View Full Version : Spider Man 4 Sink/Swim? (possible spoilers)

2007-06-18, 04:14 PM
So, as evident from the title,
A) What do you know about Spiderman 4?
B) Will it suck or rule?
C) Why black spiderman would p0wn all others

Fualkner Asiniti
2007-06-18, 04:22 PM
a) Nothing
b)Um... They kinda killed off most of the great characters. But it'll still probably rock.
c)He doesn't. He's dead.

Lord Magtok
2007-06-18, 04:47 PM
b)Um... They kinda killed off most of the great characters.

We're talking about comic movies here. Every single character will die, get ressurected, die again, and come back about a dozen more times.

2007-06-18, 06:02 PM
We're talking about comics here. Every single character will die, get ressurected, die again, and come back about a dozen more times.Were talking about comic book movies here. Where sadly that doesn't happen often enough. They are dead. Goblin was killed just because he wouldn't work in the next movie.

2007-06-19, 05:50 PM
Still, with carnage and lizard it should be okay.

Sorry if you didn't know and spoilers bother you.

2007-06-20, 10:58 PM
Were talking about comic book movies here. Where sadly that doesn't happen often enough. They are dead. Goblin was killed just because he wouldn't work in the next movie.

Which one? Norman more or less died that way in the story (after dealing with Gwen Stacy). Harry also died, though differently. His death was at least close to noble, though the butler scene was totally uncalled for. "Harry, all this time you have been trying to kill your best friend, I was waiting for the right time to tell you he didn't kill your dad. After you were horribly scarred by him seemed like a good time. Good luck with making the right choice." Besides Norman died 2 movies ago, yet he has appeared in both movies since his death. He simply won't go away. I would easily believe they plan to go all the way and bring him back to life in part 4.

2007-06-20, 11:23 PM
I still haven't seen spiderman 3 *sigh*

On another note, is it good or bad I want to see Kingpin? When I was younger and watched the Spidy cartoons he was the villian I liked the most.

2007-06-21, 02:27 AM
If spider man can do whatever a spider can, then does he have trouble getting out of the bathtub?

Don Beegles
2007-06-21, 07:08 AM
Yes, Icewalker, hence the subtitle.

2007-06-21, 07:24 AM
I Hope he battles Carnage next. And why did Venom have to die?:smallmad:

2007-06-21, 07:44 AM
If spider man can do whatever a spider can, then does he have trouble getting out of the bathtub?

Decline of Videogaming quote?

Anyhoo, I'd like to see the Lizard next. Hopefully they wont try and put too many villains in the film: one is enough...

2007-06-21, 09:29 AM
If spider man can do whatever a spider can, then does he have trouble getting out of the bathtub?
I can honestly say that not all spiders have trouble getting in/out o fthe bathtub.

Even while the shower is on.

And I'm in it.

I hate spiders.

2007-06-21, 01:53 PM
I still haven't seen spiderman 3 *sigh*

Don't waste two hours of your life. Go and watch one of the first two again instead. Spiderman 3 (aka Emo-man) was probably the weakest of the lot.

On another note, is it good or bad I want to see Kingpin? When I was younger and watched the Spidy cartoons he was the villian I liked the most.

Kingpin's already been in "Daredevil" (played by Michael Clark Duncan IIRC).

To the OP:
A) Don't know, don't care anymore.
B) It will suck. But fanbois will still flock to see it.
C) Question does not parse as meaningful English. Abort/FAIL/retry?

2007-06-21, 02:02 PM
I thought the guy that played spiderman (forget his name right now) said that the 3rd movie was going to be his last one.
Though that doesn't mean they couldn't get someone else to play spiderman, or that they didn't change his mind with a truck load of money.

2007-06-22, 02:58 AM
Crap. I could remember his name till you said you couldn't.

OH! Tobey McGuire. I feel better.

Ehh...I haven't seen Spider-Man 3, but I've heard tell it was long on effects and short on plot. I'm guessing a #4 would box well and probably not live up to its hype. Based on the curve. I hope they don't make a fourth. I'm sick of them beating franchises into the ground (Shrek, anyone)...but such is the nature of the biz, I guess.

2007-06-22, 08:58 AM
Kingpin's already been in "Daredevil" (played by Michael Clark Duncan IIRC).
Meh :smallannoyed: That doesn't count.

He wasn't the same.

2007-06-22, 09:33 AM
I still haven't seen spiderman 3 *sigh*

On another note, is it good or bad I want to see Kingpin? When I was younger and watched the Spidy cartoons he was the villian I liked the most.

Kingpin was in the Daredevil movie. Crossing over villains would be a media nightmare.

2007-06-22, 01:47 PM
Wow...I never would have thought that bringing comic books to the big screen would warrant so much negative comments from people.

I think we should all be happy that there even is a <insert your favorite comic hereo here> and stop complaining about who's fighting who and what the plot lien is. Anyone who's even stepped into a comic shop in teh past...oh...10 years will know that there are oodles of alternate titles/worlds/etc.

Also, just to make sure everyone remembers reading Spiderman comics, fighting mulitple villains is Spidey's schtick.

My hopes for the future: The Sinister Six, in whatever incarnation they feel liek bringing around. We've already seen Sandman and Doc Oc.

2007-06-22, 01:52 PM
Don't waste two hours of your life. Go and watch one of the first two again instead. Spiderman 3 (aka Emo-man) was probably the weakest of the lot.

And yet I felt it was stronger than Spider-Man 1.

Now, see, the question of whether Spider-Man 4 would be a box office success doesn't matter. People like me, Spider-Man whores, would go see it no matter how good.
And, chances are, we'd come out and reccomend it to friends.
People would see these movies. They would make further sequels.
They will kill that Butler.

2007-06-22, 10:59 PM
Spider Man 4 will probably have 4 supervillains that just randomly pop up, they all know Spiderman's secret identity, and Aunt Mary is going to turn into a cyborg, go back in time and save Venom from his cruel fate so he can come back later ten times cooler.

2007-06-22, 11:03 PM
Maybe they'll make a Spiderman Mangaverse Version of the movie.

Please don't hurt me

2007-06-26, 09:08 AM
Wow...I never would have thought that bringing comic books to the big screen would warrant so much negative comments from people.

I think we should all be happy that there even is a <insert your favorite comic hereo here> and stop complaining about who's fighting who and what the plot lien is. Anyone who's even stepped into a comic shop in teh past...oh...10 years will know that there are oodles of alternate titles/worlds/etc.

Also, just to make sure everyone remembers reading Spiderman comics, fighting mulitple villains is Spidey's schtick.

My hopes for the future: The Sinister Six, in whatever incarnation they feel liek bringing around. We've already seen Sandman and Doc Oc.

So by your comment above, we should just be happy that Spider-Man movies exist at all, and it doesn't matter whether they suck or not? I don't get that at all. I'm no comic fanboy and I could care less whether they alter a character's origin (a la Doctor Doom in the Fantastic Four movie), as long as it makes for a decent movie. But they need to be decent movies... and Spider-Man 3 doesn't qualify. The point you bring up about multiple villains is one of the reasons why.

In the comic books, you're dealing with established characters and villains; no additional backstory necessary. Lizard shows up and starts stealing biochemical equipment, you know why. Wrecker shows up and starts beating innocent bystanders, you know why. In a movie where you're introducing three villains, there's so much explanation and backstory required that it weakens the main plotline. That's one reason the first X-Men movie was weak compared to the second. In the first, the characters were mostly cardboard cutouts, because there was no backstory to them (aside from Wolverine). But if you'd provided enough backstory, there wouldn't have been time for a plot. That's the Catch-22 about a movie with so many main characters. (Second movie, you had more time for plot, so it was a stronger movie altogether.)

Frankly, I hope they quit with the Spider-Man franchise, and I'd like to see some of the lesser lights of the Marvel Universe. My personal pick would be the Heroes for Hire concept from the late 90's -- Iron Fist and Luke Cage trying to get a for-hire superhero temp service started.

2007-06-26, 10:42 AM
Maybe they'll make a Spiderman Mangaverse Version of the movie.

Please don't hurt me


A Magaverse version would be horrible in any form. I personally dislike Marvel Mangaverse, although it might do well as a minseries on Cartoon Network or something.

2007-06-26, 10:57 AM
You know, Venom could come up again any time now. Remember that piece in Dr. Connor's Lab?

2007-06-26, 02:28 PM
After only reading about half way down, I thought I'd give my input... :smalltongue:

I liked number 3... my mate hated number 2 (no idea why)... I liked all 3 equally and look hopefully towards number 4...

Anyway... Connors still has that sample (as far as I know) of the symbiote, which means Venom/Carnage might come in... or Toxin?

COnors has yet to become Lizard... but a movie where Lizard is the only villain wouldn't be that good... he technically isn't sentient... though at some point he gets to talk... but thats when he turns good... so not that great of a villain on his own...

Also... Beyonder could've saved Venom's ass and wants to use him to test spidey... Secret Wars movie anyone?

So yeah... just a few of my thought trains put into half-decent english...

2007-06-26, 02:36 PM
So by your comment above, we should just be happy that Spider-Man movies exist at all, and it doesn't matter whether they suck or not?


I don't get that at all. I'm no comic fanboy... Let's stop here for a moment and reread...

I don't get that at all. I'm no comic fanboy...
Then why are you going to see comic movies?

My personal pick would be the Heroes for Hire concept from the late 90's -- Iron Fist and Luke Cage trying to get a for-hire superhero temp service started.

Not to split hairs, but the story arc goes a little further back.

I think Marvel.com lists the appearances back dated and filed accordingly, but I could be wrong. It would be who of anyone who wants to catch on as to what Flint Marko's real name is, or what really happens to Gwen Stacy, how many incarnations of the Green Goblin there are (not to mention the copy-cat villain Hobgoblin) or even how Eddie Brock got cancer and sold Venom off to the highest bidder (which is turning into a great story in Spect. Spidey, btw).

2007-06-28, 10:13 PM
Let's stop here for a moment and reread...

Then why are you going to see comic movies?

Because I like comic book movies. Being a fan does not make one a fanboy. A fanboy is one of those shrieking idiots who come out of the woodwork to complain every time a movie/book/TV show deviates one iota from its comic-book source material. (Or at least that's a comic fanboy. There are other kinds, all equally irritating.) Me, as long as it's entertaining, you can mess with the characters and their backstories all you like.

As for your statement that we should be happy just to have comic-book movies, we'll have to agree to disagree. I can't be grateful for the existence of a movie unless I find it enjoyable. I'm not grateful for the original Captain America or Fantastic Four movies, because they were awful. I'm grateful for good (or at least enjoyable) movies.

Not to split hairs, but the story arc goes a little further back.

I realize that; of the Heroes for Hire incarnations, though, that one seemed like the most fun to me.