View Full Version : Torquemada Academy - IC

2016-03-11, 10:02 AM
You've been standing at parade rest for the past two hours and are starting to feel it. The welcome speeches droned on longer than necessary, and orientation even longer than that. Finally, you've been separated out into your company. You're waiting around now in the yard outside your company's barracks with a bit of free time until your Company Commander arrives and assigns you to platoons and barracks.

It was explained during orientation that the Cadet Corps is organized as a brigade. The brigade is divided into four regiments, determined by class, and the regiments subdivided into four companies each, each with their own barracks. Each company is divided into 5 platoons, consisting of between four and six squads of four to five individuals each. You've already been informed that each squad will share a single dorm room...

2016-03-11, 10:37 AM
"I'm not complaining, exactly, just a bit surprised. I mean, our teams are co-ed, right? Even at boarding school we had our own rooms, and I still felt cramped." May is talking to whoever happens to be near her, and she's the kind of young woman who is used to people listening. She's beautiful, dark haired and tan, though her buzz cut doesn't match her refined features. She holds herself with the easy confidence that comes with a privileged upbringing, but her tone is friendly and surprisingly cheerful, given the tedium of the morning.

"And when they say 'dorm room'," she continues, still cheerful, "How large are they talking? I may have to end up sending a bag or two home, depending. I wish they'd informed us beforehand, really."

Anyone who wants to be near May can be; I decided to leave that up to you guys.

2016-03-11, 11:09 AM
"I don't mind if the space is small," Michelle says. "I'll just fold my stuff teeny-tiny. It'll be like back home."

2016-03-11, 11:15 AM
May shrugs, unconvinced. "I mean, there are some things you can't fold, like shoes. I only brought a dozen pairs, I'm not one of those girls, but they've got to go somewhere, right?" She looks over at some of the taller students, then smiles. "At least I fit in just about any bed. I bet some of these guys are going to have to dangle their feet off one end."

She rubs the bristles on the side of her head, clearly unused to the shortness. "As for the guys, have they posted the squad compositions anywhere? I'd rather know and get the introductions over with." She offers Michelle a hand and a smile. "I'm May, by the way. May North."

2016-03-11, 11:25 AM
Jake Silver

Finally freed from parade rest, Jake falls into a more relaxed posture. Having achieved his dream of joining the Inquisition, he was in an exceptionally good mood. Sure, he still had to make it through training, but that was for tomorrow to worry about.

Tall, blond, and blue-eyed, with a toned build and a clear-cut face, he looks like the stereotypical high-school athlete. Or he would, were there not the mass of deep, thin scars, like a thousand cuts, covering his left cheeck and running down the side of his neck, the full extend of the injury hidden by his uniform. With subconscious vigilance, his eyes dart around the yard, scanning the area for anything out of the usual. Though he had been off the streets for two years now, old habits died hard.

When he hears May and Michelle speak nearby, he laughs with genuine amusement. "Everything I own fits into a backpack anyway." And as long as it was dry and safe he certainly wouldn't complain about the space. Then he realizes he might not have been invited to the conversation. "Oh, sorry, didn't mean to butt in." He smiles

2016-03-11, 11:34 AM
She offers Michelle a hand and a smile. "I'm May, by the way. May North."

"Oh, sorry, didn't mean to butt in." He smiles

Michelle gets a little self-conscious on the topic about fitting into a bed. This new addition to the conversation helps to distract though. "No no, it's okay. You can, uh, butt in. I'm Michelle Carter, by the way." She shakes May's hand and awaits the tall blond's introduction.

2016-03-11, 11:38 AM
Jennifer knows who May is of course. It would be hard to spend any amount of time on those islands and not know who she was!

"Jennifer Johansen," she introduces herself to the students who've started chatting. Tall, lean, and with long chocolate hair past her shoulders she's quite glad May's buzz-cut wasn't mandatory!

"Individual rooms were a sixth form privilege for us," she contributes. "I'm expecting this to be similar to my third form experience; a bunk, two to three drawers and a half-metre hanging rail in a half-height closet. I got used to packing light. They made us take everything home at the end of every term," she continues, sharing her own experience of a british boarding school.

"The co-ed dorms thing is new though! If we're lucky we'll have a single bed, chest-high privacy screens and about six square metres each. If we're unlucky, bunk beds and open-plan. This is a military institution after all; I expect they expect us to just suck it up and deal." She casts an appraising look over some of the male students, trying to work out of any of them are going to be a problem. Honestly, she expects not though. Anyone with that kind of profile shouldn't have got past psych.

2016-03-11, 11:48 AM
Jake Silver

Jake's eyebrows rise slightly in surprise when he notices Michelle being taller than him by an inch or so, but he doesn't comment. "Hey Michelle and May, I'm Jake!" He has to suppress the urge to make a stupid M&M joke as he offers both of them a handshake. "Hi there as well", he adds when Jennifer joins the group.

As the topic turns to sleeping arrangements, Jake feels a slight blush creep up his face with the realization that he is the only guy in the impromptu group. "I've been in uniform for two years now, so far privacy has not been too high on the list of the army's priorities." He laughs. "But who knows, this is the Inquisition after all, not the infantry. Only the best and brightest serve here."

Master Waldo
2016-03-11, 01:35 PM
Karl runs his hand over his bald head, feeling the burn scar that's finally started to fade. His legs were sore from the overly long orientation, but feeling the rough patch of skin on his smooth head served to remind him why he was here. Hiking his duffle bag up onto his shoulder, he started heading toward the dorms.

As he walks, he notices the group of rather lovely ladies (plus Jake) walking nearby. Standing up a bit straighter, Karl heads over to introduce himself.
"Good day to you" he says, reaching a hand out to whomever is closest. "Headed to the dorms too? I believe we're coming up on my building. Yes, right over there" Karl says as he points to one of the buildings.

2016-03-11, 01:41 PM
Michelle waves to the bald newcomer of the group, though not sure what to say. So instead she quietly commits names to memory.

2016-03-11, 02:20 PM
May meets and greets the small crowd of initiate Inquisitors with aplomb, catching names and working in a firm handshake for everyone. It was one of the first things her father had taught her; give everyone you meet a moment of attention, and never forget a name. You never know who's going to end up being important to you or your interests.

Her once-overs tell her something important about the group around her; they're all sharp, in excellent shape, and they hold themselves like people who are ready for trouble. The Inquisition doesn't pick slouches, it seems.

To Karl, she smiles and takes his hand, then raises an eyebrow. "Your building? That means you either live there, or you're very influential for someone your age. Either way, you should know about squad selection. When do we find out who we'll be working with?"

I put a rank into Profession (Politician), after all, and I intend to roleplay it properly.

2016-03-11, 02:43 PM
Isaac -a quiet young man who is equally thankful the buzz-cut wasn't mandatory- looks up from the college documentation for the first time since the other students began speaking. He wafts a handful of paper in the air; the academy's welcome pamphlet, as well as his letter of acceptance listing the room assignment.

"It says that we'll be placed in dorm rooms with the rest of our squad."

He looks back down at the pamphlet before he continues, though he must surely have had time to read it several times over by now.

"Logically... if any of us have the same room assignment, it means we'll be squad-mates."

2016-03-11, 02:47 PM
Kelly looks from the piece of paper in her hands to the surrounding buildings back to the paper and back at the buildings again before sighing and shaking her head. "Typical. First day here and I've already managed to get lost. It would help if every dorm didn't look exactly the same."

She begins walking amongst the flood of students making their way towards their dorms. Still focused on each building's number, she fails to pay attention to where she is going and inadvertantly collides with another student on the path. "Gah! Oh geez, I'm sorry, that was my fault, I wasn't paying attention."

She flashes a smile, before holding up the piece of paper with her assigned building and room number on it. "By the way, you wouldn't happen to know where this dorm is, would you?"

Whoever wants to say hi by collision, feel free.

2016-03-11, 03:33 PM
Heath Craft

*As soon as the parade formation is over and the group is allowed leisure time, Heath pulls his walkman from his duffel and throws his headphones around his neck, the music loud enough for him to hear as he moves over to one of the buildings, watching as the other students start to mingle.*
No surprise, you're always on the outside. That's your job.

*Lost in his own thoughts, he is caught off gaurd as Kelly bumps into him, his hand reaching out to stabilize the girl and himself.*
"Whoa. Easy. What....? Okay. Memorize the number and watch where you're going. That one is right over here. Relax. You're in the right area. We're just waiting for our co."

2016-03-11, 03:53 PM
Kelly grins. "Thanks a lot. My hometown schools were tiny compared to this place, I've never been anywhere this big before. Sorry, I will try to be more aware of other people."

She takes Heath's hand before he has a chance to retract it and gives it a quite firm shake. "Kelly Rojas, nice to meet ya. I guess I'll see you around since we're in the same cadet company."

2016-03-11, 04:17 PM
"So..." Isaac says, looking up with a sudden intensity.

He'd tagged along with the group, feeling the awkward outsider among socialites and athletes, many of whom stood nearly a foot taller than him, but as conversation turns to the mundane he clearly thinks he's found an opening to discuss what's really been weighing on his mind the entire time.

"Do any of you know anything about... them? The hetski's - the heretical scientists. I've heard some stories, but... the media is more controlled than you might realize. I don't know anything for certain."

He looks around at the others uncertainly.

2016-03-11, 04:18 PM
Heath Craft

"No problem. I dont think there's anyone around here that you're gonna hurt by bumping into them, but it's best to avoid problems."

*Setting his bags down, he runs a hand through his short hair*
"Crazy. I had always heard The Academy was a prestigious place, but I didn't think I'd see so many people here. How bad is it getting out there that this many people will all be fighting?"

*Setting his bag down, he pulls out a pack of gum, offering her a stick.*
"Kelly? Heath. Nice to see not everyone worries about rank. A pleasure."

Master Waldo
2016-03-11, 05:21 PM
"Yes, that building is where I lived my summer classes. Although I suppose I should double check with the CO to see if I'm still there."

Karl turns to Isaac. "I've only heard stories too, though I heard rumors they may have been involved with...well..with why I'm here." Karl absent-mindedly reaches up to his scars, and sort of trails off, starting up at the sky.

2016-03-11, 05:23 PM
"Oh my, those kind of rumors?" Michelle whispers.

2016-03-11, 05:26 PM
"I am sorry. Forgive me. I don't even know if we're meant to be talking about it, and I can see I've stirred some painful memories."

Isaac finds a very interesting blade of grass to stare at.

2016-03-11, 05:49 PM
Jake Silver

Seeing Isaac join the group Jake greets him with a laid-back wave of the hand. Staying with his own thoughts for a while, the young man is content to just listen to the newcomer at first. When the conversation takes a turn to the serious, though, his fingers snap to the scars on his face before he can get them under control and awkwardly runs them through his unruly blond hair as if that had been his intention all along. His lively blue eyes have gone very, very cold. "No..." he says slowly, "I don't know anything for sure either..." That wasn't quite true. He did know one thing. But it was too early to talk about that. If ever. Belatedly, he takes note of Karl's reaction. Possible similarities here.

He makes a mental effort and consciously relaxes his features, which had hardened for a moment. "But I'm sure we'll learn all about it soon enough," he continues in a light and deliberately playful tone, finger guns blazing. "After all we're Inquisitors now, right? Watch out evil, the class of '96 is on the hunt! It's all over for you!"

Master Waldo
2016-03-11, 06:03 PM
"I am sorry. Forgive me. I don't even know if we're meant to be talking about it, and I can see I've stirred some painful memories."

Isaac finds a very interesting blade of grass to stare at.

"Ah, don't worry about it pal" Karl punches Issac lightly on the shoulder. "You didn't know. Like I said, I wouldn't be here otherwise. I was planning on becoming a doctor, I would have been able to help people out in my hometown. But now in the Inquisition, I'll have a chance to help people out around the world, you know?"

2016-03-12, 03:27 PM
"A doctor, excellent!" Isaac falls back alongside Karl, and lets the rest of the group gain some distance as they talk.

"I was starting to think everyone here had joined up for the sake of their resume, or to act out a personal grudge. Did you have any medical training before you 'signed up'?"

Master Waldo
2016-03-12, 03:38 PM
"A couple pre-med classes, and I was working as an EMT. I also worked an internship with Dr. Takewada here. He's the one who convinced me to join up."

2016-03-12, 03:49 PM
"An internship? Did they ever let you dissect any of the 'specimens'? From the war? There's so much to learn!- Uh, their weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and so on." He adds, quickly.

"I always thought it was odd that the standard squads were not arranged around a dedicated medic."

Master Waldo
2016-03-12, 03:54 PM
Karl raises his eyebrow as Isaac asks his question.

"No, I hadn't gotten to working with cadavers yet. My training is mostly first aid, though I did have a few lectures on working on...odd patients.

What about you? What brings you to the Inquisition?"

2016-03-12, 03:56 PM
The thought of dissecting subjects seemed a bit daunting to Michelle. Weren't some subjects human?

2016-03-13, 02:23 AM
Kelly snorted in amusement while accepting the offered gum from Heath and popping it into her mouth. "Pull rank? Hahaha, not likely. I'm just a small town nobody, pretty sure my Mom would knock half my front teeth out if I tried lording it up over anybody, even if my uncle is an Inquisitor. Especially as... well, nevermind, I'm sure it'll make the rounds soon enough."

She appeared to be momentarily gloomy before her face cleared up and took on a thoughtful expression as she pondered the rest of what he'd said. "It is worst than the news lets on, at least according to Uncle Sam. But I think it's more the school, or rather how frigging tough it is. I bet the attrition rate is through the roof as they weed out the ones who can't hack it. Not like that doesn't exclude me, because God, those entrance exams were brutal. Pretty sure I just barely scraped through on the written parts. Already know I'm gonna need to put in a lot of work hitting the books if I don't want to flunk out on the academics."

2016-03-13, 04:52 AM
Heath Craft

"Your uncle? An Inquisitor. Wow."
*Lookinng the girl over with a bit of a frown, he shrugs and scoops up his pack, nodding toward the other clustered group of students, starting in their direction.*
"Looks like tha's the rest of our group. I bet we're right next to them before they even notice us."
*With a chuckle, he waits to fall into step with her.*

"I don't know about the written exam. I mean, I studied, and it was hard, but not impossible. I think the military designs those things to force you to shift gears - working one part of your brain, then suddenly another, to see how you perforom changing tasks under pressure. I don't know. Just my guess. I passsed, I guess. I'm not really sure why they let me in. I mean, I can hit a target reasonably well, sure, but I wasn't even the highest score amongst our company marksmen. Some of those guys were incredible."

Not yet. not the best shot yet
*He's quiet for a moment, his jaw clenching as he thinks, then slowly relaxing.

"I think it hinged on the psych eval. They said something about that being important."

2016-03-13, 08:33 AM
"It did ask a lot of questions about how we think," Michelle added.

2016-03-13, 04:46 PM
Jake Silver

Jake waves hello yet again as Kelly and Heath join the ever-growing group of young adults. "Hey there! So many new faces today!"
His head was beginning to spin a little with all the new developments, and he had a hard time keeping all the names straight. He'd never been good at that.

"The psych eval?" he picks up on the conversation. "Yeah, that was a bunch of weird questions. I couldn't tell at all if they liked what I said, but since I'm here, it can't have been too wrong, I guess."

2016-03-13, 04:57 PM
As the conversation spreads into a larger group, Jennifer takes a few moments to just observe the group dynamics as they wait for the CO to turn up and show them their rooms.

2016-03-13, 05:04 PM
May had grown quieter and more observant with the influx of new faces; "never forgetting a name" was a good policy, but it did require a certain amount of attention. Once the topic turns to psyche evals, however, she couldn't help but smile and speak up. "Oh boy, my eval was the worst. I was strongly tempted to answer in ways that sounded correct, rather than honestly." She smiles easily at the admission. "Between my childhood and military boarding school, I was very happy when I got a passing mark."

She shakes her head, looking around the group with a wry grin. "Maybe we actually didn't 'pass' the psyche evals. Maybe that's why we're all here; because we aren't normal. I mean, how many successful Inquisitors can you describe as 'normal'? Part of succeeding in this line of work is thinking and behaving in nonstandard ways. And you all seem like brilliant, nonstandard people."

2016-03-13, 05:27 PM
Heath Craft

*Heath can't help but chuckle and shake his head*
"Miss, you've got the wrong guy for that label. I ain't a dummy, but I've been called a ba**ard a lot more than I have been brilliant."

*Looking to Jake, he smiles*
"New faces tend to happen when you meet new people. Usually. I'm Heath. This is Kelly."

2016-03-13, 06:02 PM
Michelle seems a little intimidated on the idea of 'crazy' being a requirement for becoming an Inquisitor. She doesn't see herself as being notably odd.

2016-03-13, 06:17 PM
Jake Silver

Jake introduces himself to Heath and Kelly as well, before he erupts in a laugh at May's comment. "I don't know about the brilliant part, but you might be on to something here." He was pretty sure his past experiences had left a mark or two.

"What's that quote again? Something about having to think like the enemy to defeat them. Maybe it's like that."

2016-03-13, 06:26 PM
"I certainly 'passed' my psychiatric evaluation - it was a joke. We all had the same version? Bender Gestalt, H-T-P, TMPI, and the Wechsler Intelligence tests? And my interviewer barely looked like he was out of medical school!" Isaac shakes his head sadly.

"Anyone suitably prepared would have been able to pass them- it's like they think the rest of the world doesn't have access to psychology textbooks."

2016-03-13, 06:36 PM
Jake Silver

Jake's face goes gradually blanker the more incomprehensable words Isaac speaks. Gestalt? TMPI? Wechsler? And why would he ever have looked at a psychology textbook. He hadn't even thought about a possible psych eval before they asked the questions.

"I'll be honest, I have no idea what any of that means." He smiles in a mixture of self-deprecating humor and care-free attitude. "I'm afraid you guys have me beat on the academic side. I came here because I'm a good soldier, not because I'm a particularly learned guy. I mean, I'm not stupid, but I got my high school diploma and that's pretty much it. I'm not that into books, truthfully. Feels like you've all been to college or something." Which they couldn't have been, they were his age. He had to admit he was tempted to feel a little insecure.

Screw that. You know why you're here, and you know you're good at it.

2016-03-13, 07:29 PM
"Feels like you've all been to college or something."

Michelle raises a hand slightly. "I've only completed high school."

2016-03-13, 08:11 PM
May rolls her eyes at Isaac, then nudges Jake's arm in a friendly manner. "Don't worry, academics definitely aren't the only thing they're looking for. There's a reason the Inquisition is a branch of the military, and why my f..." She pauses, then clears her throat and starts again. "And there's a reason why they need so much government funding for high-end weaponry. Besides, they're looking for a mix. The infantry is supposed to fall in line and be uniform, but we're training to be special forces."

2016-03-13, 10:07 PM
Heath Craft

*Heath knew the personality tests pretty well. The State had him in mandatory counseling from a young age, like all the other kids in the system. It wasn't hard to know what they wanted to hear.
but I answered honestly on all the entrance tests. What does that say about this place? That they can handle someone like me, or that I'm not that bad?

"Well, it's a good thing academics aren't all they're looking for, It seems like we're all here for different reasons, which is a good thing. No team can be balanced without variety."

*it was hard, trying to fit in, and Heath couldnt help the stupid smile splayed across his face, but his life would very likely depend on these people. He had to try.*

2016-03-14, 01:14 AM
Michelle raises a hand slightly. "I've only completed high school."

"I think that's the stage most of us are at," Jennifer reassures Michelle. At least being tall herself she doesn't have to reach up much to pat the other girl on the shoulder.

2016-03-14, 04:26 AM
As you're talking, a brash young man appears near the doors to the barracks and calls you to attention, expressing displeasure at the amount of time it takes to fall in.

He's about the same age as the rest of you, obviously a freshman, and it seems he's been selected as your Company Commander. He gives a brief speech about how he intends to make certain that everyone in his company not only lives up to the expectations of the Academy but exceeds them and other such motivational platitudes as are expected. It seems he's confident in himself and his ability to lead, but he's still not quite fully up to speed with being in a position of military leadership, as it sounds more like a high school graduation speech than a commander rallying his troops.

Eventually he pulls out a roster and starts calling off names for Squad Captains. He eventually gets to two names that your little group recognize: Jennifer Johansen and Isaac Krastaca.

After he finishes calling names the squad captains gather and receive documents providing the names and student IDs of their squad mates as well as their housing assignments. The two squads are:
Jennifer Johansen, Michelle Carter, May North, Kelly Rojas.
Issac Krastaca, Heath Craft, Jake Silver, Karl Weiss.

2016-03-14, 05:13 AM
Jennifer just managed to keep a look of surprise off her face as her name is announced as a squad commander. This is something she'd desperately wanted, and it's true that she had thought she'd aced the entrance tests (gross strength excepted), but even so she'd never actually expected to be given a squad command! Time not to screw this up.

She steps forward smartly to collect the squad documentation, swiftly noting names and bunk assignments. Two names she recognises, one she doesn't. Single-gender. Huh. She guesses that makes sense for now. Her eyes narrow slightly at the name May North. She hopes this isn't going to be trouble.

"North, Carter, Rojas!" she calls out, then waits for her squad to form up.

2016-03-14, 06:05 AM
Upon hearing her name, Michelle quickly gets into formation before Jennifer. The summer of basic training ingrained into her to stand at attention when her name is called.

2016-03-14, 09:56 AM
Heath Craft

*Standing in formation, Heath watches the company commander with cold, hard eyes, thoroughly unimpressed with their supposed leader.
Let's hope that he shapes up and learns fast.
As the squad assignments are handed out, Heath casts a sideways look at his squad mates and Isaac specifically.*

*As they're dismissed, Heath grabs his pack and moves over to Isaac, standing at ease until told otherwise.*
"Well, Boss. Here's hoping you don't screw the pooch. Good luck.... Sir."

*His tone is light, with a small grin.*

Master Waldo
2016-03-14, 10:32 AM
Karl Weiss

Karl walked over to Isaac and congratulated him on being made squad leader. He felt a twinge of disappointment as he did so, as he was hoping to fill that role himself. Well Karl, there's always chances later. Roll with it for now and support your leader as best you can.

"Congrats sir. Looking forward to working with you." he said as he walked by Isaac and started up the stairs to his new home.

2016-03-14, 10:44 AM
Jake Silver

When Isaac is called out as squad leader, Jake seizes the young man up. He certainly sounds smart enough to do the job. The rest would reveal itself in time.

Nothing about his thoughts shows on his face, though. In a flash, the relaxed Jake turns into a model soldier. He walks over to Isaac, stands at attention and salutes. "Reporting for duty, sir!"

He was proud to be here, and he actually liked being a soldier. He'd do this by the book.

No idea what our actual ranks are, so I'm going with sir for now. If we aren't actually officer-equivalent level, I'll edit. Jake should know that stuff better than I.:smallwink:

2016-03-14, 11:59 AM
You would have to be watching May very closely to see her reaction to the squad leader announcement. A faint knitting of the brow, a tightening of the jaw, hands closing slightly, eyes narrowing. But only for an instant, and then her face was nothing but a calm neutral. She moves into line smoothly and quickly; if she had learned anything at boarding school, it was the art of shutting up and following orders.

As she stood there listening to the blowhard up front, she began to form a plan of attack. It would be more difficult here than elsewhere, given the qualifications of her peers, but setting herself up as a confidant and ally to all the best and brightest of the incoming class would only take time. And when everyone is your ally...

She breathes out slowly, letting her lingering feelings disperse. She would have to approach this carefully, but by the end of the year she'll be the blowhard giving the speeches.

2016-03-14, 01:35 PM
Isaac accepts the congratulations with silent nods, only raising an eyebrow at Heath's comment. He spends the time until the Company Commander leaves reading through the personnel profiles, flicking back and forth through pages, and eventually beginning to speak without looking up from them.

"Jake, Heath, it says here that your marksmanship scores are consistently fifty percent higher than average. That's using the military average. Can that be right? And Karl, if I'm reading this right, your standardized test scores on medicine almost match those of qualified doctors, and you said you're just an EMT?"

Isaac seems to become aware of himself. He clears his throat nervously, but when he looks up, his expression, and tone are stern.

"Heath, your tactical aptitude scores are through the ceiling. I'm sure I don't have the authority to do this, but I'm naming you my informal lieutenant. If I take a simulated wound or I'm otherwise compromised in this year's training exercises, it will be your role to pick up the slack. For the rest of the time, please don't hesitate to bring me your insights."

It's not difficult to detect the change in the tone of Isaac's voice, though it's similarly trivial to see through the act - his eyes betray his discomfort, and his tone is wooden; as if acting out a role by rote, with a voice torn from some textbook. He's clearly uncomfortable, but forges on with the pantomime regardless.

"Please pass these around," he adds, separating the standardized test result sheets from the private biographical information and passing them around to the others. "Familiarize yourselves with each other's skills, my results are in there as well. It might be helpful when we start having to coordinate on exercises."

Can the abilities & skills parts of the character sheets be our standardized test score? :smallamused: Heath (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=730918), Jake (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=730191), Karl (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=731490), and Isaac (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=731975)

2016-03-14, 02:19 PM
Jake Silver

"Jake, Heath, it says here that your marksmanship scores are consistently fifty percent higher than average. That's using the military average. Can that be right?

Jake allows himself a smile. Finally something he felt comfortable talking about.
"Yes sir, that's correct. I'm a pretty decent shot. I'm good with rifles as well, of course, but Handguns are my specialty. Give me a Deagle, or better two, and watch the fireworks."

He looked through his squad's files as they were passed out. Highly qualified, all of them. The Inquisition didn't screw around. In truth he was glad he hadn't been picked for squad leader. He saw himself as the vanguard, the tip of the Inquisitorial spear. He'd never been much of a 'bigger picture' guy.

2016-03-14, 03:00 PM
Isaac lurches, unable to keep up the act any longer. He bows his head, closes his eyes, and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Ugchk. Please don't call me 'sir'. I thought I could do it. I thought I could actually do it. But there's no way I can march in those shoes."

"Please, everyone, I'm Isaac, I'm a classics student who joined up to prove myself, and our esteemed leaders probably put me in charge because I am the oldest. Please, let's keep up military appearances in public, but in private, let's just be informal and egalitarian, alright? Jake, I'm sorry, I don't mean to belittle your talents, I'm honestly intimidated, I'm not such a great shot myself."

2016-03-14, 06:27 PM
Heath Craft

"Hm? Fifty percent higher? Never paid much attention to that. It's my job to hit my mark. It's the times I miss that I remember."
*With a smile, Heath shakes his head before giving Isaac a quick salute.*
"Second in command and tactical advisor. Understood, sir."
*He can't help but smile wider as Isaac shows his discomfort at the title, the smile reaching all the way to his eyes.*
"Informal and egalitarian. Understood, Sir."

*Taking the offered files, Heath slips them under an arm and motions towards their barracks, next door to the womens rooms, evidently.*
"What do you gentlemen think, maybe settle in and claim a bunk before we tear into these things? If that's acceptable, Sir?"

2016-03-14, 10:06 PM
Minor Time Skip!

The two squads meet up, exchange information, and get moving. You each gather your belongings and head to your respective dorms in the barracks. Arriving at the location in the correct building, you discover that there is only a room 2015, no A or B indicated...

Upon opening the door, you find a small common room that measures about 10' x 25' that includes a couch, a wooden table about the size of a card table, and four wooden chairs around it. At the back of the room are, thankfully, doors on opposite walls labeled "A" and "B".

Passing through the rear doors, you find 3 bedrooms and a bathroom on each side. All of the bedrooms are about 12' x 12', or a little less. Two on each side have two beds each, while the third has only a single bed. Each is furnished with a modular desk and storage closet for each bed. The rooms with the single bed have an extra filing cabinet.

Each side has their own bathroom facilities, each equipped with two sinks, two toilets, and a single shower.


Please ignore the obvious errors on this next one. I just quickly threw together existing images to make it.

2016-03-15, 01:58 AM
This... is honestly more space than Jennifer was expecting. So much so that something needs to be said.

"Ok girls, I'm making the single room's off-limits. That way we all have to share and all's fair. Other than that, pick any bunks you want. I'll have whichever is left over."

2016-03-15, 03:21 AM
Isaac reaches into the front pocket of his bag, and pulls out an unusual twenty-sided die made from white plastic.

"If anyone is interested in the single room, I'd suggest we roll a die for it. It's easier than drawing straws."


2016-03-15, 05:24 AM
[B]Heath[ /b]

*Following the others in relative silence, save the music from his headphones, Heath gives a little.whistle when they get to the dorms.*
"Well, hell of a lot nicer that the other State homes I've lived in. The bathrooms have doors and everything. Ritzy. Hahaha."

*Stepping up to the table, he waits his turn for the die before giving it a quick spin*
"Roll for it, huh? I can live with that. "


2016-03-15, 05:40 AM
Jake Silver

Jake takes in the rooms with a somewhat surprised gaze. Better than expected. When Isaac pulls out his die, Jake can't stop himself from giving it an odd look.
What kind of die needs 20 sides? And why carry one of those around? Strange guy...

He looks up when Heath mentions state homes, but doesn't say anything. He too, huh?

"I'm good with a double." he declares and puts down his stuff on one of the beds.

2016-03-15, 06:51 AM
"Ok girls, I'm making the single room's off-limits. That way we all have to share and all's fair. Other than that, pick any bunks you want. I'll have whichever is left over."

"Okay, that does sound fair," Michelle says. She takes a bunk corresponding to the corner of the dorm area, farthest from the bathroom, and inspects the area to see how much space she has to work with. It's a good bit or room, which is a nice finding.

Ignore the errors? You mean the two single-bed rooms don't connect through a window? :smallbiggrin:

2016-03-15, 08:15 AM
May is pleasantly surprised with the accommodations; being attached to the guy's room via a common area is fine by her, and the bathrooms look modern, at least. As for the single room, however...

"Wouldn't it be a better use of space to use the single bedroom for storage? We have a decent amount of room, but it seems like a pretty inefficient use of space to just seal it up. We'd still be nice and egalitarian, no one would have any more right to it than anyone else, but I think we're all mature enough that we don't have to ignore an entire extra room they've given us."

2016-03-15, 08:32 AM
"By all means," Jennifer accedes. "Perhaps 'off limits' was too strong. I just don't want two of us with rooms to ourselves and the other two forced to share."

2016-03-15, 09:32 AM
May's expression brightens, and she nods graciously. "I'm glad you agree. Now then, Jen, Kelly, Michelle, you're going to have to promise to let me take you all out for a celebratory dinner. We're officially a part of the most important institution in the world, and this is going to be an incredible year." She checks her watch. "I'm not sure if they had any plans for us this evening, but I could have a car pick us up around six or six-thirty. My treat, of course."

I don't want to mess up any plans you have, Rizban, so let me know if May would know about some sort of evening event.

Also, I'm assuming the student's weren't lugging all of their luggage around with them through the morning ceremonies. Would it be unreasonable for May to have someone drop her bags off?

2016-03-15, 10:24 AM
"Oh, a dinner out? That sounds pretty fancy," Michelle says. "I wouldn't mind that, I mean, if you're okay with paying for all of us."

2016-03-15, 10:40 AM

The students were not carrying their possessions with them all day. Most kept them in one of the classrooms temporarily converted to storage for that purpose. May, however, is pleasantly surprised to find that her bags have already been deposited into one of the bedrooms before the groups arrived. It seems that someone pulled a few strings for her...

You are aware that there is a purely optional gathering tonight in the quad for students to meet their peers; however, most people tend to skip it. You also know that you'll be required to be up and in formation at 7AM tomorrow morning for evaluations, so it's better to not stay out too late tonight.

Master Waldo
2016-03-15, 11:50 AM
Karl Weiss

Karl walks into one of the double rooms and plops down on a bed. "I'm cool with this one!" he shouts out to the others.

Karl looked at the flyer for the gathering tonight. It would be fun to meet some other people, and get an idea of what the other teams look like as well. He was used to long nights studying for his EMT cert, it shouldn't be that bad to be up late.

"Hey fellas, I'm planning on going to the get together tonight. Anyone else want to come?" He thinks for a second "We should invite the girls as well".

Jumping off his bed, Karl heads into the common area and knocks on the door to the girls' rooms.
"Any of you ladies want to go to the hangout tonight?"

2016-03-15, 12:21 PM
Alternately victorious and unchallenged in the game of dice, Isaac moves to the single room and sits on the bed. He gives it an experimental bounce, then stands, grabbing his student ID and heading back out to the common room.

"I was going to celebrate our first day with a trip to the academy library. Does anyone want to join me?" he asks both teams.

2016-03-15, 12:36 PM
Jake Silver

Jake makes a quick trip to the storage classrooms and comes back with his possessions, which literally turn out to be a single military-style duffel bag. Putting it into his locker, he leans back on his chosen bed.

"I'll join you for a bit Karl, especially if some of the girls come as well. Not too late though, I want to be at my best tomorrow." He'd never thought he'd hear himself say these words out of his own free will.

He gives Isaac a funny look at the suggestion of a library visit. "We'll spend enough time there before too long, I'm sure. I see no reason to hasten the inevitable. I'm also not seeing what's so celebratory about reading."

2016-03-15, 12:38 PM
Jennifer leans back against the door frame into the girls area as she waits for May and Kelly to pick a bunk. Her hands easily reach above the frame's fascia panels, and she experiments with putting some of her weight into it.

"Sure, should be fun," she agrees with May's suggestion. "If we're going to be a team it's worth getting to know one another."

As Karl, Jake and Isaac approach she turns her head to regard them. "I heard nobody really takes that seriously," she says with regard to the evening get together, though she half-deflects the question to May. "I think we already have other plans tonight. I might hit the library tomorrow, but I'd like to get a feel for the routine around here before committing to anything. I've heard the first few days can be pretty busy."

2016-03-15, 12:48 PM
"'Enough time'!? I'm not sure that's possible. You mean none of you have spent the last three months of basic training wondering what kind of information they have here? Mission reports? Adversary taxonomies- and encyclopedias!? A lot of it might be restricted even from students, but there must be some information in there about what is really going on. Also, I want to see their computer facilities."

Isaac perches on the arm of the couch and sniffs. As the conversation continues he casts his eyes around the room, suddenly realizing they only gave the barracks four chairs and a couch between eight people.

2016-03-15, 12:50 PM
Isaac perches on the arm of the couch and sniffs. As the conversation continues he casts his eyes around the room, suddenly realizing they only gave the barracks four chairs and a couch between eight people.He also realizes that there's 10 additional chairs in the bedrooms, one for each desk.

2016-03-15, 02:11 PM
May North

"Oh, a dinner out? That sounds pretty fancy," Michelle says. "I wouldn't mind that, I mean, if you're okay with paying for all of us."

May smiles, shrugging off the concern. "It'll be no trouble, don't worry. I was just planning to take us to a Japanese steakhouse nearby, nothing too fancy."

"Any of you ladies want to go to the hangout tonight?"

May thinks for a moment, then spreads her arms in a gesture of concession. "I had planned to steal the girls away, Karl, but I suppose I shouldn't keep them all to myself." She grins. "I've already gotten a tentative reservation at a restaurant, but it wouldn't be any trouble to add a few more names to the list. I've heard the get-together isn't exactly exciting."

She heads into the common area so the other guys can hear her. "Would you all be up for a dinner out? Japanese, and I'm buying. It's a callous and boldfaced attempt to purchase your trust and affection." She winks, and it makes her dimples stand out.

"I was going to celebrate our first day with a trip to the academy library. Does anyone want to join me?" he asks both teams.

May shakes her head politely. "We'll probably have to get permission to see any of the really important or hidden files, and I have a terrible amount of unpacking to do. But I'll definitely take you up on that later this week, Isaac."

What is the drinking age in this country?

2016-03-15, 02:23 PM
"It'll be no trouble, don't worry. I was just planning to take us to a Japanese steakhouse nearby, nothing too fancy."

Michelle Carter

"A Japanese steakhouse?" Michelle's wide-eye expression easily reads that she thinks is a pretty fancy choice. "Wow, I've never actually been to one of those. Hope the dress code isn't too formal."

She does relax a little when May jokes about keeping the girls all to herself. She breaks out in a little smile, finding it funny.

2016-03-15, 02:49 PM
Jake Silver

She heads into the common area so the other guys can hear her. "Would you all be up for a dinner out? Japanese, and I'm buying. It's a callous and boldfaced attempt to purchase your trust and affection." She winks, and it makes her dimples stand out.

Jake grins. "They do say every man has a price, and it seems mine has been set at a good steak!"
He'd also never been to a japanese steakhouse and was curious about it, though he didn't plan to mention that fact. The others seemed to be used to stuff like that.

He takes a moment to freshen up in the bathroom, and puts on his best clothes. In his case that didn't mean much, as his best clothes consisted of boots, jeans, a simple t-shirt and a worn leather jacket, all of it well-kept and clean, but clearly showing signs of use. Since they were going to a restaurant, taking one of his guns was out, but he does decide to bring his taser in a concealed shoulder holster, as well as a bottle of pepperspray at the back of his waistband. Ever since that day he only went off-campus unarmed if it absolutely couldn't be helped.

Taking 10 on conceal weapon check (carried in concealed holster, able to be drawn normally) for a result of 20 for the taser and 24 for the pepper spray.

2016-03-15, 02:50 PM
Legal drinking age is 16, driver's license/military at 18, and voting rights at 21.

The Academy frowns on drinking, but it isn't against the rules off campus. The campus itself is strictly dry. If you're caught intoxicated, it'll be a problem.

2016-03-15, 08:06 PM
"Ah, steak. I'll be passing, I feel committed to my plans, and besides which, I don't eat meat. It isn't an ethical stance, I just find it too... gruesome. Good night, enjoy your evenings. I'll see you in the morning for evaluations."

Isaac pulls on his coat and steps out, checking his pockets as he goes. It seems he too would be dining on japanese food for the rest of the week; in the form of cup ramen. He heads to the campus library alone.

I'm not convinced students will be allowed in so early in the term, but he'll take his student ID and try anyway.

Master Waldo
2016-03-15, 08:24 PM
"Ah, well my grandfather did tell me never to pass up a free meal, especially when it means spending time with a lovely lady" he playfully winks back at May. "Let me just wash up and I'll join".

A couple minutes later Karl comes out of the room in a clean button up, and a bit of a smudge on his head where he tried to cover his scar with some makeup.

2016-03-15, 09:03 PM
May North

""[COLOR="#8B4513"]Wow, I've never actually been to one of those. Hope the dress code isn't too formal."
May shakes her head. "Don't worry, Michelle, I have a feeling you could could wear anything and look beautiful. Steakhouses are fun, the chef cooks right there in front of you and there's lots of fire. Certainly not a formal dining atmosphere." May undoes the top button of her uniform as she speaks, as if to emphasize the point. "But an excellent environment for getting to know some new soon-to-be friends."

"Ah, steak. I'll be passing, I feel committed to my plans, and besides which, I don't eat meat. It isn't an ethical stance, I just find it too... gruesome. Good night, enjoy your evenings. I'll see you in the morning for evaluations."
If May is taken aback by Isaac's brusqueness, it doesn't show. "I hope you find what you're looking for, then. See you tomorrow! And if any of you are vegetarian, there are always tofu options. True traditional Japanese cooking doesn't use a lot of red meat, tell the truth."

"Ah, well my grandfather did tell me never to pass up a free meal, especially when it means spending time with a lovely lady" he playfully winks back at May. "Let me just wash up and I'll join".
May mimes a curtsy in response to the compliment. "Washing up sounds like an excellent idea. We have half an hour before the driver should arrive, so there's no rush."

She finds a phone and lets the driver and restaurant know that the party has grown, then disappears into the single bedroom to change. She emerges in a skirt and top that are perfectly calculated for the situation: feminine, but comfortable; flattering, but modest; elegant, but not overly formal or expensive. She carries nothing but a little black purse, trusting that her colleagues will keep her safe. Her colleagues, and her pepper spray.

I'm assuming:

1. We have access to a landline.

2. That dinner for seven at a decent restaurant is fine for a Wealth score of 14.

3. For that matter, that having a driver on call, or at least hiring a service for an evening, isn't unreasonable.

4. That you didn't have other plans for us this evening. :smallwink:

2016-03-15, 09:15 PM
"But an excellent environment for getting to know some new soon-to-be friends."

Michelle Carter

Michelle nods amicably. "I do prefer a casual get together. You're very nice to us, May, thank you." She excuses herself to change into a peasant top and long skirt for the dinner, rejoining the group soon after.

2016-03-16, 01:22 AM
Heath Craft

*Having leaned quietly against one wall after tossing his bag onto the bunk, Heath shrugs and moves to the dorm, speaking through the door as he starts putting away his clothes.*
"Steak? I've never been one to turn down free food, and certainly not steak. Darn decent of you to offer. I had been planning on hitting the mess hall and spending the rest of the night staring at the ceiling or reading files. Etiher way, this sounds like a lot more fun."

*In all the bustle, Heath picks out a clean pair of jeans and a thick white cotton tee, slipping into them quickly with little care whether anyone is paying attention, coming back out with the files in hand.*
"Still. Work before play, right? Hey, May - if you feel like buying loyalty, feel free. I think the effects are exponentially less each repetition, but as long as you know that beforehand, I don't mind eating steak a few times."

*His tone was bland and matter of fact, and the joke could very well be lost on her, if she fails to notice the corner of his mouth raised in a quirky smile and the quick wink he offers.*

2016-03-16, 01:47 AM
Jennifer frowns slightly as she realises the seven of them will be both teams minus the boys' leader. Is this an early sign of indifference from Isaac? And does this make her responsible for all of them tonight?

"One small administrative thing before we go: remember that this is a dry campus and we have an early start tomorrow; anyone who embarrasses me with their condition will regret it."

She holds each person's gaze in turn to make sure the point sinks in before bursting into smiles.

"Okay! Let's go and have some fun." She throws her meagre kit bag onto the unclaimed bunk, slipping out of her fatigues and into something a little more comfortable - khaki tank top and daisy dukes. The climate here is a lot warmer than what she's used to!

Sharing a room with [roll0]

1. Michelle
2. May
3. Kelly

So Michelle and May have the lower bedroom, Jen and Kelly the top.

2016-03-17, 10:14 AM
"Ah, steak. I'll be passing, I feel committed to my plans, and besides which, I don't eat meat. It isn't an ethical stance, I just find it too... gruesome. Good night, enjoy your evenings. I'll see you in the morning for evaluations."

Isaac pulls on his coat and steps out, checking his pockets as he goes. It seems he too would be dining on japanese food for the rest of the week; in the form of cup ramen. He heads to the campus library alone.

I'm not convinced students will be allowed in so early in the term, but he'll take his student ID and try anyway.

I'm not going to roleplay out the trip to the library either, but here's what exciting things Isaac Krastaca gets up to at the library!:

Isaac goes to the academy library.

He chats with the skeleton library staff (figurative, not literal!), inspects the building's computer facilities, then spends a few hours researching Case Studies of real Inquisitor missions - on the basis that there would be textbook examples available for use in teaching cadets.

He looks specifically for an example of a mission that goes perfectly, and one that goes terribly, printing off the summaries for the rest of the team to look over the following day.

Research: Take 10+8 over [roll0] hours.

He explores the campus, taking note of any computer, equipment, workshop, and exercise facilities available for student use, and forming a mental map of the general layout.

While he is indeed admitted to the library, which usually remains open 24/7, he's not permitted access to anything beyond the standard first year textbooks, none of which contain mission reports from a mission more recent than 25 years ago. He chats with the staff briefly, but they assure him that he'll have access to copies of the book to read on his own time when he gets the syllabi from his classes.

He spends the rest of the evening exploring the open buildings on the campus and gets a good feel for what and where most public locations are; however, two MPs approach him as he ventures further from the center of campus and more or less politely "suggest" he return to his dorm or the central gathering until he's more familiarized with what areas are off limits. They'd hate for him to get in trouble before his first real day at the Academy...

I'm assuming:

1. We have access to a landline.

2. That dinner for seven at a decent restaurant is fine for a Wealth score of 14.

3. For that matter, that having a driver on call, or at least hiring a service for an evening, isn't unreasonable.

4. That you didn't have other plans for us this evening. :smallwink:1. There is a bank of pay phones in the first floor common area of each dorm that you may access for the standard $0.25 rate.

2. Definitely so, unless you start ordering the cognac with the gold flakes in it or other such overly lavish things.

3. I'm going to say that you have access to the driver who dropped you off at campus until tomorrow morning, at which time he'll be departing. Your father wants you to be able to stand on your own rather than relying on him. You can, of course, hire a taxi at anytime with little difficulty.

4. I did not.

Nothing eventful happens during the outing, though you may, of course, role play anything reasonable that you wish to have happen during the dinner.

2016-03-17, 03:29 PM
The following morning, Isaac stumbles out of his bedroom at 5:30. He shambles down the short corridor and into the common room, looking half dead. He's dressed in a baggy Ghostbusters t-shirt and knee-length tie-dye shorts; his nightclothes, presumably, and holding a small multi-pack box of cornflakes which he drops onto the central table, before looking around the room blinking perplexedly.

"Wh-where are the bowls?" He blinks again, longer. "Where's the fridge!?"

Isaac places his face in his hands, groaning, before half falling into a sitting position on the couch.

2016-03-17, 07:27 PM
Heath Craft

*Swinging his legs over the bed, Heath stands and walks over to Isaac, already fully dressed and ready to go, even though there are dark circles under his eyes. Reaching out to take one of the boxes of cereal, opening it unceremoniously to eat dry.*
"Morning, boss. Thanks for the grub. You look like you slept well. Learn anything interesting last night before someone closed a book on your nose?"

*He chuckles and gives a small wink, trying to be light hearted.
Not everyone is a morning person. Not everyone has nightmares either, *
"I hear the first few days can be rough. A bit of tactical advice - if it's a matter of judgement, make a choice and we'll follow. Keep your voice steady and follow through. If you feel like one of us can give an opinion, ask it and make your call. You may not be comfortable being in charge, but it's your job. Hold your head high and you'll do just fine."

Master Waldo
2016-03-17, 07:46 PM
Karl Weiss
Karl trudges out of his bed, dressed in shorts and nothing else. He grabs a granola bar off the box on his desk and heads out to the bathroom. After filling the sink with cold water and dunking his head a couple time, he feels more alive, and gets dressed.

Once dressed, he heads out into the common room to get ready to head out for the start of his new life.

2016-03-17, 08:16 PM
Michelle Carter

Michelle wakes up without much trouble. She's used to getting up early on the farm. A quick shower and dress later she's ready to start the day. She peeks into the common room first before stepping through. "Good morning," she softly greets.

2016-03-18, 04:34 AM
Jake Silver

Jake is obnoxiously energetic in the morning. Waking up before the alarm even goes off, he jumps into a quick shower and gets dressed. Joining the others in the common room, his fingers drum on the table impatiently while he eats his breakfast. Once he is done, he turns his chair around and rests his arms on its back, waiting for everyone to finish.

"I'm sure you'll do well Isaac. You're a smart guy, right? I bet you did well on your entrance exams. This isn't much different!"

He hoped. Really, he had absolutely no idea, but he wanted their commanding officer confident and optimistic.

2016-03-18, 04:48 AM
Isaac turns to Heath as the other students begin to file into the room, one eye still half closed.

"Thanks... soldier."

He repeats the gesture to Jake, and pulls a single dry cornflake from the box in his hand, looking at it dubiously.

Assume Isaac goes through all the standard ablutions and is ready for examination.

2016-03-18, 10:40 AM
Heath Craft

*Greeting each of his fellow soldiers in turn, Heath makes room at the table, leaning against a wall out of the way as he finishes his dry meal. Looking around the room with a slight scowl, he makes a couple mental notes about the layout.
I think a few amenities will make all the difference here. Like a coffee machine.

2016-03-19, 08:39 PM
The two squads eventually prepare for the day, dressing out in their standard PT uniforms, and head off in differing directions, based on the written orders given to their leaders the previous day.

The guys immediately head towards the shooting range. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?482113-Torquemada-Academy-Squad-Bravo)

The girls head toward the quartermaster's office. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?482110-Torquemada-Academy-Squad-Alpha)

2016-03-20, 01:50 PM
Jennifer is also up bright and early. She helps herself to a fruit salad and yoghurt for breakfast and chats casually before chasing up any of her straggling squadmates in enough time for them to make themselves ready.

2016-04-05, 01:50 AM
Towards Evening

Everyone arrives back at the barracks to find everything is as you left it with one exception: all of Kelly's belongings are gone...

2016-04-05, 05:41 AM

She looks to her remaining bunk-mates with concern. "I wonder what happened?"

2016-04-05, 02:29 PM
May North

May taps her chin, thoughtful. "I don't want to speculate, but it could have only been a few things. They could have discovered that some of her records were falsified; but that doesn't seem likely. There could have been some kind of family emergency; but in that case, I can't see why they would have sent her home permanently. Other than that... I'm honestly not sure. I'm not even sure if it's a good idea to ask about it."

2016-04-05, 02:33 PM
Isaac strolls into the common room, stretching, apparently having recently woken from an afternoon nap. He pulls his headphones off as he sees the others.

"Hello. Michelle, and May isn't it? Isaac. We met briefly when we moved in. Did something happen?"

2016-04-05, 03:22 PM
"Yeah, Kelly didn't even make it to the QM this morning. We figure she's been sent home; I'll need to talk to the company CO about getting a reassignment. Worst case, he might break the squad up and fold us into other teams - I'm worried three is two few to be an effective unit," Jen says as she grabs a juice from the communal fridge.

2016-04-05, 03:36 PM

"Into other teams?" Michelle sighs. "I was just really warming up to my squad mates. I hope we can still stick together."

2016-04-05, 03:47 PM
"Yeah, me too," Jennifer sighs almost in unison. "But we need more than three of us."

2016-04-05, 03:53 PM

"Well, I could go with you to talk to the company CO. And maybe May can come too, so we'd all be together to convince them not to separate us?"

2016-04-05, 04:06 PM
"She may have been knocked down, or she might have been recruited up. Promising cadets disappearing? She might have been transferred to a... less regular program."

He collapses on the couch, reaching into the bag beside it for a book.

"Perhaps our groups will be combined. I've never heard of a seven-person unit, but there might be situations where it would be an advantage. Long term missions? Or they'll transfer in someone new to filly Kelly's spot."

2016-04-05, 04:16 PM
May thinks a moment longer, glancing between the men's and women's side of the barracks. "I think they put the eight of us together for a reason; that's why we share a common space. I also know that the academy has a very high wash-out rate. Perhaps they plan for the eight, now seven, of us to distill down to a single five or four person squad after this first year. If that's the case, they'll probably keep things as they are for now. But if you'd like to talk to our superiors about Kelly, I'll certainly come with."

2016-04-05, 05:41 PM

*As the door to the dorm opens, Heath pauses in at the threshold for a moment, hs books tucked under one arm as he watches the room to get a feel for what was going on. When things seem calm enough, he shrugs and closes the door behind him, moving to his bunk to stow his books.

Coming into the common room with a single book in hand, Heath finds a place to sit, flipping the psychology book open to peruse it as he listens to the others talk.
One down already? Kelly? A shame. She seemed like a nice girl. A bit clumsy maybe, but nice enough. Attrition rates are supposed to be high here though. How many more of us will be gone by the end of the year?"

Master Waldo
2016-04-06, 11:31 AM
Karl Weiss
Karl walks in after Heath. When he realizes what's happened, his shoulders drop and a deep frown covers his face. Down one before we've even really started? That's not good. I hope she's alright.
Shaking clear of ill thoughts, he throws his bag on his bunk, and comes back out to the common area.

"Well ladies, if you need a 4th to bunk with you, I'll happily volunteer. I'm already getting sick of these ugly mugs" he jokes as he lightly punches Isaac in the shoulder, attempting to lighten the mood.

2016-04-08, 11:13 AM
Jake Silver

Jake isn't too suprised about the news. He'd expected a high drop-out rate, but even he hadn't thought it would start so early.

"She seemed nice. Ah well, who knows, maybe it's for the best. This is a job for people who are absolutely sure about their choice. Any doubt can kill you when it counts."

2016-04-08, 12:02 PM
Michelle Carter

"I guess you're right, Jajke. We have to expect some of us not passing the courses," she says. Michelle quickly follows. "But uh, I hope we all make it to the end. I think everyone here can pass."