View Full Version : Do you earn XP when disabling a trap?

2016-03-03, 08:16 PM
Just a quick question: does a character earn XP points when disabling a trap?

If so, could you please quote the DMG page? Thanks!

2016-03-03, 08:38 PM
I don't believe it's explicitly laid out that you do. I think it's GM's call. I give EXP for traps based on the deadliness for the group, just like any encounter, and the EXP section of the PHB pg15 state that EXP is given for overcoming challenges among other things.

2016-03-03, 08:55 PM
I personally give experience to any character that overcomes an obstacle I put in their path. Whether that be combat, traps, social challenges or what have you. As it is not explicitly spelled out, it is up to the DM. I recommend it, yes, as they have gained a victory.

2016-03-03, 08:59 PM
In the areas near Baldur's Gate, yes you do.

In the areas around Icewind Dale, no you do not.

Therefore, it's probably a regional thing, and your game may vary.

- - -

In all seriousness, a trap is probably just part of the challenge of an encounter -- a wise DM doesn't put a trap in a room by itself, but rather puts a trap in your way when you're also fighting for your lives against some quick and fearsome foe(s). You should get XP for overcoming the trap, not necessarily for disarming it.

2016-03-03, 11:26 PM
Just a quick question: does a character earn XP points when disabling a trap?

If so, could you please quote the DMG page? Thanks!

Page 261: "Noncombat Challenges"

2016-03-04, 12:46 AM
I believe that everything should grant XP.
A deep RP session with intense conversation, that allows the players to skillfully and cleverly maneuver several obstacles and left everyone feeling quite satisfied.
Is just as good as a hack and slash where monsters granted XP. (Honestly, probably even better most of the time)

2016-03-04, 01:20 AM
Traditionally (previous editions) traps have CR. Therefore they give experience.

Easy way to level your character really if you have an emergency cleric on standby lol. (But then it is not a real challenge i guess meeeh)

Kurt Kurageous
2016-03-04, 08:00 AM
As previously mentioned, DMG Page 261 talks about milestones.

If the players need to get through something, it might as well be a minor milestone.

Minor milestones earn an XP award equal to an easy encounter. Major milestones earn hard encounter XP. My players have been with me for nine months and they have made it to level 4. I think that's too slow. So when I read this myself, I started giving minor XP (500 for a party of 4) for clearing/mapping empty rooms in the current dungeon crawl. A princely 125XP per room!

And what did my players think? "DM, you are giving me too much XP for tonight's session," said no player ever.

2016-03-04, 09:00 AM
In video games, it depends on the games, sadly. I've had some where traps were worth delicious experience while others it was worth squat. Same with lock picking.

In short, it's a really big "depends on the DM" thing.

For the most part, I say yes, because it's as much a bit of combat as anything else. Traps, in particular, are dangerous, and if you don't disable them correctly, you could very easily set them off and end up hurting yourself or your team. No different than a (un)living enemy. They'll hurt/kill you if you don't "disable" them as well.

Now locks, on the other hand, aren't really a danger of harming anyone. Generally I say no to them granting experience.

2016-03-04, 09:37 AM
Page 261: "Noncombat Challenges"

^^ This. It's left to the informed discretion of the dungeon master.

However, as a DM, I would give out XP for overcoming a trap but for the fact that I have moved to milestone leveling.

2016-03-04, 05:11 PM
And what did my players think? "DM, you are giving me too much XP for tonight's session," said no player ever.

I once leveled up 5x in a 4 hr session, went from 3 to 8...
After the 3rd level up, I was barely even finished applying my 2nd level up effects when the DM announced that we leveled again...
I definitely said "Wtf man, slow down you're leveling us way too fast"

2016-03-05, 11:01 AM
However, as a DM, I would give out XP for overcoming a trap but for the fact that I have moved to milestone leveling.

Yeah I gave up on xp sometime around 1995. Everything works better if levelling is just part of the story.