View Full Version : Player Help Choosing spels for a 3rd level gnome illusionist

Jay R
2016-03-11, 08:57 PM
I'm looking for some advice for choosing spells for a 3rd level gnome illusionist, with the alternate gnome illusionist first level, and illusion mastery. He also has spell mastery and uncanny forethought. The plan is for him to become a shadowcraft mage.

His banned schools are necromancy and evocation, and he is one level down for conjuration spells. His Intelligence is 20.

So all his illusion spells are mastered, plus five more. Due to the gnome alternate illusionist level, he can cast several illusion spells at a lower level, so he can cast Minor Image as a 1st level, and Major Image as a 2nd level spell.

All I know about the party is that it includes a couple of rogues, a bard whip singer, a druid, a cleric, and a fighter. Also one PC appears to be a cat.

1. Am I correct that the gnome illusionist first level gives him two *additional* spells at 1st and 3rd level? It doesn't say that those two illusion spells replace the two he normally gets.

2. What spells do you recommend? Assuming the answer to the question above is correct, the he should have 12 1st level spells (3 + 5 + 2 illusion spells at first level, and 4 2nd level spells.

He has all cantrips (except evocation and necromancy), plus Silent Image and Ventriloquism as cantrips.

3. For 1st level spells, Minor Image and Color Spray are automatic illusion spells, and I don't see any other illusion spells on that level that seem valuable. He is also taking Identify, Comprehend Languages, Enlarge Person, Sleep, Charm Person, Feather Fall, and Grease. I'm also considering Endure Elements, Mage Armor, or Shield for protection.

Does this list seem right? What am I missing?

4. For 2nd level spells, he is taking Major Image, and Invisibility as the two illusion spells. I'm also think the next two should include Alter Self, as a general utility for swimming, flying, burrowing, natural armor, etc. What other 2nd level spell is most useful? Bull's Strength? Fox's Cunning? Web?

5. Finally, all his illusion spells are mastered, plus five 1st level spells (or cantrips). With Uncanny Forethought, he can keep up to five slots open and use any mastered spell. (He can use any spell in that slot as a full round action, and at level -2.) So which spells should be mastered. Obviously, comprehend languages, feather fall, and identify, because I may need them with no warning. Anything else?

Thanks for any advice. I've played D&D since the seventies, but I'm pretty new to 3.5, and this is my first caster.

2016-03-11, 09:34 PM
Have you looked at the spell Dark Way yet? It's basically a Wall of Force with some awkward dimensions (it can be really long, but only 5 ft. high).

Jay R
2016-03-11, 10:03 PM
Have you looked at the spell Dark Way yet? It's basically a Wall of Force with some awkward dimensions (it can be really long, but only 5 ft. high).

No, I hadn't known it existed. How often is it useful? I can see it's a great bridge, and you clearly intend to use it as a wall, but how often is a five-foot wall useful?

Can you describe a couple of times that you actually used the spell?

2016-03-11, 10:39 PM
It's mostly useful in tight spaces, like tunnels, places with low ceilings, or doorways. It's also quite effective against small creatures, like Kobolds and Gnomes. If you can get two spellcasters to work together, you can create a 10 ft high wall, which allows you to block medium-sized creatures.

You can also use it to block the way of a large, nonflying creature/vehicle, like a tank, or to get to a high point to glide from. Swinging blade traps can be blocked by this spell, and you can use it as a slide.

The weight restriction could allow it to serve as a pit trap against heavy creatures.

Jay R
2016-03-11, 11:28 PM
Also, my DM just said that my character doesn't know any averials. Is there another flying humanoid available in the range of Tiny to Medium, so he can use Alter Image to fly?

Jay R
2016-03-14, 11:02 AM
Any more suggestions for low-level spells outside the evocation & necromancy schools?