View Full Version : Dvati - A sensible rework - Draft

2016-03-06, 11:27 PM

Before you go through any of this know that it is a work in progress, and it may contain grammar and spelling errors. Please make a note in a reply post if you find any or if a section seams confusing or unclear. Thank you

In addition Dvati are a radical departure of the standard formula and you need to consult your DM before using it, they will still need to make many judgment calls about the race and how it interacts with many rules.

Dvati are the result of a psionic experimentation to permanently bond two minds telepathically. The experiment found that twins had one of the strongest connections. While many of the bonds between twins faded away after a few days half-elf twin’s mental bond lasted weeks. While trying to strengthen the mental connection the researchers developed an alchemical concoction that was given to the twins that caused their skin and hair to turn snow white and their eyes to turn completely blue but primed their mind to allow the mental bonding. The bonding process turned out to be permeant after the drug was given to the original twins. The newly reborn half-elf twins decided they were no longer half-elves, but something new, with thoughts as one they decided to give themselves new names and began to learn what it meant to be Dvati.
Dvati have a hard time being accepted where ever they go and are sometimes considered to be aberrations or something else unnatural. Most Dvati move around from place to place because others can’t accept them. This caused them to become spread out from others of their kind. Others believed Dvati to be mystical in one nature or another due to how light reflect off of their hair and eyes and the uncanny ability to be in two places at once.
Dvati have been sought out by many types of people for various reasons. Military minds wanted Dvati for communication with their forces. Others wanted them for their beautiful voice. It is said that the alchemical process has mad the dvati eye a reservoir of magical power that could be used in some spells. Still others like Dvati for their unnatural beauty.
Many Dvati are aware that their appearance gives them a lot of unwanted attention so they often chose to wear cloaks and masks to help conceal their face around strangers. Some Dvati chose jobs that grant them limited contact with the town they have chosen to live and find jobs like the night watch.
The twins enjoy intellectual pursuits in their free time or chose to spar against each other. They are able to push each other to their absolute limits without going overboard which only push their limits further. Some Dvati might work on a project like a painting starting from opposite ends and meet in the middle perfectly blending the two halves.
Some Dvati believe that their soul is so powerful that a single, mortal vessel is too weak to contain them. Typically Dvati realize that they comprehend situations differently from most people because they are able to talk about an event with each other instantly through their psychic link. They then draw different conclusions that would take other races minutes to determine. This doesn’t make a Dvati smarter, they just have someone to talk the situation over with and seemingly make large jumps in logic quickly.

Knowledge (Local)
(10) Noble Eldrin are Archfey of comparative strength to demon princes or archdevils.(False information)
(15) Dvati are a minor rumored that some have used as a bogyman story for children.
(20) Dvati are supposedly twins that share a soul, you can identify a Dvati without fail by their bright blue eyes.
(25) Dvati have a strong psychic bond that they can determine each other direction and distance and can communicate with each other no matter the distance.
(30) When one Dvati dies the other will suffer and die over a few days and might lose its mind before perishing. Dvati are sometime employed as spies and often ware masks to hide their appearance.
(35) It is rumored that Dvati were the product of a vile experiment designed to create a gate between two location using the twins as fuel for the ritual.

Knowledge (Arcana)
(25) It is said that a pair of Dvati eyes can be used to fuel spells that generally put a strain on the body (1000 XP component) but only the most vile of caster use them.
(35) Due to the Dvati strong psychic connection it might be posable for a powerful spell to be channeled through them to affect two location at the same time, this however would probably put their lives in great peril. (Spellcraft DC 55 to forcibly send a spell through a Dvati or 35 for a willing pair, as a result of this the Dvati each take 1d10 damage per caster level)

Dvati have a unique perspective compared to any race, due to the ability to observe a situation from two point at the same time. They are also more likely to consider their options and not act hastily compared to other races because they often consult with their other after before acting. This can cause decision paralysis but they are also just as likely to consider an option that is not obvious. To the Dvati there are always other ways to solve the problem presented to them, they just need to find a new perspective.

Physical Description
Even though Dvati descend from half-elves they appear almost other worldly compared to them due to the alchemical substance the first Dvati were exposed to. A Dvati body is completely symmetrical and is nearly perfect by human standards. It is almost eerie how symmetrical their facial and physical structures are which grants them an apparent beauty that cannot be matched by other races. Their skin is a snow white with a slight blue tint. There eyes are a brilliant blue in all part of the eye with darker and lighter tones in the pupil and sclera respectively. Most Dvati stand around 5 to 6 feet tall and their weight is usually 100 to 160 pounds. The Dvati men only have a slightly heavier build then the females. A Dvati can live to about 300 years of age.
Most Dvati are several generations removed from the originals, for some unknown reason a Dvati offspring is always pure Dvati even though only one of their parents can be Dvati.

Most Dvati get along well with most other races even if the individuals may be put on edge by their appearance. Dvati tend to empathic to others because they can understand multiple perspectives easily. Dvati often struggle in personal relationships because other races can’t comprehend the shear strength of the bond between the twins. This can be strained further by the twins periodically disagreeing with each other.

Most dvati are neutral, they are embodiment of symmetry itself. Being linked with each other some Dvati clam feel a link to the nature around them and find a unique respect for all living things. Some Dvati brake from this mold and their bond reinforces extreme behavior and effectively always have someone to egg the other on. Because of this Dvati almost always deal in balanced or extreme terms and idea with very little in-between.

Dvati Lands
Dvati are too few in number and are too spread out to lay claim to their own kingdom or even settlement. Dvati’s largest groups are normally family units but tend to fall apart after the children grow up. This is due to the fact that dvati experience more of life in a shorter amount of time that most and often want to move on to somewhere new or try something different. Some Dvati keep in contact with their kin and come to their aid if the situation arises but it is rare to see multiple pairs of twins in the same location.

Dvati are often draw towards twin god/goddesses if there are any in their world. Besides that they typically follow gods/goddess of balance or nature.

Dvati do not have any language of their own but they typically speak common and elven. Dvati are however able to speak in such a way that only other Dvatis could understand it because the speech pattern is too chaotic for average people to understand. Dvati G

A Dvatis’ names are often compliantly to each other or have similar sounds in them.

Male Names: Olon and Alax, Targren and Talon, Xephon and Xephar.
Female Names: Esmerra and Esandra, Lia and Kira, Poldra and Eldra.

Dvati adventures are common among their population. Due to their drifting nature Dvati are likely to pick up adventuring during one part of their life or another.

Dvati are not an elf and do not count for being an elf for any reason. Dvati are a severe alteration of half-elfs and no longer can be recognized as such.

Dvati Racial Traits

As Medium creatures, dvati have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.

Land Speed
Dvati base land speed is 30 feet.

Dvati can see in the dark to a range of up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and dvati can function just fine with no light at all.

Psychic Link
The dvati twins have an innate, powerful psychic connection. This gives the twins some critical advantages and disadvantages. They can communicate via telepathy at an unlimited range and even if they are on different plains. A twin cannot perceive what his other perceives. As a full-round action, a dvati twin can determine his twin's current hit points and mental state. If one twin is on the same plane as the other, the twin learns the relative direction and distance to his partner.

A “single” Dvati is a pair of creatures that share a soul. A Dvati is treated as a single character for XP, Levels, Skills, Class Features, and Feats. This means that when one twin picks a feat like Power Attack the other must also be able to pick Power attack and must take Power attack. Essentially you build one character sheet for two bodies. For Ability scores there is only one score that has to be the same, Intelligence, this is for skill points. Additionally they share spell slots and abilities like bardic music, turn undead and so on. Thus a 3rd level bard can only use bardic music 3 time per day between the two of them and not 3 time per day each. While Identical twins do look the same each one of the twins can grow up to be a little different in personality or physical attributes, for example one of the twins could like working out while the other enjoys reading. This could lead to one having a higher strength and the other a higher wisdom. Note this could cause problems so make sure to consult your DM before having different ability scores.

Pair Attack
The close relationship between dvati twins grants them several benefits when they work together. If two dvati twins team up to flank an opponent, they each gain an additional +1 bonus on attack rolls for a total of +3. If a twin uses the aid another action to help his twin, he grants an additional +2 bonus (for a total of +4) on attack rolls or to Armor Class.

Spell Conductor
A dvati twin can choose to shift a spell that affects him to his twin so long as both of them are on the same plane. The shifted spell must have a range of touch and it must also be harmless. Using this ability requires a move action to focus and channel the spell's power. Aside from the change in target, the spell's duration and effects continue as normal. A dvati can transfer a spell he casts from one twin to the other as part of the act of casting. He cannot transfer spells used by others.

Echo Attack
By combining their voices into one maddening cacophony, a pair of dvati twins can confuse a creature they flank. If both twins speak as a move action while flanking an opponent, that creature must make a Will save. The DC of this save equals the result of a single Perform (sing) check made by the dvati. If the save fails, the twins gain their choice of a +1 bonus on attack rolls against the creature or a +1 bonus to Armor Class against the creature's strikes. This bonus lasts for 1 round. Creatures that cannot hear or be flanked are immune to this effect.

Frail Body
Dvati twins are weaker individually than most races. As a result they each gain one half of each Hit Die Role rounding up. Both Dvati twins have the same HP from each role.

Entwined Fate
If one dvati twin dies, the other slowly sickens and perishes. Each day that passes after a dvati twin dies, the surviving twin takes ld4 points of Constitution and Wisdom damage and takes a cumulative -1 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws. The ability damage and penalties remain (and cannot be healed or removed) until the living twin dies or his soul twin returns to life (at which time they immediately disappear). Most dvati prefer to commit ritual suicide if one twin dies without hope of return, as the pain of losing the close bond drives a dvati to the brink of madness until they submit and die.

Though Overload
When a dvati casts a spell, both members of the pair must focus and concentrate on it. Both twins must simultaneously take the actions required to cast a spell, although only one must supply material components. One twin cannot cast a spell while the other attacks, for example. A lone dvati can cast spells by them self but the other is nauseated and can only move till the start of their next turn.

Bonded Mind
A mind-affecting ability or spell that affects one twin affects both of them. If a single such ability targets both twins at the same time, they make only one save between them. There are some specific circumstance that are exception though this rule, mainly drugs, poisons and alcohol. If one of the twins falls unconscious for any reason that is not a mind affecting ability, the other must make a will save of 10 to stay awake every turn. It is also not possible for a dvati to rest while one of the twins is awake. In most cases, an effect that applies to one twin does not affect the other. The only exception to this is mind-affecting abilities and negative levels. Negative level only allow one save by the twin that is targeted. If the dvati have different will save they use the lowest score between them.

Automatic Languages
Common and any other bonus languages of their mother or father, whichever one is not a Dvati. For example if a Dvati has an elf father they also gain Elven. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages)

Shared Equipment
Dvati twins share their magic item slots. For example they can only use one Cloak of Resistance +1. Most magic item give a personal range benefit and thus both of the twins gain the benefit of the item. Items that have charge per day only can benefit on of the twins at a time. Armor and weapons do not fallow this rule. Armor and weapons also do not derive any benefit to their twin.

Harmonic voice
Preform (Sing) is a Racial Class skill. Also when singing together they make a single Preform (Sing) check with the lowest modifier.

Fighting Together
Dvati are allowed to occupy the same space without taking any penalty. While Dvati are occupying the same space they can’t be flanked.

Spell Link
Dvati can assist each other in casting a spell when standing next to each other, within 5 feet from the other. They then make DC 10 + spell level concentration check when casting a spell. They each to join their efforts together to infuse their spell with more power, if successful the spell is treated as 1 caster level higher than normal. However if they both fail the spell also fails.

Shared Knowledge
Dvati share everything they know with each other and can only make one knowledge check for the both of them. They take the higher modify if their skill modifiers differ.

Single Soul
If the time comes to raise a Dvati from the dead only a single resurrection spell will need to be used to resurrect the twins or the one that has fallen.

Multiple Perspectives
+2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks.

Unnatural Beauty
-2 racial penalty on disguise checks that do not involve a mask.

Class Related Notes
-Both Dvati enter rage at the same time for a single use.

-Vestiges bind to the soul so a dvati shares the vestiges they bind between them. But the each get to make a bind check.

-Wild shape is a personal range affect so it changes both of them.
-Each twin gets an animal companion

-When a Dvati is trying to recover a maneuver using a full round action both of the twins must take part.
-Both Dvati must be in the same stance and one switching their stance causing both to switch stance

Casting Classes
-Dvati only add bonus spells equal to their highest or lowest modifier (DM call)
-Any non dvati can polymorph into one of then a set of twins but not both.

Psionic Classes
-Both twins are ether psionic focused or not.
Racial Feats
Helper Link
This ability work exactly like Pair Link except for aid other on skill and ability. Helper Links grant an additional +2 (for a +4 total) on aid other skill and ability checks when a Dvati is aiding their twin.

Racial Flaws
Mental Feedback
When the Dvati twin are forced to make a will save due to a mind affecting effect each twin must make their save separately or they both fail. This causes them to have to make 2 saves for a mind affecting ability. Failing a save cause the twin that failed to be stunned
Alternet Class Features/Options
Fraternal Twin – Due to some tragedy the Dvati twins were born quadruplets, two pairs of identical twins. During birth or while they were still fetuses one twin from each pair died and their mind were able to link up with their Fraternal twin. Drawback – Forced to take Mental Feedback

Red Eyed Dvati
Multiple Perspectives is traded away for a +2 to intimidate.

The reason for this document is that the entry in dragon magazine and dragon compendium contradict their own text. And have led to the Dvati being interpreted as useless to very powerful. But let’s first figure out what the original documents meant.

Issue 1: Individual set of action or one set of actions between them.
A "single" dvati is a pair of creatures that shares a soul.
A dvati character is actually two separate dvati twins who share a soul.
These two creatures move and act separately but have a number of restrictions based on their connection
Echo Attack
This ability requires 2 move actions to use and would be useless if they only had one set of actions
Each round represents 6 seconds in the game world. A round presents an opportunity for each character involved in a combat situation to take an action.
In essence, you build one character who occupies two bodies, regardless of the class chosen.
For Dvati you should still build 2 character sheets because there will be some differences like inventory or buffs or debuffs.

All of this information add up to me to mean that the Dvati each take a turn. I personally recommend them acting on the same turn to speed up gameplay but that is me.

Issue 2: One mind or Two
Ok this one is more difficult to understand the difference or the implication of the two options.

Thus, their minds occupy two bodies.Minds is plural implying two
Dvati twins duel each other to press their talents and hone their abilities. If they had one mind this would not give the benefit that this states.
mind-affecting ability or spell that affects one twin affects both of them.
Dvati twins share one mind. This is the only time that this is stated.
They can communicate via telepathy at an unlimited range and across the planes. A twin cannot perceive what his other sees, hears, or otherwise perceives. If a Dvati had one mind they would basically have compound eye like a fly but in a very different way. They would in theory be able to spot for each other.
As a full-round action, a dvati twin can determine his twin's current hit points and mental state. A twin would not need to determine its twins mental state they only have one mind. So this directly contradicts the “Dvati twins share one mind.” Statement

The easiest way to fix this debacle is the change the statement “Dvati twins share one mind.” to “Dvati twins effetely share one mind for mind affecting abilities.”