View Full Version : Pathfinder Help on a Falayna Cleric in Kingmaker

2016-03-14, 05:06 AM
I currently play a NG cleric of Falayna ( Liberation and Ferocity domains) level 6.
S : 18
D : 14
C : 17
I : 16
W : 18
Ch : 16
Feats : Weapon Focus (Longsword) - Selective Channel - Craft Weapons / Armors
Equipment : + 1 Longsword / + 1 DragonSkin Breastplate / + 1 Dragonskin Heavy Shield / Girdle of Giant Strength + 2 / Headband of Inspired Wisdom + 2 / Hat of disguise.
We play a very low-optimisation campain with a limited books access (Core Rulebook - APG - UC)
I fight S&B as a second warrior and channel if the group is badly wounded, Healing at the end of the encounter.
I plan to multiclass my character in a more martial role but I lack ideas.
Any proposal will be welcome, but keep in mind that I'm badly limited in feats / class or spells...
Thanks in advance

2016-03-14, 10:55 AM
You look pretty set-is your group hard up for martial damage?
I would stick with cleric, your buff spells are better than feats or BAB. Even with just core spells clerics are solid in combat. You have the strength/ferocity domain so you will do fine. Multiclassing slows down your progression with other things-I could see a fighter dip if you really need a feat/heavy armor proficiency, and maybe an oracle if you are trying to get a bonus from a particular mystery or curse. Otherwise, keep on clericing.

2016-03-15, 01:59 AM
You look pretty set-is your group hard up for martial damage?
I would stick with cleric, your buff spells are better than feats or BAB. Even with just core spells clerics are solid in combat. You have the strength/ferocity domain so you will do fine. Multiclassing slows down your progression with other things-I could see a fighter dip if you really need a feat/heavy armor proficiency, and maybe an oracle if you are trying to get a bonus from a particular mystery or curse. Otherwise, keep on clericing.
The group is :
A human musket master gunslinger ( the prefered target of the DM as the main damage dealer)
A human sword and board fighter (low damage and high AC)
A baron (a arrogant elf fighter 1 / wizard 5) based on buff but not really efficient ( prefer to use his wand of magic missiles than spells)
A halfling boar riding paladin (with halfling strength...so low damage input)
A lot of martial characters but the DM tend to send us a lot of strong opponents ( troll with barbarian levels for example) so we tend to be stuck in melee often, most of the time I stay behind to protect the gunslinger.
I need a little bit more of impact in order to down the enemies quickly (spells are most of the time inefficients as the DM never missed a save on offensive spells since I start play the campaign)
An battle oracle may be an idea, but I'll really prefered a full BAB class...
Any idea ?

2016-03-15, 08:59 AM
The group is :
A human musket master gunslinger ( the prefered target of the DM as the main damage dealer)
A human sword and board fighter (low damage and high AC)
A baron (a arrogant elf fighter 1 / wizard 5) based on buff but not really efficient ( prefer to use his wand of magic missiles than spells)
A halfling boar riding paladin (with halfling strength...so low damage input)
A lot of martial characters but the DM tend to send us a lot of strong opponents ( troll with barbarian levels for example) so we tend to be stuck in melee often, most of the time I stay behind to protect the gunslinger.
I need a little bit more of impact in order to down the enemies quickly (spells are most of the time inefficients as the DM never missed a save on offensive spells since I start play the campaign)
An battle oracle may be an idea, but I'll really prefered a full BAB class...
Any idea ?

Yeah, the gunslinger is going to be dominant at this level, and possibly outright murdering things in a single hit. As should the paladin-I assume if they are mounted they are using a lance+spirited charge? Those two alone should be murdertrains. The sword and board fighter is tanking, totally understood. Your wizard needs to stop being a dingus and cast spells. A party like this is begging for haste, which your wizard can and should be casting ASAP, every combat. Likewise, fly, protection from evil, resist energy, invisibility, and a ton of other buffs are way better than chipping with magic missile.

If the wizard don't want to buff, why not do it yourself? You are one cleric level away from blessings of fervor, aka haste on divine steroids. You can use divine favor, shield of faith, and a ton of other buff spells that your DM can't save against. If your DM likes throwing spellcasters at you, have dispel magic on the ready.

I am smacking myself in the face for not suggesting the divine full BAB class, the paladin. It has full BAB, good save boosts, gives martial weapon and heavy armor proficiency, as well as detect and smite evil. If your paladin friend won't mind having somebody else being a holy warrior, then do it. Consider the sacred shield archatype for more of a protection and less of a whoopass thing(like your boar pally)

2016-03-15, 05:51 PM
Depends how much optimization you really want to go for. If you want more fighty optimization, the best move is probably:
Level 7: Extra Traits: Fortunes favor and Magical Lineage: Divine Favor
Level 9: Quicken Spell

That way, you get an extra +1 to hit and damage from divine favor (and an extra +1 everything out of prayer) and at level 9 you can cast quickened divine favor for +4/+4 out of a 4th level spell slot.

However, looking at the group you describe, you already have a lot of fight, so you might consider stepping back a little and getting summoning feats or otherwise expanding your group's tactical options. Even if you take the optimize for beatdown option I described above, you will probably want to pack a number of utility and group buff spells. That will usually be more useful than one extra sword.

Either way, I'd stick with cleric. There isn't a multiclass option out there that does as much for you as more levels of cleric and quicken spell for buffs.

2016-03-15, 08:55 PM
Look at the Holy Vindicator class on p. 263 on the Advanced Players Guide - http://archivesofnethys.com/PrestigeClassesDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Holy%20Vindic ator

It may not be the most perfect answer, but it's definitely worth considering in your shoes.

I'm not sure I'd multiclass out tbh. Handing out lots of buffs could well be better for the group than a bit of extra BAB and a few feats.

2016-03-16, 01:16 AM
IT seems that sticking to cleric and go for the quicken spell way is a good idea (thanks Elder Basilisk), I'm not used with spellcasters, I prefer mundane or partial characters.
Many thanks for the help at everybody.:smallbiggrin: