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View Full Version : Looking for some assistance..

2016-03-07, 07:48 PM
Hey there to all! I'm looking for some knowledgeable folks who wouldn't mind working with me to teach me how to play the 3.5 system correctly. Its been quite a few years since i last played so hopefully there are a few of you who would be up to this?

2016-03-07, 08:27 PM
Hey there to all! I'm looking for some knowledgeable folks who wouldn't mind working with me to teach me how to play the 3.5 system correctly. Its been quite a few years since i last played so hopefully there are a few of you who would be up to this?

The best way I know of is to get into a game that plays with as few houserules as possible. There are a few on the forums here, or you could post an ad on the Recruitment thread asking for a DM for a Solo campaign focused on learning the basics. Heck, I'm a bit rusty myself, but I'd be willing to help out however I could.

2016-03-07, 08:46 PM
I happen to have just found a DM for a game in recruitment if you are interested in applying. Its a bit dark with the main character being like Judge Dredd as a warning however. He is a LE follower of Hextor trying to make a name for himself outside his family's shadow. And to do so would spend a lot of time in a strange new village trying to bring law and order to it. Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?480421-Stepping-away-from-the-familes-shadow-%283-5%29) is a link if you are interested in joining.

2016-03-07, 08:46 PM
Thats a fantastic idea! If i can find a DM to help id be more than happy to have you along with. It would be good to have a companion to help learn.

2016-03-07, 08:51 PM
If you dont mind having a rusty player id be willing to try it out.. but i warn you im very rusty.. almost pathetically rusty...

2016-03-07, 08:57 PM
I do not mind having a rusty player, when I first joined the site I had not played a real game of D&D in over five years, and still though a Dwarven defender was cool. So really no big deal to me. It's just getting the DM to pick you is all when he puts up a big 16.

2016-03-07, 09:04 PM
Would i have to create new character? If so, what are your prereqs? And its been like 11 or 12 years since ive played so we're talking rusty rusty RUSTY!!!

2016-03-07, 09:12 PM
Yes you would have to make a new character. There is a site called mythweavers which houses a a system where you can make D&D 3.5 (among other RPG game) character sheets if you were not aware. It is what most people use so everyone can see each others characters. The prereqs would be in the big 16 of the link I posted in my first post. And thats no big deal to me, not sure on the DM, I persoanlly look at the ability to have fun with creative and interesting characters.

2016-03-07, 09:20 PM
We can help you make a character here, if you like.

2016-03-07, 09:28 PM
Alright that would probably be best because i was just reading up on dantes game and i wouldnt know where to even start creating a lvl 4 character. Someone mentioned buy offs but im not quite sure what that means? And i was wondering whats the big 16? I didnt see it in the other post.

2016-03-07, 09:31 PM
Alright that would probably be best because i was just reading up on dantes game and i wouldnt know where to even start creating a lvl 4 character. Someone mentioned buy offs but im not quite sure what that means? And i was wondering whats the big 16? I didnt see it in the other post.

The Big 16 is what we use here to give all the vitals of the game (System, point-buy, houserules, etc.)

LA (level adjustment) is the offset that some playable races and templates have to 'balance' their extra goodies over what the standard races get. Buy Off is an alternate rule found in Unearthed Arcana that allows you to pay a fixed amount of XP at certain levels to reduce the LA of a character. You won't need to worry about this, because we'll start you out with a standard race.

What sort of concept do you fancy playing?

2016-03-07, 09:32 PM
The big 16 is a list of rules the DM makes so the players know what kind of game they will be playing, what books are allowed and things like that. At the moment there is not one, as the DM is waiting to here from a few players if they are okay with him DMing.

Buyoff was something I mentioned. Basically I am playing a race that is slightly more powerful then the standard PHB races. LA buyoff allows you to pay the exp after a certain amount of time to gain the level you lose from being that race back.

I would work more a character concept and backstory at the moment instead of a sheet as we do not know anything from the DM besides that he thinks we will be level four.

edit: I see I was beaten to every punch lol

2016-03-07, 10:00 PM
Im not sure right off hand i like the ranger class but i suppose that it would depend on what kind of classes dantes allowing? An evil character sounds like it could be interesting though...

2016-03-07, 10:03 PM
Ranger can be a decent starter class. It has a few choices to make, but most of its abilities are fairly straightforward. You should probably decide whether you want to be more into melee or ranged combat. Rangers don't do either fantastically, but can do well enough at one or the other. If you try to do both, though, it will go poorly.

2016-03-07, 10:12 PM
The first character I ever made was a ranger who worshiped the god of slaughter. It was an amusing character and a great starter. I am not the DM though, I can't say what is and is not allowed. I am simply a player in the game that found the DM and have said what my character will be. Evil is always good when you are playing with a follower of Hextor. Just remember there are varying degrees of evil though. As dex said though, choosing between twf or using a bow is a good place to start as it will help you think of what the character would do now. After all someone who uses a bow will not run at their enemy, while a twf won't stay out of combat the entire time.

2016-03-07, 10:14 PM
I had some help building a ranger class. Im more interested in using the archery instead of the dual weapons. But i do have a half-elf ranger but he's only lvl 1...

2016-03-07, 10:19 PM
As stated the big 16 is not up yet so making him rule wise will be a bit hard (you don't know how the dm is making stats). So let's focus on some other aspects of the character.

Now that you know you want to do archery what race do you want to be? I know you mentioned having a half elf but I would like to point out in 3.5 you are better off being a human or an elf. Half elves get the short end of the stick most times. Though if you want to play a half elf that is fine as well. So why don't you pick a race now.

2016-03-07, 10:43 PM
I think i want to do an elf I like all the goodies except the -2 constitution.

2016-03-07, 10:57 PM
Do you happen to own races of the wild? I would read up on elves a bit, there may be some feats and such that may help you develop your character.

2016-03-07, 11:12 PM
I do have that. Ill do some reading up on it. If its not blocked i think ill play an elf ranger.

2016-03-07, 11:27 PM
Looking at the books will help you get into the mindset of an elf in D&D and allow you to flesh out the character more without actually having a stat block. It will give you ideas as to how he was raised, who he may worship, and why he does things the way he does. Perhaps the bow he wields has been past down from one generation to the next and is said to hold ancient power inside it for those with the family blood running through them just for an example. And when all else fails, go watch Legolos kick ass in lotr.