View Full Version : Civ 5 GMR 15: Return to normalcy

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2016-02-29, 09:03 PM
Been a while since we started one of those. Some games are winding down, and I thought people might have an open slot now. And since 12, 13 and 14 all have their gimmick, this should feature one of the normal maps: pangaea, continents or fractal.

Players: 8 as the default, though we could start with 6 or 10 if ther's less or more interest
Map: Vote one of Pangaea, Continents or Fractal. Personally I favor Pangaea, but only because it's been the longest since there was a GMR game with that map
Civs: Random or player picks. I don't have a strong preference.
Timer: 24 hours, 5 skips limit has generally worked fine, I think.
DLC: All of them, unless anyone doesn't have them.
Quick speed, all victory types.

So, post your interest all. And please include your timezone so we can have an efficient turn order.:smallsmile:

Player List in turn order:
Narkis, Maya
Illven, China
Zevox, Ethiopia
Croverus, Mongolia
Ryuho Tsugu, Portugal
DodgerH2O, Austria
The_Snark, America
RayGallade, Morocco

2016-02-29, 09:04 PM
Posting interest.

Picked civs.

Eastern US time zone.

2016-02-29, 09:10 PM
Interested - should be much more interesting getting in on one of these on the ground floor rather than starting mid-late game in an already hopeless position.

I'd prefer player picked Civs, probably slight preference to Continents over the other maps, though whatever most people want is fine.

I'm also in the eastern US time zone.

2016-02-29, 09:27 PM
Hmm... Definitely interested.

Picked Civs for sure.

And Pangaea or Fractal.


Ryuho Tsugu
2016-02-29, 09:36 PM
>when you haven't joined a GMR game in four months

Sure, I'll commit myself again, as long as I can personally "pick" random.

Time zone UTC -6 (US Central).

2016-03-01, 05:12 PM
I'd like to try this.

Players pick Civs


Eastern US timezone

Don't really have DLCs for Civ 5 but I could probably get them before things got started.

2016-03-01, 05:48 PM
Well, with a 4-1 lead I think it's safe to say to call it for picked civs. Feel free to start picking. If you want, of course.

Map votes:
Pangaea: 3
Continents: 1
Fractal: 1

Not enough of a lead to call it yet. I'd rather wait a bit more.

And don't worry about the DLC Croverus. We can just not use them.

2016-03-01, 06:22 PM
I'm tempted to call China, if no one else wants it.

2016-03-01, 06:28 PM
Well, with a 4-1 lead I think it's safe to say to call it for picked civs. Feel free to start picking. If you want, of course.
I'm thinking of taking either Arabia or Ethiopia. Maybe something else if we do a fractal map, not completely sure what those are like.

And don't worry about the DLC Croverus. We can just not use them.
We can? Uh... I must admit I don't know how to not use those. I got the Complete Edition just recently (well, two months ago now, but that's recent relative to when the game came out), so I don't even know which parts are DLC and which aren't, honestly.

2016-03-01, 06:43 PM
I'm thinking of taking either Arabia or Ethiopia. Maybe something else if we do a fractal map, not completely sure what those are like.

Fractal maps are like continents, only more irregural. I rather like them.

We can? Uh... I must admit I don't know how to not use those. I got the Complete Edition just recently (well, two months ago now, but that's recent relative to when the game came out), so I don't even know which parts are DLC and which aren't, honestly.

Well, there's the two expansions, Gods and Kings and Brave New World. Those aren't optional. But other than that, there's a bunch of others that add just civilizations and wonders. The Temple of Artemis and Babylon are part of those DLCs, for example. And don't worry, you don't have to do anything to not use them. It's the host's choice.

2016-03-01, 07:00 PM
Well, there's the two expansions, Gods and Kings and Brave New World. Those aren't optional. But other than that, there's a bunch of others that add just civilizations and wonders. The Temple of Artemis and Babylon are part of those DLCs, for example. And don't worry, you don't have to do anything to not use them. It's the host's choice.
Huh. Well, as long as neither of the Civs I'm looking at are from DLC, I guess I'm good then.

2016-03-01, 10:04 PM
I'll register interest, although if it turns out there are lots of people interested I can bow out. Pangaea with picked civilizations sounds fine to me. Pacific time.

2016-03-01, 10:12 PM
I'm flexible on Civ, but as I'd like to try something different I'm leaning towards Japan or Austria.

2016-03-01, 11:31 PM
I think I would like to play the Mongols (I have that DLC) but also would consider playing Egypt

I do have Brave New World and Gods and Kings so those plus the Mongols DLC are what I have access to.

2016-03-02, 02:19 AM
I'll throw my hat into the ring. I'm interested in playing as Morocco and am at GMT-8

2016-03-02, 12:57 PM
With 8 players, we have enough to start. I'll wait another day or so, in case anyone else wants to join us. (And because I can't start the game at the moment) And we'll be playing pangaea it seems.

2016-03-02, 04:00 PM
One more thing to discuss. Should we have any diplomacy rules, and if so. What are they?

2016-03-02, 05:12 PM
Do we need any?

2016-03-02, 05:32 PM
Do we need any?

I just want to be clear and what there is. Even if it's clear there's nothing.

2016-03-02, 05:56 PM
Fair enough. If anyone wants, speak now or forever hold your peace.

2016-03-02, 07:02 PM
Can't imagine what rules we'd need for that. :smallconfused:

Anyway, if we're starting, I need to pick one of my two Civs. Hm... I'll go Ethiopia. Should be interesting.

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-03-02, 07:17 PM
How large is the map going to be?

2016-03-02, 09:25 PM
How large is the map going to be?

As things stand, a Normal 8 player one. If we get another player by tomorrow we'll go up to a Large for 10 players.

2016-03-02, 09:25 PM
FWIW I enjoy larger maps. I'd prefer Large with less Civs over Standard any time.

And if the game is starting soon I'll choose Austria.

2016-03-02, 09:32 PM
FWIW I enjoy larger maps. I'd prefer Large with less Civs over Standard any time.

And if the game is starting soon I'll choose Austria.

Larger maps discourage warmongers. (Further away to actually get to war.)

Which is fine, but if that's the case, I might shift to Egypt.

2016-03-02, 09:36 PM
As Ilven said, larger maps have less conflict. The game discourages sprawling too much, so everyone just ends up with all the space they need and then some. I prefer the default size, but we could switch to Large if the majority want it.

2016-03-02, 10:17 PM
I have no real preference as far as map size goes. Standard or a larger size are equally fine by me.

2016-03-02, 10:21 PM
Not much preference for size.

Settling on the Mongols

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-03-02, 10:24 PM
Hmmm... well, I really just want a decent starting position (not a barren peninsula like 7 or 11) that isn't immediately right next to someone (13, 14). Maybe set sea level to low? I don't know.

I tend to prefer oversize maps when playing SP, but I also usually play with barbarians off.

2016-03-03, 04:12 PM
Ryuho Tsugu I feel for you, but this seems like a big difference in preferences. I view having someone next to you as something potentially positive, and definitely more interesting, since it leads to interaction and maybe conflict. I really do hope you don't get screwed by your starting location again though.

Also, invite links:




Ryuho Tsugu




2016-03-03, 10:00 PM
Gonna take a bit to get used to not being Ethiopia.

Good luck everyone!

2016-03-03, 10:03 PM
Awesome. Set up and selected my Civ. Let's do this!
First time doing this multiplayer.

2016-03-03, 10:34 PM
Awesome. Set up and selected my Civ. Let's do this!
First time doing this multiplayer.
This is more or less mine as well. Technically I'm in one of the other games, but I joined midway through, taking over a civ that had been an AI for a long while. It... was not in the best of shape, to say the least.

2016-03-04, 12:09 AM
I do find it a little amusing that you're framing this as a return to normalcy from theme games, given that the first GMR game was themed :smalltongue:
Although, come to think of it, I think it's still the only game of a 'set list of civs' theme we've had.

Incidentally, have you decided what difficulty you're setting this at?

2016-03-04, 01:21 AM
I'd suggest Prince, if we're going standard may as well stick with standard difficulty, resources, world age, sea level and climate too right?

2016-03-04, 10:25 AM
Yep, that's the idea. All options at standard.

And, we're off! Good luck everyone!

edit: And it looks like Ryuho Tsugu rolled Venice. So much for luck... I'd be fine with a restart, Venice is frigging terrible.

2016-03-04, 11:58 AM
Queen Wu-Zetian's journal.

It is the year 4000 BC. Tribal warriors have come back from the forest and jungle.

They share the secrets of nature. How if you plant a fruit into the ground, it will grow anew. Our people are restless. And with the secrets of agriculture understood to us.

The Chinese people formed their first settlement, Bejing in 4000 BC.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/2016-03-04_00001_zpspgcpdbz2.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/2016-03-04_00001_zpspgcpdbz2.jpg.html)

Wu Zetian was noted as saying. "I think I can make this work"

Spectator comments please? :smalltongue:

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-03-04, 08:34 PM
[Why you gotta do me like this, RNG?

Well, if enough people are unsatisfied with their starts, I wouldn't oppose a restart.]

2016-03-04, 08:39 PM
[If we're going solely be satisfied with start. I know I'm happy with it, and afaik Narkis was with theirs.]

2016-03-04, 08:39 PM
[Why you gotta do me like this, RNG?

Well, if enough people are unsatisfied with their starts, I wouldn't oppose a restart.]
We haven't even done everyone's first turn yet. I doubt many would object to restarting this early

Granted, it might be irritating if some of us end up in worse starting positions, but eh, there's always the chance of better, too. *shrug* In any case, if you want to do so, I'm good with it.

2016-03-04, 08:45 PM
[I'm happy with my starting location. Turn done]

2016-03-04, 08:53 PM
If we're going to restart at all, I'd rather do it now than wait til I've seen my starting position.

In future, I'd suggest that people who want a random civ use something like the system we used in 14 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?455213-Civ-5-mutliplayer-GMR-14-On-the-Euro&p=20057276&viewfull=1#post20057276), rather than selecting Random on the GMR interface... unless you're okay with literally any civilization, which doesn't seem to be the case here. Avoids this sort of issue.

2016-03-04, 08:54 PM
If we're going to restart at all, I'd rather do it now than wait til I've seen my starting position.

In future, I'd suggest that people who want a random civ use something like the system we used in 14 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?455213-Civ-5-mutliplayer-GMR-14-On-the-Euro&p=20057276&viewfull=1#post20057276), rather than selecting Random on the GMR interface... unless you're okay with literally any civilization, which doesn't seem to be the case here. Avoids this sort of issue.

This is because. I'm clearly superior host. :smalltongue:

2016-03-04, 09:03 PM
I uh... I'm pretty happy with my start.

Edit: I'm still ok with restarting, but... yeah.

2016-03-04, 09:35 PM
Sorry people, but we'll be restarting. I was happy with my starting location as well, but I'm not gonna force Ryuho to play Venice for it. I apologise in advance to anyone who gets screwed over.

This is because. I'm clearly superior host. :smalltongue:

Well, can't argue with that...

This time I rolled in advance here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20501266&postcount=6). In alphabetical order 33 is Polynesia, a DLC civ. So we'll have to use the first backup, which is Portugal. Congrats Ruuho! :P

New invite links:




Ryuho Tsugu




2016-03-04, 09:40 PM
Grumbles incessantly.

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-03-04, 09:45 PM
[sorry guys.]

2016-03-04, 09:49 PM
[sorry guys.]
No big deal. Though I really hope we don't end up with everybody feeling like their starting position downgraded, since everybody was pretty happy with their starts. (I was as well - though I am newer at this, so I could just not be good at telling how good a starting position is yet.)

2016-03-04, 09:52 PM
[sorry guys.]

[If I'm not at least 85% satisfied with my start....

You thought the Crossbow onslaught was bad, China gets improved crossbows :smalltongue: ]

2016-03-04, 10:53 PM
No big deal. Though I really hope we don't end up with everybody feeling like their starting position downgraded, since everybody was pretty happy with their starts.

's why I didn't look at mine, actually.

2016-03-04, 11:16 PM
's why I didn't look at mine, actually.

Wise decision. I really shouldn't have. I just wish I could use the start for a single-player game :smallbiggrin:

2016-03-04, 11:23 PM
Wise decision. I really shouldn't have. I just wish I could the start for a single-player game :smallbiggrin:

What was your start?

2016-03-04, 11:28 PM
And we're off! Good luck everyone! Again...



Not bad.

2016-03-04, 11:36 PM
Welp. Wasn't too much of a downgrade, but a downgrade it was.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/2016-03-04_00002_zps6roe5egn.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/2016-03-04_00002_zps6roe5egn.jpg.html)

As Wu Zetian gave the orders to settle Bejing. The lands themselves shifted. A kladescope of colors bursted into our very eyes. The sounds of cows, and marine life broke.

To be muted and replace.

.... Venice.... :smallannoyed:

Was all Wu Zetian would say.

2016-03-04, 11:46 PM
Definite downgrade for me. Ouch...

2016-03-05, 12:54 AM
What was your start?

Not up to the effort of getting a screenshot, but 3 gold, marble, flood plains, and desert hills. Would've been a great Petra city, if I could snag it.

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-03-05, 01:25 AM
[I didn't take a picture, but all I had as Venice was one tile each of dyes and cotton. Maybe there would've been some horses or iron, but it wasn't even a decent start—especially if you only get the one city.]

2016-03-05, 11:25 AM
[My spot is TERRIBLE. I'm completely surrounded by jungles. Only resources in sight is some marble and sugar. No chance of having horses which is required for Mongolia... We went from a bad start for 1 person to a bad start for everyone else :smallconfused:

I'm not even taking my turn, I vote we go back to the previous set up. I still have my save for it.]

2016-03-05, 12:53 PM
[In all fairness, My start went from good/great, to just mediocre.]

2016-03-05, 01:31 PM
*shrug* It's how it goes. I'd rather re-restart if anything, because I already gave away my likely Petra rush for the first start.

And if everyone has a pretty mediocre/worse start, then we all start off even right? I'm not in this to win, but to have fun anyway. My starts for the last two games weren't very good but I still managed to be a competitor, if not numero uno, by the midgame.

2016-03-05, 02:06 PM
My start is poor enough that I won't oppose another restart of some sort if enough people want it, but I'm not going to ask for one either. Feels like it would be selfish to insist that I get a certain minimum quality to my starting position - very different from restarting because someone who went random got a weird, terrible Civ that few people would want to play.

2016-03-05, 04:17 PM
Alright, this is getting out of hand. The way I see it, we got three options and I'm not going to use host's prerogative to choose this time. I'll need everyone's vote on this. So, choose your preference all. And no abstaining!

A) Go back to the previous game.
B) Keep the current one.
C) Restart ONE LAST TIME. No (more) take backsies.

I vote for C. And since no one needs to change civ, I should be able to revert to me and upload a new save without everyone having to rejoin, again.

2016-03-05, 04:24 PM
I think it might be worth considering whether enough of you want a 'normal game of civ'. Because from what I'm seeing in this thread I am getting the impression a fair percentage of you would honestly be happier picking one of the more balanced map types, pulling-up whatever civ tier list you lot most agree on and limiting selection based on that.

Because having 'imbalanced' civs and start locations is normal civ, and if a lot of people are requesting resetting the game until they get better rolls on this, maybe a game type that involves a lot less of this would serve you better?

2016-03-05, 04:30 PM
I choose D :smalltongue:

In all actually I choose B. Sorry, but as much as I'm annoyed that Ryuho right now. A poor starting location is not the same thing as rolling Venice.

Expand to some horses, and conquer your neighbors if you need better lands.

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-03-05, 04:39 PM
I'd like to see my starting position first.

Maybe set Resources to Abundant or Legendary Start to mitigate this type of situation?

I don't really want to go back to Venice, as that would leave me with all of one option going forward, and it's not something I would want to inflict on anyone.

2016-03-05, 04:49 PM
I think it might be worth considering whether enough of you want a 'normal game of civ'. Because from what I'm seeing in this thread I am getting the impression a fair percentage of you would honestly be happier picking one of the more balanced map types, pulling-up whatever civ tier list you lot most agree on and limiting selection based on that.

Because having 'imbalanced' civs and start locations is normal civ, and if a lot of people are requesting resetting the game until they get better rolls on this, maybe a game type that involves a lot less of this would serve you better?

I don't think that's the problem here. If we'd rolled the second start from the beginning, no one would be asking for a restart. There'd just be the regural grumbling about poor starting locations. But I screwed up with the random civ, and in my effort to fix this I ended up screwing someone else. It's unfair to Croverus and anyone else who got a worse second start. And that's why I voted for C.

Of course, there's always D) Scrap this game and let Ilven host. He'll do a better job at it. And I'm leaning towards that more and more.

2016-03-05, 05:14 PM
Yeah, like... if we do re-restart, that should be it, no more.

I honestly don't even know what the current game looks like for me, and I don't care. I'm okay with everything except reverting (option A), and only because I went and leaked info.

I'll vote C, only because now all of us know that the Mongols are in a jungle with no horses, so both options A and B involve leaked information.

2016-03-05, 05:18 PM
I'd like to see my starting position first.

Maybe set Resources to Abundant or Legendary Start to mitigate this type of situation?

I don't really want to go back to Venice, as that would leave me with all of one option going forward, and it's not something I would want to inflict on anyone.

So, Ryuho, everyone who had played their turn were happy with their starting locations the first time, and expressed dissapproval with their second ones. I understand not voting A, but why do you want to see your starting location first? If you get an amazing start, are you really not going to vote C, after half the players were willing to re-roll to help you?

2016-03-05, 05:24 PM
Alright, this is getting out of hand. The way I see it, we got three options and I'm not going to use host's prerogative to choose this time. I'll need everyone's vote on this. So, choose your preference all. And no abstaining!

A) Go back to the previous game.
B) Keep the current one.
C) Restart ONE LAST TIME. No (more) take backsies.

I vote for C. And since no one needs to change civ, I should be able to revert to me and upload a new save without everyone having to rejoin, again.
I'm equally okay with B or C. I wouldn't want to force a player to use a Civ he doesn't want to by taking A, but I'm willing to accept either a poor start or to re-roll one final time if enough people want to do that.

2016-03-05, 05:28 PM
I just did some research on Legendary Start, and it might be appropriate for this game if enough of us are that particular (I'm personally fine with Standard and the RNG). Keep in mind that it will also make your capital a lot better looking to certain warmonger civs that are definitely going to be in this game, so it's a mixed blessing.

2016-03-05, 05:41 PM
I'm less upset about no horses and more that I'm completely surrounded by jungles. And marshes. For 3 tiles every way. Exploring my surroundings will be harder, development will take longer, etc.

So I vote C. Probably with Legendary start. If I get thrown in the middle of a jungle twice then I'll suck it up.

2016-03-05, 05:53 PM
Just going to add that I'd prefer to just go with normal rules rather than toss in something extra like Legendary Start. If the majority wants it I won't complain, but if we're voting on that, my vote is opposed.

2016-03-05, 06:05 PM
All I know is that I never got to see my start from the first game and haven't seen this game's starting location for me either. My preference would be to just take the hand we're dealt and move on with the game. In short, vote B.

2016-03-05, 06:05 PM
Yeah, I'm gonna have to say "no" to legendary start as well. This game was supposed to be a nice, normal game of civ 5. We've hid some snags along the way, but that hasn't changed the plan as far as I'm concerned.

Also, Zevox, could you please express your preference? Saying you're fine with either doesn't help us get out of the predicament.

2016-03-05, 06:55 PM
Also, Zevox, could you please express your preference? Saying you're fine with either doesn't help us get out of the predicament.
...the problem being that I don't really have a specific preference. I'm not eager to see Croverus feel like he got screwed over by his start position, and it would probably benefit me on average if we re-rolled - but at the same time I feel it would be selfish of me to take the latter into consideration here, and well, bad starting positions are just a part of the game, so this feels like a less legit reason to re-roll all around. So, I'm split.

I suppose if you need a tiebreaker or something, consider me a vote for C, just to minimize the odds of anyone feeling screwed over, since nobody who has taken a turn yet has been too pleased with their start in this one. But, really, my opinion is "whichever of B or C that most people prefer is fine."

2016-03-05, 06:59 PM
I'll finish my first turn so others can see where they are at, but my vote remains C. It will be a few hours till I get home to my computer.

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-03-05, 07:07 PM
So, Ryuho, everyone who had played their turn were happy with their starting locations the first time, and expressed dissapproval with their second ones. I understand not voting A, but why do you want to see your starting location first? If you get an amazing start, are you really not going to vote C, after half the players were willing to re-roll to help you?

Curiosity. If I did get an amazing start, I'll have something to laugh at.

Since everyone is going C, I'll go C too.

2016-03-05, 07:57 PM
I guess I'm okay with a second restart if that's the consensus, but on the condition that this really is the last time. Bad* start locations are something you've just got to roll with sometimes.

*or at least unorthodox, I think jungle start locations are a bit better than they're given credit for

2016-03-05, 08:39 PM
So, everyone has made their choice, and option C wins with a slim 5-3. This WILL be the last restart. I'll try to do this on the current GMR game. Wish me luck.

2016-03-05, 08:42 PM
Ok, Uploading my turn so everyone can see there starting area.

Edit: Or... should I just wait?

2016-03-05, 08:49 PM
Ok, Uploading my turn so everyone can see there starting area.

Edit: Or... should I just wait?

Too late, I've restarted. This should work. Good luck everyone!

And feel free to look at my previous spoiler if you're curious about my second start position.

Odd to have desert Maya, but I'll take it. It'll be a rough start. If only I can get desert folklore and petra...

2016-03-05, 09:17 PM
Well, I like my new position better at first glance. One concern about it comes to mind, but I think it's probably better than my second.

2016-03-05, 09:20 PM
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Draka393001/2016-03-05_00086_zpsmrgcqvam.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Draka393001/2016-03-05_00086_zpsmrgcqvam.jpg.html)

One tradition. Please. :smalltongue:

2016-03-05, 09:46 PM
Much more like my first one.

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-03-05, 10:11 PM
[Actual bonus resources and more than one copy of a luxury? Madness! I just wish that wheat was on the riverbank.]

2016-03-06, 12:26 AM
Long ago, in the mists of time, the Austrian culture began. Settled in a fertile coastal valley, the Hub of their land was destined to prosper.

OOC: Still have Gold, which will be helpful (an additional Gold resource showed up once I settled, not pictured here), but Petra doesn't look like an option with this start. Whales and a coastal start gives me motivation to research Sailing and Optics, but I'm going to open with a pantheon grab. I have a couple decent choices depending on if I want Faith or Culture, but that's quite a bit in the future. I'll update again when more significant things occur. My long-term plans will depend a lot on what and who my Scouts find, but I'm going to roleplay Austria as a mercantile civ. My focus will be on gold, gold, and gold. I'll need soldiers to defend my wealth, but I hope to remain neutral in any major conflicts. We'll see how that goes...

2016-03-06, 12:55 AM

Marble's nice. Spices are okay. Lack of anything else is unfortunate. I've chosen to move my settler west, in order to found my capital on proper coastline instead of a lake.

On the bright side, ancient ruins to the south.

2016-03-06, 09:11 AM
Just a heads up: I am driving from Tampa, Florida up to North Carolina so won't be able to do my turn for 8 hours. Should get it done tonight.

2016-03-07, 12:57 AM
A Traveler's Guide to Moroccohttp://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z457/RayGallade/2016-03-06_00002_zpsbc2xvgpw.jpg (http://s1190.photobucket.com/user/RayGallade/media/2016-03-06_00002_zpsbc2xvgpw.jpg.html)
Behold, wonderful travelers, the great city of Marrakech, founded along the beautiful Ourika river. This land appears fertile and will allow us to flourish. However, our pilgrims have discovered something perhaps even more beautiful just to our north.
http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z457/RayGallade/2016-03-06_00001_zpsda4qf3ym.jpg (http://s1190.photobucket.com/user/RayGallade/media/2016-03-06_00001_zpsda4qf3ym.jpg.html)
Observe! It is the great mountain of wisdom. Even now, in our early days, our great thinkers are drawing up plans to settle alongside this monolith of greatness. Travelers are advised to wait for an official Moroccan presence there, however, before visiting.

2016-03-10, 06:57 PM
[Can't get my screen shots to work, they keep saving them as 3-d images :smallconfused: ]

"The city of Karakorum had been settled on the banks of a river for some time, a monument to our great leader Croverus being erected to honor him and spread out our borders. Our warriors traveled east, crossing rugged desert and finding the blue salt plains, of which we cannot tread. They found ruins which revealed land across the ever rolling plains but no easy way to cross the blue, Heading south they have spotted more ruins after crossing a massive desert for years. With the completion of our monument we begin recruiting men to spread north and west to further our knowledge of the land. We have spotted herds of dear nearby and have come across sheep. There si also wheat close by and incense. Across the river there are white stones up in the hills. We begin the search for horses, with whom our people share a special bond. We shall soon know if there are any nearby herds that we can tame."

2016-03-11, 08:06 PM
Explored the second Ruins and received 15 Culture! This was a nice boost and enough to get me a policy. Going with Liberty, as I'm hoping I can rush Pyramids and so far have not run into anyone, neither players, city states or barbarians. And with at least 2 nice spots to settle cities I plan to expand very quickly.

"Our warriors explored the second set of ruins. Our great leader, Croverus, has declared that the beginnings of our founding principles are being implemented. What luck that we can begin laying the ground work of our civilization's laws before our wisest tribesmen have mastered the taming of livestock. As our scouts near the end of training, our great leader will begin the design of our first wonder. He has shown us drawings of it's design; a great structure of stone with 4 sides that come together as a single point on top. Our warriors are restless though and hope to find a worthy foe soon. They have reached the southern tip of the vast desert and will explore east for a land bridge to the coast revealed by the crude maps."

2016-03-11, 08:09 PM
I'm planning on being very rp with my decisions. I'm not a maximizer really so some of my choices won't be the optimal method I'm sure, but hopefully things work out well for me.

2016-03-11, 09:16 PM
I'm planning on being very rp with my decisions. I'm not a maximizer really so some of my choices won't be the optimal method I'm sure, but hopefully things work out well for me.

I'll be doing much the same, so you're not alone. I try to get into the mindset of a culture and use the game mechanics as inspiration for how they will choose to develop and interact with the other civilizations around them.

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-03-11, 09:40 PM
I forgot to take a screenshot, but I just found out I'm very close to Uluru (+2 food, +6 faith). Once I can get a settler out there, I'll definitely have an edge in the race for religion.

2016-03-13, 09:40 PM
For glorious Wu Zetian in the year 3560 AD.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/3-13-85_zpsjzntimks.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/3-13-85_zpsjzntimks.jpg.html)

After discovering a packet of maps in an ancient ruin of a bygone time, our warriors moved away from the great southern sea so as to scout out a new set of ruins.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/3-13-86_zpsg1ajgbmg.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/3-13-86_zpsg1ajgbmg.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/3-13-87_zpsxf5adspy.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/3-13-87_zpsxf5adspy.jpg.html)

Our scouting bands discover new land every day. The people of Prague. It's strange. They hold no interest in the wider world.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/3-13-88_zpsyegrerbv.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/3-13-88_zpsyegrerbv.jpg.html)

Our people have learned to store food for the leaner years. Soon we wish to have companions, and to encircle the cattle near Bejing.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/3-13-89_zps1n3vqnct.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/3-13-89_zps1n3vqnct.jpg.html)

Near the glorious tri-river sits the city of Bejing an ancient marvel of the world.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/3-13-90_zpszdhzu4ds.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/3-13-90_zpszdhzu4ds.jpg.html)

Our people have professed a devotion to the old ways, they dislike change and seek to improve upon the work of the past.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/3-13-91_zpsxbrupbbp.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/3-13-91_zpsxbrupbbp.jpg.html)

Wu Zetian is proud of us. She says we are best in Population, Crop yield, Manufactured goods, and tied for best land and literacy. But she is also sad. For our people hold the most discontent of our chieftain.

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-03-13, 09:56 PM
The capital (http://i.imgur.com/EYEjhBl.jpg); Uluru (http://i.imgur.com/zidmUIC.jpg), just to the southwest. The plot directly to the west of my scout will be the most likely place for my next settlement.

With the discovery of Uluru, my early game is set: research Calendar → Mining; finish my current worker, then a settler, then try to rush Stonehenge. If successful, I will have 11 faith per turn, which should be enough to be the first to found and enhance a religion [(if my experience from GMR 13 holds true)]. I will definitely be going into the Piety policy tree, but I'm undecided whether to go Tradition or Liberty.

2016-03-14, 08:44 PM
Greetings from the Golden Hub of Austria. We are a consortium of merchants based in a valley to the north of the location our scouting party hailed yours. We welcome all partners in trade and will soon have a trained scribe to draw up agreements, should you desire such.

Let it be known that we lay claim to the land north of the river your scouting party stands beside. Particularly we intend as our southernmost border those hills, rich in Gold. Hopefully this will be agreeable to your leaders, whoever they may be.

OOC: Once more, we meet, former neighbor. One more movement point and I'd have had those ruins :smallsigh:

2016-03-14, 08:57 PM
Greetings from Chieftain Wu Zetian of China, Austrian.

That settlement spot is completely un-agreeable to our people, however. Those hills lined with gold as you say, are the only unique luxuries we have yet to see in the world.

OOC Sorry, so far I see at best 3 city spots, and that gold is 1 of them. Can we come to an agreement?

2016-03-14, 09:29 PM
Certainly we understand, but all things are negotiable. We hold the metal dear to us, Gold being the metal accepted as common currency throughout the lands. No doubt your people do as well. We would gladly send you a share of the metal, free of charge, in perpetuity, if we could claim both ridges.

OOC: Understandably, it's a nice spot, from your angle and mine. I honestly am hemmed in on the west by hills and barbarians, so it's the only suitable spot I've found so far.

2016-03-14, 09:50 PM
If that's the case, let us agree to revisit the matter in a few turns, when we both have a better lay of the land.

OOC. I'm hemmed in by city-states.

2016-03-14, 10:10 PM
Revisiting the matter at a later date does sound prudent.

2016-03-15, 04:08 PM
In the year 3460 BC.

The Chinese people were affected by a strange phenomenon imported by They started chiving off small pieces of the nearby silver laden hills.

Once collected, they would make little crude replicias of things. Of me, of their departed families. It was strange.

I have decided to call this practice, Religious idols.

They are cute. I even have one of me in my bed chambers.

~Chieftain Wu Zetian.

2016-03-16, 02:40 PM
I'm sorry, but I cannot let you have that city spot. I'm on an isolated peninsula, with city states crowding the area.

As it is, I'm probably going to have to Cho-ku-nu a city state for a 4th city.

I'm willing to offer you the free gold you were willing to offer me. Would that be acceptable?

~Wu Zetian. Chieftain of China.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Civ%205%20pictures/3-16-1_zpsgfeyz6bj.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Civ%205%20pictures/3-16-1_zpsgfeyz6bj.jpg.html)

Yeah, yeah. No. Not giving up this spot.

2016-03-16, 08:25 PM
OOC: As soon as I saw your Pantheon I knew the consequences for our negotiations. Incidentally, I really wanted the Gold for the tiles, not the luxuries. I have 2 Gold near my capital, so while I'd gladly take one as an appeasement, I will have to find 2 other civs to trade with before you can even offer it to me. I will, however, gladly adopt your religion should you have decent beliefs and assuming I don't somehow end up with my own. I was rushing for Religious Idols due to my start... No hard feelings, but it's completely ruined my early game plans.

If you are on a peninsula, then apparently I'm the bridge to the mainland. I'd much rather be an ally than a conquest, if you should take advantage of China's abilities for such. I can't guarantee my borders won't cut off the land bridge, so get your scouting parties up north sooner rather than later.

2016-03-16, 08:27 PM
OOC Is this the part where I pretend that was my plan all along, and not because I have a ton of silver down here? :smallredface:

2016-03-17, 10:42 PM
["Our warriors have searched the ruins and found signs of an ingenious advancement in society. Using pottery we can store food longer and begin placing offers to our great Godking. But even more pressing, the warriors advanced past the ruins and discovered scouts from another people! We must keep them from our bountiful lands. The scouts we sent west of our city found an old map in the ruins there. It identified another set of ruins, but also exposed a camp of barbarians just beyond our doorstep. We will need to deal with the savages soon before our workers are in any danger. They hurry to finish paddocking a nearby group of horses."]

[The warriors exit ruins and spot the scouts of a foreign land not far from them. They shout out over the sands a hesitant greeting. "We are great warriors of the Mongol Empire. Our Godking Croverus greets your people but warns that the lands to west belong to us. Do not travel that way. You may pass on north or south, and we will part peacefully."]

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-03-18, 02:00 AM
Close to the east lie the mountains of Portugal. These mountains and their surrounding lands are sovereign territory of Queen Maria I, and your people would do well to respect that.

[crap please don't be close by please don't be close by]

2016-03-18, 12:31 PM
Then our people can agree to avoid each other's lands. Our warriors will head no further east. We still have unexplored lands to the west and north of our city so hopefully we are not locked into a small region. We may soon be interested in sending out trade. When the time comes we might be interested in setting up trade routes, should your Queen be interested.

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-03-18, 04:08 PM
Very well.

2016-03-18, 10:38 PM
Our cartographers have brought us news. The lands west of the Golden Hub appear to end also in ocean. If you are indeed also on a small spit of land surrounded by ocean it would seem our two peoples are on an island.

Our craftsmen think they can create a seaworthy vessel but we dare not risk the loss of profits a faulty one would create, so it may be many years before an exploration ship is funded.

2016-03-18, 11:25 PM
Huh. I received reports from a scouting band that more land was hidden behind a city state. Perhaps the land is in that direction.

~Chieftain Wu Zetian.

[OOC I thought we were a Pangaea?]

2016-03-18, 11:56 PM
[OOC I thought we were a Pangaea?]

OOC: As did I? Thus the sharing of this info, being on an island would be highly unusual. I do technically have a corner that could be a one-tile bridge to more land, I'll know for sure in one or two turns.

2016-03-19, 01:37 PM
We bring glad tidings. East of Panama city, is ever more land. Along with evidence of settlement by another major civilization. Although we do not know what this civilization calls themselves yet.

~From Chieftain Wu Zetian.

2016-03-20, 03:46 PM
I'm not seeing a save file for me to download...

2016-03-20, 03:52 PM
I'm not seeing a save file for me to download...
Hm, I wonder if it messed up? The first time I tried submitting the turn it didn't work, but when I told it to retry it seemed to. Not sure what can be done if it did though...

2016-03-20, 04:04 PM
Croveous should be able to revert back to you, and then you can re-submit the turn.

2016-03-20, 04:25 PM
K I'm reverting the turn then

Edit: Or trying to. It looks like it keeps timing out...

Editedit: Ok, it's been reset.

2016-03-20, 05:15 PM
Our warriors head across a river into some thick trees to explore a bit more before they return home to deal with the barbarian threat to the west. Out scouts had a bit of a scuffle with them but are moving around them to reach the nearby ruins. Hopefully they will find some useful artifacts. Meanwhile, our workers report that the animals have been successfully fenced off! We will decide next year what the workers will tend to next. The Warlord claims that we may soon begin training a new group of settlers to settle on the thin land bridge to prevent any unwanted attention from the east.

2016-03-20, 07:07 PM
We bring glad tidings.

We are not alone.

To the east of Panama city, lies a narrow passage. Across that narrow passage lies another major civilization.

They call themselves the Ethiopians.

Tell your people and be glad.

For we are not alone.

~Chieftain Wu Zetian of China.

Greetings from the west. Ruler of the Ethiopians.

I am Chieftain Wu Zetian of China.

How does this fine day greet you?

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-61_zpsfwxvflyi.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-61_zpsfwxvflyi.jpg.html)

We tell our palace guard to explore the Southern lands for any threats they may find.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-62_zpsudafiwkz.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-62_zpsudafiwkz.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-63_zpswoirvfxi.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-63_zpswoirvfxi.jpg.html)

And our scouting bands find the Ethiopians.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-64_zpsjlm6emdv.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-64_zpsjlm6emdv.jpg.html)

The other band is not as successful.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-65_zpsp3id9zdn.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-65_zpsp3id9zdn.jpg.html)

Our people are nearing completion of the ability to mine the silver hills in large quantities.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-66_zpskx9ieapc.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-66_zpskx9ieapc.jpg.html)

As the city of Beijing focuses on recruiting for a colonization project.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-67_zpsxpquulxg.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-67_zpsxpquulxg.jpg.html)

Wu Zetian has declared a few special families to be enfilled with her blessing. These families are given positions of power in the tribe, as they start to age slower.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-68_zpsq6v5142e.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-68_zpsq6v5142e.jpg.html)

The people of China, are the most numerous, Manufactured goods, GNP, Land, and tied for best Literacy. And tied for worst approval. Wu Zetian thought that the special families would build favor, but she was wrong.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-69_zpslnom8ja0.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-69_zpslnom8ja0.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-70_zpsfdmbqlta.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-70_zpsfdmbqlta.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-71_zpszp9msbkf.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/3-20-71_zpszp9msbkf.jpg.html)

We have a little info available on the other tribes.

2016-03-20, 07:13 PM
In case you missed it from 13, I don't really roleplay in Civ.

In any case, fine so far. Slight Barbarian issues to my east, but I believe I can handle them.

2016-03-21, 09:58 PM
As my warriors were returning back west, they noticed some barbarians camped in the jungles south of the river where your scouts spotted my people. It may be something for you to deal with if left alone for too long. Our warriors are returning home to deal with our own barbarian problem but figured as our first neighbor we'd give you fair warning of their presence. Also we have run across another people! They come from far west and south of our capitol so it may be some time before they learn of you. We will not make your presence known unless you want it.

Hail! We are the Mongolians lead by our great Khan! Our Godking greets your scouts and informs you that there is little to the east but our city and lands we have claimed for future settling. There is a barbarian camp just north of these hills, be wary of them. We are heading Northwest to look for more sites near our grand capitol. It would be best for you to head back in the other direction.

2016-03-22, 08:25 PM
I'll be traveling this weekend and unable to take my turns promptly. Would it be possible to get the timer extended (3 days should be sufficient) or temporarily disabled?

2016-03-22, 11:52 PM
Oh Khan, we welcome you to the lush and burning lands of Morocco. We believe you should know there is nothing to our west and in all current appearances, nothing to our south. As a token of our goodwill, we would have you know there is a most beautiful and holy mountain directly west of your scouts. Know that it lies directly within Moroccan claims, however. Our scouts shall continue northeast, as we must know the lay of this land.

2016-03-23, 02:05 AM
Very well. Our scouts will go to see this mountain. They will like head west and north from there. Your people shall have safe passage for now. Watch for the barbarians north of my scouts. Our warriors are afield just to the east and are rushing home to deal with them.

2016-03-23, 10:29 AM
I'll be traveling this weekend and unable to take my turns promptly. Would it be possible to get the timer extended (3 days should be sufficient) or temporarily disabled?

Alright, turn timer disabled for Easter.

2016-03-28, 12:40 PM
We greet you in the name of Pacal, Immortal Watcher, may he protect us for all the cycles to come. We are glad to see the gods have created more in this world than the tribe of Palenque.

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-03-28, 07:24 PM
The mountains to the north of your scouting party and the surrounding lands are the sovereign territory of Maria I. From where do your people hail?

2016-03-29, 04:45 AM
Our people live in a desert, far south of our meeting. And your claim of sovereignty is strange to us. How can you claim the earth, when you do not live on it? Will you next claim the air, the streams, the sea? Those all belong to the gods, and they give them to their children to live upon.

edit: turn timer reinstated

2016-03-29, 04:29 PM
edit: turn timer reinstated
You might want to edit it, considering it's telling me that my turn doesn't expire for almost 8,000 years. :smalltongue:

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-03-29, 07:19 PM
It is because our God has given us this land to rule that we claim it as sovereign. Any who would attempt to frustrate His design will be dealt with as an enemy.

2016-03-30, 04:05 AM
Howdy there, neighbor! Glad to see some civilized folks around here. The last bunch we met didn't speak a lick of English, not even when we talked real loud and slow.

Howdy there, green fellows! Watcha doing in these parts?

2016-03-30, 05:56 AM
Then your god is a selfish one, for the land is a gift from all the gods, nourishing all their children. And only so long as they occupy and cultivate it do they have a right to the soil. How can a single god say it belongs only to him?

We greet you in the name of Pacal, Immortal Watcher, may he protect us for all the cycles to come. Your dialect may be peculiar, but we are also glad to meet some friendly children of the gods. We despaired when we encountered the tribe of Portugal first, for they are avaricious and belligerent, and they worship a selfish god.

2016-03-30, 02:29 PM
Greetings from the Western Isles. Home of the Chinese and Austria people.

We are merely exploring the wonders of the world. Should we assume the same for you?

~Chieftain Wu Zetian.

2016-04-02, 11:16 AM
Well, I see I've finally met someone besides Illven. And since unlike him you've actually researched writing, I've sent you an offer to exchange embassies.

Judging by where your scout popped up, I'm guessing you're east of me, probably past that city-state to my southeast?

2016-04-02, 07:30 PM
The Golden Hub of Austria wishes to issue their congratulations on your recent settlement. We wish to ask if you would take it amiss were we to settle on the western side of the peninsula, as preparations for an expedition have begun.

Also, Barbarians have been harassing our scouting party near your capital. We have not heard from them for some time and they may already have been lost, but if you could send some troops towards your east we would be grateful.

OOC: Near the Cocoa and Bananas I'm hoping for a small city. Its eastern borders will be quite cozy with your new city but shouldn't be taking any of your high value tiles.

2016-04-02, 07:35 PM
We believe that would be okay, we'll have to check with our map makers to be certain.

However, buying tiles will be severely frowned upon. About how long do you think it'll be till you can settle.

~Chieftain Wu Zetian of China.

2016-04-03, 02:20 AM
A Traveler's Guide to Morocco
http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z457/RayGallade/20160403001111_1_zps88vlei68.jpg (http://s1190.photobucket.com/user/RayGallade/media/20160403001111_1_zps88vlei68.jpg.html)
Welcome to the land of the hunters. Although advisors recommended studying the way of the deserts, rumors reached the Moroccan lands of a people who already began research. Since the desert would no longer prove inspiring, the governor dictated that all workers learn how to best serve wild game. Visitors are encouraged to try our world famous truffles while visiting.

Curse my bad luck. I have a feeling there are a few religious states/ancient ruins out there spoiling my religion game. Missed Desert Folklore, which might cause some problems. However, I'm also not finding any deserts that are actually close to me. The closest major desert I can find lies beyond Mongolia.

2016-04-03, 03:49 AM
You assume right, partner! Any nat'ral wonders round these parts we oughta take a gander at?

Sure thing, neighbor! Our town is east a ways, we've been on the road a good while now. Any local sights we should see?

Well that's a darn shame. We'll keep an eye out for those Portugal hooligans.

What's all this god stuff you're on about?

2016-04-03, 10:25 AM
Nothing I can specifically point you to. My units have been tied up dealing with a barbarian camp for a while, so I've gotten less scouting done than I'd like. Illven mentioned another City-State to my west at one point, but I've yet to find the opportunity to go see it for myself.

2016-04-03, 12:21 PM
Yes. Very close by is Mt. Kilimanjaro. And far to the west, is a natural steam fountain, the locals call Old faithful. How about any you have seen?

Chieftain Wu Zetian of China.

2016-04-03, 09:04 PM
~Greeting leader of the Mayan people. We of the Chinese hail far to the west. How does this fine day greet you?

Chieftain Wu Zetian

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-7_zps9xqy9dou.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-7_zps9xqy9dou.jpg.html)

We are told by the diviners, that their are those who pray as they hunt for swiftness. They should be careful they do not become prey!

[OOC We'll be here all week!]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-8_zpsic190o8v.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-8_zpsic190o8v.jpg.html)

[Look at that little worker all cute, and defenseless and alone.]

~The Chieftain gave us orders. Many did not like these orders. But the Chieftain's word was law. None dared disobey her.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-9_zpsxd4wnu5t.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-9_zpsxd4wnu5t.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-10_zpscnyc55va.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-10_zpscnyc55va.jpg.html)


~And like that, did the first acts of Chinese slavery take place.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-11_zpssqst05yz.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-11_zpssqst05yz.jpg.html)

We settled a new outpost. The Northern parts of Chinese lands. With it's own defense force, reporting on Barbarians in the region.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-12_zpsagdf98ze.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-12_zpsagdf98ze.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-13_zps7yahq8wn.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-13_zps7yahq8wn.jpg.html)

Bejing's defense force moves a little out to take care of some savages that border our lands.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-14_zps8px5ldia.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-14_zps8px5ldia.jpg.html)

Meanwhile our freed workband mines out the local silver hills.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-15_zpsstlysge7.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-15_zpsstlysge7.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-16_zpsvruz0mau.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-16_zpsvruz0mau.jpg.html)

And our far out scouting band meets yet another people. The Mayans.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-17_zpspwazvjsw.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-17_zpspwazvjsw.jpg.html)

Our people have mastered the art of making and working bronze, the art of Masonry. With this knowledge they shall enlighten the world.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-18_zpsdqbce6ae.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-18_zpsdqbce6ae.jpg.html)

Although we have maps of our capital. Our map maker decided to get drunk instead of marking Shanghai. Wu Zetian had him and his family executed for his failure.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-19_zpsb6qqpvva.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-19_zpsb6qqpvva.jpg.html)

She was able to do so. Since our new code of laws, counts treason as disobeying the order of the chieftain.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-20_zpsq13tkapg.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-20_zpsq13tkapg.jpg.html)

The Chinese people are amazing. The top of the pack in everything, but Crop yield, and Literacy.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-21_zpsv4ii0zrk.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-21_zpsv4ii0zrk.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-22_zpsfcmfamhp.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-22_zpsfcmfamhp.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-23_zpsribaiixc.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-23_zpsribaiixc.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-24_zpsglo8eubr.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-24_zpsglo8eubr.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-25_zpsrezyasny.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-25_zpsrezyasny.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-26_zpsyec8gjs9.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-03-26_zpsyec8gjs9.jpg.html)

But Wu Zetian graces us lesser minds with great info about our foes.

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-04-04, 01:03 AM
Have I ever mentioned

how much

I hate barbarians?

2016-04-04, 02:24 AM
Just Kilimanjaro... and o' course the city of Washington Dee Cee a little ways northeast!

2016-04-04, 08:17 PM
You inquire as of the timeline for our proposed settlement. The Golden Hub estimates a full eight caravan cycles before the embarkation of our colonists. We assure you, we wish the site only as a western trading port and for access to the goods within immediate working area. We will not hasten the development of our borders, but our citizens are likely to want to begin farming the rich lands bordering the nearby lake, and we cannot guarantee their behaviors.

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-04-05, 06:29 PM

Why are there so many barbarians in this area? Was Raging Barbarians turned on?


Let us never forget the scout who died to lure the filthy savages away from the founders of the new city of Porto, where our people can visit the holy mountain of Uluru.

2016-04-05, 11:52 PM
Greetings, oh great one. It is welcome to see a friendly face out in the world. Know that the delegation from the lush and burning lands of Morocco is already on its way to your beautiful city. We hope this is the beginning of a profitable friendship between our two peoples.

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-04-09, 10:23 PM

Here's hoping nobody manages to rush Stonehenge.

2016-04-10, 05:56 PM
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-01_zpspaqrfwpn.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-01_zpspaqrfwpn.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-02_zpsp78btgro.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-02_zpsp78btgro.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-03_zps3aslqodz.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-03_zps3aslqodz.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-04_zpspwre5mze.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-04_zpspwre5mze.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-7_zps4aaomvkl.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-7_zps4aaomvkl.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-8_zpsrg6uh7al.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-8_zpsrg6uh7al.jpg.html)

Barbarians come from the Southern icy lands. They hunger and pillage. But with Wu Zetian's guidance, we can break them.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-5_zpskdgcs0wr.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-5_zpskdgcs0wr.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-6_zpscurs2vgb.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-6_zpscurs2vgb.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-9_zpsbodumfvz.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-9_zpsbodumfvz.jpg.html)

Wu Zetian has sent out another pack to settle the western coast. However annoyance lurks when it turns out we see barbarians on our western front.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-10_zpslqdte86y.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-10_zpslqdte86y.jpg.html)

Our scouting band, scouts out the slaves, squashing any signs of discontent among the populace.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-11_zpsjv4fyog8.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-11_zpsjv4fyog8.jpg.html)

Our other scouting band lurks around the American settler band. Perhaps if we get lucky, we can put an end to it.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-12_zps4epyutax.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-12_zps4epyutax.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-13_zpsynd8iq61.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-13_zpsynd8iq61.jpg.html)

Now that we are able to, Wu Zetian sends written orders, on our scientists to track the passage of seasons.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-14_zps5tzmenpm.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-14_zps5tzmenpm.jpg.html)

And here we see Beijing, and Wu Zetian on her glorious throne.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-15_zpsmxgu5v9l.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-15_zpsmxgu5v9l.jpg.html)

And here in Northern China, we see the fertile settlement of Shanghai.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-16_zps767ylbqp.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-16_zps767ylbqp.jpg.html)

Wu Zetian is no longer Chief Wu Zetian. Now, she is Queen. Long live the queen!

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-17_zpsr6ok77fd.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-17_zpsr6ok77fd.jpg.html)

Queen Wu Zetian is glad for her people. For we have the most fertile lands, make the most goods, have the most land, is the most well liked ruler, and our people are the smartest in the world.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-18_zpsnbsekxst.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-18_zpsnbsekxst.jpg.html)

People do not visit other nations.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-19_zps8hqv3wf0.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-19_zps8hqv3wf0.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-20_zpsggv8oi1z.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-20_zpsggv8oi1z.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-21_zpsdvok02iq.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-21_zpsdvok02iq.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-22_zps3cim4u6z.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-22_zps3cim4u6z.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-23_zpskvwhit16.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-23_zpskvwhit16.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-24_zps0ogzuehn.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-10-24_zps0ogzuehn.jpg.html)

Our intelligence tells us not to worry over the culture and the military of other nations.

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-04-10, 10:50 PM
The fledgling empire of Portugal, led by Queen Maria I

The capital, Lisbon (http://i.imgur.com/5qWFEbn.png): Our people have completed construction of a great stone altar, the better to pursue our faith. Now we turn to secular matters, putting together a trade caravan bound for a minor city we met in the north. Once we have secured a stable economic base, we must put together a militia to rout the savages that plague our lands and bring justice to the scouting party that gave their lives that Porto may be founded.
The holy city of Porto (http://i.imgur.com/Fm86hTR.png): The other great bastion of our faith, Porto's proximity to our holy mountains will ensure that all will, in time, know the majesty of the God that has given us this land to rule. For now, building efforts will concentrate on feeding the people.

Demographics (http://i.imgur.com/IwsJLzA.png): [Look at that approval rating. I must be the only person with negative happiness right now. Along with a laughable 2 GPT, this isn't boding very well. If I manage first religion I'm definitely taking Tithe for my founder belief.]
Knowledge (http://i.imgur.com/mbg0bft.png): [After finishing Bronze Working to check for iron in the vicinity, I'm going to take Trapping because of all the ivory near me and then Sailing for the second trade route. Gotta make that money.]
Faith (http://i.imgur.com/tzo50Oh.png): [Both pantheons I wanted got taken already, probably by people who found ruins instead of barbarians, so I took Fertility Rites, since none of the other +faith beliefs would help me and boosted growth is always helpful, especially since the Temple of Artemis DLC is disabled.]

2016-04-13, 09:51 AM
Greetings, good lady. We of the Moroccan trading institute welcome you to our lush and burning lands. We hope this meeting of scouting parties is the forerunner to millennia of profitable trade and visitation by our two peoples.

The Moroccan tourism institute advises against foreign travel at the moment. Currently, violent barbarians are swarming at all known potential tourist sights. The Moroccan army is currently en route to clear out any angry tourists who may attack the unprepared.

A.K.A. I am having barbarian problems and every city site that I've wanted to found has had a camp next to it. Hopefully I can get a move on soon, or else I won't have many settlement spots left.

2016-04-14, 09:44 PM
The thirty-third Trading Cycle has brought good tidings to the Golden Hub of Austria. The great caravan sent to the southern lake was able to establish a permanent trading bazaar and harbor. For the sake of simplicity we have designated it in our trading agreements as "Southharbor". If a more southern harbor becomes necessary, the merchant council will revisit this convention.


Astute tradesfolk will notice the Chinese city of Shanghai, situated on a vein of Gold that the Hub wished to claim. Alas, negotiations broke down. The Golden Hub believes that positive relations with our neighbors were of higher value than the settlement, given the reputation of the Chinese Generals.

The Golden Hub itself prepares to mine the deep veins in the nearby foothills. The recent expansion of the trading circle has caused dissatisfaction among the merchants. We fear the Whale oil and ambergris will only make so much of a profit, and financing a faraway bazaar may require dedicated extraction. No merchant would lower themselves to such labors, so the financing of a crew of skilled Workers has begun. In addition, the purchase of a fleet of shallow-water exploration ships was completed. The value of meeting new trading partners will hopefully exceed the steep cost paid.

OOC: Sorry for the lack of updates, it's honestly been very slow. China beat me to the Pantheon I wanted and also my second city spot. I'm on a peninsula with one of the more powerful military civs between myself and the rest of the continent, apparently. On the plus side, I shouldn't have to worry much about anyone else, like the Mongols, but on the minus side, I might not last beyond Machinery, if China decides they want my land.

I finally got a second city, though. I'm intending for it to remain small, and serve more as a source of trade route happiness/gold and food/production to my Capital. I hope to soon have a third to get the Gems nearby and then buy City-States for the remainder of my cities. Unless my Trireme finds a nice unsettled island, which I can only hope for.

Barbarians killed the Scout I sent southward, and west was a dead end, so I've still not met any other players. I've been assured that land to the east exists, but the Barbs are still chasing my second scouting party all over the place.

Overall I don't really have any idea how I'm doing in the scheme of things, just that China looks a lot nicer. I really need to meet some more players, especially as I'll have an excess Gold resource soon.

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-04-15, 09:15 PM
[Raging Barbarians isn't on, is it?]


are you serious

2016-04-15, 09:49 PM
[Raging Barbarians isn't on, is it?]
Would that just make them more common, or tougher? Because there do seem to be more than normal, but I don't think they're any tougher than normal. But of course it could just be my luck.

2016-04-15, 10:02 PM
Shouldn't be. I never have it on.

Then I remembered I don't host this game.

2016-04-15, 10:06 PM
Would that just make them more common, or tougher? Because there do seem to be more than normal, but I don't think they're any tougher than normal. But of course it could just be my luck.

If it were, I think we'd have even more barbarians. AFAIK it increases the spawn rate at camps but does not affect the strength of Barbs or the number of camps spawned.

My current suspicion is that nobody has been clearing camps, as I cleared the one closest to my land while taking my time about it and it only spawned one barb in that duration, which is typical. If we had Raging Barbarians I'd have expected at least two.

2016-04-15, 10:14 PM
If it were, I think we'd have even more barbarians. AFAIK it increases the spawn rate at camps but does not affect the strength of Barbs or the number of camps spawned.

My current suspicion is that nobody has been clearing camps, as I cleared the one closest to my land while taking my time about it and it only spawned one barb in that duration, which is typical. If we had Raging Barbarians I'd have expected at least two.
I did the same with one I found near my start point earlier. Now I've suddenly found another at a similar distance from my capital to the first, and my scout ran into a couple out a ways from me as well. Both of which have already spawned an extra warrior.

Eh, maybe I'm just underestimating how many there typically are.

2016-04-15, 11:17 PM
It certainly seems like we've been dealing with more on my end. Granted, it might also just be horrible luck with the camp placements.

2016-04-15, 11:26 PM
Is there any way to check? We can ask Narkis, but I don't know if the advanced settings even show up after you've started the game.

2016-04-16, 12:53 AM
[Raging Barbarians isn't on, is it?]

Shouldn't be. I never have it on.

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-04-16, 01:01 AM
[So it's just RNG saying I don't deserve to be happy then. Good to know.]

2016-04-16, 01:16 AM
A Traveler's Guide to Morocco
http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z457/RayGallade/20160415225954_1_zpsi1l0295q.jpg (http://s1190.photobucket.com/user/RayGallade/media/20160415225954_1_zpsi1l0295q.jpg.html)
After many years of fording through barbaric lands, the Moroccan Outpost Bureau (MOB) has successfully seen to the establishment of a new trading post. Travelers are encouraged to visit the grand city of Mountain Prime, climb the scenic Mount Saini, and potential insipire future Moroccans in the ways of the future. To celebrate the founding of Mountain Prime, the capital has been re-christened to Trader's Rest.

http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z457/RayGallade/20160415225936_1_zpsjev6vzvr.jpg (http://s1190.photobucket.com/user/RayGallade/media/20160415225936_1_zpsjev6vzvr.jpg.html)
Meanwhile, the Moroccan Investigation Bureau (MIB), is currently seeking out new lands for the MOB to tame. We have found a second holy mountain. Perhaps it is Morroco's calling to be a mountainous people. The MOB shall begin by settling the vast land between this Mount Kilimanjaro and Trader's Rest. However, the MOB will make it a priority to secure this mountain for our glorious people. Travelers are advised to seek out this mountain and plant Moroccan symbols around its base.

2016-04-16, 08:58 AM
[So it's just RNG saying I don't deserve to be happy then. Good to know.]
Well, if it helps, said RNG seems to have decided the same thing about a few of the rest of us.

2016-04-17, 10:49 AM
Well met friend. The people of the lush and burning land of Morocco greet you. Although our request to send a consulate to your lands appears to have been misplaced, know that we have already requisitioned a building in Trader's Rest for your diplomatic representatives to be filled at your leisure. You should know that the Moroccan Outpost Bureau (MOB) is already en route to establish a new trading outpost to the north of your lands. We shall, however, attempt to avoid pressing into your own boarders.

2016-04-17, 11:05 AM
Well met friend. The people of the lush and burning land of Morocco greet you. Although our request to send a consulate to your lands appears to have been misplaced, know that we have already requisitioned a building in Trader's Rest for your diplomatic representatives to be filled at your leisure. You should know that the Moroccan Outpost Bureau (MOB) is already en route to establish a new trading outpost to the north of your lands. We shall, however, attempt to avoid pressing into your own boarders.
Uh, okay, I did not know we'd met. About the former, I think you're talking about an embassy deal, though I don't know what you mean by it being "misplaced." About the latter... if I'm not mistaken, you're saying you intend to settle a city north of my capital? If it's near the mountain with truffles nearby it, I'd ask that you change those plans. It will cause problems - I am currently readying to do exactly that, and frankly with the terrain and where the city-states and other civs in my area are, I do not have many alternatives for where to settle my cities. Going west puts me into Chinese territory, and going east will quickly put me into American territory because of the city-states and mountains I need to pass. I have one viable spot south of my city I intend to use as my third, but that doesn't even give me new luxuries, and is only a single spot.

2016-04-17, 11:27 AM
Perhaps an arrangement can be reached. The land you are looking at will threaten our capital's growth range and our religious scholars cringe at the loss of such a valuable food source, as we count three potential truffle camps. What does Ethiopia have to offer that would offset these two affronts to the Moroccan Outpost Bureau, especially since our settlers have already departed for the contested lands?

2016-04-17, 11:38 AM
Perhaps an arrangement can be reached. The land you are looking at will threaten our capital's growth range and our religious scholars cringe at the loss of such a valuable food source, as we count three potential truffle camps. What does Ethiopia have to offer that would offset these two affronts to the Moroccan Outpost Bureau, especially since our settlers have already departed for the contested lands?
This early in the game? Nothing yet, I'm afraid. Perhaps later on I could offer you more favorable trade deals or something, but at the moment I don't even have spare luxury resources yet, as my first worker is still developing my lands. I have only my capital at this time, and that region is the one spot I thought I could settle a decent second city without coming into conflict with someone.

I will also warn you, there is a barbarian camp which has already spawned more units just a couple of tiles southwest of that mountain. My forces were moving to clear it in preparation for my own city, but if I see yours be settled, I will have no reason to do that.

(On the subject of your capital's borders, how close are we talking there? I haven't seen your lands yet, and I've seen a few tiles north of that mountain. I had intended to settle on the south side of the mountain.)

2016-04-17, 11:36 PM
Depending on where your settlement establishes itself, our capital's southernmost boarder will be at risk. The MOB's recommended area for our settler places it 6 tiles away from Trader's Rest. Our main concern is for the truffles in the area. As our holy men have determined a most effective method to preparing the confections, the loss of three potential sources may be devastating to our cause.

In exchange for the truffle lands, however, do you believe that your people could help protect the great Mt. Kilimanjaro from the Americans and allow the MOB to claim it? If that were the case, we would potentially require a second settlement squad to establish a defensive outpost in the area. Once the MOB reports back, I can send you maps of the area with our proposed arrangements.

2016-04-18, 06:57 AM
Depending on where your settlement establishes itself, our capital's southernmost boarder will be at risk. The MOB's recommended area for our settler places it 6 tiles away from Trader's Rest. Our main concern is for the truffles in the area. As our holy men have determined a most effective method to preparing the confections, the loss of three potential sources may be devastating to our cause.

In exchange for the truffle lands, however, do you believe that your people could help protect the great Mt. Kilimanjaro from the Americans and allow the MOB to claim it? If that were the case, we would potentially require a second settlement squad to establish a defensive outpost in the area. Once the MOB reports back, I can send you maps of the area with our proposed arrangements.
Mt. Kilimanjaro? I'm surprised - that's the area to the east that I wished to avoid in order to not come into conflict with the Americans. I do have a Scout that was upgraded into an Archer in that area - currently trying to find its way past some Barbarians to explore further east - but I'm not sure what I could do to protect it from them short of starting a war if I see them moving to settle it, which I really don't want to do, and even then, one archer won't be able to stop that, since it can't even capture their settler in the event that it moved unprotected. And my other forces are dealing with the Barbarians in the other region we're discussing, so your settler will be able to reach that mountain well before them. Although I do think the Americans won't be settling the Mountain imminently - I know they just settled their second city, strangely north of that, directly across the bay from their capital. Perhaps they've unluckily missed actually finding the Mountain. But IIRC they have taken Liberty for their policies, too, so they may be able to make another settler quickly.

If you have suggestions for what I could actually do about it if the Americans moved to take it, I'm all ears, but I'm not sure how to go about that effectively.

As for the Truffles, I would of course be willing to trade some to you for favorable rates, once I get them established.

Edit: Alright, just took my turn, and looking carefully, I can see your borders just on the edges of the fog of war north of the truffle mountains (and I sent an embassy trade deal, for good measure). Hm, unfortunately, it does look like the ideal settling spots would likely overlap a couple of tiles with where your capital would probably grow to - although perhaps that's not such an issue, since your capital has a huge head-start on growing those borders. But I also can see only two sources of truffles - one east of the mountains, one north, and only one particular tile can put a city in range of both - which would also be one of the tiles likely to put it in range of your city's south border. Where is the third?

2016-04-18, 12:14 PM
The great and eternal Mongol leader wishes you congratulations on the establishing on your city. It does indeed seem like a wonderful place, a bit further east than expected but that is not an issue. On that, we do request to settle no further east, for doing so will encroach on lands the Mongol Empire is hoping to settle in. We also felt it fit to inform you that the land bridge South East of our capital will soon be settled and the border will stretch across the whole thing. If you have any scouts in the lands beyond it we regret to say that they will likely be stuck on that side until our nations can settle on terms for border crossing. We felt it only fair to warn you as you are our closest neighbor, and the only truly civilized group we have met aside from the city state of Florence, who we are friends with. Considering our proximity, and the rampant barbarians plaguing the land between us, I suggest we form a long term deal of some kind. The details, I have not thought of yet, but if the idea of partnering our two nations for whatever the future may hodl interests you, we will be happy to discuss potential trade of goods, coin, warriors, services, and so on.

2016-04-18, 09:56 PM
Greetings from The Golden Hub of Austria. Our merchant council has heard reports of a settled land, east of Panama City. We wish to extend a formal exchange of messengers with the leadership of Ethiopia.

Also we were led to believe a path to the east existed along the peninsula. We see that your people have claimed the only known paths our scouts can find. Are your mapmakers aware of any other paths?

2016-04-18, 10:28 PM
Greetings from The Golden Hub of Austria. Our merchant council has heard reports of a settled land, east of Panama City. We wish to extend a formal exchange of messengers with the leadership of Ethiopia.

Also we were led to believe a path to the east existed along the peninsula. We see that your people have claimed the only known paths our scouts can find. Are your mapmakers aware of any other paths?
I'm afraid I don't know what peninsula you speak of - and have not even met Panama City, though if memory serves I've heard from Illven that it's west of my lands - which makes answering your question a bit on the impossible side right now. I'll be happy to exchange embassies though, of course.

2016-04-18, 10:45 PM
Our apologies. The Golden Hub orients itself centered around the Hub and has had no communication with other civilized lands beyond those claimed by China.

Let us share our knowledge, we hope you too will share what you know of the lands.

Our scouting party approaches the western border of lands claimed by your people, including a Marble quarry. To the west of the scouting party lies Panama City. The City-State controls the entire land bridge between a peninsula to the west and your lands. This ocean-surrounded spit of the western land is home to the Chinese directly to your west and the lands run by The Golden Hub to the north of that. Beyond lies the vast unclaimed ocean.

Technically we have only the information of the Chinese claiming that no other land bridges exist leading from their territory but the shape of the known world confirms that Austria itself is surrounded by ocean on three sides.

2016-04-18, 11:31 PM
Our apologies. The Golden Hub orients itself centered around the Hub and has had no communication with other civilized lands beyond those claimed by China.

Let us share our knowledge, we hope you too will share what you know of the lands.

Our scouting party approaches the western border of lands claimed by your people, including a Marble quarry. To the west of the scouting party lies Panama City. The City-State controls the entire land bridge between a peninsula to the west and your lands. This ocean-surrounded spit of the western land is home to the Chinese directly to your west and the lands run by The Golden Hub to the north of that. Beyond lies the vast unclaimed ocean.

Technically we have only the information of the Chinese claiming that no other land bridges exist leading from their territory but the shape of the known world confirms that Austria itself is surrounded by ocean on three sides.
I see. I have thus far not scouted west from my capital, my units having become tied up fighting barbarians to my north and exploring to my east. I can tell you that in those directions, I see mostly land. Shortly to my south is a tundra-lined coast, and while I knew China's lands were to the west, I didn't realize they were isolated on a peninsula past the City-State they told me about.

The coast to my west stretches north at least a ways, but I cannot say if it bends west to connect back to your peninsula at any point, as my forces are dealing with barbarians in that area right now and cannot proceed with scouting until that's done. I do know that just north of where that's happening is Morocco's territory, though, as I recently made contact with them. As you can tell from my last few posts :smalltongue: .

Eastward there is a lot of land, a couple of City-States, Mt. Kilimanjaro, and a couple of civs. Specifically America and the Maya, in that order.

2016-04-19, 12:25 AM
Now that we have received some maps from the MOB, we believe that we can truly begin to negotiate about settlement rights.

http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z457/RayGallade/Civ%205%20GMR%20Game%2015%204_zpsoi533rc1.jpg (http://s1190.photobucket.com/user/RayGallade/media/Civ%205%20GMR%20Game%2015%204_zpsoi533rc1.jpg.html )

Above is the original proposed settlement area for the MOB. While this would be a wonderful area for our own outpost, my advisors warn me that it is too close to allow you to settle, as this would be within 6 tiles of Trader's Rest. However...

http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z457/RayGallade/Civ%205%20GMR%20Game%2015%201_zpsvkjzwrfb.jpg (http://s1190.photobucket.com/user/RayGallade/media/Civ%205%20GMR%20Game%2015%201_zpsvkjzwrfb.jpg.html )

If you insist on pursuing a settlement in the north, we believe this would be a fair compromise for your outpost. It allows you to access one of the camps of truffles. The only problem we see with it is that it is only 6 tiles away from your capital. Other than this, we believe this to be a reasonable settlement zone, especially as your people appear to worship the very rocks of this world.

Another option, though we have not marked it on the map, would be where the coastal jungle is. Although less useful than the suggested zone, it would grant you access to two of the truffle camps. Despite this, we believe it to be the lesser settlement zone, since there is little room for growth compared with the previous area.

Regardless of which zone you would choose, as part of our compensation, we are open to favorable trades in the future. We also ask, however, that we be allowed to establish an outpost in the vicinity.

http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z457/RayGallade/Civ%205%20GMR%20Game%2015%202_zpspufoi0lw.jpg (http://s1190.photobucket.com/user/RayGallade/media/Civ%205%20GMR%20Game%2015%202_zpspufoi0lw.jpg.html )

This outpost is relatively barren compared to the one we are offering you. It has the difficulty of being close to your future boarders if both settlements are established. However, it would allow us access to one of the truffle camps and may allow us to grow our own cotton. In addition, it guarantees us safe passage to the southeast and a potential staging area if we seek to settle Mt. Kilimanjaro before the Americans. This would also provide us with a trading post to reach out to your people, establishing a safe and prosperous relationship for years to come.

Are these terms fair? There is little land that we can work with between the two of us and we hope to see a prosperous relationship between our two peoples.

The Moroccan Outpost Bureau (MOB) thanks you for your kind words. We shall indeed avoid settling directly east, since that would certainly threaten your sovereign lands. We are curious, however, if your scouting parties have discovered any fertile lands to the north of Mountain Prime? If we cannot settle eastward, we would seek to settle further north to avoid a boarder conflict with your great people. Are you agreeable to us seeking out a potential outpost zone to the north? You ought to know that we are currently in negotiations with our southern neighbors about settlement rights to our south, so the MOB is feeling slightly pressured to find conflict free lands to establish trading posts for the benefit of all involved.

2016-04-19, 06:32 PM
Now that we have received some maps from the MOB, we believe that we can truly begin to negotiate about settlement rights.

http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z457/RayGallade/Civ%205%20GMR%20Game%2015%204_zpsoi533rc1.jpg (http://s1190.photobucket.com/user/RayGallade/media/Civ%205%20GMR%20Game%2015%204_zpsoi533rc1.jpg.html )

Above is the original proposed settlement area for the MOB. While this would be a wonderful area for our own outpost, my advisors warn me that it is too close to allow you to settle, as this would be within 6 tiles of Trader's Rest. However...

http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z457/RayGallade/Civ%205%20GMR%20Game%2015%201_zpsvkjzwrfb.jpg (http://s1190.photobucket.com/user/RayGallade/media/Civ%205%20GMR%20Game%2015%201_zpsvkjzwrfb.jpg.html )

If you insist on pursuing a settlement in the north, we believe this would be a fair compromise for your outpost. It allows you to access one of the camps of truffles. The only problem we see with it is that it is only 6 tiles away from your capital. Other than this, we believe this to be a reasonable settlement zone, especially as your people appear to worship the very rocks of this world.

Another option, though we have not marked it on the map, would be where the coastal jungle is. Although less useful than the suggested zone, it would grant you access to two of the truffle camps. Despite this, we believe it to be the lesser settlement zone, since there is little room for growth compared with the previous area.

Regardless of which zone you would choose, as part of our compensation, we are open to favorable trades in the future. We also ask, however, that we be allowed to establish an outpost in the vicinity.

http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z457/RayGallade/Civ%205%20GMR%20Game%2015%202_zpspufoi0lw.jpg (http://s1190.photobucket.com/user/RayGallade/media/Civ%205%20GMR%20Game%2015%202_zpspufoi0lw.jpg.html )

This outpost is relatively barren compared to the one we are offering you. It has the difficulty of being close to your future boarders if both settlements are established. However, it would allow us access to one of the truffle camps and may allow us to grow our own cotton. In addition, it guarantees us safe passage to the southeast and a potential staging area if we seek to settle Mt. Kilimanjaro before the Americans. This would also provide us with a trading post to reach out to your people, establishing a safe and prosperous relationship for years to come.

Are these terms fair? There is little land that we can work with between the two of us and we hope to see a prosperous relationship between our two peoples.

In general, yes, your compromise seems good. I'd add a third option for where I'll settle my city: the location currently occupied by the Barbarian camp. That seems to lose me relatively little and gain me a port, which my capital lacks, plus push our respective settlements further apart to avoid interfering with each other. I'll decide on exactly which of the locations I use once my settler is prepared to set down, but it will be one of those three.

(Also, I see now why I missed the third truffles spot - my Warrior is currently sitting in the forest it occupies, to help with defense against the Barbarians. Derp.)

As for your own situation though, my personal advice? If you want to settle Mount Kilimanjaro, go now. The Americans just set down their second city a couple turns ago, so now seems your best window of opportunity to get there before they can settle it themselves. Waiting just gives them time to get another settler out, and with Liberty as their policy tree they can likely do that quicker than you if they have a mind to. The territory you've requested in our deal will be there when you're ready to settle it, I can promise you that.

2016-04-19, 07:09 PM
We have not yet explored north of the city state of Florence, do to the barbarians moving in the area. We have only two, possibly 3 viable spots to our east before hitting another nations potential territory but they are currently far enough away that we are avoiding any border conflicts with them, though there is a thin strip of land we are soon to establish a city, whos borders will cut off the lands to the east from passage. Once we are able to deal with the barbarian menace, we shall see what is north of Florence, if anything, and let you know if there is enough land that way in which we could both benefit.

2016-04-20, 06:55 PM
The Chinese people are sorry, but we see little benefit in a mutual embassy exchange at this time.

~Queen Wu Zetian of China.

2016-04-20, 07:31 PM
Good news - the barbarians troubling the region we discussed so much are all but broken. They left their camp for some reason, and I was able to destroy it and kill the unit that was so foolish as to move out of it simultaneously. There is one more barbarian warrior still about, but no more, and I believe it's injured, too.

Also, I'm leaning towards setting my city down in the spot where the barbarian camp was, for access to the coast and because it's adjacent to one of the mountains, which I just noticed the spot you'd proposed before was not, and I would like at least one city that qualifies for the mountain-requiring structures. But that's good for you too, since it means less territory where our cities' borders will compete.

2016-04-24, 02:53 PM
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-1_zpsbfc9byxc.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-1_zpsbfc9byxc.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-3_zpsecyqksl9.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-3_zpsecyqksl9.jpg.html)

A messenger interrupted a private meeting with Wu Zetian and the noble families. Instead of having this intropoler boiled alive, Wu Zetian graciously heard is plea.

From M'banza Kongo. A request to remove a barbarian enclave from the world.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-4_zps4745is3r.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-4_zps4745is3r.jpg.html)

People continue to be born in Shanghai. Population is booming, but the crowding is making some upset.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-5_zpsc80uzanb.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-5_zpsc80uzanb.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-6_zpsgti94aua.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-6_zpsgti94aua.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-8_zps29ftemim.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-8_zps29ftemim.jpg.html)

Our defensive forces report no problems with the savages. Even Shanghai's defense force is quiet.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-7_zpslauuoz2s.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-7_zpslauuoz2s.jpg.html)

Our work band moves to the horses outside our Capital, in an attempt to tame them.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-9_zpstm1ivwfo.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-9_zpstm1ivwfo.jpg.html)

Our wilderness forces retreat from the savage barbarians in an attempt to live.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-10_zpsoyhymikd.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-10_zpsoyhymikd.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-11_zps92ijkfn6.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-11_zps92ijkfn6.jpg.html)

Here we see that by Wu Zetian's grace, we are soon to ask and answer, what is Philosophy.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-12_zpsmazu6ueu.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-12_zpsmazu6ueu.jpg.html)

Here we see the layout of Beijing.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-13_zpshyzleiqa.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-13_zpshyzleiqa.jpg.html)

Shanghai about to finish it's paper maker.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-14_zpsbv4dynaj.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-14_zpsbv4dynaj.jpg.html)

Guangzhou will need a bit more time to finish it's paper maker.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-15_zpsdfw3wgx4.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-15_zpsdfw3wgx4.jpg.html)

The old elevated families, were recently given plots of land by Wu Zetian, to be passed down as they pleased, and done with as they wish.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-16_zpsojlj1qyv.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-16_zpsojlj1qyv.jpg.html)

The scholars say we are the best in total population, fertile lands, goods constructed, the wealth of our citizenry, and total available land, while being worst in nothing.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-17_zpscvib983e.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-17_zpscvib983e.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-18_zpsrasvoe2l.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-18_zpsrasvoe2l.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-19_zpsnrpn2maz.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-19_zpsnrpn2maz.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-20_zpsbmrpvgnv.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-20_zpsbmrpvgnv.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-21_zpsffndndv8.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-21_zpsffndndv8.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-22_zps2smgykfr.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-22_zps2smgykfr.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-23_zpsfqajuner.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/4-24-23_zpsfqajuner.jpg.html)

And our info archives are buzzing with activity.

2016-04-29, 06:41 PM
We are sorry. Currently we are uninterested in providing you gold for a lux trade.

~Sincerely Wu Zetian.

Greetings fellow leader. We are offering to trade you Silver for your copper. We are aware that we both do not have spares. However, you clearly have access to more copper shortly, and I will have additional silver shortly. Are you interested?

~Sincerely Wu Zetian.

2016-04-29, 06:48 PM
Kukulkan, The Great Feathered Serpent, approves of this exchange.

~Paca, Immortal Watcher

2016-04-30, 01:59 AM
The Golden Hub of Austria has heard tales of a distant people. Our expedition reports fertile lands being worked by your civilization. We wish to send a member of our merchant council to reside in your diplomatic capital, near your leadership, whoever or whatever that may be. We invite your people to send a representative to our trading circle as well.

The Hub wishes for trading partners and we hope this exchange will lead to future profit for both parties. We have a supply of Gold that we would be willing to part with should your people acquire any commodity that the Hub cannot currently procure.

2016-04-30, 11:00 AM
Greetings friend. The people of the lush and burning land of Morocco have welcomed your envoy. We currently are examining possibilities of trade, though our proximity to our neighbors has made securing precious resources remarkably difficult. Perchance, does your Hub possess a port city?

Although we have not participated in any official communication, we believe you have the right to know that the Moroccan Outpost Bureau (MOB) has nearly constructed an outpost south of New York. Current analysis says that our two cities will be slightly closer together than one might like (6 tiles instead of 7), but we promise not to expand our city boarders northward intentionally. We hope this outpost will be the beginning of a beautiful trading friendship.

We are reaching out to you to inform you the MOB has found what appears to be a suitable outpost claim almost directly east of Trader's Rest. It is south of Mountain Prime and along the coast. We wish to inquire of your people would object to our claiming this territory, as it is substantially closer to Trader's Rest than to your lands.

Also, the Moroccan Investigation Bureau (MIB) reports no lands to the north of Mountain Prime for us to settle. Too many smaller states have already claimed the viable land.

2016-04-30, 09:59 PM
Upon reviewing our maps and consulting our plans of expansion, the region you are speaking of was of little interest to our people as we feel it would be too close to your city of Trader's rest and would incite unneeded aggression between our people. Those lands are yours to settle. We have only a single site west of our capital that we are planning for settlement; The hills with forests to it's north and west, just below where the river bends. It is beside a valuable source of iron for our people and is the closest we would ever consider settling to your lands. We understand it is much closer than is desired but do not plan on encouraging considerable growth in a westward direction and we are willing to share the iron we mine at low prices should you require the resource in the future. As our closest neighbor we feel it would be mutually beneficial to declare a friendship with one another and would like to set up an embassy in your city of Trader's rest, and in return we would build an embassy for you in our center Karakorum. We are open to negotiations for all of this, but would like to send the embassy request right away, as a show of good faith and to improve relations for the future.

2016-05-01, 02:09 PM
Upon reviewing our maps and consulting our plans of expansion, the region you are speaking of was of little interest to our people as we feel it would be too close to your city of Trader's rest and would incite unneeded aggression between our people. Those lands are yours to settle. We have only a single site west of our capital that we are planning for settlement; The hills with forests to it's north and west, just below where the river bends. It is beside a valuable source of iron for our people and is the closest we would ever consider settling to your lands. We understand it is much closer than is desired but do not plan on encouraging considerable growth in a westward direction and we are willing to share the iron we mine at low prices should you require the resource in the future. As our closest neighbor we feel it would be mutually beneficial to declare a friendship with one another and would like to set up an embassy in your city of Trader's rest, and in return we would build an embassy for you in our center Karakorum. We are open to negotiations for all of this, but would like to send the embassy request right away, as a show of good faith and to improve relations for the future.

Now that we have had time to review our maps and consult with the MOB, we believe that this is an acceptable arrangement. As for the iron, the MOB assures me there is a suitable deposit of equal riches at a potential outpost site. While we appreciate the offer for a favorable trade, we shall decline your offer for now. We have already sent a delegation to your lands, though an official declaration of friendship appear to have been forgotten in the trading papers. Should your diplomats request one, however, the Moroccan Institute of Trade (MIT) would happily announce to the world our great friendship. May our two peoples be forever allied.

2016-05-01, 05:36 PM
At the moment both of the permanent trading centers run by The Golden Hub are port cities and we anticipate most future locations will be chosen with sea access in mind. We have discovered at least two bands of pirates between our lands and yours, however. Suitable military escorts must be present before the council considers the risk sufficiently mitigated to construct a trade fleet.

We would welcome a partnership to keep sea lanes open. We anticipate the dedication of at least one roving band of privateers flying the flag of the Hub, if the Moroccan people could do likewise we feel that would ensure smooth trading relations. Note that our current focus is on infrastructure, it will be many trading seasons before construction of either a cargo-hauling or protective fleet, but we wished to float the idea now to allow time for consideration.

2016-05-01, 06:57 PM
Excellent. We look forward to stepping forward into the future side by side. If any other nations should cause you trouble, know that our weapons will raise up in defense should you require it.

2016-05-01, 09:56 PM
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-01_zpsgqrs59qr.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-01_zpsgqrs59qr.jpg.html)

Wu Zetian is always glad to welcome other nations into the classical era.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-02_zpsey1wtiqx.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-02_zpsey1wtiqx.jpg.html)

However, not too much effort can be spent on the welcoming party, because we have to deal with savages.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-03_zpsze9v6msr.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-03_zpsze9v6msr.jpg.html)

On the bright side, the population of Guangzhou continues to increase.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-05_zpspfoyxrnq.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-05_zpspfoyxrnq.jpg.html)

Our workers under Wu Zetian's guidance, continue to move effectively.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-06_zpskoilntqu.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-06_zpskoilntqu.jpg.html)

Our defense forces report no problems.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-07_zpshngy5xfy.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-07_zpshngy5xfy.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-08_zps2jtqcrgi.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-08_zps2jtqcrgi.jpg.html)

Okay.... That's a blatant lie, but nothing they can't handle.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-09_zpsh6ehqhgz.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-09_zpsh6ehqhgz.jpg.html)

Our slaves move to enslave horses.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-10_zps4ryc4jvi.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-10_zps4ryc4jvi.jpg.html)

And our scouting band still moves to meet the world.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-11_zpsuvijckjg.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-11_zpsuvijckjg.jpg.html)

I spy with my little eye, someone building a great lighthouse for I.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-12_zpsdr6yqfhk.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-12_zpsdr6yqfhk.jpg.html)

Wu Zetian has told our scholars to focus more on the killing power of bows.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-13_zpsqbskt9ve.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-13_zpsqbskt9ve.jpg.html)

Here we see the capital, hammering away. Trying to construct a building that improves our knowledge of other lands.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-14_zpspy9z8axr.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-14_zpspy9z8axr.jpg.html)

Shanghai works on a Barracks.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-15_zpsfilekh3w.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-15_zpsfilekh3w.jpg.html)

As Guangzhou works on a soon to be outdated archer squad.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-16_zpsfqszhj7e.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-16_zpsfqszhj7e.jpg.html)

Our government has undertaken no renovations recently.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-17_zpszkpqh3je.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-17_zpszkpqh3je.jpg.html)

We are best at everything but approval! Wu Zetian was recently heard muttering about how what more did the people want?

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-18_zpst2r9tpgs.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-18_zpst2r9tpgs.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-19_zps1zapaje6.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-19_zps1zapaje6.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-20_zps0k0ptgjp.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-20_zps0k0ptgjp.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-21_zps18r4rxeg.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-21_zps18r4rxeg.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-22_zpsxpicxjev.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-22_zpsxpicxjev.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-23_zpsu449dxzm.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-23_zpsu449dxzm.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-24_zpscmlhaszh.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-24_zpscmlhaszh.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-25_zpsflnrs1dm.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-1-25_zpsflnrs1dm.jpg.html)

And our accumulated information about our foes.

2016-05-03, 12:25 AM
In the year 1120 BC, the Moroccan Outpost Bureau established a foothold at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro. In celebration, the outpost was named MountainSecunde. Master of Trade Ahmad al-Mansur cursed the MOB for instituting a character limit in outpost names.

2016-05-04, 01:17 PM
Guess who's building the pyramids.

Morocco! Just thought you should know.

Guess who's building the pyramids.

Morocco! Just thought you should know. Maybe you could beat them to it?

Guess who's building the pyramids.

Morocco! Just thought you should know.

2016-05-04, 08:51 PM
OOC: Unfortunately I am not in a position to stop them. You almost convinced me you were in Renaissance already, but then I figured you're probably seeing a pyramid-shaped structure forming near their capital and haven't somehow already gotten spies :)

2016-05-05, 07:15 PM
Thank you for this, our scouts have spotted a structure being built that we assume are the pyramids. We were considering starting it, but it is unlikely that we can build one before them. We would like to exchange embassies, to improve future relations between our people. We are opening embassies in our city for other nations. We are preparing to have our soldiers expanding their patrols to fight the barbarians we have noticed still plaguing other lands. We have cleaned out the camps in our own lands and have decided to help other nations that are still plagued by these raiders. If you have any camps that are causing your people issues we can make plans to send warriors to help clear them out.

2016-05-05, 07:34 PM
We would approve of the trading of embassies.

As for the aid of our warriors, while we appreciate the offer, our people are more then strong enough ourselves, to be having no problems with the barbarians.

~Queen Wu Zetian of China

2016-05-07, 01:35 AM
The Golden Hub has heard tales of the fine Cotton your people use for fabrics and wishes to exchange some of our surplus Gold for a regular supply of the fiber. Our scouts inform us that you have an abundance in lands near your cities but our merchant council would be grateful if they could get ahold of the luxury as soon as possible. In return we will give your nation priority in regards to availability of future goods and trade routes. If this sounds fair just let our Ambassador know during your next meeting.

OOC: My capital wants Cotton, and if you give up your current single copy for my extra Gold resource I'll make your cities a priority for trade routes and if in the future you need a resource I have I'll return the favor. I notice you have another currently unclaimed tile within easy reach of your lands so it will eventually be a spare lux for a spare lux trade.

2016-05-07, 10:50 AM
The Golden Hub has heard tales of the fine Cotton your people use for fabrics and wishes to exchange some of our surplus Gold for a regular supply of the fiber. Our scouts inform us that you have an abundance in lands near your cities but our merchant council would be grateful if they could get ahold of the luxury as soon as possible. In return we will give your nation priority in regards to availability of future goods and trade routes. If this sounds fair just let our Ambassador know during your next meeting.

OOC: My capital wants Cotton, and if you give up your current single copy for my extra Gold resource I'll make your cities a priority for trade routes and if in the future you need a resource I have I'll return the favor. I notice you have another currently unclaimed tile within easy reach of your lands so it will eventually be a spare lux for a spare lux trade.
I must admit I'm hesitant about that. While it's true I can get several, I hadn't planned on constructing another Cotton plantation in the near future, since I feel my worker's time is more urgently needed elsewhere right now. And until I do, a deal like this gains me nothing.

That said, some goodwill and trade routes are worth considering. I'll... make my decision when my next turn comes around, I think.

2016-05-07, 05:34 PM
In the year 880 BC. The Oracle had finished construction in Bejing.

By the grace of Wu Zetian, may the old ways never die.

You expressed interest in our plans.

As long as you can be sworn to secrecy, and can tell us if Ryuho is building the hanging gardens in his capital. We can tell you our plans.

~Queen Wu Zetian of China.

2016-05-07, 09:33 PM
Understood. Keep in mind such a deal gains you nothing immediately but also costs you nothing, unless you expect to get your own supply of Gold soon. We anticipate the funding for a cargo ship will be ready within 8 or so trading cycles and would provide you with a reliable income for quite some time, barring pirate interference.

2016-05-08, 01:39 AM
Understood. Keep in mind such a deal gains you nothing immediately but also costs you nothing, unless you expect to get your own supply of Gold soon. We anticipate the funding for a cargo ship will be ready within 8 or so trading cycles and would provide you with a reliable income for quite some time, barring pirate interference.
Alright, I decided to take the deal. I'll just make another plantation a slightly higher priority than it was going to be I suppose. Maybe that'll be the first job of the third worker I pop out or something.

2016-05-08, 04:57 PM
They do not appear to be doing so.
And we shall not betray your trust.

2016-05-08, 05:44 PM
Our plans are simple. To Cho-ku-nu the Austrians. They built for us the great lighthouse. They will be thanked in the next life.

So because photobucket is being a pain in the behind, and I'm not fighting it now. I am tired.

The highlights reel.

We opened honor. Go us!

We are still top of the demo's in alot of stuff.

And since it's past turn 50, my current gaming plan update.

Cho-ku-nu the hell out of the Austrians.

2016-05-09, 10:42 PM
Greetings from The Golden Hub of Austria. Our scouting party claims to have seen evidence of your people but we could not confirm their location. Nonetheless, our merchant council wishes to send a permanent ambassador to your lands and would welcome a trade envoy from your people as well.

The Golden Hub always seeks new trade partners and hopes that this contact will blossom into a long and prosperous relationship for our two peoples.

2016-05-10, 12:26 AM
Greetings. We have scouts traveling far and wide to find every civilization in this world, so we may make contact with all peoples. We are in the process of acquiring several tradable goods and will let you know when we have extras that could be sent out. An embassy will be constructed for some ambassadors from your people. We expect one to be made for our own ambassadors to arrive at on your end.

We are soon planning to build up a large enough force to take one of the city states north of our newest city. We are on good terms with Florence but the other is too much of a hassle to maintain good relation so we will simply be taking it. Please do not be alarmed as we will disband our siege weapons and excess troops after the city state is captured and only maintain enough of a force to guard our lands and send as aid in any future war efforts, should the be required. We felt it important to inform you, our dearest friend, of our intentions so as not to worry you. If you feel our decision to be a bit rash, we are open to a dialogue about alternatives to handling the city state.

2016-05-10, 11:46 PM
This is acceptable to the Moroccan Institute of Trade. We wish you luck in corralling that troublesome city state.

2016-05-12, 05:05 PM
We of the Chinese have a mutually beneficial trade request being sent to you.

One spare gold luxury, for one of your spare incense luxuries. Do you find this acceptable?

In addition, how are things with the Mongolia people? We hear they can we a warlike nation, are your borders peaceful?

Queen Wu Zetian of China.

2016-05-12, 06:20 PM
Fair warning, the turn I just submitted didn't go through on the first attempt, and in the past when that's happened it's caused problems, so we might have to revert.

2016-05-13, 09:20 PM
The merchant circle of The Golden Hub believes that honesty is the best way to do business. After consultations with our navigators and shipbuilders we have realized your nearest port is too far away for our shallow trading vessels to reach. The researching and funding of a Harbor will be necessary and we have other financial priorities for our research at the moment.

As a token of thanks for your goodwill we will send a portion of our first trade route to your empire until such time as we can provide for a proper trade route.

OOC: Just found your coastal city and my trade route overview shows you're too far at the moment. Eyeballing it I think once I get a Harbor I can make it, so until then I'll send part of the GPT I make with the route in appreciation of your help in my capital's growth.

2016-05-13, 10:06 PM
The merchant circle of The Golden Hub believes that honesty is the best way to do business. After consultations with our navigators and shipbuilders we have realized your nearest port is too far away for our shallow trading vessels to reach. The researching and funding of a Harbor will be necessary and we have other financial priorities for our research at the moment.

As a token of thanks for your goodwill we will send a portion of our first trade route to your empire until such time as we can provide for a proper trade route.

OOC: Just found your coastal city and my trade route overview shows you're too far at the moment. Eyeballing it I think once I get a Harbor I can make it, so until then I'll send part of the GPT I make with the route in appreciation of your help in my capital's growth.
Okay, I appreciate that. Though just to be sure, which coastal city are you referring to? I have two, one north and one southwest of my capital. I believe the northern one is closer to you, so if it's that, makes sense. If it was the southern one though, maybe the northern one is close enough for you?

BTW, I finally have a scout checking out the regions west of my lands. Given Illven's history in the other GMR game I joined (where he apparently killed another player rather early with crossbows, which China gets an even better version of), one thing I'm watching for is signs of him looking to make a military move on either of us. I haven't seen any yet, but I've only just found his lands, so there's plenty I've yet to see. I'll let you know if I see anything - especially since I think you may be the more likely target if he does, since he'd have to go through a city-state to get to me.

2016-05-14, 01:33 AM
We of the Moroccan Institute of Trade gladly accept your offer, though perhaps in your haste to deliver your message you mistook our truffles for incense. Still, we are pleased with this trade.

As for the matter of our neighbors, we are on wonderful terms with them. We have peaceably negotiated settling rights along our shared boarder and see only peace for the foreseeable future. Is there something that the Moroccan Intelligence Bureau ought to know about?

2016-05-14, 01:47 AM
Yeah, that's probably what we meant.

As for the Mongolia issue, nothing in particular. Just a reminder that Keshisks are a bitch to fight.

2016-05-14, 01:10 PM
So. After Ryuho's hypocriticalness in 12, I'm going to need to be convinced not to drop.

2016-05-14, 01:11 PM
Greetings. I see our scouts have bumped into each other in the far east, not far from Mayan and American territory. I've offered an exchange of diplomatic embassies to start us off on the right foot.

2016-05-14, 01:21 PM
So. After Ryuho's hypocriticalness in 12, I'm going to need to be convinced not to drop.

Are you saying you want to drop this game due to events in 12?

2016-05-14, 01:25 PM
Are you saying you want to drop this game due to events in 12?

Specifically because Ryuho's in the game, and I'm pissed that he throws a hissy fit if he gets sneak attacked, but gladly engages in a 4v1 on me.

2016-05-14, 01:41 PM
Well, for myself I really prefer an all human player roster in these games, so I'd prefer you stay in and try to resolve your differences out of game.

2016-05-14, 03:14 PM
After calming down, and speaking to other players.

While relations have permanently soured with the Portugal empire. I'll stay in.

Ryuho Tsugu
2016-05-14, 06:26 PM
[I will retire as leader of Portugal after my next turn because I'd rather not be a toxic influence on this game.]

My goal was to win a cultural victory. At the time of writing, I am close to enhancing my religion with the remaining religious building, the cathedral. With that and two more policies to get the reformation belief that provides tourism from religious buildings, the plan is to settle a number of cities, even in sub-optimal spots, in order to get as much tourism as possible before the major culture boosts (like the Sistine Chapel) come into play.

2016-05-14, 09:11 PM
I dropped so you don't have leave.

2016-05-15, 12:15 AM
Indeed, finding you makes the last civilization we expect to see in this world. We are happy to exchange diplomatic relations. We are close friends with our nearest neighbors, Morocco. And while we have established embassies with all others, we have yet to trust any of them, as most offer us very little, other than luxuries to give us in exchange for our excess. While acceptable, we do not trust the Americans. They have a scout trapped in our territory, we are waiting for him to leave across the waters, or be disbanded. We assume there is no other reason for it to be in our land so leaving it here would serve no purpose but to spy on our cities. Once we can determine whether or not we can trust the Americans... well our people can make further plans with them. Know that the Mongolians back the Moroccans. They are skilled traders. You should seek them out for trade if you have not already done so.

2016-05-15, 12:36 AM
You have established a city on the land bridge we were planning on claiming as ours and you have a scout in our territory. Disband the scout at once and we may overlook your slight of encroaching on our lands. Do not and we will take that city from you.

The Americans have colonized just east of us after being warned not to. We are giving them one chance to make a deal and if they refuse to make amends we are waging war with them. Can we expect your support during these dark times?

It seems the Americans are NOT to be trusted. Their scout remains in our lands and they have colonized on our eastern border after being told not to encroach so close. We will be taking the city they have placed on our lands. If you have any grudges against them, now would be a good time to use them. We only want that city, after that we have no further issue with them, unless we can be given a reason to have more of one.

The Americans have colonized on a land bridge just east of my cities and close to you. There were told not to. This move is an aggressive act of colonization. We plan to take their city. There are currently some barbarians just south east of your city, behind a mountain. I have men clearing the camp but will leave it for you to take if you'd like to help me. These Americans need to learn to respect borders.

2016-05-15, 12:59 AM
Indeed, finding you makes the last civilization we expect to see in this world. We are happy to exchange diplomatic relations. We are close friends with our nearest neighbors, Morocco. And while we have established embassies with all others, we have yet to trust any of them, as most offer us very little, other than luxuries to give us in exchange for our excess. While acceptable, we do not trust the Americans. They have a scout trapped in our territory, we are waiting for him to leave across the waters, or be disbanded. We assume there is no other reason for it to be in our land so leaving it here would serve no purpose but to spy on our cities. Once we can determine whether or not we can trust the Americans... well our people can make further plans with them. Know that the Mongolians back the Moroccans. They are skilled traders. You should seek them out for trade if you have not already done so.
I still have one that I have yet to meet - Portugal, it looks like. And I have met the Moroccans, they are my northern neighbors, and we've already negotiated over territory once. And may have to do so again, but I'll see to that when the time comes.

It seems the Americans are NOT to be trusted. Their scout remains in our lands and they have colonized on our eastern border after being told not to encroach so close. We will be taking the city they have placed on our lands. If you have any grudges against them, now would be a good time to use them. We only want that city, after that we have no further issue with them, unless we can be given a reason to have more of one.
I have no quarrel with the Americans at this point. They're well east of my lands, and we've barely interacted. And I am not interested in conquering anyway, even if they were closer to me.

2016-05-16, 07:11 AM
I seem to have somehow overlooked/forgotten that it was my turn, and ended up skipped; could I get a revert? :smallredface: It's not vitally important but I don't really want to let it pass, only to find out that the AI messed up my barbarian-purging efforts.

2016-05-16, 08:54 AM
I seem to have somehow overlooked/forgotten that it was my turn, and ended up skipped; could I get a revert? :smallredface: It's not vitally important but I don't really want to let it pass, only to find out that the AI messed up my barbarian-purging efforts.
Not up to me, but I'm fine with it, for what it's worth.

2016-05-16, 09:50 AM
In that case, I'll hold off on taking my turn.

2016-05-16, 02:07 PM
In that case, I'll hold off on taking my turn.
Actually, with it being your turn, you should be able to revert it yourself. Illven had me do it myself once, when I ran into issues getting it to load for my turn.

2016-05-16, 03:36 PM
Turn has been reverted

2016-05-16, 03:39 PM
Alright, reverted.

2016-05-16, 04:18 PM
http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z457/RayGallade/20160516141106_1_zpsbjd60h0p.jpg (http://s1190.photobucket.com/user/RayGallade/media/20160516141106_1_zpsbjd60h0p.jpg.html)

Look around at this world we've made
Equality our stock in trade
Come and join the Brotherhood of Man
Oh, what a nice, contented world
Let the banners be unfurled
Hold the Red Star proudly high in hand

In the year 680 BC, the priests of the temples of Syrinx rose up and assumed control of the Moroccan Institute of Trade. Preaching of the how they alone held the gifts of life, they brought food to the masses.

While we cannot offer any aid to you at the moment, should our forces become strong enough to launch an invasion of America, know that the MIT shall be at your side. As a side note, are you interested in hearing the words of Syrinx?

2016-05-16, 09:04 PM
I'd like to try to replace our missing players ASAP, I have a personal stake here due to being penned in by China, who is now an AI and who will therefore most likely decide my diplomatic gestures up to this point were of no use and decide my lands belong to them, or at least be unreasonable about neutral happiness lux trades and the like.

2016-05-18, 01:56 AM
Hey, question. If the AI hasn't already, would it be possible to shoot me a invite link for a couple of turns so when China's religion is founded I can name it Mulanism, instead of whatever other lame religion the AI will choose?

It'd only be for a couple of turns, (partly because I've read spoilers already) I'll do what I was going to do till religion is founded, then drop and you guys can go back to hating me for ruining the game.

2016-05-18, 04:44 AM
Here you go (http://multiplayerrobot.com/Game/Join/21932?token=44d70a78-b3d9-48da-857e-efa9da51e2bd). But I think I speak for everyone when I say we'd much prefer it if you and Ryuho worked things out and came back for good.

2016-05-18, 05:49 AM
Hey, question. If the AI hasn't already, would it be possible to shoot me a invite link for a couple of turns so when China's religion is founded I can name it Mulanism, instead of whatever other lame religion the AI will choose?

It'd only be for a couple of turns, (partly because I've read spoilers already) I'll do what I was going to do till religion is founded, then drop and you guys can go back to hating me for ruining the game.
You did not ruin the game and I sincerely doubt anyone here hates you. If you don't want to completely return to the game after what happened last weekend that's up to you, but as Narkis said, you'd be welcome back if you did.

2016-05-18, 06:52 PM
So Mulanism was formed. THE PROPEHCY gave me foreknowledge. :smalltongue:

Would everyone want me back? I read spoilers, but I did have a plan before my meltdown.

2016-05-18, 08:18 PM
I'd prefer you come back, with spoiler knowledge or not, player > AI.

2016-05-18, 09:42 PM
I would be fine with you back. Humans are much better than AI

2016-05-19, 09:36 PM
OOC: Had to "declare war" to get through the shallows near your port city. I should have moved far enough that it won't blockade you on accident and sent a peace offer with re-establishing embassies.

OOC: I had sent a GPT offer with a portion of my proceeds from the trade route, but I had literally one hex without visibility and it turns out there was a barbarian galley there. So... now I have no income, and I didn't realize but pillaged sea routes can spawn land units! I'm likely to be too occupied defending my lands to resume the trade for a bit. Sorry.

Also, your southern port city is on a sea that's blocked by ice to the west. I'm not sure if sea routes can pass through ice hexes or not, but it's also much further than your northern port city from my lands.

2016-05-19, 09:48 PM
Ah, that sucks. Particularly since I don't think the game stops the deal or allows either of us to cancel it early, so I think that means for the time being, you're just losing money on me that you're not getting replaced. Sorry. :smallfrown:

And dang, I did not know that about my southern city. I've only just had a scout start exploring the lands west of me, as I mentioned, and haven't seen that area yet. I'm pretty sure ice spaces cannot be traversed except by air, so yeah, no luck there. Fortunately I don't think there's such a blockage east of it, so it can still be useful as a port, but it does suck to learn it's cut off from the west that way.

2016-05-21, 04:46 AM
You have established a city on the land bridge we were planning on claiming as ours and you have a scout in our territory. Disband the scout at once and we may overlook your slight of encroaching on our lands. Do not and we will take that city from you.

Funny story, partner - the boys who built Philly were gonna settle on one of those little islands south of you, nice and close to the capital, but then someone went and founded a city just a smidge too close. So they had t' go find someplace else. If you wanted that someplace else, well... seems to me that's what y'might call poetic justice.

As for the scouts, lemme get this straight: you trap one of our boys within your borders, and somehow that's our fault?

Might wanna take a good long look at your priorities, friend.

2016-05-21, 06:23 PM
ooc: I'm sorry, meant to write this a lot sooner but RL got in the way.

The Mayan people initially begrudged you for founding a city so close to Palenque, but the Immortal Watcher Pacal has since helped us see our error. The land belongs to those who work it, and we had no right to resent you for your eagerness to claim your portion of what is the gods' gift to us all. Please accept our apologies for this grudge, however short-lived and inconsequential it was. We wish for nothing but to be friends.

Once, a long time ago, you asked to learn about the gods. The full truth has since been revealed to us, and in turn we would like to share it with you:

In the beginning, there was nothing but the gods. But eventually, inevitably, they grew restless and wished for something more. Thus, they created the world. The earth, the sea, the sky, as well as the plants and beasts that dwell within came to be in the era of creation. But the gods were still unsatisfied, for they wished to speak to their children as equals and the beasts had neither the mind nor the tongue for the task. So they set out to create a race worthy of being called their children.

In their first attempt to create a people they used mud. But the mudpeople were frail, and all washed away in the rain.

The second people were made of wood. They were sturdy and brilliant, but lacked a soul and thus held no emotion. They created a great civilization, but grew vain and arrogant. They did not respect the gods, and willingly caused harm to each other. At the end of their cycle they were deemed inadequate, and were destroyed. Nothing of them remains.

We, the race of men, owe our existence to Kukulcan, the Great Feathered Serpent. We might not be as resilient or intelligent as the Second People, but he gave of his blood so that we could possess a divine soul, and the capacity to be greater than either of our predecessors. Furthermore, he empowered one of us to watch us eternally and taught him these truths, so that we would not be handicaped by ignorance. We know we are the children of the gods. But we are not yet worthy of being called their equals. At the end of the 12th b'ak'tun the gods will judge us and our works. We pray they will not find us wanting.

Our priesthood is fully established in Palenque. Soon we will be able to send a delegation to Washington, and establish a second Temple on your soil, if you so wish. Humanity must stand united in peace for the gods' judgement. To that end we shall work in all the cycles to come. But to overcome athell future challenges, we will need the aid of friends, the first of which we hope will be you, the American people.

2016-05-21, 11:17 PM
Funny story, partner - the boys who built Philly were gonna settle on one of those little islands south of you, nice and close to the capital, but then someone went and founded a city just a smidge too close. So they had t' go find someplace else. If you wanted that someplace else, well... seems to me that's what y'might call poetic justice.

As for the scouts, lemme get this straight: you trap one of our boys within your borders, and somehow that's our fault?

Might wanna take a good long look at your priorities, friend.

What islands are you talking about? We are not aware of any islands existing south of our cities. Seeing as how you failed to mention this, your placement of "philly" is an intentionally hostile invasion of our territory. It isn't even ideal for where we planned on putting our city. We will take it as is none the less. We are sorry we inconvenienced your ability to settle on an island that we have no knowledge of, but to retaliate by settling right on our doorstep is cause for action. As for your scout; do what you will, when it comes time we will let it leave our territory one way or another.

2016-05-22, 12:36 AM
Well, you failed to mention as how you wanted the land where Philly is, so... tough.

Look, we're reasonable folks. Tell you what: we'll give you Philly if you give us Turfan. You don't like where Philly is, fine, you can burn the darn place to the ground and found yer own city; that's what we'll be doing with Turfan, so's we can nab that little island. Then you can settle another place a mite further up that there peninsula, if y'like, and we won't send any more boys over to your side of the pond. Howzat sound?

Sure thing, partner! Send your boys over whenever you're ready, we'll see about findin' a place to put them up.

2016-05-23, 01:14 AM
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-01_zps1vccv8oi.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-01_zps1vccv8oi.jpg.html)

Kathmandu is annoyed at our invasion of their sovereign territory. Even if it's for their own good.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-02_zpszjwdsevw.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-02_zpszjwdsevw.jpg.html)

Our palace guard also hunts for savages.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-03_zpsnxr69xlh.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-03_zpsnxr69xlh.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-04_zpslkvx323s.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-04_zpslkvx323s.jpg.html)

As the Chinese main roadway starts being paved.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-05_zpsvj0jbvsi.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-05_zpsvj0jbvsi.jpg.html)

Shanghai's defense form reports no problems.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-06_zpsgtz2f7dp.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-06_zpsgtz2f7dp.jpg.html)

As our mounted archery squads carefully approach the savages.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-07_zpsxfatfyng.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-07_zpsxfatfyng.jpg.html)\

As our scout travels the northern lands.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-08_zpsa21l50kf.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-08_zpsa21l50kf.jpg.html)

As new Palace guards are recruited from the eager populace.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-09_zpslwnny8sd.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-09_zpslwnny8sd.jpg.html)

As we finish the science of Engineering. We start the study of Guilds.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-10_zpscfm2sb77.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-10_zpscfm2sb77.jpg.html)

And Bejing works on a national college.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-11_zpszj0pavl9.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-11_zpszj0pavl9.jpg.html)

As Shanghai starts constructing a caravan for the merchants guilds to come.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-12_zpsp3ldt29z.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-12_zpsp3ldt29z.jpg.html)

And Guangzhou works on a water mill.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-13_zpsxovmtlxv.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-13_zpsxovmtlxv.jpg.html)

Here we see the government form has not changed since the yesteryears.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-14_zpsvmuhehht.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-14_zpsvmuhehht.jpg.html)

China has the most numerous people, the most grain per harvest, the most goods constructed, the greatest economy, the biggest army, and the most literate peoples.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-15_zpsdzspevyb.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-15_zpsdzspevyb.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-16_zps41numz01.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-16_zps41numz01.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-17_zpsf481nlzc.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-17_zpsf481nlzc.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-18_zpso9owvsjc.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-18_zpso9owvsjc.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-19_zpswt0nyz4u.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-19_zpswt0nyz4u.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-20_zpsrei0ofit.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-20_zpsrei0ofit.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-21_zpsxkspuycc.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-21_zpsxkspuycc.jpg.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-22_zpscd7x0s9i.jpg (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/GMR%2015%20Pictures/5-22-22_zpscd7x0s9i.jpg.html)

And our intelligence agency reveals info.

2016-05-24, 01:38 AM
Okay, unlike #16, this game looks like it should be compatible with my version of CiV, so I'd like to replace the artificial intelligence leaders of Portugal with ... something slightly less incompetent, hopefully

2016-05-24, 10:08 AM
Alright, this invite link (http://multiplayerrobot.com/Game/Join/21932?token=cb711460-f858-450e-b394-222ab7d565db) should work. Welcome aboard!

2016-05-24, 11:21 PM
OOC: Accepted your request, stupid AI was making me move my troops south even though I want them going north to deal with a city state. I've started razing philly, you can do the same with turfan. How much further up should I settle a city to keep it from blocking out your island?

2016-05-25, 02:39 AM
OOC: The island in question is here:


I believe the minimum space between cities is 3 tiles, meaning that you could settle 1 hex north or east and it should work fine. Thanks for being obliging about this - I was all set to dig in my heels and start building a navy, but I'm happy to point my rowdy Americans in someone else's direction :smallwink:

It's probably worth discussing what happens to the cocoa and fish resources ahead of time, since those will likely end up within reach of both cities. I'd hoped to nab the cocoa for myself, but it is on the mainland in your sphere of influence, and I can live without it; you take the cocoa, I take the fish?

2016-05-25, 03:10 AM
OOC: The island in question is here:


I believe the minimum space between cities is 3 tiles, meaning that you could settle 1 hex north or east and it should work fine. Thanks for being obliging about this - I was all set to dig in my heels and start building a navy, but I'm happy to point my rowdy Americans in someone else's direction :smallwink:

It's probably worth discussing what happens to the cocoa and fish resources ahead of time, since those will likely end up within reach of both cities. I'd hoped to nab the cocoa for myself, but it is on the mainland in your sphere of influence, and I can live without it; you take the cocoa, I take the fish?

I almost finished that plantation too :smalltongue: I'm happy to let you have the fish. Seeing how close that island is I feel silly to not have noticed it sooner. My scouts never went along that coast. I'll probably put the city towards east instead to get that minimum distance and also avoid my border expansion pushing to get that fish on its own. And sorry about in the INC hostility, I like to play the Mongols as, well, Mongols. They think everything is theirs and are more than happy to send war to others to take it. But in this situation the benefits are mutual and the only thing the Monogls lose is the time spent growing Turfan. Regrettable but certainly less costly than waging an open war with such a close neighbor. Posts after this will be back INC. Mongols will be begrudging, but they acknowledge smart tactics, and frankly expect the Americans to have a strong military. If Morocco, America and Mongolia decided to unite, we could likely stand up to any of the other nations, since we seem centrally located compared to other nations. I myself provide incense to at least 3 other nations while still maintaining some for myself. We'll send you some once we have our new city established as a show of good faith and hope for a smoother future.

2016-05-25, 03:26 AM
No need to apologize; a little belligerence spices these games up, and I'm at least trying to play the 'Muricans as cavalier and reckless (I tend to play cautiously by habit, so we'll see how that works). But the inland sea makes for a convenient natural border, and given that 'centrally located' can easily turn into 'surrounded by potential enemies' I'm happy to have at least one front I don't need to worry about.

I think we might already have a trade deal going, incense for spices? I know I'm trading spices to someone for a spare luxury, anyway. We can work something out if we haven't already.

2016-05-25, 10:46 PM
Greetings from The Golden Hub of Austria. We apologize for the delay in diplomatic missives but are glad for the embassy exchange. Our merchant council hopes for peaceful and profitable relations with the American people.

The Golden Hub of Austria sends our greetings to the Mayan people. We hope to send a member of the merchant council to take residence in your diplomatic center and would welcome an ambassador from your people. We hope for peaceful and profitable trade possibilities with your lands.

2016-05-27, 06:16 AM
We greet you in the name of the Immortal Watcher Pacal. Your delegate is welcome in Palenque. We wish for nothing but to be friends, for we are all the children of the gods. In our veins runs the divine blood of Kukulcan, the Great Feathered Serpent, who tasked us to live in harmony lest we are judged unworthy and destroyed like their previous creations.

2016-05-28, 06:41 AM
Rumours of a coup in portuguese capital. Very little details spill out, but apparently cities have changed names, few members of the court and military high command disappeared mysteriously. Over all, not much has changed. Taxes have not been raised, so a collective shrug of shoulders has been the only real reaction from the common folk. Life goes on as usual.

http://i1272.photobucket.com/albums/y382/thirsting/AAivoryharbor260516_zpsbvtiqo5n.jpg (http://s1272.photobucket.com/user/thirsting/media/AAivoryharbor260516_zpsbvtiqo5n.jpg.html)
Portuguese capital city. Formerly known as Lisbon, renamed to mark a beginning of a new, more prosperous era. Very soon we will send an expedition to settle the western side of our strip of a land. It's good to have access to sea from more than one side of our empire. Feels safer that way.

http://i1272.photobucket.com/albums/y382/thirsting/AApilgrimheights260516_zpsxearaze8.jpg (http://s1272.photobucket.com/user/thirsting/media/AApilgrimheights260516_zpsxearaze8.jpg.html)
Pilgrim Heights, formerly Porto. Very important to the local populace, because of a nearby mountain that apparently is deemed holy.

http://i1272.photobucket.com/albums/y382/thirsting/AAliberimontis260516_zpsqd34q7mg.jpg (http://s1272.photobucket.com/user/thirsting/media/AAliberimontis260516_zpsqd34q7mg.jpg.html)
Liberi Montis? Not sure we understand what this is all about, but better let the people have their faith, to keep them happier. We don't want any angry rebels foiling our day.

[TWO holy buildings! Culture victory in sights! Also happiness unlikely to be a problem, in the long run. Enhancer, which didn't fit the screen, is Itinerant Preachers (religion spreads to cities +30% further away).]