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View Full Version : Player Help Trying To Remember a Feat and which book it was in.

2016-03-13, 02:41 AM
I have a roguish character - a big of a vigilante - who is working to bring down a number of criminal gangs and crime bosses. We're about to hit Level 7 and I was contemplating taking Leadership as my next feat.

The thing is... I remember reading of a feat somewhere - similar to Leadership - which basically functions the same way, only it is geared toward Street-Level roguish heroes. Bit more like Jimmy the Hand and his spy network or Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars than the usual bright and shiny paladin attracting dozens of camp followers. All of your minions are beggars, urchins, prostitutes and other street people who are willing to help you out because you help keep the ordinary people safe.

I could ask our GM if he'd let me take Leadership but gear it more in that direction... but it's driving me crazy remembering this feat and trying to remember which rogue/thief splat book I saw it in. I own darn near every d20/3.5/Pathfinder/Freeport Setting book aimed at Rogues and my quick browse this evening brought up nothing. Anyone have any ideas what I'm remembering?

2016-03-13, 05:42 AM
Are you possibly thinking of Primary Contact/Extra Contacts from Cityscape?

2016-03-13, 05:34 PM
Sidekick and Minions feats from d20 Modern?

Not part of d20 Modern SRD, so no links.

2016-03-13, 06:15 PM
Are you possibly thinking of Primary Contact/Extra Contacts from Cityscape?

If it isn't this. Perhaps Mentor or Guildmaster from DMG 2.

Otherwise, it isn't in 3.5, and thus the splat is PF.

2016-03-14, 01:25 AM
It sounds a bit like some of the description for the Outcast Champion PrC (Races of Destiny) - page 127 under "Resources." It's fluff text, but that could be it.