View Full Version : Star Lake city episode 1: Heroes Assemble!!

2016-03-15, 12:00 PM
Star Lake City - 2016

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c142/Protheuz/GIFT-City-Illustration-Property-of-GIFT-1_zps5dmkqzji.jpg (http://s26.photobucket.com/user/Protheuz/media/GIFT-City-Illustration-Property-of-GIFT-1_zps5dmkqzji.jpg.html)

Star Lake city. A beacon of hope in midst of the technological standstill of the last years.
Of each 10 major breakthroughs, 8 came from research facilities around this city.
But where the light is big, the shadow grows biggest.
The underground is home of some of the more brutal and organized syndicates of the country have and arm, and strangely co-exist.
Felltech, the large “green tech” company, owned by the largely known entrepreneur Rohan Fell, is on the verge of a magnificent discovery that can change how we face travelling.
T3, Wired and all tech magazines speak of a revolutionary Bullet Train capable of speeds greater than any commercial plain. Rumors speak of some kind of wormhole engine or teleportation inducer.
Rumors also speak of the price that technology could achieve in the black market, and of the military applications it could have if they were true.


March 2016

​http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c142/Protheuz/business_woman_by_russellweefs-d81jg4m_zpsnxzbhzbh.jpg (http://s26.photobucket.com/user/Protheuz/media/business_woman_by_russellweefs-d81jg4m_zpsnxzbhzbh.jpg.html)
In the midst of the night you are contacted by Amy Ross, secretary to Rohan Fell. That she finds you, or your number, or your page, or whatever shows her abilities and probably a lot of money spent. It also shows that some of your fame is spewing through the underground of the city. With her she brings a message “Rohan Fell invites you to meeting on the 15th in research facility B in the orange quarter”.