View Full Version : DM Help Good City Based Adventure Hooks

Fatty Tosscoble
2016-02-29, 06:52 PM
I've set my adventure in a big city; big enough that even after multiple sessions only small bits of it have been explored. In my hurry to design my city I have neglected to fill it with things to do. Now I'm begging for the help of the Playground patrons to help me cultivate Some good side quests or even main quests to throw at my players.

Note: The city is so big that not only are their the generic slums, homes, and shops, but their are:

Privatized prisons (where you can pay for people to be locked up)
Markets occupied by gypsies
Urban farms
Indoor fish farms
A store which sells robots like Monodrones
A entire store that just sells different specialized arrows
Orcs have invaded some southern parts of the city (It is badly policed so crap like this happens)
Underground cults
Shaft Mines
Exotic animal shops

As you see most adventure hooks can still work for the city, or at least in one part of the city.

2016-02-29, 07:05 PM
If you're looking for ideas, I'd check out the city of Ptolus (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/24802/Ptolus-Monte-Cooks-City-By-The-Spire-Ptolus-Core?it=1). Kinda expensive to buy, but some online research will tell you some things as well. It's basically a city designed to adventure in from 1-20, though for 3.5, so mechanics will vary. I bought it a while back and I've used it for all sorts of ideas.

2016-02-29, 07:18 PM
Was the technology level of your city? An air dock would be an amazing addition, and allow for foreign visitors to more easily pop in and give out more plot hooks.

2016-03-01, 09:54 AM
Check Murder in Baldur's Gate. A veritable font of hooks.

Sir cryosin
2016-03-01, 10:47 AM
I've set my adventure in a big city; big enough that even after multiple sessions only small bits of it have been explored. In my hurry to design my city I have neglected to fill it with things to do. Now I'm begging for the help of the Playground patrons to help me cultivate Some good side quests or even main quests to throw at my players.

Note: The city is so big that not only are their the generic slums, homes, and shops, but their are:

Privatized prisons (where you can pay for people to be locked up)
Markets occupied by gypsies
Urban farms
Indoor fish farms
A store which sells robots like Monodrones
A entire store that just sells different specialized arrows
Orcs have invaded some southern parts of the city (It is badly policed so crap like this happens)
Underground cults
Shaft Mines
Exotic animal shops

As you see most adventure hooks can still work for the city, or at least in one part of the city.
There is a lot of thing you can do. Start by have your players give you there back storys they will give ideals for npc and events that happened. Then do further word building you said there are urban farms well make a well knowed farmed that has a monopoly on the farming business. Create npcs and flush them out give the a simple back story. You may not use any of that but that's not the point it all a exercise the get you creatively thinking and understand how this city runs. What kind of culture is this city based off of. What are sum traditions what God's are there is there a pantheon or just one God. You could all ways start your campaign off like elder scrolls where the pc's are locked in a jail cell or have a pc ask if they will break a innocent person out of jail. Then come up with why was that person or why were they locked up.

Fatty Tosscoble
2016-03-01, 02:08 PM
Was the technology level of your city? An air dock would be an amazing addition, and allow for foreign visitors to more easily pop in and give out more plot hooks.

That is a really good idea, I could have a giant landing pad onto op the city walls.