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View Full Version : Looking for a pony miniature for a halfling's mount

2016-02-29, 07:58 PM
Hey all, my wife is playing a halfling that rides a pony pretty much all the time, and wants a miniature of the same scale as other D&D miniatures. I figure if I can find a pony at the right scale I can just glue a halfling fig on top of it. Anyone know of any pony figurines that would be of proper size for any of the D&D games (ie, fits in a 1x1 inch square)? I don't care if they're from another game, or are a toy I'm not aware of, or whatever, just let me know if you think of something.

2016-03-01, 02:27 PM
There was a Warhammer Fantasy starter set (7e I think) from nearly 10 yrs back which had a dwarf pony hitched to a cart as terrain. You could probably get it from one of the bitz sites pretty cheap and cut off the cart. It was a pretty decent mini, though the scale felt a bit too small for Warhammer, which makes it better for other 1x1 inch minis, as Warhammer minis tend to be a bit oversized.

2016-03-01, 02:48 PM
Like this? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Bugmans-Cart-Warhammer-Drawf-Games-Workshop-OOP-Oldhammer-/331788343003?hash=item4d402056db:g:DmIAAOSwbdpWXha U

2016-03-01, 02:59 PM
That's it - but that price is ridiculous. Maybe it's just too old - but at the time the bitz of it were going for a buck or 3.

2016-03-01, 03:00 PM
Mithril Miniatures have several

That's it - but that price is ridiculous. Maybe it's just too old - but at the time the bitz of it were going for a buck or 3.

Whoa, Mithril miniatures are quite expensive, as are Warhammer, but that's ridiculous.

2016-03-01, 03:28 PM
Hmm, so this will probably be the right size you think? http://www.mithril.ie/Mobile/MBSCProduct.asp?pdtid=11665185