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2016-03-13, 08:57 PM
Springhaven, 2nd day of the Tournament

The first spring tournaments of the land had started small and modest, taking place only on the large grass fields near the capital and been the entertainment for mainly the duchy’s own nobility and some lucky peasants, who had lived too close to miss it even if they had wanted to. The many years since then however, had seen the event grow and spread its coverage like a forest mushroom until it eventually took over the whole town. And so, for a couple of weeks every year, the solemn Springhaven was turned upside down and became loud, crowded and cheerful.

When you observed it during this time, it was hard to imagine the streets as silent and the days uneventful, or believe that it was unusual at least to meet anyone with ancestors other than human or elven (or fey on occasion). But, on this second day of the tournament time, the streets were packed, colourful and different languages floated in the air along with smells of many foods, perfume aromas and some other… less pleasant fragrances. Warriors, merchants, entertainers and the curious had flocked to Springhaven, and every inn, tavern and every second home had dusted all possible space to earn some extra coin by providing lodging.


It was still morning, but Rowan could still hear the noise from outside when he stepped out of the room he and Eggy were renting from their good and humble landlady Marit Mellow, who was nothing like the previous sentence described. She was a bitter and sardonic old crone, who had once been a strong mage, but who had lost to age her power as well as her beauty, or so she liked to say. Despite her haughty demeanour the place was all right, it wasn’t in the heart of the city, but the area was safe enough and both siblings could get to their respective workplaces in less than half an hour, or in just 15 minutes if they kept ‘good pace’ (that is to say ran all the way).

Ms Mellow lived below them on the ground floor, as well as another tenant, a retired transmuter Rand Oak. He was a harmless man, who mostly kept to himself, and the only bother he ever caused was when his frog swarms slipped out of the room (he studied the them!) or when the silence spells surrounding his room ran out. But such things only happened once or twice a year. Next to their apartments was a large kitchen that was free for the tenants to use, and what could be called a ‘common room’, though those with common sense didn’t stay there much.

On the first floor, next to Rowan and Eglantine lived another elderly woman called Zandira Hallow, who always dressed in full black, with perhaps a little dark blue if she was feeling festive, who used strange shadow magic that caused light around her and her room to behave in weird ways. She was rather good friends with Marit, and the word on the streets was that both were actually hags who were only waiting for a third to show up to make a proper coven. The two smaller rooms on this floor had been empty for a while, but Rowan had heard the tournament had brought in two warriors to rent them. He hadn’t seen either yet, but the landlady had described them as “insanely tall folks, who are sure to hit their heads on the door frame, mark my words, and one of them ’s not entirely human, and I don’t mean your usual half-point!”. The attic room had been empty long as well, but had been rented a couple of weeks earlier by a young man who introduced himself as Iver Dhan, and claimed to be an aspiring poet. Which... might have been believable had he not had better clothes and more money to throw around than he should, and was also clearly oblivious to the fact that he was being charged double for the shabbiest and windiest room in the whole building.

While most religious orders had no official part in the tournament or celebrations, the increase in populace meant inevitably more work for them as well and Rowan was expected to appear at the temple soon, but he wasn’t in a hurry yet.


Aerin’s journey to Springhaven from the kingdom of Mhiran had been relatively peaceful. She’d been hired to protect a magical trinket merchant and her crew, and the worst they’d come across on the road was a single ankheg and some bandits, and most of the latter had quickly fled after their leader was unceremoniously disarmed. The merchant, Aggra Vale, was happy to have her wares safely reach their destination and had told Aerin to look her up if she wanted another job escorting them back home once the tournament was over.

They’d been a little delayed from schedule and since Aerin had plans to fight in the tournament it meant she’d had little time for else than getting everything in order to sign up and find lodging on the first day in town. Basic things were now taken care of, and she’d also rented a room to stay in from a grumpy woman with a nasty glare. She’d yet to see the other lodgers of the house, though she’d been assured none of them was ‘too insane’. The half-orc was maybe pleased to notice that she blended in with the crowd here well enough, some of the locals gave her stares, especially the very young and old, but she wasn’t the only stranger who got such treatment.


Competing in the tournament was considered an honourable tradition in Springhaven and so Alexander had easily gotten leave from his duties at the court’s strategy office to take part in it. His direct superior, Commander Alfhan, had wished him the best of luck in the games. “We’ll let you know if something urgent comes up, but most likely you can just enjoy the holiday. We might have busy times afterwards though, so don’t get yourself in too bad shape.” He refused to share why he thought so at this time and just encouraged him to enjoy the vacation.

Another matter had caused some minor discomfort to his life though. For the past few years Alexander had stayed in a comfortable apartment not too far from the castle, but this year his noble landlord had received an offer too tempting to refuse from a wealthy aristocrat family from the neighbouring kingdom Yuahla and rented the whole building to them for the duration of the festivities, leaving his usual tenants, ah without a home. It was questionable whether such conduct was in fact legal, but the man was a cousin to one of the Counts, so complaining about the matter could be difficult.

With some luck Alexander had managed to find a new roof over his head despite the short notice, though the room was a tiny one from the cheaper part of town and the woman renting it was quite possibly a hag. Still, in this time of high demand one just had to make do.


The first day of the tournament had meant little work for the warriors, They had just been asked to complete the sign up and demonstrate their abilities in some simple exercises. Aerin and Alexander had both passed this screening with no trouble and were to take part in the real combat that would start today. They had been asked to show up five at a time by the fighters’ tent in the fields, and thus the two were now waiting there in the fresh morning air with three other participants, a sour black-bearded dwarf carrying a traditional battleaxe, a human woman with mercenary’s demeanour and an elven youth in a noble’s armour.

The battlemaster, a middle aged human wearing showy chainmail, arrived punctually and greeted them with a short hand wave. ”Morning, brave competitors. Name’s Barden, if you remember from yesterday. Today you get to fight in the field, won’t be that glorious yet, but prove your worth and you’ll get your chance to shine soon enough.” He gestures the group to follow him towards an area surrounded and divided by simple rope fences. ”There’s some spectators around”, Barden points towards the audience stands nearby, ”but not that many yet, and I doubt anyone very important. They won’t be around until the duels start the day after tomorrow. Today’s more like another test, to make sure you’re really up to it. You’ll each be fighting summons, so don’t worry about holding back.”


Eglantine was working at the heart of the market stalls that had popped up to cover any free space between the tournament grounds and the southern edge of town, leaving room only for narrow paths for people to walk between them. Her mentor’s workshop wasn’t badly located, but this was where most of the day’s business would be done for the next two weeks. It might be her last year at this, as she might soon be able to end her apprenticeship and start fully making her own living.

Vindal Ebon was a master craftsman, and as an elf somewhere in their long middle age, he was one of the most experienced in the area. He was a pleasant fellow, if a bit absent-minded in regards to everything but his work, which really was the only concrete thing he could focus on for longer periods of time. Of his current three apprentices, Eglantine was by far most experienced. A young half-elf Olyvar had been with them for just over two years and while he had skill and was a friendly person, Eglantine had more than once caught him slacking off when Vindal wasn’t looking. He was manning the shop now when the others were at the market, and it was doubtful whether he would actually get much done on his own. The youngest student was a human girl called Ynna, scarcely fifteen yet. She was enthusiastic and curious to be sure, but unfortunately... clumsy, and still frustratingly gullible when dealing with customers.

Vindal finished the last healing belt of an order he had been working on and put it in the box with the others, then added a seal on the lid. “All done, finally. Eggy? You mind to taking this to the melee battle fields? Ask for a man called Barden, and make sure you get the whole payment for the package. The man’s a weasel and I don’t want to struggle to get paid later”, he offered the box to her looking slightly apologetic, ”Sorry, hate to have the senior apprentice running deliveries, but I hope you understand.” He threw a meaningful look in the direction of Ynna, who had her back to them and was currently being beguiled by a tale from a traveller that had yet to make any purchase.

And that’s for the set up, where we go from here is up to you!

There were quite a few names dropped in the wall of text, no need to worry about them too much, remember those that you care.

Oh and as you probably noticed, you’re all staying in the same building for now, makes things a little easier. ^_^ Although let’s say you’re yet to be properly introduced to one another (those that aren't siblings of course).

2016-03-13, 09:30 PM
Aerin makes little effort to socialize with anyone she meets along the way. The closer the tournament gets, the more it preoccupies her thoughts. She greets the other fighters with a nod, unobtrusively studying their weapons and how they stand and move.

"Understood," she responds to the woman's words. She stretches, waiting to hear the details of this fight with summons.

2016-03-14, 02:29 AM
Eglantine was working at the heart of the market stalls that had popped up to cover any free space between the tournament grounds and the southern edge of town, leaving room only for narrow paths for people to walk between them. Her mentor’s workshop wasn’t badly located, but this was where most of the day’s business would be done for the next two weeks. It might be her last year at this, as she might soon be able to end her apprenticeship and start fully making her own living.

Vindal Ebon was a master craftsman, and as an elf somewhere in their long middle age, he was one of the most experienced in the area. He was a pleasant fellow, if a bit absent-minded in regards to everything but his work, which really was the only concrete thing he could focus on for longer periods of time. Of his current three apprentices, Eglantine was by far most experienced. A young half-elf Olyvar had been with them for just over two years and while he had skill and was a friendly person, Eglantine had more than once caught him slacking off when Vindal wasn’t looking. He was manning the shop now when the others were at the market, and it was doubtful whether he would actually get much done on his own. The youngest student was a human girl called Ynna, scarcely fifteen yet. She was enthusiastic and curious to be sure, but unfortunately... clumsy, and still frustratingly gullible when dealing with customers.

Vindal finished the last healing belt of an order he had been working on and put it in the box with the others, then added a seal on the lid. “All done, finally. Eggy? You mind to taking this to the melee battle fields? Ask for a man called Barden, and make sure you get the whole payment for the package. The man’s a weasel and I don’t want to struggle to get paid later”, he offered the box to her looking slightly apologetic, ”Sorry, hate to have the senior apprentice running deliveries, but I hope you understand.” He threw a meaningful look in the direction of Ynna, who had her back to them and was currently being beguiled by a tale from a traveller that had yet to make any purchase.

Eglantine took the box and tucked it securely under her arm. She looked at Ynna with a slight shake of her head. Turning back to Vindal she grinned at his apology. The man had become a surrogate parent for her after her father had died and even though he could be tough at times she was proud she was learning from one of the best. "Gives me a chance to check out some of the fighters. I'll tell you any that look good for the bets. What was the agreed on payment?" After receiving the information she quickly repeated it back and then set off through the crowded market. She couldn't help but get excited by the sounds and smells of the tournament. Each stall she passed she evaluated, attempting to figure out how she could do better once she had her own. That one didn't display enough wares, that one too many, the security was lax on those, but that one wouldn't let customers examine the goods. Winding her way through the bartering crowds she finally broke out near the battle fields.

It already felt cooler once she was out of the crowded stalls and she looked around for some in charge. She wiped her brow off on her sleeve and straightened out the leather apron she wore over her vest. "Excuse me sir, do you know a man named Barden? Ma'am I am looking for Barden? Excuse me, have you seen a man named Barden?"

Edgar Snow
2016-03-14, 11:09 AM
Alexander checks out his group, a quick analysis goes through his head. The Orc-folk seems strong. Dwarf with an axe is usually reliable. The Elf may have had the funds to back specialized training. That one may look tough but -

His thoughts are broken by calls from his new neighbor. "Eh! Lass! Sounds like you want our ad-hoc quartermaster here!", he shouts over to her.

To the group of warriors, "So, no locals here, huh? No surprise. Y'all travel far? Fair enough weather?". There is a reason Alexander did not inquire about becoming a political diplomat.

2016-03-14, 02:23 PM
Rowan rushes out the door, shutting it firmly behind him. He's halfway down the hall before he pauses, checks his pockets for the key, and continues on down the stairs to the ground floor. He does take some care to move quietly around Ms. Mellow's room (best not to wake her up, in his experience), but his efforts are mostly negated by the noise from outside.

And outside! It's a riot of colors and patterns as people flow through jam-packed streets. Rowan tries his best not to gawk at all of the wonderfully strange people, but he just winds up nearly walking into some of them. So it is that he makes his way to the temple, perhaps a bit slower than usual, with many a hastily muttered apology.

2016-03-14, 03:53 PM
Alexander checks out his group, a quick analysis goes through his head. The Orc-folk seems strong. Dwarf with an axe is usually reliable. The Elf may have had the funds to back specialized training. That one may look tough but -

His thoughts are broken by calls from his new neighbor. "Eh! Lass! Sounds like you want our ad-hoc quartermaster here!", he shouts over to her.

To the group of warriors, "So, no locals here, huh? No surprise. Y'all travel far? Fair enough weather?". There is a reason Alexander did not inquire about becoming a political diplomat.

Eglantine gave the tall fighter a large and grateful smile. He seemed tall and strong enough to do decently at least in the opening rounds of the fighting. He looked familiar, but she had spent the last week either locked in work at the shop or hurrying home to crash before the next days work.

Going over to the man identified as Barden she gestured to the box under her arm. "I come from Vindal's with a delivery. Goods received upon full agreed upon payment."

2016-03-14, 06:04 PM
Eglantine took the box and tucked it securely under her arm. She looked at Ynna with a slight shake of her head. Turning back to Vindal she grinned at his apology. The man had become a surrogate parent for her after her father had died and even though he could be tough at times she was proud she was learning from one of the best. "Gives me a chance to check out some of the fighters. I'll tell you any that look good for the bets. What was the agreed on payment?"
"1800 gold for 5 belts, got to give a little discount in numbers. Be careful with the money, could be thieves in the crowd." Vindal leaned back in the chair and let his gaze drift up to the clouds.


Alexander checks out his group, a quick analysis goes through his head. The Orc-folk seems strong. Dwarf with an axe is usually reliable. The Elf may have had the funds to back specialized training. That one may look tough but -

His thoughts are broken by calls from his new neighbor. "Eh! Lass! Sounds like you want our ad-hoc quartermaster here!", he shouts over to her.

To the group of warriors, "So, no locals here, huh? No surprise. Y'all travel far? Fair enough weather?". There is a reason Alexander did not inquire about becoming a political diplomat.

The dwarf only nods in response, but the others are a notch more eloquent. "Quite far", replies the human woman, "from the southern coast, came up with a caravan last month. Thought might as well try my luck here."
"I am a local", says the young elf, "my family has owned land in the east for generations, in fact."

Eglantine gave the tall fighter a large and grateful smile. He seemed tall and strong enough to do decently at least in the opening rounds of the fighting. He looked familiar, but she had spent the last week either locked in work at the shop or hurrying home to crash before the next days work.

Going over to the man identified as Barden she gestured to the box under her arm. "I come from Vindal's with a delivery. Goods received upon full agreed upon payment."

Barden glances briefly in Eglantine's direction. "Yes yes, lass, I'll speak with you in moment." He then turns back to the warriors. "Right, we start with individual battles. The field over there is divided to five parts, pick one area for yourself and I'll have the summoners send their creatures your way. Oi!" He shouts out and waves to another small group of people behind the rope fences. Judging by the style of their clothes they're members of the local mage guilds. One of them returns the wave and three of them take positions around the field. "They'll call the summons one at a time, three in total. Be fast and you might not have to fight more than one at the same time. Oh, and your fighting the beasts, not the summoners, all right? Some genius already tried to be clever once today, tsk. Any questions?"


The noises get even louder as Rowan gets closer to the southern side of the city, where most of the people are. As it's still morning, the day's merriment was not even in full swing yet.

He passes many curious looking folks on the way, especially in a square that has been taken over by various entertainer parties; they're even building a theatre stage there. Rowan spots a familiar face among the crowd of strangers, young Ky Falkner, a well known local swindler, talking merrily to a couple of travellers, likely to soon lose their money.

"Make way for Count Delawney!", comes a loud announcement from behind him, working more as a warning actually, and the actors, mummers, street magicians and ordinary folk hurry out of the way before a dozen finely dressed horses and riders gallop past. Though little good did that do them as the escort is soon after forced to slow down by the next crossroads where a pair of slowly moving carts are blocking the way. Lucky no one was knocked over just for nothing.

Rowan can head straight to the temple or explore the town for a while, whichever he chooses.

2016-03-14, 06:53 PM
"Not terribly far," Aerin replies, sizing up the man who spoke. "And you?"

Edgar Snow
2016-03-14, 10:31 PM
"Yea, hello, nice to meet to meet you all", Alexander says to the group as a whole, passing nods to each.

To the Elf, "Apologies, I am not well versed in the affairs of nobles outside the court here".

And to the half-orc, "Local myself. Dragunov, Alexander Dragunov. I, ugh... Welcome".

2016-03-14, 10:37 PM
"Aerin Thorn," Aerin replies to the introduction.

2016-03-16, 12:05 AM
The noises get even louder as Rowan gets closer to the southern side of the city, where most of the people are. As it's still morning, the day's merriment was not even in full swing yet.

He passes many curious looking folks on the way, especially in a square that has been taken over by various entertainer parties; they're even building a theatre stage there. Rowan spots a familiar face among the crowd of strangers, young Ky Falkner, a well known local swindler, talking merrily to a couple of travellers, likely to soon lose their money.

"Make way for Count Delawney!", comes a loud announcement from behind him, working more as a warning actually, and the actors, mummers, street magicians and ordinary folk hurry out of the way before a dozen finely dressed horses and riders gallop past. Though little good did that do them as the escort is soon after forced to slow down by the next crossroads where a pair of slowly moving carts are blocking the way. Lucky no one was knocked over just for nothing.

Rowan can head straight to the temple or explore the town for a while, whichever he chooses.

Glad to see a familiar face, Rowan is on his way to say hello to Ky (and maybe ask about his poor sick aunt in Mhiran) when the recklessly fast noble passes.

Rowan gives the Count's entourage a bemused look and continues on through the crowd, shaking his head and saying to the nearest person, "Happens every year. You think they'd learn."

He looks around, half-hoping to find Ky, but there are far too many things going on to stay focused for long.

2016-03-16, 02:08 AM
"1800 gold for 5 belts, got to give a little discount in numbers. Be careful with the money, could be thieves in the crowd." Vindal leaned back in the chair and let his gaze drift up to the clouds.


Barden glances briefly in Eglantine's direction. "Yes yes, lass, I'll speak with you in moment." He then turns back to the warriors. "Right, we start with individual battles. The field over there is divided to five parts, pick one area for yourself and I'll have the summoners send their creatures your way. Oi!" He shouts out and waves to another small group of people behind the rope fences. Judging by the style of their clothes they're members of the local mage guilds. One of them returns the wave and three of them take positions around the field. "They'll call the summons one at a time, three in total. Be fast and you might not have to fight more than one at the same time. Oh, and your fighting the beasts, not the summoners, all right? Some genius already tried to be clever once today, tsk. Any questions?"

Eglantine tapped her foot impatiently, squinting into the distance to look at the mages. She wasn't surprised to hear him warn about not attacking the summoners, people always looked for loopholes. She tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for Barden to finish talking. When he asked for questions she raised her hand and spoke. "Will you be letting me get back to Vindal soon? He needs his apprentices all working right now. I don't know if you've noticed, but most of us are pretty busy in town."

Edgar Snow
2016-03-16, 10:24 AM
Was that a glance of recognition for the parcel-runner? Maybe it wasn't my neighbor. Hopefully my accommodations with be returned soon...
Then Alexander realizes he is half staring at the women in his moment of thought, which should be towards more immediate issues.

"Right then, chaps and dames, honorable and dishonorable as we might be. I believe the man told us to find our place". He has no authority here, but some habits are hard to break. Alexander heads to the fields, keeping ahead in order to claim the most central of them. He wants to be able to see the other combatants, with little concern over the crowds that may gather.

2016-03-16, 12:34 PM
Eglantine looked at the man who spoke, puzzled. His voice sounded familiar bit not his face. She mentally shrugged it off, he must have visited the stand at some point.

2016-03-16, 10:54 PM
Will I regret not thinking of questions? Well, I might as well trust him for now. "Understood," she says again, going to the far end of the field, setting her back against the fence, and drawing her sword.

2016-03-18, 12:48 PM
Glad to see a familiar face, Rowan is on his way to say hello to Ky (and maybe ask about his poor sick aunt in Mhiran) when the recklessly fast noble passes.

Rowan gives the Count's entourage a bemused look and continues on through the crowd, shaking his head and saying to the nearest person, "Happens every year. You think they'd learn."

"That lot never does", replies a dwarf dressed in bright colours and has his beard twisted into funny twirls.

He looks around, half-hoping to find Ky, but there are far too many things going on to stay focused for long.
Rowan almost thinks he was lost in the crowds he suddenly feels a tap on his shoulder. Turning his head around he sees Ky, who is grinning roguisly. "Rowan! Up early as always", he laughs, "Don't tell me some poor acrobat has broken their arm and you've been sent to patch them up? Have mercy on the poor souls, they'll need to have at least one functioning arm left for their show!"

Was that a glance of recognition for the parcel-runner? Maybe it wasn't my neighbor. Hopefully my accommodations with be returned soon...
Then Alexander realizes he is half staring at the women in his moment of thought, which should be towards more immediate issues.

"Right then, chaps and dames, honorable and dishonorable as we might be. I believe the man told us to find our place". He has no authority here, but some habits are hard to break. Alexander heads to the fields, keeping ahead in order to claim the most central of them. He wants to be able to see the other combatants, with little concern over the crowds that may gather.

Will I regret not thinking of questions? Well, I might as well trust him for now. "Understood," she says again, going to the far end of the field, setting her back against the fence, and drawing her sword.

The warriors take their places and at Barden's mark, the mage's draw their wands and start casting the summoning spells. Alexander's first opponent is a mean looking wolf with black fur and red glowing eyes. It growls and lowers its head. In front of Aerin appears a red scorpion of her own size, its stinger twitching dangerously.

Alexader and Aerin, roll initiative. If you beat you opponent, you can go right away.
Wolf: [roll0]
Monstrous scorpion: [roll1]

Afraid I can't provide a map at the moment, but as you each have only one enemy I hope we'll manage for now. The summons appear 15 ft. from where you are, respectively.

Eglantine tapped her foot impatiently, squinting into the distance to look at the mages. She wasn't surprised to hear him warn about not attacking the summoners, people always looked for loopholes. She tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for Barden to finish talking. When he asked for questions she raised her hand and spoke. "Will you be letting me get back to Vindal soon? He needs his apprentices all working right now. I don't know if you've noticed, but most of us are pretty busy in town."

"Yes, yes, lass, in a moment", he replies without turning to look at her. After he has signaled the fights to begin he gives her his full attention, smiling amiably. "Right, Vindal's delivery. What was it- Ah, of course, healing belts! Temples can never spare enough clerics to us. May I have a look?"

2016-03-18, 12:53 PM
"Yes, yes, lass, in a moment", he replies without turning to look at her. After he has signaled the fights to begin he gives her his full attention, smiling amiably. "Right, Vindal's delivery. What was it- Ah, of course, healing belts! Temples can never spare enough clerics to us. May I have a look?"

"The box is sealed. I can't break it. You may look when I have the payment in hand and the box is in yours." Eglantine stood her ground looking the man in the eye.

2016-03-18, 02:26 PM
Aerin lunges forward, slicing down at the scorpion.

Using Stone Bones.
Attack: [roll0] Critical threat check (if attack is 19 or 20): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]
Dodge applied to the arachnid, and if I hit I have DR 5/adamantine until my next action.

2016-03-18, 06:33 PM
"That lot never does", replies a dwarf dressed in bright colours and has his beard twisted into funny twirls.

Rowan almost thinks he was lost in the crowds he suddenly feels a tap on his shoulder. Turning his head around he sees Ky, who is grinning roguisly. "Rowan! Up early as always", he laughs, "Don't tell me some poor acrobat has broken their arm and you've been sent to patch them up? Have mercy on the poor souls, they'll need to have at least one functioning arm left for their show!"

Rowan nearly jumps out of his skin at the tap on his shoulder, but calms once he sees that it is only Ky. "I don't know, I'd be pretty impressed if they could manage without their arms!" He contemplates this for a moment. "Seriously, did someone break their arm? Because that was a sort of awful thing for me to say if they did."

2016-03-20, 10:47 AM
"The box is sealed. I can't break it. You may look when I have the payment in hand and the box is in yours." Eglantine stood her ground looking the man in the eye.

"But lass, how can I pay anything when I haven't seen the goods?", Barden spreads his arms, "Vindal's craftmanship is unmistakable, but how do I know what is in the box? I hate to be so doubtful, but there's all kinds of folk around at this time. I swear someone already tried to sell me raw pigeon as local cuisine just this morning. Surely you understand?"

Aerin lunges forward, slicing down at the scorpion.

Using Stone Bones.
Attack: [roll0] Critical threat check (if attack is 19 or 20): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]
Dodge applied to the arachnid, and if I hit I have DR 5/adamantine until my next action.

Aerin delivers a deep cut to the scorpion. It lashes out with the stinger and snaps its scissor-like claws. One strike hits, but leaves only a superficial mark on the tough warrior.

Sting: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If the sting hits roll a Fort save.

Claw1: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Claw2: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

EDIT: No damage thanks to Stone Bones,[S] but make a Fort save please.[/S

In the field between Aerin and Alexander the young elf in fancy armour is fighting a big revolting spider. The other two warriors have met their first opponents as well.

Rowan nearly jumps out of his skin at the tap on his shoulder, but calms once he sees that it is only Ky. "I don't know, I'd be pretty impressed if they could manage without their arms!" He contemplates this for a moment. "Seriously, did someone break their arm? Because that was a sort of awful thing for me to say if they did."

"Not that I'm aware of", Ky chuckles. "Say, are you in a hurry? I could really use your help with something. It might decide the course of my life." The youth makes the most pleading face he can.

Edgar Snow
2016-03-20, 11:10 AM
Alexander sees the beast appear. Despite its ominous appearance, he figures it must behave like normal carnivores.

He tightens his grip on his weapon, waiting for the beast to come to him.

No movement.
Ready Action if summon comes in range
Attack [roll0]
Ranseur [roll1]

AoO if it moves in [roll2]
Ranseur [roll3]

2016-03-20, 12:11 PM
While the wound from the sting itself is just a scratch, it leaves a nasty burning sensation and Aerin feels some sudden tiredness in her limbs. Probably poison at work.

Con damage: [roll0]

Aerin's turn.

Alexander sees the beast appear. Despite its ominous appearance, he figures it must behave like normal carnivores.

He tightens his grip on his weapon, waiting for the beast to come to him.

No movement.
Ready Action if summon comes in range
Attack [roll0]
Ranseur [roll1]

AoO if it moves in [roll2]
Ranseur [roll3]

The wolf charges and anticipating its movements Alexander slices it in half in one precise sweep before it even reaches him.

As a new opponent is yet been summoned for him, he has a moment to take a look at the other battles. In the field far left, a scorpion fighting the half-orc is deeply wounded, she is also hit but doesn't look hurt by it. The young elf in the area between them is not doing as well, struggling against a monstrous spider as it pushes him back towards the fence. On the other side, the dwarf fights a giant glowing bee and the mercenary woman is facing a wolf like his. Her first swing misses and the summon gets an opening, leaving her left arm bloody.

2016-03-20, 12:18 PM
"So you aren't paying? You can pick this up at the stand at the end of the day. Though..." She looked out at fighters, surprised that the human who had sounded so familiar was already done with no wounds. The others looked a little worse off. "Good luck getting this lot ready for more tests. And good luck finding a more skilled vendor." She turned around and slowly started walking away.

2016-03-20, 01:29 PM
"So you aren't paying? You can pick this up at the stand at the end of the day. Though..." She looked out at fighters, surprised that the human who had sounded so familiar was already done with no wounds. The others looked a little worse off. "Good luck getting this lot ready for more tests. And good luck finding a more skilled vendor." She turned around and slowly started walking away.

"Since when did Vindal hire such unreasonable people..", Barden sighs in frustration, "Do I look like I have the time to run around fetching parcels. Look, lass", he digs a coin purse out of his pocket, "here's the money, as you can hear." He shakes the small pouch. "Now how about you show be the belts and then we can exchange these and the matter is settled?"

2016-03-20, 01:35 PM
"Since when did Vindal hire such unreasonable people..", Barden sighs in frustration, "Do I look like I have the time to run around fetching parcels. Look, lass", he digs a coin purse out of his pocket, "here's the money, as you can hear." He shakes the small pouch. "Now how about you show be the belts and then we can exchange these and be on our ways?"

"Since some of his customer tried to get away with paying less than they owed. How much is in there?" Eglantine paused, turning enough to look Barden in the eye.

2016-03-20, 02:11 PM
Aerin swings her sword at the monster again, focusing on avoiding its attacks.

Recovering maneuvers. [roll0] Critical threat check, if attack roll is 19 or 20: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]
Dodge on scorpion still.

2016-03-20, 02:32 PM
"Not that I'm aware of", Ky chuckles. "Say, are you in a hurry? I could really use your help with something. It might decide the course of my life." The youth makes the most pleading face he can.

Rowan looks guiltily at the street he knows he should be going down, then back at Ky. "I have a few minutes. What do you need?"

2016-03-20, 04:56 PM
Aerin swings her sword at the monster again, focusing on avoiding its attacks.

Recovering maneuvers. [roll0] Critical threat check, if attack roll is 19 or 20: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]
Dodge on scorpion still.

Aerin strikes down her blade cutting the scorpions head in two. As the first summon vanishes, a new appears. This time it is a large dog with golden fur and glowing yellow eyes. The summon barks and charges at her.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
But the warrior easily dodges it.

Aerin's turn.

A new enemy is also summoned for Alexander. Someone screams in the audience when a large centipede fades into view.

Since you had time to be ready for this, new initiative against: [roll2]

Btw, this creature is Large, though since it's long rather than tall, it doesn't have longer reach (only takes up more space and looks menacing:smallwink:).

"Since some of his customer tried to get away with paying less than they owed. How much is in there?" Eglantine paused, turning enough to look Barden in the eye.

"Why, all that was to be paid now of course. The master does good work, no one will question it, least of all me. We did agree on a small discount thought."

Rowan looks guiltily at the street he knows he should be going down, then back at Ky. "I have a few minutes. What do you need?"

A smile spreads to Ky's face like fire from a candle dropped on the carpet. "Thanks, Rowan, you can always be counted on!" He smacks the young healer on the back and starts to direct them through the crowd. "You get to do your job actually, but we must hurry. See, that Count there just collided with old Justi's carriage, and I think his fine horse got a scratch." Ahead, Rowan can see how the nobleman who was in a hurry, now dismounted, is arguing with an old man. Two guards have also come down to stand next to him.

"Now, Justi's a fair fellow, he promised me a job just the other day. My chance to finally make an honest living, you know?", Ky smiles, but his expression suddenly turns worried, "But I can see the Count's real angry. Was his fault charging like that sure, but he might still blame the poor old man for it. Wouldn't it be awful if they took him to the guards! And he couldn't give me that job then, could he? But, you're a healer. If you fix the horse right away, perhaps he'll let it go, yeah?"

2016-03-20, 05:10 PM
Aerin adjusts her stance and slashes at the dog.

Assuming Stonefoot Stance, though unless this is a Large dog rather than merely a large dog, it won't do anything.
Stone Bones: [roll0] Critical threat: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]
Dodge on dog.

2016-03-20, 05:15 PM
Aerin adjusts her stance and slashes at the dog.

Assuming Stonefoot Stance, though unless this is a Large dog rather than merely a large dog, it won't do anything.
Stone Bones: [roll0] Critical threat: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]
Dodge on dog.

Aerin retaliates quickly, piercing the summon's heart and it disappears.

Just a large dog, still Medium sized. Though it ended up not mattering. :)

2016-03-20, 05:17 PM
Taking a breath, Aerin swings her sword in a quick drill routine.

Using Adaptive Style to take a full-round action to reselect my readied maneuvers.

2016-03-20, 05:32 PM
"Why, all that was to be paid now of course. The master does good work, no one will question it, least of all me. We did agree on a small discount thought."

"For volume of the order, totaling 1,800 gold. He told me the cost of the order."

Edgar Snow
2016-03-20, 05:50 PM
Alexander adjusts his strange spear from waist to shoulder level. He mutters, "Imagine bring this close to the ugly thing...", when he hears the scream from the crowd. He laughs to himself as he imagines the creature holding 100 daggers.
5 foot step back
Ready to attack [roll0]
Ranseur [roll1]

AoO if it closes in [roll2]
Ranseur [roll3]

2016-03-20, 06:16 PM
"For volume of the order, totaling 1,800 gold. He told me the cost of the order."

Barden gives Eglantine a long look, then chuckles and retrieves another coin bag from his pocket. "Oh, was it all at once? I was sure I had paid half already, that's how it usually goes. But I guess it's been a too busy time. You know how it is."

Alexander adjusts his strange spear from waist to shoulder level. He mutters, "Imagine bring this close to the ugly thing...", when he hears the scream from the crowd. He laughs to himself as he imagines the creature holding 100 daggers.
5 foot step back
Ready to attack [roll0]
Ranseur [roll1]

AoO if it closes in [roll2]
Ranseur [roll3]

The revolting creature lunges at Alexander, but with two quick swings of his blade he cuts down this one too and the summon vanishes its jaws inches away from him.

2016-03-20, 06:20 PM
Barden gives Eglantine a long look, then chuckles and retrieves another coin bag from his pocket. "Oh, was it all at once? I was sure I had paid half already, that's how it usually goes. But I guess it's been a too busy time. You know how it is."

"Why thank you for your business." Eglantine gave him a saccharine smile and held out her hand. "Do you mind if I count it? Don't want to take to much of your gold and people do make these mistakes."

2016-03-20, 07:37 PM
A smile spreads to Ky's face like fire from a candle dropped on the carpet. "Thanks, Rowan, you can always be counted on!" He smacks the young healer on the back and starts to direct them through the crowd. "You get to do your job actually, but we must hurry. See, that Count there just collided with old Justi's carriage, and I think his fine horse got a scratch." Ahead, Rowan can see how the nobleman who was in a hurry, now dismounted, is arguing with an old man. Two guards have also come down to stand next to him.

"Now, Justi's a fair fellow, he promised me a job just the other day. My chance to finally make an honest living, you know?", Ky smiles, but his expression suddenly turns worried, "But I can see the Count's real angry. Was his fault charging like that sure, but he might still blame the poor old man for it. Wouldn't it be awful if they took him to the guards! And he couldn't give me that job then, could he? But, you're a healer. If you fix the horse right away, perhaps he'll let it go, yeah?"

Rowan chews on his lip thoughtfully. "Well, if you're sure it'll help..." He couldn't refuse Ky, not just when he might finally be getting a chance at an honest life, so he walks closer to the argument, looking carefully at the horses for visible damage.

2016-03-21, 06:27 PM
Rowan chews on his lip thoughtfully. "Well, if you're sure it'll help..." He couldn't refuse Ky, not just when he might finally be getting a chance at an honest life, so he walks closer to the argument, looking carefully at the horses for visible damage.

First Rowan can't see anything wrong with the horse, but when they get closer the animal is turned and he can see a scratch in its front.
Maybe 4 HP damage.
"See? See what has been done to this fine animal!", Count Delawney shouts. His guards nod, but Justi just shakes his head and mumbles something. "And your attitude is unacceptable!", the nobleman continues.

"My lordship!", Ky calls out, "There's no need for this! Unfortunate accidents happen, but my friend here is a first rate healer! He can fix your fine mount in no time!" He claps Rowan's shoulder. The count looks at them up and down. "A healer? You a cleric then, boy?"

"Why thank you for your business." Eglantine gave him a saccharine smile and held out her hand. "Do you mind if I count it? Don't want to take to much of your gold and people do make these mistakes."

"Oh, do as you please", Barden hands over the pouch and continues to smile amiably, though adds in a slightly annoyed tone, "But be quick about it. Haven't got all day here." He's just finished the sentence when a younger man with the aura of an assistant hurries towards them and whispers something to Barden. The neither seems to find the topic pleasing.

Eggy can make a Listen check to try to hear what is said.


The summoners begin casting their last round of spells. This time Aerin faces a giant bee emitting a pretty glow, and Alexander meets a large spider, black-blue with many red eyes.

Aand initiatives again!
Giant Bee: [roll0]
Spider: [roll1]

Both creatures are Medium sized.

Of the other warriors, the young elf is not doing well against the spider and a wolf, and when a beetle is summoned behind them he shouts "I yield!" The dwarf is doing better, having only has one enemy left, a great green snake. The mercenary woman has managed to slay the wolf, but is struggling with a scorpion as a dog joins her fight.

Edgar Snow
2016-03-21, 08:55 PM
Alexander watches the spider appear, and mutters, "More bugs... Oops. Sorry mate, an arachnid"

If first, Move the needed distance and strike. If second, this will be my AoO if I get one.
Damage [roll] 2d4+10

Edgar Snow
2016-03-21, 08:57 PM
stupid space...

2016-03-21, 10:23 PM
First Rowan can't see anything wrong with the horse, but when they get closer the animal is turned and he can see a scratch in its front.
Maybe 4 HP damage.
"See? See what has been done to this fine animal!", Count Delawney shouts. His guards nod, but Justi just shakes his head and mumbles something. "And your attitude is unacceptable!", the nobleman continues.

"My lordship!", Ky calls out, "There's no need for this! Unfortunate accidents happen, but my friend here is a first rate healer! He can fix your fine mount in no time!" He claps Rowan's shoulder. The count looks at them up and down. "A healer? You a cleric then, boy?"

Rowan shifts awkwardly from one foot to the other. "Um. Well, not exactly. Not yet I mean. It's complicated. But I can fix your horse!" He gently puts one hand on the horse and prays softly under his breath. "See?"


Cure light wounds on the horse.
[roll0] (+5 level, +3 charisma, +2 feat)

I'm pretty sure that was overkill. Um. Anti-overkill?
But yay! Horse!

2016-03-21, 11:30 PM
"Oh, do as you please", Barden hands over the pouch and continues to smile amiably, though adds in a slightly annoyed tone, "But be quick about it. Haven't got all day here." He's just finished the sentence when a younger man with the aura of an assistant hurries towards them and whispers something to Barden. The neither seems to find the topic pleasing.

Eggy can make a Listen check to try to hear what is said.

Spending 1 inspiration point (2 left this "encounter") to gain a +4 to listen

Listen Check: [roll0]

And I roll a 1. yay?

Eglantine quickly started counting the coins out, using the sorting tricks Vindal had taught to to swiftly and accurately count the coins. She kept an ear turned to the two men, trying to catch a hint of the conversation. It always paid to be informed. But counting the coins proved to be more distracting and she swiftly realized she had to focus on the task at hand.

2016-03-22, 06:35 AM
I see I might have wound up fighting more than one enemy at once--if I was really bad at this. I also see the only one of these people who might be competition is the human with the polearm thing.

Aerin's initiative: [roll0]

2016-03-22, 12:33 PM
Aerin swings ferociously at the overgrown bug.

Stone Bones: [roll0] Critical threat: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]
Dodge on bee.

2016-03-22, 07:15 PM
Alexander watches the spider appear, and mutters, "More bugs... Oops. Sorry mate, an arachnid"

If first, Move the needed distance and strike. If second, this will be my AoO if I get one.
Damage [roll] 2d4+10
In another skillful strike, Alexander banishes the spider.

Aerin swings ferociously at the overgrown bug.

Stone Bones: [roll0] Critical threat: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]
Dodge on bee.

She gives it a deep wound, but not quite severe enough to slay it. The bee thrusts its stinger at her.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If hits, roll a Fort save please.

Suddenly there's another scream from the audience stand, then a second one and some general commotion. "Someone help him!" Their source of distress seems to be the young elf who is now surrounded by three summons. The wolf lunges at him and drags him to the ground. "Aaaargh! I said I yield!", he yells, but the monsters don't seem to care.

Barden looks up from his hushed conversation. "What the- Someone dismiss those creatures!" The two summoners give each other a confused look, the third is nowhere to be seen.

Okay, there's quite a few markers on the map, but I think you can figure what is what. To summarise, they are: Aerin, Alexander, Assistant, Barden, Bee (B1), Beetle (B2), Dwarf, Mercenary, Eglantine, Elf, Scorpion, Snake, Spider, Summoners (Su1, Su2) Wolves (W1, W2).

There're some other people in the vicinity as well, but I'll mark them only if they become important.

And of course I forgot to mention one thing about the map, sorry. The black lines are rope fence. It's not tall and not much of a hindrance, stepping over (or ducking under) it counts one extra square.

If you manage to jump over it (DC 13 with a running start) it costs no extra and it doesn't stop a charge.

You can also Tumble under it to avoid the movement cost, but in this case you can't also charge.


Rowan shifts awkwardly from one foot to the other. "Um. Well, not exactly. Not yet I mean. It's complicated. But I can fix your horse!" He gently puts one hand on the horse and prays softly under his breath. "See?"


Cure light wounds on the horse.
[roll0] (+5 level, +3 charisma, +2 feat)

I'm pretty sure that was overkill. Um. Anti-overkill?
But yay! Horse!

The magic flows though his hand and the horse's wound disappears as if had never existed. "Hrm, I-", the Count's response is cut off when several fireworks suddenly go off not far away. Soon after a cloud of thick fog covers the Count's party and all those near them. Rowan can hear a lot of people shouting, most notably the aforementioned nobleman, but can't see much else than the horse next to him, and the animal is clearly about to panic.

2016-03-22, 07:26 PM
Of course I just switched away from Steel Wind. Of course. It only takes a few seconds for Aerin to decide what she needs to do. Turning, she charges the wolf nearest her, roaring, "Turn and face me, cur!"

Charging, provoking an attack of opportunity from the damn bee, attacking W1: [roll0] Critical confirmation, if attack roll is 19 or 20: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]
If any of the enemies attacking the elf is Large, she'll assume Stonefoot Stance; if not, she'll assume Bolstering Voice stance instead.

2016-03-22, 10:29 PM
Eglantine shoved the coins into her pouch, muttering the word to close the portal once they were safely inside. In a whistle her axe was out of the sheath on her back as she charged straight at the spider. She kept an eye on the beetle next to it, ready to defend if it tried anything. As she ran she noticed the man from earlier standing in an empty field. "Get over here!"

Free action to draw weapon (Calling Crystal) Charge at Spider at Z12 (+2 attack, -2 AC), using 1 inspiration point to activate Cunning Defense for Dodge bonus of +int this round against 1 opponent (Beetle) Point total either 1 or 2(does this count as a new encounter?)

Attack: [roll]1d20+7[roll]
Crit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2016-03-22, 10:30 PM
Attack: [roll0] Sorry that was miss-typed at first.

And another 1.... I have none of the luck.

2016-03-23, 11:24 AM
The magic flows though his hand and the horse's wound disappears as if had never existed. "Hrm, I-", the Count's response is cut off when several fireworks suddenly go off not far away. Soon after a cloud of thick fog covers the Count's party and all those near them. Rowan can hear a lot of people shouting, most notably the aforementioned nobleman, but can't see much else than the horse next to him, and the animal is clearly about to panic.

As the animal begins to panic, so does Rowan, as he realizes he has no idea what to do with a horse.

There's so much yelling and chaos that he can barely hear himself think, so he does the first thing that springs to mind. "Everybody calm down!"

So, Rowan's going to use Calm Emotions on this.

Will save DC=15 or, within a 20' radius, agitated creatures temporarily become calm, suppressing fear effects and keeping all affected from performing violent actions, among other things. I have absolutely no idea what this would do to a horse, but at least everyone nearby should stop shouting, hopefully.

Edgar Snow
2016-03-23, 09:20 PM
This doesn't look good, Alex thinks immediately before taking a stab from his side. The summoner issue will have to wait.

move on the diagonal, 20 feet.
Attack... Bee? That's a bee.
Damage [roll1]
And Know Arc on it [roll2]
Edit, so +3 attack/damage

2016-03-24, 05:40 PM
Of course I just switched away from Steel Wind. Of course. It only takes a few seconds for Aerin to decide what she needs to do. Turning, she charges the wolf nearest her, roaring, "Turn and face me, cur!"

Charging, provoking an attack of opportunity from the damn bee, attacking W1: [roll0] Critical confirmation, if attack roll is 19 or 20: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]
If any of the enemies attacking the elf is Large, she'll assume Stonefoot Stance; if not, she'll assume Bolstering Voice stance instead.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If hits, roll a Fort save.

The bee fails to hit Aerin and she wounds the wolf, though it is not yet unsummoned.

None are Large.

Eglantine shoved the coins into her pouch, muttering the word to close the portal once they were safely inside. In a whistle her axe was out of the sheath on her back as she charged straight at the spider. She kept an eye on the beetle next to it, ready to defend if it tried anything. As she ran she noticed the man from earlier standing in an empty field. "Get over here!"

Free action to draw weapon (Calling Crystal) Charge at Spider at Z12 (+2 attack, -2 AC), using 1 inspiration point to activate Cunning Defense for Dodge bonus of +int this round against 1 opponent (Beetle) Point total either 1 or 2(does this count as a new encounter?)

Attack: [roll]1d20+7[roll]
Crit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Eglantine runs towards the fight, but has to slow down when passing the fence.

This doesn't look good, Alex thinks immediately before taking a stab from his side. The summoner issue will have to wait.

move on the diagonal, 20 feet.
Attack... Bee? That's a bee.
Damage [roll1]
And Know Arc on it [roll2]
Edit, so +3 attack/damage
Alexander strikes true again and the summon disappears.

The creatures that remain continue to attack viciously. The spider still goes after the elf on the ground, but the wolf turns to face Aerin and its sharp teeth scratch her arm. The bee follows her, but she keep evading its attacks.

Against Aerin
Bite: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Sting: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
If hits, roll a Fort save.

Against the elf
Bite: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

The fights still go on on the other side of the field as well.
"What do you think you're doing!", Barden shouts, "Unsummon those bastards!" The summoners follow his commands, and the scorpion and snake vanish.

Beetle, actually, but it falls the same.

As the animal begins to panic, so does Rowan, as he realizes he has no idea what to do with a horse.

There's so much yelling and chaos that he can barely hear himself think, so he does the first thing that springs to mind. "Everybody calm down!"

So, Rowan's going to use Calm Emotions on this.

Will save DC=15 or, within a 20' radius, agitated creatures temporarily become calm, suppressing fear effects and keeping all affected from performing violent actions, among other things. I have absolutely no idea what this would do to a horse, but at least everyone nearby should stop shouting, hopefully.



The horses right next to Rowan remain calm (including the Count's priced animal), though some horses can be heard to still be agitated. Some of the shouting quiets down as well.

Okay, a few letter's less on the map this round. To summarise, they are: Aerin, Alexander, Assistant, Barden, Bee (B1), Dwarf, Mercenary, Eglantine, Elf, Spider, Summoners (Su1, Su2) Wolves (W1, W2).

There're some other people in the vicinity as well, but I'll mark them only if they become important.

The black lines are rope fence. It's not tall and not much of a hindrance, stepping over (or ducking under) it counts one extra square.

If you manage to jump over it (DC 13 with a running start) it costs no extra and it doesn't stop a charge.

You can also Tumble under it to avoid the movement cost, but in this case you can't also charge.

2016-03-24, 06:41 PM
"Face me or die, bug!" Aerin shouts, stepping to the northwest and slashing ferociously at the spider.

Using Rabid Wolf Strike and switching Dodge to the wolf. Until Aerin's next action, her AC is 13 against the wolf, 12 against the spider, and 12 against the bee.
Attack: [roll0] Critical threat check on a 19 or 20: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]

2016-03-24, 07:30 PM
"Face me or die, bug!" Aerin shouts, stepping to the northwest and slashing ferociously at the spider.

Using Rabid Wolf Strike and switching Dodge to the wolf. Until Aerin's next action, her AC is 13 against the wolf, 12 against the spider, and 12 against the bee.
Attack: [roll0] Critical threat check on a 19 or 20: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]

Aerin powerful bolw slices the spider in half and it disappears.

2016-03-24, 08:42 PM
Eglantine regained her balance and stepped forward toward the wolf, slicing down as she focused on the wolf.

Cunning insight for +4 to attack (Last inspiration point)

Steps forward to Z12 (5 foot step)

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Okay... seriously... WHO DID I PISS OFF!

2016-03-25, 11:01 PM
The horses right next to Rowan remain calm (including the Count's priced animal), though some horses can be heard to still be agitated. Some of the shouting quiets down as well.

Now that the crisis is averted (or at least made less noisy) Rowan patiently waits for the smoke to clear. It wouldn't help anyone if he walked into a horse.

Calm emotions lasts a total of 5 rounds if concentration is maintained. Going to wait for either the smoke to clear or the duration to run out, whichever happens first.

All things considered it would probably have been smarter to run...

Edgar Snow
2016-03-26, 10:14 AM
Alexander moves up and around, striking at the remaining summoned creature. He calls out, "Healers! Stand by!", and then makes a stab at the wolf.

Move up and over to be directly 'above' wolf.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2016-03-31, 05:45 PM
The wolf is also slain and the second on the other side of the field is unsummoned. The only one left is the bee, which is still persistently trying to sting Aerin.

Sting: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If hits, roll Fort save.

The elf who was mauled by the summons is still on the ground, barely conscious, but alive.

Don't think a new map is necessary, with only one target left.

Party's turn.

Now that the crisis is averted (or at least made less noisy) Rowan patiently waits for the smoke to clear. It wouldn't help anyone if he walked into a horse.

Calm emotions lasts a total of 5 rounds if concentration is maintained. Going to wait for either the smoke to clear or the duration to run out, whichever happens first.

All things considered it would probably have been smarter to run...

Soon a strong wind starts to blow, likely magical in origin and the fog clears. Half the Count's guards have their swords drawn, ready to fight, but nothing threatening comes to view. Only confused people and more or less calm horses. One guard who had thought to stay on horseback finds himself in close contact with the cobblestones, but he is the only casualty. Rowan doesn't see Ky anywhere.

"Sorry about that!", someone shouts from their right amongst a group of workmen, "One of the fog bubbles stored for the show burst!" The Count scoffs. "Useless idiots", he mutters, but is feeling unusually serene and doesn't care to start a new argument. "I shan't waste any more time here!" He returns to his prized horse and after quickly studying the wound that is no more gives Rowan a reluctant nod and flips a coin in his direction. "Well done, boy. Not a cleric you said, is there still a deity I should thank?", he asks while mounting.

Rowan gains 1 platinum coin (10 gp) and 100 XP.

2016-03-31, 06:02 PM
As the bee stings her, Aerin pivots to face it, slashing out.

Fortitude save: [roll0]
Stone Bones: [roll1] Critical confirmation on a 19 or 20: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] Critical damage: [roll4]
Dodge on bee; Aerin's effective AC against it is now 17.

2016-03-31, 06:08 PM
As the bee stings her, Aerin pivots to face it, slashing out.

Fortitude save: [roll0]
Stone Bones: [roll1] Critical confirmation on a 19 or 20: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] Critical damage: [roll4]
Dodge on bee; Aerin's effective AC against it is now 17.

The stinger scratches her shoulder, but that doesn't cause Aerin to waver and she sends the creature back to its home plane.

And that was the last of 'em. XP tomorrow as I am too tired for math tonight (it's 2 am here). Feel free to post post-combat reactions.

Aerin made the Fort save.

2016-03-31, 06:16 PM
Aerin takes a deep breath, then another. She swings her sword through the air, before bending over the elf. "The monsters are gone. Anyone have healing magic?"

Using Adaptive Style to switch her readied maneuvers as a full-round action.

2016-03-31, 06:29 PM
Eglantine kicked the ground at anger at having failed so badly to help the man. Thinking of him again she knelt down, checking him over for more serious wounds. "We need to get him to help. Is anyone here a healer?" She looked over at Barden. "You paid up. Those belts are yours now, so may I suggest putting one to use?"
Heal: [roll0]

Edgar Snow
2016-04-02, 11:21 AM
"I do belief this may have been an attempt on the life of a noble. The summoner must be found. There is enough chaos, let's not have a case of vigilantism on our hands as well..."

2016-04-03, 05:28 PM
Aerin takes a deep breath, then another. She swings her sword through the air, before bending over the elf. "The monsters are gone. Anyone have healing magic?"

Using Adaptive Style to switch her readied maneuvers as a full-round action.

Eglantine kicked the ground at anger at having failed so badly to help the man. Thinking of him again she knelt down, checking him over for more serious wounds. "We need to get him to help. Is anyone here a healer?" She looked over at Barden. "You paid up. Those belts are yours now, so may I suggest putting one to use?"
Heal: [roll0]

Barden hurries over, cursing under his breath. "Hmh, yes, maybe we will. But if we'd first move him from here, with that damn crowd staring", he gestures towards a tent used by the staff, "Can he stand? I certainly hope so. Argus, deal with the audience!", he shouts to his assistant, "No one is dead, there's nothing to worry about. Can you hellp us, lass? You can show how the belts are used."

"I do belief this may have been an attempt on the life of a noble. The summoner must be found. There is enough chaos, let's not have a case of vigilantism on our hands as well..."

Barden's expression grows even darker. "Should be found, yes. But will all the people wandering around... Still Argus, gather the other mages. And you two", he looks to Alexander and Aerin, considering something, "Care to tag along for a moment. I might have a favour to ask of you. Really simple, might even be worth a few coins."

2016-04-04, 02:01 PM
Soon a strong wind starts to blow, likely magical in origin and the fog clears. Half the Count's guards have their swords drawn, ready to fight, but nothing threatening comes to view. Only confused people and more or less calm horses. One guard who had thought to stay on horseback finds himself in close contact with the cobblestones, but he is the only casualty. Rowan doesn't see Ky anywhere.

"Sorry about that!", someone shouts from their right amongst a group of workmen, "One of the fog bubbles stored for the show burst!" The Count scoffs. "Useless idiots", he mutters, but is feeling unusually serene and doesn't care to start a new argument. "I shan't waste any more time here!" He returns to his prized horse and after quickly studying the wound that is no more gives Rowan a reluctant nod and flips a coin in his direction. "Well done, boy. Not a cleric you said, is there still a deity I should thank?", he asks while mounting.

Rowan gains 1 platinum coin (10 gp) and 100 XP.

Rowan catches the coin and looks at it in surprise before shoving it quickly into a pocket. "Illyrie's peace be with you, my lord," he says before turning and walking off, trying to lose himself in the crowd before the Count changed his mind about yelling. He should probably get to work, in any case.

2016-04-04, 03:32 PM
Rowan catches the coin and looks at it in surprise before shoving it quickly into a pocket. "Illyrie's peace be with you, my lord," he says before turning and walking off, trying to lose himself in the crowd before the Count changed his mind about yelling. He should probably get to work, in any case.

Rowan makes his way towards Illyrie's temple. It is a firm stone building, not as high or large as that of Fraemthin, or as decorative as Eskin's, but it is very old and possesses a quiet type of dignity. Despite the commotion and noise around the city, the street that passes by it feels less restless somehow even if there's no less people, as if the aura of the temple is calming the surrounding area and muffling the sounds to an almost pleasant hum.

The large wooden doors creak loudly as Rowan enters. The temple lobby has few decorations, only two halfling sized statues that flank the door to the chapel, and some partly faded engravings on the walls near the ceiling. There are two other doors in the room, the one on the right side opens to the garden and a door on the left leads to the clerics' offices and quarters. Behind a high desk right next to the main entrance stands an elderly half-elf priest writing something to a long parchment. Rowan knows him as Brother Gregor, a reasonably friendly person, though he has little patience for nonsense. He lifts his gaze when the young healer comes in and nods to him in greeting. By the chapel door sits another person that Rowan doesn't recognise. His clothes are not those of a local cleric, maybe a workman or a traveller.

2016-04-04, 06:30 PM
Barden hurries over, cursing under his breath. "Hmh, yes, maybe we will. But if we'd first move him from here, with that damn crowd staring", he gestures towards a tent used by the staff, "Can he stand? I certainly hope so. Argus, deal with the audience!", he shouts to his assistant, "No one is dead, there's nothing to worry about. Can you hellp us, lass? You can show how the belts are used."

Barden's expression grows even darker. "Should be found, yes. But will all the people wandering around... Still Argus, gather the other mages. And you two", he looks to Alexander and Aerin, considering something, "Care to tag along for a moment. I might have a favour to ask of you. Really simple, might even be worth a few coins."

Eglantine nodded and followed Barden. Once they were at the tent she waited until the belts got there. "Put the belt on like normal, that functionality doesn't ever change with these things. Then when you want to use the magic, touch the gems chosen and the person you are healing. Two hands, yes. There are three moonstones right, so each of those is a charge. The more stones used up each day, the more powerful the healing spell. Overall though I suggest just using them one at a time, tends to last longer that way and do more overall healing. For use on yourself just touch the desired stones and then yourself. Remember only three stones each day for a maximum of three uses a day, it will recharge on it's own, but keep track. The moonstones slightly dull when they are discharged, so that should help. Some residual power is always in these so diagnosing problems should become a little easier. Oh, and I am sure you know this, but just like normal spells if you ever end up fighting someone summoning dead things? This belt works opposite on those, they can't stand healing."

2016-04-05, 02:22 AM
"Yes, of course," Aerin says. She lifts the wounded elf carefully. Inside the tent, she listens to the newcomer describing how to use the belts.

"What happened out there? Why was one of the summoners missing and what does it have to do with a noble?" she asks.

2016-04-05, 02:35 AM
"Yes, of course," Aerin says. She lifts the wounded elf carefully. Inside the tent, she listens to the newcomer describing how to use the belts.

"What happened out there? Why was one of the summoners missing and what does it have to do with a noble?" she asks.

Eglantine shrugged and looked down at the elf. "Probably another kid with money who thought the fancy work he learned growing up would be able to handle the tournament. To be honest, I don't mind them. They buy up even the worst weapons, to much gold and not enough brains." She held out her hand to the half-orc. "Names Eglantine. Didn't see much but whoever summoned those things could be anywhere. Heck, they don't need real skill to do it either, give me a couple hours and I could produce a scroll half this crowd could use to get their own special beasties." She looked down at the elf again a little worried. If Rowan was with her she would know that how bad the injuries were. On the other hand she was glad her little brother hadn't witnessed her rather... inept display during the fight. She ran her fingers along the blade of the axe, annoyed. She hadn't been able to train at all with the rush of orders.

2016-04-05, 02:48 AM
"Let me rephrase," Aerin says, shaking the woman's hand. "Those creatures were summoned for us to fight as part of the tournament. When he tried to yield, his summoner had gone missing and wasn't around to dismiss the monsters he was fighting. If the summoner wandered off to assassinate a noble, it seems an odd scheme--highly conspicuous, if you're planning an assassination, to announce that you're an arcane spellcaster who's going to be in one place where you'll immediately be missed when you're not there. The opposite of an alibi. My name's Aerin Thorn."

2016-04-08, 04:30 PM
Rowan makes his way towards Illyrie's temple. It is a firm stone building, not as high or large as that of Fraemthin, or as decorative as Eskin's, but it is very old and possesses a quiet type of dignity. Despite the commotion and noise around the city, the street that passes by it feels less restless somehow even if there's no less people, as if the aura of the temple is calming the surrounding area and muffling the sounds to an almost pleasant hum.

The large wooden doors creak loudly as Rowan enters. The temple lobby has few decorations, only two halfling sized statues that flank the door to the chapel, and some partly faded engravings on the walls near the ceiling. There are two other doors in the room, the one on the right side opens to the garden and a door on the left leads to the clerics' offices and quarters. Behind a high desk right next to the main entrance stands an elderly half-elf priest writing something to a long parchment. Rowan knows him as Brother Gregor, a reasonably friendly person, though he has little patience for nonsense. He lifts his gaze when the young healer comes in and nods to him in greeting. By the chapel door sits another person that Rowan doesn't recognise. His clothes are not those of a local cleric, maybe a workman or a traveller.

Rowan took a deep breath as he entered the temple, enjoying the relative peace. He nodded back to Brother Gregor as he wiped off his shoes near the door, but did not disturb his writing.

The new arrival, however, Rowan felt no regret about bothering. "Hello, can I help you?"

2016-04-08, 04:42 PM
"Let me rephrase," Aerin says, shaking the woman's hand. "Those creatures were summoned for us to fight as part of the tournament. When he tried to yield, his summoner had gone missing and wasn't around to dismiss the monsters he was fighting. If the summoner wandered off to assassinate a noble, it seems an odd scheme--highly conspicuous, if you're planning an assassination, to announce that you're an arcane spellcaster who's going to be in one place where you'll immediately be missed when you're not there. The opposite of an alibi. My name's Aerin Thorn."

"Well, we know the summoner is alive. Or was. The summons would have disappeared on death. But it is rather easy to slip away in this chaos. Can any of us claim to have spotted anything? I was busy counting payment, you were fighting. The other mages were focusing on their own spells. The crowd, watching the fight. Anyone who has any experience with stealth knows a distracted crowd is the best thing for you. Everyone is so focused on what they expect that they don't notice what is out of place."

2016-05-06, 01:19 PM
Barden orders his assistant to take care of the healing per Eglantine's instructions, overseeing the work and frowning. "Yes, yes, that is quite enough. We'll be needing the belts later too. Bandage the rest for now." Then he turns around and gestures Aerin, Eglantine and Alexander to come to the other side of the tent to have a private word with him. "Right, sad business this. Stupid prank, what the damn mage was thinking, I sure don't know. We'll look into it of course, see that he's found and taken to the guards."

"But, I do have a favour to ask of you.. A really simple job", he glances over his shoulder at the young elf, "Him there, he needs to see a proper healer, and the sooner the better. But uh... I wouldn't really want to send a wounded man wandering the streets alone, crowded and noisy as they are. So, if you would just see him to the nearest temple, think that'd be Illyrie's, do you know the way? And don't you two worry about the tournament", he waves his hands reassuringly, addressing Aerin and Alexander, "I got good enough proof that you can fight. You'll be on the lists tomorrow, don't worry about that!"

Rowan took a deep breath as he entered the temple, enjoying the relative peace. He nodded back to Brother Gregor as he wiped off his shoes near the door, but did not disturb his writing.

The new arrival, however, Rowan felt no regret about bothering. "Hello, can I help you?"

The man had been deep in thought and looks up startled. "Oh, who? Ah, excuse me. I am Novice August, from the shrine at Winterhill", he stands up and offers to shake Rowan's hand. He doesn't look much older than him, but being a half-elf he's probably at least in his twenties. "I've come here to speak with the High Cleric, and my business is urgent. Can you help me? I haven't been allowed to see her, and no word has even been sent of my arrival!"

"I said no such thing", Brother Gregor interrupts without lifting his gaze from the scroll, "Young people should learn patience. The High Cleric will pass through here at least twice a day. So naturally if you wait here, you will eventually meet her. I shan't have your restlessness disturb the peace of the temple."

August gives Rowan an exasperated look and flails his hands in the air to silently express his frustration of the situation.

Winterhill is village on the southern side of Springhaven (the country). It has one of the two other shrines of Illyrie in the country besides this temple.

2016-05-06, 02:17 PM
Barden orders his assistant to take care of the healing per Eglantine's instructions, overseeing the work and frowning. "Yes, yes, that is quite enough. We'll be needing the belts later too. Bandage the rest for now." Then he turns around and gestures Aerin, Eglantine and Alexander to come to the other side of the tent to have a private word with him. "Right, sad business this. Stupid prank, what the damn mage was thinking, I sure don't know. We'll look into it of course, see that he's found and taken to the guards."

"But, I do have a favour to ask of you.. A really simple job", he glances over his shoulder at the young elf, "Him there, he needs to see a proper healer, and the sooner the better. But uh... I wouldn't really want to send a wounded man wandering the streets alone, crowded and noisy as they are. So, if you would just see him to the nearest temple, think that'd be Illyrie's, do you know the way? And don't you two worry about the tournament", he waves his hands reassuringly, addressing Aerin and Alexander, "I got good enough proof that you can fight. You'll be on the lists tomorrow, don't worry about that!"

Eglantine looked at Barden skeptically but kept her tongue to herself. She doubted his logic but didn't want to lose Vindal's customer (even one that had repeatedly tried to undercut the agreed upon prices). "Sir, I do have to report back to Vindal, this is our busiest hour." She looked at the injured man and sighed, resigned to the task. "But I do know the temple. My brother is a healer there, I can guarantee his assistance." She examined the half-elf, "Can you two help him walk?"

2016-05-07, 12:53 AM
The man had been deep in thought and looks up startled. "Oh, who? Ah, excuse me. I am Brother August, from the shrine at Winterhill", he stands up and offers to shake Rowan's hand. He doesn't look much older than him, but being a half-elf he's probably at least in his twenties. "I've come here to speak with the High Cleric, and my business is urgent. Can you help me? I haven't been allowed to see her, and no word has even been sent of my arrival!"

"I said no such thing", Brother Gregor interrupts without lifting his gaze from the scroll, "Young people should learn patience. The High Cleric will pass through here at least twice a day. So naturally if you wait here, you will eventually meet her. I shan't have your restlessness disturb the peace of the temple."

August gives Rowan an exasperated look and flails his hands in the air to silently express his frustration of the situation.

Winterhill is village on the southern side of Springhaven (the country). It has one of the two other shrines of Illyrie in the country besides this temple.

Rowan accepts his handshake. "I'm really sorry. I don't know how you do it in other countries, but here in Springhaven there's a way things are usually done, and it's Brother Gregor who knows how to do them."

After a moment of awkward silence, he smiles nervously. "What did you need to speak with her about, in any case? Perhaps someone else could help you, and we wouldn't have to bother the High Cleric at all."

2016-05-07, 03:53 PM
"Of course," Aerin says to the request. She picks up the injured man carefully. "I know the way there." Her mouth quirks slightly when Eglantine suggests two people helping the elf walk, but she doesn't set him down, rather starting off toward the temple.

2016-05-07, 09:22 PM
"Of course," Aerin says to the request. She picks up the injured man carefully. "I know the way there." Her mouth quirks slightly when Eglantine suggests two people helping the elf walk, but she doesn't set him down, rather starting off toward the temple.

Eglantine stared a little surprised as the half-orc picked the man up. Quickly she hurried over to catch up with her, turning around and walking backwards to talk. "Look, as I said, my brother works there. I can get us the healing fast without having to wait in line or anything but... let me talk to him? He's... well he means well."

2016-05-07, 10:04 PM
"What's the problem with your brother?" Aerin's pace doesn't slacken.

2016-05-07, 10:15 PM
"What's the problem with your brother?" Aerin's pace doesn't slacken.

"No problem. He does a good job and is on his way to being a great healer. He just... well he didn't get the wits."

2016-05-08, 12:33 AM
"Well, I'll let you deal with him," Aerin says.

2016-05-18, 02:20 PM
The injured elf has come to and seems a little embarrassed of having lost his battle so badly, and he protests being so unceremoniously carried. "Put me down at once! I can walk myself, the wounds are not that grave." That may be, though he still looks very pale and pained.

Eglantine leads the small party out of the fighting grounds and back to the bustling town. They walk past the hoard of traders at their market stands and the occasional street magician and artist. More than once someone tries to stop them and offer something for them to buy (usually useless trinkets). After wading through the crowded streets, they finally start to feel the calming presence of Illyries temple, and the number of people around them drops rapidly and the sounds muffle. They take a narrow street that should lead them to the wider road passing by the temple and almost right to its front doors, when...

Listen checks please.

Rowan accepts his handshake. "I'm really sorry. I don't know how you do it in other countries, but here in Springhaven there's a way things are usually done, and it's Brother Gregor who knows how to do them."

After a moment of awkward silence, he smiles nervously. "What did you need to speak with her about, in any case? Perhaps someone else could help you, and we wouldn't have to bother the High Cleric at all."

The cleric sighs. "I'm afraid I do. And I am from Springhaven too, though I suppose it would be too much to ask for you to know of Winterhill. It's a village to the south, we have shrine there to The Lady of Peace. It has been there for ages, but might not for much longer, if the Marquis gets his way. He would drive us out from our sacred land! And soon, so I must see the High Cleric without delay!"

"If this sort of agitation", Brother Gregor puts in, still not lifting his gaze, "is common over there, then badly have you forgotten Illyrie's scriptures."

2016-05-18, 08:06 PM
The cleric sighs. "I'm afraid I do. And I am from Springhaven too, though I suppose it would be too much to ask for you to know of Winterhill. It's a village to the south, we have shrine there to The Lady of Peace. It has been there for ages, but might not for much longer, if the Marquis gets his way. He would drive us out from our sacred land! And soon, so I must see the High Cleric without delay!"

"If this sort of agitation", Brother Gregor puts in, still not lifting his gaze, "is common over there, then badly have you forgotten Illyrie's scriptures."

"That's terrible," Rowan says quietly. "And I can see why you're so impatient."

" But how far away is Winterhill, exactly? Even if the High Cleric came in right now, you'd still have to figure out what to do, and that takes time. If you were to leave right then would you be able to get to Winterhill? Or would you wait and leave in the morning, avoid traveling at night?"

That's what I'd do. So really, does it matter so much if you have to wait a few more minutes to speak with the High Cleric?"
He glances over at Brother Gregor, as if for confirmation.

2016-05-28, 06:46 AM
Aerin hears someone chanting a spell. While there is nothing unusual about that per se, in fact they have seen and heard many spells cast on their way here, this one is longer than the usual cantrip and the voice is coming from above, though she can see no one there, only the clear sky above and some modest decorations on the building walls. There are a few other people crossing the alley as well, but none of them looks to be casting at the moment.

You have 1 round of actions.
The houses are about 30 ft. high.

Let me know if you like a map right away.

"That's terrible," Rowan says quietly. "And I can see why you're so impatient."

" But how far away is Winterhill, exactly? Even if the High Cleric came in right now, you'd still have to figure out what to do, and that takes time. If you were to leave right then would you be able to get to Winterhill? Or would you wait and leave in the morning, avoid traveling at night?"

That's what I'd do. So really, does it matter so much if you have to wait a few more minutes to speak with the High Cleric?"
He glances over at Brother Gregor, as if for confirmation.

"Well, I-", August stops. "Maybe you're right", he admits after considering for a moment, "Bút this waiting is making me mad! What if the Marquis has already called his men... Perhaps I should just leave a letter for the High Cleric, and return right away myself!"

2016-05-28, 11:03 AM
It takes Aerin only a second to decide to go with her instincts; if she winds up looking paranoid, it's not like she truly cares. "Get out of sight," she says in a quick, low voice. Then she darts around a corner, still carrying the elf, sets him down carefully, and draws her sword.

She'll try to get to somewhere where an invisible person where she thinks the voice was coming from doesn't have line of sight to her or the elf. I have no real clue how many of the actions I described her taking can be done in one round. It turns out that it's much less annoying when I'm a player and I make the DM figure out things like that than when I'm the DM and a player makes me figure out things like that.

2016-05-28, 02:30 PM
Eglantine looked at the orc curiously, but trusted her judgement. She followed her, drawing her axe from the strap on her back. "Can't we just run to the temple? I am going to be late back to work."

2016-05-28, 06:32 PM
"Well, I-", August stops. "Maybe you're right", he admits after considering for a moment, "Bút this waiting is making me mad! What if the Marquis has already called his men... Perhaps I should just leave a letter for the High Cleric, and return right away myself!"

Rowan breathes a sigh of relief. "That's up to you. I'm sure Brother Gregor could hold a letter if you really need to get back right away. But it might get messy and confusing if the High Cleric has more questions and you've already left. Like I said though, it's up to you."

2016-06-02, 06:44 AM
It takes Aerin only a second to decide to go with her instincts; if she winds up looking paranoid, it's not like she truly cares. "Get out of sight," she says in a quick, low voice. Then she darts around a corner, still carrying the elf, sets him down carefully, and draws her sword.

She'll try to get to somewhere where an invisible person where she thinks the voice was coming from doesn't have line of sight to her or the elf. I have no real clue how many of the actions I described her taking can be done in one round. It turns out that it's much less annoying when I'm a player and I make the DM figure out things like that than when I'm the DM and a player makes me figure out things like that.

Aerin's movement takes up most if her turn, so she's still carrying the elf and hasn't yet drawn her sword at the start of her next turn. Putting the elf down carefully is a move action (if he were unconscious or otherwise immobilized it would be a full-round action) though she can drop him as a free action.

Eglantine looked at the orc curiously, but trusted her judgement. She followed her, drawing her axe from the strap on her back. "Can't we just run to the temple? I am going to be late back to work."

Aerin runs to the nearest street corner and turns right to another small alley. The elven noble, who by now had resigned to the fate of being carried, demands loudly what is the meaning of this. Alerted by Aerin's warning, Eglantine and Alexander follow them a few steps behind.

They haven't gone far this way, when a roar breaks the silence of the street and a large lion whose mane emits an orange glow appears in the crossroads and charges after the running party, leaping to bite and claw at the closest unlucky person.

If this roll is 1 it targets Eggy, if 2 it's Alexander: [roll0]

Charging lion full-attacks.

Claw1: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Claw2: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Bite: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
If this hits, roll opposed grapple check please.

Rake1: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

Rake2: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]

A second lion runs into view, but the first effectively blocks the alley preventing it from following. It is a fair guess that had they remained on the other street, they would have been surrounded by the two beasts. Alas, now the other can only roar.

A few shrieks of horror and hurried footsteps can be heard against the background of muffled noises from the rest of the city.

Party's turn.

Map later today.

Rowan breathes a sigh of relief. "That's up to you. I'm sure Brother Gregor could hold a letter if you really need to get back right away. But it might get messy and confusing if the High Cleric has more questions and you've already left. Like I said though, it's up to you."

I... I don't know", the half-elf looks distressed. Suddenly Brother Gregor lifts his head, but it's not the younger priest that finally got his attention. Gregor frowns and turns his head around as if he's sensing something in the air. "Someone has disturbed the peace of the temple grounds", he says in a grumpy tone, "Rowan, do find out what it is about, will you? If it's that baker's boy and his rascal friends pranking by disturbing the wards again, I swear I shall see to it that they spend a week in the room of Tranquility..."

2016-06-02, 01:22 PM
Eglantine looked at the lions and gulped. "I am going to get in so much trouble now." She swung her axe at the lion, hoping to at least distract it from Alexander.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2016-06-02, 04:26 PM
"I'm going to need to drop you to fight that lion." Aerie drops the elf, as carefully as she can, draws her sword, and lunges to attack the lion blocking the alleyway. "RARGH! You dare face me, you mangy beast!"

Using Stone Bones. Her priorities are, in order:
1) Block the lion from entering the alley or letting the other lion join it.
2) Flank with Alexander or Eglantine.
3) Not give it a chance to pounce again.
4) Hit it.

Attack: [roll0] Unfortunately cannot draw and charge. Dodge on lion and assuming Stonefoot Stance, so effective AC against it 19. If she hits, DR 5/adamantine until the next round. Critical threat check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]

2016-06-03, 04:43 PM
Eglantine looked at the lions and gulped. "I am going to get in so much trouble now." She swung her axe at the lion, hoping to at least distract it from Alexander.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Eglantine's axe cuts deep and the lion snarls.

Recoiling from the savage attack, Alexander takes a step back grabbing his ranseur and swings it back towards the lion, though he must be careful not to hit the other's in the small alley.
I'll have Alexander have this turn before Aerin, as it makes most sense in the circumstances. (Otherwise Aerin wouldn't have space to step into.)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

"I'm going to need to drop you to fight that lion." Aerie drops the elf, as carefully as she can, draws her sword, and lunges to attack the lion blocking the alleyway. "RARGH! You dare face me, you mangy beast!"

Using Stone Bones. Her priorities are, in order:
1) Block the lion from entering the alley or letting the other lion join it.
2) Flank with Alexander or Eglantine.
3) Not give it a chance to pounce again.
4) Hit it.

Attack: [roll0] Unfortunately cannot draw and charge. Dodge on lion and assuming Stonefoot Stance, so effective AC against it 19. If she hits, DR 5/adamantine until the next round. Critical threat check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]

Unceremoniously, the elf falls down on his butt on the cobblestones, but it appears his pride is hurt more than his person. In her haste to enter the fray, Aerin's first attack misses.

The lion growls and rises up to stand on its hindlegs. Its claws glow red as it reaches for Eglantine.
Claw1: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Claw2: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Bite: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
If hits, roll opposed grapple against [roll8]. If the lion wins, it makes a rake attack: [roll9], Damage: [roll10]

The other lion roars in frustration, but its way is firmly blocked by its companion.

Party's turn.

Illyrie's temple is to the north, you came from the south. The street you're now on is not a dead end. (I would actually image it to a be a bit narrower than 10 ft. but it is still best described as 2 squares wide.)

2016-06-03, 04:57 PM
Oops. Messed up on thread. Will reproduce here.

"Step back. It won't be able to follow you." Aerin swings her sword grimly.

Regaining maneuvers. Attack: (1d20+8)[11] Critical confirmation: (1d20+8)[9]
Damage: (2d6+4)[10] Critical damage: (2d6+4)[10]
Effective AC against lion 19.

2016-06-03, 08:18 PM
Eglantine took a shuddering breath as blood poured from the now gaping wounds in her front. Still holding the axe she followed the orc's instructions, stumbling back to where the elf was dropped. "Stand up, we need to get to the temple." She was feeling dizzy from the sheer amount of blood lost from the one attack.

Using Withdraw action to prevent AoO. Full round action. Move to AG29

2016-06-04, 07:33 PM
I... I don't know", the half-elf looks distressed. Suddenly Brother Gregor lifts his head, but it's not the younger priest that finally got his attention. Gregor frowns and turns his head around as if he's sensing something in the air. "Someone has disturbed the peace of the temple grounds", he says in a grumpy tone, "Rowan, do find out what it is about, will you? If it's that baker's boy and his rascal friends pranking by disturbing the wards again, I swear I shall see to it that they spend a week in the room of Tranquility..."

Rowan nods. "Sure thing." He addresses August again. "I'm sure you and Brother Gregor can work something out if you need to. I'll be right back." With that, he heads toward the garden door and steps cautiously outside, hoping to catch the miscreants in the act.

2016-06-12, 06:52 AM
Oops. Messed up on thread. Will reproduce here.

"Step back. It won't be able to follow you." Aerin swings her sword grimly.

Regaining maneuvers. Attack: (1d20+8)[11] Critical confirmation: (1d20+8)[9]
Damage: (2d6+4)[10] Critical damage: (2d6+4)[10]
Effective AC against lion 19.

The lion dodges her attack.

Eglantine took a shuddering breath as blood poured from the now gaping wounds in her front. Still holding the axe she followed the orc's instructions, stumbling back to where the elf was dropped. "Stand up, we need to get to the temple." She was feeling dizzy from the sheer amount of blood lost from the one attack.

Using Withdraw action to prevent AoO. Full round action. Move to AG29
"R-right", the elf scrambles up, staring at Eglantine's wounds. The sight of so much blood makes him pale.

Alexander takes a sidestep to block the beasts path together with Aerin and swung the ranseur again.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2016-06-12, 06:58 AM
The lion is gravely wounded, but persistently continues to attack, targeting Aerin, the only person in its reach.

Claw1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Claw2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Bite: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Someone shouts a command in a foreign tongue, and the other lion sprints north, disappearing from view.

Rowan nods. "Sure thing." He addresses August again. "I'm sure you and Brother Gregor can work something out if you need to. I'll be right back." With that, he heads toward the garden door and steps cautiously outside, hoping to catch the miscreants in the act.

Rowan steps outside. There's no sign of young pranksters, but something is wrong. He hears screams coming from the other side of the road and a human couple followed by a dwarf run out from one of the alleys. After them comes a large feline with a glowing orange mane, an animal not native to these parts, and it doesn't look the least friendly. The dwarf can't get out of the way fast enough and the lion knocks her to the ground, though it doesn't seem further interested in her and continues heading to the east.

It is around this time that the temple's wards start to activate properly. Rowan can feel the tingle of divine magic in the air as the carefully crafted pattern lying many feet under the surface projects to the surface in a glimmer of calming blue light. It starts from the temple and expands to cover the garden, street and even nearby houses. The people that ran from the alley are unaffected by the lights, but a few blue orbs appear to circle around the lion's head and stay there even as the greater pattern fades.

There's also a flash of light on a rooftop on the other side of the road, and a robed man suddenly comes to view, surrounded by dancing lights as well.

Aerin, Eglantine and the others can also see this man, and some strands of the warding spell. Pairs of blue orbs appear to circle around the lion, Aerin, Alexander and Eglantine. They don't hamper vision, or interfere with one's actions in any way.

The dancing lights left by the wards are harmless, but difficult to remove, except by those of Illyrie's clergy. They mark those who have taken violent actions on temple grounds.

I had Rowan move a few squares south from the garden door so he would better fit on the map, I hope that's ok. The temple garden is surrounded by a strong iron fence, the type that it doesn't block vision nor offer any cover against range attacks. It has one gate on the south side and one to the east (latter not on the map) that are not locked.
B means bystander, S is the man who just appeared.

2016-06-12, 08:18 AM
Bleeding heavily, Aerin grinds her teeth. Concentrate. Focus. I'm better than this. She swings her greatsword in an arc.

Using Stone Bones. Then she'll take a step back, so that she's next to Alexander rather than in front of him.

Attack: [roll0] Critical check: [roll1] If hits, DR 5/adamantine until her next action.
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]

2016-06-12, 12:31 PM
K(Local): [roll0]
K(Religion): [roll1]

Eglantine let out a quiet prayer that the activating of those lights meant that the priests had noticed the disturbance. "Come on, my brother has to be there. He has to." Looking at the lights she cursed. "We're marked now. Hopefully someone spots the lions, understands why we are fighting."

Moving to AR 26

2016-06-15, 11:31 PM
Rowan looks at the lions for a few moments, his mouth hanging open. Then he closes it, dashes to the garden door and yells "It's not the baker, there are lions! " before continuing to the garden gate.

Double move action to go from 1AA to the assumed position of the door (-1AA), then continue to AH2 (which is coincidentally the gate). If the door is in fact farther, please let me know so I can reduce movement accordingly.

2016-06-21, 03:53 PM
Bleeding heavily, Aerin grinds her teeth. Concentrate. Focus. I'm better than this. She swings her greatsword in an arc.

Using Stone Bones. Then she'll take a step back, so that she's next to Alexander rather than in front of him.

Attack: [roll0] Critical check: [roll1] If hits, DR 5/adamantine until her next action.
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]

It is very close, but in the end her sword catches only the lion's mane.

Alexander makes his attempt to bring the creature down, but he is no more successful.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

K(Local): [roll0]
K(Religion): [roll1]

Eglantine let out a quiet prayer that the activating of those lights meant that the priests had noticed the disturbance. "Come on, my brother has to be there. He has to." Looking at the lights she cursed. "We're marked now. Hopefully someone spots the lions, understands why we are fighting."

Moving to AR 26

The elf nods and runs after Eglantine. "The priests of Illyrie are... peculiar, I've heard."

Rowan looks at the lions for a few moments, his mouth hanging open. Then he closes it, dashes to the garden door and yells "It's not the baker, there are lions! " before continuing to the garden gate.

Double move action to go from 1AA to the assumed position of the door (-1AA), then continue to AH2 (which is coincidentally the gate). If the door is in fact farther, please let me know so I can reduce movement accordingly.

"Lions? What nonsense is this?", Brother Gregor says frowning, "Has some mad performer brought wild beasts into the city?" August looks alarmed and hurries after Rowan.

2016-06-21, 03:59 PM
The man on the roof shouts a command, and the first lion backs away from the pair of warriors. He then moves to the left and back, and then runs towards the edge of the roof and leaps over the road to the other side.

Jump: [roll0]
Balance: [roll1]
He lands on a loose tile and almost slips, but manages to stagger forward and secure his footing. Some tiles fall and smash to the ground with a loud crack.

The other lion charges past the temple and Rowan, slowing at the next street corner. Eglantine and the elf see it appear at the end of the road they were going to take.

S is the man who was invisible earlier, now also marked with the lights. A is August, who followed Rowan out. (The door to the temple is a little farther up, but Rowan can get there and to the gate with a double move.)

2016-06-21, 04:09 PM
"You're not going anywhere," Aerin tells her foe, lunging after it.

Move and attack the lion. Regaining maneuvers. Attack: [roll0] Critical confirmation: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]
Effective AC against lion 19.

2016-06-21, 04:30 PM
"You're not going anywhere," Aerin tells her foe, lunging after it.

Move and attack the lion. Regaining maneuvers. Attack: [roll0] Critical confirmation: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]
Effective AC against lion 19.

This time Aerin strikes true and the lion disappears in a puff of smoke.

L1 is gone.

2016-06-21, 07:16 PM
"Nope. Nope nope nope." Eglantine pushed the elf back behind the building and out of the radius of a charge.

2016-06-22, 05:31 PM
"Nope. Nope nope nope." Eglantine pushed the elf back behind the building and out of the radius of a charge.

Eglantine backs away to hide behind the building and starts casting a summoning spell. The elf follows her example drawing his sword, his hand shaking a little. With the first lion gone, Alexander turns around and runs to them, moving past the elf to look around the corner. "The other beast is coming this way!", he shouts to Aerin.

Rowan opens the gate and hurries towards the lion, figuring that whoever it's chasing will soon need help. "Wait! What are you doing?!", August shouts, running after him.

The lion roars and starts a dash down the alley, picking up speed as it nears the spot where it saw its prey.

The lion is smart enough to time its approach a little.

The sound of footsteps comes from the roof and a new spell is cast. Three missiles of magical energy drop down to the street and fly towards the elf. However, just before they hit him in the back, the brooch holding his cloak flares and draws in the missiles, destroying them harmlessly. The elf jumps in surprise nonetheless.



2016-06-22, 05:40 PM
"Someone really wants you dead," Aerin says as she runs up to the elf. "You the prince of somewhere or what? Tell me something! And get under cover if you can!"

Move adjacent to the elf--still blocking anything that might approach him from the west.

2016-06-24, 10:09 AM
"Someone really wants you dead," Aerin says as she runs up to the elf. "You the prince of somewhere or what? Tell me something! And get under cover if you can!"

Move adjacent to the elf--still blocking anything that might approach him from the west.

"No! I have no idea what this is about!", the elf replies, "My family has no recent quarrels with anyone, unless father has made an enemy I don't know about."

Oh! I just noticed the picture of the map has some white in it, that area means nothing, it's just the end of the map I had drawn at this time. Didn't mean to include that, oops. ^^' The road continues normally in that direction.

I'll put Alexander's action here too, as it is convenient. He moves to AR26.

Alexander steps forward, blocking the lion's path and swings his ranseur at it. The lion growls when the weapon hits its chest.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Rowan and Eglantine's turn.

2016-06-24, 07:21 PM
Rowan opens the gate and hurries towards the lion, figuring that whoever it's chasing will soon need help. "Wait! What are you doing?!", August shouts, running after him.

"Lights mean fighting!" Rowan shouts back as he runs.

Double move action to what I believe is AR12.

2016-06-28, 01:31 PM
"Lights mean fighting!" Rowan shouts back as he runs.

Double move action to what I believe is AR12.

August nods, though Rowan can't see it. But he can hear that the cleric continues to follow him.

He can actually come 1 square closer, to AR13.

I know Athedia has limited access to internet right now, but since it's been a while, I think it's best if I move things along. I hope this is ok.

I chose a giant fire beetle for the summon, as it a good fit for a fight. If you'd prefer another type, that can be changed.

Eglantine completes her summoning and giant beetle with shiny red stripes materialises on the other side of the lion and immediately tries to snap the beast with its strong jaws.

"Follow me!", she shouts to the elf and runs over the crossroads, planning to put some distance between them and the caster. The young noble is in no mood to argue and does what she says.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The lion throws its head around in annoyance as the bug bites its behind, but chooses to ignore the smaller threat. Instead it lunges towards Alexander, attempting to plow past him by force.

Rule detail explained, in case you're interested: The AoO from Alexander is actually triggered when the lion starts its movement, when it leaves a threatened square, due to his longer reach with a ranseur. There is no sense for him to delay his AoO of the round, as he can't make the one usually offered by an Overrun attempt because ranseur cannot be used against an adjacent foe. This means that even if his AoO hits, the lion can still proceed with the overrun.

Beetle's AoO: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Alexander's AoO:[roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Lion: [roll6] VS Alexander: [roll7]

In case the lion fails, Alexander tries to knock it down:
Lion: [roll8] VS Alexander: [roll9]

Alexander slashes a new deep cut to the lion's chest, but the summon is persistent in its advance and he fails to regain his balance quickly enough to meet it. The beast pushes him violently out of the way and the warrior hits the building and falls to the ground.

On the roof, the robed man begins casting a new spell.

Eglantine and elf are where a double move would take them. If Athedia wants, they can have run farther east with a Run action.
B is the Beetle summoned by Eglantine, A is August, S is the enemy caster.

2016-06-28, 02:19 PM
"That's it, run from me, coward!" Aerin lunges after the lion. "Get around the corner and under cover!"

Charge the lion: [roll0] Critical confirmation: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]
Effective AC against lion 17.

2016-06-28, 09:53 PM
"That's it, run from me, coward!" Aerin lunges after the lion. "Get around the corner and under cover!"

Charge the lion: [roll0] Critical confirmation: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]
Effective AC against lion 17.

Aerin deals a powerful blow that banishes the lion.

2016-06-29, 08:49 AM
Eglantine dashed down the side alley looking for a ladder. If she could find one she could bring it back so that half orc lady could get to the caster. She looked at a locked door as she passed, that would be a good place to hide the elf.

2016-06-29, 02:48 PM
Eglantine runs into the small alley with the elf still following. Spotting the ladder, she hurries to grab it. The elf looks at her with a slightly curious expression, forgetting for a moment to be afraid.

The ladder weights about 60 lbs and two hands are required to carry it due to not being an easy item to maneuver.

Axe has not posted yet, but I'm going to take a wild guess and assume that Rowan will close the remaining distance. As always, please let me know if you think I make too hasty decisions regarding your characters.

Rowan runs towards the people at the crossroads. On his way he passes a big ferocious looking beetle, but it doesn't appear hostile towards him. The two people who fought the lion have both deep claw wounds to show from the encounter, but don't seem likely to fall down and die just yet. The half-orc looks dangerous in her anger, and even the man who was knocked down is able to stand up on his own and collect his weapon. They look vaguely familiar to Rowan.

On the roof the mage finishes his spell and shiny giant bee appears to hover over the rooftop. The summoner shouts something and the creature darts forwards in the direction where Eglantine and the elf went. The man casts a new spell right after, this one shorter than the previous, and then sprints over the roof with great speed, clearly about to make another leap from one roof to another.

He'll have to wait for the next round to actually make the jump, but you can clearly see what he's up to.

Party's turn.

S is the caster, G the giant bee, B the beetle Eglantine summoned and Au is August the cleric. Roofs are roughly 30 ft. high, btw.

2016-07-04, 07:49 AM
Rowan looks at Aerin and Alexander, or more specifically at the bobbling lights dancing around their heads . "Did you start this? Enter the tournament if you need to hit things." He walked to the corner and looked each way carefully. "And no more lions!"

Partial move action to AS27.

2016-07-04, 08:26 AM
"This is an attempted assassination, you idiot, not a game," Aerin snaps. "If you want it stopped, kill that guy on the rooftop. Or grab. 'Apprehend.'" She turns as Eglantine approaches with the ladder. "You--all right. Make sure the target's safe."

2016-07-04, 12:30 PM
Just that moment, Rowan sees his sister run to the street from a nearby alley, her vest tattered and bloody, and carrying a tall ladder. Upon seeing him Eglantine shouts, "Rowan! Get over here and heal me this instant!"

As per Athedia's instructions.
Her plan is to grab the ladder and bring it out to Kish then pick the locks on a door so the elf guy can hide. Then she will probably follow Kish up the ladder. This changes if Rowan arrives, in which case Eglantine will ask/order him to heal her and then once healed will go up the ladder.

Aerin runs towards her, ready to climb up, Alexander follows her and goes to guard the elf that had kept following Eglantine. "That mage on the roof seeks to kill this boy!"

The elf is in total defense.

The giant bee hovering over their heads flies over the building then decends near the elf and tries to sting him, but misses.
Sting: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If hits, Fort save against Poison [roll2].

The mage jumps over the street, landing more graciously this time. With great speed he runs across the roof.

I assumed (again) that Rowan would follow the others, getting where he is on the map means he took a double move. Axe, if you would have liked him to do something else, please let me know, that can be changed.

Aerin is next to the ladder at the start of this turn. I couldn't find rules for climbing a ladder (many other things were mentioned however), but I'll rule that you can move up at half your land speed against DC 0 (so unless one is very clumsy, no need to roll). If you move at full speed, the DC is 5. (Accelerated Climbing rule.) Distance to the roof is 30 ft.

On the map, S is caster, G the giant bee hovering 5 ft. above ground, B is the beetle Eggie summoned and Au is August.http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae273/meriwater/Maps/Map_2_7_zpsgruydxz8.png

2016-07-04, 12:57 PM
Aerin returns her sword to its sheath and climbs up the ladder as fast as she can.
Climb check: [roll0]

2016-07-06, 11:03 PM
"This is an attempted assassination, you idiot, not a game," Aerin snaps. "If you want it stopped, kill that guy on the rooftop. Or grab. 'Apprehend.'" She turns as Eglantine approaches with the ladder. "You--all right. Make sure the target's safe."

"Oh," Rowan says quietly, nodding. "That's not good. "

Just that moment, Rowan sees his sister run to the street from a nearby alley, her vest tattered and bloody, and carrying a tall ladder. Upon seeing him Eglantine shouts, "Rowan! Get over here and heal me this instant!"

Rowan blinks as he notices his sister, then follows her instructions. "Eggy? What did you do?"

Rowan is moving to be adjacent to Eggy, and casts Cure Light Wounds.
CLW: [roll0]

Math if there are questions because I am bad at it at the best of times.

+4 from level
+2 hp/spell level from a feat
+3 cha bonus

2016-07-07, 07:39 AM
Eglantine took a deep breath as her ribs knit back together. "I jumped in front of a lion. You know. FOR FUN." She followed Aerin up the ladder as fast as she could chasing after the caster.

Don't exactly know how much movement actions would take.
Climb Check: [roll0]

2016-07-07, 03:00 PM
"Why do you want him dead?" Aerin demands as she moves to corner the strange spellcaster.

Can he make a standing jump to the other side? It'll cost him when he tries, anyway.

2016-07-07, 04:46 PM
August continues to follow Rowan. "You know her?", he nods after Eglantine.

Not ten feet of them, the summoned bee is still trying to get to the elf. "Get behind that building!", Alexander shouts to him and after the elf has retreated as instructed he attacks the giant bee, but takes a misstep and the swing goes wide.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The bee flies up, over Alexander, and charges at the elf, but he manages to duck under the sting.

Sting: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
If hits, Fort save against Poison: [roll4]

"Why do you want him dead?" Aerin demands as she moves to corner the strange spellcaster.

Can he make a standing jump to the other side? It'll cost him when he tries, anyway.

The mage turns around startled when Aerin and Eglantine suddenly climb up. He is wearing a hooded robe, but from this distance they can tell he is a young half-elf. He starts to cast a new spell, being careful not to give an opening to attack, but he is too hasty and fumbles the spell.

Concentration: [roll5]

Panicking he turns around and jumps over the small alley and runs across the next roof with great speed.

This is assuming the AoOs don't knock the summoner unconscious.

Lad is where the ladder stands, S is the summoner, G the giant bee and Au is August.

2016-07-11, 05:25 AM
The mage just barely avoids Aerin's sword, but not Eglantine's axe, which leaves a cut on his back. The man lands on the other side and runs, but Aerin chases after him.

He moves faster than Aerin, so she needs a double move to keep up. I can't make changes to the map right now, but Aerin is in a square adjacent to the mage (S on the map).

Eglantine and Rowan still have a turn.

2016-07-12, 11:35 AM
Eglantine took a deep breath as her ribs knit back together. "I jumped in front of a lion. You know. FOR FUN." She followed Aerin up the ladder as fast as she could chasing after the caster.

Don't exactly know how much movement actions would take.
Climb Check: [roll0]

"You've done worse," Rowan mutters under his breath as Eggy climbs the ladder.

He concentrates for a moment then steps past the giant bee without a second glance. He reaches out to shake the elf's hand, releasing a surge of healing energy as he does so. "Hello, don't die."

Move action: to BI28.

Immediate action: activate armband of elusive action. This means one attack of opportunity this round against Rowan will be automatically avoided. Charges: 0/1.

Standard action: Cast Cure Moderate Wounds on the elf, for a total of [roll0] HP. I think the elf technically gets a will save if he really wants to.

2016-07-12, 12:02 PM
Eglantine couldn't help grinning as a blow finally connected. She took a deep breath before following the mage across the gap.

I can fail this (standing jump DC 10) [roll0]

2016-07-13, 11:04 AM
"You've done worse," Rowan mutters under his breath as Eggy climbs the ladder.

He concentrates for a moment then steps past the giant bee without a second glance. He reaches out to shake the elf's hand, releasing a surge of healing energy as he does so. "Hello, don't die."

Move action: to BI28.

Immediate action: activate armband of elusive action. This means one attack of opportunity this round against Rowan will be automatically avoided. Charges: 0/1.

Standard action: Cast Cure Moderate Wounds on the elf, for a total of [roll0] HP. I think the elf technically gets a will save if he really wants to.

"I-", the elf looks startled before noticing the healing take effect, "Thank you."

"Don't just stand there!", Alexander shouts and takes a swing at the bee again, striking true this time and the summon disappears in a puff of red smoke.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The elf is in total defence.

If not slain, the bee would have continued to pursue its goal of poking a hole into the elf.

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
If hits Fort save against Poison: [roll4]

Aerin and Eglantine chase the caster and corner him next to another edge. He attempts to cast another spell, careful not to give an opening to attack.
Concetration: [roll5]

However, he is again unable to concentrate properly on his casting. Cursing he runs again towards the next gap a street makes between the houses.

Aerin and Eggy get an AoO again.

2016-07-13, 11:41 AM
Attack of opportunity: [roll0] Critical threat check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]

2016-07-13, 11:52 AM
Aerin gives the man a new wound to worry about, but it's not severe enough to stop him from escaping.

2016-07-13, 12:36 PM
Asha swung again, trying to sense which way the mage might dodge.

+4 attack with inspiration

2016-07-13, 02:51 PM
Eglantine's attack is also accurate and the man yelps in pain. He's bleeding badly and is desperately running away, leaping over another street.

His speed is currently 60 ft. which means he passes the Jump check automatically. Forgot that higher base speed grants a bonus to Jump checks.

Party's turn. The mage running away is the only enemy left.


2016-07-13, 02:56 PM
Aerin runs and jumps after the man again. "Stop running before you're dead and explain why you'd want to kill him!" she demands.

Move 20 feet and then jump 10 feet=still a DC 10 Jump check and thus Aerin cannot fail. Once again she uses two move actions to close with the fleeing assassin.

2016-07-19, 02:50 PM
Aerin runs and jumps after the man again. "Stop running before you're dead and explain why you'd want to kill him!" she demands.

Move 20 feet and then jump 10 feet=still a DC 10 Jump check and thus Aerin cannot fail. Once again she uses two move actions to close with the fleeing assassin.

Still the man gives Aerin no answer. Eglantine follows them, also jumping from one roof to another.

The mage manages to gain some distance between himself and the pursuit and has the space to concentrate on a new spell undisturbed. Both him and his cloak turn grey and slightly transludent, as if they are made of mist.

Spellcraft or Knowledge(arcana) to identify the spell.

Party's turn. Rowan has actually 2 turns, as he didn't act last round, though I can see that it could be tricky for him to join the chase.


2016-07-19, 03:29 PM
Aerin steps forward and holds her sword ready.

Moving 5 feet and readying to use Stone Bones if he tries to cast another spell or to move away by any means.
Stone Bones attack: [roll0] Critical threat check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]

2016-07-20, 02:47 PM
Rowan peers carefully around the various alleyway corners as if another assassin would spring out of the woodwork.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Readied action to move 30' towards anything threatening or unusual.
(I am uncertain if one can ready a move action. I hope so?)

2016-07-27, 12:10 PM
Rowan peers carefully around the various alleyway corners as if another assassin would spring out of the woodwork.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Readied action to move 30' towards anything threatening or unusual.
(I am uncertain if one can ready a move action. I hope so?)

Rowan sees no one suspicious, but hears the sound of several footsteps approaching the quickly from the direction of the temple. A few people come to view at the end of the road, too far for him to recognise faces, but their robes are Illyrie's clerics'.

Eglantine steps forward and swings her axe at the misty form of the mage.
Same modifiers as before?
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Despite his only half-solid form Eglantine's enchanted weapon cuts deep and the mage recoils gasping for breath, though he manages to stay conscious.

Aerin steps forward and holds her sword ready.

Moving 5 feet and readying to use Stone Bones if he tries to cast another spell or to move away by any means.
Stone Bones attack: [roll0] Critical threat check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]

The mage is about to disperse to a cloud of fog and drift through the wooden roof, but Aerin doesn't give him the chance. The warrior's sword pierces the mmisty form and they hear one last muffled cry of pain and a loud crack of wood breaking, before the half-elf turns solid again and slumps down unconscious, one foot stuck between the planks.

He's unconscious and bleeding, but alive (though just barely).

Combat is over!

2016-07-27, 08:25 PM
Aerin sheathes her sword and grabs the unconscious assassin. If she easily can pull him out from between the planks, she'll do so and, carrying him, jump off the building on the side nearest to his would-be victim; if he seems to be sufficiently stuck that pulling him out with a big heave might mutilate him or the building, not, she'll hold him up and say to Eglantine, "Can you get his leg free?"

Should part of my post be confusing you, note that Aerin wears a Ring of Feather Fall.

2016-07-28, 12:15 AM
Eglantine reached into her pouch pulling out a long metal rod much to large to fit inside and started to twist and pull sections until she had revealed a saw. "This'll be quick. She carefully started to saw through the boards ."Rowan! Get up here we need to keep this idiot alive."

2016-07-28, 12:53 AM
With a little work with the saw and bending the wood, Eglantine gets the man foot loose.

2016-07-28, 07:36 AM
Carrying the assassin, Aerin jumps off the building on the side nearest to his would-be victim. Upon landing, she carries him over to those on the ground. "You know him?" she asks the elf.

2016-07-29, 02:25 PM
Carrying the assassin, Aerin jumps off the building on the side nearest to his would-be victim. Upon landing, she carries him over to those on the ground. "You know him?" she asks the elf.

"Noo... I don't think so", the elf replies, his expression bleak, "I have no idea why he would try to kill me! His robes, they have the sigil of the Red Dragonfly, that is one of the mage guilds, but I don't recall having any problem with them either. Still, this second attempt makes it clear it was no accident I was maimed on the tournament grounds earlier. I... must speak with my father, as soon as I can." He doesn't sound too happy about the prospect.

2016-08-03, 12:55 AM
"Noo... I don't think so", the elf replies, his expression bleak, "I have no idea why he would try to kill me! His robes, they have the sigil of the Red Dragonfly, that is one of the mage guilds, but I don't recall having any problem with them either. Still, this second attempt makes it clear it was no accident I was maimed on the tournament grounds earlier. I... must speak with my father, as soon as I can." He doesn't sound too happy about the prospect.

Eglantine leaned over the building, looking rather grumpy. "Rowan, get a ladder for me. And talk to one of your priest buddies to get rid of these blasted orbs. I need to get back to the stall."

2016-08-03, 12:28 PM
August comes closer to see their captive better and heals him just a little to stop the bleeding. "Who would dare attempt murder, in broad daylight and even on sacred ground?", he mutters.

Four Illyrie's clerics hurry towards them, almost fast enough that they could be said to be running. "What is going on here?!", the first to reach them demands to know and eyes their bloodstained clothes and the unconscious man suspiciously, "Why has blood been spilt here?" He is a middle-aged human, with light brown hair and large eyes. Rowan knows him as Brother Rodric.

2016-08-03, 01:26 PM
August comes closer to see their captive better and heals him just a little to stop the bleeding. "Who would dare attempt murder, in broad daylight and even on sacred ground?", he mutters.

Four Illyrie's clerics hurry towards them, almost fast enough that they could be said to be running. "What is going on here?!", the first to reach them demands to know and eyes their bloodstained clothes and the unconscious man suspiciously, "Why has blood been spilt here?" He is a middle-aged human, with light brown hair and large eyes. Rowan knows him as Brother Rodric.

Eglantine spoke over the roof again, leaning down. "Hello sir. Rowan's sister up here. That unconscious man tried to kill that elf. Second assassination attempt on the man today. We were simply escorting him to the temple so he could be healed. Now I would appreciate a ladder since I am starting to get rather tired of this roof."

2016-08-03, 07:57 PM
"Yes, Ladder. Good idea." Rowan says, focusing on the present moment. He occupies himself with dragging the ladder to his sister, hopefully without crushing anyone.

2016-08-03, 08:09 PM
"The unconscious conjurer here," Aerin holds up the half-elf, "tried to assassinate him"--she jerks her chin at the elf--"at the tournament earlier, and followed us here to try it again. He needs to be bound and gagged before he wakes up and starts casting more spells."

2016-08-03, 10:08 PM
Eglantine climbed down the ladder, wincing a little as she hopped down the last foot. "She's telling the truth you know." After checking to make sure that there were no lions hiding around any corners, Eglantine gave Rowan a one armed hug and a hair ruffle. "Thanks. Do you have the room key? I bet I'm going to have to work late tonight to make up from wasted time."

2016-08-08, 03:36 PM
Brother Rodric looks alarmed. "Assassinate?! That is a very serious charge! Who would-"

"We have no idea. I have no idea why, I don't remember ever seeing him before", the elf speaks up, "I am Darian Belgrede, my father is Lord of Ashwood. I need to speak to him right away, will you take charge of this criminal for now?"

Congrats dude, you have a name! ...No, I didn't only just name him, that would be silly.

"I... don't know", Rodric replies and looks to the other clerics, "Perhaps we should call the City Guards to take him, or contact the Castle Guards directly, if the matter is this serious. Then again, he was caught on the temple grounds..."

"That does kind of involve us", another cleric says nodding, "But we should discuss it with the High Cleric first." The others murmur in agreement.

"Well yes, but we can't take him to the temple before we ask her, can we? So we should summon her here."

"Have the High Cleric run around? Don't be absurd!"

"What of these other marked people, what is to be done with them?"

"Well, naturally the High Cleric..."

The young noble is starting to look impatient when the clerics' chatter goes on.

2016-08-08, 10:40 PM
Eglantine climbed down the ladder, wincing a little as she hopped down the last foot. "She's telling the truth you know." After checking to make sure that there were no lions hiding around any corners, Eglantine gave Rowan a one armed hug and a hair ruffle. "Thanks. Do you have the room key? I bet I'm going to have to work late tonight to make up from wasted time."

Rowan makes a face and tries to unruffle his hair. "Of course I have the key, it's right here!" He has to check a surprising number of pockets before he finally shows her the room key.

The young noble is starting to look impatient when the clerics' chatter goes on.

Rowan half-listens to the chatter and edges over to be between August and Aerin. "Looks like you'll be seeing the High Cleric sooner rather than later. I wonder why we can't just send a messenger to ask her? Then she wouldn't have to run around."

Again having map issues, really hope August and Aerin are at least somewhat near each other

2016-08-10, 05:23 AM
Rowan half-listens to the chatter and edges over to be between August and Aerin. "Looks like you'll be seeing the High Cleric sooner rather than later. I wonder why we can't just send a messenger to ask her? Then she wouldn't have to run around."

Again having map issues, really hope August and Aerin are at least somewhat near each other

August brightens up. "Perhaps something good can come out of this terrible incident!"

The map is out of date now that you're out of combat anyway. But yes, everyone are gathered in one place.

And true enough, after some more tedious debate, the group of clerics finally come to an agreement of how to proceed. They decided to send one of them ahead to hurry back to temple and report to the High Cleric immediately. The others will escort these disruptors of the peace to the temple doors, where the High Cleric can meet them if she so chooses, before actually letting them in and committing herself to this matter. The clerics look rather pleased with their very clever plan and gesture the party and the others to follow them.

The clerics will protest if you don't follow their instructions, but won't try to stop you by force if you don't. If any of you wish to leave at this point, you can do so, though the circling blue lights are still stuck with you.

Rowan knows how to remove the wards. For a person who is associated with Illyrie, it is like cancelling a spell.

They can also be removed by Dispel Magic and the like cast by anyone, but the DC is high.

2016-08-10, 03:36 PM
"You have odd priorities," Aerin mutters. "Fine, we go to the temple. The High Cleric will hopefully have a better sense of priorities than you lot. You should stay with me," she tells the noble, "until you know why he tried to kill you and whether he has any accomplices. Ugh." She presses one hand to a claw-slash and glares at the unconscious assassin. "Stupid lions." She watches him carefully as they move, ready to hit him over the head if he shows signs of waking up.

2016-08-10, 04:53 PM
"You have odd priorities," Aerin mutters. "Fine, we go to the temple. The High Cleric will hopefully have a better sense of priorities than you lot. You should stay with me," she tells the noble, "until you know why he tried to kill you and whether he has any accomplices. Ugh." She presses one hand to a claw-slash and glares at the unconscious assassin. "Stupid lions." She watches him carefully as they move, ready to hit him over the head if he shows signs of waking up.

"...Yes, that is probably wise", Darian the elf replies, visibly relieved that the clerics are finally moving somewhere.

August notices how Aerin touches her wound. "You should have that treated right away! Actually, the lot of you are in pretty bad shape. I can heal some of the worst, though I'm far from the best healer."

Unless anyone protests, August will cast a healing spell on each of the wounded party members.
Aerin: [roll0]
Eglantine: [roll1]
Alexander: [roll2]

2016-08-10, 08:48 PM
Eglantine poked Rowan. "Get rid of these Row-Ro. I have work to do and I can't wait around."

2016-08-14, 10:28 PM
"You have odd priorities," Aerin mutters. "Fine, we go to the temple. The High Cleric will hopefully have a better sense of priorities than you lot. You should stay with me," she tells the noble, "until you know why he tried to kill you and whether he has any accomplices. Ugh." She presses one hand to a claw-slash and glares at the unconscious assassin. "Stupid lions." She watches him carefully as they move, ready to hit him over the head if he shows signs of waking up.

Eglantine poked Rowan. "Get rid of these Row-Ro. I have work to do and I can't wait around."
"Get rid of the lights? I don't know if the high cleric..." He winces. "Well, she knows where to find you."

Rowan concentrates for a moment, and the lights stop flashing around those who had fought the summoner.
assuming a partial cancellation is possible, it's probably best to leave them on the enemy caster.

He turns to Aerin and Darian. "It's nice to meet you! Or, meet you when there are no lions involved. I'm Rowan, looks like you've already met my sister."

2016-08-14, 11:26 PM
"Get rid of the lights? I don't know if the high cleric..." He winces. "Well, she knows where to find you."

Rowan concentrates for a moment, and the lights stop flashing around those who had fought the summoner.
assuming a partial cancellation is possible, it's probably best to leave them on the enemy caster.

He turns to Aerin and Darian. "It's nice to meet you! Or, meet you when there are no lions involved. I'm Rowan, looks like you've already met my sister."

Eglantine gave Rowan a quick kiss on the cheek and then started off down the street. "Rowan knows where we live and where I work. If I haven't gotten fired!" With that she booked it back to Vindal. Out of breath she gave him the payment. "Sorry for - my lateness. - There was- an accident. - I had to - get Rowan - to heal." Hands on her knees she started breathing slower, catching her breath.

2016-08-16, 03:51 PM
"Get rid of the lights? I don't know if the high cleric..." He winces. "Well, she knows where to find you."

Rowan concentrates for a moment, and the lights stop flashing around those who had fought the summoner.
assuming a partial cancellation is possible, it's probably best to leave them on the enemy caster.

Yes, of course.

He turns to Aerin and Darian. "It's nice to meet you! Or, meet you when there are no lions involved. I'm Rowan, looks like you've already met my sister."

Darian gives Rowan a nod. "Your healing was most appreciated, as was the help of your sister."

They all wait for a short moment outside the temple, but soon a cleric pops out to invite them in. The High Cleric is waiting for them in the hall, identifiable by her more ornate robes. Her expression is patient, but stern. "I welcome you to the temple, good warriors and young noble. I am Ethanna, Springhaven's High Cleric of Illyrie. I'm afraid weapons are not allowed in our temple beyond this room, but instead of going through the hassle of asking you to remove them, I though we would just speak here. Now, I have been told this mage", she gestures towards the unconscious half-elf, "is the source of all this trouble, but no one knows his motives. Since the rest of you have not thus broken any laws of the land, I see no reason to keep you, though I would wish to know your names and where you can be found, just in case you are needed later. Is there anything you wish to add?" She looks at every one in turn and raises an eyebrow. "I see your sister, did not choose to join us, Rowan."

Eglantine gave Rowan a quick kiss on the cheek and then started off down the street. "Rowan knows where we live and where I work. If I haven't gotten fired!" With that she booked it back to Vindal. Out of breath she gave him the payment. "Sorry for - my lateness. - There was- an accident. - I had to - get Rowan - to heal." Hands on her knees she started breathing slower, catching her breath.

When Eglantine gets back, Ynna is still manning the stall, currently haggling with black bearded dwarf, who is interested in buying a resistance cloak (she's not doing incredibly well by the sounds of it). Vindal and another man Eglantine doesn't recognise are standing at the back of their small merchant tent, talking in a low voice. The man is well-dressed and looks to be mostly human, though there is something slightly elvish about his features.

Eggy can eavesdrop with a Listen check, interrupt them, or just wait until they are finished talking.

2016-08-19, 11:45 PM
Yes, of course.

They all wait for a short moment outside the temple, but soon a cleric pops out to invite them in. The High Cleric is waiting for them in the hall, identifiable by her more ornate robes. Her expression is patient, but stern. "I welcome you to the temple, good warriors and young noble. I am Ethanna, Springhaven's High Cleric of Illyrie. I'm afraid weapons are not allowed in our temple beyond this room, but instead of going through the hassle of asking you to remove them, I though we would just speak here. Now, I have been told this mage", she gestures towards the unconscious half-elf, "is the source of all this trouble, but no one knows his motives. Since the rest of you have not thus broken any laws of the land, I see no reason to keep you, though I would wish to know your names and where you can be found, just in case you are needed later. Is there anything you wish to add?" She looks at every one in turn and raises an eyebrow. "I see your sister, did not choose to join us, Rowan."

Rowan nods nervously. "I hope that's alright- she has her work to do. I can get her to come along later, if you need that."

2016-08-20, 12:02 AM
"I suppose I can leave him with you," Aerin grunts, dropping the assassin unceremoniously to the floor. "Careful, he tried to turn into some kind of mist thing. I'm kind of curious about why he did this. You going to be okay?" she asks the young elf, then turns back to Ethanna and adds, "My name's Aerin Thorn. I've been staying at here I realize I don't know a way for her to identify the lodging house where she's staying."

2016-08-20, 09:59 PM
When Eglantine gets back, Ynna is still manning the stall, currently haggling with black bearded dwarf, who is interested in buying a resistance cloak (she's not doing incredibly well by the sounds of it). Vindal and another man Eglantine doesn't recognise are standing at the back of their small merchant tent, talking in a low voice. The man is well-dressed and looks to be mostly human, though there is something slightly elvish about his features.

Eggy can eavesdrop with a Listen check, interrupt them, or just wait until they are finished talking.

Eglantine noticed the conversation and stayed hunched over in the guise of catching her breath, her ears straining to hear the conversation. She felt a little guilty but a part of her was very suspicious of elves after that afternoons events.

Since I believe this counts as a new encounter, inspiration should refresh.
If that is the case please add +4 to the check below (Cunning Knowledge (Listen))


EDIT: Guess it won't really matter, still I was going to use it so I still do (if it can be used). Apparently Eggy is a snoop :P

2016-08-22, 03:37 PM
Rowan nods nervously. "I hope that's alright- she has her work to do. I can get her to come along later, if you need that."
"It is alright, Rowan", Ethanna replies calmly, "We'll send word if she is needed. This matter has quite messed up our schedules, but Sister Sura will surely have some work for you, if you're not otherwise occupied."

"I suppose I can leave him with you," Aerin grunts, dropping the assassin unceremoniously to the floor. "Careful, he tried to turn into some kind of mist thing. I'm kind of curious about why he did this. You going to be okay?" she asks the young elf, then turns back to Ethanna and adds, "My name's Aerin Thorn. I've been staying at here I realize I don't know a way for her to identify the lodging house where she's staying."

Oh right! The house you're all staying in is located on a street called Witch Track, in an area known as Mistmoor. (Though there is no moor there now and mist only occasionally.) Street numbers are not used in Springhaven, so it's customary to name the owner of the house when giving one's address.

The High Cleric nods and gestures to her clerics to collect the half-elf and carry him through the doors to the left.

"I'm going to meet my father", Darian says, "I have already been healed, so there is no need for me to stay here."

Ethanna frowns slightly. "It seems to me we can't be sure if this killer was acting alone. It might be safest you to remain here for now."

If Aerin wants to leave, she can do so now. Or she can also stay at the temple to explore it or talk to Rowan or any of the clerics that are around. If she would like some more healing (she still has 15 damage, if my notes are correct), the clerics will provide it.

Eglantine noticed the conversation and stayed hunched over in the guise of catching her breath, her ears straining to hear the conversation. She felt a little guilty but a part of her was very suspicious of elves after that afternoons events.

Since I believe this counts as a new encounter, inspiration should refresh.
If that is the case please add +4 to the check below (Cunning Knowledge (Listen))


EDIT: Guess it won't really matter, still I was going to use it so I still do (if it can be used). Apparently Eggy is a snoop :P

"I have no interest in this job", Eglantine hears Vindal say to the other man.
"Come now, Master Vindal, you know that is not an answer I can bring back", the man replies, "Nor is it one you can give."
Vindal's frown deepens. "An order of these in this quantity is illegal, do you know that?"
"You need not worry, it has the blessing of the crown. I will have an official permit arranged, if you so desire."
"I still don't want it."
"Vindal Ebon, you know full well that there is no choice in this matter. Unless you'd like to try your luck in life outside the protection of our borders, hm?"
Vindal pales and his mouth thins to a stern line. He makes no answer.
"Good", the man places a coin purse in the elven craftsman's hand, "here is some down payment, for the materials and such. I'll see to it that details are sent to your workshop, good day!" Then he turned and walked away.

Vindal stayed where the conversation had left him, staring at the canvas at the back of the tent. He stood there a good while, until he remembered his surroundings again and noticed Eglantine. "Oh, Eggy. You're back."

2016-08-22, 03:50 PM
"Unless you want to change your earlier answer and say you know this guy, it's a personal grudge, and he would have been acting entirely alone, I would not advise going anywhere without protection," Aerin tells the young elf. After a brief internal struggle, she adds, "I can accompany you to your father, if you want."

She'll accept any healing that is offered.

2016-08-22, 05:47 PM
"It is alright, Rowan", Ethanna replies calmly, "We'll send word if she is needed. This matter has quite messed up our schedules, but Sister Sura will surely have some work for you, if you're not otherwise occupied."

Oh right! The house you're all staying in is located on a street called Witch Track, in an area known as Mistmoor. (Though there is no moor there now and mist only occasionally.) Street numbers are not used in Springhaven, so it's customary to name the owner of the house when giving one's address.

The High Cleric nods and gestures to her clerics to collect the half-elf and carry him through the doors to the left.

"I'm going to meet my father", Darian says, "I have already been healed, so there is no need for me to stay here."

Ethanna frowns slightly. "It seems to me we can't be sure if this killer was acting alone. It might be safest you to remain here for now."

If Aerin wants to leave, she can do so now. Or she can also stay at the temple to explore it or talk to Rowan or any of the clerics that are around. If she would like some more healing (she still has 15 damage, if my notes are correct), the clerics will provide it.

"I have no interest in this job", Eglantine hears Vindal say to the other man.
"Come now, Master Vindal, you know that is not an answer I can bring back", the man replies, "Nor is it one you can give."
Vindal's frown deepens. "An order of these in this quantity is illegal, do you know that?"
"You need not worry, it has the blessing of the crown. I will have an official permit arranged, if you so desire."
"I still don't want it."
"Vindal Ebon, you know full well that there is no choice in this matter. Unless you'd like to try your luck in life outside the protection of our borders, hm?"
Vindal pales and his mouth thins to a stern line. He makes no answer.
"Good", the man places a coin purse in the elven craftsman's hand, "here is some down payment, for the materials and such. I'll see to it that details are sent to your workshop, good day!" Then he turned and walked away.

Vindal stayed where the conversation had left him, staring at the canvas at the back of the tent. He stood there a good while, until he remembered his surroundings again and noticed Eglantine. "Oh, Eggy. You're back."

Eglantine straightened up and watched the man leave. She turned back to Vindal and crossed her arms, a perturbed look on her face. "Who was that? I don't like mysteries, especially after what happened today. That errand you sent me on? There were two assassination attempts on a young man, half elf noble brat. Someone summoned lions to attack us when we were trying to get him to safety. And Master Vindal, you don't talk so quiet as you used too." She spoke quietly, carefully counting out the payment from the belts. "Though urgency to use the belts made him want to pay up faster, I will say that. But Vindal. Something is going on with the tournament. Something is going on with here."

2016-08-28, 03:05 PM
"Unless you want to change your earlier answer and say you know this guy, it's a personal grudge, and he would have been acting entirely alone, I would not advise going anywhere without protection," Aerin tells the young elf. After a brief internal struggle, she adds, "I can accompany you to your father, if you want."

She'll accept any healing that is offered.

"I would recommend you to accept", the High Cleric agrees, "Actually...", she turns to Rowan, "it might be that you would do best to go with them. Your duties at the temple will wait, there is no haste here. But people are not as considerate."

Aerin is healed to full HP.

Anything else either of you would like to say here? Otherwise, we'll move forward.

Eglantine straightened up and watched the man leave. She turned back to Vindal and crossed her arms, a perturbed look on her face. "Who was that? I don't like mysteries, especially after what happened today. That errand you sent me on? There were two assassination attempts on a young man, half elf noble brat. Someone summoned lions to attack us when we were trying to get him to safety. And Master Vindal, you don't talk so quiet as you used too." She spoke quietly, carefully counting out the payment from the belts. "Though urgency to use the belts made him want to pay up faster, I will say that. But Vindal. Something is going on with the tournament. Something is going on with here."

The noble was a full elf, the assassin was a halfie.

Vindal turns slowly, a distant expression on his face. "Oh, Eggy. You're back." A pause. "Sounds like you had a colourful afternoon. That was Marquis Garland's man who just left, we have a new order to work on, I will tell you about it later. Now...", he looks around and sighs, looking almost sad, "I think I'll return to the workshop. I'll send Olyvar here once I get there, would you watch over things until he comes? Then you can have rest of the day off."

It's a bit strange that he says she can leave early on a tournament day, when you would expect everyone to be asked to work hard all day long, either at the stall or the store. Though Vindal is a bit of a absent-minded person, so it's not entirely out of character.

2016-08-29, 12:18 PM
"I would recommend you to accept", the High Cleric agrees, "Actually...", she turns to Rowan, "it might be that you would do best to go with them. Your duties at the temple will wait, there is no haste here. But people are not as considerate."

Aerin is healed to full HP.

Anything else either of you would like to say here? Otherwise, we'll move forward.

As they leave the temple, Rowan turns to Aerin. "So, you're the new neighbor Ms. Mellow was talking about! Welcome to Springhaven. I swear, it's not usually like this. The worst problem we've had for ages is Mr. Oak's frogs. Watch your step in the evenings, by the way, stepping on them isn't pleasant for you or the frog."

2016-08-29, 02:39 PM
"This...Mr. Oak keeps frogs and lets them out at night?" Aerie asks, raising an eyebrow.

2016-08-29, 11:33 PM
"This...Mr. Oak keeps frogs and lets them out at night?" Aerie asks, raising an eyebrow.

"No. Well, yes and no. He does keep frogs, but he doesn't mean for them to get out." He shrugs.

2016-08-30, 12:30 PM
Vindal turns slowly, a distant expression on his face. "Oh, Eggy. You're back." A pause. "Sounds like you had a colourful afternoon. That was Marquis Garland's man who just left, we have a new order to work on, I will tell you about it later. Now...", he looks around and sighs, looking almost sad, "I think I'll return to the workshop. I'll send Olyvar here once I get there, would you watch over things until he comes? Then you can have rest of the day off."

It's a bit strange that he says she can leave early on a tournament day, when you would expect everyone to be asked to work hard all day long, either at the stall or the store. Though Vindal is a bit of a absent-minded person, so it's not entirely out of character.

Eglantine's brow furrowed. "Master Vindal-." But instead of pressing him she nodded. "I will arrive early and ready to work." Going to the front of the shop she approached where Ynna was still failing to sell the cloak. "Oh a resistance cloak. Ynna did I ever tell you my brother speaks highly of those. Most temple workers do. Prevention is much better for you than having to pay for healing every time something makes you sick. And with these crowds... well who knows."

Don't know what to roll, but basically trying to help her sell the item.

2016-09-02, 03:22 PM
Darian doesn't protest to being escorted, and while Alexander says he has other business to attend to, Rowan and Aerin leave with the elf. They pass through the joyous town; if word of the lion incident has spread, it has not altered the general mood.

Despite their concern, no one tries to commit murder on the way, and they reach a fancier part of town where many nobles have their city apartments. But when they approach the address Darian has named, they see a crowd of people outside the house, and not the happy kind. A few have soot on their clothes and some look to have suffered burns. The general tone seems to be confusion and worry, and smoke is pouring out of the windows of the mansion.

Darian recognises someone, a middle-aged elf, from the crowd outside and heads towards her. "Endine!", he calls out, "What is going on, is the house on fire?"

The elf greets them hastily, judging by her clothes she's a high ranking servant. "I don't know, young master. Ash rats were discovered in the kitchen, they burned some of the staff that got close. I ordered everyone outside, but I'm not sure if everyone are out. So far all we've seen is smoke not fire, but you know how the saying goes..."


In the market region, Vindal leaves the stall and Eglantine goes to help Ynna with the customers. She spends the better part of the next hour haggling with customers and trying to attract more. Her young helper is more or less useful in either.

It is well past noon when her work is interrupted. First it only seems that the background noise is just growing louder, but then clear shrieks pierce the air. Coming from the right, people are starting to push their way through the crowded street, more join them to increase the pressure. There's shouting and shoving and unfortunate is the one who looses their footing now.

All: Note that Aerin and Rowan are in a different part of town than Eglantine. These are separate incidents.

Athedia: For helping Ynna, you can roll Diplomacy or Bluff, whichever you prefer. You can also make a separate general check to see how the business goes afterwards. This takes before the trouble begins.

2016-09-02, 03:40 PM
In the market region, Vindal leaves the stall and Eglantine goes to help Ynna with the customers. She spends the better part of the next hour haggling with customers and trying to attract more. Her young helper is more or less useful in either.

It is well past noon when her work is interrupted. First it only seems that the background noise is just growing louder, but then clear shrieks pierce the air. Coming from the right, people are starting to push their way through the crowded street, more join them to increase the pressure. There's shouting and shoving and unfortunate is the one who looses their footing now.

All: Note that Aerin and Rowan are in a different part of town than Eglantine. These are separate incidents.

Athedia: For helping Ynna, you can roll Diplomacy or Bluff, whichever you prefer. You can also make a separate general check to see how the business goes afterwards. This takes before the trouble begins.


General Check (don't know what modifiers):

Eglantine looked up from where she had been polishing one of the clasps, the shrieks almost causing her to drop it. "Ynna! Go out the back and try to find Vindal! He should be at the workshop." She got her axe out and positioned herself between the valuables in the tent and the crowd. "Assassinations, elves, stampedes and Rowan... could this day get any worse?" She looked in the direction people were running from trying to identify the cause.


2016-09-02, 03:41 PM
Apparently forgot how to roll... whoops

Spot: [roll0]

2016-09-02, 03:49 PM
"It sounds like your entire family is under attack, not just you," Aerin comments. She doesn't volunteer anything further, waiting to hear what the young noble says.

2016-09-05, 09:26 AM

General Check (don't know what modifiers):

Eglantine looked up from where she had been polishing one of the clasps, the shrieks almost causing her to drop it. "Ynna! Go out the back and try to find Vindal! He should be at the workshop." She got her axe out and positioned herself between the valuables in the tent and the crowd. "Assassinations, elves, stampedes and Rowan... could this day get any worse?" She looked in the direction people were running from trying to identify the cause.


Eglantine can't see anything from the crowd that rushes past her. Only when the bulk of the panicked mass has passed her can she see the source of their fear. On the street is a agitated creature that looks like an ugly misshapen hen. While it is larger than a normal chicken, it is still no larger than middle sized dog and the fear it has sparked seems disproportionate. However, when the woman who was selling sweets on the other side of the street tries to leave her tent, the creature lunges at her and pecks her with its sharp beak. The merchant's scream is cut off abruptly when she swiftly turns to stone. Other humanoid statues can be seen further down the street, likewise disturbingly lifelike.

Ynna cowers in the back of the tent. "I don't know if I can get out the back", she squeaks, "There's stuff stored on the back path again."


Stalls are separated with black lines, though the walls are usually just made of cloth. I named a few of the closest ones.
N are people Eggy can currently see.
S are stone statues.
C is the weird chicken.

Orange squares mark the insides of a tent, they contain various items and furniture you'd expect in a market stall. Generally can't run inside.
Grey square are roads, normal movement.
Light orange squares have some stuff, like boxes in them. Walking through such a square costs x2 movement and you can't run through them.
Brown squares are so full they are practically blocked. A Climb check is required to get through. (The paths behind and between the stalls are supposed to be kept open, but...)

"It sounds like your entire family is under attack, not just you," Aerin comments. She doesn't volunteer anything further, waiting to hear what the young noble says.

"So it seems...", Darian replies looking pale, "Endine, where's my father!"

"I don't know, young master, he left earlier and didn't say where", the older elf replies, "If you excuse me, I have to do a headcount of the servants. You would do best to go elsewhere for the time being. If I may be so bold to suggest, maybe go to the castle to inform the ministers. They should be told of the fire anyway, and it is safe there."
Something inside the house breaks with a loud crack and a cloud of thick smoke pours to the street.

2016-09-05, 09:51 AM
"Hm. I had thought this was some kind of personal grudge against you by the conjurer, but apparently not," Aerin muses. "I'll accompany you to the castle." She considers but doesn't add if you're not feeling suicidal.

2016-09-08, 04:09 PM
Rowan looks at the rising smoke for a moment before replying. "We'd better get to the castle quickly, then. If the summoner isn't the only one, the streets don't seem like a good place to be."

2016-09-09, 01:01 PM
Eglantine can't see anything from the crowd that rushes past her. Only when the bulk of the panicked mass has passed her can she see the source of their fear. On the street is a agitated creature that looks like an ugly misshapen hen. While it is larger than a normal chicken, it is still no larger than middle sized dog and the fear it has sparked seems disproportionate. However, when the woman who was selling sweets on the other side of the street tries to leave her tent, the creature lunges at her and pecks her with its sharp beak. The merchant's scream is cut off abruptly when she swiftly turns to stone. Other humanoid statues can be seen further down the street, likewise disturbingly lifelike.

Ynna cowers in the back of the tent. "I don't know if I can get out the back", she squeaks, "There's stuff stored on the back path again."


Stalls are separated with black lines, though the walls are usually just made of cloth. I named a few of the closest ones.
N are people Eggy can currently see.
S are stone statues.
C is the weird chicken.

Orange squares mark the insides of a tent, they contain various items and furniture you'd expect in a market stall. Generally can't run inside.
Grey square are roads, normal movement.
Light orange squares have some stuff, like boxes in them. Walking through such a square costs x2 movement and you can't run through them.
Brown squares are so full they are practically blocked. A Climb check is required to get through. (The paths behind and between the stalls are supposed to be kept open, but...)

I have +5 in everything but local so [roll0] probably arcana?

"What the.. Ynna, run FAST and turn left down the first street. It seems to be following the crowd. I'll try to slow it down." Eglantine looked around the tent for any items that might stop the creature. She hoped Vindal wouldn't be to angry about her using merchandise.

2016-09-14, 09:53 PM
"Hm. I had thought this was some kind of personal grudge against you by the conjurer, but apparently not," Aerin muses. "I'll accompany you to the castle." She considers but doesn't add if you're not feeling suicidal.

Rowan looks at the rising smoke for a moment before replying. "We'd better get to the castle quickly, then. If the summoner isn't the only one, the streets don't seem like a good place to be."

Darian nods and the small company retreats from the site of the fire and heads towards the castle. The column of smoke has rised some eyebrows and inspired some talk on the streets, but most still continue to enjoy their happy day of celebration or continue working hard to keep it going.

The area around the castle is calmer, frequent patrols of guards keeping the most enthusiastic revelers and loiterers away. The castle is a tall intimidating building, built from light sandy brown rock to set it apart from the city it's towering over. It bears the wear of age, the walls are no longer quite smooth nor the roof tiles bright or window decorarions shiny, but one can still tell that it was once a great achievment of excellent craftmanship. These days it is not only the resident of the Duchess, but also where her ministers and other high officials of the country work.

The guards at the old-fashioned drawbridge stop them, which gains them an angry 'don't you know who I am?' spit from the young noble. After some reluctant debate, they allow the group to walk in. In the hall they are again stopped by a dutiful servant who inquires about their business. Darian demands that he needs to speak someone of 'enough importance', to inform them of a fire in his home and of troubles in the tournament field and attempts at his life. He also asks to see his father if he is present. The servant regrets that to his knowledge the man is not in the castle, and that the Ministers and their assistants are busy, but that he will make inquiries.

They are guided to a nearby neatly decorated room and instructed to wait. All too slowly a full hour passes by with no response. Darian paces around and finally bursts, ”This will take forever like this, it's easy for them to ignore whoever they can't see! I'm tired of waiting, better go find someone to speak to.”

I have +5 in everything but local so [roll0] probably arcana?

"What the.. Ynna, run FAST and turn left down the first street. It seems to be following the crowd. I'll try to slow it down." Eglantine looked around the tent for any items that might stop the creature. She hoped Vindal wouldn't be to angry about her using merchandise.

Ha, clever! Items on display:
-Amulet of Tears
-Arcanist Gloves
-Armbands of Elusive Action
-Blessed bandages
-Boots of Landing
-Brooches of Shielding
-Chronocharms (require to be worn for 24 hours to work)
-Cloak of Resistance
-Feather tokens (more than one type)
-Life rings
-Tunic of steady spellcasting
-Vest of Resistance

Note that it takes at least a move action to grab and set an item to its place if its an item that is worn. A full-round action in case of the tunic and vest. Vindal might not be too happy about merchandise being used, no, though he seemed to have other things on his mind.

Could you clarify where is she directing Ynna to run? It's likely clear to her as Eglantine can point, but I'm not entirely sure what she means.

2016-09-18, 03:38 PM
"All right. What exactly is your family's position?" Aerin asks. She makes no efforts to dissuade the young elf from going to look for someone to speak to, and she'll stay with him.

2016-09-19, 09:24 AM
"If you're sure we shouldn't wait... Rowan says, but there's no real conviction to his words, and he follows promptly after Darian.

2016-09-20, 11:35 PM
"If you're sure we shouldn't wait... Rowan says, but there's no real conviction to his words, and he follows promptly after Darian.

"All right. What exactly is your family's position?" Aerin asks. She makes no efforts to dissuade the young elf from going to look for someone to speak to, and she'll stay with him.

”Ours is an old family, and father is well respected among the nobility, though he currently has no official position besides his birth title”, Darian replies.

Rowan and Aerin continue to follow the young noble as he goes looking for important people. He walks confidently in the castle and no one moves to stop them on the way. They pass a few servants and some scribes hurry past them, but neither are what Darian is looking for. They climb a few stairs, walk across a dozen hallways (or so it seems), and finally come to a pair of large decorative doors. ”This is the office of the Minister of Defence”, Darian says, ”At least so I remember. He should be told what is happening anyway, let's see if he's in.” Without further hesitation, the elf pulls open the doors, which move without the slightest creek, and steps in.

The room they see first is a finely decorated foyer, with some wall hangings, statues and a few comfortable looking chairs for decoration. A door on the left has been left slightly open and the party hears a discussion that is going on.
”This whole scheme is reckless”, says a male voice.
”You want us to wait”, as a female voice, ”We are never going to get another opportunity like this!”
”It is still too early, acting now is risky-”
”And wait for the impossible, there is no safe moment to kill an emperor.”

Darian stops in his tracks in the middle of the room.

You can't currently see the speakers and they can't (presumably) see you.

2016-09-21, 05:24 AM
Aerin puts her mouth next to the young elf's ear and says, quietly enough not to carry any further tham him, "You know their voices?"

If his reply is affirmative, she walks back out the door and the way we came. If it's negative, she continues at the same pitch, "Go back to somewhere safe. I'll be right behind you." She'll try to peer around the door. If she sees anyone who sees her, she'll run back the way we came.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

2016-09-26, 12:06 AM
Aerin puts her mouth next to the young elf's ear and says, quietly enough not to carry any further tham him, "You know their voices?"

If his reply is affirmative, she walks back out the door and the way we came. If it's negative, she continues at the same pitch, "Go back to somewhere safe. I'll be right behind you." She'll try to peer around the door. If she sees anyone who sees her, she'll run back the way we came.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

"One is the Minister of Defence", Darian replies in a frightened whisper, "The lady, I'm not sure... It can't be..." He backs away to the door.

Aerin sneaks closer, the people in the room don't appear to notice her. She looks in and catches a glimpse of a woman with pointy ears and even more delicate features than your usual elf. She's wearing an expensive gown with intricate decorations.

She's fey-touched.

"You- Your Grace, I only mean-", the Minister says, but is cut off.
"No, I will not hear any excuses. Make the arrangements now. It is time we set a new course for our nation."

2016-09-26, 06:19 AM
Aerie walks toward the door we came in. "Careful. Bad time to fall," she says in the same low voice. She'll follow Darian out of the door.

Knowledge: Nature: [roll0]

2016-09-26, 05:39 PM
Aerin and Darian return to the hallway, where Rowan is.

What do you do next? Axe, you can assume that Rowan also heard the previous exchange.

2016-09-26, 08:51 PM
Basically down toward and past B15

Eglantine grabbed the cloak and armbands, throwing them on. She was utterly terrified about this creature, whatever it was.

"Run Ynna! NOW!"

Putting on cloak of resistance and armbands of elusive action. Next turn I plan to grab a whip feather token. Sadly no access to the pathfinder tokens (SO many more. And some are really fun)

2016-09-28, 12:26 PM
Rowan's face is white as a sheet when Aerin and Darian return to the hall. "We have to get out of here. This has to be some kind of bad joke- one assassination per day should be enough for anyone." He starts down the hall the way they came in. "Darian- does the Minister of Defense have any enemies? Maybe we could count on them to at least not be in on his plan."

2016-09-28, 03:27 PM
Basically down toward and past B15

Eglantine grabbed the cloak and armbands, throwing them on. She was utterly terrified about this creature, whatever it was.

"Run Ynna! NOW!"

Putting on cloak of resistance and armbands of elusive action. Next turn I plan to grab a whip feather token. Sadly no access to the pathfinder tokens (SO many more. And some are really fun)

"R-right!" Ynna runs out from the back, squeezing past the piled boxes. The not-chicken lets out an ear-piercing yell and charges after the crowd, colliding with the slowest person. Despite the fury of the attack, its beak is small and does only minimal damage, however the terrified gnome shares the other's fate and turns to stone.

Most of the people keep running, leaving behind only an old lady who was knocked over in the confusion. The owner of the rival magic item shop doesn't run, but goes to hide behind the counter, and the smith on the left grabs one of the polearms on display to arm herself.

What feather tokens do you have in mind? I do allow some Pathfinder stuff, so they might be available. Just note that unlike other magical items, feather tokens are spent after being used, so Eggy might have to pay for them later, if they are missed.

Stalls are separated with black lines, though the walls are usually just made of cloth. I named a few of the closest ones.
N are people, the smith, and old lady and the rival magic item craftsman are left.
S are people turned to stone.
C is the weird chicken.

Orange squares mark the insides of a tent, they contain various items and furniture you'd expect in a market stall. Generally can't run inside.
Grey square are roads, normal movement.
Light orange squares have some stuff, like boxes in them. Walking through such a square costs x2 movement and you can't run through them.
Brown squares are so full they are practically blocked. A Climb check is required to get through. (The paths behind and between the stalls are supposed to be kept open, but...)http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae273/meriwater/Maps/Map_3_2_zpskhdazudc.png

Rowan's face is white as a sheet when Aerin and Darian return to the hall. "We have to get out of here. This has to be some kind of bad joke- one assassination per day should be enough for anyone." He starts down the hall the way they came in. "Darian- does the Minister of Defense have any enemies? Maybe we could count on them to at least not be in on his plan."

"I- I don't know", Darian replies, "They had to be joking, or speaking empty words. There is no way the Minister could... And that lady, what did she look like?", he asks Aerin, looking like he doesn't really want to hear the answer.

2016-09-28, 03:50 PM
"They weren't joking," Aerin says sharply. "Elven woman. Fey-touched. Important enough to give orders to the Minister of Defense. They thought you were important enough, and intractably hostile enough to their coup, to assassinate. Give me the name of someone you trust to be loyal to the Emperor over the Minister of Defense and whoever that woman is."

2016-09-28, 04:21 PM
"They weren't joking," Aerin says sharply. "Elven woman. Fey-touched. Important enough to give orders to the Minister of Defense. They thought you were important enough, and intractably hostile enough to their coup, to assassinate. Give me the name of someone you trust to be loyal to the Emperor over the Minister of Defense and whoever that woman is."

Darian grows even more pale. "But, only the Duchess would... No, no, Her Grace can't be involved in this. Well, she is fey-touched, but other old noble families have fey blood too. And I still have no idea why someone would want to have me killed! But, loyal to the Emperor...", he thinks, "Well, I'm pretty sure my father is. And... Marchioness Delaqua. There are others, but of those I am certain." He looks around. "We... shouldn't stay here, then? Even if the Minister were involved in the attacks against my family, surely no one would try anything here in the castle."

2016-09-28, 04:26 PM
"We should not stay here. Take me--us--to your father if you can. If not, to this Marchioness."

2016-09-29, 11:31 AM
"R-right!" Ynna runs out from the back, squeezing past the piled boxes. The not-chicken lets out an ear-piercing yell and charges after the crowd, colliding with the slowest person. Despite the fury of the attack, its beak is small and does only minimal damage, however the terrified gnome shares the other's fate and turns to stone.

Most of the people keep running, leaving behind only an old lady who was knocked over in the confusion. The owner of the rival magic item shop doesn't run, but goes to hide behind the counter, and the smith on the left grabs one of the polearms on display to arm herself.

What feather tokens do you have in mind? I do allow some Pathfinder stuff, so they might be available. Just note that unlike other magical items, feather tokens are spent after being used, so Eggy might have to pay for them later, if they are missed.

Stalls are separated with black lines, though the walls are usually just made of cloth. I named a few of the closest ones.
N are people, the smith, and old lady and the rival magic item craftsman are left.
S are people turned to stone.
C is the weird chicken.

Orange squares mark the insides of a tent, they contain various items and furniture you'd expect in a market stall. Generally can't run inside.
Grey square are roads, normal movement.
Light orange squares have some stuff, like boxes in them. Walking through such a square costs x2 movement and you can't run through them.
Brown squares are so full they are practically blocked. A Climb check is required to get through. (The paths behind and between the stalls are supposed to be kept open, but...)http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae273/meriwater/Maps/Map_3_2_zpskhdazudc.png

The only one that would really apply now would be the Tar and Feathers token. Basically a tokened glitterdust. I understand that Eggy will be expected to pay for them. Hopefully Vindal will see this as an advertising investment instead of... well his apprentice using merchandise (though I will say, it would probably be more expensive to replace the apprentice than the merchandise at this point). And yes, I know it will be a while before Eggy can replace these items by making them. Major creation is a little out of reach for now (level 13 min for Factotum)

Once I get verification my plan is basically

1. Throw Tar and Feathers token at creature (pretty sure it is a cockatrice if I know my mythologies/nethack, hint don't eat their corpses...)
2. Position myself between the creature and the fallen woman
3. Pray that I don't get petrified

Once I get the go ahead/told what actions all this will take, I will post

2016-10-03, 10:22 PM
Grabbing the small token from the display Eglantine hurled it at the cockatrice as she ran to put herself between it and the old woman. Her axe leapt into her hand, the crystal letting off a quick glow. "Get up Ma'am and run!"

Moving to H9

2016-10-08, 01:42 AM
"We should not stay here. Take me--us--to your father if you can. If not, to this Marchioness."

"I- Alright", Darian agrees after some hesitation, "I don't know where father is, and our house is on fire!", he lets out a small laugh, as if he has trouble stomaching the situation, "But I remember where the Marchioness's city mansion is. But I still think this must be a misunderstanding. The mere thought is..." He continues to babble nervously as they head back towards the gate, more to himself than anyone else.

They are almost in the entrance hall, when they hear an angry shout: "You! Stop there!" Darian almost jumps and turns around, but it was not him the call was directed to. An obviously furious nobleman is approaching them, followed by two guards, his finger pointed at Rowan. "I remember you, thief! The nerve you have to come here, to steal more no doubt!!", he shouts with a voice full of vehemence, "Return my signet and the money you stole, immediately, and I'll only have you whipped!"

It is Count Delawney, the nobleman Rowan met in the morning. If you recall, the man's horse had been hurt after he rode towards a carriage and Ky asked Rowan to heal it.

Grabbing the small token from the display Eglantine hurled it at the cockatrice as she ran to put herself between it and the old woman. Her axe leapt into her hand, the crystal letting off a quick glow. "Get up Ma'am and run!"

Moving to H9

While the token has the same effect as Glitterdust, I'm going to make a small change in that the save to avoid being blinded is a Fort save instead of Will, as it makes more sense considering the effect. DC 14 I believe.
Fort: [roll0]

2016-10-08, 02:01 AM
The sticky feathers cover the cockatrice, causing it to actually look a little more like a normal chicken, though still an extremely ugly one. It shakes the worst of its face though and doesn't appear to be slowed. Screaming it runs towards Eglantine and tries to peck her.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] minimum of 1.
If hits, roll a Fort save against petrification.

The smith steps forward with a lance in hand. "Here, run through the back ma'am!" She gestures towards the other side of her tent. The old woman drags herself up and limps past the smith.


2016-10-09, 11:16 AM
"I- Alright", Darian agrees after some hesitation, "I don't know where father is, and our house is on fire!", he lets out a small laugh, as if he has trouble stomaching the situation, "But I remember where the Marchioness's city mansion is. But I still think this must be a misunderstanding. The mere thought is..." He continues to babble nervously as they head back towards the gate, more to himself than anyone else.

They are almost in the entrance hall, when they hear an angry shout: "You! Stop there!" Darian almost jumps and turns around, but it was not him the call was directed to. An obviously furious nobleman is approaching them, followed by two guards, his finger pointed at Rowan. "I remember you, thief! The nerve you have to come here, to steal more no doubt!!", he shouts with a voice full of vehemence, "Return my signet and the money you stole, immediately, and I'll only have you whipped!"

It is Count Delawney, the nobleman Rowan met in the morning. If you recall, the man's horse had been hurt after he rode towards a carriage and Ky asked Rowan to heal it.

Rowan looks to either side before he finally processes that the Count is, in fact, referring to him. "Thief? Me? All I did was heal your horse! Ky said..."

He stops for a moment, connecting the dots. "But he can't have stolen from you either. He's trying to get his life back together!"

2016-10-09, 11:42 AM
The sticky feathers cover the cockatrice, causing it to actually look a little more like a normal chicken, though still an extremely ugly one. It shakes the worst of its face though and doesn't appear to be slowed. Screaming it runs towards Eglantine and tries to peck her.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] minimum of 1.
If hits, roll a Fort save against petrification.

The smith steps forward with a lance in hand. "Here, run through the back ma'am!" She gestures towards the other side of her tent. The old woman drags herself up and limps past the smith.


Eglantine let out a relieved breath as the smith helped the woman out the back of the tent. But the creature was still in front of her. Glancing at the smith she spoke quickly. "If this thing turns me to stone, please tell Vindal... and ask him to tell my brother."

She swung her axe down, eyes pinched shut in fear of the creatures retaliation. After her swing she quickly retreated out of pecking range.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Using 1 inspiration point to give a bonus to dodge +4 AC, AC now 21

2/3 inspiration points

Move to E9, the bracers? One of the items she put on lets her avoid 1 AoO.

2016-10-09, 05:36 PM
Aerin looks back and forth between them, narrowing her eyes with frustration. "Tell him where to find you, at the temple," she finally tells Rowan abruptly. "Your Lordship, we really have to talk to the Marchioness right now. Tell him, Darian. We'll sort out the young priest's apparent foolish trust in this friend of his, and you'll get your property back, but this is extremely urgent."

2016-10-09, 09:12 PM
Aerin looks back and forth between them, narrowing her eyes with frustration. "Tell him where to find you, at the temple," she finally tells Rowan abruptly. "Your Lordship, we really have to talk to the Marchioness right now. Tell him, Darian. We'll sort out the young priest's apparent foolish trust in this friend of his, and you'll get your property back, but this is extremely urgent."

"Ah... she's right. I swear we can sort this out later, Your Lordship. You can find me in the temple of Illyrie, it's not hard to find, there's only the one. Look, I'll even give you my keys. Can't get in my house without them, so I'll have to come back!" Rowan fishes around in his pockets for a bit until he pulls out his key, and offers it to the Count.

2016-10-11, 05:16 AM
Eglantine let out a relieved breath as the smith helped the woman out the back of the tent. But the creature was still in front of her. Glancing at the smith she spoke quickly. "If this thing turns me to stone, please tell Vindal... and ask him to tell my brother."

She swung her axe down, eyes pinched shut in fear of the creatures retaliation. After her swing she quickly retreated out of pecking range.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Using 1 inspiration point to give a bonus to dodge +4 AC, AC now 21

2/3 inspiration points

Move to E9, the bracers? One of the items she put on lets her avoid 1 AoO.
Eglantine slashes the cockatrice and retreats. The feathered creature is not scared off by the wound and charges after her.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] minimum of 1
If it hits, roll a Fort save against petrification.

"Will do!", the smith replies and takes a step back lifting the lance to attack the creature, but she is not accustomed to actually use such a weapon and only manages to swing wildly.

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]


Aerin looks back and forth between them, narrowing her eyes with frustration. "Tell him where to find you, at the temple," she finally tells Rowan abruptly. "Your Lordship, we really have to talk to the Marchioness right now. Tell him, Darian. We'll sort out the young priest's apparent foolish trust in this friend of his, and you'll get your property back, but this is extremely urgent."

"Ah... she's right. I swear we can sort this out later, Your Lordship. You can find me in the temple of Illyrie, it's not hard to find, there's only the one. Look, I'll even give you my keys. Can't get in my house without them, so I'll have to come back!" Rowan fishes around in his pockets for a bit until he pulls out his key, and offers it to the Count.

"Yes, what they said Your Lordship", Darian starts, "We are in quite a hurry-"

"Silence!", the older nobleman bellows, "Of course a thief would give excuses to try to escape! Crawl into some rat hole no doubt. Stand aside, lest you too become a suspect. Guards, seize him!" Delawney indicates towards Rowan and the two guards briskly step forward, their aim clearly to carry out the order.

No luck on the Diplomacy I'm afraid. So the question is, what do you do? Allow them to arrest Rowan? Fight? Run?

You are currently at a point where two corridors (3 squares wide) meet and you could make a dash towards the large hallway and the main entrance without having to move past the two guards, if you beat their initiative.

Note, in case it matters, these appear to be the Count's personal guards, not those that are employed in the castle. They currently pay no interest in Aerin or Darian, except to maybe shove them out of the way. No other people are visible right at this moment.

2016-10-11, 07:20 AM
Eglantine slashes the cockatrice and retreats. The feathered creature is not scared off by the wound and charges after her.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] minimum of 1
If it hits, roll a Fort save against petrification.

"Will do!", the smith replies and takes a step back lifting the lance to attack the creature, but she is not accustomed to actually use such a weapon and only manages to swing wildly.

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]


Cunning Insight for +4 to save, 1/3 inspiration left

Fort Save: [roll0]

Okay... yeah I think that made it. I will attack in a moment.

Question, if I step to F10 am I flanking?

2016-10-11, 09:38 AM
The peck had hit her! Eglantine froze for a second waiting for her body to turn to stone. After she had gone for a second without petrifying she let out a breath of relief. She stepped to the side of the creature and swung again. But she was still shaken from her fear of being turned to stone.

Don't know if I get flanking so I will assume not

Stepping to F10 anyway.

Oh and forgot to adjust stats for the cloak of resistance. Did that now.

Crit: [roll1]
Damage: 1d8+2

2016-10-11, 11:24 AM
Rowan sighs and puts his key back in a pocket. "I guess we'll solve this now. Good luck, Aerin." He takes his hands out of his pockets and steps towards the guards. "This is all a misunderstanding, Your Lordship. Force won't be necessary, I'll come quietly."

2016-10-11, 12:48 PM
"Quite," Aerin says. "Lead on, Darian."

2016-10-12, 01:34 AM
The peck had hit her! Eglantine froze for a second waiting for her body to turn to stone. After she had gone for a second without petrifying she let out a breath of relief. She stepped to the side of the creature and swung again. But she was still shaken from her fear of being turned to stone.

Don't know if I get flanking so I will assume not

Stepping to F10 anyway.

Oh and forgot to adjust stats for the cloak of resistance. Did that now.

Crit: [roll1]
Damage: 1d8+2

After it is struck a second time, the cockatrice thinks better of the attack and runs screaming in the other direction.

It Withdraws, but Eggy still gets an AoO. It is slower than her, do you want to give chase or let it go?


Rowan sighs and puts his key back in a pocket. "I guess we'll solve this now. Good luck, Aerin." He takes his hands out of his pockets and steps towards the guards. "This is all a misunderstanding, Your Lordship. Force won't be necessary, I'll come quietly."

This at least seems to please nobleman, and he nods and turns to return the way he came. The guards grab Rowan and escort him, not too kindly, after the count.

He is led into the deeper parts of the castle and to an office with rather spartan decorations. It has two large wooden desks, four chairs and a few bookcases to cover the walls. On the other side of the room is a smaller door. A middle-aged human man is standing near one of the shelves, studying a book. He looks up when the count barges in.

"Commander Alfhan!", Delawney exclaims upon seeing him, "Just the man I need, nevermind the Captain now." The Commander raises an eyebrow, but lowers his book. "Your Lordship", he replies with a simple nod.
The count doesn't hesitate to continue. "We have here a thief!", he has the guards present Rowan, "Who has stolen from me, a signet and money, in broad daylight!"

"Just now?", Alfhan asks, "My lord."

"No, this morning. My horse ran into some peasants and I was forced to dismount. Wouldn't be surprised if it was all planned to rob me. You should find and arrest the driver of that carriage as well!"

"One thing at a time, my lord", the commander smiles thinly, "Now, does he have the stolen items on his person?"

"I... am not sure", the count admits, "Guards, search him!"

Giving Rowan a chance to respond before continuing.

"Quite," Aerin says. "Lead on, Darian."

"R-right", Darian says and continues towards the entrance. "I hope he has no trouble sorting out that misunderstanding. Count Delawney can be quite... difficult at times. But he's not a bad person", he hurries to add.

They leave the castle and head towards Marchioness Delaqua's residence. There they have to go through the same old ceremonies of explaining who they are, who are they looking for and why, and no they are not here to assassinate anyone. After some more waiting, though less than what they endured in the castle, Aerin and Darian are led to the living room where the Marchioness will receive them.

She is an short elderly human with a wide face and broad shoulders that make her look a bit dwarvish. Darian exchanges some pleasantries and then quickly summarises what happened earlier today at the tourney grounds and outside Illyrie's temple. "... and so without ...Miss Thorn?", Darian is unsure of how to refer to the warrior politely, "and a couple of others, I'd be dead by now. Not that I understand why, though our city manor was also set on fire, I wonder if there was much damage, and I have no idea where father is! And..."

Delaqua listens patiently to the whole explanation, only nodding at times or shaking her head in disapproval. Only when Darian stops mid-sentence does she speak, "And? Is there more going on this mad day?"

"Well, that is... something we heard in the castle... but I don't think-"

2016-10-12, 06:12 AM
"We overheard the Minister of Defense talking with a faetouched elven woman Darian called the Duchess," Aerin says. "The Minister said the whole scheme was reckless. The Duchess said they would never get another opportunity like this. The Minister said it was still too early, and the Duchess said 'there is no safe moment to kill an emperor.' Then she ordered him to make the arrangements and said, 'It is time we set a new course for our nation.'"

2016-10-13, 08:57 PM
This at least seems to please nobleman, and he nods and turns to return the way he came. The guards grab Rowan and escort him, not too kindly, after the count.

He is led into the deeper parts of the castle and to an office with rather spartan decorations. It has two large wooden desks, four chairs and a few bookcases to cover the walls. On the other side of the room is a smaller door. A middle-aged human man is standing near one of the shelves, studying a book. He looks up when the count barges in.

"Commander Alfhan!", Delawney exclaims upon seeing him, "Just the man I need, nevermind the Captain now." The Commander raises an eyebrow, but lowers his book. "Your Lordship", he replies with a simple nod.
The count doesn't hesitate to continue. "We have here a thief!", he has the guards present Rowan, "Who has stolen from me, a signet and money, in broad daylight!"

"Just now?", Alfhan asks, "My lord."

"No, this morning. My horse ran into some peasants and I was forced to dismount. Wouldn't be surprised if it was all planned to rob me. You should find and arrest the driver of that carriage as well!"

"One thing at a time, my lord", the commander smiles thinly, "Now, does he have the stolen items on his person?"

"I... am not sure", the count admits, "Guards, search him!"

Giving Rowan a chance to respond before continuing.

Rowan takes a deep breath and speaks as calmly as he can. "I already told you, I didn't steal anything, Your Lordship. All I did was heal your horse. If I stole something, wouldn't it make sense to run away?"

2016-10-14, 02:53 AM
"We overheard the Minister of Defense talking with a faetouched elven woman Darian called the Duchess," Aerin says. "The Minister said the whole scheme was reckless. The Duchess said they would never get another opportunity like this. The Minister said it was still too early, and the Duchess said 'there is no safe moment to kill an emperor.' Then she ordered him to make the arrangements and said, 'It is time we set a new course for our nation.'"

The Marchioness sits very still for a moment. "Is that so?", she finally says thoughtfully.

"Yes, but-", Delaqua lifts a finger to cut Darian off. She stands up and walks to the window.

"This is very grave news. I would love to call the idea ludicrous, and accuse you of slander, but I fear... I fear our Duchess has gotten some very foolish thoughts into her head. This plan surprises me only in how preposterous it is. Murder the emperor?! Does she wish this continent to go up in flames?" She turns and gives Aerin a long look. "You are... not from Springhaven, are you?"

Rowan takes a deep breath and speaks as calmly as he can. "I already told you, I didn't steal anything, Your Lordship. All I did was heal your horse. If I stole something, wouldn't it make sense to run away?"

"Hah, thieves are cunning these days", Delawney replies, "They pretend to be helpful, but in truth stab you in the back!" The guards, naturally, find nothing incriminating on Rowan. "He must have already sold it forward, or maybe it is still in his house. I want it searched, immediately!" The last sentence is directed at the Commander.

"We are having a very busy day, Your Lordship", Alfhan replies, looking just slightly annoyed, "You may mistakenly believe I have the people for every task-"

"Bah! Inconsequential matters", the Count says dismissively, "The Tournament always creates some confusion. I want this handled today, or others will hear of it!"

The Commander manages a smile, though a very thin one. "Yes, Your Lordship. I'll find the men for it then."

"And I want this rascal locked up!"

"Right. What is your name and address?", Alfhan asks, turning to Rowan.

2016-10-14, 05:27 AM
"No, I'm not. I'm in town for the tournament."

2016-10-14, 10:19 AM
"And I want this rascal locked up!"

"Right. What is your name and address?", Alfhan asks, turning to Rowan.

"I'm Rowan Mata, Sir. I live on Witches Track in Mistmoor, in Ms. Mallow's boarding house. I'm sure your guards already found the key." A thought strikes him, and he looks alarmed. "You... you'll put my sister'a things back when you're done, won't you? She'll have my head for this..."

2016-10-14, 01:03 PM
After it is struck a second time, the cockatrice thinks better of the attack and runs screaming in the other direction.

It Withdraws, but Eggy still gets an AoO. It is slower than her, do you want to give chase or let it go?


Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

If this doesn't kill it then I want to charge as listed below.

Charge to M9
Crit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

As the cockatrice started to flee Eglantine brought the axe down again, and then gave chase. She might be terrified of being turned to stone but there was no way she would let that thing cause more panic in the city. Especially since it would drive off paying customers.

Don't know if this was mentioned but I can't remember which is which but one half is a mess the other half is tidy

2016-10-18, 05:14 AM
"No, I'm not. I'm in town for the tournament."

The Marchioness nods. "And your recent actions show that you do not agree with the actions of these conspirators. In mad times like these, any trustworthy person is invaluable." She straightens her stance. "This plot must of course be stopped, the peace of the whole continent depends on it. But that cannot be done without more information. I shall make some inquiries and will contact you later if your loyalty to the realm does not end here. In the mean time", she continues forward like a noble who isn't expecting interruptions and turns to Darian, "it would be best if you kept a low profile for a while. Stayed out of sight, at least until your father can be located. Clearly someone wants to harm your family, and it might well have something to do with all this. I would offer to let you stay here, but I fear that might be unwise.."

"I'm Rowan Mata, Sir. I live on Witches Track in Mistmoor, in Ms. Mallow's boarding house. I'm sure your guards already found the key." A thought strikes him, and he looks alarmed. "You... you'll put my sister's things back when you're done, won't you? She'll have my head for this..."

"Alright, I'll send someone over right away", Alfhan replies, making a point of bowing to the Count who looks pleases for the moment. "And I'm sure they soldiers will be as careful as they can", he says turning backt o Rowan, "And for now you must get acquainted with the cells. Someone will speak to you again after the house has been searched." He rings a bell by the wall, and a moment later a soldier in heavy armour steps into the room. "Captain? Oh, Commander-"

"Yes. We have a boy suspected of theft here, take him to the cells and lock him up, soldier."


"My guards-", the count interjects.

The commander sighs. "As my lord wishes. One of them can accompany them and make sure he doesn't escape."

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

If this doesn't kill it then I want to charge as listed below.

Charge to M9
Crit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

As the cockatrice started to flee Eglantine brought the axe down again, and then gave chase. She might be terrified of being turned to stone but there was no way she would let that thing cause more panic in the city. Especially since it would drive off paying customers.

Don't know if this was mentioned but I can't remember which is which but one half is a mess the other half is tidy

Englantine's first swing misses, but the second is accurate and cuts the creature deep. Badly wounded, the cockatrice turns to peck at her one more time, before limping away.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] minimum of 1.
If hits, fort save again.

In case she isn't turned to stone, Eggy gets an AoO as it moves away.

If Eggy doesn't slay the beast.

2016-10-18, 08:44 PM
"I don't know the goals of these conspirators--or the Emperor, for that matter--but I know enough about history to know that if I don't like rivers of blood, revolutions are 'no' by default." She looks at Darian. "Do you have any idea where you can go now?" she asks.

2016-10-19, 07:12 PM
[COLOR="#000080"]"Yes. We have a boy suspected of theft here, take him to the cells and lock him up, soldier."


"My guards-", the count interjects.

The commander sighs. "As my lord wishes. One of them can accompany them and make sure he doesn't escape."

Rowan smiles shakily. "Thank you for your expediency, Sirs. I'm sure this will all be cleared up soon."
As he goes with the guards, Rowan complains under his breath. "I said I wouldn't try to escape."

2016-10-19, 11:14 PM
Englantine's first swing misses, but the second is accurate and cuts the creature deep. Badly wounded, the cockatrice turns to peck at her one more time, before limping away.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] minimum of 1.
If hits, fort save again.

In case she isn't turned to stone, Eggy gets an AoO as it moves away.

If Eggy doesn't slay the beast.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Eglantine swung down again as the cockatrice limped away. She felt a little bad about hurting the wounded creature. But this was no place for it, and it posed a danger to everyone. She chased it down again, not letting it get away.

Charging after it. Effective AC: 15

Attack: [roll3]
Crit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

2016-10-21, 02:59 AM
"I don't know the goals of these conspirators--or the Emperor, for that matter--but I know enough about history to know that if I don't like rivers of blood, revolutions are 'no' by default." She looks at Darian. "Do you have any idea where you can go now?" she asks.

"I... I'm not sure. At any other time I suppose I could find an inn, but during the tournament, it would be hard to find any that have room. I could ask one of my friends-"

"No", the Marchioness interrupts him, "We don't know which families are involved in this. And it is certain that some, if not most, are. Our Duchess is foolish, but not entirely insane. Perhaps your friends wouldn't wish you harm, but their families can't be trusted."

Rowan smiles shakily. "Thank you for your expediency, Sirs. I'm sure this will all be cleared up soon."
As he goes with the guards, Rowan complains under his breath. "I said I wouldn't try to escape."

Rowan is led to the lowest levels of the castle, because that is where the dungeons always are. His magical items are confiscated and put away with his crossbow. Then he is unceremoniously led to a cell, pushed in and the door is slammed shut.

There is a small wooden bench and a bucket in the corner, otherwise the small room is empty. Moss grows on the bare stone walls and the place smells of mold and earth.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Eglantine swung down again as the cockatrice limped away. She felt a little bad about hurting the wounded creature. But this was no place for it, and it posed a danger to everyone. She chased it down again, not letting it get away.

Charging after it. Effective AC: 15

Attack: [roll3]
Crit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Eglantine brings the axe down with force and severs the cockatrice's neck. Its body drops down to the cobblestones, blood spilling to the street.

Combat over! 700 XP for Eggy.

2016-10-21, 10:43 AM
Eglantine brings the axe down with force and severs the cockatrice's neck. Its body drops down to the cobblestones, blood spilling to the street.

Combat over! 700 XP for Eggy.

Eglantine dropped her axe, bracing on her knees as she panted. The adrenaline was leaving her body now. Looking in pity at the creature she went back to the stand for some cloth and wrapped the creature in it, careful not to touch it. As she did this she spoke to the smith, "Can you find someone to run to Illyria's temple? Tell them we have people who got turned to stone and if they think this is a joke say Rowan's sister has the creature responsible. I need to watch the store until Vindal shows up. I would ask someone else but I don't think I trust that coward to do a simple errand." With that she glared at the rival magic item stand across the way.

Taking the corpse back to the stand and retrieving her axe, she sat down to clean it and wait for Vindal's return.

2016-10-22, 01:10 AM
Eglantine dropped her axe, bracing on her knees as she panted. The adrenaline was leaving her body now. Looking in pity at the creature she went back to the stand for some cloth and wrapped the creature in it, careful not to touch it. As she did this she spoke to the smith, "Can you find someone to run to Illyria's temple? Tell them we have people who got turned to stone and if they think this is a joke say Rowan's sister has the creature responsible. I need to watch the store until Vindal shows up. I would ask someone else but I don't think I trust that coward to do a simple errand." With that she glared at the rival magic item stand across the way.

"I can't leave my merchandise either", the smith replies, "Too many opportunistic looters around at this time of year. But if any bystander dares to come back now the screaming has stopped, I'll send someone. And the guard should come too, hopefully sooner than later."

Taking the corpse back to the stand and retrieving her axe, she sat down to clean it and wait for Vindal's return.

As Eglantine waits by the stand, people start slowly returning to the street. They do no shopping though, but rather gawk at the blood or try to sneak a peek at the creature and speak in hushed voices, already sending the rumours flying.

Vindal arrives before any sign of guards, with Ynna trailing after him. "I heard you killed the monster all by yourself!", she blurts, not noticing the corpse at first, "I thought you carried that battle axe just for show!"

2016-10-22, 02:06 AM
"I can't leave my merchandise either", the smith replies, "Too many opportunistic looters around at this time of year. But if any bystander dares to come back now the screaming has stopped, I'll send someone. And the guard should come too, hopefully sooner than later."

As Eglantine waits by the stand, people start slowly returning to the street. They do no shopping though, but rather gawk at the blood or try to sneak a peek at the creature and speak in hushed voices, already sending the rumours flying.

Vindal arrives before any sign of guards, with Ynna trailing after him. "I heard you killed the monster all by yourself!", she blurts, not noticing the corpse at first, "I thought you carried that battle axe just for show!"

Eglantine stood up, slipping the battleaxe into the hostler on her back as Vindal approached. She gestured to the items she had used to aid in the fight."I apologize for using your merchandise. I will pay back any debts I owe due to that." She looked at the bloodstained cloth behind her and shrugged. "And I didn't know if you might have a use for the corpse. At the very least it might be worth charging something to see."

She smiled at Ynna. "Ask the smith over there. A good craftsman can protect their wares and customers. It took me two years to save up for this beauty. But she is useful."

Turning back to Vindal she felt the exhaustion of the day overtake her. "I hate to ask. But may I go home? Today has been rough."

2016-10-22, 10:20 AM
Aerin considers this dubiously. "Got any ideas, then?" she asks the Marchioness, wondering why she (Aerin) is still involved in Darian's fate.

2016-10-26, 07:36 PM
Rowan is led to the lowest levels of the castle, because that is where the dungeons always are. His magical items are confiscated and put away with his crossbow. Then he is unceremoniously led to a cell, pushed in and the door is slammed shut.

There is a small wooden bench and a bucket in the corner, otherwise the small room is empty. Moss grows on the bare stone walls and the place smells of mold and earth.

Rowan sits down on the bench, not quite able to believe they actually put him in a dungeon. A real dungeon, mind you, with moss and cobwebs and everything!

Unfortunately, dungeons quickly prove to be very, very boring. And smelly. And rather cold, since they took his cloak.

After what seems like a few hours, Rowan slumps back against the mossy wall in boredom. "Hello? Am I the only one in here?" He asks loudly.

2016-10-30, 05:44 PM
Eglantine stood up, slipping the battleaxe into the hostler on her back as Vindal approached. She gestured to the items she had used to aid in the fight."I apologize for using your merchandise. I will pay back any debts I owe due to that." She looked at the bloodstained cloth behind her and shrugged. "And I didn't know if you might have a use for the corpse. At the very least it might be worth charging something to see."

She smiled at Ynna. "Ask the smith over there. A good craftsman can protect their wares and customers. It took me two years to save up for this beauty. But she is useful."

Turning back to Vindal she felt the exhaustion of the day overtake her. "I hate to ask. But may I go home? Today has been rough."
"It is quite alright, Eglantine. We'll sort it out later", Vindal replies, eyeing the scene on the street, "This could have turned much worse.." His voice grows distant and his expression absent-minded. "Oh yes, you may go. Ynna, start gathering up the merchandise, we are done for the day."

While the noise and excitement of the day has in no way quieted down, Eglantine notes that word of the disturbances has gotten around. As she makes her way back towards Mistmoor, she hears the matter debated both loudly and quietly amongst the revelry, and the stories growing in the telling as they tend to. An insane mage, a god's disapproval, a devious conspiracy, simply bad luck... everyone has their opinion of what's the cause.

The Witches Track is calmer, though for some reason people are giving strange long looks to Mrs Mellow's house, which, unusually, has the front door hanging wide open. "Somethin goin on, Eggy?", asks Boris, the next door neighbour, who is sitting outside in his rocking chair as usual, "Saw the guard go in just now."

The frog mage's door is closed, but something is clearly going on in the first floor, where most of the tenants live. Cupboards are being opened and things are being moved around, with little thought for care by the sounds of it. Mrs Mellows voice bemoans in the background. "Oh I'm not at all surprised, officer. There's always been something shifty about these two. Orphans who raised themselves, you know how it never works out. But I do pity the younger, see the boy is not quite right in the head to be honest. If he's done anything I bet she put him up to it. You know I have several times seen her here, lockpicking their own door! What is that for I ask, if not for practise..."

Aerin considers this dubiously. "Got any ideas, then?" she asks the Marchioness, wondering why she (Aerin) is still involved in Darian's fate.

Delaqua frowns at such a direct question directed at her, but considers it anyway. "I suppose a temple would be best, perhaps Illyrie's as they are already involved and would certainly be against any plots that would lead to war. Best not to mention the Duchess though, as that could put them in a difficult position. Clerics are terrible at keeping their mouths shut and heads down until the right moment."

Do you want to do another trip to the temple, or leave the matter here? One can assume the Marchioness should have at least a few guards to spare for an escort.

Rowan sits down on the bench, not quite able to believe they actually put him in a dungeon. A real dungeon, mind you, with moss and cobwebs and everything!

Unfortunately, dungeons quickly prove to be very, very boring. And smelly. And rather cold, since they took his cloak.

After what seems like a few hours, Rowan slumps back against the mossy wall in boredom. "Hello? Am I the only one in here?" He asks loudly.

"Alone? Who of us are ever alone?", asks the wall to his right. Or someone behind the wall, is perhaps the more sensible assumption. "Hmm, who are you, young man?" Examination reveals that the voice is coming from a small hole at about knee height. What is on the other side is hard to say, as a squinting green eye takes up all the space.

2016-10-30, 06:44 PM
Unless Darian protests, Aerin makes no efforts to accompany him to the temple. "I'll go back to my inn room for now, then."

2016-10-30, 07:24 PM
"It is quite alright, Eglantine. We'll sort it out later", Vindal replies, eyeing the scene on the street, "This could have turned much worse.." His voice grows distant and his expression absent-minded. "Oh yes, you may go. Ynna, start gathering up the merchandise, we are done for the day."

While the noise and excitement of the day has in no way quieted down, Eglantine notes that word of the disturbances has gotten around. As she makes her way back towards Mistmoor, she hears the matter debated both loudly and quietly amongst the revelry, and the stories growing in the telling as they tend to. An insane mage, a god's disapproval, a devious conspiracy, simply bad luck... everyone has their opinion of what's the cause.

The Witches Track is calmer, though for some reason people are giving strange long looks to Mrs Mellow's house, which, unusually, has the front door hanging wide open. "Somethin goin on, Eggy?", asks Boris, the next door neighbour, who is sitting outside in his rocking chair as usual, "Saw the guard go in just now."

The frog mage's door is closed, but something is clearly going on in the first floor, where most of the tenants live. Cupboards are being opened and things are being moved around, with little thought for care by the sounds of it. Mrs Mellows voice bemoans in the background. "Oh I'm not at all surprised, officer. There's always been something shifty about these two. Orphans who raised themselves, you know how it never works out. But I do pity the younger, see the boy is not quite right in the head to be honest. If he's done anything I bet she put him up to it. You know I have several times seen her here, lockpicking their own door! What is that for I ask, if not for practise..."

Eglantine stopped short at Boris's words. "Guards?" She ran into the boarding house and to the room she shared with Rowan, bursting in. She glared at Mrs. Mellows before speaking. "Is Rowan alright? He was taking care of a wounded man from the tournament when I left him? Did more summons attack? Andwhat have you done to my books?!" Eglantine raced to rescue the books that were lying with pages open and bent spines, cradling them in her arms. "We don't have anything here, and we were at work all day." She looked exhausted and near tears, one hand reaching out toward the unicorn,Mr. Stabby, one of the guards was holding. "Please just tell me Rowan is alright. Please."

2016-11-02, 10:31 AM
Unless Darian protests, Aerin makes no efforts to accompany him to the temple. "I'll go back to my inn room for now, then."

The Marchioness nods. Darian looks unsure of what to say. "I- I must thank you again, for saving my life, my family is in your debt", he shakes his head, "This day has been insane. I still can't believe any of this can be true."

"The world can change in a heartbeat", the Marchioness says, "it is more fragile than we would ever want to believe."

Aerin takes her leave and heads back to the boarding house. She also hears some of the gossip on the street as she goes, the stories get mixed up, but it sounds like there was a monster attack at the market as well. All the shopkeepers were turned to stone by a basilisk apparently.

At Mrs Mellow's place there seems to be some kind of commotion going on. The neighbour sitting outside gives her a long questioning look when she passes.

Eglantine stopped short at Boris's words. "Guards?" She ran into the boarding house and to the room she shared with Rowan, bursting in. She glared at Mrs. Mellows before speaking. "Is Rowan alright? He was taking care of a wounded man from the tournament when I left him? Did more summons attack? Andwhat have you done to my books?!" Eglantine raced to rescue the books that were lying with pages open and bent spines, cradling them in her arms. "We don't have anything here, and we were at work all day." She looked exhausted and near tears, one hand reaching out toward the unicorn,Mr. Stabby, one of the guards was holding. "Please just tell me Rowan is alright. Please."

The guard, a human, lets her take the unicorn, looking a bit amused. He then goes back to rummaging through a storage chest.

The commanding officer, a half-elf, who is standing by the door addresses Eggy, "I assume you are Eglantine Mata, the other tenant of this room? Your brother has been accused of having stolen from a nobleman. He is in the castle dungeons. We are here looking for evidence."

"Nothing found, sir", says the third guard, an elf, and throws a piece of clothing on Eggy's bed. Her eyes are glowing faintly blue, indicating that she is using a magic detection spell. "Well, there's some money, but only small coins. No platinum."

"Hmm, keep looking. The signet and purse are small, easy to hide." The officer turns back to Eggy, "What do you have to say of these charges?"

2016-11-02, 10:42 AM
The guard, a human, lets her take the unicorn, looking a bit amused. He then goes back to rummaging through a storage chest.

The commanding officer, a half-elf, who is standing by the door addresses Eggy, "I assume you are Eglantine Mata, the other tenant of this room? Your brother has been accused of having stolen from a nobleman. He is in the castle dungeons. We are here looking for evidence."

"Nothing found, sir", says the third guard, an elf, and throws a piece of clothing on Eggy's bed. Her eyes are glowing faintly blue, indicating that she is using a magic detection spell. "Well, there's some money, but only small coins. No platinum."

"Hmm, keep looking. The signet and purse are small, easy to hide." The officer turns back to Eggy, "What do you have to say of these charges?"

Eglantine hugged Mr. Stabby to her chest, looking at the mess they had made of Rowans side of the room. "We aren't thieves. My brother and I would rather starve and have before. I'm Vindal's head apprentice down at the market. Almost a journeyman. And Rowan wouldn't ever steal, he just wants to help people. And the lockpicking thing Mrs. Mallow mentioned is just because she only lets us have one key and Rowan gets let out of the temple earlier than I get home from Vindal's shop and he forgets the key at home half the time. He doesn't mean poorly and he is a sweet kid but please don't leave him in the dungeon he really isn't a criminal I swear and my father made me promise to watch after him and please please please don't leave him in there." Eglantine started speaking faster and faster until her last words were almost a blur. She had begun to hyperventilate.

2016-11-02, 10:50 AM
"What's going on here?" she asks the neighbor.

2016-11-02, 01:43 PM

"Alone? Who of us are ever alone?", asks the wall to his right. Or someone behind the wall, is perhaps the more sensible assumption. "Hmm, who are you, young man?" Examination reveals that the voice is coming from a small hole at about knee height. What is on the other side is hard to say, as a squinting green eye takes up all the space.

Rowan jumps in surprise, then kneels down to peer at the hole. "Oh, hello! I'm Rowan, it's nice to meet you. I was starting to think there was nobody here but me and moss."
He sits on the floor in a more comfortable position, wiping the grime off of his hand and onto his clothing.
"I mean, a dungeon's a lot more boring than I expected, and it really shouldn't take this long to figure out I didn't steal anything. Who are you?"

2016-11-09, 02:42 PM
Eglantine hugged Mr. Stabby to her chest, looking at the mess they had made of Rowans side of the room. "We aren't thieves. My brother and I would rather starve and have before. I'm Vindal's head apprentice down at the market. Almost a journeyman. And Rowan wouldn't ever steal, he just wants to help people. And the lockpicking thing Mrs. Mallow mentioned is just because she only lets us have one key and Rowan gets let out of the temple earlier than I get home from Vindal's shop and he forgets the key at home half the time. He doesn't mean poorly and he is a sweet kid but please don't leave him in the dungeon he really isn't a criminal I swear and my father made me promise to watch after him and please please please don't leave him in there." Eglantine started speaking faster and faster until her last words were almost a blur. She had begun to hyperventilate.

"Well... Afraid your brother will remain in the dungeon until the nobleman drops his charge, or someone can prove his innocence", the officer says, though in a less confrontational tone than before, "I know of Vindal, if you are his apprentice, that might have some weight." The guards continue their search of the room for a moment longer, coming up empty handed. "Fine, seems there's nothing here. We'll be going", the leader nods to Eglantine and Mrs Mellow and turns to leave with the others following his lead.

"What's going on here?" she asks the neighbor.
Boris shakes his head. "Oh, wish I knew. The guard went in some time ago, and they've been making a mess from what I've heard. Say, do you live here now? Think I remember one of your type getting a room..."

Rowan jumps in surprise, then kneels down to peer at the hole. "Oh, hello! I'm Rowan, it's nice to meet you. I was starting to think there was nobody here but me and moss."
He sits on the floor in a more comfortable position, wiping the grime off of his hand and onto his clothing.
"I mean, a dungeon's a lot more boring than I expected, and it really shouldn't take this long to figure out I didn't steal anything. Who are you?"
"Hah! If they want you guilty, then guilty you shall be!", replies the voice. Sounds like it belongs to a man, though it's on the high-pitched side. "A day ago I never thought I could be thrown down here- or has it been five or maybe ten already? Can't tell here. Left here to go mad, that they've seen to. Oh, I can feel it working on my insides. Once the walls start to speak to you, it's hard to tell what's real anymore..." He stops. "Ah, guess you're one of the false images too. Such a shame. I was getting tired of talking with myself."

Again, sorry for not updating earlier. I was swimming in a sea of creative exhaustion for a few days, then some recent events got me to hurry back on the train to fantasyland. Funny how that goes.

2016-11-09, 03:26 PM
"Yes. It was a guard?" she asks.

2016-11-10, 05:17 AM
"Yes. It was a guard?" she asks.

"Guards, sorry. Three of them, if my old eyes didn't lie. I wonder what for, the only trouble I've ever had here is Oak's frogs and they ain't so bad..."

2016-11-10, 05:38 AM
"They didn't say anything about what they were looking for?"

2016-11-11, 10:34 PM
"Hah! If they want you guilty, then guilty you shall be!", replies the voice. Sounds like it belongs to a man, though it's on the high-pitched side. "A day ago I never thought I could be thrown down here- or has it been five or maybe ten already? Can't tell here. Left here to go mad, that they've seen to. Oh, I can feel it working on my insides. Once the walls start to speak to you, it's hard to tell what's real anymore..." He stops. "Ah, guess you're one of the false images too. Such a shame. I was getting tired of talking with myself."

"I'm starting to get that idea, especially from Count Delawney. Much longer, and they'll even convince me I'm guilty!"
Rowan sighs. "I'd tell you I'm real, but you probably wouldn't believe me. Does it make a difference? Still more interesting to talk to someone than to stare at the wall, even if they're imaginary."

2016-11-13, 09:13 AM
"They didn't say anything about what they were looking for?"
"No, didn't bother. But the guards usually don't, they just carry out the whims of the nobles." Boris scoffs. "Mrs Mellow was all too happy to help, oh she always is.."

"I'm starting to get that idea, especially from Count Delawney. Much longer, and they'll even convince me I'm guilty!"
Rowan sighs. "I'd tell you I'm real, but you probably wouldn't believe me. Does it make a difference? Still more interesting to talk to someone than to stare at the wall, even if they're imaginary."

"I suppose you are right", the voice replies, "And it is not like there is much else to do down here. You know, they could starve us and no one would know. Never imagined it would be like that, but I never gave much thought to dungeons in the first place. So you are in for thievery then? You sure, did not just anger anyone you should not have?"

2016-11-13, 10:36 AM
"Thanks." Aerin turns and walks away--whether the guards are there because of her or not, she has no interest in meeting them. Pausing to consider, she goes back to the temple where she met Rowan.

I'd keep going, but what she says or does there will depend on what she sees and what reception she gets.

2016-11-13, 01:58 PM
"Well... Afraid your brother will remain in the dungeon until the nobleman drops his charge, or someone can prove his innocence", the officer says, though in a less confrontational tone than before, "I know of Vindal, if you are his apprentice, that might have some weight." The guards continue their search of the room for a moment longer, coming up empty handed. "Fine, seems there's nothing here. We'll be going", the leader nods to Eglantine and Mrs Mellow and turns to leave with the others following his lead.

Eglantine stayed frozen against the wall, hugging Mr. Stabby. As the guard left, she let her accusing gaze fall on Mrs. Mellow. "Why? Why did you say those things? You know Rowan wouldn't hurt a fly.... And to accuse me, of making him?" Her voice sounded sad beyond anything else. "I'm going to go get my brother back now. And yes, I will pick the lock on my way in, if I can't get him tonight. He has the key." With that she left the room and Mrs. Mellow and went out onto the street, hoping to catch Vindal before he left the store.

2016-11-17, 07:29 AM
"Thanks." Aerin turns and walks away--whether the guards are there because of her or not, she has no interest in meeting them. Pausing to consider, she goes back to the temple where she met Rowan.

I'd keep going, but what she says or does there will depend on what she sees and what reception she gets.

It is calm and quiet around Illyrie's temple as normal, no sign of lions or assassins around. Brother Gregor still sits scribbling by the door as Aerin enters. "Yes?", he asks and lifts his gaze, "Oh, I remember, you were here earlier. Thorn, was it? What brings you back to our humble temple? Warriors rarely worship the Lady of Peace." His tone is polite, though not overly friendly.

Eglantine stayed frozen against the wall, hugging Mr. Stabby. As the guard left, she let her accusing gaze fall on Mrs. Mellow. "Why? Why did you say those things? You know Rowan wouldn't hurt a fly.... And to accuse me, of making him?" Her voice sounded sad beyond anything else. "I'm going to go get my brother back now. And yes, I will pick the lock on my way in, if I can't get him tonight. He has the key." With that she left the room and Mrs. Mellow and went out onto the street, hoping to catch Vindal before he left the store.

Mrs Mellow scoffs. "No need to damage my locks further, the guard brought back the key." She places it on the table, ignoring the rest of Eggy's accusations and returns to the ground floor. The shadow witch soon joins her fir tea and gossip.

Eglantine heads back out and towards Traders Track where Vindal's store is, anyng many others. Like most craftsmen of the city, he slept and lived on the floor over his workshop so unless he had wandered off (which he was known to occasionally do after a day's work) it was a good place to find him.

Olyvar was just coming out of the front door when Eglantine arrived. "Eggy? Hi! We're just closing, didn't expect to see you before tomorrow, heard you had an exciting day at the market."

2016-11-17, 09:14 AM
Mrs Mellow scoffs. "No need to damage my locks further, the guard brought back the key." She places it on the table, ignoring the rest of Eggy's accusations and returns to the ground floor. The shadow witch soon joins her fir tea and gossip.

Eglantine heads back out and towards Traders Track where Vindal's store is, anyng many others. Like most craftsmen of the city, he slept and lived on the floor over his workshop so unless he had wandered off (which he was known to occasionally do after a day's work) it was a good place to find him.

Olyvar was just coming out of the front door when Eglantine arrived. "Eggy? Hi! We're just closing, didn't expect to see you before tomorrow, heard you had an exciting day at the market."

Eglantine swept past him, heading straight for the back room. "Vindal! They arrested Rowan! The guard said a noble accused him of stealing, and you know Rowan wouldn't steal! He just wouldn't. And Mrs Mellow said that I made him steal, and I wouldn't you know that. And he is in the castle dungeon now and there are criminals down there and I don't know what to do!"

2016-11-19, 08:22 PM
"I'm not here to worship, no. The young priest who left with me, Rowan, has been arrested. Apparently he trusted someone he shouldn't have, who manipulated him into creating an opportunity for him to steal something from a noble." Aerin debates whether to mention the coup, but decides in the negative, for now. "Do you know where to find his sister?"

2016-11-25, 12:57 PM
Eglantine swept past him, heading straight for the back room. "Vindal! They arrested Rowan! The guard said a noble accused him of stealing, and you know Rowan wouldn't steal! He just wouldn't. And Mrs Mellow said that I made him steal, and I wouldn't you know that. And he is in the castle dungeon now and there are criminals down there and I don't know what to do!"

Vindal is sitting by his workbench, studying a notebook with a deep frown on his face. He looks up slowly when Eggy barges in though it takes a moment for his mind to follow. He blinks twice. "What did you say?" After Eggy has repeated her story, he shakes his head angrily. "I know your brother, he's no criminal. But a noble's accusation is bad, the guard cares more about pleasing them than about justice. Still..." His eyes drift to the notebook. For a minute the craftsman is lost in thought, then suddenly he slams the book shut and puts it in a drawer. "No, let's get him out. I'll come with you to the castle. I know some people too."

"I'm not here to worship, no. The young priest who left with me, Rowan, has been arrested. Apparently he trusted someone he shouldn't have, who manipulated him into creating an opportunity for him to steal something from a noble." Aerin debates whether to mention the coup, but decides in the negative, for now. "Do you know where to find his sister?"

Brother Gregor raises an eyebrow. "Rowan arrested? By our merciful lady, although that does sound like something that could happen to him. His sister... Well, she works at Vindal's, could still be in there. It's in Traders Track, between Mistmoor and Dusthill. Or she could be home, they live in Witches Track I believe, in a house owned by a most disagreeable woman", he shakes his head, "Not that Rowan ever talks ill of anyone. I hope they let him go soon, I'll make sure the High Cleric is told on the morrow." He stops. "No. I think I better go tell her now."

2016-11-25, 08:57 PM
"Good idea. Particularly if she might know more about where his sister is." Aerin will treat it as understood that she'll accompany him to the high cleric, unless he protests.

2016-11-25, 09:45 PM
Vindal is sitting by his workbench, studying a notebook with a deep frown on his face. He looks up slowly when Eggy barges in though it takes a moment for his mind to follow. He blinks twice. "What did you say?" After Eggy has repeated her story, he shakes his head angrily. "I know your brother, he's no criminal. But a noble's accusation is bad, the guard cares more about pleasing them than about justice. Still..." His eyes drift to the notebook. For a minute the craftsman is lost in thought, then suddenly he slams the book shut and puts it in a drawer. "No, let's get him out. I'll come with you to the castle. I know some people too."

"Thank you, I owe you. Thank you, thank you, thank you." Eglantine followed after him.

2016-11-27, 01:00 AM
"I suppose you are right", the voice replies, "And it is not like there is much else to do down here. You know, they could starve us and no one would know. Never imagined it would be like that, but I never gave much thought to dungeons in the first place. So you are in for thievery then? You sure, did not just anger anyone you should not have?"

"You could say I angered someone. Count Delawney- he wouldn't listen when I said I wasn't a thief. Why are you here? Did you anger someone too?"

2016-11-27, 06:40 AM
"Good idea. Particularly if she might know more about where his sister is." Aerin will treat it as understood that she'll accompany him to the high cleric, unless he protests.
Gregor looks surprised when Aerin follows him, but doesn't raise any objections. They take the door to the left which leads to a large hall with long tables and benches on either side. No one else is there and it is quiet, only a faint sound of a choir singing can be heard, coming from somewhere deeper in the temple. Gregor walks across the room and on the other side puts his palm against a wall and draws a symbol. It glows light blue for a few seconds, then a door sized section of the wall disappears, revealing a rising staircase.

They climb two or three floors up until they reach wooden door covered in delicate engravings. It has no handle. The priest touches the wood gently and speaks a command word "Aavakea!", then pushes the door open.

High Cleric Ethanna's study is a circular room with a single window on the opposite side. Its owner sits writing by a desk, which is located so that it gets the maximum amount of daylight that is coming in. Another cleric, the one that Aerin remembers following Rowan earlier today, stands by her, trying to be still but badly fails to hide his impatience. Gregor and Aerin's arrival steals the high cleric's attention. She frowns, clearly knowing not to expect good news. "Brother Gregor, what is it?" The cleric repeats what Aerin told him.

"You were right to come straight away", Ethanna replies in a serious tone, "It will not do that one of ours is locked up, just like that. And I've had a bad feeling since morning, I can't quite explain it..."

"Thank you, I owe you. Thank you, thank you, thank you." Eglantine followed after him.
The sun has moved to the western sky as the master and the apprentice make their way towards the castle. It's not quite as crowded on the streets as it was during the afternoon, though walking in a straight line is still a challenge. "So much joy and happiness", Vindal notes as they walk, "I fear how long it will last, Eggy. Maybe at least until the tournament is over, if we're lucky.."

"You could say I angered someone. Count Delawney- he wouldn't listen when I said I wasn't a thief. Why are you here? Did you anger someone too?"

"Ah, Delawney! Yes, he's the quick-tempered sort. And proud, very proud. But he's not that bad, not really. Not treacherous, like so many others. And me- Quiet! Did you hear that!", he is silent, listening probably, "Nah, it was nothing. Only the silence, singing songs... Ah, yes. And no, angered is not the word I would use. No, I simply put my trust in the unworthy. You see", he lowers his voice to a whisper, "there is a conspiracy at work."

2016-11-27, 07:24 PM
"Has Darian come back here?" Aerin asks. "He was headed this way when I last saw him. Apparently someone's attempting a coup."

2016-11-28, 04:42 PM
"Has Darian come back here?" Aerin asks. "He was headed this way when I last saw him. Apparently someone's attempting a coup."

Ethanna looks surprised, but nods. "Yes, he came back here looking for a safe place to stay. Seems like it is not only him that is in danger, but his family as well. But what do you mean by a coup?" She looks alarmed.

2016-11-28, 04:48 PM
"I mean a faction within the government is attempting to assassinate the Emperor, and anyone they expect to support him rather than them, including Darian's family."

2016-11-28, 08:32 PM
"I mean a faction within the government is attempting to assassinate the Emperor, and anyone they expect to support him rather than them, including Darian's family."

The high cleric stares at Aerin, stone-faced. August gasps. Gregor is the first to speak, "This sounds rather far-fetched to me. There are always nobles who choose to play their political game with violence, but surely this folly is too great."

"The visions I have seen...", Ethanna mutters, her gaze drifting to drawings on the wall, "we are being warned..."

"But even if someone wished to harm the Emperor", Gregor continues to protest, "How could they ever hope to get close? Even if His Radiant Majesty should choose to grace our small country with a visit-"

"He will come", Ethanna says interrupting Gregor, who is clearly surprised by this, "They informed the high clerics two days ago."

The other cleric looks uncertain. "But even so... Surely there are able guards, and protective spells of the highest order. What chance could any assassin have?"

"I'm not sure..", Ethanna turns back to Aerin, "Is there anything you know about the people behind this? May I ask how you found out about this plot?"

2016-11-28, 11:55 PM
"Ah, Delawney! Yes, he's the quick-tempered sort. And proud, very proud. But he's not that bad, not really. Not treacherous, like so many others. And me- Quiet! Did you hear that!", he is silent, listening probably, "Nah, it was nothing. Only the silence, singing songs... Ah, yes. And no, angered is not the word I would use. No, I simply put my trust in the unworthy. You see", he lowers his voice to a whisper, "there is a conspiracy at work."

Rowan startles at that. "Wait, you know about the conspiracy? Who are you? Are you Darian's father? They tried to kill him today. He's fine though, my neighbor will keep him safe!"

2016-11-29, 05:00 PM
Rowan startles at that. "Wait, you know about the conspiracy? Who are you? Are you Darian's father? They tried to kill him today. He's fine though, my neighbor will keep him safe!"

"What? What?! Who are you really? This is not like the voices before! Were you sent here to scare me?! But if so, you're words make no sense. Why would you mix threat and reassurance? Oh, nothing makes any sense anymore! Walls giggle and lights flicker, do I speak to myself or are you real? Curse this sickness they have cursed me with!" Sounds like the man has found a good supply of self-pity at least.

2016-12-01, 06:16 PM
"While in the palace we overheard the conspirators talking. Darian recognized two of the voices, the Minister of War and someone he called the Duchess. The Duchess explicitly said their plan was to kill the Emperor. I'm not surprised he didn't tell you; he's demonstrated a strong desire to pretend what's happening isn't. If I hadn't insisted we leave immediately, I suspect he would have gone in, asked the conspirators to confirm they were just joking, and gotten quickly killed. But he will confirm what I'm saying if you ask him directly." Well, he better, anyway. See if I ever save him from a conspiracy again if he starts lying now.

2016-12-02, 02:51 PM
"What? What?! Who are you really? This is not like the voices before! Were you sent here to scare me?! But if so, you're words make no sense. Why would you mix threat and reassurance? Oh, nothing makes any sense anymore! Walls giggle and lights flicker, do I speak to myself or are you real? Curse this sickness they have cursed me with!" Sounds like the man has found a good supply of self-pity at least.

Rowan grins in spite of the man's ramblings. "I'm glad I found you- I mean, I'm not glad you're in a dungeon, but now I know you're safe at least. I wasn't trying to threaten you, Darian was completely fine when I left, I swear!" He carefully leaves out the "oh, and your house is on fire and there might be more assassins" part.

2016-12-05, 03:11 PM
Vindal doesn't speak much more before they reach the castle and neither does Eggy. The guards at drawbridge stop them and demand to know what business they have here. Vindal explains some of the situation and that they need to see the Captain of the Guard, but the guards are being slow to believe him. While he argues with them, a group of noble ladies and their entourage exists from the castle and crosses the bridge. They appear to be in some hurry.

A Spot check from Eggy, please.

"While in the palace we overheard the conspirators talking. Darian recognized two of the voices, the Minister of War and someone he called the Duchess. The Duchess explicitly said their plan was to kill the Emperor. I'm not surprised he didn't tell you; he's demonstrated a strong desire to pretend what's happening isn't. If I hadn't insisted we leave immediately, I suspect he would have gone in, asked the conspirators to confirm they were just joking, and gotten quickly killed. But he will confirm what I'm saying if you ask him directly." Well, he better, anyway. See if I ever save him from a conspiracy again if he starts lying now.

All three clerics look shocked. Ethanna recovers first. She crosses her hands and rests them on the desk. "This is very serious. Springhaven is a small country, the Duchess is like our queen. I will need to confirm this immediately, Brother Gregor, would you please fetch the young man?" Gregor nods nervously and turns to go. "Do not speak of this to anyone else", the High Cleric adds seriously, "The younger ones are known to gossip." The older cleric nods again before leaving for the staircase.

"Speaking of young clerics", Ethanna continues, "I am even more unhappy about leaving Rowan in the castle even for a single night." She reaches for a new parchment and begins writing quickly. Once finished she rolls up the message and seals it, then hands it to August. "Would you kindly be our representative and take this to the castle? It is a demand to release Rowan. Give it to the Guard, though make sure they have at least the rank of a Lieutenant, otherwise it might get lost."


"I know you are eager to be back on the road, but it would be folly for you to ride through the night in any case. And you don't have anything else to do here tonight except fret, so you might as well do something useful." August admits that the reasoning is true and accepts the message. Ethanna turns back to Aerin. "I know we already have much to thank you for bringing us these news, and also for your help in the morning, asking more would be inconsiderate", she hesitates, "yet... I wonder if you could do one more thing for us? I imagine you must have walked a lot already today, but could you still accompany August on this visit to the castle? He should not be in any danger, but...", she lifts her hands to her forehead closing her eyes, "I have a bad feeling I cannot explain. I hope my concern is unfounded."

Rowan grins in spite of the man's ramblings. "I'm glad I found you- I mean, I'm not glad you're in a dungeon, but now I know you're safe at least. I wasn't trying to threaten you, Darian was completely fine when I left, I swear!" He carefully leaves out the "oh, and your house is on fire and there might be more assassins" part.

"You say... Perhaps you do not lie, maybe you have met my younger son. It would be reassuring to hear. ...But that means you would have to be real? Unless you are just part of an another delusion... Oh, how frustrating it is!" He sighs. "You wouldn't happen to know how cure a disease that eats the mind? No, how could you, wandering image of hope..."

2016-12-05, 09:56 PM
"Certainly, I will." Aerin briefly considers, and discards, explaining further.

2016-12-05, 11:11 PM
Vindal doesn't speak much more before they reach the castle and neither does Eggy. The guards at drawbridge stop them and demand to know what business they have here. Vindal explains some of the situation and that they need to see the Captain of the Guard, but the guards are being slow to believe him. While he argues with them, a group of noble ladies and their entourage exists from the castle and crosses the bridge. They appear to be in some hurry.

A Spot check from Eggy, please.

Eglantine hurried behind Vindal, barely looking up. She felt nervous being so close to the castle, even though she knew Vindal had visited for various jobs he had done. It would be some time before she was ready to do the same, and at the rate her life was going it might be a very, very long time.


2016-12-07, 04:17 PM
Eglantine hurried behind Vindal, barely looking up. She felt nervous being so close to the castle, even though she knew Vindal had visited for various jobs he had done. It would be some time before she was ready to do the same, and at the rate her life was going it might be a very, very long time.

The noblewomen's party pass by without slowing. One of them gives Eglantine a long look, but otherwise the women pay them no mind. The guard is still reluctant to let Eggy and Vindal pass in the other direction, but the latter is persistent, mentioning the names of a few nobles, one of them being Marquis Garland, the one who's henchman had visited the stall earlier today.

The guards look at each other, one shrugs. "Fine, you may go. But don't wander around and be quick about your business."

"That depends on how reasonable your superiors are", Vindal replies glumly and crosses the drawbridge with Eggy trailing after him.

The great entrance hall is empty when they enter. Vindal doesn't stop to wait for a servant to show up, but seems to know his way to the Guard's offices. They discover that the Captain is not present, and neither are the Lieutenants, save for one. He's a grey haired human already far into his middle age and looks more interested in a bottle of sherry than the papers on his desk. He gives the master and apprentice an unfriendly glare when they barge in to his office. "What's this now?"

Giving you a chance to respond, or ask questions if you have any. Let me know if you just want me to continue.

"Certainly, I will." Aerin briefly considers, and discards, explaining further.

"You have my thanks, once again", Ethanna says and encourages them to hurry, "I believe you can still make it, but please make haste, they will soon close the gates for the night."

The western sky is beautiful as dusk draws near, painted in orange and light red. August babbles constantly on the way, and Aerin soon hears all of his errand to the city (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?481456-IC-Ljonarian-Enigma-Tournament-Chaos/page3#79) whether she cares to or not.

They too must deal with the drawbridge guards, who are not happy about their arrival. "Again?!", one of them exclaims and shakes his head, "First a craftsman and now a message from a temple head! Will we have to let half the town in for this boy?"

Aerin make a Spot check, please.

2016-12-07, 06:21 PM
"You say... Perhaps you do not lie, maybe you have met my younger son. It would be reassuring to hear. ...But that means you would have to be real? Unless you are just part of an another delusion... Oh, how frustrating it is!" He sighs. "You wouldn't happen to know how cure a disease that eats the mind? No, how could you, wandering image of hope..."

"A disease is... eating your mind? I haven't really heard much about that, but I can cure diseases! I'd be happy to try, but the problem is I'd have to touch you and... there's a bit of a wall in the way." Rowan shifts sheepishly. "Sorry."