View Full Version : Pathfinder [Dreamscarred Press] Lords of the Mists - The Midway Faire

2016-03-14, 12:56 PM
She ran and ran
As if some goblin man
Dogged her with gibe or curse
Or something worse

- Christina Rosetti, The Goblin Market

Fairies have always been a particular interest of mine, and for awhile now I've been teasing writing a fey-themed supplement for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Well, now it's here - I'm proud to present the playtest for Lords of the Mists - the Midway Faire (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pBP7kQ14gCc-xTsjIdK7EJov38IpDZFG73anj6KyifI/edit?usp=sharing).

Those of you familiar with our playtests for Path of War and Akashic Mysteries may recall that those supplements released in pieces over the course of the playtest before a final PDF was compiled. Lords of the Mists is planned similarly, but rather than releasing it in chunks that are themed around a particular set of mechanics, such as base classes or prestige classes, we're experimenting. The fluff of Lords of the Mists revolves around the return of an ancient fey society and its home, the Fairest of Lands, from a great Retreat that left behind the material fey and secluded the Great Courts from the vicissitudes of time. Now that Retreat is over, and the released pieces of Lords of the Mists will follow the gradual re-introduction of these otherworldly influences to the prime material plane.

I look forward to your feedback and criticisms. Have at it, folks!

2016-03-14, 01:06 PM
Intriguing. I have to say, with no offense whatsoever to the other Lords books, that I find this one more appealing based on subject matter.

Wait, the sidhe race is penalized for having high CON by taking more damage from iron weapons? Uhm, that's...hmm.

Extra Anchovies
2016-03-14, 01:32 PM
Yes! Fey are rarely given the attention they deserve, so it's great to see that they're getting a DSP book. I'll give the fluff a read later but here's some feedback on the mechanics.

I feel like the Fey-Touched trait should give a trait bonus rather than a racial bonus, to keep in line with the other race traits.

Daoine Sidhe are pretty solid mechanically, but the Veiled One ART is a little nuts. I recommend removing the point of essence. It also might be nice to include an optional replacement for Immortal Swordsmanship that doesn't depend on access to another DSP subsystem, for completeness's sake.

The Daoine Sidhe Druid FCB is a bit troubling; shifting it down to +1/2 spell would probably be good. I also think the Vizier ACF should be shifted up to +1/2, to match the scaling on the Tiefling and Half-Orc Inquisitor FCBs.

The Dreige are also quite nice, and I don't have any recommended balance changes. The Ancient Grudge ART is worded such that fey might be subject to the subtype restriction; rephrasing it to "...made against fey, and against outsiders with the chaotic or evil subtypes" would fix that.

I like the Bean Sidhe. Makes for a nice casting-focused bard between the expanded spell list and Sybil's Song. The Prophetic Wail attack/damage bonus and the Bleak Portents penalties currently don't have types.

Hey, Spelltouched feats! And they're actually good! Nice.

The Sanguine Sorcery chain is really nice at all three stages. No complaints, and I recommend using a similar format for other SLA-granting feat chains. Might have to homebrew a few of my own, actually :smallamused:

That's all for now, but I'll give the setting stuff a look when I find the time. Overall, I love it. What's already here hasn't so much captured my attention as it has whisked my attention off to the fey-wild. Definitely looking forward to seeing how this progresses :smallbiggrin:

2016-03-14, 01:34 PM
now we have have Dresden files pathfinder edition( since we have occultist class as dresden himself this supplement gives us titania, mab and maybe freaking tooth tooth himself conjure at your own risk)

2016-03-14, 02:00 PM
now we have have Dresden files pathfinder edition( since we have occultist class as dresden himself this supplement gives us titania, mab and maybe freaking tooth tooth himself conjure at your own risk)

Don't forget Billy and the Werewolves, but they were dealt with Lords of the Moon. All we need is something for the Knights of the Cross and the Denarians, and we're all set.

2016-03-14, 02:01 PM
Don't forget Billy and the Werewolves, but they were dealt with Lords of the Moon. All we need is something for the Knights of the Cross and the Denarians, and we're all set.

Lords of the Wild (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?479603-Dreamscarred-Press-Introduces-Lords-of-the-Wild-The-Playtest!), not Lords of the Moon.

2016-03-14, 02:06 PM
Don't forget Billy and the Werewolves, but they were dealt with Lords of the Moon. All we need is something for the Knights of the Cross and the Denarians, and we're all set.

well some sort of dreamscarred press lords of damned would be good but I don't hope guys make real fallen angel supplement( though really like lasciel possesed pc)

2016-03-14, 02:16 PM
Hmm. This one interests me a lot more than the other Lords products. Making fey a more interesting force to deal with than 'those annoying things that live in forests' quite lines up with my interests.

2016-03-14, 02:22 PM
Lords of the Wild (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?479603-Dreamscarred-Press-Introduces-Lords-of-the-Wild-The-Playtest!), not Lords of the Moon.

My bad, I misremembered. My earlier theory that DSP is becoming White Wolf seems to be gaining traction, as the is clearly Changeling: The Dreaming. In all honestly, keep this up; I think you guys are the best 3PP Pathfinder has!

2016-03-14, 02:33 PM
My bad, I misremembered. My earlier theory that DSP is becoming White Wolf seems to be gaining traction, as the is clearly Changeling: The Dreaming. In all honestly, keep this up; I think you guys are the best 3PP Pathfinder has!

Changeling: the Dreaming

Why must you say such hurtful things to me.

2016-03-14, 02:54 PM
How exactly is 'Daoine' pronounced?

2016-03-14, 02:56 PM
Yeah this is clearly The Lost.

Cool stuff. A little light on crunch for might tastes but that's already explained in the master document. Digging the spelltouched feats though and the Faire itself sounds like a lot of fun. Second that a DSP neutral ART for Imperial Swordsmanship would be good though.

2016-03-14, 03:05 PM
How exactly is 'Daoine' pronounced?

Somewhat similar to 'dee-nah'; the entire name would be 'dee-nah shee'.

Second that a DSP neutral ART for Imperial Swordsmanship would be good though.

I'll look into it.

2016-03-14, 06:06 PM
I'd like to see what exactly counts as iron for that Iron Weakness. Most weapons in D&D are steel; it would obviously include cold iron, but it sounds like if someone forged a sword from normal iron it would also count?

2016-03-14, 06:29 PM
Some thoughts:

This really seems like the kind of plot that works best in a low-magic world. That said, those kinds of campaigns are often handled poorly. Have DSP considered some kind of supplement on how to do "low-magic" right? It could be fleshed out with things for people who like historical accuracy - e.g. alternate systems for weapons and armor, recommended feats for emulating German fencing, etc.

Calling the subtype "court" sounds odd - it makes it sound like they're bound to a specific place, when if anything the opposite is true. "Courtier" would have more implications of a type of creature, and of someone who can operate away from home as part of their work.

It would be nice to see a mechanical representation of "[oaths] leave their marks on the fey’s body and essence, and in their absence the sidhe suffers greatly.". Actually forcing them to always keep their word (with the option of half-truths like "Darth Vader killed your father") could make them harder to play, but at the same time it would help the alien feel. Maybe you can have it so they only take penalties/damage/whatever when someone points out they broke the rules, meaning you can get around it by being sufficiently crafty.

"Trading for traits" is cool, but the reference to lifting curses makes me think of oracles... Could an oracle trade away the effects of their curse? For that matter, could a character trade away their sight or their voice or something, receiving the negative effects of an lv1 oracle curse?
Relatedly: will there be a way to steal traits? (Rogue archetype? "Fey skill unlock" for Sleight of Hand?) Or a way to use traits to create items? (E.g. forging a holy sword from the courage of an lv20 paladin)

2016-03-14, 06:47 PM
I'm in love. I knew there was a reason DSP was my favorite 3PP.

Milo v3
2016-03-14, 06:53 PM
I normally find that fey have no reason to exist in PF with native outsiders/elementals/aberrations all filling their different thematic niches, hopefully this will fix that.

2016-03-15, 12:02 AM
Some thoughts:

This really seems like the kind of plot that works best in a low-magic world. That said, those kinds of campaigns are often handled poorly. Have DSP considered some kind of supplement on how to do "low-magic" right? It could be fleshed out with things for people who like historical accuracy - e.g. alternate systems for weapons and armor, recommended feats for emulating German fencing, etc.

Not if you emptied every bottle, barrel, and jug on Earth would there be enough liquor for me to attempt this. This is not the system for that in any way, shape, or form.

Calling the subtype "court" sounds odd - it makes it sound like they're bound to a specific place, when if anything the opposite is true. "Courtier" would have more implications of a type of creature, and of someone who can operate away from home as part of their work.

This on the other hand I might end up doing. It feels...right.

It would be nice to see a mechanical representation of "[oaths] leave their marks on the fey’s body and essence, and in their absence the sidhe suffers greatly.". Actually forcing them to always keep their word (with the option of half-truths like "Darth Vader killed your father") could make them harder to play, but at the same time it would help the alien feel. Maybe you can have it so they only take penalties/damage/whatever when someone points out they broke the rules, meaning you can get around it by being sufficiently crafty.

At some point playability has to come first. The daoine sidhe can survive their oathbreaking but they really don't like it. You'll also learn more about what they get out of keeping their troth to a Court or community in the next chunk.

"Trading for traits" is cool, but the reference to lifting curses makes me think of oracles... Could an oracle trade away the effects of their curse? For that matter, could a character trade away their sight or their voice or something, receiving the negative effects of an lv1 oracle curse?

That class and its lack of thesaurus is going to haunt me. See here: descriptors (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic#TOC-Descriptor-)

The relevant text:

Curse: Curses are often permanent effects, and usually cannot be dispelled, but can be removed with a break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, remove curse, or wish. Source: PRG:UM.

The Oracle's Curse is a class feature and is its own thing. Just like oracles don't get dunked on by harbingers, they can't auction off their class features.

Relatedly: will there be a way to steal traits? (Rogue archetype? "Fey skill unlock" for Sleight of Hand?) Or a way to use traits to create items? (E.g. forging a holy sword from the courage of an lv20 paladin)

...Well, there wasn't gonna be before, but this is intriguing to me. The awkward part, though, is that some of the things on that list (like character traits) are meant to be PC-only. Hrm...

2016-03-15, 12:16 AM
For the Daoine, I do agree that the +1/2 con damage from iron weapons is weird. Why not make it a specific vulnerability to iron, similar to mithral vulnerability from Mithral Current? Or maybe +1/2 level instead, that way low-con folk get screwed over as much as high-con folk...

At some point playability has to come first. The daoine sidhe can survive their oathbreaking but they really don't like it. You'll also learn more about what they get out of keeping their troth to a Court or community in the next chunk.
Perhaps you could create a racial drawback that grants a minor penalty for oathbreaking.

Extra Anchovies
2016-03-15, 12:42 AM
For the Daoine, I do agree that the +1/2 con damage from iron weapons is weird. Why not make it a specific vulnerability to iron, similar to mithral vulnerability from Mithral Current? Or maybe +1/2 level instead, that way low-con folk get screwed over as much as high-con folk...

I disagree. Damage vulnerability that scales with max HP sets up a nice bit of fluff - some Daoine may be tougher than others, but iron hurts them all equally*. It's like if iron weapons dealt damage equal to 5% of the Daoine's HP, but not as extreme and with less math.

*Not actually equally, but closer to equally than a flat bonus would. Increasing a Con modifier by 2 adds 2*level HP and results in 1 extra damage from iron weapons, so the iron vulnerability isn't a reason to worry about having a high constitution score so much as it is a reason for even high-Con Daoine to worry about iron weapons. If anything, I'd change the extra damage from
[1/2 Con mod], minimum 1 (+1 damage at Con 10-17, +2 at 18-21, +3 at 22-25, etc)
1+[1/2 Con mod], minimum 1 (+1 damage at Con 10-13, +2 at 14-17, +3 at 18-21, +4 at 22-25, etc)

Also, there should probably be a sidebar note to help GMs find a method of determining which NPC's weapons are made from iron, because without a percent chance or something it boils down to "I feel like screwing this character over today".

2016-03-15, 12:46 AM
Not if you emptied every bottle, barrel, and jug on Earth would there be enough liquor for me to attempt this. This is not the system for that in any way, shape, or form.

No, no, it's really easy. Here goes: "Just use psionics instead". There, wasn't that easy?

2016-03-15, 02:16 AM
I agree that there should be no mechanical feature related to oaths. It's interesting fluff, especially given the traditional representation of fey in D&D as capricious tricksters, but I think any mechanical attachments to that fluff would push the race to far into lawful centric territory.

Maybe a feat or alternate racial trait that gives some bonuses in exchange for penalties if you break oaths, like the legalistic oracle curse, but nothing core to the race.

2016-03-15, 08:52 PM
Oi Gareth, this that thing you showed me way back when?

2016-03-16, 06:05 AM
I would like it if there wasn't some special feat required to interact with half the book. Paizo's technology guide and Iron Gods bugged me in that if you didn't take the technologist feat, it felt like you were just ignoring most of the campaign.

2016-03-16, 12:38 PM
What feat would that be here? There's a lot of stuff connected to fey, but that's more a creature type than a feat...

Also, the spelltouched feats remind me a bit of the Item Mastery feats from Weapon Master's Handbook. Also, if I may ask, why does Sanguine Sorcery list Aberration as a prerequisite? Seems like an odd choice to me.

2016-03-16, 03:59 PM
With Ssalarn starting Tzocatl back up now it gives me the feeling that it and Lords of the Mists mesh pretty well flavorwise. Is there any possibility putting some material for Tzocatl in this book?

2016-03-16, 04:29 PM
What feat would that be here? There's a lot of stuff connected to fey, but that's more a creature type than a feat...

Also, the spelltouched feats remind me a bit of the Item Mastery feats from Weapon Master's Handbook. Also, if I may ask, why does Sanguine Sorcery list Aberration as a prerequisite? Seems like an odd choice to me.

It's a reprint from Bloodforge, as are its sequel feats; they've been included for convenience.

2016-03-16, 04:37 PM
Not if you emptied every bottle, barrel, and jug on Earth would there be enough liquor for me to attempt this. This is not the system for that in any way, shape, or form.

But that's easy.

Make up some nice cover art, a nicely-done front and back cover, a first page that says "USE E6" and then 200 blank pages after that.

2016-03-16, 04:55 PM
Make up some nice cover art.

Have you seen Path of War? That could be the hardest part.

2016-03-18, 02:52 PM
Yes! Fey are rarely given the attention they deserve, so it's great to see that they're getting a DSP book. I'll give the fluff a read later but here's some feedback on the mechanics.

I feel like the Fey-Touched trait should give a trait bonus rather than a racial bonus, to keep in line with the other race traits.

Done. Is the trait worth the slot it takes, d'ya think? It does save a feat on a non-fey race to access some Bloodforge material...

Daoine Sidhe are pretty solid mechanically, but the Veiled One ART is a little nuts. I recommend removing the point of essence. It also might be nice to include an optional replacement for Immortal Swordsmanship that doesn't depend on access to another DSP subsystem, for completeness's sake.

Still looking into a non-subsystem ART but Veiled One has replaced an additional ability (Fey Guile) to pay for the essence.

The Daoine Sidhe Druid FCB is a bit troubling; shifting it down to +1/2 spell would probably be good. I also think the Vizier ACF should be shifted up to +1/2, to match the scaling on the Tiefling and Half-Orc Inquisitor FCBs.

The druid FCB is a mirror of the Houri witch FCB in Bloodforge, which was fairly well-recieved. I'll keep an eye on it, but I'm not sure it's a problem. I'll poke Psybomb about the Vizier FCB, as he knows that a bit better.

The Dreige are also quite nice, and I don't have any recommended balance changes. The Ancient Grudge ART is worded such that fey might be subject to the subtype restriction; rephrasing it to "...made against fey, and against outsiders with the chaotic or evil subtypes" would fix that.

As a reprint, Dreige aren't currently up for rebalancing. They're in the document for the reasons described in the sidebar.

I like the Bean Sidhe. Makes for a nice casting-focused bard between the expanded spell list and Sybil's Song. The Prophetic Wail attack/damage bonus and the Bleak Portents penalties currently don't have types.

Prophetic Wail will be typed shortly; penalties, however, never have a type. Can I get you to expand on your Bean Sidhe feedback? There's some contention about its value vs. base Bard.

Hey, Spelltouched feats! And they're actually good! Nice.

Can I get you to expand on this?

The Sanguine Sorcery chain is really nice at all three stages. No complaints, and I recommend using a similar format for other SLA-granting feat chains. Might have to homebrew a few of my own, actually :smallamused:

Also reprints! Also from Bloodforge. You'll find the Spark of Divinity chain in that book too.

That's all for now, but I'll give the setting stuff a look when I find the time. Overall, I love it. What's already here hasn't so much captured my attention as it has whisked my attention off to the fey-wild. Definitely looking forward to seeing how this progresses :smallbiggrin:

Thanks for the read and the feedback!

Hmm. This one interests me a lot more than the other Lords products. Making fey a more interesting force to deal with than 'those annoying things that live in forests' quite lines up with my interests.

That's the idea! Which is part of the reason I'm worried about the fluff and kinda needy about feedback w/r/t it. The experimental format is kinda...it makes one a bit nervous to execute, yeah?

I'd like to see what exactly counts as iron for that Iron Weakness. Most weapons in D&D are steel; it would obviously include cold iron, but it sounds like if someone forged a sword from normal iron it would also count?

Correct. I'll likely install a sidebar once I figure out how precisely I wanna handle it, but the TL;DR is that in societies that produce steel, iron tends to be a bit rarer because it's less useful and because making steel in bulk is pretty easy. Making iron weapons on one's own is easy enough - all you need is the iron.

With Ssalarn starting Tzocatl back up now it gives me the feeling that it and Lords of the Mists mesh pretty well flavorwise. Is there any possibility putting some material for Tzocatl in this book?

Tzocatl isn't in a good place for me to do that right now. After it solidifies I might do a mini supplement with some related material, though. I'd need to work with Mike on that.

We've had a few days to look at the material, folks; what're our thoughts on it?

2016-03-18, 03:05 PM
If I may suggest, Swordtrained as a DSP-neutral ART for Immortal Swordsmanship. The niche, though, may be a bit too similar.

2016-03-18, 03:06 PM
If I may suggest, Swordtrained as a DSP-neutral ART for Immortal Swordsmanship. The niche, though, may be a bit too similar.

Swordtrained? Vhat is, friend?

2016-03-18, 03:11 PM
Oh yeah... you have an irrational hatred of the ARG. Its one of the Tengu abilities; proficiency with all sword-like weapons. As I said, similar niche, but DSP-neutral. And I think it does fit the idea.

2016-03-18, 03:12 PM
Have you seen Path of War? That could be the hardest part.I really look forward to seeing what kind of cover he finds for this book. DSP covers have been looking great!

I would like it if there wasn't some special feat required to interact with half the book. Paizo's technology guide and Iron Gods bugged my in that if you didn't take the technologist feat, it felt like you were just ignoring most of the campaign. It is actually a trait this time around. Significantly easier access! They also grant other minor bonuses besides act as prereqs.

2016-03-18, 03:47 PM
Oh yeah... you have an irrational hatred of the ARG.

No, I have an extreme distaste for the RP system, for reasons already thoroughly outlined, and I'll thank you for not starting that fight here. My - and DSP's - stance on the matter is quite clear and since even the 1pp seems to have largely abandoned it to die, I don't think it'll be changing any time soon.

Its one of the Tengu abilities; proficiency with all sword-like weapons. As I said, similar niche, but DSP-neutral. And I think it does fit the idea.

Eh, it's a bad trade.

2016-03-18, 04:23 PM
Immortal Swordmanship is as strong as a trait from PoW: E. A strong trait, but a trait nonetheless. Getting proficiency with all sword-like weapons is technically stronger. A few suggestions I have are +2 initiative, +2 to concentration checks in combat, +1 to attacks of opportunity with chosen a weapon group, and a reduction in armor check penalty by 1. All of those are about trait equivalent in strength, are neutral, and represent a degree of combat training.

I am not fond of Prophetic Wail on the Bean Sidhe. I think I would prefer it to be a debuff to foes instead of a situational buff for allies.

If kept a buff for allies, I think removing the situational attack and damage buff in favor of introducing a smaller, but scaling, miss chance would be better. Something like 10% at 1st level, with an additional 5% every 5 levels.

2016-03-18, 04:25 PM
True, all those proficiencies are a bit powerful for something that is literally the equivalent of one trait.

2016-03-18, 04:57 PM
The Benevolence alternate racial trait seems a bit lacking compared to what it replaces--I'm losing a 1st level spell to get a cantrip? Especially annoying since Charm Person to Bless and Detect Magic to Prestidigitation are both already drops in power.

Spelltouched feats are very cool, but Fake Out suffers from the same problem as its 3.5e predecessor (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/spelltouchedFeats.htm#falsePretenses), which is that it requires a super-narrow situation that might never come up at all, and if you don't happen to find yourself in that situation, you've wasted your feat slot. Or worse, what if you do find yourself targeted by a charm or compulsion effect, and you're all like, "Yes! I have a feat expressly chosen for this EXACT scenario!"...and then you fail the save? That has to be positively soul-crushing. The least it could do is give you a bonus on your saving throw.

Extra Anchovies
2016-03-19, 12:58 AM
Done. Is the trait worth the slot it takes, d'ya think? It does save a feat on a non-fey race to access some Bloodforge material...

Well, it has to cost build resources of some sort, or at least I think it does - it would be kind of weird if all the fey-specific stuff didn't have some sort of additional cost for non-fey. A trait is a good price point, but bumping the secondary benefit to a +2 bonus wouldn't be overpowering it.

Still looking into a non-subsystem ART but Veiled One has replaced an additional ability (Fey Guile) to pay for the essence.

I think that balances it, yeah. Two essence is worth a strong feat, so one essence is worth a weak feat, and scaling +1-5 on three skills is kind of a weak feat (compare +2-4 on two skills).

The druid FCB is a mirror of the Houri witch FCB in Bloodforge, which was fairly well-recieved. I'll keep an eye on it, but I'm not sure it's a problem.

Well, the Druid list isn't as strong as the Witch list, at least in my opinion. In particular, there are a lot of Witch buff spells that Druids would love to share with their animal companions, like Enlarge Person. I'd have advocated for the Houri Witch FCB getting scaled down to +1/2 if I'd been part of the Bloodforge playtest, though, so if most people were fine with +1 for that then I'm probably in the minority here as well.

I'll poke Psybomb about the Vizier FCB, as he knows that a bit better.

It's not really Vizier-specific; it's more to follow Paizo's precedent. Half-Orc and Tiefling Inquisitors can both get +1/2 to Monster Lore (Knowledge checks to ID monsters) with their FCB, and Catfolk Bards can get +1/2 to Bardic Knowledge with theirs, so +1/3 to Knowledge to ID is a bit underwhelming.

Prophetic Wail will be typed shortly; penalties, however, never have a type. Can I get you to expand on your Bean Sidhe feedback? There's some contention about its value vs. base Bard.

Losing Inspire Courage definitely pushes them to more of a support and casting role, and IC is a big enough part of the Bard's identity that it definitely has to play differently. The ability that stands out to me as immediately appealing is Sybil's Song, because it's a big pile of extra spells. I also like the idea of pushing the bard more towards divinations rather than enchantments (insight bonuses instead of morale, etc). Two ideas that come to mind for ways to give it a bit more magical oomph are giving them more performance rounds per day (to fuel more uses of Sybil's Song) and/or giving them an ability similar to Spell Kenning (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/skald#TOC-Spell-Kenning-Su-) so they're trading some of their direct combat strength for more casting abilities.

Can I get you to expand on this?

Well, none of them really stand out as "wow, this totally helps/enables build X", but there are definitely some that I'd take on a character when I ran out of obvious next feat choices. Darkvision, Commune 1/week, almost-at-will teleportation, all nice things. I do think that Fake Out and Go With the Flow should be merged into a single feat, though.

Also reprints! Also from Bloodforge. You'll find the Spark of Divinity chain in that book too.

Hm. If it's in a similar style as Sanguine Sorcery, I'll have to give it a look.

Thanks for the read and the feedback!

You're welcome! This is definitely an interesting project and I've liked your past work, so I'll be keeping an eye on this thread as it progresses.

We've had a few days to look at the material, folks; what're our thoughts on it?

I like what I'm seeing so far, and am eagerly anticipating more character options to sink my teeth into. Archetypes or other class-specific things that give a weird fey-magic spin on existing classes (like the Bean Sidhe) are quite interesting, so I'm hoping to see more of that sorta stuff in particular.

Milo v3
2016-03-19, 10:49 AM
It's abit weird mortal races were called quicklings since quicklings are a type of fey.

For fey-touched, I'd put a thing just saying "Like bloodline traits, this trait is not restricted to a single race." rather than the two sentences.

I'm surprised the race gets SLA's + initiating/veilweaving though I'm not sure if I don't like it or simply am surprised.

2016-03-19, 11:00 AM
The Rose Enforcer archetype for Inquisitors has been added to the playtest document. Some concerns that I still have on it:

- Initial feedback/internal has suggested that the punishment & vengeance oaths could use a little something...more. I'm not certain where to proceed from here.
- I've never written an Inquisitor archetype before and I'm not sure on the balance of the trades.
- Vow of Briars does not currently allow a save. I'm still debating on if it should or not.

I am of course accepting feedback and critique on any part of the archetype, but those are the concerns I still have from writing it.

2016-04-03, 12:16 AM
I'm not much of an expert in Inquisitors, so I'll focus on the bean sidhe until I get a better handle on them.

Losing the basic attack roll buff hurts, but the save bonus and miss chance are very nice. Since you retain the bonus against about half of the most popular enemy creature types of good parties, though, I'll call it even. REALLY GOOD if you know you're facing those creatures a lot, or if you know SoS/SoD effects are flying around a lot.

Sorcerous Requiem is really the killer ability here. In parties set to take advantage of the synergy (which I expect out of DSP games), that 10% reduction in enemy save chances is going to go an extremely long way.

On Intervention, I feel like the miss chance should be 50%, not 40. By that point, Displacement really is the standard, and makes it much more equal to a selective save reroll.

2017-01-08, 10:30 PM
Any new news?

2017-01-09, 01:39 PM
Any new news?

I'm afraid that Mists is going on indefinite hiatus while we focus up on some other projects. It's not canceled, exactly, and I'm not taking down any of the material, but work on it has been halted for the time being. I'll start another thread when things resume in the future. You've my apologies.