View Full Version : Pathfinder What alignment is Lauren Lionheart.

2016-03-11, 03:39 AM
I am going for Neutral Good, but I'm not sure if I hit it or not.

I am making a new character for a gesalt wrath of the righteous campaign. I have yet to build the phantom, but think I'm going Dedicated emotional focus for flavor reasons.

I was at work, but this is how my character is shaping up:

I found the Demonslayer archetype for ranger which replaces the endurance feature with being more bookish on evil outsiders. I also switched con and int to make Lauren a little more bookish and fragile so my character can fit a more utility role, as well as the fact it fits her backstory better and meshes better in gestalt. Also, if you remember me calling my character a guy earlier, my character was originally a male and had the same first name as me, but as I fleshed him out he started becoming more and more effeminate, so I kept the first letter of my first name in and turn him into a her. Ranger will be my mechanics class and spiritualist will be my flavor class. I'm probably going to go with chance encounter as my campaign trait.

Do we get other traits?

This is my backstory: Lauren Lionheart never knew her birth mother and father. Her mother, Cynthia, never told her, but after she slew a horde of goblins who dared to attack a town called Sandpoint, she found a tiny baby goblin girl, alone and crying in a hut. Cynthia took the baby goblin under her wing and retired from adventuring. Cynthia soon married a Demonologist native to Kenebres named Jack Lionheart, and discovering she was unable to have children of her own, soon found her adopted goblin to be her pride and joy. Raised among humans, Lauren Lionheart has nontheless faced teasing and distrust because of her race. In her own home, though, she was treated well, becoming agile, but weak and delicate, for her race. Though her goblin ancestry gave her a penchant for trickery and mischief, her supportive human parents guided her towards the general philoshopy of showing compassion to all people and doing to others as she would like to be treated. She often asked her adoptive parents why those outside the family were so mean to her. Her parents always responded that those people just need a friend and that the best thing she could do was be as kind to them as possible, and perhaps there would a change of heart. Lauren wanted to help others, but she was often shy. It was at this point she heard of the church of the Black Butterfly, and she was smitten by their tradition of anonymous acts of charity. Though taking after her goblin ancesty by possesing a ravenous appetite, her admiration of the Black Butterfly led her to not finishing all of her food her parents gave her and giving her leftovers to sleeping homeless people at night, watching from the shadows as their faces filled with delight and they ate. She was horrified when she grew a little older and she discovered that others of her kind worshiped demon lords, though despite this, or perhaps even because of this, she was interested in her father's studies. Upon learning from her father what demons were and how they do not wish to be redeemed, she resolved herself at a young age to protect the innocent from them. He taught her how demons trick and decieve, but how one could use these same dirty tactics to their advantage to gain knowlege about the dark forces and, by extension, power over the evil outsiders and bring them to heel. One day, Jack went into the worldwound to study a new potential threat to the city and never came back. Lauren soon worried about her father and "accidentally" found her way into the worldwound, despite her mother's warnings never to go there. She soon found herself surrounded by cultists of Lamashtu with no way out. After being rescued by a mysterious woman clutching a holy symbol of Desna, however, she was home safe in her mother's arms. Soon after, Jack's phantom appeared to Lauren, driven by his dedication to her to return to the material plane to watch over her. The phantom merged into Lauren's consciousness and Lauren could feel her father's presense, but no longer see him. After a good cry, Lauren decided to scour her father's books while the phantom in her mind guided her. She became a fledgelimg demonologist, and decided her next step was to join the crusades. She partly wanted to do this to avenge her father and partly to prove to herself that, despite her goblin blood and the cruel words of others, she could do something good. The next day, she would walk the streets of Kenebres to find somebody who could help her

2016-03-11, 01:58 PM

The GM seems to like it.