View Full Version : Red Hand of Doom in Eberron - IC I

2016-03-11, 09:15 PM

Alison Dashwood (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=714342) & Tigga (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=715018)
Ranger 5 (Infiltrator)

Tristan Radcliffe (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=714069)
Bard 5

Garren Fletcher (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=707507)
Cleric 5 (Evangelist)

Kellark Soranath (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=708448)
Artificer 5

Seris Nolani (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=707289)
Beguiler 5

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?478988-Red-Hand-of-Doom-in-Eberron-OOC-I)

The afternoon sun beats down on you; the air is hot and still. The sparsely settled lands of Elsir Vale are starting to grow monotonous, with a seemingly endless line of dusty flyspecks of towns. The town of Drellin's Ferry lies a few miles ahead of you. It's a settlement hard on the borders of the Witchwood, and the best place from which to begin exploring the nearby forest. But its also the best place to hitch a ride down to Vathirond, where the next clue lies for Kel's hunt, and the next best source to continue your group's hunt of your attackers of the past few weeks.

A wagon and horses were provided, along with bridle and feedbags, and a week's worth of decent road meals, provided by the good folks of Starilaskur, for striking down their invaders. While one of you drives the group, the five of you survive the noonday sun in the canvas awning of the wagon: a luxury that most adventurers see no sight of.

On this day, much like any other, as you begin to enter the woods to Drellin's Ferry, what are you doing?

2016-03-12, 05:03 AM
Garren squinted in the sun in spite of the canvas covering, having long given up any attempt to read in the bouncing wagon. He knew his battered holy text front to back; what he was really after was a distraction. He'd been wounded more gravely than it seemed to him at the time, and his ability to heal himself and his comrades could go only so far. The young Cleric would never complain about the pain but every bump and jolt of the cart still sent little daggers into his ribs. His late mentor's breastplate, and providence, saved his life more than once last night.

"Green powder," he mused. "The undead I destroyed near Siyar didn't leave the green powder, but still, the necromancer controlling them mentioned some entity he called the Emerald Claw. Can't help but wonder what the relation is," he trailed off. He guessed the same questions were on everyone's minds, as all rode in search of the answers, but he still hoped for some conversation to make the trip seem a little faster.

Spells Prepared:

Level 0:
Detect Magic, Read Magic, Guidance, Detect Poison

Level 1:
Liberating Command, Divine Favor x2, Weapons Against Evil
Domain: Shield of Faith

Level 2:
Resist Energy, Lesser Restoration, Protection from Evil, Communal
Domain: Bless Weapon

Level 3:
Heroism, Dispel Magic
Domain: Heroism

2016-03-12, 08:54 AM
Tristan busily pens down some lyrics from his head. His last encounter on the lightning rail had inspired something he needed to get down.
"Take a little walk to the edge of town,
and go across the tracks, Where the viaduct looms, like a bird of doom..."

He stops a moment to consider Garren's inquiry. "Emerald Claw... necromancer... if it were a Ruby Claw, that would fit a different theme that I was originally chasing, but perhaps the significance is less the gemstone and more the object's shape?" Tristan thinks back if there are any historical mentions of Emerald Claws he may have overheard in his travels.

Knowledge (History): [roll0]

2016-03-12, 02:03 PM
Kellark has let his mind wander while watching the passing trees, futilely trying to conjure the missing information to complete the schema, knowing that what he has is bare hints without more information. Even if I was only missing one piece, I could work it out, but only having two? Never...

"What's that, emerald claws?know religion [roll0]
know local [roll1]

2016-03-13, 04:31 AM
"The necromancer told me, with complete conviction, that the Emerald Claw would turn me into a slave as well. That was before we fought, and I, ah, never got any more out of him, unfortunately." Garren sighed.

2016-03-13, 05:13 PM
Whilst the others huddle under canvas, Alison has the unforgiving task of driving the coach through the noon hours. Stifling though it may be, she has her hood up over her head the better to deflect the sun, frequently looking around to maintain an awareness of their surroundings. As she drives her thoughts keep drawing back to what she'd learned from the hobgoblin and the human. "The woman was with some Lyrander twiddler."

The only Lyrander agent she knows was her escort. And the only woman she noticed with him was herself. Could they really have been looking for her...? It seems too far-fetched.

Tigga meanwhile needs no such protection from the sun's warmth. She suns herself silently on the roof of the carriage, giving every appearance of being asleep. If she were a smaller cat she would be purring, Alison knows. But despite her contented, luxuriant sprawl, Tigga too is alert for any sign of danger: ears swivelling to interrogate every sound; eyes darting between every passing shadow.

2016-03-14, 07:10 AM
Tristan pulls out his lute and lightly plucks at the strings. He often does this when he was going into deep thinking. "Emerald Claw... a terrorist group, yes? They lurk in the shadows, in darkness transpire, the sum of all Karrnath, the heart of desire... heart of their desire... is what they desire..." He mentally jots down ideas to improve the lyrics.

"Well, I could not say that I've personally met that cult, but have I regaled to you the tale of my encounter with the red-fist Hobgoblins?"

2016-03-14, 11:13 AM
"Yes, well, if we see their like I suppose they will have to be dealt with." Kel dismisses the group with a wave, not immediately pertinent to his concerns.

2016-03-14, 08:22 PM
Seris perks up at Garren's mention of the Emerald Claw, laughing at the cleric's account of the necromancer's threat. "Ah, they've been busy of late, haven't they?" From a small pouch on his belt the elf produces a silver ring inlaid with a green, flame-like hand. "Found this on a halfling defiler not far from New Cyre." He tosses the ring to Garren that he might examine it himself. "Didn't occur to me at the time that he might be working towards some greater purpose." He leans back and stares distantly out of the back of the cart. "I should have given him the chance to threaten me," the Aereni sighs. "Yours makes for a better story."

When Tristan offers to share of his encounter with hobgoblins, Seris turns back. "Oh, I'm quite certain you haven't. Please, go ahead."

2016-03-15, 12:18 AM
"We may be seeing their like again, sooner than later." Garren replied to Kel, and frowned as he examined the ring as though it would yield up some clue if he stared at it long enough. "There's a conspiracy afoot, more likely than not. And what's this about hobgoblins?"

2016-03-15, 06:08 AM
"Oh, I'm quite certain you haven't. Please, go ahead."

"There's a conspiracy afoot, more likely than not. And what's this about hobgoblins?"

"It was a cloudy night, and I had just turned in at a little inn by the road side," Tristan begins. "As idle thoughts drift away, I heard a scratch scratch scratching at my door. The hint of rot wafted into the room. I quietly slid out from my covers and over to the corner behind the door; sword by my side. The scratch scratch scratching continued and then... the door opened. the stench of rotting wolves wafted into my chamber."

"Bare-knuckle, I held my breath best I could. The dead wolves slowly entered, chains dangling around their necks like iron drool before the hunt. They were led by a hulking figure of a hobgoblin; muscles covered in scars and sweat, his steely glare searching the room for me, and his fist painted red as the setting sun. I dashed out from the shadows and struck the hobgoblin under his right arm. He roared and pulled away from me, sickening his deathly hunters upon me. I swung my blade at their faces, leaping to the bed for high ground. Ker-snatch! My steel finds the face of one! Slashing through its rotting snout! Theunnatural creature faltered and fell over dead once more. The other climbed up to meet me and bit into my pantaloons. Luckily I wore the baggy ones and it merely scratched the skin. I drove my blade down through its neck, felling the beast. The hobgoblin charged forward, waving his chains around the room."

"I duck under the mighty arcs of his weapon and roll forward, plunging my rapier into his chest. He comes down on me with that red fist and struck me across the brow. I held on to a bed post, keeping my wits as best I could and the hobgoblin growled, his fist whirling those chains again. I swung my blade upward and caught him in the chest again. With all my might I shoved the blade forward. He gurgled... and was felled!"

"Victorious, I gathered my things and decided to seek a quieter venue for rest, though not before I had found a highly detailed map of Starilaskur on the hobgoblin."

2016-03-15, 11:12 AM
"I have met them too, in my travels. Lost friends to them in fact. If they are up to something here, well, then I will be happy to stop them in a most uncomfortable fashion. Just don't want to be making assumptions without data." Kellark states, returning from his daydreams to the more grounded reality.

2016-03-17, 12:27 PM
"A highly detailed map of Starilaskur on a hobgoblin with undead at his side," Garren repeated. "And I wonder what his red-painted fist meant. Any clues on the map? I don't suppose he was so kind as to circle the city's wells and write 'poison here'?"

2016-03-17, 01:25 PM
Tristan pulls out the map and lets Garren take a look at it. "I have yet to figure out the red fist, but I admit to the feeling there is a story behind it. For that hobgoblin was not the only one I've seen with an intriguing fashion sense."

2016-03-20, 02:46 PM
"More of 'em with the red fist?" Garren asked. "Where'd you run into 'em?"

2016-03-20, 10:21 PM
"Where'd you run into 'em?"

"On the lightning rail of all places," Tristan answers. "Most peculiar, is it not?"

2016-03-22, 12:02 AM
"On the what now? And I guess for it to be peculiar there must not be many hobgoblins on the, what is it, 'lighting rail'?"

2016-03-22, 11:06 AM
"Come now, everyone has at least heard of the lightning rail." Kel holds up his pass. "A decent bit of engineering. For humans."

2016-03-26, 02:12 AM
"Not everyone's heard of it," Garren frowned. "Can't keep up with the latest and greatest developments out here."

2016-03-27, 03:50 PM
Tristan continues to ponder aloud. "Well, the rail isn't the important part. It is that I've seen hobgoblin with the same fashion sense as the one that accosted me. I wonder which reputation of mine proceeded me?"

2016-03-27, 03:54 PM
If Alison had been paying attention to the conversation she'd have been astounded that someone had failed to hear of the Lightning Rail, an innovation more than a century old...

2016-03-28, 11:30 AM
As your conversation unfolds, the route crests a small rise and descends into a dusty grove in a large shadow dell. The breeze stops, and the air becomes a pleasant staleness, the scent of the woods rushing in. All is quiet as you ride, the sounds of nature playing against the roughness of the wagon rolling. There isn't another soul on the road. The same, however, cannot be said for the treeline. A few hours into the ride through the forest, everyone notices a few figures following you, and with a few queues from one another, you figure it out. Six humanoids in total, and two hounds, hiding in the brush. An abandoned farmhouse, partially visible through the trees, stands on one side of the road. You've passed a dozen spots much like this one already today, but this one feels wrong. The road widens up ahead, and the six humanoids move forward ahead, and Kel can make out the sound of bows being nocked.

2016-03-28, 12:22 PM
Kel speaks lowly to the others. "Bit of an ambush ahead. They are readying bows. I suggest we prepare ourselves for imminent violence."

if he can identify the humanoids to get their type, will use personal weapon augmentation for bane on that type if possible before combat starts.

know local if needed [roll0]

2016-03-28, 07:29 PM
"A sound course," Seris smiles at the dwarf, his arms folded in his lap, a blade of darkness already materialized in his hand.

Seris will invoke his shadowblade and expend a point from his arcane pool to grant it an additional +2 enhancement bonus for 1 minute.

2016-03-28, 07:40 PM
"Seems dissonant to me, but if you hum the first bar, I'm sure I can keep up," Tristan whispers. He slowly pulls out his short bow and quiver.

2016-03-29, 01:39 AM
Garren breathed a quick prayer before the battle began, and as he felt the reassuring warmth of divine protection surround him, the aches and pains of the morning were forgotten. He clutched his longspear tightly.

Cast Shield of Faith on himself.

2016-03-29, 02:16 AM
Alison and Tigga share a look. Yes, they're both aware of their stalkers. Her leopard slinks into the undergrowth, ambushers shortly to become the ambushed. Alison would certainly have joined her, had she not been driving. Instead she simply lays her bow across her lap and loosens her sword in her scabbard. When combat breaks out she won't be caught unprepared.

2016-04-01, 11:23 AM
As Kel casts weaves his infusion of strength, the creatures come out of the underbrush, into visibility. Hobgoblins, their right hands painted red, counting six in their number. They come out from behind the tree line with bows drawn, and with two creatures following them. They resemble a thin, lanky wolf with reddish-brown fur, white claws, and burning, fiery red eyes. They begin shouting all at once, to exit the wagon, but your party is already ready to strike.

Map (https://app.roll20.net/join/1338217/IGVR5A).

Party has first turn.

2016-04-01, 11:56 AM
Kellark hops off the wagon, drawing his hammer as he goes. Unable to easily reach any of the ambushers, he presses toward the middle one, scrambling up the embankment. double move to get near the middle one, up and right, 20' move speed

2016-04-01, 12:13 PM

"So, they've come back for more!" Tristan shouts. "They shall not have this day, only the taste of our steel! To arms, my friends!"

Tristan uses Perform (Oratory) for his Inspire Courage bardic ability, granting to allies that hear him:

+2 Competence bonus on attack & weapon damage
+2 Morale bonus on Saves vs charm/fear effects

He'll remain kneeling within the cart.

2016-04-01, 12:42 PM
In the time it takes Alison to reach the northwest goblin Tigga has already circled around behind it.

Tigga circles round to NW of northwest goblin. I think that's 45ft even with difficult terrain. Alison moves directly west until she's flanking (30ft even with difficult)

Tigga's attack:
Bite: [roll0] (+8 base, +2 morale, +2 flanking).
Damage: [roll1] plus trip

Alison's attack: [roll2] (+10 base, +2 morale, +2 flanking)
Damage: [roll3]

2016-04-01, 05:57 PM
"You must have made quite the impression," Seris muses as he slips over the side of the cart and out into the brush. Advancing quickly towards one of his would-be attackers, the Aereni strikes not with his shadowblade, but with a simple touch of his fingers, delivering a surge of necromantic energy that threatens to paralyze the hobgoblin's entire body.

Seris will move to the center-west hobgoblin and expend a use of his Paralyzing Strike ability.

Touch attack vs. flat-footed AC: [roll0]

If he hits, the hobgoblin must succeed at a DC 19 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for [roll1] rounds.

2016-04-01, 07:17 PM
Garren jumped over the left side of the cart, using it as cover from the hobgoblins - Those on the opposite side, anyway. His first instinct was to charge the ambushers, but opted to protect those of his companions who'd stayed in the cart, and leveled his spear at the wolf-like creature as though daring it to attack.

Jump off the cart and move to the square just south of it, and ready an action to set his longspear against the wolf's charge.

2016-04-09, 12:19 AM
Music starts playing from Tristan, setting the theme for the battle. The first hobgoblin falls to the ground, eyes open, but body unresponsive, at Seris' touch. Allison and Tigga round around another of the ambushers, and it collapses on the ground with marks of blade and fang around on it, blood soaking the ground. One of the living hobgoblins circles round Garren as the hound charges the wagon's defender, rushing against his waiting spear. As Kel moves to face off against the other set of ambushers, two of them surround him, while the last of the six charges the horse of the wagon.

To the south, however, you can make out through the tree lines. Two more hobgoblins, one of which dressed in prayer armor, another wielding not a sword and shield like the rest, but two swords, accompanied by another hound.

Hound vs. Garren
This does not apply if Garren hits and kills the creature with his brace.
Bite Attack: [roll0]
Bite Damage: [roll1] Fire: [roll2]

Garren Brace vs. Hound
Double damage on hit.
Longspear Attack: [roll3]
Longspear Damage: [roll4]
Edit: Hit but no kill.

Hobgoblin Three vs. Garren
If hound survives braced attack, has flanking.
Longsword Attack: [roll5]
Longsword Damage: [roll6]

Hobgoblin Five vs. Kel
Longsword Attack: [roll7]
Longsword Damage: [roll8]

Hobgoblin Six vs. Kel
After its move, it has flanking on Kel.
Longsword Attack: [roll9]
Longsword Damage: [roll10]

Hobgoblin Four vs. Horse
Longsword Attack: [roll11]
Longsword Damage: [roll12]

2016-04-09, 02:30 AM
Garren barely sidestepped the wolf's attack, in spite of the savage thrust he landed on it as it charged. He feinted towards the hobgoblin before spinning about to attack the wolf again with his long spear.

Not actually feinting. 5' step to the indicated square, and attacking the wolf again, using Power Attack:

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2016-04-09, 03:05 AM
Alison flicks the hobgoblin's blood off her blade, but she has little time to self-congratulate as a loud whinny of pain emanates from the cart's mare. Clever. Attacking the party's transport is what she'd have done in the hobgoblin's position. "Tigga, that one!" She orders with a gesture and her companion responds immediately, covering the wide distance in a few easy bounds.

A swift appraisal of the immediate battlefield leads her to the defence of Garren. Her sword blade describes a mighty arc; will she claim another life today?

Tigga moves:
NE through difficult terrain (10ft)
NE NE (15ft), E E E E (20ft) = 45ft.

Attack: [roll0] (+8 base plus, +2 morale)
Damage: [roll1] (1d6+3 base, +2 morale) plus Trip if attack roll > CMD

Alison moves:
E E E E SE (25ft)
Attack: [roll2] (+10 base, +2 morale, +2 flanking, -2 power attack)
Damage: [roll3] (2d6+7 base, +2 morale, +6 power attack)

2016-04-09, 08:22 AM

Tristan continues his vocal performance, inspiring his allies to fight back the tide of hobgoblins. When he sees the horse attacked, he attempts to put a stop to it quickly. "...fight back the oppressors my friends! They dare take our mare this day, but we shall not let them..."

Tristan stands and pulls back an arrow on his bow, letting it fly quickly.

Maintaining Bardic Performance as a Free Action.

Standing up (a Move action I believe).

Attacking Hobgoblin 4 (Standard Action) with masterwork Shortbow:
Attack [roll0] (+6 base, +2 morale, -4 shooting into melee)
Damage on a Hit: [roll1] (1d6 base, +2 morale)

2016-04-09, 12:30 PM
Kellark lays into one of the hobgoblins with his hammer as their blows fail to touch him. can't check roll20 at the moment, so attacking either of the ones that attacked him, preferably a wounded one if possible
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2016-04-09, 07:10 PM
Seris grins as he stands over his helpless foe. "<I will return for you shortly,>" he says in the harsh tongue of the goblins. And with that, he is gone, darting across the road to strike at the flank of the northernmost hobgoblin.

Attack (+2 from Arcane Pool, +2 from Inspire Courage, +2 from flanking): [roll0]
Damage (+2 from Arcane Pool, +2 from Inspire Courage): [roll1]

Crit confirm: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2016-04-15, 09:40 PM
Garren moves a step back as the hound finishes its charge, and strikes at it, striking it across the chest, but Alison swings wide against the hobgoblin striking at Garren. Tigga finds different luck, and strikes the hobgoblin assaulting the carriage horse. Tristan and Kel find their mark on the same target, and he comes away from both hits wounded and shaking. Seris joins Tigga, and their flanking maneuver aids Seris pierce the Hobgoblin's side.

The hobgoblin struck by Kel and Tristan backs away, taking a potion from a pouch, and drinking its red contents. Its nearby ally, however, strikes again at Kel. The burning hound moves to Garren again, and it bites at him, while its flanking hobgoblin ally swings at Alison. The hound in the distance and its dual-wielding ally approach, moving carefully through the underbrush. The hobgoblin in its armored robes points a finger at Garren, a ray of sickening black light shooting forth at the Paladin. As the rest of the fight ensues, the hobgoblin to the north continues his assault on the horse.

H5 Heal: [roll0]

H6 vs. Kel
Attack: [roll1]
Longsword Damage: [roll2]

Hound vs. Garren
Has flanking on Garren.
Attack: [roll3]
Bite Damage: [roll4] Fire Damage: [roll5]

H3 vs. Alison
Attack: [roll6]
Longsword Damage: [roll7]

DMC vs. Garren
Ranged Touch: [roll8]
If Hit: DC 15 Fort Save or Sickened.

H4 vs. Horse
Attack: [roll9]
Longsword Damage: [roll10]

2016-04-16, 02:44 AM
Alison slashes heavily at the hobgoblin assailing Garren, determined to fell it before moving on to the more-important-looking goblin that's just arrived.

Attack: [roll0] (+10 base, +2 morale, +2 flanking, -2 power attack)
Damage: [roll1] (+7 base, +6 power attack, +2 morale)

Move SW S (10ft)

Tigga meanwhile does her best to eviscerate the hobgoblin who continues to attack their horse, and, satisfied with the result, begins to stalk slightly closer to the next foe she can see.

Bite: [roll2] (+8 base, +2 morale, +2 flanking)
Damage: [roll3] (+3 base, +2 morale, +trip [roll4])

Claw: [roll5] (+8 base, +2 morale, +2 flanking)
Damage: [roll6] (+3 base, +2 morale)

Claw: [roll7] (+8 base, +2 morale, +2 flanking)
Damage: [roll8] (+3 base, +2 morale)

5-ft step SE

2016-04-16, 08:00 AM

Tristan continues his performance to bolster his allies. "We can still win this day my friends, give them no quarter!"

Maintaining Bardic Performance as a Free Action (3rd round of use)

Attacking Hobgoblin that is assaulting our horse (the one between Tigga/Seris).
If already slain by Tigga's attacks, then attacking the hobgoblin above Garren.

Attack [roll0] (+6 base, +2 morale, -4 shooting into melee)
Damage on a Hit: [roll1] (1d6 base, +2 morale)

2016-04-16, 09:38 AM
Garren grunted in pain as the hound bit into his leg as he whirled around to fend off his opponents. He instinctively backed up towards the wagon and flinched away from a hobgoblin's ray spell. Facing three attackers, all too close for his longspear, he dropped it and drew the shorter spear he'd more recently acquired. He lashed out at the hound again, hoping a third solid hit would finish it off.

5' step to the square indicated, Power Attack with the Mithril & Darkwood Spear:

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2016-04-17, 07:56 PM
Kellark laughs at the feeble swing and attempts to give a lesson in proper martial kinematics. att [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2016-04-18, 10:27 AM
Seris deftly sidesteps flying hobgoblin entrails as Alison's feline companion paints the road with the creature's blood. Moving south to aid the party's isolated artificer, the Aereni attempts to drive his shadowblade into the back of Kellark's distracted opponent.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Crit confirm: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2016-04-26, 10:02 PM
The tide of combat begins to turn rapidly, with Tigga, Tristan, Seris and Garren each striking killing blows. The remaining hound stands next to its master, and both begin an assault on Alison, the hound with fang, and the hobgoblin with swords. The robed hobgoblin pulls out a horn and blows, before moving forward through the underbrush as well.

You hear movement in the forest, feet stomping and running through the wilderness. Each moment that passes makes them grow louder.

HBB vs. Alison
Disarm vs. CMD: [roll0]
If successful, Alison drops weapon.
If successful, swift action to attack.
Short Sword Attack: [roll1]
Short Sword Damage: [roll2]

Hound vs. Alison
Bite Attack: [roll3]
Bite Damage: [roll4] Fire [roll5]

2016-04-27, 01:50 AM
Garren's small moment of triumph was short-lived. "More enemy coming!" he shouted to warn his companions, and began praying for aid in turning the tide. In response, a Lantern Archon appeared above the beleaguered Alison's head. With the spell cast, Garren began to move towards Alison to assist directly.

Using the Herald Caller ability to cast Summon Monster III in place of the prepared Dispel Magic, summoning a Lantern Archon into the space above Alison's square. It has Aura of Menace and will cast its Aid SLA on Alison for [roll0] temporary HP, and a +1 morale bonus to Attack rolls and saves against Fear effects.

Aura of Menace:
"Any hostile creature within a 20-foot radius of an archon must succeed on a Will save (DC 13) to resist its effects. The save DC is Charisma-based, and includes a +2 racial bonus. Those who fail take a –2 penalty on attacks, AC, and saves for 24 hours or until they successfully hit the archon that generated the aura. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by the same archon's aura for 24 hours."

Took a 5' step to the space shown on the map.

2016-04-27, 08:39 AM
Even as the hobgoblin snatches Alison's sword from her hands with a vicious twist that leaves a nasty laceration up her forearm, Tigga slams into him at nearly full speed!

Tigga's Bite:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + Trip [roll2]

2016-04-27, 09:00 AM
As her companion is rebuffed Alison thinks better of attempting to retrieve her sword. Instead, two arrows fizz towards the impertinent goblin! With a quick step back space, Alison has found space to bring her bow to bear, bloodied hand already reaching for some fresh arrows. This goblin had better have some better tricks than that up his sleeve if he wants to carry the day!

5-ft step back. (Map not updated - will revisit when I get to a desktop)
Free action to draw bow (quick draw)

Rapid shot 1: [roll0] (+9 base, +2 morale, -2 deadly aim, -2 rapid shot)
Damage: [roll1] (+4 base, +2 morale, +4 deadly aim)

Rapid shot 1: [roll2] (+9 base, +2 morale, -2 deadly aim, -2 rapid shot)
Damage: [roll3] (+4 base, +2 morale, +4 deadly aim)

Edit: Additional -4s for shooting into melee. 18 and 12 to hit.

Despite the rush of combat, Alison's sensitive ears easily detect the rapidly approaching reinforcements.

"I hear them too!" she replies to Garren. "Must be why they targeted our horse. I like a good fight as much as the next girl, but this ambush was set with us as the targets. We should do all we can to escape their snare!"

2016-04-27, 09:00 AM
"More on their way? Who asked for the encore?" Tristan asks.

He halts his performance to concentrate on finishing off the last of the ambush party before more arrive, but the words he had used previously still resonate with confidence.

Lingering Performance: Effects of Bardic Performance lasts 2 additional rounds after performance stops (everyone still has +2 Attack/Damage)

Attack vs. Hound on Alison [roll0] (+6 base, +2 morale, -4 shooting into melee)
Damage on a Hit: [roll1] (1d6 base, +2 morale)[/SPOILER]

2016-04-27, 11:06 AM
Kellark steps toward the remaining hobgoblin near him. "Best way to handle an ambush is to attack it. Keep dropping them to the ground." He shouts over his shoulder as he attacks.

move adjacent and attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

auto-passed the perception check w/ +17 bonus

2016-04-27, 04:12 PM
With the hobgoblin force rapidly dwindling, Seris moves to silence the robed cleric lest the call of his horn continue to draw reinforcements. "That's quite enough of that, I think," he mutters as he weaves his spell.

Move and cast silence as indicated on the map. I'm assuming that a successful Spellcraft check does not indicate to the hobgoblin where the center of the spell is. If that assumption is incorrect, and the hobgoblin would be able to determine the center without actually moving and making noise, then I'll target him instead. DC 17 Will save.

2016-04-27, 11:39 PM
A ball of sentient light appears above Alison, shining its light on the battlefield. Alison's health is protected by a slight sheen of light, which only produces annoyance from the hound and the dual-wielding hobgoblin. Tigga misses with his claws and fang, but Alison manages to fire off two shots at her dueling partner. The first shot finds its mark, and the second shot is cut in the air, deflected. Tristan's shot goes wild. On the other side of the battlefield, Kel's swing finds purchase in the hobgoblin's head, and it falls to the ground unmoving. Seris sends his spell forward, but his target waves it off, his fury waving the spell off of him. He charges forward, swinging his axe at the elf. The hound finds a new target in Tigga, and the dual-wielder stabs at Garren.

To the north and south, three hobgoblins each appear, their shields raised in formation.

Hound vs. Tigga
Bite Attack: [roll0]
Bite Damage: [roll1] Fire [roll2]

HBB vs. Garren
Short Sword Attack: [roll3]
Short Sword Damage: [roll4]
Short Sword Attack: [roll5]
Short Sword Damage: [roll6]

Cleric vs. Seris
Greataxe Attack: [roll7]
Greataxe Damage: [roll8]

2016-04-28, 03:52 AM
Tigga yelps in pain as the hound lands a particularly savage bite, but she still presses home her attack on the two-sworded hobgoblin.

Bite [roll0]
Damage [roll1]+ [8] Critical + Trip [roll2]

Claw [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

Claw [roll5]
Damage [roll6]

Hp 17/32
AC 21

2016-04-28, 04:34 AM
Alison meanwhile turns her fire on the new arrivals, attacking one of the flanking goblins to the north.

Rapid shot
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

"Kel, the horse!" she warns, noting the imminent threat to their transport the new arrivals present. "Seris, careful you don't get surrounded!"

2016-04-28, 07:21 AM
"I believe it's time to give our attackers the slip!" Tristan shouts. He moves to the front of the cart and points a finger to the newly arrived combatants. With a few words and gestures he casts a spell beneith their feet, covering the ground in slippery grease.

Lingering Performance: 1 last round of Tristan's Bardic Performance (everyone still has +2 Attack/Damage)

Moving 10 feet toward the front of the cart to be within casting range.

Casting Grease (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/grease) on the ground (marked by purple square on the map (https://app.roll20.net/join/1338217/IGVR5A).)

Reflex save DC is 16

2016-04-28, 11:50 AM
"I'll take the rear guard, you lot deal with the rest of the buggers." Kellark shouts, pushing back into the open to move toward the hobgoblins coming up behind them. double move toward the greased baddies

2016-04-28, 02:20 PM
Seris looks to the approaching hobgoblin trio and smiles. He would make his ancestors proud today. "<Excuse me for a moment,>" he says in goblin, all but daring the cleric to strike him as he ducks backwards, cutting west through the brush to help bring down the last of the hound harrying Garren and Allison.

Seris will move to flank the hound with Tigga, provoking an AoO from the cleric if he threatens. He will expand 2 action points in order to complete the move.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirm: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

Just a reminder for everyone that the paralyzed hobgoblin will only be down for 2 more rounds.

2016-04-29, 12:22 AM
Garren ignored the wound he'd taken and tried to return the favor with a savage two-handed thrust. Meanwhile, the Lantern Archon cast its blessing on Garren before whizzing off toward Kellark.

Edit: Kellark is the barbarian-looking avatar north of the cart, not Tristan :smallfrown:

Power Attacking the adjacent Hobgoblin:

Attack: [roll0] (really need to remember the Bardic Performance bonus)
Damage: [roll1]

If this attack drops the Hobgoblin, Garren will move around to the West adjacent square to the hound, taking care to move wide enough around to avoid an attack of opportunity from it. Otherwise he will stay where he is.

The Lantern Archon will cast Aid on Garren for [roll2] Temporary HP, then move to the Southwest adjacent square to Kellark, incidentally applying its Aura of Menace to those three Hobgoblins.

2016-05-01, 08:22 AM
Tigga fells the dual-wielding Hobgoblin, his maw red with his newly felled foe's throat. The blades clatter to the ground, and all the Hobgoblins scream out in fury. Alison fires off an arrow at the northern reinforcements, and her arrow finds its mark in the arm of the Hobgoblin who wasn't knocked down by Tristan's spell. Seris moves swiftly, the Cleric taking a swing at the stealthy elf, and his movements carry him around to the remaining hound, striking with a sickly slick sword. Garren takes a step, and swings with his entire body, stabbing the hound through with his spear. It drops to the ground with a howl, and remains still.

The southern squadron moves forward, adding their holy man to their guard. He holds his hand out like a vice, and a ring of scales and fangs surround Alison, closing in on her. The northern squad faces a different struggle, however. The two on the ground attempt to crawl forward, while the third one takes a step back and drops his sword while he pulls out a vial of red swirling liquid. He tosses it at the horse.

Cleric vs. Seris
Greataxe Attack: [roll0]
Greataxe Damage[roll1]

HB9 vs. Horse
At increment two, so suffering range penalty.
Alchemist Fire Attack: [roll2]
Alchemist Fire Damage: [roll3]

2016-05-01, 09:05 AM
Tigga prowls slightly closer to the paralysed hobgoblin before mauling him like something fierce! Like something fierce? She is something fierce!

Tigga is a she. :smallwink:
5-ft step
Bite: [roll0] (+8 base, +2 morale) [29]
Damage: [roll1] (+2 morale)+ Trip [roll2]

Claw: [roll3] (+8 base, +2 morale) [19]
Damage: [roll4] (+2 morale)

Claw: [roll5] (+8 base, +2 morale) [20]
Damage: [roll6] (+2 morale)

Alison meanwhile fires an arrow straight at the hobgoblin cleric, before picking up her discarded sword!

Attack: [roll7] (+2 morale, -2 deadly aim +2 favoured enemy)
Damage: [roll8] (+2 morale, +4 deadly aim, +2 favoured enemy)

5-ft step into square with her sword.

Move action to pick up sword.

2016-05-01, 09:56 AM
Tristan hops down from the cart on Alison's side. "Half your numbers are down! Consider walking away, because you alternative is death!" he shouts to the hobgoblins. Though, did they speak common? Hmm, ah well. Tristan continues his motivational speeches again to bolster his allies.

Getting off the cart to (hopefully) put a barrier between me and the SE hobgoblins.

Using Bardic Performance (Inspire Courage) again to maintain those sweet sweet +2 Attack/Damage bonuses.

2016-05-01, 10:48 AM
Kellark steps up and brings his hammer down toward the nearest hobgoblin.
attack [roll0] (doesn't include bonus vs prone if that one is still down)
damage [roll1]

2016-05-01, 03:57 PM
With the nearby enemies dealt with, Garren stepped back towards the newly arrived Hobgoblins and their leader. Their cleric had to be stopped from casting any more spells, but it would be foolhardy to charge in without tipping the odds in his favor first. He called upon divine power again, this time to summon some more reinforcements of his own.

5' Stepping to the square indicated.

Switching out a Heroism for Summon Monster III, and summoning [roll0] Small Earth Elementals. Placing them adjacent to the enemy Cleric: West, North, and Northwest in order if he gets that many. Each will attack the Cleric using Power Attack:

Earth Elemental 1:
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Earth Elemental 2 (if applicable):
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Earth Elemental 3 (if applicable):
Attack: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Meanwhile the Lantern Archon fly back down over the southern group of Hobgoblins to subject them to its Aura of Menace, and fire its Light Rays at the enemy Cleric:

Attack: [roll7] vs Touch AC
Damage: [roll8] ignores DR

Attack: [roll9] vs Touch AC
Damage: [roll10] ignores DR

2016-05-02, 12:48 PM
Seris glances to his left as Tigga tears at the throat of the paralyzed hobgoblin. "I had hoped to question that one," he says lowly, sounding slightly disappointed. But with half a dozen foes yet remaining, their greater number closing quickly on his right, he shrugs, adding cheerily, "Oh well."

Slipping an ordinary dagger from some unseen pocket beneath his cloak, the Aereni ducks and weaves through the heavy brush, loosing the dagger towards his nearest assailant as he emerges out onto the road.

Seris will move back towards the cart and throw a dagger towards the hobgoblin NW of the cleric. He takes a -1 penalty on the attack roll for throwing the dagger 20 ft.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirm: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

2016-05-08, 10:02 AM
Tigga bites into her meal, and Alison fires her arrow true, piercing the cleric. Kel's hammer swings down and hits the back of one of the prone hobgoblins, who loses his wind for a moment at the impact. Garren's forces swell and take down the cleric, the earth elemental slamming into the cleric's chest, and the lantern archon burning a hole in the cleric, felling it. Seris' dagger, unfortunately, goes wild.

The southern reinforcements swarm the earth elemental, slashing with their swords, while the northern frontier attempts their own efforts. The one that didn't slip reaches his arm down, and pulls his comrade out of the slick, who rises. The other one attempts to swing at Kel.

The horse is screaming and burning.

HB10 vs. Earth Elemental
Longsword Attack: [roll0]
Longsword Damage: [roll1]

HB11 vs. Earth Elemental
Longsword Attack: [roll2]
Longsword Damage: [roll3]

HB12 vs. Earth Elemental
Longsword Attack: [roll4]
Longsword Damage: [roll5]

HB9 vs. Kel
Longsword Attack: [roll6]
Longsword Damage: [roll7]

2016-05-08, 11:29 AM
"Tigga! Garren! Save the horse!" Alison calls out. "I'm in the rearguard!"

Hefting her newly regained greatsword, she moves to flank the nearest of the southern hobgoblins.

Free action: draw greatsword.
Free action: Stow bow.

Move: SE E E SE, 25ft.

Attack: [roll0] (+2 morale, +2 flanking, +2 favoured enemy, -2 power attack)
Damage: [roll1] (+2 morale, +6 power attack, +2 favoured enemy)

Tigga meanwhile, moves to engage the closest of the northernmost as directed by her mistress.

Move: N N N NW NW 35ft
Attack: [roll2](+2 morale)
Damage: [roll3] (+2 morale) (+9 Crit) = 20 + trip [roll4]

2016-05-08, 02:36 PM
Garren nodded and dashed back to the horse, waving for the Archon to follow. A quick healing prayer would be enough to keep the horse alive, he hoped.

Meanwhile, the Earth Elemental continued to soak up the blows and slam its enemies with its usual stoicism.

Move 30' to his new position and trade out Weapons Against Evil for Cure Light Wounds, and casting it on the horse for [roll0] healing.

The Earth Elemental will attack the hobgoblin between itself and Alison. Otherwise it will attack the one south of it:
Attack: [roll1] +2 if flanking
Damage: [roll2]

The Lantern Archon will zip back to the square north of and adjacent to Garren, descend to physically place itself between the horse and the hobgoblins, and shoot its beams at the hobgoblin currently fighting Tigga. I suppose it didn't make a difference last round, but since Archons have truespeech it could benefit from Inspire Courage.

Attack: [roll3] vs Touch AC
Damage: [roll4] ignores DR

Attack: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

2016-05-08, 10:33 PM
Seris frowns at the errant dagger toss, but with Alison and Garren's animate earth now engaging the southern trio, the Aereni angles for a more reliable strike.

(This is all assuming Alison dropped her target. If not, let me know and I'll adjust accordingly.)

Seris will move to flank the southernmost hobgoblin and attack with his shadowblade.

Attack (+2 arcane pool, +2 inspire courage, +2 flanking): [roll0]
Damage (+2 arcane pool, +2 inspire courage): [roll1]
Crit confirm: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2016-05-09, 06:07 AM
"Fanatics, the lot of them," Tristan says as he continues his speeches. He points his finger to the hobgoblins Tigga has cornered and gives them a slippery slope.

Continuing Bardic Performance as a free action.

Closing in 5 feet toward upper-left hobgoblins and casting Grease at them. Map (https://app.roll20.net/join/1338217/IGVR5A).

Reflex DC to avoid falling is 16.

2016-05-09, 11:10 AM
"Have to do better than that."Kellark takes another swing, hoping to finish off the hob he just struck. att [roll0] includes bonus vs prone

damage [roll1][14] rolled OOC

2016-05-20, 12:10 AM
Alison swings her greatsword in the same motion as her step, rending the hobgoblin across the chest, slaying it in one swing. Tigga slashes at the downed hobgoblin, slicing its leg. Garren's earth elemental swings and misses its target, while its Archon assists Tigga, its rays leaving a scorching wound in the hobgoblin's now unmoving form. Seris' blade pierces into the hobgoblins side, the dark energy cutting through flesh, with Kel's last strike downing his foe.

The two remaining hobgoblins move on the Aereni, swinging their longswords, while the last hobgoblin of the north attempts to flee.

HG10 vs. Seris
Longsword Attack: [roll0]
Longsword Damage: [roll1]

HG11 vs. Seris
Provokes AoO from Earth Elemental.
Longsword Attack: [roll2]
Longsword Damage: [roll3]

Acrobatics: [roll4]
If 10 or more, moves 15 ft. up.
If not 10, no movement.
If 5 or less, then it falls down as it attempts to get up.

2016-05-20, 02:33 AM
As the northern hobgoblin scrambles, Tigga merely steps surefootedly through the grease into a position to clamp her jaws down on the creature's head.

Acrobatics, DC10 [roll0]
Move N NW = 20ft

Attack [roll1] +8 base, +2 morale
Damage [roll2] +3 base, +2 morale, + trip [roll3]

Alison flinches as the hobgoblins strike at Seris. "You okay there mate?" she asks as she skirts around the south of the melee to flank with the elemental and cut off a route of escape. Her greatsword whistles as it cleaves the air in a roundabout strike towards her enemy's midriff.

Move SE E E NE = 20ft

Attack [roll4] +10 base, +2 morale, +2 flanking, +2 favoured enemy, -2 power attack
Damage [roll5] +7 base, +2 morale, +2 favoured enemy, +6 power attack

2016-05-20, 11:16 AM
Kellark moves around to try to cut off the hobgoblin's escape, swinging his hammer after skirting around the grease. move, attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2016-05-20, 02:06 PM
Garren ran around the grease puddles to aid Kellark in trying to stop the fleeing hobgoblin. Meanwhile his summoned creatures continued to press the attack. "Try to get one alive!" he shouted to his companions. "Tell them to surrender!", he shouted to the Archon, knowing the Celestial could "speak" in any tongue.

Garren moving north around the grease and hob's threatened area, and attacking it for nonlethal damage:

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If that hob refuses to surrender after being asked, the Lantern Archon will also attack it. Otherwise it will zip back down south and attack one of the hobs there:

Attack: [roll2] vs Touch AC
Damage: [roll3] Ignores DR

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Earth Elemental will also attack one of the hobs with Power Attack:

Attack: [roll6] (flanking with both)
Damage: [roll7]

2016-05-20, 02:57 PM
Tristan skirts around the south end of the cart to get a shot at the hobgoblin stuck between the Archon and a beguiling elf.

Not maintaining Bardic Performance, but Lingering Performance will let the +2/+2 morale buff last another 2 rounds.

Moved 20 feet, down and to the right.
Attack (Shortbow) [roll0] [+6 Base +2 Morale -4 Shooting into melee]
Damage if successful: [roll1]

2016-05-23, 05:27 PM
Seris laughs in the faces of his foes as blood seeps through the fine metal rings of his mithral shirt. "Never better," he replies to Alison before lashing out with his shadowblade, the dagger's umbral edge eager for a killing blow.

Seris is down to 12 hp. He will attack the hobgoblin directly above him on the map.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirm: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

2016-05-27, 06:27 AM

The bodies lie on the ground around the scattered battlefield forest pathway. The hounds are felled, and their masters are no better, lying in different states of broken bones and sliced flesh. The last one looks around, and pulls a vial of alchemist's fire from his belt pouch, the swirling liquid volatile in its glass prison. "We will take all that you hold dear, and make you watch as we crush it in our grasp. Long live the Red Hand." He holds it in his palm, and smashes it into his face. He falls to the ground, his head on fire.

HG10 vs. HG10
Fire Damage: [roll0]
Splash Damage of 1.

2016-05-27, 06:54 AM

"Talk about your hot-headed fanaticism," Tristan remarks.

2016-05-27, 07:40 AM
"Oh my gosh, Tristan! That was awful!" Alison laughs as the group reconvenes.

"Hey girl, good job," she commends Tigga wth a scritch around the ears.

"You're right though, they were fanatics. Sane foes would have booked it after we'd felled half their number. I wonder what this Red Hand stuff is all about? Hey, Garren. Little help? Tigga, Serris and I all had chunks taken out of us; I'd prefer to be in one piece."

2016-05-27, 11:10 AM
"That does make them rather harder to question. Red hand, eh?" Kellark quips as he returns to the main body of the group. knowledge roll for red hand, add modifier as appropriate [roll0] +13 arcana/planes/religion, 9 engineering, 6 others

2016-05-27, 01:32 PM
"Right, everyone gather round for healing," Garren called, as he gathered up his longspear and saluted the Archon with it before it disappeared. The Earth Elemental, too, crumbled back into inert rock and soil. He held up the icon of the Sovereign Host and chanted, and as it glowed with energy, the wounds began to disappear from the party.

Channel Energy: [roll0]

Will channel again if needed.

2016-05-27, 01:52 PM

He bows at the response to his humor, then sets to pondering this unfortunate encounter. "Quite a number of them, aren't they? Hmm, I wonder... were they just awaiting any group of travelers to pass through here or are we specifically targeted? I do love a good mystery."

Tristan checks the pockets of the fallen for possible documents or orders that explain why they were here.

Perception to search bodies for possible documents/orders? [roll0]

2016-05-31, 03:39 AM
"Ah, much better!" Alison thanks Garren. "You're a handy bloke to have, after a fight!"

"Maybe we are being targeted, though?" she suggests. "Couple of weeks back I was escorting a Lyrander agent when we were attacked on the lightning rail. At the time I thought they must have been after the agent, but later I overheard a hobgoblin talking about how 'the woman was with some Lyrander twiddler'. It doesn't seem like much of a stretch to think they were talking about me... But what I can't figure out is why anyone would want to make me a target?"

2016-05-31, 11:01 AM
On their bodies you find a collection of arms and armor, some coated in your blood, some not. The cleric's holy symbol seems to be made of painted iron, a red hand with jagged fingers.

Chainmail, Heavy Steel Shield, Mwk Longsword, Composite Longbow (+1 Str Bonus) with 20 arrows, potion of cure light wounds - All x12.
+1 Banded Mail, Falchion, Red Hand Holy Symbol.
+1 Short Sword, +1 Short Sword, +1 Chain Shirt.

2016-05-31, 11:11 AM
Kellark helps gather the goods. "Let's get this all loaded up and press on to town. Hopefully this is the only obstacle on the way."

2016-05-31, 11:19 AM
"Most of this stuff is inferior to my current gear," Alison assesses as she restocks on arrows (40). "Still, they should fetch a good price. I think we should take two potions each, and Garren can have the extras."

2016-05-31, 11:27 AM
Tristan assists on getting things loaded on the wagon to leave, replacing the 5 arrows he used. "Good idea to split the potions. I feel that there will be future encounters with these Red Handers. At least they have a fairly notable fashion sense... unless they wise up and start wearing gloves. But then, if they wise up perhaps they would stop chasing us around for whatever it is we had done. Hmm, perhaps they're a hired third party?"

2016-05-31, 07:32 PM
"Like to think I'm a handy bloke to have during a fight, too," Garren almost grinned in spite of their setting. "The spare potions should go to someone, ah, without any other way to heal themselves." He shook his head at Tristan's question. "Would a hired sword do that to himself?" He gestured at the hobgoblin with the melted face. "Never met anyone who was so loyal to a mere employer. That red hand icon is an unholy symbol, or I'm no priest."

Knowledge: Religion on the holy symbol. Hey, it's worth a shot.


2016-06-02, 05:17 AM
"Like to think I'm a handy bloke to have during a fight, too," Garren almost grinned in spite of their setting.

"I think during a fight is hardly the time, yeah?" Alison smirks, not so subtly checking out the handsome cleric's rear. "Some are into that. Not bad though..." she finishes ambiguously.

"Hey," she announces, snapping back to the present. "About time we weren't here. There could still be more of them out there. All aboard!"

She comforts the long-suffering mare by putting her on the neck, before taking the reins and pulling herself back into the driving seat. As she does so, she turns to Seris and mouths I got four! holding up the appropriate number of fingers to emphasise her boast. Tigga snorts as she vaults onto the cart beside Alison, smugly aware that she too had managed that number before setting to the task of fastidiously cleaning the hobgoblins' blood from around her face and paws.

2016-06-02, 05:35 AM
Tristan hops on board the cart. "I hope our mare is feeling up to the task," he says. He glances at Tigga a couple times, eventually pointing out that she's got a bit of 'gob' on her nose.

2016-06-02, 06:35 AM
He glances at Tigga a couple times, eventually pointing out that she's got a bit of 'gob' on her nose.

Tigga, without breaking eye contact, licks it off with her gigantic tongue.

2016-06-06, 01:21 AM
"Divine providence must be rationed out," Garren remarked, oblivious to Alison's stares, "at least from such a small vessel as myself. Worth it though, if our mare is still not a hundred. Gotta get going, sooner rather than later." His eyes were on the treeline, sweeping back and forth nervously. "Big doin's are afoot, no doubt in my mind now."

If the mare is still hurt, Garren will channel a third time, including everyone in its radius.


2016-06-06, 10:55 PM
Assuming everyone is willing to move on...

Party members gain 2700 experience.

Silence leaves as adrenaline fades. Sixteen foes came, sixteen foes fell, and the party moves on.

The road continues onward through the forest, and eventually out, and hours later descends into a small town built mostly on the near side of a broad, sluggish river. Six old stone piers jut from the water, marking the spot where a bridge once stood, but the span itself is long gone. Instead, a couple of thick ropes cross the river, each secured to a flat-bottomed ferryboat. Brown fields and green orchards surround the town. The sun is still high in the sky, but starting to droop down into a sunset.

A group of armed townsfolk - three in leather, one in mail - stands guard, watching guard, watching you warily as you approach. The man in mail speaks up, stepping onto the road. "Halt and state your busi- Garren? Garren, is that you?" He approaches, taking off his helmet. The man is burly, to put it politely, with a curling, waxed mustache. "We didn't know when to expect you back, boy. With all the trouble on the roads these days, we were wondering if you were gonna make it home at all."

You recognize the man as Sergeant Hersk. A gruff man, but reasonable.

2016-06-07, 03:58 AM
Assuming everyone is willing to move on...

Party members gain 2700 experience.

Silence leaves as adrenaline fades. Sixteen foes came, sixteen foes fell, and the party moves on.

The road continues onward through the forest, and eventually out, and hours later descends into a small town built mostly on the near side of a broad, sluggish river. Six old stone piers jut from the water, marking the spot where a bridge once stood, but the span itself is long gone. Instead, a couple of thick ropes cross the river, each secured to a flat-bottomed ferryboat. Brown fields and green orchards surround the town. The sun is still high in the sky, but starting to droop down into a sunset.

A group of armed townsfolk - three in leather, one in mail - stands guard, watching guard, watching you warily as you approach. The man in mail speaks up, stepping onto the road. "Halt and state your busi- Garren? Garren, is that you?" He approaches, taking off his helmet. The man is burly, to put it politely, with a curling, waxed mustache. "We didn't know when to expect you back, boy. With all the trouble on the roads these days, we were wondering if you were gonna make it home at all."

You recognize the man as Sergeant Hersk. A gruff man, but reasonable.

"Alright guv?" Alison greets the guard from her position in the driver's seat. "No kidding there's trouble about - ran into near a score of hobgoblins a few miles back! But don't worry, they won't be bothering anyone else. I see you know Garren; I'm Alison, and these are Kel, Tristan, Seris and Tigga. What's the news?"

2016-06-07, 05:37 AM
Tristan bows at his introduction. Definitely needs more flair and fanfare for next time.

2016-06-07, 11:22 AM
Kellark gives a polite nod and leaves the talking to the local.

2016-06-08, 03:05 AM
"Takes more than that to stop me from coming home, sergeant." Garren gave a weary smile as he approached. "Right about the trouble on the roads, though. Big doin's afoot in the Vale," he repeated, "more than just bandits. Have you seen or heard of any hobgoblins sportin' a red hand insignia?"

2016-06-16, 12:22 AM
"Pleasure to meet you all. Sargeant Hersk. Red Hand? Don't know nothin' 'bout that, lad, my apologies. Maybe they cut themselves on a briar, or maybe your swordsman is finer than you thought, ah?" The sargeant says, smiling at Garren. "And you've arrived at a great time. Speaker Wiston and Captain Soranna were looking to find some brave folks to investigate a lead they got. Go and find them, perhaps you'll find some answers." He pulls out a small map of the nearby roads and routes from a back pouch. "Can you point out where you were when you were ambushed? I'm trying to get a pattern down for their attacks."

2016-06-18, 05:01 PM

"Sure, I'll mark your map," Alison offers, waving for the map to be passed up to her perch.

2016-06-19, 02:18 AM
"I'll go find them straight away. But there have been two cases of attacks on travelers by the red hand types, and that's only in my group's experience. Seems to me some kind of fanatical cult. Let me know what you can put together on that map." Garren clapped the Sergeant on the shoulder and walked off to find Wiston or Soranna.

2016-06-20, 11:16 AM
"I'm ready for a drink, so let's go have a look at the local hospitality before we dry out our mouths talking." Kellark suggests, giving a nod to the guards that stopped them, "Welcome to lift a pint with us, when you are off duty of course."

2016-06-20, 11:29 AM
"A fine idea, Kellark," Tristan adds. "Perhaps we can also hear something of interest among the local news."

2016-06-20, 03:58 PM
"Someone mention a drink?" Alison asks without looking up from where she's scrawling the approximate location of the ambush on the map. She sounds approving.

2016-06-21, 02:18 PM
"Someone mention a drink?"

"Indeed! Kellark has, and I agree that we have earned our pint today," Tristan answers.

2016-06-21, 02:40 PM
"I think after that ambush we've earned a drink, but I'll join you in a minute." Garren called as he kept walking. He'd welcome a pint, but it could wait.

2016-06-23, 02:34 PM
Hersk looks it over, and shakes his head. "This isn't good. That road wasn't problematic until now. Thanks, stranger. And I'll get back to you as soon as I can, Garren." The guards nod to Kel, but otherwise remain at their post. One of them pipes up, however. "We were planning on taking a dive over to the Apple later on, if you want to grab a table for us. Its right off the central greens."

Garren walks further into town, splitting off from the rest of the group. The town is just as you remember it. Busy enough to be alive, but its certainly not the hustle and bustle you witnessed before your battle on the Lightning Rail. Many faces recognize you, and even more welcome you back to town. You're told that Captain Soranna is out in the farmlands, but you're guided over to the Town Speaker's home.

On the porch of the manor sits Norro Wiston, Town Speaker. He sits solemnly, as his wife departs the house with their five children. They all say hi to you as you pass them, and you can spot Wiston smiling softly at them. As you approach, he stands, a serious edge in his voice. "Garren. I did not know you were back."

2016-06-24, 02:24 AM
Garren greeted the Speaker with an equally solemn aspect. "Just arrived. We were ambushed in the road by hobgoblins three times our number. From the sound of things there are raiders swarming all across the Vale. Sergeant Hersk sent me this way, said you had a lead to investigate."

2016-06-24, 11:00 AM
Kellark heads to the Apple as suggested, scanning the town over casually as he goes.

2016-06-24, 12:25 PM
Tristan will ensure the horse is properly tied and then follow Kellark to find the tavern. He is a bit more gregarious than casual, smiling at passerbys.

2016-06-30, 04:47 PM
Alison follows Kell and Tristan to the tavern, Tigga padding alongside.

2016-07-09, 08:12 PM
"Take a seat, then. My knees have been giving me a spot of trouble, lad. Help yourself." He sits back into his chair, and gestures to another, a small table with a small tray of cake, plates and a icy metal pitcher with glasses. "We're under attack, I'm sure you're aware. Hobgoblin raiders have been harrying the area for the past few days. I've no illusion that your attackers aren't part of the same group. They've stuck to the outlying homesteads, and travelers along the routes into town."

"Captrain Soranna has had trouble with them before, she has informed me. A quick raid on homesteads on the west side of the river, usually not that bad, but this is different. Its too large, too uniform. It feels like they're moving towards us, lad. We fear they're coming out from the Mournland. And I fear they are numerous enough to sack the town, and quickly move out from us.

"Beyond the immediate threat to our homes, we fear they're attacking the Orien Trade Route into our town. Ever since the collapse of the lightning rail from the Mournland, we've come to depend on that route more and more. The lightning rail stop here never delivers cargo to us anymore, its supplies almost always reserved for the Thrane. If they make that way impassable, trade won't come this way, and we'll be ruined. Not only do we need to repel these raiders, we've got to keep that road open. Can you help us do it?"

The Green Apple is hard to miss with the directions given. In the middle of the town is what the guards called the green, a grassy field where, as they told you, children play and farmers sell their produce. Stands and carts line borders of the field, though many seem to have been left empty for the day. Rounding it, you come to the second in a line of buildings. The sign hanging in front of the door, with a painted green apple and the word "The" carved above it would have been obvious enough, but some degree of subtlety was dropped when someone painted a giant green apple on the front of the building.

Heading inside, the Inn is quiet. The few current patrons are enjoying a late lunch, playing a card game, or in one instance, a dwarf, who is fixing up a chair with a small amount of magic. As you walk in, she sets the chair down, testing it with a few pushes, before walking her way through tables with their chairs still up. "Ah, 'lo. New faces, yes? Happy to meet you." Her accent is thick, but her diction is careful, and she talks slowly. "What brings you into my Inn?"

You can tell her accent is from the Mror Holds.

2016-07-10, 02:33 AM
Garren poured himself a glass gratefully, sat and sipped as he listened.

"Yes," replied Garren without hesitation to the elder's question. "What kind of help can we count on? I understand the militia is being pressed everywhere, but our group can only be in one place at a time. Maybe House Orien could be convinced to dispatch some guards to maintain a permanent outpost to protect their trade route. And do we have any more clues about who or what these raiders follow? We can't have been the only ones who've noticed their fanaticism, or the way they refer to the Red Hand. And," he hesitated for a moment, "how's my village doing? Sarina and Willas?"

Just realized that I never came up with a name for the village Garren is from. Also I never specified a location for it in the vale, so is it in a 'safe' location or is it currently being threatened?

2016-07-10, 01:02 PM
"Greetings to you as well, miss. Had a bit of trouble along the road and needed a drink to wash the stink of goblin away. Guards recommended the place, so, here we are." Kellark says, his accent betraying his upbringing in Sharn rather than dwarven lands.

2016-07-10, 03:33 PM
[roll0] vs. DC 15

"Indeed, we managed to slay a formidable company of hobgoblins on the way here. Quite parched," Tristan adds with a grin. "Curious to know if there have been other such skirmishes among travelers passing through?"

2016-07-11, 08:04 AM
Alison leans against the bar to flash a winning smile at the dwarvish landlord, whilst Tigga hops up into a barstool to sit at a similar height.

"Aye, it was a fine test! To start I'll have four whiskey sours, one for each goblin I slew! And maybe by the fourth I'll have decided which others to take credit for! And for my friend here I'll have... four...?"

She consults with Tigga, who gives her a scowly head-tilt and tail flick.


Blink. Nod.

"Five roast chickens for my friend. And a bowl of water please. She beat me fair today, have to give credit when it's due." Alison ruffles Tigga's ears, and the leopard keys our a contented "Mrrrp!"

2016-07-18, 04:21 PM
"I know we can provide any arms or arrows or armor your group might be needing, and we can provide supplies for the road. I'll send word to Soranna that you and yours should be listened to," The Speaker continues, as the pale red liquid shines the sunlight on the surface. "But we can't have our numbers spread too far away from the town. Involving House Orien would be... dangerous. You know how the Houses work. Nothing is free. Everything is traded. Giving them open arms here may help us now, but we don't know for certain if it would help us later."

"I can't say for certain if you're the only ones who've noticed. Many of our men who encountered them were only concerned with making it back alive, or protecting what they could, or driving them away. Their religion hasn't been a concern, as far as we know." The glass begins to sweat in the heat. "Sarina and Willas are fine, lad. Willas asks about you, but Sarina reassures him you'll be back soon. They'll most likely be in the temple now, sweeping it of dirt."

"Oh, we have had a many deal of folk seeing bandits and raiders before, but none like thissin." She says, a small dread in her tone. "Too many people do not are coming back." She nods and smiles to Kellark, and raises an eyebrow to Alison. "We do not have sour whiskey here, miss. We have Frostmantle Fire and Crying Chimaera, if you wanting something sour, leftover in the cellar. We have chicken, yes, but we also have a good deal of turkey that won't be able to be eaten before it goes south. Would the young miss care for some of that as well?" She turns her attention back to Kellark. "Road filth is best removed with something from Thrane: Silver Sweetness, and a bit of stew with spice and chicken."

2016-07-19, 12:55 PM
"Oh, we have had a many deal of folk seeing bandits and raiders before, but none like thissin." She says, a small dread in her tone. "Too many people do not are coming back." She nods and smiles to Kellark, and raises an eyebrow to Alison. "We do not have sour whiskey here, miss. We have Frostmantle Fire and Crying Chimaera, if you wanting something sour, leftover in the cellar. We have chicken, yes, but we also have a good deal of turkey that won't be able to be eaten before it goes south. Would the young miss care for some of that as well?" She turns her attention back to Kellark. "Road filth is best removed with something from Thrane: Silver Sweetness, and a bit of stew with spice and chicken."

Alison has a brief silent consultation with Tigga; turkeys really are a lot larger than chickens. After a moment she decides:

"We'll share a turkey. And Frostmantle Fire will do nicely. What're you having, Tristan?" she offers, digging out her coin pouch.

2016-07-19, 01:16 PM
"A Frostmantle Fire and a firm leg of fowl would be most fine," Tristan responds alliteratively to Alison's question. He glances around for just a moment before returning his attention to the dwarf hostess.

"You say not many come back from dealing with the raiders. Of those lucky souls that do, any of them mention anything interesting or unusual with the local banditry? Perhaps you might of heard someone mention what may be driving them to be more bold as of late?" As Tristan kindly asks his questions his puts down two silver pieces on the bar counter.

Diplomacy (attempting to see if she knows any juicy rumors): [roll0]

(feeding the RNG to Tigga)

2016-07-19, 09:17 PM
"I suppose you're right. Oh well. My companions are a capable lot, so as long as we're in the right place at the right time, we'll give the hobs a thorn in the side they can't ignore. I know they're not professional soldiers, but have the militia try to keep an eye and ear out for these raiders' motivations."

Garren sighed with relief at the word of his family. Not that he expected any other answer to be likely, but it was good to hear it confirmed. "Not soon enough. But I'm glad to hear they're okay. If anyone's going out that way soon, let them know... I love them, and I'm likely to be gone for a while."

2016-07-20, 11:35 AM
Kellark nurses his drink and listens to the conversations, mind half on various projects he wishes to work on.

2016-07-23, 03:03 PM
"I think I'll start with a plate of your freshest vegetables," Seris says to the dwarven woman with a smile. "Do you have a local fish?" If not, he will try the stew. "And a glass of spiced wine, please."

Once their drinks arrive, Seris raises his glass, grinning widely. "A toast is in order, I think. You made your ancestors proud today."

2016-07-24, 01:08 PM
Once their drinks arrive, Seris raises his glass, grinning widely. "A toast is in order, I think. You made your ancestors proud today."

Alison's hand goes briefly to the silver amulet around her neck, but in her other she raises her shot glass grinning. "Hell of a fight! Sounds like it won't be our last round these parts either."

2016-09-19, 04:04 PM
A large metal bowl filled with cooked and steaming meat is brought out first, along with a pitcher of dark blue liquid and two glasses, the foam on the pitcher is a mute orange. A plate with a leg of turkey is brought out as well. Lastly, a plate of carrots, wax beans, corn and toast with a green, sweet-smelling jam is set in front of Seris, with the comment, "The fish'll be out in a moment. Bones need pluckin'."

As you begin your meals, a figure enters the Inn. Clad in dull steel armor and red cloth, she looks around the room, before approaching your table. She puts one hand on the table, metal grinding against the wood. "As I am led to know, you were attacked on the road. Unlike many others, you beat them down. When you are done with your meal, I must speak with you all for another beat down. I am Soranna, Captain of the Guard."

Your choice where to go, now. The Green Apple is within line of sight, around the curve of the Green.

2016-09-19, 07:31 PM
Garren drained his glass and gave another small sigh. "If there's nothing else sir, I'd best rejoin the party so we can speak to the Captain."

2016-09-19, 07:40 PM
Kellark attacks the food with vigor borne of a long journey. "Not a surprise, a band that organized is unlikely to be alone. What do you need? Or more to the point, where are they and how many?"

2016-09-20, 11:58 AM
Seris regards the gauntleted hand curiously from behind a cob of corn. After a moment's pause to finish chewing, he gestures with the now kernel-less cob towards an empty chair. "Why wait?" he says with a grin. "Please, take a seat."

2016-09-22, 04:49 AM
Alison nods a greeting, and gives the captain her attention, but she didn't stop eating. With a sideways glance at Tigga the leopard reluctantly vacates a stool, a large turkey leg carried lopsidedly in her mouth. The cat slinks under Alison's feet where she begins to gnaw sulkily.