View Full Version : Drought caused magically?

2016-03-12, 01:31 PM
I'm trying to figure out how an old villain I faced caused long-lasting drought in the area he lived in, short of control weather.

The effect was bad enough to null food production of a town for several months. The vilain himself was a fey necromancer of some sort, likely Pale Master (or something else that gets a 'lieutenant' undead)

2016-03-12, 01:33 PM
I'm trying to figure out how an old villain I faced caused long-lasting drought in the area he lived in, short of control weather.

The effect was bad enough to null food production of a town for several months. The vilain himself was a fey necromancer of some sort, likely Pale Master (or something else that gets a 'lieutenant' undead)

Walker in the Waste?

2016-03-12, 01:38 PM
Guessed so too. But the radius should have been in the 'miles' scale and there was no heat, only months and months of rainlessness.

2016-03-12, 01:41 PM
I'm trying to figure out how an old villain I faced caused long-lasting drought in the area he lived in, short of control weather.

The effect was bad enough to null food production of a town for several months. The vilain himself was a fey necromancer of some sort, likely Pale Master (or something else that gets a 'lieutenant' undead)
Well, keep in mind, not every DM writes every little detail into specific existing mechanics. A couple of possibilities at various levels of hand waving:

1) It's entirely possible the fey had an artifact that did it.
2) It's entirely possible that the fey called in favours from some nature spirits.
3) It's entirely possible that the area required irrigation it got from a river of some form, and the fey arranged to divert that water source (there's a large number of ways to do that, but it's geography-dependant)

Doctor Despair
2016-03-12, 03:16 PM
There's lots of ways to do it, if you're trying to figure out how to replicate it. If, in game, you need to figure out how it was done to reverse it or something, then hire a bard to cast Legend Lore to figure which one it was. :)

2016-03-12, 04:45 PM
See, I'm trying to DM an 'aftermath' scenario for another group, and the original gm is out of touch. So while I can pull a number of tricks, including fiat, the closer the reproduction the better.

Also, irrigation was rain-dependent.

2016-03-12, 05:03 PM
See, I'm trying to DM an 'aftermath' scenario for another group, and the original gm is out of touch. So while I can pull a number of tricks, including fiat, the closer the reproduction the better.

Also, irrigation was rain-dependent.
In that case, the more details you can remember, the better. For instance, with it specifically being rain that was stopped: Control Winds + reliable flight can do it if you know what to do (basically just fly around pushing clouds away)

2016-03-12, 06:40 PM
Very, very minor version of the Invoked Devastation (http://www.canonfire.com/wiki/index.php?title=Baklunish-Suloise_Wars#The_Twin_Cataclysms)?

2016-03-12, 06:56 PM
As said before the previous dm likely just handwaved it or had some plothook ex machina.

2016-03-12, 07:21 PM
As said before the previous dm likely just handwaved it or had some plothook ex machina.
Although... depending entirely on how you wish to continue the campaign, that might be useful. The now-deceased BBEG had an artefact that was doing it. But there's a catch: It was the artefact doing it, not the BBEG. The BBEG just brought the artefact to the area, and had no idea how it was turned on, nor how to turn it off. It can be moved... but that just means a different huge radius is going to have a really nasty drought forever. There doesn't seem to be a way to destroy it, and it's not nice to foist your problems onto someone else, so how do you safely dispose of it?

2016-03-12, 08:00 PM
The now-deceased BBEG had...

See, here's the thing: we got massacred by 6 ghouls, one of em with class levels, and a quite-mad, Lich-Loved (per the feat), constantly-looking-barkskinned mayor that used the ghouls' villager kills to feed the other unsuspecting, starving villagers.

So, yea, the BBEG is not deceased at all, and the new group will have to face the leftovers of our characters too.

2016-03-12, 09:58 PM
Well, maybe he was really a, or secretly in cahoots with, a phaerimm. They're pretty famous for despoiling the land, ruining it and eventually even creating deserts.