View Full Version : [Team 2 IC] NMP Episode 1: Phantom Blood

Princess Tracy
2016-03-20, 10:19 AM
Genbu, Rikako, Yishirou, Mitsuruki

Shikamaru leads your merry, newly formed group into the Hokage offices faster than you can exchange names, though a few of you are acquinted anyway as Genbu and Rikako find themselves by happy coincidence sharing a team with a member of your clan along with the Nara acting as the Captain of the village under Naruto. However when you're led into the mission assignment room, you find not the current blonde-haired Hokage but the a tall, silver haired, lanky man in a mask who you recognise from his build and manner of dress as the Sixth Hokage, predecessor to the current Seventh, some of the more prescient among you perhaps knowing his name as Hatake Kakashi rather than just the title scribed in kanji on the back of his white coat.

"Hey everyone, first catch of the day. Team One's already taken, want to be Team Two?" Kakashi suggests, his mirth somewhat ambiguous thanks to the mask he has equipped. He doesn't look at the group for a long moment, pouring over some papers. "Its a bit of a wild day, all these new teams being built, but you've got the first pick of missions. Sorry to call on you for work right away but it's good to just throw yourself into it. You can get properly acquinted later, but how does... this one look?" He produces a mission scroll marked C-rank and holds it up at the group. "Oh, Genbu. You got stuck with a relative huh? I forget, are you her cousin or...? Ah, and this is Yishirou-kun right? And... oh. Mitsuruki-chan, excuse me, you just remind me of another genin from not that long ago, ahaha."

Primary Objective: Suppress a rebellion of non-shinobi who have captured one of our unused outposts
Secondary Objective: Attract as little media attention as possible, resolving this issue quickly and with no loss of life or limb. Attempt a diplomatic solution if you can assess their demands.

Details: At midnight [last night] we received a radio transmission from an unoccupied wartime outpost belonging to our village near the border, informing us it has been claimed by a group calling themselves protesters. They claim to be in open rebellion of a village which "does not care for their needs or lives" and "considers them enemies" and claim to be armed with blades and firearms alike. In our initial negotiation we ascertained that they seem to represent an interest from the nearby town of Inaba, where the claim citizens are being killed by unknown ninja against whom our village's lack of protection is suspect. Investigating these concerns could give insight into the legitimacy of their protest and aid in a diplomatic solution.

[Additional details including mission area and relevant radio and phone contact info for people in the area are included, in addition to coordinates of the outpost in general]

Kakashi hands the scroll to anyone that will take it, but encourages you all to read it. "How about it, does that seem like something you can take care of?"

2016-03-20, 11:11 AM
She had mixed feelings about her team. She didn’t mind Yishirou but she was not looking forwards to working with Mitsukuri, she had never liked that girl. That Mitsukuri behavior in the recent weeks had been much better did not help much; there was something unnerving about that kind of personality shifts.

And ugh their Jounin was Genbu. There was just something uncool about having a relative as team leader, no offence of course.

Rikako quickly stepped forward and took possession of the mission scroll. She stepped back again and opened it while holding it up so it would be easy for those standing beside her to read as well.

Once everybody had been given a chance to read the mission scroll she said "Yes, Sixth. We can do this." confidently, failing their first mission just wasn’t an option. "We’ll investigate the circumstances and disperse the rebellion with the minimum required force and disturbances." She made a bow towards the Sixth Hokage.

2016-03-20, 01:55 PM
Yishirou slowly moved to stand behind Rikako for a good view of mission scroll. All, while suppressing a yawn - he stood in the presence of an ex-Hokage - respect and all...Yawn. That was not the kind of impression he'd like to give, but what could he do? He looked through the mission scroll and scratched the back of his net. There was something in the mission - something, he didn't like at all. It seemed, whoever gave the mission tried to get two missions for the price of one. Yet his teammate have allready hastily accepted, without thinking over - so Nara. He signed, not willing to show inter team collisions to outsiders and threw in a few questions:
- Well, we accepted, didn't we. So, that's our outpost, right? Do we have plans? Maybe a hidden emergency entrane or something? And here's one more question - do we, as the team doing mission even care for their motives? Or is it jut sneak in, remove the leader, scare them into submission, get out. Oh, and hope, they've hired a missing-nin or two.
Personally, Yishirou cared little about the needs and demands of some backwater villagers. Yet, he still wanted to do everything he could for the success of the mission.

2016-03-20, 08:28 PM
"No way, Yishirou!" Nayoko loudly insisted, never losing the grin from her face.

"We have to go to this village first and investigate. If we can find the source of these supposed ninja attacks and eliminate it, the outpost will have to stand down."

The eyes above her smile took on a slightly less naive look.

"Or, if they don't, they're proven to be causing a fuss for nothing. Then we can beat them up completely justified!"

2016-03-20, 08:57 PM
Rubbing the back of his head in motion somewhere between embaressed and amused, Genbu agrees, "Cousin, sir. Don't think I could handle either of my siblings. Good luck to whatever poor sucker gets them in a few years."

"And it looks like we're taking it. Come one guys," he adds, waving the genin along. "Sounds like we have a lot of planning to do it. Shouldn't hold up the other teams."

"Probably not, Yishirou. If they had the resources to hire missing-nin they'd have put in a mission to solve their troubles before going to all this trouble.

2016-03-21, 03:09 PM
Rikako threw Nayoko a thoughtful look when the girl spoke. "We should at least attempt to accomplish the secondary objective before we just go in and settle everything by force." Rikako spoke her mind while they were walking. "The truth is that keeping this incident completely out of the press will be hard. Even if we slaughter everyone in the fort there is a chance news of it might reach outside and if we only take out their leaders and subdue the rest the survivors could get access to the press. If these people have a sympathetic cause chances are that we will end up looking the bad guys."

"Let’s at least investigate some first, get a more complete picture of the situation. If we can find a way we should resolve the situation so that any word that does reach the press will speak about us in a positive light. That’s what the village truly needs these days."

Princess Tracy
2016-03-21, 03:35 PM
Team Two

Kakashi makes an awkward, throat-clearing noise from behind his mask. "I should remind you not to cause needless bloodshed, not just for fear of the press, but just part of this village's ethics. We protect the people of this village and, as part of the feudal system of the fire country, its outlying villages as well. Slaughtering them for their insubordination might be acceptable in the Hidden Mist but not here. If they take hostages or threaten lives, act then, but..." He sighs. "Anyway, I shouldn't have to tell you how to do your jobs, Genbu should know well enough to act as a voice of reason. But don't kill people who haven't resorted to outright violence first. And I believe you're right to investigate and perhaps address their demands if they're righteous." With that advice given, it seems you're dismissed to go on your mission unless you ask for anything further. "Best of luck, team two. Go exchange introductions on the way."

"Er, actually can you hang around the Hokage building for a bit? By my maths I might have an extra genin or two more than I have Jounin to take them, so go get acquinted and wait for an hour before you head out, please," Shikamaru humbly requests from the corner.

2016-03-21, 04:09 PM
She accepted the Sixths advice with a smile. She was sure glad they weren't in the Hidden Mist. Actually slaughtering an entire fort manned with what was little better than civilians was not something she thought she could do. Taking out a leader however was an option that was still on the table if necessary, especially by non-lethal means. Lethal means? Well, she’d know if the situation arrived.

"Yes. D- Captain." She recalled him saying there might be more than three on a team. It was fairly uncommon as far as she knew, not that she would complain about an extra person. "We’ll be waiting outside." She again agreed on behalf of the group.

2016-03-21, 06:45 PM
Satsuki walks through the Hokage's office door, looking very tired. As usual, he was training with Sasuke, which wasn't really training so much as torture. Sometimes, Satsuki wonders if his father understands the concept of restraint. Then again, if that were true he would have been burned alive by black flames, which means that his father is holding back...which also means he's just that weak...which is also kind of depressing. Mustering all the energy he had, he introduces himself.

"Hello guys, it's nice to meet you all! Sorry I'm late, I...kind of overslept, to be completely honest." Satsuki speaks as he rubs some of the sleep from his eyes. He looks around the room, and recognizes (Presumably) two of his teammates.

("Aha, interesting, it seems I'm paired up with Rikako Nara and Nayoko. I did ask him about each of them, but he just tells me to ask them myself.") Now that he was on the same team of with them, maybe he could find out. What a nice turn of events, he thought.

Satsuki is slim, standing at 168 cm. His hair is red, and the hairstyle looks like something a Uchiha, or specifically Sasuke, would have. His eyes are jet black. His pants are black, while his jacket is primarily black with secondary purple features. Back when he was a child, there were rumors that he was the son of a criminal, so you may know that. You also may know that he's kinda goofy (But can be serious when necessary). As for his reputation in the academy, he does do pretty well in the academy.

2016-03-22, 02:05 AM
Still grumpy from the Kakashi's speech, Yishirou bowed once again and left with the team. Apparently, the Sixth's uderstanding of work ethics included paying the Genin with propaganda instead of Ryo. Yishirou made a point to change this attitude, when the funny hat will be inevitably passed to him. Right now, all he could do is fulfill the mission(s) on his best and rant abou it if asked. And then an extra force showed up. Now the guy really hoped, the rebels hired some missing nin. Or, that there was some infiltrator from the Cloud or the Mist or whatever, stirring all the trouble.
- Oh, hello, Uzumaki-san - he paused his silent rumbling to greet the new member of the team.

2016-03-22, 07:07 AM
Rikako was still holding the mission scroll as they left the building. She was really excited for their first missions. "Hey." She greeted Satsuki. "Since our team had already been named and we’d received our first mission before being told you would be joining us I’m afraid you will from here on be known as 'the new guy'. Welcome to team two. Name might be subject to change" She told him jokingly.

"Our first mission." she threw him the scroll. "We'll be investigating the situation in the village before planning on how we'll deal with the insurgents. If we can negotiate a peaceful stand down, we will." she informed him of what they had planned so far.

2016-03-22, 07:18 AM
"That's right!" Nayoko nodded, greeting the newcomer kindly but not actually slowing her pace.

"Come on, let's go! We need maximum daylight time to scope it out, and then during the night we'll stake out the town!"

2016-03-22, 01:31 PM
"I completely understand," Genbu adds with a slight nod. "Just don't make a habit of it. Or learn to sleepwalk, whatever gets the job done."

As his other genin start talking, "Not so fast, Nayoko. Does everyone have their gear? Even if this is just some initial scouting we wouldn't want to caught off guard. Especially if we run into whatever they claim has been attacking townspeople."

2016-03-22, 07:35 PM
Still grumpy from the Kakashi's speech, Yishirou bowed once again and left with the team. Apparently, the Sixth's uderstanding of work ethics included paying the Genin with propaganda instead of Ryo. Yishirou made a point to change this attitude, when the funny hat will be inevitably passed to him. Right now, all he could do is fulfill the mission(s) on his best and rant abou it if asked. And then an extra force showed up. Now the guy really hoped, the rebels hired some missing nin. Or, that there was some infiltrator from the Cloud or the Mist or whatever, stirring all the trouble.
- Oh, hello, Uzumaki-san - he paused his silent rumbling to greet the new member of the team.

"It's nice to meet you too. By the way, what's your name? It would get annoying for me to call constantly call you "Teammate"."

Rikako was still holding the mission scroll as they left the building. She was really excited for their first missions. "Hey." She greeted Satsuki. "Since our team had already been named and we’d received our first mission before being told you would be joining us I’m afraid you will from here on be known as 'the new guy'. Welcome to team two. Name might be subject to change" She told him jokingly.

"(Well, as they say the sixth ranger is the best ranger!)" Satsuki happily thought.

"Our first mission." she threw him the scroll. "We'll be investigating the situation in the village before planning on how we'll deal with the insurgents. If we can negotiate a peaceful stand down, we will." she informed him of what they had planned so far.

Satsuki catches the scroll, and begins to read it. "(Sounds like a relatively simple mission, but I am kind of annoyed that we have to negotiate with them first. Hopefully that fails, then I can take some of the bodies and feed them to the Onis)." Unknown to all but his father, Satsuki had a blood pact with the Onis, and since for some odd reason they loved to eat human bodies, he has to offer them "food" as tributes.

"That's right!" Nayoko nodded, greeting the newcomer kindly but not actually slowing her pace.

"Come on, let's go! We need maximum daylight time to scope it out, and then during the night we'll stake out the town!"

"Sounds like a plan." Satsuki didn't have any of his usual amount of enthusiasm, being rather tired from his week of training.

"I completely understand," Genbu adds with a slight nod. "Just don't make a habit of it. Or learn to sleepwalk, whatever gets the job done."

"Thanks for understanding, Sensei, and don't worry, I only oversleep when I'm done with a week full of training."

As his other genin start talking, "Not so fast, Nayoko. Does everyone have their gear? Even if this is just some initial scouting we wouldn't want to caught off guard. Especially if we run into whatever they claim has been attacking townspeople."

"I have my gear, so I'm good to go." Satsuki says, resting his hand on the sword next to his waist.

Princess Tracy
2016-03-23, 08:07 AM
Team Two

You have ample opportunity to requisition whatever equipment you could reasonably require as long as you simply go to the front desk and ask, perhaps putting down a deposit for anything hefty they expect to be returned. Heading out, you see there's a scramble among some other newly formed teams heading out to the door of the village's outer wall, with what you can only assume is Team Two cutting ahead of you, three masked fiends and a Senju. You're able to get on your own trail but sooner or later its time to head North to Inaba. After two hours of land hopping though you see a sign outside the town sharing the scroll's coordinates is marked "Yasoinaba." A clerical error, perhaps. It's surrounded on all sides by trees just like many of the villages under the direct protection of the fire daimyo, and looks big enough to house perhaps a thousand people, with many rustic buildings of clay and wood built side by side a couple of more modern looking terraces. As you head into town, you get some funny looks from people, small children point at you but are hushed away by their pearl clutching mothers, and shutters and doors slam shut. By the time you get near the town square, the streets look rather barren as it seems news of the sight of ninja has traveled fast, even the sight of your shiny new headbands of the leaf repelling these people.

Streetwise is the typical info gathering skill.

2016-03-23, 08:21 AM
"That's not right," Nayoko muttered as they saw the incorrect sign outside the village.

"No way, it's the first clue!"

She took that bit of information and latched on to it as she did her rounds about the town. She spoke to anybody that would hear her, trying to work out where the discrepancy had started.

"Yasoinaba? I didn't know that was the name! Has it always been that?"

"Hey, ya seen that big sign outside town? Weird sign, huh? What does it say again?"

"Ever heard of a town called Inaba? Nice place!"

Streetwise [roll0].

Ha, my dice are hot!

2016-03-23, 08:48 AM
"Wait, Mitsuruki. Don't just rush off." Rikako said to no avail and hurried after her.

Following along Nayoko she tried helping her extract information by adding a calmer, more rational tone and offered apologies to everyone offended by the other girl’s directness.

"Sorry for bothering you madam. But if you do know…"

"You see we’re..."

Streetwise Aid Another DC10.


Princess Tracy
2016-03-23, 08:53 AM
Team Two

Nayako gets some dirty and scared looks as she goes up to random people and loudly monologues about the virtues of a town she's never been to. Eventually a teenager with apparently nothing to lose, a piercing-happy girl with orange dyed hair running a fruit stand in the town square and resolutely standing her ground without shying away from you outsiders. "Yes, I have heard of Inaba as a matter of fact, what's it to you? Why are you rubbing people's faces in it?" Pressing further, you get them to cough up "Hey now, you don't even know? Inaba WAS a town a couple miles from here, until demons came in and wrecked the place. One night these big ogres just come in and start setting fires and carrying people off into the night. People evacuated after that, people that were left. They migrated here to Yaso, and we became Yasoinaba. So where were you that night, huh? Slow response time. I bet if the fire daimyou had so much as a favourite ramen shop in that place SOMEHOW you'd have found a way to swoop in and save the day."

A shaggy looking butcher pokes his head out the window, a shaky hand brandishing a bloody cleaver, though more gesturing than threatening as he interjects. "I'll tell you where they were, I will! They were THERE. Doing mass punishment to the town for not paying their taxes, 'protection' money to the damn ninjas. I saw 'em with my own two eyes! Red, burning eyes like the devil, a human helped 'em, he did! He was seven foot tall and had a leaf headband. He was their leader, he summoned the demons like he was one! Muscles like mountains, but no horns, no no, it was human, the Leaf ninja! I'd bet there WERE no demons at all even, probably they were all just leaf ninja using dig stupid masks as a false flag and one of 'em forgot! But I wouldn't put it past these ninja to consort with the deepest bowels of HADES So what now, are you back to finish the job?"

2016-03-23, 08:08 PM
Team Two

You have ample opportunity to requisition whatever equipment you could reasonably require as long as you simply go to the front desk and ask, perhaps putting down a deposit for anything hefty they expect to be returned. Heading out, you see there's a scramble among some other newly formed teams heading out to the door of the village's outer wall, with what you can only assume is Team Two cutting ahead of you, three masked fiends and a Senju. You're able to get on your own trail but sooner or later its time to head North to Inaba. After two hours of land hopping though you see a sign outside the town sharing the scroll's coordinates is marked "Yasoinaba." A clerical error, perhaps. It's surrounded on all sides by trees just like many of the villages under the direct protection of the fire daimyo, and looks big enough to house perhaps a thousand people, with many rustic buildings of clay and wood built side by side a couple of more modern looking terraces. As you head into town, you get some funny looks from people, small children point at you but are hushed away by their pearl clutching mothers, and shutters and doors slam shut. By the time you get near the town square, the streets look rather barren as it seems news of the sight of ninja has traveled fast, even the sight of your shiny new headbands of the leaf repelling these people.

Streetwise is the typical info gathering skill.

("Yasoinaba? Well, this is where the village is supposed to be...wait, now that I think about it, "Inaba" sounds pretty familiar...)"

As his team enters the village, Satsuki notices the townsfolks's expressions. They are clearly not wanted there. As his teammates gather information, Satsuki continues to ponder, why did "Inaba" sound so familiar?

Team Two

Nayako gets some dirty and scared looks as she goes up to random people and loudly monologues about the virtues of a town she's never been to. Eventually a teenager with apparently nothing to lose, a piercing-happy girl with orange dyed hair running a fruit stand in the town square and resolutely standing her ground without shying away from you outsiders. "Yes, I have heard of Inaba as a matter of fact, what's it to you? Why are you rubbing people's faces in it?" Pressing further, you get them to cough up "Hey now, you don't even know? Inaba WAS a town a couple miles from here, until demons came in and wrecked the place. One night these big ogres just come in and start setting fires and carrying people off into the night. People evacuated after that, people that were left. They migrated here to Yaso, and we became Yasoinaba. So where were you that night, huh? Slow response time. I bet if the fire daimyou had so much as a favourite ramen shop in that place SOMEHOW you'd have found a way to swoop in and save the day."

Satsuki does a double take at the mention of "Ogres". No, impossible! Then again, maybe it was just some random group of On-

A shaggy looking butcher pokes his head out the window, a shaky hand brandishing a bloody cleaver, though more gesturing than threatening as he interjects. "I'll tell you where they were, I will! They were THERE. Doing mass punishment to the town for not paying their taxes, 'protection' money to the damn ninjas. I saw 'em with my own two eyes! Red, burning eyes like the devil, a human helped 'em, he did! He was seven foot tall and had a leaf headband. He was their leader, he summoned the demons like he was one! Muscles like mountains, but no horns, no no, it was human, the Leaf ninja! I'd bet there WERE no demons at all even, probably they were all just leaf ninja using dig stupid masks as a false flag and one of 'em forgot! But I wouldn't put it past these ninja to consort with the deepest bowels of HADES So what now, are you back to finish the job?"

.....Crap. While the description was more than off, for one he was quite slender, he was below six feet tall, let alone seven, and he only got his headband a couple of days ago, but the "Red, burning eyes like the devil" part was enough to make him cautious. Sure, it could have been another summoner, but Oni summoners are quite rare, and it would explain why Inaba sounded so familiar. Satsuki quickly started to think of what he could, and should, do.

"Don't worry sir, we're not here to cause you or the townsfolk any harm. In fact, we came here to better understand the concerns this town and it's people have."

2016-03-23, 08:34 PM
'We didn't..."

Nayoko's smile was gone. She paused, looking directly at the girl behind the stand.

"We didn't know anything about that. I'm so sorry, we just heard about unrest a few hours ago and came to investigate. That sounds like a Rogue Ninja."

She clenched her fists.

"And this wouldn't be the first time I killed some evil Rogue Ninja. I'm so sorry, again, I didn't know. Has anything else happened since then? Recently?"

2016-03-24, 04:41 AM
"It's nice to meet you too. By the way, what's your name? It would get annoying for me to call constantly call you "Teammate"."

Yishirou signed - do they always pay that much attention to the people around them? - It's Aomori Yishirou, Uzumaki-san. Hopefully, we'll get along better then we did in the academy
And so, they were on the trail - he just made a detour to the weapon desk to requisition some expendables - kunai, shuriken, explosive tags (EXPLSOSIVE TAGS!) and food pills. As they arrived at Yasoinaba, he wasn't in time to stop his teammates rushing the "investigation", which was little more then randomly poking ninja-haters for answer, and so, he stayed with the team captain, leaning on the wall casually, while making a "Shikamaru hand seal".
- I wonder, Genbu-sensei why did they never tell us about the whole demon incident? Secrecy - illogical, we would - and did, find out ourselves. And this weird mission - supress the rebellion by adhering to the demands of the rebels - is it a bell test or something? - he rumbled, adressing the team captain.

OOC: Okay, a Street Savvy roll for information, regarding this town and the demon incident.

Princess Tracy
2016-03-24, 06:40 AM
Nayako, Satsuki, Rikako

"Ha, I see, I see, you don't even bother figuring out what's going on in this town until Yasai and our boys took your precious abandoned outpost!" the butcher starts again, making to raise the cleaver but thinking better of it and lowering his blade.

The butcher mumbles some more while the piercing-happy girl raises an arm to wave him off. "Hm. You wanna claim this is all the work of some rogue ninjas? Fine. I'll believe you when you hunt them down. In the meantime, lately the big deal is that people keep dying. Just dropping dead all of a sudden. They tend to be jackasses, so I figure you ninja were using your stealth magic to kill undesirables without incident."

Nearby people either shirk away or stand tall at mention of such incidents, either terrified they'll be stealthily assassinated or demanding a reaction to such news. "Why don't you go ask the police or a doctor about how stumped they are with the mysterious case of people dropping dead? Tell them Shio sent you."

Genbu, Yishirou

As Yishirou and Genbu hold back from the discussions, Yishirou's contemplation brings him some insights. It seems this town is the one he's seen in a few tabloid newspapers, rumoured to be the nest of a shinigami, or angel of death who claims the souls of the wicked. One day a man in the local jail just dropped dead. Then another, a local thief who wasn't convicted. A pervert next. The hysteria has been sweeping other villags recently of people dying mysteriously being the work of ninjas or otherworldly beings, some supernatural conspiracy, but it seems this place was the origin, with perhaps a dozen cases being heard before things got out of hand. Inaba's inclusion with this village will have only spurred the fires of conspiracy.

2016-03-24, 06:49 AM
"The police?"

Nayoko looked back to Rikako and Satsuki, nodding once more.

"That would be a good idea. If we can find out the usual time of attack or any sort of pattern, that'll be a good start."

She gestured to them to finish up. She'd already outstayed her welcome with this girl, she felt.

2016-03-24, 11:29 AM
'We didn't..."

Nayoko's smile was gone. She paused, looking directly at the girl behind the stand.

"We didn't know anything about that. I'm so sorry, we just heard about unrest a few hours ago and came to investigate. That sounds like a Rogue Ninja."

She clenched her fists.

"And this wouldn't be the first time I killed some evil Rogue Ninja. I'm so sorry, again, I didn't know. Has anything else happened since then? Recently?"

Satsuki gulped at Nayoko's visible anger. He wasn't very confident in his abilities, and Nayoko being an overall mystery didn't reassure him in any way.

Nayako, Satsuki, Rikako

"Ha, I see, I see, you don't even bother figuring out what's going on in this town until Yasai and our boys took your precious abandoned outpost!" the butcher starts again, making to raise the cleaver but thinking better of it and lowering his blade.

"(Yasai...now we have a name. It could be useful while we go around town. I swear, if it wasn't because of him and his followers, I wouldn't be in this situation!)"

The butcher mumbles some more while the piercing-happy girl raises an arm to wave him off. "Hm. You wanna claim this is all the work of some rogue ninjas? Fine. I'll believe you when you hunt them down. In the meantime, lately the big deal is that people keep dying. Just dropping dead all of a sudden. They tend to be jackasses, so I figure you ninja were using your stealth magic to kill undesirables without incident."

Nearby people either shirk away or stand tall at mention of such incidents, either terrified they'll be stealthily assassinated or demanding a reaction to such news. "Why don't you go ask the police or a doctor about how stumped they are with the mysterious case of people dropping dead? Tell them Shio sent you."

"Well, I can tell you for sure that we're not responsible." That was a lie. For all he knew the village was responsible. Either way, these mysterious deaths were interesting, and if he were to figure out a pattern, he actually could kill a couple of the first eye witnesses. Simply forge a false connection to the pattern, and he'll be set.

"The police?"

Nayoko looked back to Rikako and Satsuki, nodding once more.

"That would be a good idea. If we can find out the usual time of attack or any sort of pattern, that'll be a good start."

She gestured to them to finish up. She'd already outstayed her welcome with this girl, she felt.

"Rikako, I would appreciate it if you were to go to the hospital by yourself. This Ogre attack, I would like to discover more about it." Satsuki faces the orange haired girl, and begins his investigation.

"I assume your name is Shio? If you don't mind me asking, what exactly do you know about this Ogre attack?"

2016-03-25, 04:38 AM
Yishirou shrugged his shoulders.
- Well, here's one thing - this killer mostly attacks thugs. A vigilante. Corrupt court - most certainly. He was probably wronged by the justice system either here or in Konoha - ah, the joys of Uchiha Military police, and he sorta "sets things right" - you know, the justice over law stuff. And since the people in the fort are protesting against Konoha's inaction concerning this vigilante - are they supporters of the current system, which is probably corrupt, in addition to being lawbreakers and tresspassers? Quite possibly? How about we go to the police and have Sensei get the intel from there with his authority?

Princess Tracy
2016-03-26, 05:35 PM
At the police station

Anyone going to the police station is treated to a flurry of activity as the small building is positively stuffed with people flocking about and loudly bending the ear of any police officer who will listen. When you barge in, there's audible gasps and as people either squeal to the attending officers or scamper out the door behind you, it becomes clear they're mostly all here to report you as part of a mass hysteria brought on by you ninja intruding on the town. "They're here! I told you!" "They wanna kill everyone for rebelling!" "It was Yasai's idea, honest!"

Even the police officers look wary but not one of them looks ready to start anything with you. However, a few calmer ones go into the back of the precinct and out of a locked room comes another figure, perhaps the most serenely no-nonsense person (http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121021204238/avatar-ldmdla/fr/images/b/b9/LinBeiFong.png) present. She couldn't have been too late in her thirties, yet already her hair was greying to the colour of dark steel, and a prominent scar gouges her cheek. She wears some odd component to her body armour that you recognise as an extension for Battle Wire gloves.

"Konoha-nin? I'm Ayama Rin, the resident shinobi-trained detective. I assume you're here about the uprising those fools are pulling, right? I don't know why you elected to come into town, you're causing a mass panic. And I thought I was the scariest thing in these people's lives when I got reassigned here," she explains, her voice somewhere between a sigh and a verbal attempt to punch you with words. After introduces herself, she pauses to let you do the same, nudging you for some ID otherwise. "They're a superstitious lot. So, what can I do for you?"

At the hospital

Anyone going to the hospital finds it a quiet enough place, more like a larger clinic with three stories worth of wards from the look of it. At the front desk you find people giving you weird looks but once you state your purpose in checking out the investigation of mysterious deaths, you are referred onto the forensic doctor who you find kicking about in the morgue. Three peopel are inside, but only two wear lab coats, an older man and an older woman. The third is a scruffy young man in a silly hat (http://media3.giphy.com/media/aDS8SjVtS3Mwo/giphy.gif) looking like his wardrobe was stolen from a centuries old-hobo and who has never seen the business end of a hairbrush. "That's the third death this week..." says the old man, looking over a fresh corpse on the slab while the old woman nods and takes notes.

"I'm telling you guys, it's genjutsu, these poor men died of fright. Gen-ju-tsu!" the young man says excitably as the others sigh exhaustedly at his antics. "I'm telling you, man. Just look at his aura, that wasn't no regular heart attack, he like, died of fright, and what besides a genjutsu does that!"

"How on earth are we supposed to verify that, when you're the only doctor with training in chakra use here?"

"You just listen to me, why not trust me?"

"Because I've not known you to be anything but a slacker and a blight upon this hospital and if we weren't obligated to have at least one medical-ninja on board, you'd be out of here."

"Dude, harsh."

2016-03-26, 11:25 PM
"I'm Nayoko," the Jinchuriki nods.

"And we're here because we want to know what's going on. We didn't even know about Inaba - we were here to find this supposed ninja that's been killing people around town.

Our goal is to find and remove him, so we can reclaim our outpost peacefully and rekindle relations with this settlement. Do you have any information about this individual? We'd ideally want to find him in the act and subdue him."

Princess Tracy
2016-03-27, 10:51 AM
"Nayoko who?" asks one of the clerks cowering behind Rin. Rin sighs and produces her badge, proving her own identity before seeming to expect the same of you, but doesn't press the issue.

"So you're looking into that. Good, maybe you can help me out. A few weeks ago several men in the jail cells in this very building just dropped dead, that's when it seemed to kick off. I can't determine a cause of death yet, though there is one medical nin at the hospital who has some off the all ideas. The hippie's just whipping people up into more of a panic, but beyond ninja skills I suppose I don't have a much better explanation yet. The cause of death varies, but in many cases it appears to be heart attacks, though a few people have died from seemingly more natural causes that we've attributed to the case only because they fit the profile of the other victims. A few yakuza boys died in a gas explosion the other day, that's when Yasai and his men decided they'd had enough - the yakuza were undesireable elements but the collateral damage was more daring, and if it's similalry all the work of ninjas people don't appreciate civilians being picked off without trials. Most the victims tend to be violent and unconvicted criminals. If these were just acts of god people would probably be thankful, but a few men have died whose violent nature was unknown until after their deaths."

"So far... I've found very little evidence of any asassination. Due to the hysteria, all the crime scenes so far have been too contaminated for me to meaningfully determine things via forensic evidence. It would seem to me though, whoever's behind this enjoys demonstrations of power and believes strongly in the use of violence to dispose of undesirables, and is able to do so with impunity. They're getting more daring and broad. The most violent criminals died first, almost like a warning to the others."

2016-03-27, 03:25 PM
- Aomori Yishirou, Konha genin, if you haven't guessed that allready - which is a possibility - the guy introduced himself with supressed annoyance bordering on anger in his voice.
- So, the city was afflicted by possibly rogue ninja performing unwanted vigilantism. The city authorities instead of hiring a team from Konoha for a B-rank investigation, or petitioning the Fire lord in case of the city budget lacking - which I doubt, for some reason did nothing. And then, this Yasai and "his men" tresspassed on the property of Konoha in hopes of extorting the services from us. - he made a pause, letting his comrades and yet silent sensei think, what would happen if everybody will try to bully ninjas instead of paying for the missions like a good little sheep. - For some reason, I feel my sympathy to the situation extremely...lacking. Yet, I have orders to cooperate...for now. I have forsenics training, so maybe i can double-check the evidence, that your medic have presented. Meanwhile, I humbly request the profile on this "Yasai". Also, would you kindly search your archives for the namers of the shinobi hopefuls born in this town and sent to Konoha for training from the merging of the two cities. That woud narrow our circle of suspects at least a little.

2016-03-27, 05:27 PM
"We would be very grateful." Rikako added from beside Aomori. "I know the situation is not ideal and that there is resentment on both sides but let's try putting that behind us and getting to the bottom of this. If the Leaf is behind this then it's a rogue element, once the truth is known we might reach a peaceful settlement. Any wrong doings on the part of Yasai can be dealt with another day when heads are clearer."

2016-03-27, 06:11 PM
OOC: Whenever Satsuki is thinking to himself, his speech will be in ( ).

"(Damn, it doesn't seem like I'll get more information than what the butcher told me. In that case, I shouldn't worry about this ogre attack. Now, let's see, where should I go? There's the police station and the hospital, where my teammates are...where my teammates are...away...from me..." Right then and there, Satsuki had an epiphany.)"

"(I'm alone, all by myself....That's right! I'm all alone, which means no one can stop me from killing Yasai and his men! When I get to the outpost, I'll make sure to tell the Onis to not leave a single trace of their bodies!)"

With that, Satsuki heads towards the outpost, and once he's out of site he hops on the trees towards his goal, making sure he isn't being seen or followed.

Princess Tracy
2016-03-27, 07:43 PM
"Hmph, don't give me the attitude. I did manage to convince the mayor to bring in some Konoha-nin last week to investigate, but they forfeited the mission and concluded there was no ninja involvement. But that hasn't put people's fears to rest. As for ninja-trained residents of Yasoinaba, it's a pretty short list to my knowledge, one I've already exhausted. Mostly it's just me and the stoner medical ninja at the hospital, and I assure you we have our alibis and lack of motive." She sighs. "As for Yasai... he's another member of the local guard who was chosen to receive shinobi training, but it didn't take. He didn't have sufficient chakra potential, but when he came back to town he told a lot of people of the terrors of ninja, and came up with some crazy ideas of standing against them. He's got two kids, one of them's in Konoha, turns out whatever ninja potential he might have had skipped a generation."

2016-03-27, 08:31 PM
Nayoko produced an ID card from her pocket as she listened.

"Okay. We need to get to the bottom of this. Can we see the most recent...crime scene? I bet Yishirou could figure something out if we gave him something to work with."

Princess Tracy
2016-03-28, 12:14 PM

Satsuki is able to sneak away from the others. It's about 2 miles to the outpost if you remember right, you're able to landhop there inside 10 minutes. You find it bustling enough, a small compound with one main building, chain link fences and three watchtowers. The main barracks must have a few thousand feet of floorspace between two floors and it looks like you can already see about a dozen armed men from here. It's built on a slope with the main building at the top of the hill and seems like a pretty fortified position. The patrolling men look to be armed with rifles and spears, basic weapons, and don't see you at scouting range.

At the police station

Shinobi Detective Rin nods. "Fine, let's go see it I guess. They just took the body to the morgue. I was looking at the scene myself until I got called down here to deal with you lot kicking up a fuss with your mere presence."

At the crime scene

She leads you to a hut on the edges of town, inside which there are a few police officers milling around. The whole place is pretty messy, almost looking like there was a struggle to the untrained eye despite what Rin said about the mysterious nature of these deaths In the middle of the floor is a chalk outline of the removed dead body, which you're advised you can attend the hospital to investigate as it's autopsied or after. "Victim was a man, 38. He ran the local bookies, placing bets and such," Rin says, flipping through her notebook. It seem there were betting men around here as you see a few loose chips and playing cards around an upturned table, a broken glass spilling nauceous whiskey on the floor. "Before you ask, no, we haven't found who he was playing poker with, but one of them was kind enough to call it in before the body started to smell. Said he just collapsed. I'd think it was a cover up for a murder, but the on-sight medic couoldn't determine a cause of death. Still knocking on doors, I imagine it'll be one of his regulars."
wait that text should have been inside the OOC spoiler, oh well, lol
Yishirou and Nayoko

You feel a chill up your spine. Yisihrou feels as if he's being watched, but can't see from where, once he enters the crime scene. Nayoko make a will save and perception check.

Princess Tracy
2016-03-28, 08:21 PM

Yishirou feels a stabbing pain of annoyance as he sees someone contaminate the crime scene by spraying red everywhere. Blood red. The stabbing pain also comes from being stabbed. That's your blood going everywhere. You just got stabbed and it felt like it came from in front of you but you don't see anything.

Make a new perception check.
Also take [roll0] damage

Everyone with Yishirou

Suddenly, Yishirou is projectile bleeding. You didn't see anyone attack him, just one minute you're all standing there in the crime scene trying to pretend to know how to look for clues, the next your new friend appears to have been injured.

Rin's eyes go wide and the other police roll away ass over head in fright at whatever hellish occurance is happening.

Everyone roll initiative, will save and perception

Rin's roll for each of those [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

Princess Tracy
2016-03-29, 04:35 PM
Yishirou and Co.

Rin yelps, backing up as she readies her iron battle wire. "The attacker's hiding under a genjutsu, everyone that doesn't know how to dispel that should stand back," she says, as a few police officers hurry to draw weapons even as they stand back in fear and confusion as to their eyes, Yishirou became spontaneously wounded, knowing that against some invisible ninja their batons won't do them any good.

For the results of the will and perception save/check http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20600771&postcount=177

You're able to make additional will saves every round until you're all able to detect it, then perception checks etc.

2016-03-30, 03:47 AM
Yishirou grinned in both pain and anticipation - here he was, studying the crime spot, WHEN SUDDENLY, INVISIBLE NINJA! From the unexpected turn of event, the aspiring investigator learned two things - first, the attacker was hellishly overconfident, and second - he stabbed like a civilian girl. Seriously, an un-poisoned, non explosive projectile?
- Grrr - well, the sudden pain still was sudden and it hurt - - A mission rank bump? For me? How sweet, hopefully, you're someone important. - Yishirou boasted and started making handseals. - Meisaigakure no jutsu! - and the stabbed guy suddenly vanished.

OOC: Okay, here goes. Suppressing speed and strengh. Doing Meisaigakure for +12 to stealth and ability to hide in plain sight of my own, moving to whatever cover is in the vicinity, then using Heroic Surge for an extra action, which I'll use for take 10 to hide for a result of 34.
Actually used Genjutsu Kai and failed.
HP: 33/42, Chakra: 25/33, Action points 8/9

2016-03-30, 04:41 AM
Nayoko's face turned grim as Rin spoke, and then Yishirou disappeared, taking his blood with him.


She let her Chakra flow, forcefully removing the Genjutsu from her system to reveal her opponent.

"Oh, gross!" She clenched her fists.

The thing is, Nayoko didn't train often. She'd spent quite a while now learning the basics of the Summoning Technique out of necessity, but before then, she was generally too depressed and mopey to achieve anything. That was a side-effect of being the secret vessel of the Two-Tails, constantly threatened with death both from inside and out for a tiny slip-up.

But another side-effect of the Two-Tails was that your body rippled with the strength of a Tailed Beast.

With a shout she blasted in, one arm held back behind her head as she closed in with the monster. The Jinchuriki swung her fist forward, aiming to sock the thing in the face hard enough that it wouldn't dare attack again.

Standard Action: Genjutsu Kai, already succeeded.
Free Action: Activating all the Strength and Speed Ranks!
Move Action: Close with this monster.
Free Action: Heroic Surge.
Quickened Action: Using Mountain Blow. Attack [roll0] for [roll1] damage. That attack bonus gets -1 if I can't stack the attack bonuses from Strength and Speed (I'm sure I found that rule once, but I can't anymore), and +2 if Yishirou or whoever is close enough to Flank with. On a hit, this thing has to make a DC 17 Fortitude save or be Stunned for a round and knocked Prone.

Princess Tracy
2016-03-30, 07:36 AM
Rikako, Nayoko, Yishirou

Nayoko is able to dispel the illusion and see a veil upon her vision lift, as standing before Yishirou is a monster of rotting flesh and a gleaming sword covered in your friend's blood. As you barrel towards it, it doesn't react until your fist slams into its head and you hear a clicking of jaw against skull, its skin rupturing as it reels, its head threatening to spin with its spine as an axis. A throaty howl fills the room for all the hear, even those who can't see the beast hear it as it snaps back to attention and refocuses attention on Nayoko.

The monster attacks Nayoko! FULL ATTACK
[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]

"Damn it, get back...!" Rin reels back with her custom wire tipped by a weighted point, before bringing it forward to bear and slam into the beast's side.

Rin's attack with her fancy battle wire. Calculating her attack bonus off the top of my head...
[roll4] for [roll5]. Powerful Blow: enemy must make DC 15 fortitude save or be prone. (save [roll6])

2016-03-30, 07:48 AM
Rikako took up a defensive stance and scanned the area for the source of the attack that had wounded Yishirou, but she couldn’t see anything out of the normal. A Genjutsu? That explained it and following Nayoko’s lead she brought her hands together and channeled the Chakra within her in an attempt to shake off the illusion. "Dispel!" She exclaimed.

Unfortunately she could still not see the assailant. "I'm still under!" She kept her teammates informed. Gritted her teeth she dove for cover taking Rin's earlier advice. While she was under the Genjutsu she was a liability and likely to get herself killed standing out in the open.

Standard: Genjutsu Kai *Failed* -2 Chakra
Move: Take cover

2016-03-30, 07:59 AM
Nayoko jumped up and tucked, back flipping over her enemy's sword.


Landing back on her feet, she leaned back to avoid the second attack before twirling out of the way for Rin, smiling as the chief knocked the monster over.

"No problem Rikako, just stay back!"

And then she was diving to the floor, bravely trying to tackle the monster while it was down and keep it from harming her fooled comrades.

Move Action: Nah.
Standard Action: I Grapple him! He gets an Attack of Opportunity at -4 due to Prone, then I make a Touch Attack at [roll0], again to his lowered Defence. On a hit, Grapple check [roll1]. If that succeeds, he takes another [roll2] damage.

2016-03-30, 08:52 AM
When Yishirou finally located that...thing grappling with his teammate, he grinned in disgust. Not only that was some kind of skeletal zombie summon-thing, but it wasn't a ninja. Well, at least he hoped to find the one, who was behind it. Yet there was an issue with that skeleton. Yishirou rushed in, swinging his left hand, possibly showing the weird metal gauntlet on it fir the first time "- Kyoumeisen no jutsu!" he shouted driving the infamous Vibrating Sound Drill into the monster

OOC: Well, still suppressing ranks, moving in, decloaking and hitting the thing with Kyoumeisen no jutsu (srlsly, it's not about japanese, it's just easier to ctrl+f in the book). He could hit me with an AOO - wait, he's grappled, so melee touch attack (and possibly, no dex too - grapple, duh).
Attack [roll0]
if under 10 - ap to avoid embarassement [roll1] -nope, that's good
If hit, he's in for [roll2] sonic damage, and a dc20 fort save or deafened for [roll3] rounds and nauseated for [roll4] rounds. Unless he immune to this stuff, which he probably is
HP: 33/42, Chakra: 20/33, Action points 8/9

Princess Tracy
2016-03-30, 09:09 AM
Its just that I'm out and about so it's hard to look things up in the book.

Fort save [roll0]

Edit: Wow, I can't believe I never saw that technique before. That's really good.

Alright, the monster is looking pretty ****ed. You've now got three rounds to hack at its guts :P

2016-03-30, 09:46 AM
As Yishirou came in and softened the thing up, Nayoko grinned once more.


Then she digged in deep with the monster, trying to get a solid and unbreaking grip on it from behind. Then, if she just applied the right pressure around the neck...

Full-Round Action: Initiate Hostage Manouevre, provoking AoO. Grapple [roll0].

On a success, I'll go for the coup de grace, dealing [roll1] damage and making him roll a DC 10 + Damage dealt Fort save or die.

On a failure, I'll...try again next round?

Princess Tracy
2016-03-30, 05:34 PM
As Nayoko's grapple drags the beast from the shadows, everyone can perceive its true form, that of a hideous zombie-looking samurai with no lips or eyeballs. It starts to form a hand seal but before it can complete that thought, Yishirou strikes it dead centre at the resonant point of the head and the thing's eyes swim, apparently mortal enough to have a targettable anatomy. It shrieks deafened and somewhat limp as Nayoko is able to grab the thing's head and, with one quick twist... pull it clean off! Sinew and muscle give way from the rotten body as you tear vertebrae from each other, leaving you with a decapitated head for a trophy.

Rin's jaw drops as the thing's spasms end and its left as dead as it by all rights already appeared to be. Everyone's silent for a long while and exchanges awkward looks, and it looks like your group has the floor to make a statement on the whole matter.

Gain 900 XP (previously stated) and 2 empathy points.

2016-03-30, 06:07 PM
Yishirou made a cough, attracting attention.
- Duh, no ninja. That thing was probably testing us, or something. Good news - we dealt with it in 10 seconds, give or take. Bad news - that's not your killer - you said, the victims died without visible evidence, and that poked me with a kunai. Now if somebody around knows some medicine, please fix my wounds, and I'll continue with the on-site investigation
The genin will then wait until either somebody at least bandaged, or lack of medic would be confirmed, then he'll examine the site for possible clues

Rolling deduction: [roll0]
AP if under 20 - again, embarassement [roll1] - no need to
what do we use for Track nowadays?

2016-03-30, 06:26 PM
That was... quite something"" Rikako emerged with a Kunai in hand looking at the headless body. Now it seemed impossible that she had not seen it before. "Well done. Sorry... I couldn't shake the illusion." She said reluctantly clearly displeased with herself.

"I can do something about your wound. Sit down and let me put my hands on you. In the meantime you guys should make sure there aren't any more of these things skulking about."

Medical Ninjutsu: Healing - First Rank
-2 chakra

HPs healed:

1 min

2 min

3 min

2016-03-30, 06:35 PM
- Thank you, Rikako-san - Yishiro answered with a smile totally different from his earlier annoyed attitude, as he sat near the girl to let her treat his wounds. As the time passed and the medical chakra poured into his body, the guy started to calm a bit. - Don't blame yourself, I didn't see the thing nearly until Nayoko-san charged it - I just chose to get off the scene regardless. - he continued talking, to pass the three long minutes of waiting before the fun part could begin.

2016-03-30, 06:37 PM

Satsuki is able to sneak away from the others. It's about 2 miles to the outpost if you remember right, you're able to landhop there inside 10 minutes. You find it bustling enough, a small compound with one main building, chain link fences and three watchtowers. The main barracks must have a few thousand feet of floorspace between two floors and it looks like you can already see about a dozen armed men from here. It's built on a slope with the main building at the top of the hill and seems like a pretty fortified position. The patrolling men look to be armed with rifles and spears, basic weapons, and don't see you at scouting range.

At the police station

Shinobi Detective Rin nods. "Fine, let's go see it I guess. They just took the body to the morgue. I was looking at the scene myself until I got called down here to deal with you lot kicking up a fuss with your mere presence."

At the crime scene

She leads you to a hut on the edges of town, inside which there are a few police officers milling around. The whole place is pretty messy, almost looking like there was a struggle to the untrained eye despite what Rin said about the mysterious nature of these deaths In the middle of the floor is a chalk outline of the removed dead body, which you're advised you can attend the hospital to investigate as it's autopsied or after. "Victim was a man, 38. He ran the local bookies, placing bets and such," Rin says, flipping through her notebook. It seem there were betting men around here as you see a few loose chips and playing cards around an upturned table, a broken glass spilling nauceous whiskey on the floor. "Before you ask, no, we haven't found who he was playing poker with, but one of them was kind enough to call it in before the body started to smell. Said he just collapsed. I'd think it was a cover up for a murder, but the on-sight medic couoldn't determine a cause of death. Still knocking on doors, I imagine it'll be one of his regulars."
wait that text should have been inside the OOC spoiler, oh well, lol
Yishirou and Nayoko

You feel a chill up your spine. Yisihrou feels as if he's being watched, but can't see from where, once he enters the crime scene. Nayoko make a will save and perception check.

Satsuki sits there, gauging his chances to win.

"(Hm, now that I think about it, even with Onis on my side rushing head on against an outpost filled with people would be suicide, and I can already hear dad scolding me. If I do want to kill them all, then I only have two real options...wait, now that I think about it, why do I want to kill these people so badly? I'm not a goddamn psychopath....well...I don't kill for fun, is the point....wait a second, now I remember! I was going to offer them to the Onis in the first place, and the fact that because of them I had to revisit a village I'm sure I attacked didn't help. Seriously, it takes a special kind of jackass to do that.)" Satsuki, now remembering why he wanted to kill these people, thinks to himself weather or not he'll go with it.

"(Hmm, now that I've thought about it, do I still want to kill them?...Yeah, I'll still go for it, would be excellent battle experience for me. First of all, I should make the most of the situation, so instead of attacking them in broad daylight it's best I attack them during the night, when most of them will be asleep, and since the Onis and me can see clearly in the dark, we'll have the advantage. Well, I guess I should go back to my teammates.)" With that, Satsuki left the outpost and went back to the city, making sure he wasn't seen or being followed.

Yes, while everyone else was fighting Satsuki was sitting on a tree with his thumb up his ass.

2016-03-30, 06:40 PM
"Gross," she commented, rather carelessly discarding the creature's head.

"Don't stress, Rikako, it happens to everyone. And...enjoy your new evidence, Yishirou. I'm gonna go take a bath. Let's meet at the hospital once you've finished up here."

Nayoko turned to leave the den before whistling down the street, looking for anything she could use to wash herself.

Taking a Short Shower Rest for 5 minutes, regaining 3 Chakra. Then I'll head to the hospital.

Princess Tracy
2016-03-31, 04:42 PM

Heading back into town, Satsuki manages to avoid any further confrontations. He's able to follow the word on the street to find out where his team mates have gone without him, and when he arrives on the scene he finds only Rikako and Yishirous present, the former tending to the katana wound of the latter as they stand over the decaying body of a samurai neatly bisected at the neck.


Shortly after Genbu attends the hospital he meets the medical ninja in the morgue who starts telling him how there's no signs of injury on the body. The latest victim's a 40-something bookie who collapsed in his home playing poker and seems to have died of cardiac arrest - the simple failure of respiration, a heart attack, without further cause or abnormality detected. Some alcohol in the system and maybe some liver problems, but he shows you five other dead bodies that he gleefully insists just dropped dead.


There isn't a public bathhouse on the way to the hospital and getting a full soak might take too long by itself. If you ask around you hear about a hot spring at the edge of town, but failing that on the way there you find a river flowing through the middle of town that you're able to use to wash away evil spirit guys that had stained into your clothes. If you do that rather than taking a long soak, you arrive at the hospital around the same time as the others...

Rikako, Yishirou, Satsuki

As Rikako tends to injuries, Yishirou is able to check over the scene and get a basic picture of events as Rin and her cops look over the "freshly dead" body that the genin seem rather undeterred by all things considered. "First day on the job, kid?" Rin asks as she takes some pictures of the thing for documentation.

Yishirou gets a basic idea of the events. The victim was a bookie, he had three guests over playing poker. Its hard to tell who was winning from the contamination of the crime scene caused by some officers knocking stuff about for cover during the fight earlier, but it looks like the victim had 3 kings. But there didn't seem to be signs of a struggle until the scene got messed up, simply the guy fell out of his chair and convulsed into the position his body was found in, marked by the tape.

From where you're looking it does just seem like the guy straight up and died, but interestingly you see the slightest sign of tracks. Two sets of tracks that aren't shoes, the slighest layer of dirt, and they match quite closely... to the feet of this thing your team just unceremoniously executed. As far as you can tell, this thing came here last night, was here when he died, then just... vanished into thin air (as you see no sign of its tracks going out), then on a completely seperate occassion followed you into this same den and attacked you and Nayoko as you started to investigate.

"That medic is so smug, he kept talking about how some genjutsu may have killed these people from pure fright, and this thing was some pretty terrifying beast which used genjutsu. Still, might as well take this corpse down for him to analyse. I wish it stunk as bad as it looked, give his nose something to think about." Rin sighs as she waits for her men to return with some stretchers and a plastic sheet to transport the corpse with it hidden from the view of the public. True enough though it looked lkike along rotting corpse, the man, monster, whatever you just thought had no odour or signs of active decaying about it. Simply it looked like that naturally, it seemed.

All: At the hospital

The team converges once again at the hospital, Nayoko coming in the entrance around the same time as her allies and Genbu already being at the morgue. As Rin's company brings up the monstrous humanoid's body on a stretcher though, another pair of emergency workers carries in a seperate person on a stretcher. "... Is that my son?" Rin asks, suddenly breaking off from the group as the other stretcher cuts ahead of you. "I'll leave this with you lot, I gotta... family emergency!" she explains hastily, chasing the dire-looking teenage boy on his stretcher into the hospital gate, leaving your team with a decapitated body to account for, being carried by a few still very befuddled non-shinobi police officers.

2016-04-01, 12:10 AM
"I, uh...hmm."

Nayoko squinted in deep thought as the other stretcher went by.

"Perhaps that's the next victim, Yishirou?" She queried in a hushed tone. If it was, they'd have a fresher scene to investigate.

"Come on, let's get it quickly to the morgue."

Princess Tracy
2016-04-01, 08:02 AM
Team Two

You proceed into the hospital and are directed toward the morgue as the police carry in the dead monster body behind you. As you enter, an odd and scruffy man in an odd and tacky hat (http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/e/eb/Kisuke_Urahara.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150905170305&path-prefix=protagonist)awaits you, along with Genbu-sensei. "Hey guys? Did the GENJUTSU of the enemy strike again?" he proposes giddily as he reaches for the tarp over the girdy. "Let's just have a WHOA what the HELL!" he shrieks in dry surprise, stepping abck as he lifts the sheet to see the monster you killed underneath. "Hm... get him on the table..."

After you do so he pulls out a magnifying class and starts looking over the body. "It isnt quite human , it never was. This is... a war hero. A ronin one at that. A wandering vengeful spirit unworthy of the death princesses' court. What would something like that be doing here... did you fight him? Did you bring his sword? It isn't necessarily a sword but War Heroes all carry signature weapons."

The boy you saw being carried into hospital who Rin professed as her son looked like he was still breathing any even semi-conscious, so he doesn't seem to be a murder victim at least.

2016-04-01, 09:18 AM
Yishirou moved into the morgue along with the others. When an odd-looking local jupmed on them yelling about genjutsu, he made a wry face but answered calmfuly.
- And you must be the local medical expert. Now, this spirit-thing - will it dissolve or something? He looks pretty much flesh and blood to me. If not, in can wait -there is an urgent patient upstairs, if you haven't been notified yet. Meanwhile, I'd like to double check your work, so I can support your opinion on the victims before the police chief. Please arrange a table and two hour of private time for me and the latest victim. Oh, and the sword - yeah, the police officers have it

OOC: So, what's with the empathys on GENJUTSU. Probably trying to tell us something - so maybe a Sense Motive check.
roll deduction [roll0]

2016-04-01, 04:07 PM
Nayoko gave Rishirou the look she usually gave him for walking in to a professional establishment and making demands. Then she looked back to the doctor.

"It was using Genjutsu - just to conceal itself. To actually fight us, it needed its sword."

Princess Tracy
2016-04-01, 06:47 PM
The Morgue

"Hmm... consider this: killing someone with a genjutsu is pretty hard. A trained ninja takes more than just a mental shock to drop dead. Perhaps this thing WAS responsible for those earlier deaths by casting its genjutsu on helpless civilians, but against ninja like you it had to get more hands on. Or perhaps it couldn't resist a challenge. It is a Gunshin after all, a war hero. Don't suppose you kids know about those? I've met a few, some of them are lovely people. They aren't spirits - well, they are, but they're still flesh and blood, even if they do hail from a spiritual plane. Speaking of expertise, are you even qualified to perform an autopsy, kid?" the medical ninja asks somewhat snarkily.

If you explain the nature of the patient and Yishirou's own credentials, he strokes his chin. "Hm... tell you what. My bosses around here are civilians, they might not know what they're looking at. I'll give you an hour to poke at it while I run some errands. It's Kihara Ukyo by the way," he says, putting out his hand to shake yours before realising he's still wearing a bloody glove from his latest autopsy. "Woops," he snaps it off into a biohazard bin. "Anyway, better go tend to that."

Yishirou gains 1x [<+2 masterwork to attack> Katana].

Gunshin (war heroes) are powerful warriors from a borderline world between this world and the afterlife, making them somewhat unique among the realms of the summoned clans. It is said the most powerful among them are appointed as Shinigami, death gods, who claim the souls of the deceased and eliminate the undead. They're usually identifiable by the weapon they carry, and by their masks. It takes a very special kind of ronin among gunshin to not be wearing a mask when it enters the human world.

Gunshin are defined by two things: battle and loyalty to their role. Usually they have rolls which involve battle, such as serving their summoner or sage in battle or indeed fighting whatever fights occur in their homeland, but in some instances if they are bound to a task other than honourable combat this role can conflict with a lust for battle in the more brutal of Gunshin.

Gunshin were largely once humans, or at least all the ones created today are. People who sign the contract of their summoner, members of the Konpaku clan, and some especially powerful warriors are stopped on their way to the holy land to become gunshin and complete their service instead. They serve the Princess of Death, whose only occasionally chooses a representative in the human world to act as her sage, usually someone among the Konpaku.

Current sage: Konpaku Reiji, an old man who lives in the mountains near Konoha

Emergency Room

Leaving Yishirou alone with the corpse, Ukyo heads on up to the emergency room, following the chaos as police crowd. "Hm..." You find Rin standing over a teenage boy as his eyes swim drunkenly in one of the beds. "Someone draw the curtains, give him some space if you're not a medic for gods sakes," she snaps in your general irection as she strikes the boy's hand.

Ukyo pulls the curtain over but allows Rikako in if she claims medical expertise. "Hm... at a glance..." he says, feeling the boy's forehead. "I... would say he's suffering chakra deprivation. Has your son been training as a ninja, Rin-chan?" Rin glares at him for such a stupid question. "I'm hated enough as a ninja why would I pass that off onto Sanetomo?" Sure enough if anyone senses the boy's chakra you detect it's below even a civilian's like it's been drained.

2016-04-01, 10:05 PM

Heading back into town, Satsuki manages to avoid any further confrontations. He's able to follow the word on the street to find out where his team mates have gone without him, and when he arrives on the scene he finds only Rikako and Yishirous present, the former tending to the katana wound of the latter as they stand over the decaying body of a samurai neatly bisected at the neck.


Shortly after Genbu attends the hospital he meets the medical ninja in the morgue who starts telling him how there's no signs of injury on the body. The latest victim's a 40-something bookie who collapsed in his home playing poker and seems to have died of cardiac arrest - the simple failure of respiration, a heart attack, without further cause or abnormality detected. Some alcohol in the system and maybe some liver problems, but he shows you five other dead bodies that he gleefully insists just dropped dead.


There isn't a public bathhouse on the way to the hospital and getting a full soak might take too long by itself. If you ask around you hear about a hot spring at the edge of town, but failing that on the way there you find a river flowing through the middle of town that you're able to use to wash away evil spirit guys that had stained into your clothes. If you do that rather than taking a long soak, you arrive at the hospital around the same time as the others...

Rikako, Yishirou, Satsuki

As Rikako tends to injuries, Yishirou is able to check over the scene and get a basic picture of events as Rin and her cops look over the "freshly dead" body that the genin seem rather undeterred by all things considered. "First day on the job, kid?" Rin asks as she takes some pictures of the thing for documentation.

Yishirou gets a basic idea of the events. The victim was a bookie, he had three guests over playing poker. Its hard to tell who was winning from the contamination of the crime scene caused by some officers knocking stuff about for cover during the fight earlier, but it looks like the victim had 3 kings. But there didn't seem to be signs of a struggle until the scene got messed up, simply the guy fell out of his chair and convulsed into the position his body was found in, marked by the tape.

From where you're looking it does just seem like the guy straight up and died, but interestingly you see the slightest sign of tracks. Two sets of tracks that aren't shoes, the slighest layer of dirt, and they match quite closely... to the feet of this thing your team just unceremoniously executed. As far as you can tell, this thing came here last night, was here when he died, then just... vanished into thin air (as you see no sign of its tracks going out), then on a completely seperate occassion followed you into this same den and attacked you and Nayoko as you started to investigate.

"That medic is so smug, he kept talking about how some genjutsu may have killed these people from pure fright, and this thing was some pretty terrifying beast which used genjutsu. Still, might as well take this corpse down for him to analyse. I wish it stunk as bad as it looked, give his nose something to think about." Rin sighs as she waits for her men to return with some stretchers and a plastic sheet to transport the corpse with it hidden from the view of the public. True enough though it looked lkike along rotting corpse, the man, monster, whatever you just thought had no odour or signs of active decaying about it. Simply it looked like that naturally, it seemed.

All: At the hospital

The team converges once again at the hospital, Nayoko coming in the entrance around the same time as her allies and Genbu already being at the morgue. As Rin's company brings up the monstrous humanoid's body on a stretcher though, another pair of emergency workers carries in a seperate person on a stretcher. "... Is that my son?" Rin asks, suddenly breaking off from the group as the other stretcher cuts ahead of you. "I'll leave this with you lot, I gotta... family emergency!" she explains hastily, chasing the dire-looking teenage boy on his stretcher into the hospital gate, leaving your team with a decapitated body to account for, being carried by a few still very befuddled non-shinobi police officers.

Satsuki finds his allies, and is a little surprised that they were attacked. Once he was caught up on what happened, Satsuki quickly left to buy clothing. Realistically thinking about it, Satsuki doubted that he could kill everyone at the base, so incase he did fail he didn't want Yasai or his men to recognize him, that would put him in a dire situation. Once at a shop, he bought a pitch black cloak and an equally black mask, and left for the hospital, the mask hidden within his cloak. Once there, he along with his team saw what appeared to be another victim, and based on what the frantic woman near him said, he assumed it was her son. Upon closer inspection however, the boy was still breathing, which was good since he may have seen his attacker.

Team Two

You proceed into the hospital and are directed toward the morgue as the police carry in the dead monster body behind you. As you enter, an odd and scruffy man in an odd and tacky hat (http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/e/eb/Kisuke_Urahara.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150905170305&path-prefix=protagonist)awaits you, along with Genbu-sensei. "Hey guys? Did the GENJUTSU of the enemy strike again?" he proposes giddily as he reaches for the tarp over the girdy. "Let's just have a WHOA what the HELL!" he shrieks in dry surprise, stepping abck as he lifts the sheet to see the monster you killed underneath. "Hm... get him on the table..."

After you do so he pulls out a magnifying class and starts looking over the body. "It isnt quite human , it never was. This is... a war hero. A ronin one at that. A wandering vengeful spirit unworthy of the death princesses' court. What would something like that be doing here... did you fight him? Did you bring his sword? It isn't necessarily a sword but War Heroes all carry signature weapons."

The boy you saw being carried into hospital who Rin professed as her son looked like he was still breathing any even semi-conscious, so he doesn't seem to be a murder victim at least.

(""War heroes? I get the feeling he isn't talking about the phrase in the common sense. I'm interested, to say the least.)"

The Morgue

"Hmm... consider this: killing someone with a genjutsu is pretty hard. A trained ninja takes more than just a mental shock to drop dead. Perhaps this thing WAS responsible for those earlier deaths by casting its genjutsu on helpless civilians, but against ninja like you it had to get more hands on. Or perhaps it couldn't resist a challenge. It is a Gunshin after all, a war hero. Don't suppose you kids know about those? I've met a few, some of them are lovely people. They aren't spirits - well, they are, but they're still flesh and blood, even if they do hail from a spiritual plane. Speaking of expertise, are you even qualified to perform an autopsy, kid?" the medical ninja asks somewhat snarkily.

If you explain the nature of the patient and Yishirou's own credentials, he strokes his chin. "Hm... tell you what. My bosses around here are civilians, they might not know what they're looking at. I'll give you an hour to poke at it while I run some errands. It's Kihara Ukyo by the way," he says, putting out his hand to shake yours before realising he's still wearing a bloody glove from his latest autopsy. "Woops," he snaps it off into a biohazard bin. "Anyway, better go tend to that."

Yishirou gains 1x [<+2 masterwork to attack> Katana].

Gunshin (war heroes) are powerful warriors from a borderline world between this world and the afterlife, making them somewhat unique among the realms of the summoned clans. It is said the most powerful among them are appointed as Shinigami, death gods, who claim the souls of the deceased and eliminate the undead. They're usually identifiable by the weapon they carry, and by their masks. It takes a very special kind of ronin among gunshin to not be wearing a mask when it enters the human world.

Gunshin are defined by two things: battle and loyalty to their role. Usually they have rolls which involve battle, such as serving their summoner or sage in battle or indeed fighting whatever fights occur in their homeland, but in some instances if they are bound to a task other than honourable combat this role can conflict with a lust for battle in the more brutal of Gunshin.

Gunshin were largely once humans, or at least all the ones created today are. People who sign the contract of their summoner, members of the Konpaku clan, and some especially powerful warriors are stopped on their way to the holy land to become gunshin and complete their service instead. They serve the Princess of Death, whose only occasionally chooses a representative in the human world to act as her sage, usually someone among the Konpaku.

Current sage: Konpaku Reiji, an old man who lives in the mountains near Konoha

Emergency Room

Leaving Yishirou alone with the corpse, Ukyo heads on up to the emergency room, following the chaos as police crowd. "Hm..." You find Rin standing over a teenage boy as his eyes swim drunkenly in one of the beds. "Someone draw the curtains, give him some space if you're not a medic for gods sakes," she snaps in your general irection as she strikes the boy's hand.

Ukyo pulls the curtain over but allows Rikako in if she claims medical expertise. "Hm... at a glance..." he says, feeling the boy's forehead. "I... would say he's suffering chakra deprivation. Has your son been training as a ninja, Rin-chan?" Rin glares at him for such a stupid question. "I'm hated enough as a ninja why would I pass that off onto Sanetomo?" Sure enough if anyone senses the boy's chakra you detect it's below even a civilian's like it's been drained.

Indeed, Satsuki hadn't heard about War heroes before, so he was thankful for the explanation.

As Satsuki continued to wait for Yishiro, he quickly became bored. Not doing anything urked him somewhat.

"Hey, Nayoko, it's a bit out of the blue, but why don't you tell me a little about yourself? You know, likes, dislikes, dreams, that kind of stuff." Satsuki said, wishing to pass the time.

2016-04-01, 10:19 PM
Nayoko sat outside the morgue with Satsuki, arms behind her head, waiting for Yishirou to finish. She didn't want to get in the detective's way, and she couldn't help with Rin's kid, either.

"I...well, I'm pretty happy with what I'm doing right now, actually. I'm getting stronger, I have a good team, and we're doing missions. I just ripped a War Hero's head off without taking a scratch, not for lack of trying on his part, so that was pretty awesome. I just like letting things play out - as long as I'm doing my job and it's going okay, why should I want anything else? I don't like...I don't like people that always have some big goal. It's silly."

She turned her head to make eye contact with him.

"That's all there is about me. What about you?"

We've got time. I guess I might as well throw in my second daily Short Rest for another +3 Chakra.

2016-04-02, 05:07 AM
Before autopsy
Yishirou nodded, when the medic explained a possibility of the weakened effect of the mental shock against the shinobi. Indeed, you're may be right. My credentials should be enough for this procedure - the vicim is not a shinobi, so it's not a security matter, or a clan matter, or... - he thought for a moment - Yes, my clearance should be enough - he double-checked it with Genbu-sensei, but it indeed seemed to be all okay. When the medic finally introduced himself, the genin nodded once again - - Aomori Yishirou - though you've probably seenthat on the papers. Pleased to meet you.

An hour passed
After finishing the autopsy, and cleaning after himself - he was far more careful with the procedure then Ukyo - probably because of lesser expirience, Yishirou have re-joined the group to give a report. - Genbu-sensei, team - it seems, Kihara-san was right. The victim indeed died from genjutsu-induced cardiac arrest - as shows the study of residual chakra - by the exact creature we defeated and brought in. Oh, by the way, Nayoko-san - you've forgot your trophy - he passed the spirit's sword to the girl.

2016-04-02, 07:49 AM
She smiled lightly at Yishirou as she took the huge sword, a grin taking over her face as Nayoko inspected it in detail. She'd never been a sword fighter, exactly, but then she'd never been an unarmed specialist either - she just did what was easiest. This thing was huge, though, and she'd seen what it did to her teammate. Maybe she'd keep it for a while.

"Thanks, Yishirou. Perhaps once we're back home I can get it cleaned up..."

She held the sword awkwardly by her side, not too sure where to put it; she didn't have a belt to stick it in or anything like that.

"So, hang on. The thing killing our victims was that corrupted War Hero, or whatever, and now we've killed it? That sounds like a done job! Unless there's more than one of them prowling around, we've pretty much finished up here. Maybe..."

She hushed her voice somewhat.

"Maybe we should head over to that outpost and talk to them?"

2016-04-02, 08:58 AM
Since she only had very rudimentary medical expertise she left Ukyo to examine the boy and waited outside the morgue for Yishirou to finish his autopsy. She eyed the sword Yishirou handed Nayoko, it had the look of a high quality sword, a suitable signature weapon for a War Hero.

"Yeah, this sounds like a good time to open up a dialog." She agreed quietly with Nayoko. "It might be all we need to complete the mission, although I'm not sure this War Hero is solely responsible, it could have been sent by someone

2016-04-02, 09:17 AM
Yishirou smiled, as if saying, he's sorry: - There is another victim in the emergency room right now as we speak. I'm not sure if it is the same case, but if it is - this detour from our mission is far from done. We could talk to the outpost anyway, though - the head of this "War hero" would be quite valuable as an example.

2016-04-02, 10:07 AM
Before the autopsy is finished

Nayoko sat outside the morgue with Satsuki, arms behind her head, waiting for Yishirou to finish. She didn't want to get in the detective's way, and she couldn't help with Rin's kid, either.

"I...well, I'm pretty happy with what I'm doing right now, actually. I'm getting stronger, I have a good team, and we're doing missions. I just ripped a War Hero's head off without taking a scratch, not for lack of trying on his part, so that was pretty awesome. I just like letting things play out - as long as I'm doing my job and it's going okay, why should I want anything else? I don't like...I don't like people that always have some big goal. It's silly."

She turned her head to make eye contact with him.

"That's all there is about me. What about you?"

We've got time. I guess I might as well throw in my second daily Short Rest for another +3 Chakra.

"...To be honest, there's not much about me that's interesting. My favorite food is Sushi, I like to take walks in the night, and I tend to train a lot. Like you, I'm glad I'm finally on missions, and I like this team. Off the top of my head, the one thing I dislike the most is my own weaknesses. As for goals, I want nothing more than to become a legendary ninja."

Before autopsy
Yishirou nodded, when the medic explained a possibility of the weakened effect of the mental shock against the shinobi. Indeed, you're may be right. My credentials should be enough for this procedure - the vicim is not a shinobi, so it's not a security matter, or a clan matter, or... - he thought for a moment - Yes, my clearance should be enough - he double-checked it with Genbu-sensei, but it indeed seemed to be all okay. When the medic finally introduced himself, the genin nodded once again - - Aomori Yishirou - though you've probably seenthat on the papers. Pleased to meet you.

An hour passed
After finishing the autopsy, and cleaning after himself - he was far more careful with the procedure then Ukyo - probably because of lesser expirience, Yishirou have re-joined the group to give a report. - Genbu-sensei, team - it seems, Kihara-san was right. The victim indeed died from genjutsu-induced cardiac arrest - as shows the study of residual chakra - by the exact creature we defeated and brought in. Oh, by the way, Nayoko-san - you've forgot your trophy - he passed the spirit's sword to the girl.

"(Hmm, to say the least this mission is getting pretty interesting...)"

She smiled lightly at Yishirou as she took the huge sword, a grin taking over her face as Nayoko inspected it in detail. She'd never been a sword fighter, exactly, but then she'd never been an unarmed specialist either - she just did what was easiest. This thing was huge, though, and she'd seen what it did to her teammate. Maybe she'd keep it for a while.

"Thanks, Yishirou. Perhaps once we're back home I can get it cleaned up..."

She held the sword awkwardly by her side, not too sure where to put it; she didn't have a belt to stick it in or anything like that.

"So, hang on. The thing killing our victims was that corrupted War Hero, or whatever, and now we've killed it? That sounds like a done job! Unless there's more than one of them prowling around, we've pretty much finished up here. Maybe..."

She hushed her voice somewhat.

"Maybe we should head over to that outpost and talk to them?"

Satsuki practically drooled at the sight of the sword. It was magnificent, to say the least.

Since she only had very rudimentary medical expertise she left Ukyo to examine the boy and waited outside the morgue for Yishirou to finish his autopsy. She eyed the sword Yishirou handed Nayoko, it had the look of a high quality sword, a suitable signature weapon for a War Hero.

"Yeah, this sounds like a good time to open up a dialog." She agreed quietly with Nayoko. "It might be all we need to complete the mission, although I'm not sure this War Hero is solely responsible, it could have been sent by someone

Yishirou smiled, as if saying, he's sorry: - There is another victim in the emergency room right now as we speak. I'm not sure if it is the same case, but if it is - this detour from our mission is far from done. We could talk to the outpost anyway, though - the head of this "War hero" would be quite valuable as an example.

Satsuki didn't care if his team went to the outpost or not, he would still kill Yasai. After all, why give up a good challenge?

"I agree with Yishirou, we're not done with this detour just yet. The War Hero you guys fought was probably just a minion for a third party, like what Rikako said."

2016-04-02, 10:51 AM
"I recall you were against this detour to begin with Yishirou." Rikako laughed softly. "Did you let the sense of mystery get to you? Can’t leave a case undone? Not that I mind, I'm not in any hurry and making sure this village is safe would be an added bonus. I'm just saying resolving the case is not strictly speaking necessary for accomplishing the primary and secondary objective. The head of the war hero might be enough to diffuse the situation..”

Princess Tracy
2016-04-02, 01:09 PM
As Yishirou performs his autopsy, Ukyo upstairs shrugs at the unconscious kid. "Well, let's give him a little chakra, enough to put himself together." He performs some reiki, passing chakra from himself to Rin's son with his hands, who seems to stabilise nicely as the red drains from his face, temperature evening before he follows it up with a quick medical technique to restore health. "Boom, easy. Stabilised. Keep an eye on him Rin, I'm sure you'd like to interview him once he's up."

Genbu is able to recall some of what he knows of "war heroes" and distribute that knowledge around the group (everyone gains Lore up to the DC 25 check from a few posts ago).

That said he departs with Rikako, but goes to do some rounds around the other wards while everyone goes and gathers around Yishirou conducting his autopsy to concur with Ukyo's findings, ultimately meeting up himself once you were done. "Ah, thanks kid a second opinion that makes sense for once. Don't suppose I can get that in writing?"

He listens to your scheming to go talk things out with Yasai, or rather eavesdrops, and shrugs. "Hey, maybe it'd work. I would say if you do that though, you make a clear promise to return if any more incidents occur. Gunshin don't just appear, generally speaking, they have to be summoned, so it's quite likely someone directed this thing to kill all the criminals and lowlifes that died, so who knows if whoever brought this thing out will summon another and start this all over again. I wonder if that means there IS a ninja hiding in town though. After all, it's take one powerful ninja tool for anyone else to summon that kinda thing, ahaha. Anyway, I'm gonna disect that thing's body from the neck down if you don't mind - met war heroes before but I've never dissected one. You can feel free to take the head."

2016-04-02, 02:16 PM
- I'm still against that detour, Rikako-san - a bit tired Yisihrou calmly answered.- However, I can at least practice my skills, get a mark in my job list, and hopefully get a Bingo-booked shinobi, who summoned those things.

Sure thing, Kihara-san - Yishirou answers to the medic's request - - Of course, I'll fill in the papers - an autopsy requires a written conclusion - otherwise, how would I prove, I actually performed it - please, give me the blanks - I've no idea, where do you keep them
As for the negotiations idea - he just waved his hand - he allready understood, he would prove nothing to the "turn the other cheek" guys, he ended teamed up with.

2016-04-02, 04:49 PM
"Well, hang on. We were told to deal with the outpost as quickly as possible, yeah? We might have a chance now. We have the thing's head, its weapon, autopsy papers, and could even get a note from Rin approving us - I'm fast, I could go over and show them our evidence of progressive investigation, explain that we aren't sure why the Leaf Village hasn't responded by now, apologise, and ask them to stand down while we finish up."

As usual, she grinned.

"And if they turn on me, I'll be able to escape easy!"

2016-04-02, 05:14 PM
- Apologise to the rioters, who tresspass on Konoha's outpost in hopes to make the ninja do their bidding for free? - Yishirou couldn't hold his tongue, ultimately - - Ah, whatever. Do as you will, if it finishes this mission for us, I guess, I'm fine. Just for the sake of all, what's holy don't ask me to write a report of this embarassement.

2016-04-02, 05:17 PM
"Indeed, there is no reason we can’t do both. I’ll come with you and uh…" she added gently "do the talking? We’ll open up peaceful negotiations with them and with some luck we can have them return home. If not we will know their demands and perhaps Yishirou's investigation will have turned up further information we can bring back to the table. It sounds like the most time efficient approach. That said, we will be more vulnerable if another War Hero attacks us... but you've had traning tearing their heads off now, right Nayoko?"

2016-04-02, 05:47 PM
"Damn right I do! Where is that thing? We'll use it for intimidation!"

2016-04-02, 05:52 PM
Kihara-san's disecting it. He did mentioned we can keep the head - so it should be in the morgue.

2016-04-02, 11:19 PM
As Yishirou performs his autopsy, Ukyo upstairs shrugs at the unconscious kid. "Well, let's give him a little chakra, enough to put himself together." He performs some reiki, passing chakra from himself to Rin's son with his hands, who seems to stabilise nicely as the red drains from his face, temperature evening before he follows it up with a quick medical technique to restore health. "Boom, easy. Stabilised. Keep an eye on him Rin, I'm sure you'd like to interview him once he's up."

Genbu is able to recall some of what he knows of "war heroes" and distribute that knowledge around the group (everyone gains Lore up to the DC 25 check from a few posts ago).

That said he departs with Rikako, but goes to do some rounds around the other wards while everyone goes and gathers around Yishirou conducting his autopsy to concur with Ukyo's findings, ultimately meeting up himself once you were done. "Ah, thanks kid a second opinion that makes sense for once. Don't suppose I can get that in writing?"

He listens to your scheming to go talk things out with Yasai, or rather eavesdrops, and shrugs. "Hey, maybe it'd work. I would say if you do that though, you make a clear promise to return if any more incidents occur. Gunshin don't just appear, generally speaking, they have to be summoned, so it's quite likely someone directed this thing to kill all the criminals and lowlifes that died, so who knows if whoever brought this thing out will summon another and start this all over again. I wonder if that means there IS a ninja hiding in town though. After all, it's take one powerful ninja tool for anyone else to summon that kinda thing, ahaha. Anyway, I'm gonna disect that thing's body from the neck down if you don't mind - met war heroes before but I've never dissected one. You can feel free to take the head."

If Satsuki was sure of one thing, it was that he most definitely wasn't going to touch that head.

- Apologise to the rioters, who tresspass on Konoha's outpost in hopes to make the ninja do their bidding for free? - Yishirou couldn't hold his tongue, ultimately - - Ah, whatever. Do as you will, if it finishes this mission for us, I guess, I'm fine. Just for the sake of all, what's holy don't ask me to write a report of this embarassement.

Satsuki shared Yishirou's feelings, but he didn't vocalise it. Best not to make himself look suspicious.

"Indeed, there is no reason we can’t do both. I’ll come with you and uh…" she added gently "do the talking? We’ll open up peaceful negotiations with them and with some luck we can have them return home. If not we will know their demands and perhaps Yishirou's investigation will have turned up further information we can bring back to the table. It sounds like the most time efficient approach. That said, we will be more vulnerable if another War Hero attacks us... but you've had traning tearing their heads off now, right Nayoko?"

"Damn right I do! Where is that thing? We'll use it for intimidation!"

"(Hmm, now that I think about it, my teammates' aid would be helpful in killing everyone at the outpost...wait, that's it! However it's best I leave now, else I won't be able to enact it...) Everyone, I'll go on ahead and meet you guys at the outpost." If not interrupted, Satsuki leaves the hospital and heads towards the outpost.

Here's my plan: I'll send two Henged shadow clones, (One looking like the most generic leaf shinobi ever, and the other looking like a villager) the first one's going to summon a couple of Onis, while the second one hides and attacks the group when they're in sight. Is this allowed?

2016-04-02, 11:29 PM
"You're coming too, Satsuki?"

Nayoko frowned.

"I might stay with Yishirou then. We shouldn't leave him on his own. Don't go ahead, either! You're just there to cover Rikako - she's the negotiator."

2016-04-02, 11:37 PM
"You're coming too, Satsuki?"

Nayoko frowned.

"I might stay with Yishirou then. We shouldn't leave him on his own. Don't go ahead, either! You're just there to cover Rikako - she's the negotiator."

"Alright, then. Rikako, are you ready? Also, Nayoko, could you give Rikako the War Hero's head? I'm sure as hell not touching that."

2016-04-03, 07:21 AM
"We should make a habit of keeping in pairs when we split up… I’ll go find a bag for the head. We don’t want any stories of ninjas walking around with decapitated heads spread around. Also, it’s gross. Before we enter the fort I’m going to send in an airborne scout for some light recon, so we won’t walk in blind. You two take care while we're away."

She went to fetch the head and then they where off to the fort.

Princess Tracy
2016-04-04, 01:51 PM
The Outpost

A raven pops into existence at Rikako's existence with just a hand sign and a drop of blood. "Caw! Whaddya want, swirly eyes?" it addresses its summoner candidly. You've not seen the raven before, but there can't be that many active human summoners of the curious carrion birds about so it just took an eductated guess to the most recent addition to its tribe. Perhaps you've garnered a reputation. You're able to get a black plastic zip bag to safely carry the head of the slain war hero as Satsuki heads out with you. He initially tries to slip away to head over himself for some reason, but Rikako is able to catch up easily enough. Genbu comes with you two since you're at the most risk, instructing Yishiro and Nayako to keep themselves out of trouble until he's back.

The three of you are able to landhop over in the space of about 10 minutes, though Rikako's raven flies back with a quick report before you approach within its sights. "Caw. Checked the place out. At least a dozen men with automatic guns patrolling on the outside, more on the inside. By the size of the facility, probably at least 20 people in total. Barbed wire and chainlink fences surround a multistory building on top of a hill. There's also three towers on the perimeter with spot lights and general vantage points." Sure enough, its description seems accurate as you come to a few hundred foot diameter clearing in the trees and see the base up ahead, people patrolling outside, not seeing you before you see them.

The Investigation

Staying behind in the village and hospital more as a deterant than anything, the only lead you really have while the corpse of the war hero is dissected is Rin's son. Even if he wasn't dead, suffering chakra depirivation was an exceptionally strange condiiton unless someone either knew how to harness their chakra due to ninja training, or someone or something actively drained their chakra, perhaps as an attack.

As you go to interview the boy, you find Rin still sitting by his side, as he sits up in bed. On closer inspection he's quite a handsome young man (http://kenh14.vcmedia.vn/QuickNewsK14/Common/2015/07/img_201507210343494477.jpg) with some muscle showing through that hospital gown - he could almost be in a boy band if he swept his hair up more. "Oh, its you kids again. It doesn't sound to me like Sanetomo was attacked by an invisible undead samurai so much as he just has the flu, so why don't you skedaddle along," Rin says defensively once you return. "How goes the investigation? Sorry for being sidelined. I'll rejoin you in a bit since this kid seems fine enough now."

"My apologies, mother..." the boy, well really he's about your age, intones shyly as he takes his hand out of his overnight bag that's been brought up since you last saw him. It looks like he just put down his phone. He looks up as Nayako and Yishirou come in and for a second he gulps nervously, wiping at his brow. "Leaf-ninja.."

Give me a perception and intelligence check.

2016-04-05, 09:55 AM
"That’s pretty much what we expected, stellar work." Rikako told the raven. "We’re going to talk with them, with any luck there won’t be any fighting but you can never know how these things will turn out. You got my back on this one? Watch for any foul play? I don’t know where we’ll be talking but try to warn me if they try something, I'll listen for a raven's cry."

"Alright." She turned towards Satsuki and her jounin teacher "We'll approach the outer guards slowly out in the open. Look non-threatening. Do you want to do the talking cou-- Sensei?"

2016-04-06, 06:47 AM
Nayoko looked over to Yishirou. She couldn't read him from his face, but she had a feeling he wouldn't be satisfied yet. That meant she probably shouldn't be either, but she wasn't like him, and she didn't really know what to say.

She was pretty good at some other things, though.

"The rest of us are going to go and try to negotiate with Yasai, now that it looks like we've more or less gotten to the bottom of this. Yishirou and I are staying around in case something else happens. You never know."

She yawned before looking over to the closest window and smiling, nodding with enough pressure to get the rest of the room to follow her gaze. They only had to look away for a moment.

"I've been in here with Satsuki long enough, though. I'm gonna get some air."

As she turned to go, she made eye contact with her comrade and flashed a quick set of Fire Sign symbols.

[Grabbed it, keep them talking. Don't let him touch his bag.]

Then she made her way to the door and stepped outside, heading down the hall. Once she was definitely out of their sights, she slyly reached into her pocket and retrieved the phone of Rin's son.

Let's see what you've been up to.

2016-04-06, 07:53 AM
Yishiro shrugged at the "flu" excuse, but didn't pressed the matter. - Well, your medical expert was right - that undead samurai killed all the victims - or at least the last one, with a genjutsu. It won't be over with it's destruction, though - it was a summoned creature, so nothing stops whoever is responsible to summon some more, so be wary. - Then, the kid adressed them. -, Yes, Sanetomo-san. You wanted something?

OOC: Any reaction on kid's expression on the summoning bragging? deduction: [roll0]

Princess Tracy
2016-04-06, 08:17 PM

As Yishirou performs his preliminary questioning, Nayako's antics fly under the radar as she slips away with the cell phone. She's able to get into the hallway and quickly press through the ugly brick of a phone's interface to see his list of texts. You see one addressed to a "Shi". [I have a diary under my bed that I'm afraid mother might read. Can you hold it for me until I'm out of the hospital? The key is under the doormat. You have to promise not to read it either or I'll break up with you!]


You perceive some nervousness in the boy at mention of summoners and of genjutsu-wielding murder monsters. That would be understandable enough, though what's less understandable is how quickly he composes himself after hearing such necrotic horrors lurk the streets, almost putting on an act of calm. "I see... that sounds like a handful. Are you able to handle it, Shinobi-san?"

"Hmph. Enough scaring the boy, Yishirou, we can discuss it with civilians out of earshot," Rin says, getting out of her chair, ignoring that her boy didn't seem scared at all beyond a mild concern.

2016-04-06, 10:10 PM
"That’s pretty much what we expected, stellar work." Rikako told the raven. "We’re going to talk with them, with any luck there won’t be any fighting but you can never know how these things will turn out. You got my back on this one? Watch for any foul play? I don’t know where we’ll be talking but try to warn me if they try something, I'll listen for a raven's cry."

"Alright." She turned towards Satsuki and her jounin teacher "We'll approach the outer guards slowly out in the open. Look non-threatening. Do you want to do the talking cou-- Sensei?"

"(Great...at this point I might as well abandon the plan. With that raven on the lookout, I can't have a shadow clone sneak away, and really if Rikako get's suspicious of me, I doubt I can bluff my way out. :smallsigh: Honestly, it's not that I hate these people so much as it's the principle of the matter. Well, whatever, it's not that important anyway). I don't mind doing that talking, if it's necessary."

2016-04-07, 05:47 AM
Nayoko stopped to frown as she saw the text to Shi. This was good news; if this was what was going on, Rin apparently wasn't in on it, which meant she had at least some justification in swiping the phone beyond wanting to feel like a ninja. Of course, if this was happening right now, she didn't have time to put the phone back, and she'd have to hope she could replace it later; first, she had to intercept Shi.

Only, she couldn't, because she didn't know where the house was. She waited a few minutes, to at least create the impression she had stepped out, but then she moved back to the room the others were in, pocketing the device once more. As soon as she was inside, she'd slip it back into the bag.

"Rin, I'm sorry, I can't just sit around. Do you mind if we just have a quick look through your son's residence? You never know; apparently Gunshin just turn up out of the blue."

If that was received negatively, she would flash the police chief an urgent 'I know something' look - a subtle one, but she was a police chief, so she'd hardly miss it. It could be nothing, but she didn't care - she was desperate to check out this lead.

Princess Tracy
2016-04-07, 08:53 AM
Nayoko and Yishirou

Rin raises an eyebrow at Nayako asking to investigate Sanetomo's place. "Fine. Go be an impartial observer. You do seem capable of fighting these things if something comes up," she says, giving you directions to her and her son's residence.

After Nayoko laves, Yishirou sees Sanetomo reach into his bag as if looking for something, His brow furrows for a moment as something seems amiss before he pulls out his phone and inspects it, glaring up at the door, seeming to figure out it's been tampered with, yet he seems to hesitate saying anything.


Following the given directions, you're able to find a nearby residential building only two blocks from the hospital, a two-storey join much like all the other houses around, though the outer wall has a bit of barbed wire at the top for added security, marking it as Rin's. As you approach it however, you see someone coming out through the front door, a famliar face. The same orange-haired girl with piercings from this morning, Shion,carrying a shopping bag slung over her shoulder. Her eyes flicker to you but she doesn't flinch, intending to walk right on past. "You ninjas again..."

Princess Tracy
2016-04-07, 02:14 PM
Satsuki and Rikako

As you sit around pondering your approach and your summoned raven circles overhead, suddenly a burst of noise rings out, sending wildlife scattering as your brain processes it as probably being a gun being shot. Looking over you see one of the guards holding a rifle on top of the roof of the base, aiming up at the raven. He seems to have missed the thing, which promptly wings away from the base and dives into the trees for cover.

In the distance you hear some noise being made over this dramatic act, though it's hard to hear what they're saying. It seems the raven has retreated to scout from a lower, safer distance for now, suspecting either that their guards are onto it as a spy, or they're perhaps just a quick shot for hunting some flying game.

"Is everything alright, Yasai-san?"

"What are we shooting at, boss?"

"A raven... keep an eye out for it, even if it is nothing," says Yasai, the spiky haired young man in top of the roof. "Ninjas will arrive shortly, look sharp."

2016-04-07, 04:30 PM
Satsuki and Rikako

As you sit around pondering your approach and your summoned raven circles overhead, suddenly a burst of noise rings out, sending wildlife scattering as your brain processes it as probably being a gun being shot. Looking over you see one of the guards holding a rifle on top of the roof of the base, aiming up at the raven. He seems to have missed the thing, which promptly wings away from the base and dives into the trees for cover.

In the distance you hear some noise being made over this dramatic act, though it's hard to hear what they're saying. It seems the raven has retreated to scout from a lower, safer distance for now, suspecting either that their guards are onto it as a spy, or they're perhaps just a quick shot for hunting some flying game.

"Is everything alright, Yasai-san?"

"What are we shooting at, boss?"

"A raven... keep an eye out for it, even if it is nothing," says Yasai, the spiky haired young man in top of the roof. "Ninjas will arrive shortly, look sharp."

"(Huh...looks like things might get violent after all!) Well, thanks to your raven Yasai and his men are now on edge." Satsuki said, rather coldly. "If we head over there, there's a good chance we'll be shot on site. I'm not the type to make decisions for other people, so let me ask, you still want to negotiate with them, Rikako?"

2016-04-07, 04:59 PM
"…mistakes were made."

Rikako removed the weapons holster around her thigh that carried a visible kunai. "Hold these for me." She threw Satuski the holster and the bag with the decapitated head. "There. I don't look very threatening, do I? Wait here, I'll be back shortly."

They were expecting ninjas and she saw no reason to disappoint them. With that she calmly walked out towards Yasai and his men with her hands held out to the sides. All the while preparing herself to use body substitution should any of them fire.

"Don't shoot! I wish to have a peaceful discussion with your leader Yasai-san."

Princess Tracy
2016-04-07, 06:38 PM
Satsuki and Rikako

Satsuki is able to excuse himself to get some distance from Genbu, sneaking around the perimeter of the clearing to go conduct himself in secret. As Rikako steps forward in plain sight, a shiver ripples through the outpost as people suddenly scramble to the side of the fence facing her. Despite her best attempts to appear nonthreatening, as Yasai slides down the ladder from the roof, the men chatter hysterically. "That headband... she's a ninja!" "She's not even carrying any visible weapons..." "Maybe she comes in peace?" "No, you idiot, she's here to kill us all WITH HER BARE HANDS. It would be over too quickly and be too one sided if she was carrying so much as a dagger, she'll tear our throats out with her fingernails and make bread from our bones!" "Oh god, I'm gonna throw up..." "Stand strong!" "We should shoot her now before she gets in range..." "If we shoot now she'll DEFINITELY kill us." "Unless we kill HER first!"

"Enough." Yasai steps forward, or at least the man you'd heard addressed as such. His hair stands as tall as his head, shaved on the sides and partially pulled back by a headband (though of course he lacks any plate of a village mark), with a streak of camouflage makeup on his cheeks, he wears a bandolier of equipment over a tank top and jeans. Everyone around looks to be similarly cobbling together medical equipment and casual wear as if they through this together at a barbeque down the street from a military surplus store. "I'm Yasai. Are you a representative of the Leaf? Are you aware of our demands?"


You're able to conspicuously bump into Shion who seems more flustered than anything else as the bag slung over her shoulder falls to the ground. "Grr... you clumsy oaf..." she intones, reaching down as you help her with it. You're able to feel, along with some produce and groceries, an approximately A4-sized bound handbook of some kind and are able to flick your wrist to stuff it away in your clothes before passing the bag back to Shion, who glares hard at you. "What are you even doing here?"

You see something (http://orig03.deviantart.net/4e3c/f/2010/232/0/5/samurai_ryuma_as_zombie_by_dreamangel1988.jpg) following you out of the house.

2016-04-07, 08:40 PM


You perceive some nervousness in the boy at mention of summoners and of genjutsu-wielding murder monsters. That would be understandable enough, though what's less understandable is how quickly he composes himself after hearing such necrotic horrors lurk the streets, almost putting on an act of calm. "I see... that sounds like a handful. Are you able to handle it, Shinobi-san?"

"Hmph. Enough scaring the boy, Yishirou, we can discuss it with civilians out of earshot," Rin says, getting out of her chair, ignoring that her boy didn't seem scared at all beyond a mild concern.

- Sure, sure - Yishirou smiled in a carefree manner, answering both kids "concern" and Rin's demand. Then he looked at the police officer and continued - Well, you did ask for report, didn't you? Anyway, whenever you want me to continue, just ask - I'll wait outside, I guess. Troublesome - and he went out of the room to find himself a nice sofa in the waiting hall and await for NAyoko to return from her part.

OOC: Short resting, if possible, for 3 chakra recovered

2016-04-07, 10:42 PM
"Oh, sorry, sorry! I'm quite ungraceful," Nayoko feigned, packing everything up and handing it back to Shion.

After a pause, she went back to her usual cheeky grin. She didn't have to bluff; she could just let her natural personality shine through.

"I'm just wanting something to happen, I guess. It's all been quiet and investigative since I killed that monster. Most of the team isn't even here; I figured maybe there'd be something going on around the chief's house, but that was just dumb."

She sighed.

"Well, see you later! Sorry about before, but we are making good progress, so hopefully it'll all be back to normal around here soon."

She turned and got going. She went around the first corner, and immediately looked for a dark alley or at least somewhere unwatched. When she had privacy, she would slip the book out from where she was holding it in her jacket and inspect the inside.

Princess Tracy
2016-04-08, 07:37 AM

Shion flips you off and storms away without a second thought, defensively gripping the bag closer to her body now and not much interested in the small talk she assumed you were baiting her into. You're able to slip away to a side alley behind the house for some privacy. When you fish out the book you find a large, thin booklet whose cover is wrapped in brown card paper, taped in place, like the loaned textbooks of a middle school kid. Opening it you see most the pages lack much in the way of words, and are mostly just names. Flicking through it you finally find a familiar three names on the last page, though the last one in particular jumps out at you. In order: the name of the dead bookie, "Aomori Yishirou" and "Mitsuruki Nayoko".

As you contemplate what this could mean you suddenly feel a bony hand on your shoulder. Turning you see the bandaged hand is connected to a man draped in old fashioned clothes whose withered form is quite dried up yet still supporting itself, another ancient samurai (http://www.zerochan.net/1501452) who immediately croaks out a laugh into your face. "What's up, ****girl? Yohohoho!" he cries out shockingly!

2016-04-08, 12:13 PM
She made something resembling a shallow bow without making any sudden movements. "My name is Rikako Nara and I am indeed a representative of the Leaf, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"I’m afraid no official word of your demands had reached us prior to my departure from the village. Why don’t you recite them for me and we'll take from there?"

Princess Tracy
2016-04-08, 03:25 PM

Yasai looks down at you and takes a step closer, nodding as he brings himself to more equal ground with you. "Very well. There's a clear campaign of assassination and terror within Yasoinaba, and the fallen town of Inaba, that can only be the work of ninjas. We want this threat addressed and neutralised, and if there are perpetrators among the leaf, for them to face due punishment for the lives lost and community destroyed. A few months ago Inaba was razed in the night by what people described as ninjas and oni - some even saying a dojutsu was present, casting particular accusation your way. And now people in our town simply drop dead. The leaf has not mustered a suitable response to either of these cases - our authorities have had to seek out the help of shinobi-trained people ourselves with your ninja simply proclaiming the case an insolvable series of coincidences. We pay our tithe to the fire daimyou like everyone else and expect the same protection from enemy ninja villages as anyone else - and especially from the leaf's own ninjas. To restate: we demand the justice and protection we are owed, and a conclusion to these outstanding cases which have accounted for massive loss of life."

2016-04-08, 06:51 PM
"Woah!" Was the sound she wished she'd made. Really, it was more like a squeal as Nayoko took a panicked step back, slipping the book back into her jacket and reaching for the sword she had lazily tied to her back. She took a deep breath, immediately regaining her composure; in addition to the standard benefits, nature energy had improved her courage too.

"What are you?! Sanetomo's friend? Did he summon you?!"

Princess Tracy
2016-04-08, 06:56 PM

The new gunshin-ronin-rotten-flesh-samurai whatever it is tilts his head but just laughs uproariously some more at your trepidation. It takes a step forward, but as you arm yourself, it gives a last flippant tut before bouncing back on its clogs and drawing its own sword, yet seemingly just to mimic you as it doesn't settle into any kind of battle ready stance. "What's a Sanetomo? Someone you want dead, baby? I figured you summoned me. You're holding the Notebook after all. Nice steel. Did you get that from another ronin? Ooh, did you just summon me to spar?" He seems rather excitable, almost innocent in a screwed up dog of war kind of way.

2016-04-08, 07:02 PM
"I...Oh. That's not what I was expecting at all."

She paused for a moment, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Hang on, let me explain. Around here, weird War Heroes - or, Ronin, I suppose - have been showing up and killing criminals. My guess is they're summons. The local police chief's son just got hospitalized for Chakra deprivation, so I thought maybe he was up to something. I found out that he owned this diary, and he wanted to keep it a secret, so I stole it to investigate. Is it...some sort of summoning artefact?"

Princess Tracy
2016-04-08, 07:30 PM

"A-yohoho! Is it a summoning artefact she says. Poor girl doesn't even know what she's holding. Hmm... it sounds like some worthless civilian found the Notebook, lost the Ronin bound to it and ordered a replacement without the clams to pay for me. I've just been sitting around this house for an hour or so waiting for whoever summoned me to get back," he explains, shrugging and bringing the blunt side of his katana up to rest up over his shoulders. "So... we aren't gonna fight then? You seem pretty confused. It's pretty simple really, just write down the name of someone you don't like and I'll show you how it goes."

2016-04-08, 07:59 PM
"Oh! Well, you could help us solve this case, actually."

The Jinchuriki put her weapon away as well, signalling for the thing to follow her. If she could get it to repeat that in front of Rin, and show her the texts from Sanetomo trying to hide the notebook, this would be dealt with in seconds.

"Is it possible for you to go unseen? There's a hospital just a couple blocks from here. If we could come through the proper window and you explain to everybody what you just told me, that's all I need! In return for that favour, I'd be willing to pay your...uh, clams as well. Is it Ryo you want? Between my friends and I we should be able to put together the right price."

Princess Tracy
2016-04-08, 08:23 PM

He bellows out a laugh again, rather cold and a little more humourless than before as you become aware no one has yet come to stare at this odd sight down the alley. "I like you kid. The name's Ryuma. Normal people can't see me, generally speaking, but since you've touched the notebook it's no problem. I'll just walk right on in there if you like, I'm curious now. As for payment, I don't need any of your dumb mortal money. What Ronin want is a bit more direct than that. Some bloodshed, some excitement. In my case the 'clams' were a civilian's chakra being too weak to safely summon me, judging by the way I found an unconscious boy at my feet when I was summoned." He shrugs his shoulders. "My, I am being chatty today. Go ahead and lead the way, kid, but in exchange, hmm... well it's a pretty minor task and you seem like fun, I would do it pro bono but I can hardly come all the way out here without you writing at least one name down. We'll get to that later though."

Ryuma shrugs his shoulders and follows you. Sure enough, none of the civilians you pass react at all as you march right on back into Sanetomo's hospital room...

Yishirou and nayoko

After a few minutes, Nayoko is able to return to the hospital holding a notebook bound in brown paper and rendevous with her team mate.

Yishirou says a tall lanky undead ronin casually walking a few feet behind Nayoko.
Sanetomo reacts with surprise and looks over Nayoko's shoulder as she enters - it seems he can see the monster.

2016-04-08, 08:36 PM
"Yishirou, Rin," Nayoko said as she re-entered the room.

"Just look straight at me."

She flashed another, longer series of signs. She wasn't sure whether the police chief knew Fire Sign, but as long as Yishirou knew they'd be mostly fine.

[I've brought another Ronin with me.]
[He's passive, for now.]
[Anybody who touches the book can see him. It contains a list of victims.]
[I'm extremely confident that Sanetomo attempted to summon him, but didn't have the proper amount of Chakra.]
[He has demanded some amount of bloodshed or excitement. At least one name in the notebook.]
[If we could get him outside and take him on, it may be easier to simply kill him.]
[First, though, listen to his testimony.]

When she was done, she reached out and let the others touch the notebook.

"Go on, Ronin, tell them what you told me."

2016-04-08, 10:46 PM

Yasai looks down at you and takes a step closer, nodding as he brings himself to more equal ground with you. "Very well. There's a clear campaign of assassination and terror within Yasoinaba, and the fallen town of Inaba, that can only be the work of ninjas. We want this threat addressed and neutralised, and if there are perpetrators among the leaf, for them to face due punishment for the lives lost and community destroyed. A few months ago Inaba was razed in the night by what people described as ninjas and oni - some even saying a dojutsu was present, casting particular accusation your way. And now people in our town simply drop dead. The leaf has not mustered a suitable response to either of these cases - our authorities have had to seek out the help of shinobi-trained people ourselves with your ninja simply proclaiming the case an insolvable series of coincidences. We pay our tithe to the fire daimyou like everyone else and expect the same protection from enemy ninja villages as anyone else - and especially from the leaf's own ninjas. To restate: we demand the justice and protection we are owed, and a conclusion to these outstanding cases which have accounted for massive loss of life."

Satsuki began to sweat. How could he forget such a pressing matter? If they were to accept the solder's demands, then that could be very bad for him. He started to formulate a plan. Should he try to sneak into the outpost? No, he might be seen. Should he try to summon a couple of Onis? No, Onis would just complicate the situation even more...Suddenly, Satsuki had a great idea. First, he pu-wait, no, it was actually a bad idea, a rather stupid one. He was awful at bluffing, proven by his inability to get away from Rikako. Really, he can't do much without making him look incredibly suspicious. Having thought about it, he decided he should just go back to his sensei. Doing that just, he makes sure he isn't seen and brings with him the stuff Rikako gave him.

"(I swear to the sage, if I end up killing no one I'm going to be in a sour mood...there it is again, why do I want to kill someone so badly?)"

2016-04-09, 06:59 AM
"I see many of your men are concerned about my presence. While I understand that my words might carry little weight I want to assure you that the Leaf village is not behind the atrocities committed against the people here. Conducting such killings are not in our interest nor do we benefit from it in any way. It is our goal to reach a peaceful settlement of the current conflict."

"However, I do agree with your assessment that the perpetrator is a ninja or has ninja training. The Leaf is not the only ones who have access to dojutsu and making a Leaf headband of suitable quality to fool civilians is not hard. That said, it’s not impossible that the perpetrator is a rogue leaf ninja. If that’s the case I can assure you he or she will be dealt with by the village in a manner you would find satisfactory."

"I've been given limited authority to address your demands, which in practical terms means I can only offer short-term solutions. I understand the frustration of not getting the protection you are entitled to even after paying your dues to the daimyou but this is a long-term problem. If you wanted to draw attention to these problems in attempt to rectify them then I believe you have succeeded, people have noticed. Any further occupation of this fort will only provoke a heaver response."

"That said, I'm willing to meet you halfway. My team and I have been investigating and we encountered the one we believe responsible for the killings. A form of undead called a War Hero, the spirit of a long fallen warrior. The body is kept in the local morgue and I have the decapitated head nearby if you require immediate physical evidence."

Princess Tracy
2016-04-09, 03:34 PM
Nayoko and Yishirou

Rin folds her arms and stares at Nayoko, apparently not having been taught the leaf village's sign language, instead just watching silently as Nayoko offers her gesturing explanation. She gets the intention whenever Yishirou reaches for the offered book though, and touches it at the same time he does. Touching the cover does nothing, so you have to open it to a page and flash a few names to allow them access. As soon as contact ismade, for Yishirou - and so too for Rin it seems, a new war hero with eyeless sockets pops into existence behind Nayoko as the genjutsu concealing him is undone. "What's up, party animals?"


"Ha ha, that's always the best. Hey, that's the kid that I found passed out when I was summoned. Sanetomo pointedly doesn't give a reaction and just looks confusedly at his mother as the war hero points at him. "Ha ha, he's pretending he can't see me. Hey kid, she wrote your name down, you better take the book back before I stop your heart," Ryuma bluffs, again getting no reaction as Rin looks between her son and the war hero.

"What the hell, get away fro that thing," Rin barks, interposing herself between her son and Ryuma as she reaches for her weapons.

"Oooh, a fight. That sounds way more interesting than explaining how the Notebook works, bring it on." All the same he stands confidently, not bringing his blade into a stance yet. "The basics of it is that whatever you've got your knickers in a twist over, any Ronin operating in this town were just taking orders. But... that's not the same as innocence is it, yohoho. That book is a disguised and very special summoning contract used for Ronins signed into service as assassins."


There's more heckling until Yasai puts up his hand in the air, the mere back of his hand seeming to stifle his men into silence. "Speak freely," he instructs, letting you continue uninterrupted as he hears you out.

He strokes his chin, a blank spot where he might one day grow a goatee as you finish your explanation. "You say you've already conducted a preliminary investigation and found a culprit, a supernatural one at that. You're talking about a summon. I assume then that you are now looking for the summoner? I will see this evidence if you don't mind. If you can close this case, I would strongly consider standing down from the outpost and giving the Leaf a new contract in good faith to get to the bottom of the Inaba Slaughter."

2016-04-09, 05:47 PM
Well, that was plan A down the drain. It seemed like Yasai knew his stuff. She had planned on blaming everything on the war hero, defuse the situation regardless of them finding the summoner or not in a timely fashion. She hoped Yishirou was having progress with his investigation since it didn’t seem like Yasai would stand down without some tangible results.

"You are correct. The War Hero was summoned by an unknown individual and my team is currently in the progress of investigating. Hopefully we can see an end to the threat that has been plaguing your town and see justice done for Inaba. I’ll fetch the head and you can examine it to your liking. I’ll be but a moment."

She quickly went back to where Genbu and Satsuki was waiting.

2016-04-10, 03:49 AM
- Nayoko-san, would you please order your new summon to stand down and shut up - Yishirou signed at the sight of impending fight - and he had just have rested. - No, really, what kind of assassin hits random targets - I'm having hard time to believe, that our peaceful friendly Nayoko-san did something, like putting the kids name in that notebook. Now - his voice became a couple of degrees colder. - It seems, Rin-san, that your son have attacked Konoha shinobi on their mission. Aaand... - Nayoko-san, would you please check the names in that notebook - are they made in a same handwriting? - his eyes trailed both Rin and her son - the situation have quiclkly spiralled towards the "Unpleasant"

2016-04-10, 04:46 AM
Before he even took his first step, Satsuki yet again decided aginst his actions. "(Honestly, I really need to stop being so indecisive)". Finally set on what he was going to do, Satsuki put on the mask he brought, created 3 shadow clones, and made them perform hendge. One of them looked like a War hero, while the other two looked like generic leaf shinobi. Satsuki looks for ways his clone could sneak up to the men. With the first part done, Satsuki silently sends the shadow clone out, the clones trying to approach Yasai as stealthily as they can, their end goal/command being to kill Yasai. As they do this, Satsuki leaves and heads towards where he expects Genbu to be, and since he only had to stay a mile near his clones, he didn't need to worry about getting too far from them.

I'm right now very sleepy, so it's best I don't do much math.
Damage: [roll0]

So the end result is that I take 10 damage.
The three also use hendge.

Stealth: [roll3]
Perception: [roll4]

2016-04-12, 07:43 PM
"It's not my summon, he was apparently just hanging out waiting for somebody to tell him what to do."

Nayoko dutifully started flipping through the book to find matching handwriting.

"Sorry, Rin, but I think he's onto it. The suspect is a young male who was recently passed out in front of this Ronin for exhaustion, and is ordering the Gunshin to kill people. Your son is here for Chakra deprivation and happens to own the summoning contract for these creatures, which happens to contain the names of the last few people they attacked, happened to be under his bed, and he happened to be trying to hide from you; I've checked his phone, he did not want you to see this. What other way is there to look at it?"

Princess Tracy
2016-04-14, 07:06 PM
Rikako and Satsuki

Yasai eyes up Rikako again, seeming to weigh his options about her before nodding. "Very well, I'll come see this evidence." He turns his head to the base and nods to his men. "3 hours. I'll be back just fine in 3 hours," he assures them, giving you plenty of time to have him meet with the police and confirm the facts of the case.

As Yasai makes his way forward with Rikako to regroup with Genbu and Satsuki to see the severed head you'd collected and likely further evidence back at the town, as you enter the forest you suddenly find yourself surrounded by some odd-looking leaf ninja and another gunshin enemy identical to the one you'd fought earlier that way, their blades to Yasai the second he's out of sight from his base!

Satsuki's clones make their move to attack Yasai, roll initiative. Rikako gets a Perception check DC... 7, I think is what Kyojo rolled, to see the gunshin as a crude fake.

Nayoko and Yishirou

Rin bites her lip and strides out of her chair, drawing the blind around Sanetomo's bed. "You're accusing my son, seriously? My son is no ninja, I would know if he had the slightest bit of trained potential, I'm perfectly familiar with his chakra levels. WHY would he be doing this? It sounds to me like whatever this thing is is setting us up for its own amusement." At the mention of a phone message though, she purses her lips, irritated as you seem to provide some tanglible chain of evidence. "Trying to hide this book from me, huh... Sanetomo, give me your phone, now, don't you dare touch it!" she says, reaching for the blind as she moves back into his space.

There's a sudden twitch in the Ronin as his empty eye sockets suddenly seem incandescent, giving off a slight red glow. "Huh? Oooh, I see how it is. Sorry kid!" And just like that Ryuma reels back and swings at Nayoko with his blade!

Initiative [roll0], Attack [roll1], damage [roll2]

Rin initiative [roll3] (I'll look up her modifier in the morning)

Congrats, you're now fighting the gunshin!

Alternatively: make a DC 20 Perception check.
On a success you detect Sanetomo pulling out a hidden piece of paper and quickly scribbling on it. His initiative is [roll4]. If you manage to beat this, you can interrupt his action before he finishes writing a name.

2016-04-16, 06:10 AM
Nayoko darted in and snatched out, attempting to grab Sanetomo's writing hand by the wrist hard enough to stop him from completing his work.

"No, that's enough," she growled, exhibiting an unusual display of anger.

I'll Grapple him. He won't be able to write in that state, I presume.

Touch Attack [roll0].
Grapple [roll1].

2016-04-16, 02:20 PM
Rikako faced the three enemy ninja and in an instance she absorbed all information she could. She did not think these were leaf ninja and the War Hero was obviously a disguise. Her instincts told her that these three where hostile. Probably the ones who had summoned the war hero and attacked the village, things would turn ugly if they killed Yasai here. Although why the disguise as a War Hero? That seemed odd.

She had to act now; unfortunately they were spread out with Yasai caught between them. She subtly shifted her position so that she could see all three assailants.

"HEY!" she called out sharply catching the attentions and eyes of everyone simultaneously as she brought her hands together into a seal. "I don’t know who you are. But you better back off!"

Without moving her gaze from the enemy ninja she gestured with her hand indicating that Satsuki and her Sensei should go around and strike at them while she hopefully kept them distracted for a moment.

Princess Tracy
2016-04-18, 07:41 PM
"AH!" Sanetomo squeals as you grab him, only once you snag him by the wrist in your mighty ninja grip do you see what he was writing - just a couple of kana away from finishing your name on a torn piece of paper in his lap, a regular ballpoint pen in his hand. His wimpy bones feel quite easily crushed in your palm. He looks at you in a sudden fury, unable to admit being beaten even now.

"Haaa. Is that... a piece of the contract? I didn't think it'd work after you tore a page out. Ha ha ha, I guess civilians have to experiment to get the most bang for their buck, huh?" the gunshin chuckles, leaning his long back against a wall and watching the drama unfold. "Only one way to know for sure if it works... why don't you write HIS name down?"

Rin watches in confused horror. "What... just what the hell is going on?"

Satsuki, Rikako

The two 'leaf shinobi' fall to their knees, overwhelmed by the Nara's genjutsu, but the gunshin seems unaffected!

I was gonna make a more detailed post then I realised Satsuki hasn't posted any rolls yet lol

2016-04-19, 04:46 AM

Why wouldn't any of them shut up?

"I'm not going to write his name down!" She yelled to the Gunshin.

"I'm not going to write anyone's name down! If you really want to fight, we will, but let us just deal with this first!"

Then Nayoko turned back to Sanetomo.

"No more squeals from you. You've killed enough people."

Finally, she looked to Rin.

"And you! You're the police chief; this is your area!"

With one hand she was ripping up the contract piece, while the other snatched Sanetomo's phone and threw it to her.

"I don't mind coming and solving your crime for you; if anything, I'd feel a little bad. But you can't look at what we've found and deny it! Sanetomo has been summoning Gunshin to kill village criminals! It's obvious, you..."

She stopped. When was the last time she refreshed her Nature Energy? It was like the Two-Tails was waking up, running its anger through her. She closed her eyes and communed with her own body, converting her Chakra into Senjutsu. Peace coursed over the pain; she regained her stillness.

"Ahem! Er, sorry, guys! Haha!" Her bubbly grin came back out as Nayoko re-suppressed her negative emotions once more.

"But come on, back me up, Yishirou! We've solved the case!"

2016-04-21, 05:14 AM
Gunshins, contracts, his companion tantrum - really much for one day. Yishirou moved away from the line of fire, when fight was about to start, but Nayoko diffused the situation.

- Technically, we did - he agreed. - Realistically, it gave us nothing. We have now the choice of either try to hand out our criminal to that Yasai figure, as you wanted from the start - and risk fighting all the police force here - I'm sure, Rin-san wouldn't stand still as some shinobi take away her son to be given to a criminal, or go to step one and just apprehend the tresspassers, in which case, we've got nothing from this troublesome investigation. Unless, Rin-san is willing and able to apprehend the criminal Yasai herself - isn't it a job of the police officer anyway?

Princess Tracy
2016-04-22, 08:38 PM
Rikako and Satsuki

Rikako's genjutsu brings the two ninja to heel as the collapse forward, cowering. The gunshin, on the other hand, forms some fancy hand seals and blasts away at Yasai with a fireball, consuming the shinobi's form with superheated chakra that burns away at the earth. He cries out and collapses forward, losing consciousness, his clothes singed and flesh seared as the bullet in the red hot barrel of his rifle apparently ignites its gunpower and blasts out, sending birds scattering from the treetops as the firearm hits the forest floor along with its master.

Genbu forms a hand seal, preparing to end this fight if Rikako's attacked, but waiting to see her response. "Satsuki, gonna get in there?" (OOC: Genbu readies an action to use Shadow Imitation on these three guys if they attack the Genin)

"What was that!?" you hear confused soldiers shouting in the distance, just out of sight from the canopy's cover and no doubt suspicious at the sudden gunshot ringing out the very instant their fearless leader was out of sight.

Nayoko and Yishirou

Sanetomo grits his teeth, not cowering in fear like anyone with a valued life or self respect and lack of power should when a seemingly homicidally furious ninja gets all up in their business, more insulted, or backed into a corner like a wild boar. Instead Rin takes on the surrogate role of surprise and shock, her jaw slacked as she watches the display and evidence laid out before her.

"Enough," she finally says, gathering herself. "This artefact... we'll investigate it and the other facts of this case. Sanetomo..." She doesn't meet her son's gaze. "I'm going to place you under arrest. You'd damn well better hope these ninja are paranoid, son." She glares at Yishirou. "You're fond of finding criminals where there are none. Yasai is no criminal, he's just a political protester. I'm taking responsibility for this right now, you can just go report your success in finding a suspect," she says, moving closer to Sanetomo, pulling out handcuffs.

"Kch... this is ridiculous, like this you're going to... turn you're back on me for some wicked ninja's deception, mother?"

"They gathered good evidence, evidence I need to at least investigate. It beats the bat cop here summarily executing you."

The ronin chuckles again, cold as ever. "Or you could just test the thing RIGHT NOW, ya know! Girlie, take that carboard off the book already, it's embarassing. If it's anything like the last contract that summoned me, it should have instructions on the inside cover. Either way, they all work the same. Right down a name and see what happens. We're at a hospital, lotta people here dying anyone, probably no one needs to know but you. I haven't killed anything in days, I'm STARVING, yohohoho!"

2016-04-24, 12:37 AM
"Great, your job's done!"

Nayoko moved to the closest window, signalling for Yishirou to follow her.

"Come up onto the roof and we'll have a quick fight."

She flashed just a few more hand-signs to her team mate.

[Probably easiest just to kill this thing.]

2016-04-30, 07:41 PM
Rikako and Satsuki

Rikako's genjutsu brings the two ninja to heel as the collapse forward, cowering. The gunshin, on the other hand, forms some fancy hand seals and blasts away at Yasai with a fireball, consuming the shinobi's form with superheated chakra that burns away at the earth. He cries out and collapses forward, losing consciousness, his clothes singed and flesh seared as the bullet in the red hot barrel of his rifle apparently ignites its gunpower and blasts out, sending birds scattering from the treetops as the firearm hits the forest floor along with its master.

Genbu forms a hand seal, preparing to end this fight if Rikako's attacked, but waiting to see her response. "Satsuki, gonna get in there?" (OOC: Genbu readies an action to use Shadow Imitation on these three guys if they attack the Genin)

"What was that!?" you hear confused soldiers shouting in the distance, just out of sight from the canopy's cover and no doubt suspicious at the sudden gunshot ringing out the very instant their fearless leader was out of sight.

"Righto!" Satsuki moves in and takes one of his hedged shadow clones hostage, holding his blade to it's throat.
"It's best you two stop, else I'll kill him (Whew, the plan's working, which is really something I didn't expect. Now all the war hero clone has to do is finish Yasai, I just have to hope Genbu and Rikako don't intervene)."

Sorry for not posting >_< Who's turn is next?

2016-05-01, 10:45 AM
"No!" Rikako dashed forward and sideways going the opposite direction from the Ninja Satsuki was aiming for. With her full chakra enhanced speed she made the short distance in the blink of an eye and was now standing so she was lined up with two of the enemy ninja. She hadn’t even stopped moving before she brought her hands together forming seals.

It was the first time she had used a technique with the intent to harm and kill another. But she would not hesitate; these ninja had hurt her teammate and countless villagers. Not to mention Yasai, sabotaging her peacemaking efforts.

She breathed out heavily and a roar of fire gushed forwards towards the enemy. She aimed to catch them in the edge of the blast sparing Yasai from further hurts. The Grand Fireball technique, the first offensive ninjutsu she had been thought. She had learned it from her Uncle Sasuske many years ago, a technique that had long traditions with the old Uchiha clan. She put power into the fire, her fire element chakra responded easily to her manipulations.

-Move action.

-Attack Action: Grand Fireball Technique empowered by 4 for 6 chakra. 6d6 damage to each target within the blast, reflex save halves damage.