View Full Version : Pathfinder Golarion days to real world days: Is Moonday Monday?

2016-03-07, 02:23 AM
So i was trying to convert Golarion days to real world days, and came across a conundrum; is Moonday the equivalent of Monday, or Sunday?
Verbally, it sounds closest to the former, but seems to be the first day of the setting's week.

2016-03-07, 03:03 AM
Many cultures consider Monday to be the first day of the week.

2016-03-07, 03:04 AM
So i was trying to convert Golarion days to real world days, and came across a conundrum; is Moonday the equivalent of Monday, or Sunday?
Verbally, it sounds closest to the former, but seems to be the first day of the setting's week.

Well, im from a different culture than main english cultures, who seem to have Sunday as the first day of the week, im spanish, and here, all calendars start on Monday...
Besides that, the day of the Sun a.k.a. Sunday, to me, should not be the moon.s day, aka monday, or as in golarion, Moonday...
Also, i.ll try to check my campaing setting book, in spanish, to see yow they arrange the weeks, to se if i can bring more context, but to me, is pretty clear, would edit later

2016-03-07, 03:39 AM
Since Sunday (Golarion) is the only day of rest, that best matches it with the Sabbath, which is Saturday. I'd go by what the function of the day is supposed to be, rather than how it's named, because...

Besides that, the day of the Sun a.k.a. Sunday, to me, should not be the moon.s day, aka monday, or as in golarion, Moonday...
Going that route, Tuesday should match up with fire, as opposed to putting Fireday on Gold day, which would make Thursday Sunday, and Friday Moonday. Basically, you're not going to get a good correlation.

2016-03-07, 04:15 AM
The weekdays are named after Roman gods after the Romans adopted the Babylonian calendar. Disregarding Golarion for a moment Wiki has told me the following:

Sunday: Day of the Sun
Monday: Day of the Moon
Tuesday: Day of Mars, Mars who is Tyr in the Germanic mythology, so Tyr's day
Wednesday: Day of Mercury, nordic Wodan, so Wodan's Day
Thursday: Day of Juptier, nordic Donar/Thor, so Thor's Day
Friday: Day of Venus, nordic Frigg (no Freya), so Frigg's Day
Saturday: Day of Saturn....you get the jist.

Golarion's weekday names were likely just picked because they SOUND similar to real world days. I always found it weird that every setting on every fantasy planet ever has close to 360 days per day, 30 days per month and somehow 7 days per week.

2016-03-07, 06:05 AM
I always found it weird that every setting on every fantasy planet ever has close to 360 days per day, 30 days per month and somehow 7 days per week.

If it makes you feel any better, Forgotten Realms has its own wacky calendar system that no one can remember. They have 10 day weeks or something. Which makes it difficult to know whether effects that work via "week" operate on a 7-day or 10-day basis.

2016-03-07, 09:14 AM
Moonday is the first day of the week (ISWG 248, "Time"). Note that this is only the most commonly-used calendar in Golarion, not the only one.

2016-03-07, 10:03 AM
That's one of the things you just have to include in your suspension of disbelief; yes, it is awfully convenient that a fantasy world has the exact same seasonal elements, rotations, and year length as earth, but trying to make up a whole new time system is really difficult, in addition to being confusing for players.

2016-03-07, 10:21 AM
Its only in the Anglosphere that Sunday often is considered the first day of the week ... most other places (certainly everywhere, where the Christian calender rules) its Monday thats considered the first day of the week, with Sunday being the holy day of resting, and until quite recently (as in ... within the last century) the only day where you weren't excepted to meet up at work.