View Full Version : Player Help Help me make a Fey Themed Character

2016-03-09, 12:06 PM
I'm playing in a custom world with my friend, and I'm playing as a High Elf whose culture is heavily influenced by Changeling: The Dreaming by Whitewolf. Specifically however I'm looking for help on the most flavorful ways to show this influence through his mechanics. So far I've taken Five levels of Druid for the connection to the natural world, but what else would you all recommend for this guy?

-From a place where the veil between the Feywilds and Material is thin, Fey live among the High Elves
-He's been trained in "Glamour" or the Magic of Fey
-He owes a Fey Queen (the basically deity kind) a favor

2016-03-09, 01:48 PM
I've been building and fluffing a Tiefling Paladin that fails her Oath of the Champion, reclasses to Archfey Warlock, and then reclasses her Paladin Oath over to Ancients. It's really made me think that Archfey Warlock is the pretty much the ur-example of what you're looking for. Doing it dual-classed this way, the Oath of the Ancients spells/abilities + Archfey spells + base Warlock list makes her feel like one hell of a nature champion/fey trickster. Rounding it out with Pact of the Tome and Book of Ancient Secrets, here's what the selection looks like:


Minor Illusion, Mage Hand at Warlock 1
Shillelagh, Thorn Whip, one more of your choice from Pact of the Tome at Warlock 3 (Druidcraft?)
Friends at Warlock 4 (combo with Alter Self and/or Calm Emotions)

Warlock Spells

Expeditious Retreat at Warlock 1, plus Faerie Fire and Sleep from Archfey
Hold Person, Mirror Image, Suggestion, Darkness, and Invisibility at Warlock 3, plus Calm Emotions and Phantasmal Force from Archfey
Hypnotic Pattern and Fly at Warlock 5, plus Blink and Plant Growth from Archfey
Banishment and Dimension Door at Warlock 7, plus Dominate Beast and Greater Invisibility from Archfey
Hold Monster and Dream at Warlock 9, plus Dominate Person and Seeming from Archfey

Other Fey-Themed Warlock Perks

Misty Visions Invocation (Silent Image, combo with Minor Illusion for sound)
Mask of Many Faces Invocation (Alter Self)
Sculptor of Flesh Invocation (Polymorph)
Book of Ancient Secrets Invocation (Find Familiar, Speak With Animals if you don't have it from Oath of the Ancients, add others as possible)
Fey Presence (AoE charm or frighten), Misty Escape (teleport and invisible when hit), and Beguiling Defenses (immune to/reflect charm)

Oath of the Ancients Spells

Nature's Wrath (Channel Divinity for Entangle, basically) at Paladin 1
Ensnaring Strike, Speak with Animals at Paladin 2 (huge for a fey/nature character)
Misty Step and Moonbeam at Paladin 5
Plant Growth and Protection From Energy if you go up to Paladin 11
Plus Bless, Command, Compelled Duel, and some divining/restorative magic from the regular Paladin list
And some weapon-enhancing buffs if you have the Concentration for it
Plus the extra per-long-rest slots are handy if you can't catch a Short Rest to recharge your Warlock's fey-themed spells.

Grab a quarterstaff and shield, and take Polearm Master so your quarterstaff-Shillelagh can do double attacks off your Charisma modifier. Suit up, say a prayer to the Feywilds, and let loose some glamour. :)

Of course, you can do this build without the paladin levels at all (that was a personal RP choice more than trying to make the Feyist character ever). If you're looking for less a fey champion and more a straight-up fey trickster, I'd probably just go Warlock and let your Tome/Book of Secrets handle the Druid aspects. Add Magic Initiate if you're really hungry for more Druid magic.

Unless you're keen on wildshape. No invocation or feat's ever going to replace that. ;) Well, except Polymorph, I guess, which you can get as an Invocation at Warlock 7.

2016-03-09, 02:04 PM
*Ninja_Prawn's Obligatory Post*

Between your background of 'owing a fey queen a favour' and the spell suggestions above, you've pretty much got this licked. If you need any more fey-ness, though, you might want to have a look here (https://www.dropbox.com/s/s3crmpfdbc5u5x5/Fey%20Creatures%20Complete.pdf?dl=0), particularly at the spells and magic items. Perhaps something will catch your eye.

2016-03-09, 04:11 PM
Depending on the power level of the Fey Queen, the most direct route to serve her would to become an Archfey Paton Warlock or a Nature Cleric (or any other domain she may claim). Any paladin that matches her style and proclaims an oath to her also works. Lots of fey options. Stats wise the cleric probably matches up best to your druid.

2016-03-09, 04:16 PM
Yeah, honestly looking at your op I don't know how this character's mechanics don't both start and end at Archfey Patron Warlock.

2016-03-10, 10:07 AM
I'm playing in a custom world with my friend, and I'm playing as a High Elf whose culture is heavily influenced by Changeling: The Dreaming by Whitewolf. Specifically however I'm looking for help on the most flavorful ways to show this influence through his mechanics. So far I've taken Five levels of Druid for the connection to the natural world, but what else would you all recommend for this guy?

-From a place where the veil between the Feywilds and Material is thin, Fey live among the High Elves
-He's been trained in "Glamour" or the Magic of Fey
-He owes a Fey Queen (the basically deity kind) a favor

There are lots of ways to get the fey feel, the paladin and warlock suggestions above are great.

You haven't told us your stats and since this is a "live" character and not just theorycraft those would limit what you can MC into.

If you don't have some of the MAD requirements to go from druid to paladin, you might consider the trickery domain cleric, I presume your Wis is pretty good from starting off as a druid.

I don't think the trickery domain gets as much play as some of the others, but it really has an interesting fey feel to it. The domain spells have a glamour feel (charm person, mirror image, blink) and the channel divinity definitely does. Also its a full caster that won't disrupt your slot progression (like paladin or warlock would), so even though you are giving up higher level spells you do have the higher slots for upcasting.

2016-03-10, 12:01 PM
Sorry it totally slipped my mind to post his stats.

Str: 10
Con: 12
Dex: 16
Int: 10
Wis: 16
Cha: 14

Also he only recently owes the Queen a favor. It wasn't part of his backstory or something he really intended to happen. Just a desperate and asked a favor of her first because they needed help and she was the only source that would be viable short of an actual God.

2016-03-10, 12:23 PM
Option 1
Elf fey warlock
Patron fey is either related or not
Option 2
Elf dragon warlock
Your dragon ancestry can be related to the fey realm
Option 3
Elf Druid. Just story arch your elf with connection to fey relation or not based on becoming Druid with shape changing.

2016-03-10, 12:23 PM
If you don't have some of the MAD requirements to go from druid to paladin, you might consider the trickery domain cleric, I presume your Wis is pretty good from starting off as a druid.

I don't think the trickery domain gets as much play as some of the others, but it really has an interesting fey feel to it. The domain spells have a glamour feel (charm person, mirror image, blink) and the channel divinity definitely does. Also its a full caster that won't disrupt your slot progression (like paladin or warlock would), so even though you are giving up higher level spells you do have the higher slots for upcasting.

I also saw a homebrew Dream domain on the homebrew subforum a few days ago. That might be even more appropriate, especially if the fey who helped you belongs to the Gloaming Court.

2016-03-10, 03:08 PM
I also saw a homebrew Dream domain on the homebrew subforum a few days ago. That might be even more appropriate, especially if the fey who helped you belongs to the Gloaming Court.

Did it look broken? That sounds super interesting because High Elves believe the source of Magic to be the Feywilds which they refer to as "The Dreaming"

2016-03-10, 03:23 PM
Did it look broken? That sounds super interesting because High Elves believe the source of Magic to be the Feywilds which they refer to as "The Dreaming"

It looked okay to me. It's got some funky mechanics, and I'd understand if a DM didn't trust their players enough to allow it, but I think it's fine.

Link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?480836-Two-New-Domains-Dream-%28Night%29-amp-Travel).