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2016-03-03, 06:15 PM
King's Castle Adventuring Company Guild Hall

As you step over the threshold, you take in the madness that is Savlus’ premier Adventurer’s Guild. The first floor is packed with tables, which are in turn packed with people. Spells are flying through the air and there doesn't seem to be a single type of person missing from the guild. All races, classes, and ages are accounted for, in fact, there are tales on the air that the head of the Stone Sentinels was just having a drink with the head of the Skyborn Enforcers here not more than an hour ago!

Zephyr (Human, Male) [Turquoise]
Berri (Human, Female) [Violet]
Bromgrun (Minos, Male) [Dark Green]

Thunderfist Marx (Dwarf, Male) [Bold Gold]
Charlotte Graceweave (Air Half-Djinn, Female) [Teal]
Damien (Human, Male) [Dark Green]

2016-03-03, 07:05 PM

Turning to Berri, Abby smiles as she clinks glasses with the pink haired girl.

So, Berri. How long have you been working for the King?

2016-03-03, 07:08 PM
Sif Fenra

Sif strolls into the guild hall, casual as ever. She shoots her usual two-fingered salute to Zephyr as a greeting before claiming the first empty seat she can find as her own. As she leans backwards her fire color hair spills over the back end of the chair, the last six inches or so now resting on the floor in a messy pile.

"Where's my party, Zeph?" The lupine girl questions with a grin. She obviously doesn't plan on sitting around alone.

2016-03-03, 07:17 PM
Berri (Human, Female)

Berri shrugs at you. "Oh, you know, about eight years now." She giggles. "It's been a blast."

Zephyr (Human, Male)

You see Zeph absent mindedly cleaning his guns when you appear. He jumps a little, clearly you startled the man. "Oh hey, Sif. They're about, I'm sure. Gabriella is probably looking for Fafnir."

2016-03-03, 07:19 PM

Abby smiles at that. What made you decide to answer the letter. I know not everyone does.

2016-03-03, 07:26 PM
Berri (Human, Female)

She wastes no time answering you. "Love, excitement, and adventure! What about you?"

2016-03-03, 07:26 PM
Sif Fenra

Sif giggles a bit when Zeph jumps. "Well I hope they turn up soon! I might just have to grab myself a drink while I wait." Sif scans the room for anyone she might know, as well as for where she might score a decent beverage.

2016-03-03, 07:36 PM
Abby raises an eyebrow at Berri's answer.

Love? Love of who? Abby asks surprised

As for myself. It is as my deity wills, so I follow. She answers.

Knowledge Local Is the king married? [roll0]

Extra Anchovies
2016-03-03, 08:02 PM
It is not much longer before Cassidy appears from the crowd and seats herself next to Sif, a mug in each hand. "I was wonderin' when you'd show up. Not too hard to pick you out of a crowd with tha' fiery mop o' yours. Thought you migh' want something t' drink, so I got you a house ale. If you don't want it though, I wouldn't mind havin' two for myself." She chuckles, and slides one of the beverages towards Sif.

2016-03-03, 08:16 PM
Sif Fenra

Sif's usual grin creeps into a full smile and her tail begins to sway."It's like you read my mind!" Accepting the drink happily, she takes a surprisingly large swig for a girl her size. "I'm glad you're here; I was beginning to think I'd have to drink alone."

Sif scans the room once again, curious about all the faces she's yet to meet. "Have you talked to anyone from other adventuring parties yet? I haven't."

2016-03-03, 08:26 PM
Furude Setsuna

Walking into the enormous room, Setsuna's high class dress stands out among the more practical wear of most adventurers. She orders an ale and plops herself down on a nearby stool, taking a long sip and glancing around the room, eyes briefly pausing on Sif and co. and Abby.

2016-03-03, 09:04 PM
Furude Setsuna

Walking into the enormous room, Setsuna's high class dress stands out among the more practical wear of most adventurers. She orders an ale and plops herself down on a nearby stool, taking a long sip and glancing around the room, eyes briefly pausing on Sif and co. and Abby.

Abby starts to wave Setsuna over.

2016-03-03, 09:07 PM
Furude Setsuna

Smiling faintly as she walks over, Setsuna nods to the two girls. "Ah, hello there~" She takes another sip of ale.

2016-03-03, 10:25 PM

Hey, Setsuna. How are you doing? She says nudging you down into a seat.

2016-03-03, 10:57 PM

Um, hey guys. He glances around nervously before sitting.

2016-03-03, 11:04 PM

Doran, are you okay? We're off duty, I won't bite. Abby promised.

2016-03-03, 11:18 PM

Uh-huh, I'm just not good dealing with people. Or anything, really. I answered the letter to try and change that. He looks hopeful as he says this.

2016-03-03, 11:18 PM
Furude Setsuna

"I'm alright. The ale is pretty bad though." Setsuna takes another swig and shrugs. "I'll try another drink next time around."

"Hey there Doran!" She gives Abby a smirk. "Is the implication there that you will bite when on duty?"

2016-03-03, 11:19 PM
Berri (Human, Female)

She gets and red and timidly points towards Zephyr. "He's just so dreamy~" she swoons. "He's actually on my team. But I'm the newest member..." Her face is deepening in it's red color.

Zephyr (Human, Male)

"Looks like everyone is trickling in!" Zephyr laughs, signaling the bartender to bring a round of ale.

2016-03-03, 11:34 PM

Uh-huh, I'm just not good dealing with people. Or anything, really. I answered the letter to try and change that. He looks hopeful as he says this.

Well, you can always practice talking to me. Abby offers sincerely.

Furude Setsuna

"I'm alright. The ale is pretty bad though." Setsuna takes another swig and shrugs. "I'll try another drink next time around."

"Hey there Doran!" She gives Abby a smirk. "Is the implication there that you will bite when on duty?"

Hmm, Well yeah, when on duty our lives could be on the line. It'd be remiss of me, to let things go out there. Abby replies cocking her head sideways in confusion. Any innuendo meant, clearly flying over her head.

Berri (Human, Female)

She gets and red and timidly points towards Zephyr. "He's just so dreamy~" she swoons. "He's actually on my team. But I'm the newest member..." Her face is deepening in it's red color.

How long have you been working together? Abby asks taking another sip from her drink.

2016-03-04, 12:26 AM
Kiloren, Human Male

Koren walked into the guild hall, sighing and glancing around. "So many new people..." Spotting his teammates, he walked over to where they were gathered. "Hey."

2016-03-04, 12:33 AM

Hello, Kiloren. How do you find yourself? Abby asks with a smile, and a gesture to sit down.

2016-03-04, 12:35 AM

"'S going okay." Killeen glances around at everyone. "Wait... are you guys drinking?"

2016-03-04, 12:37 AM
Berri (Human, Female)

Berri taps her lips. "Eight years. I was a new recruit and they had just lost a member..." She made a sad face. "Sometimes people die in the line of duty..."

2016-03-04, 12:48 AM

Looking at Kiloren she ***** her head. Yeah, I mean we're off duty. However Berri's words sober Abby up, looking down she mutters.

I'll do my best to make sure that doesn't happen to any of us.

2016-03-04, 12:52 AM

Kiloren was about to respond to Abby when Berri spoke. Unable to really think of a reply, aside from shallow sympathy, he instead sat down with them, head bowed, as if deep in thought.

2016-03-04, 12:56 AM
Furude Setsuna

Glancing over to Berri with a flash of sadness and a sympathetic smile, Setsuna rests her fingers comfortingly on the other girl's shoulder. "Yeah..."

2016-03-04, 01:07 AM
Berri (Human, Female)

Realizing she was bringing the team down. "I'm sure that won't happen, though!" She waves energetically at Zephyr. "Zeph! Bring your new recruits over!" The dark haired man strolls over to you and takes a seat near Berri. He's wearing a nice white shirt with black pants and two well maintained guns are holstered at either of his sides. He’s about 5’11” and looks to be in his mid 40’s. He’s a handsome man and you get the feeling that he was quite the stallion when he was younger.

Zephyr (Human, Male)

"Oh! You finally got a team!" He smiles sincerely. "I'll get mine!" He signals his group over to this table.

Extra Anchovies
2016-03-04, 01:40 AM
Cassidy tries some of her own drink and nods in approval. "Aye, good drink's nothing unless you can share it wit' someone. I've had more'n a few fine evenings in Snowcrest Landing with nothing but a few pints o' ale and some rough types just back from an expedition. I can't wait for our first assignment down on the surface. I can already see the look on ol' Madge's face when she sees it's me walking into her tavern all covered in snow an' mud like the explorers usually are."

She lifts her eyes from her mug and notices Zephyr waving from across the room. "Oy, Sif, seems Zeph's calling us over there. Might as well see what 'e's on about." Cassidy walks over to Zephyr's table, pausing after she stands to give Sif a chance to follow.

2016-03-04, 01:49 AM

Greetings Zephyr, I'm Abby of the Iron wind. She says clasping her hand firmly in his and giving it a single shake.

Abby then turns and takes Cassidy's hand gently and kisses it.

Greetings, I'm sure you heard my name, may I have yours?

2016-03-04, 11:53 AM
Furude Setsuna

"Oh, hello~" Setsuna smiles softly at the newcomers. "I'm Furude Setsuna..."

2016-03-04, 03:12 PM
Zephyr (Human, Male)

Zephyr smiles at you all. "Hello there. I trust you are all getting along and not causing problems for miss Berri." He gestures to Sif and Cassidy. "This, is two-fifths of my team."

2016-03-04, 03:16 PM

Of course not. Abby says repressing the annoyance at such a question.

I would aim to never cause trouble for my boss.

2016-03-04, 03:17 PM
Sif Fenra

Sif follows Cassidy without any hesitation. Smiling, the lupine girl begins to speak. "Heeeya Zeph. And hello, everyone else! I'm Sif. How are you fine people doing today?" Her ears are perked up and her tail is going wild- a visible effort of Sif refraining from getting overly excited over all the new faces.

2016-03-04, 03:34 PM

Abby kisses Sif's hand as well, but with more hesitation then before.

Greetings. I'm Abby of the Iron wind. It is a pleasure to meet you.

2016-03-04, 03:44 PM
Sif Fenra

Wondering what this strange new greeting is, Sif stares at her hand for a moment, maintaining her (albeit confused) smile. "Iron Wind, eh? Sounds fancy! I'm from a pack of travelers."

She looks to Furude. "Furude Sets...tuna? Cool name!" She smiles, not really paying attention to how she butchered the annunciation.

2016-03-04, 03:51 PM

Is something wrong, Lady Sif? Abby states, letting Sif's hand fall to her side.

2016-03-04, 03:58 PM
Zephyr (Human, Male)

"You'll have a rough time passing off a greeting like that as normal 'round here." Zephyr chuckles. "Sif here is a lupine." He pats Sif on the head. "Her folk is more likely to spit in their hands and shake them, than kiss a hand tenderly." He rustles Sif's long hair. "Your an adventurer now, miss Abby. It's a rough and tumble life, but the lady of the skies approves of it. Otherwise you wouldn't be here!" Zephyr has an underlying fatherly tone, but you can tell he means well and is genuinely happy to be talking to you.

2016-03-04, 04:02 PM
Sif Fenra

"Wrong? Of course not!" Sif smiles, tilting her head a little more than planned thanks to the weight of her own hair.

Zeph rustled Sif's mane and the lupine girl laughs, obviously not caring if it gets messier than it already is. She seems genuinely happy to be surrounded by people.

2016-03-04, 07:12 PM

Ah, my apologies, if she would prefer. Abby says to Zephyr, spitting in her hand and offering it to Sif.

2016-03-04, 07:17 PM
Sif Fenra

Sif nods her head and chuckles a little before mirroring Abby's actions. The lupine girl has a surprisingly strong grip. "I'm glad to meet more adventurers! Y'see, I'm pretty new 'round here. Aside from stopping by for trades now and again."

2016-03-04, 07:25 PM
Furude Setsuna

Setsuna watches Abby and Sif with a twinkling of amusement, then comments, "It's... an interesting city. Be careful in the slums though. Unless you have some street cred or look strong enough to not be worth messing with, you'll get mugged within a minute."

2016-03-04, 07:32 PM
Sif Fenra

"Oh I'm not worried at all!" Sif beams proudly. "As a former trader, I've seen my share of bad deals!" She seems a little too happy about this, at this point one would wonder if that smile is just stuck on her face.

2016-03-04, 07:53 PM
Furude Setsuna

"...um." Setsuna blinks owlishly at the lupine girl. "...muggings are usually more violent than just a bad deal."

2016-03-04, 08:03 PM
Sif Fenra

"Sometimes people get violent over bad trades though. At least that's what happened sometimes in the desert where I grew up. That's one reason my uncle taught me how to fight!" Sif explains, always happy to sneak her uncle into the conversation. "Also so I wouldn't get eaten while hunting."

2016-03-04, 08:12 PM

Any other places we should avoid, Setsuna? Abby asked, fully aware that the Iron rain sadly could not enforce laws everywhere.

2016-03-04, 08:25 PM
Furude Setsuna

Grinning at Sif, Setsuna winks. "Oh, good. You'll do just fine. Just beat up the first person who tries mugging you and no one else will try."

"As for other places... the sewers, any alley in the red light district, and any building in the red light district that doesn't have at least two large windows, good lighting, and a prominently displayed certification."

2016-03-04, 08:34 PM

I thought the red light district was for uh... entertainment. What issues are there?

2016-03-04, 08:35 PM
Sif Fenra

Sif decides to chime in, "I wouldn't be too worried though! A sky city like Windfall is a piece of cake compared to the Sun Scar. So if I survived growing up there, you'll do fantastic up here." She smiles in encouragement. "I hear the sky city of Doomveil is pretty nasty though."

2016-03-05, 11:36 AM

Um, hi. I'm Doran. I hope I can be helpful. He seems to shrink a little as the table gets more crowded. An impressive feat, considering his slight frame. What appears to be a small tooth is mostly hidden in his uneven blonde hair.

2016-03-06, 01:01 PM
Furude Setsuna

"...what was the Sun Scar like then?" Setsuna leans in curiously, staring at Sif.

With a sigh, she pats Doran on the head again. "You'll do fine..."

2016-03-07, 03:27 PM
Sif Fenra

"Hello, Doran! Pleased to meet you!" Sif smiles, trying to make the timid fellow feel a bit more comfortable.

Without a pause, Sif continues to explain her home. "Well.. picture a desert. A desert without anything in it. There's scorching heat that could easily drive someone mad, no real food sources, and no laws to keep people in order. There are barbarians that roam around spreading chaos and anarchy most everywhere they go...Makes it easy to get yourself offed! I've seen it happen to quite a few friends whether it be starvation or bloodshed."

She's still smiling.

"Other than that are traders: the Minos... aaaand Lupine!" Sif points to herself.

2016-03-07, 03:58 PM

That sounds horrible. Abby pipes up.

2016-03-07, 04:09 PM
Sif Fenra

Ears perking up, Sif replies. "Only if you aren't up for the challenge! And there are a lot of great people down there too. You've just got to be willing to fight to protect them is all." She sounds a little homesick as those last few words pass her lips.

Within a fraction of a second Sif returns to normal, though. "Besides, with all the traveling I did for trades I got to see a lot of really great places!"

2016-03-07, 04:33 PM
Still. It sounds incredibly draining at best. Abby pipes up.

2016-03-07, 04:41 PM
Sif Fenra

Sif giggles a bit at Abby's statement. "I s'pose it'd seem that way to someone who didn't live in it! What about you, Abby? Where'd you come from before joining the guild?" She asks with genuine curiosity in her voice.

2016-03-07, 04:58 PM

A small farming village, not too far from here. Abby replied. There I learned how important the rains are. A bad year can cause famine throughout the countryside. Abby explained.

2016-03-07, 05:22 PM

That sounds kind of rough Sif. He turns to Abbey as he tries to keep up with the conversation. What was the rain like? I've heard that it's different in different places. I only ever heard it when I was growing up but the sound always comforted me.

2016-03-07, 05:48 PM

It's based on how hard it typically falls and the surrounding terrain of the area, in my experience. Abby explains.

2016-03-07, 05:54 PM
Sif Fenra

"Rain was always such a treat for me! I haven't gotten to see it very many times." Sif's tail begins to wave back and forth as she recalls her few memories of strange water falling from the sky. She continues,"So you were a farmer then? What kind of goods?"

2016-03-07, 06:07 PM

Potatoes and cattle, mostly. We weren't rich, but everyone's got to eat, right. Abby replies.

2016-03-08, 09:59 AM
Furude Setsuna

Setsuna grumbles and sighs. "Yeah, I suppose rain is nice in a desert and for farms. Horrible for my house though. I ended up just, um, procuring a tent and living on a roof during the rainy times."

2016-03-08, 01:47 PM

Abby frowns. That sounds like poor construction, in the house that is.

2016-03-08, 02:19 PM
Furude Setsuna

Setsuna shrugs and grins. "Eh, it was made of cardboard. What do you expect?"

2016-03-08, 02:33 PM
Why would you use cardboard? Abby questioned.

2016-03-08, 03:32 PM
Sif Fenra

"Did you sleep in a cardboard box? I've seen a Silvestri do that once." Sif asks sincerely as she thinks about the silly feline race and their silly feline habits.

2016-03-08, 05:07 PM

Did you get to feel the wind? The wind feels nice, especially on a hot day. He seems almost wistful, as if recalling a fond memory.

2016-03-08, 05:35 PM
Furude Setsuna

"I used to, but it kept blowing away or getting thrown away." Setsuna chuckles sheepishly. "I ended up building a bigger house with boxes and securing it, so it's really only weak against rain."

2016-03-08, 05:42 PM
Sif Fenra

The wind is so nice on hot days! Unless it kicks up sand with it. I love sleeping without a roof. Better view of the stars!" Sif adds. "Though, I never had to protect myself from the rain. How did you secure your house, Fururu?" The lupine girl asks, again not paying much attention to her mispronunciation of her new friend's name.

2016-03-08, 10:50 PM
Furude Setsuna

Setsuna gets a slightly mischievous smile on her face and chuckle softly. "Mm... well, reputation, mostly. And nails. Nails are very important too."

2016-03-08, 11:05 PM

Would nails really help a cardboard box?

2016-03-08, 11:08 PM
Furude Setsuna

"Well, it's not just one box right now. It's lots of them layered and pieced together. Nails really help stop the whole thing from falling apart." Setsuna beams proudly.

2016-03-09, 07:09 PM
Sif Fenra

Sif's eyes grow larger and seem to shine a little brighter, if that's even possible. "So it's like a castle made of boxes!" She hits her fist into her other open palm as if she's just cracked some code.

2016-03-09, 11:23 PM
Furude Setsuna

Setsuna giggles at Sif's antics, leaning back and nodding. "Mhm! And I guess that makes me the princess then."

2016-03-09, 11:33 PM

Well then, your highness. Will you consider making the Iron wind the official religion of the land? Abby replied with a smirk.

2016-03-10, 07:24 PM
Sif Fenra

"Oh, a princess! Well then." Sif grins playfully."How fancy!" She exaggerates her statement with a dramatic wave of her hand.

2016-03-10, 09:14 PM
Furude Setsuna

"Eh? What's the Iron Wind? I keep hearing that name, but I don't actually know what it is." Setsuna smirks back at Abby. "Besides, wind is an enemy of cardboard boxes."

"And yes, princess." She winks at Sif.

2016-03-10, 09:16 PM

The name of my goddess. Abby explains simply.

2016-03-10, 11:26 PM

Why would you want wind made out of iron? Wind should be nice, like rain on a roof or warm sunlight. He looks at Abbey curiously. There's too much that'ls not nice in the world already.

Extra Anchovies
2016-03-12, 05:32 PM
Cassidy stood quietly, listening to the others talk. Clamming up around new acquaintances - business as usual for Cassidy. Speculation about the Iron Wind is what finally gets her to speak up. "Tha Iron Wind's jus' another name for Aerona. Abby, you said you were a farmer - does tha' mean you're from one o' the surface colonies too?"

2016-03-12, 05:41 PM

Yes, before I got the call that is. Abby explains.

2016-03-14, 03:30 PM
Bromgrun (Minos, Male)

You see a large pair of horns making their way through the sea of people that are always occupying the guild hall and some of you recognize the large minos man attached to them that emerges from the crowd a moment later. He waves to your table, prompting a wave from Berri and Zephyr. He lumbers over and sits directly next to Doran with a large thud. The wooden table must be surprisingly strong, because it doesn't even creak. He sets down a large tray of food he was carrying and begins to chow down.

2016-03-14, 03:35 PM
Sif Fenra

Sif notices the Minos man make his way through the room and instantly loses track of the previous conversation at hand. "Who's he? Do you work with him, Zeph? I used to trade with Minos all the time!"

2016-03-14, 07:16 PM

Hello, Mr. Brom. He scoots over a bit to give the minos some room.

2016-03-16, 11:13 AM
Bromgrun (Minos, Male)

"Does he know me?" The minos snorts, breathing hot air from his nostrils. "We're in the same team!" Nodding appreciatively at Doran for the extra room, he beams at Sif. "Lupine and minos were born to travel together! We're very alike in nature."

2016-03-16, 03:15 PM
Sif Fenra

Sif's eyes give a small sparkle as her smile widens. "That's right! Minos and Lupine make the best teams!" Her smile fades slightly as she counts the heads of Bromgrun, Berri, and Zephyr. "Who else is in your team?"

2016-03-16, 04:22 PM

Abby raises her hand with an amused smile. I'm with him. She adds warmly.

2016-03-16, 04:59 PM
Zephyr (Human, Male)

Zephyr crosses his arms. "Great question. You see, they're..."

Bromgrun (Minos, Male)

"Different?" The horned man suggests. He also nods approvingly towards Abby.

Berri (Human, Female)

"Spoilsports." Berri adds, sticking out her tongue. The other two nod their heads knowingly.

2016-03-17, 01:57 PM
Sif Fenra

"I want to meet them!" Sif replies, a little bit too excited. "Are they around here somewhere? Can you introduce us to them?" She continues, pulling out the puppy dog eyes.

2016-03-17, 02:29 PM

They don't sound very nice... Doran eats his gruel quietly as he listens in.

2016-03-17, 02:43 PM
Sif Fenra

"Is that true?" Sif asks, looking Bromgrun. As if she's attempting to console him, she pats his arm and continues, "It's okay. I have a not-so-nice person in my team, too. But, I'm determined to see her smile, in a non-threatening way, at least once!"

2016-03-18, 11:50 AM
Bromgrun (Minos, Male)

"It's true." He nods. "Our other two members are... interesting. I'll see if I can get them t-" Bromgrun is stopped mid sentence by a low-key point from Zephyr. Anyone who follows the line that he's pointing in, sees a taller man in a deep blue duster walk into the guild hall and approach the counter. Many older members of the establishment seem to get quieter as he walks through the crowd. "No way..."

I'll take some Knowledge (Religion) rolls from you all! A few special conditions! Anyone who has Umbriel as their patron deity will get a misc +5 to this roll, but anyone who aspires to become a Moonlight Hunter will get an additional +10 to this roll!

Knowledge (Religion):
DC 10: Judging from his attire and equipment, this is clearly a Moonlight Hunter.
DC 15: You recognize his scythe as the one from the statue outside the peacekeeper's mansion and know it is a symbol of Umbriel.
DC 20: You know this man as Jericho Silentweave, the Nightcaptain of the Moonlight Hunters.
DC 30:

2016-03-18, 04:55 PM
Sif Fenra

Sif whispers as she nudges Zephyr. "Who's the Moonlight Hunter and why's it making such a scene?" She would have asked Bromgrun, but he's far too tall for her to whisper to discreetly.

Extra Anchovies
2016-03-18, 11:57 PM
Cassidy almost spits out her drink. After she manages to down the gulp of ale, she excitedly whispers an answer to Sif's question. "Oh my gosh, that's Night-Captain Jericho Silentweave! He's only in charge of the entire Moonlight Hunters! I can't believe he's right there!" Cassidy barely suppresses a squeal of excitement, her face flushing slightly red when the squeak that escapes draws the attention of those seated next to her.


2016-03-19, 12:57 AM

Doran looks between the two in confusion. Uhh, what's a Moonlight Hunter? Is he important?

2016-03-21, 09:55 AM
Zephyr (Human, Male)

Zeph agrees with Cassidy's words. "He's a fairly enigmatic man, not to mention he's an umbra alf." Shaking his head, Zeph adds. "Usually bad news, running into an umbra alf. But it seems he's risen above that."

2016-03-21, 11:44 AM

Abby pipes up.

What is a umbra Alf? She asks confused.

2016-03-21, 11:53 AM
Zephyr (Human, Male)

"One of the older races of Salvus..." He pulls out his signature chalkboard, drawing a family tree of sorts. "You see, there were the Alv, the origin race of the Alf, who eventually became the Elves." He scritches and scratches across the board, then handing it to Abby. "Not sure if the Alv still exist, but small amounts of the Alf are around. Some say through dark magics the Alv split themselves into the Umbra and Lumen Alf."

2016-03-21, 12:18 PM

So... they are just really ancient elves... What so wrong with that? Abby replied.

2016-03-21, 12:22 PM
Zephyr (Human, Male)

Zephyr puts his hands up in a 'no offense intended' manner. "The Alv were more akin to the fey, mostly neutral. But, when they split, the Alf took up a more... 'yin-yang' sort of approach." He chuckles. "One of our teammates is an Umbra Alf. So please don't think me a racist!"

2016-03-21, 12:48 PM

So what. Dark Alfs embrace femininity and evil typically? Abby asks confused.

2016-03-21, 01:02 PM
Zephyr (Human, Male)

A confused grin spreads across Zeph's face. "Femininity?" He looks at Jericho from behind, his eyes water a little as he suppresses a laugh. "I'm not sure what you mean. The umbra alf tend to lean towards evil acts and are little more brooding, as apposed to the lumen alf that are usually working towards the general good and extremely caring." Jericho glances in your general direction. "Uh oh. He knows we're here!"

2016-03-21, 01:53 PM

Is that an issue? Abby asks concerned giving him a awkward wave.

2016-03-21, 02:02 PM
Jericho Silentweave (Umbra Alf, Male)

"I would hope not." A voice says, from directly beside Abby. As if appearing from thin air, Jericho is sitting at the table next to Abby, drinking something from a flask. "I'd expect my future son-in-law to be happy to see me."

Scanning over the older adventurers, you get quite a variance in expression. Berri looks crestfallen, Bromgrun's face is far more amused than he normally lets on, and Zephyr is so pale, you'd think he's an undead that Jericho would be hunting.

2016-03-21, 02:16 PM

Greetings. I'm Abby of the Ironrain. Abby introduces herself, reaching forward to clasp his hand.

2016-03-21, 02:30 PM

Doran gives out a yelp and falls backwards away from the table, landing on his back on the floor.

2016-03-21, 02:35 PM
Jericho (Umbra Alf, Male)

Jericho raises an eyebrow at Doran's outburst before meeting Abby's hand. His grip isn't incredibly firm, but it almost seems like he's gripping your hand with the expectation of having to slip from it to avoid danger. "Well met, Abby." His face does not break into any form of expression. "I am but a humble servant of Umbriel, myself. I take it you are new recruits?"

Bromgrun (Minos, Male)

The large minos reaches down and lifts Doran back to the table with ease. "Calm yourself, little one."

2016-03-21, 02:45 PM

S-sorry... He settles back into his seat.

2016-03-21, 02:51 PM

Yes. It is always a pleasure to meet my senior members. Abby says warmly.

2016-03-21, 03:03 PM
Furude Setsuna

Staring at Jericho for a few moments, Setsuna tilts her head to the side, smiling faintly. "Hello there. I'm Setsuna. Furude Setsuna."

She grins at Zephyr and giggles softly. "Oh~? Son-in-law? This sounds interesting..."

2016-03-21, 03:18 PM
Zephyr (Human, Male)

"He's crazy!" Unable to hold back his words any long. "I take your 'daughter' to one diplomatic party and you expect me to marry her?!" Zeph slams a fist down on the table. "You're a mad man!" Zeph looks exasperated. "It was our mission!"

Jericho (Umbra Alf, Male)

"Those are the customs of your race, are they not?" Jericho's smooth demeanor gives off the feeling of a regal lord, issuing decrees from a scarlet throne. "I believe it is what younger folk would call 'going steady'." His face finally breaks into a smile. "Mission or not, your new mission is to marry my daughter."

2016-03-21, 05:52 PM
Sit Fenra

Sif's tale begins to wave back and forth as she starts humming wedding music. "Zeph! You never told us you were planning a wedding, you dog!" She teases.

Turning to Jericho, the lupine girl introduces herself. "Sif Fenra, at your service!"

2016-03-31, 09:46 AM
Zephyr (Human, Male)

Zephyr mumbles something under his breath and you can probably guess it wasn't nice.

Jericho (Umbra Alf, Male)

Jericho smiles regally and nods his head. "Very nice to meet you, young lupine. Your race has sired some of the greatest priests of Umbriel."

2016-04-23, 10:24 PM

The doors burst open and a loud voice, amazingly so for the body that produced it, rang out, "Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's Ankhit! Everyone's favorite hamstringing Silvestri! Howzit hangin'? Sif!" The hyperactive silvestri barrels into Sif, oblivious to any other conversations currently being held.

2016-05-12, 11:39 PM

Does anyone know where my team went? I seem to have lost some of them. He looks around the guild hall a bit as he eats a slice of bread.

2016-05-18, 06:04 PM
Sif Fenra

Appearing almost formal for a moment, Sif begins to bow her head in response to Jericho. However, before she can manage to speak a reply she's nearly taken off her feet by the small Silvestri. "Ankhit!" The lupine laughs as she spins her small friend around briefly before returning them to the ground. "You finally showed up! You've been missing out on the fun!"

Remembering Jericho, Sif turns back to introduce her hyperactive friend."This is Ankhit; one of my team members!"

2016-05-18, 08:10 PM

Ankhit laughs as they're swung, and turns to face the Alf as she's put down, saying in his usual hyperactive manner, "Hi! Sif toldja my name already, but I wanna know yours!"

2016-05-19, 09:37 AM
Jericho (Umbra Alf, Male)

Jericho points at Doran's team and Sif's team combined. "Would this be your team?"

Fairly unphased by Ankhit's entrance, but not entirely, Jericho blinks twice. "My name, young silvestris, is Jericho."

2016-05-20, 09:56 AM
Ankhit (Silvestris, Secret)

Ankhit stares at Doran. Speaking up, Ankhit says "I never seen him before, Mister Jerry. Can I call you that? Anyways, howzit hangin', Mister uhhh... what's your name?" Ankhit turns to look stare at Doran again.

2016-05-20, 01:55 PM

Uhh...I'm Doran. It's nice to meet you. Doran fidgets a bit at the unexpected attention and sits down to finish his bread.