View Full Version : 3rd Ed Druid spell selection help! Looking for party-friendly spells.

2016-03-18, 07:50 PM
Hello, Playground! I am having a bit of a problem with spell selection for my favourite character class (and yours) -- the druid. The character I am playing is great fun: She is a planar shepherd in a high-level campaign (currently level 14) that I have been playing in for three years now. My druid is a highly-optimised character in a mid- to low-op party, albeit one with very powerful character classes and some homebrew power-boosters. The other characters are two DMM Persistent Spell clerics and a permanently ethereal sorcerer.

Everyone at the table is fine with me having a bit of a reputation for being a munchkin, though I do occasionally get a bit of well-deserved ribbing for it. But, I want to use my druid's awesome powers to enable the other characters to be equally awesome, and allow everyone have a cool time traversing the planes without nature magic (the best magic) stealing the spotlight. My play with the druid's spell selection has found it rich in all-powerful self-buffs, reality-altering campaign-changers, and battlefield control effects that single-handedly solve encounters. But, unless I'm missing some hidden gems, it's sorely lacking in spells that let other players feel like the heroes.

Druids are rightfully popular on this board, so this seems the best place to ask: What druidic spells (of all levels) would let a druid position herself as an invaluable ally and awesome pal, rather than a campaign smasher and solo artist?

2016-03-18, 08:14 PM
In my opinion, your assessment is largely a correct one. The druid list is a bit of a selfish one. Sure, the efficient battlefield control can benefit the party, but there really aren't many party buffs. There are a couple, like instant of power from forge of war, or mass snake's swiftness from SPC, but most such spells are notably worse than the alternative.

So, maybe do not-druid things. I'm not saying that you should ditch the class, but dipping into contemplative or picking up a initiate feat is a great way to get those off list spells that do this job best. Just cause druids don't get haste on-list doesn't mean you can't cast it.

Of course, there're also some more generic utility spells if you'd consider that party friendly. Using storm walk for fast travel, or whispering sand for mass communication could be less overbearing than tornado calling. My handbook probably has more stuff along those lines than buffs, though it's a good resource for either.

2016-03-18, 08:31 PM
Alas, I haven't played a Druid before, so I can't help you much.

Ask your DM if he'll let the Heirophant's Power of Nature ability grant the Wildshape buffs given by Planar Shepherd.

The RAW legal way to give cool Wildshaping abilities (not just animal forms) to your allies takes some finagling. Dip into Heartfire Fanner and Heirophant, and take the Aberrant Blood and Aberrant Wildshape feats (you might have to use Psychic Reformation for this). Get your allies to take the Aberrant Blood feat, and give them one use of Wildshape and the Aberrant Wildshape feat every morning. Even after they lose the feat, they'll still be Wildshaped. Note that this sacks two of your Wildshaping levels, one of your spellcasting levels, and a ton of feats.

Variation: If you really want to focus on this, take two more levels of Heartfire Fanner (or, if you can, two Bloodline Levels) and the Assume Supernatural Ability feat. Congratulations, your companions are now able to take one Supernatural ability of their choice from the forms that they choose (remember that most Beholderkins' Eye Rays are one Supernatural ability)... and you've lost two more Wildshaping levels. 'Tis the price of generosity, I'm afraid.

Variation: Use Exalted Wildshape instead of Aberrant Wildshape. This version gives your allies less forms to transform into, but costs less feats and automatically gives them the Supernatural Abilities of the available forms. It's also a bit fishier, because Exalted Wildshape requires "Wildshaping Class Level 8th", which Heirophant might not grant. Ask your DM.

If you do want to focus on Wildshaping, I recommend picking up a few +Wildshaping items.

2016-03-18, 09:09 PM
Also, check out Eggynack's Wildshape handbook. It's a must-read for most Druid players.

Hiro Quester
2016-03-18, 11:50 PM
There are some reasonable buff spells you can share with your party members. Not much in the league of a bardic inspiration or a haste spell, that benefits most of the party simultaneously. But there are some.

Many of those self-buffs can also be cast on others. And sometimes you as a Druid are awesome enough already, and a few of those extra buff spells can do wonders when cast instead on a friend.

The stat buffers are useful, but at 14th level I expect your party tank already has an enhancement bonus to strength and constitution.

Mass snake's swiftness is pretty popular with the rest of the party.

Your party tank will probably appreciate a barkskin spell.

Protection from energy can be very useful in the right circumstances.

Freedom of movement can save someone's life.

Alter fortune is great. My Druid PC prepares that most days, for when a party member rolls a 1 on a crucial saving throw.

Linked perception can be awesome in a large group.

And so on. Turn those self buffs loose on others.

2016-03-19, 01:08 AM
Here are some buffs usable on allies. The last few spell levels are pretty bleak on that front, though. All are from core or Spell Compendium.

Level 1:
Lesser Vigor - the most efficient out of combat healing spell

Level 2:
Blood Frenzy - If someone in the party has rage
Mass Camouflage
Mass Snake's Swiftness - Give everyone a bonus attack
Mountain Stance - Bonus = CL to resist being moved; can de- and re-activate it.
Resist Energy

Level 3:
Girallon's Blessing - two extra arms!
Mass Resist Energy
Spiderskin - A better version of barkskin

Level 4:
Air Walk
Freedom of Movement
Greater Blindsight

Level 5:
Death Ward
Phantom Stag - The most badass mount someone could possibly want short of a companion or dragon cohort or something
Owl's Insight - Great for anyone who uses Wisdom heavily
Panacea - Cures various status effects
Rejuvenation Cocoon - earlier than a cleric gets heal; taking them out of combat for 2 rounds sucks, but the 10/CL healing is great
Stone Skin

Level 6:
Energy Immunity
Tortoise Shell - Super barkskin

2016-03-19, 02:09 AM
Also, I personally love using Kelp strand to hold someone and let the party mug them. Sure, you might be the one making it easy, but everyone love's rolling their dice to dole out their damage.