View Full Version : Sneak / skirmish / precision damage

2016-03-20, 04:16 AM
I was wondering is there's any way to get this bonus damage other than class levels
Assume player is bard or monk or something and want to be pure

Is there any other way of boosting damage 1d6 or more at a time?

I know of assassin stance but lvl 12 and 2 feats makes 2d6 seem weak

2016-03-20, 10:16 AM
Precision damage is meant to be the defining class feature of several classes, so WotC didn't make it easy to access in significant quantities without investing class levels. You mentioned Assassin's Stance already. The only other decent method I can think of is Hunter's Eye, which is a Ranger spell (I forget which book it's in, but I think it's PHB2? AFB right now) that grants true sneak attack (and it scales with CL). Actual Rangers rarely have the CL to really make use of it, so it's better used in the hands of full casters who poach it (usually Archivists and Unseen Seers). There's probably other methods I can't think of right now, but Hunter's Eye is the best option that leaps to mind.

2016-03-20, 10:23 AM
The Monk could, at best Tashalantora into a Psychic Rogue or a Lurk, and still get most of the important Monk stuff anyways. I don't know how the hell you'd do it with a Bard, though.

2016-03-20, 10:33 AM
A Halfling Monk can trade away his Flurry of Blows to get weak Skirmish Progression instead. That's only really worth it if you don't go full monk though.

2016-03-20, 11:07 AM
There are a couple of weapon enhancements that add sneak attack dice to your weapon. Of course, since adding +1d6 sneak attack damage costs just as much as adding flaming, frost, or shock for +1d6 damage that applies all the time, this is somewhat inefficient.

2016-03-20, 12:05 PM
Martial Study and Stance for Assassin Stance gets sneak attack. Also Combat Expertise and Deadly Defense gets you +1d6 damage at the cost of -2 hit. Reckless Offense can trade that -2 hit for -4 AC, but it requires two feats(Power Attack pre-req). With the Cautious trait that should be a net -1 AC +1d6 damage on all attacks.

2016-03-20, 12:20 PM
Craven feat. +character level sneak attack to existing sneak attack damage. Combined with assassin's stance or a dip in one of the sneak attack classes (Unseen Seer is very decent for not losing caster levels), it's a pretty good improvement.

Also for a bard, Dragonfire Inspiration adds a fistful (YMMV depending on optimization level and size of fist) of d6s to damage of you and your allies.

There are also a plethora of spells that grant sneak-attack-like damage in Spell Compendium.

2016-03-20, 12:24 PM
Ok thanks all for the help
I'm trying to figure out a way to improve a few of my char damage one is bard sword/board other factotum Xbow and was trying to get a decent damage on them and sneak was obly way I could think
Do ya have any other suggestions?

2016-03-20, 01:00 PM
Snowflake Warsong and Font of Inspiration(this one is cheesy) can do the trick directly or indirectly.

Another trick for the Bard would be retraining into the usual Sublime Chord 1/Eldritch Knight X and learning Thunderlance, since you can apply metamagic on it, even though it's a melee weapon. This, of course, only works if your team is at least lvl 11.

2016-03-20, 01:04 PM
Increase the hell out of your inspire courage (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=9830) and use Dragonfire Inspiration. It's very possible to go above your level in d6s if you optimize for it (at level 9 of Bard, with 3 items, 2 feats and spell, you get +14 per attack). Important thing to note: This is for all allies that can hear/see you, so you're VERY useful to the party.

2016-03-20, 01:51 PM
Ok thanks all for the help
I'm trying to figure out a way to improve a few of my char damage one is bard sword/board other factotum Xbow and was trying to get a decent damage on them and sneak was obly way I could think
Do ya have any other suggestions?

Factotum: Knowledge Devotion
Are PF feats allowed because the Kirin Style fests are good for a high int feller
Since factotum is a ranged fighter: crossbow sniper for sneak attacks to work
Daggers with a lesser crystal of return are great, you can use them for iaijutsu focus

2016-03-20, 03:36 PM
How would I quality with dragon fire bard / I prove it
I'm a drow bard and will be 20 bard( no multiclass) so not sure how I can take feat without sorc level
Going pure cause it's class levels from core only but other things can be allowed if dm ok
And my factotum has Xbow sniper but I'm not sure how to get the sneak attack damage for it to apply in first place
And how is font of inspiration cheesy? Thought it just have more inspiration points

2016-03-20, 03:50 PM
Deepwyrm Drow have the dragonblood subtype.

2016-03-20, 03:58 PM
IlL see if I can add that to my char.. I'm already lvl 5 with 1 lvl la (buyout is allowed) so I don't know
Might be able to figure out a way that I discover it

2016-03-20, 04:13 PM
How would I quality with dragon fire bard / I prove it
I'm a drow bard and will be 20 bard( no multiclass) so not sure how I can take feat without sorc level
Going pure cause it's class levels from core only but other things can be allowed if dm ok
And my factotum has Xbow sniper but I'm not sure how to get the sneak attack damage for it to apply in first place
And how is font of inspiration cheesy? Thought it just have more inspiration points

Cunning Strike
Or single level dip in rogue/sneak-attack fighter/any sneak attack at level 1 class

2016-03-21, 08:24 AM
You can add up to 9d6 from iaijutsu focus. It's a charisma based skill check that's not a class skill for many classes. It's 3.0, Oriental Adventures variant, page 58.

It's not exactly precision damage, so you can use it against undead and such but it's still a nice handful of extra d6 if you can meet the prerequisites to use the skill and have skill points to spare. It requires you to draw a weapon and strike them as they're flat footed so it's a bit harder to use reliably unless you build for it.

2016-03-21, 08:58 AM
Can also go Dragonfire Strike - it converts the precision damage to elemental while adding an additional 1d6. If you get draconic heritage and pick a specific race, you can also get a specific element (the default is fire).

If you pick pyroclastic dragon, you can get both sonic and fire damage (pick)