View Full Version : Computer Marvel Heroes

2016-03-18, 12:51 AM
Anyone playing Marvel Heroes 'round here? After watching a livestream I decided to take another look at the game. Last I played I had beaten Doom with Gambit at level 26, and not done anything else. This time I got Gambit up to 60, used my collected splinters on 3 random heroes then played through the story as Jean Grey. Some of the writing in chapter 10 was a bit suspect.

Anyway, I've been enjoying it, anyone else? BTW, if all you've heard about the game is that it's a terrible ARPG, they fixed it.

2016-03-18, 03:09 AM
Played it for a while, got my Storm up to level 60, then got bored and stopped.

Good controls, good graphics, but it's essentially an MMO after you're done with the campaign, and I quickly lost interest.

Also, but this might just be Storm, by the high levels I had way too many abilities to spam. The "optimal" thing was to keep firing off 7-8 spells all the time

I so still recommend the game.
It's definitely fun to play your first character through the campaign and some side missions. After that, depends on taste

2016-03-18, 07:10 PM
I played it quite a bit a year or so ago. Took 10 or so heroes up to 60, joined in on raiding when they first released raids and had Daredevil and Rocket Raccoon at pretty high levels of optimisation (For the time, probably behind the curve now due to new gearing options, though I reckon my DD's probably still got it).

Kinda burned out on it though, still check it out from time to time and it seems like it's going well. If you want a Diablo-em-up in Marvel clothes it's pretty good, lots of variation in heroes to choose from, decent loot cycle, lots of ways to progress character build and itemisation. The sheer number of heroes tends to mean that even though there tends to be a "best" build for each one it still feels varied.

2016-03-18, 07:21 PM
There's a Daredevil event going on over the weekend, which includes a free Daredevil unlock token. That'll be cool, I don't have that one. There's also a St. Patrick's day event.

2016-03-18, 07:55 PM
Daredevil is a really fun character. The combo mechanic works really well (plus he has super low spirit dependency) (Luke Cage is another combo fighter, he's also super fun).

2016-03-18, 08:27 PM
The sheer number of heroes tends to mean that even though there tends to be a "best" build for each one it still feels varied.

I know both the heroes I've played have multiple viable builds. Didn't seem like there was any idea of One True Build for either of them.

Daredevil is a really fun character. The combo mechanic works really well (plus he has super low spirit dependency) (Luke Cage is another combo fighter, he's also super fun).

Neat. I plan to keep playing Jean Grey until I get enough splinters for another random hero, and then pick my next from either the random, DD or Squirrel Girl (one of the randoms I got earlier). I also have She-Hulk and Human Torch available (Torch was my pick back when you chose one of 11 heroes to start with. He did not make for a good first impression).

2016-03-19, 04:20 AM
I'm not sure where the meta has taken her, but Squirrel Girl used to be disgustingly overpowered. Really should re-gear her for summon damage and Rocket for energy damage (a lot of my good energy damage stuff is on Invisible Woman though, as an exercise in optimising what was then basically the worst DPS hero in the game to prove that it could be done), as those tend to be their highest damage specs.

Human Torch used to be great as well, but I didn't have that much fun with him. Probably the least fun to play of the F4 (I got all of them to 60).

A lot of my knowledge is probably out of date though, because several heroes hadn't had their rebuilds yet when I played them (When I played Jean Grey she was the least interesting hero in the game, you just turned on her area DoT and drove around the map waiting for things to fall over).

2016-03-21, 08:05 PM
I'm not sure where the meta has taken her, but Squirrel Girl used to be disgustingly overpowered. Really should re-gear her for summon damage and Rocket for energy damage (a lot of my good energy damage stuff is on Invisible Woman though, as an exercise in optimising what was then basically the worst DPS hero in the game to prove that it could be done), as those tend to be their highest damage specs.

Squirrel Girl is considered pretty weak ATM. Still, pretty fun now that I know how I want to build her (melee/summons).