View Full Version : Final Feat for a Land Druid

2016-03-17, 07:35 PM
Okay, I would like some help deciding what the final feat I should make for this Land Druid. I managed to roll godly stats (12/18/17/7/18/14) and with Ghostwise Halfling that puts me at 20 Dexterity, 17 Constitution, and 19 Wisdom at level 1. I think I want to take this character all the way to 20 as a druid (which we might actually hit!) and so I think I'm grabbing Observant (20 Wisdom), Con Resilient (18 Constitution), Lucky, and Mobile. What are some ideas I can get from all of you on the final feat? Tough? 20 Constitution? Alert? Skilled? Thank you!

2016-03-17, 07:43 PM
How about Ritual Caster for one of the arcane classes, give a boost to your utility spells?

2016-03-17, 07:47 PM
How about Ritual Caster for one of the arcane classes, give a boost to your utility spells?

That's a good idea. If we don't have a Wizard or Tomelock that could be very good.

2016-03-17, 08:04 PM
War Caster gives you that lovely advantage to Concentration saves, and don't forget fun ones like Skilled and Actor.