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2016-08-23, 02:10 PM
When Gerric's words fell on the ears of the crowd, it made an impact. The murmur grew stronger, and men were putting their hands on their daggers and swords - they didn't like how the foreigner spoke about their city, about their lives.

And then Gregor stepped up - and his words captured their interest, as every one of them took look at Sinkrin, at the ruffians, and then at Kate, standing proud, with Urukubarr and Ruark, rugged northerners - but standing proudly on her one side, and Gerric and Nazir, both proud of their ancestry on her other side - and almost everybody seemed to understand their plight.

And then, Kate stepped forward and delivered her speech. There were no sounds, no murmur. Everybody listened to the mysterious stranger, whose sounds rang with truth and echoed deep in their minds. Her voice carried over the tavern soundly and except for the moment when she asked them to look at Sinkrin, there was almost no movement.

After she fell silent, the crowd stood, waiting for anything to happen. Ruark's voice, and his weapon woke everybody up from the almost mystical enthrallment - and his half-jest, half-accusation opened their eyes, finishing the job.

The soldiers, even Sinkrin's own protectors, looked at the indicated group of ruffians - Sinkrin's men, as he called them - and there was suddenly an uproar, as the soldiers he commandeered before started shouting obscenities at their captain, and even Unaric's shouting couldn't make the crowd calm. The knights moved to surround the judge, and the party felt that they also moved to protect them - encircling them, offering them their protection - and not in an unkind way.

They found themselves in a small eye in the middle of the storm - around them raged the soldiers, but they were safe for the moment. Unaric pushed through the knights, asking for a proof of their affiliation to the city watch and Nazir showed him the letter of marque that has been provided to them - he studied it rigorously, but finding no signs of deceit, he thanked them and provided it back. He also talked to some of the guards, who were present from the beginning on his way back.

The ruffians tried to escape, but they were soon caught in a circle of weapons - the army members surrounded them.

Sinkrin tried also to escape, his most loyal protectors trying to push their way through the crowd, but they only succeeded in protecting him from the immediate threat of the crowd.

After the situation calmed down a bit, Unaric raised his hands, as gesture that it is his turn to speak.

"A decision has been passed." he paused for a moment, looking around the room. After the room fell into complete silence, he continued, turning towards the party. "You are hereby considered free of all charges. You have been attacked, you protected yourself - and thus according to the spirit and the letter of the law, you are innocent."

There was a loud cheer, among the crowd and the guards. Unaric continued, turning towards the ruffians.

"You will face a month in prison, each, for attacking these innocent people, as well as fines equal to destroyed property. And you will face trial for killing these city guards."

The reaction from the crowd was mixed. Month in prison seemed rather harsh for a tavern brawl...

"And lastly..." Unaric paused, turning towards Sinkrin. "Ranhus Sinkrin, you are hereby declared unfit of command until you prove yourself innocent of conspiring to kill and misuse of your powers. You will be under a house arrest, guarded by the Knights of Vigilant Guardian, and you will leave your house only to attend a mass or for the trial that will await you. Leave our company until you are free of your guilt."

Cheering mixed with unhappy visages of the army members. This was a disgrace for their commander, and he knew it, but seemed unfazed. He watched Nazir with hatred burning in his eyes, and when the knights stood around him, he turned around, and his companions escorted him outside. The army members and guards escorted the ruffians outside, and after they stood there, alone, Unaric approached them, followed by Dreiana.

"Congratulations to you - you are free to go wherever you are. But let me detain you for a moment if you please. I have one question... now, pray tell me - why the hell did a commander of city watch give you a free hand to do anything in my city...?"

Kate's speech was for whopping 6 successes thanks to SA and Ruark-provided reroll!

If anyone has something to add/wants to do something in between, let me know. But - chances of breaking through the knights, the army, the guards and everyone would be quite astronimical... :smallsmile:

You can answer him in any way - you are free to go and he can not detain you - he's there alone, only with Dreiana. So now's a good time to give away some SAs (normal process applies: if you think you used an SA, provide statement into OOC why & when you think it applied; even multiple times) and skill marks (the same).

After that - it's again up to you where to go...

2016-08-23, 03:32 PM
Gerric just sneers back to the guard and the fat man, turns to Kate and just starts shaking his head in the hopes she agreed with him. He did not trust the fat man who saw everything but still would have had Sinkrin take them if it weren't for some pretty speeches. Nor the guard who led them into a trap and lifted not a finger for their aid.

2016-08-24, 06:59 AM
Ruark wanted to walk up to Sinkrin and tell him that Riss was sorry for not being able to be here, but the tension that permeated the room could have made that a very, very deadly idea. Instead he chose to gather up with the rest of the gang and their new addition in the form of Gregor and say, "That was some of the finest speachery I've heard in a long, long while Kate. You make a fine commander if you got more of that sort of ideas swimming around behind that veil."

Unaric's question moved his attention away from his friends and he felt at once uncomfortable about this fellow. "Ah, you are the chieftain of this city then." Ruark made a traditional salute, hoping to endear himself to the powerful man standing in front of him completely oblivious to the fact that these southerners would not take as kindly to a manly handshake as his own people. "We're here on a job for the city guard because we're remarkably competent individuals, Dreiana know's the truth of it. We proved the worth of our names to your southern guard commander by taking the heads of a wanted criminal and his gang a few days travel from the city. Now we're here to finish the job. I expect we'll be out of your nets and gone again in a few days, as if we were never here."

"Actually me and Nazir here was busy working that very job right before we came across some information that led us back here, realizing our friends were in trouble. Seems to me now that your city guard is in more trouble than Dreiana's commander wanted us to believe when he said they were stretched thin."

"Does anyone have anything else to add?"

2016-08-24, 09:39 AM
Gerric let out a heavy sigh as Ruark just told their enemy everything. "For ****s sake," he turned to the newcomer. "Here, what was your name, stranger? You aided us when that bitch," he nodded to Dreiana, "walked us right into a trap. And instead o' helpin' decided t' sit besides 'the chief' who for no ****in' reason was drinkin' in a guard's tavern. So, since I owe you a drink or two, and don't want to participate in this here idiocy I'm goin' t' let them handle it. What do you southerners drink? Somethin' sweet I reckon like mead or wine."

2016-08-24, 10:52 AM
"Well met Gerric. I go by Gregor" he replied with a friendly nod and an offered hand. "I'll gladly take you up on that drink, especially as mine was lost in the beginning of this fiasco." His demeanor had altered slightly from before; gone was the town lout, a relaxed and competent man stood in his wake. "At least, assuming the bar keep hasn't been stabbed or some-such." Gregor walked casually to the bar, uprighted a toppled stool after making sure it wasn't damaged in the ruckus, and took a seat. Looking over at his new drinking companion he said confidentially, "to be honest, I think the ale is the only thing worth drinking here." After receiving his drink and taking a deep swig he added, "As far as helping you lot, I just did what seemed right. I saw the setup for what it was, but words had no effect when their ears were still deafened by the the jingle of coin." After a pause to take another drink he looked over at Gerric and asked, "I gathered from the "court" that one of you had past history with Sinkrin, but this whole thing seems like a bit much. If it's not too much to ask, what'd your hafling friend do to piss him off so much?"

2016-08-24, 04:21 PM
Kate was so proud of her comrades. Together, the five of them (plus Gregor) had won the day. The corrupt official's lies had burned away in the light of truth. Well okay, that was a slight exaggeration. Poor Nazir had had the truth on his side too, back when he'd first been arrested. Winning a trial required more than just being right. You needed to win the hearts and minds of those who decided your fate. That was why Kate honed her martial skills and silver tongue with equal dedication.

And from the looks of it, she'd get plenty of practice: Because Gerric and Ruark were already working to get everyone arrested again. Both men had the truth on their side; But they wielded it like a sledgehammer. Suppressing a wince, Kate stepped in to smooth things over.

"I apologise for my comrades' bluntness, sir. They're understandably emotional at the moment. As for the letter, I'm sure it must seem strange to for it to be in the hands of strangers. But the Commander has proven himself commendably unprejudiced. Judging us by deeds and character instead of homeland, he deemed us worthy of his trust. And I assure you, we will do our best to honour it."

2016-08-25, 10:15 AM
Nazir met Sinkrin's glare. He was glad that Sinkrin was shut down but this did not solve the problem. Sinkrin would be obsessed with exacting revenge so the danger level just went up. Even if Sinkrin was put in jail he'd use his influence to act against the party. Unless the party and the city were lucky with the trial leading to Sinkrin's execution, there would be blood. Even after Sinkrin's death his cronies would probably still want revenge. Nazir was confused by Gerric's hatred toward Dreiana but that would have to wait until later.

Nazir turned towards Kate and gave a congratulatory nod and smile. There was no time for celebration though. He addressed the party and Unaric. "Even with house arrest the bloodshed is not over- Sinkrin will send out others to exact revenge on us and maybe even you Sir Unaric."

"As fun as all that wasn't, the night is just beginning. There is a fog rolling in. I grew up out in the forests where there is fog most mornings but I've never felt anything like this one, evil or maybe dark magical. Rumors spoke of something coming with the fog. Our info said the operation is expecting a significant visit. I doubt there is a coincidence. We need to get going and be fully ready for a fight." He glances down briefly noticing Kate's lack of full armor.

2016-08-25, 12:31 PM
Gerric clasp Gregor's hand in a firm shake before heading to the bar. "Ale for my friend," he says to the bar keep. "As for the tussle back there, near as I can tell from the stories told, little Nazir hasn't done a thing 'cept be born half fey. Sinkrin's one of them, what's the word? Fools who think your parentage means a damn. More southern lunacy. Up north the only thing like that is you learn to be wary of orc tribes and ogres. And the word for that was just common ****in' sense. Anyway, Sinkrin took a dislike to Nazir when he gained command o' their unit, made Nazir's life a livin' hell. Finally, Nazir did somethin' about it, but got himself kicked out o' the army. But, our halflings clever and skilled, he keeps makin' the best o' his situation. I think that's what pisses the fool off the most. I tell ya, Nazir has a talent with that bow o' his that will take him far, and that must stick in Sinkrin's gut. Knowin' deep down that one of those halflings he detests so much will be better at somethin' than he will be at anythin' in his whole life." Gerric paused for a moment, and again played over the events that transpired in the tavern. It didn't make sense. No, that wasn't the right of it, it made too much sense. The dandy, gettin' no punishment for killin' two folk. The way he nodded as he walked past. Sinkrin not arguin' against his punishment. Hell, it didn't make sense that Sinkrin found them in the first place, unless he had help.

"As to this particular brawl, I have my own suspicions what started it," he glanced back at the fat man and Dreiana. "But before that. Thank you, for your aid. You'll have to explain to me some day why you were pretendin' to be piss-breeches drunk, but if you were after us you had plenty o' time to stab me in the back. You're clever and kept your head in the fight, I respect that. You aided strangers in need, which will probably give you points with our fearless leader," Gerric gestured toward Kate. "I can't say for certain, but if you want, I can put your name into joinin' our little band of mercenaries. We already have a job lined up, that we're already far behind on. We could use the aid."

2016-08-29, 06:30 AM
Unaric accepted Ruark's hand and cutiously shook it. He then listened to all of them before speaking. He had winced when Gerric insulted Dreiana, but otherwise seemed calm on the exterior - only his eyes and the tension in his voice indicated that he was thinking all the time. When Gerric indicated Dreiana's involvement, he looked at her, and she only shook her head.

"I am no 'sir', just Unaric - and I am not a chieftain, but only a council member. I am not of noble blood - and belong to the city council just because I'm too powerful for them to ignore me. And for Sinkrin to directly try to eliminate me - but thank you for your concern regarding my health, master Nazir. And while I share the unprejudiced views of commander Windsteel, I am wary of using mercenaries - they don't often hold our... best interests at heart. That said, welcome to our fair city - and stay as long, as you obey its laws and bring it prosperity."

Unaric sighed. But then his eyes found Kate and he continued, watching each of them in turns.

"But let's be honest here - I came here today, because I heard rumours that something was going to happen. And Sinkrin himself was planning something - and asked me to be present. If it weren't for your intervention, I would have to lock you up - which is something Sinkrin obviously wanted for some reason. Do you have any ideas why would he want that?"

He paused, giving them time to elaborate.

"Based on what you said... there seems to be a danger, a direct threat to the city and its inhabitants. I may be powerful, but I am a servant of this city - and if what you said is true, and the danger is looming in the fog... then I may ask only one thing. How may I help you in uncovering it and removing said danger?"

Gerric and Gregor

The barkeep returned into the room, pale at the sight of all the blood, but he immediately understood and poured them two tankards of ale.

After that, he took a bucked, a mop and started cleaning the room. There was still some ruckus outside, but it seemed to move down the street. The fog obscured everything. But it seemed that the footsteps were getting away, the sounds of metal-clad soldiers moving down the streets was getting lost...

And the fat man was still explaining. However, Gerric still thought Nazir was right - they had still some work to do. And it seemed that the fat man wasn't going to hold them back... "fully ready for a fight"...

Outside, night was claiming streets, one by one... and fog was thick as a soup, Gregor could barely see the opposite house - and the streets here were not very wide...

2016-08-29, 09:25 AM
Despite himself, Gregor began to take a liking to this strange band. Helping them wasn't going to get his contract filled any quicker, but he really had nothing better to do until Sinkrin's situation altered and he could end the miserable cur's existence. Pausing to take a long draft of ale, he sets the tankard down and looks Gerric in the eye. "You seem like decent folk. I can make no promises long term, but for the moment.. yes. I will help you with whatever business you are about. As to my bit of playacting from before that may be a story best left for another occasion." After polishing off his ale in another long pull he sets down the tankard and reaches for his purse. "This round's on me, then you can tell me exactly what I've gotten myself into." Pulling a coin, it slips free from his hand, hitting the floor just right to roll directly to the man he had "disarmed" earlier. His head and shoulders drooped as he let out a sigh. He mutters despondently, "So clumsy sometimes." With a conspiratorial wink to Gerric he stands and moves to gather his errant coin.

Stooping to gather it up, it seems to have rolled directly under the corpse. It takes a bit of finagling, but he triumphantly holds it up and flips it to Gerric with a sheepish grin. On his return trip, Gregor adjusts his sword belt that seems to have inexplicably shrunken in size...

Slight of hand for taking the sword belt (hopefully with coin purse attached!) from the corpse. He needs someplace to keep his new blade, doesn't he?
[roll0] TN 7: 4 successes

2016-08-29, 02:23 PM
"No more for me," Gerric said as his new companion fumbles around for the coin. "I like keepin' my head about me, 'specially when I'm stuck in this perfume stench ridden place." Looking at the barkeep as he got out his bucket. "Oy, sorry about the mess." He handed over another couple coins, after all, it wasn't his fault all this happened. "Before you're officially allowed to join our merry band, you'll have to first talk to the others. I've no problem with you or your secrets. But I don't call the shots. I also ain't gonna tell you the details until we get out of earshot of those that just tried to set us up. It's messy and violent though, as usually befits a band of mercenaries."

2016-08-30, 01:44 PM
Kate was wary. She shared Gerric's distrust of Unaric. This city's politics were murky and treacherous. Just being here for a day had already put her waist-deep in it. The Watch Commander had earned her trust, at least to an extent. This man hadn't. Until his true motives could be ascertained, it was best to keep a safe political distance.

"At the moment, I can only advise that the city stays on its guard. Our investigations are still far from complete. I wouldn't want to point fingers prematurely, and send you down a blind alley. When we have more solid information, I'm sure you'll be contacted.

Meanwhile, the hourglass' sand is still falling. Far too much time has been wasted already tonight. With your permission, my team and I must be about our business."

With a final farewell to the council member, Kate set off for the stables. She still felt distinctly under-dressed.

"Everyone, finish your drinks and be ready. We'll be leaving as soon as I've donned my armour."

2016-08-31, 10:34 AM
With his new saber sheathed safely, Gregor looks around for his missing throwing knife. A small "ah" escapes his lips as he remembers the throw that stuck it in the lass' assailant. Walking over he stoops to retrieve it, pausing to clean it on the fallen man's shirt, then raising to his feet and secreting it away... somewhere.

Nodding to Gerric as he steps toward the assembled crew he says, "My name is Gregor. Gerric here has invited me to join with you. In light of recent events I am inclined to agree, although I cannot commit to the long haul at this time. If you will have me, I will give you what help I am able." Then, with a charming smile he adds to Kate, "That offer extends to help donning your armor, if you would like it."

Slight of hand to steal the fallen man's coin purse or anything interesting (he certainly doesn't need it anymore) while retrieving the knife:
7 Agility, TN 7 Pick Pocket
[roll0] 3 successes
Trying to make a good impression on the group:
5 Social, +1 loyalty to the group (if applicable), TN 7 Persuasion:
[roll1] 2 successes
Trying to make a really good impression on Kate:
5 Social, TN 6 Seduction
[roll2] 1 success (Almost a fumble! That would have been hilarious!)

2016-08-31, 11:19 AM
Kate raised an eyebrow. She hadn't expected to get any job applications today. She gave the newcomer a long, searching look. Judging from his performance in the brawl, he certainly did seem competent. And furthermore, Gerric of all people had recommended him. He must have made quite an impression, to overcome her comrade's strong paranoia. All in all, quite a promising prospect; Except for the lechery. That'd have to go. After carefully weighing the pros and cons, Kate nodded.

"...All right. If Gerric thinks you deserve a chance, then you'll get one. Welcome to the group. However, there's one thing that I wish to make perfectly clear:

Stop flirting with me. I am not interested. I will never be interested. Should you want romance, I'm sure there are plenty of women willing to oblige. But I'm not one of them. Do we have an understanding?"

2016-08-31, 12:24 PM
Grinning broadly, Gregor nods in acceptance of the rebuke. "Understood. Although, those eyes will make your request a difficult one... I will, of course, do my best to fulfill your wishes." This last was said with complete innocence. With that temporarily done he turned his attention to the others, proffering handshakes and introductions to the group.

Sincerity roll... :smallbiggrin:
[roll0] TN 4 - 3 successes...

2016-08-31, 01:24 PM
Ruark could only laugh along in pity for Gregor as he shakes his hand, "Don't worry new friend, Uruk and I can keep you safe in those lonely dark nights should you ever require it. I understand you fought well while Nazir and I were away? You are a good fighter then? I look forward to training with you if you survive the next few days. Though, I worry that I do not see your shield anywhere. Did it break during the last brawl?"

Ruark was very friendly and full of good will towards their new companion, it was obvious though that a certain suspicion still shone in his eyes at times. Gregor did not still have Ruark's trust.

"Kate, I agree we should leace as soon as you're ready but this fog is extremely difficult to navigate. Everyone that can should bring torches and their best luck with them, I have a feeling that this night is going to get worse before it gets better."

"While you get armored, I'll make sure there is no more drinking and time wasting. We'll be ready for you."

Ruark seemed eager to impress and please Kate, contrasted with the way he had poked fun at and teased her as an equal around the campfire just a few days before. She got the feeling he was looking up to her now, not just to get on her good side but because he seemed to enjoy taking her orders and doing them well.

2016-08-31, 03:24 PM
Gerric had to stifle a chuckle at Gregor's attempts to woo Kate. As Ruark swooped in to joke with Gregor, Gerric whispered to Kate. "He coulda stabbed us for reward and didn't. If he does anythin'... wrong. I'll cut him up myself. Ready when you are, chief."

2016-08-31, 04:25 PM
Gregor smiled at Ruark as they shook hands. "I appreciate the warm welcome, and the humor besides. No shield for me I'm afraid. I'm one of those fools who prefer steel in either hand, and to not be where my enemy expects me." Gregor found the prospect of training with this warrior very compelling, not having the opportunity to spar with anyone outside of his order before. "Assuming we both live through whatever I'm stepping into I'd welcome the chance to train, although I suspect our methods differ greatly." His belongings already gathered Gregor stands near the door, ready to go.

2016-08-31, 04:51 PM
Kate was grateful for Gerric and Ruark's words. They reassured her that it was fine to take a chance with this stranger. Because even if he did turn out to be a traitor, he'd die before his dagger got anywhere near her back. She was truly fortunate to have such reliable comrades looking out for her. And of course, she'd be sure to return the favour. With renewed vigour, Kate departed.

She returned in short order: Clad once again in full armour. Its familiar weight was very comforting. She'd also brought a few torches, to help cut through the fog. Kate addressed her teammates with a smile on her face.

"I hope you all enjoyed our leisurely rest in the tavern: Because it's time to get some work done. Let's be off!"

2016-08-31, 05:16 PM
"'Bout damn time," Gerric grunted. "What you do? Take a quick bath before you thought you were ready?" He gave Kate a small nod to hopefully indicate he was joking. Rising from his chair he unhooked his axe and absently scratched at an itch on the side of his neck. They had wasted so much time. The merchant would know for certain that his driver was missing. Any chance for surprise was probably gone, and he didn't like the look of that mist. Even if it was just a normal mist, he did not like fighting in a fog so dark he couldn't see where his axe was swinging.

2016-08-31, 10:23 PM
<After Unaric answered Nazir's warning>

Nazir's eyes opened in disbelief. "Sinkrin planned this AND purposely put a city council member in the midst of a deadly battle? Far less would get a man executed."

<After Unaric leaves>

Nazir was happy to have the group back together and with a set mission in mind, especially one where his scouting skills should be of great use. Hopefully they would get there early enough.

Nazir accepted the proffered handshake and introduced himself. He didn't know what to make of Gregor beyond the failed brash pass on Kate but enough of the others were satisfied enough, particularly Kate. Details would have to come later. He took advantage of the few minutes they had to grab something light to eat, drink something without alcohol, and to try to confirm the way back to the docks area with the barkeep, Gregor, or whoever else there seeming knowledgeable.

With Kate coming out of the room upstairs, Nazir steps just outside the front door to get a feel for the fog, orient himself, and use his infravision to see if Sinkrin had left any men behind to follow them and create more trouble.

Perception for anyone outside looking like they were watching for us and/or following us once we start moving. Not sure what skill that would be (Spot in D&D)
[roll0] TN ?

Orienteering to find the way back. Not sure if it would be MA (5) or PER (7) so I'll roll the higher number and let Laco choose. Any bonuses from asking around in the tavern? Hopefully the party's success in court still lingers enough to help.
[roll1] TN 5

2016-09-05, 04:03 PM
Happy Ends Tavern

Unaric left. His last words as he turned towards Kate and Nazir were heard by all people in the inn. "Very well. I am not fond of long sleep, so feel free to disturb me at any time when you need my assistance. I will be in the town hall, making sure that the city is on guard. You have my permission to operate in this city. And if you provide the city an invaluable services, I will remember it." He looked at Nazir when he spoke, and his eyes seemed to soften for a moment. "I do not think he purposefully put me amidst of deadly battle. I have my own opinion why he lead me there - and what leverage he wanted to gain," while glancing at Dreiana, "but your presence voided this threat...at least for now. So, I wish you good luck and may the gods keep you safe." With that he stepped out of the tavern. They followed him with their eyes but after few steps he disappeared into the fog.

Introductions were made and few pints of beer, water and a glass or two of wine were passed. The time flew fast - as it usually does in the rare times when peace reigns in the life of a soldier of fortune.

As Kate entered her room, she saw that her belongings were all at the place where she left them. She quickly examined her armour - it was not her ceremonial heavy armour - it could be considered her second best armour. But this one belonged to her grand-aunt - a fierce warrior, and first lady-knight in the family. It bore her mark, inside each plate - her husband forged it for her.

She donned it, and felt the weight of the armour - not only of the metal, but also of the responsibility.

Feel free to ignore this if you have something else in mind.

When Kate came downstairs, everybody was sitting and having a drink - except for Nazir, who was watching the fog outside. They were battle-hardened soldiers - at least most of them - and one of the telltale signs was how quickly they could relax when not faced with immediate danger.

Nazir was watching the fog as it rolled over the streets. The street lights were of no help - you could see them, but not much except the points of light. But he believed in his senses and he almost felt the strange, eerie presence in the dock area. He would not lose his way this time.

As they all left the tavern, they almost immediately got swallowed by the foggy streets. The city was a labyrinth and they moved in it, lead by the sharp-eyed Nazir.

Ruark seemed to remember a street or two - but when they passed through the marketplace he immediately recognized how the city changed at night like this - it was a dead corpse, with the marketplace stalls standing out as bones of a dead body that has been already chewed on by rats.

Ruark did not consider himself fearful, but whatever changed the city in this way had to be respected. He put his hand on the hilt of his new sword and found calm when his fingers traced the ornaments on the pommel.

They walked on, through streets - it seemed like eternity. And then a familiar smell overcame his senses and the hair on his neck stood up.

Gregor felt strange - as if he entered a completely different story - he expected a simple assignment, but there he was, walking towards a building lost in fog, listening to their explanation of what happened in the Grey Tankard Inn in the forests... and he couldn't shake the feeling of something huge lurking on the horizon. And it was looking his way.

His companions seemed to be also affected - everybody seemed nervous. But who could blame them if their story was true?

The smell was getting worse. As if someone drowned a man and then let the body on air for some time...

Gerric drew confidence from the wooden haft and metal head of his axe. He wasn't a saint - he had far from it. And he wasn't a knight. But he knew that a good axe, a piece of steel in his hand and sturdy shield can be better than any prayers or beliefs.

Yet, for a moment he felt something loomed over him - a destiny, perhaps? Was he supposed to die tonight? The whole setup felt as if there were more powerful forces in play... and he felt connected to it. If was a passing feeling, but an eerie one.

He gripped his axe. It was time to kill, not to die. And while he did not know what destiny awaited him, he would not die today. There were still debts to be paid... people to be killed.

And he couldn't let the others go on without the only sane man... could he?

Urukubarr felt something evil in the air. Something rotten. It was not a smell of decaying fish, so often encountered in the human ports - it was something older. Maybe even ancient.

He started to silently humm a melody he suddenly remembered - hramm...urrmm...darrr-gann... and he felt confidence wash over him. Who sang this melody? He did not clearly remember. But the rhytm was calming and the lights felt a bit stronger... and a small whisp of fresh breeze could be felt for the shortest of moments...

...and then it was gone.

Kate let Nazir lead the way. She took one of the torches and lit the way - because, who else should light the way for others if not a knight?

But as they progressed, her calm was slowly lost - they walked for too long. And the streets seemed to have no end - turning and leading them into the decaying heart of ... of what?

She shivered. It was better to not know what.

The smell of stale water, fish and decay washed over her - and she knew why.

For a moment he felt lost. As if the fog mislead him. This street...it looked exactly like the one few minutes ago...

...and this plaza... the statues seemed all wrong. They weren't like this before. They were...human.

He swiped the sweat off his brow with his forearm. The city was playing tricks on him. But he wouldn't lose his way. Not this time.

That way.

Yes... the stench was terrible, but he recognized it. He lead them well.

They were here.

Warehouse street in docks

Their footsteps on the cobblestones was the only sound that they could hear. When they stopped, they heard also faint sound of sea - but in the fog the sounds seemed to be distorted.

The warehouse they were searching for was stuck between a tannery and a brewery - the smells coming from the neighbor buildings were better undescribed. Opposite the warehouse, behind them, stood another warehouse - the one that was, according to Ruark's tale - now inhabited by two corpses.

The small light Nazir saw in one of the warehouse windows previously was still lit. But they could discern no movement. And he remembered that the merchant's warehouse had access to the sea, as it stood on pylons.

Their noses could now catch a small tang of sweetly-metallic smell... of blood. They watched the warehouse in front of them - it was a two-story building, wider than taller and it stood on pylons. The street was completely deserted.

They could see the warehouse doors - one large double-door, on the farther side of the building. And one small door. The windows were all on the second story, but they looked like they could be climbed through.

While they stood there, the feeling of threat in the air grew.

You are standing in front of the merchant's warehouse. It's standing between two buildings, so if you want to get to the other side - the sea side, you'll have to get creative.

Be careful. And good luck.

2016-09-06, 09:09 AM
"The sound of the sea is usually such a soft and wonderful sound isn't it? Just not tonight, now all I hear is a warning to stay away." - Ruark added to the already somber mood.

He had been walking in the front with Nazir, trying to learn a thing or two about how to navigate when you can't see more than a few feet ahead of yourself. Now that they were back at the warehouse all he wanted was to go back and sleep, instead there would be no rest for the band until they had bloodied their swords again.

"Why don't we just barge in, break the door, break some crates and scare whoever is in there to tell us exactly what's going on. We've left the carriage with bodies behind so we can't use that as cover to enter. I doubt knocking on the doors would do us much good and only Nazir seems capable of climbing up to those windows, maybe Gregor. We have no ship to sail in through the sea-entrance so that's out unless we're keen on swimming in armor and gear, something I really can't recommend. Unless anyone has any creative ideas I really can't see any other option than breaking down the doors. Fast and loose I say, simple and easy, don't give 'em any time to realize what's happened. What do you say Kate?"

2016-09-06, 10:21 AM
"There's a time t' rush and there's a time t' plan," Gerric said. "If we hadn't been wastin' time with all that nonsense, I'd say we could've gotten in and surprised the bastard. But now? He knows his wagon driver is missin', after all that commotion he has t' know somethin's happenin' tonight. And look around, does any of this **** feel natural to you?" Gerric shook his head. An ambush is only a useful strategy when the enemy doesn't know they're being ambushed.

"Give us a moment to think of something, if we can't find anything else then we'll have to rush in and pray to the gods that the merchant is just a fool who thinks murderin' folk will give him power."

Tactics check: [roll0] TN 6

Additional roll of 7 from passions (see OOC thread) making a total of 5 successes

2016-09-06, 10:32 AM
Kate shivered. This atmosphere was starting to affect her. She'd never been prone to superstition. However, it was hard to deny that the foggy streets were unsettling. Must be the low visibility. That'd make any soldier wary. Yes, that must be it. Pushing such thoughts from her mind, Kate surveyed the warehouse. Ruark's approach didn't sit well with her.

"I'm inclined to agree with Gerric. We've probably lost the advantage of surprise. Now it's us who need to be wary of an ambush. We can't just rush in blindly."

2016-09-06, 07:53 PM
The fog was disturbing to all but Nazir's success in finding his way back helped counteract the feeling for himself. He listened to the others and agreed.

"Yes, better to not rush in blind." The halfling sniffs the air again. "The closer building, the tannery. Smell that? That is bad even for a tannery. Remember what Mad Dog's crew was doing to the bodies? A tannery right next door is a good cover for them, worth checking. "

"I suggest Gerric check out the tannery with Kate covering while Ruark gives me a boost up to the warehouse window to peek in. Urukubarr can keep lookout. Won't take long and we'll have better information for planning."

Urukubarr being on watch helps with him being MIA for now. Gerric gets to do his B&E and Nazir can use his elvish vision to get a better look inside. If the windows are close to each other I'll go for the unlit one first. On the way to the warehouse Nazir will first also peek in the lower windows of the tannery.

Tons of Tactics successes all around here and in OOC!

2016-09-06, 11:42 PM
Gregor has always attempted to emulate the pragmatic mean of his counterparts in the order. His pragmatism clearly failed and here he found himself, doing who knew what with this group of near strangers. Still, he just couldn't help it. He had to support them, and to take down that captain a peg. All that, and he just can't help but like this strange band of mercenaries. "I can take a peek too, if you like. We haven't had much chance to cover this, but my skill set is... specialized. That side door looks mighty inviting, although perhaps too much so. Either way I can unlock it for those of you who don't relish a climb in heavy armor."

2016-09-07, 04:54 PM
"That's a good plan Nazir. Gregor can help me give you a boost or help Gerric and Kate see if the tannery is empty. Either way we should not wait in this alley much longer, someone could see us."

2016-09-08, 01:53 PM

Gerric was right. This was not natural - the fog shouldn't be so thick and the air so heavy. The small light in the window of the warehouse looked ominous.

The city made him feel uneasy. He tried to make his mind busy and looked up and down the street to ensure nobody was coming.

But who would go out at a night like this?

As they passed the street towards the warehouse, Ruark glanced at his companions. Strung like raiders before first raid...


Nazir glanced through the window of the tannery. What he saw was almost empty room - the tanning racks were there, but there were no living auras save for the rats.

So the smell of the tannery was only used as a cover by the trader...

...he turned towards the building. It was time to climb... the window on the farther side, near the double door, would be more suitable for him. Also, it would be unwise to risk climbing to the only lit window.

The whole thing looked like a trap, but still - it didn't feel like one. His instincts told him they weren't expected - that the fog was there to protect whoever was inside... but if the intention was an ambush, the best way would be to surround them...

...Nazir glanced back, at the opposite building - the one they used as hiding place with Ruark some time ago. There was no movement inside, and the door was still opened, as they left it...


The side door looked almost inviting - the large door had no lock on the outside, but the side door had one. But from the distance he couldn't really tell what kind of lock it was.

But he trusted his skills.

On the other side, the windows drew his attention. Bursting in through a window, spraying his opponent in glass... that felt great. His trainer would do the tut-tut and shake his head, but this was no ordinary job...


Gerric's mind raced through all possibilities and contingencies. Splitting the already small group into two parts - archers and fighters - looked like best possibility. If Gregor could indeed open the door silently, they would gain advantage of at least some surprise - breaking down door always announced presence of raiders...

...so let's see. Nazir climbs to a window, and provides them with cover if necessary. Gregor unlocks the door. Who should go first in was quite easy to decide...

...and maybe Uruk could try to break down the large door, as distraction after they enter silently...?

There were also other possibilities - but everything would be easier with information from Nazir, Gregor and with the door unlocked...


Urukubarr stood silently, waiting for others to finish their plans.

He felt presence of something in the air. It called to him, tugged on his primal instincts...

...but his song was strong, and his will withstood. He took a deep breath and followed his companions.

Soon, the land would be cleansed with either blood of his opponents, or his.


Even in the cold air, Kate felt a drop of sweat roll down her spine. Her people were traditionalists, but not especially superstitious. Yet, there were legends... and it felt like she walked right into one.

The warehouse seemed to look like dragon's den, surrounded by fog from his foul mouth...

...but it was just a warehouse. And the ones inside, were men. Just men.

She gripped the handle of her sword. Gerric's eyes were running up and down the building, so he was working on a plan. The others were starting to look nervous as they walked towards the warehouse.

A voice of single bell was clearly heard, three times. It was close to midnight.

2016-09-08, 09:32 PM
Gerric absently scratched at the side of his nose as his thoughts whirled about. Desperately he tried to push away the distractions around him, especially that stench. What was it with cities that made everything smell so foul? And that tannery and shore line weren't helping matters.

"Alright, I think I got somethin'," he finally said. "Gregor, time t' prove useful and earn yerself a name. The small doors, you think you can unlock 'em silently? If you can, do it. Then I'm thinkin' you and Nazir try and scurry up through them windows." He pointed up at one of the windows that looked clear, but didn't have a light within. "You guard that elf with your life," he said without turning to his new companion, just a hint of an edge to his voice. "The rest of us can make our way through the door, quiet. If we're lucky we can find where the bastard is doin' his magic tricks and kill him. If we're unlucky we make as much damn noise as we can. Gregor and Nazir keep out of sight and wait for a time for Nazir to shoot that back-stabbing piece o' **** through the eyes."

He looked at the rest of the group to see if they agreed with his plan, before looking to Kate. He felt something grow in his chest. A worry, but not for himself, for his, what should he call them? Allies? It didn't seem enough after the hell they've been through the last few days. He found himself worried that he might be leading them to their deaths. That for some ungodly reason they were trusting him, despite the hundreds he'd lead to Abdallos' waiting arms. Gerric cleared his throat and waited. He'd deal with these unwarranted thoughts later, for now he had someone to kill. That he could handle, it was what he loved most of all.

2016-09-09, 08:26 AM
Nazir listens to the plan as he checks the fletching on his arrows. "Sounds good. Let me get up there first so I can watch to see if they hear the door being unlocked and let you know what you are walking into then Gregor can join me up there. Gimme a hand." The halfling slings his strung bow over his shoulder, checks his gear that nothing is loose, then takes the proffered help getting started on the climb. He takes his time, trying to be careful and stealthy about it.

Guessing a boost might give some bonuses, but hopefully they won't be needed anyway.
AG/Climbing: [roll0] TN 9 -> 2 successes
AG/Sneak: [roll1] TN 8 -> 3 successes

Will also give Gregor a hand up when we get to that point.

2016-09-09, 05:47 PM
Gregor nods at Gerric's instruction, gives him a jaunty salute, and ghosts into the mist. The side door should be doable, then a little climb up the wall. Easy-peasy.

copied from rolling thread:

Gregor's lockpick: (plus show-off if applicable)

(7d10)[8][10][1][9][8][6][4](46) + (3d10)[10][7][3](20) TN: 8

4 or 5 successes

(7d10)[1][2][1][8][2][2][1](17) TN: 7

1 success (look at those 1's!)

(7d10)[2][10][8][10][2][4][10](46) TN: 8

4 successes

2016-09-09, 06:25 PM
The entire dog and pony show at the tavern had left Urukubarr with a bad taste in his mouth. His sword had been stayed by back-stabbing cowards, fat officials, and human politics. Even in his more courtly training in Savaxen, trial by combat was usually the preferred method. He quietly helped clean some of the bar, for as long as the party lingered, taking his unspent aggression out on the broken furniture, breaking it down to firewood for the barkeep. Urukubarr had seen the newcomer, Gregor, come to their aid, without being asked. He wasn't sure what to think of this, he was taught that nothing came free from men. He kept to himself for now, occasionally exhaling through his nose like an angry bull.
The fog... It wasn't right. It did not come from mother earth, he thought. He remained silent for now, humming the comforting tune lowly, wracking his mind for a memory of where it came from. The momentary relief and breeze was all the encouragement he needed to drill his own memories for some semblance of reason here. The tune was part of something, maybe? Another power handed down by the druids? He kept reciting it in his mind, hoping for a breakthrough.

Urukubarr agreed to keep watch, it made sense, he tended to make a lot of noise. He offered his blessing to each, and cautioned against evil spirits, knowing some may brush him off as superstitious.

If only they knew...

He leaned on his sword, tip in the ground, drumming his fingers along with the tune in his head. When everyone was going about their business, he began reciting, "hramm...urrmm...darrr-gann..." searching inside himself, pulling from his spirit, where power truly resides. He enunciated in different ways, using different tones, experimenting with the chant. There was power in words, and more power in song, and he hoped to find some now; as far as Urukubarr was concerned, they were already under attack by evil.

2016-09-10, 12:29 AM
Kate nodded her approval to Gerric's plan. She'd been thinking pretty much the same thing herself. She forced her breathing into a steady rhythm. From the looks of it, her comrades felt the pressure of this place too. What was causing these feelings? Perhaps she'd soon find out.

"All right. Let's proceed. One more thing: If possible, I'd like at least one survivor to interrogate...but it's not essential. Don't worry too much about it."

2016-09-10, 12:59 PM
"Looks like I'm going in through that door first then. I don't die here tonight so it's probably safest for you all if I do. Gregor, take my crossbow if you know how to use it, could be useful if we had more than Nazir shooting arrows and bolts."

With that Ruark unslung his shield and drew his sword from its scabbard. He was ready to burst through that door as quietly as possible.

2016-09-18, 05:29 PM
Side Door

Gregor almost disappeared in the fog, his footsteps couldn't be heard. They followed him, as quietly as possible.

Ruark walked first, his eyes darting from side to side, trying to recognize the looming shadows that hid in front of him, in the fog. Behind him he heard Urukubarr's humming, Gerric's heavy breathing and clinking of Kate's armour... the sounds were exagerrated by the unnatural silence and the fog, but he also heard the deafening creaking of his own boots - and so he knew that these were just in his mind.

Waiting for Gregor was the hardest part - they didn't know whether they could trust him... yet they gave him the best opportunity to backstab them. Gerric imagined him turning a traitor, and then cutting his head personally in revenge...no, hands, no...something completely different... if he did. And Urukubarr's humming... he thought about telling him to hum in silence, but the sound broke the strange silence, and he was quite thankful for it.

The lock was an easy one - three tumblers, worn as they come. Work for a minute...and it's done!

It was faster and more silent than he thought. The door was open...

...now for the climb... but if the halfling has done it, a trained, skilled and talented man must be able to do the same...

...the wall was a bit moist, but it provided quite enough gripping places. He climbed to the window easily... and almost lost his grip when he saw the scene...

No "show-off" - you'd need an audience or at least a bet for show-off to apply in this case.

Climb - you're up. See below. Also, let me know if you accept Ruark's crossbow.

And suddenly, Gregor was back, waving for them to come forward. Kate breathed out in relief - there were too many enemies in this fog, but it seemed Gregor wasn't one of them. At least for now. She motioned for the others to move - and they followed Ruark, who took the point.

The door looked untouched - only small opening gave away the fact that the door was open. Ruark stopped right in front of the door, waiting for the others to place themselves into position...

Urukubarr continued to hum the melody. The more he went over it, the more sure he was that he heard it during his training. He remembered another part - but the whole song eluded him, as if he was not ready to discover it fully, to grasp it. But it was strange, unmelodic, yet pleasant tune... it seemed to miss a tone or two still. But he was soon going to hear different kind of music...


Nazir slowly climbed up. The wall was moist, and it slipped a bit, but the stone was loose enough to allow a slow, methodic climber safe - and silent - way up.

He peeked into the window and froze for a moment.

The warehouse room he was looking into was an open space - to left he saw a sheen of water - the entry from sea - and on the far right he saw one small light - a single candle on a table. But what drew his sight was the man - the merchant - that stood in the middle, surrounded by a labyrinth of boxes - he had a lantern, the one with just single opening, which threw off his elven sight - he couldn't make out the auras of the figures that stood in front of the man, but he saw them thanks to the light.

In front of the merchant stood three figures. There were two large, muscular figures that stood side by side in the back, just a step behind the third figure. The one that towered over the merchant - it wore a robe that covered its whole body, similar to a priestly garb with hood, but this one's sleeves just hung on the sides of the body - and the whole robe was motionless.

The merchant was shivering... his whole body was shaking and his face was pale.

Nazir moved his sight again towards the water - maybe if he looked away from the light, the auras would show... and they showed.

On the water. There had to be a ship - he saw faint auras that reminded him of rowers. But the auras were very weak...

As he sweeped the area, he saw that there were beams that crossed the whole building near - it would need a jump, but he could maybe do it - and a large shelf right in front of the window, just about five feet under his current position...

His ears caught a sound of door opening. Moments later, Gregor joined him on the ledge...

He sees the same as Nazir, but without the auras. There is a black spot in the middle of the water - most probably a long, narrow boat.

2016-09-18, 11:23 PM
Nazir scouted the interior of the warehouse from his perch. When Gregor finished climbing the halfing motioned him to bring his ear close. With his lips almost touching the human's ear and barely a whisper, Nazir described what he could see then continued. "Keep an eye out and check the window while I inform the others."

It was then that Nazir realized a problem of working with a relatively newer team. As a scout hand signals were common to each other for stealth. This team hadn't worked much on hand signals. His hope was Kate had worked with the military long enough to know at least some of the common signals. He also had to hope there was just enough light for them to see his signals.

He made sure at least Kate down below was looking up. He held up 4 fingers then pointed towards the center of the warehouse, followed by pointing in the same direction with his thumb and index finger in an upside down L. He then pointed to the side of the warehouse with the opening to the sea and pantomimed rowing. He held one finger up, pointed to himself, then pointed through the window. Pointing to the group, a finger to his lips then a hand motion in the direction of the door. A thumbs up with a wiggle.

Use MA/Tactics to try passing along the message? Maybe MA/Tactics for whoever is looking up to understand it?
"4 people in that direction. Those are the main targets. Boat with rowers to that far side. Give me time to setup then sneak in. OK?"

How's the window looking? Large enough to fit through? Open? Locked? Creaky? Are we going to have to crash through it then drop down onto the shelf? If the windows is going to be an issue could I line up a shot, have Gregor take out the window with his sword, then fire?

2016-09-21, 03:40 PM
Gregor nodded at Ruark as he accepted the crossbow, slinging it over his shoulder along with the handful of proffered bolts.

Slinking toward the wall, Gregor replayed the picking of the lock in his mind: it was almost too easy. The thought threw him off a bit as he climbed the wall, making more noise than he normally would during such a simple task. Mentally berating himself for losing focus, Gregor steeled himself to remain in the moment.

He watched those inside the warehouse with Nazir, picking his targets for the upcoming battle, and tracing a path inside that should allow for a stealthy approach, or as stealthy as possible anyway.

Gregor was a little trepidatious about the fight to come. He'd seen most of his new companions fight in the hastily put together setup at the bar, but this situation would be entirely different.

During the moment of inaction, he loaded the crossbow and took a bead on the hooded figure inside. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, he was ready for whatever came next.

2016-09-27, 05:03 PM
Gerric stared up at Nazir as the elf waved and wiggled his fingers at him. His scouts and captains had all been taught signs to plan ambushes but it he been simple orders 'go right' or 'loose arrows.' He wasn't sure what half of what Nazir was trying to say.

"Four inside, and they have a rowboat so, sneak in?" He quickly looked to Kate to see if she got anything else out of Nazir's finger wagging.

2016-09-28, 06:51 AM
Urukubarr was becoming frustrated with his own inability to remember, or at least come up with whatever significance this chant had. The power in his voice cut through the fog, but just barely. He remembered his old teachers, the few druids of the Ahvori, and his mentor, Grand Druid Uyarak. He had expressed to him the basics, to always master the basics before moving on to other teachings. Voice was one of the most basic ways to transfer or release power, and he struggled to remember his lessons of annunciation, pitch, and vibrations. Urukubarr continued to experiment with the chant, now very carefully testing volume to see if that is what is stopping his power from penetrating this fog. Although, he had his doubts if he possessed the power to dispel such a wide-reaching evil.

2016-09-28, 01:09 PM
Kate shared Gerric's confusion. Having served in a disciplined military, she'd been trained to use hand signals. But of course, most militias used different signals. There was no universal standard. Kate hoped that Nazir had managed to convey the broad strokes of his message: Because the specifics had definitely escaped her. She nodded hesitantly to Gerric.

"Something like that...I think. Let's move."

Kate started moving carefully towards the door. She kept one eye on Nazir as she did so. If this wasn't what he wanted, he'd presumably tell them.

2016-09-28, 02:52 PM
Nazir saw those below start moving toward the door quietly and he nodded. He then nodded at Gregor towards the window, for him to follow. The halfling turned and focused on entering. Normally his work was outdoors. Trees, brush, cliffs. This should be easier without dried leaves or small sticks to worry about stepping on and giving away his position. The window was open, not broken, so glass shards weren't a concern so much. The main concern was the shelf below him, could it support the weight without creaking? Then he noticed the beams. Yes that would do. With their squared off shape it'd be easier than a tree branch to perch on. More stable and paths to move around above the melee soon to come. Perfect.

Slowly and carefully he went through the open window and got on a support beam. He moved a bit so that he would not be silhouetted against the window for the enemy. Just as quietly he readied his bow with spare arrows in his left hand flush with the bow itself. Nazir wished he had the time to finish the bow he had been working on, it was looking to be quite a bit better than this one, which had belonged to the archer at the deserted inn in the woods. He nocked one arrow but didn't draw yet. He didn't know how long it would be before the other were ready. His eyes then focused on the 3 figures facing off with the merchant, with occasional glances towards Gregor and down below to check for the rest of the party entering down below.

Can I get an idea of the armor pieces, if any, they are wearing with my infravision?

2016-09-29, 10:33 PM
As Nazir was looking down at him and Kate and Gregor was scrambling up toward the window, Gerric took two fingers and pointed them at his eyes, then pointed to Gregor's back. Giving a nod to the half-elf, Gerric followed the others into the building. His axe drawn and shield at the ready.

2016-09-30, 01:44 AM
Since he was first Ruark was the one who to open the door. He held the hilt of his sword awkwardly in his left hand, with the shield, as he pushed the door open as quietly as he possibly could. One by one the group attempted to enter the warehouse behind him, they too as quietly as possible. And just like little gooselings they entered in a pretty row. Soon this extraordinarily long day would come to a crashing close.

2016-10-25, 03:12 PM
Warehouse Office

It was a small room, but already it had the promise of violence in the air. It was only three yards across, with a simple writing desk in the centre and few shelves on the back wall - most of them were empty, but there were two or three pouches and few scrolls of parchment rolled on them. There was only one other door than the one they entered through - and it seemed to emanate a threat. As if they did not want to be opened - as if it was forbidden to open the door.

It was only a fleeting thought. The door was a normal, wooden door - a massive one, but still only a door. And the room was dirty and unkept - the candles on the table were burned down to just small stubs, covered in dust, and it seemed nobody sat at the table for quite the time - the parchments were strewn over the table in disorder, weighed down with bottles - and covered in wine stains.

As they entered, the strange atmosphere was broken - and the smell returned. It was disturbing - something vile, spoiled... and damp.

Darkness spilled into the room through the opened door. There was a small light, right next to the door - a single candle on a table - but it did not chase away the darkness. If only it made the shadows leap higher and darkness more pronounced.

But not more than a single thought was given to the candle. The enemy was there. They could feel him.

The smell was nauseating, but they paid no attention to it also. The whole room was a labyrinth of boxes and shelves, spread around, forming towers and pyramids.

They saw the merchant's back - slouched, shivering. And behind - and above him - the three figures, towering. The middle one, the one in large black cloak, too slim to be human, was nearest to the merchant. The other two - large, hulking figures - seemed more threatening at first, but they couldn't keep their eyes off the middle figure. The absolute absence of any distinguishing marks on the formless cloak without face was unsettling.

Warehouse main room

The shelf under the window was firm enough to carry Nazir, while Gregor lounged on the window. The three figures in the middle of the warehouse seemed not to move - the tall one only swayed a bit and the merchant shivered. The two large, hulking figures only stood, without any motion.

It was almost too easy to aim at them. Motionless, at least for the moment, they presented perfect targets, even in the darkness. It was only a matter of aiming precisely.

Gregor glanced down to the door on the far side. It slowly opened - his companions were moving forward. Maybe it was time...

Nazir felt the urge to once again look over the area where he expected the boat. The auras were there, but they were too... thin. Too strange. They didn't feel right.

And they didn't move either. It felt unnatural.

The darkness around the tall figure and the merchant seemed to grow thicker. The sole light - the candle on the table behind him - seemed to slowly dim...

...and then it came. The soundless, motionless scene was broken by merchant's words.

"Please... no... I will get you more... give me time."

2016-10-26, 04:27 AM
Kate advanced with great caution. Her anxiety refused to vanish. This warehouse had such an ominous atmosphere. Was she just being paranoid? Or was her intuition trying to warn her of something truly dire? Either way, she couldn't turn back. The merchant and his cronies had committed heinous crimes. Justice demanded that they be brought before it. With sword firmly in hand, Kate followed after Ruark. Hopefully whatever dwelt within could be felled by mortal steel...

2016-10-26, 09:17 PM
Nazir took his eyes off the figures near the table just long enough to mouth into Gregor's ear. "Something's not right. Their not giving off the heat that someone their size should be." He turned back to the figures around the table. He focused mostly on the tall figure that seemed to be in charge but also kept track of his cohorts below him and those out on the water. He thought to himself. Not yet. Let the others get ready. Their auras are off. What is it? Too much clothing? Are they not what they appear to be?

Perception to try to figure out what it is going on with their thin auras. Not sure which skill so I'll just roll the dice and hope I don't fumble like my last roll. :smallwink:

2016-10-28, 12:35 PM
Ruark went through every single horror story he had heard to think of a creature like the one in the cloak in front of him. As bad luck would have it, nothing stood out to him besides the sheer presence of the cloaked thing. With Kate directly behind him though, he felt secure enough to push forward. He edged his way towards the group, hoping that everything would fall into place shortly. He was waiting for the well placed arrow from above, when that shot came the fighting would begin.

2016-10-28, 01:06 PM
Gerric felt the pit in his stomach grow. Up north he had seen things, fought monsters and orcs and through it all he had never felt as fearful as he did now. He was afraid. Afraid to see a ****ing merchant! This would not do.

Gritting his teeth he muttered quietly. "Remember we want their backs to Nazir and Gregor. But if ya can't do that, just kill 'em any way ya can."

2016-11-06, 10:41 PM
Nazir keeps track of the party's progress down below. Once they get into position he turns and nods to Gregory then slowly and quietly draws an arrow. Whatever is different about the leader, an arrow through the head is an arrow through the head. Need to drop him to better the odds for the rest. The halfling takes into account the short range and the downward direction of the shot.

When the moment is perfect, he releases the arrow.

Draw, aim, and once Gregory is also ready to shoot if he is going to, then fire. Using plenty of dice to ensure a head or chest show preferably the head.

Prof 6
Range 1 (less than 15m)
Drive 2 (dropping an evil mastermind in one shot? ohhh yeah)
Passion 1 (missing puts the team at greater risk)
Conscience 1 (quick clean kill)
Total: 18

Accuracy Gift:2 (for exact location)

Total: 18 dice
6 dice to get at XIII (Head) or at least Location XII (Chest)
Roll 12 dice
Gift accuracy 2 to exact location (face with head shot, chest with chest shot)

Attack: [roll0] TN 7
Damage: 8+hits

General location: [roll1] (upwards of -6 to get head or chest shot)
Exact Location: [roll2] (+/- 2 to get face or chest)

2016-11-08, 04:41 PM
The tall figure finally broke silence, without moving. The voice was silent, but strangely audible, pronouncing each syllable precisely, with only a small, strange lisp.

"No more time. Time was wasted. We lea..."

He stopped mid-sentence - an arrow was sticking where his neck was supposed to be. The figure swayed for last time and fell to the ground, the cloak still covering him as he died.

The two hulking figures seemed to be caught by surprise. They shook their heads, as if they just woke up, and looked around, with yellow, bloodshot eyes that shone in the dark. They straightened, and seemed suddenly taller - each of them was at least 8 feet tall, with wide shoulders, large, stump-like arms. And then they started to howl and roar - their voices were those of animals, not of men.

They held only large wooden clubs in their hands - merely large sticks, and yet, the weapons looked sufficiently deadly in the hands of the two brutes, who seemed to look around - seeking prey, not escape.

The tall one went down! He quickly looked around, and noticed that a strange thing happened as the tall one - while the aura of the rowers in the ship disappeared, the auras of the two brutes flared up - as if something was dimming their auras up to this point.

And they seemed huge. And angry.

There was something... disturbing, yet familiar... about the two hulking figures that accompanied the tall one. Their shape brought up a memory - something that their minds tried to bury as deep as possible.

It was as if a nightmare came to life.

They have seen them once. And fought them, in a life that seemed to be so far in the past...

...but they were here. And they were roaring loudly, just as they had roared when they charged the united armies of Savaxen and Ahvori.

The Dark Ones.

2016-11-09, 03:32 PM
Gerric felt a sense of admiration as the first hooded figure's head erupted with an arrow. But his mirth turned to fear as he watched as the hooded creatures began to grow. His mouth opened, stunned, as the sense of dread filled him like nothing had before. He swallowed a lump that had grown in his throat.

"Well," he said as he forced himself to make his usual bloodthirsty grin, "time to meet my namesake." And he surged forward to attack the creature furthest away. Hoping that the others would follow him.

Throwing Red
Charging attack to the creature's arm holding the club
TN 7, 8 base damage
+damage shock, +1 damage against hard armor

2016-11-09, 05:07 PM
That arrow did wonders for Kate's morale. It proved that these terrible creatures were still mortal. Without such knowledge, her resolve might not have held. She stared up (and up) at the behemoths before her. Their roars resonated through her very bones. Truly these were the most fearsome opponents she'd ever faced.

Nonetheless, Kate charged anyway. The enemy was mortal; Her sword was sharp; And she wasn't alone.

Kate will attack the creature that Gerric didn't target. Charging cut to the arms: [roll0]

2016-11-10, 10:01 AM
Perfect! The thought ran through Nazir's head as his hand was already grabbing another arrow. The auras changed in the rowers and the brutes. Could that have been magic that failed when the tall one dropped? At least the party can see what they really face now.

The fight had begun and the party members down below started charging in. No need for stealth anymore. His feyish voice called out from apparent darkness up above those on the ground. "You, merchant, stay where you are lest my next arrow comes for you!"

2016-11-12, 12:33 PM
Waiting to loose his crossbow bolt as a twin to Nazir's arrow, he was momentarily stunned by the shear lethality of the halfling. That man would make my order proud. Shaking off the shock, Gregor then loosed his own aimed shot toward one of the large figures that flanked the one in the middle.

Gregor Crossbow Shot:

Don't know what kind of crossbow it is, so I'm not sure of the range increment or base damage. Assuming this would happen more or less concurrently with the arrow, so hopefully no dodging to worry about.

AIM = 5 (5d10)[9][2][10][3][10](34)
applicable SA:
loyalty to the party (trying to get them before they can hurt my new companions) = 1 die (1d10)[2](2)
conscience (these things were shaking down a helpless citizen, and were associated with a bandit ring) = 3 dice (3d10)[4][2][9](15)
persecution of power abusers (same as above) = 2 dice (2d10)[3][10](13)

TN: 5

result = 3, 4, or 5 successes depending on SA's.

2016-11-13, 04:58 AM
Ruark moved with Gerric, charging the brutes. When he realized what he was facing it was already too late to stop. The familiar and yet other-worldly appearance of the Dark Ones caused his hand to waver for a moment, as Ruark made an attempt at cutting off its trunk-like arms. "Careful Uruk! It's them!"

Throwing Red, Attack!
Charging attack to the creature's arm holding the club, same creature as Gerric if possible. If not, I charge the other brute.
(10d10)[5][10][3][1][3][3][8][4][3][4](44) TN 6, 2 Successes!
TN 6, 6 base damage.

2016-11-13, 11:53 PM
Urukubarr had been mostly paying attention to his own humming, and making sure nobody would get the drop on them. He knew something was up when the commotion started, but it was the roar that immediately flooded the half-orc's blood with adrenaline. He couldn't believe it, they were here... As if in response to the Dark One's roar, Urukubarr answered with his own bestial roar and charged; keeping true to the only rule when fighting the accursed things: end it quick. A drawn out fight with the Dark Ones was asking to be trampled by their relentless and brutal assault.

Red dice, Unless one is attacking Ruark himself, attack the one Ruark is attacking, cut that damn thing's head off.
Charging +2, Passion +3 (Ruark in danger)
2-handed, Long length; ATN cut 6, damage ST +2, ATN thrust 8, damage ST -1, DTN 7

2016-11-19, 08:12 AM
Nazir watched the others battle, as he tried to reload. He saw Ruark, Kate and Gerric charge towards the large hulks, followed by a roaring Urukubarr, who sprinted out from the back room after hearing the dark ones roar.

A quiet "thunck" informed him that Gregor launched a bolt only a second after Nazir. A quick glance confirmed it - it hit the closer one into its short neck. The bolt passed clearly through on the side of the neck, followed by a splash of black blood. The dark one moved back a step, and got attacked immediately by Ruark and Gerric.

The creature moved its stump-like arm to at least defend, but there was no time - both Ruark's savaxen blade and Gerric's axe moved as lightning flashes and while Ruark's blade only hit the thick skin on the hulk's arm, Gerric's axe clearly went through, chopping through most of meat and breaking part of the bone. Hot blood sprayed the ground as the creature let the club go and the large lump of wood fell to the ground with a loud thump.

Nazir glanced to the other creature, the one assaulted by Kate. The young lady showed great courage by attacking the creature alone. To Nazir, she seemed rather small when standing in front of the large, dark monster, her armour reflecting the poor light of the only candle. It made the scene look like one of those paintings of eternal fight of good versus evil... but her sword moved with grace and precision and her quick slash left the creature without any fingers as it cut through the hand and stopped only on the club - which fell also to the ground.

The warehouse shook with howls of pain of the two dark ones.

Nazir pulled the arrow out from the quiver. The battle was far from over - the creatures were still standing, but they had advantage of surprise. It was going well... for now. Next to him, Gregor started to pull bolt out from his quiver.

Round 1, 1st exchange

3 successes
Damage 10p
Level 2 damage to neck.

2 successes
Damage 8c
Level 0 damage (scratch) to arms.

5 successes
Damage 13c
Level 4 damage to forearm.
+4 shock

7 successes
Damage 13c
Level 5 damage to hand.

Urukubarr will attack in next round, first exchange. You can still use the same roll, it was a good one.

Nazir spent 1st round reloading.

If anyone wants to attack in the second exchange, feel free to do so. Otherwise we'll start round 2.

Enemy status: both dark ones have lost their weapons (and each has one less hand) + one has a gaping wound on his neck

2016-11-19, 11:17 PM
Gerric's grin spread wide, as his axe cut straight through the monster's arm. They could bleed, they could die, and they were dumb. He'd faced dumb and tough before, and he hadn't been beaten by that combination yet.

He swung his axe toward the creature's head. There was no way he was going to fight actual demons and not kill at least one of them.

So, I still technically have 7 dice left I forgot to use. So, I guess I'm gonna use them as part of the second exchange, if I can.

[roll0] toward the head
Aim [roll1] I can move this up or down 3, whatever gets it closer to killing.
TN 7, 8 base damage
+damage shock, +1 damage against hard armor

2016-11-20, 05:50 AM
Ruark took a more cautious approach this fight than what Gerric seemed to be doing, hacking at this massive creature with his incredible strength. He took a half-step back, ready to defend both himself and Gerric should the Dark One lash out against them.
White Die! Defend! No action for Ruark this second exchange, not that many dice left so I'll just be defensive. Ready to start round 2.

2016-11-20, 02:32 PM
The dark one moved his healthy arm as if he wanted to swat a fly, but Ruark was ready and his shield covered Gerric, keeping him safe for the moment. That allowed him to land another on the creature's neck, cutting open the wound Nazir's arrow opened. He knew the hit wasn't powerful enough to down his foe, but at least it caused visible pain and more black blood splashed on Gerric's axe.

2016-11-21, 12:54 AM
Success! Kate was quick to press her advantage. While the creature was (hopefully) reeling in pain, she sent an overhead slice down its body.

Kate throws RED for the new round. She commits 7 dice to an overhead cut.

2016-11-21, 12:48 PM
Pleased at the success of his first crossbow bolt but unwilling to leave the remainder of the battle to the others while he fumbled with reloading it, he set the device down for later retrieval and began quietly hopping along the rafters in hopes of raining daggers down on the remaining foes.

I assume the remainder of this round will be taken to move forward. If I can get close enough to throw without too much range penalty (can't remember the range increment right now) I will do so, but I assume that will happen next round. Also, how high up am I right now? Can I reasonably expect to survive a fall should I slip/trip/whatever?

Acrobatics roll to avoid falling:
(7d10)[4][3][5][1][10][1][8](32) TN: 7 Agility only
(3d10)[5][6][10](21) TN: 7 Hubris for the win!

2 or 3 successes.

2016-11-22, 07:00 AM
Nazir briefly raises an eyebrow as he sees Gregor put down the crossbow to start moving in. Why give up the advantage? Ah yes, those things are pretty slow.

The halfing nocks and pulls back on the bow as he calls out to his allies. He knows he is safe up high, but they are not. "Keep yourselves safe! Another death arrow is coming!"

2016-11-22, 10:50 AM
Gerric ground his teeth together as his axe slashed against the creature's neck. The one armed monster was starting to flail about with its one good arm. But, while the brutes were strong, they had been injured. Blood was seeping out of its stump and neck. It should not take much more to kill the beast. Even though it was raising it's arm to strike, Gerric decided to try and end the creature as quickly as he could.

Head attack, using 9 dice.
[roll0] TN 7
8 base damage
+damage Shock
Aim [roll1]

2016-11-23, 03:31 PM

The beast howled in anger and pain. Its yellow eyes were now interwoven with blood - it was hurt pretty badly, and yet it still wanted only to kill. Covered by Ruark's shield, and aware of Urukubarr's loud footsteps, Gerric once more raised his axe...and slammed it into the beast's head.

Or at least he planned to.

The beast moved, turning his healthy arm towards Gerric, straining to grab him - promptly blocked by Ruark - and so his axe only bit into its shoulder, deep into its foul meat.

And then Urukubarr reached them. His greatsword utterly obliterated the jaw of the beast, chopping the upper half of the creature's head cleanly off. The silence, when the beast sttopped howling, was deafening.

For a moment. Then the other one started. The one that Kate fought.

Second exchange?


The beast didn't seem defeated yet - even under the unending stream of Gerric's blows it still stood and even tried to reach him with the one healthy arm.

Ruark quickly intervened, putting his shield between the creature and Gerric - and saw that Gerric managed to land another hit.

He was ready to applaud his companion, but suddenly Urukubarr appeared from behind them, and swung his greatsword in diagonal arc.

The beast's head seemed to explode with blood, as his heavy sword cleaved through it and left only the lower half of its face on the neck, obliterating most of the head. Blood was everywhere.


Gregor rushed across the beams, trying both to decrease the distance as fast as possible and keep his balance. It was a precarious attempt, as the poor light did not help him - and once or twice he almost slipped.

But he got close enough.

He saw as the half-orc finished off one of the brutes... but the lady leader seemed to be in trouble - her opponent still moved, and while the armour she wore looked quite safe, the fists of that monster looked like he could hammer the chest plate into a plough.

Should be in normal range (no modifiers) now. Can attack once Kate's second exchange ends (=next round).


Nazir watched the scene unfold as he nocked the arrow. He almost had the arrow in place when he saw Urukubarr chop the upper half of the monster's head - and saw that Kate was still fighting the other dark one. It seemed intent on punching her... but she was able to land a deep cut on its arm, and to stave off the deadly attack.

But she was far from safe - the beast was still alive.

He hurried to nock the arrow...to get the deadly arrow ready...

Kate has second exchange. After that you're free to shoot.


Kate's opponent wasn't done yet. The wound he sustained should have lead to him being ravaged by pain, but in fact, the brute seemed to ignore the pain and still tried to attack her.

She swung her blade in another precise cut, aimed to end the creature. The monster swung its meaty fist from above, aiming at her head. There was no time to dodge it or to raise shield for the fair knight. Kate could only rely on the quickness of her blade...

...and quick indeed it was.

The blade entered the shoulder of the creature from below, cutting on tendons, breaking bones and severing arteries. Blood splashed the ground as the monster roared and recoiled in pain, retracting the wounded arm.

But the battle was not over yet...

Kate's overhead cut: [roll0] TN 6 - rolled in rolling thread. 6 successes
Kate's hit location (if applicable): [roll1] = arm/shoulder
Orgr's punch: [roll2] TN 5 = 2 successes
Orgr's hit location (if applicable): [roll3] = head
Whose hit lands first:
Kate: REF 6/TN 6 [roll4] - rolled in rolling thread. 3 successes
Orgr: REF 3/TN 5 [roll5] = 1 success

Kate hits first.
Damage: 12
Level 4 wound to shoulder
Orgr's hit doesn't land due to broken bone.
Be glad.

Second exchange?


Urukubarr ran. He saw the enemy - the unnatural, the scar on the nature's face, the dark one - and he ran. There were only two thoughts in his mind - to crush the enemy, and to save his friends.

There was also a third one. To avenge...

His long stride carried him close enough - and the dark one seemed to be already wounded, but he knew how these monsters were - they fought until dead, without regard for wounds. They felt pain - but it never stopped them completely, and even if it did, it did not last long.

He felt his sword on his shoulder, felt it becoming more than just a weapon. It was part of his body - it was part of the nature. He almost felt the steel pulse with desire to cancel the unnatural foe in front of him.

He took a last step and launched a powerful cut at the abomination. Every muscle in his body aligned for this one moment into one perfect cut.

And when he hit the enemy, he almost felt no resistance. The blade cut through the enemy as if he was made of smoke and finished his unlife.

But there were more of these...

...damage 23...
...no comment...

2016-11-23, 11:43 PM
It was satisfying to end these things, Urukubarr couldn't doubt that. But there was no time to stop, no time to think things through. Urukubarr felt the hot corrupted blood wash over him, further fueling his rage; he roared again. His blood was boiling, pounding in his veins, urging him on. Faster, stronger, faster, stronger, the bestial part of his mind nagged at him with a need to be the better killer.

Red dice, all in!
Cut! [roll0]
If charge is possible from this distance - [roll1]
If Ruark is also engaged with this enemy - [roll2]
TN-6, 2-handed, Long length; ATN cut 6, damage ST +2, ATN thrust 8, damage ST -1, DTN 7

2016-11-24, 07:09 AM
Such incredible fortitude. Nearly any human would have reeled from such a wound. And yet, Kate found herself facing an immediate counter attack. Only her quick reflexes saved her from receiving a massive fist to the head. Despite having a clear advantage in both numbers and surprise, Kate still felt a tremendous pressure. She dreaded to think how differently this fight might have gone, had the circumstances been less favourable.

Kate resisted the urge to be more defensive. The initiative was hers now. Even if the beast tried another counter, she was confident in her ability to strike first. Surely it would have to fall this time...

Kate spends all of her remaining dice on a diagonal cut.

2016-11-24, 02:46 PM
"That was m-" Gerric started to snarl as the greatsword cleaved off the creatures head, but he stopped himself. The vein in his forehead was starting to pulse, as the hunger began to overtake him. But there was still that little part in the back of his brain that was telling him to just keep going. "A good hit," he finished as Uruk rushed off to attack the next demon.

It had taken the four of them to kill the monster he had attacked. And all the while, Kate had been dueling hers to a standstill.

Nazir should be preparing his shot soon. It'd be best if he leave the archer his opening. But that didn't mean he couldn't help.

Red, going to move toward the fight and toss something at the monster's face to distract him. Preferably something like my money pouch, but if it takes too long to grab that I'll just toss my axe and pick up the demon's weapon in a second
7 dice

2016-11-24, 05:07 PM
Ruarks arm was almost numb from blocking the creatures blow and a familiar feeling was trying to get the best of him. Fear had started to creep it's nefarious way into his heart, or was it doubt? No matter, if he didn't act now someone could die. Gerric, Urrukubarr, Kate, Nazir and even Gregor the newcomer had conducted themselves well so far. Perhaps it was time to show everyone that he could live up to the nickname Gerric had bestowed upon him in jest a few days back.

He followed the rest to join Kate, unlike Gerric, Ruark did not think to leave an opening for Nazir. The elf was a wizard when it came to finding narrow openings for his arrows, so Ruark had hoped he would find one now in the coming melee. He wiped blood from his face with his sword-arm sleeve, leaving a red streak behind. Now he was truly the Red-Pride. He leapt towards their only remaining enemy and swung his sword diagonally at its head.

RED DIE! Attack!
TN6, Base Damage 6.

2016-11-25, 11:10 AM
The trek accross the beams had been more treatorous than he'd planned, but hoped at least that Nasir had seen the feat. Now close enough to smell the unholy beasts and the blood of the fallen from above, Greggor prepares to loose bladed death rain down upon their foes.

If I remember right I can throw one dagger each round using only thrown skill. Going to try for that now.
[roll0] TN: 8
SA stuff: loyalty to the party (trying to protect the others): [roll1]

2016-12-06, 03:32 PM

That beast had a thick skull!

Kate's cut was well-aimed and skillfull, but when she hit the head, her arm almost became numb from the impact - she barely cut through the thick skin of the monster, leaving a wide gash just across its forehead, which immediately started bleeding. The creature's eyes went a bit dim for a moment, but it still did not go down!

Her attack was followed by Ruark's blow - he landed a solid one to the other side of its head.

And then - unexpectedly - Gerric's axe smashed into its face, with the blunt side. And suddenly...

...the creature fell to the ground, slowly, its eyes closing. Kate took a deep breath - it was over.

And then she noticed. It was still breathing.


Ruark's heart pounded with pleasure as he and Kate attacked the foul creature in unison, each from one side, their swings hitting it straight into head.

He jumped back, his weapon and shield ready. Now this was different - last time he met these beasts, the odds were on the other side...

...and the large eyes slowly closed and the beast slumped down to the ground, hitting it with a loud thump. Was it dead...?

One thing he remembered clearly. These beasts never liked dying and sometimes...they came back.


Urukubarr's mighty swing cost him stable footing - the power he invested into the attack coupled with almost no resistance from his opponent caused him to stumble a bit and so he used the moment to regain composure. The fog was retreating and his mind cleared a bit. He could hear the song clearly in his head now, recognize the stanzas of the poem and the melody.

He moved to engage the last opponent, who roared of pain and anger as the blows of Urukubarr's companions were tearing him apart.

But that unholy thing still lived! After getting two blows to the head, one from Kate and one from Ruark, it got hit straight into face by Gerric's axe. Only after that it fell to the ground...slowly...its eyes closing.

But its chest still moved, as it breathed...


In a way, it was almost poetic - the way Ruark and Kate attacked the creature together, their weapons moving as blinding flashes of light in the darkness, the roars of the beast intertwined with Urukubarr's roars... the blood from its wounds, old and new, glistening on its skin, on the floor, in the air...

...it was his kind of poetry. The poetry of battle, the song of pain. The dance of death.

He did not hesitate - the beast needed to be brought down and his companions were in danger - it had already shown prodigious endurance and constitution and Gerric was sure that was not the last surprise it had in store. He grabbed the first thing he had at hand and threw it into its face, watching with malicious pleasure as it hit the beastie straight into its face.

And the beast just rolled its eyes, closed them - and fell down, on the ground.

It was over.


...it was still breathing.


It was almost funny - if it weren't deadly serious business. Four mercenaries beating a large... whatever it was... and the thing still stood.

He quickly drew one of his daggers, prepared to end the threat. He just had to hit well...

...and then the thing fell over. To the ground.

It was almost anticlimatic.

No flashy decapitation as with the previous one...and he couldn't see any Nazir's arrows sticking out of it... so what happened?


As he placed his fingers to his cheek, he could feel the feathers of his arrow gently touching his skin. He breathed in, aligned his breathing with his movements...

...and saw the beast collapse to the ground.

Was it dead? He couldn't see, but the aura was still there...

...it was still alive. And there was something else...

...he though he heard something in the deafening silence that came after the beast stopped roaring. From the distance - he heard some sort of horn, from the sea, but it was too silent...and from the street he heard movement. Footsteps. And soft metal clink.

There was someone outside.

Second exchange:
Gerric makes the creature lose 2 dice. You'll have to recover your axe - give me a terrain roll with TN 6 and assumed action if you succeed. Success = you get your weapon and do the action. Failure = can't use weapon, you'll decide if you want to do something else. Fumble = lose first exchange and dice while trying to get the weapon.

Urukubarr has no dice now; will have to delay until the start of the next round. If you attack, I'll need to know how you attack - diagonal cut/horizontal/vertical/upwards cut/cut to arms/upper or lower legs - otherwise I'll assume a diagonal one or vertical.

Kate: 3 net successes = 9 dmg = level 1 wound to upper head (scalp cut)

Ruark: 4 net successes = 10 dmg = level 2 wound to upper head (solid blow)

Gregor: I assumed you drew the daggers and started preparing. Your MP is now equal to your proficiency - aim (white) or throw (red)?

Nazir: Nocked, drawn, ready to release! Aim or shoot?

The creature stumbled to the ground and bleeds out!

New round, new dice!
But it still lives...?!

2016-12-07, 02:13 AM
"Careful," Gerric snarled, as he went to grab his axe. "****er's playin' dead. Uruk, if it twitches in a way you don't like crush its skull in."

Terrain roll, 4 dice:[roll0]

2016-12-07, 09:58 AM
Urukubarr regained his footing, but did not take even a second to rest. Seeing the Dark One down meant nothing until it stopped breathing, although the song had finally come to him, much to his relief, the half-orc knew better than to drop his guard while it still had a head. He saw the chest rise and fall, which qualified as a type of movement that Urukubarr did not appreciate. Following Gerric's instruction and Kate's order, Urukubarr rushed into position, raising his greatsword high for an execution; "With pleasure, Dame Sendrick".

2016-12-07, 04:34 PM
Perched in the rafters, Gregor watched the scene unfold below with equal parts disappointment, relief, and trepidation. Fast battles were what he was used to, and this one was no exception. But something was just - wrong here. His new companions didn't show any signs of relaxation, they weren't ready to quit even though the last foe's body had hit the floor. And, new to this motley crew as he was, he wasn't ready to discount their collective postures. Something else was coming, and, with a blade in either hand, Gregor was ready for it.

Attempting to sink deeper into the shadows up above, and really pay attention to his surroundings to figure out what was coming next:

AG/Sneak: [roll0] TN: 7
EN/Camouflage: [roll1] TN: 7
PER: [roll2] TN:?

2016-12-07, 10:41 PM
Nazir was beginning his aim again as the beast fell to the ground. He heard something outside, behind him out the window. Before even a quick turn to look he spoke to his companions, trying to direct his voice to not be heard outside.

"Don't mess around, make sure it is dead. Secure the merchant. We have more company coming from the outside. I'd guess it is our friends from before."

The halfling twisted around to look out the window to see what was out there. He was glad it was dark and he was up high.

2016-12-08, 01:47 PM
Kate stared down at her fallen foe. Even now, the creature still drew breath. Was there magic at work here? Kate knew of at least one artifact from her homeland that could grant incredible resilience: The Reapersbane Amulet of House Tralin. Perhaps there were others. Or perhaps her beleaguered mind was just grasping at a rational explanation for this horrific sight. When Nazir spoke from above, it snapped her out of her reverie. There was still work to be done. Earlier, Kate had hoped to capture at least one enemy alive, for interrogation. But that desire didn't stop her from saying the next three words:

"Urukubarr: Kill it."

This thing needed to die. Once the deed had been done, Kate breathed easier. Not that her troubles were anywhere close to over, of course. She motioned for Ruark to grab the merchant (alive, if possible); For Nazir to keep an eye out for new surprises; And for everyone else (herself included) to ready themselves for whoever was approaching from the front. Friend or foe? Even if it turned out to be the latter, they could hardly be worse than the foes she'd just faced...

2016-12-09, 04:47 AM
Gerric picked up his axe from the ground and watched Urukubarr raise his sword, ready to execute the creature. The warehouse was silent and only the heavy breathing of the victors and the seawaves that broke on the pilons interrupted the peace inside.

The stench was still there, as it seemed to emanate not only from the crates, but especially from the dead bodies, but it was less oppressive - in moments they could smell the sea, the fresh air.

Urukubarr's blade swung once again, cleaving the monstrous head off the shoulders - letting another stream of black blood on the floor. The floor was sticky with fresh blood, but only the blood of enemies.

Gerric looked around. They were alive. And unharmed. Urukubarr stood by the now dead body of the... creature. Nazir's silhouette was visible on the window. Kate was giving orders to Ruark to secure the merchant. Gregor was somewhere up there...but unseen in the darkness. And the merchant...

...the merchant was staring at the dead body of the tall stranger - pale, motionless, he almost looked like a corpse himself. When Urukubarr's blade finished the second brute, he visibly shivered. And then he started to sob.

"You... you doomed us. You killed them. Now they'll come. They'll come. We're doomed. The city...the people...why...?"

On the window ledge, Nazir tried to pierce through the mist. There were footsteps, silent footsteps to be heard. His elvish sight, a boon bestowed on him by the lineage of one of his parents, showed him several figures moving in - at least ten, maybe twelve. They walked in two rows, but tried to be as silent as possible. They were coming from the same direction as they came - and were quite far up the street at the moment - but they could not have followed them in the fog...

...but he noticed the fog was receding. Slowly, but steadily, it was disappearing, and with it the strange confusing feeling of being lost in it. He couldn't shake the feeling that they won this battle - and drove whatever caused the fog back to the sea. But the night was not over.

2016-12-09, 10:19 AM
Urukubarr let the black rotten blood drip off his blade, his knuckles were white underneath his gauntlets, "Dark Ones never stop; we kill fast, or die, Dark Ones hard to kill without crush or cut off head. This is the things, destroyed Ahvori and Savaxen. Killed my family, Ruark's family... I was prisoner... I..." Urukubarr chokes on his words and changes the subject, "Fog was bad powers, makes confused, make me forget how to sing." Urukubarr kicks and spits on the corpse of the Dark One, and then kicks it again. With that over with, Urukubarr began to sing the poem that was now clear in his mind, searching it for meaning or power.

2016-12-09, 02:04 PM
Of course there were more. That was just fortune pissing on him again.

"Damn," he quietly muttered. "Nazir how many? How far away?"

He turned to Kate. "Grab the head, the merchant, escape using the boats?"

New enemy, new tactics check. What can be done in the brief moments we have left to secure position or get the hell out of here.

[roll0] TN 6

2016-12-11, 11:10 AM
I'll assume that Nazir will answer Gerric's question about enemy numbers.

The merchant's ramblings had disturbing implications. So all those murders were meant as tribute? And if the meat stopped flowing, then more 'Dark Ones' would come? But there was no time to fret over that now. The next wave of visitors were already arriving; Or so Kate had been told, anyway. Her human ears couldn't hear the footsteps that Nazir did. Were the newcomers friend, foe, or neither? Since they numbered about a dozen, it didn't seem worth waiting to find out. Kate nodded to Gerric.

"The boats seem like our best bet. Let's at least try to avoid another altercation. And Ruark? Keep a close eye on this weasel we're escorting. Feel free to dispose of him if he tries anything."

So saying, she made her way towards the warehouse's rear.

2016-12-11, 08:55 PM
"A dozen, but we could hold them at the door to cancel their numbers and have two to attack from above."

The halfing knew his advice was too late, the others had already started to move. After one more quick peek out the window he held the bow with the nocked arrow in his left hand, grabbed the edge of the shelf with his right, then half jumped / half lowered himself down. After passing through the inner door Nazir knocks over a barrel and rolls it so that the flat side is up against the closed door to slow them down a little. As he moves to catch up with the others he's instinctively scanning for good spots to fire from at the door.

"Best case, it's the watch coming to help for helping them."

Can I see if all are headed for the door we came through? Can I notice (by armor/weapons/formation?) if they are Watch or Army?

Movement intent: move towards the water opening. As I get near it visually scan out that way. Then take a spot at the lower left corner by the crates, using them as cover to aim back at the door he barricaded.

2016-12-11, 11:48 PM
"But the- crossbow..." With a sigh, Gregor sheathes his blades only to retrace his path across the rafters. After retrieving his borrowed crossbow and throwing it over a shoulder, he stops to sink into the shadows and take a quick peek past the window frame at the party-crashers. With their approach firmly in mind and the door at least temporarily barred, Gregor drops to the ground (throwing in a tumble for no good reason) and double-times it toward the others.

AG/Acrobatics [roll0] TN: 7
Hubris [roll1]

2016-12-12, 12:17 PM
Gerric nodded to Kate. "Alright you heard the chief! Ruark, with me. We're casting off as quick as we can. Nazir get down here. You and Gregor deal with the merchant. Kate and Uruk find something heavy to put in front of the door then get back to the boats."

2016-12-13, 05:29 AM
Urukubarr bared his fangs and growled deeply at the corpses before him before sheathing his filthy sword and complying with Gerric's orders. Urukubarr searches quickly for the most effective way to barricade the door, grabbing the decapitated head of the Dark One as he went, "Do not worry, I will hold them." Urukubarr planned on placing the head on the other side of the barricade, as a warning, 'the Dark Ones were not enough, come try your luck'.

2016-12-13, 07:17 AM
Ruark sheathed his sword after cleaning the black blood off it with a rag. He had kept a guard on the merchant while the others acted like a veteran band, it was as if they had all worked together for far longer than they really had. He wanted badly to have a closer look at the tall stranger, something wasn't right about any of this but least of all him. He resisted the urge to start inspecting the strangers body, and after keeping a rough hand on the merchant to keep him in place he obeyed the orders being flung at him.

With Gerric he moved to secure the small boat to make sure they could make a clean escape. He only hoped that where ever the stranger and the Dark Ones came from did not harbor reinforcements.

What kind of boat was this? I can't find it's description anywhere. Just a small rowboat or does it have a small sail? Is it just tied to something inside the warehouse and floating in the water or has it been dragged up onto a loading bay or something? Do we need to push it out into the water?

Also, did anyone search the pale, thin stranger? Perhaps we should take the time.

2016-12-14, 10:38 AM
Kate moved towards the boat - and stopped as she looked down at the murky waters.

The boat was there. And it was full of corpses. There were eight of them, some still in bits of clothes or fur, a gleam of metal here and there showed even signs of armour... but they weren't moving. Or breathing.

Gerric was right behind Kate - so he noticed the boat too. As if the beasts, fog, tall strangers and Urukubarr singing in background wasn't enough - the boat was full of dead bodies. At least that explained some of the smells here...

Ruark stopped as he recognized the boat. It was Jarl Balric's boat. Balric was a fun guy - one of those large bear-like men, who were seemingly always cheery, even in the middle of the battle. And he could drink anyone under the table... even his distant cousin, Ruark... he loved his boat... and that could mean only one thing.

Urukubarr barricaded the door with Nazir's help as well as they could, not caring about making noise. The table, chair, few barrels... it should do the trick and keep them for some time.

Gregor moved fast, peeking through the window - he saw the men, approaching, carefully, slowly, trying to not make noise even though Urukubarr and Nazir made enough while creating a barricade. They were still quite far, giving them maybe a minute before they could come knocking on the door... the halfling must have quite keen ears... so he jumped down. It was a bit sad that nobody appreciated his acrobatic provess - but there was work to do. He quickly ran and replaced Ruark to guard the merchant... but the guy looked lost, completely lost. Horrified even, just stood there, looking at the body of the thin man...too thin...

2016-12-14, 11:34 AM
On his way past Urukubarr and Nazir Gregor said,"'Bout a minute until we have company." Then, with half an eye on the pallid merchant, he stooped down to allow his nimble fingers free reign in many available pockets - those of the thin man, and of the remaining brute - checking for anything of value or interest. As his fingers did their part, Gregor gave the merchant more of his attention and a hopefully reassuring smile. "I can see that you're terrified, but we're here to help - both you and the city. Anything you can tell us about these strange "people" would be fantastic."

(Copied from roller thread)
SOC/Persuasion - (5d10)[6][6][2][5][6](25) + Drive Conscience (3d10)[1][5][4](10) TN: 7

No successes and one "1" - is that a fumble?

2016-12-14, 03:22 PM

The merchant ignored his attempts, just stared ahead.

The brute had no pockets - only some leather straps, few pieces of cloth, but otherwise they were... without any obvious places where something valuable could be hidden... and the less obvious places he did not stomach to search. He only noticed the strange markings on its chest - they seemed like a crude drawing of wolf, but strangely deformed - as if stretched.

But obviously the thin man had to have something... he pulled his cloak aside...

...it was a nightmare personified. It was not human. Whatever it was, it reminded him of the one time he saw a leech - it had the same, circular mouth, with sharp, protruding teeth, slimy and black s..ki...n...?

And the worst - it was leaking some fluid - not blood, but something dark, on the ground from the wound Nazir created...he looked closer and saw, that it was not fluid, but stream of small, slimy, black...

...he seemed to stifle - and he noticed that he has not drawn a breath. As he tried to breathe, he noticed tiny, almost vestigial hands protruding from the...torso? There were too many fingers and too many hands... and it reeked, unnaturally, of decay. It seemed to deflate somehow - to decay fast...

...he seemed to hear voices. Maybe his companions...or the crazy merchant...

...it was the merchant. "Do you now understand...what you have done...?"

Just what I was waiting for... :smallwink:
Roll WIL, TN 8 - if you succeed, you are only shaken.
If you fail, you are shocked and will not be able to act for 6d10 seconds.
If you fumble... well, that could be interesting... :smallwink:

Oh, and the persuasion check - one 1 is fine. Two 1s are baad...

2016-12-14, 03:52 PM
Standing up quickly, Gregor's gaze never moved from the.. thing. "What- what is that?" He was proud of himself; his voice only shook a little.

The most important part of any assassination is gathering information about the target first. So, get some answers Gregor.

Putting his disgust aside for the moment with an effort of will, Gregor nudged it with a boot to make sure it was well and truly dead, then crouched down slowly to continue checking whatever it had for pockets.

As he worked he spoke in a flat monotone to the others, "If you value your sanity do not come any closer. This thing is so utterly wrong I have no words."

Copied from Roller Thread.
WILL Roll TN 8 for not loosing my crap.


2016-12-14, 07:16 PM
Door barred, Nazir headed to join Kate at the sea door. His focus was drawn to Kate's gaze at the boat. He could see the bodies but there was no aura showing the heat of life. All dead. He remembered that when he had first scanned the room they had faint auras but those disappeared when Nazir had killed the leader. "They had some life in them until I shot the leader. Some kind of magic that died with him?" He looked out beyond the boat, to see what they would face if they took to the sea.

He turned back to Kate. "Doubtful, but those coming could be friendly. Should we confirm? If they are Sinkrin's men and we drop some or all of them then it is added proof against him for interfering with Council business."

Nazir readies to fire toward at the barred door, using the crates as cover.

2016-12-14, 07:27 PM
Urukubarr chuckles at Gregor, "Smell alone tell me this, we should burn all bodies. Barricade done! What do?" Urukubarr paced impatiently between Kate and the barricade, looking for some sort of guidance.

Results for rolling to remember?

2016-12-14, 11:34 PM
Gerric moved toward the boat, and grimaced at what he saw. Without saying anything, he grabbed a few of the corpses and tossed them unceremoniously off the boat. Grabbing a few more he continued the work, only taking the time to wipe some of of their rotten puss off his hand and onto his pants.

2016-12-15, 05:12 PM
"No Gerric, hold on! I think I know this boat, I-I know this boat!" Ruark jumped in right after Gerric, not in time to save the ones already thrown over board however. It was a little unsteady and he struggled to keep his balance with moist wood and rocking motion of the boat. He began inspecting the rotten faces for familiar ones, hoping to perhaps recognize at least someone. The ones he didn't recognize he threw over board as well, no regard for proper funeral rites for people he could only assume were from his own home region.

He spoke as he worked with Gerric to prepare the boat for cast off. "This boat is from my home, I recognize it as it belonged to a distant cousin of mine who I have to assume perished with the rest of these corpses. Damned fools if they think I'll let whoever is responsible slip away alive..."

2016-12-15, 06:09 PM
Kate's nose wrinkled in disgust. The stench of the boat's 'crew' was overpowering. Did the Dark Ones somehow row their vessels with corpses? Or maybe this was their twisted idea of a joke. She looked on with approval as Gerric started emptying the boat: Though awkwardly, she didn't actually help him. Kate was an extremely hygienic person. Even being deprived of a daily bath would make her anxious. So as one might imagine, picking up a rotting corpse was out of the question for her. Try as she might (and she did try), she couldn't make herself step forward.

Ruark's arrival only made things worse. Now this wasn't just a ship of corpses: It was a dagger to his heart. Kate dearly wanted to give her comrade time to mourn. Alas, time was one luxury they didn't have.

"Ruark, I'm so sorry for your loss...But we have to keep moving. That barricade won't hold for long."

2016-12-15, 08:10 PM
Gerric stopped for a second as Ruark started stammering over his fallen friends.

"I don't care." He said, as he tossed over another corpse. He grabbed another dead man's scalp, and felt the skin tear in his hands. Ruark had to learn what needed to be done to survive. there was no time for this nonsense. Your allies die. Your friends die. You climb over the corpses and keep fighting.

"Look, we'll drink to 'em and make an offering once we're gone. But for now they're in our way."

2016-12-16, 04:35 AM
Gerric continued the dirty work - but throwing the corpses overboard wasn't the hardest part. It was making their hands stop gripping the oars. As if they died while rowing...but all of them? He had to break some of the bones to get them out. Finally, the boat was empty.

Kate noticed this also - she could not notice, that all of the corpses were sitting in very regular pattern... 8 rowers, each holding his or her oar... really, one could not determine even if these were men or women - most body hair was gone, and while their skin was bloated and sickly, the features were deformed...

There was still no sound from the outside - they couldn't hear the approaching group - the sound of rising tide slowly overcame their hearing. She looked around, taking in everything their little group did - and saw Gregor, pale, standing near the pale thin man, looking at the corpse, searching it... and while the merchant was still standing, he seemed to have awakened from his strange breakdown, and was eyeing Gregor and distance to the door...

Ruark saw no known faces in the boat - whoever they were, these men were dead for too long for him to recognize. But thankfully - he saw no sign of his cousin's body too. He would have recognized the huge man's body - and the large tatoo of wolf on his chest. It was a beautiful, large tatoo, and his cousin always remembered to show it around lasses - some southerner bought his life with it...

Nazir's eyes moved from the sea to the barricaded entrance. The tide was rising, so even he could not hear what was happening outside, but thankfully, there was no sign of the enemy trying to get through barricade. Yet.

On the other hand, the sea was quite calm - and he saw no ships through the small opening. The fog was retreating - the horizon was still covered in it, but they could see the stars on the sky - finally.

Urukubarr finally remembered. The song - it was sung when the priests saw that someone's mind has been clouded. It removed clouds from the mind - and it was said, that it could remove clouds from the sky also, if the singer was skilled enough. He once saw an ahvori warrior taken by rage, who started killing his own men - and only Urukubarr's elder, his teacher, stood in his path. He sung the song, and the man started to calm down...

...he looked at the head of the dark one. It seemed so long ago he saw his clanmen. He longed for the advice of his elders. But he could not turn away. And people had to know that there was... this. He had to take it with him, as a proof. To throw it into Sinkrin's pig face. To make them understand this threat. He looked at Gregor - who was pale as death itself now - and back at Kate. Something was wrong...

Gregor continued to rifle through the tall one's cloak - but there was nothing. No gold, no silver... no marks. Only the terrible leech-like body... he tried not to touch it too much, but it carried nothing with it. Strange...

2016-12-16, 09:38 AM
Both disappointed and relieved at the same time that he had not recognized any of the people in the boat, Ruark made ready to push the boat out from the docks. "Come on then! We're ready to leave, get moving while we still can without anyone shooting arrows or worse at us!" He slung his shield into the boat and grabbed an oar, planning to use it to push away from the building. "We'll need a direction too, if we row through the fog we'll be able to slip away as if we were invisible."

2016-12-16, 11:13 AM
Standing slowly, Gregor looked at the merchant. When he was young and still working in his family's tavern it always helped to have something to do when he was upset. No time to dwell on whatever ailed you. "You, merchant. Grab a hold, we're taking this thing with us. Someone's got to know what the hell it is- and the rest need to be warned."

Soc/Persuasion [roll0] TN: 7 = 3 successes!
Conscience "Do the right thing" [roll1] TN: 7

2016-12-17, 01:09 PM
Urukubarr pondered the idea of throwing the evidence in the Sinkrat's face, and it pleased him. Urukubarr grabbed his proof and made his way back to the boat, helping to carry the body of the other creature back to the boat as well. Urukubarr hadn't set eyes on the boat, or it's crew, until now. He stopped in his tracks and gasped at the Savaxen longboat, "Ruark..." was all he could manage as a deep sadness and anger filled him. Urukubarr scanned the faces of the crew as best he could for a familiar face, hoping he would not find one. Although he understood the need for urgency and practicality, Urukubarr did not hide his sneer and distaste for the lack of respect for the dead. The Ahvori believed once the spirit has left the body, it is an empty shell of no consequence, bodies were disposed of in sky burials. But, he understood that most other cultures felt an emotional tie to the dead bodies, his heart was heavy for Ruark. As he helped gently put the bodies to sea, he lay a hand on Ruark's shoulder, "Weep not for them, as one journey ends, another has only just begun. They have left this hell we call life, onward to their just rewards, which very well may be an eternity of fighting, drinking, eating, and fornication, knowing them as we do. I will pray for their spirits to reach Xibalba, and ask that they watch over us. There are more out there, Ruark, they need our help." Only the name of Ruark broke the guttural tongue of his people. Urukubarr continued by praying over the dead in orcish, checking for anything of use or import.

Italics spoken in orcish
Search bodies for useful equipment, cultural/religious icons or things of significance, and anything of intelligence value that may shed light on anything.

2016-12-17, 05:06 PM
Kate wasn't particularly heartened to see Ruark perk up. No doubt he was just putting on a brave front. When all this was over, they'd have to give him (and everyone else) time to recover. Perhaps a big group meal, with plenty of wine and conversation. Yes, that sounded good. A chance to mourn, reminisce, and be thankful for the things that remained. With a heavy heart, Kate made to clamber aboard their new vessel: But not before she shot the merchant a warning look.

"Don't even think about it. You wouldn't make it more than two steps to that door."

2016-12-17, 06:42 PM
Nazir kept watch inside the warehouse and out the sea door as the others prepped and loaded the boat. He would board last. His bow was drawn and pointed at the barricaded door. Covering a withdrawal was part of his training. He kept his mind busy with the task at hand, dealing with those coming.

He was puzzled by the unknown men outside. They were approaching with discipline. They weren't just fired up for revenge. They were being led. By who? Where were they now? They should have reached the door already. The only light in here was the small lamp where the merchant was holding his "meeting". That would give him the advantage as they entered. Six ways in not counting the sea door. The barricaded door, the window above it where he can come in, another door/window combo further down, and two doors at the far end. He could see the heat of life in the dark but he should be able to hear them before that. He kept his ears peeled.

A faint glow came from behind him outside of the sea door. The fog leaving exposed the starlight. The party would now be somewhat silhouetted. He directed a low voice to Kate. "I couldn't make out who it was coming. There were too far, but they were moving with discipline. I expected Sinkrin's men to move with abandon with revenge on their mind. It doesn't make sense."

2016-12-17, 08:28 PM
"Money's on something involving the commander, maybe Dreiana." Gerric muttered when Nazir gave his prediction for who's coming. "Alright, everyone, tides in. If we want out, grab what seems useful, and let's get the hell out of here."

2016-12-23, 02:39 PM

Leaving Ruark to deal with last bodies, Gerric jumped out of the boat, and moved towards the bodies. He saw that Gregor already searched the large ones, so he paid no attention to them - but there were boxes all around him, and he knew that sometimes it pays off to be curious.

And it wasn't like they did not have any time - the others were not yet in the boat and the barricade was not under attack.

He peeked at some of the boxes - it seemed that not all of them contained bloody parts - the merchant still had to get his money from somewhere else...and had to sell some of the loot.

And then he noticed it. Glint of steel. A long box, with large crack on the side - and through the crack he saw a curved blade. An axe. And maybe even something more - as he quickly grabbed the box and started moving it towards the boat, he was sure one axe wouldn't be so heavy. But he took the whole box. By the right of a victor.

And it was just in time. He heard the door get attacked.

And he was sure. Enemies. Allies would announce their presence. At least that made their choice quite easy - no more uncertainty, just time to kill...


As Ruark threw one of the last crewmembers over the edge into the dark water, he remembered that he saw multitude of empty piers - enough places to hide a boat and get lost in the maze of dock warehouses. They just need to get the boat outside and they would be safe...for now.

He suddenly stopped. One of the last men was surely a Savaxen - under the sleeves of his tunic he saw steel glint. He torn through the cloth and saw vambraces - beautifully decorated with symbols of Wodan's crows and surrounded by thorn-adorned knots, lovingly crafted certainly by a northern blacksmith. They shone in the moonlight reflected from the water.

The last body hit water. No sign of his family - that was both good and bad.

It was time to go. He could hear that someone was trying to get through the warehouse door... it sounded as they did not think these would be barricaded. That gave them some time...


The merchant picked up the edge of tall one's cloak absent-mindedly, as if he did not at first even think about what he was doing - he just obeyed the persuasive stranger. As he was picking it up, he seemed to shake off the mind-numbing fear and just addressed Gregor.

"Who are you people...?" and looking at the body. "Why did you kill...? Do you know...what that means?"

As they were moving the tall one's body to the boat, Gregor noticed a fat purse hanging on his belt - and beautiful golden ring with three small black stones and symbol of scales.

And then he heard somebody hit the door...


It was taking too long.

Gerric was moving around some of the crates, Urukubarr was praying over the dead rowers, Gregor pulling the tall one's body into the boat...

...but it seemed the merchant understood her hint. And started to be helpful.

It was time to leave. Someone just started to open the door - violently. She heard first few hits on the door - and that was their cue. Hopefully, she could prevent more bloodshed. And if not, just prevent it on their side...


Still ready with his bow he watched the door. Everything was taking too much time, but he did not mind - the barricade was sound, and nobody was trying to get through it.

And when they did, he was waiting. They were still only men - after killing these beasts, fighting mere men was no challenge...

And there they came. Footsteps, whispers. And first hit on the door...

...axe or hammer? He couldn't be sure.

Second, third...

It was time to move. But the door held and the barricade was still there...


The spirits were restless, but he felt they welcomed the fallen and accompanied them. It was all well - even the spirits of sea accepted the bodies.

When they finished, he was breathing heavily, but felt somehow more rested than when they begun. Ruark also looked better - and soon they would have another thing to keep their minds occupied - someone "knocked" on the door.

And it seemed that they would not stop knocking until the door was down.

Urukubarr seemed ready. And the spirits of hunt were hungry...

...but they were always hungry...

Hello everyone! I've had to spend few days in bed - and from tomorrow I will be at my parents', enjoying the holidays. Soooo...

...expect next long post on 28th or 29th, then I'm off to my in-laws!

There will be some Christmas presents... so, let me know if I should prepare for another fight in the warehouse...or if Gerric and Ruark show you how northerners use oars!

So, hope you also enjoy holidays!

2016-12-24, 10:25 AM
"There's no more time! Let's be off!"

Kate clambered aboard the group's new vessel. She really hoped that they could depart in time. Just once, it would be nice to avoid a fight entirely.

2016-12-28, 10:49 PM
Urukubarr was prepared to help row or fight, it did not matter which to him, he only waited for a command or enemy to react to. He quietly hummed his newly found song to himself.

2016-12-29, 12:02 PM
"Alright, let's shove off," Gerric dropped his box into the boat and grabbed an oar. "Someone grab my shield, I don't want arrows hittin' me while I row."

Strength check for Boating, TN 5

2016-12-30, 02:53 AM
"One- two- three!" Counting under his breath, Gregor and the merchant unceremoniously dumped the corpse in the boat. With a gentle shove to the get the merchant to leap in after, Gregor cast a wary look at the doors and, after climbing in, nodded toward Kate, "Ready when you are."

AG/Pick Pocket [roll0] TN: 7

2016-12-30, 08:01 PM
His fore-arms glinting with newly aquired steel vambraces underneath the heavy cloak, Ruark pushed the boat out from the warehouse using an oar with the help of Gerric once everyone made it safely into the boat. He had been exceptionally fast in pulling them off the corpse and putting them on himself. The prospect of impending battle could force that kind of haste on a person. "I saw a couple places we could hide away, it doesn't matter precisely where as long as we make for the docks, there are so many of these warehouses they'll never find us."

As soon as everyone was onboard, Ruark and Gerric, possibly Uruk too, rowed as quickly their strength allowed.

[roll0] TN 4

2017-01-01, 09:27 AM
With everyone in the boat, Ruark and Gerric started rowing. Their first stroke caught Nazir unprepared, but he was able to regain balance, still watching the barricade he and Uruk prepared.

They all heard only the splashing of oars, the impact of axes hitting the door, and now voices - shouting, cursing.

Finally, the door was breached, just as their boat left the warehouse. They heard further curses, louder - as the men chasing them found the barricade. They also heard footsteps - it was obvious, that these men were trying to surround the warehouse. Too late.

The fog hid their boat. And although it was slowly disappearing, it was sufficient - their two rowers drove the boat to one of the piers, their bow cutting through water quickly and quietly - the sound of waves drowned out the sound of oars.

Few minutes later they landed on the abandoned pier Ruark remembered. The city was silent - and while they imagined they could hear shouting from the direction of the warehouse, they couldn't be sure. They saw no torches, or moving figures in the distance, so it seemed that the enemy has lost their trail for now.

Looking around, they saw several small ships, stationed there, and a winding, narrow street, lit up by braziers - going up the hill. Another street - wider one - was circling around the docks. As they looked around, they caught a sight of something at the sea - in the distance, they saw a silhouette of a ship - large ship. It was there... and suddenly, fog covered it. When they looked again, it was no longer there.

The merchant was silent for the whole trip, staring at them, trying to avoid looking at the crumpled heap wrapped in cloak that lay on the pier. He seemed not to mind leaving his warehouse behind...

One quick look around and Nazir immediately knew which way the New Market lies - they would have to go up the narrow street and then turn towards the tall spires of the Cathedral, which were slowly becoming visible as the fog dropped. But maybe it was time to lay low - the day behind them was hard, and the night ahead was still long...

Chapter 2 finished :smallsmile:.

Now - do you want to keep exploring? Find a tavern to hole up in for the night? Go directly to the New Market and guards' quarters? Or do you have other ideas...?

You got the merchant's purse.

2017-01-01, 11:04 PM
Gerric jumped onto the abandoned pier and quickly tied the boat to an open cleat. His arms shook from exertion, but the day wasn't done yet. Reaching onto the boat, he grabbed the merchant by his collar and dragged him onto the dock.

"You," he snarled as he punched the man in the gut. "You sent us to die!" He struck again, and enjoyed feeling his knuckles dig into the worthless flabby bastard. He felt his hand close on the man's throat, all his exhaustion had disappeared. It would be easy to crush his windpipe, and just thinking about it made Gerric start to smile.

It was sad really, that he needed Shakchir alive to piece together what was going on. No matter how much he enjoyed watching the man's eyes bulge as he struggled for breath, he knew in a moment Kate or one of the others will make him stop. But he enjoyed the feeling for as long as they'd let him play with their new captive. Besides, it can always be useful to instill fear in your prisoners, makes them stupid and talkative.

2017-01-02, 02:03 PM
The enemys' cries receded into the distance. Kate allowed a little of her tension to dissipate. But this was just a temporary respite. The sight of that ghostly ship proved that. The Dark Ones were out there, somewhere. Kate needed to warn this city of the approaching threat...right after she stopped Gerric from throttling a merchant.

"Gerric, enough! Killing him would be like stabbing a knife into your own foot."

2017-01-02, 09:59 PM
Gerric tightened his hold for a second, staring down at the man who thought to betray them, as he memorized every detail of his expression. Some day, soon, Shakchir will stop being useful, and then he would die. No matter the cost, this man will die. Kate may try to get him sent to one of their prisons, but by the gods, Gerric would watch this man die by his hand. As soon as he was no longer needed.

Slowly, Gerric released him, getting some small bit of enjoyment how he gulped at the air. Jumping back onto the boat he grabbed his new box. "Nazir, you didn't happen to see any of their faces did you?"

2017-01-02, 11:09 PM
Watching the bizarre interplay between his new companions, Gregor couldn't help but wonder if he'd saddles himself with at least one madman, which brought back memories of another madman that required his special brand of intervention. Only time would tell if another intervention were required...

Banishing the gloomy thoughts with a quick shake of his head, Gregor threw the cadaver over a shoulder and stepped onto the dock. "I'm fairly new to the city having just come here for a quick bit of business, but if I wanted to find a quiet place to disappear I'd try that way."

roll for potential safe houses:
WIT/Streetwise [roll0] TN: 5

2017-01-04, 07:02 AM
A ship appears and disappears. Urukubarr sighs in frustration, he felt the spirits were taunting him now.

Urukubarr chuckled at the show Gerric was putting on, the cowardly and traitorous merchant deserved far worse by the laws of his people. Perhaps this one would be covered in fish guts and tied to a post, easy prey for a snow bear. His last moments would be of absolute terror as the massive beast tore through his guts and started to feast. Urukubarr snapped out of his daydream and stepped off the boat, careful to accidentally step on the merchant if he could do so nonchalantly. Although Urukubarr would rather make camp than find another abandoned hole to sleep in, he did not protest.

2017-01-04, 09:08 AM
Ruark was happy to have escaped the warehouse without further bloodshed, his whole being was aching as the accumulated wear and tear of the long day was starting to make itself felt. As Gerric began to work his own special kind of magic on the merchant and the others intervened to either stop him or support him, Ruark turned away to keep watch towards the streets and town. Whoever had followed them into the warehouse, whatever their intensions, could probably have people patrolling the surrounding streets as well. He made an effort to not keep looking at the strange corpse that Gregor was now carrying so non-chalantly over a shoulder, he a feeling that thinking too much on the nature of that thing could bring the madness of of the other-world to his mind.

"Whatever information we hope to bring out of this bag of scum, the docks are probably the worst place to do it. Let's try to find some walls to take shelter behind, and a roof, and a floor to sleep on. We must all be exhausted, I can't be the only one starting to feel it. Besides, the longer we stay out here the bigger the chance the ones at the warehouse will start looking for us elsewhere, and find us.

I say we sleep for a few hours, then drag the corpse of that -thing- and the merchant to the Captain of the city guard, let them sort out the details while we take the easy reward, that I dare say we've more than earned by now."

2017-01-04, 09:38 AM
Nazir kept his eyes mostly focused on the coastline, with the occasional look out to the sea. He was glad Kate got Gerric to back off.

"No, nothing definite. Perhaps I'll recognize a voice if I hear it again, but that won't account for much."

He kept an arrow nocked, but the light tension on the bow string was gone. The halfling turned to the merchant. It was dark so the merchant couldn't see much of the eyes but Nazir didn't try hiding the distinctive halfling quality of his voice. "Your best hope to stay alive is to start talking, convince my friend here it isn't a bad idea to turn you over to the Watch. You are afraid of what will come next from those things. More so than dying. Hmmm. Did you do it to protect someone you have here in the city? Understandable. Either way, start from the beginning. How did that operation start up?"

2017-01-04, 01:47 PM
The merchant was taken by surprise and put up no fight.

As he picked himself up, he spat blood on the ground, and looked at Gerric and Nazir - the one who hit him, and the one who questioned him. He was missing a tooth, bleeding from his nose and mouth, but his face was a mask of rage.

"You fools! You bloody fools! Don't you understand what you have done...?"

He spat on the ground again, and smeared the blood on his face with his collar.

"Of course you don't understand." He turned to Gerric. "I sent you to die so that my city could live. I traded your worthless lives for lives of thousands. I did it to keep this city safe. And what have you done...? You shat on the freedom of these people." Suddenly he turned to Nazir. "And you - don't think you can scare me. I was meeting these..." suddenly he went a bit pale, as he noticed the dead body of the tall one - but he overcame the sudden weakness and continued, but more silently "...them for months. There is little on this world that can scare me now. But you - you just sealed the fate of this city. The last truly free city will be gone now. Thanks to you."

As he threw his arms into the air to punctuate the last sentence, he hissed with pain - and grabbed his stomach. It seemed Gerric's treatment made him a bit sore.

"As for the watch... there are worse things than rotting in jail. And if they hear what I have done, they will either exile me or execute me - and while I prefer the first one, I will gladly die if I can avoid meeting one of these " - he pointed at the dead body - "things. You have no idea what they can do...".

With these words, it seemed his strength ran out and his knees gave in. He was kneeling there, supporting his body with arms, and shaking.

2017-01-04, 02:55 PM
The merchant's words were sobering ones, and Gregor's mind began to race. "If someone can find me a wheelbarrel or something I bet I can make our unconscious friend here look like a drunk." After punctuating his words with a brief shake of the corpse, he continued, "Also, if we're after a quiet no-questions-asked sort of place to hole up for the night we should try Old Town."

2017-01-04, 10:09 PM
"Worthless, eh?" Gerric sneered at the merchant. "I'm willin' to bet I've accomplished more in my time than you ever have. Didn't need to make deals with demons to do it neither." He tucked his box under his arm as he paused to think for a second. "And what kind of **** plan is hirin' mercenaries to go get killed? You live in a ****in' city! You want corpses? Make deals with the executioners and cemeteries. Don't try to trick the one group o' people with the skills to actually fight back against your hired killers and come back for you."

Gerric leaned over the fallen merchant and smiled. "****in' idiot," he gave a friendly pat to the man's cheek, making sure to touch the open cuts. "I'll go out and look for a wheelbarrow or somethin' then, just promise me we won't turn him over 'til I get a chance to talk to him more."

Scrounging for a wheelbarrow or something
TN 6 [roll0]

I'll even buy one if needs be.

2017-01-05, 11:56 AM
Kate's face twisted into a grimace of repressed anger. She couldn't bring herself to blame Gerric for assaulting the merchant: Because she'd very almost succumbed to the same urge. This man was already worse than dirt to her. And now he had the gall to claim the moral high ground? That his conspiracy of mass murder was somehow the right thing to do?! Prison was too good for this man. But if turning him over to the authorities would help save this city, then she'd do so.

Such things would have to wait till morning, though. Kate's limbs were beginning to feel heavy. Their little group had been through a lot today. And no doubt tomorrow would be eventful too. Best to recover while they could.

"Come on, everyone. The worst is over for now. Let's find a discreet place to rest our heads."

Preferably one with a bath.

2017-01-05, 10:54 PM
Nazir listened to the merchant. His voice softened. "Some of us here have done things to keep this city safe too. If what you say is true you are brave and hold key information to protecting the city. You don't want to just give up. You saw how fast we killed them. Hope isn't lost. You just need rest. We'll talk more in the morning."

The halfling kept watch on the merchant and eyes out for those hunting them as the others came up with a plan for the night.

2017-01-06, 07:26 AM
Urukubarr sneered at the merchant, "Truly free? You are slaves, better to be dead than serving Dark Ones, coward." He wanted to kick the man while he was down, but decided that broken ribs or ruptured organs wouldn't benefit the group right now. But soon...

Urukubarr helps however he can, his mind wandering and wondering what he could whip up for a meal. When there is a moment, he meticulously inventories whatever food, drink, seasonings, and spices they may have. It was an old druidic adage that first interested him in crafting the best meals he could: 'Sharp blades are dulled by empty bellies'. Never underestimate the power of a good meal, especially during bad times.

2017-01-06, 10:26 AM
Ruark kept to the background still, grumbling and mumbling to himself. He had seen himself how efficient their enemy could be in chasing entire peoples away from their homes. If there even was a sliver of truth to what the merchant was saying then they'd all be better off fleeing further in land. The sea was obviously the domain of the Dark Ones now. Unfortunately for Ruark, his traveling companions preferred rushing headlong into danger, and who could blame them? For easily had they not defeated their first encounter with their new enemy?

"All of my things are still back at the Inn we first settled in at. Why don't we had back there, even after all that's happened? It's safe enough and they already know of us there. This one, the merchant, we can leave with the guards."

2017-01-06, 10:52 AM
"At least the Watch didn't turn on us, so between that and our stuff being there the Inn is an option. I think we should keep the merchant. He has more information that we need. He might even prove useful."

2017-01-06, 09:05 PM
And dont forget, we were promised a reward for dealing with the warehouse, at least finding out what was going on with the bodies. Let this man explain himself to the commander and we have the easiest reward weve ever earned! All we need to do is reach out and take it!

2017-01-07, 08:54 AM
The merchant stared at Gerric with disgust. "What was I thinking? That maybe, just maybe a raider like Gerric can provide some good with his death, when his life caused so much evil. Yes, I have heard of your accomplishments. Why would you make deals with demons when you are called one yourself...? Yes, I know your name - I recognized your ugly face when you entered my warehouse for the first time. And I personally think you made a deal with one demon...named Euric. Didn't you?"

"Yes, I know also about your old pal. He's the reason why we have to deal with these...creatures. He wants this city - and promised to fight them off if we join him... or fight us if we disagree..."

He turned to Nazir. "And you halfling - maybe you have done things to keep this city safe. But so have I - and for rather long time. And I see you have no idea what you are talking about - you managed to surprise them, and kill these three. But... the tall men... when you talk to one of them, you talk to all of them. The large ones? They have an army of these. And you saw the rowers... tell me, how many of these do you think they have?"

He breathed in, calming down a bit. Colour slowly returned to his cheeks, and although he was bloodied and seemed twice as old as when they met him for the first time, when he opened his eyes again, he looked strangely at peace.

"I... you are right. I need sleep. I haven't slept well for months. And even if you plan on killing me, I feel safer now. I will give you information you require in the morning and will accompany you to the watch commander, if we are still alive."

With that, he slumps down to the ground, nursing his broken ribs.

So - will you try to find an inn? Or collect your stuff from the one Dreiana brought you to?

You quickly looked through your surroundings, and noticed a small wheelbarrow, filled with straw, in a small alley between two buildings. It looks sturdy enough to carry the tall man.

Most of their food was still on the wagon, outside the town hall. And some even in backpacks stored in the inn.

However, there were some "spoils of war" in his backpack. Enough to make a meal for everyone...? Urukubarr was not sure.

Can't really say - please update your character sheet with current contents of your backpack. The other stuff will be in the wagon.

2017-01-07, 01:15 PM
Gerric was walking off when the merchant shouted at his back. Gerric sighed, and looked up to the sky. The man recognized him, no way he could risk turning Shakchir over to the guards now. He'd have until morning either to convince everyone to kill him, or to do it himself. Neither seemed particularly likely to happen. Problems for later, an unfortunately growing list.

Turning back to the merchant, Gerric's grin reached from ear to ear. "So, you're tellin' me. That you recognized who I am. Gerric, the Demon o' Dragontooth, Gerric the Merciless, destroyer o' cities, creator o' the Eugaran Kingdom, and you thought it was a good idea to try and kill me with a ****in' ambush, by a bunch o' half-trained piss-for-brains bandits, lead by a trumped up horse thief? And you thought it would ****in' work?" Gerric squatted down in front of the man. "If you're the best this city has t'offer, you're right to be afraid. Even without demons, and monsters, Euric is smarter than you. If he wants this city, it's his. And you just tried to kill off the only man who knows how he thinks, and knows his weaknesses."

Gerric turned and laughed, shaking his head. "****in' moron." He had a job to do, and time spent in a pissing match with a dead man was just time wasted.

He searched around the nearby area for a few minutes before he came across the wheelbarrow. Quickly, he dumped out the straw, and started to head back to the pier, before he paused for a second. Turning back to the pile of straw, he took out two small gold coins and wrapped them in a piece of cloth then tucked them into the pile, before heading back.

2017-01-07, 01:29 PM
"Excellent! Now if anyone has a bit of booze, cheaper the better, and something to cover his face with I think a disguise that'll fool most passers by should t be a problem. " Gregor set the corpse into the wheelbarrow and began to disguise the thing as a sleeping drunk. As he worked he added, "I'm not exactly sure who all is after you, and probably me now, too, but if you need me to collect your belongings discretely that is completely doable."

Two successes from the OOC roll earlier.
WIT/Disguise TN: 6 (5d10)[7][6][5][2][2](22)

2017-01-10, 10:35 PM
Nazir was analyzing the merchant's information about the enemy when Gerric's self-identification immediately and totally caught Nazir's attention. The Demon o' Dragontooth?! He couldn't believe it. Nazir's right foot instinctively shifted, his body posture now facing the one he had once hunted. His memories ran through his head as he also tried listening to Gerric. The man walked away looking for a wheelbarrow. The halfling was speechless. He just looked at Kate in confusion.

By Dienekes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21578635&postcount=916)

Of course, Nazir had heard of the Demon of Dragontooth. Everyone in Zhengar had heard of the Demon and the new King, Euric Goldensong. The barbarians of Dragontooth had raided the territories around Zhengar, and the nearby city of Antiea, and there were several times during his time in the army that he had fought against and beaten the unwashed barbarians. The stream of raiders and traders increased as time went on, and Nazir heard that the migration was because two warlords had declared war across the mountain and were conquering it piece by piece. As the pairs power grew, most the mountain either joined their side or banded against them, but others simply fled from the violence. And Nazir heard such stories; the Demon slew a dragon and wore the scales as armor. The Demon would walk into a village and demand they either give him all their food or he would slaughter them all, dooming them to death by starvation or the sword. He was both the commander of the army and the champion. If any clan would stop Euric Goldensong's growing army, the Demon would challenge their champion to the death and never lost. And the refugees would say that the Demon had plucked out the unbeaten Berka Mulefoot's eyes. Or he had pulled off Alaric Crowkeeper's head.

Then the most surprising news of all, the town criers belted that the barbarians of the North had invaded the nearby kingdom of Concenia, and taken the fortress city of Tierno. Worse, the barbarian army was heading toward the Free City of Antiea. It was then that several squads were tasked with joining an army with Concenia and Antiea to beat back the army lead by the Demon. Captain Aldarman's squad was sent, though, for some reason that Nazir never figured out, there was a delay before the army moved out, and it was a slow trek to the other city.

But, though the army moved slow, it was eventful. Scouting ahead, Nazir was the first to see the path of destruction the Demon left behind. Village after village was torn to shreds, corpses left rotten in the air to be pecked at by crows and chewed on by foxes. Those that survived the raids moved about as though they were in a daze, living in broken homes, knowing that their lives were destroyed and they would not survive the winter.

Then he reached Antiea itself, and he saw the destruction on a scale he had never seen before. The entire city was a burnt out husk. The Demon had already taken the city and left before the army had even been close. The Grand Library, the famous Monastery of Antiea was gone. It had always been a refuge of knowledge, open to all scholars who wanted to learn. Where countless books had been collected and stored by monks dedicating their lives to the pursuit of knowledge, in a legacy that went back centuries. And it was gone.

The army of Zhengar finally met with the army of Concenia, and they pushed on. Nazir and the other scouts could tell by the tracks that the army was pushing hostages and slaves along with them. The barbarian's army would be slowed by loot and wounded slaves, they could catch them. They could free the people of the villages and Antiea from the clutches of the Demon, and the army finally seemed to move as quick as they could in pursuit of these monsters.

For days and nights they chased the barbarians, and Nazir could tell that they were gaining on them. For weeks the chase was on, they would catch them before they safely escaped into the mountains. The thought of saving the innocent kept pushing him forward.

But nothing prepared him for when he found them. The barbarians apparently realized they were being followed, they knew that the prisoners were slowing them down. The population of the entire city was torn to shreds. Corpses littered the ground, men, women, and children stabbed and hacked to death by the barbarians. Nazir had never such destruction.

Without the slaves slowing them down, the barbarians slipped away into the mountains, where the combined armies of Concenia and Zhengar could not follow.

The last thing Nazir had heard about the Demon, was that upon his return to the mountains King Euric Goldensong betrayed him and he was left to wander the frozen mountains starving, penniless, and alone. It could not happen to a more deserving person.

tl;dr: Nazir was able to see the refugees that came from the Dragontooth Mountains during Gerric's conquests. And was part of a coalition forces to stop his spread south. Never directly engaged but witnessed first hand the aftermath of his destruction of Antiea and the burning of the Grand Library. Saw that he was willing to murder thousands just to escape. Heard that Euric betrayed him and he was to spend the remainder of his days a vagabond in the mountains.

2017-01-11, 12:24 AM
Kate's eyes met those of Nazir. She'd just had a similar epiphany. The puzzle pieces snapped together in her mind. Could Gerric really be the man who'd destroyed Antiea? Stupid question. Of course he could. It was so easy to picture him rampaging through that wondrous place. Well, this was...disturbing. As Kate made her way through the streets, she pondered her next move. She and Gerric definitely needed to talk about this. The man deserved a chance to give his side of the story. And if it should prove damning...

...Well, she'd cross that bridge when she came to it.

2017-01-11, 01:52 AM
Urukubarr found Gerric more and more endearing, he reminded him of the more gruff Saxaven raiders. Urukubarr had known who Gerric was since the broken down inn, since he announced it so readily to their enemy, so did Ruark if he was listening at the time. Urukubarr can see the looks being passed around, "What? I thought everyone knows this. Is why I sleep armed, away from him, with armor on, and pray. Gerric is good warrior, but stories make me worry. Sometimes stories only little truth, ask Gerric for truth."

2017-01-11, 01:47 PM
The excitement of the evening must have been catching up with him. It took Gregor full seconds to recognize the name. Gregor's expression remained unchanged as the realization of who he had saddled himself with and the horror stories he'd heard about him struck home. Going calmly about his business of dressing the corpse up to look like anything but, he always kept the Demon in his peripheral vision. Gregor was no saint, but if even half of the stories he'd heard were half true in their own right this man was very nearly the incarnation of death itself.
Standing up after the job was finished he looked to his new allies and assumed a position in front and plastered a drunken grin over his features. Swaying to a beat only he could hear, he staggered toward their safe haven and hopefully an evening's rest. "C'mon guysh, the tavernss thish way."

Sincerity/SOC [roll0] 4 successes
Acting/SOC [roll1] 3 successes

2017-01-11, 06:09 PM
The wheelbarrow creaked as they pulled it up the streets, but they still moved unnoticed - either the people in the warehouse did not look for them anymore, or they went the wrong way.

Streets were empty, save for a small rat, that fled the other way when they approached him. It disappeared in one of the drainage holes as they moved on with their cargo, avoiding too much light, but staying within the lit area.

Gregor, who now staggered and swayed in front of the party did a good job - the dead creature did not emit the dangerous aura - it looked just like a drunkard in a wheelbarrow, pulled by his companions. However, they knew that below the furs, something evil and unnatural was hidden.

The merchant just drudged on, upholding his promise.

As they approached a small square, they finally noticed some people - a weary woman, that eyed them, first with interest, but as they emerged from the dark, her face changed its expression to disgust and she turned the other way, walking down the street, swaying her hips, trying hard to be noticed by the drunkards on the other side of street. From shadows, her companion, a robust man with bald head, scar across one cheek and red scarf was watching them, flipping a curved dagger in his hand.

The square itself was remarkable - the buildings were old, mostly made of stone. They looked similar to the ones in new market, just build long time ago. There was even large building that looked like a town hall, but with large sign that stated it was "Lair of the Wicked Sisters".

On the opposite side was another remarkable building - it looked like four story tavern, the upper two stories built only with wood instead of stone, each window lit and figures were moving, dancing and - it seemed like drinking inside. There was no sign, but two burly men stood in the doorway and watched the passerbys.

They looked to the side and finally noticed an inn. A two-story stone building, with windows covered by dirty cloth, its sign showing a single fox, sitting on a bed. The stables were nothing more than just a small roof, under which you could leave your horse if you wanted to lose it.

In the doorway stood a man. He was fairly muscular, with only small patch of graying hair on his head, wearing a shaggy vest and pantaloons. He had sad, droopy eyes and was chewing something. When they approached, he looked into the wheelbarrow, but as soon as he smelled the booze, he smiled.

"Your friend seems tired, travellers. How'bout getting him a bed to sleep on? Come on in," he motioned, "and we'll find each one of you a nice bed."

The inn was less dirty on the inside than on the outside, but the small hearth in the middle did little to light up the large room. There was a small bar and at least twelve people lay on the floor all over the room - each on his own bedroll or blanket. Some even on straw.

"So," the innkeeper smile. He had - surprisingly - a whole set of very white teeth, "what'you're gonna be payin' with? You can get straw for bits, blanket for copper and if you pay with silver, you can even get a room with a bed." His smile was gone as quickly as it appeared. "...of course, money up front and don't try anything funny."

Behind him you notice a large cauldron hung over the hearth. A young boy with bored look on his face sits idly by, but suddenly takes a large ladle and stirs something inside. It smells like porridge.

One bit per person per straw.
One copper per person per blanket.
One silver per 4 person room.
Three silver per large room (8 people).

Your choice :smallsmile:. You can still turn around and go outside...

2017-01-13, 05:29 AM
Ruark was weary, the day had been too long, there had been too much information all at once. All of it to be dealt with in the morning. He caught his hand resting on the hilt of his sword, and his face in a scowl.

"I'm all for staying here, let's not go any further in search for a simple bed. For me, right now, anything will do. Anyone want to chip in for a room? I've the silver for it and I'm willing to share. Besides I think sharing a room might be safer for both our pockets and our hides..."

2017-01-13, 01:00 PM
"Agreed. This looks like a fine establishment." Patting "his" purse, Gregor looks at the man with the droopy eyes. "I'm sure your prices are fair, but what about throwing in a hearty meal and drinks for my companions and I, and we may splurge for a room or two." Then, leaning into the man confidentially adds in a whisper, "I also noticed a few lookers on the way in - could you put in a good word?" Then, leaning back, says, "Tables are this way, then, yes?"

Persuasion/SOC [roll0] TN:7 = 2 successes
As a player I feel like the lecherous angle is a terrible idea, but he does have the flaw...
Oh my gods... overconfident, plus newly improved sticky fingers... really sorry if this ends badly...
Pick pocket/AGI [roll1] + HUBRIS [roll2] TN: 6 = 5 successes

I know this isn't a normal use for hubris, but I think it is totally appropriate here. Also, it will become even more appropriate after he "finds" it and returns it to the innkeep. Hurray for flaws. :P

2017-01-13, 03:00 PM
Gerric returned with the wheelbarrow, and instantly noticed the way they were looking at him. He had to have been the greatest fool under the sun. Gerric's jaw set as he pushed the corpse into place and Gregor worked to make him look drunk.

Gerric pushed the wheelbarrow, as they headed to the large tavern. As they walked, he pushed the corpse close to Kate. "We need to talk," he muttered to her, and nodded to make sure she understood him.

Once inside, he stood back, behind the merchant. Positioning himself so that if Shakchir said or did anything, he'd have an axe in his back.

2017-01-14, 12:33 AM
Kate kept up her guard all the way to the inn. From the looks of it, they were home clear for now. But there were still many issues looming in the distance: Like Gerric. Kate acknowledged his words with a curt nod. They did indeed need to talk. Nonetheless, she crossed the inn's threshold with a relieved sigh. She allowed Gregor to handle the innkeeper alone: Until she saw him whispering who knows what to the man. At that point, she smoothly insinuated herself into the conversation. Kate gave the innkeeper a friendly smile. And for once, he'd actually be able to see that smile: Because (unbeknownst to her), she'd accidentally lost her veil at some point.

"A room would indeed be most welcome. And is there a place where I can have a private bath? As you can probably tell, it's been a long day."

2017-01-14, 11:54 AM
Urukubarr tapped on his armor while humming a tune as they walked, ignoring the stares and looks was easy for him, he'd been doing it since his induction into "civilization". The inn smelled horrible, not surprising. For all the complaining that humans made of orcs and other humanoids stinking, you'd think they smelled of rose oil, but they were just as bad if not worse. It was an irony that deeply annoyed the young half-orc. The innkeeper rubbed Urukubarr the wrong way, nor was he interested in anything going on here until he saw the cauldron. "I have but two copper to my name, this should buy our blankets, Ruark. I know you're weary but we must talk before we sleep. This group may turn on itself soon, I wish to discuss our place in it." Urukubarr places his coins on the table and turns towards the cauldron. He walked over to the young boy, trying to inspect the contents of the cauldron, "Why so serious? Food will be bitter."

In the back of his mind he reminded himself to speak with Ruark and then Gerric when time permitted.

2017-01-14, 01:28 PM
Ruark could only smile and shake his head at Uruk, "Hah, you never had a head for coin. Keep your copper and let me pay for your blanket and porridge tonight brother, I have more than enough for us both and if I'm right there will be silver in our share of the profits from today."

But when he mentioned more serious matters Ruark's face turned sour as well, "Very well Uruk. We'll talk when we're alone."
And with that he returned the two copper to Uruk and left 4 copper pieces in their place, enough to pay for a blanket for both of them as well as the porridge.

2017-01-14, 10:55 PM
The group moved out toward the inn. Nazir took charge of the merchant. Shakchir was injured, no way he could outrun Nazir. It was a matter of keeping the prisoner alive. With the group trying to be discrete, the bow was slung but a dagger was easily accessible from his belt.

The halfing's mind was in a daze. The very man he had spent months hunting ended up being one he had been traveling with. The very man who was responsible for the slaughter of men, women, and children in the tens of thousands. Nazir didn't know what to think. He let the others arrange for quarters. He kept his focus on Shakchir.

2017-01-15, 05:25 PM
The tavernkeeper stepped back, and face turned red and his eyes narrowed when Gregor mentioned the streetwalkers. "Who do you think I am...? I run an inn and tavern, I'm no..."... but he left the sentence unfinished, as he stared somewhere behind Gregor.

It had to be Kate - Gregor heard her voice from behind him. He was confused a bit, since his last remark was supposed to be a joke - he saw that people slept on the ground and the tables were mostly pushed to the walls, to provide more space for the sleepers.

On the other hands, droopy-eyed tavernkeeper was easy mark - he got distracted and his purse just fell into Gregor's hands! This was night of wonders...

The tavernkeeper smiled. It was one of those stupid smiles, that start to grow from the corners of the mouth and don't really stop, until the person looks like kid that was given a large cake and told to eat it all.

"Room...? Yes, room, of course. And bath..." Was it the dim light coming from the hearth or did he really blush...? "I have a wooden tub, I'll immediately fill it with hot water."

He looked at the money on the table, and at Urukubarr and Ruark as if he did not know who they were - and then mindlessly handed Ruark a key he took off the key ring. He then looked back at Kate.

"The room... it's on the second floor, first door on the left. Here is the key." He smiled. "Err... it's the best room we have here, I usually take 2 silver per night there, but I will be honored if you pay just one silver."

He looked around, finally noticing Nazir, the merchant and Gerric. His smile died on his lips - especially when he looked at the visage of the merchant, his face still bloody. He looked at the coins on the table again, and started to pick them, counting them silently.

Then, he remembered something. His voice was full of barely controlled anger. "And you-... yes, you, the ladies man. If you want food, the porridge is one bit per bowl and beer is one copper per tankard. And no filthy streetwalkers in my inn, understood?"

...and started to reach for his pouch, to put in the coins.

Nazir and Gerric watched the merchant - one from the side, the other one watched his back.

But the merchant just stood there, seemingly calm, only occasional sniffle and shiver showed he was still alive.

Urukubarr looked into the cauldron. It was porridge - and it seemed there were enough greaves there to give it some taste. The boy looked at him, and his first thought was to smile. But almost dropped the ladle into the cauldron when he saw the huge half-orc, his cloak covered in black stains.

Please, roll PER/5 if you want to spot Gregor's pickpocket. Out in the open, with no real crowd it is really easy to spot. Two successes and you saw it.

Also: if anyone talks to the innkeeper, there are following free rooms:
- 2 with one bed
- 2 with 2 beds
- 1 four-bed room
The one Kate was offered has large double bed and enough space if you get blankets.

Blanket/straw = you basically rent a sleeping spot on the ground.

2017-01-16, 02:57 AM
Gregor's jovial smile dropped into an affronted scowl as the tavernkeep's words struck home. "Do you insult everyone who comes in here or is this a special occasion?" Seeming to swell with anger he reached forward and poked the man in the chest, punctuating each exaggerated word word with a painful jab. "My friend's a violinist, and her booker's been delayed - code 'blue' is the codeword!" The last was hissed through near clenched teeth. Then, after standing up straight and taking a deep breath to calm himself, Gregor's angry posture deflated somewhat, his righteous outrage spent. "This was just a misunderstanding, I'm sure you meant no offense." After taking a brief moment to rummage through his purse Gregor set the bit and copper coin into the other man's hand. "Here's your payment- I need a drink."

After pulling some of the heaviest coins at random from the barkeep's purse with his other hand, he restrung it on the unsuspecting man's belt right under his upturned nose mid jab. Who knows? Maybe she does play the violin...

That was not an easy sentence to find rhymes for that made even the remotest amount of sense
sincerity/SOC[roll0] TN: 4
pick pocket/AGI [roll1] TN: 6
Hubris if applicable...Okay, definitely not applicable now that Lacco has set me straight. Ninja fingers are feeling less ninja like now. C'est la vie. Also, that roll was not great- what are my options for improving it post roll? I'm hoping it will be successful enough as the tavern keep is too busy trying to make sense of my "correction" to notice, but I don't know how these skills will interact.

2017-01-16, 09:31 AM
Urukubarr look down at his armor and cloak, shrugging his shoulders, "Long day. Porridge look good, did you cook?" Urukubarr takes off his pack and starts rummaging through it for the bread, cheese, and smoked ham. He wondered if any of the ingredients he carried could improve upon the porridge, or at least some tips for the young lad to make conversation. Urukubarr started cutting the food into potions for everyone, calling out while waving everyone over and pointing at the food.

Rolling to see if I can improve upon the porridge with anything in my pack, if not, just making foodie conversation with the boy. Not looking for anything fancy here. I still have that milky bottle of unidentified herb stuff, maybe I could identify that?

2017-01-16, 10:41 AM
Kate was pleasantly surprised by the innkeeper's demeanour. He seemed remarkably eager to please. Without even needing to haggle, she found herself in receipt of a bath, a discount, and the inn's best room. What a nice man! Though that smile of his was a little strange; And familiar. Where had she seen that smile befor-Ah. Her veil was gone. Now everything made sense. Kate had indeed seen that smile before: On the faces of a great many noble boys (and a few girls), who'd all been so very eager to make friends.

Meanwhile, Gregor was doing his best to get himself thrown out. Kate watched in horror as he dared to rob the innkeeper of his hard earned savings. Scum! Thankfully, he at least had enough sense to return the pouch a few seconds later. Before the innkeeper had a chance to give Gregor a (deserved) fist to the face, Kate diverted his attention back to her.

"Sir, I must apologise profusely for this...person. Rest assured that he will soon receive a very unforgiving lesson in etiquette."

2017-01-17, 10:27 AM
Unusually aware of the subtler goings on in the room, Ruark noticed both Gregor's poorly hidden theft and the innkeepers strange reaction to Kate's visage. He shook his head silently and pitied Gregor, as he had just condemned himself to an afterlife of torment and misery for such dishonorable thieving. He had suspected Gregor enjoyed a bit of stealing now and then and here was the proof.

He paid a further 2 copper bits for a bowl of porridge for himself and Uruk, as the previous 4 coppers covered a blanket and a tankard of ale for them both. As Uruk was busy scaring the poor cook, Ruark spent some time preparing their blankets for sleeping and finding a comfortable table for them all to sit. The rest of the time he spent worrying about their belongings sitting undefended in a different inn...

2017-01-17, 10:56 PM
Nazir entered the Inn with his hood mostly covering his head. He didn't want himself to make things harder for the group to get service. He helped the merchant to a table, far more genuinely aiding the man than treating him as a prisoner. He didn't want to draw attention to himself, but he was paying well attention to what was going on around the Inn. He easily noticed Gregor's purse snatching and return. Hmm, wonder if the others noticed that. They really noticed Kate. She is gorgeous at even Fey standards.

The halfling snapped back to himself. The distraction was too brief. The most hated and hunted man was right there, part of the group he had been traveling and fighting with. Part of the pack. Nazir had grown up with a simple life of hunting and scouting. Now this discovery?! Food. Food and sleep. Maybe things will be clearer in the morning. He took the last of the coins he had on him and ordered 2 bowls and 2 tankards, sincerely thanking the innkeeper but without striking up a conversation. On his way back to the table he also grabbed a wet rag. He dropped the rag on the table in front of Shakchir then put one bowl and tankard next to it for him. "Rinse the blood off your face first."

He was hungry and downed both quickly, his cloak's hood no longer covering his head. Filling his stomach helped keep his mind busy. He really needed to talk with the group and with Kate. Which order, he didn't know.

2017-01-17, 11:44 PM
Gregor began to turn toward Kate with a scowl on his face, ready to return her undeserved venom, but his thoughts and the scowl vanished as he got a clear view of her. She was - Gregor simply didn't have the words.

After a moment's stupor he pulled his mouth closed and his thoughts back together. His quick mind found yet another avenue out of this mess; one that hopefully left his pride intact. "Look, I can see that she has the same effect on you as she does everyone else. I don't know what's coming out of my mouth half the time when she's around. Please, have a drink with me and lets put this unpleasantness behind us."

WILL roll copied from roller thread:
(4d10)[5][10][6][2](23) TN:7 (?)

Persuasion/SOC [roll0] TN: 7 = 1 Success
Sincerity/SOC [roll1] TN: 4 = 3 Successes

2017-01-20, 09:40 AM
Kate intervened just in time - the tavernkeeper's face was getting red, his fists clenched, and he already seemed to consider knocking out the insolent dandy. Especially when Gregor jabbed his finger into his chest, it seemed that he crossed some line. When she started to speak, and positioned herself between the two, the tavernkeeper's stance relaxed a bit.

Her words on harsh lesson on etiquette seemed to please him as he nodded - and then his face became red again.

"Oh, well, etiquette... sorry, my lady, I am just an old soldier so I am not well-versed in noble manners." he looked back at Gregor "...and if he belongs to your group, then I meant no offense. It's just... you know, I try to keep this place clean and legal, which is rather hard in this area." and another blush. "And here I yammer and you are surely waiting for food and the bath. Please, allow me to leave and arrange things." he snapped his fingers and the young lad who tended to the cauldron ran up to him. A quick whisper - and lad positioned himself behind the bar and started handing out cups with drinks, bowls and spoons for the porridge and blankets for those who paid for them.

"Now, if you excuse me -" the barkeep pushed Gregor's coin back to him with unpleasant smirk, "you don't need a drink, but - as the lady said, a lesson in at-thick-wet, whatever that means. Hope you enjoy it." and turned around, leaving through back door.

When the boy left his place by the cauldron, where he, shaking, resisted any Urukubarr's attempt for conversation, Uruk was finally free to work with the contents. He quickly opened his bag, and cut the ham he had there into small stripes, placing them into the porridge, and even scraped half of the hard cheese into the cauldron. Few herbs that he found during their travel and the whole room was suddenly filled with delicious smell. He considered, for a moment, adding the unknown contents of the vial, but then decided against it. Until he was able to find out what they were, it made no sense. He waited for Ruark to have first serving and then sat down next to him. Nazir and the merchant followed example.

Nazir tried watching both Gerric and the merchant. Merchant's face was... well, let's say Gerric did a great job of masking him. Even his mother would have trouble recognizing him - missing teeth, large bruises, one eye almost invisible under the swelling. He ate calmly, even though it was visibly hurting to chew. And Gerric... seemed rather silent now. Different. It was obvious he was deep in thoughts.

The back door opened, and the innkeeper entered, carrying two large buckets full of water. The instant when he entered, he smelled the air and looked around the room. Then he shrugged and went downstairs, carrying the buckets.

Ruark ate the well-prepared food, and would smother Urukubarr in compliments for his cooking again were it not for the fact his mouth was always full of the tasty porridge. The half-orc had a knack for cooking - and was able to improve this porridge in only few minutes. For the moment, the Savaxen warrior forgot about past, about the body, about Gerric, and just enjoyed the food, warmth of the hearth and company.

And Gregor... while he tried, he could pull his eyes off Kate always only few moments. While he had seen some rather pretty faces, this was something completely different. And - he had an opportunity to show this lady that he was a man on the right place...

The beer was weak, but the porridge was tasty, the fire was warm and they all started feeling tired. The tavernkeeper, sweating from carrying the buckets, informed Kate she would have to wait another half hour for the water to be warm enough, and apologized he had no clean towels - only one bedsheet - and inquired how will her company sleep - whether in the common room, or somewhere else.

Once had her answer, he again left, to get her room ready.

Ruark yawned. It was a long day, but still he felt... to tense to sleep. He needed some rest - and soon would need sleep, but entertainment was what he missed. And from what he saw in faces of his companions, there would be serious words exchanged this night.

Ok, so this is my solution...
I see three possibilities:
1: the group talks as a whole, in privacy of Kate's room, while the merchant lies bound in another room (we use IC for the conversation),
2: Kate takes Gerric for a chat and then Gregor for a chat, while someone (e.g. Uruk and/or Ruark) guard the merchant (while Gerric talks, Ruark and Gregor do their "darts" contest), = we use separate thread for the conversation and continue from morning with assumption that both G's stay in party.
3: Kate takes Gregor for a chat, Nazir asks Gerric for a chat, others as above.
Other than that, when the talks are finished, Kate goes to bath (and if they did not have the chance, Gregor and Ruark throw some darts, while Nazir watches the merchant and Uruk guards Kate's bathroom from Gregor) :smallwink:.

They sleep in Kate's room, or spread across two rooms, with guard on the corridor. We fast-forward to late morning (it's past midnight...).

Do you agree? And which one solution would you prefer?

2017-01-21, 04:06 AM
Kate relayed the group's sleeping arrangements to the innkeeper; And watched him scurry away. Thank goodness he was willing to overlook her teammate's transgressions. Ha, who was she kidding? Goodness had little to do with it. His motives were considerably less pure. Kate ran a hand down her unveiled cheek. This face of hers had always been convenient. It attracted goodwill and friendship wherever she went. As the party's representative, such an advantage was invaluable...and tragically unfair.

Her eyes shifted first to Urukubarr; Then to Nazir. Such good, wonderful people. They didn't deserve to be shunned for their bloodlines. What made Kate more deserving of admiration than them? Nothing. And yet, so very few people noticed that. Their shallow gazes saw only a beautiful noblewoman, flanked by two half-breeds. One day, perhaps, that would change. One day, her comrades would receive the respect that they deserved.

2017-01-22, 05:00 PM
...next morning...

It was a long night, but short sleep. It was past sunrise when they were awakened by the last one who stood guard on the corridor that lead to their rooms.

The whole night seemed to be peaceful - no guests tried to go upstairs, nobody tried to visit their room, or even poke nose into the corridor. Yet it seemed quite lively outside - drunks fighting against each other, people shouting, laughing...

...but in the morning, a complete silence befell the Old Market square.

It was too silent for comfort.

When Nazir looked out of the window, he saw almost no people on the market square - there were some drunks walking across the square, one or two slumped over some barrels, one sleeping propped against a column. But otherwise this part of the town seemed dead. At night, it lived, but when sun shone...

...oh, the sun shone. There were white clouds rolling over the sky, puffy and huge, but they only managed to dim the sunshine, not hide it completely. It looked like really nice day...

...but still, there was something strange. He could smell the porridge from below, still the good smell of Urukubarr's cooking. But no voices. He could hear only Urukubarr and Ruark's snoring and merchant's wheezing through his broken nose.

While part of him wanted to provide the others with sleep, a commodity he himself was lacking, it was time to move. He woke up the others.

They started to wake up, each of them going through their usual morning routine. Getting ready for the day ahead. He also checked if nothing happened to the body in the other room. It started smelling during the night - and it got worse with every hour. Now the rancid stench pierced even through the odour of alcohol that Gregor poured on the body last night. But the body was still there - however, the quickness with which it decayed was surprising at least.

There are jugs with water and small basin for washing up in the room.
I assume you arm yourself and don your armour before heading out.

As they went down the stairs, they were surprised to see how abandoned the inn common room looked. The sleeping space was now replaced by tables, but most of them were empty. The innkeeper was nowhere to be seen, only the young lad tended to the caldron again. The room seemed more airy - the windows and shutters were open, and even the front door was ajar.

What surprised them was the one occupied table.

Sitting behind it was Unaric, clad in colourful robe, talking to a familiar-looking (to everyone except Gregor), elderly man, sporting a braided beard of a colour of a snow, clad in thick coat made of animal furs. A large golden chain was hanging on his neck. Behind them stood a man in full plate armour - who reminded them of sir Ivnald, the knight of Vigilant Guardian, however this man was older - much older. In fact, his hair was almost white and his face was wrinkled - but he still had an air of vitality in him and his eyes shone from under the open helmet he wore - and the hand that rested on the handle of a broad sword did not yet shake.

Third man at the table was sir Windsteel - the commander of city watch who gave them their task. They now barely recognized him, as he wore civilian clothes - nice ones, but not the uniform of commander. Behind him stood Dreiana, clad in full guard regalia, her arm also on the handle of her sword.

As they noticed the party descending, Unaric smiled - it was surprisingly friendly - and motioned for them to approach. At the same time, they noticed that there were soldiers or guards standing outside - right behind the windows. Several of them. Sir Windsteel also smiled at them, but his smile was a bit sad. They both looked rather tired, as if they had little to no sleep during the night.

The good news was, they need not go to the town hall - they noticed their wagon outside, guarded by two men. A new day begun in this wonderful city of betrayal and opportunity. And maybe fortune...

There are at least two exits in the room: the front door and back door.

Also, sorry if this feels like a bit of railroading - I just want to speed this up so we can get back to the sandboxy part. If you would prefer to sneak out and go to town hall for your reward, feel free to inform me in OOC.

However, lots of stuff happened during the night and this represents the easiest way how to give you the rundown...and also there are reasons why these people gathered here.

And again: there is no mandatory "plot" - however you decide about your next steps, I have contingencies so that the game will move onwards (except for full on attack - that would bring some trouble even to me - at least wait until you get your reward...:smallsmile:).

So, now... let's see where you get us :smallbiggrin:. Much depends on this next conversation.

2017-01-23, 10:31 AM
Ruark woke well rested from the long night before as Nazir went about waking them all. He stretched, groaned and complained a bit about the blankets being too thin. After getting dressed and his few belongings in order he went downstairs with the rest. He froze for a moment in the stairway, if it hadn't been for all the smiles it looked like they were heading to another trial.

Ruark too smiled when he noticed the wagon outside, it would be good to get his hands on his old satchel and things again. "What's this now? Company for breakfast? I would have been fine eating with my companions but I'm happy to see you all again so soon." He took the last few steps in a jump and hustled over to the cauldron to check on the contents while Kate presumably took the reigns on the conversation to come.

2017-01-23, 01:13 PM
Despite a few bad dreams, Kate managed to sleep fairly well. It was nice to rest in a double bed again. When she awoke, the weariness of yesterday had almost vanished. She was ready for whatever horrors the new dawn would throw at her. While her comrades busied themselves with their own preparations, the young noble washed her face and brushed her hair. In a way, this too was preparation for battle. They'd need every edge they could get for their meeting with the authorities.

As it turned out, that meeting came sooner than expected. Kate descended the inn's stairs: Only to find that the local clientèle had become considerably higher class. Quite a welcoming committee awaited their little group. After a brief hesitation, Kate's feet (which had paused between steps) continued their descent into the common room. She sensed no real hostility here. Best not to pollute the friendly atmosphere with paranoia. Casting aside her reservations, Kate allowed her face to relax into a welcoming smile.

"Well, this is certainly an unexpected reunion. Welcome to all of you. I take it that there's some pressing business to discuss?"

2017-01-23, 04:05 PM
It had been a long, draining night. Gerric had hoped that he'd have the chance to question the merchant some more, before buggering off while Kate and the other delivered him to the guard captain. But, now it looked like the guards had come to them. Another knight, the same weaselly spy master, that old guy the guard commander had bowed to, the useless guard lady, and the captain himself.

A bunch of hands on a bunch of weapons. There'd be no way to fight them all off if they rushed them. But Gerric grabbed the top of his axe anyway. One quick pull and he could throw it at someone. Maybe the fat one? Less of a chance Unaric could get out of the way. Hopefully they just came for the merchant, and the people of this city were just insane in how they deal with things.

He looked to Kate, it'd be up to her to deal with this, and silently he prayed that the merchant won't announce what he knew to everyone in the inn.

That could make things awkward, for everyone.

2017-01-23, 05:56 PM
Nazir woke the others, warning of them of the silence downstairs. He nudged Shakchir to get him up too, wary of his injuries. The halfling cleaned up minimally then went backk to the merchant. "Let me see what I can do with those wounds." He cleaned the wounds and scavenged for bandaging what he could.

"Kate, I think he should stay in here for now. He's in no shape to run and we don't need to tip our hand about him."

Leaving Shakchir behind, Nazir followed the group out to the stairs, hands on his scabbard and sword handle. He paused when he saw the welcoming committee, both inside and outside. With Unaric there and all waiting for them to come down, Nazir knew it wasn't a fight. They had had all the time they needed to deal with us if they meant violence. A row of prepped archers near the door would have been easy enough to force our hand. Nazir put his hands to his side neutrally. He followed the group down the stairs and stood next to Kate to her right. Now he was very curious of what was to be said.

2017-01-24, 04:32 AM
Unaric stood up, and motioned for them to join their table. But the grey-haired man was the one to speak first. His voice was surprisingly loud, but melodical.

"A good day to you all. Or good morning. Please, sit down - and enjoy the small breakfast. There is, indeed urgent business that needs to be done. So allow us to fill you in while you eat. My name is lord Kastor of Misthold, and I am one of the Councilmen, as well as elder of the hanse - a merchant guild, you would say. And based on what I have been told, you have made some sort of... binding agreement here with Windsteel."

Etiquette: Calling sir Windsteel with only surname instead of his title...? Something is wrong here...

"Now as city councilman I have to see that he honors the agreement if you have fulfilled your duty."

Windsteel casts a tired look at the councilman, stands up and puts a full purse on the table.

"I know our agreement was different - but due to circumstances, I will not be able to honor my original offer. But my men have seen your handiwork. When I you left, I gathered few loyal guards with the intention of sending them to the docks, to help you. I was intercepted by the councilmen, who ordered my men to safeguard Shakchir and stop you. While they went to the docks, I was interrogated" at that moment it was Kastor's time to shoot an angry look Windsteel's way "by the council. As I was informed, a small faction in the council decided to buy the city time by paying the required... tribute... " his face twisted with disgust, but then he continued "to the enemy, to deal with one threat at moment. I was aware of one enemy we faced - Euric, " he glanced at Gerric, "but this was new for me. So, for what I know, you fulfilled your part. I will pay you in coin, since I have no further access to the reward I originally promised. Here it is -" he picked the pouch and held it towards Kate.

"And now, that my last obligation is done, I am leaving the services of the guard. I can't agree with what has been done to keep this city safe."

He sat back on the chair.

During all of this, Unaric only sat, watched the party and smiled. When Windsteel finished, he immediately stood up.

"To replace sir Windsteel in his position, lady Dreiana has been promoted. However, there is one pressing issue - you."

His smile disappeared.

"On one hand, you have completely wrecked a possibility to lead war on one front and turned it into two fronts. On the other hand, you have proven to be loyal asset to those who hired you, and showed great resourcefullness, skill and valor. I value that. There has been a discussion in the Council what to do - both with the situation and with you." he sighed - and for a moment he seemed rather old, and tired - but his smile returned. "The decision has been made. The city is now in war - with Euric's kingdom... and with the threat from North. It will be announced - and we will prepare for the war openly now. As for you... you will be requested - politely - to keep your silence about what happened last night. Officially, you have saved a merchant... who has disappeared... and will remain so... The ones responsible will feel consequences, but city needs to believe in this cause and leadership, otherwise will fall apart. Of course, you will be... compensated for your silence. And your services." he put another pouch on the table.

"But wait... that is not all. We are in war. And that means, we will need soldiers with all the qualities you demonstrated. I have been officially tasked to give you an offer. You may become a sworn sword to the city - or paid mercenary. If you accept, you will get monthly salary, as well as money for equipment and your soldiers' salaries. This will also enable you to become a citizen, meaning that you will be allowed to buy property in the city. Your unit - we prefer a small one - will be commanded directly by the Council. What do you say...? Of course, this is a hard decision. Think about it. And if you want, sign this..." he puts a scroll on table "...and deliver it to any councilman or to town hall."

"Now, thank you for your patience. If you have any questions, ask - our time here is limited, but we will try to accomodate you. If you need time to think it over, you have it."

As Unaric stopped talking, Windsteel stood up, offering his hand to all members of the party - even Gerric. "And were you to decide to form a mercenary company, this old soldier has still some fight in his heart. Think about it." and prepared to leave, if no questions were asked of him...

Noooow... what will you decide? I assumed you will at least listen, but feel free to interrupt at any moment if you feel the need to do so...

2017-01-24, 04:50 PM
Well ****, they knew who he was. They couldn't make that more obvious. Maybe, he should try shaving again? That had worked, for a little while, mostly because he scratched his face up worse than any battle he'd ever been in, making the attempt.

As quietly as he could Gerric whispered to Kate. "Show o' force. They want us astounded by how many soldiers they got, how many spies. Usually, because they ain't actually as strong as they want folk to think. But it's a threat just the same. If the conversation goes the way I think, I have an idea. Just nod if you trust me enough."

When Windsteel came closer he shut up. And eyed the man, it wasn't that he truly believed the man wasn't honest. But damn these political circles were making his head spin. It was safer just not to trust anyone. He gave one quick shake of his hand before letting go immediately.

2017-01-24, 06:59 PM
Kate made sure to mask the storm of thoughts now whirling through her mind. The face she showed the room remained carefully neutral. A lot of pieces had just fallen into place: And they formed a very distasteful picture. So, this terrible conspiracy stretched all the way down from the council. Kate couldn't honestly say that she was shocked. This whole city smelt of corruption. When Windsteel came to shake her hand, Kate returned the gesture with feeling. He was one of the few honest, principled officials she'd met here. And now he was out of a job. Well, if he wanted a new one with her little group, there would likely be a place for him.

Such sentiments certainly didn't apply to Unaric. His council had chosen to sacrifice civilian lives by the (literal) cartload, in order to gain a tactical advantage. It was the kind of decision which her mother might make: Though her version would have been far more competent. Kate had no desire to accept his offer. However, the decision wasn't hers alone to make. The group would discuss it later. For now, Kate deferred: With the exception of one pressing question.

"I thank you for informing us of the facts. We'll of course give full consideration to your offer.

May I ask which council members were involved in the scheme? Since they tried to have us killed, I think we have a right to know that."

Once her business with Unaric ended, she turned her attention to Dreiana. She still didn't know where this woman stood in the web of conspiracies. There was evidence of both conscience and collusion. Until she knew for certain, Kate didn't want to slam this particular door. Adopting a more military bearing, she paid her respects to the new Commander.

"Congratulations on your promotion. I only wish it could be under better circumstances. Hopefully we'll get a chance to speak again soon."

She really did hope that. Perhaps Dreiana would feel the need to contact Kate, and explain herself. Perhaps not. Time would tell.

As quietly as he could Gerric whispered to Kate. "Show o' force. They want us astounded by how many soldiers they got, how many spies. Usually, because they ain't actually as strong as they want folk to think. But it's a threat just the same. If the conversation goes the way I think, I have an idea. Just nod if you trust me enough."

Kate didn't nod. She trusted Gerric to guard her back in combat. She trusted him to provide harsh yet honest advice. But trust him to execute 'mystery plan X' at a diplomatic meeting? Not a chance!

2017-01-24, 07:57 PM
Ruark had wanted to stay near the cauldron of food but as the others seemed to gather closer to the negotiating table he felt obliged to join them. Presenting a united front against these schemers was after all far more important than breakfast.

It wasnt long before his mouth was left agape, nothing but shock to read on his face. All these killings, Mad Dog and the fat Knight. It all lead back to this room, these council members and a single bad decision to accept a merchantmans' proposition. A lot was said from all parties and Ruark felt like his mind was going through a bit of a storm weighing all the options up against each other. Not too long ago Uruk and himself had stood with hardly a silver coin to share between them and now they were being offered steady coin as hired blades for a council without scrouples.

Kate was wise to hold off on making such a big decision until they had all aired their conserns. For now Ruark stayed quiet, he had nothing the others needed to hear.

2017-01-24, 11:13 PM
Nazir listened intently to all of the information they were being given. His mind raced through the reasoning and overall situation. From a strategic point of view it did make sense and anyone watching the halfling closely might notice his understanding and acceptance of the information. He was sure there were plenty of other secrets they weren't being told but hopefully none of those affected the group directly. Suddenly declaring war on Euric was quite the surprising game changer.

He waited patiently for Kate to have her questions answered first. When she was finished Nazir spoke up. Unaric had treated him respectfully the previous night even with addressing an unknown halfling, so that counted. He did his best to be respectful.

"Councilman Unaric, who are the ones taking the consequences the missing merchant? What would become of the merchant if found?"

"How much does the Council know about the enemy from the north? We have faced them. Trading that information may be valuable."

"To help prevent anymore situations where city folk are fighting among themselves and not the real enemies, what was Sinkrin's plan you spoke of last night and what is his status? He has placed a direct bounty on my head among his men. Not knowing which soldier aims to backstab us will hinder our efforts to help the city."

2017-01-25, 02:17 PM
Gregor was quiet and reserved in the morning. Going about his morning rituals in relative silence his gregarious grin seemed somewhat dimmed. A moment of change was upon him, and it required some careful thought.

With Nazir's warning, he was able to take note of the visitors below before he was seen. What was it with these people and ambushes?

The pensive look on his face disappeared, a nervous smile replacing it. He walked down the stairs with a bit less grace than his finely honed body possessed, but stood with the rest. He fidgeted slightly as he stood, his eyes darting back and forth between these clearly important people.

Not sure if I'm describing it adequately, but he has adopted the demeanor of a commoner in a meeting of individuals above his station.
SOC/Acting [roll0] TN:5

2017-01-25, 09:34 PM
Urukubarr stretched and let out a mighty yawn as he woke. He went about his usual morning routine of prayer before heading downstairs, ready to go with all his belongings.

As soon as the young half-orc saw what was going on downstairs, he rolled his eyes and groaned. He poured himself a drink and ate more porridge as he listened to the conversation, hardly interested at all. He was glad to leave the politicking to Kate at literally all junctions, as he had neither patience nor tact for such things when he struggled with the language. It was at the mention that the council was feeding their own people to the Dark Ones that made Urukubarr choke on his food, dropping his spoon on the ground. He coughed until his throat was clear, then remained silent with his head down. His fists clenched on the table in front of him, his knuckles turning bone-white. His breathing increased as he trembled slightly, fighting the strong primal urges that begged him to cover the place in traitor's blood. The confession was a death sentence as far as Urukubarr was concerned. He swore to himself he would kill every last councilmember of this city, and anyone who played along, which included all present visitors. He was wise enough to know now was not the time, but it didn't help him swallow this pill.

You know those times in your life when you know you're hanging on by a thread? That all it takes is one more word to justify going ape ****?

2017-01-28, 11:57 AM
When Kate asked about the council members, both Unaric and lord Kastor exchanged worried looks.

Unaric spoke first. "When I heard about the conspiracy from you, I called a emergency council meeting to inform them about the situation. To my surprise, three of our members immediately stood up and informed me about this being their plan all along - a plan that council would not accept, so they did it without informing the others. It's not a standard situation. The council members should always work together, for good of the city. And this..." he sighed. "Normally they would be given proper hearing at court - but given the circumstances and possible harm to city morale if the fact that councilmen were... part of such horrific conspiracy... well... we have decided to leave this task to the Knights of Vigilant Guardian."

The elderly man in armour stepped forward and nodded. His voice was raspy, but it was strong and clear. "We, the knights of Vigilant Guardian, have been asked to hear out a confession of three men of the council. Lord Alaric, Master of the Coin, Lord Parchan, of the Shipwright Guild, and Barwayn Sledhbledd, of Bakers and Brewers guild. We were able to detain lord Parchan and master Sledhbledd, but Lord Alaric escaped the city. However, based on the confessions of two captives, all three men were judged as traitors and therefore they will be executed in the morning to purge the council of guilt and their influence. Once Lord Alaric is found, he will be executed likewise." He again nodded and stepped back in silence. As he did so, Lord Kastor leaned forward.

"Regarding the missing merchant - we assumed that he was killed in the fight yesterday - since his body was not found. He is part of the conspiracy - but according to lord Parchan, he was originally against it, but was ordered to do so. If he is still alive and we are able to capture him, he will be judged by the Knights too." he bowed slightly towards the elderly knight, who returned the bow with expressionless face.

When Kate congratulated Dreiana, they all noticed the blush on her face. She thanked her, but her eyes evaded Kate's face.

After next question, Lord Kastor's face went a bit pale. "As for the threat from north... there were rumors and dark tidings coming to the city from several sources for months. Savaxen raids slowly stopped - which would have been considered great news, save for the other information. Savaxen towns burned down. Orcish tribal camps razed to the ground. We have dispatched few spies and even a search party - and the ones that returned brought us news of tall men in cloaks, leading armies of brutal and remorseless brutes. Some brought even darker news - that the dead, who fell under brutes' blades return from the grave to serve them. We dispatched an official mission to contact these beings. And they gave us precise conditions of truce... a tribute. Blood sacrifice. We refused." he drew breath, proudly raising his face. "But there were voices in the council we should buy the city time. We should have listened better - to this discord in our midst. Prevent them from carrying out their plan. In this we failed..."

Before he could continue, Unaric stepped in. "Our failure will be larger if we fail to save the city. But you asked me about Sinkrin's plan, master halfling - and I will answer. I did not know what plan he did have - it seems his plan was getting you into my presence and making it look like your group is a threat to city's safety. This way - either he makes me brand you as threat and gets you executed, or makes me look like a council member that disrespects law - he wins either way. But thanks to you all, his plan failed. As for the bounty... I will make sure to inform the members of Sinkrin's squad that such bounty is illegal and anyone who tries to collect it will forfeit his life. Is it sufficient for you...?"

Lord Kastor fidgeted on his seat. "I would like to continue a discussion... but unfortunately, we are in war and I need to talk to other council members - since we'll have three empty posts in the council, we need to arrange for replacements, and there are urgent matters to be arranged. However, if you have any more questions, ask them now - or find me in the Trader guild near Fountain Square in west ward of the city. Unaric, as you may know, can be usually found in town hall and lord Alistair Dunwirth, Grand Master of Knights of Vigilant Guardian can be usually found in the cathedral or in the adjacent monastery."

"And please, do think about our offer. A skillful group like yours would find that this city is generous to those who serve it." stated Unaric.

2017-01-28, 07:49 PM
Nazir listened with keen interest. They were being quite forthright. Here I thought Unaric was holding back on us after the trial *then* sending people after us. He didn't know at the time. He's been quite fair with us last night and now. We know their secret and instead of having us killed they are recruiting us for more. They seem to be doing all the right things. Impressive. The main curiosity was if Unaric was a spymaster how the scandal wasn't known by him. A shame that Windsteel quit even though it wasn't really the council that did it. As for Shakchir, good thing I left him upstairs. Apparently he was a good man following what he thought were Council orders, into terrifying circumstances. He deserves praise, not an execution. If Kate doesn't bring him up now that will be our first concern after this meeting.

"Thank you councilman Unaric. You have been most wise and fair last night and today." Nazir turned to the plated knight and nodded respectfully. He then turned to their other Council host. "Thank you, Lord Kastor." As Sir Windsteel offered his hand Nazir met it with his and a smile. The halfling then glanced to Kate to see if she had more to say.

2017-01-28, 08:26 PM
The revelation of justice served eased Uruk's rage, and the prospect of hunting down the last one interested him greatly. The nagging feeling that Unaric is still lying didn't go away. He would bring up the manhunt to Kate later.

The councilman had Uruk's full attention again when mentioning the Dark Ones campaign against Savaxen and the Ahvori, he stood and addressed the councilman, "Dark Ones came and we fought, like things at warehouse here. Dark Ones never stop, no pain, only killing... Nothing left... Even kill their own tall ones, uncontrollable rages... Dark sorcery... Council-man, do your men find survivors? We must know this."

2017-01-29, 07:12 PM
There was a lot of information to digest here. Unaric and the others had been surprisingly forthcoming. They made it easy to believe in their innocence. Kate, though, remained sceptical. She'd spent most of her life amidst silver tongues. With the right training, innocence became just another mask to wear. There were people whose stories of compassion could reduce you to tears: While their hands slid the dagger towards your back. And even if Unaric wasn't part of the conspiracy, he might well have turned a blind eye to it. That way, he'd have plausible deniability.

Kate had a lot more questions she wanted to ask. However, they'd have to wait. These officials had already given her a generous amount of their valuable time. Waylaying them too long wouldn't benefit anyone. Besides, she really wanted to talk with some of them alone: Particularly Dreiana. The two of them had hit it off quite well. And judging by that (absolutely adorable) blush, the new Watch Commander was unexpectedly...receptive...to Kate. Striking up a friendship shouldn't be difficult. From there, she could start mapping this city's labyrinthine politics. So for now, Kate was content to end this meeting. She and her team had much to discuss. With a polite bow, she said her goodbyes to those assembled.

"Though I'm sure we have many more questions, I'm equally sure that we've taken up enough of your time for now. Thank you again for shedding some light on these dark events. Our group will take your words to heart when making its decision. Best of luck to all of you."

2017-01-31, 12:31 PM
Gregor remained in the background, memorizing faces, mannerisms, who deferred to whom, and any other information he could glean from this assembly of movers and shakers. He could tell from the looks on some of his companion's faces that they wanted to slay this lot where they sat, and he couldn't fault them for it. This level of inhumanity was absolutely sickening, and he was sorely tempted to find out where these sacks of **** laid their heads at night and do exactly that. He wouldn't even charge; it'd be like community service.

The scowl never touched his features as he ate the food, tasteless on his tongue. The city was in real trouble, and while he held no love for it these people he'd allied himself with seemed to view it as a home-away-from home. As soon as his business here was complete he would tell these people who he really was, what he really did, and see if they still wanted him to take that oath.

2017-02-01, 09:58 AM
Ruark ran a hand through his red hair and wondered about how long ago he had bathed and washed it. He found it difficult to focus on such long talks, his mind drifted to other things, home, sleep, dreams...Dreiana had done something to her hair hadn't she? No! He must focus and once again his thoughts returned to the talks.

He listened to Uruk, and voiced a few "Aye's" in agreement. "There is no stopping them, if they have our ships not even running on the waves can save us. You will need someone who has fought them before, such as us.". He had no further questions of his own, and as Kate wished the group best of luck Ruark figured the talks were coming to an end. Soon they would have to decide on possibly the most profitable offer he had ever received. It would be difficult to refuse.

Ruark stood only silently and waited for the room to be theirs again, shaking whoever's hand was offered as a good bye.

2017-02-01, 02:25 PM
The councilmen were already standing when Urukubarr's voice boomed in the room. Lord Kastor winced, but Unaric responded almost immediately.

"Survivors? We found none. But I was told that there were several sets of footprints, and some of these were human-sized and seemed to be going towards the mountains. There may yet be survivors, ser knight. But I want to offer you no false hope. If my scouts report me anything about survivors - be it your kin or anyone else, I will ensure you are informed."

And with that, they bowed their heads, and slowly, one by one, left the room. The guards outside surrounded them, to provide an escort.

The room felt suddenly completely empty. But then, rays of sunlight shone through the windows. It was morning outside. They were alive, and the nightmare was over. For now.

The square outside slowly started to awaken - townpeople coming, and going, stalls being erected. Inside, door to the kitchen opened, and the barkeep peeked in.

"Are they gone? Is everything all right?" he seems upset. "All right. You folks want the rooms for another day?"

2017-02-01, 04:39 PM
With the officials gone, Gregor paced through the now empty room, carefully scanning the area for anything out of place. His jittery mannerisms were gone, a contemplative look on his face. Looking to the others, he said, "I know I'm new here and any final decisions lie with you, but I don't trust that lot. Last night I told you I had unfinished business, and now I need to go deal with that. Where can I meet you in a few hours?"

With a rendezvous point established Gregor gave a firm nod, and walked out of the inn.

Gregor's pace was neither hurried, nor languid. That perfect balance between giving the impression that he had business somewhere, which he did, but was in no particular hurry, which he was. Strolling through the sun-drenched streets was a pleasure after the consistently depressing weather of this place, and he kept his senses open to take in the feel of the people.

Some time passed and he arrived at his destination: the dead drop lay nearby, but something was amiss. Walking past without a hitch in his step, Gregor took note of three large men staking out the dead drop. Odd. A plan forming in his mind, Gregor found the absolute craziest man he could find, and convinced him to go distract the men sitting on the bench, handing him a bit and gushing about how his pals and him have an inside joke...

As the vagrant shuffled onward Gregor darted into the back alleys, stealing up upon the one solitary man leaning against a building and keeping an eye on his companions. The vagrant arrived just as Gregor did, a silent shadow behind this oaf, and the two on the bench simply stood and began pummeling the vagrant. This... this was too much. His plan to abduct and question one of the men abandoned in an eye-blink, his blade whispered across the first one's throat. That vile laughter cut off in an instant, and before the first body hit the ground Gregor's blade was sailing through the air. As the first blade found its mark in the man kicking the now prostrate vagrant, another one sailed through the air to meet his companion.

An extremely brief scuffle ensued, but within seconds the remaining vile sacks of crap lay dying. Gregor recovered his blades, mechanically wiping them clean on the dying men, and stowed them away. Reaching a hand down to help the vagrant up he had no words. A choked "I'm sorry" was all that he got out, before placing a groschen in his hand and walking away. He recovered the damn dead drop as he heard clanging metal armor and shouts closing in. Walking purposefully down another back alley, Gregor dunked his head in a barrel of rainwater (that retched weather was good for something, at least), washing the carefully applied scar from his cheek, the black dye from his hair, and the blood from his hands.

After the safety of anonymity had reclaimed him, he looked at the note he'd killed three worthless men for, and injured an innocent in his carelessness. He spat on the cobblestone walk when he read the words: "Price for failure". That contract had barely been started, and he had not violated the terms. Someone high up was pulling strings, and Gregor would damn well find out who.

As he walked toward the rendezvous point he contemplated. This was not all together bad. It freed him to help that strange band of, what? Mercenaries? Adventurers? Do-gooders sounded silly, but they had stuck their necks out to expose a plot that threatened the innocents of the city. And that was something he needed to support.

Gregor arrived several hours later. His black hair had shifted to brown, his scar was gone, and a pair of conspicuous red scratches had appeared on his chin and hand. With a look of determination burning in his eyes, he simply said, "I'm ready to take that oath."

2017-02-01, 07:07 PM
"Aye," Gerric agreed to Gregor's thoughts, then lowered his voice so the innkeeper couldn't hear. "They seem 'bout as trustworthy as a slaver askin' you to test try their new shackles. The fat bastard callin' an emergency meetin' and suddenly all the folk plottin' with demons just admit to it? Most polite conspirators I ever heard of."

He shifted uncomfortably as he mulled over the events of the last couple of days. His body was still exhausted from fighting, rowing, and talking. But, there was a job to do, and Gerric never shied away from the task at hand, even one as confusing as this.

2017-02-01, 10:36 PM
Nazir was also conscious of keeping the innkeeper out of earshot. "Think about it. They had to admit to the conspiracy in order to have any chance of having us stopped. Given that new information, if you were Unaric or Kastor would you have done anything differently from that point on? They had more than enough force to make us disappear overnight or just now. It's the second time that Unaric could have just had us arrested but instead he acted fairly toward us. Instead we've proven ourselves and they are willing to pay for that. Whether we take their offer or not, they just informed us of secrets only a handful of others throughout the city know. Now we have 2 bags of coins and more work lined up than we can manage."

He looks to Kate. "We do have an issue though. We are now harboring Shakchir. His information has proven true. He seems to be a good man who thought he was under orders from the Council. He persevered dealing with the dark ones and kept his focus on the good of the city even when on the edge of being beaten to death. I think he can remain valuable to us if Gerric doesn't kill him first. I suggest you catch up with Unaric and speak to him privately. I'll come along too if you want. Delaying that breaks the trust they are giving us."

With the welcoming committee gone, Nazir opens the bags to count their new wealth.

2017-02-02, 06:41 PM
"Easy, I'd have left the merchant to die and plotted my next move. Or, just lie. Ain't that hard to come up with a reason to save someone from a bad o' sellswords. 'Specially when one's an orc, one's an elf, and the rest are foreigners. You can't tell me this whole thing don't smell rotten, Nazir."

Gerric scratched at his nose, as he thought. He disagreed with him but that didn't mean Nazir wasn't smart and there was another thread to be tugged at. "O' course I'll follow whatever you lot say. But just think fer a breath. We have exactly one source o' information on our enemies; in the council and on the Dark Ones. It'd be stupid not to at least question him. Hell, one of you can even sit in if you're worried I might take leave o' my sense and kill him. Then we can kill or turn him over whichever makes sense at the time."

2017-02-03, 10:08 AM
"They are running a whole city. There are laws to follow. It's not like being a barbarian where it's submit or your whole tribe or city is wiped out. Without those laws the city would be chaos and would have fallen to our enemies long ago. Without those laws we would not have been heard last night and would have killed or thrown in jail. We wouldn't be here to even have this talk. Those three councilmen broke the law and are being executed. Something we need to be mindful for ourselves. Even with the rumors about him Unaric has stuck to the law fairly. If we can't trust the council then the city is doomed and us with it since there won't be any place safe to escape to for long. I'm not saying they are pure like the gods but they do have the right intentions. They were able to raise an army and chase you back to the mountains even though this city wasn't under immediate threat. You feel you can really help against Euric. Think about that combination. The 6 of us can't stop an army on our own, never mind two at once. We need to work with them."

"As for our friend upstairs, yes we definitely want to question him as soon as we are done down here. You wouldn't have noticed but once he was being talked to instead of pummeled he wasn't resisting. He wants the same thing we want- to get rid of the Dark Ones. I say treat him as an ally unless he proves otherwise."

2017-02-03, 06:39 PM
Kate politely informed the innkeeper that her group would soon be checking out. After that, she left to catch up with Unaric. Nazir's suggestion was a good one. Unaric had yet to earn much Kate's trust. But whether he was honest or not, this seemed like the right move to make. Besides, the others didn't need her around to spell out the situation. Even as she walked away, Gerric and Nazir were already arguing the two sides of this dilemma. Kate completed her errand as quickly as politeness allowed. She'd waylay Unaric, once he separated from the other visitors; Tell him that the missing merchant was with them; And then return to her comrades.

She'd mostly stay quiet during the discussion. When her turn came to speak, she'd lay out the situation as she saw it.

"This argument keeps running aground on the same obstacle: Lack of information. We don't know how corrupt this city is. We don't know who can be trusted. We don't know how close Euric and the Dark Ones are to invading. And most importantly, we don't know how much of our souls would be sold if we took this deal. These questions need to be answered. Therefore, I agree that gathering intelligence should be our first priority.

My instinct is that this city's desperation will drive its citizens down a dark road. But perhaps I'm wrong. So, let's find out all we can. As you say, Shakchir is our most promising source. We should ask him whether his orders really came from an isolated faction of the council; And more besides. But Sir Windsteel is also a valuable informant. He'll probably have a better idea than us about the costs of tying ourselves to this city. I'd also like to have a talk with Dreiana, when I get the chance. Between all these sources, a clearer picture should emerge. Opinions?"

The later paragraphs are written on the assumption that Unaric doesn't turn around and arrest the merchant. If he actually does, then ignore them.

2017-02-04, 09:36 AM
Ruark blew air through his nose and sat down to join the discussion. "Then we trust no one but us, but take whatever coin we can from whoever offers it. I have no stake in this city, and neither do any of you. I say we milk it for all the silver it's worth now that chaos is brewing, and get out of here once Euric and the rest of the thin men and their dark magic show up to drain the rest of it. This city is too disorganized to offer up any good defense. They have no strong chieftain to take control of the situation to direct their focus in a single direction. Instead they are like horses attached to either side of a cart, pulling in all directions and getting nowhere. Let them fight among themselves while they pay us to do nothing but look threatening.

With their resources we can get ourselves decent equipment, enough to pull away safely and attract or gather allies somewhere else. Somewhere not as disorganized and helpless as Zhengar.

I do agree that getting more information about everything is important. Windsteel looks like a promising ally and the only one I'd trust enough to turn my back on. Shakchir? I'm sure he knows a bit, maybe names to add to Gerric's list. Nothing more of real value."

2017-02-06, 06:57 PM
Urukubarr, content to listen to everyone go back and forth on the subject, picked up his spoon and cleaned his plate. He only spoke after Ruark had finished his piece, "City needs strong chieftains", He looked around at all of his companions, one-by-one. He imagined them leading the city against their darkest enemy, bringing justice and more to this stinking hole. He chuckled, "Great council-mans we would be".

Urukubarr took a tone to let them know he was now serious, "Building waaagh... Ummm... Warband! This not easy, finding war-bound among vermin. So we question merchant, gather strength, trust nobody. Is this plan?"

2017-02-07, 11:08 PM
"When Euric and Gerric came down from the mountains ravaging the land and free city, this city was able to assemble an army that pushed them back, even though this city wasn't even being directly threatened. Now they are. This city is well organized. Three of the council were just removed and the city isn't falling apart in civil war from it. The consequences have been seen, the rest will be unified. This city has time to prepare. Where would we run to that isn't going to be in the sights of either or both the Dark Ones or Euric next? Where else would there be an army that stands a chance? Sinkrin was a low level commander, don't assume the rest are like him. I'm not saying we don't watch our back, but I do say we need to work with them."

"Yes, we need to talk with Shakchir. He was more cooperative when being talked to than being beaten. I should do the talking for now. I'll go get him and we can all eat too?"

Baring disapproval, Nazir heads back upstairs and in a cordial manner brings Shakchir down for food and a chat. He takes note of the merchant's attitude.

2017-02-10, 04:24 PM
The tavernkeeper nodded. It was obvious the presence of the councilmen in his inn made him nervous, but he wanted to make sure Kate and her companions had all they needed, as the boy started to bring food to table - meat, eggs, bread - and beer. But Kate did not have time for breakfast yet. She catched up with Unaric as he was getting inside a plain-looking carriage. He listened to her with troubled expression, and then sighed.

"Ah. Thank you for letting me know, dame Katherine. It is... honorable of you to tell me this, although it puts me into unpleasant situation - as a member of the council I should make sure that justice is served and this man goes to the court. However, as you can see, the guards have already left and I am in no position to take him with me - so either stay in the inn, guard him and I will send a group of guardsmen to escort him to the town hall, or please escort him yourself. Your word will be enough that you will ensure his transport."

He sat down in the carriage, his face turned to the sky. "It would be maybe more merciful had he met a swift death at your hands in the warehouse. This way he will spend time in jail, before he meets the executioner." He turned to Kate - for a moment he seemed quite sad, and old. "But that is not how justice works here. So, will you escort the man yourself or will you wait for guards to come and fetch him...?"

He waited for Kate's answer - and as soon as she gave it, he bowed to her and signalled for his driver. In few moments his carriage left the square...

Nazir entered the room with the dead body and merchant. For a moment, he thought the merchant was dead, looking at the dead body with his eyes bulged out, glassy... but then the merchant moved.

The merchant looked sick. He was still bound, safely, but he looked like he got no sleep during the night. And it was not hard to guess why he looked like it - the tall one's body started decomposing, and the room smelled awfully. It was not only the smell of decay - there was something else in the air, and Nazir had to cover his mouth and nose not to choke on the smell. The worst part was the fact that the floor near the tall one's body was covered in black, tar-like substance.

The merchant seemed almost happy to see Nazir, but the halfling had to pick him up - he barely stood on his legs. But he also did not resist.

Once he left the room and took a breath of fresh air, he seemed to revive a bit - not much, but colour seemed to return to his cheeks, even though he still looked feverish and sickly pale.

The common room downstairs smelled wonderfully, when compared to the room upstairs. The smell of food, the breezy morning air that flowed from the opened door - Nazir felt relieved. And his companions were already there - including Kate, who returned from outside.

2017-02-10, 05:36 PM
This post supersedes my previous one.

Kate's opinion of Unaric increased slightly. He'd responded to the news in a commendable way. His voice was thick with the weight of a heavy, yet necessary, burden. If this piety was an act, then it was a very good one. She was glad of the opportunity to see such a side of him. No wonder Nazir had asked her to trust Unaric. Though ironically, this incident might cause Nazir himself to have second thoughts. His desire for transparency had just got Shakchir killed. Well, so be it. Kate gave the councillor her answer.

"I shall escort him. It will give us a chance to ask him a few final questions."

She watched the carriage depart; And then returned to the inn. As Kate entered, she saw the condemned man himself arriving too. His presence caused her only a moment's hesitation. She'd already been planning to inform him of his fate. To question him under a veil of false hope would have been despicable. He deserved to know the truth.

"Hello again, Shakchir. I'm afraid that I am the bearer of bad news. The authorities have decreed that you be executed. In a short while, I shall have to bring you to face judgement. So, please savour this breakfast. It's the last one that we can offer you. And if you have anything to say to us (or we to you), those words should be spoken now. The chance may not come again."

Kate kept half an eye on Nazir as she spoke. The poor boy likely hadn't wanted his good deed to bear such fruit. Kate herself, though, couldn't muster any sympathy for Shakchir. Like Gerric, she believed that the merchant deserved death. She just preferred it come from a calm, official verdict: Rather than a frenzied berserker's axe.

2017-02-11, 03:35 PM
Gerric followed Kate as she returned. It was time to hear what their next move was going to be. "AHHAHAH," Gerric beamed down at Shakchir as Kate shared him the news. "How about that? Even your own city thinks you're no hero. I guess it goes to show that even southern laws can be right from time to time. Tell, me, do they allow common folk to sit in and watch? I heard they have public hangin's in some cities."

2017-02-12, 04:31 PM
Nazir shot Gerric with a penetrating stare. After a few seconds he turned back to Kate.

"Unaric said there would be a trial at least. If Shakchir was operating under the orders of three council members how was he to know it wasn't sanctioned by all? If that's the way it works, how do we know Unaric and Kastor aren't doing the same to us? Minutes ago they were praising loyalty and now they are so quick to disregard it? The man risked his life for the city and this is how they will repay him? I think Unaric needs to hear the whole story."

2017-03-13, 01:54 PM
Shakchir's shoulders dropped, but his face seemed to relax a bit. While still looking pale and weary, the man seemed to regain his composure rather quickly even in face of rather bad news. He seemed to ignore Gerric's cheerful ridicule, however Nazir noticed a twitch in the corner of his mouth - the news hurt him, and the ridicule wounded even deeper.

"Thank you, dame, for the news." he sighed. "And thank you for this last breakfast you provide me. It is rather tasty, especially when compared to what I am going to eat for next few months." He attempted to smile, but it seemed his face divorced with his smile a long time ago. "To answer your question: most executions are public, yes, so you may yet see me die, if it shall please you."

He paused, looking specifically at Kate and Nazir. "I have only one last wish." he looked at Gerric. "If I remember, last wishes of dead man are sacred even in your kingdom. And my last wish is - find out, if I told you the truth. And if I did, find my wife and son in Kerraq and tell them... who I really was and what I did. For them. For this city. If you don't know where to start looking, go to my warehouse. I kept... a ledger... under the floorboards under my table. And since you are soldiers for hire... I want to hire you. For just one task - keep my city safe. If you do this..." he looked at each of them, placing a large, iron key on the table, "...keep the damn warehouse. It brought me no luck, maybe it will do better for you. And if you do not... I will be dead soon. I will not care anymore."

He returned to his breakfast, not waiting for an answer.

The door opened, and few sailors entered the tavern. Outside, people moved, running their errands around the city, trying to lead their lives. Inside, they sat at a table. And in the centre of the table lay an iron key, heavy with responsibility.

The door opened again. And in walked Gregor.

2017-03-13, 04:02 PM
Kate raised an eyebrow. As last requests went, this one was quite good. She wondered if Shakchir really understood what he was asking.

"Are you certain that this is what you want? For your family to know that you're an accessory to mass murder? Once said, such things cannot be taken back. Your loved ones' memory of you would be forever tainted."

2017-03-13, 04:14 PM
Gerric held onto his snickering as best he could as Shakchir gave his last request. "Kate has the right o' it. You'll not want us to tell your misdeeds to your kin. Best if you just write down what you want to say to them. It'll be the last they hear of you." Gerric's mind wandered to his own children. He wondered if his daughters knew what kind of a man he truly was, before their end. Eura had to have known, she was a clever one, but Adalla had been too young to understand. Too little to know that her father was a monster before her life was over.

Gerric shook his head, as though that would somehow clear his mind and conscience. "But forget that crap. I won't deliver a damn thing until you help us. You want us to save the city? Fine, by me. We got two enemies, one I know like the edge of my axe, and one that's a mystery. You're goin' to tell every single thing you noticed about the Dark Ones. How they worked, how they moved, why they needed a boat of corpses, why they don't use real weapons, what they do with the meat you give 'em. And everything I may have missed. You tell us that, I'll deliver your message myself, and won't even stop to curse your name when I do it."

2017-03-14, 02:56 PM
Nazir is fuming but knows he needs to eat. He sits and eats while the others speak but Gerric's comments irritate him more. He glances at Geric then turns back to Shakchir.

"Gerric here is a master of misdeeds and mass murder, even thrives on it. That's why the mountain people can't become more than a murdering horde. He does, though, keep his word from what I have seen. Please, Shakchir, tell us all you know. Take your time, there is no rush to leave here. We are also interested in your dealings with the council- that information will help us know who to trust and may still save you." Nazir passes along another plate of food to the merchant.

2017-03-15, 05:49 AM
Confident that the situation did not require him there, Urukubarr tapped Ruark on the shoulder as if to say 'you coming?'

"I will retrieve our things. War-house our new home, yes?"

Alone or not, Urukubarr will make his way back to their belongings and bring them to the warehouse unless someone stopped him with a better idea.

2017-03-15, 05:35 PM
"Typical southerners, one of their own kills innocents for their home and they trip over themselves to find excuses for them. Someone foreign does the same and they're a murderin' horde." Gerric shrugged. "Uruk, that box from the warehouse I took, it has half-shaped weapons in it, good quality ones, too. The axe is mine, but feel free to take what you want from the rest. I think I saw a sword with some runes or somethin' on it. You might be interested. Same goes for everyone, there was a good selection in there."

2017-03-16, 05:17 AM
Urukubarr raises a bushy eyebrow and smiles at the mention of runes, "Gratitude, Gerric."

2017-03-17, 02:39 PM
While occupied with emptying the plate he got from Nazir, the merchant watched them, deep in thought. When he finished, he sighed.

And started talking. Looking at the table, avoiding their eyes, he spoke - his voice was weak, as if he was not sure he had the strength to talk about these dark things, but when he started, words spilled from his mouth, as if he could no longer hold back.

"The thin men...", he begun, "...I call them "thin men", but as you noticed, they are not men. Or orcs. Or anything like I have ever seen. They are not natural, these abominations, and while they have no eyes, no ears, they hear and see - but they hear your thoughts. They can also hurt you - your mind. It's always very tiring, talking to them..."

He continued, talking about the thin men. Their hunger for flesh, their ability to plow through your mind, to find the deepest secrets...and that he was not the first one to deal with them. Two other merchants were chosen, but first of them bled from their eyes when they tried to "talk" to them and the second one commited suicide as soon as the thin men left.

He talked about their smell, their strange, snake-like movement, their ability to control the fog. He described the feeling when they invade your mind, the horrific images you see when you try to protect your memories - the images they use to wear your mind down, so that they can see everything, take anything...

He talked about their companions - the huge brutes. The way they stand without movement, their blodshot eyes lifeless, their large bodies emanating some sort of tainted smell - or aura.

And finally...

"...and they always come on these blasted ships of theirs. Filled with corpses that obey their commands without them saying anything, that... move, on their own, as if reanimated by some foul spell. These corpses... I have seen many of them. Some dacayed, some still fresh, but each of them dead, yet moving. And the worst thing... I am afraid, that the thin men see through the eyes of the dead, or at least they know what happens to each of their accursed kin - for when your arrow hit the tall men in my warehouse..." he nodded to Nazir, for the first time since he started talking acknowledging their presence "...I was still in connection to him. And I felt him - I felt his pain, and I relished in it, but I also felt their hatred."

He blinked, and shook his head, as if to forget about what passed. He looked around the table.

"And I now feel ready to go, dame knight. If you have any questions, ask - for you may not reach me again when I am rotting in a prison."

2017-03-18, 11:11 AM
Shakchir was a broken man. Prolonged contact with those loathsome creatures had taken its toll from his soul. Not that Kate felt the slightest sympathy for him. As far as she was concerned, he deserved to suffer. She just wanted to stop the whole city from sharing his intimate familiarity with the Dark Ones. The stories he told about them caused her own unpleasant memories of last night to resurface. Nonetheless, she did her best to take note of everything he said. Even the smallest detail might play a part in defeating the Dark Ones.

When at last he'd finished, Kate rose from her seat. It was almost time to depart.

"One last question: Was this conspiracy really created by just a small splinter of the council? If the blame casts a longer shadow than Unaric claims, we need to know."

Then (assuming there were no more questions), she'd escort Shakchir out of the inn. This pathetic man had evaded justice for too long already.

2017-03-18, 04:38 PM
Shakchir looked surprised.

"What? I honestly do not know. I got my orders directly from my guildmaster, Lord Thnusny Parchan. And to ensure me that it was not just his idea, Lord Alaric, the Master of the Coin, confirmed it, personally - which is something to say considering that shipwrights and the master of the coin have history of backstabbing..."

He seemed to be lost in his thoughts for a moment.

"And as far as Unaric is concerned, he may be the representative of judges, but why do you think he's called the master of whispers and master of lies...? Still, considering his influence, he remains as clean as a member of the council can be - I personally dislike him, but few of my colleagues consider him extremely honorable...in some way. And that's all I can say."

And then, suddenly, the door opened again. It was Gregor - but something was amiss. His black hair had shifted to brown, his scar was gone, and a pair of conspicuous red scratches had appeared on his chin and hand. With a look of determination burning in his eyes, he simply said, "I'm ready to take that oath."

2017-03-20, 04:52 PM
Nazir nods in acknowledgement to Gregor but then looks to Kate and points to a table off to the side. "A word please?" Nazir sits so he can keep an eye on the merchant.

"I know you and Gerric spoke last night. I also spoke with him during the night. Did he tell you that once Euric is gone Gerric plans to take that army, march on Zhengar, and kill every single person in this city? How do we handle that? I will not join that horde and I don't think you would either. I would sooner pluck his eye like Mad Dog and accept death. It would be worth it. Shakchir knows he did wrong, but thought he was under legal orders and did it for the city. He's remorseful and still aims to help the city, even with his dying wish. Why is it he deserves to die when Gerric has done far worse, plans to do so again, and sees no issue with wiping out whole cities at a time? Or us even, when we are willing to turn a blind eye to side with the Demon of Dragontooth?"

2017-03-22, 12:42 AM
Urukubarr stood outside the doorway listening to Shakchir's words. His own experience with the Dark Ones flashed in his mind, he winced at the mention of their terrible mind-powers, the cruelty he was subjected to. Urukubarr felt a tinge of pity for Shakchir's suffering, but reminded himself that the merchant had a choice where Urukubarr was captured. He dared not think what would have become of him had Ruark not saved him.

Urukubarr physically shook off the thoughts like a wet dog, refocusing on his task. He walked with a purpose to retrieve their things and take them back to the warehouse. He smiled at the thought of how much cleaning and organizing there was to do in their new warehouse. The work was cathartic and easy to lose one's self in, and so he did until his brothers and sister returned or the work was complete. He reminded himself to stop by a blacksmith after retrieving the broken armor and inspecting the runic blade Gerric had mentioned.

2017-03-22, 12:15 PM
Kate sat down opposite Nazir. She'd been expecting this conversation. In a way, it was also an argument with herself. His questions were the kind of thing she'd been privately wondering. She only hoped that her answers were good enough.

"You're making a false assumption: I do think that Gerric deserves to die. Part of me wants to walk over there right now, and stab him straight through the heart. There's a good chance that, sooner or later, he'll meet his end on one of our blades. As for why that hasn't happened (yet), there are two reasons. First, we swore an oath with that man: An oath to overlook one another's pasts, in order to build a better future. Is it right to break our word, just because his past is worse than we imagined? Such honour would be brittle indeed.

Second, Gerric is...Look, this pains me deeply to say; But it's true. Gerric is...useful. We need him. He's an experienced combat veteran, with intimate knowledge of the army that's planning to attack this city. We'd be fools to discard such an asset."

She grimaced as she said this. It felt unclean to bring such cold pragmatism into a moral dilemma. But it'd be even worse to pretend that such considerations weren't a factor. Kate studied Nazir's reaction carefully. She wouldn't blame him for rejecting everything she'd just said. The decision to let Gerric live was on decidedly shaky ground.

"You don't have to like or trust him. I certainly don't. And if he steps out of line, no oath will save him. But for now, we and this city will have a better chance of survival with Gerric beside us."

2017-03-23, 12:12 PM
Nazir listened intently to Kate. He had known of her before the group's origins and she saved him from rotting away in jail as a halfling freak so there was a bond for him beyond the group's oath. He was glad there was common ground.

"Yes, that oath is what kept me from dealing with him on my watch last night, as hard as that was. Like I told Gerric, If I had recognized him that first day we met I would have called it out for the whole tavern to know and overrun him in with a wave of people. Even if we overlook his past, if others discover he is with us we are all dead. If others find that the Council knew of him in within the city then the Council and the whole city is lost."

"I know I don't stand a chance toe to toe with him. If we do have to face off with him, protect yourself and I will use his focus on you to put an end to him. I just hope his chaotic ways don't bring some of the others down with him."

"As for Shakchir, he too could prove useful. I do intend to have a word with Unaric. If you are not with me on that and Unaric doesn't agree fully, I will at least seek exile for him. He can go back to his family and make a new life. He's not a threat to others on his own."

"Let's grab the rest of our gear from upstairs and get out of here."

2017-03-23, 01:31 PM
"I of course agree that Gerric's true identity should remain hidden. As for saving Shakchir, you're free to try. Just be sure to make it clear that you speak only on your own behalf. Don't allow Unaric to assume that the whole group shares your way of thinking."

With that, Kate rose to her feet again. It was high time they departed.

2017-03-23, 09:20 PM
While Nazir and Kate went off, Gerric was left to sit with Shakchir. He gave a few more questions about the dark ones, and how Euric fit into all of this. But ultimately it wasn't anything he hadn't figured out for himself or heard before. After a few moments, and more than one slight dig that the merchant was going to dance from a noose before long, Gerric finally grew bored playing with the broken man.

"So, you write that note? You don't want to **** that up, your last words to your children. You mess that up, and it'll haunt you, right up 'til the end. Maybe after as well, dependin' on your gods, of course."

When Kate returned, Gerric gave her a quick nod. It'd be on her to deliver their captive, it wouldn't do for him to wander around the Zhengar halls. Just askin' for trouble that is. But he did have some ideas on what to do next. Seeing Uruk carrying their equipment to their new storage, Gerric rose from his chair to help him. After, they could maybe find a place to fix up those weapons he found.

That gave him a moments pause. Half out of his seat, Gerric turned once more to look at Shakchir. "Tell me, why did weasel like you have a box o' half-forged weapons. You don't look the type to pick up fightin' at your age."

2017-03-27, 03:15 PM
The merchant slowly wrote the letter, while calmly answering Gerric's questions.

"...as a merchant, I tend to buy goods and then sell them. The box you are talking about is - if I remember correctly - a part of larger shipment of steel from Garnall - a city down south. They have excellent steel, and rather cheap, but they have imposed significant taxes on ready weapons. That's why we buy only the blades. Also, their woodwork is rather bad - their hafts break, the handles crack. Does that satisfy you, master Gerric?"

He rolled the parchment - it was finished.

"Now, let's see if the halfling lad is correct. Here you are, mountain man. Take this letter and deliver it. It is my last request - and we'll see what you are made of."

He stood up, and nodded towards Kate.

"I am ready."

The sun was high when they left the inn - only two hours were left until noon.

The small square looked completely different - it produced none of the sleazy, dark atmosphere from yesterday night - it was already bustling with activity - there were only few real stalls, however dozens of merchants were selling right off their carts, and even more just sat on the ground, presenting their humble stock from a piece of carpet or square of fabric.

Cries of merchants, mixed with haggling, as well as sounds produced by the unfortunate animals that were sold and bought here today produced a rather loud, but not completely unpleasant ambience, further hammered in by the smells - of fresh and cooked meat, of spices, however also of unwashed bodies and animal produces.

Their wagon was still there - guarded by the lad from the inn, who drove potential "buyers" away with a stick with skill. It was obvious it was not the first time.

To their left was the small street that brought them here - they knew it lead to the eastern side of the docks. In front of them, they could see another crooked narrow street, with wide steps - it seemed to lead towards the spires of the temple district, and to citadel. A bit to right, directly across the marketplace, they saw rather wide, straight street - it was also sloped up, surrounded by houses. To their right was a narrow, but straight street, which lead to eastern walls.

They only had enough time to take in the sight - to their left a figure separated from a column. It was a woman, of at least twenty winters, dressed modestly in simple dark blue dress, with a wide smile full of teeth and squinted eyes that moved from one to the other, never staying on one person too long. As she approached, they noticed a slender dagger behind her belt.

"'ello, excellencies! This your first visit here, 'innit? Would like a guide, to not get lost in the big city, wouldn't you? See the citadel, the markets, haggle with merchants...? Say no more, my name is Blava and I will gladly be your guide for a paltry sum of one silver and a meal!"

Nazir's ears were almost ringing. How could these people hear anything over the ruckus...?

Still, as his eyes accustomed to the sun as opposed to the dim lighting of the tavern, he was able to pick up some clues regarding their current position and heading.

The crooked street with steps would lead them to the temple district - but the new market was between temple and guild district and the best way to get there was the wide, straight street - called Blackcowl row - which lead through largely residential part of the city.

Still, sticking to the eastern wall was the safe choice - they could find the eastern gate and follow on from there...but it may cost them some time.

Which way to choose...?

The smells were unpleasant and the sounds deafening. Even Ahvori warcamps did not produce such loud noises - and he suddenly longed for the smell of the sea and fresh breeze.

When the lass spoke, something in Gerric's mind stirred. It was not directly threatening, but he was sure she was not only a guide.

The lady that approached them - Kate disliked her eyes. And while there was no proof she meant harm, something in her voice warned Kate. Her intentions were not only good ones. Still, it was a guide...

The woman was a criminal - Gregor was sure. She talked the talk, she had the look. She definitely knew the city, its inns and outs, but was not "guide for hire". Still, she seemed relatively honest - and the fee she asked was appropriate for the service.

But someone had to watch her if the others decided to use her services.

Accompanying Urukubarr, Ruark tried not to think too much about the smell - he was not a city-dweller, and he lacked free air, the smell of sea, and the sound of waves crashing against a ship's bow.

Ah, a man can dream.

He left the daydream as soon as the woman moved towards them.

2017-03-27, 03:59 PM
Urukubarr rubbed his nose and sneezed, letting out a string of orcish expletives with a final drawn out whiny complaint in common, "Smmmelllll!!!!"
Humans have no right to complain about 'less civilized' species, for their collective stink was like a bog of eternal stench. Urukubarr thought of stuffing flowers up his nose.

"City is disgusting, loud, terrible." He shook his head as if it would dispel the noise from his ears.

Urukubarr didn't speak when the young woman approached them, instead looking from Kate to their wagon and back again. He wanted the armor to be repaired and to inspect the blade Gerric spoke of, and of course to tidy up the warehouse and take inventory. Urukubarr waited for the woman to be addressed by one of his companions, or for a good moment to just walk away.

Of course, he was amused to see the lad 'protecting' their cart and chucked from time to time.

2017-03-27, 04:43 PM
"Like I said earlier, Uruk. This is civilization, bunch o' bastards pretendin' their **** don't stink. And everyone goin' along with the lie." He took a huge obnoxiously loud sniff. "Ahh, there it is, the smell o' ****. No wonder Kate feels the need to bath the stink off her. Not that I should comment. Startin' to get a bit rank myself."

Gerric moved the few items he was carrying into a more comfortable position, as he made his way to the wagon. He nodded to the lad guarding their items, it was good work, they should probably pay him a bit extra for the service. As he dumped the box into the wagon the woman began to talk.

"Eh, this one don't sound right," he says to the others, not even bothering to lower his voice to avoid offending the new woman. "I would hold onto my coin a bit tighter than usual with her around."

2017-03-27, 06:47 PM
Kate had to agree about the city's smell. Whatever the (many many) faults of her homeland, at least it was clean. Maybe she could induce change here by setting a good hygienic example? Then again, that hadn't worked on any of her companions. Ah well. As hardships went, this one was quite minor. She'd adapt.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of a potential employee. The woman really didn't make a good first impression on Kate. Should a guide be required, there were doubtless better ones available. She internally cringed as Gerric gave voice to similar thoughts. There was no need to be rude! Ignoring him, Kate gave the woman a far more polite refusal.

"Thank you for the offer. However, I doubt we'll require your services. Have a pleasant day!"

Unless waylaid again, she'd then make her way to the cart. The boy guarding it would receive a thankful smile, and an appropriate tip, from Kate. Good work deserved recognition. And even when dealing with someone like Blava, it didn't hurt to be civil. The young noble turned her attention to Nazir and Gregor. Presumably one or the other would soon suggest a route.

2017-03-30, 07:58 PM
Nazir takes note of Blava so he could recognize her again. After Kate sent her on her way Nazir looked around to find some points of reference. "Let's head towards the temple ward, those spires, so we can keep an idea of where we are. We'll make a right along the way to get to the New Market. Either we'll see the town hall's tower or tell the way by the traffic going to the market." He points to the crooked street on the other side of the market. "We can deliver Shakchir, shop at that market, then meet up again to head back?"

2017-04-01, 05:34 AM
Kate nodded. She wasn't particularly concerned about getting lost. Their destination should be easy enough to find.

2017-04-01, 05:25 PM
Ruark had worried the smell that assaulted his nostrils was coming from some foul thing he had breathed in during the night. His mother had always warned against breathing in too much bad night air, in such things lay only disease. In an attempt to set a good hygienic example for the others he thumbed one nostril after the other and blew hard, clearing out old snot and wiping the remains with his sleeve before nodding to himself, a pleased look on his face.

He continued the short journey along the streets by bantering back and forth with Uruk and Gerric, spinning tales about the heroic Stick-Boy who had defended their wagon with prodigious skill.

After Blava had been shot down by Kate, far too quickly in Ruark's opinion, he shot her a glance and a wink and shouted after her expecting no reply: "If I ever see you again I'll gladly take you up on that meal, my exotic friend!" His mind had been too pre-occupied with day-dreaming to notice her approach and when he finally did notice all he could see was the good set of teeth and interesting accent. It didn't take much to rile him up these days.

He adressed Kate and Nazir next, "So, while you're off doing business, myself and whoever wants to join can attempt to get the ware house back in order. I'm sure there's several days worth of work just trying to wrap our heads around all it's contents. I'll get started on that right away however. Getting familiarized with our new building that is, I've always heard I've got a good head for stewardship."

2017-04-06, 03:45 PM
Blava sneered when she heard Gerric talk, but when Kate responded, she in turn smiled politely.

"Well, you know where to find me if you need guide."

And then winked at Ruark.

"I can show you around..."

She then returned to lean against one of the columns.

The companions then parted ways, each pair going after their own goals...

Ruark and Urukubarr

The smell of sea was stronger down the street. Ruark carefully drove their wagon, while Urukubarr walked beside it - the pace was rather slow given the amount of onlookers and the fact some of them tried to peek inside the wagon, he wanted to be sure that nothing disappears.

The wagon slowly rolled down the street, towards the docks. Ruark carefully managed it, but also enjoyed the sun on his skin and breeze in his hair. Still, for some reason, Urukubarr did not enjoy the sun or the breeze - he felt as he was being watched. As they left the crowded market, he jumped on the wagon, next to Ruark.

For a moment, it looked as the additional weight will cause the wagon to speed up downhill, and the horses will not be able to slow it down, but he reined the horses in and managed to keep the safe pace. And it was their luck, for a kid - young girl - stepped from the nearby alley and were they going faster, Ruark would not be able to steer to the side quickly enough. A worn-down woman pulled the small girl quickly back to the alley and they could hear her shouting for quite some time.

It took good half hour, but they finally arrived at the warehouse.

The front door was wide open, and Urukubarr's barricade still blocked part of the entrance. The street was not bustling with activity, but there were occasionally people passing by. The empty warehouse, which was a witness to Ruark's combat with corrupt guards, stood there, a reminder of the previous night.

Kate and Nazir

Making their way around the market, Kate and Nazir tried to evade crowds. Kate lead the way, and most people just stepped aside - either intrigued by her face, or intimidated by her armour.

Nazir watched the people, to ensure nothing bad happened. His bad feelings from this place did not yet subside.

They slowly ascended the wide steps, walking past tall but narrow houses, avoiding dishwater - at least they hoped it was dishwater - from upper floor windows, sidestepping the merchants bringing their wares to the old market.

They walked, but the tall spires of the cathedral and the domes of temples, their main guides, did not seem closer. And as they continued, it seemed the street was getting more and more crowded.

And suddenly they stopped, as they almost bumped into a man, wearing white robes and cape. He turned to them, with a friendly, but impatient look and remarked "Apologies. But you will have to wait."

Nazir looked forward, trying to pierce the crowd, to notice the reason for this congestion. It seemed there was a long succession of white-robed men and women, which - at some point - turned into a crowd of people clad in red robes. Somewhere in the middle stood a men in pure white robe, wielding something that looked like a golden staff, and a woman in ornate crimson robes.

The crowd was not moving forward or backward - most of its members just stood there, waiting, but there was a certain rumbling quality to the voices - it seemed violence was close.

Kate looked back. Last crossroad they passed was around five minutes of walk back, and there was a certain sidestreet - more of an alley - around fifty yards behind them.

Gerric and Gregor

For Gregor, the market was a playground. He and Gerric surveyed the stalls around them - well, the sellers mostly, as the stalls were not always more than just a piece of cloth, a carpet, or just pile of stuff on the ground. To their right, there was this young, shy looking lady, who seemed to be selling pile of old scrolls and books.

To their left, a fat, lippy guy, with unhealthy pale face and unnaturally red cheeks, who presented a basket full of ornate curved daggers, and sack teeming with spears and polearms, all marked with runes. Three burly men stood around him, watching the crowd.

There was a tall, agile-looking woman, who seemed to be selling cloaks and other clothes, a cheerful looking man that had a small, makeshift table full of shields, pauldrons, bracers and greaves, a tanned, shifty-looking guy, who actually had a stall, with small pouches hanging all around it, necklaces, and two small braziers emitting dark smoke and strange smells.

They also passed a small stall that looked like it was built few minutes ago, staffed by a willowy, tanned man, rather feminine. Gerric had to look twice to ensure himself that it was not a flat woman, but a girly man. The man had a large birthmark on his cheek, and smiled at Gregor as they passed him. The stall smelled of nuts - and true to the smell, the man sold mostly nuts, covered in sugar, in caramel, but also some other foods (including lizard on a stick and few other "specialties").

There was also a large cart, next to which stood a tanned, stocky woman. She had a horse-like face, but seemed rather athletic, and sported a long, red-blonde hair tied into thick braid. Wearing fur, she looked like a huntress. Her expression was that of disgust mixed with scorn, but the cart was full of spears and polearms, and small papyrus packages.

Suddenly a girl bumped into Gerric - he looked at her and noticed she was rather young, maybe thirteen. Large brown eyes, dark hair. She immediately started apologizing.

And then Gregor noticed it. A boy and girl, watching Gerric closely. The girl stepped in front of him, bumping into him, while the boy went for Gerric's pouch...

2017-04-06, 05:33 PM
It was so crowded. There were too many people. It felt like half the population of his mountains were jammed together and trying to sell their junk to the other half.

Immediately he looked at the weapons, he'd always liked spears and polearms. Didn't have the same feeling as a good axe. But he learned early when dealing with something big like an orc that extra reach was worth more than a dragon egg.

He was about to begin seeing what to do about his half forged axe when a girl bumped into him.

Immediately, he remembered Ruark and his father's gold. Well no southern bitch was going to get the best of Gerric.

He grabber at her. "Hands," he snarled. "Show me your hands."

Then he checked his coin pouch. To make sure the little fool hadn't taken it. If it was gone, there were consequences for getting caught stealing where he came from, usually delivered with at the end of a blade.

Wrestling + Reflex to grab the girl

I am assuming it's wrestling. If it's open hand Gerric still has the same score. If it's Brawling/pugilism he gets +2 so

If it's none of these then I guess it would be just be Reflex. In that case just take the first 6 from the first roll.

2017-04-06, 08:06 PM
Urukubarr tried to focus on the smell of the salt water breeze as it reminded him of Savaxen, his home away from home as they say. He resisted the urge to bare his fangs to startle people, one of his favorite pastimes when forced to be in cities. They just didn't need the attention, and so he smiled and waved away anybody who got too close to their wagon. He felt their eyes on him, heard their whispers and tried to ignore it all and enjoy the sun and breeze. He couldn't, they had taken that from him here, making his skin crawl. He looked nervously over his shoulder several times to check for stalkers on a hunch.

Urukubarr apologized to Ruark for the sudden shift in weight, and was mortified when they almost hit the young girl. He felt as if his weight on the wagon was to blame, and Ruark's handling of the wagon had saved her. He gave an apologetic look to the girl and woman, "Please, forgive us! Be safe!"

"Your handling of beast and cart probably saved that careless girl back there, I thank you for that. I am not surprised though, you've always had a way with beasts." Uruk tried his hardest to keep the smile from creeping onto his face, pointing at one of the horses rear ends,"This one even looks like that merchant's daughter that fancied you. Brynhild was her name, wasn't it? Didn't I see you two out behind old Eirik's tavern during a diplomatic visit?" Uruk made lewd gestures and crude horse noises, insinuating Ruark had taken the girl for a 'ride', much like a horse. He could stop himself from laughing loudly and snorting at his own joke.

Once at the warehouse, the half-orc got to work. He removed his mostly-broken plate armor and set his equipment aside. There was much to do: clearing the barricade, unloading the horses and tending to them, cleaning, sweeping, getting a feel for the place, taking inventory, and so on.

2017-04-07, 09:07 AM
Ruark let out a sigh of relief when they made it to the warehouse without running anyone over. "I remember now why I try to only travel by foot or by boat. These things are far deadlier than they have a right to be." When Uruk decided to get cheeky he stuck an elbow into his side and laughed a long with him. "That visit ended up being more than diplomatic enough I'll tell you, there's also been more than a few "diplomatic" skirmishes behind that tavern, most of which I'm sure none of us would like to repeat!"

As soon as they arrived at the warehouse and had finished teasing each other with stories about horses arses, Ruark tried to find a good place to tie up the horses and wagon. Preferably inside if there was room. He left his things where Urukubarr had left his and got to work.

He wanted to clear away the barricade, get the door way and entrance in order so they could use the wagon to move things in and out immediately. Once they had cleared that out of the way, he would explore the warehouse with Uruk, trying to see what was where and generally get a good understanding of the building.

2017-04-08, 03:12 AM
Kate scanned the robed figures curiously. What an odd sight. Some sort of religious ceremony? Regardless, it was blocking the path in a most inconvenient way. Perhaps they'd be better off finding another route. Though she didn't much like the look of that alleyway either. Kate addressed the white-robed man who'd just spoken to her.

"If you don't my asking, what exactly is this gathering? And how much longer will it be until the path clears?"

2017-04-08, 01:22 PM
Ruark and Urukubarr jumped down from the wagon and Ruark proceeded to bind the horse to a nearby post. Together they entered the warehouse through the same door they entered yesterday night.

But there was something wrong.

As Urukubarr and Ruark moved inside, intent on starting to remove the debris from the barricade, they saw a tall, lanky figure move in the doorway of the main warehouse room. There was someone in the warehouse!

Standing in the small entry office, next to the remains of the barricade, they knew they had only moments before they would get spotted - if they were not already.

The man turned to Kate to impatiently answer, but suddenly he stopped and remained speechless for a moment. "Err... well, you must be new to town, or you would know that this happens here sometimes. That damned priestess of Ith-Ryannon knows that on every fourth Quintus - that is the fourth day of the week - we are obliged to take this path to our temple, and yet she orders her... her..." his face got redder than you would think it could "...erm... well, acolytes - there are worse words that describe them, but on this day swears are forbidden - well, they stand in our path. Last time it took two hours and intervention of the Vigilant Ones to make them let us pass. But let me tell you - Gar-Ahlis, our archpriest, will solve it. Can you hear...? He is now calling upon her wrath of the Great One!" with this, he turned forward, to watch what happens, seemingly losing any interest in you.

The girl did not seem scared at all - she just shot Gerric a quick, wry smile, and showed her empty hands.

His pouch was also still at his belt.

"Hey you... why you harm my daughter...?" a voice came booming from the right - and three large figures moved from the shade offered by one of the stalls. They looked rather unpleasant, tall, and bulky. The one who claimed the girl had face covered by scars, and large cudgel in his hands.

The other two also wielded cudgels.

Gregor noticed, that the boy who originally went to grab Gerric's pouch stepped back, an unpleasant smirk on his face. And Gerric stood in a slowly expanding circle of solitude, accompanied only by the decoy...

2017-04-08, 01:57 PM
It appeared that Gerric had made a bit of an error here. Or perhaps he was tricked into doing what they wanted. The girls smile came too easy, and the cudgels came out too quick. In all likelihood he'd be beaten, robbed, maybe killed.

But, there is always something you can do. Still holding onto the girl, Gerric moved his hand toward his axe.

"Simple misunderstandin'," he said, looking right at the scared face man's eyes. "Thought your daughter was one of them thieves I hear so much about in this city. But she ain't, and so I ain't hurt her. However, I gotta admit, I don't much like three men comin' at me with weapons. So what say, you all stop walkin' toward me, put down them mauls. And I let go o' the girl, and we all walk away friendly?"

Gerric took a second to see if the men were listening. Then he smiled his largest craziest grin. "'Course if you don't, I'll have to use my axe. No one wants that, 'specially the girl here." Gerric shakes the arm in his grasp just so the men and girl realize what was at stake. He waited to see if they stopped moving, to see how much they actually valued the life of the little girl.

As an afterthought, he glanced over to Gregor and gave a questioning look, one he hoped said 'How screwed am I right now? And how likely will it be that I get to butcher all these men in a brutal and amusing fashion without the city guard getting in my way again?' It was a very complex look.

Intimidate: Soc 2 (only 1 if being Ugly means I'm less intimidating), Skill of 5.


2017-04-08, 06:00 PM
Unarmored with only his jeweled dagger on his belt, Urukubarr started towards the office prepared to visit violence, if need be, upon the intruder. "Ruark, intruder inside. Cut him off." Uruk marched himself to the office, planning to call out to the figure should he be seen before he reaches grabbing distance.

"You, what are doing here!?"

2017-04-09, 03:50 AM
Wearing all his regular things, sword on his belt but without his shield, Ruark made his way towards the main warehouse room where they had seen the lanky figure. His initial thoughts went to thieves, after all this place had been unlocked and open all night. He drew no weapons but walked on steadily.

"Get outta here you good for nothing filth, or there'll be a good beating coming your way!"

2017-04-10, 09:45 AM
Nazir shook his head in disappointment and turned to Kate and Shakchir. "We're not required to take this route. Let's go back a bit and avoind this mess. Shakchir, you know the way without back alleys right?"

2017-04-10, 02:01 PM
"Agreed. This is no time to get embroiled in a religious dispute."

Kate turned away from the squabbling robed figures. Church politics was just as messy as she'd always imagined. No wonder such organisations were banned in her country. Though admittedly, that was probably just to prevent competition with the nobles.

2017-05-01, 11:25 PM
Uruk and Ruark

As the men shouted at the intruder, they heard a crash and a shout of pain.

The warehouse where they had fought the night before had been cleaned, the corpses were gone, the monsters as well as the dead men in the boat. The preternatural darkness that tainted the room was gone. Now the light that came in through the various windows and open doors displayed what appeared to be a normal warehouse, still filled with boxes arranged in various piles and pyramids, with a few scattered about from the night before.

Only the smell seemed remained, that vile smell that brought rotting flesh to the mind and made the air feel heavy around them.

Instead of the dark and the monsters, in the middle of the room stood a lanky man, the contents of one of the boxes scattered in front of him as he clutched at his foot.

"Oy! Who goes there? What're you doing?" He said, as he regained his composure. As he stood up, you could tell he wore the uniform of a city guardsman. His eyes grew wide as he saw the red-haired raider, and somehow grew even wider when he saw the half-orc. "Wha-what? Uh, you're not supposed to be in here."

Nazir and Kate

"I know another path, we'll have to head back for a few minutes, though," Shakchir said, and started to head back the way they came. Though he kept looking over his shoulder at the commotion they left behind.

The pair could hear in the distance a powerfully voiced man shouting vengeance and doom. "The Great One looks down upon those who shall deny his light. And with furious anger he will cast aside those who thrive in the darkness! Those who mistreat their fellow man! Those who deny him with their wasted words and wasted lives! Heed my words, oh, servants of blind gods! It is not too late to save your souls from the-"

He continued shouting until he was finally drowned out by distance and the constant noise of the rest of the city.

As they turned down a separate path, they saw several guards run past them in the direction of the market proper. Dutifully Shakchir moved aside to let them past, before he continued to lead them toward their destination.


As the three continue moving through the city Nazir noticed a young woman, looking intently at the group. She is well-dressed, with ornate robes in a style Nazir is unfamiliar with. She stands tall, confident and seemingly superior to the rabble around her. At first, Nazir doesn't pay her any mind, but when she appears again, still watching several streets further down, he starts to think something is wrong.

2017-05-02, 04:31 AM
Kate gladly left the religious clash behind. Taking sides in a conflict she knew nothing about wouldn't have ended well. She made sure to walk right behind Shakchir as he lead the way. As sincere as his resignation seemed, it'd be foolish to trust him. Any last minute changes of heart would be quashed.

2017-05-02, 05:42 AM
Although they had only been able to claim ownership of the warehouse a few hours Ruark had already grown accustomed to the thought of owning a nice large piece of something in a city such as Zhengar. It was for this reason that he reacted so strongly when a stranger, a guardsman even, acted as if he was in charge of the warehouse. He hoped to gang up on the guardsman with Uruk and went to stand close to him so the two of them could approach the guardsman together.

Without being overly aggressive, he thought, he approached the guard with his usual swagger, finger pointing at the poor guardsman's chest as he spoke. "No, you're not supposed to here. This is our building now, as of this very morning. So how about you tell us what you're doing here, and why everything is so....clean?"

2017-05-05, 05:39 PM
Letting Ruark do the talking was probably wise in this (and most) cases. Uruk nodded to accentuate Ruark's claim of ownership and added, "You scream, you hurt?"

2017-05-06, 03:31 PM
Nazir doesn't make a show of noticing the woman. He discreetly mentions to Kate so that the woman wouldn't see or hear. "Don't react, but we are being followed. Woman, fancy robes, her attitude makes her stick out. Seen her twice so far, watching us." He continues along beside Shakchir, becoming more aware of everything and everyone as they followed the path.

The guards were moving in the same direction we are right?

2017-05-08, 05:49 PM
Kate and Nazir

Sorry could have been more clear. You were already in the main market area, but that was crowded so you followed Shakchir's directions down a few side paths. The guards are heading toward the main market area, so you are crossing paths, but going opposite directions.

Shakchir's head shot up, when Nazir mentioned they were being watched. His eyes narrowed, and he quickly looks around.

Kate takes a more subtle approach, and manages to catch the woman through the corner of her eyes. She recognized the clothing immediately. Her expensive looking robes held the insignia of her homeland, along with two red falcons. They must have been the sign of some minor noble house that Kate either had not heard of or had forgotten. Around the woman were several servants, most holding onto fans and water, for their mistress. But three among them were armed, obviously her guard.

The woman's eyes bore into Kate, and her jaw set as she struggled to stay just behind Kate, Nazir, and Shakchir while still having her servants provide a barrier between herself and the common people of the market.

Uruk and Ruark

"Your building?" The guard seemed confused, then his face grew grim. "If it's your building, then you must be part of it!" He reached for the sword at his side, though his hand shook as he stumbled to get it free of his scabbard.

"You're under arrest, for, uhh, for conspiracy! And, well, um, for what they were doing here last night that caused all those problems. Stand down in the name of Sir Windsteel! Or, no. Umm, for Lady Dreiana!" He held his blade out in front of him, the tip shaking.

It was pathetic to the point of farce. Whoever the guard was it was clear he hadn't been properly trained. His stance was horrible, made even worse when he took a step forward and it was clear he was limping. His eyes darting between the pair, not quite sure who to focus on. In the end he seemed to decide on Uruk, who he finally pointed his sword directly at. Though the terrified rattling of the blade in his hand was growing worse. Probably as he began to grasp exactly how unlikely it was that he would beat the two warriors in a fight, if it should come to it.

2017-05-15, 12:00 AM
To the best of her knowledge, Kate had never seen this woman before. But this moment had haunted her dreams ever since she'd left home. She'd always known that, sooner or later, home would catch up with her. Her sleeping (and waking) mind had explored so many possible permutations. Would it be a covert squad of operatives? An ambassador exerting diplomatic pressure? A close friend who could anticipate Kate's every move?

...Or maybe it'd just be some random woman in a market. Irrational as it was, Kate couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. All the more reason to escape. If Mother wanted her back, she'd have to work much harder than this! Kate whispered faux-casually to Nazir.

"I've been recognised. That woman is from my homeland. The good news is that no trained agent would be so conspicuous. But even if she's just a normal visitor, this is still very bad. We need to reach the authorities quickly."

And then what? Kate had no answers. Hopefully she'd think of one before it was too late.

2017-05-17, 06:00 PM
Uruk sighed, another issue to deal with. "Sit, talk with us, we are friends. Or will I kill you with my hands now, in defense?" Urukubarr had taken off his armor and only had a jeweled dagger, but even that would not be necessary. He would rush down his prey and break him before he ever knew what to do with that blade. He cracked his neck slowly while approaching the man one slow step at a time, showing off his musculature to further intimidate the man. While his nails and teeth were not those of a full-blooded orc, they gave away his lineage, and he always loved using them for intimidation.

2017-05-18, 05:24 AM
"Not sure how her group has moved faster than us. She seems in no rush to intercept us so we can deal with her afterwards. Come on, we are almost there." Nazir keeps a sharp lookout ahead in case Kate's "friends" had more friends looking to cut the group off before making their delivery.

2017-05-22, 04:14 AM
Ruark felt a devil rise within him and the urge to bloody the guardsman's nose was strong. As the guardsman finally pointed his sword at Uruk, Ruark took a few steps to the side so that the guard would have to back away or turn around to face them both. "He's not joking you know. I've seen Uruk tear apart a dinner meal with such ferocity that I shudder to think what he would do fresh meat.I worry you have not been updated on the last meeting we had with Dreiana. We had a meeting just earlier today, perhaps you should go talk to her, and leave us alone in the process."

He struggled to be diplomatic, if he hadn't just been fighting for his life the night before Ruark wondered if he had been able to suppress the urge to fight the guardsman.

2017-05-23, 12:03 AM
Nazir and Kate

"I don't understand" Shakchir said, looking confused as the three made their way through the city. "I had taken you for noble, or at least honorable, or are all of you as bad as barbarians and orc?"

From the markets on, the trio moved into a wider street as they made their way toward the town hall. The lady and her entourage growing further distant, but always in sight until at last they reached the majestic hall. The columns and statues were still arranged around the building looking as imposing as powerful as they had the day before. And yet the throng of people around the building somehow made the statues seem small. The path leading up to it was filled with a mixture of commoner, merchant, and noble, each shouting some grievance to take before the Council or the courts.

The guards tried to keep the peace, but there seemed to be an added edge today. Some were calling for Windsteel specifically, others Dreiana, and still more shouted for Councilman Kastor, demanding to know what happened to the deposed councilmembers from the night before. The guards held their weapons tightly as the angry rabble continued their shouts and questions. Some guard captains were shouting back orders to the people, giving instructions or assurances that all would be revealed by the Council in due time.

Shakchir shook his head in sadness, as they made their way to the side entrance that Dreiana had lead them through the day before.

"Hold it," the guard at the entrance said as they reached the door. "This is the guard's entry, only. What business do you have?"

Ruark and Uruk

The lanky young guard looked at Uruk's pointed teeth and then to Ruark's steady walk to his side, he seemed to recognize what he was doing, separating and surrounding him so there was no way he could defend himself. But he seemed to have no idea what he was supposed to do about it. "I-I, I'm supposed to take notes about where the bodies were found. About the symbols and everything. I can't just abandon my post." But the seeds of unease and confusion were planted, and already his voice was unsure about himself. As he talked his blade lowered, no longer pointed at Uruk's face, more half at his thigh or the ground.

2017-05-23, 04:37 AM
Kate's response to Shakchiir dripped with contempt.

"I am honourable. That's exactly why I'm being hunted. My superiors asked me to renounce every principle I hold dear, for the sake of the 'greater good'. So naturally, I renounced my superiors instead. That's what good people are supposed to do."

She didn't bother to spell out the obvious parallel here. Enough breath had already been wasted on this man. Upon reaching the town hall, Kate was greeted by quite a sight. The people of this city were out in force. Their demanding cries were music to her ears. The Council's wretched conspiracy was being dragged into the light of day. What new lie would they tell the masses this time? Kate hoped that, in the end, the guilty would get their just desserts. However, she did feel sorry for the guards here. Most of them didn't deserve the crowd's abuse. They were just caught in the middle of this mess. So when the trio got challenged at the door, Kate responded politely.

"We're delivering a prisoner on behalf of Councilman Unaric."

2017-05-23, 06:24 PM
Nazir stops with the other two while Kate rebukes Shakchir. He continued when she finished, face to face with a frustrated stare, most probably the closest the merchant had ever been to a halfling.

"Not honorable? We're holding to our word to deliver you and keeping others from simply killing you even though you tried to have us killed. I seem to be the only person left looking for a way to get you back to your family. The last thing you should be doing is flustering me. Your life hinges on that. I am going to do my best but false accusations aren't going to help. In terms of those following us, I said nothing of killing them. One issue at a time." With his periphery vision Nazir sees the trailing group catching up. He sighs, trying to release the frustration. "Let's go."

Reaching the ruckus at the town hall, Nazir grips Shakchir's arm as a show to the guards of who is in control. He defers to Kate to getting them inside.

2017-05-30, 01:03 PM
OOC: Sorry for the delay, Memorial Day stuff got in my way.

Kate and Nazir

"No, that- that's not what I meant, it just seemed like you were saying that you were a wanted criminal in your homeland," the merchant looked down and took a breath, before looking to Nazir. "Thank you, for what you're doing for me."

When they reach the guard, and Kate announces their intention. The guard looked down upon all of them, for a moment before he nodded. "Follow me, but stay close, it's chaos in here."

As they enter the Hall, the guard gets the attention of another to stand guard in his place while he leads them through the building. Everywhere people were rushing through the building. "It's normally not like this," the guard mentioned. "But, we lost our commander today. And I don't think anyone really knows who's commanding what now. Apparently, we're supposed to be directing things to Commander Dreiana ir Nashran. But I know Dreiana, yesterday she was a gate captain. I don't know what she had to do to get promoted all the way to-" the guard cut himself off. "You don't need to know all this. It's a bit messy in here, that's all."

The guard was silently as he lead the group through an upper floor, though they had to squeeze through some group of guards and civilians who were arguing over some agreement they had with a Councilmember. Finally they reached a corridor where everyone was rushing to and from a room, in what seemed an organized manner. The guard pushed them through the line of men outside the room and knocked on the door.

"These people are here to see you, Councilman," the guard announced as the door was opened. Another guard stood within, the room was not much larger than Commander Windsteel's had been, but it seemed more full. Unaric sat behind a grand desk, filled with papers and a tray of food. A group of scraggly looking men stood in front of the desk. He waved the group off before he addressed Kate with a friendly.

"Ahh, Lady Katherine, a pleasure, and I see you have our guest as promised. Already, you and your men are proving your exceptional worth."

2017-06-01, 04:17 AM
Kate relaxed a bit upon crossing the threshold. In here, she'd be afforded some safety from her new stalker. Hopefully she and Nazir would have a plan by the time they left the building. She certainly wouldn't be asking Unaric for help on that score. His morality was (to put it mildly) still in doubt; As was Dreiana's. Kate really wanted to trust that woman. The two of them seemed very compatible. But there were just too many questions swirling around her. As the guard said, why would someone assigned to gate duty be next in line for the rank of Watch Commander? None of the likeliest explanations were good. And then there was that business in the tavern. Until her doubts were assuaged, Kate would be keeping their relationship casual. Pleasant chats over tea? Yes please. Seeking asylum from a bounty hunting noble? Not so much.

Soon enough, the group was standing before Unaric. Kate gave him the customary bow of greeting. Just like before, the councilman bestowed her team with compliments. He seemed really eager to get them on his side. Though judging by the chaos surrounding this building, that wasn't a surprise. Unaric's perch was clearly wobbling at the moment. He needed all the allies he could get. Kate wondered whether it was better to stabilise this man, for the sake of avoiding anarchy; Or give the push that sent him crashing down.

"I'm glad that you feel that way, councilman. We certainly hope to be of use to this city and its people. Will that be all?"

That was Nazir's cue. Now he could plead for Shakchiir's miserable life, while making it clear that only he was pleading. Then they could get back to more important matters: Like preventing a truly horrific family reunion.

2017-06-14, 01:18 PM
Nazir steps forward after Kate responds to Unaric. He knows Unaric's time is precious but realizes he can't rush his words. He speaks sincerely and respectfully, as is proper, to his best ability.

"Councilman Unariask, when you met with us at the tavern with Lord Kastor you stated you value loyalty and valor and rewarded us for it. We are honored with such acknowledgement. "

"I personally would speak for Shakchir here, the merchant caught in the midst of the conspiracy. Yes, he did try to have us killed and ran the operation at his warehouse. He does not deny this. What I am not sure if you have considered, councilman, is that he did what he did under the orders of several other councilmen. How was Shakchir to know that the words of councilmen who normally don't get along were not the words of the entire council? That would be the same as Lady Kate and I distrusting that your and Lord Kastor's words do not agree with the rest of the council. That would be unreasonable to require the entire council together for any and all business."

"Shakchir believed it to be the word of the council and even though he knew his two predicessors were driven insane from the assignent, he did his duty to the best of his ability. The knights of Vigilant Guardian stated that Shakchir had resisted the orders but was not given a choice. He risked his business, his life, turning his wife to a widow, making his son fatherless, and his very own soul to do what he was told was the best thing to protect the city for now. What more loyalty could you ask of a citizen of the city? Even now facing the knight's justice Shakchir's heart is only two thoughts- his family in Kerraq and doing what he can to help the city survive the coming threats. He has spoken at length telling us what he knows of the Dark Ones and has freely titled us to his warehouse so that we can continue the fight against the Dark Ones. He has made no attempt to escape or hinder us bringing him here."

"He has done evil in the name of good and regrets that. I think that is something he will always suffer with. This man's loyaly to the city should be rewarded, not punished. I understand his work can't and won't be made public. There is another option. Compensate him for his service, loyalty, and sarifice then either let him stay, stating he was a victim of the traitors, or send him on his way back to Kerraq and his family."

"I respectfully ask that you reconsider leaving this man behind to face rotting in jail or execution."

2017-06-23, 11:24 PM
Unaric sat with his many chins held in his hands while Nazir gave his speech.

"Eloquent," he finally said as he finished. "I am curious what exactly it was that Shakchir did to create such loyalty from a man with no reason but to hate him. Or perhaps you see a reflection of your own sins in him?" He smiled, "I must commend you Lady Katherine, the companions you keep are as intriguing as they are skilled."

He stood up, the chair creaking as he moved. "But, let's dissect the argument. While it's true a councilman was the one who gave him his orders, it's very well known that the council itself is full of bickering old men. Each of which with their own desires and goals."

Unaric walked before the prisoner and patted Shakchir on the shoulder. "Which leaves the question, who is Shakchir loyal to? Was it our glorious city? Or was it one of my enemies?"

Shakchir eyes widened as he saw his chance. He fell to his knees, trembling. "Zhengar! I have always been loyal to Zhengar!" He grasped Unaric's hands. "Please, mercy."

Unaric pulled his hands away and walked back behind his desk. "Of course, you say that now. But words are just air. Guards, take him away."

The guard grabbed Shakchir under his arms and yanked him to his feet, dragging him out the room, while the merchant made a few choking sobs.

"Ahh," Unaric sighed as he sat back down, and looked to Nazir. "Unfortunately, what to do with him is not solely up to me. Though my word carries weight with the remaining council. I'll promise you this. I won't execute him until I have all the information I can get from him. And then, the council will decide if Shakchir is worth being rewarded or deserves the noose. Is there anything else?"

2017-06-25, 08:01 PM
Nazir razed a curious eyebrow. Being a halfling was a topic his mother spoke to him about in depth over the years to prepare him. The halfling kept his calm but spoke with more self confidence. "My sins? No, councilman Unaric. The torture of my life is from those who hate or fear me just from my mother being something other than human. You are a welcome exception to that, as was the late Capatin Aldarman. He took me under his wing, became my mentor. He knew I have good heart. It was Sinkrin that became the problem. He encouraged the rest of the unit to torture me. I lost my calm one day and put the fear of death into one of them, without touching or hurting him. That led to trumped up charges and my situation."

"As for Shakchir, it was the Vigilant Guardian's own findings that he was acting under orders after resisting that opened my mind the most. If following council's orders can still get you executed as a traitor, then one has to wonder how soon before the same may happen to themselves? I never said he was a saint, nor is most of the city. You have dealings with those far worse. On the way here we saw two religious groups on the edge of coming to bloodshed. Shakchir could have easily slipped away on us but there he is. You have kept true to your word, and we ours. Thank you. Sorry to tie up so much of your time."

Nazir looked to Kate, ready to go.

2017-06-27, 08:08 AM
Unaric listened to Nazir's words with expression of polite interest, but as soon as Nazir got to the religious groups and upcoming bloodshed, Kate noticed a strange spark in his eyes - and noticed the corners of his lips move just a bit.

The fat man was smiling inside.

As soon as Nazir finished, Unaric again stood up.

"Thank you for your words - but allow me to reply to them before you leave." his voice was stern, but his demeanor friendly - and the spark was still there. "I do not doubt your heart, but in this city, we try to solve our problems the right way - the way of law. You have been wronged - and if you came to me, I would use all my power to act on your behalf. But you did not come - you responded with violence. And that is not what you should have done - but you have already paid the price for that."

"What I want you to understand is, that Shakchir had a choice. And he made his choice. And according to our law, he will be tried and if found guilty, punished. But if I ever order you to do something that may hurt this city, or that will break its laws, feel free to refuse - or bring me to justice. I expect no less from you, master Nazir. Or you, Lady Katherine. And that is all I can say to this matter."

He finally smiled, not only with his eyes. "But I owe you an thank you also for bringing me the news of the religious schism in our city. I was so swamped with my tasks that I forgot it was already fourth Quintus of this month. Also, did you already think about the offer we presented? Becoming a mercenary band in employ of Zhengar...? Or even sworn swords...?"

The smile was gone, but the spark remained.

"I am asking because there are tasks that need to be done. And - if you choose to accept the offer - you will have to start immediately. You have the two scrolls - I assume. Will you choose and sign one of them? I do not know the arrangements within your group, but if my instinct does not err, it will be sufficient if you, Lady Katherine, sign one of them... and then I will ask you for a moment of solitary discussion regarding your... previous affiliations."

I'm back :smallsmile:

2017-06-27, 10:59 PM
There was that dissonance again. Unaric's words would have looked quite reasonable on paper. They had a good mix of pragmatism and moral principle. But Kate just couldn't reconcile them with the man himself. Her impression of him grew ever murkier. All of his talk about disobeying unethical orders was completely redundant. He was just telling Kate and Nazir to do what they would have done anyway. If they joined him, Unaric might well never give them an ethically questionable job: Because there were plenty of other subordinates willing to do those instead.

As the discussion progressed, Kate's mind drifted to other things. She really needed to deal with that woman who'd spotted her. Home just refused to-

"...and then I will ask you for a moment of solitary discussion regarding your... previous affiliations."

...leave her alone. Terrific. Kate just managed to keep her expression neutral. Despite her increasingly rapid heartbeat, she replied to Unaric with the same tone as usual.

"As I said at the inn, Councilman, your offer is being considered. A decision like this requires careful thought. Now, what was that you said about a private discussion? If you feel it necessary, I suppose that's all right. Nazir, would you please wait outside? This shouldn't take long."

2017-06-28, 01:06 AM
Unaric's Office

Unaric stayed polite, even though it was clear that he was in a hurry to

"I appreciate that you do not rush into commitments, however I would appreciate to have your answer as soon as possible - some of the tasks I spoke about are quite urgent, and while I could use other assets... I have my reasons to give preference to you. It's also in your own interest..."

As soon as Nazir left, Unaric's demeanor changed again - this time it was almost fatherly fear, concealed behind façade of strict formality. He sat down, rummaged through some reports he had on his desk until he found one.

"Lady Katherine. I... try not to pry into anyone's affairs if I can help it, however if it is a concern for the city, it is a concern for me. I have been informed of certain movements and activities of some of our... valued allies. Two servants of a foreign merchant independently questioned several people I employ this morning regarding whereabouts, deeds and background of person with description matching yours, trying to determine - very skillfully - if such person is in employ of our city...and trying to ascertain if this person is Lady Katherine Sendrick."

He paused for a moment, looking at the report, not making eye contact.

"Luckily, the people I employ never give out any information without my assent or without trading it for more important information - and the persons that asked had nothing to offer. So whoever was asking did not receive what they were after. If you would like, I can tell you whose servants asked the questions, and - if you want, try to find out whom it was for. Your choice."

Again, another pause. After it, Unaric looked directly at Kate.

"My question is... Lady Katherine... should I be worried about this mystery that surrounds you? Is your past a threat for this city, since someone clearly powerful is intent on finding you? I do not want to pry in your past, and certainly do not intend to waste resources finding out. I will accept any answer you give me and you do not have to give it to me now. However, I would advise you to take one of the scrolls - and accept one of the tasks I talked about. All three of these will take you and your companions out of the city for some time - and will give me time to find out who is after you, what they want and maybe intervene in your favour. That much I am willing to do for you in exchange for your service."

As he finished, he stood up. "And now, please excuse me. Council business calls - there is an announcement to be made outside, and the rest of the councilmen are waiting for me. Have a nice day."

Town Hall

The town hall was still busy, and the shouting outside was now more pronounced. One of the servants that stood outside Unaric's door walked up to Nazir as soon as he left the door, and asked "May I be of any service? Councilman told me to show you to the rear exit if you do not indent on listening to the announcement or do not want to be seen leaving."

I assumed Nazir would have left. Please roll Perception.

Old Market

The small circle of silence widened when Gerric stated his threat. As he looked around, Gregor was nowhere to be seen - he wasn't standing next to him anymore, and he couldn't follow his movement in the crowd.

The burly man laughed nervously - he paled when Gerric shook the girl's arm and obviously was not ready for the whole setup to go so bad so quickly.

"Hey, hey... she meant no harm. Let the kid go. And let's forget about this..."

But there was no fire in his voice anymore - the man had no fight in him.

Another voice joined in - a hoarse one, sounding still a bit tired. "No. Let's not forget. Your kids steal. So either the mountain man cuts off her hand, the boy's hand... or yours. Or settle this with old-fashioned trial by fight - haven't seen one of those in a while. That will be fun."

"I second the motion..." That was Gregor, appearing right behind the scarred man, who went even paler and suddenly had an urge to straighten up quite unnaturally...

As Gerric glanced to the left, he noticed Windsteel standing there with a smirk on his face.

2017-06-28, 02:15 AM
Gerric tapped his axe on the side of his head toward Windsteel in a mock salute, before quickly glancing around for the boy that he had just mentioned. "Didn't know yer lot had a good ol' champion trial, but I'm more than happy to oblige, if he is. What say ya? Yer maul, my axe, and a big cup o' beer after I kill ya. Or, you and yer boys can put them weapons on the ground and back away. Then maybe, yer girl can get out o' this with all her limbs and a father who still draws breath."

2017-06-28, 04:14 AM
Old Market

Windsteel did smirk a bit. "The council does not look upon the trial by arms favourably... but I could use the entertainment."

The girl had tears in her eyes and just sobbed silently. The scarred man did not move, but said in shaky voice. "Drop'em boys."

Three cudgels hit the ground in rapid succession.

"Now get lost before I decide to tell this mountain man where you and your brats live. And consider it a warning for future.". As they scrambled from the market, Windsteel glanced at Gerric. "Well... can't say you don't know how to make friends, that much's obvious. Where are you headed?"

2017-06-28, 08:40 AM
Nazir nods and steps out of the councilman's office. His eyes casually scan the hall while his ears keep a lookout for unexpected noise back in the office. He responds politely to the servant. "Thank you, but not just yet. My friend is still in there. What announcement?"

From OOC
Perception (7d10)[4][6][6][2][8][2][1](29)

2017-06-28, 08:55 AM
Still holding onto the girls arm, Gerric whispered. "Yer father's a fool and a coward, usin' his own daughter as a distraction. Never try t' steal from someone carryin' weapons. And if, for some reason, ya have to, don't stand still lookin' dumb when he catches ya, just run. Yer next mark won't be as sweet as me." With that he shoved her toward her father, and the group scrambled away.

Gerric tucked his axe back into his belt. Walked forward and picked up the three dropped cudgels, putting them into the box. Though now he was keeping his coin purse in his hand, not dangling for someone to grab.

"O' course I make friends easy. I'm what you folk would call charismatic." Gerric looked around the market. "I suppose I'm tryin' to find here. Got this box o' half-shaped weapons and I'm tryin' to find a good weaponsmith for the finishin' touches. What brings you 'round the weapons market? Already itchin' to stab something not an hour after retirement?"

2017-06-29, 03:26 AM
Town Hall
The servant politely nodded. "Very well, if you need me, just wave. I will be standing there." When Nazir asked about the announcement, servant's eyes darted from side to side and he lowered his voice into conspiratory whisper. "Oh, the big announcement. Secret. About council and war. You did not discuss that with master Unaric...? But don't tell anyone - it's still secret."

As the servant spoke, Nazir noticed several men - clad in simple blue tunics, embroided with intricate pattern. They were loitering near the entrance of the town hall, seemingly occupied by the statues and paintings - but every time he looked at one of them, he turned away. This was nothing special - Nazir was used to people watching him, as halflings weren't usual sight even in such large city, but something did not fit.

By the corner of his eye he also noticed Dreiana leaving the office she brought them into when they first came - Windsteel's former office - she looked tired and did not notice him as she walked towards the front entrance.

Old Market

Windsteel cringed at Gerric's pronounciation of "charismatic", but replied with humor in his voice. "I’ve been itching to stab someone for few last years, but my position did not allow it. Damn politics." He patted his round belly. “Could use some practice – if what I heard is true, we’re all in for some serious fighting.”

He went silent for a moment, but then looked around and smiled again. “Don’t be deceived – old market is more than weapons. You can buy almost anything - including weapons - here, but I’m not here for them. There are lots of interesting goods one can obtain. And I must confess – I lived nearby for years and – I’m a bit ashamed to admit, but got addicted.”

He motioned Gerric to follow him as he rounded a corner. A dark-skinned man in white apron was just taking something out of large oven. It was brown, little bit slimy, and resembled a large snail, but it smelled sweet.

“Every day, since few years, I came here for the kallaian snails. Don’t know how Raim makes them, but they are too tasty. Here, let me buy you one.” He motioned to the seller, who immediately separated two of these. Gerric noticed Windsteel paid few coppers for the treats.

“Now where were we…? Oh, yes. Weaponsmith. If you need a weaponsmith, there are better choices than old market – but also more pricy. Old Hawle, near the New Market is one of the best, but you’ll have to wait – he’s swamped with orders and refuses to find an apprentice. Then there’s the guild – they have good weaponsmiths and bad ones, and you can’t really tell which one you get until you try the stuff out. Check at their stall in New Market. Or you could visit Sahala – she’s quite good with steel. Pricy also, but isn’t too busy. If you want, I can lead you there – I don’t have much to do now.”

He walked alongside Gerric for a moment and then suddenly stopped, looking straight into Gerric’s eyes. “I want to ask you something, Gerric." That was the first time he used Gerric's name. "You have fought alongside Euric. Do you think my city can survive against him?”

2017-06-29, 05:23 AM
Within the privacy of Kate's mind, some decidedly impolite words were being shouted. Oh how she wished they could be given voice. But no, she was the party's diplomat: The one who knew which spoon to use for each type of soup. When everyone else was yelling expletives, Kate had to retain her composure: No matter how satisfying it would be to join the fray. So instead of giving Unaric the tongue-lashing he so richly deserved, Kate just smiled softly.

"Hmm, intriguing. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I assure you, Councilman, that my past is no threat to your city. The people you mentioned are only interested in me. As for your kind offer, my comrades and I will give it our most urgent attention. You'll have our answer very soon."

Oh dear. Kate could already feel the leash tightening around her neck. Unaric had found an excellent source of leverage. She only had two options now: Serve, or run. The young noble stood up along with Unaric. Once he'd left, she made her way back to the hallway where Nazir waited.

"We need to meet with the others; Now. This can't wait."

2017-06-29, 06:31 AM
Nazir nods in understanding to the servant. He takes note of the tunics worn by those watching him, and without making it overtly obvious tries to get a look at their faces to remember them, and to notice if one seemed to be in charge.

Kate comes out of the office and wants to leave immediately. He knows it won't be welcome news since it will distract from her current focus but she needs to know. He steps closer and quickly whispers just loud enough for only her to hear over the hall's noise. "Dreiana just came out of her office and went out the front. Did Unaric tell you about the announcement? It's about war. Oh, and I have my own followers now it seems, blue tunics over by the paintings. The servant behind me has orders to help us out the back entrance if we want less attention. Are we staying for the announcement?"

MA/Heraldry to ID the tunics [roll0] TN 8
Perception to glean anymore about them [roll1]

2017-06-29, 07:35 AM
"Take me to Sahala then, if I'm lucky I might get a good axe finished before I actually need it."

Gerric was quiet for a moment, as he munched on the slimy snail thing that Windsteel had offered. The confirmation that Windsteel knew who he was wasn't a surprise, and it was somehow refreshing to stop pretending to people. "Last time I marched south without Euric. I was able to capture one city and burn another to the ground. It took a combined force to finally drive me off. Euric is more clever than I have ever been. Maybe not as adept at actually commandin' a battlefield, but he's patient. He knows to attack sideways, if you take my meanin'." Gerric shrugged, and tried to go over everything he had seen and heard since he'd been in this stinking city. It did not look good.

"From what I've seen o' this place, I ain't impressed. Yer own soldiers tormented the best archer I ever saw and pushed him away, who knows who else got treated similar. There are knights, and they'd be trouble, but how many do you have in this one city? Yer guards get cut up by some dandy, who may be workin' for Unaric. Which brings up the important matter, Euric will find the weak thread and pull it. If someone in your council can be bribed he will find and bribe them. If there is any tension he can exploit he will exploit it, say perhaps, from the families o' those council members that just stepped down. Who see their position gettin' worse unexpectedly. And when the city is tearing itself apart he'll step in bringin' peace in one hand, and chains in the other. There will be a battle, no doubt, but he usually tries to win before the first catapult is ever even constructed. There are ways to defend against all o' this. But it requires power, complete authority. And you just gave up yer position. And I don't think anyone is goin' to hand me a throne anytime soon. Maybe Kate, but I don't think she has the stomach for this work. But that girl has surprised me before."

2017-06-29, 08:06 AM
Problems upon problems. Kate had been worried enough about shaking one pursuer. Now Nazir had picked up a few more. She glanced across at her comrade's new admirers. Minions of Sinkrin, perhaps? Regardless, they were a distraction she really didn't need right now. She whispered a reply to Nazir.

"Let's try slipping out the back way. If we time it right, perhaps your observers will be distracted by the announcement."

Kate would linger in the hallway, until a suitable distraction appeared. She could only afford to wait so long, though. Should the men in tunics prove too diligent, then Kate and Nazir would just have to lose them at some other point on the journey.

2017-06-29, 08:17 AM
"Actually, they won't start a fight right here in the town hall. I could go say hello and find out their intent right now. Better to find out while we can. Won't take long?"

2017-06-29, 08:58 AM
"...If you like. I suppose there's nothing much to lose."

Kate doubted that the attempt would go well. But as Nazir said, the men couldn't make a scene in this public place.

2017-06-29, 02:02 PM
Nazir times it so that his first movement is hidden by a passing group. He heads off to the right instead of heading directly towards the entrance where his "followers" waited. He checks his dagger that was sheathed behind him along his belt. He didn't intend to use it but it was an instinctive act going into the unknown.

Off to the side, he slows so the group he was using as cover passes by. The halfling eyes were already looking in the direction of the blue tunics to gauge their reaction to their quarry disappearing briefly. With his hands to his sides but obviously empty he approached the closest blue tunic casually.

"Hello there. Excuse me, that is an interesting design on your tunic. What group is it for?"

Perception on their reaction to me [roll0] TN ?

2017-06-30, 01:49 AM
Streets behind Old Market

Windsteel obviously weighed his words as he walked, not responding immediately. The snail thing was surprisingly tasty, sweet, but its bitter undertone made the sweetness sufferable. And it was quite filling. They rounded few corners, passed a communal well and walked through one of the wider streets before he replied.

"We have good mercenary units on our side - Euric can't pay them so much as we can, and they spend most time outside the city, so they are not so corrupt as our army officials. We have the knights, and each lord can amass something equal to small army if they decide to. The army... well, half of it is useless - corrupt, fat, lazy. The other half... you'll find very efficient. That part also spends time on tasks outside city walls - to keep them away from the corruption. Our advantages are only few. One - we will be warned once Euric moves. By the sea or through the mountains - we will be warned. Two - we still have some allies we can call on - not really friends, but people who don't want to be the next Euric conquers. And three... we have some time. At least until summer - if Euric wants to lay siege to this city, it will take him at least two or three months to get here."

It seemed he was talking more to himself, than to Gerric. They were crossing one of the widest streets, one of the main streets - in distance, Gerric could see the town hall, with its signature sundial, and a large crowd amassed in front of it.

"What you said about Euric makes sense. We can see fruits of his labor even now." He motioned towards the crowd in front of the town hall. "And I agree - the city needs a leader. But it ain't me. I still have some contacts in the military, even some political ones - but I also have made some enemies and while people respect me, they wouldn't follow me. I can still do some good, but I'm not the one. And not you either - you're smart, you can lead warriors to battle. But - and no offence - you couldn't inspire **** to smell, and this will require the leader to inspire the people to fight back."

The street they were walking through was winding, narrow. They passed kids, playing catch. Handcarts full of goods. They saw a cobbler get hit by a bucket full of dishwater. Duo of guardsmen passed them, saluting to the former commander, ignoring Gerric.

"I gave up my position, because I feel I can do more with sword in my hands. I used to be in the army. Master of arms, even - I trained the younglings. In the guard? I only commanded the guard - and their hands were bound by politicians. Man grows tired of that. Oh, we are almost here - the craftsman street. It's one of the longest streets in the city, and is unofficially considered the craftsman ward - most people who have a shop and are not members of the guilds, have it here."

Small shops lined the street, their goods displayed in windows, on tables. Leather boots, belts. Iron and steel buckles. Tools of all kinds. A man repairing an old boot, sitting in front of his shop, smiling a toothless smile. A lady trying out heavy cloak. The street was bending to the left so Gerric could not see its end, and the more they went, the more intriguing the wares were.

Even in the sidestreets he could see boardsigns of shops - smithy, with its obvious hammer and horseshoe, tailor's shop marked with buttons and needle, some kind of animal shop or something, which had a dog and arrow as its sign. An alchemist with the strange glass stuff.

Silverware. Jewelry store. Pawn shop.

Glove maker. Leatherworker. Soapmaker.

And finally, a shop with weapon rack on the outside, full of halberds. A tall, muscular woman of olive skin and tough black hair could be seen inside, working on something.

"We're here and that brings us to the last question. What would you advise to do?"

Once Gerric answered, Windsteel would knock on the door, wave to the woman and send Gerric in.

Feel free to converse or skip to the shop - Windsteel will listen. If you want to pry some more information from him, you'll have to roll though. You may ignore the "ugly" flaw and halve the "bad reputation" flaw.

Town Hall

Kate watched as Nazir walked towards the men. The clothes they wore were of local cut, at least from what she observed until now, but the intricate embroidery reminded her of something. It took some time, but she remembered - these designs were used by different groups in government of her country, to identify the position and power of the bearer.

She wanted to stop Nazir, but he was already close to the men. He walked as a hunter, hiding from his prey, and suddenly stopped in front of one of the men. She couldn't hear what they said, but she noticed that Nazir had to lean in to hear the man. That also reminded her of something...

...and she remembered her mother meeting some of these men and scolding one of her adjutants that leaned in to listen, saying that they just did the most dangerous thing they could have done - and saying that if she ever saw them doing it again, she would gut them herself...

...the adjutant being her lover made the whole thing memorable...

...but it did not seem that they want to harm Nazir. For some reason, they both were now smiling...

Heraldry: [roll0] TN 6
Memory: [roll1] TN 8

If you have objection against the lover part, I can change it to cousin. Or switch "they" for "he/she" for that matter - that should be your decision.

The man turned to him and immediately smiled - he at first seemed surprised, but his smile seemed sincere as did his words. He spoke very silently, so much that Nazir - with his elven hearing - had to lean forward a bit to understand.

"Oh, good day to you, sir. And thank you, it is not a marking of a group - me and my brothers have seen this beautiful design and decided to buy these tunics at the market. Since you noticed them, they may hopefully bring us some luck in getting a job here. Tell me, are you one of the officials here...? Can you, maybe... put a good word for us?"

The last words were accompanied by a shy, nervous smile. For the first moment, Nazir could not help himself, but to smile too.

Persuasion: [roll2] TN 10