View Full Version : Player Help Build Advice

Bobby Baratheon
2016-03-01, 09:40 PM
So, I've got a level six character who has a pretty sweet array of powers. Question is, what are the possible directions I can take him? As is there's a pretty clear path but I like exploring options so...

Level 6 (Stalwart Sorcerer 1/Warlock 1/Anima Mage 3/Eldritch Theurge 1)
Note: If you're raising eyebrows about the Anima Mage levels, direct yourselves to the requirements. It states only that you must be able to bind 2nd level vestiges, and then advances them as if you had taken binder levels. This is the exact text:
Soul Binding Bonus: At each anima mage level, your soul binding ability improves as if you had also gained a level in the binder class.. This is kind of a cheap trick, but it works by RAW and it's all good with the DM and the other players. Also, we went with the unofficial interpretation that Practised Spellcaster advances Warlock Eldritch Blasts if applied to warlock.

Lesser Cansin with the following templates: Unseelie Fey, Magic Blooded
Stats (we have a generous rolling system, and I rolled well): STR: 14, DEX: 17, CON: 14, INT: 16, WIS: 10, CHA: 26 (counting my +2 cloak of charisma)
1st level: Dreadful Wrath, Precocious Spellcaster (swapped out Summon Familiar), Bind Vestige (flaw), Bind Vestige, Improved (flaw)
2nd level (we're playing with an extra feat; if we weren't I would just take this at first instead of Dreadful Wrath): Heighten Spell
3rd level: Practised Spellcaster (warlock)
6th level: Improved Initiative, ? (I want to retrain Precocious Spellcaster, seeing as I now have 2nd level casting, but nothing amazingly useful is occurring to me and I might just leave it as it)

I have Paimon bound, and the associated +4 Dex bonus. I'm playing a fear-based build (exploiting Winter Chill, which imposes my Charisma modifier [+8] to the saves any living nonfey within five feat) with some gish tendencies; I convinced the party artificer to make me Gauntlets of Heartfelt Blows. I used Stalwart Sorcerer's Weapon Proficiency on a greatsword and one my second level spells is Lesser Energy Surge, meaning I do 2d6+3 str+1d6 random element+8 fire damage with it. I also have a homebrewed invocation that mimics Eldritch Glaive, but as a normal melee attack (ie no reach and doesn't provoke). Gauntlets of Heartfelt Blows works with touch attacks, making it 3d6+8fire. We also ruled that touch attacks are keyed off Dexterity (is that a rule? it should be if it isn't), so with my enhanced dexterity and +3 bab from fractional bab I've got a +8 touch attack that triggers Dreadful Wrath. Sorry for the wordiness :smalltongue:

My concept of the character is an otherworldy, intimidating guy that flies/stalks around the battlefield, wreathed in unholy eldritch power.
I guess my question is what other directions can I take this besides more levels of anima mage + eldritch theurge? Dread Witch might work, at the expense of a sorcerer caster level. I'd like to stay true to the character concept if possible.