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2016-03-08, 05:27 PM
Back Alley

Ellen does as instructed by Orlando, leaping to the ground at the other end of the alley and making with scary faces. One of the four men pulls out an SMG and Ellen collapses in a hail of bullets. The other three turn their attention back to Orlando and Warren closing in behind them. They're a little less quick with the trigger than their compatriot, and one of them says. "Walk away."

Sayuri's investigative insects can determine there are some sort of electronics inside the backpacks. Beyond that-- the other smells are foreign to the wasps.

Near the building

John's telekinetically-added support struts are making a difference-- but only by slowing the inevitable collapse. Street lamp posts aren't sufficient structural replacement for steel girders, and he can already see them starting to warp and twist under the weight of the higher floors.

Richard takes the offered smoke bombs and pops out of sight, presumably teleporting from building to building. Between his efforts and Edward's, several of the buildings start to disgorge people-- some, presumably office buildings, don't.


The sign over the restaurant proclaimed itself as Club 90s, and the burly man (inside the building, but still outside the club itself) she accosts just looks at her and says, "No pass, no entrance. Don't care how pretty you look."

In the air next to the building

Most of the lit windows reveal rooms with just emergency lighting, but Rebecca does find a room where a lone IT guy appears to have been doing some work, although he's currently dozing at his desk, while a progress bar moves across the screen he's sitting in front of, the slight swaying of the building thus far not enough to rouse him from his sleep. Bryn remains silent for the moment, since she's more or less just cargo right now-- there's not a lot of use she can be at the moment.


"Thanks. Was there someone you were wanting me to find for you?" she asks.

2016-03-08, 06:30 PM
"Brace yourself!"

There was no time to be polite or subtle. Rebecca just smashed straight through the office window. She did her best to shield Bryn from the shards of broken glass. If the man still wasn't awake after that entrance, he definitely would be in a few seconds: Because Rebecca was about to scoop him up in one arm (since the other one was holding Bryn), and fly back out the window. Heedless of any protests he might be making, she'd then plummet headlong towards the street below. She'd drop him off at ground level as quickly as she could. Poor guy. She'd have to apologise to him when all this was over.

Bryn got dropped off too. She'd be able to accomplish a lot more down here than she could as Rebecca's luggage. Her undead friend didn't even pause to say goodbye. She just rocketed straight back up the skyscraper again. There was so little time!

2016-03-08, 06:55 PM
"Alright, tha's a start..." Edward gasped as he stopped at the end of the block, looking back at all the people leaving the buildings. Moving closer and into the middle of the road, he cupped his hands and drew in a deep breath.
"Everyone clear out o' the area! Move yer arses away from the bleedin' fallin' buildin'!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.
Hearing his shout echo down the street and seeing that several groups of people heard him, he added "An' pass it along to yer neighbours, then ****in' move!"

Good work Edward, now we should... Oh dear lord, no... Edward, There is still no movement from the building Miss Willow entered!

"What?!" Edward snapped, looking down down the street toward the club. "Dammit, ****, ****, arse, piss!" He snarled as he tore down the street, a continuing string of profanity leaving his lips as he ran.
"I'm no' lettin' anythin' 'appen to Pixiestick!" He continued, panic rising in his throat.

2016-03-08, 07:10 PM
For a moment William was tempted to ask her to find Rebecca but he quickly realized that asking such a thing would be somewhat stalkerish. Beside, if he wanted to see his girlfriend all he had to day was to run to her dorm.

"No, that's fine. So what do you guys do on patrol? Are you going to get in space someday or is it just groundwork?"

2016-03-08, 08:19 PM
"I don't have f****** time for this," Willow snarled, giving the bouncer a full blast of magic-voice.

"You wanna take me to the deejay or sound system or whatever and you want to show me how to use it so I can talk at everyone. It's very important to you that I get there as quickly as possible."

2016-03-09, 12:14 AM
Herald looks around, but there's nothing lse he can lift that might slow the building... Looking from the club, to the alley where the gunfire came from, he makes a potentially fateful decision and heads for the alley.

2016-03-09, 03:50 PM
Upon seeing his teammate being mercilessly and cowardly shot at point-blank range, Orlando gasps in shock, horror and anger. "Ellen! Oh Dios..."

However, this is no time for grief, as Ellen is in need of an immediate medical aid. Damn... I'm so stupid. And furthermore, the other three guys were already drawing machine guns just as the first one, so Orlando needs to act fast.

"Warren! Sayuri! Neutralize them! Help Ellen!" he quickly commands as he acts with no doubt. Carefully controlling his own kinetic energy, he instantly advances forward ready to position himself in the middle of the thug's formation before the thugs can react. As he fastly dashes through, he puts his hand on the grip of Meiyo -his sword- and quick draws, increasing the kinetic energy of his own weapon. The maneuver results in a dazzling blade that slashes upwards, splitting the left guy's gun in half in a blink of an eye, but barely scratching the thug's cheek. (El Camino Ascendente).

As he stops in the middle of the thugs, he quick-withdraws his sword, but his Circle of Perception is still active, so no movement from the thugs can escape Orlando's blindsight. If these guys plan to pull the trigger again, Orlando could easily anticipate their movements and counterattack, or just concentrate the kinetic energy on his feet to dodge or jump, making the thugs accidentally shoot themselves.

With his hand still on the grip of his now withdrawn sword, Orlando warns the thugs: "You move, I cut." He glares at the guy who shot Ellen. "You first."

2016-03-10, 08:02 AM
Foregoing any fancy techniques or magic spells, Warren simply shifts his grip on one of the guitars in his hand and hurls it at the thug closest to him with his preternaturally enhanced strength.

2016-03-15, 05:27 PM

"Right then," The man with the cut on his face says coldly at about the same time that one of the other four gets clobbered with a flying guitar to the face. The guitar-brained man falls to the ground unconscious while the speaker drops his useless gun and pulls an oblong, black device out of his pack. Before even Orlando, with his enhanced speed, has a chance to react, the man presses a button on the grip and lobs it up onto a fire escape several floors up. Meanwhile, the trigger-happy man turns his gun on Orlando, letting bullets fly...

About this point, Herald reaches the alley.


"Oh, okay then," the bouncer says to Willow, sounding slightly dazed. He takes her through the crowd to an array of microphones and musical instruments. "There you go."

Outside the building

Rebecca doesn't spot anyone else in the building before it really starts to topple over. Meanwhile, as the crowds start to move in the direction he indicated, Edward spots Bryn trying to keep a panicked, nerdy-looking guy from trying to reenter the building. She's slowing him down, but unable to stop him completely.


"Patrol's pretty boring. We're mostly supposed to take care of the minor stuff so that the police and the real Star Knights are able to deal with the big problems. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't intend to go into space. I like Signal City, and I don't have any plans to leave. It's nice making some contacts and some allies for the future, but mostly, we're helping keep the city safe, and isn't that what we should use our powers for?"

2016-03-15, 07:15 PM
Arriving in the alley, Herald draws his sawn-off shotgun. "You got away from the party before we could talk last time. Let me introduce myself, my name is-" And he fires at the speaker with a deer slug.

2016-03-15, 08:50 PM
With his Circle active, Orlando could sense one thug being knocked out by Warren's guitar, another one (the cheek-scratched one) being pulling out and throwing an oblong thing up, the third still holding his position, and the fourth ignoring Orlando's warning and readying his machine gun against him.

As the thug pulls the trigger, Orlando -already prepared for that- dramatically accelerates his own kinetic energy, dashing right and forwards, and hopefully dodging the initial bullets (and probably letting the projectiles reach the other remaining thug) just as John taught him days before, and shouting "grenade!" to warn the group (and everyone in their surroundings). Coordinating his footwork to make a turn and use the momentum to quick-draw his katana -this time targetting the thug's wrist instead of the gun- and repeat the previous maneuver: an upwards high-speed clean cut.

At that time his Circle perceived a human male figure, armed to the teeth with a bunch of fireguns; probably Herald (no one else would take such huge arsenal to the Financial District). Apparently he was aiming to the grenade guy.

That noticed, Orlando holds his sword with both hands, the tip aiming at the neck of the trigger-happy thug. "I warned you," he says coldly. His eyes almost showing tears of anger and frustration. "Now surrender. It's over."

2016-03-16, 12:56 PM

"Patrol's pretty boring. We're mostly supposed to take care of the minor stuff so that the police and the real Star Knights are able to deal with the big problems. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't intend to go into space. I like Signal City, and I don't have any plans to leave. It's nice making some contacts and some allies for the future, but mostly, we're helping keep the city safe, and isn't that what we should use our powers for?"

"Maybe. I mean, if you're heart isn't into doing the hero stuff you'd make for a lousy hero. Maybe I should have joined afterall. I'd be rubbish in space but if it's an option to just stay with your feet on the ground I don't really have an excuse not to join. I wonder if the others are as bored as you were. I can't imagine them being content with boring patrols."

2016-03-16, 03:03 PM
Outside the building

Rebecca doesn't spot anyone else in the building before it really starts to topple over. Meanwhile, as the crowds start to move in the direction he indicated, Edward spots Bryn trying to keep a panicked, nerdy-looking guy from trying to reenter the building. She's slowing him down, but unable to stop him completely.

"Bryn? Wha' the 'ell are you doin' 'ere?" Edward said, giving the girl a confused look.

That can wait, brother. She can aid the other group!

"Right you are, 'Enry." Edward said. With no trace of remorse whatsoever, He pulled a dart with normal tranquilizer out of his pocket, and plunged it into the nerdy looking guys shoulder. Within seconds the guy fell limp, and Edward grabbed him by the neck before he could hit the ground. "'Scuse me." He said, and focused his biokineticism on strengthening is muscles. He then hoisted the now unconscious man over his shoulder.
"Lissen Bryn, I've no idea why yer 'ere, but ye'll be a much bigger 'elp with th' other group. They're down thattaway." He said and pointed with his free arm in the direction that Orlando's group had gone. "I 'eard gunshots from down there jus' now, an' my money's on it bein' someone takin' potshots at our blokes. So they need you there. We can 'andle evacuatin' round 'ere."

No more time to waste, Edward. make haste.

"Right, right. Shaddap will ye? I got this." Edward bit back, his voice tense. "Now if you'll 'scuse me, I've a princess ta save." He said, and with the unconscious man still on his shoulder, he continued towards the club where Willow was presently located.

2016-03-16, 04:33 PM
"So I just talk into this thingy, right?" Willow said, half to herself. Okay, easy stuff, hopefully. Now just to hope that magic worked through this thing.

"Hey! Everybody! Listen good. You're all going to stop doing whatever and leave now! It's super important, okay?"

She turned to the guy who'd led her in.

"That includes you. Out!"

2016-03-21, 07:00 PM
Ignoring the rest of the combatants, Warren drops whatever guitar he's holding and leaps up to the side of the building, digging his fingers into its side and pulling himself up hand over hand until he reaches the fire escape where the thug threw the grenade. Then, pulling yet another guitar out of the air, he steps up and takes a golf swing at the grenade, trying to hit it out into the open air of the street, away from the buildings or any civilians.

2016-03-29, 11:28 PM

The thug with the gun grunts in pain as Orlando slices his hand clean off-- and cups his remaining hand over the wound as blue-green blood oozes slowly from the stump. The man with the cut on his cheek, meanwhile, looks upward as Warren swats the grenade into the air. The slug from John's gun impacts him dead center on the chest, but he doesn't even seem to notice it. There's a sudden deafening silence, followed by a thunderclap, and a rush of wind towards the spot where the grenade -- and a small part of the building opposite Warren- was. Warren's guitar is ripped out of his hands to disappear into the center of the disturbance, along with a good section of wall from the other building. When the explosion happens, the three thugs still standing and mobile take off running again, out of the alley, heedless of any attempts to stop them.


With a rather dazed look on many of the faces of the clubbers, they start to file out at Willow's directive, with the exception of three people who appear to be stoned out of their minds, slumped in a corner booth of the club.

Outside the building

Rebecca is caught in the path of the building's collapse, and will have to exert herself to her flight limits to get clear of the skyscraper.

The IT guy was yelling "You don't understand! I have to get back in there! The entire system is vulnerable!" as Edward knocks him out and hoists him over his shoulder. Bryn doesn't seem to have a good answer for Edward, but noticing what's happening with Rebecca, pulls out her phone and starts typing on it. She does walk in the direction Edward is indicating, but is more intent on her phone than the events in the alley.

Edward is prevented (at least briefly) from entering the club by a large group of people exiting from all the available doors.


William's phone goes off with its usual text message ringtone. The message, from Bryn, lists an address and the words "rebecca needs u. hurry".

Maria, meanwhile, responds to William's comment with, "Talk to most policemen, and they'll tell you they prefer the boring nights over the exciting ones. And while tonight was quiet, I'm sure other nights won't be."

2016-03-30, 05:20 AM
Herald drops the shotgun and in one smooth motion reaches to the gear pouches on his belt. His left hand flings a knockout gas grenade ahead of what at this point he was assuming were aliens, so they would run into the cloud. His right hand spins and throws a bolas at the feet of the one he'd shot. One his hands were free, he levitated the metal pipe from his belt into his grip, where it extended into a 2-meter metal combat staff.

2016-03-30, 09:22 AM
God, I hope someone's a healer. Warren pulls another guitar out of the air and then, after a moments hesitation, throws himself off the fire escape at the fleeing thugs with a scream of "EL..KABONG!"

2016-03-30, 09:43 AM
William checked her phone distractedly as he listen to Maria. He reads Brynn's message in confusion for a second and then the cafetaria explode, plates flying off in all direction as a small sonic boom rocks the entire room, not entirely negated by his viridan aura.

From above it look as if a stream of blue green lightning is coursing out of the school and into the streets of the nearby town. William runs at his top speed, headless of the damage he is doing to himself as muscles starts screaming protest and tendons start tearing.
When he reaches the adress Brynn texted him barely half a second after brynn texted it to him he sees the collapsing building and Rebecca flying away on it's path.

Once more he curses his inability to run up the side of things and the stream of lightning enters the collapsing structure. He takes a moment to search every room on every floor, ferrying out any civilian that might remain inside before stopping at the window closest to the flying vampire, a simple blur as he keeps up his speed even while standing still. If he stops now he will pay the price.

He shatters the window with the impact of his ultrasonic fist. Good old physics he might be reasonably in shape but at such speed his fist have enough power behind them they could give the super strong type a run for their money.

He grabs a computer screen nearby and chucks it out the window, aiming near to rebecca. With any luck she'll look back to see what's trying to hit her. He can't just jump out to catch her, once his feets leave solid ground he is useless. But if she were to fly toward him and into the building he'd be able to rush them both out to ground level.

2016-03-30, 12:02 PM
Even if he's still grieving Ellen's condition, Orlando manages to mantain his focus, using the momentum of the slice to make a fierce shake with his blade in order to wipe the greenish blood away.

As the thugs somehow manage to escape, Orlando quickly withdraws Meiyo and takes out the dartgun. He aims at the slowest one and pulls the trigger, this time using his kinetic power to speed up the tranquilizer dart.

That was the only thing he could do, as right now Ellen's health takes priority over the capture of the green-blooded thugs. He withdraws his gun as he approaches Ellen's body. "Ellen! Oh Dios..." He quickly checks the gravity of the wounds, but decides not to intervene as he has no healing experience at all and could make things worse.

Instead, he takes his cellphone and calls ensign Rounnig. "Rounnig, it's Orlando again. Reporting we've been just attacked by armed thugs. Ellen was shot by a machine gun at point-blank range. Repeat, Ellen was shot. We're in immediate need of a medic. Thank you."

Callings done, Orlando gently grabs Ellen's hand. "Help's coming, Ellen. Please hold on."

2016-03-30, 08:05 PM
Rebecca had lingered for too long. She'd been so intent on searching for survivors, that she hadn't worried enough about herself. Now she desperately fled the collapsing building, with all the speed she could muster. But even now, the outcome was already clear: She wasn't going to make it. In just a few seconds, her body would be crushed by half a skyscraper. Could even a Vampire survive that? Rebecca doubted it. Her thoughts stumbled along, desperate and panicked, in the last brief window available to them.

[This is the end, isn't it? Final death, coming right up. It's...It's too soon. There's so much left to do; A whole world left to explore! A-and what about the people I'm leaving behind?! Mom and Dad and Bryn and William! I never even got to say goodbye! I never got to tell him how much I...This can't be happening! Someone, anyone, please! Help m-]

And then a monitor hit her in the back. Reflexively, she turned; And gaped. If her heart had still been beating, it would have stopped. William (dear sweet fragile William) was standing right there! What was he doing?! He could get himself killed! With a look on her face that was equal parts fear and anger, Rebecca flew straight at her brave, amazing, moronic boyfriend.

"You idiooooooot! Get out of there right now!"

2016-03-31, 12:13 PM
It worked, Rebecca was flying toward him. It took an eternity for her to reach him, an eternity where the building kept crumbling around him. As soon as he could he grabbed her and rushed back down, hoping that time hadn't destroyed the stairs he had taken up, if they did they would really be in trouble.

2016-04-01, 09:09 PM
As he was blocked by the mass of people exiting the club, Edward snorted in irritation. Singling out a brawny man in the group, Edward passed him the burden of the unconscious IT-guy and moved on before the brawny guy could voice any complaints.
"Outta my way, comin' through, move yer fat legs!" He exclaimed as he forced his way through the crowd towards the club entrance, liberally doling out pushes and shoves when necessary to facilitate an easier passing.

As soon as he got inside the club, he quickly looked around, spotting Willow, plus three stoned morons who didn't react to her voice. "Oi pixiestick, haul arse o'er to the three stooges in th' corner!" Edward yelled at the top of his lungs, moving towards the three stoners.

And how do you propose the two of you get them out? They do not seem responsive to outside stimuli.

"Well, like most things in life, those idiots can be 'andled with careful application o' medication an' physical stimuli."
Edward said, pulling out his dart gun.

So you're going to tranquilize them and carry two of them out, while miss Willow takes the smallest, is it?

"Yep. more'n 'alf o' the worlds problems can be fixed wi' liberal application o' tranquilizer, I always say."
With that said, Edward promptly darted the stoners. Focusing all his biokinesis on strengthening of his muscles, he picked up the two biggest of the people, hoping that the spindly little fey was strong enough to at least drag the last one.

2016-04-04, 10:43 AM
Why was Ditch-boy here? This was her place. He was trying to cheat!

"This is my bit, Ditch-boy! I got this under control! Stop trying to steal my rescue-ees!"

Watching as he shifted the two idiots onto his shoulders, she rolled her eyes.

"Fine then!"

She grabbed the last of the three unconscious bodies and started dragging it to the exit. Stupid dumb heavy idiot. Stupid cheating Ditch-boy. He was lucky he was good-looking.

2016-04-06, 05:11 PM
Back Alley

The rushing wind as the vacuum fills with air thwarts both Herald's and Warren's efforts to stop the escaping presumed-aliens. The gas dispersed before it could do much of anything to them, and Herald's bolas are knocked off course; instead of wrapping around the leader's legs, it wraps around his upper torso, pinning his arms to his sides, but leaving him free to continue running. Warren, meanwhile, is spared from any injury by the wind slowing his descent, but it also leaves him several yards behind the feeling figures when he touches down.

Ellen groans as Orlando reaches her, and struggles to a sitting position. "I'll be okay. That hurt like noone's business, but they weren't silver." Her wounds are closing up as she shifts back to full human shape. Rounnig, is all business as he responds to Orlando. "I'll dispatch medical services. What's your current location?"

Bryn comes up behind Herald and asks, "What's going on?"


Willow and Edward manage to get the stoners out of the club, but again, people are milling around outside, watching the slow, but rapidly increasing, topple of the skyscraper. Apparently, even at risk of life and limb, the sight is too much of an attraction for everyone to flee. Richard is doing what he can, by popping two people at a time down the street to a safe distance, but there are more than he can cope with.

Outside the building

William is able to get Rebecca out of the collapsing part-- surprisingly, the lower floors are quite stable, at least for now-- and out of the building entirely and to a safe distance.

(Consider yourselves more or less out of 'initiative' at this point. The bad guys, aside from the one Warren brained, are gone)

2016-04-06, 06:11 PM
As soon as William stopped, Rebecca leapt from his arms. She then proceeded to shake him back and forth like a bobble-head doll. Her voice was a confused mixture of anger, relief, and terror.

"Never ever ever do that again! What were you thinking?! You could have died!"

2016-04-06, 08:45 PM
William couldn't supress a smile even as Rebecca shook him.

"You're welcome dear. It's just a collapsing building. Nothing to worry about, I'm not that fragile," he said with a small smirk that barely covered a strained grimace. His body was on fire and his legs and arms felt like stone. He couldn't stop the shaking in his limbs and soon fell down to his knees betraying his brave words. It had been a long time since he pushed himself this hard and the pain told him he'd torn and strained almost every muscles in his body.

He glanced around and let out a littany of curses in french as he noticed the moronic onlookers. A skyscrapper was falling on their head and they were looking like it was a show. He'd know a few turkeys with better self preservation instinct.

He groaned audibly as he forced himself back to his feet.

"Got to help evacuate them."

2016-04-06, 11:59 PM
"Bryn, it's X-Files time! Come on!" He chases after the guys that are totally aliens. "Hey wait! I got some sweet alien autopsy vids on my phone you'll love! Maybe you'll see someone you know!"

2016-04-07, 12:31 AM

Rebecca's panic reached new heights when William collapsed. Just how hard had he pushed himself? It was horrible seeing him in such pain. And yet, the idiot still tried to get up again! She put a firm hand on his shoulder.

"You stay right where you are! We've got a whole team here. With or without you, those people will get the help they need. Please, you've already done enough. J-just get some rest, okay?"

Then she kissed him on the forehead, and rushed off to help the onlookers. She really hoped that he'd stay put. If he decided to help anyway, there wasn't much she could do about it. As the young Vampire hustled people to safety, her mind raced. William had probably saved her life tonight; And nearly gotten himself killed. That was totally, absolutely, 100% unacceptable. She had to find a way to stop him from doing this again.

2016-04-07, 12:45 PM
Bryn didn't really follow what John was talking about, but he was running, in her opinion, the wrong way, "Forget whoever you're chasing. There's people back there that are going to get killed if we don't help them."

2016-04-07, 02:43 PM
"These are the guys who attacked that party, we have to stop them while we have the chance!"

2016-04-07, 02:55 PM
Ellen groans as Orlando reaches her, and struggles to a sitting position. "I'll be okay. That hurt like noone's business, but they weren't silver." Her wounds are closing up as she shifts back to full human shape.

Doing little to no effort to hide a face of genuine happiness, Orlando gently kisses Ellen's hand. "Thank goodness you're fine!" he says with a thankful glance.

Rounnig, is all business as he responds to Orlando. "I'll dispatch medical services. What's your current location?"

"Still there, Rounnig?" he replies to his cellphone. "Our current position is close as where you sent the police officer; near Park and Main, a northern alley, close to a building that was attacked recently, they should have no problem trying to find it. Ellen seems to be okay now, but medical services are still required for the civilians in the area, who are being helped to evacuate by half my squad. Once again, thank you."

He turns back to Ellen. "I- I sort of forgot werewolves were bullet-proof, you had me worried!" Now with his head cooler, Orlando takes some seconds to look around. "Those thugs escaped. I was hoping we could interogate them about that building, but I didn't expect they would be armed and shoot you at close range." He tenderly caresses Ellen's hand. "Sorry about that. I know we're specially talented kids, but I should never put a comrade in danger like this..."

He notices the severed hand on the floor. "Hey, look at that! Green blood?" He observes it carefully, but without touching it. "Looks like the guys who shoot you were not ordinary guys after all. And I know someone who will be very, very interested in this material..."

He draws his combat knife and he notices some bullet holes on his coat. "Hmmm... I was not fast enough," he grumbles. "Next time, I'll wear something more appropriate..." Using the knife he rips a piece of cloth, which he uses to envelope the hand into a crude, but carefully made little sack, which he stashes in one of his coat's pockets.

He notices Bryn's presence close to Herald, and smiles in approval. He turns back to Ellen. "We still need to complete our patrolling duty." He offers his hand to help her stand up. "Can you walk?"

2016-04-07, 04:35 PM
"Chroist inna christmas cake, it's like 'erding cats..." Edward muttered as he saw the dum-dum's from the club just standing around, still inside the danger zone of the collapsing building. "Okay, This's bad. Pixistick, we need's ta get'em out o' 'ere quick. An' don't worry, they still all count as yer saves. I ain't a cheater." He said to Willow, hefting the two unconscious potheads on his shoulders and moving towards the people.
"Oi, you ****in' nitwits, are ye shot in th' 'ead or sumthin'? Run yer arses of afore tha' friggin skyscraper lands on ya! Wha's wrong with you people!? Get yer arses in gear!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, hoping it was enough.

Perhaps let the one with the magical voice do the yelling?

"Oh, right..." Edward said, then looked at Willow again. "Maybe you should yell at 'em to run, too. Then we're outta 'ere. Savin' people is one thing, but if they're too dumb to be runnin' on their own in five seconds, I'd rather pull you out than them. Savin's 'em once one thing, but anythin' more would just be workin' against natural selection."

Edward! what a horrid thing to say!

"Still true, tho."


2016-04-11, 03:25 AM
{OOC: Okay, it's been five days since the last reply. I'm going to assume that everyone is done with this scene.}

A few minutes later, Rebecca had done all she could. She hovered uncertainly over a scene of terrible devastation. The skyscraper's fall had caused massive damage to the area. Thank goodness there'd been so little loss of life: Or rather, thank the students. She dreaded to think how many people would have died, if so many supers hadn't been around. She could hear the wail of sirens and the whir of helicopter blades approaching from all directions. No doubt the authorities would have a lot of questions. But for the moment, she was free to do as she pleased. There'd be no prizes for guessing her first priority right now.

William would soon see a weary figure float to the ground beside him. Rebecca was relieved that he'd left the rescue efforts to everyone else. Who knows how much more damage he'd have suffered by pushing his body further. She sat down beside her boyfriend, and rested her head on his shoulder.

"It's over; For now, anyway. I still can't believe that things have got this bad..."

She hesitated. These next words needed to be said in just the right way. She had to make them sound convincing.

"Oh, and Will? It was amazingly sweet of you to risk your life for me like that; But there was no need. I'm a Vampire, remember? Unless the hit comes from one of our 'banes', we're halfway impossible to kill. Next time, focus on protecting yourself."

2016-04-11, 01:55 PM

John wasn't able to catch up with the feeling saboteurs; as he rounds the corner, the last of them throws himself into a helicopter which is quickly out of sight, darting around a building. Sprayed on the road in large letters is the phrase "Free Void".

Willow and Edward, along with Richard and Bryn, and had managed to get the remaining people out of the path of destruction-- Bryn, herself, had been struck by a falling piece of debris, but seemed none the worse for wear, although her clothing could do with a good washing at this point.

Rounnig arrives on scene and requests a full report from Orlando. With him are a contingent of Star Knights surveying the damage.

While Rebecca is seeking some private time with her boyfriend, she's accosted by an angry man-- the same guy she pulled from the falling building. "Do you know what you've done? Only left the entire Signal Stock Exchange completely open to cyberattack. Who knows how much damage you helped cause?" Whether he thinks she's part of the team responsible for the destruction of several city blocks, or whether he thinks she broke things in some other fashion isn't clear. Then again, the guy seems a little out of it still, from whatever Edward dosed him with.

2016-04-11, 04:54 PM
Willow had found somewhere vaguely comfortable to sit and rest for a while. She'd not been expecting to do that much magic. Not to mention all the yelling and running about and dragging morons out of places. Stupid idiot humans. You'd have thought they would be a bit more careful with their tiny short lives, but apparently watching something big fall over was worth squandering what little they had. Was damn frustrating. She ground her teeth. Hadn't even got to fight anyone either. And she was in the mood to give someone a good kicking.

2016-04-11, 05:47 PM
Seeing Willow sitting tired and tense, Edward heaved a deep sigh before trudging over to her.

what you are about to do is very kind and mature. I am proud of you, brother.

Ignoring Henry's comment, Edward sat down next to Willow, arms resting on his knees. "So, let's tally it up, then. I scoured an' emptied 7 or 8 apartment buildin's, and you herded, wha', about 100-150 people out o' the club?" Edward said, his voice level. He paused for a moment, then continued. "I's just too bad I were so busy runnin' from 'ouse to 'ouse tha' I never counted 'ow many I saved..." He sighed heavily. "So I guess this is your win, then."

He was silent for a moment longer after that, then clapped his hands together and got up. "Well, I guess you own my arse for one time. You know, you make a pretty cool 'eroine. All take charge an' darin'. I kinda liked it." He said, actually giving her a sincerely kind smile with no hint of teasing for once. He then patted her lightly on the shoulder, and started walking over to Orlando and the others. He was a bit curious about what they were involved in as well.

2016-04-11, 06:09 PM
Herald retrieves his gear, polices his brass, and describes the helicopter as best he can, which is perfectly. Every detail of the construction, any identifying marks it might have had, as well as descriptions of every 'alien' in the alley.

2016-04-12, 05:25 AM
"What, so yer just gonna give up? Defeats the whole purpose of the bet if one of the people ain't tryin'." Willow grumbled, trying not to smile. He liked her doing all that hero type stuff. Damn it! Couldn't a girl just enjoy being grumpy for a few minutes?

2016-04-12, 07:51 AM
"What, so yer just gonna give up? Defeats the whole purpose of the bet if one of the people ain't tryin'." Willow grumbled, trying not to smile. He liked her doing all that hero type stuff. Damn it! Couldn't a girl just enjoy being grumpy for a few minutes?

"Course I was tryin', luv." Edward retorted without looking back "There's no shame in admittin' when one mucked up, an' I mucked up when i forgot ta count my saves. So it's a fair deal. Besides, I'll just win th' next one. For now this 'andsome prize right 'ere is yours to play with..."
Edward turned around, and folded his hands in front of his chest, suddenly acting like some kind of bashful maiden. "... Just be gentle, aye? I'm not experienced, but I'll do my best to please you..." He said, somehow managing to fake a schoolgirl blush while fiddling with his hands.

He suddenly grinned teasingly and stuck out his tongue, then went on his way.

Must you be so vulgar, Edward. You had such a nice conversation going on...

"Yes, I must. If I ain't bein' me, then who would be?" Edward said grinned wolfishly.

"Yo, bossman!" He called out as he closed in on Orlando. "Wha's th' good word? did ya get yer **** done? We did pretty well with th' evacuatin', although It'd be nice to know in advance th' next time you decide to 'ave th' 'uman bandaid an' th' bride o' Dracula as backup."

2016-04-12, 12:15 PM
William would soon see a weary figure float to the ground beside him. Rebecca was relieved that he'd left the rescue efforts to everyone else. Who knows how much more damage he'd have suffered by pushing his body further. She sat down beside her boyfriend, and rested her head on his shoulder.

"It's over; For now, anyway. I still can't believe that things have got this bad..."

William looked even worse than she did. He was slumped against a wall and didn't move when Rebecca sat beside him but he winced a little when she rested her head on his shoulder.

"A building topling over is a major attack. But it could have been worse, at least it was mostly empty."

She hesitated. These next words needed to be said in just the right way. She had to make them sound convincing.

"Oh, and Will? It was amazingly sweet of you to risk your life for me like that; But there was no need. I'm a Vampire, remember? Unless the hit comes from one of our 'banes', we're halfway impossible to kill. Next time, focus on protecting yourself."

"Says the girl who snuck out of school in the dead of night, uncharacteristicly dressed like a ninja, to follow the people on patrol," he said teasingly.
"Hello pot, I'm kettle. nice to meet you."

He chuckled, which was a mistake and groaned a little before continuing.

"Beside, I only came because Brynn said you were in trouble. And even if you are next to impossible to kill it doesn't mean I'll let a skyscrapper fall on you if I can prevent it."

2016-04-12, 12:48 PM
Rebecca's heart sank. From the sounds of it, William still had every intention of risking himself for her. And apparently Bryn was in that camp too. They were both too compassionate for their own good. Well, she'd just have to be extra vigilant in future. No way was she letting this happen again. She winced along with William every time his injuries flared up.

"Well, you're in no condition to repeat that stunt any time soon. I'm gonna get mad if I see you moving at anything faster than a brisk jog. You need rest, relaxation, and tons of get-well kisses: Like this one-Gah! What are you doing here?!"

Rebecca leapt to her feet as the guy from before suddenly barged in. What was his problem? Wait, was he complaining about her saving his life? Of all the cheek! She swivelled around to face him.

"Go away."

Her anger quickly turned to shock, though, when she saw his expression go glassy. Without another word, he turned on his heel and walked away. Oh no. She'd accidentally zapped him with her Vampire mojo. The flustered girl looked down at William, mortified.

"I...I didn't mean to do that."

2016-04-12, 01:44 PM
Rounnig arrives on scene and requests a full report from Orlando. With him are a contingent of Star Knights surveying the damage.

Orlando clears his throat and tells his report. He starts with the Leo St. Dubois incident, followed by the building collapsing and the four misterious guys. "I don't know if it was the best choice," he adds, "but after Herald impulsively ran to the building, I decided to make an emergency split up of the squad, sending three of my teammates after him (and helping evacuate the civilians in the process), while the rest of us pursued the suspicious guys." He scratches his head. "We attempted to stop them so we can question them, but it turned out the thugs were armed with submachine guns and Ellen was immediately shot at point-blank range; fortunately, she seems to have a natural immunity against regular bullets so she's okay now. Since we were authorized to use lethal force only if lethal force was used against us, we counterattacked using our best abilities, but the guys didn't stop, not even when my sword sliced off one of the guys' hand -in fact they pulled a grenade at some point-. They escaped afterwards and unfortunately we lost track of them." With a gentle gesture he invites Willow to join the report before continuing. "My second-in command here can tell us how the evacuation went. In the meantime," he adds as he shows the cloth with the severed hand inside it, "this is the hand of the thug. He didn't even seem to feel pain or have any reaction at all when my sword severed it, but what's most worrying is that his blood is green, as if the quartet that we engaged is not human at all," he kindly glances at Edward as he continues speaking to Rounnig. "I'd like the laboratory specialists to analyze this, but I request a special permission to let my squad chemists -Edward and Henry- take some samples of it."

"I'll send a written, more detailed report of the whole patrolling by tomorrow at first hour, would that be alright?"

"Yo, bossman!" He called out as he closed in on Orlando. "Wha's th' good word? did ya get yer **** done? We did pretty well with th' evacuatin', although It'd be nice to know in advance th' next time you decide to 'ave th' 'uman bandaid an' th' bride o' Dracula as backup."

"Welcome back, Ed. Are you talking about Bryn and Rebecca?" Orlando distractedly says after he finishes his report. "Ah yes, for a moment I considered requesting their help, and William's too; their abilities would've been very useful in this situation, but I can't force them to join. Besides, even if they do, the final decision would fall upon our superiors. So, nope, I didn't send them; they came on their own."

"Ah, and Ed," he adds. "I think we're dealing with an inhuman, maybe an alien force, and we need to be prepared with special weapons or substances that can harm them. Do you think you could do something with a sample of this green blood?"

2016-04-12, 01:55 PM
From where Warren is siting in the alley, having his various scrapes and bruises from his climb and subsequent fall treated by a fairly attractive nurse, he calls, "What happened to the guy I brained? I kinda lost track of him in the scramble to get rid of the implosion grenade."

2016-04-12, 03:30 PM
"Welcome back, Ed. Are you talking about Bryn and Rebecca?" Orlando distractedly says after he finishes his report. "Ah yes, for a moment I considered requesting their help, and William's too; their abilities would've been very useful in this situation, but I can't force them to join. Besides, even if they do, the final decision would fall upon our superiors. So, nope, I didn't send them; they came on their own."

"Ah, and Ed," he adds. "I think we're dealing with an inhuman, maybe an alien force, and we need to be prepared with special weapons or substances that can harm them. Do you think you could do something with a sample of this green blood?"

"Oh, I think we can do plenty with this." Edward said, taking the hand and holding it up so he could study it more closely. "Hmm, tha's odd... You seein' this 'Enry?"

Hmm... Yes, I think I do... My word! This is remarkable. The blood does not clot or gather in any way similar to our own. It could mean that the genetic makeup of the plasma is nothing we have seen before. Fascinating...

"Aye, tha's wha' I thought too." Edward muttered. He looked at Orlando again. "Yah, as I said, I'm pretty sure 'Enry an' I can get plenty interestin' information out o' this. Whether it'll be sumthin' relevant fer the case... I'll keep you updated, yeah?"
He said, his eyes already glittering with a scientific curiousity that mirrored his brothers.

2016-04-14, 06:51 AM
Willow levered herself to her feet and took a moment to brush off her dress.

"Er... evacuation. Right then. I took care of the club, with some help from ditch-boy, and the others cleared the rest of the buildings. Pretty sure we didn't leave anyone behind."

2016-04-14, 07:04 AM
"Go away."

Her anger quickly turned to shock, though, when she saw his expression go glassy. Without another word, he turned on his heel and walked away. Oh no. She'd accidentally zapped him with her Vampire mojo. The flustered girl looked down at William, mortified.

"I...I didn't mean to do that."

William looked at his girlfirend in shock.

"You have mind control?!" He asked incredulously.

2016-04-14, 12:13 PM
Rebecca felt about two inches tall right now.

"Y-yeah. It's one of my bloodline's tricks: A horrible, disgusting trick, that I promised myself I'd never use again. Apparently it's not that simple, though.

B-b-but, don't worry! It's really weak! Willow or Indira would laugh themselves silly if I tried to match them. And I'm sure someone like you could shrug me off without a second thought. There's no way I'll ever accidentally enslave you or anything!"

Wow, that sounded way creepier than she'd intended.

2016-04-14, 12:36 PM
He paused for a microsecond as his brain shifted gears. So far at least he was reasonably certain Rebecca hadn't used this power on him. Given the glassy eyed ungrateful bastard had her power seemed to induce a trance like state. he'd never been in such a state that he noticed, nor was he missing any time. Beside it seemed hardly like her to use that power on him.

"How about we never put the effect of your mojo to the test on me?" He said with a slight chuckles. "Not that you need it to turn me into your slave." He gave her a playful grin that was only slightly betrayed by the loud rumbling of his stomach.

2016-04-14, 01:11 PM
Rebecca didn't laugh along with William. Her expression was devoid of humour.

"Absolutely. I'd never ever try to control you like that. And if it somehow happened by accident, I'd confess everything. Free will is one of humanity's most treasured gifts. The thought of subverting it disgusts me."

Why did she, of all people, have this power? There were tons of Vampire bloodlines that lacked it. She'd tried her best to pretend that it didn't exist; But apparently her subconscious had other ideas.

2016-04-15, 10:30 AM
Despite his protesting body, William stood up and took Rebecca in his arms. Holding her close in comfort. He didn't have words for this. As much as she might have learned to accept her condition and perhaps even enjoy some of her powers, Rebecca clearly was distressed by that aspect of her situation.
All he could do right now was to be there for her. She might not like the idea of him risking his life to save her own but not all rescues recquired powers. Sometime human kindness was enough.

He hoped it would be.

2016-04-15, 12:18 PM
Rebecca didn't say anything else. She just let herself be held in William's arms. He must have been in so much pain. Thinking about that made her own petty worries fade away. She needed to stop feeling sorry for herself, and be there for him instead. The two of them stood there, just being with one another, until the authorities arrived. When Rebecca saw the familiar jackets of medical personnel, she was quick to flag some of them over. She really wanted to ride with William in the ambulance; But they probably wouldn't let her. The police no doubt had many questions...

2016-04-19, 10:23 AM
William and Rebecca

Bryn intercepted the medical personnel before they made it to Rebecca, apparently redirecting them elsewhere. Instead she approaches the pair, with a partially-guilty, partially-scared look on her face. "It's my fault you're here," she says to William, in a tentative offer to heal the boy, "let me help, yeh?"


"Singularity grenades," the Star Knight medic says, while checking Warren over. "The Void Knights use them often, although until recently we've never seen them used on Earth. I don't understand the tech entirely, but they create some sort of miniature black hole that sucks in everything in a certain radius, then evaporates. You'd have to ask a quantum physicist how it all works. They're devastating, though. Can wipe out a whole fleet if they're big enough." Warren can see a group of Knights working around-- something-- not too far from him. The medic points to that knot of knights. "That's where the dead Void Knight is. It's a Kalyrian. They look mostly human, although they can elongate their necks quite far. Fragile skulls, though, so it doesn't take much of a head blow to kill them, particularly on a relatively strong-gravity planet as ours. Kalyr is a low-gravity planet, so they grow tall, but not very strong."

Everyone else

Rounnig seems more or less pleased with the actions of the squad, although he encourages Orlando to not wait so long to notify him in the future. He singles out John for particular mention, given that he's able to thereby identify each of the alien species: two Kalyrians, an Altairian-- the leader that Orlando managed to cut-- and a Cald-- the one whose hand was severed. "The Cald'll regrow his extremity. They're vaguely reptilian in a number of ways, and can alter their coloration as well as regrow limbs. They're also cold-blooded." He has no objections to Edward retaining the hand for research. Rounnig echoes the information that the medic gave Warren: the teens faced a group of Void Knights. That you all not only faced a group of Void Knights and survived, with minimal injury, but managed to take one down clearly impresses the Ensign.

"I'll recommend the lot of you for commendation. Although I apologize for your being in this sort of danger. We expected the Junior Knights to deal with petty criminals, not Void Knights. We may have to rethink our approach to the program. Our intelligence reports indicated another area as a target zone for the Free Void movement. Although we're grateful for the intel. You have our first confirmed sighting of actual Void Knights in these attacks."

2016-04-19, 10:32 AM
"Oh." Warren suddenly goes quite green. "I'm not, uh, going to cause an incident with Kalyr because of what I did, am I? Or with the Star Knights for...um, well, killing someone?"

2016-04-20, 12:54 AM
"So if it's Void Knights that means the 'free Void' stuff is real. Maybe they're doing this to force you to divert resources to fight them, and make it easier to break Void out."

2016-04-20, 10:50 AM
Rounnig's mention of the Void Knights doesn't ring a bell on Orlando's mind, although back in Spain he heard some things about "chameleon-men" who matched the Cald's description.

Regarding the advice of faster notifications, Orlando lowers his head in shame. "Yes," he says. "I was too focused on capturing the terror-quartet before they went away, and I didn't notify you before the pursuit as I should have, so for that I apologize and take full responsability. Rest assured, for it shall not repeat again."

"Still," he proceeds, "I think the Ellen incident has made me think each squad should include at least a medic; not necesarily a supernatural healer, but something that carries an emergency kit and can be prepared for the situation." He sighs. "Thankfully, Ellen is apparently immune to common bullets, but if the target of the point-blank hail of bullets happened to be not her but a more vulnerable guy -or if they would've been carrying silver bullets with them- then we probably would be telling a sadder sonnet by now."

2016-04-20, 12:33 PM
William and Rebecca

Bryn intercepted the medical personnel before they made it to Rebecca, apparently redirecting them elsewhere. Instead she approaches the pair, with a partially-guilty, partially-scared look on her face. "It's my fault you're here," she says to William, in a tentative offer to heal the boy, "let me help, yeh?"

Rebecca's face twisted into a weird shape. This was a really conflicting situation. Bryn and William were both so very precious to her. She didn't want to see either of them suffer. But now, one of them was offering to suffer; In order to end the other's pain. Rebecca had seen the backlash of Bryn's power first-hand. She knew how much Bryn feared it. So when Bryn extended a helping hand to William, Rebecca could appreciate the full meaning of that gesture. The conflicted look on her face gradually resolved into one of gratitude. If her friend really wanted to do this, then Rebecca wouldn't stand in her way.

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

2016-04-20, 02:50 PM
Rounnig's mention of the Void Knights doesn't ring a bell on Orlando's mind, although back in Spain he heard some things about "chameleon-men" who matched the Cald's description.

Regarding the advice of faster notifications, Orlando lowers his head in shame. "Yes," he says. "I was too focused on capturing the terror-quartet before they went away, and I didn't notify you before the pursuit as I should have, so for that I apologize and take full responsability. Rest assured, for it shall not repeat again."

"Still," he proceeds, "I think the Ellen incident has made me think each squad should include at least a medic; not necesarily a supernatural healer, but something that carries an emergency kit and can be prepared for the situation." He sighs. "Thankfully, Ellen is apparently immune to common bullets, but if the target of the point-blank hail of bullets happened to be not her but a more vulnerable guy -or if they would've been carrying silver bullets with them- then we probably would be telling a sadder sonnet by now."

"Ya know, no' to pat meself on th' back or nuthin', but 'Enry an' I can whip up a batch o' stuff that're good for wounds. Stuff that'll stop bleedin' instantly, or painkillers tha' work instantly an' makes someone able to stay on their feet fer longer." Edward said. "Course, it's strong stuff, so no' sumthin' you wanna be overusin'. But good fer emergencies."

Not a bad idea brother. Although I must say that I am still a bit leery about producing what is essentially combat drugs...

"Lighten up, 'Enry. S'no' like th' stuff'll kill anyone. An' i's fer a good cause." Edward said, with a dismissive wave of his hand.
"Plus, one can ne'er 'ave to many field tests..." He added in a low mutter, a grin spreading on his face.

.... You are aware that whispering does not prevent me from hearing your words, yes?

​"Shut it."

2016-04-20, 10:57 PM
Rounnig's mention of the Void Knights doesn't ring a bell on Orlando's mind, although back in Spain he heard some things about "chameleon-men" who matched the Cald's description.

Regarding the advice of faster notifications, Orlando lowers his head in shame. "Yes," he says. "I was too focused on capturing the terror-quartet before they went away, and I didn't notify you before the pursuit as I should have, so for that I apologize and take full responsability. Rest assured, for it shall not repeat again."

"Still," he proceeds, "I think the Ellen incident has made me think each squad should include at least a medic; not necesarily a supernatural healer, but something that carries an emergency kit and can be prepared for the situation." He sighs. "Thankfully, Ellen is apparently immune to common bullets, but if the target of the point-blank hail of bullets happened to be not her but a more vulnerable guy -or if they would've been carrying silver bullets with them- then we probably would be telling a sadder sonnet by now."

"Ya know, no' to pat meself on th' back or nuthin', but 'Enry an' I can whip up a batch o' stuff that're good for wounds. Stuff that'll stop bleedin' instantly, or painkillers tha' work instantly an' makes someone able to stay on their feet fer longer." Edward said. "Course, it's strong stuff, so no' sumthin' you wanna be overusin'. But good fer emergencies."

Not a bad idea brother. Although I must say that I am still a bit leery about producing what is essentially combat drugs...

"Lighten up, 'Enry. S'no' like th' stuff'll kill anyone. An' i's fer a good cause." Edward said, with a dismissive wave of his hand.
"Plus, one can ne'er 'ave to many field tests..." He added in a low mutter, a grin spreading on his face.

.... You are aware that whispering does not prevent me from hearing your words, yes?

​"Shut it."

"I memorized basic paramedic training, if it helps."

2016-04-21, 11:01 PM
William and Rebecca

Bryn intercepted the medical personnel before they made it to Rebecca, apparently redirecting them elsewhere. Instead she approaches the pair, with a partially-guilty, partially-scared look on her face. "It's my fault you're here," she says to William, in a tentative offer to heal the boy, "let me help, yeh?"

William gave the redhead a brave smile. "Don't worry about it, it's fine. Don't feel guilty about calling, I'd have been pissed if you'd let a building fall on Rebecca without telling me. And I'll heal fine on my own. Couple days bed rest will do the trick."

He was severly underplaying his injuries. Torn muscles, busted ligaments, given the fire he'd felt in his legs when he stood up to hug Rebecca earlier he suspected he had a few microfactures in his legs. He was exhausted, famished and his arms wouldn't stop shaking. But he alos knew Brynn's healing power were not without a cost. He would heal in time. Probably longer than a couple days, for some reason pushing his speed this much always seemed to severly depress his healing factor but he would heal none the less. If the girl was going to suffer he would rather it'd be for a true emergency.

"Really, I'll be fine. Better keep your strength up for a real emergency." He smirks a strained smile "Which might be as soon as we get back... I think I may have trashed the cafeteria and half the school by running out that fast. And we all snuck out...we'll be in so much trouble with the teachers."

2016-04-22, 01:00 PM

"Easy, easy. You need something? You're looking a little green," the medic says. "And no, you don't have anything to worry about. It's a sad fact of wars that people die. And another sad fact that people have to kill. It's not anything to regret. You were protecting your friends."

William and Rebecca

Bryn doesn't give William much option to refuse; before he can react to stop her, she's got a near-death grip on his arm. In the space a few seconds, William is restored to his full health, while Bryn sags against him. Unlike when Rebecca watched before, she didn't scream, this time, but she whimpers through teeth gritted so hard they had to be breaking. In less than a minute, Bryn recovers herself, spitting out fragments of teeth, despite hers being, apparently, in perfect condition.

Everyone Else

"Hopefully there isn't a next time," Rounnig says, "but it's best to be prepared. I approve of your forethought. As for tonight, I think it's best if you stand down for the evening and get some rest. I've got a van available to take your squad and your tag-alongs back to the school."

2016-04-22, 02:43 PM

Well, that settled it. Rebecca's two closest friends really were idiots: And she loved them both for it. Seeing them in pain never got any easier, though. Unable to contain herself, she pulled Bryn and William into a tight group hug. She'd do whatever it took to keep these bonds intact.

When the time came, she'd file into the van along with everyone else. No doubt there'd be a frosty welcome waiting back at the school.

2016-04-24, 03:03 PM
William returned the hugs. he couldn't deny that he felt better, a new man so to speak. But clearly that had been vastly painful for Brynn and he wasn't happy that she'd had to go through that on his account. Especialy when he would have healed on his own anyway. If it had been an emergency and only his speed could have saved the day that would have been one thing, but this had made him uncomfortable to say the least.

Still he thought fast enough to realize this must have been how Rebecca had felt when he showed up as a blur to save her life. He was hardly in a position to complain. Do as I say not as I do attitude was not something he wanted to indulge in. no matter how much he wanted to.

He was in good enough shape that he could have raced back to school in a second but he was in no hurry to do so. If he could delay the inevitable lecture and punishment for as long as possible he would do so. Staing behind with his friends was the speedster's equivalent of dragging of his feet.

2016-04-24, 04:02 PM
"I, I know, but I never wanted this." Warren replies, barely above a whisper. "God, I never wanted to kill anyone! I didn't want to get mixed up in a war, I didn't want to have to fight for my friends lives, I didn't even want friggin powers!"

"I'm just a guitarist...

2016-04-25, 05:13 PM
The journey back to Signal was thankfully uneventful. The same could not be said of what happened afterwards. All the students would be greeted by a 'welcoming committee' of officials, who were very anxious to talk with them. They'd spend the next hour or two sitting in coldly impersonal rooms; Explaining every detail of their experience. Not that any of them were in trouble, though. Quite the contrary. They were praised for their quick thinking, and ability to handle a crisis. Counselling would be available to anyone who wanted it. Bryn and Rebecca weren't so lucky. They got the scolding of a lifetime. Neither of them would be tagging along with any more patrols. They'd be lucky to leave campus unsupervised at all.

Eventually, the students were allowed to crawl away to their beds. Sleep would relieve some of their fatigue; But not every aftereffect was so easily cured. The next day, news of the terrorist attack was all over campus. People scarcely talked about anything else. The tension was almost palpable. Where would the enemy strike next? Would there be a war? Was anyone safe? Nobody knew. Each of Signal's inhabitants would just have to handle these uncertain times in their own way. If they didn't, it'd be all downhill from here...

2016-04-25, 05:13 PM
"Oh?" Orlando turns to Edward and John with a surprised (but relieved) look on his face. "Pharmaceutical and paramedical training? That's great!" he says. "It's good to know so next time I can take you both to the center of the formation and we could be more prepared."

Then he replies to Rounnig with a head bow. "Yes. We will take some rest and prepare for the next mission."

Next time, he will make sure to choose more appropriate weapons. Perhaps with Henry and Edward's help he could use some bullets or slashing weapons that are good against the Calds.

2016-04-25, 05:53 PM
Willow slept soundly. She'd been tetchy, snappy and generally irritable (at least, more so than usual) towards the 'welcoming committee'. She was tired, with certain aches and pains she hadn't noticed earlier suddenly making themselves known. How difficult could it be to understand what had happened? Morons attacked, she lead her squad to save people, Boss-man and the others dealt with the attackers (lucky bastards). At least she'd gotten the praise she deserved. She was an excellent leader. She was quite happy with the attention from her classmates too, with the story getting more impressive with each retelling. With the deeper consequences of the attack going straight over her head, certain amount of newfound fame and a bet to cash in from Ditch-Boy, Willow was on top of the world.

2016-04-25, 06:06 PM
William was happy to have avoided the scolding that Brynn and Rebecca had received. Still he couldn't be entirely happy about it and did his best to try and cheer up his two friends before going to bed.

As for the attention that would come with participating in last night's event, he did his best to avoid that too. He didn't metnion what had happened, sped away with vague excuses if questions were asked and didn't participate in any discussion about the attacks or what it meant for the future. he had no real intention to be a hero and he never enjoyed gossip and baseless speculation.

Given that the whole school was abuzz with the latter he did the one thing he was supposed to. He ran to the field and started doing laps around it leaving it's edge belted by a blur of viridian lightning as he tried to come up with strategies for the game.

2016-04-25, 06:52 PM
A voice drifted over the Metaball field.

"I see Bryn hasn't lost her touch. You look good as new."

Rebecca was sitting in the shade of the stands. Despite being partly protected, her hands kept moving to scratch some new itch. Being outside on a sunny day like this was seriously irritating her skin. Nonetheless, her smile when she looked at William was bright indeed.

"So, come up with any brilliant strategies for the game? Besides 'run really fast', I mean."

2016-04-25, 07:19 PM
In a split second the lightning diverts it's course around the field and suddenly William is sitting next to Rebecca smiling.
He places his hand on her cheek, brushing his thumb softly against her pale skin and lean down to attend to the important business of kissing his girlfriend.

Once he has taken care of tat, and before he loses his ability to do anything else, he respond to her question.

"Not really, I mean it's difficult to come up with strategies for a game with so many variables. I think I have to find someone to spy...I mean scout, the other teams so I can figure out what we're up against."

2016-04-25, 08:32 PM
"Not training, really. I memorized the book."

At the debriefing Herald is the soul of military efficiency, giving every detail he could remember (which is all of them). Back at the school, he's surprisingly reluctant to talk about what happened, being very vague. He adds flechette shells to his bandolier, and a knife to his belt, but other than that he doesn't seem to worried about the whole aliens thing.

2016-04-26, 01:28 AM
Now Rebecca had two things making her feel all tingly. But unlike that flaming sky orb, William was welcome to keep caressing her for as long as he liked. Rebecca returned his kiss with gusto. And once the kissing stopped, she snuggled up against him while he talked. She ran her hands slowly through his hair: Revelling in the feeling of his life. William was alive, and vibrant, and amazing. And he needed to stay that way.

"Well in that case, I'm so sorry for distracting you. This must be making it really difficult for you to..."

Her cheek slid across his own, until her mouth was next to his ear.


2016-04-26, 01:34 AM
William couldn't suppress a shiver and his mouth sook hers for another long kissing session. Hard to concentrate indeed. Still, he managed the herculean effort of breaking the kiss. Mostly because unlike Rebecca he did need to breath.

"You're a very very tempting distraction you know that?"

2016-04-26, 01:56 PM
At the school: Sunday

Warren wakes up the next morning to find a paper slipped under his door with a list of appointment times to meet with a counselor. Apparently the medic felt he could use the extra help processing what happened.

In addition to the news of the collapse of the skyscraper in the finance sector of town, there was another Free Void attack in the industrial section of town at an abandoned warehouse. There's also a follow-up story, almost as an afterthought, of an interview with the IT guy that Rebecca saved expressing concern about the viability of the Signal Stock Exchange's cybersecurity after the attack. Apparently the destroyed building housed much of the stock exchange's server farm.

The reprimand didn't really bother Bryn overly; still, she went to the pool the next morning, the place she often goes when she needs to relax or process.

William and Rebecca are more or less interrupted by the appearance of another prospective team hitting the metaball field for practice. While the couple isn't bothered, they are clearly within sight of the other team.

2016-04-26, 06:28 PM
William couldn't suppress a shiver and his mouth sook hers for another long kissing session. Hard to concentrate indeed. Still, he managed the herculean effort of breaking the kiss. Mostly because unlike Rebecca he did need to breath.

"You're a very very tempting distraction you know that?"

"Ditto ditto ditto. I can barely stay away from you any more. Especially since..."

Rebecca's smile faltered a little.

"...Since last night. That attack really got me thinking: About how fragile everything is. This amazing thing we have? It could vanish tomorrow. And even if nothing tragic happens, we'll have to part some day. So, I'm going to make the most of every second that I'm lucky enough to share with you."

An emotional moment; Spoiled slightly by the arrival of a whole Metaball team. Well, William now had his opportunity to scout the opposition. The question was, would he care?

2016-04-26, 06:44 PM
The arrival of the other metaball team didn't really spoil the moment. William barely noticed them. For all his talk of scouting them he was painfuly aware of his limited experience and knowledge with the sport. Analyzing their play was something the super smart or tactical minded type would excel at. not him. Once more he was forced to wonder why he got the job of team captain. Probably because no else was dumb enough to get sucked in to it said an uncharitable voice at the back of his mind.

No, he kept his attention on Rebecca and nodded a little.

"I understand, I mean... intelectualy I do. But...I don't think I can relate emotionaly." He smiled and took her hand in his. "Don't get me wrong, I'm all for spending more time with you and making the most out of things but I don't feel the same...urgency. You're going to live forever but you still experience time as a normal person. I witness the eternity between the heartbeats. I speed up my brain and the world crawl to a standstill. People often say they'd like a moment to last forever, I can do it. It's difficult to feel like things can just slip away when a kiss that last a minute can be enjoyed for hours, you know?"

2016-04-26, 08:44 PM
A look of mild envy crossed Rebecca's face. A minute enjoyed for hours? No wonder William liked kissing her so much. She didn't exactly buy his relaxed attitude about losing her, though. He certainly hadn't been relaxed last night, when the hypothetical almost became reality. And of course, there was her own issue with time:

"Yeah, I guess the rules aren't quite the same for people like us; Or you, anyway. That whole 'living forever' thing isn't as sweet a deal as it sounds. I'm-"

She hesitated. For some reason, the words wouldn't come out. Why? She'd been able to tell Bryn about her 'fading'. But in the end, she just couldn't bring herself to say it here. When she eventually did speak, the words were a lot vaguer than planned.

"Well, let's just say I have less time than you might think. S-so, let's enjoy it while it lasts."

Then she returned to caressing him. Too much angst at a time wasn't good for the soul.

2016-04-26, 08:50 PM
For a moment William considered her words. he supposed that was true, while vampire might have theoretical immortality there was still many way they could be killed. Still, he was quite happy to indulge her and leaned forward to kiss her neck softly. Fully intending to make this moment too, last.

2016-04-27, 08:20 AM
The next morning, still looking disheveled from the previous night, Warren makes his way down to the gym hoping to find himself a sparring partner, or better yet, a hand-to-hand instructor.

2016-04-27, 09:13 PM
"Hey! Guitar guy! How you doing? Huh, you don't look too great..."

Willow sauntered up to slip an arm around Warren from behind. She'd come to the gym to work off a few frustrations. And maybe practice fighting a little.

2016-04-27, 09:20 PM
John walks into the gym wearing shorts and a tank top, ready for his morning workout.

2016-04-29, 09:09 AM
Warren twitches a little when Willow puts her arm around him, but recovers quickly and flashes her a smile. "Hey there...um, Ditch Girl? Just looking for a workout partner. Yourself?"

He catches John out of the corner of his eye and waves him over.

2016-04-29, 10:04 AM
"... I fail to see why this is a necessity, Edward. Surely there are better ways for us to spend this free time." Henry said as he walked into the gym.

Stop belly achin', 'Enry! You know as well as I do tha' we're no' exactly in very good shape. Average at best. An' unlike me, you can't change tha' with a thought. So yer goin' to exercise. It'll pay of fer you in th' long run to 'ave better cardio. Some actual self defense trainin' wouldn't 'urt either...

"But the whole point for us, or me at least, is to ensure that we never end up needing that sort of training! We are exceedingly intelligent. I am certain we can always think our way out of a problem." Henry retorted, although with little conviction. He knew how Edward got when he set his mind on something.

On the excercise bike, no grumblin'. a minimum o' 30 minutes o' trainin', or yer plant samples get it!

"Fine, you win. But threatening to harm my research sets a terrible standard for our working relationship, you know..." Henry said, throwing his hands up in surrender.

It was only now that Henry noticed that there were anyone else in the gym. Blushing slightly from embarrassment at having bickered loudly with his other half in front of others, he gave them a shaky nod. "G-Good day everyone... I, erm, I will just..." He stammered, fidgeting nervously before turning to walk over to one of the excercise bikes. He got onto it ponderouosly, and started training. "That was so embarrassing..." He muttered to himself.

I thought we got past the whole "terrible people skills" thing. *sigh*, I guess yer never goin' ta get real friends, at least no' with tha' attitude... Seriously, I worry for ya, bruther mine.

"...Quiet please. I am excercising." Henry muttered bitterly. The only thing that was worse than Edward pestering him, was when he was right.

2016-04-29, 10:22 AM
Willow gave a quick little grin at the reaction.

"Oh you know, bit of practice."

She mock boxed the air.

"Wait, Ditch-girl?"

2016-04-29, 12:45 PM
"Yeah, Ditch Girl," Warren says. "Wasn't that what Ed was calling you last night?"

2016-04-29, 12:55 PM
"What? No. Ditch-boy calls me Pixiestick. And here was me thinking you were making unwarrented implications."

2016-04-29, 01:28 PM
Wha' is tha' I 'ear? Guitar guy's callin' Pixiestick th' same as me? Muahaha, it's workin'. Everythin's goin' just as planned wi' tha' feisty little bird!

"I *huff* was not *haah* aware that you had a plan *huff* concerning miss Willow, brother..." Henry managed to say between labored breaths as he treaded energetically on the bike. If he was forced to do it, he might as well do it properly, after all.

Huh!? wha' 'ave you 'eard? I dunno wha' yer talkin' about, I 'ave no special innerest in pixiestick, an' don't you dare say otherwise! I's just messin' with 'er for entertainment, is all. 'S not like I'll get sweet on someone! I didn't say nuthin' t' indicate tha', an' anyone sayin' otherwise is askin' fer it!

"The lady *huff* doth protest too much, methinks..." Henry panted, grinning to himself at Edward's panicking. It was an unexpected boon to be the one on the giving end of teasing about romance, for once.

Don't you go shakespeare on me, 'Enry! We may be sharin' a body but keep it up, an' swear by the bones o' the poet that I'll find a way t' separate us jus' so I can give ye a beatin'! An' fer god's sake, keep it down, will ye! I'll never 'ear the end o' it if she get's a whiff o' sumthin' like tha'. Showin' tenderness to a bird like tha' is like showin' fear to a tiger. She'll go straight fer the throat!

Henry just chuckled lightly at Edward's tirade. he could practically feel the conflicting blend of anger and confusion his brother was going through. It was priceless.

2016-04-29, 01:58 PM
"What? No. Ditch-boy calls me Pixiestick. And here was me thinking you were making unwarrented implications."

"Oh, alright. Not Ditch Girl then," Warren says. "Well, uh, either way, fancy going a few rounds?"

2016-04-29, 03:19 PM
"Yeah, yer royal highness will do just fine. And sure. Let's go."

2016-04-29, 04:36 PM
"Alright, Titania." Warren replies, smirking. "Let's go."

A few steps brings him to the edge of one of the sparring rings, where he picks up two sets of gloves, offering one of them to Willow.

2016-04-29, 04:38 PM
Warren twitches a little when Willow puts her arm around him, but recovers quickly and flashes her a smile. "Hey there...um, Ditch Girl? Just looking for a workout partner. Yourself?"

He catches John out of the corner of his eye and waves him over.

John wanders over, stretching. "Hey Willow, Henry, um...running guy who's name I can't remember right now."

2016-04-29, 05:03 PM
Willow stuck her tongue out at Warren as she slipped the offered gloves on.

"Ain't you a gentleman. Oh hey, Lover-boy!"

2016-04-29, 05:07 PM
"I do my best, Titania," Warren replies with a smirk. "Hey Herald."

2016-04-29, 07:05 PM
"Salutations Herald." Henry said in between gasps. He was starting to get a bit warmed up on the bike. It was actually starting to be slightly less unpleasant to excercise. Not that he'd ever say that out loud, so Edward could mock him.
"I *huff* actually wanted to ask *Huff*... ask you how you've trained your telekinesis..." He panted.

Don't you dare slow down, 'Enry! No pain no gain!

"...Like I was *Huff* saying, I was greatly impressed with your efforts during the building collapse *huff*. I already knew of your much greater strength, but your precision was exemplary. I would love to pick your brain about it at some point *huff* if possible." He continued. "If we could find out what parts of your brain is mainly used in exertion of your power I might be able to finally move forward in *huff* my research on a cognitive enhancement serum. That could *huff* be a great boon for all wielders of kinetic powers."

Come on, less talkin', more sweatin'! Iffen you can walk straight when we're done, you've no' done good enough! Feel the burn!

2016-04-29, 07:13 PM
On the bench by the metaball field

After long moments of kissing, longer even for the speedster with vastly accelerated perception, William breaks the kiss with Rebecca and smile to her.

"I would gladly spend all day like this with you. But really, if they found out I spent all my time making out with one of my players I'd lose my spot as team captain for sure."

He smirks a little

"Unless of course you're tying to make me lose the job so you can takeit for yourself."

2016-04-29, 09:15 PM
Rebecca made a show of recoiling dramatically from the accusation.

"Curses! My diabolical plan has been unmasked! I must flee!"

And flee she did: Though not before giving William a bone-crushing goodbye hug. Then she was darting off into the distance. That speed wasn't just for comedy's sake. She needed to reach the next patch of shade before her skin got burned. Despite lots of training, her tolerance for even shielded sunlight remained pathetic.

2016-04-29, 09:19 PM
"I knew it! You can run vilainess, but you can't hide....no wait, the reverse, you can hide but you cannot run! For the speed of justice is mine!"

William declamed all this in an over the top fashion, striking a dramatic pose which attracted the attention, and snickers, of a few members of the metaball team. He didin't care. He ran after Rebecca. Well slow jogged anyway, sauntered really. And waited for her at the next patch of shade.

2016-04-29, 09:43 PM
Rebecca grinned when she saw William already ahead of her. She really had intended to leave him to his work; But if he wanted to stay close, she most certainly wouldn't argue. Rebecca would take every moment with William that she could get. Staying in the spirit of things, she kept her voice completely over the top.

"It seems I cannot escape! Still, just because you can reach me doesn't mean you can catch me!"

As she spoke, Rebecca's outline grew increasingly hazy. She reached out a hand to William...Only for it to lose all form and substance as it touched him. Her whole body dissipated into grey, vaguely girlfriend-shaped smoke. The cloud surged forward, and curled around William like a snake. Then it expanded, so that he was surrounded by its swirling mass. A voice whispered in his ear: So close, yet out of reach.

"I haven't shown you this trick yet, have I?"

2016-04-29, 09:56 PM
William grinned at the playfull situation. then he looked on with wide eyes as Rebecca turned into mist. He couldn't help but turn around trying to look at her as her voice sounded in his ear.

"You think to defeat me by your foul vapor! How foolish of thee!"

He ran out of the mist and started going in circle around Rebecca's fog. Faster and faster, sparks of viridian lightning blazing through ther air. A mini tornado encircling the whole fog.

"Y..o..u ..ar..e... tr...ap...ped"

His words where chopped up, every syllable coming from different part of the circle of wind and electricity.

2016-04-29, 09:57 PM
"Salutations Herald." Henry said in between gasps. He was starting to get a bit warmed up on the bike. It was actually starting to be slightly less unpleasant to excercise. Not that he'd ever say that out loud, so Edward could mock him.
"I *huff* actually wanted to ask *Huff*... ask you how you've trained your telekinesis..." He panted.

Don't you dare slow down, 'Enry! No pain no gain!

"...Like I was *Huff* saying, I was greatly impressed with your efforts during the building collapse *huff*. I already knew of your much greater strength, but your precision was exemplary. I would love to pick your brain about it at some point *huff* if possible." He continued. "If we could find out what parts of your brain is mainly used in exertion of your power I might be able to finally move forward in *huff* my research on a cognitive enhancement serum. That could *huff* be a great boon for all wielders of kinetic powers."

Come on, less talkin', more sweatin'! Iffen you can walk straight when we're done, you've no' done good enough! Feel the burn!

"...oh, ah, yeah. Thanks, I don't know if I was any good though. I can try to help you with yours, but it's more of a feeling, you know? I'll show you." John turns his water bottle over, letting it spill ad mentally catching the liquid. It hovers in the air as a formless glob, then takes on a highly complex shape, like a patterned spider web. "This is a model of PG5, the largest artificial molecule ever made by man. About 200 million times larger than hydrogen, and a highly complex and precise structure. Once I saw a drawing of it, I could make this shape out of almost any substance, as naturally as breathing, from the moment they cracked me out of the cloning tube. Stuff like this has always come easy to me, like all I needed was to try, and the memory, or instinct or whatever, was already there, waiting. I haven't really had to train for anything." He glances around to make sure Willow is busy. "The problem is, so far I haven't been able to improve, in any way. No matter how much I work out, train or study, I'm exactly the same now as I was then. I can do a lot of things Henry, but so far it looks like this is all I can do."

2016-04-30, 09:31 PM
William grinned at the playfull situation. then he looked on with wide eyes as Rebecca turned into mist. He couldn't help but turn around trying to look at her as her voice sounded in his ear.

"You think to defeat me by your foul vapor! How foolish of thee!"

He ran out of the mist and started going in circle around Rebecca's fog. Faster and faster, sparks of viridian lightning blazing through ther air. A mini tornado encircling the whole fog.

"Y..o..u ..ar..e... tr...ap...ped"

His words where chopped up, every syllable coming from different part of the circle of wind and electricity.


That scream wasn't entirely an act. The tornado was playing havoc with Rebecca's misty form. She felt herself being swirled, spun and scattered all over the place. And as the young Vampire quickly discovered, she couldn't concentrate enough to become solid again. The whole experience was really exhilarating. When Rebecca's beleaguered senses reached their limit, she cried out:

"OkAy OkAy, I gIvE! mAkE iT sToOoOoOp!"

2016-04-30, 10:02 PM
William came to a stop to allow Rebecca to solidify again, ready to catch her should she require a steadying hand.

2016-04-30, 10:12 PM
It took a while for Rebecca to (literally) pull herself together. Some of her disoriented particles were still doing loop-de-loops even after the wind stopped. Eventually, though, an entirely solid girl stood once again before William: And immediately collapsed into his arms. The grin on Rebecca's face said it all.

"We have got to do that again some time! You know, once I can see straight again."

2016-04-30, 10:20 PM
William returned the grin. "So clearly you're a sense junkie. I wish experience turning into mist, that must be a strange feeling."

2016-05-02, 01:55 PM
After an abundant breakfast, Orlando goes back to his room, takes out his laptop, mounts it on his desk, turns it on, and takes a moment to review the last night patrol in his mind. After arranging his ideas, Orlando briefly remembers William's words about how he couldn't find a computer fast enough for his impressive typing speed:

William answers Orlando's question a little sheepeshly. "I want to be a writer"

"A writer, that's cool." Orlando replies. "I'd bet if you had a clear idea where to begin you could write a thousand pages in a few minutes... Hey, that's not a bad idea, isn't it?"

William nods. "Less than that, computers can't really keep up with me. But yes, in theory I could write a novel in a half hour or so."

He chuckles remembering that small conversation he and the speedy guy had. Did he manage to write a novel, or find a device adequate for his speed? Now he has a girlfriend and that takes time... I guess... It's not like I had lots of girlfriends before for the matter...

He sets his personal, intimate thoughts aside, clears his throat and starts typing a report. I'm lucky that I'm immune to Indira's mind scanning... That would be awkward...

It takes about fifteen to thirty minutes for him to write the full report, detailing everything he saw, felt or heard, including the incident with the cops and Leo St. Dubois, the alien races Rounnig mentioned, Orlando's own decision of splitting the squad, and how the team got out of there alive with little damage.

When he finishes, he takes a look at the report, pushes the "send" button (sending the email to Rounnig), takes Meiyo with sheath and all and gently puts it on his lap, and he leans back on his chair.

He suddenly remembers Bill is a speedster, so time is no problem for him. Orlando snorts and chuckles in amusement. Right, if he needs more time to be alone, he just creates it!

He takes Meiyo, stands up from his comfort zone, and changes his clothes. He picks an outfit consisting of a blue shirt, a short black jacket, comfortable black pants, dark brown sneakers, and fingerless gloves, then he puts his sword on his back, the strap across his chest.

A walkabout is just what he needs right now after a well-done report and some random thoughts.

2016-05-02, 02:17 PM
Warren walks over to his corner, straps on his gloves, and then calls, "You wanna go powers for this, or no? 'Cause I don't really have any idea how to shut down my strength, but I can always try to pull my punches."

2016-05-02, 03:47 PM
"I can go without then I guess? Makes it a bit more difficult than just telling ya to stand nice and still while I keep punching you in the face."

She shifted awkwardly with her gloves. Would make a change from fighting her roommate at least. At least now she wouldn't have Spiky zapping her whenever she got hit...

2016-05-03, 06:47 AM
"How awful for you," Warren says, "But thanks for at least giving me a chance."

Then he dashes forwards, hauling his arm back to throw a haymaker.

2016-05-04, 02:57 AM
Willow yelped in surprise, bringing her arms up to defend herself and leaping backwards.

2016-05-05, 12:57 PM
Warren skids to a stop, sheepishly lowering his arm back to his side. "Sorry," he says, rather nervously. "I thought you were ready to go. My bad."

2016-05-05, 07:40 PM
Ducking forwards, Willow quickly bapped Warren lightly on the face before trying to retreat to a safer position.

"Aw, that's all it takes?"

2016-05-06, 07:42 AM
With a sigh, Warren drops into something resembling a proper boxing stance and shuffles towards Willow, taking a few experimental swipes at her along the way. "I really did walk right into that one, didn't it."

2016-05-06, 02:03 PM
School Hallway

Orlando's walk puts him in the path of Jake Richmond, although most kids in the school called him Bruiser, for a few reasons. For one, he was a hulking mass of a kid, topping 6'4" with a football player's breadth. For another, his supernatural mutation left his skin a mottled shade of purple, looking like he was covered in bruises, even if it didn't seem to have anything to do with his powers-- being able to pass through solid objects like a normal person would walk through a waterfall. He also was something of a school bully, with a tendency to put kids in lockers without even opening the locker door first. He placed himself to keep Orlando from getting past. "Heard you screwed up big last night," he says with a mean laugh. "Ain't look like you're cut out for leading things anyway."


While most of the students go on about their routines, a couple of the kids stop what they're doing to watch Willow and Warren spar. The small pod of spectators includes Bryn, hair still dripping from her time in the pool, although she's back in normal street clothes.


Away from the metaball field, no one seems to be around William and Rebecca-- for the moment, at least.

2016-05-07, 01:38 PM
William returned the grin. "So clearly you're a sense junkie. I wish experience turning into mist, that must be a strange feeling."

Rebecca found no shame in being labelled a 'sense junkie'. She'd practically admitted that on their first date.

"Guilty as charged. I want to experience this wonderful world of ours in every way I can. My long suffering senses will just have to cope.

And yeah, it's a pity that power doesn't work on other people. You've shared your personal world with me; But I can't return the favour. Well, I'll just have to take you flying some time. I'd do it right now, except..."

She pointed up at the sun.

2016-05-07, 01:51 PM
William nodded.

"Yes, probably not a good idea for you to take me flying. I'm not keen on either of us pulling an Icarus."

He wrapped his arms around and nuzzled her neck for a moment before speaking.

"So how are you holding up after last night adventure and epic admonition?"

2016-05-07, 06:44 PM
It took some time for Rebecca to answer. When she did, her voice lacked some of its earlier cheer. She was rapidly descending into one of her serious moods again.

"...Good. Too good. I expected to be a mess today. But here we are; Laughing and playing together. A skyscraper collapsed last night. A ton of people were almost killed. And yet, our minds are already ignoring it. I feel like I should still be feeling the same as last night: Like I'm balanced on the edge of life and...death..."

She trailed off. A thought had just occurred to her. With William still wrapped around her, she abruptly started running. The young Vampire dodged between patches of shade at a pace which she considered fast: And which her boyfriend likely considered on par with an asthmatic snail. At last, Rebecca halted in one particular patch of shade. She'd ran all the way to the edge of campus. Her eyes were fixed on the air a few feet ahead of her. If William paid attention, he'd see why. There was a very slight distortion in the air: The campus shield. This was the barrier that (among other things) filtered incoming sunlight. Without turning around, Rebecca spoke again.

"There it is: The edge of life and death. Maybe this will let me recapture that moment."

There were some worrying undertones in that voice. Rebecca certainly wasn't suicidal. She had no intention of doing anything crazy here. This was the action of an artist, trying to explore a certain mood. But still, said artist was literally a few steps away from death right now. Crossing that barrier would kill her. Even coming this close seemed reckless.

Was Rebecca really okay?

2016-05-07, 08:20 PM
Rebecca's running was easy for William to keep up with. Her sudden pulling away from his embrace wasn't so easily dealt with. the vampire was proportionally as strong compared to him as he was fast compared to her. her abrupt departure had almost torn one of his arm out of it's socket. Still, by the time she stopped at the edge of campus the pain had gone; replaced by a growing hunger.

Her words however were worrisome and William actually took several seconds before answering; time he devoted to phrasing his answer as best he can.

"I think you already exist at the edge of life and death. Taking risk won't change that it will just be looking at that edge's mirror image. The reflective glass of adrenaline instead of the gentle waveless waters of undeath."

As usual when he had time to think about things, the boy turned to semi poetic metaphor.

"And even here I don't think you'd recapture last night's moment. That's the beauty of moments, you can only live them once. You can never come home again. And even if you could it wouldn't work here. It wasn't just your life at risk, it was everyone and not for selfish indulgence but to save others. That would be like trying to recapture the magic of a first kiss by making out with a plastic mannequin."

He chuckled softly.

"And instead of thinking you should feel just as distressed as last night you should embrace the fact that you don't. People heal, move on, live. Inconsistancy of feelings is proof of life. Only the dead are unchanging. Rejoice my love, you are still a normal live person. In every way that actually matters."

2016-05-08, 05:18 PM
Willow amateurishly blocked the swipes and took a moment to wave to the small crowd that had gathered. An audience! This was more like it!

Time to go on the offensive then. She feinted left before throwing a sudden right hook.

2016-05-08, 06:12 PM
In response to the feint left, Warren drops down to a crouch and then throws himself forwards, trying to tackle Willow.

2016-05-08, 06:24 PM
Willow tried to get out of the way of the unexpected tackle. Tried. Warren caught her full on, knocking the wind out of her.


She took a moment to catch her breath.

"Can't do that!"

2016-05-08, 07:08 PM
Warren sits up onto his shins, a grin beginning to blossom on his face. "Oh, why not?"

2016-05-08, 07:49 PM
Willow scrambled back and onto her feet. "S'cheating!"

Fine then. Two could play at that game.

2016-05-09, 05:34 AM
"Fine, fine," he says, holding up his hands. "I'll play fair. Straight boxing. Or whatever it was."

Warren jumps back to his feet and resumes a boxing stance, this time tightening his guard up significantly.

2016-05-09, 06:19 AM
William always knew just what to say. Rebecca rolled his words around in her head. As usual, they dissolved her angst before it had a chance to grow. Each of his phrases was so..so...wait. What was that last bit?

"And instead of thinking you should feel just as distressed as last night you should embrace the fact that you don't. People heal, move on, live. Inconsistancy of feelings is proof of life. Only the dead are unchanging. Rejoice my love, you are still a normal live person. In every way that actually matters."

Rejoice my love, you are still a normal live person. In every way that actually matters."

Rejoice my love..."

"...my love..."

Suddenly, Rebecca was looking William straight in the eye. Her expression was a picture of shock.

"Will; D-did you just say that you...love me?"

2016-05-09, 09:37 AM
William look at her in return in shock as well. He replayed his word in his head. Yes...he did say he loved her. The surprise completely halted his train of thoughts. It had been completely unintended, the words slipping out on their own. Well, if they had been a slip clearly they were real. He did love her.

He nodded slowly.

"I did...I do."

2016-05-09, 02:09 PM
Willow laughed.

"Hey, you started it now! Can't just back out like that!"

Dancing towards him, she ducked low and kicked, trying to sweep his legs out from under him

2016-05-10, 10:33 AM
School Hallway

Orlando's walk puts him in the path of Jake Richmond, although most kids in the school called him Bruiser, for a few reasons. For one, he was a hulking mass of a kid, topping 6'4" with a football player's breadth. For another, his supernatural mutation left his skin a mottled shade of purple, looking like he was covered in bruises, even if it didn't seem to have anything to do with his powers-- being able to pass through solid objects like a normal person would walk through a waterfall. He also was something of a school bully, with a tendency to put kids in lockers without even opening the locker door first. He placed himself to keep Orlando from getting past. "Heard you screwed up big last night," he says with a mean laugh. "Ain't look like you're cut out for leading things anyway."

Orlando's encounter with Bruiser was not something he was expecting, specially after filling a written report and looking for a quiet walkabout.

However, this time he decided to play his game.

"Things? Oh no, Jake, you misunderstood again." he says waving his hand slightly. "I was leading seven people. It's far more complicated than leading things." He sighs. "You know, if you were paying more attention in class you could know the difference. I can tell because I often notice you put some people in lockers, clearly mistaken them for things. I can give you a quick tutorial if you wish."

He doesn't lower his guard, however. Orlando knows that Bruiser's ability is far more dangerous than it appears.

2016-05-10, 12:58 PM
Rebecca was silent for quite a while. She fought back the rising tide of happiness inside her. This was not a good thing. Knowing that Will loved her was an incredible feeling; But it wouldn't turn out so well for him. She could already see the train wreck that was waiting for them down the line.

"Y-you really shouldn't. It'll end badly. This amazing thing that we have is just temporary. You're supposed to get what you can from it, and then move on; To some nice mortal girl, whose humanity isn't slipping away. You'll get a ton of happy memories, without the pain of real heartbreak. And I...Well, I'll stop feeling much of anything soon enough."

And then she was holding him tight. Even as Rebecca talked, she already knew that her words were useless. Nothing she said would change his feelings for her; Or hers for him.

"Got that? You have to stop loving me right now. It's not allowed...

...B-but I can still love you. That's the way it works."

2016-05-10, 02:11 PM
William held her tightly. He wasn't an idiot, he knew few relationship lasted. Breakup or death were all too common. He'd seen enough while running accross the world to have few illusions left.

But he didn't say anything. Rebecca's nature was clearly a very tender point for her and he was afraid that anything he might say would only anger her and lead to a fight. So he held her and kissed the top of her head.

After a while, long enough he hoped for her mind to calm down he simply said with a touch of humor."I am very loveable, so I think you won't find your task too difficult my lady."

2016-05-11, 05:38 PM
Willow laughed.

"Hey, you started it now! Can't just back out like that!"

Dancing towards him, she ducked low and kicked, trying to sweep his legs out from under him

The sweeping blow to his legs drives him to one knee with a grunt of pain, but Warren manages to keep his other leg under him. He manages to get back up to a vertical base relatively quickly, but the grin he was sporting now looks very strained. "I guess super-strength is good for more than just hauling around synths," he mutters, and then wades back into the fight with a series of punches aimed at Willow's midriff.

2016-05-12, 05:59 PM
Not expecting him to stay upright, Willow was unprepared for the counter attack. She staggered backward, hissing through gritted teeth. That had hurt. He thought he was so much better than her, right? Smug bastard. She punched at his face as hard as she could with the intention of spreading his smug nose right across his smug face.

2016-05-13, 06:49 PM
As little as Warren actually knows about fist fights, he does understand that getting punched in the face is a bad thing. And while the punch does take him enough off guard that he isn't able to get out of the way, he does have enough time to throw up his shoulder to take the brunt of the blow and turns his face enough that the punch lands against his cheekbone, rather than his precious, precious nose.

Reeling back from the assault, he gasps, "What the hell, Willow!"

2016-05-14, 10:06 PM
Feeling the impact of skin against her gloved fist, Willow smirked evilly.

"What, so we're all fighting fair now, huh?" she spat, taking a couple of quick steps back.

"Can't take the heat, huh, big guy?"

2016-05-15, 06:39 AM
"There's a difference between fighting dirty and actually trying to hurt someone in a goddamn sparring match," Warren growls. "But if you really want to go down that road, I'm more than happy to accommodate you."

Once again, he charges straight towards Willow, hauling back an arm to deliver a haymaker. But this time, instead of stopping short, he snaps a kick straight at Willow's knee.

2016-05-16, 07:33 PM
Willow gave a sharp whimper as her knee crunched painfully under Warren's foot and slipped out from under her. Falling to her knees, she tried to punch him as hard as she could in the gut. Bastard was gonna pay...

2016-05-16, 08:23 PM
The blow to his gut drives the air from Warren's lungs and doubles him over. Still, he manages to find enough of a breath to gasp out "Woo!", before launching a backhand chop at Willow's chest.

2016-05-16, 11:48 PM
A hand grabs the back of Warren's shirt, then a second grabs the waist of his pants. He finds himself lifted off the floor and gets a nice view of the ceiling as he's flipped backwards, then the crowd behind him, then the mat as he lands face first, firmly but not hard enough to hurt. A foot on his upper back keeps him down, while Willow's arms snap to her sides as she's lifted six inches off the floor by an invisible force. Herald, his foot being the one on Warren's back, looks back and forth between them. "That, is more than enough from both of you. There's a difference between sparring and a fight. If you want to fight, I'll oblige you both, one at a time or together, but I'm not going to let you hurt each other for no reason."

2016-05-17, 10:01 PM
William held her tightly. He wasn't an idiot, he knew few relationship lasted. Breakup or death were all too common. He'd seen enough while running accross the world to have few illusions left.

But he didn't say anything. Rebecca's nature was clearly a very tender point for her and he was afraid that anything he might say would only anger her and lead to a fight. So he held her and kissed the top of her head.

After a while, long enough he hoped for her mind to calm down he simply said with a touch of humor."I am very loveable, so I think you won't find your task too difficult my lady."

Rebecca was silent too. Why did her mood keep nosediving like this? She tried and tried and tried to stay positive; But this damn angst just kept creeping through the cracks. For goodness sake, William loved her. She'd found an amazing, wonderful person to share her days and nights. You'd think that that'd be enough to keep the depression at bay.

When he broke the silence, she attempted a smile.

"You're the easiest person to love I've ever met. And make no mistake: I do love you. I want to be with you. It's just...you need to stay safe, okay? The thought of hurting you makes me sick."

She said, as she unwittingly squeezed him like a tube of toothpaste.

2016-05-18, 07:10 AM
"..I...still...need...to breath"

William replied, not without humor, as he felt her squeezing him. Any damage she might do to him would heal in a few minutes, perhaps a couple hours if she busted one of his ribs.

Once she relaxed her grip on him he would speak again.

"You know what you need? Physical activity," he paused for a moment before quickly adding "Don't get your mind into the gutter. I think we should get some metaball practice in. After last night people will either be pumped up or they will feel down. Practice will help with both, the one pumped up will have an outlet and the sad one will benefit from runner's high."

2016-05-18, 12:33 PM
Willow flailed frantically, trying to escape the invisible force.

"Let me down! This ain't your problem, lover-boy! You want me to make it yours? I'll kick your f***in' teeth in!"

2016-05-19, 05:24 PM
From underneath Herald, a hand reaches up and taps him on the ankle. "Eight out of ten for the suplex, but only two for the pin. Mind getting off my back now?"

2016-05-19, 05:53 PM
"That depends, are you going to keep on with this?" He ignores Willow, which might end up being a stupid decision.

2016-05-19, 09:02 PM
Wait? Was he ignoring her? A slightly petulant tone entered Willow's voice as she continued struggling against the force.

"Stop ignoring me! I know you can hear me! Oi! You meat-headed halfwit! Lover-boy! Gah!"

2016-05-20, 12:12 PM

Bruiser looks like he's about ready to punch Orlando into next week when he suddenly smirks instead, and pats Orlando's cheek in a mafia-like gesture. "I owe you for that, punk. And I'll collect when you ain't expectin'." He turns and saunters down the hallway. This would, perhaps, be more puzzling, except that one of the teachers passes Orlando from behind a few moments later.


Bryn, hair still dripping into the towel draped over her shoulders, interposes herself between Willow and Herald. "Aren't we all supposed to be on the same team? No wonder we suck so badly, if this is how we treat each other," she says to the fay girl.

2016-05-20, 08:12 PM
Stepping off Warren, John puts his hands on Willow's shoulders, slowly setting her down. "Come on Willow, you don't want to hurt your friends. This just got out of hand, and now it's time to stop."

2016-05-20, 09:16 PM
Willow tried to scowl at him as best she could. She wasn't going to let him off that easy. She waved a hand at him.

"I didn't make this happen!"

2016-05-21, 02:20 AM
"I know, but don't you think it's time to stop anyway, before you do something you'll regret?"

2016-05-21, 11:43 AM
"Wouldn't regret anything..." Willow muttered sulkily, struggling with the gloves for a moment before trying to unstrap them with her teeth.

2016-05-21, 10:38 PM
"Hey, if it'll make you feel better, you can punch me in the face for butting in."

2016-05-22, 02:58 PM
Trying to stay sullen, Willow stopped fiddling with her gloves. That was very tempting.

"Okay... I'm gonna have to take you up on that one..."

And she punched him in the face. It wasn't a very hard punch, but it was enough to make her smile.

"You have a very good face for punching, y'know that Lover-boy?"

2016-05-22, 09:04 PM
John winces slightly, wiping a drop of blood from under his nose. "Yeah, I've heard that before."

2016-05-23, 10:49 AM

Bruiser looks like he's about ready to punch Orlando into next week when he suddenly smirks instead, and pats Orlando's cheek in a mafia-like gesture. "I owe you for that, punk. And I'll collect when you ain't expectin'." He turns and saunters down the hallway. This would, perhaps, be more puzzling, except that one of the teachers passes Orlando from behind a few moments later.

Bruiser's reaction was not something Orlando was expecting, so he scratches his head and sees Professor Jacinta Delgado passing by, apparently not noting the brief moment of tension between the two students.

He waits for Bruiser to completely disappear from view and follows the teacher. "Miss Delgado," he says once he reaches her. "Sorry to bother you, I hope you're not too busy. May I have a word? I have some questions... Maybe a request."

Professor Jacinta Delgado is the one that appears on this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18717671&postcount=1) description made by the previous DM, under the "Setting info" > "Teachers and facuilty".

Among other things, she's a super-genius expert on mechanical stuff and likes machines a lot.

2016-05-23, 12:39 PM
Willow gave Lover-Boy a quick smile.

"Ain't too surprised to hear that."

She patted him on the shoulder then stepped quickly around him to face the Music-Guy, smiling brightly.

"Sooo... we got a bit carried away there. Friends now?"

2016-05-24, 03:58 PM
Warren hesitates for a moment, and then nods his head. "Sure, why the hell not. Your knee okay?"

2016-05-24, 04:58 PM
Willow waved it off.

"Yeah, s'probably fine."

She wiggled the offending leg in the air, wincing at the action.

"See? All good."

2016-05-25, 02:31 PM

Delgado stops and looks at Orlando, clearly trying to place a name to the face. "Certainly. What's your question?"


William spots Maria sauntering towards the couple. Likely it's a coincidence, but given her abilities, it's not out of the realm of possibility that she's actively looking for him.


With the sparring match over, the spectators drift apart, looking for other amusement, or going back to their own workouts.

{OOC: Sorry, not a lot of update in this one, but there just wasn't a lot to add at this juncture.}

2016-05-27, 06:26 AM
William look from his embrace with Rebecca and spots Maria coming their way. he wonders if the young girl ran into them by accident or if she was specifically seeking him out. Her power would probably make such a thing easy. He did careen out of the cafetaria at high speed, causing a sonic boom in his wake. He doubted he had made many friends with that particular display.

He couldn't help but wonder if the girl came as a friend, or as an angry victim coming to give him a piece of her mind.

He tentatively acknowledged that he had seen her with a small nod.

2016-06-01, 03:50 PM

Maria returns the nod with a friendly wave. As she gets closer, she calls out, "You really know how to make an exit, don't you?"

2016-06-01, 05:10 PM
Oh good, thought William. she didn't seem pissed. guess he didn't quite manage to burst everyone's ear drums with his stunt.

"Well you know how it is, falling building, black hole grenades, damsel in distress" he give a small smirk and a wink at Rebecca "Even speedster don't have the time to mind the cuttlery in those circumstances."

2016-06-02, 05:28 AM
Willow waved it off.

"Yeah, s'probably fine."

She wiggled the offending leg in the air, wincing at the action.

"See? All good."

"Come on Willow, if you let me walk you to the nurse's office I'll spring for coffee afterwards."

2016-06-02, 06:11 PM
Willow's eyes lit up at the mention of coffee.

"You're talking my language! Give us a sec..."

She waved over to where Henry was laboring with the exercise bike.

"Hey! Ditch-boy's dorkier half! Coffee! Wanna come! And you too, sword-girl!"

The second half was directed towards Bryn.

2016-06-03, 09:38 PM
"You mind if I tag along?" Warren asks. "I haven't gotten any caffeine in me yet today, and I could really use some."

2016-06-03, 10:06 PM
As the potential coffee group grows, John mentally reviews the state of his bank account.

2016-06-06, 11:20 AM

Delgado stops and looks at Orlando, clearly trying to place a name to the face. "Certainly. What's your question?"

Orlando clears his throat and starts. "Well, you know my ability is much more than simply enhancing a super-sharp sword: I can control kinetic energy of myself and of others as long as I can touch the target that eases my melee fighting ability. However, last night I had my first mission as a squad leader and even if there were some tactical mistakes, I realized that perhaps I'm not ready enough to endure the hits of some very... sophisticated weapons."

Orlando scratches his head realizen the question is taking too long. "What I want to ask you, miss Delgado, is the following: Could be possible for someone like you to craft a suit or light armor that can allow my own biokinetics to be controlled with more precision? In other words, what I'm trying to request is the creation of something that allows me to deflect projectiles aimed at myself, but light enough for me to continue moving with freedom while fighting."

He adds: "I carry two items that have some properties related with my ability, but I must be close to them in order to be safe: The first one is my sword, Meiyo. For some reason, Meiyo is considered an extension of myself when I use my kinetic power, allowing me sometimes to defend myself on a limited way. The second item..." he lowers his voice. "It's my weak point, and I should not speak openly about that."

"Could the creation of a suit like that be possible?"