View Full Version : DM in need of help!!!!

2016-03-17, 08:20 PM
I am in the final hours of planning for my next game and i am stuck trying to come up with a final riddle. The group will be going through a seires of doors; all sealed by riddles and required items entered into the door.

i am on the last door and want the group to have to say the dying words carved in the wall of the second room, where a dead body was found.

So i am requesting help coming up with a riddle for like someones last words, or something to that extent...


2016-03-17, 08:43 PM
"Here may be found...
...the last words of Joseph of Arimathea:
He who is valiant and pure of spirit...
...may find the Holy Grail...
...in the Castle of Aaarggghhhhh."

Works best if it's engraved, right next to a dead body holding a hammer and chisel.

2016-03-17, 08:44 PM
Not really a riddle...

2016-03-17, 08:54 PM
what were the dying words? describe the room the body is in. how many rooms?....... the more info the more help you can get/ the more we have to work with.

2016-03-17, 08:56 PM
The riddle is, "why did he take the time to chisel out Aaarggghhhhh while he was dying?"

2016-03-17, 09:37 PM
Lol I have not decided the words. Probably something poetic about starving or something about the quest for knowledge with no purpose.

it is a large abandoned library hiding with a swamp as is slowly sinks into the big. It is stratified, each later defended by one of these large magic doors with a single book at the center. The group id going for this book.

Each door has a face of a select race and only speaks that language and gives the riddle. The first three rooms required things adventures normally have, a key, wine and a map. And only hold knowledge of human elf and gnomes. After this it goes into goblin, my game is homebrewed, so the goblins played a big role in the countries past their in, then underdark, dragon and end with abyssal/celestial; the door speaks in both at once and requires a keen ear and understanding of one of the languages. Each section also holds large shelves filled with books that they can roll to hunt through to figure out the riddle or what was said, so no dead ends hopefully.

It's tied into a large section of story, but that is the basics.

2016-03-17, 09:46 PM
You could make a riddle about light banishing darkness if it is abysmal/Celestial, and have the player use torches or light spells to solve the puzzle.

2016-03-17, 09:48 PM
The words: I regret everything, my hunger is all consuming.

The riddle: I am fire, great and powerful. No man withstands my fury. Have I kith or kin? No, all things perish before me. Speak with the words on my heart and pass.

2016-03-17, 10:14 PM
Riddle: Within this tomb, I have that which I owned as a young peasant and desired in my reign. My last thoughts, my wealth, my power, all are beholden to my final gift. What was I given?

Answer: In the end, the mighty and forlorn have nothing; I too have naught but oblivion.

2016-03-17, 10:15 PM
this assumes the the words are written in the blood of the dead guy and not carved.

"the answer you seek was heard by (race of face in second room). is written in (race of dead guy) and will be spoken by (race of most likely party member to speak the phrase.)

or another option.

"what you seek is in the room of the tree wardens (elves/elf room). written in the words of the stone dwellers (undercommon). it was last spoken by the young ones (common/human/ the dead body), but guarded by the sky lords (dragon carvings book ending phrase). beware the trickster game in the tusked one's den. (another phrase carved in gnomish in goblin room) and speak in the tongue of truth (celestial) or suffer the liar (summons a demon if spoken in any other language).

forgot the goblins the first draft.

2016-03-17, 10:23 PM
Here's an ancient D&D web source I used to use back in the 90s for 2nd edition:

Olik's D&D Pages (https://www.acc.umu.se/~stradh/dnd/mirror/Ezra/books/olear/ADnD/NetBooks.html)

In that link, you'll find a ton of old D&D netbooks. One of them is the Netbook of Riddles.

2016-03-18, 12:27 AM
"what you seek is in the room of the tree wardens (elves/elf room). written in the words of the stone dwellers (undercommon). it was last spoken by the young ones (common/human/ the dead body), but guarded by the sky lords (dragon carvings book ending phrase). beware the trickster game in the tusked one's den. (another phrase carved in gnomish in goblin room) and speak in the tongue of truth (celestial) or suffer the liar (summons a demon if spoken in any other language).

Absolutely love this, thank you so much. It's simple and direct but only if you know the meaning. Plus I was looking for where you put a small fight if things went wrong in this. I considered making the doors like mimics if they guested wrong, but seemed like a bit much.

This is exactly what I needed, thank you!

2016-03-18, 01:59 AM
glad to help.