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2007-06-20, 06:02 AM
to see Roy dead, and hopes every time there is a new comic that he isn't ressed? He was too much of a downer. A "stickler" for the rules, and lawful-stupid to boot! I want to see more of belkar!

I was really hoping for Miko to come back as a death knight. That would of been way too awesome on so many levels!

2007-06-20, 06:05 AM
Not the only one. But one of the few, lucily.

2007-06-20, 06:07 AM
Not to say I don't like Roy - cos I do - but I would like to see how the rest of the comic goes on without him. The comic needs a massive loss (even if it is fundamentally funny) and Roy's (perma)death is perfect for that.

2007-06-20, 06:53 AM
I don't want to see Roy permanently dead, but I agree (in part) with Reepicheep. This loss will result in drastic changes in the oots. I believe that his resurrection will be the focus of a sidequest or something.

2007-06-20, 07:05 AM
Dude you have my support Roy needs to stay dead so the comic can get back to well-scripted humor like earlier on and get the heck out of this war. Seriously a Xykon ruled world wouldn't even be any different as Xykon doesn't seem like the guy who would bother to change the world to an extreme level.

2007-06-20, 07:12 AM
to see Roy dead, and hopes every time there is a new comic that he isn't ressed? He was too much of a downer. A "stickler" for the rules, and lawful-stupid to boot! I want to see more of belkar!

Roy wasn't exactly Lawful Stupid in my opinion. He's more like the Raynor of the group in that he does what he believes is the right thing, even if it has to go against certain authorities. He may follow a standard and follows through with his duties as a Leader, but he's not going to follow them if he sees that it's going to lead to bad things.

Yes, he's not the nicest of guys, but he's been through a lot (partcularly with being surrounded by eccentrics that are hard to deal with at times) and by the beginning of the comic this has started to wear at him.

Still, him remaining dead would lead to a whole lot of opportunities storywise.

2007-06-20, 08:29 AM
Well, he's also the straight-man. Most of the strips earlier humour, the loss of which is much-lamented among some of you, worked through Roy as the only "responsible" Member of the party.

This is funny by itself, as Roy tries to make the members of the party work together in some sort of cohesive whole, and it also works on the level of D&D satire, as there's always the one guy at the gaming table taking it all seriously trying to keep on topic and get things done, while everyone else ***** around and plans ways to kill everyone and steal their loot.

With Roy gone, that level of humour is gone too.

And it's stupid to think that if Roy dies the comic will drift back to gag-a-day strips about the rules. The comic will go where Giant says it goes, with or withough Roy.

2007-06-20, 09:53 AM
i guess at the D&D table i am always the one throwing things off track. Like a cross between Elan and Belkar.

But I just don't like Roy I guess. I want to see more of haley in the lead :-D

2007-06-20, 10:00 AM
to see Roy dead, and hopes every time there is a new comic that he isn't ressed? He was too much of a downer. A "stickler" for the rules, and lawful-stupid to boot! I want to see more of belkar!

I would understand if it was about Belkar being funny and Roy not being funny but your motivation freaks me out. It's bad to follow rules and protect good people? We're supposed to dispise people like Belkar, not like Roy.

2007-06-20, 10:03 AM
I prefer Roy's humor to Belkar's, then again Sarcasm was always kind of something I liked.

In any case, Belkar getting kind of old.

2007-06-20, 10:09 AM
Well, I assume Roy will be out of it for a while since V made the point in an earlier strip that they don't possess 5000gp worth of diamonds required to cast raise dead. That being said I'm eager to get Roy back into the party since he is an integral part of the story. Keeping Roy dead is not going to make the story any lighter since we're obviously building towards the climax of a grand plot. Not to mention the fact that Roy enabled a lot of the traditional jokes as pointed out by someone earlier.

2007-06-20, 10:50 AM
I have the feeling that Hinjo's allowances do allow for one or two resurrections.
I also would like to point out that if he will be out of the picture for much longer, the party will start to fall apart, since I feel that most of them have diverging interests and roads to follow..and they where "stick"-ing toghether (horrid pun, I know) mainly because of some sort of link with Roy, who was also the main force behind their "urge to save the world".
I have fond memories of a loadfull of puns, gags and other comic situations mainly due to roy (remember the belt of boobies
..sex change)
I of course know that the order could also separate...but it would mean at least 3-4 different storylines, and having to change the name of the comic along the way...
I really feel that the order of the stick could not stay toghether without him...if not embarking on a quest to revive him.

2007-06-20, 10:52 AM
:smallsigh: I'm going to keep pointing this out for each "Roy should/will stay dead" thread I can.

Go to this link (http://www.giantitp.com/Comics.html).
Look at the top of the page.
Who's that in the logo?

Oh my gods, it's ROY!

He will be back. Maybe not soon, but he will be back.

2007-06-20, 10:57 AM
I don't mind Roy not coming back, but the OotS does not have the motive to continue the quest concrning the Gates without him. Roy is the solid lynchpin no one can sway from the course. He takes all kinds of flak from all sides but keeps going. Nobody new could have the same success in keeping this group moving towards that goal.

2007-06-20, 11:34 AM
I prefer Roy's humor to Belkar's, then again Sarcasm was always kind of something I liked.

In any case, Belkar getting kind of old.

Heartily agreed. I don't necessarily dislike Bellkar, but I'd like it if he wasn't always so up front in the comics he's in, and didn't have the tendency to steal the spotlight for those comics.

Seriously a Xykon ruled world wouldn't even be any different as Xykon doesn't seem like the guy who would bother to change the world to an extreme level.

....He intends to imbue himself with the Snarl. No offense, but I doubt he wouldn't change the world to an extreme level once he had the amount of power that would allow himself to do so.

All in all, I really do hope that Roy get's ressed. While I think it'll be awhile before we see this happen (after all, how long was it that Haley was unable to talk? 100 strips? 150?), I hope it does happen. Of course, if the Giant decides he won't be coming back, then so be it, but I honestly hope he does.

2007-06-20, 11:51 AM
I find both Roy and Belkar to be funny, although in different ways. I'd hate see either one gone for good.

2007-06-20, 12:00 PM
Yeah he was kind of a downer and stickler for the rules, but that's the contrast and tension you need to get comedy.

You need someone telling the people who are idiots that they are idiots.

2007-06-20, 12:15 PM
As people said, if you don't have anyone serious around for contrast, the funny ones becomes only silly.

2007-06-20, 12:56 PM
Not to say I don't like Roy - cos I do - but I would like to see how the rest of the comic goes on without him. The comic needs a massive loss (even if it is fundamentally funny) and Roy's (perma)death is perfect for that.

you are going straigh to hell
say hello to miko for me

Well i think he may have lost some eyes and organs by now, vultures must preffer high level meat

2007-06-20, 01:22 PM
I would understand if it was about Belkar being funny and Roy not being funny but your motivation freaks me out. It's bad to follow rules and protect good people? We're supposed to dispise people like Belkar, not like Roy.

In the world of D&D I am always some sort of Chaotic. Thats why I love Belkar so much....doesn't mean i am that way in real life. i think all of us tend to be like Roy IRL. But seriously want Roy to stayed dead....but death in D&D means little

Elliot Kane
2007-06-20, 08:31 PM
I like Roy. I hope he'll be back :)

basilisk 89
2007-06-20, 09:12 PM
Roy wasn't exactly Lawful Stupid in my opinion. He's more like the Raynor of the group in that he does what he believes is the right thing, even if it has to go against certain authorities.

You mean like Miko?!

2007-06-20, 09:27 PM
death in D&D means little

Specifically, it means "we're down 5000 gp and the guy who died lost a level." Not entirely insubstantial.

We're supposed to dispise people like Belkar, not like Roy.

Actually, we're supposed to remember that it's just a comic and both Belkar and Roy are funny in their own way.

2007-06-21, 12:18 AM
Ooh, yet another flaming thread. Yawn.