View Full Version : Pathfinder Help with new character.

2016-03-11, 09:44 PM
In my Sunday game, my Dread Necromancer got 'ported to the realm of Abraxas(sp?) mid session, so I've been trying to come up with a new character that meshes fairly well with the rest of the group. We have a Strix Magus (whose Black Blade hates Outsiders), a Half-Red/Half-Black Dragon with a Warforged base (he has the Trollblooded feat as part of his backstory) (also has a Half-Black Red Dragon mount/cohort as a Dragon rider) and I have no idea what our other player is bringing in. This group has gone through at least 2-3 characters each so we're used to dying, though we are trying to build a survivable party to finish out the module (The Emerald Spire, please keep spoilers past level 14 to yourselves, that's where we are). Party level is 10 (so close to the end).

I'm looking for a Non-Human, Non-Outsider race that fits for around a mid-optimization, figure any race with a RP cost above 19 has a +1 LA at least. We get 2 Flaws with which to gain additional Feats at 1st level and up to 2 Traits. We have a Magus and our 2/3 Dragon is a Wizard (I know, not optimal, but he loves the nigh-immortality more than the casting progression).

Any ideas are helpful, as I can put the character together fairly quickly once I have an idea that should work. Base stats rolled came out to 16, 15, 14, 14, 13, 13, assigned however I see fit. (4d6b3, re-roll 1s, we try to play high-powered games and still get our butts kicked, lol). 3.5 (official stuff including web articles/enhancements, no Dragon/Dungeon Magazine content without prior approval) and Pathfinder stuff (anything within reason on www.d20pfsrd.com is usable).

I want to play something from Path of War/Tome of Battle (prefer PoW for ease of use) but pretty much anything is up for use at this point. Sorry for wall of text, just trying to give as much info as I felt necessary, but any questions are good.

2016-03-12, 01:45 AM
the first thing you should do is define a concept/role you want to play. then you try for the most broken (read powerful) version of that concept/role.

you mentioned path of war, which generally equates to melee madness or some such, so a few questions to start things off on what you actually see yourself as.

which of the following sounds more appealing for a combat style: sword and board ultimate defense, two hander smash, or two weapon puree artist, or reach two hander smash? or something else?

Do you see yourself making it easier for your allies to kill things?

does the idea of tanking appeal to you?

Do you like the idea of limiting or disabling your enemies?

these are all things one needs to consider for path of war because they all have options to make your character good at these things (or not suck) and knowing what you see yourself as will help the rest of the board help you build your character. i myself do not know enough about path of war to give you more specifics.

2016-03-12, 11:06 PM
I was initially going to go with a Vanara Stalker and go for the two-weapon puree artist approach, but the feat intensity is a bit much for all the things I wanted to be able to handle. I'm looking at a basically up-leveled version of my Tiefling Warder in another game now, though I might change the race. He's a Polearm/Shield using tank (using Polearm Dancer and Pikeman's Training from the PoW: Expanded playtest).

Basically eschewing high-end Strength for Weapon Finesse and Deadly Agility on both Polearm and Shield bashes (spiked shield FTW). Using Golden Lion and Iron Tortoise mostly. High Dex (only Medium Armor for the higher Dex values, but slightly lower Flat-Footed AC). Polearm Dancer lets you treat any Polearm you wield and are proficient with as a finessable weapon, also allowing Deadly Agility to figure in.

Pikeman's Training lets you use a Polearm one-handed as long as you have a shield in your other hand. Both require BAB +1 while PaD needs a rank in Perform (Dance) and PmT Weapon Finesse as well.

Need to figure out whether I can deal with being an Outsider or Human though, with a Strix (racial hatred of Humans) that has an intelligent Black Blade (with a kill all Outsiders major purpose), but those considerations are more RP than build. Might go with a Hobgoblin or other Non-Human, Non-Outsider though. Non-Human hurts for lack of a spare feat at 1, as well as lack of bonus skill points.

Edit: Decided to go with a Goblin and take a trait to swap out Primal Fury for Silver Crane. Lawful Good Goblin Hoplite that can heal up his buddies while attacking, this is going to be FUN!