View Full Version : Awesome concepts you have never gotten to play.

2016-03-08, 07:43 PM
We have all had these stories, we cone up with cool character concepts but never had the chance to play them.

Here is one of mine.

The Hunter.

Warforged Ranger (originally going to be a Bloodhound/occult slayer, but updated over the years.

Essentially some way to play the unwavering, unresting, unstoppable hunter.

What were the ones you guys never got to play.

Final Hyena
2016-03-08, 07:58 PM
I would have said no given that I play in a fair number of games going for something a bit different every time so have played a lot of characters, but people tend to think I'm crazy and a group I just started playing in asked if I've ever played a Joker type character, so that's currently on my to play list, although it might be hard finding a game to do that in.

2016-03-08, 08:30 PM
There was a thread on this site a while back that was 3.5 Batman style. It was gestalt with a bunch of goodies from the DM

I built Deadshot (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=674135)

I still look at the sheet longingly sometimes

But since I usually DM I get to play most characters that pop into my head

2016-03-08, 08:39 PM
I wanted to play a Beguiler inspired by Loki (the god, not the marvel character) back in 3.5, but DM didn't like the idea. In fact DM likes boosted sorcerors spamming fireballs all day (I'm not sure what's wrong with him). So he gives a ton of free feats and stuff to casters, essentially making them fireballing machines that never run out of spells. I told him that I can do that too (shadowcraft mage..), he doesn't like illusions. So I made a cleric.. ;p

2016-03-08, 08:39 PM
An arcane spellcaster favored by a god but corrupted in some way.
Thankfully the5e sorcerer has everything i need, i just use favored soul as my subclass then change to shadow at some point after the corruption happens. Spell point sorcerer is a bonus.

Unfortunately ive played in groups with plenty of casters already, in a low magic world, in a game without divine influence or with DMs that arent keen on UA material or bending the subclassing rules.

One day. Some day.

2016-03-08, 09:42 PM
One of them is Sally Dollhunter. A halfling ranger fluffed as a child, who hunts down and kills dolls and other constructs. Possibly CE.

2016-03-09, 09:23 AM
I've got a straight up Sharpshooter Battlemaster Fighter modeled after Hawkeye that I really want to play, and haven't yet had the chance. The Maneuvers are his special arrows with the different arrowheads, and I took the Close Quarters fighting style so I never have disadvantage (except against prone targets).

Also, if any of you saw my thread for Bronan the Barbellian (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?480355-Bronan-the-Barbellian), sadly I wasn't able to play him last Saturday. :( We ran out of time.

2016-03-09, 09:31 AM
I would have said no given that I play in a fair number of games going for something a bit different every time so have played a lot of characters, but people tend to think I'm crazy and a group I just started playing in asked if I've ever played a Joker type character, so that's currently on my to play list, although it might be hard finding a game to do that in.

Sounds like a ranged Lore Bard/Assassin with the Criminal Background.

2016-03-09, 01:00 PM
I really want to play a Ranger of Malar, probably with folk hero background.

He protects the villager from threats, hunt to bring food and is generally well liked by everyone. But he's also evil and enjoy the thrill of the hunt and making it painfull/bloody. He'd particularily love chassing intelligent prey, so goblins, orcs, etc and criminals. His biggest goal would be to hunt a dragon (chromatic or metallic, doesn't matter) cause that's the ultimate intelligent prey and would be an immense honor to dedicate it to Malar.

But so far, DMs don't want to let me play an evil character or even neutral that worship an evil God.

2016-03-09, 01:12 PM
When I got SCAG, I thought about playing a Feral Tiefling who was given to a monestary as a baby. Hermit/Monk. He speaks in single syllables unless he can say less. He was shunned by most of the brotherhood and is in the world now because they basically kicked him out for being creepy.

I haven't had the opportunity, but I would love to give it a go.

"We need to get him to leave. He just stays in the one courtyard, practicing. Looking all... demonic. Never saying anything."

2016-03-09, 01:14 PM
I really want to play a Ranger of Malar, probably with folk hero background.

He protects the villager from threats, hunt to bring food and is generally well liked by everyone. But he's also evil and enjoy the thrill of the hunt and making it painfull/bloody. He'd particularily love chassing intelligent prey, so goblins, orcs, etc and criminals. His biggest goal would be to hunt a dragon (chromatic or metallic, doesn't matter) cause that's the ultimate intelligent prey and would be an immense honor to dedicate it to Malar.

But so far, DMs don't want to let me play an evil character or even neutral that worship an evil God.

I have a different issue with mine, people do not have a problem with me playing evil, I have done it before and pulled it off fine even with a paladin and a cleric of life in the group, my problem with my Warforged hunter plan is nobody allows warforged around here, not in any setting.

2016-03-09, 01:14 PM
I want to play a Beastmaster

2016-03-09, 02:41 PM
My ranger/warlock/druid (or rogue instead of druid). Having snakes, using poison, wildshaping into snakes and summoning them. Using a miswriting to let my snake attack three or four times a turn. Dealing massive nova and not nova poison damage. It just doesn't work till level 10 and till level 16 it's not worth it. That's why

2016-03-09, 04:10 PM
There was one concept that I did start to play in a mythweavers dnd3.5 Pbm game set in a Bioshock setting.
but it folded after about 3 days, so sad.

Jenny Cartwright

Strongheart halflings (as a representation of a young human girl) Binder 3

A young girl stands before you. Her long black hair held back, by a pretty white alice band with delicate blue flowers on it. You notice that it matches her pretty blue dress and white pinafore. A stylish design but of poor quality, with a broad white sash-belt, tied behind in a intricate butterfly bow. As you look down you notice her white gloves and her stockinged legs and little knee high black boots, with tiny fake-silver buckles at the side, they all look worn. She holds in her hand a well loved and scruffy teddy bear, it seems to have lossed and eye. She smiles as you look at her, you notices a gleam in her large doe-like brown eyes, it looks like she is crying.
"How do you do?" she says in a very prim and proper english accent. "My name is Jenny, and this is Sir Ed" she shows you battered and loved teddy. "We're here to help" she says matter-of-factly, she turns aside to see if anyone is listening, before stepping forward conspiratorially "It's because I can call them you see". With this she turns aways and skips off.

Jenny doesn't really have much in the way of motivation, she usually just goes with whatever the adults tell her, but she is stubborn and willful especially when "they" talk to her, or when she calls "them". However she is unlike other little girls, she has had the ability to call forth beings from beyond the mortal realm, and as such thinks much differently than normal little girls of her age.
Jenny's memory is not what it was and when she does remember she talks about finding her little brother Jonny, and becomes quite insistent that the adults find him.

Jenny was one of the first few children to be kidnapped and manipulated with plasmids and gene tonics to be a little sister, However Jenny was an unusual subject didn't respond in the correct way and was due for termination. It was a freak accident that led to Jenny escaping. How she escaped is lost to her, as most of her memories of that time she has forgotten. She does remember some snippets of memory from times before and often remembers her brother Jonny, who she wants to find. if this memory loss is permanent or not is yet to be discovered. The only things she has note is a tiny silver locket with the name Cartwright engraved on it, that opens to two very blurry washed out pictures of family a man, woman, little boy, and a baby, it appears to have been underwater for some time. And a tattoo on her wrist with strange runes.


Jenny is a sweet little girl, who wants to help, and wants to be useful, subconsciously she remembers that she was a failed experiment and was to be terminated, she wasn't sure what that meant but didn't want to find out, as such she has tried to make herself useful to all. She often becomes a bit confused and this makes her a little anxious and a bit angry. She is curious by nature, and will look for a father figure and mother figure in a group, something for her to latch on to. "they" are a help, the things that she binds, but "they" whisper too her all the time even in her sleep, so she is not the most hinged of people, let alone a 10 year old girl.

http://wiki.greyveil.com/images/b/ba/Jenny-Cartwright.jpg (http://wiki.greyveil.com/File:Jenny-Cartwright.jpg)

Character Sheet

Myth Weavers Character sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=860875)

Racial traits

+2 Dexterity, –2 Strength. Strongheart halflings are quick, agile, and good with ranged weapons, but they are small and therefore not as strong as other humanoids.
Small: As a Small creature, a strongheart halfling gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but she uses smaller weapons than humans use, and her lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
Strongheart halfling base land speed is 20 feet.
Halflings gain one extra feat at 1st level, because they have a strong drive to compete and many opportunities to practice their skills.
+2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, and Move Silently checks. Strongheart halflings are agile, surefooted, and athletic.
+2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear: This bonus stacks with the strongheart halfling’s +1 bonus on saving throws in general.
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown weapons and slings. Throwing and slinging stones is a universal sport among Strongheart halflings, and they develop especially good aim.
+2 racial bonus on Listen checks. Strongheart halflings have keen ears.
Favored Class: Rogue. A multiclass strongheart halfling’s rogue class does not count when determining whether she takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing


Soul Binding (1 x 3rd level vestige)
Pact augmentation (1 ability)
Suppress sign



Aura of Sadness:You emit an aura of depression and anguish that overtakes even the strongest-willed creatures. Every adjacent creature is overcome with grief, which manifests as a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks, for as long as it remains adjacent to you. You can suppress or activate this ability as a standard action. Aura of sadness is a mind-affecting ability.
Focalor Breath: As a standard action, you can exhale toward a single living target within 30 feet. That target is blinded for 1 round unless it succeeds on a Fortitude save. Once you have used this ability, you can not do so again for 5 rounds.
Lightning Strike: Once per round as a standard action, you can call down a bolt of lightning that strikes any target you designate, as long as it is within 10 feet per effective binder level of your position. The lightning bolt deals 3d6 points of electricity damage, plus an additionaL 1d6 points of electricity damage for every three effective binder levels you possess above 5th. A successful Reflex save halves this damage. This ability functions outdoors, indoors, underground, and even underwater.
Water Breathing: You can breathe both water and air easily.


Naberius 1st (DC 15, 4 ranks in Bluff or Knowledge or Profession skill)
Disguise Self (as spell, standard action)
Faster Ability Healing (1 damage / round, 1 drain in all abilities / hour)
Persuasive Words* (30', Command as spell, Suggestion at 14th, Will neg.)
Silver Toungue (can take 10 on any Bluff or Diplomacy check, even if threatened, and as a standard action and don't suffer -10 for rushed check)
Naberius's Skills (pick skills = Con that can't be used untrained, and can use them)


Alignment Neutral


2016-03-09, 05:31 PM
There was one concept that I did start to play in a mythweavers dnd3.5 Pbm game set in a Bioshock setting.
but it folded after about 3 days, so sad.

Jenny Cartwright

Strongheart halflings (as a representation of a young human girl) Binder 3

A young girl stands before you. Her long black hair held back, by a pretty white alice band with delicate blue flowers on it. You notice that it matches her pretty blue dress and white pinafore. A stylish design but of poor quality, with a broad white sash-belt, tied behind in a intricate butterfly bow. As you look down you notice her white gloves and her stockinged legs and little knee high black boots, with tiny fake-silver buckles at the side, they all look worn. She holds in her hand a well loved and scruffy teddy bear, it seems to have lossed and eye. She smiles as you look at her, you notices a gleam in her large doe-like brown eyes, it looks like she is crying.
"How do you do?" she says in a very prim and proper english accent. "My name is Jenny, and this is Sir Ed" she shows you battered and loved teddy. "We're here to help" she says matter-of-factly, she turns aside to see if anyone is listening, before stepping forward conspiratorially "It's because I can call them you see". With this she turns aways and skips off.

Jenny doesn't really have much in the way of motivation, she usually just goes with whatever the adults tell her, but she is stubborn and willful especially when "they" talk to her, or when she calls "them". However she is unlike other little girls, she has had the ability to call forth beings from beyond the mortal realm, and as such thinks much differently than normal little girls of her age.
Jenny's memory is not what it was and when she does remember she talks about finding her little brother Jonny, and becomes quite insistent that the adults find him.

Jenny was one of the first few children to be kidnapped and manipulated with plasmids and gene tonics to be a little sister, However Jenny was an unusual subject didn't respond in the correct way and was due for termination. It was a freak accident that led to Jenny escaping. How she escaped is lost to her, as most of her memories of that time she has forgotten. She does remember some snippets of memory from times before and often remembers her brother Jonny, who she wants to find. if this memory loss is permanent or not is yet to be discovered. The only things she has note is a tiny silver locket with the name Cartwright engraved on it, that opens to two very blurry washed out pictures of family a man, woman, little boy, and a baby, it appears to have been underwater for some time. And a tattoo on her wrist with strange runes.


Jenny is a sweet little girl, who wants to help, and wants to be useful, subconsciously she remembers that she was a failed experiment and was to be terminated, she wasn't sure what that meant but didn't want to find out, as such she has tried to make herself useful to all. She often becomes a bit confused and this makes her a little anxious and a bit angry. She is curious by nature, and will look for a father figure and mother figure in a group, something for her to latch on to. "they" are a help, the things that she binds, but "they" whisper too her all the time even in her sleep, so she is not the most hinged of people, let alone a 10 year old girl.

http://wiki.greyveil.com/images/b/ba/Jenny-Cartwright.jpg (http://wiki.greyveil.com/File:Jenny-Cartwright.jpg)

Character Sheet

Myth Weavers Character sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=860875)

Racial traits

+2 Dexterity, –2 Strength. Strongheart halflings are quick, agile, and good with ranged weapons, but they are small and therefore not as strong as other humanoids.
Small: As a Small creature, a strongheart halfling gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but she uses smaller weapons than humans use, and her lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
Strongheart halfling base land speed is 20 feet.
Halflings gain one extra feat at 1st level, because they have a strong drive to compete and many opportunities to practice their skills.
+2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, and Move Silently checks. Strongheart halflings are agile, surefooted, and athletic.
+2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear: This bonus stacks with the strongheart halfling’s +1 bonus on saving throws in general.
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown weapons and slings. Throwing and slinging stones is a universal sport among Strongheart halflings, and they develop especially good aim.
+2 racial bonus on Listen checks. Strongheart halflings have keen ears.
Favored Class: Rogue. A multiclass strongheart halfling’s rogue class does not count when determining whether she takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing


Soul Binding (1 x 3rd level vestige)
Pact augmentation (1 ability)
Suppress sign



Aura of Sadness:You emit an aura of depression and anguish that overtakes even the strongest-willed creatures. Every adjacent creature is overcome with grief, which manifests as a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks, for as long as it remains adjacent to you. You can suppress or activate this ability as a standard action. Aura of sadness is a mind-affecting ability.
Focalor Breath: As a standard action, you can exhale toward a single living target within 30 feet. That target is blinded for 1 round unless it succeeds on a Fortitude save. Once you have used this ability, you can not do so again for 5 rounds.
Lightning Strike: Once per round as a standard action, you can call down a bolt of lightning that strikes any target you designate, as long as it is within 10 feet per effective binder level of your position. The lightning bolt deals 3d6 points of electricity damage, plus an additionaL 1d6 points of electricity damage for every three effective binder levels you possess above 5th. A successful Reflex save halves this damage. This ability functions outdoors, indoors, underground, and even underwater.
Water Breathing: You can breathe both water and air easily.


Naberius 1st (DC 15, 4 ranks in Bluff or Knowledge or Profession skill)
Disguise Self (as spell, standard action)
Faster Ability Healing (1 damage / round, 1 drain in all abilities / hour)
Persuasive Words* (30', Command as spell, Suggestion at 14th, Will neg.)
Silver Toungue (can take 10 on any Bluff or Diplomacy check, even if threatened, and as a standard action and don't suffer -10 for rushed check)
Naberius's Skills (pick skills = Con that can't be used untrained, and can use them)


Alignment Neutral


Well, that is what I would call a very specific answer.

2016-03-09, 05:50 PM
Well, that is what I would call a very specific answer.

I was turning out to be a great character... but looks like I'll never play her again.
incredibly flavoursome for the setting, great mechanics for what was needed both conceptually and for game effectiveness.

wadda gonna do, have to show it off to some one *cheeky grin*

2016-03-09, 06:14 PM
A 5e warlord. One day such a thing will be released and I will, however.

In terms of missed opportunities, an undead game we were organising in which everyone played a powerful undead (5 free level adjustment) and we were all part of separate factions scheming against each other. Took vampire and added vampire lord (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20021018a), had an excellent time playing a factotum and using cunning surge to use several different vampire powers per round, but after one session the DM got a job in another city and had to move =/

2016-03-09, 06:31 PM
A fighter, literally any fighter. Fighter is immediately the first class everyone wants to play in the group, sometimes 2 or 3 deep. So I would love to play a fighter. Instead of healing Mr. "I charge the dragon".

2016-03-09, 07:18 PM
A kind of goofy character I've always wanted to play:

A Yuan-ti bard who plays a flute and specializes in hypnotism. Basically he's a snake who is also a snake charmer and occasionally charms himself.

2016-03-09, 07:40 PM
A werewolf Ranger/Tempest Cleric/Rogue 1. Specializes in wind spells, Investigation, and Survival, with awful Charisma. He is the Big Bad Wolf from Fables.

Sir Pippin Boyd
2016-03-09, 09:05 PM
Only mostly qualified because I got to play it for one day before the DM turned extremely hostile and killed it with DM fiat. The character was The Boulder, a 3.5e Warforged Druid on his quest to discover the meaning of life. His creation was the byproduct of a demon-worshipping cult that was experimenting with binding souls to different mediums, working their way up to trying to bind the soul of their banished archdemon 'deity' so that he could use one of them as an anchor to the material plane. The main reason the DM was so upset was that he had been trying to rely on biological survival challenges (forced marches, limited food/water supply, suffocation) to kill the party and as a Warforged I was able to pretty much handwave all of those while using my druid powers to complete them on behalf of the rest of the party.

Prime example of a DM totally unwilling to tailor challenges to the party, would rather cry that someone is OP than deviate from his plans. Obviously a robotic druid created as the abberant experiment of a soul-binding cult is the product of someone min/maxing with no regard for RP.

2016-03-09, 09:19 PM
This is cheating as she'll be played soon, but:

LN Female Human (variant) Cleric
Imagine everything you have heard about Clerics of death. That they are brutes who slaughter all in their path, or that they refuse to rescue anybody from death's icy grip.
Yami is a small young woman, barely an adult, and yet utterly devoted to death itself. She will stay by your side in your final hours. She'll heal you without a second thought. She'll help however she can.
If she can reach you, it is not your time.

The entire idea is to subvert the expectations of a Cleric of Death. She doesn't want to sully death with improper passings, and so she'll do what she can to stop them. I'm torn between making STR and CON her secondary stat, unsure if I want a magical tank or a glaive-wielding glass cannon in combat. Going Warcaster for the first feat though.

2016-03-09, 09:21 PM
I haven't had a chance to play up my halfling war cleric yet, since my little halfling rogue is still alive. Somehow.

Well, I technically haven't. I've made a "version" of him in Neverwinter Nights 2, one Peribo Littleknight, and he just wrecked the game. It's gotten my excited for the next time I fire up a new character. Unless my current plan of going through Neverwinter Nights 2 with a dwarven conjurer (of all things,) doesn't completely change my focus.

I also make several characters that never see the light of day. So far, most of the ones that have actually made it have been halflings, all but one a Littleknight, and a couple dwarves.

2016-03-09, 09:28 PM
I have always wanted to play a Space Admiral. With a space fleet, and space tanks, and space mechs, and getting to fight space pirates. Also, woo space drow.

2016-03-09, 09:45 PM
I have always wanted to play a Space Admiral. With a space fleet, and space tanks, and space mechs, and getting to fight space pirates. Also, woo space drow.

Sword is the term, I believe. Like Scro.

2016-03-09, 11:42 PM
I have this idea of a bon viveur halfelf Austin Powers-type OoA paladin. This guy is out there to have fun and to live an exciting adventurous life. Probably noble as well, riches cannot hurt. A high charisma and a good persuasion skill, plus the flavour of a halfelf, he wont have trouble finding his way to whichever bed he wants to. Not a fun of mundane (as he calls it) paladin work, such as travelling to the nearest dungeon to slay the ugly goblins, but always a sucker for saving a damsel in distress. Big supporter of free love, heck, even the disease immunity helps in that respect.

I am patiently waiting for a comic relief campaign to bring this character into play.

2016-03-10, 12:00 AM
I just want a good example of a Large size PC done well so I can play a half-ogre. All the homebrew versions I've seen have been overpowered and/or overcomplicated.

Same for the alternate rakasta breeds from 2nd ed.

2016-03-10, 12:09 AM
M'banza Oblodra, the psionic drow warrior 'matron mother' of a deceased house living on the surface adventuring to gather wealth, treasure and knowledge for her family's eventual return to power. She seeks a loyal wizard wife to be her queen and join her in domination and the creation of a new Oblodra dynasty.

2016-03-10, 12:46 AM
In the Dragonlance setting, I wanted to play a White Robed Wizard who, during the war of souls, when magic was going away, became a warlock to keep his powers. He was a Hero, actively assisting people when his magic was strong, justifying his new deal with his actions, which, of course, would be manipulated and twisted. The ideal -plot twist- to my character would've been that the Imp that was my familiar had been fueling my magic with the souls of the people trapped, unable to go to their respective eternal resting places. also that the Imp basically turns into my "Big Bad" at the end. but yea. never got there.

2016-03-10, 12:58 AM
A few characters:

Dread Pirate Captain Robert Kane. Rapier (shortsword) and cutlass (scimitar) wielding Swashbuckler Rogue with a Bad Reputation (Pirate). Can't decide between Halfling for the lolz and Brave/Lucky or Half-Elf for the extra skills.

Solaire of Astora. Oath of Devotion Paladin with the Tenets of Oath of Ancients, amnesiac found on the doorstep of a temple to Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight. Sent on a quest to "seek his own sun." Has to be a long game so when I reach level 20 and get the capstone power he can announce at the climactic battle, "I found it! I am my own sun!"

Lawful Good Thief Rogue. Town Guard background. Expertise in Insight and Investigate.

2016-03-10, 01:08 AM
We have all had these stories, we cone up with cool character concepts but never had the chance to play them.

Here is one of mine.

The Hunter.

Warforged Ranger (originally going to be a Bloodhound/occult slayer, but updated over the years.

Essentially some way to play the unwavering, unresting, unstoppable hunter.

What were the ones you guys never got to play.

Plate armored necromancer with all dump stats. Not proficient in plate armor. Spends all of his time in combat Dodging and using his bonus action to shriek, "Kill them! Kill them all!" at his zombies. Has a chip on his shoulder the size of Nebraska, a dreadful temper, and a huge sense of entitlement. (Due to Int 7 Wis 4 Ch 9.)

2016-03-10, 01:14 AM
Lawful Good Thief Rogue. Town Guard background. Expertise in Insight and Investigate.

Lawful good rogues are enormous fun to play, in my experience.

Final Hyena
2016-03-10, 06:27 AM
Sounds like a ranged Lore Bard/Assassin with the Criminal Background.

Interesting idea, I was currently planning on making my own class focussed on abilities that are balanced but annoying, for instance redirecting enemies attacks into other squares to be a nuisance especially if you can get them to hit another enemy.


I want to play a Beastmaster

You can be the master of my beast!


I'll go sit in the corner....

2016-03-10, 08:48 AM
Lawful Good Thief Rogue. Town Guard background. Expertise in Insight and Investigate.

That's essentially what my little haflling rogue is right now, though I used the spy variant of criminal rather than Town Guard. I think he also ended up with both Investigation and Perception (and expertise in both,) he there's something to be found, he'll find it.

2016-03-10, 09:25 AM
Sword is the term, I believe. Like Scro.

Ooh, I like the idea of Sword Elves. Chances are no-one would notice anyway - it took my spelljammer group half a year to get Scro.

Actually, I'd really like to play a Spelljammer of some kind. I mean as a PC - I always have to DM it, because I'm the only one who understands the space combat rules.

2016-03-10, 09:43 AM
A werewolf Ranger/Tempest Cleric/Rogue 1. Specializes in wind spells, Investigation, and Survival, with awful Charisma. He is the Big Bad Wolf from Fables.

Shameless plug: feel free to use the Lycan race in my sig. :D

This is cheating as she'll be played soon, but:

Yami Yami is a small young woman, barely an adult, and yet utterly devoted to death itself. She will stay by your side in your final hours. She'll heal you without a second thought. She'll help however she can.
If she can reach you, it is not your time.

I had a similar idea. I've reflavored the Bond as a "Major Fear", as in "What am I afraid to lose".

I want to play a Death Cleric who is absolutely terrified of dying, so he spends all his time studying death and trying to find a way to become immortal. He's not evil. He's just scared of dying.

2016-03-10, 09:57 AM
I just got a chance to try this character out with Greyhawk Reborn last week, so it doesn't quite fit. But for your viewing pleasure:

Setting: Greyhawk
Class: Rogue
Background: Acolyte
Race: Human Suel - effectively, a variant human with the Magic Initiate feat.

The character trained to be a cleric of Rao, but was cast out of his church by a corrupt priest. He was forced to turn to a life of crime to survive.

He travels the Flanaess in clerical vestements, and is also known as the Crook of Rao.

2016-03-10, 08:59 PM
My gnomish Chronomancer. Between the lack of official mechanics for playing with time and the fact that I've never encountered a DM brave enough to let me try. He always ends up being a regular wizard with 'timey' spells. :smallsigh:Ah well, maybe if I travel far enough into the future.

2016-03-10, 09:18 PM
My gnomish Chronomancer. Between the lack of official mechanics for playing with time and the fact that I've never encountered a DM brave enough to let me try. He always ends up being a regular wizard with 'timey' spells. :smallsigh:Ah well, maybe if I travel far enough into the future.

But there aren't the Chronomancy spells for that!

2016-03-10, 09:47 PM
I want to play a Death Cleric who is absolutely terrified of dying, so he spends all his time studying death and trying to find a way to become immortal. He's not evil. He's just scared of dying.

The irony of this is that he would have been better off becoming an Undying warlock, druid, or even wizard. Cleric is one of the few spellcasters that cannot gain near-immortality.

2016-03-11, 08:39 AM
The irony of this is that he would have been better off becoming an Undying warlock, druid, or even wizard. Cleric is one of the few spellcasters that cannot gain near-immortality.

Which makes no sense to me at all, but still, that's kinda the point. Eventually the character would have to come to terms with his own mortality.

2016-03-11, 11:51 AM
When I got SCAG, I thought about playing a Feral Tiefling who was given to a monestary as a baby. Hermit/Monk. He speaks in single syllables unless he can say less. He was shunned by most of the brotherhood and is in the world now because they basically kicked him out for being creepy.

I haven't had the opportunity, but I would love to give it a go.

"We need to get him to leave. He just stays in the one courtyard, practicing. Looking all... demonic. Never saying anything."

There is a guy in my group who plays something very similar. he was alone most of his life because he is so creepy and "demonic" but then he found a monastery where the head monk accepted him. he became a monk, and long story short, the leader died, possibly because of a corrupted member of the monastery who wanted to become leader and he was exiled. he almost never actually talks, he always put his cape over his head and so on.
really cool concept in my opinion

I always wanted to play a stitcher geralf (from MTG Innistrad) necromancer, i.e a necromancer who takes more of a Dr. Frankenstein approach to necromancy, spending a long time on building a "perfect" zombie before raising him, rather than just raising a bunch of skeletons, but this probably won't happen soon, since there aren't really any spells to support that, and my DM generally doesn't like evil PCs.

2016-03-11, 12:20 PM
Which makes no sense to me at all, but still, that's kinda the point. Eventually the character would have to come to terms with his own mortality.

Yami's slightly different, due to her Urchin background she almost starved to death once (and gained her Divine Magic after surviving), and she's a priest as a wandering death priest took her in. Her entire order is the Lawful Neutral type of Death priests, trying to make sure death happens at the right time. Thus she always has Cure Wounds and Inflict Wounds prepared (I'm going to be asking if I can get my Inflict to have a painless setting), although due to her situation she uses the former a lot more. (She's also a trained medic.) She's not afraid of her eventual death, although if her god finds her useful she might live for centuries (up to the DM there).

Finally built her, I elected to use the standard array over stupidly good but varied rolls. Urchin, and a trained holy warrior, but she's primarily a priest as understood by the populous.

She also should get more Street clothes, her current set is really worn, but she hasn't needed any for a good couple of years. I also don't know which death god she worships because the DM refuses to tell me which pantheon is being used (this is where I discover the Death god is more like Nerull than the one I'm envisioning).

2016-03-11, 01:25 PM
There is a guy in my group who plays something very similar. he was alone most of his life because he is so creepy and "demonic" but then he found a monastery where the head monk accepted him. he became a monk, and long story short, the leader died, possibly because of a corrupted member of the monastery who wanted to become leader and he was exiled. he almost never actually talks, he always put his cape over his head and so on.
really cool concept in my opinion

I always wanted to play a stitcher geralf (from MTG Innistrad) necromancer, i.e a necromancer who takes more of a Dr. Frankenstein approach to necromancy, spending a long time on building a "perfect" zombie before raising him, rather than just raising a bunch of skeletons, but this probably won't happen soon, since there aren't really any spells to support that, and my DM generally doesn't like evil PCs.

Run this by your DM. Necromancers don't have to be evil.

2016-03-12, 08:20 AM
I never get to play anything, being the only one with enough time/not being lazy to actually learn the rules to be able to GM in my group. So, I have ton of character concepts I'll never get to play.

The Seer: human divination wizard. Blind...either vuman for Alert feat, or asking the GM to allow me to take the feat for free in exchange of the blindness (to avoid attack advantage from enemies.) Helped his master with a scrying ritual, however, something went wrong and they looked straight into the Far Realm. The character clawed his own eyes out from the horror and madness he saw (still have terrible scars on his face, though he usualy wears a mask). The master was never seen again. He's slightly crazy and isn't sure if he should fight the influence of Far Realm or plunge the whole word into its insanity.

The Necromancer: hermit vuman necromancy wizard. Healer feat at first level. Kicked out of the academy for his interest in the forbidden parts of necromantic magic. Conducts necromantic experiments on his own, leading to his Discovery. Travels the countryside as a wandering healer, helps people, is generally a good guy. Discovery: Either find a way to break the limits on Animate Dead control (control more undead, or control them for a longer time) or a way to construct artificial command nexus, that allows anyone control undead bound to it. Wants to use that power for good purposes: undead workers that could be supervised by non-wizards and can't break free, undead soldiers to limit the loses in war. Hates intelligent undead, especially those that needs to feed on living. Tries to elighten people, explains that skeletons and zombies aren't necessarily a bad thing. Pays for the corpses, makes sure the undead aren't too scary (covering them). Depends on evil creating undead is in the setting, of course.

The Warlord: barbarian/paladin. Former barbarian raider chief, terror of the land. Was seriously injured in one raid. Wasn't killed, servants of a [good deity] took him into their monastery, arguing that he can stand trial for his crimes after he recovers. The injury leads to a partial loss of memory and mental capabilities (low int and wis). He's stupid but strong. Monks argue that there's no point in punishing him for his crimes if he doesn't remember then. The former warlord lives simple life, helping at the monastery, until one day, the monastery is raided by his former tribesmen. As he was chopping wood, the axe in his hand and the enemies comming at him cause some of his combat skills to return...defending the monastery from the raiders, he realises he doesn't belong here, and that his skils could find better use elsewhere. Chooses the path of a paladin and leaves the monastery, righting wrongs to repent for his past.

The Drow: PF concept. Drow bard, dervish dancer archetype. Drow "princess", last member of a destroyed drow house, the matron of the rival house took her as a slave for her amusement instead of sacrificing her like is the custom, reasoning that she's too young and harmless, and it would be better show of her power. Years later, the character is now a dancer and "entertainer" slave in the victorious house. She manages to escape during an attack from yet another drow house, reaches surface. Disguises herself, slowly learns about the surfacer culture to better blend in. Plays the "renegade from an evil culture" card while searching for any source of power to be strong enough to return underground and take her revenge. Actually neutral evil.

The Possessed: PF concept, half-orc synthetist/blood god disciple summoner. Young shaman in training in an orc tribe. He was supposed to be a vessel for summoned demon lord, however, at the last moment, decided he doesn't want to end like that and tried to resist the possession during the ritual. Something happened and somehow his will to survive overcame the demon who wasn't expecting any resistance. Given the full power of the demon, he slaughtered his tribe. The power later faded, however, the demon is still imprisoned in his body, though massively weakened. The character can call upon its power to transform himself into an demonic monster. He now wanders the land, searching for a purpose and something worth unleashing his powers on.