View Full Version : Torquemada Academy - Squad Bravo

2016-03-19, 09:12 PM
The guys head to the shooting range. It seems you're scheduled for immediate shooting assessment. When your squad comes up, you're each given a collection of three guns and ordered to demonstrate your proficiency with them, firing each 5 times. (Using the rulebook entries rather than actual model names you'll be issued for clarity)

You'll be firing

A Beretta 92F pistol at a target at 50 feet. (2 range increments)
An AK-47 assault rifle at a target at 100 feet. (2 range increments)
A HK PSG1 sniper rifle at a target at 300 feet. (4 range increments)

I'll need 5 combat rolls for each of the three guns from each player. These will be part of what is used to rank your personal skills and the overall ranking for your entire squad, so roll well, and don't forget that you have 5 Action Points. You might want to consider spending a few Action Points if you want to score better, but remember that you won't get more until you level up.

2016-03-20, 06:36 AM
"Ach, the shooting. My least favorite part of basic training."

Isaac puts on the pair of mufflers hanging at his booth, and picks up the first of the standard weapons, the pistol; a semi-automatic handgun of Italian design, first produced in the mid nineteen-seventies, and gradually refined over two decades for reliability and maintainability. This model has the slide safety modification, added to satisfy the dem-

Isaac sighs, flipping off the safety and lining up a shot. He almost flinches as he pulls the trigger.

Attack (Beretta): [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4]
Attack (AK-47]: [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] [roll8] [roll9]
Attack (HK PSG1): [roll10] [roll11] [roll12] [roll13] [roll14]

Master Waldo
2016-03-20, 04:53 PM
Karl Weiss

Karl steps up to the firing lane and calmly raises the first weapon. Shooting had never been his forte, though he did enjoy hunting with his grandfather from time to time.

- [roll0]
- [roll1]
- [roll2]
- [roll3]
- [roll4]

- [roll5]
- [roll6]
- [roll7]
- [roll8]
- [roll9]

- [roll10]
- [roll11]
- [roll12]
- [roll13]
- [roll14]

(Just to make sure I'm thinking right: +2 for dex, -2 for each range increment over 1, so 2-2= +0 for the pistol and AK, +2-6= -4 for the sniper)

2016-03-20, 05:19 PM
Heath Craft

*Following the other members of his squad silently, Heath was relieved to see that their first assignment was the shooting range - the place he probably would feel the most comfortable.*

*As their instructions were given, Heath quickly did a mental check of the weapons and their effetive operations ranges as he checked each weapon, locking the actions open and laying them down in a neat row, the partially filled magazines next to them as he proceeded.*
The pistol won't be a problem. Small, relatively innacurate and loose rifling, the Beretta was dependable, but side arms were never meant for marskmanship.

Assault Carbine. This model wasn't incredible, but even a novice shooter could hit a target at forty meters. Effective operation range was double that, with a possible range of 400 for stupid shots. It was meant to be overpowering at short range, however. It would be a decent challenge, but nothing I can't manage.

Long Rifle. A fine weapon. the distance was reasonable, but not impossible.

*Slipping foam inserts into his ears and then the earmuffs, Heath took up a firing position and waited for the order to begin shooting, clearing his mind of any thought but the target. It was time to work*

So, 92f range is 40ft, 60 with Far shot, putting that within the first range increment for no penalty.

1 - [roll0]
2 - [roll1]
3 - [roll2]
4 - [roll3]
5 - [roll4]

Range - 70 ft, 105 with far shot, putting the target within the first range increment - so no penalty for these, either.

1 - [roll5]
2 - [roll6]
3 - [roll7]
4 - [roll8]
5 - [roll9]

This is where it gets fun. Range is only 90 feet with the PSG, but with far shot, that adds 45 ft. I'm going to assume there's a scope on it as a "sniper rifle", so that would grant the Far shot feat to anyone not having it, effectively. For Heath, that means 180 ft per range increment, putting the target solidly in the second range. It's a mastercraft weapon, so that adds +1 to the attack roll, for a grand total of -1 at 300ft.

1 - [roll10]
2 - [roll11]
3 - [roll12]
4 - [roll13]
5 - [roll14]

*At his final shot with each weapon, Heath ejects the magazines and lays them back in order with the slides locked open, scowling viciously at the targets. There were a couple of decent hits, but it was the outliers that he saw - especially with the long rifle.*
Unacceptable. Those shots are simply unacceptable. I need to practice more.

2016-03-20, 06:28 PM
Isaac peers around the corner of his booth at Heath, watching the man make minor adjustments to his own rifle, and clip a scope into place.

"Ach! There was a scope?"

Master Waldo
2016-03-21, 12:01 PM
Karl Weiss
Karl looks at his results with a small frown on his face. He hadn't expected to do particularly well, but he really choked when it came to the assault rifle shots.

Ok, just calm down Karl. I'm sure this was just first day jitters. You'll nail it the next time.

2016-03-21, 12:03 PM
Jake Silver

Jake moves with a confident swagger as he steps up to the range. He takes the Beretta with practised movements, spinning it around his finger for dramatic effect as he takes position. His features bear an expression of superiority, a certainty of success.
He fires five shots at the target in quick succession, barely pausing to aim. He takes a leisurely look at the results, secure in the knowledge of his skills, and then all color drains from his face.

Below average hit-rate.

The young man seems like someone who has just witnessed the laws of nature breaking down. Suddenly, his hands, so steady just moments ago, begin to shake, sweat starts to build up on his forehead. He almost stumbles as he moves to trade in the pistol for the AK-47. He doesn't even seem to be paying attention anymore as he fires it, still hung up thinking about what went wrong before.


It was almost to much take. The last part of the test goes by in a haze. The results with the sniper rifle are decent, but he barely notices. There is a glazed look in Jake's eyes as he puts down the weapon and rejoins his team.


Assault Rifle:

Sniper Rifle:

2016-03-21, 01:09 PM
I hate to do this, but...

Isaac removes his ear protection, unloads and secures his weapons at the booth, and heads over to the commander overseeing the assessment.

"Ah, Commander. Permission to speak, sir?"

"Sir, the members of my provisional unit are excellent shots, you'll see from your records, but given the restricted nature of these weapons, none of us have even touched a firearm since our preparatory training last summer."

"I do not believe the first shots they have fired in seven weeks should be used to make long term decisions about their future. Unless this scenario was designed to specifically test their performance under extremely unfavorable conditions, might I suggest a 'do-over'? It's in no one's interests for these tests to be inaccurate."

2016-03-21, 04:04 PM
The instructor looks at you in silence for a long moment after you speak before replying in a very neutral tone.

"Your concerns are noted, cadet."

He then glances up at the clock on the wall.

"I believe you're going to be late for the obstacle course if your squad doesn't head out immediately..."

Assuming you head to the obstacle course, you're each required to make the following checks: 2 Balance, 2 Climb, 2 Escape Artist (squeezing through tight spaces), 2 Jump, and 1 Swim.

Once that is completed, you're sent to shower and then sent to the quartermaster's office.

2016-03-21, 04:11 PM

*falling into step with the others, Heath speaks up when they're on the way to the obstacle course.*
"Appreciate the vote of confidence, Sir. What do you say we doube-time it for a warm up? We'll perform better limbre than cold, Sir."

*A quick jog to the course with a short rest to catch their breth would be the perfect thing to clear their heads and get their thoughts off their poor performance earlier.*

2016-03-21, 04:18 PM
"Ah, the running, jumping, climbing and swimming. My other least favorite part of basic training."

Isaac takes to the obstacle course readily, seeming to enjoy himself despite his sarcasm.

Balance: [roll0] [roll1]
Climb: [roll2] [roll3]
Escape Artist: [roll4] [roll5]
Jump: [roll6] [roll7]
Swim: [roll8]

Master Waldo
2016-03-21, 06:03 PM
Karl Weiss
This is more like it. Karl thought as he looked out over the obstacle course. He'd run several similar looking ones in EMT training, though the course laid out in front of him now certainly looked tougher than the previous ones he'd seen.

Jogging up to the starting line and stretching out, Karl ran forward to the first obstacle and started the course.

- [roll0]
- [roll1]

- [roll2]
- [roll3]

Escape Artist
- [roll4]
- [roll5]

- [roll6]
- [roll7]

- [roll8]

2016-03-21, 06:04 PM

Just posting this real quick before I head out to work. I'll check back in when I can.

Rolls -

Defaulting to Dex -



Defaulting to Dex, once more


2016-03-21, 06:14 PM
Jake Silver

On the way to the next part of their evaluation, Jake's state of shock gives way to seething anger. He is not quite what he is most furious with, himself, the test conditions, fate, whatever. Mostly he's just angry.

Fuming on the inside, he throws himself on the obstacle course, no thoughts in his head, only rage.



Escape Artist



2016-03-21, 06:32 PM
I swear, I'm not just doing this to kill time, and I would have just done all the rolls myself on your behalf if it weren't for the extremely high posting rate you've all demonstrated. I wanted to see where your squad would actually place once the luck of the dice was factored into it. After this, we'll be getting to something better.Completing the obstacle course, you hit the showers and head to the next location of the day, as indicated on a map given to Issac in the papers given to him as squad leader.

You arrive at Barrin's Post, usually just called QM due to it being used primarily as the quartermaster's offices. You arrive to find that you are to be fitted and issued formal uniforms. For the moment, you only have the shorts and t-shirts of the standard Physical Training Uniform. The uniforms you are issued are "best fit" but not perfect, and you are expected to arrange final tailoring yourself.

After this, you're shuffled to the next stop, the office of the Ordnance Officer, where standard equipment load outs for various missions are available, and you are asked what types of weapons you prefer and the various roles you're interested in filling within a squad. Yes, they already have this information, but you're expected to give it again anyway. You're also asked about any squad specific tactics you've discussed as a unit.

2016-03-22, 03:10 PM
"We haven't really had chance to discuss tactics, commander. We were only thrown together yesterday afternoon, but I think everyone here has a good idea of where their strengths lie."

"I assume you just want a general idea. I've prepared several lists but... the gist is I'd prefer non-lethal support weapons; smoke, stun and gas grenades, perhaps a small handgun with a suppressor. I also performed well on last summer's explosives and field repair courses, a multitool would be useful. And, if the budget stretches to it, commander, a notebook computer would greatly increase my usefulness to the team."

"I never got used to wearing bulky armor, but a light armored undershirt would be helpful."

"If you want a more exhaustive list, I have several ideas for team loadouts that would-"

He looks around at the others, then shrugs.

"I will save it for another time."

Master Waldo
2016-03-22, 03:22 PM
Karl Weiss

"I'll be filling the role of combat medic most of the time. So I'll take the Inquisition's standard field medical equipment. As far as combat goes... I suppose a standard issue sidearm should be enough most of the time, maybe an assault rifle or smg if we're deployed to a mission where combat is anticipated."

"I'll need to be able to move quickly to reach a downed comrade in time to aid them, so no bulky armor. I'll just take a vest and helmet I suppose."

"As far as additional gear? I suppose just the standard kit should suffice, plus any specialized, mission specific gear as the need arises."

2016-03-22, 07:14 PM
After taking out his frustrated anger on the obstacle course, Jake has calmed down enough to at least appear calm and collected for the next part.

"The optimal use of my talents would be as a vanguard. Go in fast and precise, hit them hard before they can recover. I perform best on targets within about thirty feet. I am also very capable of filling a long-range fire-support or sniper role as backup, if needed. We haven't had too much time to talk about squad tactics yet, but so far it seems to be me as our primary frontline, Mr. Krastaca and Mr. Weiss as mid-range tactical and medical support, with Mr. Craft providing long range fire support and sniping capabilites. Mr. Krastaca works out the general plans, with Mr. Craft functioning as primary tactical adviser."

His eyes light up when asked about his preferred equipment.

"My preferred primary loadout is a pair of high-caliber semi-automic handguns. My personal favorite model, and the one I'm most experienced with, is the .50 AE Desert Eagle. As compact a size as you can make them while keeping the caliber large. If weight calculations allow, I like to carry two pairs for rendundancy purposes. As a backup, for situations requiring longer range, I like to have a high-caliber rifle available. My specific favorite in this regard would be the HK G3, alternatively a Barret Light Fifty, if mobility is not a factor for the mission. Suppressors, if stealth is a factor. A selection of grenades for a variety of purposes. Frag, flashbang, tear gas, thermite, at least. A combat knife, for last resort and utility purposes. Tasers for a possible non-lethal approach. Protection-wise, I rely on my agility and mobility to avoid danger, which rules out heavy armor. A light kevlar undershirt will do fine."

He pauses for a moment, before continuing.

"Vision. Important. Flash goggles, night vision goggles, gas masks, depending on mission parameters. Then there is the general miscellaneous gear. A multi-purpose tool, zip ties, mesh vests, that kind of stuff."

Jake finally comes to a stop. He could mention a lot more, but he felt he had been going on long enough.

I game terms, Jake names his dream weapons as a pair of compact mastercraft Desert Eagles, along with a backup mastercraft HK G3 (or a compact mastercraft Barret Light Fifty). Edit: The more realistic alternatives for a cadet: stock Desert Eagle and stock Glock 20 as primary weapons, stock HK PSG11 as backup

2016-03-22, 10:48 PM
Heath Craft

*Following lockstep behind the others, Heath runs through a quick list of ideal gear in general, and when he's brought up to speak, he stands at ease, listing off equipment in an almost mechanical fashion.*
"Reporting sir. Ideal tactical equipment loadout? I'd prefer a tweaked HK G3 with improved rifling, extended barrel and preferrably a telescoping stock. With slightly less stopping power than a .50 cal, at comparable range and accuracy, the G3 is one third the weight and has double the magazine capacity, increasing operational versatility.
As far as scopes, that will depend on the operation.

Sidearm allocation would be something simple and dependable. A Glock 17 would suffice, with underbarrel laser sight to increase tactical effectiveness in close-quarter encounters and urban environments.

As far as body armor, unfortunately, I have received minimal training, so unless significant customization is available for something like a light duty vest, an undercover shift would work best with my mobility needs.

As far as other equipment, that will depend entirely on the mission at hand, but a high quality tactical mesh vest and ghillie suit are the most important remaining bits of equipment.

Are we using standard long-range radios for maintaining contact during mission?

On another note, if we're allowed to request modifications to ordinance, hot-loaded rounds would be preferable as well. The tighter arc would improve long range performance. "

So, in mechanical terms, the g3 would be mastercraft +1 and have extended range. It would put it on comparable levels with other sniper rifles. I don't know if they had variable scopes in the 90's - switching from acog to long range sight as needed. I'm not sure if suppressors or silencers are allowed for anything but special forces, but that would be ideal as well.

If there's a way to work a light duty vest enough to reduce the nonproficiency prenalties to where it doesn't restrict him, that would be optimal, but the light undercover shirt would be more reasonable.

A tactical mesh vest - reduced weight and mastercraft would give him enough carrying capacity to stay in the light load category without much worry, and a mastercraft ghillie suit w/ reduced weight is just required gear.

Edit - just thought of it, but ammunition with the extended range gadget would work great too, and is still relatively inexpensive.

2016-03-23, 08:27 PM
"Heath, I had no idea you had such an encyclopedic knowledge of firearms. What would you suggest for someone who... ah, had less than impressive marksmanship skills?"

2016-03-23, 09:54 PM
Heath Craft

"Honestly? My best guess would either be a semi auto shotgun - something large bore. Hard to miss a close target when you throw enough lead at it. It gives you the option of nonlethal rounds as well.

Either that, or something with a metric ton of ammo and focus on suppressing fire to allow teammates more mobility. Were you hoping for specifics? I know a few different guns that could fit either role.

Just my tactical advice, sir."
*Heath cant help but smile, though he does enjoy being useful*

Master Waldo
2016-03-25, 09:20 AM
Karl Weiss
"This recruit has a question,sir" Karl says to the quartermaster. "The gear I've seen so far seems fairly standard military. In the field, will it protect us from the more...arcane threats we will face?"

2016-03-28, 02:30 PM
The woman dutifully records your full list of requests while keeping a perfectly neutral expression. You get the feeling though that you are not likely to get everything you've requested. Perhaps this is more of an assessment than a chance to requisition materiel?

I'll get something else posted to move you along later today. For now, you've completed this step and can take a moment to devise tactics or otherwise discuss what's been happening and what you still expect. The rest of the day is basically going to be RP fluff anyway, so I'll get that posted when I get off of work.

2016-03-28, 04:16 PM
Heath Craft

*As the squad finishes with their requisitions, Heath falls in line with the others during their moment of free time.*
"So, tactics are something we haven't talked about much. I'm a fan of settng up and eliminating targets from a distance obviously, though I doubt every mission will allow that. I just figure that the less the target sees any of us, the better it is for our overall health."

2016-03-28, 04:25 PM
"It would be almost meaningless to discuss tactics at this early stage," Isaac muses.

"We've all read the standard handbooks on small unit tactics, staying out of sight would seem like a sound strategy, but without knowing what we'll be up against, in what environment, for how long, after what amount of training, with what equipment..." Isaac waves his hand in a and-so-on gesture.

"The library allowed me nothing that would constitute necessary information for field work, so I assume the suggestion is only to agree tactics for the year's training exercises, which at this point, also pointless."

2016-03-28, 05:03 PM
Heath Craft

"I agree with you, Sir. Building any kind of tactical plan in a void is very nearly useless. With the variables that go into any situation, it makes any plan obsolete, but I apologize for not being clear enough."
*Reaching up to press at the bridge of his nose, he blinks a bit of dryness in his eyes away.*

"What I meant to discuss wasn't necessarily exact actions or equipemnt, but our personal preferences, amd why. Getting to know each other - our strengths and weaknesses - is important, and will be a large factor in later judgement calls. Sir."

2016-03-28, 05:05 PM
Isaac groans wearily.

"I already told you to stop calling me 'sir'. Nobody's watching."

2016-03-28, 05:27 PM
Heath Craft

*His stoicism finally cracks at the groan, and Heath lets out a burst of laughter, after which, he continues to smile widely.*
"No, but I was wondering how long it would take before that little burr got the better of you."

"In all seriousness, knowing whose hands we're going to be putting our lives is important. I know, for example, if you're going to assign me to overwatch, you want to be certain that I'm going to be on my mark when the time comes. Sure, that will come with time. But if you know who I am, why I fight, at least you'll have that to trust that first mission."

2016-03-28, 11:16 PM
After speaking with the QM, you're dismissed for the day.

Despite being dismissed, you still need to obtain your final class schedules and purchase your books.

The recommended classes are as follows; however, other courses not listed here are available. Please come up with the classes you'd like to take. After the end of each semester, you'll gain a collection of skill bonuses and/or bonus feats based on the courses you take each semester.

Term 1
MA101 - 4.0
Calculus I
MA151 - 4.5
Advanced Multivariable Calculus

CH101 - 3.0
Chemistry ICH151 - 3.5
Advanced General Chemistry I
LA101 - 3.0
Literature & Composition
HI101 - 3.0
National History
HI151 - 3.0
Advanced National History
(One Optional Class/Elective)
PL100 - 3.0
General Psychology

IT105 - 3.0
Introduction to Computing and Information Technology
IT155 - 3.0
Advanced Placement Introduction to Computing and Information Technology
PY101 - 3.0
PE115 - 1.0

Master Waldo
2016-03-29, 10:15 AM
Karl Weiss
Karl heads over to the registrar's office with his enrollment slip in hand. This first term, he's going for the recommended classes, with the exception of the harder Chemistry class (having taken intro chem in his pre-med, of course), with Psychology as his elective. Having completed many of the general education classes at his previous school, he also asked the registrar if he couldn't swap out LA101 for one of the classes in the medical education track.

MA101 - 4.0
Calculus I

CH151 - 3.5
Advanced General Chemistry I

LA101 - 3.0
Literature & Composition (Swap?)

HI101 - 3.0
National History

PL100 - 3.0
General Psychology

PE115 - 1.0
(Mandatory) Combatives

2016-03-29, 01:36 PM
"What? There're no courses on heretical science, or cryptobiology? Just how long are they planning on keeping us in the dark?"

Isaac paces, course application sheet in hand, but over the course of a few seconds, he calms down.

"Chemistry, literature, psychology. I've studied all of these. Hah, introduction to computing. I've seen institutional computer training before. And national history, in a military institution? They may as well call it propaganda class... I suppose mechanical engineering doesn't sound so bad. What I really need help with are my 'people skills', but there's no class for that."

He brightens.
"But perhaps an extracurricular group?"

He leans against the table and begins ticking boxes.

MA101 - 4.0 Calculus I
EL101 - 3.0 Chemistry
ME101 - 3.0 Mechanical Engineering
BI151 - 3.0 Advanced Earth & Life Sciences
PE115 - 1.0 Combatives
PE151 - 1.0 Supplemental Firearms Training
EXCUR - 2.0 Debate Club & Student Union Volunteer

2016-03-29, 01:57 PM
Jake Silver

Jake looks less than thrilled looking over the offered classes, muttering in a low voice. "I want to be a soldier, not an academic... how the hell is literature & composition gonna help me kill demons..." He spends quite a while seeking alternative options to the standard classes. Finally he sits down and finalizes his schedule.

If any of the following subjects are available, Jake will take as many of them as he can in order of priority:
- additional/supplemental firearms training
- additional/supplemental fitness and gymnastics training
- infiltration and stealth
- wilderness navigation and survival
- criminology and investigation
- demolitions
- field tactics

The rest of his avilable timeslots will be filled with these standard classes (again in order of priority):
PE115 - 1.0 (Mandatory) Combatives
CH101 - 3.0 Chemistry I
MA101 - 4.0 Calculus I
PL100 - 3.0 General Psychology
IT105 - 3.0 Introduction to Computing and Information Technology
LA101 - 3.0 Literature & Composition
HI101 - 3.0 National History

2016-03-29, 04:05 PM
"Perhaps the Inquisition, knowing something of demons, believe there is value in studying the classics."

Isaac looks up at the ceiling as if trying to remember something.

"'I see my discourse leaves you cold;
Dear kids, I do not take offense;
Recall: the Devil, he is old,
Grow old yourselves, and he'll make sense!'"

He looks down and blinks.

"Faust. Part one..." Isaac clears his throat. "More simply put, perhaps the arcanists we are to hunt are most familiar with the historical and classical elements of civilization than the modern world, and to learn some of what they live and breathe will give us more insight into their patterns and thoughts."

2016-03-29, 08:18 PM
Heath Craft
*staring as Isaac, Heath blinks hard, shaking his head.*
"Yeah. Faust.
Listen, man. People are people. They want power, they want authority. They want to feel like gods. They want to indulge their every whim and dark fantasy. The magic? The weird stuff? That just makes them more capable of following their hearts and indulging their vices. People find a way without it too."

*Spinning his pen deftly on his fingers, he shrugs.*
"I mean, sure. It's never just that simple, but at the core? People don't usually surprise you. You can count on them to do the thing that benefits them the most. What fills their desires."

*Looking over the list, he frowns, filling in the courses he thinks he'll be able to pass. School was never impossible for him, but never easy.*

PE115 - 1.0 (Mandatory) Combatives
CH101 - 3.0 Chemistry I
MA101 - 4.0 Calculus I
PL100 - 3.0 General Psychology
ME101 - Mechanical engineering basics
HI101 - National History

Ooc ~ on my phone, so formatting is hard. But thats a start. Did I miss where it said how many classes are taken each day?

2016-03-31, 01:27 PM
MA101 - 4.0 Calculus I
CH151 - 3.5 Advanced General Chemistry I
LA101 - 3.0 Literature & Composition (Swap?)
HI101 - 3.0 National History
PL100 - 3.0 General Psychology
PE115 - 1.0 CombativesKarl's classes, being the standard, are approved immediately.

MA101 - 4.0 Calculus I
EL101 - 3.0 Chemistry
ME101 - 3.0 Mechanical Engineering
BI151 - 3.0 Advanced Earth & Life Sciences
PE115 - 1.0 Combatives
PE135 - 1.0 Tactical Sidearms
EXCUR - 0.5 Debate Club
EXCUR - 0.5 Student Union VolunteerIsaac discovers that participation in sanctioned student organizations can provide up to one-half of one credit hour. While not likely to advance his academic career by much, there's potential to learn other things.

He also tracks down a supplemental class called Tactical Sidearms, which covers additional training with handguns, knives, and other basic melee weapons you're likely to use. He mentions it to the rest of his squad in time for them to enroll, if they so choose.

PE115 - 1.0 Combatives
PE135 - 1.0 Tactical Sidearms
CH101 - 3.0 Chemistry I
MA101 - 4.0 Calculus I
PL100 - 3.0 General Psychology
IT105 - 3.0 Introduction to Computing and Information Technology
LA101 - 3.0 Literature & Composition
Jake takes advantage of the Tactical Sidearms class along with Isaac. He drops National History from his schedule to stay under 20 credit hours.

He finds that the additional fitness courses have Combatives as a prereq (as does the basic field tactics courses) or require joining one of the sports teams.

Stealth and Survival courses are not available to first term semesters, because the Academy is probably worried you might try to use the skills you'd learn in the field before they are ready for you to use them... bureaucrats.

All Criminology classes require General Psychology as a prereq.

All classes that might cover demolitions require basic Chemistry or Chemical Engineering courses as prereqs.

PE115 - 1.0 (Mandatory) Combatives
CH101 - 3.0 Chemistry I
MA101 - 4.0 Calculus I
PL100 - 3.0 General Psychology
ME101 - Mechanical engineering basics
PHY104 - University Physics
HI101 - National HistoryHeath is required to take University Physics as a prereq to any Mechanical Engineering courses.

Did I miss where it said how many classes are taken each day?It's a maximum of 20 credit hours for the semester. There are enough available classes that you don't have to worry about your actual daily schedule. You'll be assumed to attend classes in the morning, half your classes on MWF and the other half on TuTh. Classes go from 8 AM to noon daily. The specific days you take each academic class aren't really important, unless you want to play to that level of detail...

Combatives is a daily course, and takes place from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM.
Tactical Sidearms meets on Tuesday and Friday mornings 6:30 to 7:30 AM.

Master Waldo
2016-03-31, 01:50 PM
Karl Weiss
After it is mentioned to him by Isaac, Karl decides it would be a good idea to sign up for the Tactical Sidearms class as well.

2016-03-31, 02:37 PM
Your schedules finalized, you head to the library to requisition your books and are then free for the remainder of the day. It's thankfully only about 1pm, so you have time to do as you want, such as planning or socializing or exploring... or eating...

2016-03-31, 06:35 PM
Since the extracurriculars take up less time than thought: Isaac's real final courses (adding History)

MA101 - 4.0 Calculus I
EL101 - 3.0 Chemistry
ME101 - 3.0 Mechanical Engineering
BI151 - 3.0 Advanced Earth & Life Sciences
HI151 - 3.0 Advanced National History
PE115 - 1.0 Combatives
PE135 - 1.0 Tactical Sidearms
EXCUR - 0.5 Debate Club
EXCUR - 0.5 Student Union Volunteer

2016-03-31, 10:02 PM
Heath Craft

*With an armload full of books, a newly created and depleted student book loan account, Heath couldn't help but frown. He could understand that they had to cover costs for the basic material, but it was frustrating to think that the majority of his first few real checks would go towards paying off the book themselves.*

*With a groan, he twists his neck, causing it to crack loudly before turning to the others.*
"Alright, so, now that we've managed to sell our bodies and souls for the next year, I need something to fill this empty feeling in my pocketbook. Only thing I can think of is a hot meal and some high quality bull."

"Anyone feel like joining me at the mess hall and we can see about setting up study groups or something? Maybe the ladies will be interested in setting something up too."

2016-04-01, 02:38 AM
Sorry it wasn't clear. The books are on loan to you. They're owned by the military. You only pay for them if they're not in good condition when you try to return them at the end of the semester.

Edit: Additionally, 3 meals per day are provided at the mess free of charge, but they're nothing fancy. There are vending machines in a few places around campus and a number of fast food places only a couple blocks away off campus.

Master Waldo
2016-04-01, 11:17 AM
Karl Weiss

Heath Craft
"Anyone feel like joining me at the mess hall and we can see about setting up study groups or something? Maybe the ladies will be interested in setting something up too."[/color]

Karl walks up alongside Heath, already starting to thumb through his Chem book in interest.

"Food sounds good. Hopefully the mess has something decent." Karl thinks for a second. "How bout a friendly wager? Last one to the mess has to buy dinner tonight?"
Without waiting for an answer, Karl takes off.

Dex roll?

2016-04-01, 05:20 PM
Heath Craft

*A race wasn't exactly the thing he was in the mood for, but as Karl took off like a rabbit in the bush, he couldn't help but give chase. Clenching hard on his books, he tried not to think about what it might cost him in damages if he were to drop them while running.*

Sorry. Quick post while stopped for work.

Edit ~ hahaha. Wow. Yeah. Hard to beat a nat. 20. Lol

2016-04-01, 05:53 PM
Jake Silver

Jake stood confused for a moment, balancing his stack of books. "But the food at the mess hall is free..." By the time he took off after the others, it was too late.


2016-04-01, 05:57 PM
Isaac leaves the others to their race and heads to the student bar, where despite a complete lack of alcoholic drinks, a cadet might sit comfortably with a cold cherry coke and listen to a variety of popular music.

2016-04-01, 11:23 PM
The mess is a cafeteria style setup. Today, you have a choice of either chicken or fish and two of the four vegetables: carrots, corn, mustard greens, or rice. You also get a wheat roll and a piece of pecan pie. You have to scan your student ID before you can grab a tray, so you're limited to once through per meal, 3 meals a day.

The seating area consists of numerous long tables lined by black plastic chairs in a well lit area with large windows.

Isaac leaves the others to their race and heads to the student bar, where despite a complete lack of alcoholic drinks, a cadet might sit comfortably with a cold cherry coke and listen to a variety of popular music.

There is a bar just across the street from the chemical engineering building, just off campus. It does serve beer but nothing stronger. They have a strict one per customer limit though. The bar is a bit shady looking from the street, but inside is quite nice, as if they just finished remodeling the place into a fancy sports bar. A cheery girl behind the bar greets Isaac as he enters but quickly goes back to talking to the girl sitting in front of her, completely ignoring him unless he interrupts their conversation.

2016-04-02, 06:45 AM
Heath Craft

*Scanning his ID, Heath nabs a tray and fills it with the nearest food available - it didn't matter so much. Food was food, and didn't matter as much to him as the opportunity to sit and relax.

Picking a spot across from Karl, who had arrived with enough time to get his food, sit and probably relax for a while, Heath sets his tray and books down, sitting with a sigh, shaking his head.*
"Well, it hardly seems fair to have a footrace with someone who is half gazelle, you know. I've always held to the theory that if you run, you'll just die tired. Never seen anyone outrun a 7.62mm."

*With a chuckle, he gives Karl a smile.*
"Well done. Wow."

2016-04-02, 08:00 PM
Isaac orders some bar food, and tries to find an opening to ask the staff about what's going on in town, and if there are any parts of the city it's best to steer clear of. After exhausting his information gathering skills, Isaac returns to the barracks, digs out his walkman, and listens to Lisa Lougheed albums until evening.

A gather information check, for local events, and if there are any dangerous parts of town.
Gather Information: [roll0]

Master Waldo
2016-04-03, 04:41 PM
Karl Weiss

"Well, it hardly seems fair to have a footrace with someone who is half gazelle, you know. I've always held to the theory that if you run, you'll just die tired. Never seen anyone outrun a 7.62mm."

*With a chuckle, he gives Karl a smile.*
"Well done. Wow."

Karl smiled back at Heath, graciously accepting the compliment. His leg twinged a little, he hadn't actually meant to press himself that hard, especially not after the grueling exercises they'd gone through this morning. Still, it felt good to run again.

"Thanks. Felt good to stretch out the legs, without having a course instructor yelling at you the whole time. I ran track in school, but haven't really since...uh...since my accident."

He picked up and dropped a spoonful of bread pudding (at least, he'd been told that's what it was), looking at it with wry amusement.

"Two years ago I don't think I would have eaten this. But it looks a hell of a lot better than what they served us at Sisters of Mercy." He laughed, and finished off his food.

"I suppose if you ever do see someone outrun a bullet, it's probably someone the Inquisition wants to have words with."

2016-04-04, 04:24 PM
Isaac orders some bar food, and tries to find an opening to ask the staff about what's going on in town, and if there are any parts of the city it's best to steer clear of. After exhausting his information gathering skills, Isaac returns to the barracks, digs out his walkman, and listens to Lisa Lougheed albums until evening.

A gather information check, for local events, and if there are any dangerous parts of town.
Gather Information: [roll0]The bartender brings your order and smirks at your questions. She replies that, quite obviously, this particular bar is the best place in town, and it would be best to steer clear of anywhere else, because you're certain to get into trouble elsewhere. She gives him a wink and returns to her conversation with the other girl with whom she's been talking. You listen in for a moment, and it seems that they're discussing some sort of sports game that involves fighting the opposing team with weapons that's recently started gaining popularity overseas. Apparently, based on the accent, the female customer is one of the few foreign students admitted into the Academy.

2016-04-04, 08:00 PM

"Outrun a 7.62......"
*Heath pauses mid bite as the thought occurs to him. It was honestly something he'd never considered. What were these things they were training to fight capable of? Could... could the move so fast?*

*Taking a bite and chewing slowly, Heath looks pensive for a minute before speaking his mind.*
"So, I know you were joking, but could that be possible? I mean, I've only ever heard stories about these things. All the... you know. Evil."

"I mean, people talk. Stories travel faster than stds in the Navy, but I don't know that I've ever heard anything that I could believe as fact. What is true? What is just fear? What are we really training to fight here?"

2016-04-05, 10:23 AM
Jake Silver

Jake's expression grows serious at the subject matter. "After what I've seen, I wouldn't be surprised. I don't know if there even are any rules. What they can do, what they are limited by... who knows, anything is possible..."

He drifts off for moment, lost in memories. When he re-focuses, his tone is lighter. "Still, I really hope a bullet can put them down, whatever they actually are."

2016-04-05, 05:29 PM

"From what you've seen? I mean, I've been through basic, but I've never dealt with...IT personally. You've seen....magic?"

*Heath can't help but feel uneasy saying the word. It was something thatt shouldn't exist. Like speaking of nightmares come real, Magic and the unknown flew in the face of science and everyhting modern society had been built upon.*

"I mean, you don't have to talk about it.
But bullets have to have some effect, that's what the Inquisitors use. That's why the military is training us, so it can't be for nothing. "

Master Waldo
2016-04-05, 05:52 PM
Karl Weiss
"Well, they definitely interact with the real world, so I'm sure there's some rules. Fire is hot, for example." Karl chuckled, as he reached up and ran his hand along his scar.
"The Inquisition definitely wouldn't be as effective if our guns didn't work. So there's that to keep in mind. I don't think we know everything that's out there though. Which is the scary part."

He looked down an stared into his mug for a while. A moment later, he looked up suddenly, a smile on his face that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Rather than moping around here, we should head back and see what the girls are up to. Shall we?"