View Full Version : Metro: a flickering light in the night.

2016-03-11, 09:34 PM
This is the opening post for a D20 modern game run by Galvain7.

Nothing else to see here yet. Move along civilian....:smallcool:

2016-03-11, 11:03 PM
You take a moment to re-familiarize yourself with the sensations of around you. The smell of the damp earth and wet concrete. The ever present feel of the gritty filtered air against your skin. The sensation of the ground under your feet. You strain your ears just enough to hear the steady hum of the shuttered lights. In the darkness, your mask presses around the rim of your face.

A referee's whistle slices though your revere, and the lights slam on with the flat sound of a breaker being flipped.

Your opponent lunges forward like a panther, fists close around his head, bare feet moving deftly around the jagged chunks of concrete scattered randomly around the makeshift arena. Your fists dart up on reflex.

"Man up Stand up!" roars the referee. No grapples, no grabs. It's hard to tell how your opponent reacts to the news behind his dummy mask, but the rules make no difference to you.

He slams into your guard, battering your forearms with his fists. Right, right, left hook, upper cut. He drops the upper cut too low: You shift your guard down accordingly, then step inside his guard and shove with both forearms. He careens backward, momentarily off balance.

You move on the offensive, before he can get his guard back up- two fast jabs 'push' him into your right hook and he crashes to the floor.

Another whistle. You relax, and take a moment to observe your audience: Joe, in charge of fitness, and Pei, the station boss.

Joe growls at your oppenet, whose name escapes you at the moment. "And just what was that, hmm? You dolt, you walked right into it! I do not want to hear it: You're on excavation detail 'til you puke! Move it!"

He turns to you. "Smith. I don't expect you to get lucky fighting the mentally deficient next time. Footwork, Footwork, don't just stand there like a rock! Maybe a half hour on the tread mill battery- with weights, and the mask- will remind you what your feet are for. Then clean yourself up and get to the office. Go!"

You thread your way through the makeshift gym and select two ten pound weights off the rack, then up the stairs to the 'Muscle Electric Company' where the treadmill batteries are kept. There's one slot open, with little Joe guarding the turbine in his hard hat. You place yourself on the treadmill and hoist the weights in each hand into a boxers guard and start running, gas mask tight around your face.


This isolated station is home. Only a few residents remember what it was called before the war. Most everyone else calls in 'Radio Station' on account of the RadioShed that was just accross the road. Apperently the greed of a few metro employees and the owner of the store is what saved near everyone that now lives in the station. Before the bombs the metro and railroad employees where in the process of stripping out the old communications gear and replacing it with new digital equipment. But the rather entripizing soles working on the project took the old gear and sold it, claiming it was defective, rather than shipping it out West. The RadioShed guy was in on it, according to the notes found in the broom closet. When the world went up in flames a few brave and suicidal survivors stripped everything worth carrying out of the store and hauled it down to the airlock. Then, they died, and the remaining survivors cobbled together enough parts from the store and the train guts to make a working radio. Combined with a Union sponsored machine shop (an expensive mcgruffin to avoid paying taxes on something, apparently) and a functioning locomotive engine, the survivors had power, tools and something to trade: information. Every week a hand cart arrives with messages from other stations, trying to get their messages heard throughout the underground.


You rub a mushroom vodka soaked rag around your body for the post exercise clean up, slip into some Korean war era fatigues and patched wool sweater and climb the defunct escalator up to Pei's office. Pei usually keeps an open door policy, but today there is a shotgun weilding guard by the entrance. He waves you through, and you take a seat on the last folding chair.

2016-03-11, 11:35 PM
Quincey Smith

*The workout wasn't the hardest Quinn had ever done, but twenty extra pounds in your hands was nothing to laugh at, and it didn't take long before his shoulders were screaming. On top of that, there was a reason that his had been the only open treadmill. It was the one set at the steepest incline. Nothing like some brotherly love. His breathing picked up fast, and sweat started pouring off of him within minutes, but he knew better than to stop. You didn't stop before the battery was charged, or you risked serious consequences.*

*He didn't know how long it had been - the timer on the old treadmill had burned out long ago, but the workout ended with a solid smack on the side of his mask by little Joe, the mans calloused hands setting his vision swimming for a moment.

As he hopped off the machine, Quinn dropped the weights and pulled the mask off, gulping the rancid, stale air of the station greedily. Years of dirt, sweat and machine oil seemed to accompany every breath, but it was all the sweeter compared to the pressure filters they used for training. Joe just snorted and waved him away, hooking cables up to a drained battery.*
"Yeah. Always nice to see you too, Joe. We'll have to do it again sometime."


*Mushroom vodka was a staple of life in the tunnels, and as Quinn stood in the old tub, the dirty liquid pooling at his feet as he scrubbed away the filth, he couldn't help but pause for a moment, looking at the growing puddle that would be drained out into a bucket afterwards.
I really hope they burn this stuff in the lanterns like they say, and don't sell it at the bar.
A part of him wanted to ask, but if they hadn't thought of it already, he sure as hell didn't want to give them the idea, so drying off with one of the towels at hand, he quickly pulled on his clothes and headed for Peis' office, feeling clean, at the very least.*


*Taking the last chair, Quinn sat quietly for a moment, massaging a sore spot where the training mask had rubbed a little too much, trying not to bring too much attention to himself.

Despite his talent and hard work, he wasn't always the most popular person in the Station - whether it was because of his own actions or those of his father. After a minute, he folded his arms and cleared his throat.*
"So.... the Mall-cop out front is a nice addition. Where did you pick him up? He's awefully scary and all, but I don't think anyone told him the safety was still on his gun. Just saying."

2016-03-12, 10:39 PM
Pei silently mouths the words "Mall Cop" to himself a couple times, before breaking into a wide grin.

"Hrg, you have good eyes yes? Yes. Lots of things to see." He taps the side of his head "Smart guy." He smiles again. You can't tell if he's joking or if he's insulting you: He has one of those faces.

Three other men file into the office: Daniels, Gino, Selinez. Locals, like you. Pei keeps smiling.

"Radio tower is broken. You will go up to tower on surface and fix."

Silence reigns for a few moments, before Dan pipes in: "Is that, like, an order?"

"Ah! No. You can say no: Volunteer only. Surface is dangerous, dangerous, of course." Pei keeps smiling. "But I would have to find something else for you to do, yes? Maybe shovel pig poop for a month or two, clear rubble for excavation. Picked you because Joe says you've got the best of making it back alive. Smartest, fastest," he favors you with a look, "Most observant."

"But someone has to do it. No radio, no trade, no station."

More quiet. Gino leans forward. "What about scrap?"

"We give you enough filters to repair radio and return. If you want to buy more filters, spend more time on the surface..." Pei shrugs "I give you more bullets if that's what it takes to get you to fix."

Daniels shakes his head. "I'm out. Give me a job shoveling sh*t."

Pei nods. "Go. Tell Joe."


Nobody goes to the surface without a good reason. "Dangerous" is a classic understatement. Besides the obvious lack of air, there are all kinds of hazards. The ground is unstable in parts. Any bodies of water are radioactive. There creatures out there that just get made if you shoot them. But there is motivation enough to go up top as well: useful scraps, tools, gasoline to name a few. Every so often scavengers will return with real gems: CBN rated MREs, spare filters, biohazard suits. The city was spared a direct hit, otherwise the radiation would cook off your skin in a few minutes. And many pre-war supply depots are not connected to the Metro.


2016-03-13, 01:04 PM

"Hold on a second, Dan. You would rather shovel pig squat than be there to hrlp back us up? Hell. I know as well as anyone how insane it is, but one less set of eyes - one less gun - isn't going to make it any easier.

This isn't just for us. If that tower doesn't get fixed, the whole station is gonna die slowly. You'd be shovelling for nothing anyways. Come on. You were asked here for a reason. None of us want to go up there, but the reality is that someone has to.

I won't try to force you. Hell. I'll go up alone, if that's what it takes. I'm asking you to help. What do you say?"


*Looking at the others, he gives a winning smile and runs one hamd through his hair.*
"Maybe we'll get lucky and find a pot of gold at the end of a nuclear rainbow."

2016-03-14, 08:06 PM
Dan looks at you for a moment before giving a thousand pound sigh.

"If I wind up inside some monsters guts, I'm haunting you until you lose your mind." He turns to Pei. "None of us have been up there before. At least tell me we get the briefing or run down or whatever from someone whose been up there before, like, please."

Pei nods. "But of course. Otherwise you wouldn't even know where you are going. I asked you to come here merely to determine if you are willing to volunteer. I don't know the location of the tower myself: its a checks and balances thing." Another toothy grin. "We've decided Simon will show you the ropes. Your briefing starts as soon as Simon returns from the north tunnel runs."

"Who is Simon?" asks Dan with barely restrained incredulity. "Please don't give us over to some stranger."

"Oh no! Not a stranger. Just... well, sometimes its better for certain folks to live outside the station for safety sake, yes?"


The four of you file out of the office.

Gino nudges Selinez. "What's eating you? You look like the cat that caught the canary."

"Well, this is going to sound weird, but... I'm excited man. We've been underground our whole lives... and that's not what people were made for! I mean, the sun man, haven't you ever wonder what it is like? People were made to live up there. What about you, Gino?"

"Ah!" Gino makes a long languid cat like-stretch. "It's an open secret- I'm going to get married. But I want some something for a nice nest egg, in case we have kiddos. Maybe buy an apartment, so we can have some real privacy. What about you Quinn? Why are you going up top? Don't tell me its because you like this place- all the old folks treat you like dirt."

2016-03-14, 08:40 PM
Quincey Smith

"I knew you had a heart of gold in that hookers body. Besides. You know if you get eaten, those beasts will eat your soul right along with your boots, balls and backpack. You couldn't haunt me if you wanted to."
*Laughing and reaching out to clap Dan on the back, Quinn turns to Pei.*
"So, you've got your volunteers, but we never settled on payment.
Call your Simon friend, and we'll talk about compensation."

*That same wide grin stays on his face as he looks at the old man, folding his arms in front of his chest.*


*Stepping out of the room behind the others, Quinn is quiet for a momnt as the others talk.*
"Me? I'm hoping to earn a place for myself in the Sainthood. You can't get there without three miracles, after all."

*With a laugh, he moves past the others and starts heading for north tunnels by wayof the market. I don't know about the rest of them, but the last thing I want is to suffocate up there. I need some filters.*
"Honestly? Those old men treat me the way they do because they want to test me. Se what I'm mde of. They want to see just how close to the tree the apple fell. I want to do it to give them a giant finger. To see the surface. To help the others here. The kids, most of all. If the station shuts down, people will have to move, and that's dangerous. The kids can't fend for themselves. As brutal as those old men can be, they've built a place here that's a glimmer of hope."

*Pausing at the edhe of the market, he turns back to the others.*
"Ultimately, I want to stop taking and start giving. This gives me the chance. Gino, Selinez, Dan - get your gear together. Buy extra filters - they're not going to go bad, and better to have them than not. I'll get my things and meet you at the north tunnel, and we'll meet this Simon fellow. We'll kick some **s, fix the tower and spend the night getting drunk. Sound like a plan?"

2016-03-16, 10:33 PM
Typing complex negotiations is not really my forte. Alas!

You 30 minutes of filter time in the form of 6 filters at 5 minutes a piece. In addition, thanks to your excellent negotiation skills each member of the team gets 30 military grade rounds to spend on miscellany. For reference, MGR's are NATO standard 5.56's, as our story is set in the United States. Filters at the home station run at 10 rounds for 5 minutes. Radio Station doesn't have the heavy long term filter units.

If you wish to purchase something, let me know what it is that you want and I'll work out. Also, would you be so kind as to make a wealth score roll? I'd like to determine if you inherited/acquired any MGR's as part of your civilian life in the Station.

Pei waves both hands in front of his face. "No no no... you misunderstand.... There will be no calling Simon at all. Simon is not allowed into the station. You will go to where he is, and then he will show you the way to the tower, and then you will not take him back here."


Gino looks at you with what could best be described as befuddled admiration. "Well crap, Smith, thanks for making us all feel..."

Dan interjects helpfully, "Petty, materialistic, self centered?"

Gino waves his hands, "Nothing that serious, just small, you know? Salinez and I have our personal goals, Dan's an Eeyore wannabe fatalist..." Dan gives Gino the finger. "And here you are thinking about saving the whole station, hell, the whole metro. It's pretty cool."

Dan interjects, "Hey Gino, you got a little brown on your nose."

Salinez snickers.


You each gather your things and meet at the entrance to the north tunnels. Or what would be the entrance had the tunnel not collapsed sometime after the bombs hit. Men and women with hand picks and shovels are slowly excavating parts of the rubble, clearing the way for more mushroom planting and pig sties. Thankfully tunnels above the main north line ensure that the people can dig way without fear of opening a toxic air hole to the surface.

A rather grumpy looking Joe and the mall cop from Pei's office are waiting for you. Before anyone can say anything, Joe starts talking.

"Listen up! We'll be guiding you through the rubble and the upper tunnels to our surface access point and Simon. Before you ask, the reason we don't use the station airlock is for security purposes. The location of the radio beacon isn't something we want any outsiders to find. Pei reminded you, but I'm going to remind you again to impress the point. Don't let him follow you back here after the mission. He's a station ally and your surface scout, but he isn't welcome back here. Understand? Good. Saddle up!"

Joe and the mall cop (Carlos, he calls himself, apparently) lead you on a long hike, through metro tunnels, utility tunnels, sewer connections, up dead escalators and down partially collapsed stairs. As you go along Joe and Carlos point out subtle markers that will help you make your way back. You don't see anything more menacing then some large rats and spiders.


Joe brings the group to a halt. "Alright. His squat is just up there. He should be back soon. Remember what I said."

2016-03-17, 08:02 PM
Quincey Smith

"Understood. Simon doesn't come back to the station. We'll do everything we can to make sure Simon doesn't follow us back. I'm sure you have your reasons. Unless you're going to pay me to care what they are that'll just have to be good enough."

*Quinn couldn't understand why it would be so very important for one man to stay out of the station. The very thought of being isolated, alone in the unforgiving dark of the tunnels was enough to send a chill down his spine. What could the man have done to deserve such treatment from the station leaders?*


"Small? Psh. If you were all as amazing and selfless as me, I wouldn't feel nearly as good about it as I do. Right now, I can feel like a special little mushroom!."
*He laughs quite earnestly and shakes his head.*

"Nah, I'm not trying to save the metro. Just trying to do the right thing. Or at least as best I see it. If it would save the station for me to throw old man Pei out in the cold, I'd do that with just as little hesitation as he's throwing us out to the wolves. Sometimes the choice is hard and sucks. You've still got to make it."

*Reaching out to give Gino a hearty thump on the back.*
"Don't let Dan get to you - he's just cursing me every step because I convinced him to come with. Just bring an extra pair of underwear for him and he'll be thanking you soon enough."

*Laughing as he heads off to gather his gear, Quinn stops once he's out of sight of the others. He'd make light of it in front of the others, but the road ahead of them was unquestionably dangerous - every step out of the station was precarioius.*


*Following Joe and Carlos, Quinn puts Dan and Gino behind the two leaders, to their left and right, watching either direction, with Selinez on rear guard, keeping pace between them, his eyes scanning all around. Each man had their job - their area to watch. His was to watch them and step up at a moments notice.

Fortunately, the trip was uneventful, but Quinn can't help but think that it would have been otherwise if they hadn't been alert.*
"Understood. I'll do what it takes. You and Carlos head back, or whatever you feel you need to do, we'll stay here and wait for our contact."

*Quinn couldn't well order them to leave, or to stay either, but they weren't his concern anymore, the others were.

Waving them all in a little closer, he keeps his voice low. Not having run into anything yet didn't mean there wasn't anything out there. Besides. With the group of them closer together, they managed to block out some of the smell of rot and decay that seemed to surround them. They might not be perfectly clean, but they smelled like roses compared to the tunnels all around them.*
"Alright, listen. Unless anyone else wants the job, I'll take point with the guide. We keep the same formation otherwise. Something goes wrong, Gino, Selinez - you two are responsible for each other. Dan, you get my back, I'll get yours. That way we're not running around trying to worry about four other people at once. Situation might change. We're only going to make this happen if we work together though. Everyone agreed?"