-for-1-point, refresh after session; spend for gaining 1 net success; spend for lucky break/reduction of wound you get to scratch).

What I meant is, that when I usually play, I use the drama mechanic and haven't used Luck for some time, so I had to read up on them.

Ah, I see.

Anyway, this duel seems to be over. Kate will disarm the hunter and make sure he's okay. Though arena fights sometimes end in death, she sees no need for such an ending here.

2016-03-01, 05:11 AM
Ah, I see.

Anyway, this duel seems to be over. Kate will disarm the hunter and make sure he's okay. Though arena fights sometimes end in death, she sees no need for such an ending here.

Very well.

The crowd applauds, since the fight was tense until the last moment. When they see you are not going to finish your foe, there is a round of stunned silence followed by loud cheering.

No problem with that. His wound is bad, but survivable. You can patch him up... ... and we have the rare opportunity to test the skills here:

Roll MA against target number of First Aid skill. Each success will remove 3 points of blood loss (the thing that can actually kill him now). He has 4 points, so 2 successes will patch him up nicely.

How is your impression of the combat system so far?

Want to try out someone else in combat? Or some more theory on the manuevers?

If there are questions - let me know.

2016-03-01, 05:27 AM
Urukubarr lunges forward while the farmboy holds the stick high, giving him no chance to swing the piece of wood, and grabs the poor boy into his hands...and the boy drops the stick since it is of no use to him now...

Due to Luck spending, you successfully grappled the boy and gained initiative.
8 dice down from first exchange (2 for activation, 6 for manuever). Grapple gives you 1 additional die per net success - and since spending Luck gives you 1 net success, you have 5 dice to go. Spend them - there are 2 exchanges each round and each round gives you full CP of dice (no taking more dice to the next exchange with you!).

While in clinch, you have following options:
You throw him to the ground, giving him fall damage)
You prevent him for moving - select one target or more (sort them according to your priorities) from following:
one arm (no actions with the arm possible, CP reduced by half if one hand, by 3/4 if both are trapped)
torso/hips (no movement, -1/4 CP)
head (-1/2 CP, no movement possible)
one leg (-1/4 CP for one, -1/2 CP for both legs)
...each has a cost of successes (first - 1, second - 2...). Any successes over target are carried over to next exchange as bonus.
Once in a clinch or when you trap a body part, you can attempt to break it. TN is 6 for trapped parts, 8 for free parts.
Breaking neck has special AC of 3
You can still kick, punch or even use daggers and such. However, the effect of your ST will be smaller due to close-combat.

So..what will Urukubarr do? How will you spend the 5 dice?

By lifting him into the air, over my head.

2016-03-01, 05:38 AM
By lifting him into the air, over my head.

...to what end?

2016-03-01, 05:45 AM
No problem with that. His wound is bad, but survivable. You can patch him up... ... and we have the rare opportunity to test the skills here:

Roll MA against target number of First Aid skill. Each success will remove 3 points of blood loss (the thing that can actually kill him now). He has 4 points, so 2 successes will patch him up nicely.

Kate has MA 3, and First Aid 6.


How is your impression of the combat system so far?

It's got a lot of innovative and unique ideas. I can definitely see why this system still has a following. Seeing these fights has made me a little worried for my teammates, though. Kate is the most heavily armoured PC in the group: And even she risked serious injury/death in this duel. What will the odds be like for someone who has only rags to defend them?

2016-03-01, 05:49 AM
...to what end?

Breaking his spine on my knee.

And please don't think I'm making light of the system, I'm testing it and learning while also being kind of silly. I wouldn't try this against a trained fighter unless I had an extreme advantage.

2016-03-01, 06:06 AM
Kate has MA 3, and First Aid 6.


It's got a lot of innovative and unique ideas. I can definitely see why this system still has a following. Seeing these fights has made me a little worried for my teammates, though. Kate is the most heavily armoured PC in the group: And even she risked serious injury/death in this duel. What will the odds be like for someone who has only rags to defend them?

Well, they mostly have higher CP, attributes, or even skills that can help - the A priority should be given to what you consider the most necessary. E.g. for Urukubarr to be really effective in combat I would suggest trading A option for proficiencies (giving him 8 in unarmed and one or more proficiencies on 7).
Heavy armour protects, but also takes your CP away and tires you rather fast - it has still its drawbacks. And not getting hit is the best way how to avoid getting killed.

Also, ambushes, teamwork, careful selection of battles and conditions. These help keeping your PCs alive.

Breaking his spine on my knee.

And please don't think I'm making light of the system, I'm testing it and learning while also being kind of silly. I wouldn't try this against a trained fighter unless I had an extreme advantage.

That's why I asked what it was for. Ok, we can model that easily - a roll ST against TN of 8 - you need at least 3 successes to pick him up, more will give you bonus to your next manuever (breaking). If you fail, your whole attempt fails. If you fumble, you fall to ground.

Since you want to break him... it's 5 dice against TN 8 (he's not "trapped", so it will be harder).

...oof, I'm glad. I kinda like Urukubarr (I try not to get attached to new chars in pbp due to dropoff and also - some people tend to rework them after first fight) so I would be sad GM to lose him so fast :smallsmile:.

Urukubarr's attempt to pick farmboy up: [roll0] TN 8
Urukubarr's attempt to break the boy: [roll1] TN 8
Farmboy attempting to break free: 2 dice (his pugilism/wrestling is lower than his proficiency with simple farming tools): [roll2] TN 7

Urukubarr lifted the boy above ground, and above his head...and attempted to break him on knee.
However, the weasel was quick enough to grab Urukubarr's arm, forcing him to drop him - breaking free.

New round, new dice. The farmboy breaking out means there was a pause in combat. The boy is free, but without his weapon.

2016-03-01, 07:43 AM
Nazir stays light on his feet. He finishes his aim and releases the arrow at the peasant.

Saving 1 die for evasion.

2016-03-01, 01:25 PM
Nazir stays light on his feet. He finishes his aim and releases the arrow at the peasant.

Saving 1 die for evasion.

The peasant still tries to whirl-up the sling to speed. He almost seems ready to let it go...

Nazir's shot: [roll0] = 3 successes
Hit area: [roll1] = belly (flesh to the side or abdomen), chest or lower abdomen - pick one (your accuracy allows these)

Damage: 7 + 3 for successes
Damage resistance: TO 4, no armour
Level 5 damage

OOC: no dice for accuracy? I will use the one allocated for evasion for accuracy, since when you shoot, you stand still (red die = no evasion possible, only if you hold aim you can evade).

2016-03-01, 02:05 PM
no dice for accuracy?
And that's why we're doing test fights :)

I'm not clear on using accuracy. I'll use the leftover die for accuracy. Major Accuracy would also give me +/-2 for location right? Are those used to affect the zones or the

Flower p9: Location 7 is Torso Zone XI.
Looking at p240 of Core, Puncture wound XI is a belly shot. Then roll a d6 for whether its an abdomen or just a flesh shot?

So normally I would hold back dice for accuracy and declare what my Accuracy will be used for when I declare the shot or is the target adjustment chosen after the Location roll?

Looking at the rolls so far as is (sorta meta-gaming but this is practice), he's getting level 5 damage to the belly right?

2016-03-01, 02:16 PM
And that's why we're doing test fights :)

I'm not clear on using accuracy. I'll use the leftover die for accuracy. Major Accuracy would also give me +/-2 for location right? Are those used to affect the zones or the

Flower p9: Location 7 is Torso Zone XI.
Looking at p240 of Core, Puncture wound XI is a belly shot. Then roll a d6 for whether its an abdomen or just a flesh shot?

So normally I would hold back dice for accuracy and declare what my Accuracy will be used for when I declare the shot or is the target adjustment chosen after the Location roll?

Looking at the rolls so far as is (sorta meta-gaming but this is practice), he's getting level 5 damage to the belly right?

I'm also not quite sure how to handle accuracy here on the pbp, in live games it's easier. There it could create unnecessary lags. I am open to suggestions...

As for the question:
They are used to affect both the archery locations (torso zone XI) and also the belly shot location (either abdomen or flesh shot - I have a roll thread here on the forum and I rolled 6 in this case).

Normally you would say you keep e.g. 3 dice for accuracy and after I tell you where you hit, you can move it for (currently) 3 zones (2 from major accuracy, 1 from die) or 3 zone locations or any combination thereof.

Last sentence is partially correct - currently he's getting level 5 damage to belly zone, but specifically to "flesh to the side" - which has no levels, because it's just flesh wound.

...don't tell anyone, but I won't be very strict during first... or first two fights in game.

2016-03-01, 04:07 PM
Kafar exits the tunnel into the killing grounds. He looks around the arena and up at the stands looking for any flags blowing in the wind. He draws his rapier and points it towards the drunken pirate with the saber. "You! Salty pig. I promise I'll make your death quick."

2016-03-01, 04:30 PM
I'm also not quite sure how to handle accuracy here on the pbp
No problem, I'll give guidance when I post the attack. I can list the target priorities in order and you can auto move it to whichever location is reachable first. Leftover accuracy dice can then be used for the shot location. Even if the final location isn't prime I'm not going to fret over it.

In this case since he is unarmored I would have listed XIII (Head) / XII (Upper Chest)/ XI (Belly) / IX (Upper Legs). Can't reach the head but it is only 1 move to Upper Chest so that leaves 2 for shot location. You rolled a 6 which is good so I wouldn't bother changing it.

And to clarify, moving it is based on the 2d6 location chart right? Meaning moving a result of 3 (Arm) to Head (2) is one slot away. Moving a 5 (XII Upper Torso) to 2 (XIII Head) is 3 slots.

I'll probably make another field in my character posting to have default targeting for archery location and shot location. I need to get back on the rest of the character (SAs, etc) at some point.

I'm rethinking only having a D for Proficiency like you had mentioned. Swapping it for Skills at C seems like it would help combat a lot. It is very nice though having all those skills at a better default. Having Sneak at 9 doesn't sound like a good scout. The game is more than combat though. If I do switch, should it be Bow 6 Rapier 3? Should I choose a different weapon since the rapier is so bad at defending powerful weapons? Thoughts?

2016-03-01, 07:15 PM
Frustrated with the fight lasting longer than he expected, Urukubarr lunges forward and unleashes a brutal kick to the boy's chest.

Use all 12 dice for the kick.

Edit: Red dice

2016-03-01, 08:26 PM
XIII, since Laco is off to bed, I'll mention it for him.

New round, new dice. The farmboy breaking out means there was a pause in combat. The boy is free, but without his weapon. Initiative?
So he's asking for a red or white die first.

I updated my char posting and added a link to it in my signature for easy access.

2016-03-02, 03:37 AM
Kafar exits the tunnel into the killing grounds. He looks around the arena and up at the stands looking for any flags blowing in the wind. He draws his rapier and points it towards the drunken pirate with the saber. "You! Salty pig. I promise I'll make your death quick."

The pirate draws his blade, spits on the ground. Ye'll be the ded one, boy.

He walks wobbly towards Kafar, but as soon as he is in range, he assumes a combat stance - and grins in expectation of some bloody sport.

OOC: Initiative?

No problem, I'll give guidance when I post the attack. I can list the target priorities in order and you can auto move it to whichever location is reachable first. Leftover accuracy dice can then be used for the shot location. Even if the final location isn't prime I'm not going to fret over it.

In this case since he is unarmored I would have listed XIII (Head) / XII (Upper Chest)/ XI (Belly) / IX (Upper Legs). Can't reach the head but it is only 1 move to Upper Chest so that leaves 2 for shot location. You rolled a 6 which is good so I wouldn't bother changing it. Chest it is...

And to clarify, moving it is based on the 2d6 location chart right? Meaning moving a result of 3 (Arm) to Head (2) is one slot away. Moving a 5 (XII Upper Torso) to 2 (XIII Head) is 3 slots. Correct.

I'll probably make another field in my character posting to have default targeting for archery location and shot location. I need to get back on the rest of the character (SAs, etc) at some point.

I'm rethinking only having a D for Proficiency like you had mentioned. Swapping it for Skills at C seems like it would help combat a lot. It is very nice though having all those skills at a better default. Having Sneak at 9 doesn't sound like a good scout. The game is more than combat though. If I do switch, should it be Bow 6 Rapier 3? Should I choose a different weapon since the rapier is so bad at defending powerful weapons? Thoughts? The build will never be optimal for everything. And low proficiency skills are raised quicker. Yes, if you do the switch, since you want to be an archer, bow 6 is fine. Rapier 3 not so much, but it's fine if your REF is quite high. The issue with rapier... well, there are better weapons for defending (e.g. arming swords, cut & thrust swords, longswords) - if I were you, I'd go for bow/longsword or bastard sword duo (while held in 2 hands the longsword/bastard sword is one of the best weapons for defence and provides very good set of manuevers). Shield is good for defence, but then we need to consider the encumbrance...

Nazir released the arrow. The peasant was almost prepared to throw the pebble when the arrow hit him straight in the chest, with such power, that it punched through his chest, stopping only when the feathers were sticking out. The farmer's eyes got that glassy look of someone already staring to the other side...and he fell to the ground. He was dead immediately, the arrow penetrating his heart.

...what next? :smallsmile:

Frustrated with the fight lasting longer than he expected, Urukubarr lunges forward and unleashes a brutal kick to the boy's chest.

Use all 12 dice for the kick.

Edit: Red dice

The farmboy tried to evade the kick at all costs, afraid of getting close to the angry orc, but Urukubarr's kick caught him in the chest, sending him sprawling to the ground with several cracking sounds - most probably ribs. The boy wanted to scream most probably, but there was only gurgling and bubbling sound, similar to mute scream...
He lies on the ground, sobbing in pain.

White die.
Partial evasion for 7 dice.

Urukubarr's kick [roll0] TN 7 = 5 successes
Farmboy's evasion [roll1] TN 7 = 4 successes

1 net success for Urukubarr:
Damage 9 ST - 1 for kick +1 for net success = 9
Damage reduction: Farmboy's TO 4
Level 5 damage to the chest: BL 9, shock: all, pain 15-WP

XIII, since Laco is off to bed, I'll mention it for him.

So he's asking for a red or white die first.

I updated my char posting and added a link to it in my signature for easy access.

Thank you for that :smallsmile:. It seems my sleeping pattern was recognized :smallbiggrin:

2016-03-02, 03:46 AM
Does the total number even matter, or just successes?

2016-03-02, 03:50 AM
Does the total number even matter, or just successes?

Just successes.

2016-03-02, 04:12 AM
Ruark put down a mug of water, he had spent a while resting on the sidelines watching the other fights and getting hydrated. He had studied the other combatants and felt like he had a good chance at going up against more equal opponents this time, pointing out the above-average fencer. He put on a brave face and said, "Looks like you're the only challenge here. Give it your best." With that, Ruark began to circle, much more carefully this time.

Step 1: I throw down a WHITE die and defend, hoping to coax the man into attacking me first.

2016-03-02, 09:30 AM
Ruark put down a mug of water, he had spent a while resting on the sidelines watching the other fights and getting hydrated. He had studied the other combatants and felt like he had a good chance at going up against more equal opponents this time, pointing out the above-average fencer. He put on a brave face and said, "Looks like you're the only challenge here. Give it your best." With that, Ruark began to circle, much more carefully this time.

Step 1: I throw down a WHITE die and defend, hoping to coax the man into attacking me first.

The fencer stood up, cracked his fingers, and unbuckled the belt on which his sidesword hung. He drew the sidesword from the hanger and threw it to the ground. I am Rizan and I accept your challenge. Pray to your gods that they welcome you today - for fast with a blade I am and your death I will be.... Ruark listened to his speech, which sounded as a litany would sound - and recognized the follower of ancient duelling tradition.

His opponent salulted him, acquired a stance with the blade pointing against Ruark's eyes, with his torso turned a little to the side, legs wide and his left fist at his hip, and moved in to engage, holding the sidesword mostly by his fingers. He moved gracefully, with the agility of great cats from the South and Ruark could see that this was no ordinary cutthroat. When he came closer, he switched his grip, holding the sword in his fist...

...in a split second, the combat was joined. The fencer jumped forward, probing Ruark's guard by an attack on his shield...

OOC: Watch out, this guy will use most of the things to his advantage...
Neutral stance (feel free to select a stance now).
Beat for 8 dice on the shield.

Ruark's defence?

2016-03-02, 10:53 AM
Kafar just grins and takes a defensive stance, blocking the legs and lower torso with his blade, but leans in slightly with his head giving the pirate a better target up high.

OOC: Throws a white die.

2016-03-02, 11:26 AM
Nazir takes the remaining arrow in his left hand and puts it back into the quiver. He shoulders his bow then draws his bastard sword. He looks to the farmboy holding a sword and nods. "Never held one before eh? Let's see how fast a leaner you are."

Dropping a white die.

Should I keep Bow 4 / Bastard Sword 2 or make it 3/3 to open up sword maneuvers? Looks like I may have sword trainer accessible :smallsmile:

2016-03-02, 12:33 PM
Double posting in a row, but it's because I'll need to roll.

Let's throw some skills into this. Nazir's statement was to Intimate the boy. My WP is 3. Bad Rep gives +2 dice. TN is 7

Jumping ahead a little, apply as needed.
When he attacks I'll use Body language. Per is 7. TN is 7.

Can Body Language be used each round? With my relatively low CP (8) and good PER I might end up using that a lot.

2016-03-02, 03:15 PM
Ruark mimicked the neutral stance, favoring neither offense or defense. He raised his shield to block, attempting to push the sword away for his follow-up attack.

OOC: I will list my maneuvers without having the paid the Activation Cost like you said you were used to.
Neutral Stance.
Block Open and Strike for 13 die when defending.

2016-03-03, 04:31 AM
Kafar just grins and takes a defensive stance, blocking the legs and lower torso with his blade, but leans in slightly with his head giving the pirate a better target up high.

OOC: Throws a white die.

The pirate steps in, opening with a powerful diagonal cut, hoping to finish Kafar quickly. Die, dog! he screams as he slashes his saber from his left side...

Diagonal cut for 6 dice (AC 1 due to length penalty).
Your defence?

OOC: Is this a low forward guard or just a defensive one?
Low forward guard covers legs up to groin very well (+3 CP for defence), middle part well (+2 CP) but shoulders, neck & head are vulnerable (-1 CP). Offensively, attacks at hand are at +2 CP, other than that you get -1 for thrusts and -2 for cuts.
Defensive stance = +2 CP for defence, AC 2 for offense.

Nazir takes the remaining arrow in his left hand and puts it back into the quiver. He shoulders his bow then draws his bastard sword. He looks to the farmboy holding a sword and nods. "Never held one before eh? Let's see how fast a leaner you are."

Dropping a white die.

Should I keep Bow 4 / Bastard Sword 2 or make it 3/3 to open up sword maneuvers? Looks like I may have sword trainer accessible :smallsmile:

Double posting in a row, but it's because I'll need to roll.

Let's throw some skills into this. Nazir's statement was to Intimate the boy. My WP is 3. Bad Rep gives +2 dice. TN is 7

Jumping ahead a little, apply as needed.
When he attacks I'll use Body language. Per is 7. TN is 7.

Can Body Language be used each round? With my relatively low CP (8) and good PER I might end up using that a lot.

The boy looks at peasants body and gulps. You can see he is pale and hardly hears your threat as he moves forward, prepared to fight. The sword he is carrying seems heavy and unwieldy - it seems to be one scrounged from battlefield. When he gets near enough, he swings the sword in wide circle, from over his head...

He attacks with a vertical cut for 4 dice. Your answer?

OOC: In this case the intimidate would be used with SOC - you try to scare him with words, not just staring him down. Bad rep works and I will increase his TN by 2 for just witnessing the death of peasant.
Boy's will is 4: TN is 8
He was so scared from the peasant's death he didn't her your threat...

Body language can be used each exchange. You pay 2 CP as activation cost (you need to focus more on observation than on fighting) and roll. However, it pays only to use it while defending - it has no offensive use except for determining whether the defender is favouring any part of his body (=covering himself).

Now you wouldn't gain any additional dice, but 1 success tells you that he is not favouring any body part in defence.
More (3, 5...) successes would add some dice to your pool, reveal if his incoming attack will be a feint, which parts he is favouring or with how many dice, etc.

As for the bow vs. sword - with high aim you can still be deadly (however, you won't be able to fire from volley so effectively since your proficiency counts first), but in close combat every manuever you can use is a plus. My suggestion would be 50:50 or up the priority :smallsmile:.

Ruark mimicked the neutral stance, favoring neither offense or defense. He raised his shield to block, attempting to push the sword away for his follow-up attack.

OOC: I will list my maneuvers without having the paid the Activation Cost like you said you were used to.
Neutral Stance.
Block Open and Strike for 13 die when defending.

Fencer's sidesword hit Ruarks' shield, in attempt to get it out of his way, but Ruark's strenght and skill allow him to force the sidesword to the side with no effect, while gaining momentum for his next attack...

Fencer's beat: [roll1] TN 7 = 2 successes
Ruark's block open: [roll2] TN 6 = 6 successes!
4 net successes. Your next attack gains 4 dice.

OOC: No problem - I won't be checking your CP totals in some time, but also list the AC after manuever - I don't remember all of them :smallsmile:.

2016-03-03, 04:50 AM
Ruark had no time for mercy, almost before he had pushed his opponents sword aside his own sword was on it's way towards towards the enemy swordsman's head.

OOC: Attack, a simple horizontal cut towards the enemy's head, for 1 die +4 die from margin of success from previous maneuver.

2016-03-03, 04:59 AM
Ruark had no time for mercy, almost before he had pushed his opponents sword aside his own sword was on it's way towards towards the enemy swordsman's head.

OOC: Attack, a simple horizontal cut towards the enemy's head, for 1 die +4 die from margin of success from previous maneuver.

Carefully observing Ruark's movement, the fencer swiftly moves his sidesword to a meet and deflect Ruark's sword, fast enough to cover his head, but having to step back from the power of the attack he loses momentum.

OOC: Parry for 4.

Fencer's body language roll: [roll0] TN 7 = 1 success, adds first die from below...for no effect :smallsmile:

Ruark's attack: [roll1] TN 6 = 2 successes
Fencer's parry [roll2] TN 6 = 2 successes

Tie! Ruark retains initiative. New round, new dice. Ruark's attack?

Pre-rolling fencer's additional dice for body language: [roll3] TN 6 - limited by amount of successes of previous roll, will be added in case of success...

2016-03-03, 05:04 AM
OOC: Is this where I could use a luck die to add a success in order to break the tie? Or would I have to have used it before the roll was made?

2016-03-03, 06:50 AM
OOC: Is this where I could use a luck die to add a success in order to break the tie? Or would I have to have used it before the roll was made?

If you want to add dice, you should do it before.
For instant success, you can burn the point giving you 1 net success. This can be done after the roll.

2016-03-03, 07:07 AM
Nazir, using his bastard sword in both hands, attempts to parry the strike, then strike back.
Parry for 5 dice.
1 die left

2016-03-03, 07:17 AM
Nazir, using his bastard sword in both hands, attempts to parry the strike, then strike back.
Parry for 5 dice.
1 die left

Farmboy's vertical cut: [roll0] TN 7
Nazir's parry: [roll1] TN 6

...oh my, messed the rolls. I'll roll them below...

OOC: Sorry, provided wrong formulation for Body Language result: you gain back the dice you used (2), but gained no advantage due to the roll.

So basically, you are at 8 dice, with 3 left after this manuever.

2016-03-03, 07:19 AM
Nazir, using his bastard sword in both hands, attempts to parry the strike, then strike back.
Parry for 5 dice.
1 die left

Farmboy's swing was rather slow, providing Nazir with clean opportunity to parry it. When their swords clashed, Nazir crossed his hands, deflecting the heavy blade aside.

Farmboy's vertical cut [roll0] TN7 = 2 successes
Nazir's parry [roll1] TN 6 = 3 successes

1 net for Nazir: you gain initiative. Second exchange, your attack?

2016-03-03, 07:39 AM
Nazir parries the farmboy's blade and attacks back with a diagonal cut from the high right with 3 dice.
2 Accuracy. Priority: XIII (Head) / XII (Upper Chest)/ XI (Belly) / IX (Upper Legs)

2016-03-03, 08:02 AM
Nazir parries the farmboy's blade and attacks back with a diagonal cut from the high right with 3 dice.
2 Accuracy. Priority: XIII (Head) / XII (Upper Chest)/ XI (Belly) / IX (Upper Legs)

Famboy tries to catch the blade with his sword and while he manages to parry Nazir's blade aside, he stumbles a bit to regain footing thus providing Nazir with opportunity to attack!

Parry for 3 dice.

Nazir's diagonal cut: [roll0] TN 6 = 2 successes
Famboy's parry: [roll1] TN 7 = 2 successes

Tie! Nobody gets hit, Nazir retains initiative.

New round, new dice! Nazir has initiative. Your attack?

OOC: Accuracy works a bit different here - you selected the IV zone (overhead diagonal), which gives you possible targets: head upper, head lower, neck, chest, shoulders. When you hit, I will roll for location - and you can modify this. Best way would be to tell me the target (e.g. neck) and I will position the cut closest to it as possible.

2016-03-03, 08:40 AM
Nazir brings his sword around for a second swing coming from the right. This time with a horizontal cut to the chest (Zone III).
5 dice. (3 dice left)
2 points Accuracy targets: Ribcage, Abs

2016-03-03, 01:09 PM
Nazir brings his sword around for a second swing coming from the right. This time with a horizontal cut to the chest (Zone III).
5 dice. (3 dice left)
2 points Accuracy targets: Ribcage, Abs

The boy valued his skin quite high - he put nearly all his strength to the parry, but it wasn't enough. Nazir's skillful cut passed an inch from the parry and the tip of his blade cut into farmboy's torso, hitting a rib and cracking it in the process, immediately painting his linen shirt red. Farmboy immediately pushed his hand onto the wound, trying to stop blood from seeping, losing valuable seconds...

Farmboy attempts to parry this with 6 dice.

Nazir's horizontal cut: [roll0] TN 6 = 2 successes
Farmboy's parry: [roll1] TN 7 = 1 success

1 net success for Nazir

Damage: 5 ST + 1 for weapon +1 for net success
Damage reduction: 4 TO

Hits ribcage, level 3 wound: BL 3, shock 8, pain 7-WP

Initiative stays with Nazir, who has free shot on the boy in the second exchange (no dice).

Your action?

2016-03-03, 02:10 PM
OOC: Ok, since there are no consequences for failure in this exercise I'll skip burning a point of luck to try more combat. Luck points seem like the easiest to replace though and this seems like exactly the kind of thing one would use a luck point for. In the actual game it would be an important or dangerous fight and burning a point to succeed on a head attack seems like a good use.

Ruark eye's widened in surprise at the narrow parry, he had been certain he would end the fight there! Eager now, he set his feet in the ground and swung his weapon again.

OOC: Attack, Horizontal cut at Head from the opposite side this time for 5 die.

2016-03-03, 02:10 PM
Kate had taken a break after her last fight, to catch her breath and wash away the sweat of battle. Now she returned to the arena once again. This time she set her sights on a tougher target: The sword-and-board soldier. She carefully studied her new opponent as she approached.

Kate throws WHITE.

2016-03-03, 02:17 PM
Seems like the farmboy has 7CP. Normally he would have had 1 die left but the Shock removes that and all 7 of his dice for next round right?

Back to the Body Language check. If this was the real game then using that in combat earlier would give me a check mark towards improving the skill right?

I remembered I also have to make the adjustment for the sword being poor. That was a +1 penalty to the cut ATN, thrust ATN, or DTN right?

Nazir's cut from the right strikes true. He quickly follows it up with a thrust into the boys chest to end his suffering quickly.

3 dice thrust to chest (Zone XII). +2 Acc to Chest
Since our online times are slightly misaligned.... assuming the farmboy is skewered this exchange or with full thrust dice next exchange, I'll prep for the next fight. Won't be long before Nazir is in way over this head and becomes an example of what not to do :smallcool:

Leave the arena, rest, then go back in with sword drawn and face off verses the spear-wielding hunter. White die.

2016-03-04, 02:28 AM
OOC: Ok, since there are no consequences for failure in this exercise I'll skip burning a point of luck to try more combat. Luck points seem like the easiest to replace though and this seems like exactly the kind of thing one would use a luck point for. In the actual game it would be an important or dangerous fight and burning a point to succeed on a head attack seems like a good use.

Ruark eye's widened in surprise at the narrow parry, he had been certain he would end the fight there! Eager now, he set his feet in the ground and swung his weapon again.

OOC: Attack, Horizontal cut at Head from the opposite side this time for 5 die.

The fencer, eyes fixed at Ruark to catch even the smallest of his movements, went immediately for a counter in one fluid movement, his sword flicking in front of Ruark's eyes so quickly it became a blur, displacing Ruark's cut and following up with a lunge straight for the heart...

2 die for body language, 7 die counter, 2 die activation cost...

Ruark's cut [roll0] TN 6 = 1 success
Fencer's counter [roll1] TN 6 = 3 successes

Body language roll [roll2] TN 7 = 4 successes (adds first 4 die from below)
Pre-rolling for Body Language bonus dice (he'll add die equal to successes from above roll to counter roll) [roll3] TN 6 = additional 3 successes

5 net successes for Fencer!
...which add Ruark's 1 success to fencer's further attack, which is... (should have pre-rolled this, will roll in other thread): 8: thrust to body!

Fencer thrust for chest for 4 dice + 1 from the counter. Ruark's response?

OOC: In-game, the replacement of luck is quite hard (I usually give out 1 point for really good roleplay, 1 point for really unlucky roll and 1 point to great IC humor - OOC humor is accepted in OOC, but not rewarded by anything else than laughter :smallsmile:... oh, and yes, sometimes I present players with opportunities to gain the luck through other means - usually it requires certain actions in-game).
You are quite lucky, if this was expulsion it would have messed you quite well...

Kate had taken a break after her last fight, to catch her breath and wash away the sweat of battle. Now she returned to the arena once again. This time she set her sights on a tougher target: The sword-and-board soldier. She carefully studied her new opponent as she approached.

Kate throws WHITE.

The soldier is an old veteran - grizzled and scarred from many fights, but he is also a bit out of form - small beads of sweat roll down his arms and face, coming from under the scale cuirass and steel pot helmet. He draws the sword, nods to Kate and closes in.

He watches her movements for a moment and then raises the sword, cutting diagonally from his left side...

Neutral stance.
His armor covers his torso down to thighs and shoulders, helmet covers his head except for his face (and nose due to the nose guard). He has an old, but cared for arming sword and round shield.
RED die!
Cut to the arms for 6 dice (+1 for the arms, -1 for Kate's length advantage).
Kate's response?

Seems like the farmboy has 7CP. Normally he would have had 1 die left but the Shock removes that and all 7 of his dice for next round right?

Back to the Body Language check. If this was the real game then using that in combat earlier would give me a check mark towards improving the skill right?

I remembered I also have to make the adjustment for the sword being poor. That was a +1 penalty to the cut ATN, thrust ATN, or DTN right?

Nazir's cut from the right strikes true. He quickly follows it up with a thrust into the boys chest to end his suffering quickly.

3 dice thrust to chest (Zone XII). +2 Acc to Chest

Since our online times are slightly misaligned.... assuming the farmboy is skewered this exchange or with full thrust dice next exchange, I'll prep for the next fight. Won't be long before Nazir is in way over this head and becomes an example of what not to do :smallcool:

Leave the arena, rest, then go back in with sword drawn and face off verses the spear-wielding hunter. White die.

The boy can't muster enough strength to evade or parry the attack - he just stands there, slightly humped by the pain, taking it. Nazir's first thrust went to his chest, but stopped at a rib. The second thrust was not very successful due to the boy falling to the ground, unable to take the pain, just lying on the ground, his whimpers becoming more and more disturbed by bubbling in his chest as he tried to breathe.

Nazir mercifully dispatched his foe to save him for further pain.

Nazir's attack: [roll4] TN 6 = 1 success

(if not dead):
Second thrust: [roll5] TN 6 = 1 success

OOC: Your assumption is correct. Also the body language - you are correct - you would have received the checkmark.

I already assumed that the sword will have a blunt tip (ST+1 damage for piercing only). If you disagree, feel free to select how damaged it is... :smallsmile:.

Basically, the boy is unable to move due to his CP being reduced to 0. He's finished.

As for Nazir's next fight: it will be a group fight. So wait for it :smallsmile:

2016-03-04, 03:04 AM
Ruark pulled back and away from the thrust, it was so fast and he struggled to bring his shield back into position to block it.

OOC: Standard Block for 9 die.

2016-03-04, 03:08 AM
Ruark pulled back and away from the thrust, it was so fast and he struggled to bring his shield back into position to block it.

OOC: Standard Block for 9 die.

And the counter-attack was even faster, precisely aimed so that it circumvented the shield and he could feel the pressure of the sidesword tip on his abs for a moment. The hit was however weakened by having to dodge the shield and it ended only in piercing his armour and scratching his skin.

The fencer recovered from the lunge and in one swift movement started to attack again, slashing his blade at Ruark's sword arm...

Fencer's counter-attack [roll0] TN 6 = 5 successes
Ruark's block (open and strike?) [roll1] TN 6 = 4 successes

1 net success for the fencer
Damage: 7 (ST 4 +2 for sword +1 for net success)
Damage resistantce: TO 5 + 2 from leather armour
Level 0 wound - scratch!

...again, lucky you :smallsmile:

New round, new dice!

The fencer attacks by quick slash at Ruark's arms for 4 dice. Response?

OOC: If you agree, this would be the point where a small use of luck (specifically the non-permanent spending to add dice) would be good. Specifically - you "add" 2 dice from Luck to your block and change it to "block open and strike", giving you quite the chance to start next round with bonus dice. Do you agree? The idea was good, but it would be wasted by the dice.

2016-03-04, 03:34 AM
OOC: Yeah I agree, that would have been a better choice. Next turn, next turn. The only reason I didn't use Block Open was because of the activation cost, using Luck would have solved that problem easily. I would have agreed to use the luck points there, I couldn't have known how the rolls would go. If you see another option like that in the IC adventure, I'd agree to let you pre-emptively use my Luck Points. But of course I'll try my best to say what I use and when.

In the case of the next attack it seems that Block Open and Strike is an even better option because he is using so few dice. That should mean that if I invest heavily in the defence here there is a good chance I get a lot of extra die for my next attack. My strategy at this point is to hope that he has a worse endurance than me and will start tiring out before I do. I realize that going full defence or evasion for a few round would be a better choice for a strategy like that but I am unwilling to completely forgo the chance at a successful attack.

Ruark grunts as the sword rasps his stomach, the scratch would leave a pretty scar. He attempted to repeat his former maneuver this time, hoping he wouldn't become too easy to read for this opponent.

OOC: Defend, Block Open and Strike for 12 dice.

2016-03-04, 03:49 AM
OOC: Yeah I agree, that would have been a better choice. Next turn, next turn. The only reason I didn't use Block Open was because of the activation cost, using Luck would have solved that problem easily. I would have agreed to use the luck points there, I couldn't have known how the rolls would go. If you see another option like that in the IC adventure, I'd agree to let you pre-emptively use my Luck Points. But of course I'll try my best to say what I use and when.

In the case of the next attack it seems that Block Open and Strike is an even better option because he is using so few dice. That should mean that if I invest heavily in the defence here there is a good chance I get a lot of extra die for my next attack. My strategy at this point is to hope that he has a worse endurance than me and will start tiring out before I do. I realize that going full defence or evasion for a few round would be a better choice for a strategy like that but I am unwilling to completely forgo the chance at a successful attack.

Ruark grunts as the sword rasps his stomach, the scratch would leave a pretty scar. He attempted to repeat his former maneuver this time, hoping he wouldn't become too easy to read for this opponent.

OOC: Defend, Block Open and Strike for 12 dice.


The sidesword changes direction as the fencer pulls it back and thrusts at Ruark's thigh! His reflexes honed by combat save him again, as he quickly blocks the sidesword with his shield, pushing it aside and creating opening for his next attack...

Feint AC: 1
He adds 3 dice to the attack (total: 7)
and removes 3 dice for the feint.

Fencer's feint: [roll0] TN 6 = 4 successes
Ruark's block open: [roll1] TN 6 = 6 successes

2 net successes for Ruark

Ruark gains initiative and two dice for your next attack...which will it be?

OOC: Welp, sometimes the dice just fall that way - can't do anything about it (except of spending luck). In IC adventure, you will mostly gain the benefit of other SAs in combat - if there are no SAs activating by the fight, you are most probably fighting for wrong cause. And who wants to risk dying in pointless combat?

And as for the few dice... that can be easily a trap - and in this case it was. Feint is good for these occassions since it allows you to re-evaluate your attack (at a price). Also, always keep at least 1 CP for second exchange. Don't give him chance for a cheap shot.

As for the endurance... he is breathing heavily and starting to sweat, but it will take quite enough time to tire him down...

2016-03-04, 04:03 AM
Ruark once again decided to go for the a dangerous spot when he attacks, another cut towards his opponents hands. Ruark was sweating himself wet, this was likely the most dangerous he had ever been in and he was tensing up.

OOC: Attack, Cut. 2+1 (this is just the bonus, I have already spent my full 14.) dice. Aimed at arms.

I just realized you added the activation cost to the total die I wanted to spend, which is fine. I wanted to keep 2 die for my attack. I'll be aware of that in the future though and keep posting in the same way, but keeping in mind that you will add the activation cost to the amount of die I am declaring.

2016-03-04, 04:27 AM
Ruark once again decided to go for the a dangerous spot when he attacks, another cut towards his opponents hands. Ruark was sweating himself wet, this was likely the most dangerous he had ever been in and he was tensing up.

OOC: Attack, Cut. 2+1 (this is just the bonus, I have already spent my full 14.) dice. Aimed at arms.

I just realized you added the activation cost to the total die I wanted to spend, which is fine. I wanted to keep 2 die for my attack. I'll be aware of that in the future though and keep posting in the same way, but keeping in mind that you will add the activation cost to the amount of die I am declaring.

Parry for 3 dice.
Ruark's cut-at-arms: [roll0] TN6
Fencer's parry: [roll1] TN6

...messed-up the rolls, will roll below.

OOC: I prefer when you write the full costs into the post (e.g. in previous case it would be 10 dice attack, 2 AC) because then there is no such misunderstanding :smallsmile:. But yes, if you don't state it, I'll assume that that is the maneuver without AC...usually.
This would have been fine opportunity for the luck dice too, since it could have given you an edge (3:3 is 50:50 chance, any die can mean a hit). I would have gone all "full evasion' with the fencer if he didn't attack last exchange - I don't like the chances :smallsmile:

2016-03-04, 04:29 AM
The fencer was also tense, concentrating all his efforts on this combat. Ruark launched the attack just to stall the opponent and then more felt than saw his blade cut the shoulder of the fencer, his blade avoiding fencer's parry by only an inch. The fencer didn't say a word, but his jaws were clenched from the pain and he lost the tempo, allowing Ruark to gain upper hand for a moment...

Ruark's cut-at-arms: [roll0] TN6 = 2 successes
Fencer's parry:[roll1] TN6 = 1 success

1 net success for Ruark!

Damage: 5 + 1
Damage reduction: 4 TO
Level 2 wound to the shoulder! BL 1, shock 4, pain 5-WP. Use the advantage while you have it - his willpower is quite high... :smallsmile:.

New round, new dice!


I don't like the chances :smallsmile:
...and now you can see why :smallbiggrin:

BTW...just for fun I rolled a theoretical example of body language skill at the rolling thread. I invested 2 dice, came up with 3 successes (which would give me 3 dice, so theoretically I would add 1 to the defensive roll).
The one additional dice came up as 9. It's just a theoretical example how it can help. It can lead to lost dice, but you should invest in the skill sooner or later. It will make your defence better...

2016-03-04, 05:00 AM
OOC: I was just thinking about how I could start investing in Body Language, seems an extremely useful skill, much more so than Ridicule for me which I took for my extra point of MA. Will definitely look into how to improve it more.

Finally blood had been spilled and Ruark found himself regretting not just starting a regular dual to first blood. He pulled his sword back for another hack at the swordsmans arms and the arc of his sword left a pretty little trail of bloody drops in the sand. Ruark did seem to hesitate, almost to the point of holding his attacks back and hiding behind his shield.

OOC: Attack, vertical cut at arms. 3 die.

I want to feint here and I don't know how we would normally solve this, but since you would have declared the defensive dice and rolled them in the same post I feel like I should post this early. I want to spend 3 more die on this attack so that the total cost of the attack would be 9 from my CP.

2016-03-04, 06:27 AM
The soldier is an old veteran - grizzled and scarred from many fights, but he is also a bit out of form - small beads of sweat roll down his arms and face, coming from under the scale cuirass and steel pot helmet. He draws the sword, nods to Kate and closes in.

He watches her movements for a moment and then raises the sword, cutting diagonally from his left side...

Neutral stance.
His armor covers his torso down to thighs and shoulders, helmet covers his head except for his face (and nose due to the nose guard). He has an old, but cared for arming sword and round shield.
RED die!
Cut to the arms for 6 dice (+1 for the arms, -1 for Kate's length advantage).
Kate's response?

Kate devotes 7 dice to a basic block. Until she knows exactly what her opponent is capable of, she's going to play it safe.

2016-03-04, 06:39 AM
OOC: I was just thinking about how I could start investing in Body Language, seems an extremely useful skill, much more so than Ridicule for me which I took for my extra point of MA. Will definitely look into how to improve it more.

Finally blood had been spilled and Ruark found himself regretting not just starting a regular dual to first blood. He pulled his sword back for another hack at the swordsmans arms and the arc of his sword left a pretty little trail of bloody drops in the sand. Ruark did seem to hesitate, almost to the point of holding his attacks back and hiding behind his shield.

OOC: Attack, vertical cut at arms. 3 die.

I want to feint here and I don't know how we would normally solve this, but since you would have declared the defensive dice and rolled them in the same post I feel like I should post this early. I want to spend 3 more die on this attack so that the total cost of the attack would be 9 from my CP.

The wound made the fencer miss a beat - and got him out of his rhytm. It was only a heartbeat-long moment until he regained his composure, but Ruark attempted to use it. The fencer noticed incoming attack, and focused on a parry.

He noticed the feint in the last moment, but failed to do anything about it. Ruark's blade bit into his forearm, leaving quite a gash - and while there was surprisingly small amount of blood, Ruark thought he caught a glance of the white of the bone. This time the fencer did cry out, for the pain was worse - and he even dropped his sidesword to the ground...

Parry for 5 dice.

Ruark's cut to arms: [roll0] TN6 = 3 successes
Fencer's parry: [roll1] TN 6 = 2 successes

1 net success for Ruark!
Damage: 5 + 1
Damage reduction: 4 TO
Level 2 wound to the forearm! BL 3 (total 4), shock 5, pain 7-WP.

Second exchange, inititative is with Ruark!

OOC: Ridicule can be very useful if you need to draw the attack and provoke overspending/mistakes from your opponent. But yes, body language is basically a safeguard - high perception and good skill can provide you with additional dice to your CP.

As for the feint - I would say that put the feint into spoilers, together with information when you will use it (e.g. if he spends more dice than you, you will spend up to 6 dice, but no more; if he goes less, then up to 4 dice). At this time, this is sufficient. I already have plans for next exchange :smallsmile:.

I also added the dice for attack to arms.

Kate devotes 7 dice to a basic block. Until she knows exactly what her opponent is capable of, she's going to play it safe.

Kate raised the shield as the soldier swung his weapon. The block would have been enough, but the veteran was good - and his blade struck the shield powerfully, throwing Kate out of rhytm. He didn't intend to give Kate any breathing space, forcing her on defensive with his further attacks...

Soldier's cut to arms: [roll2] TN 6 = 4 successes
Kate's block: [roll3] TN 6 = 4 successes

A tie!

Soldier retains initiative and goes for a diagonal swing for 6 dice.

OOC: Watch out - you are in unfavourable condition now. Count the dice - and you'll see. One possibility is to go full evasion, get a break in combat. Either get defensive stance to get additional dice, or go offensively (he's less armoured than you are). Other possibility - risk simultaneous block & strike manuever immediately (e.g. attack arms, he is not armoured there).

2016-03-04, 07:10 AM
Ruark had the bloodlust now, the gods of luck had smiled on him and he decided to smile back. Though the man was unarmed, Ruark had no qualms about continuing the deadly engagement. Fortune favors the bold he chanted to himself as he swung his sword again, this time for the finish.

OOC: Attack 5 die, horizontal cut at head. That's all of my remaining CP.

2016-03-04, 07:22 AM
Ruark had the bloodlust now, the gods of luck had smiled on him and he decided to smile back. Though the man was unarmed, Ruark had no qualms about continuing the deadly engagement. Fortune favors the bold he chanted to himself as he swung his sword again, this time for the finish.

OOC: Attack 5 die, horizontal cut at head. That's all of my remaining CP.

Ruark's heart raced in his chest, his opponent trying to avoid the killing blow by ducking and running aside. The blade missed him only by a hair, but he was unable to put any distance between himself and Ruark. And he still had no weapon!

He evades with 4 dice.

Ruark's attack: [roll0] TN 6 = 2 successes + 1 success from luck roll
Fencer's parry for 4 dice [roll1] TN 4 = 3 successes

It's a tie!

New round, new dice.

OOC: Since this will be the last match before the group fight I mentioned in OOC thread, I will roll also for the luck dice... and yes, he wasn't able to flee. Initiative stays with Ruark!
Luck: [roll2]

2016-03-04, 07:27 AM
OOC: Watch out - you are in unfavourable condition now. Count the dice - and you'll see. One possibility is to go full evasion, get a break in combat. Either get defensive stance to get additional dice, or go offensively (he's less armoured than you are). Other possibility - risk simultaneous block & strike manuever immediately (e.g. attack arms, he is not armoured there).

In order to switch from defence to attack, wouldn't I need to buy initiative first? Depending on the opponent's Per score, the cost of contesting alone might use up all of Kate's remaining dice.

2016-03-04, 07:31 AM
In order to switch from defence to attack, wouldn't I need to buy initiative first? Depending on the opponent's Per score, the cost of contesting alone might use up all of Kate's remaining dice.

No. You can switch to offence from defence freely. It's only the fact that your attack will land second that makes it risky - if your opponent rolls very good, you may not use the attack dice at all. And if you want it to land first, you need to steal initiative (and yes, it would be quite foolish to do so now). The thing is - with block you reduce his attack (and hopefully it won't get through the armor) and with attack - if you manage to hit - you make him lose few dice. It's second exchange, so you should use all remaining dice - and if you attempt to strike his arms, you get +1 to attack on his unarmored body part...

2016-03-04, 07:40 AM
No. You can switch to offence from defence freely. It's only the fact that your attack will land second that makes it risky - if your opponent rolls very good, you may not use the attack dice at all. And if you want it to land first, you need to steal initiative (and yes, it would be quite foolish to do so now). The thing is - with block you reduce his attack (and hopefully it won't get through the armor) and with attack - if you manage to hit - you make him lose few dice. It's second exchange, so you should use all remaining dice - and if you attempt to strike his arms, you get +1 to attack on his unarmored body part...

In that case, I think I'd better just block again. With only four dice remaining, I can't fully commit to a Simultaneous Block/Strike: Since that requires one pool to be exactly twice as large as the other. Maybe next time.

Kate could already tell that this man was faster than her. Breaking his guard would be tricky. For now, she continued to weather his assault, in the hopes of finding an opening.

Kate blocks with her remaining four dice.

Edit: On second thoughts, make that Full Evasion. I haven't tried that yet.

2016-03-04, 07:47 AM
In that case, I think I'd better just block again. With only four dice remaining, I can't fully commit to a Simultaneous Block/Strike: Since that requires one pool to be exactly twice as large as the other. Maybe next time.

Kate could already tell that this man was faster than her. Breaking his guard would be tricky. For now, she continued to weather his assault, in the hopes of finding an opening.

Kate blocks with her remaining four dice.

Kate carefully blocked soldier's strike with her shield. She was already sweating and the hit on her shield wasn't really gentle. But also he looked like they dumped a bucked over him and was breathing rather heavily.

Soldier's attack: [roll0] TN 6 = 2 successes
Kate's block: [roll1] TN 6 = 3 successes

1 net success for Kate! You get initiative, new round, new dice. Your attack?

OOC: Let's do an experiment - and go with both - I'll describe the result of sim.block&attack here . I'll assume first two dice for defence, third for attack. Fourth for added bonus to attack. Let's see how it would end :smallsmile:

Kate would get hit to shoulder, soldier has 2 successes, pushing his damage to 8 (5+1 for sword, +2 net successes). That's still under Kate's TO 5 + AV 4... no damage.

Kate would hit the soldier into forearm for 1 net success, damage (ST 5 + 1 for sword, 1 success). No armour on his side, TO 5. Level 2 wound - check Ruark's last hit on the fencer for the effects.

@Anyr - sorry, didn't notice it until now. We can take the roll as full evasion. It would be successful and it's now Initiative time! (or, if you want, you can continue with the new round).

2016-03-04, 07:55 AM
Impressed by the man's ability to keep up even when unarmed Ruark decided to finish the fight quickly. He saw no reason to hold back this time and put all his strength behind another swing, throwing caution to the wind.

OOC: Attack, Cut at head, 13 dice.

2016-03-04, 08:03 AM
Impressed by the man's ability to keep up even when unarmed Ruark decided to finish the fight quickly. He saw no reason to hold back this time and put all his strength behind another swing, throwing caution to the wind.

OOC: Attack, Cut at head, 13 dice.

Ruark's Headcutter :[roll0]

@Anyr - sorry, didn't notice it until now. We can take the roll as full evasion. It would be successful and it's now Initiative time! (or, if you want, you can continue with the new round).

2016-03-04, 08:04 AM
Ruark's Headcutter :[roll0]

@Anyr - sorry, didn't notice it until now. We can take the roll as full evasion. It would be successful and it's now Initiative time! (or, if you want, you can continue with the new round).

...and I forgot the fencer's rolls...so:

Terrain roll to pick up the sword: 2 dice against TN 7 [roll0] = 1 success!
Partial evasion for 9 dice: [roll1] TN 7 = 3 successes

Ruark's roll: 7 successes
Fencer's roll: 3 successes
4 net successes

The fencer attempted to duck under the blade, to pick up his sword. He succeeded at the latter, and sword in hand attempted to move back on his guard, but then Ruark's sword struck him to his jaw, splitting it open, destroying his throat and running all the way down to his ribcage. Ruark's blade was bathed in blood and fencer's dead body slumped to the ground...

2016-03-04, 08:28 AM
Triumphantly, Ruark threw his shield to the ground and cheered, arms in the air. "RUARK THE BARBER! ANYONE ELSE IN NEED OF A CLOSE SHAVE?!" After a few moments of enjoying the sudden rush of adrenaline that came with the glory of victory he picked his shield back up, a long with the fencer's side sword. It looked like a good one and probably was sharper than his own. He made his way off the arena and joined the rest on the sidelines, making ready for the group battle. His hands were shaking, but he tried to hide it as best he could.

2016-03-04, 09:13 AM
And the crowd goes wild! :smallbiggrin:

GM announcement of the day

I have added terrain rolls to the second post - feel free to check them and ask me if you don't understand. Now we should have the basics covered quite well - so feel free to test them here or in play.

The game will start on Sunday, so I'll not post so much as before - will need to do the preparations. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Also, please - update all charsheets. Include the weapon statistics (so I don't have to search for them in rulebook - it will speed up my response time). Your charsheets are linked at the table in OOC thread.

Combat arena will continue, but not so fast. I was planning to do a full combat simulation inside a building (as opposed to featureless arena), but we can skip that and do it later. However, if there are volunteers for something like that, I can work with it.

2016-03-04, 11:34 AM
Kafar falls to his ride side trying to dodge under the arc of the saber while swinging his rapier in a small circle to set up his parry. "Die dog? That's the best you can offer? I hope you fight better than that.", he retorts.

OOC: It was just a defensive stance, but he was giving a target so Kafar would know where the pirate was most likely to strike. I'll throw 6 dice +2 for defensive stance. Parry!

2016-03-04, 02:24 PM
Okay, Kate had taken her measure of this man now. Continuing to play defensively would only tire her out. She needed to attack while she was still fresh, and had the advantage of reach.

Kate throws RED. She devotes seven dice to a cut against her opponent's arms (and thus gets an extra dice on top of that).

2016-03-04, 04:09 PM
Kafar falls to his ride side trying to dodge under the arc of the saber while swinging his rapier in a small circle to set up his parry. "Die dog? That's the best you can offer? I hope you fight better than that.", he retorts.

OOC: It was just a defensive stance, but he was giving a target so Kafar would know where the pirate was most likely to strike. I'll throw 6 dice +2 for defensive stance. Parry!

Pirate's blade flew through the air, aimed at Kafar's shoulder, but Kafar caught it by his rapier, leading it aside. He then launched an attack of his own...

Pirate's diagonal cut [roll0] TN 6 = 3 successes
Kafar's parry [roll1] TN 6 = 5 successes

2 net successes for Kafar. He gains initiative. Second exchange?

OOC: Ok, no problem from my side. But the description was fitting also for the stance I mentioned :smallsmile:. I'll be posting the advanced stances during next week, feel free to check them.

As for the retort...ridicule? :smallsmile: Talking's a free action... :smallbiggrin:

Okay, Kate had taken her measure of this man now. Continuing to play defensively would only tire her out. She needed to attack while she was still fresh, and had the advantage of reach.

Kate throws RED. She devotes seven dice to a cut against her opponent's arms (and thus gets an extra dice on top of that).

The soldier seemed glad for the pause - he was sweaty and huffing when they disengaged. He awaited her attack - and attempted to knock her blade aside. He succeeded, and followed with a horizontal powerful slash...

White die, block open & strike for 8 dice (AC 2)

Kate's arm-cut: [roll2] TN 6 = 2 successes
Soldier's block open and strike: [roll3] TN 6 = 4 successes
2 net successes for soldier, he gains initiative and attacks with 2 additional dice:

He cuts horizontally for 4 dice. Your defence?

2016-03-04, 04:11 PM
:smallredface: I again messed the rolls...

Pirate's diagonal cut [roll0] TN 6
Kafar's parry [roll1] TN 6

Kate's arm-cut: [roll2] TN 6
Soldier's block open and strike: [roll3] TN 6[/QUOTE]

2016-03-04, 04:12 PM
:smallredface: :smallredface: :smallredface: I should go to bed.

Pirate's diagonal cut TN 6
Kafar's parry [roll0] TN 6

Kate's arm-cut: [roll1] TN 6
Soldier's block open and strike: [roll2] TN 6

2016-03-04, 04:31 PM
Wait, doesn't a cut to the arms add an extra die?

2016-03-04, 04:48 PM
Wait, doesn't a cut to the arms add an extra die?

I should really go to bed... :smallsigh:


2016-03-04, 04:52 PM
Kate uses her remaining 4 dice to fully evade.

2016-03-04, 05:04 PM
Kate uses her remaining 4 dice to fully evade.

That won't work - you can't use full evasion during exchange that follows after attack. I'll be going to bed now, before I mess up more rolls :smallsmile:

2016-03-04, 05:06 PM
That won't work - you can't use full evasion during exchange that follows after attack.

Ah, of course. This is exactly why these practice threads are a good idea. Okay, I'll block instead.

I'll be going to bed now, before I mess up more rolls :smallsmile:

Pleasant dreams...

2016-03-05, 04:24 AM
Ah, of course. This is exactly why these practice threads are a good idea. Okay, I'll block instead.

Pleasant dreams...

The soldier swung his sword in a wide circle, giving Kate enough time to prepare. She blocked his sword with ease and followed up...

Soldier's horizontal cut: [roll0] TN 6 = 0 successes
Kate's block: [roll1] = 2 successes

New round, new dice, Kate has initiative!

OOC: I'm back, and fresh. Gonna spend some time working on the adventure, but I should be available in the evening.

2016-03-05, 05:34 AM
Time to try another new trick. If she's fast enough, maybe Kate can create a fatal opening.

Kate will commit 6 dice to a Bind & Strike.

2016-03-05, 06:18 AM
Sorry, didn't have access for a bit. I'm back and ready to go.

2016-03-05, 05:06 PM
Time to try another new trick. If she's fast enough, maybe Kate can create a fatal opening.

Kate will commit 6 dice to a Bind & Strike.

The soldier seems already tired, losing speed, but this time he focuses on defence, making Kate's attempt unsuccessful.

He'll block with 7 dice.

Kate's bind & strike [roll0] TN 6
Soldier's block: [roll1] TN 6

1 net success for the soldier, he will continue with a cut for 3 dice for next exchange...

Sorry, didn't have access for a bit. I'm back and ready to go.

Feel free to select your opponent.

2016-03-05, 05:17 PM
Urukubarr points at the fencer and picks up his greatsword and starts circling.

White Dice

2016-03-05, 05:30 PM
1 net success for the soldier, he will continue with a cut for 3 dice for next exchange...

A cut to what?

2016-03-05, 07:08 PM
Urukubarr points at the fencer and picks up his greatsword and starts circling.

White Dice

The fencer studies Urukubarr's stance, movement and body proportions for few moments, and then nods. He draws a rapier, and stands against Urukubarr in a guard. He doesn't wait and attacks immediately - a quick lunge aimed at Urukubarr's torso.

OOC: Red die.

A thrust to chest for 6 dice.

A cut to what?

Cut to upper legs.

2016-03-06, 06:09 AM
Urukubarr understands and appreciates the dangers of a rapier and moves to counter.

8 dice

2016-03-06, 07:24 AM
Kate ignores the soldier's strike entirely: Relying on her armour to protect her. She devotes her remaining five dice to cutting his arms (thus getting six dice in total).

2016-03-06, 04:39 PM
Urukubarr understands and appreciates the dangers of a rapier and moves to counter.

8 dice

The fencer lunged forward, his weapon leading his lunge as if it were pulling him forward. Urukubarr swung his blade to meet the fencer's thrust, and was almost able to counter it - however, the fencer was too fast and Urukubarr didn't catch his weak part of blade so he could easily push it aside, which cost him a second that he needed to launch a counter. While he recovered his balance by stepping back, the fencer already launched another attack...

Fencer's thrust to heart: [roll0] TN 5 = 4 successes
Urukubarr's counter: [roll1] TN 7 = 4 successes

Tie, fencer retains his initiative. He'll continue with thrust to face for 7 dice.

If applicable, Urukubarr's counter: [roll2]

Kate ignores the soldier's strike entirely: Relying on her armour to protect her. She devotes her remaining five dice to cutting his arms (thus getting six dice in total).

Kate took a step aside and instead of blocking she brought her sword against the soldier's arm. She hit the back of his hand, her blade crushing it against the handle. He screamed and dropped the sword, with blood splattering the ground. Kate immediately sensed advantage, moving to attack...

Soldier's cut to upper legs[roll3] TN 6 = 0 successes
Kate's cut to arms: [roll4] TN 6 = 4 successes

Kate hits his hand!
Damage: 6 + 4 = 10
Damage resistance: TO 5 + AV 2 = 7
Level 3 wound: BL 6, shock 9 - WP, pain 6 - WP.

New round, new dice. Initiative is with Kate - her attack?

2016-03-06, 05:12 PM
His orcish blood ignites, battle is joined! Urukubarr decides to try and use finesse and brute strength in unison to perform a rota, deflecting his blade and coming back with a brutal cut.

Rota 10 dice- A countering technique described by Filippo Vadi (c. 1480). A cut wherein the back edge (filfalso) is quickly raised to smack or deflect an opposing blade prior to an immediate descending cut with the forward edge. The word “rota” comes from the verb “rotare”, which means “to turn”.

FYI, I didn't know and had to look it up myself.

Also, we had mentioned Urukubarr being so strong he could potentially one hand a greatsword. Where do we officially stand on that? And on that note, does his strength affect his unarmed/grapping/etc damages?

2016-03-06, 06:45 PM
Kate gave no further thought to defence. Her opponent was too overwhelmed to mount any real offensive. She devotes all 11 of her dice to an overhead strike.

2016-03-07, 08:01 AM
His orcish blood ignites, battle is joined! Urukubarr decides to try and use finesse and brute strength in unison to perform a rota, deflecting his blade and coming back with a brutal cut.

Rota 10 dice- A countering technique described by Filippo Vadi (c. 1480). A cut wherein the back edge (filfalso) is quickly raised to smack or deflect an opposing blade prior to an immediate descending cut with the forward edge. The word “rota” comes from the verb “rotare”, which means “to turn”.

FYI, I didn't know and had to look it up myself.

Also, we had mentioned Urukubarr being so strong he could potentially one hand a greatsword. Where do we officially stand on that? And on that note, does his strength affect his unarmed/grapping/etc damages?

As for the strength... yes, I can see he could potentially wield a greatsword as a longsword. Take TNs for longsword, length and damage for greatsword.

As for the unarmed damages, yes. The calculation of punch is ST - 2 or ST - 3 (I'm not around the books right now), so it affects them quite directly :smallsmile:.

As for the rota manuever - it works here too, it is similar to the counter, however the resulting attack is the same as the one that you defended against (e.g. if he cuts overhead vertical, you do the same in response).

The problem is - you spent all your dice during the first exchange (8 dice for defence, 2 for activation cost of counter), which means you have no dice to spend in this exchange. This would be a prime moment to use luck.
Or you can try to withstand the attack (but the attack being rapier to the face...I wouldn't).

Fencer's thrust: [roll0] TN 5 = 5 net successes
Damage: 5 from weapon + 5 for successes
Damage resistance: 6 from TO (no armour at face)
Damage level 4: BL 19, S 13, P 13-WP
Practically, you would be unable to move due to the immense pain of rapier lodged in your skull. The other thing would be the permanent results - damage of (1d6-1) to all mental attributes, unconsciousness.

For these cases there is the Luck SA. Or new charsheet.

Kate gave no further thought to defence. Her opponent was too overwhelmed to mount any real offensive. She devotes all 11 of her dice to an overhead strike.

The soldier mustered all strength he had in a half-hearted attempt for a block, but Kate's arm moved too fast and her sword struck like a lightning. The soldier didn't have time to properly raise his shield - and his scream was louder this time - she struck his shield arm, at shoulder, right between the scales, and tore open a wound on his flesh.

She overextended herself, but the soldier fell down on his knee, pain taking away his strength for a moment.

When she regained her balance, he already stood, but his legs were wobbly and he barely could move due to the pain.

Kate's overhead strike: [roll1] TN 6 = 7 successes
Soldier's block: [roll2] TN 6 = 2 successes

5 net successes for Kate!

Damage: 6+5
Damage resistance: 5 TO, 3 AV
Level 3 damage to shoulder: BL 5, S 6, P 7-WP
Currently his shock overflow is 6 + 2 points of pain from previous wound. That goes for next round. Then the shock goes away and only pain 5 will remain.
Since nobody had dice for second exchange, state the initiative!
...oh and Kate feels the sword heavy in her arms, each blow ringing in her ears and her shield-arm slowing down. Fatigue kicks in (lower CP by 1).

2016-03-07, 08:25 AM
Kate forgoes an attack and throws WHITE, for the sake of chivalry.

"The fight is clearly mine. Surrender, and it might still be possible to save your life."

2016-03-07, 08:44 AM
Kate forgoes an attack and throws WHITE, for the sake of chivalry.

"The fight is clearly mine. Surrender, and it might still be possible to save your life."

...the soldier surrenders. Congrats, that's second beaten opponent. I think we'll soon see how the group fares in combat :smallsmile:.

Question - are there any manuevers/mechanics that still need some explanation? Or even combat tactics?

2016-03-07, 11:37 AM
So yeah, lets do luck. It is practice after all! :smallbiggrin:

What are teh stats for longsword, or where can I find them?

2016-03-07, 12:40 PM
Good quality Longsword stats can be found in the weapon section here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20501433&postcount=54). If there are some other weapons people want on there just mention it. I don't plan on doing every weapon in the book but it will build over time so its a good link to keep.

Acrobatics: It says unarmored, so not even leather armor? I'm interested in the skill but that limit kills its usefulness.

Animal Guise: Can it be used to improve my chances for hunting? Easier to hunt if they can't detect me coming.


Weather Sense- is that generally a roll with MA? Nazir has had three days to study the rain, any idea when it will stop? :)

2016-03-07, 01:02 PM
Group stats is amazing and I love it. Much gratitude. How does I determine target numbers for weapons. As you see above, we're doing my greatsword skill with longsword TN.

2016-03-07, 03:04 PM
I added normal stat longsword and greatsword to the list. From there pick one of the items to be worse by one. I believe he listed these as choices:
Cut ATN, Thrust ATN, DTN, Cut Damage, Thrust Damage. After you've chosen I'll add a custom line for you.

2016-03-07, 03:06 PM
So yeah, lets do luck. It is practice after all! :smallbiggrin:

What are teh stats for longsword, or where can I find them?

...soooo, rewind back...

The fencer lunged forward, his weapon leading his lunge as if it were pulling him forward. Urukubarr swung his blade to meet the fencer's thrust, and was almost able to counter it - and while the fencer was fast, Urukubarr, in a display of fine control of his weapon, caught the weak part of fencer's blade so he could easily push it aside, which gave him the second that he needed to launch a counter. His blade, although quite heavy, moved with the lightness in half-orc's arms as it flew to meet his opponent.
The fencer's blade was knocked aside by the powerful cut Urukubarr launched. The fencer stood no chance - the blade entered his body near the collarbone and stopped at his spine, cracking every bone that stood in its way. Fencer's blood covered Urukubarr's blade, and his hands, as he tried to dislodge the sword from fencer's chest...

Fencer's thrust to heart: 4 successes
Urukubarr's counter:5 successes!
1 net success,
Urukubarr's counter: diagonal cut for 4 dice:
Fencer tries to parry for 7 dice.

Urukubarr's counter: [roll0] TN 6 = 1 success
Fencer's attempt to parry: [roll1] TN 8 = 0 successes

1 net for Urukubarr
Damage: 12
Damage resistance: TO 3, leather vest AV 2
Wound level 5 to the chest, instant death.

Good quality Longsword stats can be found in the weapon section here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20501433&postcount=54). If there are some other weapons people want on there just mention it. I don't plan on doing every weapon in the book but it will build over time so its a good link to keep.

Acrobatics: It says unarmored, so not even leather armor? I'm interested in the skill but that limit kills its usefulness.

Animal Guise: Can it be used to improve my chances for hunting? Easier to hunt if they can't detect me coming.


Weather Sense- is that generally a roll with MA? Nazir has had three days to study the rain, any idea when it will stop? :)

Acrobatics: I would allow leather vest, bracers and pants - if you take more armour, you receive penalty to the roll. Fine leather armour (the high-quality ones, even masterwork) could be your best choice.

Animal guise: yes. Though I usually assume a hunter masks his scent while hunting or moves against the wind. So it can be used, but the lower hunting you have, the less useful it will be. Mainly it will be to turn away guard dogs.

Meditation: used for calming down, improving healing, recovering fatigue and offseting morale penalties coming mostly from fear. Also useful for willpower-based skills as I normally allow a collected individual to put some more dice into them.

Weather sense - mainly WIT and MA. Wit for shorter terms, MA for longer ones. As for current weather - roll and I'll tell you :smallsmile:

Group stats is amazing and I love it. Much gratitude. How does I determine target numbers for weapons. As you see above, we're doing my greatsword skill with longsword TN.

TNs for weapons are set in Flower of Battle supplement.

I didn't have time to write it down, but if you ever get a sword made specifically for Urukubarr's hands, its stats (a good quality one) will be:
2h, L, ATN 6 cut 7 thrust DTN 6, damage ST +3 cut, ST thrust, blade type - heavy

At this time, you can choose between a battered and blunted longsword and the greatsword you have...
Battered Longsword: 2h, L, ATN 6 cut, 7 thrust, DTN 6, damage ST for both cut & thrust

EDIT: Thank you, Cavir! Again, you were faster than me :smallsmile:

2016-03-07, 03:38 PM
Cool, deff sticking with the greatsword, was just trying to translate the strength advantage to stats.

As for the fencer... hows he doing?

2016-03-07, 03:41 PM
Weather sense with MA: [roll0]

2016-03-07, 04:01 PM
Cool, deff sticking with the greatsword, was just trying to translate the strength advantage to stats.

As for the fencer... hows he doing?

...well, see above. I think he won't survive the greatsword sticking out of his chest :smallsmile:.

For Urukubarr, it's enough to hit once. If you hit, the combat usually ends. But as you can see, it can get easily the other way.

One advice: always leave at least 1 dice for second exchange.

Weather sense with MA: [roll0]

You think it will last overnight. But even this storm has to end someday - and you think it will calm down during next day.

2016-03-07, 05:58 PM
Yeah, I'm learning that. I don't feel like I'm making good judgements yet, more practice! Bring on the Pirate!!!

Urukubarr spots the drunken pirate curr and charges him and thrusts his greatsword for maximum distance -


6 dice!

2016-03-07, 10:54 PM
Fencer's attempt to parry: (7d10)[1][1][4][7][2][1][7](23) TN 8 = 0 successes

And that is exactly what concerned me about the rapier once I started understanding combat some. If we're doing more 1 on 1 combats, I'll go for more. I'm the weakest for melee so I better practice vs stronger enemies. I'll probably be the first PC to die in the arena but that's ok.

Leave the arena, rest, then go back in with sword drawn and face off verses the spear-wielding hunter. White die. Low Forward Stance.

Buckler + Bow, doable?

2016-03-08, 03:15 PM
Yeah, I'm learning that. I don't feel like I'm making good judgements yet, more practice! Bring on the Pirate!!!

Urukubarr spots the drunken pirate curr and charges him and thrusts his greatsword for maximum distance -


6 dice!

As I stated before (and I still stand by it), you chose the most difficult way of fighting. Grapple rules are not as difficult as in D&D, but they still need very specific build and good knowledge of the combat system to be used efficiently.

First question:
Charge is considered a "stance" in RoS, giving you +2 dice for the round (used only for attacks), but increasing the cost of defensive manuevers by 2. Did you mean this?

And second question: do you thrust to his torso?

And that is exactly what concerned me about the rapier once I started understanding combat some. If we're doing more 1 on 1 combats, I'll go for more. I'm the weakest for melee so I better practice vs stronger enemies. I'll probably be the first PC to die in the arena but that's ok.

Leave the arena, rest, then go back in with sword drawn and face off verses the spear-wielding hunter. White die. Low Forward Stance.

Buckler + Bow, doable?

The rapier is very good for offense and good for defense, but if you go against greatsword, you should not parry - you should dodge or attack. Really.

Buckler & bow - yes, but only if you swap hands - use left for rapier, right for buckler, but shoot as a right-handed person would (and take ambidextrity so you don't lose dice for using the off hand as primary).

The hunter approaches quite confidently. He stands into the guard and lunges forward, his thrust aimed at Nazir's breast.

Surprisingly: RED die! He thrusts at Nazir's torso for 6 dice.

One point - the opponent with lower REF states the stance first, giving advantage to the "faster" one to adapt his stance. This should be done before you throw dice if possible. If you chose the above-average fencer, I would use following Low forward guard covers legs up to groin very well (+3 CP for defence), middle part well (+2 CP) but shoulders, neck & head are vulnerable (-1 CP). Offensively, attacks at hand are at +2 CP, other than that you get -1 for thrusts and -2 for cuts., to take away the advantage you have.

...FYI the hunter is slower than Nazir and knows no stances except for the obvious neutral, aggressive and defensive...

2016-03-08, 03:22 PM
Yes and yes. I'm downloading the corebook later and educating myself. so +2 with charge sounds great to me.

2016-03-08, 03:30 PM
Yes and yes. I'm downloading the corebook later and educating myself. so +2 with charge sounds great to me.

...it sounds great until you have to defend. Then it starts to up the costs.

The pirate looks a bit surprised, but steps up to the challenge, baring his gold-plated teeth in a grim and drawing his cutlass, he prepares to receive the half-orc's thrust. However, Urukubarr's greatsword is not really balanced, resulting in his thrust being few inches away from his target, which stumbles drunkedly without even catching the half-orc's blade...

Counter for 9 dice.

Urukubarr's charge: [roll0] TN 8
Pirate's counter: [roll1] TN 7

Ok, in normal game this would have given you the "unluckiest roll of the day" prize. If there was one more 1 in the pirate's roll, he would have ended on the ground...

Second exchange? Urukubarr has still the initiative.

2016-03-08, 03:34 PM
Urukubarr's charge: (8d6)[4][2][4][3][3][2][2][3](23) TN 8
Pirate's counter: (9d6)[4][1][5][5][4][2][2][4][6](33) TN 7

Holy double failure LOL

Hmm... how to describe if both the attacker and defender fumble :smallbiggrin:
(I know, not a fumble here)

2016-03-08, 03:36 PM
Holy double failure LOL

Hmm... how to describe if both the attacker and defender fumble :smallbiggrin:
(I know, not a fumble here)

In this case: a miss and a mis-defence :smallsmile:

But yes. I once had a player with CP of 22 (including SAs), which he used for a devastating blow. No successes and 8 ones...

2016-03-08, 04:07 PM
Urukubarr pulls back his greatsword for a cut across the pirate's belly. Use up remaining dice.

2016-03-08, 11:25 PM
Low Forward Stance- do we know all stances by default?
Since Low Forward gives +2 CP vs midsection (which includes Zone XII chest) that should be effective vs his thrust to my chest I believe. I was thinking of attacking back with a cut to the hands (+2 CP) but now I see stances are only good for the first exchange. I guess that would be better if trying a Counter.

I'll parry with 6 dice, plus the stance bonus for 2 more, 8 total. Leaves me 2 dice (plus luck).

Buckler and bow. Huh, figured it would be better to have the buckler on the left arm since that would be the one held still/straight while firing.

Bastard sword is listed as 2-4 for Hilt. Can I have mine as 4? Is it not effective when wielded 1H or is that just weird listing in Flower (p176)?

2016-03-10, 10:49 AM
Urukubarr pulls back his greatsword for a cut across the pirate's belly. Use up remaining dice.

Pirate tries to escape the deadly blow, but Urukubarr's mighty swing catches him, cutting through the leather vest as if it were only a piece of paper. Pirate screams of pain, as his bowels fall to the floor, and he collapses just after them. Blood is everywhere and the foul stench of pirate's innards almost chokes the bystanders...

Full evasion: 1 die

Urukubarr's horizontal cut [roll0] TN6 = 2s
Pirate's [roll1] TN4 = 1s

1 net successes for Uruubarr
Damage: 12
Damage resistance: TO 5, leather 2
Damage level 5; BL 20, pain all, shock all

Low Forward Stance- do we know all stances by default?
Since Low Forward gives +2 CP vs midsection (which includes Zone XII chest) that should be effective vs his thrust to my chest I believe. I was thinking of attacking back with a cut to the hands (+2 CP) but now I see stances are only good for the first exchange. I guess that would be better if trying a Counter.

I'll parry with 6 dice, plus the stance bonus for 2 more, 8 total. Leaves me 2 dice (plus luck).

Buckler and bow. Huh, figured it would be better to have the buckler on the left arm since that would be the one held still/straight while firing.

Bastard sword is listed as 2-4 for Hilt. Can I have mine as 4? Is it not effective when wielded 1H or is that just weird listing in Flower (p176)?

Theoretically you know all stances. I usually play the opponents as smart/skillful as their CP/skill packet says. A fencer knows all stances, pirate only the basic ones, farmboy uses only the charge.

If you think about it - my stance would negates you advantage in defence. It's better to take a stance that either negates the advantage the opponent gains, or forces him to take disadvantage on his defence.

If you attacked the hands, my attack would land first - so the best way would be to steal initiative (the +2 dice for attack come handy then to offset the dice lost on stealing initiative). That would have reasonable chance of success given your dice pool.

Technically - I would allow you buckler but you would have penalties while shooting if you had it on your arm. If you had it on belt and strapped it on during a break in combat, no penalties.

The bastard sword... if you have a good quality one, you get hilt 3 - due to the crossguard. Or 4 - due to the rings as additional protection.
For poor quality - AV 2 is fine. And yes, while wielded 1-handed, it's less effective. I have one at home, so I can say - it's really made for 2 hands. If I swing it with both hands, it's pretty fast. One hand - slower and more unwieldy.

Hunter's chest-thrust [roll2] TN 6 = 1 success
Nazir's parry [roll3] TN6 = 6 successes
5 net successes for Nazir

I rolled the 2 additional dice in the roller thread. They came up 7 and 3.

The hunter launches his spear so slowly that Nazir parries it almost effortlessly.

Second exchange: Nazir has the initiative. Your action?

2016-03-10, 02:36 PM
Fantasizes about great axes.....

Urukubarr roars an orcish victory cry, "Blood feeds the earth!"

He points his sword at the sword-and-board soldier, "My sword is blunted, my apologies if I beat you to death"

RED DICE - Beat shield - 5 dice

2016-03-10, 09:11 PM
If you think about it - my stance would negates you advantage in defence. It's better to take a stance that either negates the advantage the opponent gains, or forces him to take disadvantage on his defence. [...]If you attacked the hands, my attack would land first

If we both chose Low Forward Stance, I don't understand how they cancel out since I did get the +2CP to defend against the chest thrust. My original thought was to then strike his hands in the second exchange but it finally got through my head that stances only affect the first exchange so that was a bad plan.

If you attacked the hands, my attack would land first
That was in case I rolled red, and because he had longer reach right?

Nazir parries the spear and moves in to stab right through the hunter's heart.

2 remaining dice plus using all 3 luck, -1 CP for reach = 4 dice thrust to Chest XII. Accuracy to move it to the Chest sub-area.

2016-03-11, 12:34 PM
Fantasizes about great axes.....

Urukubarr roars an orcish victory cry, "Blood feeds the earth!"

He points his sword at the sword-and-board soldier, "My sword is blunted, my apologies if I beat you to death"

RED DICE - Beat shield - 5 dice

...there was a huscarl axe at the original rpg page - a missing page from Flower of Battle.

So, basically a greataxe would be 2h, L, ATN cut 7, DTN 9, damage ST+3.

The soldier grabs a helmet, puts it on his head and draws his sword. He fastens his shield to his arm, adjusts the leather straps on his scale mail and walks towards Urukubarr.

"My sword is sharp. No apologies if I just kill you, half-breed!" he retorts as he prepares to receive Urukubarr's blow.

Block open the beat with 9 dice.

Urukubarr's beat [roll0] TN7
Soldier's block open [roll1] TN 6

If we both chose Low Forward Stance, I don't understand how they cancel out since I did get the +2CP to defend against the chest thrust. My original thought was to then strike his hands in the second exchange but it finally got through my head that stances only affect the first exchange so that was a bad plan.

That was in case I rolled red, and because he had longer reach right?

Nazir parries the spear and moves in to stab right through the hunter's heart.

2 remaining dice plus using all 3 luck, -1 CP for reach = 4 dice thrust to Chest XII. Accuracy to move it to the Chest sub-area.

Ah, you are correct and I wrote wrong stance.
High Forward - attacks by thrusts above midsection get +3 bonus to attacker, other thrusts get +1. Defence against overhead blows and high thrusts get +1, other defence is at -2.

The initiative would be such in case you rolled white and decided to attack. If you decided to throw red, you would strike at the same time - a roll of REF/ATN would decide who hits first.

Hunter attempts a parry for 6 dice.

Nazir's thrust [roll2] TN6
Hunter's parry [roll3] TN7

2016-03-11, 12:39 PM

Beat [roll0] TN 6 = 5 successes
Block open[roll1] TN 6 = 2 successes

3 net successes for Urukubarr!

Urukubarr swings the greatsword in a wide half-circle and when it strucks the soldier's shield, it does so with such power, it nearly tears it from his arm. The shield is thrown aside - while it remains in his hand, it is far enough to be useful...

Urukubarr retains initiative. The soldier has no dice left, so he just takes the next blow...

Thrust [roll2] TN 6 = nil successes
Parry [roll3] TN 7 = 1 success

The hunter whirls his spear and Nazir's attack is knocked aside. Hunter thrusts his spear, trying to hit Nazir's head...

The hunter gains initiative. New round, new dice. Thrust to head for 4 dice (+1 for AC). Your response?

2016-03-11, 01:32 PM
Calmly, yet quickly, Urukubarr thrusts his greatsword into the man's chest.

Use remaining 5 dice to thrust!

Woo! Thems some nice rolls.

2016-03-11, 01:43 PM
Calmly, yet quickly, Urukubarr thrusts his greatsword into the man's chest.

Use remaining 5 dice to thrust!

Woo! Thems some nice rolls.

As for the tactics/judgement: your thrust TN is quite high (8) - and the payoff in damage is also low. If you want to impale him, I agree that it makes sense from the IC point of view, but purely from OOC not really.

I would go for diagonal slash or disarm (the dis-arm).

Yes, that was a good roll :smallsmile:.

Let's see... I will need you to tell me where you thrust - chest? Legs? Arms? Belly? Head? sorry, forgot about the first sentence.

Urukubarr's thrust [roll0] TN 8 = 1 net success.
Damage = 9 - 1 for sword +1 for net success
Damage resistance: TO 5 + 3 for scale armour
Level 1 damage: no BL, S 9 - WP, P 5-WP

Urukubarr's sword hit the man square in the chest - and if it weren't for the scale armour, he would have ended him, as it would have struck the heart. However, the plates slowed the blade and slid it to the side, and even when he punched through, the tip of the sword was stopped by the ribs...

The soldier clenched his teeth, trying to overcome the pain...

New round, new dice. Urukubarr still has initiative and the soldier has very few dice. Your action?

2016-03-11, 02:19 PM
Urukubarr brings his sword back for a mighty diagonal slash, meaning the end the fight here and now.

He speaks in orcish to the man, "Your fight is over."

10 dice for the cut. I need to start declaring an offensive stance for that sweet 2 dice addition.

2016-03-11, 02:33 PM
Urukubarr brings his sword back for a mighty diagonal slash, meaning the end the fight here and now.

He speaks in orcish to the man, "Your fight is over."

10 dice for the cut. I need to start declaring an offensive stance for that sweet 2 dice addition.

The soldier brings up his shield in a vigourless attempt to block the swing. Urukubarr's attack breaks through the block with seemingly no effort and his blade strikes soldier's cheek, breaking his helmet, cutting inside his bones - opening his head up to his nose. Soldier's eyes dim and as Urukubarr unlodges his blade from his head, he falls to the ground, already dead.

Block - 5 dice

Urukubarr's cut: [roll0] TN6 = 6 successes
Soldier's block: [roll1] TN6 = 3 successes
3 net successes for Urukubarr!

Damage: 9 + 2 + 3
Damage resistance: 5 + 4
Level 5 wound: instant death!

Stances can be used only during first round or after a break in combat (e.g. after full evasion or both opponents having no dice.

2016-03-14, 02:33 PM
Thrust (4d10)[4][5][2][2](13) TN 6 = nil successes
Parry (6d10)[5][7][3][4][3][1](23) TN 7 = 1 success

The hunter whirls his spear and Nazir's attack is knocked aside. Hunter thrusts his spear, trying to hit Nazir's head...

The hunter gains initiative. New round, new dice. Thrust to head for 4 dice (+1 for AC). Your response?

Ouch, really needed to hit with my luck dice there. He's spending 5 dice total on this right? I'm going to try Counter with 7 dice (-2 CP = 5 dice).
If the counter is successful, Accuracy priorities for the Counter location (+/-2): Face, Disarm, Slash at V, Slash at II.

2016-03-31, 07:25 AM
Ouch, really needed to hit with my luck dice there. He's spending 5 dice total on this right? I'm going to try Counter with 7 dice (-2 CP = 5 dice).
If the counter is successful, Accuracy priorities for the Counter location (+/-2): Face, Disarm, Slash at V, Slash at II.

The hunter whirls his spear and Nazir's attack is knocked aside. Hunter thrusts his spear, trying to hit Nazir's head - and nearly hits him, the spear's tip almost scratches Nazir's cheek, but he manages to beat it aside - however, the impact sends him backwards a step, so he is not able to counter the attack.

The hunter smiles and steps forward, thrusting again, this time attempting to hit Nazir's belly.

Sorry it took so long :smallsmile:. Been drawned in other stuff.

Yes, he's using 5 dice total, 4 for attack, one for activation cost.

Hunter's thrust to the head: [roll0] TN 6 = 3 successes
Nazir's counter: [roll1] TN 6 = 3 successes

(if successful) Roll for counter: [roll2]

No net successes. Second exchange, Hunter retains initiative, attacks for 5 dice - belly thrust. Nazir's response?

2016-03-31, 11:56 AM
His good roll there might just be the death of me even though there was no damage. Using my new proficiency level (from character adjustments) and new luck (+1 gained) I have 10-7 (spent) +1 (luck) = 4 dice left. Does attempting a counter last exchange preclude a full evasion here? I'll Full Evade if I can (TN4) or parry if I can't (TN 6) for 4 dice either way.

"Looks like my luck is starting to rub off on you. I'm just going to have to take it back."

2016-04-01, 05:37 AM
His good roll there might just be the death of me even though there was no damage. Using my new proficiency level (from character adjustments) and new luck (+1 gained) I have 10-7 (spent) +1 (luck) = 4 dice left. Does attempting a counter last exchange preclude a full evasion here? I'll Full Evade if I can (TN4) or parry if I can't (TN 6) for 4 dice either way.

"Looks like my luck is starting to rub off on you. I'm just going to have to take it back."

The hunter whirls his spear and Nazir's attack is knocked aside. Hunter thrusts his spear, trying to hit Nazir's head - and nearly hits him, the spear's tip almost scratches Nazir's cheek, but he manages to beat it aside - however, the impact sends him backwards a step, so he is not able to counter the attack.

The hunter smiles and steps forward, thrusting again, this time attempting to hit Nazir's belly.

Nazir tries to get out of Hunter's reach, but the hunter's lunge hits and spear's tip enters Nazir's side - he feels it enter the flesh and small explosion of pain erupts in his side just over the hip.

He tries to ignore it, but notices his own blood on huter's spear as he readies for another attack, this time to finish him!

Nope, counter is defensive manuever. Full evasion is forbidden only if you did an offensive manuever in previous exchange.

Hunter's thrust to belly: [roll0] TN6 = 3 successes
Nazir's full evasion: [roll1] TN4 = 2 successes

1 net success for hunter!

Damage rating: 6 (weapon) + 1 net success
Damage reduction: TO 4
Damage level 3 to belly - hits flesh to the side!
Lucky you!
BL 3, shock 5, pain 6-WP

New round, new dice! Initiative is with the Hunter
Thrust to the head for 8 dice (+1 for activation cost)

2016-04-01, 06:11 AM
New round so I'll need to roll BL first right?
[roll0] TN 3

shock 5, pain 3 so my CP is down to 2 this round. I don't see King Arthur's primary defensive move (Run Away!) so I'll otherwise have to try full evasion against for 1 die but I think I am about to become an ex-parrot halfling :smalleek:

If this was IC, if I used all my Luck for extra dice, can I then spend a Luck to get an automatic success or am I just Out of Luck (Elan: Dun Dun DUN!)

2016-04-01, 06:14 AM
New round so I'll need to roll BL first right?
[roll0] TN 3

shock 5, pain 3 so my CP is down to 2 this round. I don't see King Arthur's primary defensive move (Run Away!) so I'll otherwise have to try full evasion against for 1 die but I think I am about to become an ex-parrot halfling :smalleek:

If this was IC, if I used all my Luck for extra dice, can I then spend a Luck to get an automatic success or am I just Out of Luck (Elan: Dun Dun DUN!)

You can still spend Luck even if you used it for extra dice. But it's gone :smallsmile:.

On the other hand... no, you have 10 CP, correct?

With shock 5 it's 5.

Pain will come after the shock is gone :smallsmile:

2016-04-01, 07:14 AM
4 dice for Full Evade and Run while the shock wears off.
1 dice leftover.

2016-04-01, 07:17 AM
4 dice for Full Evade and Run while the shock wears off.
1 dice leftover.

The hunter whirls his spear and Nazir's attack is knocked aside. Hunter thrusts his spear, trying to hit Nazir's head - and nearly hits him, the spear's tip almost scratches Nazir's cheek, but he manages to beat it aside - however, the impact sends him backwards a step, so he is not able to counter the attack.

The hunter smiles and steps forward, thrusting again, this time attempting to hit Nazir's belly.

Nazir tries to get out of Hunter's reach, but the hunter's lunge hits and spear's tip enters Nazir's side - he feels it enter the flesh and small explosion of pain erupts in his side just over the hip.

He tries to ignore the sharp pain in his side, but notices his own blood on huter's spear as he readies for another attack, this time to finish him!

The hunter lunges forward once again, this time aiming at Nazir's head. Nazir attempts to duck below the thrust, to run to the side and he succeeds - partially.

He ducked under the thrust, but as he attempted to move sideways, the pain in his side got worse, and he gasped for breath for a moment. He couldn't move far enough to put sufficient space between him and the hunter, but he breathed in deeply and found the pain to subside a bit. But he had no time to spare - he had to dodge another attempt at his life!

The hunter swung his spear, attempting to hit him across his arms...

Hunter's thrust [roll0] TN6 = 2 successes
Nazir's evasion [roll1] TN4 = 2 successes

0 net successes! Hunter keeps the initiative, second exchange.

He swings the spear trying to hit Nazir's arms for whopping 1 die (+1 for attack to arms)!
Nazir's defence? We are close to next round!

2016-04-01, 02:32 PM
Nazir keeps up the evasion as he wills himself to start ignoring the injury, at least somewhat.
Full evade for 1 die. TN4

2016-04-16, 05:26 AM
The hunter whirls his spear and Nazir's attack is knocked aside. Hunter thrusts his spear, trying to hit Nazir's head - and nearly hits him, the spear's tip almost scratches Nazir's cheek, but he manages to beat it aside - however, the impact sends him backwards a step, so he is not able to counter the attack.

The hunter smiles and steps forward, thrusting again, this time attempting to hit Nazir's belly.

Nazir tries to get out of Hunter's reach, but the hunter's lunge hits and spear's tip enters Nazir's side - he feels it enter the flesh and small explosion of pain erupts in his side just over the hip.

He tries to ignore the sharp pain in his side, but notices his own blood on huter's spear as he readies for another attack, this time to finish him!

The hunter lunges forward once again, this time aiming at Nazir's head. Nazir attempts to duck below the thrust, to run to the side and he succeeds - partially.

He ducked under the thrust, but as he attempted to move sideways, the pain in his side got worse, and he gasped for breath for a moment. He couldn't move far enough to put sufficient space between him and the hunter, but he breathed in deeply and found the pain to subside a bit. But he had no time to spare - he had to dodge another attempt at his life!

The hunter swung his spear, attempting to hit him across his arms, but he overstepped and the swing went to the side, which was good - Nazir also almost fell as he jumped to the side...

Hunter's thrust [roll0] TN8 = 0 successes
Nazir's evasion [roll1] TN4 = 0 successes

0 net successes! Hunter still has the initiative, new round, new dice.

Remember, you get Pain 3.

2016-04-21, 07:49 PM
Hunter still has the initiative, new round, new dice.
So he would declare first right?

2016-04-25, 08:47 AM
Correctamundo, sir! :smallsmile:

The hunter whirls his spear and Nazir's attack is knocked aside. Hunter thrusts his spear, trying to hit Nazir's head - and nearly hits him, the spear's tip almost scratches Nazir's cheek, but he manages to beat it aside - however, the impact sends him backwards a step, so he is not able to counter the attack.

The hunter smiles and steps forward, thrusting again, this time attempting to hit Nazir's belly.

Nazir tries to get out of Hunter's reach, but the hunter's lunge hits and spear's tip enters Nazir's side - he feels it enter the flesh and small explosion of pain erupts in his side just over the hip.

He tries to ignore the sharp pain in his side, but notices his own blood on huter's spear as he readies for another attack, this time to finish him!

The hunter lunges forward once again, this time aiming at Nazir's head. Nazir attempts to duck below the thrust, to run to the side and he succeeds - partially.

He ducked under the thrust, but as he attempted to move sideways, the pain in his side got worse, and he gasped for breath for a moment. He couldn't move far enough to put sufficient space between him and the hunter, but he breathed in deeply and found the pain to subside a bit. But he had no time to spare - he had to dodge another attempt at his life!

The hunter swung his spear, attempting to hit him across his arms, but he overstepped and the swing went to the side, which was good - Nazir also almost fell as he jumped to the side...

The hunter is relentless, pushing Nazir back with another quick jab, aimed at his head.

OOC: Thrust for 3 at head.
Nazir's defence?

2016-04-28, 08:31 PM
CP10 - 3 for pain =7
Using all but one die for a Counter. 2 dice for execution = rolling 4 dice. TN6

Is there anything for trying to ignore the Pain? If so, yes please!

2016-05-01, 05:21 AM
The hunter whirls his spear and Nazir's attack is knocked aside. Hunter thrusts his spear, trying to hit Nazir's head - and nearly hits him, the spear's tip almost scratches Nazir's cheek, but he manages to beat it aside - however, the impact sends him backwards a step, so he is not able to counter the attack.

The hunter smiles and steps forward, thrusting again, this time attempting to hit Nazir's belly.

Nazir tries to get out of Hunter's reach, but the hunter's lunge hits and spear's tip enters Nazir's side - he feels it enter the flesh and small explosion of pain erupts in his side just over the hip.

He tries to ignore the sharp pain in his side, but notices his own blood on huter's spear as he readies for another attack, this time to finish him!

The hunter lunges forward once again, this time aiming at Nazir's head. Nazir attempts to duck below the thrust, to run to the side and he succeeds - partially.

He ducked under the thrust, but as he attempted to move sideways, the pain in his side got worse, and he gasped for breath for a moment. He couldn't move far enough to put sufficient space between him and the hunter, but he breathed in deeply and found the pain to subside a bit. But he had no time to spare - he had to dodge another attempt at his life!

The hunter swung his spear, attempting to hit him across his arms, but he overstepped and the swing went to the side, which was good - Nazir also almost fell as he jumped to the side...

The hunter is relentless, pushing Nazir back with another quick jab, aimed at his head, to which Nazir responds with a quick flick of his blade, aimed for his defence...

...but his blade fails him again, and he feels sharp pain as the spear tip enters his cheek. Blood gushes into his throat - his own blood - and he can only watch the hunter attack him once again...

Hunter's jab [roll0] TN 6 = 2 successes
Nazir's counter [roll1] TN 6 = 1 success

1 net success for Hunter!

Hit location (if applicable) [roll2] = head
Counter (if applicable) [roll3]

Damage rating: 6 (weapon) + 1 net success
Damage reduction: TO 4
Damage level 3 to head!
BL 8, shock 10, pain 9-WP

Roll knockout at -3 die against TN of 8. If you fail, you are out of combat for 1d10 seconds, if you fumble (no successes, more than two 1s), it's 1d10x10 minutes. Basically, if you fail, and there is nobody to save you, you are finished.

If your pain is higher than your CP, you can only fall to your knees or to the ground (your choice) and await your demise, as the pain will prevent you from fighting back...

Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about the pain in the middle of the combat.
Some drugs or herbs could numb the pain temporarily. Also, a meditation before combat could give you "pain tolerance" for few rounds, but nothing that can be done right now.

2016-05-02, 06:19 AM
Yup, didn't expect to win this one. Even if I make the KO roll I'll be at Pain 9, down to CP of 1. Glad I got some armor IC.
[roll0] TN8 of KO'd

2016-05-02, 06:31 AM
Yes. If you want a rematch, feel free to use current stats.

Also - do you know what you could have done different? Should we do a breakdown of this match?

2016-05-02, 06:38 AM
Would love the guidance, and would probably help everyone.

2016-05-02, 07:20 AM
I re-checked the match and must say you didn't do many mistakes. At least not many of those standard ones.

You did one, quite soon in the match - using all Luck to add to your attack was not the best way to spend it. It would have maybe saved you from the first blow you received, which could change the whole match quite significantly. Also, in this case - when you have just few dice, it pays off to go for the arms, to get one additional die. It's maybe the "slow" way, but it helps. Also - if he had a shield, cutting his lower legs would have been a way to increase chances of hitting.

I would have used Luck point to get 1 net success on the first counter. He would have 5 dice to defend against your 7, which is a good chance of inflicting some damage.

Also, evasive attack is a good thing to do once in a while - and from defensive manuevers, expulsion. Against thrusting weapons it's even better than counter - however, in your case it wouldn't save Nazir.

So, overall - the dice were on my side this time. So, let's do a rematch and we'll see.

Enter the arena (after getting patched-up) and state initiative.

The hunter is already waiting, spear in his hand...

2016-05-02, 11:50 AM
In Post #160 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20523179&postcount=160), making that a counter instead of a parry and use my luck (which was earlier than when I actually used the luck), that was probably my best chance to take a risk and get the first cut in.

I would have used Luck point to get 1 net success on the first counter.
Yup, I see that now.

it pays off to go for the arms

evasive attack and expulsion - I don't get those until higher levels

Nazir's body is carried off the field. Just outside the gate a stranger "accidentally" bumps into the stretcher bearers and all go tumbling to the ground. In the pile, the stranger discreetly pops a pill into the corpse's mouth. Everyone (except the halfling corpse of course) gets back up and the local guards surround the troublemaker, ready to grab him. As the stranger stutters apologies there is a moan from the ground. The stranger points and calls out "Look! He was only almost dead!" Everyone turns their attention to the halfling who is slowly sitting up. The halfling can't believe it either and cries out "It's a miracle!" The guards turn back to the troublemaker to find that he took the distraction to disappear into the crowd.

Nazir stands up, finding all of his wounds gone but his memories intact. Determined to try again he goes back to the gate, collects his belongings that were in the no-longer-needed-by-owner pile, and re-enters the arena. He looks to the hunter. "The luck of the Fey has come back to haunt you." He advances so that he has room to maneuver.

Questions... I started off with one then it kept growing :smallredface:

If we both attack and:
- I choose Beat, he chooses a thrust
- I win the reflex roll to strike first
- I am successful in my attack
Does the reduced CP get taken from that attack or just the remaining CP he has for the second exchange?
If I win the beat but he has dice left for his attack that same exchange, then I have no dice to defend his attack with?
Beat uses Cut ATN only?

Similar Q for if we both go Red and I try a Stop Short and strike first, does the CP penalty affect his first round exchange dice if I strike first? If I use 3 dice for the maneuver:
I roll WP (3) with TN= his PER (I'm guessing around 5)
He rolls Reflex with TN= 7+dice spent = 10 (he'll have more dice but much higher TN)
Another scenario- Let's say he rolled white and I win that by 2 so his CP is -2 next exchange. But since he didn't spend any dice during the Stop Short he still has his full CP-2 for the 2nd exchange? Seems like Stop Short is hard to make it worthwhile.

For Beat or Stop Short, does that affect range? (if successful am I in my prime range and he's at a disadvantage with the longer reach?)

chargers get a +2 CP bonus to attack or -2 CP for any defense. Yes, you can declare a charge to be aggressive or defensive
The +2 to attack for aggressive I understand, but if you choose a defensive charge then why is it a -2 CP to defense or am I reading that wrong?

2016-05-03, 01:47 PM
@Cavir - the counter wouldn't be so effective, since it takes opponent's successes to next exchange. Expulsion would be better, taking the dice away from him. However, due to low proficiency, it's not possible (see, that's why I advised to take higher sword, lower bow proficiency :smallsmile:).

Hunter's eyes open wide when he notices the halfling. He however quickly sobers up and settles into combat stance with his spear at ready...



Answers (and don't worry, we're here to give you the answers...):

If we both attack and:
- I choose Beat, he chooses a thrust
- I win the reflex roll to strike first
- I am successful in my attack
Does the reduced CP get taken from that attack or just the remaining CP he has for the second exchange?
If I win the beat but he has dice left for his attack that same exchange, then I have no dice to defend his attack with? Yes.
Beat uses Cut ATN only? Yes.

Similar Q for if we both go Red and I try a Stop Short and strike first, does the CP penalty affect his first round exchange dice if I strike first? If I use 3 dice for the maneuver:
I roll WP (3) with TN= his PER (I'm guessing around 5)
He rolls Reflex with TN= 7+dice spent = 10 (he'll have more dice but much higher TN)

If you both go red and you try stop short, he will hit you. It only works if he threw white and is expecting an attack = he'll miss the chance to attack because you "scare him".

The best advantage of stop short is that - if you go red/white - it disallows the defender to go offensive and takes some dice from his next round.

Another scenario- Let's say he rolled white and I win that by 2 so his CP is -2 next exchange. But since he didn't spend any dice during the Stop Short he still has his full CP-2 for the 2nd exchange? Seems like Stop Short is hard to make it worthwhile.

It's worthwhile in the "hour of highest need". I will show you in next combat :smallsmile:

For Beat or Stop Short, does that affect range? (if successful am I in my prime range and he's at a disadvantage with the longer reach?) Beat - yes, stop short - no (you didn't hit him). Also, beat halves the range penalty (you are attacking the "weak part" of his weapon).

The +2 to attack for aggressive I understand, but if you choose a defensive charge then why is it a -2 CP to defense or am I reading that wrong?
The -2 to defense means that if you charge and decide to parry, you'll get -2 dice. If you do a "defensive" charge, the bonus for attack is lowered to +1 and the penalty to defense to -1, as you are not charging in full speed, just cautiously...

Hopefully I was able to explain it :smallsmile:. If not, ask away - we're here to learn.

2016-05-14, 07:36 PM
"You'll have to hit harder this time."

White die.

2016-06-01, 10:43 AM
Gregor walks into the arena dressed like a luckless peasant who needs to score big. He brought a quarterstaff that a previous mark no longer needed (along with various poky things under his large potato-sack like garb), and out of the corner of his eye he spied his mark: Jimmy the above average fencer. In order to maintain his cover however, he will work his way up the ranks the hard way. He's planning to play the role of the fool on a streak of luck, or at least so long as the role serves him. He could always come back another day under a different guise...

Taking short shuffling steps, Gregor singles out his target: the bag of hay!

CP=reflex+pole arm proficiency (daggers-4)=8
Acting: Social/TN of 5: [roll0] = 2 successes
Disguise: WIT/TN of 6: [roll1]= 4 successes

Squaring his shoulders before the bag, Gregor takes a defensive stance and makes an overhead swing! "Aaa!!!"

OOC: 4 dice Strike to Zone V (-2 for defensive stance)= 2 dice strike TN 7

[roll2] = 0 successes

If he hits: Damage = 4 STR (he's purposely holding back)+successes
If he misses: Speaks for itself

After his display he visually tries to calm himself, then makes fleeting eye contact with the strong peasant. "Y-y-you wanna' go, buddy?"