View Full Version : Power combination confusion

2016-03-07, 12:31 PM
Just some questions that has been rattling around. If you put the Throwing ability on an orc double-axe, can you put Returning as well? And do both heads need both abilities or just one? Could you put Throwing on one head and Returning on the other? What about Distance?

2016-03-07, 02:58 PM
Just some questions that has been rattling around. If you put the Throwing ability on an orc double-axe, can you put Returning as well?

Yes - a "Throwing" melee weapon can now be thrown, thus meeting the textual requirement for Returning. Whether this actually makes that weapon into a "ranged weapon" is a bit ambiguous but I'd go with yes; your GM may vary.

And do both heads need both abilities or just one? Could you put Throwing on one head and Returning on the other? What about Distance?

Each head is treated as a separate weapon for magical purposes, so you would need both Throwing and Returning (and Distance - but see above) on the same head.

2016-03-07, 03:05 PM
If you put the Throwing ability on an orc double-axe, can you put Returning as well?

Yes. Both properties would have to be on the same "head".

And do both heads need both abilities or just one?

Just one "head". Putting Throwing and Returning on the other end would be redundant and expensive.

You can enchant the other head separately, but those properties generally won't have anything to do with what happens when it's a thrown weapon. On the other hand, if you want a property on there that isn't related to throwing, such as Eager or Warning, then it would probably be cheaper to put those on the non-throwing head.

Could you put Throwing on one head and Returning on the other?

No. Returning can only be placed on a ranged weapon, and until Throwing is on one end of it, the double-axe isn't a ranged weapon.

What about Distance?

Yes, you could add Distance, but it would have to be on the head that already had Throwing on it.

2016-03-07, 03:37 PM
Note that you'll only be able to make thrown attacks with the head enhanced wih throwing and returning if you don't want to eat the -4 non-proficiency penalty and expect it to return. Also, obligatory mention of bloodstorm blade.