View Full Version : Preparing villains for a potential campaign(Part 1 of X: Antoine)

2016-03-03, 03:45 PM
So I'm preparing some plot hooks for an upcoming semi-sandbox game I might be running, using my personal campaign setting, Scars of the Beast(I've posted stuff relating to it in the past, back when my last group was using it). The short details of the setting are:

1.Gods are 'mortal', but maintain their power structure through successors among the humanoids.(I won't call them mortal anywhere else, FYI)
2.The Gods maintain existance, protecting it from a hostile "Aether" it moves through.
3.All the gods died in a divine apocalyptic war a long time ago by mortal standards.
4.About 150 years ago, a massive federation of heroes(in the loosest sense) fought and contained the Tarrasque. They then founded a city upon this prison, massively isolated from the nearest habitable land, surviving on Tarrasque trimmings and magical food. This city is Kintarra, and is pivotal to my setting, which is otherwise fairly low-level(threats in the CR 2-8 range, typically) generic D&D beyond the desert that Kintarra sits within.
5.Kintarra has a LOT of GP to throw around, but agents

Also, what follows is "for DM eyes only", and so I'm not concerned about related to my players getting their hands on it(Such as god place-holder names).


Antoine Greylord - “The gods will rise to stop me”

SPACEIt hadn’t been his intention to open his flank like that, but Clara’s scream should’ve lasted longer. His mistake was turning to see why: her throat sliced by an Orc they walked by unnoticed in the fight. Cedric, at least, took the queue to do something really dangerous. As Clara hit the floor, the room erupted in fire.
SPACEAs the flame cleared, it was clear the Orcs’ numbers had dwindled. Antoine was glad of that at least. Problem was, his faith hadn’t shielded him enough, he realized as an Orc’s knife slide from his gut. By grace, at least he didn’t land on it when he fell unconscious. Last thing he heard was Turk yelling into a stone “We need backup now, Ozula. Both healers are down, possibly d…”
SPACEOpening his eyes, Antoine knew he wasn’t in that cave anymore. Problem is, he wasn’t sure he was anywhere anymore. As he surveyed the planescape around him, he noticed several floating glowing orbs floating towards him. The first to reach him spoke “Greetings Antoine, your exploits have been great in your time”.
SPACE“My time? Then this is heaven? It is barren and abandoned….”
SPACE“It is, sir. The old Gods are dead, and the new have not felt their need. We do our best to keep the favored empowered, but even that is dwindling.”
SPACEEnraged, Antoine questioned “Where are the new Gods that they have not felt their need?”
SPACE“We had hoped you were the first. We had high hopes for you. Alas, you did not have the spark of the favored.”
SPACE“What spark?” Antoine remarked quizzically. “Why am I not favored, for all my servitude?”
SPACE“The favored are born so, containing a spark of divinity. Your servitude could no more make you truly divine than it could make you goblin.”
SPACE“Then how do I find them?”
SPACE“We’re not sure. Sol, Helios and Io were all heroes of great wars, but before them, the old Gods of legacy were brought up through the temples.”
SPACEAs Antoine thought on this a moment, an idea sparked in his mind. “Were they all considered great among the mortal?”
SPACE“Yes, we believe so. Why?”
SPACE“It’s clear that they need…” Antoine stuttered as he realized what was happening. He was being called. Old friends. It had been years since he’s heard Cedric, hasn’t it? No. He’s been distracted. Embracing the call, space warped to the interior of a Kintarran temple Antoine knew well. It was nearest the Legion’s deployment center, and it was where the wounded always went. Still, he finished his sentence “to be pushed into greatness”.
SPACE“Always the hardass, Antoine?”
SPACE“Hush, Turk.” Clara chided. “You won’t be pushing anyone until you’ve had your rest, Agy. Hooker wants us back on the scene tomorrow, if you’re up to it.”
SPACE“I am. There’s work to do.”


Antoine Greylord is a Paladin, fallen to the idea that the new Gods need him most as a villain to fight. Last seen leaving Kintarra by teleport deployment with his party. When they failed to check in, rescue squads found Cedric and Turk dead, struck down near the field their transporter had left them in. Clara was recovered alive from the Orc tribe they had been sent to pacify. Antoine had bought his own passage with Clara’s life. His trail grows cold after that.

Secretly, Antoine is recruiting allies and creating a cult in an attempt to cause great chaos in the land. If the PCs stop him now, the cult will flounder, but if he escapes their first meeting, he’ll progress as a leader of men. If killed and his body abandoned, he returns as a hellbred. As a hellbred, begins focusing on undead soldiers and more apocalyptic methods, and he’s a Lich candidate over time, especially as he realizes the waste of martial prowess compared to arcane will(Sorcadin+Lich). Killed twice, the Solar will ensure he never returns.

2016-03-03, 03:59 PM
So, what are you looking for out of this thread? A build, story input, critique?

2016-03-03, 04:02 PM
Critique, I suppose.

Red Fel
2016-03-03, 04:10 PM
Critique, I suppose.

I'll be honest, I don't know what to critique.

You open with "short details of the setting" that tell me too little - more buzzwords (e.g. Aether, federation of heroes) than real substance. I can't comment on a setting when all I know is that gods died and a city was built around the Tarrasque.

Then you provide a mini-scene. It's mostly dialogue, and I have no idea who is speaking, what they're like, or why I care about them. So I can't really comment on that.

Then you provide two paragraphs about this character's goals. You use terms like Paladin, and then describe how he is "fallen," "a villain to fight," and "creating a cult in an attempt to cause great chaos in the land." So, not a Paladin. I don't know much about him at all, really, or why anyone should care about him or what he's doing. So, again, I can't really offer critique.

If you were going to tell me about this character - his youth, his hobbies, his loves, his hates, his skills and abilities - I'd have something to suggest. If you were to tell me more about the world in which he lives, and how that has shaped him, I could offer some words. If you were to describe his relationships with other people, or how his actions may shape the world, I would be able to offer some notes.

But there's simply not enough substance here. I don't see the character. I don't see the world. That's the best critique I can offer thus far.

2016-03-03, 04:18 PM

The idea of a paladin as a villain because the world needs more villains is certainly an interesting one, but as a paladin you run headlong into the "Willfully commits an evil act" thing unless you're super careful - you basically have to commit the world's greatest chaotic act without committing evil acts or lying - that is, you need to mislead everyone into thinking you're a powerful and important villain, without lying or doing anything actually evil. That's gonna be tricky.

If by "Fallen to the idea" you actually mean fallen, broken the code of conduct fallen, then that's going to be a problem, because either he's wasting his paladin levels, or taking blackguard levels (which doesn't seem right as a genuinely well-intentioned paladin). This means he's probably going to have to retrain or suck.

2016-03-03, 04:24 PM

If by "Fallen to the idea" you actually mean fallen, broken the code of conduct fallen, then that's going to be a problem, because either he's wasting his paladin levels, or taking blackguard levels (which doesn't seem right as a genuinely well-intentioned paladin). This means he's probably going to have to retrain or suck.

Oh, just handwave that. By pure force of will, he retrains his Paladin levels to Crusader or Eldritch Knight or whatever makes the most sense for his current schemes. HEck, give him the feature of being able to retrain and rebuild completely, so that in each incarnation he's a different type of challenge to the PCs.

2016-03-03, 04:36 PM
Alternatively, what if not only does he think that the world needs more villains, but he's right, so he doesn't fall because the relatively minor things he does are so paltry in comparison to "Uh, all the gods are dead" that they aren't considered evil? Plus, as an added bonus, vilifying oneself for the greater good is probably such a massive act of self-sacrifice that he counts as exalted, so he can spam Animate With the Spirit (and probably Lesser Restoration on his own face) to do necromancy shenanigans that are not only non-evil, but actually exalted good. This is a pretty high-level option (Pal 14 but only Clr 7, so you might consider making him a cleric instead or as well), but possibly worth. There's also an artifact shield (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/artifacts.htm#theShieldoftheSun) that you can give him that adds 4 spells of each level to his repertoire, plus an additional 1st-level spell. Also you can use Battle Blessing and Sword of the Arcane Order to cast a standard-action wizard spell followed by a quickened paladin spell, making him a surprisingly effective combatant and also capable of enough magic to put his "Evil" scheme into motion.

2016-03-03, 07:41 PM
Maybe he could be a Greyguard?

2016-03-03, 10:20 PM

The idea of a paladin as a villain because the world needs more villains is certainly an interesting one, but as a paladin you run headlong into the "Willfully commits an evil act" thing unless you're super careful - you basically have to commit the world's greatest chaotic act without committing evil acts or lying - that is, you need to mislead everyone into thinking you're a powerful and important villain, without lying or doing anything actually evil. That's gonna be tricky.

If by "Fallen to the idea" you actually mean fallen, broken the code of conduct fallen, then that's going to be a problem, because either he's wasting his paladin levels, or taking blackguard levels (which doesn't seem right as a genuinely well-intentioned paladin). This means he's probably going to have to retrain or suck.

My plan was to make him a Paladin of Slaughter(via unearthed Arcana) by the time the PCs meet him.

2016-03-04, 10:35 AM
Okay, so maybe he starts out as exalted good, throwing around AWtS and other exalted spells, but as he falls, he goes down to Incarnate (Dragon mag version) and starts throwing about all the cool elemental look-at-me-I'm-true-neutral stuff they get, and finally ends up at paladin of tyranny, using SotAO to cast wizard spells and battle blessing to chuck swift-action curses during the same round, which is what happens when the PCs actually try to fight him.