View Full Version : The Sher'Tul Come [IC]

2016-03-04, 08:12 PM
The five of you are traveling a back road, when suddenly, you see a brilliant flash in the sky. A jet of flame shoots down from the flash, gouging a massive hole in the ground before vanishing as quickly as it came. Clinging to the edge of the hole is a strange tentacled creature, somehow still alive.


2016-03-04, 08:35 PM
Halt! Abby calls out, bringing forth her Warhammer.

Do you speak the common tongue, creature?

2016-03-04, 09:26 PM
It murmurs out something in a strange language, then raises its tentacle towards you all.

2016-03-04, 09:33 PM
[Does the action appear hostile?]

2016-03-05, 03:04 AM
Antor raises his Great Sword.
"Wouldn't try that if I were you," he says, looking straight at the creature.

2016-03-05, 11:18 AM
The Blade of Gaiseric communes with Artorious, speaking into his mind. Hold your companions-it seems hurt, and hasn't done anything to us yet.

Irish Musician
2016-03-05, 10:21 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
As the group walks through the back roads taking a scenic route through many trees, which Zekiera appreciated due to his race's light sensitivity, a very bright flash pierced the sky. Luckily, Zekiera had his googles on to shield his eyes from the bright flash. As the fiery jet of flame inpacted the ground, creating a hole, Zekiera saw a tentacle creep out of it. As the creature come out, pointing its arms at him, purely on instinct Zekiera's claw's grew a little longer, he barred his teeth, and his draconic powers came forth. The sun in about a mile radius from him dimmed, of course save for his four companions. A frosty haze started to come out of his nostrils, that had a slight green tint to it. With a tap to his head, he casts a spell allowing him to understand any spoken language.

Cast "Comprehend Languages" from my helm. Also, my Regional effect kicks in at the perceived threat.

2016-03-06, 01:29 AM
Hold it, Antor, Artorius says in a lowered voice - but just as he does so, he unsheaths the Blade of Gaiseric, an act that could seem rather contradicting to others. Not yet. The Blade is yet to pulse. If it attempts any attack or shows the slightest malice, though - Artorius thins his eyes - Things will be different.

Except, in fact, Artorius isn't going to take chances. Unless this hideous, alien beast can somehow prove itself to be completely harmless (which he doubted it was), he will kill it before it can attempt any harmful actions. Artorius has already had enough of hesitation. He isn't repeating his old mistake now. Not an extra thirty seconds.

2016-03-06, 10:51 AM
Hell... Fire... Raining down...

2016-03-06, 02:29 PM
Antor snorts at the blade. "Why should I listen to that thing? Unless someone can prove it isn't a threat, I'm taking it out."

He mutters some arcane syllables and waves his hands to attempt to read the strange creature's mind.

Casting Detect Thoughts on the creature.

2016-03-06, 02:30 PM

Antor feels a massive spike of pain in his mind as he probes the thoughts of the creature in front of him, a blinding flash far worse than that that heralded its arrival.

Antor, take 10 pyschic damage.

2016-03-06, 02:42 PM
Antor swears.

"That thing... it's like nothing I've ever seen. I tried to read it's mind, but it.. hurt me. You guys can hold back if you want, but I'm taking it down."

He charges at the creature and attempts to slash at it.

Booming Blading the creature with +2 Greatsword.

Attack roll: [roll0]
GWF Style reroll (if applicable): [roll1]

Damage roll: [roll2] + 9 Slashing
GWF Style reroll 1 (if applicable): [roll3]
GWF Style reroll 2 (if applicable): [roll4]

Critical (if applicable): [roll5] + 9 Slashing
GWF Style reroll 1 (if applicable): [roll6]
GWF Style reroll 2 (if applicable): [roll7]

Booming Blade:
Damage: [roll8] thunder damage

If it moves willingly, it takes [roll9] thunder damage

2016-03-06, 02:53 PM
25 damage has been dealt to the creature.

The creature burbles its strange language out, as its tentacles bob in arcane symbols.

Please, no more! No more!

As it finishes weaving its spell, three images of it appear, diving and bobbing around and making it impossible to tell which is the true one.

Casting Mirror Image, so whenever you attack, roll an additional d20. On a 6+, you hit an illusion instead.

Also, the rest of you get to take a turn. Next time we'll formally roll initiative.

2016-03-06, 03:02 PM
In the name of the lord of storms. I sentence you to death! Abby called out her holy symbol alive with energy, and white flames, assaulted the creature.

Sacred flame.

Creature must make a DC 20 dex save or take
[roll0] Radiant damage.

2016-03-06, 03:13 PM
In the future, just roll an extra d20 with your Sacred Flame. I'll add the bonus behind the scenes and see if they make it.


It has now taken 44 points of damage.

2016-03-06, 06:45 PM
Artorius contemplates for a moment - then darts out forward with a blade in each hand, and thrusts down at the abberation.
First Attack: Blade of Gaiseric
Mirror Image:[roll0]
Attack Roll: [roll1]
Slashing Damage:[roll2]
Improved Divine Smite: [roll3]

Second Attack: Blade of Gaiseric
Mirror Image:[roll4]
Attack Roll: [roll5]
Slashing Damage:[roll6]
Improved Divine Smite: [roll7]

Third Attack (Bonus Action): Longsword +2
Mirror Image:[roll8]
Attack Roll: [roll9]
Slashing Damage:[roll10]
Improved Divine Smite: [roll11]

2016-03-06, 07:20 PM
It has now taken 58 points of damage.

Thrice Artorious's blade goes down into the being, and twice it encounters naught but air, slicing cleanly through an illusion and dispelling it. But one time his blade strikes true, and the creature lets out a keening psychic wail of pain.

Irish Musician
2016-03-07, 09:20 AM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
Before he can utter a word, his companions start to attack the creature. It gurgles out something, but no one seems to be able to understand it. "STOP!" Zekiera yells out to his companions. His great wings lift him up in the air and he lands in between his companions and the creature. They protectively curl around the creature, "I do not think it is here to hurt us.....it seems to want to tell us something. It is begging for you to stop attacking it."

Zekiera then turns to the creature, "Can you understand me? If you answer, I will be able to understand you. You will come to no more harm, I am sorry that we attacked. We couldn't understand your language at first. Please, tell me why you are here......and who you are."

2016-03-07, 08:08 PM
The creature then speaks again, first a spell that wards its flesh with mystic shields, then to Zekiera.

You can understand me?

2016-03-07, 08:17 PM
Abby relents.

My apologies. Zek. I assumed the creature had hostile intent, and mis-acted. My deepest sympathies.

Irish Musician
2016-03-07, 09:20 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
Zekiera nods, "It is appreciated. It was not long ago that many would attack me without first hearing my words. I guess I am on the sympathetic side of creature such as this. We do not conform to what people think are the "good creatures", so we must be destroyed." Zekiera ends with a slight chuckle, as though he is the only one in on a joke. He then looks to the others, "Does anyone have a potion that might heal his wounds, or a spell that might do that same? Just something to show that we mean him no harm and mean to right the damage we've done." Zekiera then starts to look over the creature's wounds, seeing where he might be able to help.

2016-03-08, 02:33 AM
Antor laughs. "You understood it, but you only told us until we'd wounded it? And don't make promises you can't keep. This thing is still suspicious as hell. If it makes one move, it'll be its last. Anyway, healing isn't my thing. Look to the cleric for that," he says, gesturing to Abby.

2016-03-08, 03:26 AM
Artorius stares at his right hand - the hand currently wielding the Blade of Gaiseric. If he wished to heal the creature, he certainly could. But he wasn't doing that now.

Memories - memories of the past, of his days in the world he called home. If he hadn't shown mercy upon the demonic cultists, if he had killed them on the spot... none of the massacre would have happened. He would still be in that world, together with his old companions, his old friends, his love. Mercy was not something he relied upon - at least not anymore. And he hated taking risks, when the stakes were so high.

"Zekiera," Artorius mutters, "if we are not going to slay that creature on the spot, would you please give us unwavering proof that it means no harm to us? If there is enough evidence that it or you could show, I vow on my honor wouldn't do anything to it. Otherwise..." he cuts off, gives a deep sigh - "...I can't resist the urge to slay it."

Irish Musician
2016-03-08, 09:30 AM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
Zekiera rolled his eyes and shot an annoyed look at Antor, "Before I could get a word out at its intentions, you had already started attacking it. Self-control would do you all well." Then he paused, "And once I was suspicious as hell to you, yet now we fight together as allies. And if ends up attacking me, then I will kill it myself. But it has yet to do anything to actually attack us. It has just been defending itself from your attacks." Zekiera then gives a wanting look to Abby, hoping she might gives the creature some healing comfort. "I know you like to kill first and ask questions later.....but this creature seems to be here to warn us of something. I don't know how I know....I just get that feeling. If it shows hostility, then you can slay it, and I will help you with my own claws. Until then, give it a chance. A chance you have yet to give it."

Zekiera then looks at the creature, "Yes, I understand you. Clearly you understand me somehow. My name is Zekiera. What is yours? And what is your purpose here?

2016-03-08, 11:40 AM
Antor raises an eyebrow. "I didn't exactly fall out of the sky though, did I? And besides-that thing hurt my mind. It shouldn't even have known I was reading its thoughts, but not only did it know, it also hurt MY mind. Which is one of my favorite body parts, right after my right hand. First of all, that suggests it has something to hide. Second of all, it's just plain rude. That thing better have a pretty good explanation for me to not kill it."

Irish Musician
2016-03-08, 11:43 AM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
"You might say it is fairly rude to invade someone's mind, without permission. Once again, you went into its mind, and it was just defending itself....not knowing your intentions. You would do that same thing, wouldn't you?" Zekiera raises an eyebrow, knowing the answer to the question but asking it out loud anyway.

2016-03-08, 11:57 AM
"That's not the point. The point is, it shouldn't even have known. Obviously if you see someone who you don't know and can't talk to, reading their mind is the best possible alternative to learn their intentions. This thing can cast, so I know it's not that stupid. It shouldn't have done that."

Irish Musician
2016-03-08, 12:03 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
Zekiera taps his healm, "Or, you know, cast something like I just did to be able to understand it. Invading someone's mind isn't the only option." Zekiera thinks back and remember all the times the Wizard invaded his mind to try and unlock some secret potential he thought lay dormant there. It was not the most pleasant of experiences and if Zekiera could have, he would have fought back mentally. "Do please trust me, having someone invade your mind is not a pleasant experience. Especially when it happen over and over, causing more pain than you can imagine. Were I him, I'd have done the same thing to defend my mind. Now, lets see what it has to say before we kill it for no other reason than it looks funny and was defending itself."

2016-03-08, 12:06 PM
"That spell doesn't CAUSE pain. And wizards don't have access to every spell ever. I don't have a fancy languages spell that I can use, or a cool magic helmet. That spell painlessly lets you know their surface thoughts. No invasion, no pain, no suffering. Everyone goes home happy."

Irish Musician
2016-03-08, 12:13 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
"......maybe it causes him pain."

2016-03-08, 12:40 PM
"How did you discern its gender from that? And anyway, I'm not here for maybes. Ask him, damn it."

2016-03-08, 01:27 PM
The pain... The fire... Not intentional...

The creature's words, while incomprehensible to all but Zekiera, appear to be weakening.

Irish Musician
2016-03-08, 01:51 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
Zekiera listens to the creature, and hears his words getting weaker. "He says the fire, and the pain he caused you Antor, wasn't intentional. I think....he's dying. Abby, please, heal him before we have just killed him for no reason. From what I gather, he understands our tongue, but cannot speak it." Zeikera then turns to the creature, "We are going to get you patched up. Again, sorry for the pain we caused you. We just didn't know at first. I do have a question, though. My friend here tried to detect your thoughts on the surface, but he was met with pain. Why did that happen to him?"

2016-03-08, 01:55 PM
Antor looks unimpressed. "I'm not asking whether it was intentional or not, I'm asking why it happened. But although I can't trust this... thing yet, there seems to be no immediate advantage to killing it. Someone heal it so it can answer my questions."

2016-03-08, 02:07 PM
After 5 minutes of prayer, Abby gets up. Placing her hands on the creature, she intones a few magical words.

Casting cure wounds as a 4th level spell slot.


2016-03-08, 02:09 PM
The creature sags to the ground gelatinously, its ichor-leaking wounds healing themselves.

Tell your companion thank you.

It then holds out a tentacle towards Abby, pseudopod extended.

32 points of damage.

Irish Musician
2016-03-08, 02:18 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
Zekiera smiles and turns to the cleric, "It says thank you, Abby. That helped it." He then turns back to the creature. "So why are you here, what are you......why did my friend get hurt just for looking into the shallow part of your mind?"

2016-03-08, 02:32 PM
Again. My apologies. Abby curtsied respectfully.

2016-03-08, 02:34 PM
The pain... The fire... It's fresh in my mind, tearing it apart. It is what that felt.

Irish Musician
2016-03-08, 02:44 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
Zekiera nods, "Antor, I think when you touched its mind, somehow its emotions hurt you. It said that the pain and the flames....I'm guessing its touchdown to the world....the pain of that was still fresh in its mind and making its mind all angry. So when you went in to its mind, you basically felt what it was feeling at the moment."

2016-03-09, 06:59 AM
Artorius stares at the scene with a dark expression on his face. He grudgingly sheaths his twin swords and sighs, a hand to his face. He isn't using his healing abilities on the creature yet, however. He is listening silently, contemplating what he should do next.

"...If we are going to trust the creature, so be it," Artorius mutters. "While its form certainly resembles the various malignant abberations I have slain before...it may be true it hasn't showed malice to us so far. However, we need to hear more from the creature before I and Antor could accept it being kept alive. Now, if this creature really came here to warn us, as Zekiera says... I will be happy to protect it. I will keep my word.
"Zekiera, could you keep on asking it questions - where it come from, what it is, why it came here, how? Or if it appears it is too worn down at the moment, we may have to wait for some time. Either way, we need to decide now."

Irish Musician
2016-03-09, 09:26 AM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
Zekiera nods, "It is, at least for now, doing better. Its wounds seem to be healing back up.....granted wounds we gave it. But I will see if it can answer any other questions." He then turns back to the creature, "Please, tell us why you are here, and what you are. My friends think you are a threat to us, but I do not. Why have you come to our world?"

2016-03-09, 12:02 PM
I am a Sher'Tul... And I am fleeing the Spellfire.

Irish Musician
2016-03-09, 12:14 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
Zekiera raises and eyebrow, "What is the Spellfire? And where did you come from?"

2016-03-09, 12:17 PM
It is... Destruction incarnate. And I from elsewhere. My home. My... Home... the creature says, your spell translating the sadness in its tone.

Irish Musician
2016-03-09, 12:22 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
It dawns on Zekiera what Sher'Tul means, "......is gone. I am sorry. Is the Spellfire coming here? What can we do to help? We are powerful warriors and can help, somehow I am sure." Zekiera turns back to the others, "It says that there is this awesomely powerful destructive force called the Spellfire. It destroyed its home. And its name is Sher'tul.....it seems fairly sad about its world being destroyed."

2016-03-09, 01:40 PM
Antor frowns. "Sher'Tul? Is that its personal name, or the name of its species? I've never heard of it before."

Irish Musician
2016-03-09, 01:46 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
"I think its species.....what's left of them I guess. Its emotions come through its speech fairly strongly. It is a very weird sensation. As it talks to me I can feels its emotions change."

2016-03-09, 01:47 PM
"Does it have a personal name? And where, exactly, did it come from? Oh-and is it a he or a she?"

Irish Musician
2016-03-09, 01:49 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
Zekiera smirks, "If you promise not to stab it, you can ask it yourself. It understands us, we just don't understand it."

2016-03-09, 01:51 PM
"Does it have a personal name? And where, exactly, did it come from? Oh-and is it a he or a she?"

I am #_*%# Zekiera hears, a sort of jumble of thoughts and concepts that somehow form an identity. And I do not quite understand the difference between this "he" and "she". I simply am.

2016-03-09, 01:53 PM
"Very well then. Although, why don't you pass that helm around? We can each take a turn casting it, and then we could all understand it at the same time. Anyway, Sher'Tul, I'm assuming you heard me, so please could you answer my questions? I don't really understand the premise behind apologies so I won't give you any, although I can say that attacking you was probably not the best thing to do."

Irish Musician
2016-03-09, 02:03 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
A very low growl starts to eminate from Zekiera as Antor suggests him handing over his treasure, and his lips slightly snarls. "I don't share.....very well. But that is probably a good idea......" Zekiera's eyes narrow and he takes his helm off and puts it on each person's head, so that they may cast from the helm. However, he never takes his grip off of it and leaves it on only so long so that they can quickly cast the spell. As soon as everyone is done, he very quickly puts the helm back on and seems to step away from every a little more.

As he makes the rounds, Zekeria "listens" to its name and doesn't fully understand, but seems to get some concept of who it is. "I....I don't think it has a name like we would have names. It sent some concept of what it is to me....so I think they use this to identify each other much like we use a name. But given their odd language, I don't think it translates over well. And he doesn't seem to be a he or a she." Zekiera looks at #_*%#, "Well, mostly our races have 'males' and 'females' genders and that is how we...ya know....make more of each other. And since we can't really say," Zekiera tries to think of all the concepts it gave him to try and give its "name" back to it, "what should we call you in our tongue?"

Thank you, Ganon. That was an excellent set-up for me to RP my "dragon loves treasure" thing that Zekiera has! :smallbiggrin:

2016-03-09, 02:07 PM
Will now be out of spoilers, since you all benefit from it.

Call me whatever is easiest, #_*%# says. I do not know your naming traditions.

2016-03-09, 02:09 PM
Antor raises his eyebrows as he sees Zekiera get agitated while passing round the helm. Well, he is kind of a dragon... he reminds himself.

Turning his attention back to the Sher'Tul, he continues talking to it.
"Why don't we call it Shert? Simple enough. Anway, Shert, are there more of your kind? And if so, where are they?"

2016-03-09, 02:10 PM
Many more. And they are coming, Shert states.

2016-03-09, 02:12 PM
"Can we trust that they will be peaceful, as you are? Or is their reason for coming more sinister?"

2016-03-09, 02:13 PM
We are trying to survive.

2016-03-09, 02:15 PM
"Fair enough. This world is so packed with different races as it is, I don't see that much problem in another. Why were you alone, though? Are you coming in individual groups, or were you separated from your friends?"

2016-03-09, 02:16 PM

Shert grows silent, seemingly pensive.

I... Do not know how many of us survived.

Irish Musician
2016-03-09, 02:20 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
"Alone in the world.....I can understand that. There aren't many of my kind, either, Shert. I've never met another in a hundred years of roaming the lands."

2016-03-09, 02:50 PM
Antor nods. "Very well Shert, I guess me and my companions can protect you for now-if no one has any objections," he says, giving a pointed glance towards Artorius. "It appears you can cast, however-are your kind natural born spellcasters, or are you particularly skilled with the arcane?"

2016-03-09, 03:03 PM
Oh, no-I lack talent in magic. I can barely cast to save my life.

2016-03-09, 03:08 PM
We are trying to survive.

That doesn't actually answer the question. Abby replies breaking out of her prayer for some neutral commentary.

2016-03-09, 03:09 PM
Antor raises his eyebrows. "Well, it's true that Mirror Image isn't that powerful of a spell. But I'm assuming that that means the rest of your kind are very skilled with casting? And just for reference, would you mind showing me one of your most powerful spells so we can measure your power more accurately?"

2016-03-09, 03:11 PM
The spell is not complicated-it forces someone to enter an extraplanar maze that is difficult to escape from. it is a useful way to temporarily restrain someone without having to harm them. And I'm afraid I don't know what question you are referring to.

2016-03-09, 03:16 PM
I'm assuming as a High Level Wizard, Antor knows which spell he's referring to. If he doesn't, then here's an Arcana check to see if he does [roll0]. He says the next bit only if he does know.
"You're talking about the Maze spell! And you say you can barely cast! It's a spell of a power which most people can only dream of attaining! How on earth is that weak?! I can cast spells of a higher power, but I am an extremely accomplished Wizard! If that's barely casting, then how ell can the others of your kind cast?"

Natural 20, nice.

2016-03-09, 03:25 PM
I do not understand. It's a simple spell-something precocious children master, even. You are saying that most of your kind cannot cast even that?

Yeah, nat 20, plus high level caster, means you know the Maze spell.

2016-03-09, 03:27 PM
"Most of our kind cannot even cast at all!" Antor replies, getting increasingly agitated. "Answer my question! How powerful are the rest of your kind?"

2016-03-09, 03:28 PM
Why must you know? Shert replies defensively. What does it matter?

2016-03-09, 03:29 PM
"Because if your kind lands here and they're as powerful as you say, most of our kind will be nothing but insects to them! They'll crush them! I don't care how noble they are or aren't, they'll end up conquering the planet!"

2016-03-09, 03:32 PM
I... Shert begins, but cuts themself off.

2016-03-09, 03:37 PM
"You what?" Antor asks.

Irish Musician
2016-03-09, 03:38 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
Zekiera skews his head to the side as if he is very confused. "Wait, all of you are super powerful casters....and are coming here. Are.....are you here to conquer us? Since your world is gone....did you choose ours to flee to so you could....take it over?" Zekiera looks slightly hurt at the creature.

Apparently the forum didn't like the word for the action of moving your head to the side I used that happens to be the same as a male rooster, lol

2016-03-09, 03:49 PM
Well this is lovely. We have a race of super powerful casters that seem to at least be considering conquering us.

2016-03-09, 03:53 PM
Antor is losing his patience. "Answer, Shert. If you don't, I'll assume that your kind do mean to conquer us, in which case not only shall I kill you, I will take care to kill every last one of your kind that I come across."

2016-03-09, 04:04 PM
We are trying to survive. We will do what it takes.

Irish Musician
2016-03-09, 04:05 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
"Is there at least hope for a diplomatic peace between us....so that we can live in harmony?"

2016-03-09, 04:09 PM
If you are willing to live in peace, I don't see why there couldn't be diplomacy.

2016-03-09, 04:12 PM
"I goddamn hope so. I wouldn't bet on it, though. Consider yourself warned, Shert-if your kind try to attempt to conquer us, they might be able to. But there'll be a whole lot of hurt along the way, mostly coming from me."

2016-03-09, 04:14 PM
Shert perks its head up, apparently listening to something.

My brethren-they've come. I must go to them. it says, then begins to move rapidly away (assuming no one takes action to stop him), periodically blinking forward.

Dashing, and has a 50' base movement speed, and using Misty Step for an extra 30' a turn as a bonus action.

2016-03-09, 04:19 PM
"No you don't," growls Antor. He mutters a sharp incantation.

Casting Hold Monster on Shert (assuming I have the opportunity before he's out of range).

It must make a DC 19 Wisdome save or become paralysed for the duration.

2016-03-09, 04:24 PM

Shert freezes about 30' away, caught by Antor's incantation.

Irish Musician
2016-03-09, 04:27 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
Zekiera winces at Antor's action, but know it may very well be necessary. "Well, what do we do now? Shert is going to his people, who very well may be here to conquer us. But they also might just be here looking for a place to escape their own extinction. They may just be scared and need help."

2016-03-09, 04:29 PM
"Not bloody likely," snarls Antor. "The spell doesn't last very long, so we need to decide-do we kill him, or knock him out?"

2016-03-09, 05:25 PM
Knock him out. Hostage, interrogation, there are many uses for him. Abby said, paling. She clearly didn't like this, but she seemed to feel it was necessary.

2016-03-09, 05:52 PM
"So be it," replies Antor. He walks over to the immobilized creature and slashes at it. "You guys hit it too, and be careful not to kill it. Or do kill it, if you really want to. I'm not that picky."
Booming Blading the creature with +2 Greatsword.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Advantage (Paralysis): [roll1]
GWF Style reroll (if applicable): [roll2]

Damage roll: [roll3] + 9 Slashing
GWF Style reroll 1 (if applicable): [roll4]
GWF Style reroll 2 (if applicable): [roll5]

Critical (Paralysis, within 5 feet): [roll6] + 9 Slashing
GWF Style reroll 1 (if applicable): [roll7]
GWF Style reroll 2 (if applicable): [roll8]

Booming Blade:
Damage: [roll9] thunder damage
Critical (Paralysis, within 5 feet): [roll10] thunder damage

2016-03-09, 05:54 PM
96 damage. You don't add static modifiers on a crit.

2016-03-09, 06:03 PM
Oh yeah, sorry. Forgot to mentions, if Antor reduces the creature to 0 hitpoints he knocks it unconscious instead of killing it.

2016-03-09, 08:26 PM
...There was a similar tale in my lands, Artorius mutters as he re-draws his twin swords. The tale of friendly travelers from a world that had come to an end, arriving on a colossal ship. Those who had met them agreed to let them live in this world... until they heard they were coming in their billions. The king ordered the ship be sunk, and so it was. The billions were dead.

...I used to hate this tale. But now I know better. It is a story of necessary evil, a story of human nature. Even if it means doing vile deeds... I will protect what I value and love.

Truly, I am glad I didn't lay my hands upon this filthy, worthless beast.

I assume Artorius is within 35 feet of the creature (more like, given Artorius's character, he will never leave attack range of the creature). In which case he would move up to the creature and attack, making all of them automatically critical hits.

First Attack (Blade of Gaiseric, LV 4 Divine Smite. Together with Improved, (1+5)x2=12, so 12d8 radiant damage)
Slashing Damage:[roll0]
Radiant Damage: [roll1]

Second Attack (Blade of Gaiseric, LV 2 Divine Smite)
Slashing Damage:[roll2]
Radiant Damage: [roll3]

Third Attack (+2 Longsword)
Slashing Damage:[roll4]
Radiant Damage: [roll5]

EDIT: Same as GanonBoar, Artorius will try to knock it unconscious. Not that he wants to, just, he needs to - grudgingly.

2016-03-09, 09:20 PM
236 damage.

2016-03-09, 09:37 PM
"...And I would expect that to be enough to slay most," Artorius whispers. "This thing is just as hard to kill as a Balor, or an Ancient Dragon. ...At least, based on what I have fought in the past. Is it truly one of the weakest in its race? Because if that is the case..."

And if so, what is that "Spellfire" that forced their race to flee from whereever they came from? Artorius realizes with a halt. What would be enough to destroy a civilization with inhabitants of that arcane level? ...Is it coming to this world as well? What in the worlds could it possibly be?
Pretty tough monster it seems. How does the creature (Sher'Tul) look like now? Does it appear bloodied and half-dying, or is it still only bruised?

2016-03-09, 09:43 PM
Intelligence (Insight) check to determine how wounded it is. [roll0]

The creature is as gelatinous and veined in magic as ever.

Irish Musician
2016-03-10, 12:02 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
Zekiera sighs as his allies try to knock unconscious Shert. Artorius tells his story and it makes sense to Zekiera. As much as he hates the way he has been treated, as many times as he has been run out of towns, as many people have looked at him in disgust or fear......he still loved this world on the surface. Because despite first reactions to him, the people here have still accepted him as one of their own.....and he wanted to protect them.

He rushed in behind Shert, "I am sorry for this. Truly." He then starts to try and knock the creature unconscious.

Move - Next to Shert
Action - Claw and a Bite
Claw, [roll0] or [roll1], [roll2]
Bite, [roll3] or [roll4], [roll5]

2016-03-10, 11:39 PM
Shert slumps slightly, still held by the spell, but unconscious.

Irish Musician
2016-03-11, 02:30 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
Zekiera sighs as his blows knock the creature out, it slumping over but still held by the spell. He takes some rope and starts to tie it around the creature, hoping to keep it tied up and not able to use its "hands" or feet. "Well....what now? Shert is unconscious. Maybe we should go in the direction he was going to find his people? Se if we can see how many are here?"

2016-03-11, 03:59 PM
Abby shakes her head

We should take it back. It can provide more information then us risking our lives needlessly will.

2016-03-12, 07:54 AM
Antor thinks for a moment. "Tell me, Cleric, can you heal back limbs?"

2016-03-12, 01:25 PM
Abby nods. Once I have time to pray.

2016-03-12, 06:13 PM
Antor nods. "Good. I don't want to kill it, but I want to disarm it at least," he says.

With careful slices, he cuts off the creatures tentacles.

"Gag it too, for the time being. Don't want it casting spells."

2016-03-14, 11:19 AM
Not long after the gag is applied to Shert's mouth-psuedopod, it comes blurrily to consciousness. Mmph... Mmph! MMPH! he lets out through the gag.

2016-03-14, 02:31 PM
"Well, that was quicker than expected," Antor mutters. "Anyone else wanna carry it? I guess I can do it."

Irish Musician
2016-03-14, 02:38 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
Zekiera winces as Shert comes to and starts to...what he can assume....scream for his hands being cut off while he was unconscious. "I'd rather put it out of its misery."

2016-03-14, 02:40 PM
And I'd rather our people be safe. Abby replies dismissively.

2016-03-14, 02:55 PM
"It'll get those back as long as it doesn't kick up a fuss and answer our questions. Hear that, Shert? Be nice and our cleric will get those back on you," Antor replies dismissively. "Now let's get going."

2016-03-14, 02:58 PM
The group heads for a cave in the nearby forests, traveling for about half an hour before they're able to find one. Shert quickly stops screaming, and seems near-catatonic.

Irish Musician
2016-03-20, 10:11 AM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
Once inside the cave, Zekiera keeps his powers that effect the region active...just in case some of Shert's people are looking for them, it will make it slightly harder for them to find the group. He looks at Shert, staring off into the distance far past the wall of the cave, seeming to go catatonic."He isn't looking so good. It is like he isn't even there anymore...."

2016-03-20, 02:45 PM
Is that going to make it difficult to get info from it then? Abby asks concerned.

Irish Musician
2016-03-20, 02:55 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
Zekiera nods, "Well, considering when Antor tried to touch its mind, it accidentally hurt him....now that we've cut off its arms and beat it into submission I doubt it will want to cooperate much with us. And with its mouth stuffed, we can't hear its words anymore. So finding out information? Probably going to be a problem......."

2016-03-20, 03:18 PM
We can get the gag out of it's mouth though. Abby pointed out.

Irish Musician
2016-03-20, 03:42 PM
Zekiera (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=725245), Drow Dragonfire Adept
"So then it can send us all to an extra-dimensional plane of existence in a maze?"

2016-03-20, 04:50 PM
Can any of us, tell if it's about to cast? Abby replied.