View Full Version : Pathfinder Strongest Low-Level Builds?

2016-03-18, 03:18 PM
I'm working on a setting for a low-level scenario, and I'd like suggestions on strong NPC builds at first, second and third levels, with an emphasis on martial builds. Some of these will be for antagonists, others potential allies.

I'd like to keep the sources Pathfinder-only, limited to the following: CRB, Advanced Guides, and the Ultimates. No third-party material, no psionics/PoW.

I'm open to low-level builds for any of the races from the Advanced Race Guide, but with a preference for humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, orcs and hobgoblins. I'm planning on a difficult and cutthroat environment, so the more challenging the build, the better.

2016-03-18, 06:05 PM
A musket master gunslinger 3 with rapid shot is simple and effective damage.

Thug rogue 3 can shake or even frighten many people with dazzling display. Or thug rogue 1 with the enforcer feat and a sap can do the same to a single target.

Ninja 2 can deliver a sneak attack every round so long as they have ki, and be invisible between doing so.

Maneuver master monks can triplock enemies.

Constable cavalier 2 w/order of the penitent and the step up feat is about as good a grappler as you can get at this level.

Barbarians kill things.

How much detail do you need?

Bobby Baratheon
2016-03-18, 06:07 PM
Pretty much anything with a half-golem template slapped on will be a tough encounter, especially at low levels when your options are basically to whittle them down via scratch damage or hope you have access to the spells that can bypass their immunities.

2016-03-18, 06:09 PM
Classes with details about what works


Barbarians kill things.

I lol'd at this. It's as simple as that. Barbarians need no tricks. Just hit things with axe!

2016-03-18, 06:41 PM
If you really want to challenge your party, I'd build a strong team of enemies that can work well together. Maybe a Skald that can tank, hit, and buff his allies. Or a Bard with a bow who can buff the party and rain damage from afar. If your party is low level, a Wizard with the right spells prepared (of course disguised to not look like a wizard) can be devastating. A beat stick with a reach weapon and combat reflexes can be annoying. So can melee combatants with step up. Maybe a Rogue hiding at the start of the fight, who sits out the first round to try and see who would be the optimal target to take out first. Or if you really want to be annoying, a Witch with the Misfortune Hex and Cackle. Make your party's BSF roll twice every time he wants to swing.

If your bad guys know the party is coming, then they can prepare for them. Set up buffs. Makes sure they're in position. Maybe even set up an ambush. Also, make the terrain favorable to the enemy. If your party lacks ranged attacks for the most part, put the enemies on an elevated structure across a river. Not only does the party need to take their time trying to swim across to reach the enemy, but your bad guys can rain down the pain from up high. Even a Barbarian can shoot a bow well when he's got clear line of sight and the high ground. But this is just one example. There are plenty of ways to set up an encounter to favor the enemy without just giving your bad guys a bunch of levels.

But I think the main thing you can do to make the combats harder is to make the enemy intelligent. If you have decent rules mastery, or even if you just know good basic strategy, use it.

Good luck with your TPK.

2016-03-18, 06:53 PM
Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 5 can start with Dex 20 and feats of Deadly Aim, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Rapid Reload, and Improved Initiative. This gives them a +11 initiative, lets them draw their gun as a free action when rolling initiative, and they can shoot up to two targets within 40 ft, using a +6 to hit Touch AC and dealing 1d12+9 with each shot (with an additional +1 hit/damage if they're within 30 ft)...and it gets worse if they have magic items that extend their range increments.

Crusader's Flurry (requiring Weapon Focus, flurry of blows, and a deity) lets you wield your deity's weapon as if it was a monk weapon; this is one method of letting you flurry with a two-handed weapon for those sweet PA trade-offs and 1.5x Str mod...although low-level builds that can get it are usually pretty weird (Fighter 1/Cleric 1/Monk 1, although I think there's a hybrid class that can do it without dipping).

A natural attack barbarian can (IIRC) manage to get up to 6 natural attacks in the early levels, if they combine a particular race with the appropriate rage powers.

2016-03-18, 08:38 PM
I'm working on a setting for a low-level scenario, and I'd like suggestions on strong NPC builds at first, second and third levels, with an emphasis on martial builds. Some of these will be for antagonists, others potential allies.

I'd like to keep the sources Pathfinder-only, limited to the following: CRB, Advanced Guides, and the Ultimates. No third-party material, no psionics/PoW.

I'm open to low-level builds for any of the races from the Advanced Race Guide, but with a preference for humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, orcs and hobgoblins. I'm planning on a difficult and cutthroat environment, so the more challenging the build, the better.

A personal favorite of mine is the tripper. A human figther with a spiked chain (or if possible scorpion chain). These builds are pretty much owning any other melee build before too powerful magic items come into play.

2016-03-18, 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by avr
How much detail do you need?

Race, class and feats would be a good minimum. Suggestions for traits, items or anything else pertinent would be great.

Originally Posted by CGNefarious
Maybe a Skald that can tank, hit, and buff his allies. Or a Bard with a bow who can buff the party and rain damage from afar.

These sound really good. Any suggestions for building these at second or third level?

Originally Posted by AvatarVecna
Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 5…

…is outside my range. What would a Musket Master 3 look like?

Originally Posted by AvatarVecna
A natural attack barbarian can (IIRC) manage to get up to 6 natural attacks in the early levels, if they combine a particular race with the appropriate rage powers.

Which race? Which feats? Which rage powers?

2016-03-18, 10:42 PM
…is outside my range. What would a Musket Master 3 look like?

Dex 20, Rapid Reload, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot. Initiative +7, +6 to hit two targets' Touch AC within 40 ft, damage is 1d12. Once you can get Deadly Aim and Dex to damage, your DPR starts shooting through the roof, but even before then it's still pretty good.

Which race? Which feats? Which rage powers?

Skinwalkers (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/more-races/standard-races-1-10-rp/skinwalkers-10-rp) are a weird semi-lycanthropic race, but the most common variety isn't what you're looking for; skip down to the alternate Skinwalkers, and go down to Ragebred (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/more-races/standard-races-1-10-rp/skinwalkers-10-rp#TOC-Wereboar-Kin-Ragebred-), which gets a gore and 2 hooves when shifted.

Now, the Lesser Beast Totem rage power (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/barbarian/rage-powers/paizo---rage-powers/beast-totem-lesser-su) gives you two claw attacks, and you can take Extra Rage Power as your 3rd lvl feat in order to get your hands on Animal Fury (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/barbarian/rage-powers/paizo---rage-powers/animal-fury-ex) as well. There you go: a third level character with 6 natural attacks.

2016-03-18, 11:05 PM
The archer bard:

Bard 3 (human is best because you need the extra feat). Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, and Rapid Shot for feats. With elite array, I'd go Str 14, Dex 17 (15+2), Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 13.
Equipment: Masterwork mighty [+2] shortbow, chain shirt, buckler, masterwork longsword, dagger
Spells will vary depending on whether he's a PC or NPC and what group he is, but should include cure light wounds. Offensive spellcasting won't be very effective with a 13 charisma, so I'd go with things like anticipate peril, silent image, liberating command, timely inspiration (to help with skill checks), or moment of greatness (if he's partnered with barbarians), or remove fear. NPCs may find the best use of their other spells is plot device/setup (like the illusionary wall the enemy group hides behind before ambushing the PCs).
If he gets traits, one that grants longbow proficiency (there was one for Andoran faction Pathfinder Society PCs before they changed the factions and there may be others hiding out there), and reactionary for an initiative boost are both nice but the build is not really trait-dependent.

2016-03-19, 12:52 AM

Human musket master gunslinger 3
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Reload (bonus), Rapid Shot
Uses paper cartridges & the fast musket deed to reload as a free action, which means a couple of d12 touch attacks each round. Probably won't have time to buff - gunslingers want to start shooting ASAP - so maybe a quick runner's shirt to help get out of harms way.

Half-orc thug rogue 3
Skill Focus (Intimidate), Weapon Focus (via rogue talent), Dazzling Display
Intimidates everyone within 30' w/Dazzling Display and can end up frightening them with that alone. Potions of Enlarge Person may be useful. War Paint of the Terrible Visage would also fit.

Human thug rogue 1
Enforcer, Sap Adept
Hits people with a sap to get a free intimidate. +2 damage on sap sneak attacks too. Most effective with the numbers to flank.

Gnome ninja 2-3
Point Blank Shot, add Deadly Aim if level 3
Turns invisible round 1, shoots enemy round 2 then turns invisible again before return fire strikes back. Probably has the Fell Magic trait for a chill touch to use when melee is somehow required, or Pyromaniac/produce flame. For ranged touch attacks consider caltrop beads or as suggested below, a robe of needles, though deadly aim works with neither. Viridium arrows would be nasty and would work with deadly aim.

Half-orc maneuver master monk 2
Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Improved Trip, Dirty Fighting, Combat Reflexes
Trips their enemy, then hits them with a greataxe, then hits them again when they get up. If they can flank the tripping becomes more reliable. Potions of Enlarge Person would help.

Human constable cavalier 2 w/order of the penitent
Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Step Up, Coordinated Reposition.
Grapples their enemy then ties them up without bothering to pin first. 5' step away won't work if they miss & with more than one they become very good at flanking. While they might get benefit from being bigger, being able to chase down someone might be more in keeping, so consider potions of Expeditious Retreat & Armbands of the Brawler.

Half orc invulnerable rager barbarian 1-3
Power Attack, add Furious Focus if level 3
Rages, charges, maybe bites. Superstitious. FCB to extra rage rounds. Possible potions of Enlarge Person, at level 3 get a Quick Runner's Shirt.

Extra Anchovies
2016-03-19, 01:08 AM
One level of Sniper Slayer and the Far Shot feat lets a character ignore range penalties entirely when using a bow. One level of Druid can get a Roc companion, a Medium creature with an 80-foot fly speed. Put those together on a Small character (Goblin is a nice choice), grab a longbow, and you can pop arrows into the tops of people's heads from a thousand feet in the air. Slayer 1 into Beastmaster Ranger can keep their companion scaling while assembling a generally effective archery build, but it doesn't get the mount until 5th level.

2016-03-19, 01:39 AM
Throw a Robe of Needles on the Ninja. If they have enough Ki to vanishing trick, 6 flatfoot touch attacks for sneak attack plus bleed, full round to remove the bleed effect. A little cat and mouse and you will have a memorable fight with the party. Especially if there are 2 of them that take turns popping out, firing a needle, vanishing, and moving away.

2016-03-19, 04:29 AM
Heres a more detailed build:

Human Barbarian level 1/ Fighter 2

HP: 30

AC: 18

18 +4
18 +4
16 +3
10 +0
10 +0
6 -2

Base attack: +3
Full attack: +9 2d4 + 6 x2

Trip: +17

Base saves: +3/+1/+1
Total saves: +6/+5/+1



Wolf Berserker
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Chain)
Weapon Focus (Spiked Chain)
Improved Trip
Combat Reflexes

Masterwork Spiked Chain 325gp
Chain Shirt 100gp
Locked Gauntlet 8gp
Steadfast Boots 1400gp
Total: 1833

2016-03-19, 04:47 AM
@Melcar - the request is for Pathfinder (PF) examples. Half of your feats don't exist in PF, the traits and flaw don't, spiked chains suck in PF since they lack reach, and steadfast boots don't exist either. PF NPC wealth at level 3 is 1650 gp (heroic) or 780 gp (basic) anyway.

2016-03-19, 06:22 AM
@Melcar - the request is for Pathfinder (PF) examples. Half of your feats don't exist in PF, the traits and flaw don't, spiked chains suck in PF since they lack reach, and steadfast boots don't exist either. PF NPC wealth at level 3 is 1650 gp (heroic) or 780 gp (basic) anyway.

So it was... didn't see that. Disreguard my superbuild then!

2016-03-19, 10:59 AM
For a wizard you could Consider the Tripping Metamagic feat with the Metamagic Reducer on Magic Missile brings you sure hit-tripping missiles. This is strong until about... 4th or 5th level I think, then it slowly fades into obsoleteness.

2016-03-19, 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Elder_Basilisk
The archer bard….

Very cool, thank you. Care to sketch out the skald concept as well?

Originally Posted by avr

*mass of NPCs*

Excellent and much appreciated, thanks. Just the team of bandits to terrorize the countryside.

Originally Posted by Extra Anchovies
…Put those together on a Small character (Goblin is a nice choice), grab a longbow, and you can pop arrows into the tops of people's heads from a thousand feet in the air.

That's definitely brutal, maybe too much so. A thousand feet is well out of range for anything a low-level party could muster, so I'm not sure how the party would counter this foe.

It would certainly be an incentive to drive the party into cover, though. :smalltongue:

Originally Posted by Firebug
Throw a Robe of Needles on the Ninja. If they have enough Ki to vanishing trick, 6 flatfoot touch attacks for sneak attack plus bleed, full round to remove the bleed effect. A little cat and mouse and you will have a memorable fight with the party.

I love this concept. Definitely using this.

That said, can you explain the "6 flatfoot touch attacks" part? Is the number dependent on the number of ki points? I'm assuming that a third-level ninja will only have 3-4 ki points, so the details here could use a little explanation.

Originally Posted by Krazzman
For a wizard you could Consider the Tripping Metamagic feat with the Metamagic Reducer on Magic Missile brings you sure hit-tripping missiles.

Sounds like a bit of a one-trick pony…but a pretty nice trick. Strong potential for hilarity here.

These are great, folks--keep 'em coming.

2016-03-19, 05:59 PM
The robes give you 6 needles a day, so you have a maximum of 6 touch attacks for 1 damage (+2d6 sneak attack) + 1 bleed damage. Ki points you are likely going to only have 1 (1/2 level) + Cha modifier, likely 2-3. You can take Monk Vows (any Ki user can), so something like Vow Of Silence, Fasting, Cleanliness, Celibacy, and/or Truth will give you a Ki point each. You likely only need to get up to 7-8 ki points. Vanish before combat, vanish after each needle and vanish to escape. You are getting flatfooted because you are invisible when you attack (and gain a +2 bonus to hit vs flatfooted).

2016-03-19, 06:23 PM
A lot of low level builds have trouble dealing with a Strix Airborne Ambusher Fighter 2 with a composite longbow, especially if the fighter flies at the edge of its second range increment.