View Full Version : TV Question about space defensive treaties. Galactica and Pegasus finds earth.

2016-03-14, 11:04 AM
So I'm writing a fanfic/story of where the Caprica rescue mission (from laydown your burdens in season 2) finds Earth (2033 ad) instead of New Caprica. There was some language problems but after finding someone in the fleet who speaks Ancient AeriIon (cough ancient greek cough) communications began earnist.

Now I have a two time skip, I'm wondering what sort of treaties would nations on Earth have. I would assume Nuclear weapons would be approved in space instead of being banned.

Assuming aid from Galactica fleet, how long would nations have before warships are produced.

2016-03-14, 11:18 AM
If this is the reboot version then wouldn't they have to wait for the survivor's of the twelve colonies to turn up as they were the ones to colonise their version of present day Earth?

Now this would work better with the original Battlestar Galactica series because their sequel series actually dealt with contact with present day Earth and not the rebooted series.

I suppose you might be meaning the world where Starbuck's dead body was found but I stopped watching the rebooted series and never bothered with Caprica as I don't share your interest in either series.

Sorry if that doesn't help but maybe you can expand on your initial idea?

2016-03-14, 01:12 PM
I was referring to the habitatal planet that was hidden in the Nebula.

2016-03-14, 08:26 PM
Ok.. Hum.. Interesting question.

First contact would be made. I would suppose the US would propose to welcome the refugees, as their political culture would be much easier to integrate with modern Western sensibilities, and 40k refugees would have a much easier time finding settlement space in the US.

However, the US would request in exchange some high technology. Adama and Roslin would probably refuse to hand out these techs for fear of being used against them (they seem the kind to worry more about security risk than pseudo Prime Directive). But they might be willing to work out a deal involving some degrees of tech trading.

Ultimately, while 80% of the Colonial refugees might want to settle down, i suspect the Colonial fleet itself will remain in space as some leverage. US will probably request a mutual defense treaty and use their newfound space supremacy to make sure their security needs are fully met.

It is also very possible the US would wash its hands of any space militarization (as Admiral Adama would be supreme there, any dream of challenging it would be silly) and merely ask for a leg-up in pure civilian space projects. Keeping the Colonials on their side would be the ultimate priority, until cultural integration is completed and the US/Colonial authorities can merge.

That would only happen after years and years of established trust

2016-03-15, 01:31 PM
Given the kind of tech. advances the Galactica could hand out I can't see any country not trying to get them to settle there. Unfortunately the flip side of that is no country is going to want any other to get that kind of advantage over them
Things could get decidedly sticky

2016-03-15, 03:40 PM
Given the kind of tech. advances the Galactica could hand out I can't see any country not trying to get them to settle there. Unfortunately the flip side of that is no country is going to want any other to get that kind of advantage over them
Things could get decidedly sticky

Which is why I'm writing that share colonial technology treaty was first drafted followed by world like natio commitment. I'm lookingto fine tune some details to bring down the road.

2016-03-15, 04:20 PM
Earth in 2033? Hmm. By then the only real tech advantage the Colonials would have would be in space technology. (FTL, engines, artificial gravity). Earth might be more advanced in medical tech, genetics, cybernetics and such. Might even have better computer tech.

I imagine that the civilians would set down someplace (Actually thinking Australia) and more or less be a semi independent (A special Colonist Zone). Treaties would be made with all national powers and the UN or just the UN. The warships sure as heck would stay active. Earth would HAVE to start militarizing space and heavily since the Cylons might find Earth.

It would probably be decades before a real warships could be made. First Earth needs time to understand the tech the Colonists have, that would take years. Earth could start building fighters and light craft in maybe five years or so if they just copy Colonia designs. For warships, infrastructure would need to be built in space. This early infrastructure wouldn't be for a warships but for resource gathering. Earth won't be able to provide the materials needed, but there is a TON of stuff in space. So once that's done THEN they could start building the "drydocks" for larger craft. It would probably be 30 or 40 years (if then) before a full sized warships the size of a BattleStar would be built. (The Gerald. F Ford nuclear powered carrier was started in 2005, the ship won't be launched until this year and won't join the fleet for deployment until 2019. And that doesn't count design or the fact that all the infrastructure was in place for it.

If you REALLY wanted to make the Colonial fleet do a TOTAL freak out though, drop them into the world of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. Heck in that world the CYLONS would be the ones getting hacked! :smallcool::smallamused::smallbiggrin:

2016-03-27, 11:31 AM
Earth in 2033? Hmm. By then the only real tech advantage the Colonials would have would be in space technology. (FTL, engines, artificial gravity). Earth might be more advanced in medical tech, genetics, cybernetics and such. Might even have better computer tech.

I imagine that the civilians would set down someplace (Actually thinking Australia) and more or less be a semi independent (A special Colonist Zone). Treaties would be made with all national powers and the UN or just the UN. The warships sure as heck would stay active. Earth would HAVE to start militarizing space and heavily since the Cylons might find Earth.

It would probably be decades before a real warships could be made. First Earth needs time to understand the tech the Colonists have, that would take years. Earth could start building fighters and light craft in maybe five years or so if they just copy Colonia designs. For warships, infrastructure would need to be built in space. This early infrastructure wouldn't be for a warships but for resource gathering. Earth won't be able to provide the materials needed, but there is a TON of stuff in space. So once that's done THEN they could start building the "drydocks" for larger craft. It would probably be 30 or 40 years (if then) before a full sized warships the size of a BattleStar would be built. (The Gerald. F Ford nuclear powered carrier was started in 2005, the ship won't be launched until this year and won't join the fleet for deployment until 2019. And that doesn't count design or the fact that all the infrastructure was in place for it.

If you REALLY wanted to make the Colonial fleet do a TOTAL freak out though, drop them into the world of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. Heck in that world the CYLONS would be the ones getting hacked! :smallcool::smallamused::smallbiggrin:

Well you have to remember USS Ford is not being rushed, back in WWII Essex Class carriers were built (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essex-class_aircraft_carrier)(from Keel) and launched as short as 12 months to long as 16 months (with USS Franklin being big outlier of 22 months).

I guess a better example could be Forrestal class carriers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forrestal-class_aircraft_carrier) which is about 1/4th size of Galactica. Laid down and launched were completed between 2-3 years.

Nimitz class carriers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nimitz-class_aircraft_carrier) were roughly 5 years, though Theodore Roosevelt got as low as sightly shy of 3 years between Laid down and Launched for nuclear propelled carriers.

So I guess the longest would be learning the technology, and I believe rushed designed and construction would quickly follow.

edit I guess the question is that 1/4th size of Galatica and colonial propulsion is capable of escaping Earth's gravity, if not it would have to be constructed in orbit which would take a lot longer to create seeing as there would be lack of experience, let alone infrastructure in space.

Brother Oni
2016-03-30, 06:49 AM
Well you have to remember USS Ford is not being rushed, back in WWII Essex Class carriers were built (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essex-class_aircraft_carrier)(from Keel) and launched as short as 12 months to long as 16 months (with USS Franklin being big outlier of 22 months).

I guess a better example could be Forrestal class carriers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forrestal-class_aircraft_carrier) which is about 1/4th size of Galactica. Laid down and launched were completed between 2-3 years.

Nimitz class carriers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nimitz-class_aircraft_carrier) were roughly 5 years, though Theodore Roosevelt got as low as sightly shy of 3 years between Laid down and Launched for nuclear propelled carriers.

Wouldn't the construction schedules of SSBNs be a better guide since they share a number of characteristics (eg complete enclosure from hostile environment, life support) with space craft that CVs don't have to worry about?

Using the Ohio class as a guide, while they're considerably smaller (the Ohio class is maybe a fifth the size of a Nimitz class), depending on the ship in question, construction time is in the same sort of ballpark (between 2-5 years from the keel being laid down to commissioning).
Information on the Typhoon class SSBNs is more spotty but indications they're about the 3-6 year mark and they're about a quarter the size of a Nimitz. They have considerably less endurance than an Ohio though - estimated to be about 160 days compared to the Ohio's limitations of food supply and the crew not going stir crazy.