View Full Version : XCOM: The Advent War

2016-03-02, 02:19 AM
The city was celebrating. Tomorrow was Unification Day, the day the glorious Elders cast down the corrupt governments of mankind and created a union of peace and prosperity. The day humanity surrendered their freedom.

In the crowded room of a small hotel, eight people sat watching the news, as the Speaker announced his plans for the next days event. Spewing propaganda on the glorious days to come. Quietly, one of the group gets up and turns off the television. "Disgusting," he says as he rubs the scars on the back of his head.

A moment later the door opens, and everyone in the room tenses to see who would enter, the fear of an Advent raid creeping into their minds. Instead, a man walked into the room. His hair was starting to turn grey, and a scar ran down his right cheek. He carried himself with authority, revealing an obvious military background that twenty years in hiding could not suppress.

"Central, ya made it!" said the girl.

The man only glared at her, "Quiet," he said as he glanced back out of the door to make sure no one was within earshot, before shutting it. Sighing he took off his coat, revealing the pistol strapped to his side, and set down a large black bag. Opening it, he pulled out several assault rifles and handed them to six of the people there.

"I'm glad you all arrived safely," he said, speaking barely above a whisper. "I know you all have endangered yourselves, and your loved ones just to be in this room with me. And I know the last 20 years have not been kind on any of us. But I thank you, I thank you for the trust you've put in me, for this one last time."

He wipes the sweat from his forehead before continuing. "As you know, when the aliens first started this war, XCOM was led by Commander Solomon. Unfortunately, we now know that the aliens had been planning their invasion for years. They had infiltrated XCOM before the war had begun. And after they attacked the XCOM Facility Commander Solomon went missing, presumed dead. Which brings us to our current mission. We found him."

Bradford paused for a moment to let that seep in to the soldiers present. "Our intelligence has indicated that he is being held in a facility in this very city. We don't know why he was kept alive, but our intel did indicate he was being kept in some form of suspended animation. I firmly believe, that if we free him, humanity may have a chance. Commander Solomon was the greatest military mind humanity had to offer, proving himself a genius time and time again even before the aliens attacked. With him freed, XCOM will have it's real leader back."

"Alright, here's the plan. I'm a known fugitive and wanted throughout the world. The Commander is sure to be guarded, so we're going to need some way of getting them away from him. That way is going to be me. I'll provide the bait, and Kelly here will assist me." He nodded to one of the soldier, and Jane Kelly, a quiet veteran from the original XCOM war nodded back. "This should allow you five to get the Commander. Use whatever method seems appropriate, stealth or go in hot. Either way, make sure the Commander is not harmed. Once that happens, Firebrand will pick you up at the rendezvous point, where you will deliver the Commander to Doctor Tygan here for inspection. I'm not going to lie people, this is a long shot. I don't know what you'll find when you enter the Advent facility, but everything we found says the Commander is somewhere in there. And I am going to put everything on the line to get him back. Any question?"

2016-03-02, 03:25 AM
The Russian young woman has been dead-quiet for almost the entire time she has been in the room, the piercing icy-blue gaze scanning her surroundings and the other ones present. It took a while before she revealed her name, Yelena, but little more came from her. She is waiting, but ready, a quiet intensity to her, fiery hair and burn scars along the left side of her jaw completing the image. This one has seen much and is ready and willing to do a lot more in return.

When Central enters the room, one might expect her to hardly react, perhaps even disrespect. Instead, she stands, clad in dark, non-descript, practical fashion of the city, with a layer of armor beneath. And she salutes. She has heard of John "Central" Bradford for most of her life, and she knows him to be a hero, no matter how dark the times were following the invasion. It is not a grand gesture, soon settling into listening closely, though there is another visible reaction when the Commander Jake Solomon is mentioned. And that it is their task to rescue him. The chance of him actually being there is slim, the danger potentially incredible.

"When, where." Her accent is strong, her voice rough, but the words are clear, as is her determination. "The Commander will be free," she is nearly snarling, the capital letters clearly audible as she checks her assault rifle with the swiftness of a breadth of experience under fire. Hell will choke on those in the way and if she is sent there herself, she will drag every alien and traitor bastard down with her to clear the path.

2016-03-02, 10:59 AM
Cox, in the midst of laughing slightly too loudly at one of his own jokes, stops abruptly as Central enters the room. He, Shane and Rachel were all as green as you could be in XCOM, and this was his first time seeing the legendary Bradford. The bucket-hatted man quickly stands as the Russian woman does, not wanting to appear less professional than the others and a semblance of old military training kicking in. Still, an instant later Cox was at the bag full of guns, inspecting the various rifles. They were certainly better than any of the guns he'd been using for the last decade, meaning that maybe this wouldn't be a waste of time.

Of course, even though Cox was quite confident in his own abilities, he didn't have quite the same level of confidence in the mission as the Russian. Attacking an actual ADVENT facility? There was no way that could end well. It was one thing to poke the bear that was ADVENT, but slapping it in the face? That was going to at least make you lose a hand.

"No questions sir," Cox says simply. "How long until the assault?"

2016-03-02, 08:43 PM
Jason, sat quietly while he waited for the most part. He talked when others talked to him but not much beyond that. He saluted the man as he entered in the manner of the others and listened as he talked, picking up a rifle and checking it. He hadn't heard any names until after he had been picked up by XCOM and now they were important to him for reasons that were drilled into him by the situation.

Attacking and Advent facility was dangerous in these days but it was doubtful they'd be expecting an attack so deep in their territory, but because it was so deep in their territory their reaction times would probably be fast...

After a moment of consideration he said in a plain tone "Sir, no questions sir."

2016-03-02, 10:58 PM
Sheamus sat on the floor, watching the news, making idle conversation with the others. He loathed the Speaker and those Advent... creatures. He'd had the misfortune to see one without its helmet a couple years back and the memory still made him want to retch. So Sheamus was thrilled when Central arrived packing guns - he'd been waiting a long time to hit back at those alien scum.

"Helluva plan, boss," he said, looking over his rifle. "Let's do it"

2016-03-02, 11:42 PM
The Knight of Texas was very formal in her presentation to Central. It's been a while since she heard from the commander's name or had seen Bradford. It's been too long since they fled the underground XCOM base. Since then they've been fighting an uphill battle, but if they can get the commander back, then things might just turn around. Hannah was ready for game changer. It was about time they stopped hiding and striking small time and kick this revolution into overdrive. She simply nodded, her questions already been asked by the first of the team to speak.

2016-03-03, 01:02 AM
"Tygan?" Bradford looked to bald man with the scar.

"Yes, one moment, please." The man rushed to his brief case he had laid down when he entered the room several hours before. Quickly he pulled out and started his laptop, before he searched through a few files. "Here," he said as he turned the computer around for the rest to see.

On the screen was a live feed to an Advent Gene Therapy Center. However, it looked a little strange, where as other clinics were more colorful and bristling with activity. This one had no civilians nearby only a few troopers and personnel that meandered around the front of the compound.

"Hiding in plain sight," Bradford said. "This facility is near the center of the city. Which is why we decided the strike will happen tomorrow at 1300, the population of the city should be celebrating at various hotspots and party locations, most of them a half mile minimum away from the clinic. This means the Advent soldiers will have their hands full keeping the population in line, and will allow us a window to strike. With my own distraction, scheduled for 1255 further forces will likely move away from the compound to deal with me. This is our one shot here people. If we tip them off or fail the Commander will be moved and we will have no idea where."

Bradford looks to each of his soldiers. "If I am unable to provide instruction, Tygan and Firebrand will provide instructions via radio. On my signal, you all will move to extract the Commander. Said signal will be an explosion, I doubt you'll be able to miss it. Alright, if that's it, meet at these coordinates tomorrow. Good luck XCOM."

With the coordinates provided, Bradford and Kelly leave the room together, with instructions for everyone else to quietly leave the premises and wait for the mission to start.

The next day

Each of the five soldiers make their way to the coordinates Bradford gave them, passing over the spotlessly clean city streets. As mid-day approaches the festivities of Unification Day start going in full swing. People pass by you, unaware of the weapons hidden on your person. Most of them had already started drinking, or are feasting on Advent Burgers with their family. They chatter about what movie to see, and the fireworks show that caps the night's festival. When the soldiers see the facility they are given the unwelcome sight of an Advent Security Station between two buildings near the compound, meanwhile seven other troopers seem to be marching across the street, and while you can't quite make it out, you know there had to be more Advent actually in the facility.

As the clock starts to draw near the time, you can't help but think of the futility of the situation, there was no way the 5 of you could take the compound against the Advent in sight let alone those that may be hiding in the building.

Suddenly, the entire city feels like it's shaken, and a moment later the loud boom of an explosion drowns out all other sound in the city. People scream, a few rush off with their families, and the Advent troopers that were marching along the street start shouting at each other in their strange language and rush off in the direction of the explosion. Leaving only 4 of Advents forces remaining either in or just outside the Security Checkpoint, and whatever lay inside the facility.

The mission had begun.


You each start in Concealment, moving within 4 squares of civilian or within Close range (8 squares) of an Advent requires a Stealth check to remain concealed. This check is more difficult the closer you are, however it is easier, if you are moving behind cover.

The buildings are a little empty, but that is only because of as of now, you cannot look inside any of them. This will change the closer you get to the buildings.

The building at the very end of the map, is of course, the facility.

2016-03-03, 02:04 AM
Yelena Andreyev
Health 4/4, Ammo 4/4, 1 Frag
Aim 1, Move 9, Fort 10, Reflex 12, Will 10

Yelena has been ready for a long time for this. With a few glances, she evaluates the situation. "Take cover. I move up and throw grenade after we in position," she whispers through the comm strapped to her neck before she moves to her right along the building, placing herself behind a waist-high barrier, waiting for the others to advantageous positions.

Moves 8 squares down and 3 to the left to get into the half-cover. Can just barely reach in one go. Will Hunker Down afterwards.

2016-03-03, 03:07 AM
Cox lifts his gun, experimentally staring down the sites at the Advent Troopers, a smirk crossing his face as he lines up a shot. While he knew the distance was too great to matter, it gave the marksman no small amount of pleasure to think of taking that shot.

Without a word Cox dashes forward, gun held tight, as he dives into cover behind a car.

Move diagonal down-right two, then down to the car. That should only take 8 Movement.


2016-03-03, 07:21 AM
Hannah moves up with Cox, taking cover next to him once they arrive. She peaked out ot get an eye of the situation, taking mental note of the enemies so she may pout out and fire at one should they be alerted to their location. "Alright, time to see if you new blood stand up to military grade XCOM." Hannah never understood why these new recruits were of the same rank as her. They never had formal military training and even so, Hannah had been working security for XCOM before even most of these suckers were born. Still. Hannah hasn't saw true action in 2 decades, so maybe she's lost her touch.

2016-03-03, 08:25 AM
As Jason tried to plan out the attack infront of him, he heard the Russian, and moved toward the building not wanting any surprises as they went loud. He moved, holding the rifle as naturally and as confidently as he could in his hands. Carefully trying to avoid being seen but hoping that if he was they would think he was with the enemy, well until of course they went loud.

Move as straight as is possible to the "upper" door on the building to the right. I believe I have enough movement to make it to the square beside the door. Then If I can, overwatch.

I'll reread the rules today and get myself in order for further actions.

2016-03-04, 12:07 AM
Spying some nearby revelers, Sheamus mutters to himself, "Drunken hooligans getting in the way..." and runs off in the other direction, seeking to get to a hidden forward position before the Russkie springs the ambush.

Doubletime Sheamus down along the left to the north wall of the 2nd building to the spot left of the window. From here he should get a good vantage point on the Advent squad once the grenade blows the bottom-right corner of the building. And if not, well, he's got mobility in spades.

Picture might help, in relation to the two windows on the left put me at the X:

| |
|___] [_________|

________X_ ___
| ] [ |
| |

This should be 19 squares away and Sheamus has 10 movement. I'm assuming we can't move diagonally.

Also, point of order: do we have to make sure to order our actions to get Ambush shots on the aliens before they Scurry? Or will things not resolve until everyone's chimed in with their goals?

2016-03-04, 09:39 PM
As the XCOM soldiers make their way across the city streets they keep to the shadows, moving outside the sights of the ADVENT troopers. Keeping their guns trained on their enemies, they notice the Advent soldiers started to move, heading toward a small gathering of people huddle together after the explosion.

"Citizen," the Officer called out to them, the sound of the man's voice seeming somehow off, weirdly synthesized though there was nothing he was speaking through. "Go back to your domiciles, the streets are unsafe."


A few points:
You can move diagonally, using 1-2-1-2 method of counting tile movement (the first diagonal move costs 1, the second diagonal move costs 2, the third costs 1 again, fourth costs 2, and so on).

Because of the program I have found having no method of adding coordinates along the outside, we're going to be counting tiles. From your starting position, indicate how many tiles you move in each direction, in order of your movement, to make it easier for me to plot where you're going, and also easier for you to avoid hazards when we get to them.

If this proves too confusing, I'll go searching for a different program to make maps on.

Because of the difficulty of getting everyone lined up and doing everything in any sort of order on a forum, we'll be assuming that everything happens in a method that is best for everyone.

For example, let's say Grotsnot says he throws a grenade and triggers the enemies before everyone else gets a chance to post, if Ridai then says he's going into Overwatch then we will act like he went into Overwatch before Grotsnot threw the grenade. If Anti-Eagle says he's going to just attack normally, then theoretically either he or Grotsnot would trigger the enemies' Scurry as would Grotstnot. Then it's sort of up to me, but I promise I will take into account what is best for everyone before I decide which to favor. I will probably choose the grenade, since that will deal damage to more than one person and destroy cover. But if Anti-Eagle would happen to crit that would kill the leader of the group of enemies but would otherwise miss if he Scurries behind cover I may be tempted to give Anti-Eagle the priority, and send a PM to Grotsnot that his original move didn't make sense anymore, allowing him to in essence re-do his turn.

Also, by the way, feel free to coordinate in the OOC thread. That's what it's there for.

2016-03-06, 10:33 PM
Sheamus looks over at the Russian and nods his head at the window in front of him. Upon her acknowledgement, he opens the window as silently as possible and motions for Yelena to go through - intending to follow once the trap is sprung.

>> Gimme a Stealth Check. As discussed on the OOC thread, it should be pretty easy what with all the partying and chaos going on. Will decide what to do with his actual Actions once the grenade resolves.

2016-03-07, 10:47 AM
Let's try this... pretty sure I've got a +0: [roll0]

2016-03-07, 01:50 PM
"Military that lost," Cox mutters to himself, watching as the others move. "Watch my back," he says louder before dashing out of cover, making his way to some cover on his right.

Move right three, down-right three, down one.

2016-03-07, 01:58 PM
The Advent soldiers do not hear the window opening.

2016-03-07, 03:28 PM
Yelena Andreyev
Health 4/4, Ammo 4/4, Frag used
Aim 1, Move 9, Fort 10, Reflex 12, Will 10

Sheamus catches Yelena's eye, she follows his glance with one of her own before she looks back at the man, briefly takes a grenade in her hand and nods back. As Sheamus heads to the window, Yelena keeps an eye on the ADVENT, giving occasional hand signs to her new comrade that they still haven't noticed anything. With the window open, Yelena wastes no time, transfering from cover to behind the wall and through the open window, landing as quietly as possible in a crouch. Moving up to the window, the young woman confirms the ADVENT positions with a peek through, estimating the distance.

"Grenade," the others hear calmly whispered over the comms, followed by a window shattered and a thrown pre-cooked grenade. A mere moment later, XCOM goes loud in the most resounding way as the explosion drowns out shouts, shatters windows and sends panicked civilians scrambling. Assault rifle gripped naturally in her hands, Yelena half-smiles as she takes cover beside the window.

Move Left, Down-Left, Down through the window, Down-Right
Smash window and throw grenade one square north of the officer, hitting all ADVENT with the radius.

Grenade damage against all ADVENT [roll0]
edit: That should have been +1, so 4 damage
edit2: Also ding-ding-ding, level up! :smallbiggrin:
With satisfaction, Yelena sees three ADVENT bodies getting thrown to the ground and staying there.

2016-03-07, 06:35 PM
As the Russian begins the engagement, the Texan runs over to one of the building's corners, taking aim at the Advent officer on the way and firing a short, controlled burst before taking cover. While firing, the Texan learned that she had lost a bit of her touch, granted, she didn't have as much as she claims to begin with, but still. No wonder she was on the same rank as these greenhorns.

Southwest four, south two, then fire (While the description has her firing between movement, this is her actions mechanically speaking)

"Damn, shot wide."

2016-03-09, 10:49 AM
Cox averts his eyes from the explosion, but quickly pulls his gun back up to fire on whoever runs for cover after the attack.


2016-03-09, 12:15 PM
As Jason heard things go loud he opened the door to the building he was standing against and went in, gun ready.

One to the right, open door, walk in check to see what's inside. If hostiles are spotted he'll open fire or attempt to. If there's nothing of consequence remaining movement will be used to move towards the door on the other side of the room.

Or... he enters and goes into overwatch. Whatever works.

2016-03-09, 11:59 PM
As Yelena's grenade causes a massive explosion outside, Jason bursts through the door, his gun at the ready, however, instead of Advent, all he sees are two civilians a mother and her crying child huddled behind a table. "Don't hurt us, please, please, don't hurt us," the mother begs as she wraps her torso around her son.

The remaining Advent soldier shouts in his alien tongue, all pretense toward using a human language gone. Near the last remaining Advent soldier, the mangled corpses of his allies drip a bright orange blood along the ground. He runs behind the cover of a car, deftly staying out of Cox's line of sight, and points his gun toward Hannah.

Excellent first grenade. And on that note, Grotstnot, and Anti-Eagle both have 1 action left before that last soldier gets a flanking attack on Hannah.

Also, while it didn't come up in this instance, if you go into Overwatch, could you roll your attack(s) right away? It'll save time.

Also, sorry about the delay, while making the changes I accidentally deleted everything and didn't have the time to start again before work started.


2016-03-10, 07:43 PM
"Nice toss, Andreyev."
Sheamus runs into the building down to the door, throws it open, and prepares to finish off the remaining ADVENT soldier. But first looks around for any other hostile contacts.

I've actually got two actions left since opening window is free. Sheamus moves right 1, down 6, right 1.
Next, Schroedinger's Action to save time - based on whether there's more baddies or not.

With no additional threats spotted (Or them being a futile distance away), he leans out the door and takes careful aim to bring down the last of this hostile squad. Fortunately, he has gotten around to the Officer's flank!
Shot @ close range with no cover: [roll0]
Base Damage: [roll1]
Possible flanking Crit for +2 damage: [roll2]

After throwing open the door, Sheamus is dismayed to see another squad of hostiles. Thinking quickly, he tosses his grenade in the middle of them and braces himself back inside the door to hope for the best.

Grenade damage: [roll3]

2016-03-11, 07:10 PM
"Good kill," Yelena acknowledges with the approval of a hunter having watched a deer being killed with a clean shot, before briefly listening to the sounds of their environment and peering down the street and into the sky. "More will come. We need to move."

Soon enough, Yelena moves out of the house and further down the street, briefly stopping at various pieces of cover to scan her surroundings.

Once Yelena can act again, she will first move southward, to the square two squares left of where the officer was. If she sees no additional enemies, she moves south into that square surrounded by half-cover 7 squares down.

2016-03-12, 04:21 PM
The Advent Officer, as he screams in his alien tongue. With no one within earshot, you are left with the assumption that he was giving information through some communication device to the rest of Advent command. Sheamus rushes inside the building with Yelena and kicks open the door. Before the sole remaining enemy could react he opens fire. The officer's blood splatters upon the road and the wrecked car.

"Good," you each hear the voice of Doctor Tygan in your ear. "But do hurry, we have reports from Bradford and Kelly. They are under heavy fire and will not be able to draw Advent attention for much longer."

As if to punctuate his words, another explosion shook the ground, you see the sky light up for a moment and dust rise into the air.

Alright I waited to give Anti-Eagle a chance to make his remaining action. But good job on your first fire-fight. That grenade was a huge boost. Each of you can take a full two actions here (I see Ridai has already made his).

In any case, for convenience sake we're going to use Ridai's map this turn.
The only exception is the Advent is dead, and Sheamus is at R6. (Yelena's move will be updated along with everyone elses).

Some notes: Because of the movement confusion last turn, Arcran and Goldclaw can move their character either from where they currently are on the map, or where you guys actually wanted them to be last turn. Just remember tell me what your starting position and ending position will be when you make your moves.

Anti-Eagle, because you still did have 1 action at the end of last round I'm going to be very generous and let you get 3 actions here. But please don't count on my always being this nice. If people start delaying their responses too much I'll just say you guys ended your turn and the action is lost. If you're too busy to post I understand (trust me, the beginning of this week for me was hectic as hell, I understand), just a head's up will be nice.

2016-03-13, 01:31 PM
"Let's go," Cox mutters as the officer goes down, dashing forward to the next set of cover.

Move to W18

2016-03-13, 02:04 PM
Sheamus runs forward and checks in the window of the nearby building before spreading out.

Head to AA8, leave one action for after we reveal some more of the map. Current plan is if no hostiles are spotted after everyone moves, move on to AC17. Movement 10 was points well spent :smallbiggrin: Debating overwatching instead depending on how the team is positioned, though.

2016-03-14, 06:53 PM
Jason looked at the people in the homes and calmly stated "Sorry. Not here for you," as he moved towards the door on the other side of the building. As he opened the door to the outside he said to those now behind him, "Lock your doors tonight," and began to sprint now less concerned with the patrol outside. He kept his eyes open though, hoping the building he didn't check wouldn't have hostiles in it.

I barely have enough to do this with my three actions. Assuming the streets remain clear, moving to the cover at AB17 AC17

2016-03-16, 06:05 AM
Hannah moves forward from around the corner to a new piece of cover, rushing to the fence she sees and hides behind it. Everyone else had taken the good cover, so instead she put herself in position to take some better cover soon. She could end up getting shot at, but that was a risk she was going to take.

N18 to Y8 in exactly a double move.

2016-03-16, 11:20 AM
As the XCOM soldiers move down the street, further commotion was heard off in the distance. Sirens and screams mixed with fireworks and gunfire. Some who were still staying on the street went running toward their homes screaming.

In front of them, the door of the Advent facility burst open, and three soldiers filed out. The Officer barking orders in their shrill tongue, before they went behind the metallic fencing in front of the seemingly unused Gene Therapy Clinic. Sheamus fires at them, hoping for luck to be on his side.


This would be the end of Advent's turn just getting into position. However, just barely Sheamus would have gotten an Overwatch shot, so Grotsnot would you mind rolling for that on your turn?

2016-03-16, 01:30 PM
"Here they come!"

Hit(need ??): [roll0]
Crit(need 20): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

I'm not sure what the range and cover situation is from the square he'd have taken the shot from, so I've only included the squaddie's (lack of) Aim bonus. Apply the appropriate modifiers for the Advent slime's Reflex, if you please.

2016-03-16, 04:41 PM
Seeing the targets come up, Lady Texas rushes to a new piece of cover while getting ready to toss a frag, preparing to toss it at the group of Advent, letting it "cook" in her hands a bit before tossing, hoping that she is better at tossing than at shooting.

Move to AF11, then tossing a grenade at AN 12 (unless we don't do diagonals with grenades. If that's the case, AN 13)

[roll0] damage

2016-03-16, 05:53 PM
Yelena Andreyev
Health 4/4, Ammo 3/4, Frag used
Aim 1, Move 9, Fort 10, Reflex 12, Will 10

Yelena likes the forward momentum, her old friend Adrenaline along with her. Just as the ADVENT come out of the building, taken under fire by Sheamus, Yelena watches Hannah do what she herself did moments ago. And with a deep appreciation for the ruthlessly efficient throw, she watches most of the troopers get annihilated by a perfectly placed and timed grenade.

"Two more for hell," Yelena honors the attack and continues to do so by moving towards the facility, taking the officer under fire.

Move from AB8 to AJ8

Attack the officer (in half-cover)
Aim: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Critical: [roll2]
And after another scream, the officer lies dead as well.

(NOTE: Would it be possible to have Yelena act last, like an insurance? I'd rather give the kill to someone else if they can manage to hit the officer this round)

2016-03-16, 09:05 PM
"Great work, lads, let's keep this train a'rollin'." Sheamus says as he dashes forward, while watching the doors to the facility ahead.

First move to AI8. If no hostiles spotted after resolving other moves, move again to AN8 (I think the fencing should still be there. If the grenade took it out, Overwatch instead).

2016-03-17, 12:41 AM
Jason acted as he felt appropriate in the chaos.

If I'm allowed. Open fire on the officer with my assault rifle.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If I'm not and I assume everyone is dead. Move up to AJ14 and go into overwatch

2016-03-21, 01:12 PM
The soldiers in front of the Advent building were wiped out in the hail of explosions and gunfire. But as Yelena advanced she caught sight of another soldier making his way back to defend the Commander. Though she couldn't see any others she knew it was almost unheard of for an Advent soldier to be without support.


Alright, another quick and efficient fight. I've decided to do distributed experience so you guys can just focus on defeating the enemies and not worry about who needs a bonus kill here or there.

Also, the program I've been using to make my maps just added a coordinates option. But it's a bit different than what Ridai has given us. I don't think switching mid mission is a problem (since I'm assuming everyone just looked up their coordinates when they moved like I did), but if you guys would prefer I can quickly post the old coordinates and I'll switch when we get to the next mission.

Also, because of how slow this wait was, I'm going to make a 3 day limit, if you haven't said what your character is doing by then, then I'm just going to make the next post.

2016-03-23, 12:54 AM
Yelena Andreyev
Health 4/4, Ammo 3/4, Frag used
Aim 1, Move 9, Fort 10, Reflex 12, Will 10

Seeing the ADVENT arrive from around the clinic, Yelena doesn't waste time, vaults over her cover and runs to the car closest to the clinic among blood and debris. Shouting something in her mother tongue the others don't understand, though it sounds plenty aggressive, Yelena aims over the hood of the car and fires a burst down the alley. Once the others come around to see, they spot a body on the floor, head perforated by a precision burst.

Move from g34 to k37, shoot the trooper (who gets +4 Reflex from half-cover)

Please tell me I can spot more enemies from there.

Attack [roll0]
Crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2016-03-23, 10:55 PM
Noticing the Trooper that seemed to come out of the shadows of the north side of the building, Yellena rushes to the car, revealing two more Advent Troopers. She opens fire upon the first she saw, but the shot hits the side of the small news stand between them.


2016-03-24, 10:55 AM
"Goddamn it," Cox mutters as he begins to fall behind, sprinting to catch up as he stands in the open to get the best possible throw at ADVENT, pulling the pin out of his grenade as he does so.

"Hey, catch!"

Cox moves to x28!

Cox throws a grenade at z37! That should catch all three; if not, let me know and I'll revise my movement slightly.

Damage: [roll0]

2016-03-24, 12:34 PM
Jason thinking quickly moved and followed Cox's lead, throwing a grenade at the advent troopers.

Move to S38 and follow up Cox's grenade with another at the same position of z37.


2016-03-25, 11:20 PM
As Cox turns the corner, he sees the Advent Troopers hidden behind the building and throws his grenade. A second later, Jason throws his as well. The Advent soldiers scream in pain as the first grenade explodes. The second explosion silences them all.

The coast was clear, no one could see any further Advent soldiers in the area.


2016-03-25, 11:24 PM
Seeing as the advent are now disposed of, Hannah will move over to the entrance of the objective and take cover

Moving to L41

2016-03-26, 11:19 AM
As the twin grenades blow the ADVENT soldiers half to hell, Cox allows himself a smirk before dashing to the other side of the building, intending to cover the others as they enter the building.

Move to q28, Overwatch.

2016-03-26, 11:28 AM
Sheamus runs up the door and pauses for the signal from his teammates.

Move to j41 and Overwatch.

2016-03-28, 08:27 AM
"Nicely done," the squad hears over their comms. "But I'd hurry, it seems that Central's distraction has run it's course."

Sheamus and Hannah rush to the side of the building. The closed door stands between them. Though it was difficult to hear over the fighting, something was moving inside the building.


Hey Arcran, I didn't move you for the sake of letting the others get their end of the turn. If you just want to follow through with your previous action, just say so in the OOC Thread.

2016-03-29, 12:45 PM
"Damn it, falling behind," Cox mutters before sprinting to catch up with the others.

Double Move to m34.

2016-03-29, 11:36 PM
"Well... here we are. What have these alien bastards cooked up in there..."
Open the door

2016-03-30, 11:51 AM
As the door swings open revealing a room full of bright monitors. On each was a screen were recordings from around the world of various conflicts. Everything from how the armies should move, to the actions of single soldiers flashed across the monitors faster than most people could process. There was no sign of the commander, though there were other rooms, including one in the back, where all the wires of the monitors seemed to lead.

Between the monitors several people scurried about. They looked human, but their eyes were vacant as they tapped away at their keyboards. From the corner of their eyes, Hannah and Sheamus both see a glimpse of what looks like Bradford displayed on the monitor, surrounded by Advent Troopers.

"Authorization?" one of the workers turned and looked directly at Sheamus. "Authorization?" she repeated, her voice in a sharp monotone.


The monitors provide full cover. They will be added to the Symbol Guide later today or tomorrow.

2016-03-30, 12:32 PM
Yelena moves into the building as the pointwoman, assault rifle ready. Having heard no sightings from the western room, she makes a sharp left to the east, scouting that part of the building. If everything is clear (and she doesn't see the Commander or any means of confinement in there), she makes two sharp motions towards the door in the back to Sheamus.

Move from k37 to o42, taking a look into the room.

2016-03-31, 11:48 AM
As Yelenna looks into the room, she sees several more computers also being worked on by one of the drone-like men. However, she notices in the corner of the room was a larger, far more powerful looking computer.


The Symbol Guide has been updated. The red computer can be hacked.

2016-04-02, 01:43 AM
Jason satisfied at his kills moved back towards the entrance, still watching the alleyway he had thrown his grenade at.

Move to O39. Go into overwatch

2016-04-03, 08:02 PM
"uh, Authorization code Four-Alpha-Chi-Sigma" Sheamus says, thinking quickly, as he moved into the room. Trying to keep the traitor-drone talking, instead of raising alarms, while he listened for activity on the other side of the far door.

Move to k46 and listen for activity on the other side. And for gits'n'shiggles, a Deception roll: [roll0].
If the bull****ting doesn't cost an action, will Overwatch at the door. With, if you'll allow it, an added trigger of shooting the drone if she starts freaking out.

2016-04-04, 06:26 PM
"This is incorrect. You may have an outdated code. I will check." The lady looks back down on her computer and begins to type.

Sheamus hears nothing but a low mechanical buzz on the other side of the door.

This will be the start of a new turn, map will be updated soon

2016-04-05, 11:30 AM
"Must be where they're holding the Commander. Sounds clear..." Sheamus says quietly into his squad communications headset, while the woman is distracted by the fake code.

Open the door.

2016-04-06, 01:19 PM
"Moving in," Cox states as he dashes into the building, crouching behind one of the terminals as he looks around, waiting for reinforcements to appear.

Move to m41 and Overwatch.

2016-04-06, 10:17 PM
Sheamus pushes open the door, revealing a stasis pod attached to several computers. The pod was made of a clear glass, with a person in a protection suit floating inside. "That's it!" the squad hears on their comms, "that's the commander. If you go to the computer, you might find a way to disconnect him, and perhaps uncover what the aliens were doing with him."

"You are not allowed in there," the Advent workers speak in unison. Together they all pound on their keyboards and the lights of the building begin to flash red. "You are not allowed in there," they repeat over and over again.


You can choose to either break the glass or use the computer to try and free the commander. Breaking the glass is a free action, the computer would take an action.

2016-04-09, 02:21 AM
"Call Skyranger," Yelena tells the others, moving into the side room to try and extract whatever she can before they get out.

Moving to s46
Hacking [roll0]

2016-04-09, 11:04 AM
"Oh shut up." Sheamus runs over to the Commander's pod and starts fiddling with the computer.

Move to k49. Try to hack it: [roll0]

2016-04-10, 03:24 PM
Both Sheamus and Yelena type away at their respective computers. Suddenly, Dr. Tygan's voice cracked over the intercoms "Ah, I see you found a few computers directly connected to the Advent Control Towers, send me all the data you can, and I should be able to decipher it when we get back with the commander."

And just as Sheamus finished sending the data, the Commander's pod opened up.

"Ahh, guys," Firebrand starts to sound worried as she spoke. "I don't know exactly what you guys are doing down there, but, the whole grid lit up. It looks like every Advent facility in Europe is starting to sending soldiers our way. Um, I'm hoping we'll be gone before most get there, but some are coming from close by. It might be getting too hot for a safe extraction."

As if to punctuate her words, the sound of Advent planes came overhead. Jason, Cox, and Hannah all see a flare drop from the sky and land nearby.


The flag symbol indicates the dropped flare. The Symbol Guide will be updated soon.

2016-04-10, 10:41 PM
"Alright, we're getting the hell out of here," Cox says back to Firebrand, pulling out a flare to light up their own pickup. "How's your parallel parking?"

Marking a pick up with i38 as the top left of the 4x4.

2016-04-12, 06:41 PM
"They dropped a flare outside," Jason stated on the radio as he began to move to pick up the commander.

Jason moves to J48.

2016-04-14, 11:57 AM
Hannah, seeing the flare drop, moves into the building, taking cover at the wall and peeking out the door, watching for hostiles.

Move to J42. Overwatch

2016-04-16, 12:23 PM
"Alright, come on, quickly, I can see the Advent ships from here," Firebrand shouted as Cox repels into the ship.

A second later, three Advent troopers drop to the ground and run for cover. Hannah fires at one of the soldiers, but the shot goes wide, and embeds itself on the side of the building.


2016-04-16, 01:00 PM
With whatever Yelena extracted from the systems (did she extract anything), she runs outside, briefly waits for whoever has the Commander to help them evacuate, then lets herself get dragged up into the Skyranger as well, ready to help anyone else inside.

2016-04-16, 07:03 PM
Jason thinking quickly pulled the commander from the pod and doing a fireman's carry with his unconscious body made his way to the evac point, ignoring the troops dropping onto the ground.

Jason grabs the commander, moves to k41, and evacs the commander.

2016-04-17, 05:29 PM
All right, if I can't toss my grenade and evac, let's just book it. Move to k41 and hop aboard.