View Full Version : Roleplaying What Am I supposed To Do Now?!

2016-03-17, 11:16 AM
In my group's last adventure I discovered something that has a really great impact on the goals of my character.
First of all let me explain. In the campaign my DM runs I'm not from the central kingdom (called The Kingdom of Crilakor) that is ran by a corrupt monarchy of "dragonborns" (decedents of dragons) with the help of an assassin organization named The Night Masks.
My character is from a different part of the land: The Great Dessert. The people there are divided to several clans but "ruled" under one person (he is more of a spiritual leader, every clan has it's own leader or democracy as they vary in ruler-ship). The people there believe in the Pharonic pantheon, my character belonged (yes past tense, I'll explain in a bit) to a clan who's leader was a high level cleric of Ptah named Sahar.
Now, my clan and another went to war and i was one of the leader's personal guards. I was just a rookie at the time and my understanding of Sahar's motives were obscure to me, he was an oracle of Ptah which at the time I did not know. When the attackers from the other clan neared Sahar's tent where 5 armed guards including myself were ready to put down our lives for him he turned to me, his eyes were completely white and his voice was not his own.
He told me to run, to forget my family and friends for I have a greater purpose in the future of this clan and land. I did not know what he meant, but because I trusted Sahar with my life and knew of his close connection with the god of creation and the order of the universe. So I ran as far as my legs could take me only to run into another clan called The Fourteen Travelers, a group of 14 clerics. One for each god in the Pantheon, the cleric of Ptah took one look at me and I saw the sadness and pain in his eyes. He told me that my clan's beloved leader has been brutally murdered along with his close family members. I fell to my knees before him and swore on my life that I will search far and wide through all of the lands for his heir, that I shall return only with the clan's true leader.
I was led to a small family in the kingdom's capitol, they were a family of rebels and there I met my group. One of which was a fighter/blackguard/some other thing I can't recall right now who belongs to a rivaling organization to the Night Masks (The Fire Blades). His purpose was to assassinate the one that I'm searching for's son (that's a bit complicated. I'm looking for a guy, the blackguard was sent to kill that guy's son).
He weaseled his way into their hideout with the claim that he too was looking to bring down the current monarchy, then we went for a quest to kill someone named The Crimson Man. Afterwards we met another person belonging to another group opposing the monarchy, we didn't trust them (one of them is a drow who's the heir to the drow's king). After completing a quest for them (can't remember why or what we did) we all went to a tavern, when drow and his bodyguard wanted to leave I was sent by the group to accompany them so they can kill their artificier without interference. They took me to their safe house, there the drow talked to me about where I came from and told me he knows my motives. I was shocked but didn't want to start a fight because I cannot go 2V1 (I'm a tank knight BTY), he then told me he had something to show me that I might find interesting.
He led me to the safe-house's basement where bodies of multiple members of The Fire Blades were rotting, appalled yet intrigued I followed him to a table on which several crystal scrying balls were showing images of many people. One of which was my long dead clan leader Sahar, it scrolled through his children and grandchildren and his whole family. The drow explained that in order to take over the kingdom and the drow's underground land he had to have control over the most powerful army in the continent, the army in The Great Dessert. Once ruled by Sahar and now his heir. He then pointed at the image of the blackguard in my team, I was shocked. I thought that the leader of the other rebel group was the heir, then when we went back to the other hide-out where the guy and his son were I asked for a conversation with him. It was a programmed image and I went running out to where I knew the son and blackguard were. Only to find them fighting and then the father and son escaping, we ran after them and I shield bashed into a trip-ed the son and the blackguard attacked him leaving him at like 10 hp. I said I can finish it off and he started running to the father who had just betrayed us by attacking him, I then turned to the son who asked why I was killing him as he was related to Sahar. And all action movie dramatic style I said "Not close enough" and finished him off.
Then I went to help the blackguard against the father only to catch him in mid air and grappling him there, he looked at me and clacked his tongue the threw me off of him.
Now I don't know what to do, who should I trust? Who shall I bring as the heir? And how can I convince the blackguard to come to the great dessert and take rule over it's powerful army?
Please help me:smalleek:

I was shown that the guy I wan looking for to lead my broken clan isn't the closest relative who lives, got betrayed by him and now the guy that I'm supposed to bring back and convince to lead the clan and the dessert's army to invade the kingdom is a member in my party (a LE blackguard who's a part of an organization of very good assassins and mercenaries).

2016-03-17, 01:35 PM
The DM prolly wants the party member to lead. Buuuut why do you trust the Drow? And
I myself would be hesitant to give an army and a kingship to a blackguard.
My guess would have been to take the son (you killed) or yourself. Fake your heritage. You clearly care for the people and are a martial powerhouse, you have a Great Purpose to the Desert People. You lead them.

2016-03-17, 01:51 PM
Can the rightful heir appoint or hand over leadership to somebody else, legally? If so, talk him into it. Or challenge him for it. Or whatever you think is the legal way to get him to give it to you.

Mr Adventurer
2016-03-17, 05:11 PM
First question is, is your homeland cream-based or is it more of a sponge?

2016-03-17, 05:19 PM
The land of the Great Dessert? I would SO live there.

The guy betrayed you, and he got his just desserts. As for your people, they've been deserted by their leader for so long, they deserve a decent one now. Now, I could dissert on that all day long, but it would just aim to divert you, so...

Joking aside, if you feel like there's a game plan here but you're not in on it, ask out-of-character. Did the DM mean to make the Blackguard the leader? Is the Blackguard aware/eager? If so, go with it. If the DM tells you to do as you please, challenging the Blackguard sounds like a good idea indeed, if you're open to the idea of ruling, want the ruler to be legit, but don't want to leave them in evil hands.

...better rule that people with cake and love than fear and vinegar, after all.

2016-03-17, 11:35 PM
Can I get some more detail on how you came to believe the fellow you just killed was the one destined to lead your people? Ya know, before you killed him?

2016-03-18, 07:25 AM
At the start of this campaign after I told my DM my backstory he told me that that was the person I was looking for, I got those details by another oracle. And we killed his son, he is still missing.

2016-03-18, 07:43 AM
At the start of this campaign after I told my DM my backstory he told me that that was the person I was looking for, I got those details by another oracle. And we killed his son, he is still missing.

Do you have any reason to believe the oracle may have been lying or mistaken?

If not, you may want to see about finding a way to get his son revived. That or lie your butt off about who killed him. If the guy really is destined to lead your people, you just basically committed treason. There's a long-shot chance you can convince him to work with you after some sort of atonement side-quest but otherwise I think you may have just screwed yourself out of your intended character plot-arc. Reckless decisions often end poorly and I think you just exemplified this. Call it a learning experience and consider swinging in the other direction ala Uchiha Sasuke.

2016-03-18, 04:24 PM
The drow explained that in order to take over the kingdom and the drow's underground land he had to have control over the most powerful army in the continent, the army in The Great Dessert. Once ruled by Sahar and now his heir. He then pointed at the image of the blackguard in my team, I was shocked. I thought that the leader of the other rebel group was the heir.

I'm not sure I understand this part. You're looking at a list of Sahar's family? And then the Blackguard party member is on that list as the direct heir, even though everyone thought it was the man (Who I shall refer to as Heir to avoid confusion, and his son I shall refer to as Son) you're currently working for?

Side note, what is the basis of inheritance? Firstborn? Firstborn son? Senior most family member? Something else?

It was a programmed image and I went running out to where I knew the son and blackguard were. Only to find them fighting and then the father and son escaping, we ran after them and I shield bashed into a trip-ed the son and the blackguard attacked him leaving him at like 10 hp. I said I can finish it off and he started running to the father who had just betrayed us by attacking him, I then turned to the son who asked why I was killing him as he was related to Sahar. And all action movie dramatic style I said "Not close enough" and finished him off.
Then I went to help the blackguard against the father only to catch him in mid air and grappling him there, he looked at me and clacked his tongue the threw me off of him.

So...let me get this straight. The Blackguard's mission is to kill Son. Heir, presumably, does not like this idea and would want to stop that from happening. So when they attack the man that wants to see Son dead (And notice they found a way to get you out of the fight. They didn't want you as collateral damage, perhaps?), that is their betrayal? If I were in Heir's position, and I learned that one of my allies wants to secretly kill my son, I'd have done the same thing.

Furthermore, do you know for sure that they initiated the fight, or is that just what the Blackguard is telling you? What if he started the fight (It is his mission, after all), and lied to you about what happened to get your help?

Regardless of all that, the problem with prophecy and oracles and all that stuff is that so often these things are spoken in riddles. So easily misinterpreted. Off the top of my head, why was it so important that YOU specifically run and find the heir? Perhaps it has more to do with you than Heir or Son. Anyone could have tracked them down. So what part do you specifically play? Don't fret. Things can still resolve quite nicely.

But as pointed out before, rash decisions can be a bummer. Perhaps this is a chance for character growth if this is typical of you. I also second the notion of not taking the Drow's words at face value. Especially since it sounds like the Drow wants control of all those armies? I was a little confused on that part, too.

Best of luck.