View Full Version : DM Help First time DM, got a few questions...

2016-03-19, 02:32 PM
So, I'm about to run a level 8 campaign, where the players are... Well... Interesting, sufficiently said.

PC 1: Werewolf Swordsage, specializing in the Shadow Branch.
PC 2: Doppelganger, can't get class just yet due to level adjustment
PC 3: Half-Dragon Paladin.
PC 4: Swashbuckler Gnome

Right now, I got some questions...
Can the Werewolf Swordsage use Swordsage's manuevers while transformed?
What sort of campaign should I run? I was thinking about a guerrilla or resistance movement, but I think their a little too high level for that.
Is there any good places to get a a campaign map from?
Is the Doppelganger a tad bit underpowered for this? It has no PC class yet.

2016-03-19, 02:42 PM
In general, you can use maneuvers with any weapon, including natural weapons. So the werewolf can use his maneuvers just fine. You did make him take the two animal hit dice that come with being a werewolf, yes? Check out UrPriest's guide (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?207928-Urpriest-s-Monstrous-Monster-Handbook) for more info.

Guerrilla or resistance movement is fine at any level, just scale the challenges accordingly. Guards can be higher level than 1, they may need to deal with some tame monsters, or it could be a resistance movement against devils or something. Remember that higher level doesn't just mean bigger numbers, it means more other capabilities too. You don't have any spell casters in the party, but their skills will keep getting better and (according to wealth by level) they should get more magic items which can also expand capabilities. A means of flying or teleporting can enable plans which would otherwise not work, as an easy example.

You can use a pre-established campaign setting, or steal pieces from one. Or just google up a city your players have never been to, take the roads layout, and populate it with buildings. Or just take a map of Middle Earth. Only do as much work as you want, but the more you think and detail the more you'll have to draw on if the players take an unexpected direction. That's true for NPCs as well as geography.

Yes, the doppelganger is going to be pretty squishy compared to the gnome swashbuckler. He may want to avoid fair fights. What classes is he looking at taking? With the wis boost and natural armor, swordsage is a decent option here (though you already have one). He's too far behind to make a good full caster, but maybe rogue or bard could be useful also.

2016-03-19, 02:48 PM
Thanks, I was thinking about using the Greyhawk campaign setting, and also I believe the doppelganger is going to be a rogue or beguiler. The big problem with the guerrilla warfare though is that I suspect due to the Werewolf Swordsage they'll try to blitz to the top and try to slaughter them in combat. I am thinking about making the emperor they're fighting a possible Warblade with a little bit of sorcerer. Possibly level 12-16, unless that's too low.

2016-03-19, 04:16 PM
It's tricky to run a single boss monster against a party in D&D 3.5 (or Pathfinder). The core problem is that the party gets way more actions than the boss does. Combine that with it being un-fun for the boss to just kill/incapacitate half the party and it's difficult. The easiest thing to do within the rules is to throw in some minions. There are a number of other ideas, like giving the boss more actions (but at a different initiative count) or giving him multiple forms or... Do a little googling and you'll find more suggestions.

2016-03-19, 05:29 PM
Make the boss a protean scourge. That way, it won't be a 4v1 for very long😉

2016-03-19, 06:09 PM
Martial focused party, martial focused campaign.

Guerilla resistance to the evil empire is probably a nigh-perfect campaign theme.

Let's see here.

You've got two shapeshifters with stealth capability, one tank, and one dilletante.

I can definitely see hitting supply lines, infiltrating gatherings of enemy nobility, even defending the odd raid against allied encampments. You can take a look through heroes of battle for some ideas on how to set up such a campaign.

The swordsage, who should be a swordsage 3 with two wolf HD btw, charging headlong into an enemy encampment to try and take out their leaders isn't anything to worry over-much about. An occupation force takes many, many soldiers. Commanding and controlling such large groups takes quite a few officers, squad leaders, and NCO's, not to mention the top-brass and, in a medieval type setting, the non-military nobility. Any of those can be elites that are above and beyond the rank-and-file warrior 1's that make up the bulk of the force and so can be members of their personal entourages.

I think you've probably hit on something pretty solid with your initial idea. Work in a tie to some mind-flayers or devils moving things in the background and you have something to tie in the paladin's holy warrior stuff.