View Full Version : Optimizing eldritch blast

2016-03-10, 05:20 AM
2 fighter / 2 lock / 16 any sorcerer chassi,
On nova when at 4 beams with action surge and quicken for 3 eldritch blasts with hex you get the potential 12 beam hits for a total of 12d10 + 12d6 + 60 which equals out at 168 damage, that's without any crits which is likely to get at least one with 12 attack rolls.

Pretty neat no? Can blow this 2-3 times per day assuming 1 or 2 short rests. :)

2016-03-10, 06:51 AM
2 fighter / 2 lock / 16 any sorcerer chassi,
On nova when at 4 beams with action surge and quicken for 3 eldritch blasts with hex you get the potential 12 beam hits for a total of 12d10 + 12d6 + 60 which equals out at 168 damage, that's without any crits which is likely to get at least one with 12 attack rolls.

Pretty neat no? Can blow this 2-3 times per day assuming 1 or 2 short rests. :)
Strong but known combinations. I prefer 17 sorc / 3 warlock for wish and pact boon. But for EB this works best probably

2016-03-10, 07:54 AM
Strong but known combinations. I prefer 17 sorc / 3 warlock for wish and pact boon. But for EB this works best probably

True level 9 spells add a whole lot but for ultimate lightshow of pew pew lazors goodness it's a bit better as you said, thinking of making an half elf with entertainer background that is super vain and thinks he is the best thing the universe has queefed out, that uses his magical tricks as entertainment in social situations, thinking great old one for telepathy(nice to ask somebody in the audience to step up to the stage without actually talking), fighter will take armored style, sorcerer probably favored soul for more spells and it's nice if you get in close combat you can whack ppl for fun too. Prob use a great sword that he points at his targets and telepathically whispering "melt your flesh" to his foes when he blasts them with eldritch Fire. :D

2016-03-10, 10:23 AM
I'd take Close Quarters Shooter style for the +1 on ranged attacks & no disadvantage on range spells in melee.

Don't forget that Scorching Ray cast out of your 8th level slots is 9 rays of 2d6 each + 9d6 Hex .

2016-03-10, 10:53 AM
I'd take Close Quarters Shooter style for the +1 on ranged attacks & no disadvantage on range spells in melee.

Don't forget that Scorching Ray cast out of your 8th level slots is 9 rays of 2d6 each + 9d6 Hex .

Donīt think you get disadvantage for casting in close combat just for shooting bows and x-bows?

2016-03-10, 11:40 AM
Donīt think you get disadvantage for casting in close combat just for shooting bows and x-bows?

Nope, all ranged attacks. Wording is the same as x-bow expert. https://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/sageadvice_feats Worst part is that the fighting style also adds a +1 to ranged attacks, so is the best available fighting style for casters.

Donīt think you get disadvantage for casting in close combat just for shooting bows and x-bows?

You're partially right. Casting in close combat isn't automatically disadvantage. But making any ranged attack, weapon or spell, on a foe within 5ft causes disadvantage.

2016-03-15, 11:26 AM
2 fighter / 2 lock / 16 any sorcerer chassi,
On nova when at 4 beams with action surge and quicken for 3 eldritch blasts with hex you get the potential 12 beam hits for a total of 12d10 + 12d6 + 60 which equals out at 168 damage, that's without any crits which is likely to get at least one with 12 attack rolls.

Pretty neat no? Can blow this 2-3 times per day assuming 1 or 2 short rests. :)
Hi all!

I reply a bit late but.. :)
I like this combination, easy and efficient, but I also like one of these ones for the sake of sustained damage optimisation (not nova):
Warlock 9 / Fighter 2 / Sorcerer 9: you trade Sorcerer points for getting 5th levels Warlock slots, to go along with Greater Invisibility (for advantage on attack rolls) and Sign of Ill Omen (non concentration Bestow Curse that can stack with Hex, although once per long rest). Obviously with CQS style.

Fighter 2 / Lore Bard 6 / Warlock 3 / (Wild Magic) Sorcerer 9: the "long-rest" version but same objective: grab Bestow Curse (and other goodies while you're at it) with Bard. Not sure that the ability to cast Bestow Curse more than once per long rest is worth the added build complexity and loss of spells though (although it still works, with more versatility since heal/buff spells). :)
Alternative if really good rolls, swap Lore Bard with Diviner Wizard and take another Sorcerer archetype. Or forego Magic Secrets to grab another Metamagic to go with the MP.

Anyways, the idea is to stack Bestow Curse with Hex for extra damage. It takes your whole turn to enable so not good for quick fights, but it can make the difference for harder fights:

On two turns...

CLASSIC (let's not consider Draconic Scorching Ray for the sake of simplicity)
Turn 1 (with Action Surge): Hex (normal) + Eldricht Blast (bonus action) + Eldricht Blast (surge):
Turn 2 (with Quickened): Eldricht Blast (action) + Eldricht Blast (bonus) = 1d6*8
So, on each turn, you gain an average of 14 damage for 28 total.

Double debuff combo
Turn 1 (with Action Surge): Bestow Curse (normal) + Hex (bonus action) + Eldricht Blast (surge): (1d8+1d6)*4.
Turn 2 (with Quickened): Eldricht Blast*2 (action+bonus) = (1d6+1d8)*8.
On first turn, you "only" gain an average of 32 damage.
On each subsequent turn, you gain an average 64 bonus damage.

For the sake of optimizing damage, I'd say it's a nice shot.
Please note however that it is NOT imo the best use for Bestow Curse, far from it: putting the target at disadvantage against all Wisdow or Constitution saving throws for example seems much better if you have any other caster. And it's very expensive to use a 5th spell for the sake of the damage combo. But hey, sometimes, whacking big numbers for the sheer fun of it is good enough. :)

2016-03-15, 12:30 PM
Bestow Curse and Hex are both concentration.

2016-03-15, 12:43 PM
Bestow Curse and Hex are both concentration.
Mate, thanks for reading, but you really ought to revise your spells. :)

When cast at 5th level or above, Bestow Curse becomes a 8-hour long non-concentration spell. Hence the combination (and hence the very specific builds).

2016-03-15, 01:37 PM
True level 9 spells add a whole lot but for ultimate lightshow of pew pew lazors goodness it's a bit better as you said, thinking of making an half elf with entertainer background that is super vain and thinks he is the best thing the universe has queefed out, that uses his magical tricks as entertainment in social situations, thinking great old one for telepathy(nice to ask somebody in the audience to step up to the stage without actually talking), fighter will take armored style, sorcerer probably favored soul for more spells and it's nice if you get in close combat you can whack ppl for fun too. Prob use a great sword that he points at his targets and telepathically whispering "melt your flesh" to his foes when he blasts them with eldritch Fire. :D

The other big difference is you are not getting those 9th level spells until the PC is 20th level. How likely is that? And even if you do make it, how long will you play that level?

The benefits of F/W/S MCing comes into effect as early as level 4, and is fully online by level 7. F2/W2/S3 allows a nova 6D10+6D6+18.

2016-03-17, 09:33 PM
you might want to check out this thread Help Optimize: Eldritch Sniper (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?414473-Help-Optimize-Eldritch-Sniper&p=19242270#post19242270)