View Full Version : DM Help How would your current character / adventure party react to this?

2016-03-20, 04:31 PM
I'm asking this mostly out of curiosity in order to map out possible reactions that my players could have. They are unpredictable (I think that's the norm).

The Situation:
Your adventure party has named itself a few weeks ago and all your allies and friends know your party's name. Then one day you receive a message from a faraway city. It's from a retired adventuring party who used the same name and want you change your name. Otherwise they will be very, very pissed off. Very much so. When this is done, the retired adventuring party must be notified at once (The Messengers' Guild will handle that). That's all your character will know.

In case you can actually manage figure out, like for instance via Gather Information, what this group is (The rare information is in red), please click this spoiler tab:
The group was actually pretty powerful in their time but now they are mostly old, at least the only human member has seen better days. The party has one member less than your group, but otherwise the total spellcasting strenght looks slightly better than what you have, but the party muscle (the only human) is definitely too old now. They still have powerful magical items at their disposal which seem better what you have. The party was known for doing odd jobs, mostly bounty hunting and merc work. Nowadays they mostly lead and teach in various institutions in a faraway kingdom. The party alignment is CN (the human warrior is NE). The party actually used three different party names names because there were several changes in the party composition. The disputed name was the last one they used for about six years 20 years ago. The whole group is seems well optimized.

The Secret Reason behind all this:
A sage, whom you have pissed off a few months ago, has tried to find a way to screw with. After a long research he managed to find about the name thing and contacted the retired adventurers. He managed to persuade them to act and made your party look like young hooligans that deserve a little whipping. No one knows about this, just the retired adventurers.

2016-03-20, 04:40 PM
We are a small but strong group of an insanely strong half dragon War hulk (me), an odd kind of spell caster that has some rather interesting abilities (and is in the dnd 'universe' though don't ask me what book), a Goliath great-hammer wielding monk, a favored soul storm lord and a warforged psion. If we actually went through the trouble of naming ourselves, we'd probably go hunt down the other party, attempt to ambush and murder them. The psion would gooball the fighter, I'd go about tearing into the spellcasters with an anti-magic field placed upon an item I'm wearing and the monk would.. well we let him do his own thing. The player is dangerous with hammers. It's honestly a little scary and my dragon's str is in the 40's. Then we'd pick up their loot, maybe destroy/contain their souls and then continue on with life.

We uh... we're not a good party. Though the favored souls keeps trying to get us to be.

2016-03-20, 04:42 PM
Ok, so I should be prepared that this message instills murderhoboism in the PCs. Fair enough. Thank you, Yaitanos!

2016-03-20, 04:58 PM
Reaction (phrasing might change depending on the character): What is in a name? Would not a rose by any other name still have thorns as sharp? (Sidenote: My characters often don't use names personal, proper, or group)

2016-03-20, 05:18 PM
Quite a few solutions

Use Diplomacy to convince them to retire and inherit the name
Try to join them
Teleport trough time to when they where at the beginning of their career and suggest a new name
Lick a shrimp and do nothing.

2016-03-20, 05:39 PM
Qoyor, a hotheaded Brawly/Blasty druid: "Come get me bro"
Corryn, a smooth fast talking bard: opt for diplomacy and charm the pants of them
Vex, a trickster changeling factotum-chamaleon: con them out of the name via a contest of wits
Guthmund, a sweet and generally calm vow of peace cleric-monk-prestige paladin: change name to something that is less associated with a less than excellent party

Darth Ultron
2016-03-20, 05:47 PM
I'd be annoyed, but I'd just suggest we change the groups name. I'd see the railroad plot of ''oh the other group just happens to be evil, crazy murderhobos that are more powerful then our group'' from miles away.

Unless we felt like a fight. Then I might suggest we drop everything, derail whatever plot is going on, and head right over to the far away place and take out the other group. If we are ''good' maybe we'd just erase their memories or something like that. If we are evil, slaughter them. They should be able to pick off easy enough one by one.

And I'd likely not go back to this game again as I don't like when DM's do railroad plots with demi gods to threaten to kill our characters if we don't do what the ''npcs(aka the DM) wants.

But that is just me.

2016-03-20, 05:53 PM
My group would call their bluff. Were all fairly lawful and tend to operate in urban environments, so unless theres actually some sort of non-compete clause in the local adventurer's guild or something, we would almost certainly try to rely on the assistance of the local authorities to shut them down.

2016-03-20, 06:19 PM
Strong overreaction from Jedi Ultron there.

My current character is stick-up-the-butt Lawful and I think he'd honour their request as long as they didn't have known ties to rebels or something else that'd warrant me revoking my standard courtesy.

2016-03-20, 07:06 PM
My last party as a player:

Blastlock(me, pew-pewing from as far away as possible);
'I've got a wolf' Druid;
'C-Game' Paladin;
Healbot Cleric;
'D-game'(A.K.A: useless) Paladin(yes, two);

Honestly, they'd probably go full murderhobo while I used Flee the Scene followed by flying away as fast as I could; usual stuff at that party.

2016-03-20, 07:16 PM
Korgo Shieldrender of the Palischuk Shieldrenders directs them to have their barrister contact his barrister and that of their Liegelord, the Highlord of Neverwinter should they wish to contest the resettlement of Conyberry as Coinberry and the creation of its Pentile-Baronetcies. If they argue their case well enough that it won't be simply resolved, he'll suggest one of the party get around to marrying someone to increase their number by one to be done with it. Can't complain about also being the Fivelords of the Triboar Trail if we become the Sexlords instead.

Snekk-Fang the Snake Totem Cleric of the Corsair Lizardfolk blinks at the messenger as if the man has gone mad and asks those around him "Hasssss thisssss one gone mad? May Sssssnekk-Fang eat him to ssssssave the other humanssss from thissss disssseassse or will it make ussssssick?" After that, depending upon whether he eats the unfortunate messenger or is convinced that this is an issue of note, he'll ask how anyone could confuse him for a softskinned human or elf, being that he is 8 feet tall, covered in scales, and a hermhroditic lizardperson that can choose to lay and self-fertilize his own eggs; something he understands that most humans require a team of wizards to do. Or he'll just ignore the message entirely until they appear.

Older characters

Fordham Havershift, breaker of the hordes of the Red Hand, Pentarch of Vraath Keep, and Savior of Brindol and Purifier of Rhest, who personally thumbed his nose at Tiamat, gives word that he laughs at such a display, that anyone should contest his actions at the Battle of Brindol or in the Fane of Tiamat is the most amusing thing he's heard in years. If a friendly game of murder bucket was what they wanted, all they needed to do was ask directly, otherwise they can come look at the corpse of the last of the Vraaths for themselves and explain what they're on about.

Vicente Sunglory, Sentinel of Brightstone Keep, leader of The Saviors of Seawell(East), Sub-Capitan of The Saviors of Seawell, and co-founder of the League of Alandrian Adventurers as well as the guild system thereof asks how they could be Saviors of Seawell at a time when Seawell DID NOT EXIST!

Tairvian Glimshanks of Mystryl's Nannyforce asks if that means that they wanna find the missing parents of the reincarnation of Mystryl before she gets cranky and Apocalypse From The Sky's everyone during a temper tantrum.

Jhessala Shoalclimber Servant of The Hunt, Lost of His Tribe, and member of the Slayers of Darkness... Probably asks how they got the name and of it has to do with clearing put a massive infestation of Shadows will throw up his hands and go back to the drawing board for a heroic deed that isn't passe.

My character from Council of Thieves would angrily challenge them to prove their love for Westcrown and help put an end to the decay and ravages of extraplanar shadow beasts or shut up and let the Wiscrani Lightbringers and their Saints of Aroden fix their home. If they expressed interest then we'd see about inducting them into our plan to seize control of Westcrown and Western Cheliax. If they didn't, we'd see about laying false trails to get any spies to look into them and potentially piss them off against the Chelaxian government.

2016-03-20, 07:23 PM
Korgo Shieldrender of the Palischuk Shieldrenders directs them to have their barrister contact his barrister and that of their Liegelord, the Highlord of Never winter should they wish to contest the resettlement of Conyberry as Coinberry and the creation of its Pentile-Baronetcies. If they argue their case well enough that it won't be simply resolved, he'll suggest one of the party get around to marrying someone to increase their number by one to be done with it. Can't complain about also being the Fivelords of the Triboar Trail if we become the Sexlords instead.

Snekk-Fang the Snake Totem Cleric of the Corsair Lizasrdfolk blinks at the messenger as if the man has gone mad and asks those around him "Hasssss thisssss one gone mad? May Sssssnekk-Fang eat him to ssssssave the other humanssss from thissss disssseassse or will it make ussssssick?" After that, depending upon whether he eats the unfortunate messenger or is convinced that this is an issue of note, he'll ask how anyone could confuse him for a softskinned human or elf, being that he is 8 feet tall, covered on scales, and a hermhroditic lizardperson that can choose to lay and self-fertilize his own eggs; something he understands that most humans require a team of wizards to do. Or he'll just ignore the message entirely until they appear.

I like the sound of this Snekk-Fang.

2016-03-20, 07:23 PM
Depends on the character, but I'd personally consider this an opportunity. I'd see if we could parley with these old adventurer's and, depending on the other group's dispositions, see if we could convince them that we were not only worthy to take up the mantle of their name, but also that possibly providing us some level of mentor-ship, piggy-backing on their contacts, and even the possibility of loaning us their magic items for certain jobs may be in their best interest.

And old adventuring group with that much tenure is sure to have knowledge others don't, know-how that would be useful, and items and such that might help jump start a young adventuring group's career. After all, this group only determined a name a few weeks ago, and this sounds like a hub for further plot hooks.

2016-03-20, 07:30 PM
Ok, so I should be prepared that this message instills murderhoboism in the PCs. Fair enough. Thank you, Yaitanos!

Can't speak for other parties, but murderhobos is an apt description for our group. My dragon even likes breaking into people's cellars to sleep at night instead of paying for rooms at the inn. I may or may not have eaten an archon at some point. None of us made our religion/planes rolls and I thought it was a fancy winged elf that was yelling at me to repent and cease my evil ways while I was trying to sunbathe (red half dragon btw, pretty sure angel dude was stereotyping). DM said it did not taste like chicken.

2016-03-20, 07:33 PM
I like the sound of this Snekk-Fang.

Someone just had to remind me of Whip-tail lizards while someone else brought up rolling for how many and what variety of genitalia/genders a character had while I was making a snake-worshiping lizard pirate. :smallamused:

Edit: Also, remarkably liberating how viewing eating problems as an acceptable solution can be.

2016-03-20, 07:37 PM
Most of the groups I've played in would tend to

1. Murderhobo the older party
2. Change our name anyway.

2016-03-20, 07:40 PM
They still have powerful magical items at their disposal which seem better what you have.
Guys! I just figured out where our next loot haul is coming from!

2016-03-20, 07:48 PM
Wait, we have a party name? Did we write it down anywhere? Oh, you've got it Autohypnosis'd, good job. Does anyone here actually care what it is? Nope, okay, we're changing it.

2016-03-20, 08:09 PM
Most of the groups I've played in would tend to

1. Murderhobo the older party
2. Change our name anyway.


"The name seems to be bad luck. Better switch it. Just look at what happened to there jokers."

2016-03-20, 08:29 PM
Guys! I just figured out where our next loot haul is coming from!
That would be the train of thought we'd have.

2016-03-20, 09:31 PM
No, use disguise checks to look like the other party, and either

1.) do nefarious deeds in their name! Really tank their reputation. Change your name.


2.) you said they had one less member? Publicly declare that you are bequeathing the name to the new party, the odd team member out can accept on behalf of your party. Problem solved.

for your disguise checks, don't forget to use aid another.

Hiro Quester
2016-03-20, 10:20 PM
Our group has played from levels 1-12 without a name, though we keep trying out suggestions, nothing fits or sticks.

So either we would carry in using the name (having finally found one that fits), and be prepared for the other group to come at us.

Or we'd just consider this another failed attempt to find a name, and go back to being a nameless group of adventurers.

2016-03-20, 10:59 PM
I'd probably try to meet with said adventurers and convince them via flattery to sponsor us as their protégés. We will continue their work in the future and it helps get more good done.

2016-03-20, 11:04 PM
Kelris Ra'dari(TN Elf Wizard) wouldn't want to stir a potentially lethal situation over something as petty as a group name. Unless, of course, he can confirm that the other party stands no chance, in which case, how dare they make any demands of his superior arcane personage?

2016-03-20, 11:08 PM
You know, none of the adventuring groups my characters have been in have actually had a name. So, this situation is... very unlikely to happen, to say the least. (We generally play lower levels anyways, so we wouldn't really be famous enough for the party's name to be well-known.)

2016-03-20, 11:12 PM
My Oracle of Life would try to convince the old group that we're just honoring their legacy, and they should be proud the name they have created will continue on in further glory. I would ask how they found out about us, and if they tell us about the sage tell them we've met the sage before, he's an idiot, and is using them as pawns in his fruitless revenge against us.

My Oracle of Dark Tapestry would tell them to fornicate off.

My Paladin of Bahamut (Pathfinder) would say, fine, whatever, we'll change our name. It's not such a big deal.

My 5E Paladin of Torm would try to convince the old group that we're just honoring their legacy, and they should be proud the name they have created will continue on in further glory. I would ask how they found out about us, and if they tell us about the sage tell them we've met the sage before, he's an idiot, and is using them as pawns in his fruitless revenge against us.

2016-03-20, 11:33 PM
In all seriousness, my characters would all wind up responding the same way, though with varying reasons.

The first is they'd be very confused. Names get used and reused all the time, and I strongly doubt there's a trademark office anywhere on the continent. People have had to distinguish between The Merry Band of Orc Crushers from Belland and the Merry Band of Orc Crushers from Erlwhile without problem for centuries. So, what's theirs?

The second is that there are orcs that we are busy crushing because some layabouts in Belland spend too much time sleeping off cheap swill in the back alleys instead of smashing in greenskin skulls and now we have to cull twice as many in Erlwhile. We don't have time to go and get the t-shirts reprinted.

The third is what are they going to do about it? They'll get very, very, very, angry? Ok. Be angry in your far-away city. Maybe they can channel that rage into doing their bloody job for once. Are they going to send a strongly worded letter? Hey, whatever helps them get it out of their system. Are they going to get violent? Well, now they're violent over something very trivial. Even my Exalted-Good characters see putting them... maybe not down, but definitely in traction, as a thing beneficial to society. After all, if they are willing to kill over this, what haven't they killed for? My more evil characters may hope that they get violent because of the aforementioned loot piñata the group represents, but that's the only real difference: attitude.

2016-03-21, 01:29 AM
My Halfling Paladin would probably invite them over for dinner in order to discuss the matter in an orderly manner. If all else fails we could probably solve the dispute by having a group duel with the promises not to kill anyone. But he will actually try to convince them to stop their retirement because the world is ending and he needs their support.

Our Catfolk Ranger would probably ignore them and carry on using the name. She is a bit stubborn like that. That's cats for you.

Our (deceased) overly pragmatic Tiefling Magus would immediately drop the name but ensure there are no hard feeling about this issue. She'd probably double check onto how the people even got wind of the case.

Our Aasimar Cleric would doubly drop the name because he fought in many wars and he can't stand combat for the wrong reasons anymore. I figure he would even drop his support if we ever did something as stubborn as to fight over the name.

Our Human Sorcerer will go uncover in order to save his behind change not only the group name but his own name too.

That being said our other group consisting of a Ranger, another Paladin, a Bard and two Oracles would buy a ship, name said ship like the leader of the group and then do terrible puns like: "We need to swab the decks of Alistair" along with a gleeful grin and an another slew of double entendres.

2016-03-21, 01:41 AM
The most recent character I've been toying with (no group ATM) would vote for killing them, taking their stuff, and animating their corpses for useful labor. Dread-necro's are always looking for more raw materials.

2016-03-21, 06:34 AM
Our Half-elf fighter would probably vote to go and fight them. Seeing as he is a fighter.

Our Human Ranger (currently imprisoned) would probably not care a jot.

Our Human Cleric (currently imprisoned) would probably want to change our name, being the pacifying sort.

Our Homebrew-shadow-monster Cleric would probably want to kill them. To practice killing and steal their stuff.

Our Elf Bard would probably also want to go kill them and take their stuff. Solely for said stuff, this time.

Our Goblin Sorcerer would probably try diplomacy, since he is too much of a coward to voluntarily get into a fight most of the time.

In the end we would follow the goblin and try diplomacy. Which 3/4ths of the currently active party would not be very happy with, but he's the leader until the ranger gets back.

2016-03-21, 09:01 AM
Soren Sarkynyt, my CN sorcerer, would definitely either go over there and murder them, or not do anything at all, depending on how far away they are, and what actual level we're dealing with for these things.

His daughter Sigrid, the kineticist psion, would vote for staying in her library and continuing to read her books.

Her brother Krigar the Warblade would continue acting as he was until action was taken; pointless confrontation is annoying.

Kass, my druid, would stay where he is until actual actions were taken against the party, then probably still do not much, until his actual life was threatened. He's all about going with the flow.

Adric the wild mage would look to see if they qualified as tyrants, like if they abused the common people. If yes, he's going a-murdering. If no, then he does nothing, because they aren't his problem.

Zeta, the warforged, would run over to the magistrate office, to find out the law on the matter. He would then follow that to a T, regardless what that actually said to do.

Red Fel
2016-03-21, 09:38 AM
My C-leaning characters would point out that "Only a **** names things anyway, told you it was a stupid ****ing idea," or would suggest that we have "a frank exchange of views," which is slang for murder them and take their stuff.

My L-leaning characters would go to see the retired group in person. My more brash L-leaners would point out that (1) we're doing great things with the name, so be proud, and (2) "You *******s are ****ing retired, so get the **** over it." (L doesn't mean polite.) My more severe Ls would simply point out that the old-timers can have the title - and all of the baggage that comes with it. This would include a list of all entities and groups which our organization would have previously angered, along with consideration as to just how angry they are, and a reminder that they want revenge on a group with our name. The name these fools apparently want for themselves. If they react when the name of a certain Sage comes up - well, there's a reason one invests heavily in Sense Motive, and after dealing with that particular thorn, we'll be back to deal with this one.

2016-03-21, 10:32 AM
Our party would see the immediate opportunity to scry-and-fry them piecemeal and more than double our wealth at the same time.
A ratfolk sorcerer dedicated to party buffing and rapid transport.
Two human musketmen gunslingers.
A Lizardfolk Fighter.
If there were three people in the other party, their caster would be dead to two critical hits from muskets in the surprise round of combat (each gunslinger has a ring of spell storing with Hand of the Marksman in it) and then we'd mop up the other two.
Easy day, quick fight, with a nice cash prize.
What? Why no, we have no good-aligned characters in the party. Why do you ask?

2016-03-21, 10:37 AM
When a similar situation came up, one of my players wanted to know what the DC of a Profession: Barrister roll would be, the other bound a contract devil to ask about the legal details.
Then they complied with the request.

2016-03-21, 11:19 AM
When a similar situation came up, one of my players wanted to know what the DC of a Profession: Barrister roll would be, the other bound a contract devil to ask about the legal details.
Then they complied with the request.

That saddens me. I was sure that I was the first DM to think of this.

It seems that most of the guys here went to kill the retired adventurers.

Some of you have suggested that would do nothing. Here's what happens if you do nothing:
However, if the players (off-game) are keen to see something happen, then the retired adventurers will ambush and attack them. But only if they really want that.

2016-03-21, 11:24 AM
My most recent character Lucian (Soulbolt Primarch) being the impromptu leader of our group would ignore it for he has bigger issues being that some evil presence used the birth of his child to enter the world and is now committing murderhoboism trying to hunt him down. So on top trying to take down the countries largest thieves guild whose leader has plot armor in the form of the DM having been too lazy to write him out an old group of Adventurers crying about us having the same name doesn't really register for him. If they hunt him down then so be it he is confident enough in his and his groups strength to beat them.

2016-03-25, 12:19 AM
Retired adventurers will have awesome loot for the threat level. Bring it :)

Of course I'm mostly playing Pathfinder Society. The Society wouldn't take kindly to some random adventurers stealing their name. They'd probably send a tier 10-11 party to investigate. if that group gets stomped, I guess the Society would have to dip into the venture captains or set up a battle interactive :)

2016-03-25, 01:48 AM
Most of my characters are part of the same organization, a well-known epic-level group of adventurers larger than a single party (although not huge; not counting a couple of non-adventuring employees, the group has a grand total of thirteen members).

My Chameleon would probably look into the legalities of the matter, then put some skill ranks into Profession (barrister) using his floating bonus feat and buff the hell out of his skill check with spells and factotum inspiration points to contest the other party. Unless the law doesn't actually care, in which case he'd just ignore the whole thing. If they actually bothered to attack us over it, it proves they probably needed to be taken off the streets, anyways. Tracking down the source of the "leak" probably wouldn't occur to him, as the adventuring group he's part of is epic-level and well-known throughout the planes at this point in the campaign. Although it might occur to him to try and find out why they took so long to start making a fuss over it, seeing as the group has been well-known for several in-game years.

My Sorcerer (a member of the same group as the Chameleon) would probably get right on seeing what took them so long to actually care, then make a decision based upon what he finds out, although the actual executive decision lies in the hands of another player's character (who is one of the founders of the group). Assuming he locates the sage, a "friendly visit" to the fellow might be in order, to remind the fellow that our group is not to be trifled with, although violence/murderhoboing wouldn't be acceptable unless the guy actually tried to attack us.

My Archivist wouldn't care. The decision is in somebody else's hands, and he's got more important things to do. Research and so on. Knowledge doesn't discover itself, you know.

My Bard (non-epic, but still part of the same group) would try the diplomatic route, which I, personally, aren't very good at, but he, stat and skill-wise, is very good at. He's also likely to advocate changing the party name if the diplomatic route fails.

My witch (my only current character not a member of that adventuring group, due to being in a different campaign with a different DM set in a different world) also wouldn't care at all, and would probably advocate changing the name simply to avoid having to bother with the mess.

2016-03-25, 08:21 AM
My players would react with righteous anger. They'd go out of their way to humiliate and possibly murder the previous group, run their name in the mud and make them look terrible, before changing their name once again to avoid any association with the reputations they've now worked so hard to ruin.

2016-03-27, 08:57 AM
The group I'm currently GMing for would probably go track down where those people live, quietly kill them, impersonate them, and then use illusions, disguises, and the like to make it seem like the old group was leaving for other parts while giving their blessings on the next generation of heroes. Then the group would leverage that reputation for their own nefarious purposes, probably including (based on repeated historical precedent) sacrificing paladins to evil gods.

2016-03-27, 07:01 PM
Having slightly better casters, one less member, and negligible fighters, in most of my groups, would indicate that we would crush them, if it came to that. Of course, that's largely because I enjoy playing largely useless casters.

Having better loot than the party would be difficult to imagine for several parties, and in and of itself would merit investigation.

As to responses from the few groups I can remember actually having a name...

Quertus, founder, president, CEO, emperor for life (and any other title anyone on a hundred worlds has ever used) of the Quertus Continuum, would respond, explaining that the Continuum has existed since the dawn of time, and before that. Should this alternate continuum have a method to measure "first" beyond time, Quertus would happily send a representative to speak with their rep about this new tech. In the unlikely event that Quertus' assistant contributes, it would be to add a personal note explaining the suicidal nature of continuing to associate with the Quertus brand. The note would list a few of the hundreds of active evil organizations that would like nothing better than to see Quertus dead. "Asmodius and the 9 Hells (5+ realities)" would simply be one on many entries on that list.

As co-founder of the multi-planar Q&A's adventurers' guild, Quertus would send a brief, 2000 page response, detailing the laws throughout time on the numerous worlds on which the guild operates, asking to meet with the other group to discuss the situation. In the mean time, he would be calculating the cost of rebranding all the guild merchandise.

As general hanger-on and consultant on how not to destroy reality, Quertus would regret to inform the alternate Arrow Storm that their decision to send such a challenge was the impetus for Arrow Storm to choose their world for invasion. Should they choose not to surrender, Quertus had thoughtfully sent along a copy of Q&A's Guide to Writing Your Will. His assistant has helpfully bookmarked the "genocide" section.

Surprised that anyone else would name themselves Ry Na'ael ("(The) Jade Insignificant", in the common tongue), Armus would either simply ignore the message, or teleport to the city in question to talk to the old party in person. Figuring it's probably a trap, he would go spring it before someone else does.

Briq III, son of Briq Jr., son of Briq, and heir to both the mighty "Trollz 4 Trollz" and "Ghoul Chow" corporations, would forward this message on to his grandad and the legal department. He would give it no further thought.

But if this problem were to befall my more recent characters...

Hunter Neophotis would try to ignore it. When that invariably failed, he would offer to meet the other group at "the bar that stole his favourite bar's name under similar circumstances". When things invariably went south, Hunter would attempt to solo the other party, to protect his team mates. On the plus side, the rival bar would likely be destroyed in the ensuing conflict.

As the only member of his party to find the murder of sentient beings morally reprehensible, Delock, evil spawn of the dark god, would likely not be successful in suggesting a diplomatic solution. Given the other party's wealth, he might have more luck promoting the idea of looting the living... as a form of one upmanship, to encourage the old timers to retire, of course.

Khan Ravensblood would honestly not care one way or the other. If the party decided to go murder hobo the old party, Khan would doubtless have a terrible plan... which his party would likely follow. But if you think that Khan would put his "save the world" quest on hold to punish the vindictive sage... well, you'd be absolutely right. He would teach that scum the meaning of suffering.

2016-03-30, 04:24 PM
Mythic Rank 2, LN 3-handed Vivisectionist/Fighter, BlastMage, Fullcaster Druid and Useless lolrandumb Ninja

Okay, considering where we left off (the middle of a Devil warzone on the material plane), we wouldn't mind THAT much that they came after us, as they would have to fight the same crazed devilish armies that we do just to reach us. They would still end up being the foes of our foes for a moment. So they would be well beneath our care.

Yes. The situation is that bad.

Assuming we're back in Sigil or in another relatively peaceful area where people hunting you down are not thinning an endless horde of foes, the Blaster Wizard would probably want to consider the challenge, the Druid would advise taking another name if only to avoid the bad rep the other group may have acquired, the ninja might want to infuriate them with petty tricks, and my character would contemplate the idea that if something this petty can bring someone to try and coerce you, they must have a lot of bad deeds unpunished.

So I would come up with a plan.

First, I'd pay the messenger very well and offer him room and board after his travel if only because I want the answer to be well-written. In secret, I would request BlasterMage to get a hold of scrying equipment and spells, I'd have our ninja research whatever reputation / deed / information we could get in about 2 days. At the very least I need the physical description, name, surname and any honorific title of one of their members.

The answer being: We do not understand: Lord Trigger "Stabinator" McHappy allowed us to use said name and accepted payment for it. Here, we double it, hoping it clears out any confusion.. With [Our party's average lvl] x 100 gp. This should buy us time, and, if we're lucky, sow dissent into their ranks. If they are as sociopaths as I expect, one of them dies.

Meanwhile, we scry the **** out of that messenger and his surroundings, so we know without fail where they meet him. Which town and whatnot. We're also about 1-day-or-so of travel behind the messenger.

As soon as the wizard gets, through scrying, a visual on the mother****ers, the wizard makes an illusion of it. We then proceed into making copies of their faces, especially "Stabinator" on parchment paper along with the marking "Wanted", and a hefty sum of gold promised for his capture. He is wanted by wherever we came from. If we dug up anything the group may have made, we pin on them actual misdeeds they made. Only "Stabinator" will have a price on his head.

Then, when we hit town, we gather around minstrels so that they call the population to our aid. Any useful tip will be rewarded 5 gp.

The ninja's job is to work the shadows and find a way to lure them out. The wizard (a crafter) will set up shop and offer his wares so we gain as much as we spend and so he can be made aware of what's going on in town through chatting with the customers. He also scry on his spare time. The Druid goes around and try to communicate with whatever animal life she can to gather information about the group. My alchemist/fighter, too easily recognizable, stays for our official business in the local tavern, hoping for a challenge / tips.

If we're lucky, we'll have to pay that bounty. And then, it's one less to deal with. If we're real lucky, we might get that money back when we strike at the rest of the group. If we're not, we're ambushed. We then try to flee the scene A.S.A.P. and get local authorities to back us up. Either way, there's methods to turn this to our advantage. And then, chances are our Wizard will have a more intimate connection and can even better scry.

Either way, we buff up and we strike. When it's done, we share and sell their gears and we change our group's name anyways.

2016-03-31, 04:16 AM
Let's see. My current party. A few would want to charge them blindly. Namely the Am Barbarian, and Augmented Creature Steelfist Commando Warlord. The Life Leach Sadist Vitalist and the Rogue would try more diplomatic measures and start organizing a meeting with the potential foes. The Half Succubus Tiefling Ninja would be gathering information to try and seduce then kill them to satisfy her chaotic stupid urges.

Then there is Vanus, the early entry Mystic Theurge/Evangelist of the ancient Azlanti god of magic Amaznen. Vanus would probably respond by using Contact Other Plane to contact a Greater Diety in order find out the weaknesses of the other group and well as common tactics. From there he would use Summon Monster spells to call forth creatures with Commune as an SLA and find out the gear load out of his enemies, particularly any unique or troublesome magic items. From there he would use his 1/day SLA of Legend Lore to learn of any particularly great accomplishments they had achieved.

From there, he would use his remaining time until the diplomats scheduled meeting day to discuss the matter, to planar bind 9 creatures a day that can be used to either combat the strengths of the enemy party or prey on their weaknesses.

One week before the meeting date, I would planar bind the party's Half-Succubus Ninja on one of Vanus' personal demiplanes to keep her from turning a potential skirmish into a total warzone with too many unpredictable variables. Even if she slips the circle a 30ftx30ft featureless plane isn't somewhere she can escape on her own.

Should the negotiation turn sour, which knowing my group...it will. Vanus would command his legion like a general while laying down appropriate control spells and buffs.

2016-03-31, 04:35 AM
I have to say, the only character who I've ever run with a particular care for names would probably be Commander Kayros, and that's because he's the god of names. The rest of my characters wouldn't even bother naming their party in the first place.

The characters in the game I'm currently DMing...

Vergil the CN Drow Sorcerer 2 would probably wonder why we even had a name in the first place.
Amnestria the NE-because-druids-can't-be-CE Elf Druid 3 would probably stab them, as long as it was convenient for her.
Squishy the TN Wolf Animal 4 would probably eat them, as long as it was convenient for Amnestria.
Tristan the TN Dwarf Psychic Warrior 3 would probably put his head in his hands and cry.

2016-03-31, 12:55 PM
Our party would probably be pretty split.

Flux (CN Changeling Bard/Chameleon) would advocate impersonating the other party.

Xan (LN Elf Enchanter/Fighter/Eldritch Knight) would bemoan our utter failure at even the simple task of naming ourselves. (Yes, he's that Xan).

Ruse (LN Changeling Assassin) would advocate changing our name to avoid stirring up any trouble.

Medivh (LG Human Cleric/Crusader/Knight Vindicator) would question why we named ourselves in the first place. He would, however, be intrigued by the possibility of using the confusion to cover up our involvement in our various quests (we do a lot of black-ops infiltration and assassination).

There would most certainly be a very interesting discussion with most of the tension between Flux and Ruse with Xan making asides and coming down on Ruse's side for fear of the retired party's wrath. Medivh would stay silent most of the time but eventually side with the majority. Without party support to keep the name relevant, Flux would give up the idea.

It'd be some good RP, but wouldn't set off anything.

Read the secret reason after typing that. We'd definitely be amused when it came to light that this was part of a string of annoyances we had been experiencing.

2016-03-31, 01:35 PM
I guarantee my group would go and kick their ass not necessary murder them. We have a well rounded party, Wizard, Fighter, Cleric, DPS (I say that because he deals minimum 90 damage.) Psion, and artificer. They would see the loot and proceed to attempt to kick their ass then get the loot and leave them embarrassed but alive.

2016-04-01, 10:11 PM
My group would likely be... whatever.
It's not our problem that you picked the same name we did.
We didn't know that you had picked it first, but even if we had, we have picked our name and that's too bad if you don't like it.

2016-04-01, 11:17 PM
My party:

"Want us to change the name?"
Elf: Make me
Me: I don't care about a stupid name but I don't care about those losers either
Dwarf:...I don't know about this guys ; _ ;
Gnome: Maybe we should change the name guys

2016-04-03, 04:01 AM
Gaesh, Vess, and Delen would first be impressed that someone got a courier to them specifically to contact their criminal syndicate, The Shadowed Stars, and that anyone would be so foolish as to want us to change our name, given the cost of stationary and how much time would be lost to reworking our various ways of reminding unorganized criminals and the common people who rules the underworld when bodies are left to be found.

They would then investigate the other group and how they found out and either bluff them to hell and back, kill them, or send them into combat against some other group. Yay, Glibness!

As for the fool who tried to cause trouble? He's gonna be reminded of what it means to be owned and his spirit broken.

2016-04-03, 06:38 AM
Guys! I just figured out where our next loot haul is coming from!

This! I mean, sure, adventurers are tough, but they are so, so, so very rich!

Pinkie Pyro
2016-04-03, 11:25 AM
pay the ~6500 gold cost to hire a wizard to cast teleport through time on the party, so we can go back in time and kill other adventuring party before they become strong adventurers.

2016-04-30, 07:53 AM
Vergil the CN Drow Sorcerer 2 would probably wonder why we even had a name in the first place.
Amnestria the NE-because-druids-can't-be-CE Elf Druid 3 would probably stab them, as long as it was convenient for her.
Squishy the TN Wolf Animal 4 would probably eat them, as long as it was convenient for Amnestria.
Tristan the TN Dwarf Psychic Warrior 3 would probably put his head in his hands and cry.

We have a name?

(oh gods let it be a bad one so i'm not that bothered about losing it, which i'd probably do)

2016-05-04, 10:27 PM
Knowing my parties, they'd try diplomacy for thirty seconds, give up, and fight to the death.

2016-05-05, 05:57 PM
Since I'm playing a paladin - I would argue towards a diplomatic in person meeting.

However my group also tends towards the chaotic violent murder hobo end of things - so that in mind my paladin respectfully persuades the group into other endeavors - while using messenger to communicate, but also .... Why all the fuss over a party name? It's not like the group is a contemporary rock band named after a certain genre of music and rhymes with "pet talica" going after a makeup company who is calling thier new nail polish a simaler name ....

Or maybe that's how party names work in your world. Lol.

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-05, 07:32 PM
Much of this would depend on cultural norms and values of course, but assuming that the name is a petty thing

For evil characters...Murder the party and take their things sounds good. The previous party seems pretty nuts. They'e threatening violence over this? Chances are good they might threaten something else crazy over another small issue in the future. The fact that they so quickly jumped to threats implies they might have enemies that might help us kill the first party. The chances of my party even matching the first one in terms of race and gender is going to be small in the first place, and if none of the PCs heard of these guys in the first place, they weren't famous enough to be concerned in the first place. Never leave crazy people behind who may wish to murder you!

For good aligned characters, change the name and figure out how they found out. Being spied upon is rarely good when you're trying to help people. Also, their reputation is not so stellar, so being associated with that simply won't do, even if they are a bunch of small-timers. You need the love of the people and clarity when trying to win the hearts and minds of the masses so you can help them!

2016-05-06, 11:15 AM
We have a name?

(oh gods let it be a bad one so i'm not that bothered about losing it, which i'd probably do)

I don't think you have a team name. Most of you don't even have surnames, or if you do I don't know them.

2016-05-06, 02:12 PM
I don't think you have a team name. Most of you don't even have surnames, or if you do I don't know them.

Vergil Asmodean, Amnestria something, and Tristan (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AerithAndBob). Just... Tristan.

I'll ask.

Also, having a team name would imply we were some sort of team.

2016-05-06, 02:25 PM
Im a bit unsure of how to respond... My current character is level 31( wiz 15, Arch Mage 5/ 11 broken 3rd party classes). So I would not really give it any attention. I have better things to do. If they come for me, they will just die. My contingencies, guards, followers, wards and layers of protections spells should take care of all but Larloch, Ioulaum or the Srinshee...

2016-05-06, 02:32 PM
"our group have a explicit name? that can't be good" ... in the last campaign i played in (that actually were played at a table for more than a one-shot) we were 'troubleshooters' for a underground rebellion trying to reinstall the preteen daughter of the previous king.

2016-05-06, 02:32 PM
Current character is still level 1 (not actually started the campaign). She's a Cleric of Olidammara. Here's how I imagine it would play out...

Quickly buy any land I can find. Failing that, partner with a local inn or merchant, and buy up a whole bunch of memorabilia ready for sale.

Response to the party: "Come over here and make me change it, you doofus!"

Quickly notify the town that a group of very famous adventurers are coming. Set up a welcoming parade. (Have hot dogs, Created water, etc, available for sale). Get the party Bard to organize the music. If we managed to get some land, rent it out at inflated prices. Use Craft (Brewer) (which I have maxed) to make more profit.

When the party arrives, meet them with a big smile and a complimentary cask of ale. (Later, advertise: "As enjoyed by [party name]!")