View Full Version : Misspelled spells :)

2016-02-27, 05:06 PM
Background information:

EvilAnagram's Sinister Misspelling
6th-level evocation

Casting Time 1 reaction, when you see a creature within 90 feet of you casting a spell.
Range 90 feet
Components V
Duration Instantaneous

You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell. If the creature is casting a spell of 6th level or lower, you can add, remove or change up to two letters from the spell's name in order to change its effect. For example, you could change a Fly spell into a Fry spell, which might deal fire damage to the target, or a Flee spell that causes them to become frightened. The new effect is determined by the DM; it should be roughly equivalent in power to the slot level used to cast the original spell, and uses the original caster's spellcasting ability to determine any attack bonus or save DC that might be appropriate. If the original caster is casting a spell of 7th level or a higher, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell's level. On a success you may modify the spell as if it were 6th level or lower.

At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the interrupted spell can be changed without requiring a check as long as its level is less than or equal to the level of the spell slot you used.[/COLOR]

meteor swap
indominate person
dispel tragic
bestow purse
speak with pants
stinking cod
find the math
project imagine
power word stan
power word sun
power word fill
truck polymorph
charge elf
cat emotions
prayer of stealing
zone of ruth
animate head
feign wreath
freedom movement
legend lure
blade carrier
word of decal
plane shaft
produce flan
detect poison and disuse
flame bladder
pike growth
all lightning
water beating
wall of far
antilike shell
planar winding
walk of stone
wall of stun
find steak
shield of fail
divine flavor
death bard
destructive smile
true strip

man, this is just the gift that keeps on giving... i'm pretty sure it's all kinds of broken. but now i really want to see this spell in action.

That's why I put the clause "the new effect is determined by the DM; it should be roughly equivalent in power to the slot level used to cast the original spell" in there. It's no more broken than Wish is :smallwink:





Time Cop
Tom of Vengeance
Prismatic Mall
Wall of Corns
Wall of Rice
Wall of Fart
Word of Call
Wind Sulk
Primordial Wart
Planar Al
True Peeing

So I figure, this spell needs a thread of its own to see what kind of madness we can come up with.

Optionally, in addition to posting entertaining spell name changes, you may feel inclined to write up a spell effect for your own or someone else's spell. feel free to do so.

(oh, and if you think the original spell might not be obvious, i would ask that you mention the spell you're changing from as well as the spell you're changing to; there are undoubtedly all kinds of interesting things you can do with, say, "bane", but i'm not going to immediately recognize the origin spell for "ban", "bone", "bond", "bark", etc the way i will immediately recognize, say, primordial wart).

2016-02-27, 05:17 PM

Time Shop - where time is money!
Tasha's Hideous Daughter - summons a repulsive woman to frighten your enemies.
Sheep - summons one domestic sheep. The caster has no control over it.
Leomund's Secret Cheat - gets you past that really hard level of Super Mario.
Insect Plaque - creates a commemorative plaque with exotic insects mounted on it. Much educational.
Meditate (from Levitate) - grants the caster deep philosophical insights, but they can't move or use their senses for the duration.
Glyph of Barding - any animal that stand on this glyph gains plate barding, but only as long as they stay on the glyph.

2016-02-27, 05:41 PM
Definitely want a party member casting Aid which is surely the easiest of the lot to find a million uses with:

Just a few quickies,


Tasha's Hideous Daughter
Ok I think we have a winner already.

2016-02-27, 06:03 PM
Ok I think we have a winner already.

Heh, I can't take credit for that one. I've seen at least three other people mention it before. Just thought I'd get it into this thread early.

2016-02-27, 06:03 PM
Ok I think we have a winner already.

would be even better in 2nd edition (tasha's uncontrollable hideous daughter)

2016-02-27, 06:03 PM
Sacred Blame - Target must make a wisdom saving throw or be subject to profound guilt. Cleric's Vicious Mockery.
Shape Waiter - Allows you to alter one of the target's significant physical features, but can only be cast on people who work in food service.
Dog Cloud - Fills a 20' radius with a huge number of tiny dogs, passing through the space occupied by the spell costs double movement.
Dancing Knights (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0706.html)

2016-02-27, 06:14 PM
Sacred Blame - Target must make a wisdom saving throw or be subject to profound guilt. Cleric's Vicious Mockery.

It's a domain spell for Catholic priests. :smalltongue:

A few more...

Midge Armour - invisible forcefield protects you from midges.
Ray of Fresh - all objects in a 30' line gain some sweet '80s style.
Bacon of Hope - obviously.
Teleportation Cycle - conjures a bicycle that teleports the rider if they pedal really hard.

2016-02-27, 08:49 PM
Ray of Floss - You can finally get that bit of chicken out from between your teeth
Minor Delusion - The caster is now slightly nuts.
Hunger of Hagar - Van Halen's second singer shows up with an empty stomach.
Cure Words - You know the lyrics to all songs by The Cure
Curse Wounds - The injury gets slightly worse, and target must make a CON save or start swearing

2016-02-27, 09:00 PM
Fire Ball - any Fire Elementals are forced to waltz around the room.

2016-02-27, 09:06 PM
I mentioned this in the other thread just now, but:

Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Milking

I don't want to think about its effect, but I can't stop.

2016-02-27, 09:28 PM
Fire Ball - any Fire Elementals are forced to waltz around the room.

Alternatively, everyone is forced to buy tickets to a charity event hosted by the fire dept.

2016-02-27, 09:32 PM
Curdle Wounds
Shocking Gross
Conjure Valley

2016-02-27, 10:36 PM
Find Stud - Even paladins need some loving.
Magic Michael - Find Stud for wizards.
Hunk - Find Stud for warlocks.
Grant Ward - Find Stud for bards.
Thor Mature Gee - Find Stud for clerics.
Thor's Whip - Find Stud for kinky druids.
Conjure Barney - Find Stud for rangers.
Charles Touch - Find Stud for sorcerers.

2016-02-28, 12:02 AM
Eldritch Blast is...

Aldrich Blast (poor Al, that looks like it hurt)
Eldritch Boost
Eldritch Bast
Eldritch Base
Old Rich Blast
Eldritch Bless
Elder Itch Blast
Eldritch Last
Eldritch Class
Eldritch Fast

the list is long...

2016-02-28, 12:46 AM

Tasha's Hideous Daughter
I laughed unreasonably hard at this.... (And speak with pants)

As for a contribution:

Erupting Girth
Swab (web)
Wall of Waiters
Fleas (geas)
Reverse Brevity
Modify Mammary

2016-02-28, 02:15 AM
Flierbolt. (Some people would know it as Flyerbolt.)

2016-02-28, 08:18 AM
Leomund's Tiny Hat

2016-02-28, 08:49 AM
Dog Cloud - Fills a 20' radius with a huge number of tiny dogs, passing through the space occupied by the spell costs double movement.

Doge Storm! An allergic person's worst spell! I'm pretty sure I'd also be worthless in that fight after that spell would be cast, I'm a sucker for tiny dogs. Too cute.

Anyhoo, my contributions:

Speak With the Dad - Find out just how bad a kid your big bad was while growing up, or get all the embarrassing secrets on somebody. Dads have the best blackmail.

Godberry - Behold, the god of berries! And don't you dare try to eat him!

2016-02-28, 09:12 AM
Definitely want a party member casting Aid which is surely the easiest of the lot to find a million uses with:

Just a few quickies,


Ok I think we have a winner already.

Let's not forget AIDS.

2016-02-28, 09:20 AM
Otto's Irresistible Dunce - as Glibness, but only functions on those with a negative Intelligence modifier.
Disguise Melf - Only works on a certain Archmage.
Dominate Munster - a useful way to start taking over Ireland.
Dominate Münster - ditto, but for Germany.
Protection From Poisson - invaluable when facing Aboleth, Kraken, or the dreaded Carp.
Spirit Grauniad - Inflicts poor editing, middle classness and an obsession with London on a failed save.
Prismatic Spay - Ouch. That poor cat...
Geese - Ayup (https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2014-02/enhanced/webdr07/5/13/enhanced-21058-1391626441-2.jpg).

2016-02-28, 09:22 AM
Rogues (from Tongues) - summons a pair of thieves who rob your enemies.
Blue Polymorph - as True Polymorph, but all results are blue in colour.
Cymbal - makes a loud crashing noise.
Stone Shake - as Earth Tremor.
Spirit Al's Weapon - it's a tommy gun.
Thinking Cloud - provides random snippets of wisdom that always seem to be more than the sum of their parts.
Sunburn - deals really minor fire damage.
Twist Quiver - your enemies' quivers get really knotted so that they take longer to put on in the morning.
Speak, Witty Plants - encourages plants to try their hands (leaves?) at stand-up.
Silent Mage - like Simulacrum, but the copy can't perform verbal components.
Rending - tears things apart, probably not what the caster wanted when they cast Sending.
Sparechange - conjures a few coppers. Very disappointing for a 9th-level slot.
Chromatic Orc - just because it's colourful, doesn't mean it isn't dangerous!
Otto's Irresistable Dane - summons a hunky viking!

Shining Wrath
2016-02-28, 09:36 AM
ThunderCave: like Thunderwave, but aimed behind the caster. Requires constitution save to avoid the poisoned condition.
Water Balk: stops flowing water.
Warding Bomb: don't go near it!
Garage Arcane: creates a safe space for storage of flying carpets.
Chili Touch: covers the target in delicious sauce.
Bog Cloud: Summons a swamp, drops it from above.
Cold Person: Makes target shiver uncontrollably.
Evard's Slack Tentacles: huge, menacing tentacles lie about on the floor, complaining that they can't find a job.
Flesh to Stale: the target smells as though they are well past their sell-by date, giving beasts disadvantage on attack rolls.

2016-02-28, 10:00 AM
Let's not forget AIDS.

I figured someone would come along and make that contribution without my having to. :smalltongue:

Sredni Vashtar
2016-02-28, 10:30 AM
Fold Person - Great for yoga instructors!
Bigby's Crushing Fish - Giant fish falls out of the sky onto targeted area.
Bigby's Interposing Ham - Same as the original, only delicious.
Droidcraft - Builds a small robot.
Ireball - Creatures within targeted area dislike you.
Slap - Counters/dispels Sleep.

2016-02-28, 01:15 PM
New bard cantrips!

Blade Word- minor slashing damage on the target that can hear you
Dancing Wights- Otto's Dance with limited targetting options
Fiends- minor demon summoning
Lift- when you're too lazy to take stairs
Wage Hand- conjures payment for services rendered
Blending- why mix something manualy when you have magic?
Massage- nice way to relax after hard day of adventuring
Minnow Illusion- good for fishing bait
Press This Station- shows you where to catch your favorite song on the radio
Thunderslap- single target only
True Shrike- summons really hardcore songbird. Not an illusion
Vicious Monkey- conjures angry simian for the same result

2016-02-28, 03:54 PM
a massage spell would be amazing. i'd totally grab magic initiate just for that alone.

2016-02-29, 07:20 PM
Destructive Waif (destructive wave)

Phantasmal Farce (phantasmal force)

Witch Belt (witch bolt)

Burning Hinds (burning hands)