View Full Version : Pathfinder PF - Biggest Baddest Cthulhu Monster from Beyond the Stars We Can Make?

2016-03-07, 07:29 AM
Am wondering what the most awfully strong and template stacked great old one we can build is.

Our group will be piloting a ship between the stars soon and it occurred to me to daydream about what the worst possible thing we could find out there could look like within the framework of the rules and with the statblocks we actually have on these things. I assume template stacking will happen.

Do we even have stats for anything besides the Dominion of Black and Cthulhu itself that exists between the stars?

(And don't worry about spoiling nay of my DM's fun. Whatever this thread produces will be sent his way so he can use it as he sees fit. :smallbiggrin:)

TLDR: What's the strongest monster, even templated monster, that one can run into when traveling between the stars in PF?

2016-03-07, 07:42 AM
TLDR: What's the strongest monster, even templated monster, that one can run into when traveling between the stars in PF?

Read up on the Dominion of the Black.

Those are the guys with a very complicated relationship to the Mythos, as well as having some heavy hitters of their own.
(And they brought down Divinity, an awesome accomplishment)

Besides some actual Great Old Ones and their Spawn? Very unique Dominion leaders, like 5k HD living planets and some such stuff. If you´re fed up, bring up Arktorus shadow and slam them..

2016-03-08, 02:10 PM
Read up on the Dominion of the Black.

Those are the guys with a very complicated relationship to the Mythos, as well as having some heavy hitters of their own.
(And they brought down Divinity, an awesome accomplishment)

Besides some actual Great Old Ones and their Spawn? Very unique Dominion leaders, like 5k HD living planets and some such stuff. If you´re fed up, bring up Arktorus shadow and slam them..

Any hints as to where I might find said information of the Dominion?

2016-03-08, 02:39 PM
Any hints as to where I might find said information of the Dominion?

Sadly, there´s not too much on it. Seems to be a case of "You now it when you see it" so far.
Best central place so far is, naturally, "Valley of the Brain Eaters". But you have infos before and after scattered amongst bestiary entries. You also have "Wake of the Watcher" and the scattered entries on it. You might find information in entries of Bestiary 3-5.

Case of you getting some cuban rum and citrus going, putting on tool or a perfect circle in sifting through the scraps until "Aeons" come out and we hopefully know more.

2016-03-09, 02:53 PM
Hmm. I do wonder if there are any lines of division between Dominion of Black factions (do they have factions?) that could be exploited. How 'Borg' are they? Complete devotion by all member creatures all the time? What sort of power structure do these things have?

Their numbers are numerous and their territory broad enough that combating them and their way of life will prove problematic even with a pet tech god on our side.

2016-03-09, 09:13 PM
How big and how bad are we talking here? Klingons? Yuzhon Vong? Galactus?

In any case, I think that the nastiest, biggest eldritch bad that I can come up with involves a mind whose influence spans entire galaxy. Imagine an Egregore the size of an entire planet, who has entire solar systems worshiping him and as a result possesses godlike power. It knows all, sees all, and if you attract its attention it will hunt you to the ends of universe with a trillion soldiers all willing to die for its cause. The sheer cosmic scale of this abomination would crush any sense of supremacy your players possess, and the encounters would be awe-inspiring in scale.

Imagine this thing hurling entire planets at players, or summoning so many minions that they coalesce around the PCs and form a moon of flesh with the intrepid heroes at the center. Heck, imagine the thing creating black holes out of planets and supernovas only to smash them together and send gravitational waves across the cosmos that shake structures lightyears away. Finally, imagine just what the players would have to do in order to kill this thing.

2016-03-09, 11:04 PM
Wasn't there an evil planet in 3.5 Epic? Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

As such, I hereby nominate something to the effect of Unicron.

2016-03-10, 02:28 AM
Hmm. I do wonder if there are any lines of division between Dominion of Black factions (do they have factions?) that could be exploited. How 'Borg' are they? Complete devotion by all member creatures all the time? What sort of power structure do these things have?

Their numbers are numerous and their territory broad enough that combating them and their way of life will prove problematic even with a pet tech god on our side.

Based on how I´ve understood the DotB so far, they are neither a hive-mind nor in any way Borg-like.
They are a collective of species that have "understood the truth" in some lovecraftian sense. What they do makes total sense to them (What was that monster again where a great part of the species like to teleport into black holes?). There are lines of division, sure, but there´s no way to exploit them. Why? Because they don´t understand you. You´re a madman for them, rejecting the truth. And, again in lovecraftian fashion, the moment you understand them, you´re ready to join.

2016-03-10, 05:28 AM
What was that monster again where a great part of the species like to teleport into black holes?
Dire Lemmings FTW!!!

How big and how bad are we talking here? Klingons? Yuzhon Vong? Galactus?
A 20th level mad wizard from the TO boards is plenty scary. As in, he crafts enough Apocalyspe from the Sky and Interplanetary Teleport contingencies to frag an entire planet when he activates them all... then uses Teleport through time to travel back a month and kill another planet at the same time. Repeat ad nauseam till you frag all plants in the universe.
In comparison, Galactus only eats a planet a year or so thus in a galaxy of two hundred billion star systems with a hundred billion galaxies in the observale universe he isn't doing that much harm.

2016-03-10, 05:31 AM
A 20th level mad wizard from the TO boards is plenty scary. As in, he crafts enough Apocalyspe from the Sky and Interplanetary Teleport contingencies to frag an entire planet when he activates them all... then uses Teleport through time to travel back a month and kill another planet at the same time. Repeat ad nauseam till you frag all plants in the universe.
In comparison, Galactus only eats a planet a year or so thus in a galaxy of two hundred billion star systems with a hundred billion galaxies in the observale universe he isn't doing that much harm.

And what does that have to do with the Dominion of the Black we´re talking about? (We´re talking about the guys where one of the known leaders goes by the charming name of "we drowned all the gods")

Bobby Baratheon
2016-03-10, 03:50 PM
There is a foul beast that meets your requirements. Be warned, for summoning this vile entity is an act of the most desperate insanity. His footsteps echo throughout eternity, shattering the sanity of the strongest of men and rendering them gibbering, drooling lunatics. You have been warned!


2016-03-10, 06:18 PM
Immortals handbook has all the ridiculous numbers monsters you seek

Read about it here http://www.somethingawful.com/dungeons-and-dragons/epic-level-insanity/1/