View Full Version : Rules Q&A Haste Spell - D&D 3.5

2016-03-15, 04:08 AM
Hello everybody :)
I started this thread because we had quite an intensive discussion in our d&d group regarding how the Haste spell affects the character's movement in 3.5 edition. Having said that the player's handbook states:

All of the hasted creature’s modes of movement (including land movement, burrow, climb, fly, and swim) increase by 30 feet, to a maximum of twice the subject’s normal speed using that form of movement. This increase counts as an enhancement bonus, and it affects the creature’s jumping distance as normal for increased speed.

Now there are 2 interpretations behind this text (we are a group of Italian players and the translation doesn't really help to clarify that, because for some of us it's still ambiguous):

- The spell affects the movement so that the player's movement is increased by 30ft up to the double of the player's movement. For example, a creature moves 15ft so after the Haste spell will move 45 (15+30). Another creature moves 100ft, so after the haste spell moves 200ft (double movement). So it's at least increased by 30ft, but it can go up to the double of the movement. In other words MAX(player's movement + 15, player's movement x 2).
- The spell affects the movement so that the player's movement is increased by 30ft, but CLAMPED to its double movement as maximum. For example a creature moves 15ft so after the Haste spell will move 30ft, since 45 is over the double of its movement. The creature that moves 100ft instead, will move 130ft, so its movement is increased by 30ft and not doubled like in the above mentioned case. In other words CLAMP(player's movement + 30, 0, player's movement x 2) where 0 and player's movement x 2 are the MIN and MAX value of clamping.

What's your opinion on this?
Thanks for your help!

2016-03-15, 04:18 AM
Your speed, AKA the distance you can move with a move action, increases by 30 feet, up to a maximum of double your speed before the spell. It is similar to Expeditious Retreat. You do not move as a result of casting the spell; you still have to use a move action to do so.

So if your speed is 30 feet, it increases to 60 feet. If your speed is 20 feet, it increases to 40 feet. If your speed is 40 feet, it increases to 70 feet.

2016-03-15, 04:19 AM
I don't know bout the italian translation, but in english it's completely unambiguous as far as I can tell. The target's speed increases by as much as as 30ft, but the target's speed can not exceed double its original value. For example, a 15ft move speed would increase to 30ft, a 25ft move speed would increase top 50ft, but a 30ft move speed would increase to 60ft, and a 100ft move speed would increase to 130ft.

2016-03-15, 05:08 AM
It's the second one. The first interpretation would require that the doubled speed be the minimum, rather than the maximum.

2016-03-15, 12:27 PM
- The spell affects the movement so that the player's movement is increased by 30ft, but CLAMPED to its double movement as maximum. For example a creature moves 15ft so after the Haste spell will move 30ft, since 45 is over the double of its movement. The creature that moves 100ft instead, will move 130ft, so its movement is increased by 30ft and not doubled like in the above mentioned case. In other words CLAMP(player's movement + 30, 0, player's movement x 2) where 0 and player's movement x 2 are the MIN and MAX value of clamping.This one. The character's speed increases by the lesser of [double movement | 30 ft].

2016-03-15, 12:35 PM
Definitely the second. The spell increases your speed by the lower of 30 feet or your speed.

2016-03-15, 01:01 PM
Thanks everybody, now we can keep playing without fighting every time Haste is cast by any PC/NPC :)