View Full Version : Legacy IC Thread 2 - Argent Age

2016-03-15, 08:48 AM
25 years went by.

The war came to an end. Amends were made. It was, for a while, a slow process. Documents had to be signed and provisions agreed to and, yes, Germany had to be carefully allowed back onto the world stage. It was a slog, and a bureaucratic slog at that. But it came to an end, and to some degree, life went on. Only now, there were Parahumans. Their entrance into history had occurred close enough to World War 2 that the two were almost considered one in the same. Historians speculated for a time that the conflict may end up being known as the Parahuman War. This was not the case, as Parahumans continued to exist and live in the world, their numbers growing if anything. And it was a little...awkward. Without a war to fight, what were they supposed to do? There were Parahuman inventors, doctors, treasure hunters, and of course...soldiers.

Finally passed in 1948, the Parahuman Asset Program was a series of rules and regulations by which a nation could officially register their Parahumans as Parahuman Assets, or PAs. There are now four grades of Parahuman Registration. Grade 1 Parahumans are ordinary people that have registered their powers with whatever government they have citizenship with. Failure to register by the age of eighteen is supposed to result in legal repercussions, but no country is obligated to treat unregistered individuals, also known as Grade 0s, in any particular way. And really, nobody thinks it's fair to punish someone just for having powers. Using them is another thing, and that's what the next level is for. Grade 2s are those that are permitted to use their powers to a certain end. While getting Grade 1 paperwork is really just a matter of showing up and demonstrating some basic level of power, Grade 2 involves a slightly more extensive background check, and depends very greatly on what the applicant is requesting. A Teleporter wanting a quicker commute shouldn't have any troubles, but a police officer wanting to use his Pyrokinesis as a weapon against criminals better be a damn good police officer as well. Having been licensed to use any of your powers in any common way means you are a Grade 2. To be Grade 3 is to be an ordinary street-level hero. There is an extensive period of training and testing required to attain this license, but if you have it you can basically suit up (or not) and fight crime on the streets to your leisure. Grade 3s are extremely rare, mostly existing just to appease the pop culture demand for 'super heroes', and are considered an unattractive position to be in due to the huge about of government oversight involved. Grade 4s, far more common than Grade 3s, are straight-up soldiers. To legally do what you guys did during World War 2, you should have been Grade 4. In fact, pretty much everybody is considered to be Grade 0 in every country if they haven't done their paperwork there - Parahumans looking to travel have to get themselves up to Grade 1 at least through an embassy before going to travel. With Grade 4, you can act with powers anywhere, but only in response to orders from your country. You are not considered responsible for anything you are asked to do, and the concept of an asset is taken very literally.

Oh, and none of that is set in stone. You guys can pretty much choose what Grade you are, and nobody's going to bother you if you're only a 1 or 2. Why? Because you're the Vanguard and you're popular.

And so almost every country has a Parahuman, or a team of Parahumans, or even several teams by now. As Earth gets into the groove of country-sponsored Parahumans, lesser designations are starting to come up - state-owned and city-owned Grade 3s would have far fewer people breathing down their neck but would be equally effective in their sanctioned area. This topic has only just begun to receive serious attention, and so a whole number of counter-arguments have cropped up as well. There will always be boring people that don't want superhumans doing anything. A raging political argument right now is that if we allow city-owned Parahumans, what's stopping us from going to, say...business-owned, or even person-owned? The -owned suffix has been receiving very liberal application, with all the negative connotation it brings.

As for the Vanguard, you guys seem to come up a lot in the media. You weren't the first Parahuman team, but you were definitely the first to be born that is still around now, thanks mostly to the fact that you will not sit down. Sara has been replaced by her own daughter. James Swift, no longer a member, is training both her and Richard Clayton, who is a new arrival along with Myrmidon. Alistair Quinn and the (renamed) Dynaman are now official Vanguard veterans, and the five of you all have incredible reputations. You are what people point to when they want to show the world what Parahumans with their hearts in the right place can achieve. You are what people point to when they want to show the world what Parahumans are ultimately capable of, for better or worse. You've all made an appearance in the Vietnam War, but your presence has been spotty. For one thing, the States have enough A-Teams now that they don't need to send you in for every battle. In addition to that, being one of the best examples of a super team out there, there is controversy every time you move, and so sometimes it's better off if you just don't.

Like today, for example.

Los Angeles, California
Population: 2,795,233
Date: 15th March, 1966

"Now, something we've been hearing a lot lately is that violence between Parahumans and humans is pointless and consistently results in unnecessary casualties."

You are all sitting in a recording studio. You are here for money, or because it seemed like a good idea, because you were bored, or because everyone else in Vanguard is present.

"There seems to be a consensus forming that, besides from relief effort and maintenace of collateral damage, Grade 4 Parahuman combatants should exist on the battlefield only to find and neutralise enemy Grade 4s and possibly heavy artillery, avoiding the needless slaughter of comparatively ineffectual ground troops."

The small audience sitting by watching your interview, along with the camera and film crew between you and them, are here because they're getting paid.

"But of course this involves the threat of larger forces 'sniping' the Parahumans of lighter nations by overwhelming them with dozens of their own Paras. And in this modern era, with nuclear weapons and this term of 'Mutually Assured Destruction' hanging over our heads, holding some of our most powerful assets back in a giant game of chicken is already leaving a bad taste in a lot of mouths."

Sitting across from you and looking very relaxed in her seat, Awan is here because she has over a million people across the country tuning in to her show. It was common knowledge that her powers were a sort of enhanced charisma, and her words automatically carried a lot of weight to whoever she spoke to. Growing up, she'd dealt with a lot of controversy due to her power, which was permanently on; her grades were marked up, people always did what she said, and she was always in charge. It didn't matter whether she tried to or not, people took her statements as commands. As news of what she could do spread further and further, it got to the point where people would avoid and ignore her to protect themselves from being 'controlled'. This was the start of one of the first major Parahuman debates, back in the early fifties, and now she was here with her own talk show, Fitting In, where she discussed Parahuman-related issues in society. With the Vietnam War in full swing, today was one of her now very common episodes on the nature of Grade 4 Parahumans, and the grade system in general.

"As one of the world's earliest examples of Parahumans fighting regular Humans in a warzone, as far back as World War Two, what do you think?"

Here we go, guys!

Now, for what it's worth, Awan's powers do work as advertised. Right now, despite what Awan is saying about a 'consensus forming', most people don't actually think too much about Parahumans taking on Human infantry, and don't think it's a serious issue. She's asking you to change that.

Mechanically, you have to roll a DC 15 Will Save. On a failure, you become tongue-tied and unable to say anything that doesn't primarily serve this purpose. So you can try and stir up a debate that Parahumans should not be carelessly engaging with non-powered targets, or you can sit there and say nothing. This power is extremely hard to detect; even when you know it's something she does, you won't actively realise it's happening to you. There are things that will see through it, but none of you have such talents on your sheets as far as I can tell.

Either way though, this is for the large part a role-play scene. Do what you want within the boundaries.

2016-03-15, 09:51 AM
James smiled, a twinkle in his eye as the unintentional mental assault flowed over him, be like water indeed.

Gently waving his walking stick into the air, he exclaimed, barely holding back a grin, "Now who here decided ah was a parahuman?"

Lowering the stick he continued, "now to be serious, I belive that parahuman should be deployed in fields like Vietnam, their unique skills may save thousands of lives on the front lines, however, they should be treated like soldiers as well, they should be given the option to become conscientious objectors, to return to relief efforts and maintaining collateral. Miss, I belive you know I fought in both world wars, in the first as an airman, in the second as a member of Vanguard, it takes a certain kind of person to survive a war, to be able to kill a man and sleep at night, to be able to wade through enemy fire, knowing at any moment you might die, very few people can do that, and parahumans, despite all their awesome powers, are people, people who may never be ready for the rigours of war, and that's a good thing, it's something we much cherish, for it shows that under that power, they're like most of you and me, that they are human." Swift replies, more addressing the camera at the end of his speech than the interviewer.

2016-03-15, 12:21 PM
Her mother had warned her that she shouldn't try to contribute much to this discussion. Her mother was always warning her to hold back, to leave things to others. Phoebe could admit, though, it made a certain amount more sense here. Her mother's overprotective instincts were silly and stifling when they were regarding things like going out and fighting crime, or joining the Vanguard. Phoebe was a more powerful telekinetic than her mom was, by orders of magnitude, and Sara had survived World War 2 with her dinky little six pounds of force. Phoebe needed precisely zero protection.

This, though, wasn't a situation where sheer telekinetic muscle or skill with blades was useful. This was a televised discussion, a political debate. Phoebe wasn't all that interested in politics. It made a certain amount of sense to just keep her mouth shut and let the more experienced members of the Vanguard do the talking. Strictly speaking, the question wasn't even addressed to her. She hadn't fought in any wars. Anything she could offer would be unsubstantiated opinion.

But while Phoebe's sense of self was too strong for Awan's power to subvert, some trace of the interviewer's enhanced charisma got through, stirring Phoebe to respond, to voice her opinion. It wasn't an urge that was out of character for her. Far as Phoebe was concerned, absent overwhelming evidence to the contrary, her opinion mattered just as much as anyone's. That her mentor was arguing the point was the final straw. Phoebe spoke up in support. "Yeah, and besides, you want the enemy soldiers to be completely ineffective! If they're firing at parahumans that they can't even hurt, it means they're not firing at your soldiers who they can! And if they see that they have nothing that can hurt their enemy, then maybe they run away or surrender really fast, so they don't have to be killed. You don't win a war by playing nice and making sure your enemy has a fair chance to beat you! You overwhelm them, hit them where you're strong and they're weak, minimize casualties to your side by as much as you can and if you can minimize casualties to their side even better!"

"I haven't fought in any actual wars. But I've been fighting crime for a few years now, and something like nine out of ten criminals that I've gone after I never had to take a swing at. Some punk mugger with a knife, or even a few bank robbers with guns, they see a masked woman flying towards them with blades in hand and a giant samurai sword floating along beside her, they're not usually going to keep trying. They're going to drop their weapons and surrender. And the ones that don't, I outclass them so hard I can afford to blunt my strikes and take them down with minimal risk of permanent harm, whereas police might have no choice but to shoot to kill. And I figure it's pretty much the same with soldiers, right?"

"Besides, most parahumans are like...way, way more precise than bombs and artillery and stuff. You drop bombs on a military target, you might kill any civilians who happen to be inside or nearby, or something might go wrong and you hit a civilian target instead and that's...awful. But you send a parahuman to clear out a military base, and we can typically tear through whatever soldiers stand against us, but anyone who's not fighting, we can leave right alone."

2016-03-20, 07:23 PM
Alexander (as he now went by, a suggestion of Mr. Draper to broaden his appeal) gave Awan a well-rehearsed smile. Of course there were little actual rules on the battlefield. True that enemy parahumans were often the priority, but he'd seen all too often how easily mooks could overwhelm an unprepared offense, powered or not. Clearly this woman had never set foot on a battlefield and was only using them to further her own dubious agenda. For whatever reason though he felt himself unable to articulate his experiences in the moment, and so like a politician in the hot seat, he sidestepped her probe with a non-answer.

"It's true I've fought in both wars, but I'm independent now. I never did take to military life, so registering as a Grade 3 allowed me the best of both worlds, and the U.N. was very gracious in extending the privilege. I help where and when I'm needed, but I can't comment on state policy."

2016-03-21, 10:33 AM
Myrmidon let the others do their bits first, listening to their views and assessing the situation. The host's mental influence did nothing to him - he had a strong will, something that he shared with his sister, and this was nothing compared to other cases he'd withstood. As the others talked, he weighed up his options - after all, this was a difficult situation, and he didn't really want to be the one to cause a major misstep that his bosses would be angry about. He finally spoke, the carefulness showing initially but fading as he got into it more.

"My father...he wasn't one to talk much on these kinds of political issues, as you probably know. However, I have been able to push him a few times to find out more, and I think I like the general idea he spoke of. In his mind, parahumanity was something that we should embrace in it's entirety, and all it's potential used. While is pretty hard to dispute in regards to humanitarian and general work, it's understandable how some people may balk at the idea of using such powers in combat in general, and in an ugly matter such as war in specific. However, in the context of war, the fact is that while they can be thought of as weapons, they are also people - you need to consider both aspects. So yes, you have a the vast majority of parahumans that are perfectly happy not being Grade 4s, and so long as they stick to what they are legally authorised to do, that is fine, and those who do sign up should be thought of in the same way as a normal soldier deciding to fight for their country, not as another nuclear weapon in that country's stockpile.

I somewhat feel that this is getting away from what we should be focusing on - concepts of conduct in war that would stand even without parahumans. I'm speaking of concepts such as using the right amount of force, acting according the law and international agreements, acting with as much compassion as the war allows and not prolonging bloodshed and death. In this context, using a parahuman with appropriate powers is a superior option to conventional weapons and soldiers - a properly trained parahuman is much more capable of avoiding needless death with his powers than a soldier is when shooting an enemy fighter, and similarly on the receiving side parahumans tend to be tougher than the norm and heal quickly, so painful long-term injuries aren't as big of an issue.

I understand that my perspective on this may be...seen to be biased, because of my obvious parahuman nature and my status as a Grade 4, but I like to think that even if I wasn't, this is how I'd feel - everything I've done, I've been doing in the aim of making the situations I find myself in better as best I can. If that requires fighting in wars so that a number of non-parahuman soldiers don't have to risk their lives against a hard target or enemy parahuman...well so be it, you know?"

Hyperbolic sine
2016-03-22, 02:40 PM
Harbinger, as always (well, in the last 25 years, at least - there are probably some old wartime photos still going around, where he just wore a pair of aviator goggles and a bandana on his lower half of the face) wearing his mask (whick looked not unlike a full-face gas mask with tinted lenses and without the filter), after listening to the others decided to weigh in with his own opinion. He intented to echo Swift's and Myrmidon's point that Parahumans were people, not weapons - something that is never stressed enough - and go from there...but he didn't.

"Valid points, truly. However, I am afraid there is something you are failing to consider." he says, addressing the rest of the Vanguard. "By virtue of that very precision, there are less moral restraints on deploying a Parahuman rather than, for instance, calling for a carpet bombing - as a consequence, it is entirely plausible that there exist a number of scenarios for which the unsuitability of direct military action does not hold true any longer. In other words, I believe that the militarisation of Parahumans might actually be detrimental to world peace." he concluded, idly wondering why he decided at the last moment to change his mind and say that - it's not like he didn't have those kind of worries, but he certainly didn't intend to bring them up in a talk show and possibly foster anti-Parahuman activists.

2016-03-23, 12:41 AM
As you speak in turn, Awan appears to be...unsettled. Not necessarily shocked that some of you are speaking on your own terms, but frustrated nonetheless that she can't quite maintain control of the situation. "Tear through?" she cautiously repeated back to Phoebe with a look to the camera as the woman was coming to the end of her point. She did, however, have the decency to hear you all out before continuing in a way that almost seemed scripted.

"Now, Mr. Swift, you are correct in your point. Parahumans are indeed mere humans with a prefix attached, and deep inside they have the same weaknesses as we do. I, and many colleagues, believe there there is a potential problem packaged with that. Humans, after all, aren't the most gentle of things - look at all these wars we're been through in the past few years, and even those we're stuck in now! Some people are saying that, with the birth of the Parahuman, war will no longer be an occasion but an eternal state of the world. There's so much power available now, and so many are trying to grab it. Many people say that the time has passed and we're no longer gripped by an old event, but there are still many out there that were shaken by the...the Baltimore Bomb."

In 1953, an explosion rocked the streets of Baltimore and destroyed an entire apartment building. It is said that this happened as the result of secret chemical experiments, with an end goal related in some way to achieving Parahuman power. This was the first serious event that started off the 'Safety or Freedom' debate.

A scientist by the name of Shoal Trentwiser had accumulated enough money to purchase the building and set up shop underneath, secretly working on a chemical formula that would bestow powers on any who were exposed to it. It was in the final testing stages when something went wrong, setting off the explosion.

Later investigation revealed that Trentwiser had been working with an undisclosed government's military, attempting to assist them in creating Parahuman slaves to bolster their army. Although this event would have been a huge kickstarter either way, the uncovering of this information was definitely an extra big push for Parahuman paranoia and the resulting political arguments.
Barely pausing, she turned to Phoebe and continued, capitalising on some of the telekinetic's words and leaving others to rot.

"Even unintentionally, you coerce criminals into surrendering to you? Some would say that we're already on a rather dangerous path, there. Many citizens of America are hesitantly comfortable with Parahumans protecting their cities, but claim they would be much less comfortable if those same people maintained control over the underworld through power or fear. If you remember, Shear, there was once a brief section here on our show about unnecessary collateral damage caused by poorly trained Grade 3s, and we produced photographs of an entire auto mobile that appeared to have obliterated by one of your swords. Taken a few minutes after a small-scale battle occurred in that very same street, broken up by you. How long can you continue to preach for precision when that is how you are known to act?"

Take a Hero Point (why do I say that when I then go and put it on the table myself? Always thought that was weird) for your Accident complication. As a result of Awan's callback, you take a -5 penalty on your social check this round (explained below) unless you choose to speak for Neutrality. You can rebut other people, but nobody in Safety is going to listen to you and the Freedom-ers think you're a hypocrite if you speak against them, so they won't either.
"Alexander, you seem reluctant to make a point. You claim to be independent, and incapable of commenting on the behaviour of the state. Yet, I was under the impression that you were still affiliated with the Vanguard, correct? You have many fans among the public. You have been noted as being quite wealthy, and the suit you wear into combat is extremely advanced...are you sure you have no government affiliation in these times? After all, especially with the recent excitement from NASA and the potential for a moon landing, it is becoming more and more clear that our friends in suits are very happy to make lucrative under-the-table deals with seemingly noble Parahumans."

Another big topic on the news right now, in a few days from now NASA is going to be launching the Apollo 11 from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. Yes, technology is slightly sped up due to Parahuman influence.

Some number of years ago, NASA began working with a Parahuman who was notable for being capable of secreting an extremely efficient variety of rocket fuel, way better than anything we have today. This Parahuman, Carl Kenta, has been paid handsomely for the last six months in return for being sucked dry daily - they now have enough of the substance for a return trip to the moon, and have had enough spare time to get everything else in order a bit early as well.

Just a few months ago, rumours began to take root that not only was Carl being paid for his...donation to science, but was also being threatened to some degree. Largely socially - there was the possibility that his public standing would take something of a hit if he were to pull out from the operation, and NASA's reports that he was possibly being overworked were often met with the government reminding him of what could happen if he were to pull out. They've already begun to give him some examples, hence why Awan for example considers him to be 'seemingly' noble. He is getting a little smeared here and there, with claims of poor treatment of staff or laziness.

Actually, whatever that stuff he's sweating out is, he needs it to live. Carl's life span is getting heavily reduced by his daily usage of his power, and even after this was found out, the project did not slow down at all. This was only leaked a few weeks ago, after they had all the fuel they needed, and it seems even Awan doesn't know about it yet. Or she just hasn't said anything.
"A properly trained Parahuman may be safe, Myrmidon, but how many are properly trained? Our country has excellent standards for the training of our Grade 3s and 4s, but not all are the same. Many are willing to take anybody over the age of eighteen with a power and throw them onto a battlefield, which history has shown will always end terribly for either the Parahuman or their targets. While it's nice to sit among our country and claim we have a perfect system, this is no longer a national issue; it is global, and we need to speak our opinions to the entire world."

In the distance, you hear a rumbling.

And a...roar?

Actually, not so distant. You're quite deep inside this studio, and the walls are thick, so the fact that you're hearing this commotion means it's probably on the block.

There is definitely a large, destructive conflict going on outside.
Finally, she looks to Harbinger with a very pleased expression. The eye contact she makes, even through your mask, makes you feel like you've stabbed your side in the back. And, since you've gone this far, you might as well do it again. Awan will be quite pleased if you do, and there are many benefits that come with that.

"Exactly, sir! There is such a desire for anarchy from these new Parahumans, but I believe world peace is a very achievable ideal, and it is one we never get close to while we let the strongest have their way. I also believe that, by letting those strongest individuals into war zones, we often are letting them have their way. Many governments pay their super-soldiers, both in money and favour, and through that they are almost already controlling us." The irony of her complaining about Parahumans controlling others did not seem to occur to her.

"Please continue! Don't you believe that a Parahuman capable of destruction and given control of what he does will almost always pick something undesirable for the rest of the world? After all, if you get a hundred eggs, some of them will always be rotten."

"...Actually, I have a chef, I have no idea if that's how cooking works."

You have a unique option here, my friend. As Awan's powers are still Subtle 2, nobody else knows this is happening. However, she is offering you a delayed Inspire 5 effect. At some point in the next 24 hours, as a Free action you can gain a +5 bonus to all your rolls for 1 round. You could activate this on your social check (see below) if you wanted. To gain this benefit, however, you must roll for Safety.
Politics break! So, situations in different countries are different, but all over the world the 'Safety vs Freedom' argument is on fire. Many people are arguing that heavier sanctions need to be placed on Parahuman activity, and that Grade 4s shouldn't be entering into combat at all. These people refer to their viewpoint as Safety, but are referred to by everyone else as Paranoids. Just as many, however, believe that we are restricting these superior humans from doing as they wish because we're afraid of them, and we need to just let go of our paranoia. These people refer to themselves as believers in Freedom, but the Paranoids refer to them as Anarchists. In America right now, and specifically in Los Angeles, the split between people is almost exactly 50/50.

We're not going to play out this whole interview. Instead, you guys have a chance to sum it up and see how you effect the world. You get one more post, which you can finish with a social check to sway the audience towards your viewpoint. It's a DC 15 check, moving the people 2% in your favour, and every degree of success or failure increases or decreases this by 2. Yes, it is possible to speak poorly enough that you push people away from your viewpoint.

Speaking for Safety can be done with the Deception, Persuasion, or Intimidation skills.
Speaking for Freedom can be done with Deception, Persuasion, or a relevant Expertise skill (History, Parahumans, etc). Looking at the facts, Safety are being paranoid, and many of them have an ulterior motive. Most of the time, Parahumans are in line and never cause serious disasters.

You can also speak for Neutrality, which can be done with any of the above skills. This will push the score, wherever it is after everyone else rolls, back towards 50/50. If you fail a Neutrality check, there is no negative consequence - the score doesn't move.

2016-03-23, 01:36 AM
Phoebe's eyes narrowed a bit when Awan brought up the car. She was kinda touchy about her occasional accidents. "Yes. I coerce criminals into surrendering instead of fighting. Are you saying it would be preferable for them to fight? Or that it's better for the nutjobs with guns to do whatever they want than for a parahuman with nothing to fear from guns to stop them?"

"See, here's the problem with your argument - you're setting up a binary situation that doesn't exist. You're acting like there's a choice between parahumans not being able to use their powers to protect their countries or their cities, or parahumans taking control over everything or causing anarchy. And that's nonsense. You want to know why that car got cut in half? Because I was swinging at a guy who bullets bounced off of, and he dodged. But you know what? If I hadn't been there, you know what it would have taken to stop him? Missiles. And I can say with confidence that in that situation, there would have been a whole heck of a lot more than a single car destroyed."

"The eggs thing kinda doesn't make sense, but you did hit on a salient point there at least - yes, in any big enough group of people, some of them are going to cause problems. This is true whether you're talking about people with powers, or people with guns, or countries with bombs. But the flip side of that is, there's also going to be some people who want to do nothing more than use what power they have to help and protect others."

"No, you don't want parahumans to rule through power and fear. But do you honestly think that making it harder for them to use their power for good is going to cut down on that possibility? The system we have is a good one. It means that parahumans who want to use their powers for good can, and that also means that the ones who try to use their powers to hurt others can be stopped without having to cause massive damage doing so. See, you take away the ability of good parahumans to fight, they'll accept it. You know who won't? All the parahumans who think their power does mean they should control things, who are willing to use their powers to harm others, who don't care about the law. And if they don't have anyone to check them? Then that will lead to the very anarchy you so falsely claim us of wanting."

"We don't want to control things. We don't want to rule through fear. We just want to protect people from threats that are too big for them to protect themselves from."

Once she stopped talking though, she noticed a slight rumbling noise. And a... "Is something...roaring?"

Routining the various spoiler checks.

Social check is [roll0]+Modifier. I would say Phoebe's arguing for Freedom*. However...the big thrust of her argument is basically, "there's a bunch of scary and dangerous people out there, parahuman and not - do you really want them to be operating without superheroes in the way?" To me, that feels like an Intimidation argument, even though Intimidation isn't listed as an option for Freedom. If you'd allow it on that merit, I'll use Intimidation, which after the Complication means she rolls at +15. Otherwise, I'll use Persuasion, rolling at +5.

*I assume Freedom is actually more about, let parahumans use their powers responsibly, not actually let them do whatever they want. If it's really more do whatever they want, then Phoebe would be arguing Neutrality and would definitely be using Intimidation, and so without the -5, she'd roll at +20.

2016-03-23, 02:25 AM
"Miss, I would like to disagree, eternal war is the natural state of humanity, it is the natural state of nature herself, but it is through our intelligence and our wisdom, which we remove ourselves from such a state, through which we subvert its intentions, peace is the rarity, but it is the rarity that is becoming more and more common. The bomb? Yes people lost their lives in the incident, it was a tragedy, equally as tragic are the Nixon Nitration Works disaster, the Port Chicago Disaster, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, none of them had anything to do with the nature of para-humans, or even had any parahuman involvement." he let his student defend herself, she needed the lesson in rhetoric.

"Humans don't change just because they have powers, people will always be people, tragedies will happen, what we can do is learn from them, move on, and treat each other like decent human beings."

As his teacher spoke, Richard heard a sound, narrowing his eyes, he got out of his seat and started moving outside to investigate, he was Swift's bodyguard after all, a strange roaring sound could be important.

FREEDOM! Taking 20 on all the other rolls.
Expertise History roll

2016-03-23, 03:54 AM
Myrmidon sighs. "Seemingly noble...rotten eggs...eternal war...such a terrible picture of the world you paint, Awan. You see, that is what I believe the issue is here with this debate. You seem fixated on all the evil of humanity, believing that with greater power we'd all just destroy ourselves. Let me ask you something - should we be advancing in technology at all? After all, discovering metallurgy and smithing gave us better swords and armour for war, developing engineering led to better siege engines, the printing press allowed for production of propaganda and the like, understanding gunpowder led to guns, the engine led to vehicles being widespread in war, even electronics are leading to new weapons. If we rejected every change that could potentially cause strife and destruction, we'd be better off without these things, right?

See, I however look at the potential, that all these things can be used for good - all those previous changes I mentioned before have all brought good with them, even gunpowder finds use in industrial tools. Much like that, parahumans can do great good - we have your 'seemingly noble' ones that are willing to sacrifice themselves for the betterment of humanity, ones willing to take on criminals that the normal police can't, ones like yourself using your powers in normal fields, and yes we can have those making war a cleaner and safer affair. Am I saying that things should be chaos, where the strong rule the weak? Definitely not, and I'm not also saying that our current system is perfect and can't be potentially changed slightly for the better. But I don't believe that we're heading to the aforementioned chaotic world, and if we were....believe me I'd fight it to the end."

Persuasion: [roll0]

2016-03-23, 05:47 PM
Her persuasive fugue wearing off, Alexander let her prattle on, but when she mentioned NASA he couldn't help but smile. Now I've got you, you silver-tongued snake.

"Yes Awan, I'm a founding and current member of the Vanguard. As for governmental affiliation, I'm an American citizen, I pay my taxes, and currently have an extended visa in the UK. That's as far as it goes. I'm registered as a Grade 3 in most of the first world, despite significant pressure to sign away my civilian rights as a Grade 4. I made my fortune in print and on the silver screen, and could easily retire and enjoy a quiet life like most of the other founding members but I chose not to. I put up with the extra paperwork and oversight because I value my autonomy AND I want to be of service. As for my technology, you are of course aware that I worked closely with the prodigious Nikola Tesla for two decades. That experience, combined with with some generous help from Helioman built the AMPsuit...no government funds or R&D was involved."

He leaned back in his chair, getting a bit more comfortable. "However, I'll entertain your train of thought for a moment...let's say we did impose strict controls on the use of parahuman power? Why, it occurs to me that you'd be out of a job. You've put the spotlight on parahumans in combat, but what about more insidious powers, such as your own well-known ability to influence and coerce? We saw how a single charismatic madman could infect an entire nation in the second world war...can you imagine if Hitler had your power? In a world where politics and public opinion are shaped by the media your voice could be more destructive to the social order than any bomb. I daresay Miss Awan, you should be careful what you wish for, as you might end up off the air and quarantined from all human contact for fear of parahuman influence."

His nonchalance and carefully cultivated charismatic smile faded, and he took on a much more serious demeanor.

"Which brings me to your last question...and really, I'm so glad you brought up the situation at NASA with Carl Kenta. I'm sure you've heard the rumors about how things are going. Reports of him being lazy or difficult to work with? Well as it turns out I know Carl, met him during my book tour through California. He called me a couple weeks ago, quite frightened actually. That molecular accelerant he secretes, that he has been donating on a daily basis in service to his country? Well it turns out that he actually needs the stuff to live, and the level at which he's been getting drained everyday has severely weakened him and taken years off his life. The JPL discovered this months ago, but when Carl told them he wanted to stop he was threatened and coerced into continuing, and the threats have been escalating."

Alexander let that bombshell sink in for a moment.

"Now the investigation is ongoing, but I've volunteered to pay Carl's legal expenses for his case against the U.S. Government, something the DOJ is not going to be pleased about, to circle back to your false allegations of affiliation. If I was a Grade 4 no doubt I'd have already been slapped with a gag order."

Now to go for the kill.

"Parahumans being coerced and threatened? Turned into living weapons and seen as assets by the military. Hell, I was approached early on about my own powers...I'm sure DARPA and the RAND corporation would just love to turn me into a living power cell. So...do I support Parahuman legislation? Absolutely. Legislation to protect parahumans from governmental and corporate exploitation, to protect our freedom and our human rights..."

Hyperbolic sine
2016-03-27, 12:11 PM
Harbinger let out a tired sigh. Politics really wasn't his cup of tea, especially in situations when his every word could be twisted unless he was very, very careful. Also, he couldn't shake the feeling that, despite what he said being his actual thoughts, he was somehow being controlled.

"Anarchy? That is not what I said, Miss Awan. My point was that 'cleaner' wars would likely mean more wars, and that is why I would advise against militarisation of Parahumans. That, and the fact that I would rather not have the public opinion think of our kin as weapons."

"Of course, given a large enough number of people some are bound to have less than healthy morals, so yes - I believe the use of powers should be regulated, not unlike guns, to protect the Parahumans and the world from each other. I have seen my share of superpowered madmen, and I would rather not have excessive freedom - nor oppression - create others."

Then something caught his ear: there seemed to be some sort of...rumbling, outside. It could have been nothing, but wars tend to make you paranoid...just in case, Harbinger readied himself to extend a protective gravity field over the public.

So...uhm...I'm not sure what end of the spectrum this speech might push the public towards. I think Alistair's stance would qualify as either something like Moderate Safety or Moderate Freedom, but I'm not sure Neutrality is suited to represent that. I'll let you decide :smalltongue:

Persuasion [roll0] +5 if Inspire can be applied.

Also, Ready to use Defensive Grav Field on as much public as possible.

2016-03-28, 04:01 AM
Again, Awan seemed willing to let all five of you speak before she would respond. Now that you were aware of her formula, you could look into her eyes and see an intense focus behind the facade as, while she listened to the current speaker, she was more likely than not preparing counter-points for the ones before him. Nobody would see that through the camera, though. On the other side of the screen she was composed, calm, and engaged in polite discussion.

Until Alex mentioned her power.


She made a half-sob, half-sniffing sound before embarrassment took over and she sealed back up, regaining her former aura but continuing to seem somewhat...shaken.

That reaction, along with everything after this, is being put on. Behind the performance, you don't think she's actually hurt at all.
She let him finish, and continued to hold her look all throughout the Harbinger's response. As he came to the end of his statement she started to slip, and as the floor went back to her, the woman gave a deep sigh.

"I'm sorry. I...just..."

A member of the audience, having apparently been prepared for this exact scenario, got up from his seat and moved onto the set to silently offer her a box of tissues. The two made eye contact.

"No, no, it's not...it's fine."

The tissue-bearer nodded and disappeared with his parcel as quickly as he had arrived, though even as he was leaving, a single tear began to streak down Awan's face. If anybody else thought any of this display was unnecessary or an overreaction at all, they didn't show it.

"You've all spoken very well for what you believe in. I think you've been mislead somewhat by...*sniff*...by a number of sources. I will elaborate on this in a moment, but for the time being I'd like to apologise. You're right, my power is a risk. I used to deal with horrible amounts of abuse and disregard due to my...gift. I've tried not to let it affect me throughout my life, but again, you're right. I'm very dangerous to social order, and even the mental states of those around me. The persecution and pain are what led me to speak to the world about the issues of Parahuman society. There isn't a day we go live where I don't wonder if maybe I'm in the wrong. Why do you think I talk so much about sanctions and restrictions? Sometimes, I..."

She paused, looking like she was on the verge of a total breakdown.

"I wish all of my power could be taken away. I wish I could be taken away. Maybe that wouldn't be so bad for the world."

On a teleprompter that is entirely for the audience, and impossible to see from the set, the word 'SHOCK' appears, followed by 'SYMPATHY'.

You are all reminded of the audience's presence again as many of them give an audibly surprised inhalation, or otherwise express disbelief. In response, Awan's eyes go to the floor and her head dips somewhat. It didn't matter how silly it seemed to you, sitting in front of her; you had just made Awan cry on her show by reminding her of her past. And that was worth ratings.

Yeah, Hyperbolic, the point you're making looks like Safety to me. That means that your Inspire bonus does trigger, and we end up with a 66/34 split in Freedom's favour before Awan chips in.

Awan Deception [roll0].

Great, the final split then is 62% Freedom, 38% Safety.
Before she can get on to continuing the discussion, Dynaman, your High Energy Scan of the room finally reveals what's going on. Outside the studio, on the streets of Los Angeles, you see something that you...probably weren't expecting to see. In the midst of daily traffic, a car rolling down the street was suddenly crushed as a giant lioness swooped in from out of nowhere, smashing into the road and letting out another roar! The nature of your power meant it was hard to see further past that, or gather any details at all, but you could identify the animal by its shape and tell for sure that it was huge - huge enough that it had crushed the entire back half of the vehicle with a single paw!

What do you do?

So this was going to be a surprise round, but TekHed, you picked it up with a High Energy Scan.

So, instead, you can roll Initiative as normal.

Shear [roll1].
Phantom [roll2].
Harbinger [roll3].
Dynaman [roll4].
Myrmidon [roll5].
Enemies [roll6].

Assuming at least one of you beats the enemy initiative, you can go ahead and act immediately. If this is the case, you are about 100 feet away from the Lioness, and there are three walls between you and her; one every 30 feet. The first two are wood, the last one is brick. And, if Dynaman gets a poor result, anybody going in a block before him can still act; assume he throws out a warning or something.

Ha. Everybody but Dynaman is up.

2016-03-28, 01:05 PM
Phoebe could admit it. She wasn't the most empathetic person on the planet. Awan's little breakdown earned her scorn more than sympathy. Okay, yes, Phoebe could admit, as a matter of statistics, that certain powers truly could suck. She...couldn't bring any to mind off the top of her head, but she remembered her Mom's stories of Powderkeg whose spontaneous explosive discharges had to be contained by some sort of special suit. That was probably close. Or would have been without the suit, anyway.

But in the general sense? People who complained about their superpowers annoyed her.

Fortunately(ish!), a giant lioness attacked before she could go into a rant about it.

As soon as Uncle Alex warned them of the threat, Phoebe sprang to her feet, the chair she was sitting in pushed back by some unseen force. Her hair, previously done up in some sort of fancy cross between a ponytail and a topknot, spilled down past her shoulders as the three ornate pins that were holding it up pulled free, growing as they moved so that when they came to rest in her hands, she was holding the hilts of an ornate katana and wakizashi. The third "pin", now a no-dachi at least as long as she was tall, hovered in the air before her, at the angle of a weapon held at ready guard.

"I've got this!" she called out, and took off.

Back in World War 2, her Mom - capable of exerting only six pounds of telekinetic force, but of doing so extremely rapidly - used swift pulses of energy to add both control and momentum to her maneuvers. It allows her to move faster with less effort, and perform impressive acrobatic feats. Still, she wasn't really any faster than a normal sprinter.

Not so for Phoebe. She strode across open air, hovering inches above the ground, every step bounding her forward as she was propelled by her potent telekinetic powers. In maybe five strides, she had made her way through and out of the building, closing with the lioness.

"Down, kitty!" she one-liner'd, before wailing on the great cat with a flurry of telekinetically-empowered blows with her swords, aiming to injure it and force it off of the car.

Move: Using Telekinetic Stride, take the clean route to outside.

Standard: Attack the lioness with Telekinetic Flurry at [roll0], critting on 16+. On a hit, Toughness DC 25+Multiattack vs. Damage, Whatever You Use To Handle Move Object DC 20 or be knocked off the car (Phoebe's not aiming to send it flying her full possible distance, just to get the car free).

Move-by Action: If she knocks it away from the car, advance to get between it and the car.

Current Status: Normal.

2016-03-28, 04:49 PM
Myrmidon's eyes narrowed a little as he saw through Awan's little ruse, assessing the situation and seeing a way of responding. However, the whole monster attack scenario put a hold on that, so he merely stood up, and looked over to Awan, all traces of ill intent gone. "Get to cover, stay safe, and....remember, none of us should be ashamed or fearful because of who we are." Sure, it probably didn't mean anything to her, but it was a good reaction to her little show, and one that could serve to get his point and message out further.

With that, he unfolded his wings and quickly took off, getting outside slower than his sister, but still quickly enough that he avoids causing any collateral damage, and is still able to act as he gets a handle on the situation, sizing up the enemy. Still flying, he moves to the car, striking at the beast and getting between the civilians and it, if need be using his body to stop it. He then looks back at the civilians in question, seeing what their situation is.

Move: Moving to the scene. Myrmidon's flight is 250ft/round, so I should be OK when it comes to avoiding collateral damage.
Free: Assessment on the enemy, [roll0]
Standard: Attacking the beastie. [roll1], DC 23

2016-03-28, 11:44 PM
"Boss we have a problem," Richard says on his minature radio as the wonder siblings blasted past him.

"I know, deal with it, I'll handle the civs." Swift replies in a whisper, into the one in his cane's head as he planned.

"Your story is regretful, however there are more pressing issues to attend to, do you have anywhere more secure than this studio? We need to get these civilians to safety, " Swift says authouratatively getting up.

As Swift handled the civvies, Richard swore as he ran, he had no way to handle whatever was outside, no suit, no gear, no weapons.

Athletics to run like the wind, hopefully GM agrees that Richard moved at least 60 feet, hoping for double running for 120. This is full action run for that.

Hyperbolic sine
2016-03-29, 03:03 PM
Harbinger sighed. Why did trouble always seem to follow the Vanguard?

"It appears my presence is requested elsewhere, Miss Awan, I will be taking my leave." he said calmly, apprently unfazed by the situation. "Take care of her, James. We would not want to lose such a skilled performer, would we not?" he added, intending to make it clear to her that he wasn't fooled, just before "falling" towards the exit right after Myrmidon.

Once outside, he glanced around the battlefield to assess the situation - sweeping a large enough area to catch a glimpse of the Lioness' buddies - and couldn't help but smile a little at Phoebe's display of raw telekinetic power. He still remembered the face her mother made when, upon his first encounter with Sara in the skies of France, he crashed a plane into another and sucked the rest into a singularity. She hast to be green with envy.

"Be careful, there are more incoming!" he announced, then pointed a finger at the giant feline.

Move: Out of the building the clean way.
Standard: Gravikinesis on the Lioness. Strength (or Dodge?) DC 20 vs Grab (Escape @ -5). Subtle.

Also, this is pretty important. Can we consider the rest of the team to be under the effects of Gravity Mastery (i.e. Immunity to Gravity Effects)? I envisioned it as substantially a pre-mission buff, but of course I forgot to ask before we actually entered combat.

2016-03-29, 08:29 PM
Round 1

As you all take your sudden leaves, Awan perks up through her misery to question the situation.

"Wait, where are you going? What's happening?!"

This, too, is a performance. I can't even think of a subtle enough cue that would allow you to figure it out, but you somehow know that she isn't as surprised by this attack as she should be.
Shear, your swords slam against the beast's hide with hard thuds, and enough force to knock it off the vehicle entirely. The thing stumbles a few metres away from you, but it doesn't look like you managed to draw any blood. Myrmidon's follow-up attack similarly doesn't seem to sell, as the Lioness turns her head and bats the strike away. Turning around, you can both see that the people in the vehicle are alive and not in immediate danger, as long as you can keep the beast off them.

But that might be difficult. The Lioness growled at Phoebe with intense ferocity, as if you had wronged her somehow, and then she lashed out for the telekinetic.

...Or she would have, but she was planted to the ground, unable to pounce forward. It furiously wriggled about, trying to free itself of Alistair's power, and at the same time lashed out for Myrmidon with an angry swipe of its massive claws.

Harbinger may have seen the rest of them incoming, but knowing there was a giant beast charging for you rarely was enough to help you survive the encounter. The elephant let out a loud trumpeting sound, alerting all of you to its presence, and then it began to trample down the road. It wasn't aiming for any one of you, specifically, but instead the wall of the building you just came out of. Charging forward with its head down, it just so happened to pick its path in a way that would include the gravity controller.

The bird, now clearly a hawk, sped up and reached the battlefield in a matter of seconds. It was heading right for Phoebe, but it didn't lash out with a talon or even a beak - it just kept going, attempting to clothesline the telekinetic down to the ground.


Back inside, panic was beginning to emerge, which Awan was very effectively attempting to negate. She seemed as if she was trying to get everybody to sit down and remain calm, and whatever security was here seemed willing to go with her plan.

For this fight, you guys have a single floating Hero Point that any one of you can spend. If you don't, I'll randomly roll to give it to one of you at the end of the encounter.

Move: Attempt to Escape. Athletics (-5 from Improved Hold) [roll0]. Fails.
Standard: Bloodthirsty Claws on Myrmidon. You're attacked at [roll1], and on a hit take DC 20+Multiattack Damage with Secondary Effect, and also roll DC 14+Multiattack Strength or Dodge against a Grab. Hit.

Move: Moving in to set up Trample.
Standard: Trample. Alistair, roll DC 20 Dodge and DC 25/20 Toughness. The outer brick wall of the studio also has to resist, at Toughness [roll2]. Breached. It can be Interposed for, in which case you use the same dice roll but your own bonus.

Move: Moving in to set up Swoop.
Standard: Swoop on Phoebe at Attack [roll3]. On a hit, take DC 25 Damage and roll Acrobatics or Athletics against a DC [roll4] Trip. Hit.

Arrives on the scene.

James can participate in this encounter, I suppose. Why not?
There are [roll5] people on the street and [roll6] in the studio. Any animal that spends its Standard Action focusing on them will kill 1d4 of them, and every dead person will move public opinion 1% towards Safety. This is doubled if they die inside the studio. If Awan dies it's a 10% shift, again doubled if on camera. An animal likely won't do this if you guys are actively fighting it.

James, getting people out is most likely going to be a Social check, though you can come up with something else if you want and I'll think about it. You're opposing Awan's Deception, and every degree of success convinces one person to get out. You get a bonus to your check equal to the number of people you have convinced to leave, squared.

2016-03-29, 09:03 PM
Phoebe gave a fierce grin as her brother landed beside her...a grin that vanished immediately when the lioness went for him with her claws.

In the general sense, there was no one Phoebe would rather fight beside, but nonetheless, her heart always beat just a little faster when an enemy struck at him. Her mom, she knew, had an odd quirk where the world seemed to slow down to her vision, enough that she could follow the paths of individual bullets, and correct them with a thought. Phoebe...mostly didn't have that, but the spike of fear and adrenaline she felt when her brother was threatened...it came close. He was far faster than she was, but as the moment stretched out, it became all too clear that the lioness was faster still.

Phoebe didn't hesitate, she telekinetically hurled herself violently into the path of those enormous claws. Where her brother was faster than she, her telekinetic armor afforded her far greater protection than his insectile carapace. The lioness' claws raked harmlessly across an invisible forcefield mere inches from her skin.

But before she could strike back, the elephant trumpeted and charged. Grimacing, she launched herself along a perpendicular path. Uncle Al could defend himself, she knew, but the poor wall was completely helpless. She landed before it, thrusting one hand forward, palm out (sword hovering steadily in front of it), and focused her will. A rippling wave passed through the air, stopping the elephant cold mere feet away.

"WHOO!" Phoebe cheered exuberantly. "AND WHA-"


The hawk caught her off-guard, bowling her over with its talons. The blow didn't draw blood, but it took a sudden exertion of concentration for her armor to hold against it. Phoebe gritted her teeth in annoyed fury.

She hit the ground, rolled, and came to her feet in a smooth motion. The hawk would have its day, but the elephant was the salient threat at the moment; it'd be hard to drop no doubt, but if she could leave it vulnerable, one of the others could finish it off. She lashed out, putting her full telekinetic strength behind her no-dachi, focusing the energy into an infinitesimal extension of its edge, aiming to hack away the huge creature's hide to offer the others a clear target.

Move: Stand from Prone.

Free: Reactivate Platform Flight.

Standard: Attack Elephant with Telekinetic Reaver, Power Attacking for 2, critting on a 16+, at [roll0]. On a hit, Toughness DC 27 vs. Damage, Highest Active Defense DC 22 vs. Weaken Toughness. EDIT: ...Lame.

Current Status: 1 Bruise.

2016-03-29, 10:32 PM
Okay, lack of cooperation, he's going to have to handle this himself, "I'm not rightly sure myself, but move!" he shouts, stamping his cane down authoritatively.

Richard rushes towards the entrance, picking up a light stand someone left unattended, charging the lion with it.

LETS PRAY, I'm spending that point if I roll terribly.

And the charging is DC 21 damage
DC 16 fort save for impaired, disabled.

2016-03-30, 09:44 PM
The first to see the threat, he was also the last to react to it, mostly due to his slack-jawed disbelief in what his eyes were telling him. One by one the others dashed out, Swift rallying the people to safety.

"The studio seems to be under attack," Alexander said as he ripped off his shirt in one clean motion. Revealed beneath was his high tech chest harness, which started spewing forth from its edges thousands of electromagnetic scales, self-interlocking into armor as they flowed down his arms, and as he tore free from his trousers, his legs.

Looking down at the manipulative Awan, he couldn't help but see her as conniving and pathetic. Still, she didn't deserve to die, and any harm coming to her would only generate bad press for parahumans. Seeing his comrades handling themselves well for the moment, Dynaman made a judgement call.

Scooping up Awan in his armored arms, he said in a strong, sure voice "I've got you. Hold tight."

With the sizzling of electricity, Alexander zoomed out the back way of the studio, depositing Awan roughly a half-mile down the road before zapping into the scene next to the crushed car, with a quippy "Did somebody call animal control?"

Looking through the car he checked to see if those within seemed injured or otherwise trapped in the car.

"Don't worry folks, we're going to get you out of this."

Doing a move-by with Awan. Essentially a grab, but a gently, helpful one, which the cameras if they are still rolling can verify. Hopefully she doesn't resist. Can move 4 miles in a move or 8 in a double... so dropping her off a half-mile down the road and heading back (don't want to break the sound barrier).

2016-04-01, 02:38 PM
Myrmidon takes a step back as the lioness attacks, Phoebe's intervention happening as he'd come to expect from her. He takes the moment of safety to get a handle for the situation. Harbinger and Richard seemed to be able to keep the lioness controlled, and the other animals were either attacking or being attacked by his sister - something he didn't like to see, but he knew she could take it. That left him to grab the attention of the giant bear. Shouldn't be too hard. He runs over, getting between the bear and as many civilians as possible, before aiming a strike square at the nose of the bear.

Move: Moving to the bear
Standard: Attacking the bear, [roll0], DC 23
Free: Assessment on the bear, [roll1]

Hyperbolic sine
2016-04-03, 05:05 AM
Harbinger sidestepped away from the elephant's path, avoiding most of the potential damage and enduring the rest: after all, his physical resilience increased even more since WW2.

He managed to keep hold of the Lioness, but unfortunately that's all he could do: the presence of civilians near her prevented him from increasing gravity to bone-crushing levels, and any other form of attack would have likely let the beast free to move. That also meant, though, that since maintaining the hold required much less concentration than first establishing it, he was free to evacuate those same civilians from the battlefield.

"Out of the vehicle, posthaste! It is dangerous to remain here!" he shouts to the occupants after approaching the car, showing them where to run to and escorting them for part of their escape before returning to the battlefield.

Free: Sustain Gravikinesis.
Move+Standard: Speed DC 0 [roll0] to get the civilians away, then come back and float at 30' from the ground.

2016-04-04, 03:14 AM
Round 2

Phoebe swung in, but it didn't matter how perfectly thin your sword was; a miss was a miss. Who knew how she missed a giant elephant, but somehow her weapon flew wide, leaving the beast unharmed. It responded to your attack by loudly trumpeting once more before raising up its trunk and flailing it through the air before bringing it back down, trying to smash it into you and slam you into the same wall that it seemed determined to break through.

Richard's improvised weapon was as cheap as it was convenient, and although he managed to strike the Lioness while Alistair held it still, the attack didn't quite sell. If anything, she was angrier. Similary, Myrmidon managed to strike the giant bear square on the nose, but judging from how it reacted, he didn't seem to actually hurt it. Both of them were about to realise the flaw in their decision-making, as both the Lioness and the Bear lashed out in fury.

Although Alistair's attempts to restrain the Lion had been going well for the time being, and he managed to empty out the endangered car at the same time, he found his concentration shaken somewhat as he heard the piercing screech of the Hawk behind, coming in close to strike.


Back inside the studio, Awan seemed ready to keep everybody inside and seated, despite what James was doing to get them out.

"There's no need for alarm! As long as we-"


And she disappeared!

Move: Nah.
Standard: Using Smack on Shear. Attack [roll0] for DC 30 Damage and DC 25 Strength or Flight Rank or be thrown into the wall, taking another DC 25 Damage. It also rolls, at [roll1]. And, sorry, but Platform isn't going to work for resisting pushes; using Flight rank as a resistance, to me, is about being able to control your body's position in space (whether through gravity control, telekinesis, or whatever else) against outside forces. Having a board doesn't qualify for that, and Platform is too cheap for what it does anyway. Hit. Wall is Bruised.

Standard: Bloodthirsty Claws on Richard. Attack [roll2] for DC 20+Multiattack Damage with Secondary Effect, and also DC 14+Multiattack Strength or Dodge against a Grab. Hit. +2 Multiattack.
Move: Escape [roll3] from Alistair's Grapple. It's just not happening.
Free: Shear, you have to roll against Secondary Effect damage this round.

Move: No thanks.
Standard: Chomp on Myrmidon. Attack [roll4] for DC 25 Damage, and linked DC 20 Fortitude against Weaken Toughness. Miss.

Move-By Action. Attacking Alistair at [roll5]. On a hit, roll DC 20 Strength or Dodge against Grab, and then roll again or be flown 870 feet up in its grasp. Hit.

2016-04-04, 12:34 PM
Problem with trying to slice the hide from a target rather than just stabbing its center mass; it moves the wrong way even a little bit, you get a total whiff.

Not that that stopped her from trying again. Phoebe got battered about pretty thoroughly by the elephant, but her telekinetic armor absorbed the worst of it. Still, she couldn't take too much more of that. Focusing her will, she took another swing for its hide, before lashing out with her blades in a defensive stance, generating a telekinetic field around her to protect herself and her allies alike.

"IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT!?" she shouted at the elephant, not noticing a slight trickle of blood spilling from her nose.

Move: Dazed.

Standard: Attack the elephant with Telekinetic Reaver, Power Attacking for 3, at [roll0]. On a hit, Toughness DC 28 vs. Damage, Highest Active Defense DC 23 vs. Weaken Toughness.

Free: Swap to Telekinetic Protector.

Extra Effort - Additional Standard Action: Attack the elephant with Telekinetic Protector, Defensive Attacking for 2, Power Attack still applies, at [roll1]. On a hit, Toughness DC 28 vs. Damage (including any Weaken it suffered from the previous attack). All allies and noncombatants (including the wall!) receive a rank 10 Deflect with a +2 for Improved Defense (my premise is Phoebe's Defensive Attack won't be factored into the effect directly, but will be factored into her personal cap on the rank, correct me if I'm wrong). Accounting for shifts, then, the Deflect rolls are:
Shear: 1d10+19.
Dynaman: 1d10+20.
Myrmidon, Phantom, and Harbinger: 1d10+22.

Current Status: 4 Bruises, Fatigued as of next turn.

2016-04-05, 01:48 AM
Phoebe had the elephant occupied, and her brother, the bear. Harbinger got swooped on by the Hawk, but Alexander knew the man who had taken down the Nazi's red hawk could handle himself against this literal version. Once these civilians were out of the way they could fight much more freely, and saving lives was the priority.

"Alright folks, this isn't a show. We need to get you to safety. Miss I'll need you to clear the area. C'mon people, move, move MOVE!!!"

Dynaman zapped around the battlefield, ushering as many people as he could, as kindly as he could, to get their asses out of Dodge."

Double Move, using Speed to shock (heh) people out of their cowering or gawking and get them to safety.

DC 0: [roll0]

How many people are left, or does that get them all?

2016-04-09, 06:11 PM
The bear's strike was easy enough to dodge, but there were bigger issues at hand. As Myrmidon assessed the situation some more, he came to a decision. First of all he quickly shouted out "Someone make sure the bear's covered!" before taking off, flying upwards, getting to the hawk's altitude before striking out at it.

Things were slowing down a bunch so screw it. Moving up to the hawk (you said 200ft up, and that's within my move speed with fllght), and then attacking.

Attack: [roll0], damage DC 23

2016-04-10, 03:18 AM
The bear's strike was easy enough to dodge, but there were bigger issues at hand. As Myrmidon assessed the situation some more, he came to a decision. First of all he quickly shouted out "Someone make sure the bear's covered!" before taking off, flying upwards, getting to the hawk's altitude before striking out at it.

Things were slowing down a bunch so screw it. Moving up to the hawk (you said 200ft up, and that's within my move speed with fllght), and then attacking.

Attack: [roll0], damage DC 23

Can you post those controllers back when you've finished beating up the zoo animals?

2016-04-10, 04:05 AM
Richard rolls as a paw comes down on his unprotected form, he fortunately survives the claw, rolling with the blow sufficiently to still be standing in the fight, he was getting his vengance one way or another. He slams the stick into the Lioness' body.


Swift, sighed at the vanishing lady, of course he would do that. As he again slams his stick down, shouting, "NOW MOVE!"

Get the peeps out.

DC 21 Multiattack.

Hyperbolic sine
2016-04-11, 02:07 PM
Harbinger frowns: there is little point in keeping the Lioness unable to move if Richard remains within reach of its claws. Sure, the beast has a harder time dodging blows, but it is a minimal contribution to the battle compared to Alistair's other options.

Releasing the gravitic grip and gathering power around his fist, he turns to the Bear and flies straight towards it, exploiting the animal's (relatively) poor reflexes to deliver a powerful punch while retaining part of his power to enhance his defences and ending his attack run a dozen feet in front of the beast.

Move-by: Towards the Bear, then ending movement in front of him (close enough to be an immediate threat, but also far enough that he has to move/charge to hit me.
Standard: Defensive attack the Bear with Grav Punch at [roll0], Toughness DC 25 vs Damage and Fortitude DC 20 vs Cumulative Dazed+Impaired/Stunned+Disabled/Incapacitated.

Status: +5 Active Defences this turn.

2016-04-12, 08:44 PM
Phoebe's swordplay didn't seem to get through her opponent's thick hide, bouncing off and swinging wide even as it barely moved to avoid her attacks. Meanwhile, however, Myrmidon had managed to catch the ascending hawk and engage, striking its under-side hard enough to ruin its flight. It screeched at you in response, breaking off from its route to circle around and recover. Richard's stick-fighting catches the Lioness off-guard; it nudges its head away from the first swing and, despite gravity's effect on it, manages to lower itself enough to dodge the second one entirely. This puts it in the worst position for an incoming overhead attack, and now it can't move at all; whatever mobility it appeared to have was specifically allowed by Alistair to get it into this vulnerable spot, and now the weapon slammed down on the top of its head with an awful thud. Finally, Alistair's gravity-powered punch slammed right into the bear's nose but, somehow, didn't seem to harm it at all. The beast looked you dead in the eye and gave a guttural roar, unwounded.

And then it charged after you, even as you tried to retreat, with its teeth bared. Having just realised its sudden freedom, the Lioness leaps away from Richard and pounces onto the gravity controller, attempting to pierce him with its claws and hold him in a grapple. This would make it all the easier for the incoming bear to take a huge chunk out of him with its massive teeth! As this is happening, the Elephant lunges for Shear with its trunk, not trying to wound but simply to get her in a good grip. Above in the sky, the Hawk comes to the end of its looping motion and rushes Myrmidon, flying in with enough force to send him falling.

Free: Richard, make another DC 22 Toughness save against Secondary Effect Damage.
Move: Staggered.
Standard: Charge at Harbinger using Pounce. Attack [roll0] against Deflect [roll1] for DC 20+Multiattack Damage with Secondary Effect, and DC 14+Multiattack Strength or Dodge against a Grab. Alistair, if this attack hits, in addition to Secondary Effect Damage next round you will also have to roll a DC 15+Multiattack Fortitude Save against Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated. Deflected.

Move: Heading towards Harbinger.
Standard: Charge Harbinger with Chomp. Attack [roll2] against Deflect [roll3] for DC 25 Damage linked DC 20 Fortitude against Weaken Toughness. If he is Grabbed, this is done with Power Attack 2, reducing the to-hit by 2 but increasing the Save DCs also. Deflected.

Move: No thanks.
Standard: Grab Phoebe. Attack [roll4] against Deflect [roll5]. On a hit, DC 25 Strength or Dodge against Grab. Deflected.

Move: Get away from Myrmidon.
Standard: Charge back in with Swoop. Attack [roll6] against Deflect [roll7]. On a hit, DC 25 Damage, and also DC [roll8] Athletics or Acrobatics against a Trip. At this height, you can trivially re-activate your Flight before hitting the ground, but a Trip will cause you to fall far enough that you'll need to Move to reach the Hawk again. A DC 15 Athletics or Acrobatics check will prevent this. In hindsight, probably out of Deflect range. Critical Hit!

2016-04-12, 09:47 PM
Phoebe slapped the elephant's trunk aside with her telekinesis, and projected a pulse of defensive energy that caught both of the animals going for Harbinger and halted them cold. "AND WHAT!?" she shouted.

She went hard at the elephant again, a rapid flurry of strikes with her held weapons while maintaining her defensive field, while simultaneously sending her telekinetic weapon out over the battlefield, ready to strike at any enemy who dared attack!

Yeah, I'm totally playing it off as Phoebe not paying attention to the hawk's attack because since I have Platform flight if I fail either of those checks I would fall, and probably accumulating at least two more Bruises is not a good idea right now. So, uh, good luck Myrmidon! You've totally got this! :smalleek: :smallfrown:

Standard: Attack the elephant with Telekinetic Protector at [roll0], critting on 16+. On a hit, Toughness DC 25 vs. Damage. Allies in 30' are Defended at 1d10+22 (reduced to 1d10+17 for Shear, since no Defensive Attack this round). WHY DICE WHY!?

Free: Swap to Telekinetic Sentinel.

Free: Reconfigure Tactical Telekinesis to Telekinetic Reach 2, Telekinetic Stride 3. Her Close range is now 250', as is her movement speed.

Move: Direct telekinetic weapon. Once per round per opponent, any opponent who attacks an ally in her reach is subject to a Reaction attack, which she will Power Attack for 4 on, attacking at +10 to hit for Toughness DC 25 vs. Damage, critting on 16+.

Current Status: 4 Bruises, Fatigued, Deflected (1d10+17).

Hyperbolic sine
2016-04-14, 11:13 AM
"Excellently done, Phoebe." Harbinger compliments Shear upon her pulse stopping both the animals going for him, before returning his attention to them.

"Poor choice, clustering here. But alas, I do suppose I cannot expect too much from mere beasts." he then says, flying above them and then back to a few inches from the ground, again putting a bit of distance between them but not so much as to stop being an immediate threat. What the Lioness and the Bear might not notice, though, are the fast-approaching ripples in the air that Harbinger released while passing over them.

Move-by: passing above the animals and back, as text. Remain within Shear's Deflect range.
Standard: Grav Wave on Lioness and Bear (aiming the cone downwards, so as to hit only them), Dodge DC 20 for half, Toughness DC 25/20 vs Damage and Fortitude DC 20/15 vs Cumulative Dazed+Vulnerable/Stunned+Defenceless. Subtle, so might catch them Vulnerable.

2016-04-24, 02:50 PM
Much to Alexander's annoyance, the citizenry were still remaining idiotically in harm's way. However his teammates were starting to struggle against the onslaught, and if they started dropping there wouldn't be anything standing in the way of the overgrown menagerie. But which target to choose?

Harbinger was getting double-teamed, but between his flight and the wide field of his powers didn't seem in too much immediate danger. Myrmidon seemed to be a quitting himself admirably against the avian. Shear was doing a good job of defending them all, but also seemed the most worse for wear. His decisions made, Dynaman zipped up through the air, electrostatic arcs propelling him from hands and feet. Levitating out of the elephant's reach, he sent a crackling bolt through the air towards the perturbed pachyderm. Amplified by his AMPsuit, the lighting was several orders of magnitude greater than when using his old Zeus canon, and the odor of ozone mixed with the aroma of burnt hide.

Arrays are set to High Energy Scan, Arc flight, and Giga Bolt.

Move: Up in the air and over the elephant. If possible out if it's reach, but still in the deflection field.
Standard: Giga Bolt! Power Attacking+All-Out Attacking for 5: [roll0] Crit on 16-20 Edit: That's a crit! Toughness DC 25 30+Multiattack vs Damage

2016-04-25, 12:23 AM
Richard almost collapses as he tries to chase after the animal as he starts bleeding out from the wound delivered to him moments ago. Charging at the thing without the armour, may not have been the best of ideas.

He notices the elephant attacking one of the wonder siblings and made another choice, he charged the elephant, may not have been a good idea.

back in the studio, Swift keeps trying to keep the people moving.


DC 25 + Multiattack

2016-05-13, 03:51 AM
The elephant gave a most glorious trumpet in response to Phoebe's attacks once again bouncing right off its hide. Then it turned aside, distracted at the sight of its two fellows caught up in Harbinger's gravity field. It paused, almost as if it was about to say something, and then it was abruptly cut off by a massive lightning bolt from the sky. You'd think electricity would have trouble getting through an elephant's rubbery hide or something, but nah. It gave one more blasting trumpet, this one more anguished than elevated, and then the giant beast collapsed to the ground. Right next to the beast, Shear would have a front-row seat as it slowly relaxed into its new position, unconscious but not dead, as it started to...wait, why was it shrinking?

Before she could really investigate this matter, she had to turn her attention to something else - held down by Harbinger's gravity, and not willing to charge him and risk getting smacked by another telekinetic wall, the other two beasts still on the ground had turned around and were stampeding towards her. The bear came in first, mouth gaping open, attempting to latch on to the woman with its teeth and rip a chunk out as if he could gobble up her telekinetic shields. Hot on its tail, the Lioness tried to sink its teeth into the bear-created wound, hanging on tight and preventing any attempts to escape.

High above, Myrmidon and the Hawk continued to duel! The Hawk had struck its foe hard enough to leave him stunned, barely able to remain hovering in the air, and it responded to this by letting out a victorious squawk before diving down to the roads below. It uses its wings to slow its descent before taking advantage of its unrealistic size, beating them fast enough that great bursts of wind would began whipping down to the battlefield below. It intentionally focused on the rest on its team, attempting to knock astray any attacks that came in their direction.

Still in the air, Harbinger, Dynaman and Myrmidon would all see the end of the elephant's transformation below. Its skin tone had changed, it had shrunk significantly, and now it was in the shape of...a man. A human man, dressed in only his underwear, was lying unconscious on the road where the defeated Elephant had just been.

Free Action: Activating Ferocity, and taking one Bruise.
Standard Action: Charge Phoebe with Chomp, All-Out Attack 5. Attack [roll0] against Deflect [roll1] for DC 25 Damage Linked DC 20 Fortitude against Weaken Toughness. Hit.

Free Action: Activating Ferocity, and taking one Bruise.
Standard Action: Charge Phoebe with Bloodthirsty Claws, All-Out Attack 5. Attack [roll2] against Deflect [roll3] for DC 20+Multiattack Damage with Secondary Effect and DC 14+Multiattack Strength or Dodge against a Grab. Crit! DCs are 30 and 24.

Move Action: Back down to the fight, 30 feet above Phoebe.
Standard Action: Wing Cover. Lioness and Bear are Deflected at 1d10+20 this round.

2016-05-13, 12:13 PM
Phoebe's powerful telekinetic armor managed to absorb both attacks, but it was a strain on her will. That energy all had to go somewhere, and while her body may have shown no signs of injury, it was becoming more and more of a struggle to keep up her defenses against the relentless animals.

Still, she held, and her telekinetically-wielded sword struck back as they attacked her.

She did wind up held down by the lioness, but that was a trivial effort to fix, telekinetically forcing her off and slipping from the hold.

She didn't let her weariness show. "YOU WANNA PLAY!? FINE THEN! LET'S PLAY!" she shouted defiantly, releasing her katana and wakizashi and taking all three weapons into a telekinetic hold, swinging them wildly around her, a barrage of attacks at all three of the animals, too many to avoid them all, even with the hawk's help.

Free: Swap to Telekinetic Escape, becoming immune to the Grab.

Free: Extra Effort - Power Stunt off of Telekinetic Fighting.

Telekinetic Frenzy: Swordsmaster gains Enhanced Trait 24 (Damage +4, Burst Area, Selective).

Move: None probably, although if I have to spend it to Escape now that I have Entrapment Immunity I'll do that.

Standard: Telekinetic Swordplay on all three of them. Dodge DC 20 for half, Toughness DC 25/20 vs. Damage.

Current Status: 6 Bruises, Fatigued, Exhausted as of next turn.

Hyperbolic sine
2016-05-17, 11:42 AM
"Hmm...shapeshifters." Harbinger commented upon seeing the Elephant's transformation. Plural, because it was likely each of them was. Which means this attack was planned. But why? They had to knew the Vanguard was here...diversion? Propaganda?

Well, let us ask questions later. Now...

He quickly looked around Phoebe to see if the trick he used before - directing the wave downwards - was enough to catch also the hawk with it while avoiding civilians, flew up to actually drop the gravitation wave on the beasts' head and then back down to float only a few inches above the ground. The reactive gravity field he placed on Sara's daughter would protect her from his attack.

Move-by: as text.
Standard: Grav Wave on Bear, Lioness and possibly Hawk. Shear is immune. Subtle. Dodge DC 20 for half, Toughness DC 25/20 vs Damage and Fortitude DC 20/15 vs Cumulative Dazed+Vulnerable/Stunned+Defenceless/Incapacitated.

2016-05-18, 01:18 AM
Alexander was surprised, if not shocked, at seeing the elephant transform. They had certainly dealt with their share of weirdness over the years, and still the array of oddities never ceased to amaze. It would be fascinating were they not so dangerous.

Rising up through the hawk's windstorm, Dynaman allowed his overcharge to build up, the suit channeling the energy so it only struck at their enemies. Three massive bolt cracked the air simultaneously asunder striking each of the beasts.

Selective Burst Area 2 should easily hit all 3. Dodge DC20 for half, DC 25/20 Toughness vs Damage.

2016-05-18, 08:30 AM
Richard screams as he pulls himself up, using the pole as a crutch, he charges the lioness, attempting to run her through with his improvised weapon.

DC 21

2016-05-19, 02:22 AM
Shear finally managed to put out some damage, her flying swords cutting through all three of the remaining fighters at least once. Huge bleeding wounds would not deter these beasts, though, as they continued to stand and roar through the pain. Harbinger's gravity wave had a similar effect, hurting them all but not dropping a single one, and the trio even refused to fold against the literal lightning strikes that had shot through the Elephant. It seemed he must have been the weakest of the four, for the rest of them were refusing to...

Oh, nevermind. With a heaving strike from his stick, Richard managed to impale the Lioness with such force that, after everything else she'd dealt with, she could no longer remain standing. Another great beast toppled to the ground, and immediately began reverting to human form as the elephant had. This one was a female.

Before anybody could pay special attention to this phenomenon, the Hawk had returned to ground level. It was making eye contact with the bear. It squawked at him, and he roared back at it with a nod. There was a pause. And then, all of a sudden, the winged beast bolted. Turning around, it flew down the street in the opposite direction to the way its group originally came from, down to some other part of the city. The bear, now stranded, let out one more anguished roar before looking back at the only target in range. Full of fury, it turned its head to one side and then swung it around, aiming to smack the telekinetic across the street in one final display of rebellion.

Incapacitated, but its Secondary Effect triggers. Phoebe, make a DC 25 Toughness Save.

Free Action: Activates Ferocity, taking 1 Bruise.
Standard Action: Bash on Phoebe, All-Out Power Attack 5. Attack [roll0] for DC 30 Damage and DC 25 Strength or Flight Rank or be thrown into Richard at [roll1]. On a hit, you both take another DC 30 Damage.
Move Action: Dazed.

Move Action: Tapping out. Flies away at Speed 5.

2016-05-19, 02:52 AM
Phoebe got walloped by the bear and launched straight into Richard. Her nose was bleeding freely from the sheer mental effort of absorbing so many attacks. Her body may not have been physically damaged, but it would be obvious to anyone that she was on her last legs. There was no way she could withstand another hit like that.

But do you think it mattered?

Go on.


These animals had taken everything they had thrown at them...until Richard had grabbed some stick or something and rammed it straight through the lioness. Without any of his fancy gear. All growing up, she had heard stories of her parents' time in World War Two...and one thing that her parents had always taken pains to stress was how Swift, a man with no super-powers, no crazy custom tech, fought alongside a bunch of super-soldiers and didn't just hold his own, but was often integral to their efforts.

Phoebe could wield three weapons simultaneously to fend off three hostile giant animal shapeshifters. She could tank blow after blow on her telekinetic armor. She could defend her allies from harm and when the wall between the enemy and the noncombatants wasn't strong enough to hold? She could put herself between the enemy and the wall.

And precisely none of that mattered, because no matter how hard she trained and how hard she fought, Richard was the one who had just pulled a Swift.

By all logic, she should have fallen back. Or at least gone full defensive. She was physically and mentally exhausted from pushing her powers. The others could handle the bear. It didn't make sense to stay in harm's way.

Phoebe didn't care.

"RAAAAAHHHHHH!" she screamed, telekinetically swinging her no-dachi with all her strength, not a care paid to defense!

Move: Dazed.

Standard: Attack the bear with Telekinetic Reaver, All Out Attacking for 5, -2 for Exhausted, at [roll0]. On a hit, Toughness DC 25 vs. Damage, Highest Active Defense DC 20 vs. Weaken Toughness.

Current Status: 9(!!!) Bruises, Exhausted, -5 Defense this turn.

2016-05-19, 03:21 AM
Richard raised the boom stick as Phobe slammed into him, the blood soaked stick finally snapping under the lateral force, the impact knocking him out of the fight.

2016-05-20, 07:02 PM
The Phantom was down, but had taken one of the enemy with him. Phoebe was still standing but barely (bear-ly?). Myrmidon was barely scathed however and both Harbinger and himself were fresh. Of the 3 flyers however he was the fastest, and Harbinger was probably best suited for locking down the remaining ursine. His decision made, Dynaman rocketed up into the air at an acute angle, bypassing the Hawk with enough elevation to maintain a safe distance from its probably reach. From this lofty elevation he proceeded to hammer it once more with ethereal electricity, attempting to knock it from the sky.

Double-Move/Move-by action, going up at a triangular angle from the Hawk's flight path, such that Dynaman is beyond/above the Hawk, and it would need a double move (and not be dazed) to reach him next turn). Alexander's flight is also 5, but double move makes it 6.

Then switch to Giga-Bolt, All-Out/Power Attack for 5 (trying to mop up): [roll0] crit!

DC 30 35+multiattack

Hyperbolic sine
2016-05-24, 11:47 AM
Harbinger smiled under his mask. It had been a while since the decisive strike was his.

"We are the Vanguard." he uttered, stentorian, as he gathered all of his power around his fist and flew towards the bear - or, more precisely, the person in the shape of a bear.

"Wherever we go..."

Putting himself between the shapeshifter and Phoebe, he readied to strike.

"...our foes' defeat shall follow!"

And with those words, he lashed out with an uppercut - orders of magnitude more powerful than a normal human's.

Move: to the Bear.
Standard: All-out Power attack Bear with Grav Punch at [roll0], Toughness DC 30 vs Damage and Fortitude DC 25 vs Dazed+Impaired/Stunned+Disabled/Incapacitaed.

2016-05-24, 09:24 PM

The Harbinger's mighty blow tore right through the bear where Phoebe's blow beforehand had reduced its stubborn defensive hide to the equivalent of wet tissue paper. It didn't make another sound as you crushed it, nor as it fell to the ground; merely collapsed and began to revert to its human form. As it did so, the entire street became silent with the lack of combat ambience. Civilians were still around, standing stunned or having just stopped their attempts to flee. One of them pointing like an idiot. Another one yelled out to the Vanguard.

"What the heck?!"


The sound that the Hawk made as your dead-on shot coursed through its body and finished it off for good was...one of the more disturbing moments of your career. After just a few seconds the crackling electricity faded from its form, as did its consciousness. It began to fall, transforming piece by piece as it did, but not fast enough to escape the mighty Dynaman. You swoop in and deftly catch your opponent in mid-air above the road, noticing as you do so that by the time they reach you they've already reverted into an incapacitated human woman. She seems horrible exhausted, but none of the actual injuries done to her have persisted after her transformation.

Combat over! And...so is today's episode of Fitting In, most likely. If you look, you won't find Awan where you left her (not saying you can't go over there and use powers or whatever to find her if you really want, but it doesn't look like she's waiting to be taken back onto the set). Tune in to the news tonight to see how that gets received. You can definitely hear police/whatever emergency response force in the distance coming to help, but they're still a long way out. This attack started, like, a minute ago. But you can hang out or skip ahead to then if you want. Or do you bolt?

2016-05-25, 11:03 AM
"That the heck was the Vanguard being awesome!" Phoebe responded. Her voice sounded a little...bleary and rambly. "Giant shift-shapey animally dudes got nothing! Go team go! ...Wow I think I need to sit down." She promptly did so, slumping down to the ground and leaning on the wall. She deemed it fair. She had had that wall's back all through the combat. Now it was its turn to play support. That's how teamwork...works?


"Anybody got a tissue?"

2016-05-26, 04:23 PM
Alexander floated down to the ground to join the Vanguard, placing the unconscious woman in a line with the others.

"Awan has fled the scene. We should talk about her little social engineering game later. In the meantime let's cover these one's up at the least. We'll need to hold them someplace secure in case they transform again, and be prepared to interrogate them when they come to. Something about the timing of this feels like a set-up."

He zapped with a whoosh into the studio, returning with a large swath of black AV felt and placed it like a blanket over the row of unconscious perpetrators.

2016-05-29, 07:01 AM
Richard groans in pain as he holds his wound, "Who here got the number of the truck that hit me?" he asks as his vision improves from a blur to spots.

Hyperbolic sine
2016-05-30, 04:13 PM
"Feels like a set up thou sayeth, Sa...Alexander? These are no rabid animals, these are people." Harbinger replied, floating down with Dynaman. "It is extremely unlikely such an attack hadst no reason behind it."

"In hindsight, it would have perhaps been better hadst thou followed the hawk-shifter to wherever she was fleeing to. Thou might want to consider adding cloaking technology to that suit of yours."

2016-05-30, 05:52 PM
"Oh...I didn't even think of that. That would have been a good idea, though light-bending is more your area of expertise..." Alexander said, slightly embarrassed.

"I was more of the mind to capture her lest she attempt to cause any further harm."

2016-06-02, 11:15 PM
One Hour Later

The Vanguard stands on one side of the table of an LAPD interrogation room. Concrete walls, large steel table, a one-way viewing window, and enough space to fit the Vanguard three times over. It might have seemed excessive for the single unarmed, unconscious woman passed out on the other side of the main table, but the police had stated their conditions; if one of these people were going to be awoken before proper nullification procedures could be put into effect, it would be in a room large enough to accommodate them if they transformed. It would also be the one least capable of causing raw destruction, and the entire superhero team would have to be present just in case.

Slumped on the metal table with a thin stream of drool trickling from the corner of her mouth, the Hawk has been modestly dressed in a typical orange prisoner's jumpsuit. Her sandy hair and tan skin are unblemished; it seems that the injuries she sustained while transformed had no affect on her human shape. There is a buzz through the room as the intercom comes alive, and then you hear a voice.

The drugs will wear off very soon. Be alert.

Almost on cue, the woman began to stir. Her eyes fluttered open, her fingers twitched, and all of a sudden she was in a groggy waking state. She wearily scanned the room, her expression notably shifting when she spotted the lot of you watching her. If anything she seemed to sigh under her breath, relaxing on the table that she had been cuffed to.


2016-06-03, 03:55 AM
Swift stood in the room, standing with his cane as he hawk woman woke up. Richard was still in the hospital with a hand cast, broken wrists were nasty. "Hello, do you know why you are here?" he asks, sounding almost like a parental figure, having caught a child up to some mischief.

I see no reason a badass bodyguard who just got injured would be allowed to interview her since Richard is not part of Vanguard anyway.


2016-06-04, 10:44 PM
For the moment, Phoebe sat quietly, just watching the woman attentively. Better, she figured, to determine whether or not she was going to be reticent before making an...impression.

I will, however, toss an Insight check out to Evaluate her: [roll0].

Hyperbolic sine
2016-06-09, 04:49 AM
Alistair too observed the woman, standing with his arms folded and his back against a wall. He was never particularly good at talking people into things, so he remained silent: he had questions, but would wait for the others to make the shapeshiftress (?) more willing to share, so to speak, before asking them.

Let's Evaluate, too: [roll0]

2016-06-11, 06:07 AM
As soon as James opened his mouth, Hawk's eyes snapped to him and the two locked gazes. The intensity of her glare was such that she may well have been taking a casual look at the inner contents of his soul.

"Stupid question."

She didn't speak the way she stared. There was defiance in the woman's word choice, for sure, but her delivery was more nervous. The words were hollow and uncommitted, as if the presence of your group was throwing her off somewhat.

You're unable to read into her current state of mind.
It's a little hard to determine whether someone is being trustworthy or dishonest from three words. The vibe you're getting so far, at least, is that she isn't actively out to screw you guys over. She's fairly content with 'I am in prison and this is my life now.' That doesn't mean she will give you all her trade secrets, but she isn't gonna...give you a fake name or whatever.

2016-06-11, 06:49 AM
"well then young lady, I'll get to the point then if you wish to, Why did you and your friends attack the studio?" he replied, pulling out the other chair, sitting down rather slowly.

2016-06-13, 10:06 AM
As you begin to move, Hawk seems to watch your every twitch all at once. An insecure person would likely feel self-conscious if they were to be caught in her gaze, the coolness of her eyes making it clear that she missed nothing. Even while the rest of the young woman was at least a little shaken, it was clear she had inherited the eyes of the Hawk and they alone were giving her something to fall back on.

"Because Awan's show is stupid, and she has one of the most punchable faces I've ever seen," she said, finding resolve in her response.

Her eyes slid slowly over the rest of the group.

"As if none of you would want to punch her too. Unless she already got to you in her five minutes, that is. So my friends and I thought, let's rile this up a little. No need to hurt anyone, you know! Just break in, make some noise, knock her stuff around on air while she's talking about...Parahuman military, or whatever. See if we can't get a few more people against that stupid show."

She may not be entirely lying about her motivation, but with the way she's stringing her story together, you can't help but feel that details are being omitted.
She may not be entirely lying about her motivation, but with the way she's stringing her story together, you can't help but feel that details are being omitted.
She may not be entirely lying about her motivation, but with the way she's stringing her story together, you can't help but feel that details are being omitted.
Hearing the girl out, whether you sympathise with her disdain for Awan or not, you can feel her brutal honesty loud and clear. This person is done for the day; she's saying what she feels, too defeated to lie about it.

2016-06-13, 11:21 AM
"Now then, I find her format distasteful as well, but that is no reason to go to this much of an extreme, who really put you up to this?" he replies, as he pondered, either she was unwilling to give the whole truth, or she was unable. If the second was true, could he be alive? After /that/ explosion? He pondered as he met her hawk eyes, with his own old and kindly one.

I'm placing a bet on it being Null, or someone with similar powers. Also, Persuasion?

2016-06-13, 12:37 PM
At the woman's initial disrespectful answer, Phoebe almost made a sharp retort. She was not best pleased by such rudeness being levelled at her mentor. But Swift's more polite reply beat her to the punch, so she held back.

She raised an eyebrow at her answer to the salient question. "Why...in the world do you think that would help anything? Attacking her unprovoked on live television is going to make her a more sympathetic figure. Seriously, did you think through this plan at all?" she asked, hoping that putting her a bit more on the defensive would cause her to spill something useful.

Heck, let's just push it as high as it'll go. Team Check to assist Swift, +5 for Teamwork: [roll0]. +5 to Swift's roll.

2016-06-14, 03:28 AM
"I...well, yeah, but..."

Hawk seems to pout as the two of you quite effectively put her motivation in the dirt. Then she sighs, shakes her head, and seems to shrug a little.

"Ah, who am I kidding. You'll figure it out eventually anyway. I work for the Zoo. The whole group of us, we were told to do it. I don't know the exact reason, I was just told that somebody up high hates that idiot speaker as much as we do."

The Zoo is some sort of criminal organisation, operating primarily out of Los Angeles. You assume they are animal-themed in some way, but don't know the exact connection.

Although you can't comment on the organisation in its entirety, you know that every attack or plan they've ever instigated was done entirely with humans-turned-beasts, like the ones you've met. It is known that the beasts are Parahuman-related in some way.

Most incidents since the first one recorded, which was just over two years ago, have been...seemingly unrelated. There have been occasional bank robberies and 'generic crime' of that nature, but also attacks on political events, and even an old research facility one time. Most of the jobs are small-time; hence why they aren't extremely widely-known.

The animals themselves are not shapeshifters, and generally aren't even Parahumans (though some of them could be). Their giant animal forms are gifted to them from an unknown source, which can temporarily transform anyone into a physical manifestation of their 'spirit animal.'

The Zoo is actually the name of a criminal mastermind, real name unknown. He has given his name to his entire organisation to throw off the scent, as it were, and is essentially running a mercenary business. He has a number of thugs on the payroll, each with a different spirit animal, and he hand-picks them for various missions which he completes for others for a large fee. The Zoo himself is a Parahuman, possessing the ability to unleash the spirit animals of others.

2016-06-14, 04:59 AM
"So, you heard all that?"

"Yeah, I have two theories, one cuckoo land and the other sane." Richard replied into his communicator from his hospital bed, even as Swift twisted the knob of his walking stick. A tinny voice emits from it, as Richard continued, "cuckoo land goes, Awan got one of the higher ups of this Zoo organisation to order this attack, with her powers, it should be simple, that breakdown she had was staged, to move public opinion towards security for some reason, why not move it further with a metahuman attack? but,"


"As much as I would love that to be true, nothing's that convenient, plays too much into a grand narrative, like something out of one of those old Detective serials I used to watch with my dad. The saner theory is it's someone else we haven't met, hired, bribed or convinced on of this Zoo's higher ups to pull off this attack, for the same reasons laid out in my crazy theory." he finished as he lay back in the bed.

"I concur, the logic is sound."

"Take that army idiot stereotypes!" Richard crows, grinning.

"I seem to recall being in the army, I don't believe I was treated as if I had less intellect."

"You don't count, you're Chair Force, you're all too smart for your own good snobs." he shoots back dismissively.

"In all seriousness, Richard's conclusion agrees with mine, we need to figure out who ordered the attack,"

Hyperbolic sine
2016-06-15, 07:20 AM
"Ah, yes, the Zoo. Of course." Harbinger commented under his breath, before raising his voice to address the Hawk.

"And, pray tell, is the Zoo prone to sending its operatives in endeavours with no chance of success? Our presence was no secret."

2016-06-15, 02:17 PM
"His operatives, actually" Phoebe said. "Zoo's one guy, he just has his goons take up the name as if it's a whole organization. But he's a mercenary who can transform people into their 'spirit animals' and sends them to do jobs. Fun trivia fact? A guy whose spirit animal is a rat? Not the ideal choice of minion for operational security purposes."

"Where's the Zoo now?" she asked the hawk-woman. "Or at least, where was he when he unleashed your inner birdy or whatever?"

2016-06-16, 06:51 AM
Hawk turned briefly to James as he spoke, and then to Alistair.

"We were just told to attack. Nobody told us the Vanguard would be fully present. I like you guys, so I'll give you my opinion; I don't think you were the target. I...guess they could've been trying to help Awan's cause? We didn't even get into the building, so I'm guessing you all fled the set. Maybe they just wanted to stop the show? I don't know. Chances are somebody up top knew that we were gonna get our butts kicked. We're kind of used to going to jail. We used to have this guy who turned into a mole. He would just dig us out and cover the holes back up. I guess the government was too embarrassed to say anything, because it never really got out. That guy's not with us anymore, since he...well, yeah, we probably should've seen it coming. Lost a good few thanks to him. Bear's very popular with the bosses; if he's in here, they'll eventually find Armadillo-man or something and bust us out again."

She stopped for a moment, clearly wondering if she should have admitted all of that. Then she looked almost accusingly at the lot of you.

"You guys are good. Most officers around here can't get a thing out of me by now. I just...you all seem like nice guys, I guess?"

In response to Phoebe's follow-up, she laughed. Not a condescending laugh, but a genuinely impressed laugh.

"Wow. Why aren't you running the police around here? Look, fine, whatever. Zoo's pretty rich right now, he lives all over the place. Everyone only knows one of his safe houses, and that's where we meet him when he calls. Mine's a dingy old thing at 253 Salivine Way. Oh, and..." She hesitated for a moment, then ever-so-slightly shook her head.

"Oh, it's not important."

2016-06-16, 11:43 AM
"There's no such thing as unimportant information, I succeed in preventing Operation Downfall because I had an interest in archaic architecture, "

2016-06-16, 04:07 PM
Phoebe gave a little grin and a "what can you do" shrug. "Couldn't pass the firearm proficiency test," she joked. At Swift's response, she just nodded encouragingly.

2016-06-18, 02:16 AM
"Well, you ever been to Pasadena? I showed up to...work...a little early, just a few weeks ago. Zoo was watching the news on his television. There was something about how police activity was spiking in Pasadena to prepare for the rocket launch, and they were setting up patrols all around the...Jet Propulsion Laboratory. I saw his...well, I see a lot of things, you know? His body language and everything, he just looked a little bothered by it all. Weird, because he actually really likes all that rocket stuff. I got to thinking that maybe it was an inconvenience for him because he has a setup there. Just a theory, but perhaps he wanted to be watching the launch, and now it's gonna be hard to get past all the police."

And if you're wondering, yeah, the Apollo 11 is getting launched in the middle of Pasadena. The closest residential buildings are a nice hundred metres or so away, and there's a new clock tower that's even closer. With a paragon or two on hand and Carl Kenta's lifeforce in the tank, rockets have...pretty much zero chance of hurting anyone.
"Safehouses go dark for a while when some of the people working there are arrested. If my place is a dead end, you could...look around there, I suppose?"

2016-06-20, 01:06 PM
"Alright, thanks. That's a big help," Phoebe said.

"Anything else guys?" she asked, a somewhat chipper tone in her voice. She'd known the Vanguard all her life, of course. They were her parents' friends, their team, basically her uncles. But more than that...they were her idols. Living, larger-than-life superheroes. And now, helping them interview a suspect after a hard-fought battle, and actually contributing on both counts, she really did feel like she was one of them. Part of the team.

2016-06-20, 04:45 PM
"I belive that is all, Phoebe, Alex, you two go to the address and investigate it, Alistair and I shall handle access and transport to Pasadena and its facilities. Finally young miss, if you wish for a legitimate Job, call this number after you have been paroled." He finishes, getting up, handing Hawk girl a card, stepping out of the room.

"Richard, handle the car." everyone hears him mutter as he walks away.

Hyperbolic sine
2016-06-21, 05:10 AM
"Thou hast been most helpful." Alistair said to the girl. "I shall put in a good word for you, should the information thou provided prove to be true."

"Try not to stray from the rigth path anymore. We rarely concede second chances." he added, and left the room after Swift.

"So, Pasadena? Well, I did intend to witness the Apollo's launch either way." he then commented. "But, if I may ask, wherefore art thou calling for a car? I can bring us there in mere seconds."

2016-06-21, 07:02 AM
"Subtlety, your portals are large and noticeable, however, a small group taking a half an hour drive there? Much less so, do you have any contacts in the Air Force? All I have is a customary invitation to view the launch with a few officers."

Hyperbolic sine
2016-06-22, 05:30 PM
"Hmm. I suppose thou hast a point." Alistair replied, then added "No contacts, but I would not miss such an important milestone of aerospace development regardless of whether I recieved a formal invitation or not. Fortunately, with fame also come some benefits."

2016-06-22, 05:35 PM
"Thank you. You were a big help," Phoebe said, following the others out.

"Sounds like a plan to me."

2016-06-24, 08:29 AM
"See you some other time, guys," she comments as you turn to leave.

"Well...honestly, I'll probably be gone pretty soon. Whatever."

The Pasadena Team

The drive to Pasadena is short, but you had already spent a lot of time getting through the police system by the time you leave to drive there. The sun is creeping toward the horizon when you pull up and park just a couple minutes' walk from the Jet Propulsion Lab, and you can see the launch site clearly from here. Assuming you've been in the area before, you know all the general layout. The Pasadena JPL is a large NASA complex centring around a launch site, essentially taking up its own large block. It doesn't use all of its allotted land, so there is a radius of unused dirt around it for safety before the clock tower, which is right at the front of a park and recreational area. Just beyond that are the first residential blocks.

Of course, the clock tower's clock side looks over the park and square that it looms over. However, on the opposite side is also a pane of open glass, and it overlooks the launch site quite nicely.
The Salivine Line-Up

Phoebe and Alexander arrive promptly at 253 Salivine Way, a not-insignificant distance west of the police station that becomes fairly yes-insignificant when you can run faster than a car and such. Among a row of fairly middle-class, nothing out of the ordinary homes, you find your prey in the form of a small, humble little thing. The grass was a bit long, and the roof was a bit rough; this house wouldn't hurt for some maintenance, but then, it's hardly in critical condition. Any family without much wealth to spare could happily spend a long time here.

Assuming they didn't mind the lack of front-facing windows.

This place has two entrances; a locked door on the front and back. There are a few secondary entrances windows, but they're blocked by curtains, and also locked. Getting through any of these locks will require a Technology or Expertise (Lockpicking or similar) check of DC...what's this? A mystery! Who knows what the DC is? Who knows whether your snooping will be successful, or trigger some sort of alarm?!

Or you can choose to interpret 'break-in' more literally. Given that you're M&M PCs, I'm not going to question for a second that you can rather easily output enough force to break through whatever door, window, or wall you choose to. Whatever you want to do, really.

2016-06-24, 09:23 AM
"I'll go make my appearance, you, start searching the place. " Swift says, as he gets out leaving.

"Sir yes sir." Richard casually saluted. As Swift leaves he then says, "Okay, I'm assuming observation points are like sniper points, there's two, that glass window and the clock face, which one do you want to take?" he asks, reaching under the seat for the electric gloves and utility belt.

2016-06-29, 01:53 AM
Alexander had remained quiet during the interrogation. As the one who'd brought Hawkwoman down, he was content to take the role of the silent heavy. After making the point that they ought to cross-interrogate the other captives, he joined Phoebe at the safehouse.

"Let me scan for occupants and traps first..."

Perception: [roll0]

2016-06-29, 01:44 PM
Phoebe nodded, poking around a bit while he did his scan. If she noticed anything out of the ordinary, she'd alert Alex so he could give it a more thorough look with his super-senses.

Team Check Alex's Perception. Routine it for 25 after Teamwork to grant a +5 bonus.

Hyperbolic sine
2016-06-30, 05:40 PM
"I shall take the clock tower." Alistair replied, vanishing from sight and starting a controlled fall towards his destination.

It would be nice to actually know what we ought to be looking for, though. he thought to himself, looking around for anything amiss.

(Routining the Perception for the previous spoiler.)

Perception [roll0] Harbinger seeth everything. 35.

2016-07-01, 12:02 AM
Yes sir, he replies, casually saluting him as he vanishes, making his way to the glass window as he puts the belt and gloves on.

2016-07-01, 07:38 AM

Looking through the clock side, Harbinger sees exactly what he would expect to see; clock bits. Cogs and gears and a number of moving pieces, all seeming to work as intended. From your basic understanding of how clocks function, there is nothing immediately amiss here. A metal wall has been erected about halfway into the open space you're looking into, preventing you from seeing out the opposite window. On the other side, Rich was similarly unable to see through to what Harbinger was seeing. However, what he had on his side was far more interesting. He didn't know what was usually on the back side of the clock tower, but presumably it was just random clutter and maintenance material. However, the entire thing looked rather clean! Metal floors and walls, all nicely put together and clearly washed recently. In one corner there was a small refrigerator, and another had a table on it with a radio. In front of the glass window overlooking the Jet Propulsion Laboratory was, most curiously, a great large armchair. There was nobody present, as far as you could tell, and the only entrance inside (beside the glass one) was a small trapdoor entrance towards the wall separating this section from the clocky bits on the other side.


Dynaman's scanning sweep of the household revealed that it was...actually, it probably didn't reveal much. It is pitch-black on the inside, with the almost complete lack of doors and windows (none of which were uncovered) putting up a very effective stand against the sun's photon barrage. However, your eyesight is keen, and you can at least see the first room clearly. Inside is exactly what you'd expect from a dinghy old safehouse; dirty carpets, dusty everything, and not much in the way of furniture or style. It certainly doesn't look trapped, though it's hard to tell with the small amount of information you have.

2016-07-01, 01:17 PM
Alexander was sure to be thorough, seeking out any possible hidden rooms, or sub-levels to the safehouse. He also noted the number of possible entrances and exits, and the internal mechanisms of the doors and locks, just to make certain that nothing was amiss.

With Phoeb's teamwork assist that gets the result over 30, so should be a fairly thorough sweep.

2016-07-02, 11:23 PM
Well, it looked like the best way to get answers was the straightforward way. The old-fashioned way. The classic means of acquiring entry into a closed domicile that had been perfected over the course of generations of helpless wooden doors standing between heroes and their targets.

Phoebe approached the door, her formidable telekinetic powers at the ready...

And knocked firmly. "Hello!? Anybody home!?"

Looking to Alex, she said quietly, "Make sure no one comes out through a side entry or something."

2016-07-03, 12:05 AM
"Al, I found his lookout point, can you still do that gravity lensing trick I heard so much about? We`re settling in for a stakeout."

Hyperbolic sine
2016-07-03, 09:48 AM
"Of course." Alistair replied, "why wouldn't I?" implied in his tone, floating to where Richard was. "As long ad thou remain within two dozens feet of me, thou shalt stay unseen."

"Shall I open a portal?"

2016-07-04, 07:54 AM

Your firm raps echo off the wooden door, the sound of polite knocking echoing back in your face. Time goes on, and no response seems to come from the house beyond a house's typical silence.

2016-07-04, 11:43 AM
"where? My plan is to sit here and wait for him......." Richard replies as he begins settling in for the long haul.

2016-07-08, 03:11 PM
With no one answering, Phoebe telekinetically forced the door open, heading into the house and searching through it, telekinetically flipping on lights or opening curtains as she went.

Perception to notice anything out of the ordinary as she goes through: [roll0].

2016-07-08, 07:43 PM
With Phoebe covering the front door, Alexander simultaneously kicked in the rear door. They moved as one to clear each room, eyes alert for any clues.

2016-07-09, 09:24 PM

There is no clear physical entrance into the tower, but a single portal will get you through to the other side easily. There isn't anybody immediately present inside, but the vantage point is such that nobody's going to see you in here unless they come in for maintenance. A stakeout is absolutely a reasonable option.


As the curtains were pulled open and natural light flooded the home, the results found by the two patrolling heroes came to seem more and more disappointing. Hawk's words were apparently right, as it didn't seem that anybody had been through here today. The more you explored, the more 'short-term' the home seemed to be. The fridge had about a day's worth of basic ingredients in it, everything seemed to be very neatly in place as if it wasn't being used at all, and there was a coat of dust on...all of it. You indeed find a television in one room, and it's by far the cleanest and newest thing in the home. Unfortunately, although everything here seems to go pretty well with what you heard, you don't find any particular clues or hints within the walls.

2016-07-11, 02:51 PM
"Doesn't seem to be much here. Should we go rejoin the others?" Phoebe asked.

2016-07-14, 11:56 PM
"Hmm..." Alexander made a comprehensive scan throughout the floors and rafters. "It does seem to be a red herring. Just to leave no stone unturned, though..." and he went over to examine the television. Perhaps it was used as a dead drop, or was more than it seemed. If it was just a slightly less dusty piece of furniture, then they would indeed chalk the lead up to a loss, and rejoin the rest of the Vanguard.

2016-07-21, 07:47 AM
Time went on without the heroes as they began their stakeout, buckling in to wait out the Zoo and his minions for when it came to launch day. The constant tocking of the clock tower was frustrating, but in time your ears adjusted and you held strong regardless. Remaining in the same groups and switching out every twelve hours, you even had the radio in there to keep you company and up to date with current events. Unfortunately, no major media coverage had anything bad to say about Awan from your interview. She was back on the air the next day talking about and showing pictures of the horrible destruction outside her studio, the terrible dangers involved in such a random attack, and the unfortunate and unnecessary violence that the Vanguard had resorted to. Her voice was dimmed for once, however, in light of the growing tension around the rocket launch. Rumours and theories about Carl Kenta have been going wild since Dynaman's statement, but so far, no governmental entity has seemed happy to comment.

Los Angeles, California
Population: 2,795,242
Date: 18th March, 1966

The stakeout has been...disappointing. It's a quarter to noon, the scheduled launch of the rocket, and nothing has happened so far. Dynaman and Phoebe are on watch in the tower, and if they choose to have the radio on they can hear the excited commentary of a newscaster as he watches the final preparations from an unknown location. People are out on their balconies and the streets staring up at the giant rocket that has made its appearance in the midst of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and a security perimeter has been formed to stop anyone from getting too close. Regardless, the whole scene is packed, and almost nobody has good seats...except you two. By now everything is ready, and the vessel has been boarded. Many radio stations are coming to the end of their countdowns until the final launch.

You hear a sound coming from behind you, towards the trapdoor leading in to this section of the room. You're not sure exactly what it is.

Climbing up the thin shaft leading in to this room are five individuals, all uniquely dressed and styled.

By their clothes and tattoos, you can assume that they're all trying to represent certain animal motifs.
There's definitely at least one individual coming up the ladder.

Make that five individuals.
Harbinger and the Phantom have holed up in a small motel a few miles from the clock tower. It's...fairly boring.

Despite being inside a closed apartment on the second floor, you can hear through your slightly ajar window what sounds like a car pulling up on the road outside. A fairly nice car, just by the sound of the engine.

2016-07-21, 08:34 AM
Richard has been building up his arsenal, his first encounter, he had been unprepared, this time, things would be different he thought as he strapped on the sonic emitter. "Al, someone's downstairs, can you check? You're harder to notice." he asks, sliding on the gloves, turning up the radio as he began sneaking.

2016-07-22, 01:52 AM
This entire situation was a continuing irritation to Alexander. Since appearing on Awan's show, no action nor investigation had been launched into Kenta, no doubt being hushed up by the higher ups. Meanwhile their other lead had come up empty and now this stakeout had been hours upon hours of tick-tocking tedium. He felt like his electromagnetically gifted eyes were going to jump out of their sockets. He would have passed out from sheer boredom had it not been for the torturous ticking. Finally however, the hour drew near, and it was quiet. Too quiet.

2016-07-22, 02:52 AM
"Someone's coming up the ladder," Phoebe said quietly as the sound of footfalls reached her ears. She stayed relaxed, but was ready to move in an instant if necessary.

Phoebe's activating Telekinetic Sentinel, because why not?

2016-07-24, 12:09 AM
"Maybe the guys ordered us a pizza?" Alexander took a gander through the trapdoor, hoping for the best.

Hyperbolic sine
2016-07-26, 02:49 PM
Given the moment of the launch proper was almost arrived, the prospective interruption annoyed Alistair quite a bit.

What a wonderful timing.

"Make that five of them." he whispered, casting his invisibility field over the three of them and readying to focus light in a deadly ray as soon as hostilities started.

2016-07-26, 06:48 PM
"5 Pizzas?"

2016-07-26, 11:51 PM
Clock Tower

Just as the Harbinger's invisibility cloak removes the three of you from sight, the trapdoor begins to slowly creak open, a hand underneath pushing it up. Dynaman is the first to see the upcoming assailants, but pretty soon you all get a good look.

"All clear, let's move!"

Bang! The door swings wide open and smacks against the wood behind it as two hands, covered by fingerless gloves, grab the sides of the opening and pull up the person they're attached to. A large red-headed man in slacks and a vest is the first to clamber from the opening, coming up to his feet in the Zoo's watchroom and immediately moving about to sweep the small area. Four others came up behind him, three more males and a female, all moving about to search the place. Some of them had weapons or other equipment, but not all.

The second and third men have small handguns. The woman has a small radio in her back pocket.
These guys are going to be averaging out their Perception scores, which comes to [roll0] after a Concealment penalty. The three of you can choose to average your scores and make one roll, roll individually, or try a team check.

Without moving to spy on the car below further, you see nothing. The engine doesn't seem to be stopping, however.

2016-07-27, 12:33 AM
Richard climbs out of the window of his room, hoping nobody was looking up to take a peek at the car downstairs.

OOC: ROlled in the OOC for stealth.

2016-08-27, 09:24 PM
Spying their weapons, Alexander thought with some dismay, *definitely not pizza*.

This seemed to be another one of those occasions where it would be best to shoot first, and ask questions after, given the element of the surprise, and the likelihood that 5 would just surrender when prompted to three.

From behind Harbinger's cloak of invisibility, Dynaman released 5 arcs of lightning, one for each of the invaders.

Selective Burst, Dodge DC 20 for 1/2 of Damage 10/Toughness DC 25

2016-09-04, 06:57 AM
Clock Tower

Currents of electric energy run through the five goons as Dynaman's electric blasts strike them all dead on, causing each one to spasm and yell before collapsing to the ground, shaking. Small little arcs of energy continue to jolt across their bodies for a few seconds.

Dynaman, your lightning blast destroys the woman's pocket radio, but you are rewarded a Hero Point for the inconvenience.

And you're alone again, in the room now apparently empty of conscious people, as the five thugs remain still at your invisible feet. At least a hundred metres behind you, rocket preparations continue to go on unaffected.

Well, sorta. You may not know rocket science that well, excusably enough, but that big white tank-looking bit seems to be...glowing red?

Oh, nevermind, you do know rocket science. The newscasters you may or may not be listening to haven't commented on it yet, but even from here, it looks like the fuel tanks are heating up. A lot. Enough to be glowing red, anyway, whatever temperature that is.


Richard, you deftly perch yourself on the windowsill of the building, and find yourself looking at a beautiful black limousine on the road below. It doesn't seem to be parking - just temporarily pulled over. The windows are perfectly tinted, but as you stare in, you swear you see somebody staring back. Then, out of nowhere, one of the car's doors on the opposite side to you swung open and out to the end of its axis. Out stumbled a slender young woman, with short black hair died white at the tips. As soon as she was outside of the vehicle she was looking up at you, and clearly yelling something.

You have no trouble reading her lips.

"-dding, you can at least give me-"

Then a tanned hand reached out from the car as well, grasping her hard on her exposed shoulder. Immediately she tensed, a wincing expression moving over her face as if she had also been the subject of a powerful electric shock. Then the door was pulled shut, and the car began to pull away as her body started to...contort. Twist. Grow a little bit. By the time it reached the end of the block, she was on all fours, covered in fur, and roaring.

At you.

Driver Initiative [roll0].
Lynx Initiative [roll1].

The car has begun to move, but is still within 100 feet of you. If you don't do anything to stop it, make no mistake, it will bolt at Speed Rank 5.

2016-09-04, 01:38 PM
"Nice," Phoebe said with a slender smirk as Alex dropped the goons in one shot. "So, what do we do with-" she halted as she caught sight of the rocket. That looked not-so-good. "Uh, guys? I think something's wrong. Aren't those the fuel tanks?"

Never one for caution at a time suited to action, Phoebe didn't wait for a response, tossing open the window and leaping out, catching herself on open sky and racing across the air towards the rocket at telekinetic speed. Sure, it could just be some sort of malfunction or something, but all things considered, she would be a fool not to consider the possibility of sabotage. She raced to the area and circled around, looking for anything that seemed out of the ordinary.

Perception: [roll0].
Insight: [roll1].

2016-09-05, 02:37 AM
Under his mask, Richard grins as he gives the Lynx a mocking salute. Lazily extending his arm, Richard fires his cable at the car, using it to pull himself to it. Detaching the firing mechanism from his wrist, he then uses the other cable to attach himself to it.

"Look ball!" he then shouts, tossing the electrified bolas at the giant lynx.

DC 23 Toughness
DC 18 status effects(can't remember, can't check, on phone).

Hero point burn to alternate power for this scene, STICK TO THE CAR!

Hyperbolic sine
2016-09-08, 12:45 PM
"Inde-" Alistair started saying, but Phoebe was already out of the window. "-ed." She does definitely take after her mother.

"Sasha, dost thou see anything strange inside the tank?" he asked, waiting for the aswer before chasing after Phoebe under the cover of his invibility.

2016-09-16, 03:15 AM
"The liquid inside is glowing." he replied.

"It could be a normal effect of the Kenta's secretions, even the rocket scientists aren't 100% sure of its properties..."

2016-09-17, 01:16 AM

The lynx growled, darting down the lawn towards the window. Then she pounced, clearing the stories below you in one jump and reaching out for where you are perched on the windowsill. Without a doubt, this creature embraced its feline style; it immediately attempted to grab you and pin you to the floor, engaging in what would be a quick and messy scratch-fest of a fight. Unless you could stay on your feet and find a way to do battle on your own terms, of course!

Move-By Action: Leaping through the window, into the inside of the apartment. In doing so, she becomes adjacent to Richard uses Catfight. Attack [roll0] for DC 23+Multiattack Damage, DC 18+Multiattack Prowess (Strength, Dodge, Parry, or any Movement rank) against Vulnerable/Prone, and DC 18 Strength or Dodge against a Grab. Finally, if you are successfully grabbed, you must make a DC 15 Strength check to avoid getting dragged back into the apartment's interior.

Phoebe and Harbinger

Harbinger's invisibility cloak proves to be unnecessary; it surely won't be long before something Phoebe gets seen above the launch space, but for now, the security and scientific personnel on the ground are as fixated on whatever's happening as you are. Looking at it closely doesn't immediately reveal anything new, but as you go on, things continue to develop. The red glow of the tanks is changing, becoming part orange and yellow. A swirl of hot colour is beginning to move through the form of the rocket. Nobody on the ground is taking clear action yet.

You can't see anything that would give away what is happening. You have a very, very bad feeling about what's going on right now, however.

You can pretty easily make out the control room below. Really, pretty much any facility you would assume to exist at the jet propulsion laboratory can be found trivially.

Everybody including Richard gets a Hero Point for what may or may not be about to happen.


You almost miss it, but a bolt of red energy suddenly jumps from one part of the tanks to another.

2016-09-17, 01:26 AM
Richard winces as the claws scrape against him, ripping through his armour, his momentum too far gone for the cat to catch him, swinging towards the car.

Rolls in my previous post.

2016-09-17, 03:15 AM
Alexander's eyes widen at the crackling crimson arc.

"Shut down the launch!" he yelled, zapping forth from the clocktower after Phoebe. Floating down in front of the shocked control room, he pointed again at the rocket, hoping to jog them from their stupor.

"SHUT IT DOWN!!! NOW!!!!!"

Hyperbolic sine
2016-09-20, 06:17 AM
"...no, that will not do."

There was no guarantee stopping the launch would have stopped the reaction as well.

"PH- SHEAR! HELP ME!" he shouted over the top of his lungs, then focused all of his power into trying to tear the tanks from the rest of the structure and bring them as high as he managed to - the farther they were from people when they would eventually explode or whatever, the better.

Using Gravikinesis. Perception Range, [roll0].

2016-09-25, 10:03 PM
Gah, sorry guys, totally spaced on this.

And suddenly, Phoebe understood her mother a little bit better.

She was a much stronger telekinetic than her mom...but in terms of sheer oomph, her power was still leagues behind Alistair's. She wasn't entirely sure how much she could help with moving something that big.

But she could try, at least! Steeling her will, she strode closer and focused as much power as she could on helping dislodge the tanks.

Moving to within 15' of the tanks, then switching Dynamic array to 1 Flight, 4 Power Lifting.

If I can Team Check this: [roll0] (assuming it uses Power Lifting rank, +5 for Teamwork).

Otherwise, add 800 pounds to Quinn's capacity while the tank is within 15' of Phoebe.

2016-09-26, 09:41 PM



You manage to land a shot on the back of the car, lobbing your electrified bolas as you sail away. The spinning ropes of your weapon land perfectly around the lynx and wrap tight, an electrified shock running through her body...and not really seeming to do anything. With a growl she tensed her muscles, the cables snapping effortlessly as they were stretched by her still-finishing growth. Then the freed beast pounced onto the road and, in one of the most spectacular displays you'd ever seen, barrelled after you at the same pace as the car.

Wow, this is gonna be cool to run. The car and the Lynx are both speed rank 5. Every round, you are going to roll Acrobatics or Athletics (or something else if you're creative) against the driver's Vehicles. Degrees of success or failure will move you up or down on the Stability scale. You're currently at 0. You will receive a +2 bonus on checks to manoeuvre around the car as well as to your active defences against others involved in the chase at Stability 1. At Stability 2 this will increase to +5, and at 3 the bonuses will become 'permanent'; no checks from the driver will be sufficient to remove you and the car will essentially become easy terrain. Negative Stability yields the same effects, with -3 resulting in you being ejected from the car and probably losing whoever's inside for the day.

The Lynx must also roll; in the midst of the chaos with this driver trying to shake you, its Athletics or Acrobatics must exceed the drivers' roll (but not yours) so that it may attack you on its turn.

Driver Vehicles [roll0].
Lynx Athletics [roll1].

I'll need your roll as well, please. If the Lynx beats the driver, it will Savage you at [roll2] for DC 23+Multiattack Secondary Effect Damage.

Note: To speed things up, I'd appreciate it if you could include your second Acrobatics/Athletics roll at the end of your next post!

"Leave us alone!"

Turning around, you see that one of the windows has opened - and a woman with short brown hair and a sleeveless leather jacket is pointing a gun at you! She opens fire, trying to remove you from the back of the vehicle more forcefully.

More complications! Take your Hero Point back for having to deal with all of this yourself.

Move Action: Demoralize. Intimidation [roll3] opposed by Will or Insight to Impair.
Standard Action: Shoot with Light Pistol. Attack [roll4] for DC 18 Damage.

Everyone Else

If it wasn't already obvious, coming close to the fuel tanks make it very clear that there is more going on here than just some hot fuel (though just by hovering near you can tell it is very, very hot). They aren't just glowing, either - they're humming. A very unusual reaction is underway, and the pulsing red-and-yellow glow that is now covering these tanks is just one of a few signs.

Dynaman, your request is met for a moment with blank stares. One man, standing with a coat on at the centre of the room, looks up to you and shakes his head.

"We haven't started anything! We finished loading all of the fuel, we've never had a full load in a tank this size before-"


From the combined strength of Harbinger and Shear, the tanks separate rather aggressively from the rest of the rocket. It's all held up by struts; the remaining half-rocket continues to stand proudly neutered on the launch pad. Meanwhile, no longer a closed system, the forcefully removed tanks begin to pulse louder and louder. As you fly up and away from the launch site with it, you see from the open ends that whatever was put in it, the current contents are not liquid; the glow outside is just the same inside, and the humming is turning to a high shimmering sound.

And then it starts to implode. The metals of the tank float inwards, as if they're being sucked in to the centre of whatever swirly glowing thing is happening. They disappear into the light, and now all you're holding is a self-supporting whirlwind of light. Hundreds of metres above the ground, and growing.

You have the oddest sense of deja vu. From a long time ago.

Beyond the various generic energy-sounds this thing is making, you can hear something more...organic. Something moving from inside the light.

2016-09-27, 03:05 PM
Seeing the tanks disintegrate into the vortex, Alexander flew up into the air to join the Vanguard in facing whatever was about to come through.

2016-09-28, 02:39 PM
Richard lets out a breath as the bolas fail to do any damage whatsoever to the cat. Gritting again, he grabs onto his cables saying, "Try this!" tossing another set at the cat. He completely ignores the lady shooting and missing him by a mile.


To Hit
DC 23 Toughness
DC 18 Daze Stun


Hyperbolic sine
2016-09-28, 04:30 PM
Well, that wasn't ominous at all. At least they managed to get it away from people.

"Call R- Phantom!" Harbinger barked, being unaware of Richard's current predicament, then released the hold on the...thing...to gather his power into forming a singularity - and not even him was sure whether it was to contain or to kill.

Move: Away. You don't want to be near hot, expanding things.
Standard: Singularity inside the Whirlwind! Dodge DC 20 for half, Toughness DC 25/20 vs Damage, Strength or Dodge (?) DC 20/15 vs Fast Grab. If it's not really eligible for that (yet?), try to Counter its expansion at [roll0] Of course, when you don't need crits...

2016-09-28, 11:38 PM
Phoebe eyed the vortex-thing warily. She didn't like how it appeared to be growing. "EVERYONE OUT OF THE AREA! NOW!" she yelled down at the civilians below.

"I'm sure he'll see the giant glowing cyclone faster than we can find him," she returned to Harbinger's request. Alexander looked prepared to fight if something came out of the thing. She was more concerned with it sucking things in, but she drew her swords regardless, in case something did come out.

Was mid-way through posting Phoebe calling Richard when I remembered we're in the 1960's :smallamused:.

2016-09-29, 03:11 AM

Whoever the Zoo's driver is, he's a professional. Without losing any speed on the way to its destination, the car shook and turned in a way that made it almost impossible for you to remain steady, even with your hookline keeping you stuck to it. You manage to counteract his manoeuvres and briefly regain your stance, but a clever switch from the man just a few metres away from you could send you going at any moment! Fortunately for you, and perhaps somewhat vindicating you of slipping and sliding about the car, even the beast fighting you seems to be having trouble keeping up with his apparent expert. Your second attempt at offence wrapped neatly around it and almost caused it to lose its footing entirely, the creature slowing and screeching as an electric shock ran through her. It wasn't enough to shake her, but then, it seemed like she was barely keeping up. The only direct emergency for the next three seconds or so is the gun pointing at your back.

Owl isn't going to continue to Demoralise you without anything worthy to actually insult you for, but will take another shot at [roll0]. On a hit, this will deal DC 18 Damage. Given the freestyle nature of this encounter, I'm going to rule that a Daze impairs the Lynx's ability to participate in the chase; while only able to take a Standard Action each round, it cannot attack, and is instead rolling to see if it can successfully keep up.

Lynx Fortitude (DC 18) [roll1]. Escapes.


Nevermind. If you hadn't noticed already from the corner of your eye, an ear-piercing wave of sound forces you to briefly check over your shoulder. Coming from roughly the direction of the launch site, but still far away enough that you can't accurately gauge the distance, a giant red-and-yellow vortex of energy has apparently opened in the sky.

Among all of this very intense and conflicting stimuli you, somehow, can make out some of the voices in the car.

"Damnit, he's too quick!"


"What if I miss again?"




"Damnit, he's too quick!"

"Ya know what they say, love...third time lucky!"

"What if I miss again?"

"I'll have to deploy ya."



"Wot...oh, bloody hell!"

"Damnit, he's too quick!"

"Ya know what they say, love...third time lucky!"

"What if I miss again?"

"I'll have to deploy ya."


"Boss, can you see that?"

"Wot...oh, bloody hell!"

Everyone Else

You also feel it. An unusual...closeness, as if you've felt this touch before.

You feel, without a doubt, the presence of Imageria.

Because this is a portal right to it.

As it roars, something begins to emerge from what is now clearly an opaque portal. First come the hands. Horrible masses of flesh, both dreadful and lovely to look at as the sun's light exaggerates their glossy crimson sheen. Extending from these are pillars of obsidian rock, sharpened to an infinite point, and apparently miniaturised and attached to the appendages of this beast for claws. They dig in to the sides of the portal as if it were a solid, forming a foundation to pull through. Next comes the head, apparently taken straight from the fantasy novels of the day. Barely any distance away at all as it stretches from its origin point, the draconic beast has eyes that burn and a mouth that hangs open, an expression interchangeably hungry and furious. It sees the three of you, and lunges...

Ah, how unfortunate. With a quick and very powerful manoeuvre from Harbinger, the very portal it is squeezing through halts its expansion and begins to collapse inwards. No calculable force of gravity will close a rift in dimensions, but it can pull on the curtains a bit for sure. For a huge dragon, neck and wrists on one side? This was an inconvenience. The next sound it made was less a wrathful roar and more a frustrated snarl as its three protruding points were squeeze together, giving it a flirty hands-on-cheeks look like it was on the cover of Vogue. It began to squeeze about, trying to wrestle a limb free to destroy you all with.

Right, that was a pretty sweet Natural 20. Having written the result before actually looking at mechanics, I'm gonna say now that the dragon starts the combat at the full mercy of Singularity, rendering it Immobilized, Defenseless and Impaired. It does not suffer damage, however, and again this won't allow you to outright prevent the overall environment effect that is going on here.

Gonna speed things up:

Dragon Initiative [roll2].
Shear Initiative [roll3].
Harbinger Initiative [roll4].
Dynaman Initiative [roll5].

Everyone is on turn!

2016-09-29, 10:09 AM
"One problem after another eh?" Richard asks rhetorically, reaching for his bandoleer and pulling out a disc. Tapping the circle in the center, he slams it onto the car, flipping a switch on his helmet as it goes off.

DC 25 toughness
DC 20 for half save, EVERYONE except my dude has to make it :P

2016-09-29, 09:03 PM
Phoebe suddenly had a guess as to what the glowing whirlwind was. She remembered her parents' stories of Imageria, and the supervillain Null's plot to blast openings into it. That must be what this was. Some sort of breach to a land of fantasy, and magic.

And dragons. Apparently.

"Kinda always wanted to slay a dragon," Phoebe quipped, and then she rushed the titanic beast, sheathing her smaller blades and taking her no-dachi in both hands. Putting her full telekinetic strength behind it, she brought it down hard on the dragon while it was trapped and vulnerable by Harbinger's astonishing and absolutely not at all humbling no sir feat of gravikinesis, hoping to leave it exposed to the others or perhaps even drive her blade into its brain in a single blow, before darting away across the sky. Phoebe may have willingly thrown herself into battle against pretty much any opponent you could name, but if she had learned one lesson from her Mom, it was of the complete and utter lack of importance of fighting anything resembling fair when lives were on the line.

Free: Set Tactical Telekinesis to full Telekinetic Stride.

Move: Into Close range of the dragon.

Standard: Attack the dragon with Telekinetic Reaver, Power Attacking for 5, at [roll0]. Finishing Attack with intent to kill. On a hit, Toughness DC 35 (30 if it's crit immune) vs. Damage, HAD DC 30 (25 if crit immune) vs. Weaken Toughness.

Move-by Action: Move around the whirlwind and 300' behind the dragon.

Current Status: Normal.

2016-10-07, 01:36 AM
Alexander's eyes widened with awe as a hole ripped itself into a realty...and an honest-to-god dragon began to shred its way through.

Certainly he was not a stranger to such things, and he felt a pang of something...perhaps nostalgia, mixed with dread, as he recalled the adventures of a bygone era.

Phoebe's cleaving attack jarred him from his reverie and he noticed that while it seemed badly wounded, it was not yet defeated. It did not seem wise to allow it a chance to recover.

Mustering every erg of energy he could summon, he opened up an ionized channel between himself and the mythical beast, the current massively amplified by his suit, and let loose a lightning arc as if from Mjolnir itself.

All-Out and Power Attacking for 5 each. Might as well go all out while its Defenseless...

Giga-Bolt: [roll0] Edit: I keep forgetting you can take 10 on defenseless opponents, though that only adds 1 to make it a 20.

Damage: Toughness DC 30+multiattack, incurable. Not sure if a crit triggers, if so then it's 35+multiattack.

Move up 300 feet above and away from the portal in front (so flanking with Phoebe).

-5 to active defenses for next round.

Hyperbolic sine
2016-10-10, 03:13 PM
Alistair remembered the feeling. Well, not that a bloody dragon wouldn't kind of give away what was on the other side of the portal, but eh, at least he was 100% sure as opposed to 99%.

"Quick, hurry! I do not know how loger I will be able to contain it!"

Bloody Imageria.

Move: nah.
Standard: Keeping the singularity up...it it works as normal then (no Dodge save actually, it's Perception Range) Toughness DC 25 vs Damage, maintaining the Grab. Otherwise, Counter at [roll0].

2016-10-11, 07:32 AM

Owl, much like her coworker Hawk, possesses a certain level of visual acuity. As a henchman, she also has something of a tendency to duck and cover. Therefore, when she sees you draw something out and slap it on the back of her ride, she's impressively quick to dive back in the window she was hanging out of and hit the deck.

The rest of the riders aren't so lucky.

The small, contained blast from your explosive device blows right through the back window of the limousine, sending a wall of shattered glass specks upon those within. Able to see clearly now, you see a man next to Owl - who is apparently ducking very low - with a very distinctive hat. Even from behind you can see the wide-brimmed dark tan monolith hanging over his head, with those weird cylinder looking things hanging off it on strings.

"Bloody hell! Pull it over!"

Before the man at the front of the car can respond, there's a horrible rubber-on-asphalt screech. The car is out of control, swerving and sliding around the road, before the driver brakes and turns both at once. At the end of the chaos the limo is parked perfectly from one end of the road to the other, with you still clinging on to the back, as an angry and now rather wounded Lynx continues to run after you. No longer struggling to keep up with the stationary car, it leaps up and pounces on you with clear intent to add you to the contents of the boot.

Free Action: Activates Ferocity, taking a Bruise.
Move Action: Pounce into your personal space.
Standard Action: Catfight at [roll0], All-Out Attack 5, Power Attack 3. Hit results in DC 26+Multiattack Damage, DC 21+Multiattack Prowess (Strength, Dodge, Parry, or any Movement rank) against Vulnerable/Prone, and DC 21 Strength or Dodge against a Grab.

All while this is happening, you hear the sound of car doors being pushed and kick open. To your side, coming out from the back of the limo, are both the Owl (who is completely fine!) and the Zoo (to your credit, injured). In fact, the boss of all these warriors staggers out from the vehicle, clearly rather significantly inconvenienced by your sonic emitter. If you take a moment to investigate in the midst of your mauling, you see that the Zoo is dressed up pretty spectacularly. He wears khaki shorts and a tan vest that are ripped and cut all over, though it's impossible to tell how much is from your weapon and how much has been there for weeks or more. His brown leather boots are only a bit darker than his tanned skin, and every exposed part of him (which is a lot) is covered in manly hair except for his perfectly shaven head. This is crocodile dundee turned to an unfortunate life of crime. He stands back and watches, hand on the kukri holstered on his hip, as the Owl lines up one more shot.

"Yea, get 'im in the back!"

Move Action: Exit vehicle.
Standard Action: Aim at Richard.

Move Action: Exit vehicle.
Standard Action: Staggered.

Everyone Else

For most supernatural creatures, being caught in a giant hole that was actively being pulled around and into your exposed neck with singularity-level force is a significant setback, and typically at the very least a quick and merciful death. This dragon, birthed from some part of the Imageria you did not want to book for your annual leave, was seeming to enjoy the handicap. It gave an overgrown magical beast's equivalent of a cough as Phoebe's sword slammed into its head, causing it to sag somewhat as the scales all around it cracked and flaked off from the force. It snapped and glared at Dynaman as the electrokinetic's unimaginable arc of lightning coursed through its body, leaving tingling black smoke seeping off its beautiful crimson form. Harbinger's second gravikinetic effort cut into his wrists and neck, causing blood flow - but even at the end of the massive barrage, it was very alive. And very, very angry. Eyeing the man keeping him in place with two molten orbs of fury, it glared and snarled, opening its mouth to reveal a glowing bright core of golden energy within - almost like the sun. It was growing from the back of the things' throat, light seeping out between its teeth and into the sky, as it inhaled. Then it let everything out in a blast, and a mighty surge of gold-hot magma roared through the sky and towards Alistair.

All the while the beast continued to wriggle and thrash about, trying to get free from the portal that moments again had been setting it free, and was now keeping it bound.

Standard Action: Attacking Harbinger with Fire Beam. Attack [roll1] for DC 31 Secondary Effect Damage, Crits on an 18.
Move Action: Escape Singularity. Penalised Athletics [roll2].

2016-10-12, 04:17 PM
Richard easily sidesteps the blow from the kitty cat, dropping another one of his sonic emmiters. Using the distraction, he dodges around the Lynx, punching her in the back as he slides into position behind her.

Step 1, burn 1 Hero Point for extra actions.
Step 2, DROP ANOTHER BASS! DC 25 Toughness from everyone, DC 20 Ref for half effect.
Step 3, get the cat between me and Owl.
[/roll]1d20+9[/roll] To Hit
DC 27 + Multiattack
DC 23 Fort, Daze Stun Paralyzed.

Ref/Parry -2

Hyperbolic sine
2016-10-13, 12:44 PM
The Alistair of twenty years ago wouldn't have managed to dodge the fiery beam, but, unfortunately for the dragon, he had improved over the years.

"Naive! I was engulfed by the flames of Salamander, and survived!" he shouted at the beast, pointing his open hand at it and extinguishing the sigularity.

Down below, several metal bars - made spear-like when the tank was torn off from its supports - suddenly came to life and shot up towards the dragon, possibly out of his field of view until it was too late.

Attack with Gravitic Railgun at [roll0], Crit on 19+, Toughness DC 25+Multiattack. Indirect 4, so the dragon might be caught Vulnerable.

2016-10-13, 01:37 PM
Phoebe charged back in, telekinetically swinging her no-dachi in tandem with Harbinger's attack in hopes of bringing the dragon down before it could do something more destructive, before darting off to avoid being too close to the dragon or clumped up with her friends.

Move: Into Close range of the dragon.

Standard: Attack the dragon with Telekinetic Hammer as a Team Attack with Harbinger at [roll0]. On a hit, Harbinger gets +2 Damage. On a hit by three degrees, he gets +5. If she hits by two degrees (i.e. without the Teamwork bonus) the dragon must also roll Will DC 20 vs. Vulnerable/Stunned/Incapacitated.

Move-by Action: Let's say 150' left of the dragon and 30' above it.

Current Status: Normal.

2016-10-17, 02:04 AM

The dragon's response to its missed attack was furious. It opened its mouth again and let out a roar that was no longer default angry, but indignified and betrayed. There would be no mercy from its next-

The tidal torrent of steel beams, only bolstered by Phoebe's sword stroke, slammed into the underbelly of the beast and immediately made it fall quiet. The last thing to come out of its mouth was a puff of smoke, and the glowing red orbs it had for eyes began to lose their light, plunging the day into a surprising silence. The beast's corpse drooped from the portal trap, slowly sliding free as it went into free-fall towards the Jet Propulsion Laboratory...

City Streets

Zoo never fell for the same trick twice. Raising his arms in front of his face as a makeshift shield, he weathered the same shockwave that proceeded to ripple through his car and shatter it, sending automobile pieces flying all over the street.


The Owl stumbled back, unable to hide from this blast, but also not letting it stop her from lining up her shot. But then Richard's fist slammed into the Lynx's back and, with one more surge of electrical power, it fell to the ground unconscious. Its form immediately began to shrink as, now afraid but still determined, the Owl focused and took her shot.

Zoo took a look at his minion, his driver, and what used to be his car. Shaking his head in disappointment, he muttered something under his breath before beginning to walk - no, limp, toward his untransformed underling.

"Come 'ere, girl..."

He reached out with a single hand to grasp her by the shoulder, eyes as full of anger as they were of pain.

The Owl takes her Aimed shot at [roll0] for DC 18 Damage.

The Zoo is Staggered, but spends his turning moving adjacent to her. He hasn't taken any action to represent the transformation process yet, but he's certainly about to.

2016-10-17, 05:20 AM
"No, he says, slamming another disc on his bandolier as the one on the ground disintegrated from the forces it just subject everyone to as he recovered from the high calibre bullet that just cracked his helmet.

DC 25 toughness save, ref DC 20 for half.

2016-10-19, 01:46 PM
"Harbinger back me up!" Phoebe yelled, dive-running after the fallen dragon. Her telekinetic power was orders of magnitude stronger than her mother's, but it still wasn't anywhere close to strong enough to allow her to halt the monstrous corpse's fall.

...Or, well, not directly, at any rate. But if there was one thing the Wright women knew, it was how to make the most out of a limited amount of raw oomph.

Phoebe came down and rammed her No-dachi into the dragon's spine, pouring her power through her blade, and from it, through the dragon's nervous and muscular system. She didn't try to halt the corpse's fall...she just unfurled its wings.

How she planned to actually effectively pilot a giant dead dragon via telekinetic fly-by-wire (has fly-by-wire been invented yet?) she was not entirely certain of, but whatever, it would buy them some time at least!

Move: Onto the dragon's back.

Standard: Attack the dragon corpse with Telekinetic Flurry, All Out Power Attacking for 5, at [roll0]. On anything other than a natural 1, I mean, technically there's Toughness DC 35+Multiattack vs. Damage, for whatever that's worth, but more importantly, it's targeted by Move Object 10, aiming to unfurl its wings and kinda try to guide it down safely or something. I readily admit I have no idea how to resolve this since I don't think the dragon's total mass is actually within my weight limit (unless maybe if Power Attack helps with that? But even then I'm not sure.) But whatever, that's what I'm trying to do.

Hyperbolic sine
2016-10-20, 08:28 AM
"PERISH, SPAWN OF IMAGERIA." Harbinger uttered as the combined attacks brought the dragon to face its doom.

He gazed at the falling corpse with a smug of satisfaction for a brief moment, then when Phoebe called out to him he gathered his power and set out to offest gravity's pull on the dead beast - he wasn't sure just how much it weighed, but surely it couldn't be more than one or two planes?

Gravikinesis to (hopefully) stop the dragon's fall. Rank 10 should be able to hold 25 tons, if that's not enough using Extra Effort for +1 rank to bring that to 50 tons.

2016-10-25, 02:27 AM
Just as he was about to unleash more firepower upon the Imagerial beast...it was slain. Dynaman prepared to stand down, but barely could he blink but the dragon slipped right on through to reality, threatening to crush the facility below. For a moment, his mind reeled. His body tensed and the circuits in his suit sprang to life as the sudden adrenaline caused a massive power spike. When the two powerful telekinetics swooped in to catch their falling foe, he held his breath, readying himself. Should it slip their grasp, he'd have to move faster than he'd ever moved to evacuate the scientists to safety in time.

2016-10-27, 06:54 AM

They never stood a chance. Your final explosive knocks the Zoo right off his feet, sending him tumbling down the asphalt and into the wreckage of his former limo. The Owl was also knocked away, her weapon flying out of her grip as she landed on her back on the road. To her credit, she was still conscious in the aftermath of the blast. That made two of you. Looking to her side, she saw her boss's unconscious form, her own powers inaccessible with him out of the picture. She groaned.


The words came out of her mouth with a certain ease, as if she'd muttered them before, but in that there was also a sort of uncertainty; she'd never actually believed she would be staying in prison long-term before.

Everyone Else

It would be criminal to not allow these shenanigans to take place. Phoebe's manoeuvre essentially turned the dragon corpse into some sort of barely-controllable parachute, giving her some sort of directional control and slowing her descent. Once the Harbinger's anti-gravity field came into effect, she was about as close as you could be to a dragon rider without actually being mounted atop a live, willing beast.

Dynaman, as you watch your comrade float over the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in style, you know your tremendous speed won't be tested today. However, as the least occupied of the party, you alone are most likely to look up and spot the portal to the Imageria, still floating and glowing above you as big as it had been. Nothing more seems to be coming out of it, but its ominous hum echoes about, and the reds of its light make an impression on the ground below.

2016-10-27, 06:01 PM
"Aww, I was hoping you would make the dumb choice." he says rather disappointed sounding as he approached her, tying her to the wrecked car.

As he did so he asked, "So, what makes you special enough to see Mr Straya over there in person?"

2016-10-27, 10:37 PM
"WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Phoebe yelled as, with Harbinger doing the heavy lifting, she guided the dragon as safely as she could down to a clear spot below. As soon as it had touched down, she jumped off and ran over to Harbinger (across the air if need be) with a huge smile on her face. "Did you see that!? That was AWESOME! I WANNA GO AGAIN!!!"

2016-10-27, 10:42 PM
Alexander floated up, his own electric thrumming mingling with the slower and more ominous throbbing of the portal. Cautiously, he moved in closer, seeing what might be seen on the other side of the tear.

"Hey guys? You might want to come take a look at this..."

Hyperbolic sine
2016-10-29, 10:00 AM
"Denied. If your mother knows I'm letting you ride dragons without a license, I won't hear the end of it." Ailstair replied to Phoebe, trying to maintain a serious tone.

"...but we can always wait for another one to come out of the portal. They don't seem so tough. *chuckle*" he added, then turned and approached Dynaman and the portal.

"Do you see something?" he asked, in turn looking on the other side himself.

Taking 10 for 20 Perception.

2016-11-02, 12:36 AM

"Erm..." She looked again to her boss' unconscious form.

"He kind of handpicks us for our niche, not our power. He wanted me to scout ahead and make sure nobody was messing with our...with our plan, which I should remind you, was not criminal in any way!"

As she suddenly finds justification, there is a small glimmer of righteousness in her eyes, powerful and scanning like the Hawk. Then it fades.

"Or...I mean we're not hurting anyone. I suppose it's trespass. We might have stolen some of the stuff too. You know, minor stuff."

Everyone Else

It hums and throbs, the portal above the JPL. Every now and then, another crackle of red electricity runs along its length as its opaque display represents a lava-like whirlpool, spinning inward. Its growth has stopped, but there is no sign of it leaving. Looking down and back up again, you see the reality of the situation; like a scar on the Los Angeles skyline, it sheds its light as far as the ground, and the sound will be heard even from there. You may have to face the possibility of this change in the world becoming very long-term.


Something much like a fly, only so needlessly big - moreso than your head. It comes through the portal with not a sound bar its own, unfazed, and turned its molten-red eyes towards you for a moment. It pauses, and then its volcanic wings continue to beat as it moves to trundle off toward the skyline.

2016-11-02, 03:04 AM
"Right, problem is you have me pegged all wrong, I'm not doing this out of any sense of justice, but mostly to make sure that your buddies won't be breaking out anytime soon."

Pressing the call button on his communicator, he says, "Ri, R over to Vanguard, I have Zoo and a couple of animals from his menagerie pretty close to temporary base, over?" he says into it, keeping a watchful eye over the rest.

2016-11-03, 03:11 PM
"Yeah...that's not happening." Dynaman said, as he shot off a bolt of bug-zapping lightning at the retreating "fly."

"Looks like we have a portal here to the Plane of Fire. That answers the question of where Kenta has been siphoning off his "rocket fuel" secretions from. We need containment on this thing, asap."

Not sure if the fly is meant to instigate another full combat, but we certainly can't have dangerous molten creatures running loose in Los Angeles.

Hyperbolic sine
2016-11-04, 11:38 AM
"...Agreed." Harbinger commented; then, with a flick of his wrist, the metal bars that killed the dragon dislodged themselves from the beast's corpse to fly at great speed towards the fiery insect.

Move: Feint at [roll0]
Standard: Attack with Gravitic Railgun at [roll1], crit on 18+, Toughness DC 25+Multiattack vs Damage. If Feint succeeds, also Power Attack (-5 to hit, DC 30+Multiattack).

2016-11-04, 02:35 PM
"I was referring to the portal..."

2016-11-04, 02:48 PM
"Aww-ww..." Phoebe murmured at Harbinger's denial.

Turning her attention to the portal...yeah, she could admit it, she didn't really have much for this. Leaving the fly-swatting to the others, Phoebe cased about before telekinetically grabbing the closest useless object she could find. A stone, or piece of debris, or whatever. She telekinetically guided it into the portal, attempting to maintain her "grip" on it as it went through. If that was possible, she'd wait ten seconds and pull it out.

Her father had taught her the value of the scientific method.

2016-11-05, 12:01 AM
Jet Propulsion Laboratory


It didn't stand a chance. The dead insect's electrified corpse went into freefall towards the ground for just a moment before Alistair's railgun obliterated it into fine paste. Meanwhile, Phoebe's test rock remained in mental contact with her even while submerged and, upon being withdrawn, didn't seem to be negatively affected at all.


She looks at you inquisitively as your radio message doesn't seem to receive a reply. Then her gaze moves to the giant portal that scars the skyline.

"Probably better that you didn't let us get too close."

Well, the drama has been successfully drama'd. I can see some more experimentation with this new tourist attraction might be warranted, but when you guys feel ready to move ahead a bit, let me know and we can assume that everyone gets home and the sundries of the aftermath are dealt with.

Of course, if there's something specific you're wanting to do right now given what's happening, you can feel free to chase that up.

2016-11-05, 06:10 PM
"Of course, they didn't bring theirs, and I'm supposed to be the amature." he grumbled to himself as he secured zoo away from anyone else.

"Smoke? I keep this around just to annoy a friend of mine, but a good a time as any." he says, offering a stick to Owl, squatting next to her, looking at the portal, waiting for the authorities.

Late 60's, practically everyone smoked, only reason he's not is because helmet. Also Timeskip works, offering a smoke seems like a perfect place to end.

2016-11-11, 08:16 PM
The Zoo had an unusual power, even as far as Parahumans went.

It didn't benefit him at all, though his training was such that he was a far cut above any ordinary criminal. But simply by making contact with any human, he could introduce a spark of power into their system that would cause them to violently transform into what was essentially their spirit animal. The exact strength and size of the animal depended on the strength of the person's spirit, and naturally, the variety of beast would draw from their true self. Transformed individuals were dulled, and quite frankly not very bright, but their loyalties and beliefs remained intact. By developing a reputation as a country-wide team of transforming supervillains, Zoo had immortalised his own brand name. Nobody knew that he existed, let alone that as long as he remained free, no amount of arrested Zoo beasts would slow down his operation. The sheer amount of money he could make by throwing any number of super-powered monsters at whatever he wanted to was unimaginable, and few petty criminals out there would refuse to be paid four digits per-job to go on a rampage with free superpowers!

Needless to say, the money-grubbing Australian had carved out his very own niche in completely expendable, super-powered mercenaries who couldn't even be kept in prison. Despite the destructive nature of the beasts you fought, Zoo's organisation was made up of just as many smaller, quieter animals, and as time went on more and more of the United States' seedy mercenary work was being handed off to him. He happened to be a pretty significant investor in the space program, hence his interest in acquiring a good seat to view the rocket launch that would lead to a man landing on the moon. You can't say for sure who exactly paid him to ruin your TV interview, and without making a very convincing case about why you should be allowed to interrogate him for answers, it'll be difficult to ever know if he even was paid or simply acted out of some internal interest. But that didn't matter, because you had just usurped and arrested one of the most dangerous and insidious criminal masterminds of the modern era.

And it didn't even make the news.





For a blemish had been made on the innocent lands of Pasadena. An angrily glowing portal to the Plane of Fire, at least fifty metres across. The government response was swift, if cluttered; police arrived to stare up and point, without any real understanding of what to do. The surrounding residents were quickly evacuated as all at once parts were shipped in, sometimes in the same trucks as the engineers that would install them, and just as well the military began to arrive to replace their police brothers. While no more dragons came through the portal over the next twenty-four hours, many flaming beasts did, and some wouldn't go down with a single zap of lightning. The beloved clock tower, and Zoo's lovingly constructed vantage point, were ruined and used as a vantage point for the riflemen and small-scale artillery that would take first shot against whatever flew out of the spatial anomaly.

In the middle of a network of chaotic and packed roads, astronauts and engineers alike considered how to most efficiently erect some sort of building foundation high enough to smother the portal, and how to make it sturdy enough that a permanent shift of military troops could be positioned inside to kill whatever decided to take a tour of our world. There was beauty, in a way, as no one man knew what to do or what he was doing, and yet humanity as a people came together to solve the new problem they faced. But it was clunky, awkward, and unpolished. If you enjoyed being on Awan's show, you'll love the next few days as you receive a plethora of invites onto talk shows and news stations alike, as an anxious people look to their heroes to explain what's going on.

But amongst the 1960s equivalent of a media outrage, you surely need some sort of downtime. In the midst of everything that's gone wrong, right now, you're taking a day off.

What does that look like for you?

2016-11-13, 12:14 AM
A day off in Los Angeles meant it was time to party with old friends...and the latest starlets, in the Hollywood Hills. The mansion was exquisite, home to one of the producers for Universal, and it was a veritable who's-who of the hottest talent. A liveried butler took his coat before another ushered him across the marble-coated foyer and out into the courtyard. There was Steve McQueen, sunbathing nonchalalantly on floating chaise lounge in the pool. Beyond Sean Connery and Paul Newman sat back sipping their drinks at the tiki bar while surveying the scene like lords of the manner. Meanwhile on the nearby lawn, Elvis Presley held court for a gaggle of giggling young would-be ingenues.

Sitting near the pool, the stunning Sandra Day caught his eye, giving him a coy come-hither while leaning back and crossing her legs. Alexander needed no further invitation, pausing only to order a couple of drinks be sent over.

What a glorious day in Tinseltown.

2016-11-13, 12:45 AM
Phoebe had congratulated Richard when they gathered back up and she found that he had captured the Zoo. She talked it up in her usual idiom, demanding the details of the encounter and then going on to extol them cheerily. But inside, she couldn't help but think. Sure, they had taken out a giant dragon, and that was unquestionably awesome, but Richard had solo'd Zoo and a couple of his goons in a thrilling car chase without actually having a car. That was just...such a Swift thing to do. And he hadn't needed two experienced heroes as backup. Despite her accomplishments, Phoebe still couldn't help but think that Richard had once again outdone her.

Next time, she promised herself.


Phoebe wouldn't say she loved the public appearances, but she wasn't averse to them either. She insisted that the city's heroes, law enforcement, military, and other defenders could certainly deal with the portal. "My mom's been there. It wasn't that bad. Nothing we can't handle!" she had proclaimed on live TV.

Phoebe had had a very long, and very loud, conversation with her mother later that evening...


"Yeah! Go! You got this! You totally got this! YES! YES! GO! GO! No! Wait- Don't let him-! Come on you can still-! No! No! NOOO!!!"

The horses thundered across the finish line, Wild Star coming in two heads behind Sir Lightning. Phoebe let her feet slip out from under her, dropping back into her seat (a bit of her popcorn spilling out of the bag from the jostling) and slumping back with a sigh.

"Truly, one of the great tragedies of the modern age," she lamented to her popcorn. It commiserated silently.

Alright. One more, here we go! she thought, heading up to the counter to place her last bet. She'd come with thirty dollars for betting, had bet twenty-five so far, and counting her winnings, that gave her a solid five dollars for the final race!

(No one ever said you had to be good at something to enjoy it.)

2016-11-13, 02:18 PM
"HOOAH!" he shouts, raising a glass at the squad of off duty Rangers the sudden influx of soldiers to the town the portal's presence wrought. Swift was off on military business and since he only had Secret clearance, was given the day off, neither could he visit his mother in New York, so here he was in a bar drinking admittedly bad to mediocre beer.

"HOOAH! ****! How the **** did you drop out!? You could have been in charge of us!" one of them shouted back.

-Ten Minutes Later-

"So anyway, this *******, runs at me, smashes my arm, breaks it, and cuts me right across here, only reason I don't have a cast is because my boss knew a few Parahumans who could heal. At least I get paid enough to put up with this." he says, opening his shirt and revealing the fading scar from the giant lioness.

****talking with army buddies.

Hyperbolic sine
2016-11-17, 01:03 PM
Apologies for the delay! :smallredface:

What does Harbinger do on an off day? Well, who knows...he is nowhere to be found. In totally unrelated news, an Englishman going by the name of Alistair Quinn had decided that, since he was in LA, he might as well tour the Studios at Hollywood: the various techniques used for special effects were somewhat intriguing, and it was also a nice opportunity to see how 'normal' methods were being woven toghether with Parahuman abilities.

2016-11-27, 08:39 AM

She probably shouldn't have been there. If you investigated later, you'd find that nobody knew who she was. Or, indeed, that she'd been present at all. But regardless, you saw her. Walking not quite towards you nor past you, but at an angle between the two; a strange enough choice of movement that it would be impossible to ignore her as another party-goer. It was a woman in all white, with a very long dress and shoes to match. Her sunhat shaded her face, already concealed by sunglasses, and all you could see was her thinly curved smile. She subtly corrected course in time to walk by you, and as she did so, the barest whisper hit your ears.

"See me inside."

And she's behind you, you can only assume vanished if you don't turn around to check she's still there. Now you're standing on your own as Sandra Day looks over to you, noticing your hesitation. She looks hurt, but who knows whether it's an act or not.



The cry went across the bar as you showed off your new mark. It was pretty rare to hear an epic-scar story from a drunken man in a bar that could be backed up and verified by the existence of an actual epic scar. And yet here you were, quite literally in the flesh. One of your friends opens his mouth to ask a question, but before he can, you're all cut off by the sound of a voice from outside of the group.

"Uhh, Mr. Clayton? Is Mr. Clayton here?"

It was the bartender.

"Ya got a phone call."


The only problem with being a polite, curious Englishman was that people (and, therefore, plothooks) not noticing you was going to happen whether you wanted it to or not. But then again, sometimes people know more about you than you want.

"Uh, excuse me...Mr. Quinn?"

Just a young little postboy. He stands behind you, overalls and all, looking quite out of place in the middle of the Studios. On his side is a satchel full of various documents, and in his hand is a far smaller envelope.

"I have a letter for you. Um, here it is."


Forget all the above nonsense! You have a decision to make. Twelve horses, five dollars, and a single chance at riches.

You've got Hyperno, the zooming blur, at 2:3 odds!
Windbag the wiry is next with a safe 1:2!
Next up is Daddy's Dollars, and she will make you some to the effect of 1:3 odds!
Following on the page is Nearly Perfect, who is slightly dressing up his 1:4 chances!
Flying Trapeze might just live up to his name today, and the bookie puts him at 1:5 if he pulls it off!
Easy Girl marks the halfway point, and comes to put a 1:6 shot on the table!
Furiette starts the hopefuls off at 1:7!
Bathsheba the temptress is offering 1:8 for the greedy!
And the underdogs; Innocence, Inferno, Pandemonium and and Absent offer big wins at 1:9, 1:10, 1:11 and 1:12!

Roll initiative and make your pick!

2016-11-27, 10:38 PM
Phoebe analyzed the options with a keen eye.

Hyperno was right out. Bad enough he had no in his name, but it was a hyper no. Obvious decision. Windbags could talk big, but you could hardly expect them to accomplish things when they mattered. Daddy's Money was obviously owned by a spoiled rich kid who probably didn't have a clue what made a good racehorse (this thought past through Phoebe's mind with neither sarcasm nor irony). Nearly Perfect, though, she kinda liked the cut of his jib. Confident, but not arrogant. Flying Trapeze sounded fun but this was no time for clowning around. She figured people yelling out Easy Girl's name while she was supposed to be running as fast as possible would just be confusing. Furiette would probably be less angry if she won more often. Bathsheba had some sort of mythological name that she wasn't familiar enough with to pass judgment on one way or another. Innocence lacked experience, Inferno sounded like a hot choice, Pandemonium lacked discipline, and Absent she just couldn't trust to show up.

Nodding once to herself, Phoebe slapped her five dollars down on the counter with a challenging stare. "Put it all on Nearly Perfect," she commanded confidently, which may have been a little dramatic the first time she had done it but probably seemed perfunctory at this point. But at least she had foregone the needl- "To win!" ah never mind there she goes.

Initiative: [roll0]. You don't have to be good at something to enjoy it.

2016-11-28, 06:43 AM
"Who the hell," he mutters, getting up.

"Be right back," he then announces, heading over to the phone and answering it, "Hello?" just tipsy enough to find nothing suspicious.

Meet Him Inside (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7-jA8M5_bI)

2016-12-02, 03:46 AM
Well, this was an unexpected turn. Decisions, decisions. On one hand, one of the loveliest starlets in all of Hollywoodland, clearly pleased to see a silver fox like himself. On the other...pure intrigue dressed in white. The choice was clear, but how to handle the pivot with politesse?

"Good to see you again my dear," he said, handing the lovely Miss Day her drink.

"I'd forgotten how much I enjoy the weather here..." he added, taking a sip.

"Anyway, I can't stay long, still dealing with the recent JPL debacle, but I just wanted to make sure you'd be coming to the Beverly Wilshire later. Rumor has it the Beatles are going to be making an appearance at the soiree..."

He continued to make pleasant chit chat for an amount of time deemed to be polite before excusing himself to follow his budding...curiosity. *ahem*

Hyperbolic sine
2016-12-02, 01:09 PM
Alistair looked at the postoby in a sligthly bewildered way, taking the letter. "How did you know I was here, young man?" he asked curiously, looking on the envelope for the sender. He used his real name to register for the tour (why wouldn't he? He has absolutely nothing to hide. He does not even have a faux-Shakespearean speech pattern anymore.), so it wasn't impossible that someone knew, but...the whole thing was a little bit suspicious, you know?

2016-12-04, 11:08 PM

"And it's close, and it's...Unbelievable! Furiette blazes across the line and takes the win with Nearly Perfect in second! And...Oh, folks, I've gotten word that Hyperno's rider has just made it to the tent after his accident at halfway. He seems to have sustained only minor injuries, but his...well, that's preposterous! Friends, I'm being told that Hyperno has escaped the stadium!"

A gasp goes out among the audience.

"In the midst of lunchtime traffic, where could California's fastest horse be headed? Is it safe on the roads?"

And then there were wails of anguish. Hyperno, the winner of last year's world cup, is a local celebrity. Will you, in your misery, allow him to go free? Or shall you make a stand?


"Ah, there you are, ah've been callin' bars across town all day."

The voice, while somewhat crackly over the phone, was still very distinct.

"How'd ya like to do some more work, with the Vanguard this week?"

Not sure how you're going to feel about me piloting James a little, since it seems you're wanting to control him still when he's around, and I'm mostly okay with that as long as it doesn't skew balance. We can redo this a little if you're not happy with it.


She's alone, in the foyer. With the big sunhat, still concealing her face, though that wouldn't matter since she had her back to you anyway. The room was large, looking out onto a front lawn just as grandiose, and light seeped in from countless glass windows. Yet the two of you were all alone here, and from her stance she seemed to be waiting for you. Patiently.


"I, uh..."

He had a strange demeanour. He seemed as confused as you were and perhaps equally nervous, but not exactly afraid of anything besides looking a little strange. You got the sense that, if there were some foul play going on, this fellow wasn't in on it.

"I was told that I would find you...around here. I'm not...the sender wouldn't tell me her name, sir."

2016-12-04, 11:49 PM
"Well, I hope she's happy," Phoebe grumbled into her popcorn.

Oh well, you win some, you lose some. In theory, anyway.

But then the announcement came up. Her popcorn bag was still more than half full, and those salty kernels were pretty much the only thing she had gotten out of the money she had spent today. It's your day off, the popcorn seemed to tell her. This isn't your responsibility. You can totally let it pass you buy. Leave it to someone else to handle. Everything will be fine. Nobody would ever have to know...



"Not just no," Phoebe quietly told the deceptive snack food. "Hyper no!"

She came swiftly to her feet, tossing the treacherous bag behind her without regard to either anyone who might have been sitting there or the clearly-marked and conveniently located waste receptacles. "I've got this!" she called out determinedly, striding into the air and taking off in rapid search of the rogue steed, putting her full power behind her telekinetic stride. Hyperno may have been the fastest horse in the city, but Phoebe could race a car!

2016-12-05, 03:01 AM
"Give me a few hours, some time to sober up before I actually start, what do you need boss?" he replied, scratching his head as he raised another glass the the group went into another cheer over another war story.

Hyperbolic sine
2016-12-08, 11:25 AM
"I see. You Americans have strange customs." Alistair commented. "Well, thanks nonetheless. Have a nice day." he dismissed the postboy, then headed for a quiet corner, pulled out a key and used it as a makeshift paper knife to open the envelope.

2016-12-09, 11:52 PM
Alexander stepped forward, approaching her and leaning back against a nearby mantle, the better to be facing her, and thus get a glimpse of her face beneath her concealing Californian "disguise" via his paranormal vision.

"I can't imagine I'd forget such lovely features," he opened. "Have we met?"

2016-12-13, 08:52 AM

There are screams and yells as you, despite all logic, walk over the seat in front of you and into the air over the stadium. But the shocked exclamations of common citizens quickly become silent as you, Shear, rise skyward and cast your gaze over the landscape! A legend in recent equine history, the loose Hyperno has already made it two blocks away from where he started. Fortunately, unfamiliar with social norms and indeed technically immune to typical pedestrian laws, the beautiful and blonde-furred racer was dashing upon the road as if it were track, making himself very easy to spot for you. Unfortunately, and very rudely, he had chosen to do so on the wrong side of the road!

The valiant beast continued to gallop, either very proud of how far it had come beyond the lesser horses, or perhaps engaging in one of the most audacious escape attempts in the industry. So audacious, in fact, it didn't seem to be aware of the oncoming car, driving towards it in the exact opposite direction! The driver is going too fast to come to a complete stop, and even if he did, he'd have nothing but a thin wall of glass between him and an oncoming horse! You have mere seconds to react.


"Well, actually, ah don't need anythin. Ya remember the stories ah used to tell ya, about Stigma and her lot?"


The letter opens quite easily, and a folded note comes out. Upon it is a message written in beautiful cursive handwriting.

Sir Alistair,

I trust this letter will find you by the end of the week - a lot of money was spent on the men who would make sure of it. Quite recently, in an unfortunate incident, I worked together with you your friends - the Vanguard - to protect the world from a horrible threat. I do not wish to be a burden to you, but the world as we know it is entering into a state that troubles me. Unlike getting these words into your hands, dealing with what is to come is not something that can be done with cheap hirelings. I need professionals. If you will stand with me, then please meet me at the Griffith Observatory this Friday night. Bring the rest of the Vanguard with you - I hope to enlist all of them if I may.


an old friend.

Today, as it happens, is a Friday.


She seemed disappointed, beginning to speak in a voice more audible but still low and subtle.

"...We certainly have. I'd hope you hadn't forgotten."

Her feigned upset turned to a thin smile as Stigma pulled back her own hat, revealing more of her face. She hadn't aged a day.

...Like, literally. Makeup isn't this good - she has not changed, physically.
"It's good to see you again, Alexander."

2016-12-18, 05:34 AM
His paranormal vision meant he recognized her even before she pulled back her hat, even as she spoke, but his surprise momentarily got the best of him as a complex wash of thoughts and emotions flooded through him. He'd long since gotten over her, or so he'd thought. Many women over many years, the maturity and wisdom gained through age and experience, yet seeing her here now, fresh faced as ever having never aged a day, brought him back to the braggadocio and lust for life of his youth. For a moment he felt like a young man again.

"April..." His voice was even-tempered, mellow like the touch of silver gracing his temples, but he couldn't hide a hint of that same surprise and warmth he felt. Not from her. He reached up and touched her cheek gently with the palm of his brawny hand. "Just as stunning as the first day we met. It's...amazing to see you."

Removing his hand, his demeanor shifted, curiosity rising to the surface as he put two and two together.

"I confess, I'd long since given up any hope of seeing you again. But here? Today? Right after a portal ripped open directly to the Plane of Fire in the Imageria? That can't be a coincidence..."

2016-12-18, 05:55 AM
"Yes sir, Where do I go and what do you need done?"

Today we learn the horse is british and drives on the correct side of the road.

2016-12-21, 02:08 PM
Phoebe darted down towards the impending crash, focusing her will. Phoebe's personal control of her telekinetic ability wasn't the very greatest - to really put some oomph behind it, she used her swordplay as a prop. Her control of her weapons better allowed her to control the force of her will, and the blade in her hand was symbolic of focusing her will to a razor edge.

So in a blurring move, she landed between the two and quick-drew one of her swords, an iaijutsu strike that, in addition to looking flashy, helped her find that balance between mind, body, and weapon. The sword was out and back in an instant, and in that instant, a field of telekinetic energy rolled out around her, to hopefully slow the momentum of the horse and car to a harmless stop. Or, if it failed, ensure that as much of the momentum as possible was absorbed by her potent telekinetic armor!

Move: Between the two.

Standard: Telekinetic Protector. Intentionally missing the attack. She, the horse, and the car (and anyone else in 30') are Deflected at 1d10+20. My theory being that a crash like this would essentially function as mutual Slam attacks, so if they fail to beat the Deflect, they're just harmlessly stopped.

Reaction: If that doesn't work, Interpose.

Hyperbolic sine
2017-01-08, 05:48 PM
Apologies! I forgot I had yet to post here. :smallfrown:

Alistair raised an eyebrow. Who could it be that "quite recently" helped them? As much as he thought, he no one came to mind. "Hmm."

The wasn't the worrying thing, though. That person, whoever they were, knew that he and Harbinger were one and the same: whatever the reason, he could not afford this to become a loose end.

Shortly after, a message would reach the rest of the Vanguard's pagers. 2200H, GRIFFITH OBSERV.

2017-01-09, 03:01 AM

She gave a coy little smile, and then her eyes pointed up to one corner.

"Hmm...well, it might be. To a degree."

Stigma spins around and makes a move for the door, signalling for you to follow.

"Have you been paying attention to international affairs, Alex?"


"Do yo know how to get to tha griffith observatory? She wants to see ya there, tonight."


Beast and machine alike are forced to an instant and painless halt on either side of you as your telekinetic abilities slow and halt them in an instant! At once you hear the cries of a shocked but relieved driver, and the whinny of a horse that was presumably already in a state of confusion before this happened. Before you can begin to translate between the two parties, your pager buzzes.

Might go one more round with Alex, but other than that, do you guys want to timeskip to the observatory tonight?

2017-01-09, 12:22 PM
Phoebe checked her pager briefly, nodded, gave the driver a thumbs-up, and then looked to the horse.

Taking Hyperno by either the reins (if he was wearing them) or the mane (if not), she stepped in front of the horse, gazing into his eyes and-

No, wait, that was improperly characterized. She met his eyes, sure, but the look she gave was not one of empathy or affection. It was a stern glare.

Wordlessly, she pointed back in the direction of the track, holding the glare for a couple seconds.

And then she led Hyperno back in that direction. And he had better follow!

Intimidation (-10 for animal subject): [roll0].

And I think this may be the first time ever that the Animal Empathy advantage would have possibly been useful to me. So, well done. :smallamused:

And yeah, I'm good to timeskip.

2017-01-10, 08:39 PM
"Well, to be fair the last few days have been rather eventful here," he answered, pacing up beside her. "What did I miss?"

2017-01-17, 08:00 PM
"Got it," he replied over the telephone, hanging up.

Small post for timeskip!

2017-02-15, 05:24 AM


You're on the driveway now, heading towards a car that looks brand new despite being the model being at least ten years old. Its design is faintly Japanese.

"A few things. I'll explain in a moment."


Hyperno was an arrogant beast. Born with superior speed and never going too far without the praise of its rider, it wore an ego too large and too clunky for an equine racer. For a moment its eyes met yours, but for such an overconfident animal, it seemed to recognise superiority - its gaze fell. When you turned to head back to the stadium, Hyperno followed with an indignant but defeated trot, its light steps accented by that heavy snorting exhalation that horses did. Indeed, you manage to lead the horse all the way back home, your return being met with the cheers and adoration of a stadium full of horse racing fans!


Even under the darkness of night, the Griffith Observatory is quite a fantastic building. Sitting atop a crest looking over the city, its large dome rooftops make a powerful backdrop against the lights of Los Angeles. You all meet at Alistair's chosen time, an hour before closing, outside the doors. Before the white-and-brown walls and rooftops, you are alone - you weren't given a specific meeting spot, but if there is one, it doesn't seem to be outside the building.

Hyperbolic sine
2017-02-15, 04:51 PM
Given that it wasn't closing time yet, Alistair had enveloped all the members of the Vanguard in his lightbending field - wouldn't want to cause unnecessary panic.

"Long story short, a self-proclaimed 'old friend' of ours apparently has a task for us. I have a few guesses at who they might be, and given the timing I'd be suprised should the task be unrelated to the Imageria portal...but it could also be a trap, so eyes open. Do you see anything strange, Sasha?"

2017-02-16, 08:41 PM
A pristine yet older sedan of vaguely Japanese make rolled up into the parking lot. Lo and behold but from within emerged none other than Stigma herself! Accompanying her, and equally dashingly dressed was Alexander (the name he'd been going by since reinventing himself as an American film star); apparently the two had just arrived from some sort of Hollywood fete.

"The plot thickens." he said, smiling as he stepped up to the others, and presenting their long lost immortal friend.

At Alistair's (was he in his costumed guise?) request, the dymanic Dynaman scanned the interior of the famous art deco landmark...

2017-02-18, 01:19 AM
"No, no it doesn't," he mutters, not wearing his gear as he leans on a wall of the observatory, duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

"So what's the situation?" he then asks standing up straight, almost at attention.

2017-02-18, 02:58 AM
Phoebe kinda tilted her head as Alex arrived with a woman in tow. Now, Phoebe knew of Stigma, sure. But obviously, they'd never met. "Uh, who's your friend, Alex?" she asked, not entirely sure why someone who she took to basically be a random woman had been brought along on Official Vanguard BusinessTM.

Hyperbolic sine
2017-02-18, 10:07 AM
Alistair's eyes widened under his mask (yes, he was wearing his guise) at the sight of the woman, but he was more surprised as to how she arrived than of the fact she was there.

"Ah, April. Untouched by age, as always." he greeted her, before turning to Phoebe. "Phoebe, this is Stigma, I'm sure your mother has told you about her. Stigma, this is Sarah's and David's daughter. She goes by Shear."

2017-02-19, 07:54 AM
Stigma regards Alistair with a wide smile as she approaches beside Dynaman, scanning over the group of you.

In response to Richard's question she turns to him, but doesn't seem poised to immediately answer.

"Hello," she says cautiously, sweeping over you all once more. She remains silent as Phoebe and Alistair have their exchange, and then she shakes her head.

"I'm sorry. I was looking to gather the Vanguard. I was willing to accept one replacement," she nodded to Richard, "but the expertise of Sarah was quite critical. Is she no longer a part of the group?"

She eyes Phoebe down, a curious but also suspicious look on her face.

2017-02-19, 04:43 PM
"Bossman's pushing 70, I don't think he's in any condition to fight."

"She's her kid and despite being annoying, she's still a member of Vanguard, So what needs to be done?" he replies, limbering up.

2017-02-19, 05:13 PM
Phoebe smiled when Alistair introduced Stigma.

Her smile became brittle at Stigma's response.

Being underestimated was bad enough, but the worst, the absolute worst, was Stigma's apparent acceptance of Richard. So he was an acceptable replacement for James Flipping Swift, of all people, but Stigma didn't believe that she could live up to her mother's legacy?

She shot Richard a glare as he spoke up. One might assume it was for the "annoying" crack, and yeah, she'd probably play it off like that, but the truth was? She couldn't help but feel his standing up for her like that exacerbated Stigma's statement. They were both newcomers to the Vanguard, but his saying she had a right to be there still kinda came off as elevating his authority in the group over her own. It wasn't rational, but it was how she felt anyway.

She kept her fuming...mostly inside, though. When she spoke, there was definitely an uncharacteristic tension behind her voice, but she still projected her usual unshakable self-confidence. Or bravado. Whichever. "Don't you worry about a thing. Anything my Mom could do, I can handle. I'm a way more powerful telekinetic than her!"

2017-02-21, 08:41 AM
"Seventy? Well, now I'm very glad I called-" she was cut off by Phoebe.

The telekinetic had no idea what a normal look from Stigma was like, but as the older woman's eyes drew to hers, this one was very different from the last; piercing. Quite strong, in fact, and for a moment you almost felt that damn Hawk staring into your soul again. Then all of a sudden Stigma's face was completely relaxed.

"Well, I didn't mean to make a fuss. I didn't know that you were on some sort of rotation. If some of the original team are too old to continue, then how come..."

For a moment she glanced to Harbinger and Dynaman, then she shook her head.

"I haven't meant to offend, and yet I have, so perhaps I should stop gambling with words and show you what I've come to show you. I've booked out a certain room - come along! Use your concealing power if you wish, but I assure you, the place is quite empty at this time of night."

With that she begins to move towards the front door, a slow and relaxed pace as she smiles and gestures for all of you to follow.

2017-02-21, 02:30 PM
Phoebe met Stigma's stare without a flinch or a qualm. She didn't turn on her own glare, but matched her gaze resolutely. Phoebe Cooper was not one to back down from a stare down.

"Oh, trust me, Mom's not 'too old'," she said, lightly enough, although still with a bit of brittle tension in her voice. Phoebe and her mother may have had their differences, certainly regarding their opinions on just how ready Phoebe was for this sort of thing, but while she might never admit it out loud, her Mom was still her role model, and she would challenge any suggestion that she might not be able to casually pump a few dozen bullets into any supervillain she cared to. From a hundred yards away. While facing the opposite direction. "She's just busy with other stuff these days."

At Stigma's last statement, she answered, "Apology accepted." She probably thought it was polite, anyway. "Sure! Let's see what you've got!" she added as she followed along.

2017-02-21, 05:04 PM
"Not all of us have the gift of immortality..." Alexander chided his old flame. "While it's slowed the aging process in some of us, it hasn't prevented a bit of salt-and-pepper from creeping in." he added. "Others have had to pass on their mantles. Now...let's see to what do we owe the pleasure of your renewed acquaintance." Seeing her again brought back many old memories, and stirred up old feelings, but he was not quite the brash young man of his youth. He'd loved and lost a few times over, and so held a new sympathy for what weariness and heartache the centuries must have wrought for her. It was amazing she was able to be as unjaded as she seemed.

2017-02-23, 06:06 AM
"Yes, indeed, I best show you what I have in store."

By now you were at the front doors, and crossing the border into the building proper. The main room of the Griffith Observatory was accented by a great ceiling monument, and featured large rectangular doorways leading down several other corridors. With no patience for those who would slow down and appreciate the beauty, Stigma continued to lead you swiftly over the floor, down a hall and through another.

Pretty soon the lot of you ended up in a small and round room, quite secluded in comparison to the open spaces and flowing halls of the installation. In here, as she closed the door behind you, you saw the only object within was a large round table. Only, the entire topside of it clearly wasn't meant to be touched or rested on in any way, but it was in fact a very large and quite accurate scale map of Earth, clearly done on canvas. A few metres across, at a glance it seemed to include more or less every major location that could be made to fit, and beside the table is a long shaft of wood not unlike a pool cue, that seems to be for pointing.

Stigma takes the pointing staff, nodding to all of you as she signals for you to gather around the display.

"So, this is our world. Spots of horrible tragedy here and there, but usually, it exists in a delicate sort of...well, peace, I suppose."

Her hand tilts and she points the tip of the staff down, onto the Americas.

"And this is us. Does anybody happen to know what the people of America have been chatting about for the last few days now?"

2017-02-23, 02:54 PM
"The gays? the literal flaming portal to hell right over cape canaveral?" he replied, a little impatient sounding.


Richard's mind right now.

2017-02-23, 02:59 PM
"Those cute little paper dresses that Scott Paper's been selling for- that was my second guess."

2017-02-23, 05:08 PM
"The gays? the literal flaming portal to hell right over cape canaveral?" he replied, a little impatient sounding.


Richard's mind right now.

"Technically the Elemental Plane of Fire," Alexander corrected. "Not hell."

Hyperbolic sine
2017-02-24, 01:05 PM
"Then Hell is definitely a place I don't want to visit." Alistair remarked.

2017-02-24, 07:34 PM
"Mm, indeed, a portal to the Elemental Plane of Fire." Stigma nodded to herself.

"That's...troublesome, as much as the people have dealt with it fairly well. But what scares me more are the political implications." She taps twice on the Americas.

"People are wanting to put your kind away. Not all of them, mind, but a few. And the more these horrible things happen, the worse it gets. I know that you're good people, doing good things. Everyone who's done their research knows that the good outweighs the bad, but we're surrounded by a new sort of paranoia. Perhaps pride, too. Being a normal human surrounded by these new Parahumans must create some sort of jealousy. Needless to say, this...portal...has added...well, it's added fuel to the fire."

The catastrophe at Pasadena has drastically affected the United States as a whole, causing a 20% shift in view. After your work in the interview, it is now currently resting at 42% Freedom, 58% Safety.

"But not just here." She tapped the stick on several other countries, all throughout the world. "Everyone is arguing, and coming up with different points. I've seen this before - it's like a sort of social cement. Now, today, it's malleable and wet. With your influence, all you have to do is touch it, and it will be massively changed. But pretty soon it will set. And then all of a sudden it doesn't matter what you do - you can destroy it, sure, but you can't change it anymore. Before it sets, I want to make sure it's where it should be."

The honeymoon period is over, and now the world has to figure out how it's going to move on with these new individuals. Even if you say Freedom is undeniably the 'right' way to go, there are many things that are 'right' that seem to get lost somewhere in government bureaucracy. Perhaps Safety is less about keeping safe, and more about keeping the Power. How these scores end up at the end of this age will drastically affect the setting and culture of the final age, and it will be much more difficult to change them at that time.

"I trust you to do the right thing, but no amount of raw force will deal with this issue - it needs to be applied in the right areas. I've researched, and I've found the areas around the world where the debate is most heated, and where you will have to apply your skills."

She paused for a moment.

"I'm asking you to leave your home, and for just a little while, to take the role of an international task force. The world as a whole may not appreciate it, but together we can still save this. Are you interested, Vanguard?"

2017-02-24, 09:03 PM
"An international task force...isn't that what we always were?" Alexander replied, both matter-of-fact, and musing. "Granted, the world seems more complex than World War 2. Back then evil seemed so easy to recognize. These days it seems to have grown more subtle."

He rubbed his chin.

"The Vanguard will always answer the call, of course April. However there is still the matter of that portal to deal with...it doesn't seem to be closing on it's own. Now clearly I'm no magus, but connecting the dots it would seem that Kenta's power of fuel generation was actually drawing power from the planes. Is there a way to seal the hole that the JPL unwittingly opened? Has there ever been a breach of this kind before that you can recall?"

2017-02-25, 06:24 AM
"Not today, Alex. The same politics that forced you into action are now keeping you restrained, I fear. Thirty years ago we all could have swooped on to a battlefield, laid waste to the enemy forces, and come home to cheers and whistles. Now there are warrants, and investigations, and such. That is what we come home to. And more than subtle, evil is ubiquitous. Every land I need to talk to you about, none of them are enemies of the common good. But they have forces within them that might be. It's all a bit of a mess, to be clear."

She shook her head.

"The portal is a natural disaster. If Parahumans deal with every natural disaster, everyday people will forget how to take care of them. And if you've been watching, they have been taking care of this one. Not perfectly, but they've been doing their best, and it's getting somewhere. I'm not forcing anyone into this job, so...I can hardly force you not to go and investigate or think about dealing with this portal. But nobody's died, have they? Despite the tragic political ramifications, I don't think there's a huge amount of physical danger coming from this portal's existence. Hmm...this is the fellow whose blood they were using as part of the ship, yes? I haven't heard of anything like that, but I have met some unusual individuals in my time. After a while, you start to think of Parahumans a bit differently. If his biochemical makeup happened to contain molecules that worked really well in a fuel reaction, and also happened to trigger some sort of rift into the Imageria, that would be very far from the most wild abilities I'd seen."

2017-02-25, 03:04 PM
"You don't consider a fire-breathing dragon to be a physical danger?" Alexander asked. "I suppose the local military and parahuman teams can probably handle it. In any case, why don't you tell us a bit more about the operations you are proposing...what do you believe is the most pressing business to attend to?"

2017-02-25, 08:03 PM
"....well then, given the situation, I have two questions, where's our first deployment, and what's the briefing, ma'am." he replied, giving a salute to her.

Hyperbolic sine
2017-02-28, 01:52 PM
"The right thing. Well, we all have our opinions on what is the 'right thing'." Alistair commented, thinking back at the interview.

"But, anyway, let me ask you something, Stigma. Are you hiring us on behalf of a government? An international organisation? Or, this time, you are on your own?"

2017-03-02, 07:27 AM
"It's just me," she says to Alistair. "I'm good at learning things, and I have contacts who are even better. But no, I suppose you are the organisation I'm trying to tie myself to now. I'm not your boss. I'm not going to tell you what to do. But I'm going to tell you the situation as my research has revealed it, and you can do with that what you will."

She draws down the map, pointing at a land you all recognised as Vietnam.

"I don't know what people have told you, but the Vietnam War right now is the primary source of debate over Parahumans in combat situations. It was in a dangerous sort of stagnation, but a few days ago something happened. A United States army camp was overrun in the middle of the night by Parahumans - the huge impact crater where one of them arrived confirms it, and no military weapon can cut people so perfectly as the bodies that have been found. These individuals were right about to engage in battle to take a critical piece of land. They were obliterated the night before in an act that completely breaks any boundaries set by the rest of wartime - these weren't just officers and soldiers, but also a very large number of nurses, support staff, and so on. Killing them is certainly a war crime, and although both sides are doing their best to keep it contained, someone's about to snap. If the Americans strike back in a similar way, "

Constantly seeing Parahumans engage with and take apart dozens of soldiers, whether they're on their side or not, has been pretty traumatising for the people of Vietnam. The land currently rests at 80% Safety, 20% Freedom, for their definitions of Safety and Freedom are quite different to ours in this time.

Then she moves the stick further down, and now it's pointing at the country of Australia.

"This is a new one. I hear you helped recently in taking down the Zoo, an Australian parahuman operating in the United States and masquerading as an entire criminal network by himself. He was far craftier than you'd think, for such a character - he barely carries any money. He seemed to be investing it all in something under the table, back in his home country. I know that some American agents were there for the last few weeks investigating it, and supposedly they contact central intelligence three days ago regarding some sort of...drug lab. Something to do with artificial parahuman abilities. My contact quoted the name NOX-92, whatever that could be. Attempts to contact back since then have apparently been fruitless. It could be nothing, but...if it is something, and word gets out about parahuman drugs, I guarantee you it's going to be one more storm on the horizon."

Australia takes after American culture, but they've a laid-back bunch, and aren't as panicked about the portal. They rest at 54% Freedom, 46% Safety. Who knows what a freaky conspiracy like this could to worldwide numbers.

She smiles.

"Next, there's something going on in France." She points up to it on the map.

"Actually, Alain called me to talk about this. There was a riot in Paris last week. I don't know if you read the paper, but last week somebody...stole the Eiffel Tower. Some strength-and-flight type, who decided he was going to bring it to his lover to impress her. For what it's worth, I hear it worked. But when he tried to put it back, he found he'd done too much damage - it wouldn't just plug back into the cement. So before the sun came up he left it lying halfway in a river somewhere. There's...a lot of outrage over this. I know it's just cultural, but culture is important, especially to the french. And what's worse is, this lover boy hasn't fled - he's still living in the same apartment, and seems to be quite ready to face whoever is mad at him. The last thing the world needs is a parahuman smacking dozens of citizens around in the town square. The press will get all over it."

France, and Paris in particular, is sitting at 60% Safety, 40% Freedom. This is viable to re-balance itself over the next few days if all goes well, but who knows what could happen.

For the next one, she almost seems to hesitate a bit.

"Japan. I was just there myself, and...there's a war starting. I saw it brewing myself, and ultimately, I think...I think this is why I came to you all. One of the fighters is Ren. He's a mercenary's son, and a very pragmatic man - at first he himself was a mercenary, but now that he's older, he...he runs a corporation. He hires and commands Parahuman soldiers wherever he can, using their supernatural powers to create one of the most effective and versatile mercenary forces in the world. It's all underground, of course - people not in the know mostly don't even realise that such a thing is going on, and those who do have no idea where in Japan to look for him. Somebody's finally standing up to him, but...well, he's a parahuman too. Ishan, he controls fire. He lost his...he lost his father in an attack by Ren's people. Ishan was furious about what happened, and he decided to raise up an army to stop Ren's business, but he did it it an...awkward way. He played on the sympathy of regular people, and with some clever words, he's slowly raised up an underground militia of non-parahumans to take on the parahumans. They have numbers, of course, but many of them are going to die. And...well, neither of these sides can find each other, so they mostly fight by trying to destroy people or places that are dear to each other. And because of how it's been orchestrated, if it were to become public, it would seem to Japan and the world to be a sort of parahuman-on-human conflict. That's going to cause all sorts of upset.The situation has been escalated drastically across the entire country, and I just know it's going to get very bad soon."

Torn between sides, Japan rests at 50% Safety, 50% Freedom.

Stigma struggles to talk through this one. She seems more emotionally invested in it all than she would have you think.

"And now, I'm sorry about this, but the last one is Germany. After the last war, this country is still a geographical boiling pot - who knows what might happen. Just four days ago, a travelling musician was murdered. He was a controversial figure - I'm told he sung songs of the wartime. Especially about battles between Parahumans on either sides. There was a song he sung, in fact, about the Vanguard and some of your battles. Slightly tilted in Germany's favour, but perhaps a bit too honest. In the middle of his verse, I'm told, out of nowhere he was shot with something that caused him to explode in a fireball. The killer was never found, and it's created problems. The same people unusual enough to be fans of such a character were the ones aggressive enough to make a stink about his death. The attacker, they say, clearly had to be parahuman. Now there's a number of anti-German, anti-parahuman peoples in Germany demanding justice. And, thus, a lot of offended parahumans wanting to do something about them. I guess it's more of a hunch, but...I'm worried about these guys, I suppose. Might be best to wait and see how this one plays out."

Germany is at 70% Safety, 30% Freedom, with liberal and ambition types held back by a sort of post-war anxiety. They're beginning to feel oppressed, however, and who knows who might rise up.

She stops and draws back, nodding to herself.

"And that's the whole of them. The rest of the world is quiet, or waiting for another country to show them what to do. I feel that whatever happens in these places over the next few weeks will determine what happens to our world at large. What do you say, Vanguard? Want to jump in somewhere?"

2017-03-02, 07:47 AM
"Nam, we can't handle it right now, I've been there, it's a meatgrinder, a do or die for any team and in our condition, I think we're at die. Plus, you already mentioned Nam to bossman, he'll probably pull some strings to try to keep the counterattack down. Australia, Germany and Paris? right now they're policing issues, internal affairs, the Vanguard swooping in and interfering, national sovereignty is a thing, we have a pretty good chance at making things worse. That leaves Japan, secret war, perfect, we're not interfering in anything loud or public, nor are we running right into a combat zone, I think it's a damned near perfect shakedown." he mulled aloud.

Hyperbolic sine
2017-03-02, 08:49 AM
Routining Insight for 20.

"Ren? Ren is?" Alistair asked, surprised. "Well, I suppose it has been 20 years...this really drives it home, does it not?" he mused with a sigh, then fell silent to weigh the varous options.

"I...I think we ought to prioritise Australia." he then says, his tone almost sounding apologetic. "If that drug spreads, it won't be among the well-intentioned...the situation would exponentially get worse. We can't afford that."

2017-03-02, 09:14 AM
"we've already seen the effect of that drug, Zoo 2.0, bigger and badder, and given what we know of him, that drugs going to stay contained, production will be a single lab, can't produce /that/ much."

2017-03-02, 03:21 PM
Phoebe listened studiously to everything Stigma was saying, nodding along as she considered the threats at hand, the fragile state of the world's geopolitical situation, the potential repercussions on parahuman life that could extend decades down the line, the relative threat to lives and livelihoods presented by each situation, the-

"Yeah, I vote Japan first. It's clearly the most awesome one. Small team of elite parahumans join a ragtag band of common people to defeat an overwhelming force of mercenary super-soldiers. I'd watch that movie."

...Okay, this whole "priorities" thing was kinda new to Phoebe.

In other news, she was sure she knew the name Ren from somewhere, but she was apparently too busy imagining the movie in her head to think of from where. It probably wasn't important.

2017-03-04, 04:56 AM
When Alistair brings it up, Stigma seems stung.

"I...was hoping you wouldn't remember. Yes, my son Ren."

Then she frowns at Phoebe's remark.

"This isn't a-!" She sniffs.

"This isn't a joke. And it's not as simple as a war. I was...hoping you could act neutrally."

Hyperbolic sine
2017-03-04, 11:23 AM
Alistair gave a stern, admonishing look to Phoebe.

"War is not 'awesome'. We are not in a movie: lives are at stake for real, and there is no 'good side' or 'bad side'. Only misguided ends, and misguided means." he scolded her - quite a rare sight - then turned to Stigma. "Forgive her. She could not know."

"So..." he started asking her, hesitantly. "No, nevermind." Best to ask about Ren in private.

"Still, I insist on Australia. By the time we can solve the situation in Japan, the drug might have spread a lot further; on the contrary, it will not take us much time to deal with a single lab. There are certainly no guarantees that it won't be 'commercialised' as other drugs, especially now that Zoo is out of the equation...what if it gets in the hands of someone who holds a grudge towards society? Or the school's bully? Or, God forbid, the bullied kid who dreams of making his tormentors suffer thousandfold?"

2017-03-04, 11:16 PM
"Commercialisation? Of metahuman powers? You and I both know that Metahuman powers are near impossible to copy, if NASA couldn't do it, I'm not worried about a drug without a nation state behind it."

2017-03-05, 02:12 PM
Oh. Right. That's where she had heard the name Ren from.

Phoebe bit her lip. That...okay, yeah, she had stuck her foot in her mouth there. She didn't even argue - or even glare - as Alistair chewed her out (and Phoebe just taking criticism without getting a shot or two of her own in was pretty much as rare as Alistair scolding her). Yeah, she had nothing for that one.

"Sorry," she said quietly, chastised. She went back over the events Stigma had talked about in her head, taking them more seriously. Even so, her conclusion was more-or-less the same. "I mean, I'm not sure the word 'impossible' should even still be in the lexicon, but even so, I still feel like Japan's the most important place we can go. It's like, yeah, if someone can mass-produce powers, that's a big deal, but it's still uncertain if it's even a thing, and even if it is a thing, more people having powers isn't inherently good or bad. They can be used to do terrible things, sure, but they can also be used to help people. I'm not saying it's not worth looking into, but I feel like this war in Japan is putting the most lives in immediate peril. The political, cultural, and scientific concerns are important, sure, but I don't think they're as immediately important as peoples' lives."

Hyperbolic sine
2017-03-06, 12:07 PM
"Are they, Richard? Once people considered flying impossible...and now we have such airplanes as the B-52 or the Vulcan, for instance." Alistair retorted, but then exhaled and raised his hands in surrender. "This is no dictatorship, though. So...Stigma, what else can you tell us about the situation in Japan? Do you know where either faction's main base is?"

2017-03-12, 04:10 AM
Alexander had been very quiet, listening to the debate. Finally he spoke.

"I agree that Vietnam, and France are out of our jurisdiction, if we even still have any. Unless they directly ask for our help, we shouldn't get involved. That said, I'm going to speak to my connections in the Pentagon, try and advise the US from doing anything rash overseas."

He sighed.

"April...what are your thoughts on Japan? We are talking about your son after all...if we intervene, what outcome are you hoping for? Are you asking us to capture him? Couldn't you just speak with him?"

2017-03-13, 06:27 PM
"I shouldn't let my feelings be involved. But if you all think Japan is a good place to start, I'd like that. I...hmm."

"Right now the fighting is still private, and I don't know if anyone even has a base. When Ren first started with this enterprise, we were on speaking terms. I'd never been that happy with him taking after his mercenary. He kept insisting it was just money..." She shook her head.

"I don't know where I went wrong. I was handling a few things at once, I...should've spent more time with him."

"The main priority is...the main priority is to stop that conflict. I doubt the Vanguard would be happy to leave either group still functioning, but at the end of the day, stopping one of them from striking against the other would stop the potential disaster. Just do what you do best." Stopping for a moment, she looks over the whole group.

"So that's it then? You want to go to Japan?"

2017-03-14, 07:55 PM
"Yes, that seems like a plan we can work with, Go to Japan, ear to the ground, try to sniff out the groups?"

2017-03-15, 04:17 PM
Alexander frowned. "We can go to Japan...if word gets out about parahuman mercenaries, things are only going to escalate further. I fear theat there may be no good possible outcome in this situation however."

He put a hand on Stigma's shoulder. "That said...April...how you feel is important. He is your son, and after all we went through to protect him. Maybe he will listen to us...to you. Will you come with us?"

2017-03-17, 03:30 PM
"Yeah, works for me!"

2017-03-17, 09:05 PM
She nods.

"I don't want to be...overly involved. I made my effort already. If I had some influence over there, I wouldn't have come here; I would've dealt with my own issue first if I felt I could. I'll come with you, and I can help with travel if need be, but I'm your intelligence. Not your backup."

She looks around the group.

"...Do you need help with travel?"

2017-03-18, 09:21 AM
"Heh, don't throw the spook into a firefight, yeah I do at the very least, shall we begin?"

Timeskip? Lets do the timeskip

2017-03-18, 06:41 PM
"That would be appreciated. I filmed in Japan once, but it's been awhile. Travel, best places to stay these days, and of course, the best places to eat."

Hyperbolic sine
2017-03-20, 04:30 PM
"Transportation will not be an issue, unless someone is opposed to traveling via wormholes. However...communication might be. Does anyone besides April know Japanese? I certainly do not."

Ready to timeskip whenever. As a side note, Alistair's portal are big enough to fit a car if someone wants to bring theirs along :smallbiggrin:

2017-03-20, 05:30 PM
"I'm good with wormholes! ...Japanese not so much. Although I've always found that for communicating certain concepts, a firm glare is truly a universal language!" Phoebe said, probably mostly joking on that last part. Maybe.

Timeskipping cool by me too.

2017-03-21, 06:06 AM
I'm happy to timeskip you, but keep in mind you can Teleport right over to Japan, and it's currently afternoon there. So really you can just...spaceskip to the next scene, I suppose. I don't think there's a law against opening a wormhole in an observatory.

Stigma nodded to Phoebe. "So is the presence of the Vanguard, I suppose. My support will include dealing with lodging and supplies, so don't worry about being unable to navigate. And you won't have to walk too far to meet an English speaker anyway."

"And regardless of that, I'm not sending you in blind. I mean, you need leads, right? I wouldn't put it past you not to need them, actually. There are two off the top of my head - the first is Seto. That's where Ren grew into an adult, and it's where he stayed at first, after he moved out. He was living in that same penthouse of his up until about a year ago, and he still owns it - but I never catch him there. Who knows? Maybe something you find there will help you track him."

"And then there's Tsushima. Lovely city, and not too far away. There's a shrine there, the Nigemitama, where travellers stop to rest - Ren seemed to love it when he was a tiny little boy. Anyway, when I did last speak to him, he said something about sending men to Tsushima. There was something there he needed to accomplish. I suppose it was something to do with Ishan's men, or a base for them. But, well, I don't know. Sorry, I know it's vague."

2017-03-22, 11:25 AM
"Tsushima, we may want to find him but drawing his attention seems to be the better choice, go up head on, force him to come to us."

He's acting on his prejudice against mercs, Bunch of money hungry idiots who don't know how to fight.

2017-03-22, 09:36 PM
The whole "planning" thing wasn't exactly Phoebe's strongest suit, but that sounded reasonable to her. "No arguments here."

2017-03-22, 10:45 PM
"How long has it been since you spoke to him?" Alexander asked. "He may have already finished his business in Tsuishima by now. I say we visit Seto, and try to get a better understanding of the man and his motivations before we charge in guns blazing. That way, we may not even have to, but if it does come to that, we'll be better informed..."

2017-03-27, 03:44 AM
"A few weeks ago now. I wasn't going to stay and let it all play out while I watched and waited for someone to come and help. And guerilla attacks like this don't usually just get planned and go off overnight, though you could be right. Ultimately, it's up to the four of you."

Of course. Well, figure out what you want, and I'll go ahead and set that scene for you all.

2017-03-27, 08:16 AM
"I'm still for Tsuhima with the new information, you guys?"

2017-03-31, 10:43 PM
"Yeah, ok," the dynamic Dynaman replied. "If we happen to catch him in the act so much the better, and if not we can always investigate Seto after."

2017-04-03, 02:21 PM
"Sounds like a plan!"

2017-04-04, 12:13 AM

Alistair's portal opens, and the five of you are looking out into the streets of Tsushima.

Or rather, a street. At this time of day, it might not have been wise to pop out into the middle of town, even if it wasn't that big - you were out in a less populated zone, and stepping through the wormhole, you found yourselves on a road that didn't look too different from what you were used to. Maybe such a quiet place would be unusual, though - the sleepy little Tsushima was a lot smaller than California, and there wasn't a soul in sight down the suburban street as you looked about.

If Ren's mercenaries are currently on a mission here, you certainly can't see them. Behind you, all of a sudden, Stigma doesn't seem to mind. A smile forms across her face.

"It's still just as beautiful," she said, her gaze briefly moving over the buildings and the trees.

Hyperbolic sine
2017-04-05, 02:17 AM
"Hmm. This is a lot less...exotic than I expected." Alistair commented, looking around.

"Anyways, I see or hear no battle. Where do we begin?"

2017-04-05, 09:41 AM
"We're going to have to start by getting a base of operations, Stigma, any specific location you have in mind? I don't have a map of the city, you probably know this place better, we need a Centralised location, easy access to most of the city."

2017-04-05, 01:23 PM
Phoebe looked around the sleepy town with interest. It wasn't her first time out of the country - she'd been to the UK several times of course, and had seen a fair few European countries. First time outside of either the U.S. or Europe,
though. "Maybe we should go exploring!" she suggested a bit excitedly, as the part of her brain dedicated to filtering her thoughts once again set its +2 initiative bonus up against the +20 of her mouth to predictable results.
But upon realizing the "let's go exploring" isn't a super-efficient plan of action and they kinda had a mission here, she amended, "Or maybe we should check out that shrine? If Ren used to like it he might have at least visited there. And religious sites are community gathering places, so if something dangerous is going on there's probably be people there to talk to."

2017-04-09, 12:45 AM
Stepping through the portal, Alexander took a deep inhale of the island air. He'd filmed a spa thriller in Japan once years ago, and a wave of nostalgia washed over him along with the light breeze.

"I'd say we should try and keep a low profile, but that's probably impossible. In Japan they have a saying, 'the nail that sticks up gets hammered down, and as obvious gaijin, we're going to stick out quite a bit. Perhaps we should observe from within Harbinger's cloak..."

Hyperbolic sine
2017-04-10, 04:20 AM
"I suppose we do stick out." Alistair commented, extending the light-bending cloak over the group.

"Though I do not think wandering aimlessly around the city will be very productive. Stigma, what exactly is this trouble you were speaking of? Any little detail could be a lead."

2017-04-12, 06:07 AM
"The expectation always exceeds what the world can provide," she nodded to Alistair. "But there is beauty here."

"If you don't want to portal back, I have a small little property in town. Not exactly in the centre, mind, but not too out of the way. I would definitely recommend having a look at the Nigemitama Shrine, and also continuing under a cloak...likely a good starting plan."

"Trouble, Harbinger? Besides whatever could potentially be brewing here, I'm not sure what you mean. Unless I'm forgetting my own words again."

Hyperbolic sine
2017-04-12, 07:04 AM
"That indeed. What I mean is, is it just a hunch or do you have concrete bases for your suspicion? Excessive movement of people and/or material, for instance."